
By His Excellency Benjamin Fletcher, Captain General and Governour in Chief of The Province of New-York, &c.

WHeras sundry Souldiers belonging to the Four Companies of Granadeers in Garrison in His Mjesties Forts in New York, Albany and the Fronteers of this Province, have lately deserted and run in othe [...] Neighbouring Colonies, and particularly Robert English, Erasmus Horton, Richard Woo [...]worth, James Thomas, William [...], John [...] and Richard Staple of my own Company, I do hereby Publish and Declare, That in case the said Deserters, or any of them shall return unto their respective Garrisons within the space of Thirty Days, now next ensuing, I do freely Pardon all such as shall [...] return, and they shall be entertained with all Encouragement and Impunity for their by-past Crime of Desertion, as if they had not been guilty thereof. And these are to require all Justices of the Peace, Sheriffs, Constables, and other Officers within this Province, and desire all others in the Neighbouring provinces and Collonies, to be helping, aiding and assisting unto them in their way returning to their respective Garrisons accordingly.


Ben. Fletcher.

God Save the KING

Printed and Sold by William Bradford, [...] King William [...] the City of New-York 1695.

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