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To His EXCELLENCY, RICHARD, Earl of BELLOMONT, Baron of Coloony, in the Kingdom of Ireland, GOVERNOUR and Commander in Chief of the Provinces of the Massachusetts-Bay, New-York and New-Hampshire.
The Address of the Ministers met at Boston in New-England, May 31 [...]. 1699.

May it please Your Excellency,


And indeed while we Congratulate Your Excellency's Arrival unto this part of Your Government, We do but Congratulate our own Felicity, in having the Helm of the Government, by His Majesties Com­mission, put into the Hands of One, who is Adorned with so Charming an Image of His Own Royal Vertues.

His Majesty hath for ever obliged the English Nation, by His Royal Assent to those Acts of Parliament, which have Enriched it with Blessings richly worth all the Expences of the Late Happy Revolution. But Your Lordships Most Generous, and Prosperous Conduct, in labouring to bring about those Acts, hath laid England under the same Obligation to Your Lordship, that Ireland hath to Your Illustrious Ancestors.

From doing of Benefits to the best Island and Garden of the other Hae­misphere, Your Excellency is now come to be a Benefactor, unto the Continent of America, and Countries that have subdued an American Wil­derness, to be a significant part of the English Empire.

His Majesty in His Royal Wisdom discerned, That the rare Temper, which qualifies Your Excellency, for the most Honourable Undertakings, would best of all express His own Gracious Intentions, to this part of His Dominions. And the Prudence and Goodness, with which Your Excellency hath managed the Affairs of New-York, is an actual Demonstration of His Majesties Wisdom in the Choice of an Healer for them.

[Page 2]The Condition of Scotland, hath been so consider'd by His Majesty, That He hath not only consented unto their Laws, which have Established their Church-Government, as 'tis now Reformed; but more than once or twice assured them of His Resolution to maintain that Church Govern­ment among them. This Greatest of Monarchs that ever Sat on the Throne of Great Britain, and best of Kings at this Day Swaying a Scep­ter upon Earth, hath now given Your Excellency the Command over New-England; and a People that are a Nation of Non-Conformists, which those in Scotland justly look upon as their United Brethren.

Your Excellency expressing so much good will as You have done to the Late Act of Parliament, which hath made the Non-conformists in England, Legal Parts of the Church in England; well knew what Hearty Friends, the vast Body of Non-Conformists are to the English Liberties; and what Loyal Subjects to the High and Mighty Prince, unto whom (under God) We are all Indebted, for the Recovery of those Liberties; and how much an Union between all Good Men, whether Conformists or Nonconformists, will contribute unto the Strength of the Protestant Interest.

And we believe, That Your Excellency will on all occasions express the good-will of a Common Father unto the Churches of Non-conformists (if where they bear the proportion of more than One Hundred unto One, it be proper to call them So) in New-England: Churches wherein the pure Doctrine in the famous Articles of the Church of England is Own­ed and Preached with all possible Purity; and the Primitive Discipline which even the Liturgy of the Church of England wisheth to see Restored, is practised.

But we cannot single out any one point therein [...] Importunity more [...] Your Excellency's [...] our University. It's Languishing for want of it [...] us to pray Your Excellency, That You would [...] [...]uch a benign [...] upon it [...] as that by Your Interest and Influence, in concurrence with our General Assembly, there may be obtained from His Majesty a Settlement of that our University, upon such Foundations as may [...] answer the Ends, for which both It, and the Colonies hitherto kept alive by It, [...] Enlarged the English Empire.

Now [...] shall in our several places Endeavour, That our People may be Inspire [...] [...] Evangelic [...] Principles of Subjection to Government, Obe­dience to [...], and Readiness to every Good Work: So we shall make it not [...] That our Glorious Lord JESUS CHRIST, would Preserve the [...] MAJESTY, and bestow His manifold Benediction on Your Excellen [...] [...] on Your Excellencys Noble and Hopeful Family.

Increase Mather,

BOSTON, Printed by Bartholomew Green, and John Allen, Printers to His Excellency the GOVERNOUR and COUNCIL, 1699.

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