
ANGELOGRAPHIA, OR A Discourse Concerning the Nature and Power of the Holy Angels, and the Great Benefit which the True Fearers of GOD Receive by their Ministry: Delivered in several SERMONS: To which is added, A SERMON concerning the Sin and Misery of the Fallen Angels: Also a Disquisition concerning Angelical-Apparitions.

By INCREASE MATHER, Praesident of Harvard Colledge, in Cambridge, and Preacher of the Gospel at Boston, in New-England.

Are they not all Ministring Spirits sent forth to Minister for them who shall be heirs of Salvation?

Heb. 1 14.

Boston in N E. Printed by B. Green & J. Allen, for Samuel Phillips at the Brick Shop. 1696.


HOc maximum existimo beneficium, quod ab actu Nativitatis moeoe, Angelum pacis ad me Custodiendum, usque ad finem meum, dedit mihi Dominus.

August. Medit. Lib. 1. Cap. 12.

The Epistle Dedicatory. To the Right Honourable, HUGH BOSCAWEN Esq. One of His Majesties most Honourable Privy-Council.


THE only Reason of this Dedi­cation, is, That so I might Testi­fy the Grateful Sense, which I have (and ever ought to have) of the kindness, which Your Honour ha's Obliged the People of New-Eng­land by, in that You have upon all Occasions according to the Capacity and High Station, which the Divine Providence ha's set You in, improved Your Interest for their Benefit. You have many years since approved Your self an Obadiah to the Lord's Prophets and [Page] Servants: And now the Most High by a Wonderful Revolution, ha's placed You, where Your Talent for the Service of God & Your Countrey, is greater than formerly: I see in You another Mordecai, who, being near unto the King, sought the Wealth of his People. And such is Your diffusive Goodness, as that You have been willing to do Kind Offices for a poor People afar off in a Wilderness, where You have no Temporal Interest, or Relations, nor Expectation of any Reward from men, and which therefore, nothing but a Christian Generosity could incline You unto. The Lord Jesus Christ, and His Holy Angels, are Witnesses of all that You have done, or spoken, in the Behalf of any of them that fear Him, and He will Acknowledge it before His Father, and before His Angels, another Day. To His Grace, I Humbly Recommend YOU, and Remain,

Right Honourable SIR,
Your humble Servant, Increase Mather.


THE Doctrine which Concerns the Ministry of HOLY ANGELS, is a Subject most worthy to be Searched into. Several Learned Men have Published Elaborate & Solid Discourses thereon: In sp [...]cial Zanchy, Ri­vius, and Stuckius. There are also sundry Useful English Treatises, in which this Argument is Judi­ciously Handled. Particularly, by Bishop Hall, Mr. Lawrence, and Mr. Ambrose; This notwith­standing, a Learned Divine Laments, that there are so few Books Written, or Sermons Preached, concerning the Angels, of whom the Scripture speaks so much. I have from that Consideration been Induced to Publish what is Emitted here­with. As for Philosophical Questions about the Na­ture of Angels, and the way of their Understand­ing Things, whether it be Per Species Intelligibiles Insitas vel Acquisitas, and many the like, which Thomists and Scotists have such wrangling Contests about, I have wholly declined them. Heerboord in his Select Disputations, and Schiebler, in his [Page] M [...]taphysicks, are among the clearest Authors, tha [...] Treat on those Speculations, whose Books are in the Hands of Scholars. To offer such things un­to a Popular Auditory, would be to feed them with Stones instead of Bread. Nor have I deter­mined any thing concerning that Problem, Whe­ther every man has a particular Angel to be his constant Companion, from the time of his Birth to his Death? The Platonicks, and other Philosophers among the Gentiles of old, did believe it, unto an high De­gree of Superstition: A Magician advised Antho­ny not to contend with Augustus, because he said the Genius of Augustus, was the most Powerful▪ The Jews are perswaded, that there is an Ange [...] Guardian deputed to each particular man. Thei [...] Cabbalists, (which are too much favoured by Mersennus) undertake to tell us, what were the Names of the Angel Guardians belonging to Adam [...] Shem, and Abraham. V. Gassendi Examen Fludd [...] Philos. p. 243. Another Author ( Caesar Longinus, p. 476.) tells us, who were the Angels of Joseph, Joshua, David Elisha, &c. Psellus has Written a Book De proprio Daemone. And all the Pontificial Doctors mentain the Affirmative of the Problem mentioned, unto which also some Eminent Prote­stant Divines incline, though not as Comprehen­ding every man, only every Elect Vessel; groun­ding their Belief chiefly on those two Scriptures, Math. 18.10. and Acts 12.15. The very Learn­ed, and very Pious Doctor Rivet, (according to his usual manner) expresseth himself with grea [...] [Page] Caution and Judgment concerning it. That every One of them, who shall be Heirs of Salvation, has, besides what may be, with him on extraordinary Occa­sions, always One particular Angel with him, he suppo­ses it to be a probable Truth, and that it is not against the Scripture. Nevertheless, that we cannot from thence Infer, that it is alwayes the same Angel: He adds, That it is an Opinion not worth the Contending about.

I have therefore Declined that Question, and endeavoured (so far as I am able to Discern) to keep unto clear Scripture Revelation, in what I have delivered; and so to speak, as that the most ordinary Capacities might Understand and be Edified. I have not Liesure to Transcribe my own Notes: Therefore, These Sermons (as well as some, on other Subjects lately sent to the Press) are Pub­lished, as they were taken from me, in Short-Hand, by One of my Hearers. I have perused them, and here Present them without any great Alteration. The Ingenuous Reader will pardon the Inculcations in them, considering to whom they were Preached, and for whose sake they are, in this way made publick.

ANGELS (both the Good and Evil Ones) have a greater Influence on this World, than men are generally aware of. Monitions of Dan­gers, and of Great Changes are oftentimes from Good Angels. Beza was strangely affected with a Dream, which he Communicated to the Magi­strates of Geneva, by means whereof the City [Page] was Saved from an Impending Mischief. This could not be from an Evil Angel. Nevertheless, Providence does sometimes Permit and Order Moni [...]ions of Future Evils by them: Thus Brutus was by a Daemon Fore-warned of his Death. Arch-bishop Spotwood Writes, that One of the Kings of Scotland was terrified with the Vision of a Person, whom he had caused to Sin much a­gainst his Conscience, who C [...]yed to him. Wo worth the Day that ever I knew thee, for because I have sought to please thee against God and His Ser­vants, I am now adjudged to the Torments of Hell. The next morning he understood, that that man was dead, and that he dyed just at the Hour, when he appeared to him, after that affrighting manner. He also dreamed that Sir James Ha­milton, whom he had caused to be Executed, came to him with a Drawn Sword, and therewith cut off both his Arms, whilst he was musing what should be the meaning of that Dream, News was brought him of the Death of both his Sons. Our English Histories report, that the Lord Stanly, had a Dream, in which it seemed to him, that a Boar Gored him, and the Lord Hastings; and because the D. of Glocester gave the Boar for his Arms or Cognizance, it made a dreadful Impres­sion upon his Spirit, that mischief was by him se­cretly intended ag [...]inst them. He that Night sent to the Lord Hastings about it, who looked on it, as no more than a Dream or Phansy; but the next day, the Lord Stanly was Wounded, and the [Page] Lord Hastings was Murthered by the Bloody Treachery of that Boar, the D. of Glocester, who was afterwards K. Richard 3. And we know from the Scripture, that an Evil Angel foretold, the Fall of Saul and Jonathan, and the Great Mutations, which should then happen, in the Kingdom of Israel. Jewish Commentators say, that the Reason, why Saul cut off the Witches throughout the Land, was, because they Foretold that David should be King. I Remember, that once in Discourse with the Learned Doctor Spen­cer, in Cambridge, concerning his Book of Prodi­gies, he said to me, that his Judgment was, That the Evil Angels had Praenotions of many Future Things, and did accordingly give strange Premoni [...]i­ons of them. No doubt it is often so, and yet as Lavater, Schottus, and others have noted, there are sometimes Things signified by Angels, which it is not easy to determine of what sort those Genii are. What shall be thought of the Phantom, which appeared to General Vesselini, assuring him that he might take the City of Muran, by the Assistance of a Widow which Lived in that Ci­ty, which strangely came to pass accordingly, in the Year 1644. There comes to my mind a very Unaccountable Thing, which happened at London above Thirty Years ago. It was this, One Mr. Cutty (an honest Citizen) passing between Milk-street and Wood street in Cheap-side, on March 2 d. 1664. took up a Letter Sealed. The Superscripti­on whereof was these words following; From [Page] Geneva, to a Friend. Within the Letter these words were Written. ‘This is to give both timely and speedy Notice, that in the Year 1665. in the latter end of May, shall begin a Plague, and hold very Hot, till the latter end of December, and then cease, but not quite; and then go on, till the latter end of the Spring the next Year. And in 1665 and 66. putting both together, shall not only happen a Plague, but great Sea Fights, such as the like was scarce ever heard of; and this shall not be all, but in the Year 1666. on the Second of September, shall happen a Fire, that shall Burn down One of the Eminentest Cities in the World.’ Mr. Cutty carried the Letter to the then Lord Mayor. A Reverend Divine in London, who was of his Ac­quaintance, had a Copy of it, before the sad Things here Praedicted came to pass; and at my last being at London, was pleased to favour me with it, as 'tis here Related. This Account bing certainly true, and very surprizing, I thought it not unworthy the Publication.

As for the annexed Discourse, concerning Ange­lical Apparitions, more Instances than one or two, here in New-England, of Appearing Pretended Angels, have made it necessary, that something should be Written to prevent the Deception of several that have been, and of others, that were in Eminent Danger of being Imposed upon. Some may think it Extraordinary, That such Things should happen in a Place, where the Light of [Page] the Gospel (which has ever been wont to shine away the Angels of Darkness) does prevail. But it is no new thing for men to be thu [...] d [...]l [...]ded. Some Good men have Credited strange Relations about Apparitions of Saints Departed, as well as of Angels. Eusebius, in his Ecclesiastical History, ( Lib. 6. cap. 4.) reports that Potamiaena, three days after her Martyrdom, appeared to Basilides, and caused him to turn a Christian; and after­wards to many in Alexandria, on whom the Ap­parition ha [...] the like Effect. Fabulous Relations (and such I take those of Eusebius to be) are more like to Confirm Infidels, than to make Christians.

I have reason to believe, that it has been a sig­nal Mercy to this Country, that the pretended Angels have been suspected to be no better than Satan transforming himself into an Angel of Light. Nor is it at all to be wondred at, that the Spirits of Darkness should be able to Deceive mens Sen­ses; making them believe that they see that which is not. A man that is Skilled in Opticks, may Impose on the Senses of others, as did Descartes, when he caused Admiration in his Friend Brassieus by Representing to him a Company of Souldiers, marching in his Chamber; but this proceeded from the small Figures of Souldiers which he concealed, and by a Glass brought such multiplied without doors. And who, that has Read Porta, Longi­nus, Zimara, Weckerus, or such like Writers, knows not that by Natural, without Superstitious Magic, [Page] Things of this Nature may be done? How easy then is it for Daemons, who have a perfect Under­standing in Opticks, and in the Power of Nature to deceive the Eyes, and delude the Imaginations of Silly Mortals?

