By His Excellency Richard Earl of Bellomont, Captain General and Governour in Chief of His Majesties Province of New-York, and Territories depending thereon in America, and Vice Admiral of the same, &c. A PROCLAMATION
WHEREAS Several of his Maiesties Subjects have of late years departed from the Allegiance they owe unto His M [...]je [...]ty, and have thereupon Confederated together, and in Hostile manner have fitted out Ships and Vessels of War, under pretence of going against the French, His Majesties late Enemies, but instead thereof they have Roved in their said Vessels unto the Seas beyond the Cape of Good Hope, and upon the said Seas have Committed several Pyracyes and Robberies upon the Subjects of Forreign Princes and States in Amity with His Majesty, to the great Discouragement of Trade, and to the open breach of such Treaties of Peace as have been made between His Majesty and his Allies. And whereas his most Excellent Majesty, upon the Consideration of the good of His Subjects, and for the Security of Trade, hath thought fit to signifie unto me his Royal Will and Pleasure, by his Grace the Duke of Shrewsbury, His Majesties Principal Secretary of State, That all Pyrates and Sea Rovers that shall come within the Jurisdiction of this Province, should be Suppressed, and that Effectual care might be taken to Arrest, Seize and secure the Ships, Persons and Effects of all such Pyrates and Sea Rovers, in order to the bringing of them to due punishment, as the Laws in such Cases do direct. And to the End that H [...]s Majesties said Royal Will and Pleasure may be the better and the more Effectually Executed, I have therefore thought fit, by and with the Advice of His Majesties Council, strictly to Charge and Command all Ju [...]tices, Sheriffs and other Commission Officers, in their several Precincts within this Province, upon his or their Knowledge or Notice given, That any Privateer, Pyrate or other Persons suspected to be upon any Unlawful Design, are kept and concealed in any place within their respective Precincts, that they thereupon issue their Warrants to se [...]ze, apprehend and carry such Persons to the common Goal of their respective Precincts, where they are to rema [...]n until they be from thence d [...]scharged by due course of Law. And all others His Majesties Leige Subjects are hereby strictly Required to be aiding and assisting to the Justices, Sheriffs, and other Commi [...]sion Officers in their several Precincts acc [...]rdingly, as they will answer the contrary at their Peril.
Provided alwayes, That nothing herein mentioned shall be construed to extend unto any Person or Persons that have surrendered themselves and obtained Protections from the late Governour, until His Majesties Pleasure be further known, any thing contained herein to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding.
God Save the KING.
Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, in the City of New-York, 1698.