By His Excellency Benjamin Fletcher, Captain General and Governour in Chief of The Province of New-York, and the Territories and Tracts of Land depending [...] in America, and Vice-Admiral of the same, His Majestie [...] [...] and Commander in Chief of the Militia, and of all the Force [...] on Sea and Land within His Majesties Collony of Connecticut, and [...] the Forts and places of Strength within the same. A PROCLAMATION
Whereas I have received the Joyful News of the safe Arrival of Our Most Excellent Soveraign King WILLIAM the Third, by the Grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France [...] Defender of the Faith, &c. in His Kingdom of ENGLAND in the Moneth [...] and of the Success of His Majesties Arms in Flanders, I have therefore though [...] [...] with the Advice and Consent of His Majesties Council, for the Province of NEW [...] Do Appoint Thursday, the Sixteenth Instant, for the City and County of New-York, and [...] Twentieth Instant for the City and County of ALBANY, and the rest of the [...] said Province, To be Observed and Celebrated Publick Days of Thanks-giving [...] God for the same. And all Persons within this Province are Required on the said [...] Days, to forbear Servile Labour, and to Observe and Celebrate the same with fervent [...] of Joy and Thankfulness.
Done at His Majesties Fort in New-York the Ninth Day of January, in the Seventh Year of His Majesties [...]. Anno (que) Domini 1695, 6.
God Save the KING
- F. Phillips,
- N. Bayard,
- G. Munveill,
- T. Willet,
- J. Lawrence,
- C. Heathcote.