
The SAINTS Victory and Triumph OVER SIN and DEATH.

As it was Recommended in a Sermon, Preached to the Artillery Company at Boston, on their day for Election of Officers.

By Mr. PETER THACHER, Pastor of the Church of Christ in Milton.

Rom. 8.37.

Nay in all these things we are more than Con­querors, through him that Loved us.

Boston in New-England, Printed by B. Green & J. Allen. Sold by Joseph Wheeler, at the head of the Dock. 1696.

Christian READER,

THE life of a Believer is in nothing more exprest to the life, than in that of a Souldier. There is therefore advantage for a Minister of the Gospel, when called to speak to that Order of men, to improve the Meta­phor, for the common benefit of all that pro­fess themselves to be of the Church Militant: and herein to imitate Christ himself, who took all opportunities to Spiritualize every thing that he had Occasion to discourse of: and were it not for this, there would be small en­couragement to appear in this work at such a day, wherein the ancient Military Spirit is well nigh lost, as if there were no farther use for it: whereas, if it be thus also with Christi­ans in regard of their Spiritual Warfare, there is need of taking all Opportunities to rouse them up, lest they rue it for ever.

The great encouragement of a Souldier, to be valiant, is the hope of Victory, and a Tri­umph following upon it: and herein is the true Christian Priviledged' that he is not left at Ʋncertainty, to the Chance of War, wherein the Battel is not alwayes to the Strong, but the [Page] issue is secured, & the Triumph making ready to be Solemnized with the greatest state.

The Reverend Author of the Ensuing Ser­mon, hath in it, according to the Grace of God given him, in Military Terms, suitably repre­sented this Glorious Victory and Triumph, for the Directing, quickning, and encouraging all the Souldiers of Christ, in their Warfare. It will therefore be of Universal profit to all that Read it with a serious Consideration, to help them in their Fighting the good fight of Faith, unto perseverance, in prospect of the Crown of Life, which Christ, the Captain of our Salvation, who is eye witness of all the reso­lution we express herein against our Souls Ad­versaries, will set upon their heads ere long, in the view of Angels and men; to whose Blessing I Commend it for the happy Success:

who am, Less than the least of all Saints, Samuel Williard.
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The Saints Victory and Tri­umph over Sin & Death.

1 Cor. 15.57.

Thanks be to God which giveth us the Victory; through our Lord Jesus Christ.

THE Emperour Valentinian, when He was Dying, had his Friends comforting of him with the Re­membrance of his past Victories: He told them that he Gloryed in one Victory above all the rest; Inimicorum nequis­simum vici (said he) carnem meam: I have had a Victory over my Flesh, the worst Enemy in the World. Now my Text presents us with a Glorious Victory, and Eternal Triumph, not only over one, but over all Evils and Enemies; and gives the Dying Chri­stian ground to say, with the Blessed Apostle, I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the Faith: Hence forth there is Laid up for me a Crown of Righteousness, which the Lord, the Righteous Judge shall give me at that day; and he [Page 6] may Triumphantly add, O Death where is thy Sting? O Grave where is thy Victory? Of all terri­ble Enemies, Death the King of Terrors is most ter­rible; and of all Houses, the Grave, The House for all Living, is the most dark and dismal to the Eye of Nature; but yet the Truths of the [...] concerning both, are much more comfor­table: As appears by this glorious Triumph of Faith over both, arising from the consideration of the Resurrection of the Dead, and Change of the Living; which is exprest in the 55, 56, 57. verses of this Chapter.

Oh Death where is thy Sting? Oh Grave where is thy Victory? the sting of Death is sin, and the strength of sin is the Law; but thanks be to God which giveth us the victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ: which the Apostle interpreteth thus. The sting of Death [that is, that whereby Death is rendred terrible and destructive] is Sin, that is, the Transgression of the first man Adam, in whom all dye; yet made more deadly by our Actual Transgressions: but it is that which is the Condemning Sin.

And what is the strength of Sin, whereby it pre­vails thus unto death? Why, it is the Law: In the Day that thou Eatest thereof, thou shalt dye the Death; and the Soul that sinneth, it shall dye. Thus, By one man Sin Entred into the World, and Death by Sin; and so Death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned, Rom. 5.12. Now God's Truth and Justice is ingaged to punish Sin with Death; and here is the strength of sin to punish the Sinner; that [Page 7] is, the demerit of Sin is appointed by the Law.

But whence then is this Triumph? God hath given us the Victory] God that appointed the Law for mans rule, and Death for the punish­ment of mans Transgression [ hath given us the Victory] by taking away Sin, and so our obligati­on to suffer the punishment; and so changing the very Nature of Death, that now it ceaseth to be deadly, and becomes salutiterous.

But how did the Lord effect this? It was, [ through Jesus Christ our Lord] that is, by the Death, and Obedience unto Death of that one man Christ Jesus our Lord: In which there was Satisfaction to the Law, Justification to the Sinner, Merit of Life and Glory. Christ by his Resur­rection and Ascension took possession of all for us, and makes way for the Effectual Application of all to us.

The Summe is,

That whereas Death and the Grave are most terrible Enemies, by reason of the demerit of sin, binding over the Sinner to answer the Law in suffering the punishment by Law due to Sin; yet God of his Grace having given Jesus Christ for our Surety, and so for our Saviour from Sin and Death, hath by taking away Sin, and rendring Death unable to do us any hurt, given us cause, whilst we look at Death as terrible through Sin, to Triumph over it, as Captivated to our Service, by Jesus Christ our Lord: And as Christ hath gi­ven us an Eternal Triumph over Death the Last [Page 8] Enemy; so hath therein given us a Happy Victory, and Holy Triumph over all Evils and Enemies; Temporal, Spiritual, Eternal.

Hence Observe:


That the true Christian Souldier shall at last obtain a compleat Victory, and Eternal Triumph over all Evils and Enemies, is matter of Thanksgiving un­to God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Christiani (saith Cyprian) mori possunt, vinci non possunt. Christians may Dye, but cannot be O­vercome. Death may Kill them, but cannot Conquer them: The Victory of Christian Souldi­ers over their Enemies, is very Glorious in this respect.