It was in my thoughts to have Written some­thing concerning that Power, which by the Per­mission, and Righteous Judgment of God, the E­vil Angels have over the sinful, miserable Chil­dren of men. There are some, who will not Believe, that ever a Wizzard or C [...]njurer should be able to set the Devils upon their Neighbours, or that those Infernal Spirits should have Power to Hurt them. But the Scriptures assures us, that Balak sent for that Infamous Southsayer Balaam, to Curse his Enemies, which he would never have do [...] if it had not been a thing notoriously known, [...]hat Balaam could by his Charms do such things. And the reason of his being no more affrighted when his Ass spoke to him, was doubt­less because he did not at first think that it was a Good Angel that spoke, but rather one of those Evil Spirits with whom he had maintained a fa­miliar Conversation. Nor can it be denyed, but that there are cursed Books in the World, which Instruct men what Ceremonies they must use, and what Words they must utter, that so when the Signals which are of the Devils Institution, are observed, he may do what his Worshippers desire of him, so far as the most High shall give him [Page] Leave, without whose Permission he cannot so much as enter into any man's Swine. The Superstitious Gentiles of Old, set a very High Price on such DIABOLLICAL-BOOKS. The Converted Ephesians burnt those Books, and they counted the Price of them, and found it to be Fifty thousand Pieces of Silver, which amounts to One Thousand Five Hundred Sixty Two Pounds, Ten Shillings, English Money, Acts 19.19. Because the Ephesians were notorious for doing Mischief by Magical Spells [ EPHESIA GRAM­MATA] became a Proverb. That such In­struments of Satan cannot always hurt whom they would is most certain. Cyprian (who was after­wards a famous Minister and Martyr) found it to be so, when he made the Attempt. It is Related in the Life of Ambrose, that Magicians did in vain seek to do him Hurt. One that many years since was Executed at Hartford, in Connecti­cut-Colony, on the Account of Witchcraft, con­fessed, that she had Employed Evil Spirits to be Revenged on several; but that when she would have had them do the like to Mr. Stone (the Eminent Teacher of the Church there) they told her, they had not leave to do it: Nor is this to be Evaded by saying some Persons (as of late in New England) have falsly accused themselves, for this Person was upon Rational Grounds, thought to be a true Penitent, before her death. We cannot argue, that because some have failed in their cursed Attempts, that therefore never [Page] any Succeeded. But the known Success of many was that which Emboldned others to Endeavour the like. Some of the Indian Pawaws (i. e. Wiz­zards) in this Country, having received the Gos­pel, and given Good Evidence of a True Conver­sion to God in Christ, have, with much sor­row of Heart, declared how they had, whilst in their Heathenism, by the hands of Evil Angels Murdered their Neighbours. There are, who, by Spells or Muttering a few words, have caused Diseases to be Removed from those, that have applyed themselves to them. It is Impudence to Deny this, since the Persons are Extant among us, concerning whom it is to be Averred. But if the Charms of Impious Sorcerers, will cause Invisible Agents, to heal Diseases, Reason says, they may as well have Power to Inflict them. These are plain, clear Arguments, and it is more easy to Slight and Ridicule them, than to give a Refuta­tion of them. But of this, no more, nor have I mentioned These Things, as expecting that Sad­duces or Semisadduces, who are Judicially harden­ed in their Error, will be Convinced and Conver­ted (for no Arguments in the World will ever do that) Nevertheless, others will be Confirmed in the Truth thereby.

We ought to Admire the Grace of God to­wards us Sinful Creatures, in that, He has ap­pointed His Holy Angels to Guard us against the Mischiefs designed by Wicked Spirits, who are [Page] alwayes Intending our Hurt, both as to our Bodies and Souls. After the Psalmest had said, The An­gel of the Lord Encampeth round about them that Fear Him, and delivereth them, he adds immedi­ately O! Tast and see that the Lord is Good; herein Good, in bestowing such a Guard upon us. It was (as that Great Divine Doctor Arrowsmith well observes) an Act of Royal Benignity towards Mordecai, in King Ahashuerus, to make the chief Favourite in the Court his Attendant; but how much Greater is this Kindness? That the Blessed Angels, those Fevourites in the Court of Hea­ven, should be Ministring Spirits for them, that shall be Heirs of Salvation! Although they are Ministring Spirits, we may not suppose them to be our Servants, no more than the Shepherd is the Servant of the Sheep, whom his Master Commands him to look after. They are in themselves far more Noble Creatures than we are, Nevertheless, out of Obedience to GOD Their Father, and Our's, and out of Love to us, their Younger Brethren, of whom they have a most tender Care, they do, without Grudging, per­form the Charge committed to them, as Dr. Fuller expresses it: The Natives of Heaven grudge not to Guard Those who are only Free Denizens thereof. Excellent was the saying of one of the Ancients: We see the whole Heaven at Work for our Salvation; God the Father send­ing His Son, to Redeem us; the Father and [Page] the Son sending Their Spirit to Guide us▪ the Father, Son and Spirit sending Their Angels to Minister for us.

Bless the Lord, Ye His Angels, Bless the Lord, O my Soul.

[Page 1]

A DISCOURSE Concerning the Power and Ministry of Holy Angels.

Psal. 34.7.

The Angel of the Lord Encampeth round about them that fear Him, and deliver­eth them.

WE may say of this Psalm, as one of the Ancients speaks of the whole Bible, The of [...]ner a man Reads it, the more sweetness shall he find in it. There is a singular Excellency in it, both as to matter, and manner of Composure. It is an Aerostick, or an [Page 2] Alphabetical Psalm. In the Original, every Verse (except the last) begins with a new Letter, ac [...]cording to the Order of the Hebrew Alphabet ▪ which made it the more easy to be remembred▪ The Author, Time, and Occasion of its being Penned, we see in the Title. It was Penned by David, when he Changed his Behaviour before Abi [...]melech. The History of that matter is Recorded▪ 1 Sam. 21.10. He who in Samuel is called by the name of Achish, the King of Gath, is in the Title of this Psalm called Abimelech. That (it seems) was a common name to all the Kings of the Philistins, as Pharaoh was to the Kings of Egypt and as Caesar is to the Roman Emperors. Dav [...] being Persecuted by Saul, he [...]lies for Safety [...] Abimelech, that is, to Achish, the King of Gat [...] ▪ But when he came there, he found himself to [...] in extream danger: it was quickly known wh [...] he was: and Gath being the Town of Golia [...] whom David had Slain; he was fallen into th [...] Hands of Goliah's Kins-folk; and there he hear [...] them repeat the very words, that had been Sun [...] in Praise of his Victory over Goliah; so that h [...] was in a most hazardous Condition, and now H [...] changeth his Behaviour. The Hebrew word for Behaviour, signifies Discretion: Men are known what they are, by their Behaviour, whether they are wise or foolish. David feigned himself [...] Mope, or a Mad-man, a thing very unbecomin [...] either a wise, or a good [...] to do: Neverthel [...] God was graciously pleased [...] overlook these I [...]firmities, [Page 3] and wonderfully to deliver his Servant. The means of which Deliverance, is noted in this Text and Context.

1. Prayer unto God, was a means thereof: Da­vid himself did Pray. At that time, he could not make any Prayer more than Ejaculatory, such as Jehoshaphat in great Distress did; he listed up his He [...]t, and the Cries of his Soul came before God. Thus in the 4 th. verse, I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. And in the 6 th. verse, This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles. And not only did David himself Cry unto the Lord, but he had many Godly Friends, who knowing where he was, Prayed earnestly for him, verse. 5. They looked unto him, and were light­ned. Davids Godly Friends, Looked up to Hea­ven on his behalf, and God was pleased to answer them, to their great lightning and consolation.

2. Another means of his Deliverance, is men­tioned in the words before us, which are expres­sive of the benefit David received by the Ministry of Holy Angels: God Commands his Angels to Encamp round about his Servants, and to Deliver them. A man that hath Enemies, if there be [...]n Army round him, may, notwithstanding his Dangers be Delivered. Thus it was with David: and thus 'tis with all that truly fear God: There is an Host, an Army about them. One Angel is [...]ble to defend many against their Enemies: yet such is the Care of God concerning, and such his [Page 4] Love towards his Children, as that he appoints many Angels, on Occasion, no less than an Host, enough to make a Camp, to Save one Servant of his.

There are then two Doctrines before us.

1. That the Great God hath an Army of Holy An­gels at His Disp [...]se.

2. That they who truly Fear the Lord, Receive much Benefit, by the Min [...]stry of Holy Angels.

I have many things in my heart, to speak to you, concerning the Ministry of Holy Angels, (if God permit) but at this time, we sh [...]ll only Discourse on the First of these Doctrines: name­ly,

DOCTRINE I. That the Great God hath an Army of Holy Angels at His Dispose.

This Doctrine may be Cleared, and Confirmed, in several Propositions.

PROPOSITION 1. That the Angels are of all Second or Created Be­ings, the most Excellen [...] and Glorious.

[Page 5]There are several things contained in this Proposition.

1. That the Angels are Real Beings. I say, There are such Beings as Angels. They are not meer Entia rationis, Imagina [...]y Beings, or Appari­tions only, but true and real Beings. That O­pinion was the Error of the Sadduces, they did not believe any such Real Beings, Acts 23.8. It is said there, that the Sadduces Deny the Resur­rection, and say, there is neither Angel nor Spirit; the Pharisees confess both. The Sadducees said, there were no such Real Beings as Angels; & no Spirit, no Immortal Sou [...], no Spirit of man, really Ex­isting in a State of Separation from the Body, and consequently, that there is no Resurrection. But the Pharisees did believe both these: that there shall be a Resurrection, and that there are Angels and Spirits, or Immortal Souls of m [...]n. One may wonder, that the Sadduces should deny the Being of Angels, considering they did receive the Books of Moses, in which there is frequent mention made of Angels of God. But t [...]erefore some have Observed, that th [...]ir Opini [...]n was, that the Angels are not Real Beings, but only Apparitions, and Impressions made on the minds of men: whenas the Scripture declares them to be Real Spiritual Substances, that have a Personal Subsistence. Hence they are said to be Spirits, and to be sent forth, Heb. 1.14. and Spirits that [Page 6] speak, Acts 10.19. and they are Living Creatures ▪ Ezek. 1.5. That by Ezekiels Living Creatures, An­gels are meant, is evident from their being called Cherubims, Ezek. 10.16. and they are called, Au [...]thorities and Powers, 1 Pet. 3. ult. Which sheweth that they are Causes by Counsel, Beings that are En [...]dued with those Faculties of Understanding and Will: and are therefore represented in the Scrip [...]ture, as doing such things, as none but Rationa [...] Agents can do. They are represented in th [...] Scripture, as beholding and admiring the Wisdom of God. Ephes. 3.10. The manifold Wisdom [...] God (saith the Apostle) is made known to the Prin [...]cipalities and Powers in Heavenly Places. They are represented in the Scripture, as Discoursing with one another. Zech. 2.3, 4. an Angel did appear, and said to another Angel concerning the Prophet Go and make this Young man understand the Vision ▪ And they are represented in the Scripture, as ex­citing one another to Glorify God. Isa. 6.3. The Seraphims Cry each to other, Holy, holy, holy Lord of Hosts, the whole Earth is full of thy Glory. So then they are Real Rational Creatures; and thence it is, that they a [...]e Subjects capable of Rewards and Punishments: the Angelical Nature is so. A [...] for the Elect Angels, their Obedience is rewarded with Everlasting Happiness, and the Sin of Re­probate Angels is rewarded with Everlasting Pu­nishment. 2 Pet. 2.4. God spared not the Angels tha [...] Sinned: they are cast down into Hell, reserved in E [...]verlasting Chains of Darkness, for the Judgment o [...] [Page 7] the Great Day. These things then make it clear unto us who believe the Scriptures, that there are such real Beings as Angels. And indeed, reason doth dictate no less unto men; for it is evident, that there are Evil Angels: Men cannot but per­ceive that. And it was manifest from the Ora­cles of the Gentiles of old; the Evil Angels did speak in them. This also is sadly evident from Bodily Possessions, of which every Age gives instances to the World. Now then, if there are Evil Angels, reason saith, they were once good: they are not originally Evil. The Creator, who is Perfect, Infinite, Goodness, did not make them Evil: they must needs come Holy out of His Hands. And if the Evil Angels were once good, we may rationally conclude, that there are some who are as originally they were Holy Spirits. Hence the Gentiles, who had not the Light of Scripture to inform them; nevertheless believed, that there were good, as well as evil Spirits. They have said of God, that He is [ PATER AN­DRONTE THEONTE] the Father of Spirits, as well as the Father of Men.

