
Acts made the 5th Assembly, 5th Sessions. Beginning the 25th of March, 1697. and ending the 22th day of April fol­lowing, Anno Regni Regis Gulielmi Tertij, Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae & Hiberniae, Nono.

An ACT for the raising the Sum of Three and Twenty Hundred Pounds to Enable his Excellency to secure the Fronteers at Albany, and for recruiting his Majesties three Companies posted there, with a sufficient Number to com­pleat Three Hundred effective Men, to remain there from the first of May next, untill the first of May then next following, and to free the Inhabitants during the said Time, from Detachments.

THe Representatives convened in General Assembly, in humble acknowledgment of the great & prudent Care that his Excellency hath taken for the Security of the Fronteers of this Province at Albany, as well as that his Excellency may be the better enabled to secure the said Fronteers, by recruiting his Majesty's three Companies posted there, with a sufficient Number to compleat the said Companys, three Hundred effective Men, and for their encouragement to remain there from the first day of May next▪ to the first day of May then next following, also during the said Time, to ease the Inhabitants of the said Province from any further Supplyes in Assembly, for that Service, as well as to free them from Detachments, unless in the case of inevitable Necessity, Do humbly pray that it may be Enacted, And be it therefore Enacted by his Excellency the Go­vernour and Council, and Representatives conven'd in General Assembly, and by the Authority of the same, That the Sum of Three and Twenty Hundred Pounds current Money of this Province be laid, assessed, levyed and raised [Page] upon all and every the the Inhabitants, Residents, Sojourners and Free­holders of and in this Province, to be imployed by his Excellency in man­ner and form following, That is to say, The Sum of eighteen Hundred Pounds, part of the said Sum of three and twenty Hundred Pounds, for the recruiting of his Majesties said three Companys posted at Albany for the Security of the Fronteers of this Province there, with a sufficient Number to compleat the said 3 Companys three hundred effective Men, and for their en­couragement to remain there from the aforesaid first Day of May next, to the first Day of May then next following, as also during the said time to ease the Inhabitants of the said Province from any further Supplyes in Assembly for that Service, as well as to free them from Detachments (uness in the case of inevitable necessity) And also the Sum of five Hundred Pounds, the residue of the aforesaid Sum of 230 l. current Money aforesaid, to be judged at Albany and distributed amongst such as shall be imployed to range the Woods, for discovering the motion of the Enemy, as occasion, and to no other Use, Intent or purpose whatsoever; which Sum of 230 l. current Money aforesaid, shall be raised, assessed, levyed and paid unto his Maje­sties Collector and Receiver General, for the time being, at the City of New-York, in two equal Payments, that is to say, the one moiety or half part thereof, at or before the 29th Day of September next, and the other moity or equal half part thereof, at or before the 25th Day of March then next following, in such manner, and according to the several and respective Quota's and Proportions following, that is to say,

For the City and County of New-York, the Sum of seven hundred and seven Pounds five Shillings, current Money aforesaid.

For the County of Suffolk, the Sum of four hundred and fourteen Pounds, current Money aforesaid.

For Kings County, the Sum of three hundred seventy two Pounds twelve Shillings, current Money aforesaid.

For Queens County, the Sum of three hundred seventy one Pounds nine Shillings, current Money aforesaid.

For the County of Ʋlster and Dutches, the Sum of one hundred ninety seven Pounds sixteen Shillings, current Money aforesaid.

For the County of Westchester, the Sum of one hundred thirty three Pounds eight Shillings, current Money aforesaid.

For the County of Richmond, the Sum of eighty Pounds ten Shillings, current Money aforesaid.

For the County of Orange, the Sum of twenty three Pounds, current Money aforesaid.

And for the due and better assessing, raising, levying and paying the afore­said Sum of 230 l. current Money aforesaid, Be it therefore further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of New-York, the Justices of the Peace, the Assessors and Collectors for the time being, of all and every of the respective Cities and Counties, Towns and Mannors, Liberties and Jurisdictions within this Province, are hereby required, impowered and authorized to summons and asses, collect and pay the several Sums of Money herein before-mentioned, according to the Quota's and Proportions before expressed, in such ways and means, and [Page] according to such rule, manner and direction, and under such [...] Penalties [...], enjoyned, prescribed, directed and [...] one [...] of General A [...]s [...]mbly, passed in the eighth Year of his Majest [...]es [...]. An [...] the raising of one Hundred Men, to b [...] l [...]st [...]d in [...] Majesties three [...] posted at Albany for the security of the Fronteers, and for the [...] Twelve Hundred Pounds for the encouraging such as shall li [...]t themselves [...] Companys, and for the d [...]fraying of contingent Charges at the [...] Front [...]r [...]. And all and every Article, Rule, Clause, Pains and Penalties expressed and mention [...]d [...] the aforesaid Act for and concerning the sum­moning, asse [...]sing, col [...]ecting and pa [...]ing of Money, or for refusing and negle [...]ting the several and respective [...] required therein, shall be, abide▪ continue and remain in [...] and [...] to all intents and purposes, and in as [...] and ample manner, for the due execution of this Act, until the aforesaid Sum of Three and Twenty Hundred Pounds, current Money aforesaid [...], fully and compleatly assessed, collected and paid, as above d [...]cted, as fully, and [...]ke m [...]nner as if the same were particularly and at large recited and set down in the Body of this Act, any thing herein to the contrary hereof in any wa [...] notwithstanding. And the Mayor and Alder­men of the [...]ty of New-York, and all and every of the Justices, Assessors and [...] of the respective Cities and Counties aforesaid, and all others [...], are hereby Required and Commanded to take strict [...] accordingly.