To clear up this Doctrine, take two Propositi­ons.


That the true Christian Souldier shall at last obtain a compleat Victory and an Eternal Triumph over all Evils and Enemies.


That this is matter of Thanksgiving unto God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

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That the true Christian Souldier shall at last obtain a compleat victory and an Eternal Triumph over all Evils and Enemies.

For the clearing up of this Proposition, take a few Conclusions as Praeliminary.

Conclusion I. Christ Jesus is the Captain General of Salvation. Heb. 2.10. For it became Him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things; in bringing many Sons unto Glory, to make the Captain of their Salvation perfect through Sufferings. The Author of the Epistle to the Hebrews doth here evidently compare Christ to Joshua, the Captain and Leader of the People into Canaan; and all true Christians are put under his Conduct and Guidance to bring them safe to Glory.

Christ is called their [ARCHEGOS] Prince, Ruler and Captain of their Salvation, in respect of his Authority and Right to Rule over them, in order unto their Salvation. Hence He appeared unto Joshua, as the Captain of the Lords Host, Josh. 5.14. Christ is the Captain of Salvation in respect of this actual Leading and Conduct of them, by his Example, Spirit and Grace, through all the Dif­ficulties of their way, and warfare: he is there­fore called, a Leader and Commander to the People, Isa. 55.4. Behold I have given him for a witness to [Page] the people, a Leader and Commander to the People· So He is their [ PRODROMOS] their Fore-runners Heb. [...] 20. Whether the Fore-runner is for us Entred, even Jesus, made an High Priest for ever after the Order of Melchizedek. Or as Daniel calls Him, the Messiah, the Prince or Guide. Dan. 9.25. know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the Commandment to restore and build Jerusalem, un­to the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, &c.

Yea, Christ is the Captain of Salvation, as he is to them the Author or Cause of Eternal Salvation; he procured & purchased it for them, & gives them safe conduct unto the full Enjoyment of it. The way in which God will bring the Christian Soul­dier to Glory, is full of Intricacy, Difficulty, Per­plexity and Opposition; so that he hath need of a Captain, Leader & Guide, to carry him through it; but yet all is rendred safe and secure to him, through the power, grace and faithfulness of his Leader.

Conclusion 2. This Captain hath his Souldiers and Followers. Every true Christian is a Souldier un­der the Command and Conduct of Christ as his General. 2 Tim. 2.3. Thou therefore endure hard­ness as a good Souldier of Jesus Christ. Every Chri­stian when he is new Born, is Born a Souldier. It is said of Goliah. that He was a man of War from his Youth; 1 Sam. 17.23. but it may be tru­ly said of the true Christian, that he is a man of War from his Birth; he hath at his first Conver­sion [Page 11] given himself up unto Christ, as the Captain of his Salvation, Listed himself under Christ's Banner, and hath ingaged to Fight under his Command and Conduct: He is on Christ's side, Christ's Enemies are his Enemies, and Christ's Friends and Followers, are his Brethren, Compa­nions and Fellow-Souldiers: as Paul calls Archippus his Fellow-Souldier; not only as a Minister, but as a Christian. Philemon verse 2. Aphia and Archip­pus our Fellow Souldiers.

And as Christians are Souldiers, so Congregatio­nal Churches, are particular Companies, to which Christians (that walk orderly, and have oppor­tunity) do joyn in Fellowship; and the Visible Catholick Church, is as an Army with Banners. Cant. 6.4. Thou art beautiful, O my Love, as Tirzah comely as Jerusalem, terrible as an Army with Ban­ners: This Army hath the Captain of the Lords Host for their General.

Conclusion 3. These Souldiers are compleat in Arms. Truth is their Girdle, Righteousness their Breast-plate, Preparation of the Gospel, their Shoes; Faith their Shield, Hope their Helmet, the Word of God their Sword: and Prayer, if not a distinct piece of Armour, yet very necessary to the fast­ning on, and improvement of those Weapons of their Spiritual Warfare: Hereby they ingage the Lord of Hosts, the God of Arm [...] to be with them: Hence it is annexed to the [...]istians Pa­noply, Eph. 6. from 11. to the 18th [...]erse.

[Page 12]Conclusion 4. This Captain General Leads his Souldiers into the Field, and teacheth them their Mili­tary Skill. This World is the Field of War, and this Captain orders the time when, the place where, and means by which, the true Christian in Saving Conversion, and Religious Profession, shall enter into the Field, and the time how long he shall continue in the Field, and the several Engagements he shall be called to, and the varie­ty of Entertainment he shall meet with here, and his Passage out of it: It is true in a Meta­phorical, as well as in a Literal Sense, That our Times are in Gods Hands, Psal. 31.15. He also teacheth their hands to War, and their fingers to fight, Psal. 144.1. He bestows upon them all their Warlike Accomplishments; he gives them Skill and Will to Improve all their Spiritual Weapons Offensive and Defensive.

Conclusion 5. This Captain of the Lords Host gives a Banner to his Souldiers and Followers, to be Displayed for their Safety in the worst times, Psal. 60.4, 5. Thou hast given a Banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the Truth.

I. A Banner was of old (as now it is) a War­like Ensign set up or displayed for the Souldiers, under the Conduct of such a Chieftain for Mili­tary Ends; the civil use of it was commended & commanded to Israel, Numb. second Chapter and every [Page 13] man must pitch by his own Standard, and by the Ensign of his Fathers House. It signifies the Throne of God amongst them; which was not amongst any of the rest of the Nations: Therefore this was the Warlike Motto of the Jews, Who is like to thee a­mongst the Gods O Lord? Under this as a Displayed Banner David Marched against the Philistine Champion, 1 Sam. 17.45. I come against thee in the Name of the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israels Armies It had a special signification of the Messiah that was to be Lift up as a Banner. Isa. 10.12. In that day there shall be a Root of Jesse, which shall stand for an Ensign of the People, to it shall the Gen­tiles seek, and his Rest shall be Glorious.