2. These Angels are Second Beings, Created Be­ings; they receive whatever they are, their very Being, and all from another. Some of the Hea­then Philosophers, supposed the Angels to be Co-eternal with the Great God. But it is not so, nor is that possible to be true: There can be but one First, but one Eternal Being. It is the Prerogative of the Great God, and of him alone, [Page 8] to be from all Eternity, Hab. 1.12. Thou art from Everlasting: that is more than can be said of a­ny Ang [...]l in Heaven. It can't be said of them nor of any amongst them, that they are from E­ternity: Six Thousand Years ago, there was not one Angel. The Angels are as much beholden to God for their Beings, as the poorest Worm on the earth: He did Create them, or else they would never have been: God made them all out of nothing. By him all things were Created i [...] Heaven and Earth, things visible, and invisible, Col. 1 16. The Angels are Invisible Things: but the things belonging to the Invisible World, were as truly Created by God, as any of those things in t [...]s Visible World, which our Eyes behold con­tinually. It is true, the Scripture does not so expresly declare, on what day of the Week the Angels were made, as it does concerning the se­veral sorts of Creatures in this lower World. Nevertheless, it is certain, that it was on one of those six dayes, in which the World was Created. God made Heaven and Earth, and Sea, and all that in them is, in the space of six days, Exod 20.11. If all the things which are in Heaven, were made in the space of six days, then the Angels were so. The Scripture giveth us to un­derstand, that before the Seventh Day, the Hea­vens and all the Hosts thereof, were Created, Gen. 2.1, 2. Now the Angels are the Hosts of Heaven. As for this Heaven, that our Eyes look upon, the Stars are the Hosts thereof▪ but as for the Third [Page 9] Heaven, which is to men on Earth Invisible, there is an Host belonging to that Heaven; and the Holy Angels are the Hosts thereof: They are called the Hosts of Heaven, Neh. 9.6. Thou hast made the Heaven of Heavens with all their H [...]st, and the Host of Heaven Worshippeth thee. The Blessed Angels are that Host of Heaven, which does Worship God: And it is also clear from the Scriptures, that the Angels were Created before this Earth, that we now Live upon: and therefore before the Third Day of the Week; for the Earth was made the Third Day. And then the Sons of God Shouted for Joy, and the Mor­ning Stars Sang together. Job 38.7. In the Septua­gint it is [ PANTES ANGELOI,] All the Angels, they were the Sons of God, that shouted for joy, when the Earth was made. It is most probable, the Angels were Created in the same day, that the Light was, viz. in the first day of the Week; Then was the Light Created, and probably the Angels of Light also. The Scripture calls them the Morning Stars. They are Stars, in respect of brightness and glory, and Morning Stars, as being brought forth in the very beginning of the Crea­tion. So then we see, that Angels are Creatures or Second Beings.

3. They are of all Creatures, the most Excellent and Glorious. Man is the most Excellent Creature in this lower World: but he is Inferiour to the Angels, and was so in his first and best Estate Psal. 8.5. He was made lower than the Angels. [Page 10] Therefore the Scripture doth say of the Angels, that they are the highest Creatures. Eccles. 5.8▪ Solomon saith concerning the great Tyrants, that oppress the Earth, There be Higher than they, an [...] He that is Higher than the Highest, will regard it▪ God will take notice of it, and He is higher tha [...] the Angels, who are the highest of Created Be [...]ings. They are more like unto God, than an [...] Creatures are, and are therefore sometimes called Elohim, i. e. Gods, in the Scripture. Psal. 97.7. Worship Him, all ye Gods, that is, all ye Angels, fo [...] so does the Apostle interpret those words of th [...] Psalmist, Heb. 1.6. The Angels are styled God [...] not in respect of Nature, for so there is but on [...] God; but in respect of similitude. They hav [...] much of the Image of God in them: Therefor [...] also are they styled, the Sons of God, as in tha [...] place but now mentioned in Job; so likewise i [...] Job 1.6. There was a day when the Sons of God di [...]appear before him, and Satan came among them: Th [...] Sons of God; the Angels are so called, becaus [...] they resemble God, as Children resemble thei [...] Father. Angels resemble the Glorious God mor [...] than any other Creatures do, and that especially in Four Things.

1. In that they are Spiritual Beings: And there [...]fore like unto God. Joh. 4.24. God is a Spirit▪ Now in as much as God is a Spirit, the more Spi [...]ritual any Beings are, the more do they resembl [...] him. The Angels have not such gross Bodies, [...] men, and all Creatures in this World have; an [...] [Page 11] therefore it is, that they are Invisible: Angels cannot be seen, though they stand by men: This Assembly is full of them at this hour, yet we see them not; neither can they be felt or discerned, but by their effects and operations. By this argu­ment Christ convinced his Disciples, that he was not a Spirit, but a real Body. When Christ ap­peared to them after his Resurrection, they were troubled, and thought he had been a Spirit▪ Christ said to them, Behold, my hands and my feet, handle me, see that it is I: a Spirit hath not flesh and bones, as you see me have. Luk. 24.39. You can't handle a Spi [...]it, therefore come and handle me: You may see and feel, that I have a real Body, and that therefore I am not a Spirit, as you fear: And from hence it is, that Angels can come into Houses, when the doors are shut; though there are Bars of Iron upon them, they can pass through them, because they are Spi [...]itual Beings. It is true, the Angels themselves compared with God, are not Spiritual. Hence some of the Ancients were wont to say, that every Creature is Corpore­al, that is, comparatively, or in respect of God. Nevertheless, if Angels be compared with other Creatures, they are Spiritual and Incorporeal: Whether they have not Vehicles of a more Spiri­tual Nature, than the Bodies of other Creatures, is a Philosophical Question, not proper to be here Discussed: But in the Scripture they are called Spirits, in distinction and opposition to Bodies.

[Page 12]2. They are Immortal, and in that respect resem [...]ble the Glorious God. The Lord is styled, the Everlasting God, and the Immortal King: and i [...] is said of him, 1 Tim. 6.16. that He only hath Im [...]mortality: He only hath it originally; He only hath Immortality of himself; but Angels have Immortality by the Gift of God. Although Eter­nity cannot be affirmed of the Angels; neverthe­less, Eviternity, or Immortality may be affirmed o [...] them. Though they had a Beginning, once they were not,, they shall never cease to be: what they are now, they shall be for ever. An Ange [...] cannot dye. It is said, that after the Resurrecti­on, the Children of God shall be [ ISANGELOI,] Equal unto, or like the Angels, neither can they Dye. Luk. 20.36. They will be made like the Angels, in respect of Immortality, or an impossibility of Dying. An Angel is a Creature that can never Dye. Indeed, God that made them, can annihi­late them at his pleasure; but they are not Sub­jects capable of Death or Dissolution: as not being out of Pre existent Principles. Nor does Nature decay in them, as in Mortal Creatures. Altho' they have Lived now for the space of more than Five Thousand Years, they are not subject to any decay of Nature, but are as strong and vigorous, as in the day they were made.

3. Angels Resemble God in respect of Wisdom and Knowledge. The Lord is a God of Knowledge: He is styled, The only wise God. In that respect, Angels are most like to him; they have a won­derful [Page 13] measure of Wisdom and Knowledge. Da­vids extraordinary Wisdom, is expressed, by say­ing, That he was wise, according to the wisdom of an Angel of God, to know all the things on the Earth. 2 Sam. 14.20. An Angel of God knows all the things on the Earth; such Wisdom have they. The most knowing man in all the World, knows little or nothing comparatively to what an Angel knows. It is said, co [...]erning the time of the Day of Judgment, Of that Hour knows no man, no, not the Angels in Heaven, Math. 24.36. intimating, that the Angels of Heaven, have a far greater know­ledge, than men have. Adam, before sin darkned his understanding, had a greater measure of know­ledge, than any man in the World since hath had; but his knowledge was short of the Angels. Hence, the Devil tempted our first Parents with that, If you eat the forbidden fruit, you shall be like unto Elohim, like Gods, h. e. like Angels, say the Jewish Interpreters on those words, Gen. 3.5. The Angels are great Philosophers: they know the Principles, the Causes, the Nature, and Pro­perties of every Creature in the World. They are great Statists: they know all the affairs of State in this World. In Dan. 10.13. The An­gel said, I remained with the King in Persia: that Angel knew all the State affairs, of all the King­doms of the whole World. They have a Won­derful Natural Knowledge and Wisdom in them, and their knowledge is increased very much by Experience. They have had above five thousand [Page 14] years experience, which hath added to their know­ledge. And they have a greater measure of Re­vealed Knowledge, than men may pretend unto. They know the Scriptures, better than any man in the World. They have a deeper insight in­to Scripture Mysteries. Hence the Angel said to Daniel, Chap. 10.21. I am come to shew thee, that which is noted in the Scriptures of truth. They know what things are in the Scripture, and can give the sence and meaning of them. They are more knowing in the Counsels of God, more pri­vy to the Counsels of Heaven, than any men on the earth are. And they know what will befal some men and women many years before the things come to pass, yea, before such Persons are born, Dan. 11.6. Hence they are compared to liv­ing Creatures full of eyes behind and before, Rev. 4.6. Because they are full of Knowledge and Wis­dom. They are said to have eyes behind, because they know what is past. No such Historians in the World, as the Angels are: they can give an account of all that has happened in the World, for these five thousand years· They [...]ve eyes before, inasmuch as they can see forward a great way. As for future things, they have a wonder­ful sight into them: and as for futurities, which they don't know certainly, they can give such Conjectures, as men cannot reach unto. And God reveals more to them, then He does to men: and has oftentimes revealed future things to men, by the Ministry of His Angels: so that in respect [Page 15] of Knowledge, the blessed Angels have an Emi­nency of the Divine Image in them.

Lastly, They are like to God in respect of Holiness. The Image of God is in Holiness especially. Exod. 15.11. He is Glorious in Holiness. God is Infinite Holiness. 1 Sam. 2.2. There is none Holy as the Lord. Hence the more holiness is in any, the more like to God are they: this is true concerning the blessed Angels, they are the most holy Creatures in all the World: They are styled in the Scrip­ture, the Holy Ones, Dan. 4.17. and Holy Angels. When Christ comes to Judgement, all the Holy Angels shall come down from Heaven with Him. Math. 25.31. Therefore are they in the Scripture said to be, Angels of Light, 2 Cor. 11.14. Because of the light of Holiness, in which they were Cre­ated: and in that light and life doe they still a­bide. The Elect Angels never did sin against God. Hence, when they have appeared unto men, usually they did seem to have bright Apparel, and Garments as white as Snow, and like unto the light as an Emblem of their Innocency, Purity, and Holiness. Dan 10.5. Math. 28.4. Act. 10.30. These things shew, that the blessed Angels are of all Created beings the most Glorious.

PROPOSITION. II. That there is an Order among the Angels of Heaven.