[...] C [...]firming and Continuing two Acts [...] Seventh Years of his Majesties Reign, for the [...], &c. for one year longer after the time mentioned i [...] [...] by their Limitation

[...] the Governour and Council, and [...] Assembly, and it is hereby Enacted by the [...] the same, That an Act of Assembly, passed in the [...]th [...] our Soveraign Lord, WILLIAM the Third, King [...], An Act for confirming and continuing an A [...]t for [...] Judicature, for the ease and benefit of each respective City, [...] within this Province, shall be, abide, continue and remain in [...] [...]o [...]ce and effect to all intents and purposes whatsoever; and all and every the [...]rticles, Rules and Clauses mentioned in the said Act, as well as all and every the Articles, Rules and Clauses recited and mentioned in ano­ther Act of Assemb [...]y made in the fifth year of the Reign of our said So­veraign Lord th [...] King that now is, entituled, An Act for establishing Courts of Judicature for the case and benefit of each respective City, Town and County within this Province, for and during the space and term of one whole year next and after the expiration of the time limitted in the aforesaid Act, and no longer, in as full and ample manner as if all and every the aforesaid [...] Articles and Clauses were recited, expressed and mentioned in this Act, any thing therein to the contrary hereof in any ways notwithstanding.


An Act for the raising a yearly Rate to pay the respective Collectors in each respective City and County in this Province, for their pains in collecting and paying the Publibk Rates and Taxes.

WHereas the respective Cities and Counties within this Province have neglected to make annual Rate for the satisfying the Collectors for their Charge and Trouble in the collecting and paying the Publick Taxes raised in their respective Cities and Counties, to the great hurt and loss of those Collectors that have been imployed in the said Service, as well as the great delay in the paying of the said Taxes unto his Majesties Collector and Receiver General. To the end therefore that the same may be removed, Be it Enacted by his Excellency the Governour and Council, and Representatives convened in General Assembly, and by the Authority of the same, That there shall be laid and assessed annually, and once every year, a certain Rate in each respective City and County within the said Province, for the paying and satisfying the respective Collectors of the Publick Taxes within their respective Limits and Precincts in their respective Counties, according to such Agreement as the respective Justices of the respective Cities and Coun­ties within this Province, shall make with the several Collectors in their respective Cities and Counties aforesaid, provided the same shall not exceed Nine Pence per Pound, unless Queens County, who may raise a rate for the satisfying the Arrears due to their respective Collectors within the said County.

An Act to enable the City and County of Albany to Defray their Necessary Charge.

WHereas there was an Act of General Assembly made in the seventh Year of his Majesties Reign, entituled, An Act to enable the City and County of Albany to defray their necessary Charge for two years from the Publication thereof: Which Act doth terminate, by its own Limitation, upon the first day of July next. And the Representatives of the said City and County of Albany humbly praying, That the said Act may be renewed and continued for two years longer after the expiration of the said Act, Be it therefore Enacted by his Excellency the Governour and Council, and Representa­tives convened in General Assembly, and it is hereby Enacted by the Authority of the same, That the Imposition or Rate of Two per Cent. shall be raised and levyed upon all Indian Goods that are brought up to that City and County of Albany and there sold and consumed. And also, that the Impost of Three Pence be raised and levyed upon each Gallon of Rum that is sold and con­sumed within that City and County. And for the due and orderly collect­ing of the respective Imposts and Rates, the Treasurer of the said City for the time being, or any appointed by him, and the Mayor of the said City, [Page] under the publick Seal of the said City, are hereby impowered and authoriz­ed to appoint, constitute and establish a Collector or Receiver of the Rates and Imposts aforesaid, who shall have Power to receive the same, and to enter in a fair Book, kept for that purpose, all such Sum and Sums of Money as shall be so entered and received for the respective Duties aforesaid, the said Collector or Receiver appointing certain convenient Times and Places for the keeping of the Office, as shall be directed by the Court of Mayor and Aldermen, and Assistants of the said City. And all Persons that Trade, and bring up to the said City and County the afore-mentioned Indian Goods and Rum, are hereby required to make a Report of the Quan­tity and Value of such Goods and Rum they so bring up and sell in the City and County aforesaid, and pay the Duties and Imposts hereby established, without being at any further charge than the said Duty. And in default hereof it shall be lawfull for the Mayor, Treasurer, or any other Officer hereby authorized, to issue out his or their Warrant, under his or their Hand and Seal, for the seizing all such Goods & Rum as shall be imbezeled, and not pay the Duties aforesaid, one third to the Informer, one third to the said City and County of Albany, and one third to his Excellency the Go­vernour or Commander in chief for the time being. Provided, That all the Sum and Sums of Money that are hereby received, shall be only appro­priated and applyed to the defraying of the necessary Charge of the City and County aforesaid. And that the Treasurer, Collector or Receiver, for the time being, shall not pay any of the Money received as aforesaid, but by Warrant from the Mayor of the said City, and approved by the Justices of the Peace of the said County. Provided, That this Act shall only remain in force for the space of two years, and no longer, and to commence upon the expiration of the former Act, any thing contained herein to the contrary hereof notwithstanding.

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