
By His Excellency Benjamin Fletcher, Captain General and Governour in Chief of The Province of New-York, and the Territories and Tracts of Land depending thereon in America, and Vice-Admiral of the same, His Majesties Lieutenant and Commander in Chief of the Militia, and of all the Forces by Sea and Land within His Majesties Collony of Connecticut, and of all the Forts and places of Strength within the same. A PROCLAMATION

WHEREAS the manifold Sins and Transgressions that are committed against Almighty God, are a just Cause of Provocation, and a mean to frustrate Our Happiness and Wellfare, I have therefore, from the great Sence thereof, by Advice and Consent of the Council, thought fit to appoint, That Fryday, the Twenty Seventh Day of March next ensuing, be observed and kept a Solemn Day of Fasting and Humiliation throughout this Province, to prostrate our selves before Almighty God, with true Penitence, earnestly beseeching the Forgiveness of our Sins, Success and Victory to His Majesties Arms by Sea and Land, and the Preservation and Safety of His Royal Person, so frequently exposed to Danger for the Happiness and Wellfare of Europe. And all Persons within this Province are hereby required strictly to observe and keep the same, and to desist from all Servile Labour and Imployment thereon, as they will answer the contrary at their Peril.

Ben. Fletcher.

God Save the KING

Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to His Majesty, King William at the Bible in the City of New-York 1695.

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