[Page 16]This is implyed in the Text before us, which compares the Angels unto an Army: that shews there is an Order among them. Though for men to take upon them to declare the particulars of that Order; or to shew by what Laws the Invisible World is Governed, is presumption, and sinful Curiosity; such are condemned by the A­postle, as intruding into those things, which they have not seen. There is a Book, [...]hich passeth under the counterfeit name of Dionysius the Areopagite ▪ wherein the Author ventures to describe the Cae­lestial Hierarchy, as if he had Lived and Con­versed many years among them; pretending that there are nine distinct Orders amongst the Angels of Heaven. He has taken his Notions partly from the Jews, and partly from the Pythagore­an and Platonick Philosophers. But we may not assert any thing in Subjects of this nature, be­yond what we have Scripture Light for. Now though the Holy Angels may, for ought any thing that the Scripture declares to the contra­ry, be all Equal in respect of Nature; it is certain, that some are in respect of their Office, and Employment superior to others. There are some, who are as Captains and Leaders, and o­thers follow them, according as God is pleased to Employ them: It is said in the Text, The Angel of the Lord Encampeth round about them that fear him. One Angel cannot make a Camp, but many Angels under the Conduct of one, under one as a Leader, may do it, and they do [Page 17] doe it. Hence the Angel which came unto the Shepherds, and brought them the Tidings of the Birth of Christ, said, I bring you glad Tidings, Luk. 2. and in v. 13. it is said, that there was with the Angel, a Multítude of the Heavenly Host Praising God. So that there was an Host, a Multitude of Angels, who were under the Conduct of one Angel. That there is a distinction among the Angels, in respect of Office, and that some are Superior to others, is clear from that Scripture, in Col. 1.16. where the Apostle speaking concerning the Creatures in the Invisible World, doth distin­guish them into Thrones, Dominions, Principalities, and Powers. Now Thrones are Superiour to Do­minions; Dominions to Principalities; and Prin­cipalities to Powers: The words allude to Earth­ly Governments. In Civil Polities, Kings or Vice-Royes sit upon Thrones, Dukes and Princes, are called Dominions; Governours Commission­ed by them, and set over particular Provinces, are called Principalities; and Inferiour Magistrates are called Powers: The Abstract is put for the Concrete. So that from these Expressions we may gather, that there is an Order among the Angels of Heaven. Hence also the Scripture speaks expresly, not only concerning Angels, but Arch-angels; these are styled in the Scripture, Ha­sarim Harishonim, Dan. 10.13. Not only Princes, but Chief Princes. We have the names of one or two of the Arch-angels mentioned in the Scrip­ture: One of them is named Michael; He is the [Page 18] great Prince amongst the Angels. Dan. 12.1. Of him does Jude speak in the 9 th. verse of his E­pistle. Some [...] thought, that by Michael, Christ is meant; but that c [...]not be, for it is said, He durst not bring a railing Accusation, when disputing with the Devil. It is true, Christ can­not Sin, because of the Holiness of his Nature; but it would be an harsh expression, to say of the Eternal Son of God, that he dare not Sin: there­fore Michael is a Created Angel. Christ is no [...] any where called an Arch angel, but plainly di­stinguished from the Arch angel, 1 Thes. 4.16. This Michael seems to be the chief of all the Angels, and of all the Arch-angels of God: and therefore He is said to be, not only an Arch-an­gel, but the Arch angel; and is called the Grea [...] Prince, as in the Scripture but now quoted in Daniel. These Arch angels are supposed to be se­ven in number: they seem to be signified by the Seven Lamps, that Burned in the Temple before or over against the Mercy-Seat, which wa [...] the Throne of God. Zech. 4.10. Hence John speaks of Seven Spirits of God, which are the eyes, and the horns of the Lamb, Rev. 5.6. It is harsh to interpret the words, as many do, of the Eternal Spirit of God; or to say of him, that He is not only the Eyes, but the Horns of the Lamb, i. e. of Christ, considered as man, or as one that has been Slain: The Eternal Spirit of God is not inferiour to the Lamb that was Slain; but the Angels are, and the Arch-angels are. All the [Page 19] Angels in Heaven are inferiour to the Man Christ Jesus; and it is by them, that he Exerts his Power, and provides for the Safety of his Church in the World: and therefore are they fitly expres­sed by that similitude of the Horns & the Eyes of the Lamb. Moreover, those Seven Spirits of God, are expresly called, Seven Angels, Rev. 8.2. These seem to be the general Inspectors of the whole World, and thence are said to be Sent forth into all the Earth.


The Angels are at Gods Dispose. Ezek. 1.12. It is said, Whither the Spirit went, the Living Creatures went. The Angels are not at their own Dispose, but follow the direction of the Eternal Spirit; and are therefore styled, The Angels of the Lord, Angels of God, and Spirits of God. An Angel is sometimes in the Scripture called, The Spirit of the Lord. It was said to Elijah, The Spirit of the Lord shall carry thee whither I know not. 1 King. 18.12. And concerning Philip, that the Spirit of the Lord caught him away, Act. 8.39. That Spirit of the Lord seems to be an Angel of the Lord, the same that spake to Philip, v. 26. They are Spi­rits, whom God has made, and imployes, when, and where, and about what business He pleaseth. The Great God is the Lord of Angels: He is their General, and they are his Souldiers and Ser­vants: He is on that account especially, said to [Page 20] be, The Lord of Hosts, for that the Angels, The Hosts of Heaven, are under His Command, and all disposed of by him: They are his Messengers and Ministers. The word Angel, signifies a Mes­senger, from the Greek word [ ANGELLEIN,] which signifieth to send on a Message: So the Hebrew word [ MALAK,] comes from Laak, Legavit. They are the Legates of Heaven: When God hath any Service for them to do, any Errand to send them upon, they are most ready to obey; they hearken, and wait for the word to proceed out of the mouth of God, that so they may dispatch, what He shall see meet to imploy them about. Psal. 103.20. Ye his Angels, that do his Commandments, hearkening to the voice of his Word: Ye Ministers of His, that do His plea­sure. The greatest of them stand before God, ready to do what He shall Command them: and therefore Gabriel, (who seems to be an Arch an­gel) said unto Zechary, I am Gabriel that stand in the Presence of God. Luk. 1.19. As a Servant stands in the presence of his Master; a Servant goes the Errand that his Master has sent him about, and then returns, and stands before his Master, and waits his pleasure, to know what he would have him do next. Thus it is with all the An­gels of Heaven; God sends them into the World to do the Work He appoints them unto, they do it, and return, and then stand ready to hear what He shall Command them next.

These things the Scripture makes clear unto us.

[Page 21]Thus you have seen the Doctrine Explained and Confirmed.

The APPLICATION of it followeth in a few words.


Behold the Majesty of the Great God, who hath such Glorious Creatures as the Angels are, to Wait up­on him, and to do His pleasure. God is called by the name of Majesty, in the Scripture: Heb. 1.3. The Right Hand of the Majesty on High, that is, of God. The Majesty of Earthly Kings, appears in their Servants and Attendants, and in the great­ness of their Courts; and in special, in that they have Great Ones to attend them: A King hath Lords and Nobles, the greatest in the Kingdom about him, as his Servants. But the Great God the King of Heaven, hath those that are higher than they, and more Attendants, than all the Kings of the Earth have: He hath Thousands that attend Him continually. In Heaven there is a Glorious Court. Psal. 68.17. The Chariots of God are Twenty Thousands, even Thousands of An­gels: Nay, there are Millions of them. Daniel beheld, and there were, Thousands of Thousands, and Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand, that stood before Him. There is none that may be compa­red with the Great God: Men are not to com­pare [Page 22] with Angels; but Angels are not to compare with God. Psal. 89.6. Who among the Sons of the Mighty can be Likened unto the Lord? There i [...] none among the mighty Angels of Heaven, tha [...] can be likened unto him: The most Exalted An [...]gel doth confess this, by his name Michael, which signifies, Who is like unto God? There is none whose Majesty may be compared unto the Infi [...]nite Majesty. Angels humble themselves to loo [...] after men; those glorious Spirits humble them [...]selves, to look after such poor worms of the dust▪ as we are, to watch over us, and to take care o [...] us continually. But the Great God doth humbl [...] himself infinitely more to look upon them. Psa [...] ▪ 113.6. The Lord humbleth himself to behold th [...] things done in Heaven: He humbles himself to loo [...] upon the Angels of Heaven: He chargeth Hi [...] Angels with folly; the Heavens are not pure i [...] His sight: Such is the Majesty of the Grea [...] God. Angels are nothing compared with him though the most Glorious of all Second Beings they are but shadows of Being, compared wit [...] God; it is therefore said, There is none beside the [...] 1 Sam. 2.2. The best of Creatures are nothing to him; yea, less than nothing and vanity, Isa▪ 40.17. And the glorious Angels do acknowledg [...] their own Nothingness, when they stand befor [...] Him. Isa. 6.2. The Seraphims, the Angels tha [...] is, They cover their faces, and say, Holy, holy, hol [...] Lord of Hosts. They cover their faces, why? [...] thereby acknowledging, that they are unworth [...] [Page 23] to look upon God, or that God should Look upon them.


God doth not stand in need of us, or of any of our Services. For He hath Angels at His Dispose; an infinite number of glorious Angels, to do any Service, that he would have to be done; and He doth not need them neither. Act. 17.25. God is not worshipped, as though he needed any thing; who hath given unto all, Life and Breath, and all things: So, as for the Angels, God hath given to them their Beings, and their Life, and all those glorious Accomplishments they are adorned with: and therefore he needs them not. Before ever there was any Angel, World, or Creature, God was Blessed in the Enjoyment of Himself: God, Fa­ther, Son, and Holy Spirit, did take Infinite Sa­tisfaction in their own Glory, from the Dayes of Eternity. Angels can add nothing to his Essen­tial Glory. H [...] did not make them, because He stood in any need of them: He has manifested, that he did not need them, since He suffered Millions of them to fall down from Heaven, and Dismissed them his Service; and for their Rebel­lion, committed them to that Dungeon, where there is Blackness of Darkness for ever. God shews to all the World, That he doth not stand in need of any of his Creatures; much less hath he need of us, seeing he needed not Angels. [Page 24] One Angel can do more for God in one day, than millions of men can do in a thousand years. Doth he need us then? And though He Com­mands us to Praise Him, it is not, because He needs us, no, He hath Angels, that never Sinned, who Praise Him continually, after a better man­ner, than ever we did. There are Creatures in Heaven, saying, Blessing, and Honour, and Glory be to Him that Sits on the Throne, for ever and ever, Rev. 5.13. What foolish Creatures are those of the Children of men, that think, if they Serve God, he is beholden to them; that if they keep His Commandments, he is become their Debtor! No, verily, it is not so: after we have done all, we are unprofitable Servants. And what foolish Wretches are they, that live, as if they did not stand in need of God; that Live without Prayer to Him! Oh! sinful Creatures, do you think, you have no need of God? I profess to you, in His Name this day, that He stands in no need of you, who hath all the Angels of Heaven to be his Servants for ever-more.


