
By His Excellency Collonel Benjamin Fletcher Captain General and Governour in Chief of his Majesties Province of New-York, &c. A PROCLAMATION

WHEREAS the Assembly of this Province have lately raised the Sum of One Thousand Eight Hundred Pounds for the Encouragement of the Three Companys of Souldiers at Albany, and to compleat the said Companies, to be One Hundred each, for one year from the first of May past, to the first of May, 1698. I do hereby promise, That each Person who shall voluntarily inlist himself in any of the said Companyes, to serve for one year, shall be paid in hand the Sum of Four Pounds Ten Shillings, and have such other Encouragement over and abo [...] the Kings pay, as the Assembly have enabled me to give, and shall be discharged at the E [...]ration of the years service.

Ben. Fletcher.

God Save the KING

Printed by William Bradford, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty in the City of New-York, 1697.

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