This Banner signifies the Love of God, and Christ to his People, Cant. 2.4. His Banner over me was Love: This Love is manifested in their Preservation and Salvation from all their Enemies. Hence it is said, Isa. 62.10, 11. Lift up a Standard for the People, say, behold thy Salvation cometh.

A Banner is put for all the manifest tokens of Gods Favour to, and gracious Presence with his People, Isa. 31.9. The Princes shall be afraid of the En­sign, saith the Lord: that is, they shall see the Love and Faithfulness of God to his People and be afraid.

II. This Banner is of great use to the Souldiers. The Standard, the Banner doth distinguish one Army from another: so doth the presence of God in Christ manifested by the signs thereof, distin­guish [Page 14] Gods People from all others, Exod. 33.16. Numb. 23.21. Deut. 33.29. A Banner is for ho­nour; the Ensign carrys with it the honour of the Company: the visible Tokens of Gods pre­sence are the Glory of a People, Jer. 2.11. Isa. 60.19. Thy God, thy Glory.

The Banner is for direction to the whole band, and the Standard to the whole Army: so is Gods presence and conduct to His People; both in the March: Souldiers must follow their Colours, and in their Rest, when the Standard is pitch'd thats the place of Rest, Numb. 10.9.17, 18, 23▪ Yea when Scattered abroad by the violence of any temptation, the Colours shew whether the Souldier must repair: To Christ held forth shall the gathering of the People be, Gen. 49.10. Hence David calls back his Soul to God as his resting place. Psal. 116.7. Return unto thy rest O my Soul.

The Banner is for Encouragement to the Souldier and his deeper Engagement to fight; he must not leave his Colours in the greatest hazard, but rather chuse to dy: so the Christian Souldier, must never forsake his God, Christ, his House, his Ordinances &c. Josh. 5.13, 14, 15. Rom. 8.29.

The Banner was for defence and shelter and deliverance; it was the safest place in all the Camp: so is the Spiritual Banner. Hence saith the Psalmist, he shall in the time of trouble hide me in his pavilion, in the secret of his tabernacle. Thus the Pillar of Cloud, was a defence to Israel.

The Banner is for Assurance and Confidence: as [Page 15] long as the Colours are flying the Army is not Ruined. As long as God Lives, and Christ is upon the throne, all is safe, for Gods People they may Triumph in Him over all their Enemies, and say, Oh! Death where is thy Sting &c. Who shall separate us from the Love of God?

III. The Displaying of the Banner is the whole Military Improvement of it for the advantage of the Souldier, and the detriment of the Enemy. Therefore it is the flourishing of the Colours (as we call it) before the whole Army, and in sight of the Enemy. It is ascribed to God when he shines forth that dwells between the Cherubims & leadeth Joseph like a flock: when he Stirs up his strength before Ephraim, Benjamin, and Manasseh, Psal. 80.1, 2, 3 Causing his face to shine that they may be Saved.

This Banner is displayed by the Leaders of the People, when they give them Military encourage­ment: from hence that God is their God; Christ upon the Throne, that he guides to the War by his Word and Providence, and that he hath en­gaged to be with them, and to fight for them, and that he commands them not to fear but to play the men, for their God and the cause of God. Thus Moses displayed the Banner before Israel, Ezod. 14.13, 14. Fear ye not, stand still, and see the Salvation of the Lord, the Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.

[Page 16]Conclusion 6. Christ calls those that are under his Banner to Encounter the Enemy. True Christians have many Enemies to dispute with at the Swords point.

I. They have a Body of Sin and Death in them which makes them many times to cry out with the Apostle: Oh wretched persons that we are, wh [...] shall deliver us, &c. Rom. 7.24. there is a Law in their Members warring against the Law of their minds, and bringing them into Captivity to the Law of Sin which is in their Members, Rom. 7.23▪ They have Fleshly Lusts that war against their Soul, 1 Pet. 2.11. The Flesh Lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the Flesh, and these are con­tray one to the other.

II. They must have a elose Combate with Sinful Self; they must deny themselves, Mat. 16.24▪ Then said Jesus unto his Disciples, if any man will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his Cross and follow me. They must deny their own Self-sufficiency, they must uncloath themselves o [...] themselves; they must have no root of their own, but be all in Christ, and have their all from Christ, and improve their all for Christ. Col. 3.11. Christ is ALL & in ALL: They must den [...] their own Self-sufficiency to Believe in Christ, o [...] to yield Evangelical Obedience unto God through Christ, Eph. 2.8. For by Grace are ye Saved throug [...] [Page 17] Faith, and that not of your selves, it is the Gift of God, Joh. 15.5. Christ saith, He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit; for without me ye can do nothing: they must deny their own Self-sufficiency to Worship God in their Closets, in their Families, or in Publick, with Soul-Devotion, and so as may be to Divine Acceptation through Christ, without suitable sup­plies of Divine Grace.

They must deny Self-Dependency: this Hos. 10.1. Self-Dependence is when a man thinks he has in himself Isa. 53.3. a Magazene of Supply sufficient for himself; and so lives on himself, and in depen­dence upon himself; thus Peter depends upon himself for power to stand: if all forsake thee, (says Peter) yet wiil not I. Self-dependency emptieth us of the strength by which we should stand; it is only Christ we should depend upon, Phil. 4.13. I can do all things through Christ that strengtheneth me, 2 Cor. 12.9, 10. Christ's Strength is made perfect in weakness: Hence sayes the Apostle, When I am weak, then am I strong.

They must deny Self-security, Isa. 47.7, 8 Self-security is a mans making himself his own hiding place or refuge; it's the Souls standing upon his own legs, Psal. 30.6, 7. This makes God hide his face, and that is a sore Evil indeed, Job 23.1, 2, 3.

