
Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England.


By the HONORABLE, William Stoughton Esq. Lieutenant GOVERNOUR and Commander in Chief. A PROCLAMATION

WHEREAS the Ship Adventure of London, of the burthen of between three & four Hundred Tuns, mounted with Twenty two Guns, Thomas Gulleck Commander, belonging to the Subjects of His most Serene Majesty WILLIAM the Third, King of Great Brittain &c. being on a Voyage from London in His Majesties Kingdom of England unto Borneo in India in the Year of our Lord 1698. And the said Commander with his second Mate, Chirurge­on, Carpenter & two passengers being on Shore at the Island of Polonis in India aforesaid. Joseph Bradish then Boatswains Mate of the said Ship, did combine & conspire with others of the said Ships Company to the number of upwards of Twenty, and piratically & feloniously did seize and run away with the said Ship and her Lading, consisting of Monies and Goods to a very considerable value, and left the said Commander & others on shore with him as aforesaid, at the said Island of Polonis, ex­posed to perish there; and having so done, brought the said Ship & Lad­ing unto Block Island within His Majesties Colony of Rhode Island. Where, (having first taken out of her the Monies and such part of the Lading as was most valuable) the said Joseph Bradish, and his Accom­plices, have sunk the said Ship, and dispersed themselves into divers parts and places, as appears by the confession of some of the said Ships Company already apprehended here.

I Do therefore, with the Advice of His Majesties Council, strictly Charge, Command and Require, all Justices of the Peace, Sheriffs, Constables, and other His Majesties Officers and Subjects within this Province, to use their utmost Endeavours and Diligence, to Seize and Apprehend, or cause to be Seized and Apprehended, the before named Joseph Bradish, and his Accompllices and Confederates in the said Piracy and Felony, hereafter named, To wit, Andrew Martin, John Peirce, Thomas Edgehill, Aylmore Clark, Edward Ham, Rowland Martin, John Parrot, William Simpson, Robert Nox, Cornelius Larkin, Thomas Deane, Robert Mason, and one Sweetman, and others whose names are not yet known with the Money, Bullion, Treasure, Goods and Merchandizes taken out of said Ship, that shall be found with them or any of them, or in the Possession of any others: And to ccarry such Person and Persons before One or more of the Members of the Council, or other of His Majesties Justices of the Peace, to be Examined and Proceeded against as the Law directs. And all Persons whomsoever are hereby strictly forbidden, to Countenance, Harbour, Entertain, Comfort, Conceal or Convey away, the said Joseph Bradish, or any of his Accomplices before named, or any others, Suspected to be of that Company, or any of their Money, Treasure, Goods or Merchandizes, as they will answer the same at their utmost Peril.

William Stoughton.

GOD Save the King.

[...] Governour & Council. 1699.

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