Take heed then of Offending this God. He can let loose Angels, upon those that provoke Him; and one Angel of His, is able to destroy all the men upon the face of the whole Earth, in a very little time. An Angel went thorow the Land of Egypt, & in one night destroyed the first born in [Page 25] every Family, that there was not one House in all that Kingdom, wherein there was not one Dead: One Angel did this in a nights time One Angel did kill among the Children of Israel, Seventy thou­sand in a few dayes. And in the Army of Senna­cherib, an Angel slew above an hundred and four­score thousand in one night. Angels are mighty Creatures, and can by thunder and lightning de­stroy all before them. It seems as if they did in that way destroy Sennacheribs Army: for it is on that account said, Who can stand before a Consuming fire? Isa. 33.15. When the Law was given, by the disposition of Angels on mount Sinai, there were terrible Thundring and Lightnings, and the Lord descended upon it in fire. Angels can make the Earth shake under us. It is said, There was a great Earthquake, for the Angel descended from Hea­ven, Math. 28.2. Oh! then fear this great God, who is the Lord of Angels: He that hath the Angels at his dispose, must needs have other Crea­tures at his dispose. There are Evil Angels, as well as good, and they are (though against their wills) at the Command of God. Oh! fear to offend God, lest He should let them loose upon you. And what are there any of you, that go to them, to make discoveries of things that cannot be otherwise known? I hear there are some such in this place, that have gone to an ungodly For­tune-teller, to reveal such things, as cannot be known, but by the help of Evil Angels. It is a sad thing, that such abominations should be heard [Page 26] of in this Land of Light. Doubtless, we ma [...] suppose, that that has been one reason why th [...] Holy God has been provoked, to let loose [...] Angels upon New England two years agoe. Me [...] and Women have been Conjuring with their Sieves, and Keys, and Glasses; and are they now in Boston going to enquire of Devils, by the mouth of a wicked Fortune-teller? If the Lord be provoked to deliver you into the hands of evi [...] Angels, you will find them terrible Creatures▪ And all other Creatures are at his dispose too▪ The Stars in their course did He make to figh [...] against Sisera: Thunder, Lightning, Hail, Snow, Rain, Wind, Storms, all fulfil his Word. The [...] fear this great God! All these Creatures are ready to take part with God against sinners, and to be avenged in the quarrel of their Creator. They say to God, as that King did to the Prophet, 2 King. 6.21. My Father, shall I smite them? shall I smite them? Thus, every Creature is ready to say so before God, LORD, there is such a sinner, shall I smite him? Shall I kill him, and send him to hell? The Lightning saith, LORD, shall I smite him? When he goeth to Sea, the Sea saith, LORD, shall I drown him? The Earth he treads on, saith, LORD, shall I open my mouth, and swallow him up alive, that he may goe down a­live into the pit. Therefore I say unto you, Fear to offend God. Remember the Words of the Lord Jesus Christ, with which at this time I con­clude, Luk. 12.5. I will forewarn you, whom ye shall [Page 27] fear: Fear him, which after he has killed, has power [...] cast into hell, yea, I say unto you, Fear Him.

We Proceed now unto the Second Doctrine, Namely,

DOCTRINE. 2. That they, who truly fear God, have many deliverances, and receive many benefits, by the Ministry of Holy Angels.

For the clearing of this Doctrine, there are three Particulars, which may be enquired into.

1. Who are the Object of the Care and inspection of the Angels of Heaven?

2. What Benefits they that fear God, receive by the Ministry of His Holy Angels?

3. The Reason, why the Ministry of Angels is by the Lord made use of?

Quest. I. Who are the Object of the Care and Inspection of the Angels of Heaven?

For Answer,

1. The Church of God is the special Object of the Care and Tutelage of His Holy Angels. This might be signified to us by those Cherubims, that were on the Curtains belonging to the Tabernacle, of which you read, Exod. 26.1. And also by the Che­rubims, that were drawn on the Walls of the Tem­ple, declaring this Mystery to us, that there is a Communion between the Angels in Heaven, and the Church on Earth, and that the Church is [Page 28] Surrounded with Angels, as the Temple was with Cherubims. The Elect of God are said to b [...] the Church of the first-born, whose names are writ­ten in Heaven: Now the Scripture is express and clear, that All the Angels of Heaven (not one excepted) are made use of to promote the Sal­vation of the Elect of God: Heb. 1.14. Are they not all Ministring Spirits, sent forth to Minister for them, who shall be the heirs of Salvation? And there­fore particular Churches and Societies of Saints are under a special Inspection of the Angels of God. As the Church of the Jews of old was favoured & honoured with that priviledge, as we see in Dan. 12.1. So we have reason to conclude, that Churches consisting of Christians, are under a peculiar In­spection of Elect Angels. If particular Countries and Provinces, are under their Guardianship, (as there is reason to believe) particular Churches are so much more, as being more eminently under the care of Christ, the Lord of Angels. It is cer­tain (as the Text before us doth intimate) that in a most peculiar manner, such as truly fear God, receive advantage, by the Ministry of Holy An­gels: But for their sakes, others are also benefited thereby. Hypocrites, who are only external Wor­shipers of God, are many wayes benefited by the Ministration of Angels, for the sake of them, who are sincere. Every man in the Church of Israel did receive benefit by the Ministry of the Angels of Heaven: they All did eat of the Manna; which Manna was prepared by Angels. There­fore [Page 29] it is said, that Man did eat Angels Food, Psal. 78.25. Because the Manna was prepared for them by the Angels. So is it now in the days of the Gos­pel, when God doth provide Spiritual food for men, all that are the Objects thereof, are or may be better for it. Where there are faithful, able Preachers of the Word of God, all have the ad­vantage of that Light: Now such things are by Christ's appointment brought to pass, by the Se­cret Invisible Ministry of Angels. When Peter was sent to Preach the Gospel to Cornelius, and his Family, it was an Angel that did direct him unto them. When Paul and other Ministers Preached the Gospel to the Macedonians, an Angel of Heaven by Divine Appointment, caused them to do it, Acts. 16.9. Paul had a Vision, there stood a man of Macedonia, and Prayed him say­ing, Come over into Macedonia, and help us: h. e. He saw an Angel habited like a Macedonian, who spake those Words to him, whence he and others with him concluded, that they were called to Preach the Gospel in Macedonia, and that God and his Angels would be with them there. Towns and Cities in which there are Churches of Saints Worshipping God in Christ, have no doubt their peculiar Angels to watch over them. When Je­rusalem was besieged by the Assyrians, it is said the Angel of the Lord went out and smote the Camp of the Assyrians, 1 King. 19.35. It seems then, there was an Angel that did reside in and preside over that City, where the Temple was, who upon [Page 30] this Occasion went out of it. So then, (as on [...] expresseth it) Angels are the Guard of the Queen of Heaven, the Lambs Wife.

2. The Care and Inspection of Angels, is not Limi­ted to the Church only. That in a special manner, is the Object thereof; yet for the Churches sake, their Care and Tutelage doth extend much fur­ther. Many a Great man in the World, hath been wonderfully Protected and Delivered by the Angels of God, out of respect to his Church and People; though that man himself did never fea [...] God. Thus it was with Darius, the Emperour of Persia: an Angel did stand by him, and did con­firm and strengthen him, Dan. 11.1. This the Angel did out of respect to the Lord's People▪ For Darius himself was an Idolater, and not a Worshipper of God. So Alexander, Sirnamed the Great, he was far from being a true Feare [...] of God, but he was kind to the Jews, then the only People of God in the World, and he was wonderfully preserved and prospered by the An­gels of Heaven. He was delivered in miraculous Dangers: once he was Shot in his Shoulder, and another time sorely Wounded in his Leg, but strangely preserved in the midst of his Enemies, because God did design to humble and break th [...] Enemies of his People, by the hand of that Alex­ander: Angels delivered him, until such time, as he had done the Work God had appointed for him. God then doth Govern the whole World by the Ministry of His Holy Angels: They are [Page 31] in Heaven as a Watch-Tower, and they keep the World. Hence Daniel saw a Watcher, an Holy One, come down from Heaven. Dan. 4.13. The Angels are those Holy Ones, that Watch the World: They are the great Intelligencers of Heaven, whom the Lord Christ sends throughout the Earth, to observe, and give him an account, how the Affairs thereof are. We see in the first Chapter of Zachary, that the Angels come unto the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Increated An­gel, and the Lord of all the Angels: they say to him, We have Walked to and fro thorow the Earth, and behold, all the Earth is at rest. v. 11. Thus do they inspect the World, and give an account of their Ministry. Hence it is said, that the Living Creatures, (Angels I told you are meant by the Living Creatures) ran and returned, as the appea­rance of a Flash of Lightning. Ezek. 1.14. When the Lord sends them on an Errand, they Run, and they Return again, when they have dispatched the business they were sent upon. And they run as swiftly as a flash of Lightning: they go from Heaven to Earth, and from Earth to Heaven like Lightning. Although they that fear the Lord, are the peculiar Charge of Holy Angels, whom they constantly attend; nevertheless, that the World in general is under their Inspection, is evi­dent from the Scriptures: For

1. God doth Dispense both signal Mercies and Judg­ments by their hands. Ezek. 1.13. The Living Crea­tures are said to be as a Lamp, and as Coals of fire. [Page 32] They are unto such as fear God, as a Lamp, to direct and light them: but they are unto wicked men, as Coals of Fire to consume them. This we see described at large in the 6 th Chapter of Zachary, from the first to the ninth verse; where we read of four Chariots, that is to say, the Angels of God, sent forth into the four Cor­ners of the World, North, South, East & West: and the Horses that represent the Angels, appear in several Colours: there was Red Horses, noting bloody Judgments, Desolations by War, and this by the Ministry of Angels; Black Horses, signifying the Pestilence and Famine, and the like Judgments coming upon the World; and White Horses, intimating Victory and Mercy to the Peo­ple of God; and there were Grisled Horses, em­blematically setting forth mixed Dispensations of Divine Providence: and all by the Ministry of Angels: Of these the Lord sayes, They have qui­eted my Spirit in the North Country. The Angels were sent into the North-Country, namely to Babylon, to Execute Judgment there; and then the Holy Spirit of God was satisfied, when He saw, that Justice was done by his Angels, on his and his People's Enemies. David Prayed that Judgment might be Executed on his Enemies, by the hands of Angels. Psal. 35.5, 6. Let the Angel of the Lord chase them, and let the Angel of the Lord Persecute them. It is true, that no Judg­ment befa [...]s the World, but God doth it. Amos 3.6. Shall there be Evil in a City, and the Lord hath [Page 33] not done it. Nevertheless, the Lord is not wont to Execute Judgment upon men, by His own Im­mediate Hand, but by the Ministry of Angels: When it is done by men, yet Angels have an hand therein. Sometimes indeed by the Hands of Evil Angels, whom the Lord lets Loose, and punishes a wicked World by them; but many times by the Hands of His Holy Angels. Thus, when Sodom was Destroyed, they were the An­gels of Heaven, that did that terrible and glorious work of Justice, on provoking Sinners. The An­gels said to Lot, We will destroy this place, the Lord has sent us to destroy it. Gen. 19.13. As for the Angel who Killed the First born of Egypt, the Jews think He was, The King of Devils; whom they call by the name of Ashmodai, which signi­fies a Destroyer. The Scripture calls him a Destroy­er, Heb. 11.28. He might notwithstanding that, be a good Angel: For no work is more beco­ming those Holy Spirits, than to Execute the Judgments of God on Impenitent Sinners. And although it is said concerning the Egyptians, Psal. 78.49. That the Lord did cast upon them the fierceness of his Anger, By sending Evil Angels a­mong them: Judicious Expositors conceive, That those Angels are styled, Evil Angels, not in respect of their Nature, but in respect of the sad Message they were sent upon, in that they were the Mes­sengers of Evil Tidings; they were the Messen­gers of Death to the Egyptians. The Egyptians had made use of wicked Angels to oppose Moses, [Page 34] and to withstand the Design of God for the Sal­vation of His People: and now God to punish them, would make use of the Holy Angels, as the Instruments of His Providence. When Seven­ty Thousand men among the Children of Israel, Dyed of the Plague, they were smitten by the Hand of an Angel. David saw the Angel stretch­ed out his Hand over Jerusalem to destroy it, but the Lord said to the Angel that destroyed, it is enough, stay now thine hand 2 Sam. 24.16. When Jerusa­lem was laid waste by the Babylonians: Holy Angels had a hand in the Execution of that Righ­teous Judgment; A Whirlwind came out of th [...] North, Ezek. 1.4. The Babylonians came like a Whirlwind, and the Angels of Heaven had a Hand in Raising the Storm, that carried Jerusalem away before it. Hence in v. 24. It is said of the Living Creatures, That the noise of their Wings was as the Noise of an Host: The Angels fetched [...] Host to destroy Jerusalem. So when Jerusalem was the last time destroyed by the Romans, the Angels of the Lord did forsake the City. Th [...] Jewish Historian relates, That a voice was heard in the Temple, saying, [ METABAINOMEN ENTEUTHEN,] Let us depart from hence; and Tacitus reports, that in Jerusalem there was heard a voice greater than Humane, saying, The God's are departing from this place. The Angels of God departed from that place, and now it lay open to the Fury of their Enemies. The Trumpets in the Revelation, signifying Judgments on the Ro­man [Page 35] Empire, were sounded by Angel; and the Vials denoting Judgments on the Antichristian Papal Empire, are poured out by Angels, because these things are Effected by their Mini [...]y

