
By His Excellency Coll. Benjamin Fletcher, Captain General and Governour in Chief of His Majesties Province of New-York, &c. A PROCLAMATION

W [...]REAS for the E [...]e and Conveniency of the Fuzileers that were in His Majesties [...] upon the Frontiers of this Province, a general Credit [...] them to take [...] Pay in Necessaries in what Shop (in the City of [...], having their [...] [...]fficers Ticket, as the same became due. And whereas [...] of the said [...] Orders or Warrants upon the Receiver General [...] of their Re­spect [...] [...], but by reason of the backwardness of the payment of [...] the several Cities [...] of the Province, are not yet paid. To the end that those [...]sons who have Credited [...] said Fuzileers, may be paid out of the first Money of the said [...]xes, before the Captain [...] [...] other Commission Officers, I have therefore, by and with the A [...]vice and Consent of the Co [...]cil, thought fit to Order, by this my Proclamation, That such Persons as have Credited the said Fuzillers, on Account of their said Pay, do bring in their Tickets or Accounts, to the Accomo [...]ant General, to be entered with him so that speedy Care may be taken for the Payment of the said Deb [...]s. Whereof the Receiver Genera, his Deputy or Deputies, and all others concerned, are to take Notice accordingly.

Ben. Fletcher.

God Save the KING

Printed by William Bradford, Printer to the Kings Excellent Majesty at the Bible in New-York 1696.

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