They must deny Self-Custody, they must not think they can antidote themselves against the In­fection of Sins, and Sinful Times, and Compa­panies, [Page 18] or can arm themselves against the Infect­ion of things, whether Profits or Pleasures, Mat. 26.33.40. Who knows what the sight of the Forbidden Fruit may do even as it did with Eve, Gen. 3.6. Who knows what the sight of a Wedge of Gold may do, Josh 7.21. Who knows what the sight of a Bathsheba may do? 2 Sam. 11.2. Christians must take heed of arming themselves with their own Armour; true indeed, He that is Born of God, keepeth himself, 1 Joh. 5.18. but a man may be too much self in it; you little know what you may be drawn to do, if you do depend upon Self-Custody, Rom. 7.15. 2 King. 8.13 And Ha­sael said, But what is thy Servant a Dog, that he should do this great thing? and Elisha answered, The Lord hath shewed me that thou shalt be King over Syria: It is He that keeps your Graces, must keep you; if God keep you not, all the power you have beside, cannot keep you, 1 Pet. 1.5. Who are kept by the Power of God, through Faith un­to Salvation: Hence the Saints have prayed God to keep them, Psal. 17.8. Keep me as the Apple of thine Eye, hide me under the shadow of thy Wings, Psal 127.1.

They must deny all inordinate Self-Love, Est. 4.16.

III. They have the Prince of Darkness to Com­bate with; they must Fight against Principalities and Powers, and against the Rulers of the Darkness of this World, against Spiritual Wickednesses in high pla­ces, [Page 19] Eph. 6.12. There are Devils enough to Be­leaguer the whole Earth: not a place under Heaven where Satan hath not his Troops; not a person without some of these cursed Spirits haun­ting and watching of him, where ever he goes; yea, for some special Service, he can send a Legi­on to a Garrison, in one single person, as Mar. 5.9. and if so many can be spared to attend one; to what a number would the Master R [...]le of Satans whole Army amount, if known? and now tell me, if we are not like to find our March difficult to Heaven, that are to pass through the very Quarters of these Multitudes, who are scat­tered over the face of all the Earth: And the Black Regiment of Hell are ready Armed; they have Warlike Provision, or Weapons they use in Fight against the Souls of men; they have darts, and those of the worse kind, Fiery Darts The Devils Temptations are the Darts he useth against the Souls of men and women: and they may be fitly resembled to Darts.

In respect of Swiftness: Satans Temptations fly like a Flash of Lightning, not long a coming; he needs no more time than the cast of an Eye, for the dispatch of a Temptation.

Darts or Arrows Fly secretly, and so do Temp­tations, Psal. 64.4.

Darts are of a Wounding Killing nature, especial­ly when well headed, and shot out of a strong Bow, by one that is able to draw it. Such are Satans Temptations, headed with desperate Ma­lice, [Page 20] and drawn by a strength, not less than Ange­lical.

And these Darts are Fiery, in respect of the Fiery Wrath with which Satan shoots them; they are the Fire this great Red Dragon spits, full of Indignation against God and his Saints.

They are Fiery Darts, in respect of the End they lead to, if not quenched, and that is Hell-fire; there is a Spark of Hell in evey Temptation.

They are Fiery in regard of their malignant quality, they have on the Spirits of men, and that is to Enkindle a Fire in the Hearts and Conscien­ces of poor Creatures: but Faith quencheth the Fiery Darts, Eph. 6.16.

Moreover Christ's Souldiers and Followers have the World to Overcome, and the Worlds Trinity, to Encounter with: There are the Lusts of the Flesh, Sensual Delights. The Lust of the Eye, those Temptations which are drawn from the Worlds Pelf and Treasures, the Golden Apple of Prosit. And there is the Pride of Life; an [...]ch of pride in mans heart after the gawdy Honours of the World. All these the Christian Souldier is to Fight with, 1 Job. 2.15, 16. Love not the World, neither the things that are in the World; if any man love the World, the Love of the Father is not in him; for all that is in the World, the Lust of the Flesh, and the Lust of the Eyes, and the Pride of Life, is not of the Father, but is of the World.

Conclusion 7. Their General is with them in all [Page 21] their Engagements. Psal. 23.4. Yea though I walk through the Valley of the shadow of death &c. He is with them in all their Encounters by his care and watchfulness, Psal. 121.4. Behold he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep: He will never suffer any of his Souldiers to be Surprised through any neglect or regardlesness in him: His eyes are always open upon them. They are never out of his heart or thoughts: They are Engraven upon the palmes of his hands, and their walls are con­tinually before him: Or as he expresseth it, Isa 27.3. I the Lord do keep my Vineyard, I will water it every moment lest any hurt it, and will keep it night and day. This puts life into Souldiers, and gives them security when they know that their Commander is continually careful for them. He is with them by his Tenderness and Love, His care and com­passion. Isa. 40.11. He shall feed his flock like a Shephard, he shall gather the Lambs with his Arme, and carry them in his besome, and shall gently lead those that are with young. In tender compassion he condescends unto all their conditions; He gathers in his Armes and bears in his bosome those that otherwise by their infirmity would be cast behind and le [...]t unto danger. He is with them when they goe through the fire and through the water, Isa. 43.1, 2. He will sit by them when they are in the fire and furnace, as their Refiner and Purifier, Mal. 3.3. He is so with them in all their Engagements, as to go before them in the whole way and war unto the end. This [Page 22] is a principal end of a Captain or Leader to go before his Souldiers: The Captain of the Lords host goes before his People in their whole way, not putting them on any thing, nor calling them to any thing which himself passeth not before them in: whether we consider their Obedience their Suffering, or their Entrance into Glory Job. 3.15. 1 Cor. 11.5. Heb. 12.2, 3. Heb. 6.20

Conclusion 8. Christ our General, doth in the iss [...] of the War, make His Souldiers compleatly Victorious, and gives them an Eternal Triumph over all Evils and Enemies.

It is true indeed they meet with many hot Ingagements, and are ready by despondency to say as David, I shall one day perish by the hand of Saul, the Sons of Zerviab will be too hard for me.

