
By His Excellency Coll. Benjamin Fletcher, Captain General and Governour in [...]ef of His Majesties Province of New-York, &c. A PROCLAMATION.

WHereas, by Advice of His Majesties Council for this Province, upon the [...] of the Mayor of New-York, to remove a Grievance from the Inhabitants (the [...]t of Bread) occasioned by great Quantities thereof, and of Flower & Corn exported to [...] West-Indies and Boston, I did issue forth Proclamation, prohibiting the Exportation of Flower, B [...]ead and Corn until the first of August next ensuing. And whereas many and frequent Applications [...] made to me for liberty to Export the same, to supply the Neighbouring Provinces, who are in grea [...] want thereof, I have therefore, by the said Mayor and Aldermen of the said City, got Informa [...]on of what Quantity of Grain, Meal and Bisket remains therein. And to the end our Neighbo [...]rs may have what Supply may be reasonably spared. I have, with Advice of the Council, given [...] Liberty to all Persons, to Export Flower, Bread and Corn for the space of eight days, and from thence-forth, saving o [...]y that the former Prohibition shall continue in force against the Exportation of Corneel and course Bisket, any thing in the said Proclamation (bearing date the 11th of June last) to the contrary in any wayes notwithstanding. And all Officers of his Majestes Custom-House, and others are Required to take Notice thereof accordingly.

Ben. Fletcher

God Save the KING

Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to the Kings Excellent Majesty at the Bible in New-York, 1696.

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