
By His Excellency Richard Earl of Bellomont, Captain General and Governour in Chief of His Majesties Province of New-York, &c. A PROCLAMATION

WHEREAS I have thought fit, by and with the Advice and Consent of His Majesties Council for the Province of New-York, to call a General Assembly, and being informed, That by some Unlawful and Indirect Courses, the People have been heretofore Interrupted in their Freedom of Elections of their Representatives. And being resolved That for the future His Majesties Subjects of this Province should not be molested in the FreeĀ­dom of their Choice of Assembly-Men, but that the same should be regularly done, according to the Laws of England, and this Province. I do therefore strictly Require and Command all Sheriffs, Justices of the Peace, and other Officers whom these Presents may Concern, That they in their Respective Stations do take effectual Care that there be a Free and Fair Election of Members for the ensuing Assembly. And that timely Notice be given to the Free-holders in each respective City and County within this Province, to prevent any the like Unlawful and Indirect Practices in the said Elections, as they will answer the Contrary at their utmost Perils, as Enemies to his Majesties Government, and the Peace and Prosperity of this Province.


God Save the KING.

Printed by William Bradford, Printer to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty in the City of New-York, 1698.

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