
By His Excellency Richard Earl of Bellomont, Captain General and Governour in Chief of His Majesties Province of New-York, &c. A PROCLAMATION

WHEREAS it is of absolute Necessity for the Good and Prosperity of this Province, that our Principal and first Care be in Obedience to the Laws of God, and the wholsom Laws of EngĀ­land, to shake off all sorts of Looseness and Prophaneness, and to unite and joyn in the fear and Love of God, and of one another, by a Religious and Virtuous Deportment and Behaviour, every one in his respective Station and Calling, to the end that all Heats, Annimosities and Dissentions may vanish, and the Blessing of Almighty God accompany our Our Honest and Lawful Endeavours, and that we joyn Our Affections in the true Support of His Majesties Government over us, who has so often and so generously exposed His Sacred Person to eminent Dangers, to Redeem us from the growing Power of Popery and Arbitrary Government, and has by the Blessing of God procured Our Deliverance, and an Honourable Peace, and is a great Example and Encourager of Religion and Virtuous Living. I have therefore thought fit, by and with the Advice of His Majesties Council for this Province, and I do hereby Strictly Prohibit all Inhabitants and Sojourners within this Province from Cursing, Swearing, Immoderate Drinking, Sabbath Breaking and all sorts of Lewdness and Profane Behaviour in Word or Action. And for the true and effectual Performance hereof, I do by and with the Advice aforesaid, Strictly Charge and Command all Mayors, Aldermen, Justices of the Peace, Sheriffs, Constables, and other Officers within this Province, that they take care that all the Laws made and provided for the Suppression of Vice and encouragement of Religion and Virtue, particularly the Observation of the Lords Day be duly put in Execution, as they will answer the Contrary at their Peril.


God Save the KING.

Printed by William Bradford, Printer to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty in the City of New-York. 1698.

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