2. When it is a time of War, [...] are obtained by the Invisible Agency of th [...] A [...]gels of Heaven. Thus in 2 Sam. 5.24. the [...]e was [...] of going in the Tops of the M [...]lberry Trees: Angels caused that Sound; and then David obtained a wonderful Victory over the Philistines. Thus when Samaria was Besieged by the Syrians, the Syrians thought they did hear a noise of Chariots, and of Horses, as i [...] it had been the noise of a great Host: whereupon they arose, and fled, 2 King. 7.6. God sent his Angels, and they caused that noise to be heard. Thus in Jehoshaphat's time, when the Edomites, the Ammonites, and the Moa­bites did Combine against Judah, it is said, 2 Chr. 20.22 That the Lord set Ambushments against them: and then the other two Nations stood up against the Ed [...]mites, and after that they de­stroyed one another. How did the Lord set Ambushments, but by the Ministry of Holy An­gels? Doubtless, the Angels in the shape and ap­pearance of Moabites, and Ammonites, fell upon them of Mount [...], and then they all fell upon one another, till the whole Army was destroyed. Sometimes when there have been but very few, they have obtained marvellous Victories, over far greater numbers, than themselves, because An­gels were with them, and helped them. In the [Page 36] time of the Maccabees, Judas Maccabeus, with Six Thousand Men, destroyed above Twenty Thou­sand of the Enemy. The Historian relates, that when the two Armies were set in Battel Array, the Jews General began the Battel with Prayer, Lord, (said he) Thou art the God, who in the time of Hezekiah, didst send thy Angel, to destroy the Host of Sennacherib; send, I pray thee, an Angel be­fore us. The Lord heard that Prayer: Their chief Enemy was taken Prisoner, and Five and Thirty Thousand were Slain, by a small number of the Jews; their Enemies professing, that they saw two men standing, one at the Right, and the other at the Left hand of Maccabeus, (the Jews General) who kept off the Arrows, that they could not hurt him. We read also in Histories, how the Graecians did sometime with small num­bers prevail against the Persians. The Prince of Persia came against the Realm of Greece, with the mightiest Army, that ever was, which was foretold by Daniel. chap. 11. v. 2. No History, Sa­cred or Prophane, mentions the like; he had se­veral Millions in his Army: And the Graecians, with inconsiderable Numbers, Routed and Ruined them; and the Nav [...] of that Prince was De­stroyed by Storms: The Profane Historians speak of it as very strange, that the Persians should have such ill success: only they say, That Fortune favoured the Graecians. But we that have the Scripture know, that the Angels fought against the Prince of Persia. Dan. 11.20. No wonder, that [Page 37] the Persians had such ill success in their Affairs, when Angels fought against them, or that the Graecians prospered, when they were secretly and invisibly animated by Angels. Therefore,

3. When there are great Revolutions, when mighty Changes happen in the World, such things are brought to pass by the Ministry of Angels. Hence in Ezek. 1.19. It is said, That When the Living Creatures went, then the Wheels went by them. The World did Wheel about, according to the motion of the Living Creatures; namely, the Angels of the Lord. When Nebuchadnezzar, the Emperour of the World, was Deposed from his Throne, and his Kingly Glory given to another, it caused a stupendous Change in the Court of Babylon: and this was done by the Angels of God; It was by the Decree of the Watchers, and the Demand, by the Word of the Holy Ones. Dan. 4.17. The Angels of Heaven, those Watchers, those Inspectors of the World, (as was said but [...]ow) they did demand it; they pray'd for i [...]; they petition'd the Great God, that they might vindicate His Name and Glory, on so great a Tyrant, as Nebuchadnezzar had been. When afterwards [...]shazzar, the King of Babylon was Slain, and all his Nobles with him, and the City was taken, and the power of the whole Empire fell into the Hands of the Medes and Persians, it caused a mighty and an amazing Revolution throughout the World: but this came not to pass, without the Invisible Agency of Holy Angels. They that Write the [Page 38] History of those Times, give us to understand that when the Medes and Persians, under the Con­duct of Darius and Cyrus, did Besiege Babylon, some of the Babylonian Deserters directed Darius to the Emperours Palace, where they found him, and all his Lords, Drinking, who were all put to the Sword; and the Scripture giveth us to under­stand, that an Angel by an Hand-writing on the Wall, had intimated to them but a few hours before, that so it should be: Angels also assisted Darius in keepi [...]g the Government of that Empire after he had possession of it. Dan. 11.1. In the first year of Darius the Mede, I (saith the Angel) stood [...]o confirm and strengthen him. When the Im­peri [...]l Diadem was above two Hundred Year [...] after, taken from the Persians, and given to th [...] Graecians, it [...] was an astonishing Revolution, and Effected by the Ministry of Holy Angels. I [...] was a wonderful thing, that Alexander with so few should set upon an Emperour, that had so great an Army; his Friends with all importuni­ty did disswade him from it; and many thought him little better than a mad man, to make such a daring attempt. The Emperour, against whom he came, ordered his Lieutenants, that they should take Alexander alive, and that they should Sell his Souldiers for Slaves; yet did he overcome that mighty Emperour. The Scripture tells how this came to pass, Dan. 10.20. I (saith the An­gel) will Fight with the Prince of Persia, and when I am gone forth, lo, the Prince of Graecia shall come▪ [Page 39] Lo, (saith the Angel) here i [...] a wonderful thing, that the King of Graecia with Thirty or Forty Thousand men, should set himself against, and preva [...] over the whole power of the Empire of Persia, which was able to oppose him with milli­ons of Armed m [...]n. But the Angels of God did by Divine Appointment, stir up the Spirit of Alexander unto mighty Undertakings: and thence in the beginning of the 11 th Chapter, it is inti­mated, that it was by the Ministry of Angels, that the Kingdom was taken from the Babyloni­ans, and given to the Persians; and that there­fore Daniel might conclude, that when Gods time was come, to give it to the Graecians, those An­gels, that had made the former Revolution, were able to make the latter also. So when the Ro­man Empire of Pagan became Christian, it was a wonderful Revolution. For many years, no man might be in any place of Power, if he was a Christian: But God so ordered and altered the Affairs of the World, that Constantine, a Christian, and a good man, was made Emperour, and all of a sudden, the World was turned up side-down, and no man was to be in place of Power, except a Christian; The Dragon found no place in Heaven. This was the greatest Revolution, that ever hap­pened in the World; and the Angels of Heaven were instrumental in the accomplishment of it. Rev. 12.7. Michael and his Angels Fought and pre­vailed against the Dragon and his Angels. It was the Angels of Heaven then, that did bring about [Page 40] that happy Revolution. Thus we see, that this Visible, is, by God's Appointment, Governed by the Invisible World.

II. The Second thing to be inquired into, is, What benefit they that fear God, do receive by the Mi­nistry of Holy Angels?

For Answer,

1. They are by them preserved from many Evils, that otherwise would befal them. They doe as a guard, stand between them and many dangers, that are ready to overtake them. The Angels of Heaven are as Nurses to the Children of God. Psal. 91.11, 12. He shall give his Angels charge over thee, and they shall bear thee in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a Stone. As a Nurse holds the Child she hath the care and charge of, in her armes: so they that fear the Lord, are kept from many a fall, preserved from many a hurt and blow, that would light upon them, did not Angels look after them. Hence the fearers of God have spe­cial Protections in Journies, that they [...] according to his will. Thus, when Jacob was to go that great Journey from his Fathers house, in the Land of Canaan, to his Uncle in Padan Aram, he saw Angels of God Ascending and Descending, Ge [...] 28.12. To intimate, that the Lord would send his Angels, both to go with him, and to return with him again: And when Jacob was returning to the Land of Canaan, the Angels of God met him on his way: There were two hosts of them, Gen. [Page 41] 32.1, 2. It seems there was one host of Angels, that went with him from Mesopotamia, to the land of Canaan, and when he came into his own Country, another host mett him to take him under their especial care and guardianship. So when God calls his Servants to go in great and hazardous Voyages at Sea, He giveth his Holy Angels charge concerning them. Of this the Apostle Paul had experience, Act. 27.23, 24. When there was a Storm, and the Vess [...]l at last cast away, the Angel of God stood by him, and said to him, fear not, for God hath given to thee, all them that Sail with thee. There were Angels of God with him at Sea, that did incamp round about him there, and for his sake, about all that were in the same Vessel wi [...]h him. They that fear God, are alwayes exposed unto danger, from the Invisible World especially. The Devil is alwayes watching an Opportunity to do them one mischief or other. Your Adversary the Devil (saith the Apostle) goes about, like a roar­ing Lyon, seeking, whom he may devour. Therefore the Angels of Heaven are alwayes about them, to protect and preserve them, from those mischiefs, that their Spiritual and Invisible enemies are de­signing against them. The Devils are powerful enemies: but the good Angels are more powerful than they; Michael and his Angels, are more pow­erful, than Satan and all his Angels▪ And when Instruments of Satan, that is to say, wicked men, do intend and attempt evil against those that fear God, Holy Angels oftentimes disappoint them, & [Page 42] so deliver the Lords Servants from many a Snare Balaam had a mischievous design against the Chil­dren of Israel, but an Angel met him, and disap­pointed him: The Angel of the Lord stood in th [...] way for an adversary against him, and said, I we [...] out to withstand thee, because thy way is perverse be­fore me, Numb. 22.32. And when the King of Syria s [...]nt an Army to surround [...]othan, and to ap­prehend the Prophet, Elisha, an Army of Angel [...] prevented th [...]m, & d [...]livered the Prophet, 2 King. 6.17. And when God will have it to be so, th [...] Holy Angels cut off those that seek the hurt [...] them that fear Him. They kill those wicked men who, if they were suffered to live any longer would do hurt unto the Fearers of the Lord. Ha [...] the Souldiers in Sennacheribs Army, lived a whil [...] longer, they would have fallen upon Jerusalem [...] Therefore did Angels kill an hundred and four­score and five thousand of them in one night Herod began to Persecute the Church: had he lived longer, he would have gone on with hi [...] Persecution. Therefore an Angel was sent from Heaven to kill him.

2. The Angels do not only deliver from Evil; but positive Blessings and Benefits are conveyed by their Hands. To instance in two or three particulars.