1. Christ guides and directs them in their way and w [...]re. They know not the way that leads to hapiiness and glory, and they want ability to discern it aright, when it is shewed unto them, and in both, they are relieved and asisted by their Leader. In the first by his Word, in the latter by his Spirit: In his Word he hath de­clared the Name and revealed the whole Coun­sel of God; and brought Life and Immortality to Light, 2 Tim 1.10. Whatever is any way need­ful, useful, helpful in their Warfare in their O­bedience, in their Worship of God, in their Suf­ferings, in their Expectation of Glory; the [Page 23] Credenda, the Facienda, the things to be believed and to be done, are made known to them in the Word. Again, their way and warfare being discovered to them in the Word, Christ enables them by his Spirit to fight the good fight, and finish their course with joy; Christ is to them, a Pillar of Fire and Pillar of Cloud: The Spirit accom­plisheth their whole Work, and brings them safe to Eternal happiness.

2. Christ Supplyes with strength by His Grace, that they may be able to pass on in their way and warfare: they have a great Work and a great Warfare that they are Engaged in; they have much to do and much to suffer, and without him they can do nothing, Job. 15.5. He watches over them, to Succour them that are tempted, Heb. 2.18. and to give out Help unto them in a time of need, Heb. 4.16. Hence they can do all things through Christ strengthening of them, Phil. 4.13. nothing is too hard for them, not [...]ing can prevail against them, because of the constant supplies of Grace, which the Captain of their Salvation communicates unto them: their Life is hid with God in Christ, Col. 3 3. and He hath Engaged to continue their Lives; hence he sayes, Because I Live, ye shall Live also.

3. He subdues their Enemies for them, and in them: Sin, Satan, the World, and Death, he subdues these Enemies for them in his own Person; for they all attempted him, and failed in their Enter­prise, Joh. 14.30. He bruised the Serpents head, Gen [Page 24] 3 15, and destroyed him that had the power of Death, that is the Devil, Heb. 2.14. He spoiled Principalities and Powers, and made shew of them openly, triumph­ing over them in his Cross. And He overcame the World, Job. 16.33. Be of good cheer (saith he) I have overcome the World. Death also was subdued by him; He swallowed it up in victory, 1 Cor. 15.54. And Christ hath thus overcome their Enemies for them, as their Representative; declaring in his person, who is the Head, what should be accom­plished in every one of his Members; yea, by his personal Conquest over these Enemies, he hath left them weak, maimed, disarmed, and utterly deprived of that power they had to hurt and de­stroy, before he Engaged with them.

Moreover, he subdues these Enemies in them; he inables true Christians in their own Persons to Conquer all these Enemies. They have Overcome the Wicked One, 1 Joh. 2.13. The World also is subdued in them, and by them, 1 Joh. 5.4. Who­soever is Born of God, overcometh the World; and this is the Victory that overcometh the World, even our Faith. He that believeth shall overcome: the whole strength of Christ Engaged unto his as­sistance. Hence the true Christian manageth a successful War, and is sure of Victory: I speak of the certainty of the Object, not of the certain­ty of the Subject: A true Christian shall certainly win the day, and have victory over all Opposers whatsoever his unbelieving heart may at any time suggest to the contrary: A true Christian [Page 25] gets in this Life many signal Victories: He is not able indeed utterly to drive out the Canaanites, they will abide in his Land, and be rebelling and vexing of him frequently; but the Lord gives him many remarkable Victories over them.

Yea, if the true Christian be for a time over­come, yet he recovers himself at last, and gets the day: if he be foiled, and laid on his Back for a time, yet it is not long before be recovers himself, and gets up again by Godly Sorrow, Humiliation and Repentance; and renews the Combate, and is too hard for his Enemies: If he be Routed, he Rallyes again, and never leaves Fighting till he carries the day, and goes out of the Field Conqueror; If God be for him, who shall be against him? Moreover, his Enemies Lose Ground by all their partial Conquests of him. A true Christian gets good by his foils and falls; yea, gets ground insensibly of his Corruptions, & other Enemies thereby; All things work together for good to those that Love God, &c. Si omnia cur non pecca­ta, (saith one of the Fathers:) Rom. 8.28. So that may be said to the true Christian, as in 1 Cor. 3.22, 23, 24. All things are yours, whether Paul or A­pollos, or Cephas, or the World, or things present or things to come, all are yours, and ye are Christ's, and Christ is God's. This is good news for Christian Souldiers.


That this is matter of Thanksgiving unto God, thro' Jesus Christ our Lord! True Christians must ac­knowledge [Page 26] God in all their Victories: he gives them their Armour, he gives Skill and Dexterity to manage their Weapons, he Crowns them with Suc­cess in their War, he overcomes their Enemies, & makes them Victors and Conquerors: It is not their Bow or Sword, but God that gives the Victo­ry; and God gives them Victory through Christ, and for the sake of Christ, He hath purchased it for them▪ and prepares Victory for them, by his foede­ral transaction with the Father in the Covenant of Redemption, and by the Application of Redemption to them by his Spirit. Christs whole Mediatorial Sufficiency is Engaged to be all to them, and his whole Mediatorial Efficiency to work all in and do all for the Christian Souldiers that is necessary, in order to this compleat Victory.

USE. I. Of Instruction.

I. When Death and the Grave appear in their most formidable aspect, then Faith finds matter of Triumph over both in our Lord Jesus Christ. Whilst nature justly laments mortality, and Grace makes us ten­derly affected with the Death of others; Espe­cially the Death of those that were in highest place and improvement, yet Faith represents cause of Triumph over both Death and the Grave: though nature and Grace teacheth us bitterly to lament and lay to heart the astonishing breaches which the king of Terrours hath made upon us, concerning which we may with the Prophet Jere­miah, say as Lam. 4.20. The breath of our Nostrils, [Page 27] the anointed of the Lord was taken in their pits, of whom we said, under their shadow we shall live a­mong the heathen: yet neither Natural nor Spi­ritual affection must be such as hinders the Tri­umph of Faith over Death and the Grave. Isa. 25.8. He will swallow up Death in Victory, and the Lord our God will wipe away tears from all faces: Christ hath overcome Death, Hos. 13.14. Christ sayeth, Oh! Death, I will be thy Plague, Oh! Grave, I will be thy destruction.

