By His Excellency Collonel Benjamin Fletcher Captain General and Governour in Chief of His Majesties Province of New-York, &c. A PROCLAMATION
WHEREAS it hath graciously pleased Almighty God to Crown the constant great Courage and Conduct of Our Most Gracious Soveraign Lord King WILLIAM during the War, with an Honourable Peace, to the great comfort and Satisfaction of all His Majesties good Subjects, and particularly in this Province. I have therefore thought fit to Appoint, That Thursday, the Tenth Day of March next ensuing, for the City and County of New-York, and Orange County, Kings County, Queens County, Westchester and Richmond County; and Thursday the Twenty fourth of the same Moneth for the City and County of Albany Ʋlster and Dutches County, and the County of Suffolk, be observed and kept Solemn Days of Thanks-giving to Almighty God for this great and eminent Mercy, and in the Preservation of His Majesties most Sacred Person, so frequently exposed to many great and eminent Dangers. Therefore all Ministers and People within this Province are Required respectively to celebrate the same in the usual places of Publick Worship, and with other Expressions of Joy, as they will answer the contrary.
God Save the KING.
Printed by William Bradford, Printer to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty in the City of New-York, 1697/8.