By His Excellency Collonel Benjamin Fletcher Captain General and Governour in Chief of his Majesties Province of New-York, &c. A PROCLAMATION
WHereas there is of late great Scarcity of Br [...]d in the City of New-York amongst the Inhabitants thereof. For Prevention whereof it wa [...] [...]rdered by me in Council, That all the Gentlemen of his Majesties Council for this Province Inhabiting in the said City, or the Major part of them, together with the Mayor and Aldermen ther [...], should meet together and consider of some proper method for [...] thereof. And Whereas, [...] thereunto, the said Committee do report unto [...] the Inhabitants of this City, it is [...]olutely necessary [...] the Exportation of Wheat in [...] throughout the Province, be prohibited, without limitation; That the Exportation of all Cornel, cou [...] Meal and Course Bread be likewise prohibited until the first day of November next ensuing. Which [...]port was approved of.
I have therefore, by and with the Advice and [...]onsent of the said Council issued forth my Proclamation, and I do by these Presents Prohibite the Exportation of any Wheat in Grain throughout the whole Province, without limitation of time, and the Exportation of Corneel and Course Meal and Bread until the first day of November next ensuing. Provided that no Ship or other Vessel bound on any Voyage to Sea, or on the Coast be debarred from shipping such Quantity of Bread and Course Flower as will be necessary for the supply of the Marriners and Passengers on Board the same, during their said Voyage, and that the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of New-York do ascertain the Quantity of Bread and Flower that will be necessary for the supply of each Ship or Vessel bound on any Voyage. And his Majesties Collectors and Receiver General, and the Mayor and Aldermen of the said City, and all other Officers whom it may concern, are to take care that this Order be strictly observed, and all Persons whatsoever Residing, or that may hereafter reside or pass through this Province, are required to be Conformable hereunto, as they will answer the contrary at their Peril.
God Save the KING
Printed by William Bradford, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty in the City of New-York, 1697.