Instruction. II.

God never gives any the Victory over Sin and Death, but through our Lord Jesus. He first gives Christ and in him the Victory: Except you have Christ you must needs dy: those that would have Victo­ry, must have Union to Christ, Conformity to him, He that hath not the Son hath not Life. You must receive him therefore, or dy for ever; there is no other Name, no other Mediator; he is an alsufficient Saviour, able to save to the utmost all those that come unto God by him, Heb. 7.25. He hath in a readiness for our Salvation to the utmost, Luk. 14.17. All things are ready; why will you not come to him that you may have life: re­member Christs gracious invitation, Isa. 45.22. Look unto me and be ye Saved all the ends of the Earth, for I am God and there is none else: how then shall we think to Escape if we neglect so great Sal­vation, Heb. 2.3.

Instruction. III.

Learn hence, That Christ will give the Christian [Page 28] Souldier a compleat Victory over Death the last Ene­my, 1 Cor. 15.26. The Last Enemy that shall be destroyed is Death: Here consider two or three things.

1. Death is an Enemy, a formidable Enemy, Job 18.14. Heb. 2.15. Now Death will appear to be an Enemy. if we consider that it deals with men as an Enemy, 1. In matters Outward, Tem­poral, and of this Life; here Death is the great Bereaver, and the great Tormentor. Death robbs our Bodies of all perfection; Death forceth a man from his Wealth, and whole outward Estate with­out hope of recovery, Eccl. 5.15. As he came forth of his Mothers Womb, naked shall he return, to go as he came, and shall take nothing of his Labour, which he may carry away in his hand, Job 1.21. Death spoils a man of his Name, Honours, and power in the World, Psal. 31.12. I am forgotten as a Dead man out of mind, I am like a broken vessel, Eccl. 3.18, 19, 20. Death separates dearest Friends, and nearest Relation. 2. Death deals with men as an Enemy, in matters Internal and Spiritual: Death deprives of all Spiritual good enjoyed in this Life: It cuts down the Tree that it stands no longer in the Vineyard; there is no Soul-saving Work to be done in the Grave whether we are all going, no opportunity to pray, hear, read be­lieve or repent when once arrived at that House prepared for all Living: Death bereaves of the time, day, and season of Grace: when Death comes, God swears, Time shall be no more, his Spi­rit [Page 29] shall no longer strive; Death bereaves us of all opportunity to lay up for Eternity. 3. Death deals with men that dye in their Sins as an Ene­my in matters Eternal and Everlasting. It be­reaves of Eternal Good: all that dye under the power of Death, it proves an Eternal Bereave­ment to them; they lose God, Christ, the Spi­rit, Mercy, Grace, Glory, Heaven and Happiness. As Death is a great Bereaver, so he is a great Tormentor; all pain, sorrow, anguish and trouble, is but the working of Death in this Life; yea, it makes way for Eternal Misery in the Life to come.

2. Death is a cruel Enemy; Death is an Ene­my that will shew no pitty, Cant. 8.6. it is cruel as appears by the Racks, Torments, Strapadoes, and Wounds that it inflicts; it is cruel in that it spares none for his Age, Rank or Quality, but is pittiless to all sorts of persons; it neither regards the person of the old, nor shews favour to the young; it regards no Cries, Prayers, Tears, ad­mits no ransome, is not moved with any moans, sighs or groans, is deaf to all Entreaties. Death is an Enemy that cannot be avoided; you may fear Death, but cannot escape it, you may fly from it, but cannot get out of its reach; there is no safety from the Enemy, but in the bosome of Christ.

3. Death is a Vanquished Enemy; 'tis under the Keys of our Lord Jesus Christ, Rev. 1.18. Christ has overcome Death, and abolished it, 2 Tim. 1.10. Christ hath done this by his Death, meritoriously, by [Page 30] his Resurrection, victoriously; and by the powerful Efficacy of his Death and Resurrection, he hath and will overcome Death for all those for whom he doth become the Resurrection and the Life: So that you shall not see Death, no not Death it self.

Instruction IV.

Learn hence, To whom we owe all the Glory of those Victories, Temporal and Spiritual, which we are, or hope to be Crowned with; it is unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord: God is the absolute first cause and supream Lord of all: Of him, and to him, and through him are all things, Rom. 11.36. God gives his Creatures power to act, furnisheth them with a sufficiency for their operations; he gives skill & strength and courage to the Souldier, and he con­tinues the active power of the Creature, if he withdraw, all is gone. He doth by a praevious in­flux, excite and [...] up the active power of the Creatures, and set all the Wheels a going, Act. 17.28. yea he determines and applies second causes to the Objects of their Actions; he leads them forth and determines them unto this or that Ob­ject; he cooperates and works joyntly with se­cond causes, in producing of Effects: As he prae­determines second causes, so he concurs with them in their Operations, though he hath given Crea­tures power to act, and man to act as a cause by Counsel, and hath furnished him with active abi­lities, yet he hath not made any Creature Master of Events, but reserves the disposal of Issues and Events to himself. He hath a Negative Voice up­on [Page 31] all the Counsels and Endeavours, and active power of the Creature (as is well observ'd by a good Divine) he can break the Ranks of the most orderly Souldiers, take away Courage from the stoutest Hearts, send a Pannick fear into a migh­ty Host, and defeat the Counsels of the mightiest Leaders and Conducters. He can blow upon and blast the likeliest undertakings of all the ablest men; much of the greatness and glory of God appears in his divine Efficiency, whereby he works all in all, Eph. 1.11. As he is himself glo­riously independent, so all things have an abso­lute dependence on him: the race is not to the Swift, the battle is not to the Strong, Eccl. 9.11. So that men are wholy beholden to him for all the good they enjoy for skill, for courage, for suc­cess, for victory and triumph over Evils and Enemies.

Instruction. V.