1. They assist God's Servan [...]s) in their Undertaking [...] which are according to His Will. They make them successful in lawful Undertakings, especially in great Undertakings. Sometimes they that do not fear God, have Angelical Aides and Assistan­ces, [Page 43] for the sake of such as do fear him. It was before noted, that the Angel said of Darius, I stood to confirm and strengthen him: and yet we cannot say, that Darius was a true Fearer of the Lord. But much more do they assist them, that do indeed fear him, when they are called to any singular Service for his Name. It was from this consideration, that Abraham did encourage his Servant to go on that great Concern, which he was sent to manage, for his Masters Family: The Lord (said he) before whom I walk, will send His Angel with thee, and prosper thy way, Gen. 24.40. His way was made prosperous; he did obtain that which he was sent about, because God sent Angels with him, who caused his faithful Endea­vours to prove successful.

2. The Holy Angels do perform the Office of Tutors unto God's Children. Hence they are sometimes instructed in glorious Truths, by their Ministry, which otherwise they would not have been ac­quainted with. An Angel Informed Daniel, and said, I am come to give thee skill and understanding. Dan. 9.22. The Angel that talked with the Pro­phet Zachary, said unto him, I will shew unto thee, what these be. Zach. 1.9. The Revelation was gi­ven to John by an Angel. God gave it to Christ, Christ to the Angel; the Angel was the Minister that brought it to John, and John hath [...] it to the People of God. Rev. 1.1. Angels [...] and informed the Shepherds concerning the Birth of Christ: Angels informed the Disciples, of the [Page 44] Resurrection of Christ, and after what manner he will come again to Judge the World, at the last Day. And we find in the Scriptures, that the Fearers of the Lord have been excited unto and directed in, that which hath been their duty, by the Angels of Heaven. Thus Manoah and his Wife, were directed by an Angel, after what manner they should Educate their Son. Thus when Elijah was in a strait, whether to shew himself to the King or no, An Angel of the Lord said to him, go and be not afraid, and he arose, and went to the King. 2 King. 1.15. Thus again, an Angel spoke to the Apostles, and bid them go, and Preach the Word of Life in the Temple. Act 5.19. It was an Angel that directed Philip, to go to the place, where he met with a Great man, whom he instructed in the Principles of Religion: and by means of that man, was a whole Kingdom Enlightned in the Knowledge of Christ. The Angels, like faithful Tutors, and Monitors, do sometimes correct and discipline the Children of God, when they have offended. When Hagar Ran-away from her Mistress, that dealt hardly with her, an Angel of the Lord said to her, Re­turn to thy Mistress, and submit thy self unto her Hands. Gen. 16.9. An Angel smote Zacharias, the Priest, Dumb, for his Unbelief; Thou shalt be [...], and not speak, because thou believest not my [...], did the Angel Gabriel say unto him. Luk. 1.20. No question of it, but that many times God's own Children are smitten with Diseases, by th [...] [Page 45] Angels of Heaven, to correct them for some Sin they have been guilty of.

3. The Holy Angels have a great influence, upon the thoughts, minds, and Spirits of men. Evil Angels inject evil thoughts into the mind. The Devil put it into the heart of Judas, that he should go, and betray his Master, Joh. 13.1. Evil Angels stir up those Corruptions, that are in the hearts of men. They have a powerful influence and ope­ration on the Spirits of the Children of disobedi­ence, in whom they work effectually. Hence the Prophet Micaiah saw the Lord on his throne, and the host of Heaven round about him, and heard him saying, Who shall deceive Ahab, that he may go up to Ramoth Gilead, and fall there: and one said on this manner, and another on that manner: and there came forth an Evil Spirit, and said, I will goe, and be a lying Spirit in the mouth of all his Prophets: and the Lord said, Thou shalt perswade him, and prevail also, 1 Kin. 22.22. By which it appears, that evil Angels have a great influence on the Spirits of wicked men. So have the Holy Angels a great influence on the Spirits of them that fear the Lord, exciting them unto the things that are good. They have the benefit of Angeli­cal Suggestion, in many good motions, more than themselves are aware of. It is true, that all Holy thoughts are originally from the Spirit of [...] Nevertheless, He is pleased oftentimes to make [...] of the Ministry of Angels therein. Angelical mo­tions are ab extra. Angels do not dwell in the [Page 46] Souls of Believers, as the Holy and Eternal Spirit doth: nor have they power to make their Sug­gestions effectual: they can't give Life & Grace with the good motions Suggested by them, as the Spirit of God doth. Ministers in Preaching may propose Arguments to men, and can do no more. The Eternal Spirit only can make those Arguments to prevail. That which Ministers do externally and visibly, the Holy Angels do after a Spiritual and invisible manner. Sometimes wicked men have strange Impulses from evil Angels, whence i [...] is t [...]t they are hurried on, to the perpetration o [...] th [...] most abominable and enormous crimes. The [...] do they become guilty of Blasphemies, Adulteries▪ Murders, and sometimes of Self-Murder. So ther [...] are sometimes very unaccountable Motions and Impressions on the Spirits of good men, which are wrought in them, by the Ministry of Holy Angels whose work it is, to prevent and disappoint the designs of Satan & of his evil Angels. I remem­ber one relates a remarkable passage of a good man, that, when he was reading in his house, he could not rest in his Spirit, but he must step out of doors: which he had no sooner done, but he saw a Child in a pond of Water, ready to perish which would have been gone past recovery, had [...] gone out of his doors, just at that moment. [...] Impression must needs be from a good Angel. And an other like passage is related in the Life o [...] that Holy man, Mr. Dod: One evening (thoug [...] he had other work to attend) he could not bu [...] [Page 47] he must go to such a Neighbours house: when he came to him, he told him, he knew not what he was come for; but he could not rest in his Spirit, until he had visited him. The poor man was astonished: for he had in the Violence of a Temptation, put a Rope into his Pocket, with an intent to have destroyed himself, had not Mr. Dod's thus coming prevented it. Surely an Angel of the Lord was in this Providence. Bishop Hall speaks of one whom he knew, that having been for Six­teen years a Cripple, had these monitions in his Sleep, that he should go and wash in St. Matherus Well in Cornwell, which he did, and was suddenly recovered. This he thinks was from Angelical Suggestion. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus did in a Dream, receive the prescript of a remedy for his disease, which the Physitians could not cure. A Physitian of Uratislavium followed the Counsil he had given him in a Dream, concerning the cure of a disease which was to him incurable, and he recovered his patient. It added to the wonder, that a few years after, he met with that Receipt in a Book then newly Printed. Histories report that the like to this hapned to Philip, and to Galen. If Angels may Suggest things beneficial unto the minds of men who are Strangers to God, much more unto them that fear him!

We proceed to inquire into the Reasons, Why the Ministry of Holy Angels is made use of?

[Page 48]1. The first and great Reason of it is, because it is the Sovereign will and pleasure of God, to have i [...] so, with respect unto his own Glory. Gods Will is the Reason of all Reasons. We have shewed, that He doth not make use of Angels, as though he stood in any need of them, or of their Services. That God, who made the World, without their help, can preserve the World and His People therein, without any of them, if He so pleased: But He doth use them, for the same Reason, for which He did Create them, namely his own pleasure. Rev. 4.11. Thou hast Created all things, and for thy plea­sure they are, and were Created. All things, and therefore all the Angels in Heaven, wer [...] Created for the Pleasure of the Great God. S [...] are they, all of them, for the same reason, mad [...] use of, as Ministring Spirits: and it pleases God to have it so out of respect to his own Glory. That which is the best End, must needs be God's End, in all His Works of Creation and Provi­dence. Now the Glory of His own Name, is the best end. God, who alone is infinitely wise knows, what doth best become his own Greatne [...] and Goodness. And if the Lord did not see that it would be most for His Glory, that thing [...] should be managed by the Hands of His Holy Angels, rather than by His own Immediate Hand on [...]y; it would not be as it is. The Lord is able to Convert men without sending Ministers t [...] Preach to them: To heal the Sick without Phi [...]sicians; to preserve Humane Societies withou [...] [Page 49] Magistrates, to defend his People from Ene­mies, without the use of Arms; but it is His Will and Pleasure, that secondary Causes should be made use of. The like is to be said of An­gelical Protection: God is the Fountain of all our Mercies and Preservations. Angels and Ordinances are but Cesterns, which it is His Pleasure to make use of.

2. Another Reason is, That so the Obedience of the Angels may be tried, exercised and rewarded. By this the Obedience of Angels, and their humility is tried, whether they will readily stoop unto, and comply with the Command of God. It is a great Tryal of their Obedience, that they should be set as a Guard to such poor, sorry Creatures, as the Children of men are. What is man, (says the Psalmist) thou hast made him lower than the Angels, Psal. 8.4, 5. In as much therefore as they Minister to him, their subjection to the Will of God is put upon the Trial. It is generally sup­posed, that the Sin of Reprobate Angels, was their refusing to comply with the Command of God in this matter: that they did think scorn of it, to be made Attendants, on such a Creature as man, so much inferiour to them. But the Elect Angels think no Service too mean, that the glori­ous God shall see meet to imploy them in: and they do by this become Patterns of Obedience unto us. If the Angels that are so much above us, do most willingly and gladly comply with the [Page 50] Will of God in whatever He shall appoint them unto, men ought to do so. If Angels do not think much to look after them that fear God▪ then it doth become the Greatest man in all the World, to be willing to serve or promote the Welfare of the meanest Saint, that is upon the Earth: Angels set a pattern of Obedience in thi [...] respect; and thus their Obedience is exercised▪ even from the beginning, to the end of the World: for they continue their Ministration from the beginning to the end of the World: and when they have accomplished the course of thei [...] Obedience, they shall have their Reward: the [...] (as a Great Divine of our own, does well an [...] truly express it) They shall be Rewarded with th [...] contemplation of the Infinite Excellencies of God, an [...] the Enjoyment of him, throughout Eternal Ages which is the greatest happiness, that any Creature is capable of. And in the mean time, it is no small honour to the Angels of Heaven, that the should be used in such a Service; that they shoul [...] joyn with the most High God, in that which [...] of all his Works the most glorious, namely, the Preservation and Salvation of his Elect.

3. Another Reason, why the Ministry of Hol [...] Angels is made use of, is, That so the Devils may b [...] kept in awe, and in a perpetual vexation and tormen [...] ▪ For, certain it is, that the Angels of Heaven, have a great awe upon the evil Angels to restrain thei [...] Power, and [...] disappoint them in their maliciou [...] Designs; which they are able to do by th [...] [Page 51] speaking of a word. You see in the ninth verse of Judes Epistle, that when the Devil was con­tending about the Body of Moses, the Arch An­gel did but speak a word; He did but say, The Lord rebuke thee, Satan, and all the Devils Design was at an end presently. The Evil Angels know the power of the Holy Angels: they know, that they are able to withstand them: And they do not know, but that they may meet with them at every turn, and disappoint all that they have been contriving, which must needs be a perpe­tual vexation to those Evil Spirits: It is a torment to the Devil to see and behold an Host of Angels Encamping round about all them that fear God; so that the Devil is not able to destroy one of them all, because there are Holy Angels Encamp­ing round about them. And it is a torment and vexation to the Devil, to see the Holy Angels gloriously and triumphingly imployed in Service for the Great God, and rewarded by him; whilst they in the mean time are made to Eat the Dust, being rejected and abdicated to the vilest Services, that any part in the whole Creati­on are exercised in. It cannot but cut the Devil to the heart, to see those very Angels, that are of the same nature with him, and with whom he was once a Companion in Heaven, thus tri­umphingly Serving God. And what a torment­ing reproach must it needs be, when at the same time he shall hear it said to him, this might have been thy Employment, and should have been [Page 52] so, if thou hadst not by sinning against the Great God, brought eternal damnation upon thy self.

