Order of their Excellencies the Lords Justices in Council, confirming several Acts and Laws of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, made in the years, 1694, 1695, 1696, 1697.
- Lord Arch Bishop of Canterbury.
- Lord Chancellor.
- Lord Privy Seal.
- Earl of Bridgwater.
- Earl of Manchester.
- Earl of Stamford.
- Earl of Berkley.
- Lord Steward.
- Earl of Marlborough.
- Earl of Montague.
- Earl of Bradford.
- Earl of Ranelagh.
- Lord Wharton.
- Earl of Romney.
- Mr. Montague.
- Mr. Vice Chamberlain.
- Mr. Secretary Vernon.
- Lord Chief Justice Holt.
- Sir. Henry Goodrick.
- Mr. Smith.
WHEREAS by Powers granted under the great Seal of England, the Governour, Council and Assembly of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New-England, are Authorized and Impowred to constitute and ordain Laws, which are to continue and be in force, unless His Majesties pleasure be signifyed to the contrary. And Whereas in pursuance of the said powers, several Laws have been made by the Governour, Council and Assembly of the said Province, in the years One thousand six hundred ninety four, One thousand six hundred ninety five, One thousand six hundred ninety six, One thousand six hundred ninety seven.
[Page 2]That is to say,
An Act, For reviving of Actions and Process lately depending in the Superiour Court of Judicature, Court of Assize and General Goal delivery within the County of Essex, and discontinued by the not holding of the said Court at Salem, upon the Second Tuesday in November, 1694.
An Act, For the more effectual Suppressing of Drunkenness, and putting in Execution the Laws against such as shall pres [...] to Sell strong Drink without Licence.
An Act, For preventing of Mens Sons or Servants absenting themselves from their Parents or Masters Service without leave.
An Act, For Grand Jurors Serving at the Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and punishing defaults of Jurors attedance.
An Act, For supplying the defects in the Act, Entituled, An Act, For encouraging the killing of Wolves.
An Act, For preventing Incestuous Marriages.
An Act, For regulating the Assize of Shingles.
An Act, For the better Settlement of the Islands, of Marthas Vineyard, and Islands adjacent.
An Act, In further Addition to the Act entituled, An Act, For the Settlement and Support of Ministers.
An Act, For the better discovery and more effectual Suppressing of Unlicensed Houses.
An Act, For taking of Affidavits out of Court.
An Act, For the Encouragement of making Salt within this Province.
An Act, Against Piracy and robbing upon the Sea.
An Act, For the equal distribution of Insolvent Estates.
An Act, For the due Assize of Bread.
An Act, For making of Lands & Tenements liable to the payment of Debts.
An Act, To prevent the Destroying & Murdering of Bastard Children.
An Act, Against high Treason.
An Act, In Addition to the Act for preventing of Common Nusances, arising by Slaughter Houses, Still Houses, &c.
An Act, In Addition to the Act for regulating Ferries.
An Act, To supply the Defect in the Law referring to the choice and power of Tythingmen, Enacted at the Sessions of the General Court in February Anno. 1693.
An Act, Relating to Town Rates or Assessments.
An Act, For the further continuing of the Act for Writts and Processes.
An Act, Impowring Justices of the Peace to decide differences not exceeding Forty Shillings.
An Act, For ascertaining the value of Coyns currant within this Province.
An Act, Against Murder.
An Act, Against Ravishment or Rape.
An Act, For the Punishment of Buggery.
An Act, Against Atheisme and Blasphemy.
An Act, For registring of Deeds and Conveyances.
An Act, Of Limitation for quieting of Possessions.
Which said Laws having upon perusal of the Right Honourable the Council of Trade and Plantations, been presented for the Approbation of their Excellencies the Lords Justices of England. Their Excellencies, [Page 3] with the Advice of His Majesties Privy Council, have declared their Approbation of the same. And pursuant to their Excellencies pleasure thereupon expressed, the said Laws are hereby confirmed finally Enacted and ratified accordingly.
Published at Boston, April 27th. 1699.
Order of their Excellencies the Lords Justices in Council, Repealing several Acts of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, made in the years, 1695, 1696 & 1697.
- Lord Arch Bishop of Canterbury.
- Lord Chancellor.
- Lord Privy Seal.
- Earl of Bridgewater.
- Earl of Manchester.
- Earl of Stamford.
- Earl of Berkley.
- Lord Steward
- Earl of Marlborough.
- Earl of Montague.
- Earl of Bradford.
- Earl of Ranelagh.
- Lord Wharton.
- Earl of Romney.
- Mr. Montague.
- Mr Vice Chamberlain.
- Mr. Secretary Vernon.
- Lord Chief Justice Holt.
- Sir. Henry Goodrick.
- Mr. Smith.
WHEREAS by Powers granted under the great Seal of England, the Governour, Council and Assembly of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, are Authorized and Impowred to constitute and ordain Laws, which are to continue and be in force, unless His Majesties pleasure shall be signifyed to the contrary. And Whereas in pursuance of the said Powers, several Laws have been made [Page 4] by the Governour, Council and Assembly of the said Province in the years One thousand six hundred ninety five, One thousand six hundred ninety six, and One thousand six hundred ninety seven.
That is to say,
An Act, Of Supplement, and Addition to several Acts therein mentioned.
An Act, That all persons not being Freeholders or settled Inhabitants Commenceing Suit, shall give Security before Proces be granted.
An Act, For continuing of several Acts therein after mentioned that are near Expiring.
An Act, For the reviving and establishing of Judicatories and Courts of Justice, and the Forms of Writts and Processes.
An Act, For Establishing of Courts.
An Act, For incorporating Harvard Colledge at Cambridge, in New-England.
Which said Laws having upon perusal of the Right Honourable the Council of Trade and Plantations, been presented to their Excellencies, the Lords Justices of England, Their Excellencies by Advice of His Majesties Privy Council, have thought fit to signify their Disapprobation and Disallowance of the same: and accordingly the said Laws are hereby Repealed and declared void and of none effect.
Published at Boston, April 27th. 1699.
Boston in New-England, Printed by Bartholomew Green, and John Allen, Printers to the Governour and Council. 1699.