Learn hence, That the Conquest & Victory which God bestows upon and Crowns Christian Souldiers with, is exceeding glorious. Their Conflicts are very bit­ter, but Alas! What is the bitterness of their Conflict to the glory of their Victory: They are Prevailers with God, Gen. 32.28. As a Prince thou hast power with God, and with men, and hast prevail­ed, Hos. 12 4. Cant. 6.5. Hence saith Christ, turn away thine Eyes from me, for they have over come me; they overcome not until they are over come of Christ, and then they over come themselves, which is a great Victory, Prov. 16.32. He that is slow to [Page 32] anger is better than the mighty: and he that ruleth [...] Spirit, then he that taketh a City. They over com [...] not only men, but Devils and Death, prosperity and adversity, 1 Joh. 2, 13, 14, 15. Yea, in Death they over-come more than throughout their Lives, as Christ did, as Sampson did. They over-come by Standing still, and looking to God, Exod. 14.13, 14. They over-come by flying for refuge to Christ that hope set before them: they over come E­vil with Good, Rom. 12.21. The greatest Victories of the Saints are attended with the deepest sence of their own insufficiency to over-come, and humble holy dependence upon Christ's Meditori­al Sufficiency: in a word, the insufficiency of the Saints, makes way for the manifestation of the Sufficiency of Christ in his Effectual Victory, it opens Glory to him, that is Crowned with it.

Instruction VI.

Learn hence then Not to despair of the cause of Re­ligion, how few soever in the World stand by it. For the Lamb shall overcome; it is not the Beast nor the Image of the Beast, nor the Mark of the Beast, nor the Number of his Name, but all these must at the last be fully subdued to the Lamb and his Fol­lowers, Rev. 17.13, 14. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the Beast▪ these shall make War with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them; for he is Lord of Lords, and King of Kings; and they that are with him and called, and chosen, and faithful.

Oh therefore know your day, and the great [Page 33] concernments of your time: It is a day of War and Battle against the Beast, with and for the Lamb: Have you a care to be Listed one of his Souldiers, to give up your Names to him; remem­ber, who calls once and again, Cant. 2.10. Rise up my Love, my Fair One, and come away; 13, 14. verses. See that you be on Christ's side, against His Enemies: Know the Cause, and Promote the Interest of Christ, in Church, Common-wealth and Family; the Building Zion, is the way to Babels Ruine: Christ is saying to us, Who is on the Lords Side? Who? Let every one of us be for Christ, his Interest and Glory, in the respective Stations wherein God hath set us, whether Civil, Sacred, or Military. Let us Exalt Christ the Lamb, in our Hearts, Lips, Lives, Persons, Fami­lies, Courts, Churches: Let it not seem enough to us outwardly to Prosess him, but let Him be the Alpha and Omega of our Hearts, our First and Last. Let the Merchant Consecrate his Gain to the Lord, Isa. 23.18. Her Merchandise and her Hire, shall be Gain to the Lord: Let the Gain of Souldiers be Consecrated to the Lord, Mich. 4.13. Let the Husbandman and House-wife Consecrate their Labours and Vessels to the Lord, Zach. 14.20, 21. In that day shall there be upon the Bells of the Horses, Holiness unto the Lord, and the Pots in the Lords House shall be like the Bowls before the Altar; yea, every Pot in Jerusalem and in Judah, shall be Holiness unto the Lord of Hosts.

[Page 34]

USE II. Is a Word of Awakening to all Un­reguerate Sinners: They are in open Hostility with Heaven, they are by their Sins Fighting against that God that can speak them into the Grave, and into Hell, when he pleaseth.

They are Fighting under the Banner of the Prince of Darkness, and therefore are in utmost hazard of Eternal Ruine, except they speedily turn to the other Side. God is angry with the Wicked every day; if he turn net, he will Whet His Sword, he hath bent his Bow, and made it ready; he hath also prepared for him the Instruments of Death Psal. 7.11, 12. Isa. 27.4, 5. Psal. 68.21. God will wound the head of his Enemies, and the hairy Scalp of such an one as goeth on still in his Trespasses: There can be no peace between God and thy Soul, while thou art going on in a way of Sin: There is no peace saith my God, to the Wicked, Isa. 57.21. Do you provoke the Lord to Jealousie? Are you stronger than He? Psal. 76.7. Who can stand when once God is angry.

USE III. Of Exhortation.

I. To Sinners, to Lay down your Arms, whereby you have been Fighting against the Almighty, and Cry Quarter; yea, Cry for Pardon, and Agree quickly with your matchless Adversary while you are in the way, before the Executioner of Divine Justice overtake you: Oh! Fly speedily to the City of Refuge, before the Avenger of Blood, that is pursuing of you, overtake you. Now [Page 35] Christ is calling of you, Rev. 3.20. Cant. 5. beg. Now the Spirit is striving, now Grace is tendered, now a Pardon is offered; but alas! Gods Spirit shall not alwayes strive, Gen. 6.3. it will quickly be too late, the Door of Mercy will quickly be shut; when once the shadow of Death comes to be shut upon your Eye-lids, &c. it will then be too late, and how can you think to Escape if you neg­lect so great Salvation? Heb. 2.3. Oh! then now List your selves under His Banner, make Choice of Christ as the Captain of your Salvation; as your Prophet to teach you, and cause you to learn his Statutes; as your Priest, to intercede and make Atonement for you, as your King, to Rule and Govern you, as she said, Give me Children or else I dye; so do you say, Give me Christ, or else I dye. Oh! see that you must have Christ, or perish everlastingly: O therefore Choose Him to be your Soul satisfying, Soul solacing, and Soul ravishing Portion; and give up your selves and yours to him, to be his wholly, only, and for ever.

II. Branch of Exhortation. To true Christians.

Maintain a constant War with your Spiritual Ene­mies: All men living are Warriours; they are ei­ther Fighting against God, under the Command and Conduct of the Prince of Darkness, or they are Fighting for God against Sin, Satan, and the World, under the Conduct of Christ as the Cap­tain of their Salvation; now you are among the [Page 36] number of those that have given up themselves to Christ, and have Listed under his Banner: Oh! therefore continue your Combate with those Ene­mies of your Souls, knowing that you shall be Vi­ctors and Conquerors at last. Fight against Sin, all Sin, every Sin, especially against your own Ini­quities, Psa. 18.23. Be upright before God, and keep your selves from your own Iniquities, &c. Fight against sin in your selves, in your Families, in your respective Stations and Capacities, engage against sin; especially fight against the growing, prevailing Sins of the Times, Drunkenness, Unclean­ness, Sabbath breaking, Incest, &c. Fight against all Omissions of Duty, and Commission of Sin, both in your selves and others; all sins against the Law, and all sins against the Gospel. Oh! take heed of the neglect of Secret Prayer, of Family Prayer; be much with God in your Closets and Families: Resolve with good Joshua, That you and your Hou­ses will serve the Lord, Josh. 24.15. In a word, maintain an unwearied War with all your Spiritu­al [...] Cleave to, keep with, and constantly follow your General; observe his Words of Com­mand: Put [...] whole Armour of God, and Learn skill to [...] every piece of Armour: List your selves [...] some particular Company that is Engaged in the same Warfare. Joyn your selves to some Church of Christ; do not Fight alone, but get into some particular Body of Saints.

III. Exhortation. Is to those Worthy and much [Page 37] Honoured Gentlemen, that have pressed me, and cal­led me unto the Service of this Day: You have heard, that we owe all due Acknowledgment to God through our Lord Jesus Christ, for all those Victories which he gives us, whether Temporal, or Spiritual. I am now to Exhort you.

1. To give God the Glory of all those Military Ac­complishments, wherewith the God of Heaven hath Crowned you. It is He that Teacheth your Hands to War, and your Fingers to Fight, Psal. 144.1. Mi­litary Skill is such a piece of Divine Wisdom, that the Lord will not lose the Honour of it. God is the Author of it: The Lord is a man of War, the Lord is his Name; he gives a Military Spirit, and Warlike Prowess, Jer. 51.11. Make bright the Arrows, gather the Shields, the Lord hath Raised the Spirit of the Kings of the Medes. He Teacheth to make Weapons of War, and the use of them, Isa. 54.16, 17. It is the Lord of Hosts that Mustereth the Host of the Battel, Isa. 13.4, 5: Otherwise the help of your Expert Officers, and your own En­deavours to Learn War, will signifie nothing.

Indeed men of Martial Spirits and Skill ought to be Encouraged. These Trainings and Exerci­ses are very commendable, and by all means to be Supported and Countenanced: and it is pitty that as in other things, so in this, the good old Spi­rit is so much gone: these are not times wherein the Nations, beat their Swords into Plough shears, and their Spears into Pruning hooks. War in some cases is Lawful, and at some times Necessary, and sure [Page 38] then Learning of War is so also; Military [...] is necessary in Military times, and Martial daye [...] and such are the dayes we live in; and these Mi­litary Exercises are not only lawful & allowable▪ but laudable, yea & necessary also; and the Per­sons by whom they are supported and caried [...] deserve singular commendation and encourage­ment.

2. Be Sons of Valour, 1 Cor. 12.8. Get you [...] Consciences purged with the Blood of Christ that your hearts may be full of Courage for th [...] cause of Christ. True Courage arises from the As­surance of Faith, that God in Christ is yours, the [...] Death is yours, and all that you can fear is you [...] for good: So that you may trust in God and not in Bow nor Sword, nor multitude, &c. Then look on the Justice of the Cause; let it be for God and for the City of our God: then, One shall chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, Deut. 30.30.

3. Let your Study of Expertness in Military Dis­cipline, put you in mind of your Spiritual Warfare. Oh maintain a close fight with your Spiritual Enemies Endeavour to choose Christ for your General, and in all things seek to please him: become his faith­ful followers; follow the Lamb whithersoever he goes; approve your selves his good Souldiers; put on the whole Spiritual Armour, and become his Scholers; beg him to be your Tutor, and to in­struct [Page 39] you in the whole Mystery of your Spiritual Warfare: Especially prepare for your great and last encounter with the King of Terrors; remem­bring, that 'tis appointed unto men once to dye, but af­ter this, the Judgment, Heb 9 27. There is no dis­charge in that War, Eccl. 8.8. There is no Mission nor Dismission in that War; as the Septuagint renders it: there is no Apparatus bellicus, against such an adversary, no arrow or javlin that a man can let fly in this Combate; there is no protection or deliverance from the hand of Death. Oh! therefore live alwayes in the full, firm belief of the other World, so as to dispatch all your work while it is day, Psa. 90.12. Psal. 39.4. Eccl. 7.2. Live in an instant, continual, constant Expectation of your Dissolution and Translation; this should be much upon your thoughts: Oh! remember Death is most certain; and when Death comes, things Temporal will take their final and Eternal fare-well of you, Friends, Relations, Riches, Ho­nour, &c. Prov. 3.5. 1 Cor. 7.29, 30, 31. 1 Tim. 6.7. The delights of Sin will be gone, that only which is Eternal will stand you in stead, when you come to Dy: It's nothing else but Saving Grace, Union to Christ, Communion with Christ &c. that will be comfortable. Eternity is just before you, either an Eternity of Weal or an Eternity of Woe; yea, there will be no alteration of your State, when once arrived in Eternity &c. Now therefore is the only time for preparation for Death and Eternity; and if we would be prepa­red, [Page 40] we must fight against our Spiritual Enemies, both in our private and publick Capacities; as Christians, as Magistrates, as Ministers, as Souldiers ▪ &c. depending upon Christ, the Captain of our Salvation, for Grace, Courage, Conduct and Conquest; and then shall we at last obtain a Compleat Victory, and Eternal Triumph over all Evils and Enemies; and be able in the Words of our Text, to say, Thanks be to God which giveth us the Victory, through our Lord Je­sus Christ. To whom be Glory for Ever, and Ever. AMEN.


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