4. A fourth Reason, Why the ministry of Holy An­geli is made use of, is, That so Communion and Love may be maintained and increased among those that are Members of the Glorious Family of God. Some part of God's Family is here upon Earth; they that fear him are here: But then another part of the Family belongs to Heaven, namely, the Blessed Angels. I Bow my Knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole Family in Heaven and Earth is named. Eph. 3.15. They that Fear God are the Family on Earth: the Angels of the Lord are of the Family in Heaven: it is meet that there should be a Communion between those that are of the same Family. We cannot any way be helpful to the Angels, nor do they need our help in any thing: all our help, it is limited unto the Saints on the Earth, Psal. 16.3. My Good­ness (saith David) extendeth not to thee, but unto the Saints, the Excellent in the Earth, in whom is all my delight. We cannot be beneficial to the Saints in Heaven, or to the Angels there: But the An­gels can help us, and w [...] need their help. In that way therefore must the Communion, which becomes the Members of this Glorious Family, be maintained. And therefore the Love of An­gels unto the Children of God, is confirmed and increased: Love is increased by kind offices: we see, that Nurses have a special affection, to the Children that have been fostred by them. So [Page 53] have the Angels of God unto His Children, that have been under their Care and Education; those Heirs of Salvation, whom from their Cra­dle unto their Graves, they have been fostring and taking care of, they must needs have a great affection for. Holy Angels, and all such as truly fear God, shall live together in the same Heaven, World without End. It is meet then, that there should be a great Love and Friendship between them: This Ministry of theirs must needs cause it to be so. Thus have we seen the Doctrine Ex­plained and Confirmed.

Before we proceed to Application, it may be needful to remove an Objection or two.

1. It may be Objected, That they that Fear God, are subject unto the like Casualties with other men; as much subjected to Dangers and Afflicti­ons, yea, and sometimes more, then they that do not fear him. Doth not the Scripture say, That all things happen alike to all; there is one Event to the Righteous and the Wicked, to him that Sweareth, and to him that feareth an Oath? How then can it be said, that the Angel of the Lord delivereth them that fear him, when they fall into Evils no less than such as do not fear him? Take the An­swer in these following particulars.

1. The Ministry of Angels is limited by the Holy Pleasure of God. Psal. 103.21. The Angels that do His Pleasure. And therefore so far as it is the Pleasure of God, to have them to secure, or to deliver his Children from outward Evils, they [Page 54] are not wanting to do it. But sometimes it is God's Holy Pleasure to have it otherwise, they must be suffered to fall into great Temptations, for their good, and that God may have Glory thereby. Yea, not only such as truly fear God, but such as fear him above many, that are Emi­nent Servants and Fearers of the Lord, very sad Temptations and Afflictions in the World▪ may befal them. God sees it meet to have it so. We see this in the Instance of Job, who wa [...] Eminent for the Fear of God: There was none like him in the Earth, that did Fear God, and Eschew Evil, so much as he: And for a long time the Angels delivered him; they kept of the malice of Satan, from taking any effect up [...]on him. Thence the Devil complained, Th [...] there was an Hedge round about. Job. The Hedge of Divine Protection by the Ministry of Holy Angels, the Devil could not break thorow, not get over: He did therefore get leave of God to fall upon Job; and the Angels were by, when the Devil had that liberty granted to him: those Sons of God were by, and did hear the Devil begging and obtaining leave to fall upon Job: Then they might not oppose. Then Evils came upon him from day to day; not but that the Angels could have diverted those Evils, and deli­vered Job from them all, if so had been the Pleasure of God; but they knew that God had appointed otherwise. So when any outward Cala­mity befals a Child of God in the World, the reason [Page 55] of it is not, that the Angels of the Lord are not able to prevent the Calamity, or that they are a­ny way invigilant or negligent in that which is their Charge; they always do what God com­mands them, as in the Psalm but now, Ye his An­gels that do His Commandments. They know, what the Pleasure of God is, and act accordingly.

2. It is possible, that such as belong to God, may, (and too often they do) give way to Sin and Temp­tation, and so deprive themselves of the Protection of God, and His Angels. By Sinning against God, they provoke him to countermand and suspend the wonted Protection of His Holy Angels. For, their Ministration, and the Charge that they have to keep and guard us, doth run with this express limitation, that we shall keep our selves in the way, that God has bid us keep in Psal. 91.11. He shall give his Angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. But if men go out of their way, then they go from under the Charge of those Holy Angels. When they sin against God, they go out of their way: when they hearken unto the Tempter, he will certainly lead them out of the way: when they sin against God, they Run away out of the Hands of Holy Angels, and do thereby put themselves into the Hands of Evil Angels; they deprive themselves of Divine, and consequently of Angel Protection. We have an awful instance concerning this, in 1 King. 13.22, 24. You read there of a man of God, that was sent unto Je [...]boam: and the Lord comman­ded [Page 56] him, that he should neither eat nor drink, till he returned home to his own House again. As he was returning, an old lying Prophet came to him, desiring him to turn in to his house, to eat and drink there. No (saith the man of God) I may not do so: for, God hath charged me, that I should not. The Lying Prophet re­plied, I am a Prophet as well as thou, and an Angel hath spoken to me, and told me, that thou must come into my house. The poor man of God was deceived, and did so, and the issue was, He never lived to come Home; but a Lion met him by the way, and killed him. This was, be­cause he went out of God's way, and so from under God's Protection. It is indeed, a blessed truth, that God will not utterly depart from any of his Faithful Servants; he will not utterly for­sake them; for so his Covenant is, Heb. 13.5. I will never leave thee nor forsake thee. Nevertheless, he may for a time, and he may in a great mea­sure forsake them, in case they sin against him: As it was with Sampson, though he did not appre­hend it at the first: Judg. 16.20. He wist not, that the Lord was departed from him. Sampson had gi­ven way to Temptation; and now the Lord was departed from him. So it is true concerning the man, that feareth the Lord, the Holy Angels do never utterly depart from him, yet for some time, and in a great measure, they may; that he shall not be so favoured with Angel Protecti­on, as sometimes he was, when he Walked [Page 57] more closely with God. As the Holy and Eter­nal Spirit doth never wholly depart from true Believers, Joh. 14.16. He doth abide with them for ever: this notwithstanding, he may in a great measure withdraw from them: David was sensi­ble of this, and that made him pray, as in Psal. 51.11. Cast me not away from thy presence, and take not thy holy Spirit from me. God sometimes takes away h [...]s Holy Spirit from his own dear Children, as to the quickning and comforting presence there­of: therefore they had need be careful, that they grieve not the Holy Spirit, and that they quench not the Spirit. True Believers may grieve the Spi­rit of God, and grieve him away from them, so as that the Comforter, that should relieve their Souls, shall be far from them. When any of Gods Children doe behave themselves, so as to grieve his Spirit, the Angels are also grieved: and if the Spirit of God goes from them, the Angels of God go from them too; for they are perfectly directed and acted by the Eternal Spirit, Ezek. 1.20. It is said, that whithersoever the Spirit was to goe, thither the Living Creatures went. If Gods Children shall give way to sin; if they shall be­come guilty of any Scandalous iniquity, the Spi­rit of God withdraws from them, and the Holy Angels goe away with him.

3. When they that walk in the fear of God, fall into great Afflictions and Miseries, Holy Angels are with them, notwithstanding those Temptations. Angels are with the [...] to support & comfort them, in all [Page 58] their Temptations. Our blessed Lord was tempted and Victorious over all his temptation: It is recor [...]ded that then Angels came, and ministred unto [...] ▪ Math. 4.11. So it is as to Believers in their Spiritua [...] conflicts, though the ministration of Angels is in­visible & unperceivable by them that are concern­ed therein. When they are in Agonies of Soul, Holy Angels desert them not. We read concern­ [...]ng the Lord Jesus Christ, that when he was i [...] his Agony, there appeared Angels unto him from Hea­ven, strengthening him, Luk. 22.43. Then (as on [...] observes) the Master was comforted by the Ser [...]vant: an Angel from Heaven came, & strengthen­ed the blessed Lord Jesus in his Agonies. But th [...] are Believers oftentimes comforted in their de [...]jections by the secret Ministry of Holy Angel [...] We see it in the Prophet Isaiah: He was dejected and disconsolate in his Spirit, at the consideratio [...] of his exceeding sinfulness. We hear him crying, Woe is me, I am undone! I am a man of unclean lips: Alas, (says he) though I have been called to the Work and Office of a Prophet, I have not used my tongue for God so much as I should have done▪ now a Seraphim did comfort him in his dejection; an Angel came and said unto him, Thy sin is purged, thine iniquity is taken away, Isa: 6.7. Daniel was dis­consolate, in thinking of the Afflicted state of th [...] People of God; his Spirit was much exercised & dejected in him, but an Angel came unto him when in these dejections & temptations, and tell him, that he was, a man greatly bel [...]ved, Dan. 10.11 [Page 59] Angels doe inable Gods Children to bear their temptations. It is wonderful and astonishing, to consider, how the Martyrs were sometimes enabled to bear the greatest Tortures and Torments, that the Devil could invent for them: They had An­gels with them. Those instances of Babyl [...]s and Theodorus are famously known. Martyrs that were put to the Torture of the Rack, some of their friends afterward inquired of them, how they could possibly indure such intolerable pain; they told them, that when they were first on the Rack they were in great pain, but there seemed a young man to stand by them, who refreshed them with cold Water, that after a while they felt no pain, but their Torments were a pleasure to them, and they were grieved, when they were taken down from the Rack▪ One of our English Martyrs, in the time of Popery, in the midst of the Flames, could say to those that were Spectators, Papists ask for a miracle, here you may see one: I feel no more pain in this fire, then if I were in a soft bed. Surely then the Angels of Heaven were sent to quench the Violence of fire.

4. God in due time will send his Angels to deliver his Servants out of all their Troubles. Sometimes Angels are sent to pluck them out of the very mouth of destruction. As it was with Lot & his Family: Angels did lay their hands upon him, and on his Children, and delivered them from the burnings, Gen. 19.16. Such things still happen, though in a more unperceivable way. I could re­late [Page 60] examples to you, of some who have by [...] strange Instinct, removed from the places whe [...] they were: they have no sooner gone out [...] doors, but the house hath fallen down: had they stayed there but a minute or two longer, they had perished in the Ruins. Doubtless there is a Secret Influence of the Angels of Heaven, in such things as these are. Sometimes, when the Lord [...] Servants are in the Jawes of death; he sends his Angels to deliver them. So it was with Daniel▪ My God (saith he) hath sent his Angel, and ha [...] shut the Lions mouths that they have not hurt me. Dan. 6.22. That he saw an Angel, it is not said; but, he saw the Lions did not hurt him, and therefore might conclude, that God sent his Angel to shu [...] the mouthes of those Lions. Sometimes whe [...] they were deprived of liberty, Angels have be [...] the Instruments of restoring it to them again. Th [...] Apostles were cast into the common Prison, and an Angel came in the night, and set open the Prison-doors, Act. 5.19. So it was with Peter; he was cast into Prison, and the next day was to have been made a Sacrifice: but God sent his An [...]gel to deliver him, Act. 12.11. Sometimes me [...] that have been deprived of Health, have had i [...] restored to them, by the Ministry of Holy An­gels. An Angel did trouble the Waters in th [...] Pool of Bethesda, and who-ever first step'd in afte [...] the Angel had troubled the Waters, was mad [...] whole, what-ever disease he had, Job. 5.4. Evi [...] Angels doe frequently bring diseases, and goo [...] [Page 61] Angels frequently remove them. And when they [...]at fear God, have done all the work that He hath for them to do in the World, then he sends his Angels to fetch them away to Heaven. So are they by the Angels of the Lord delivered out of all their troubles. When Elijah had finished his course, there came a Chariot and Horses of fire, that is to say, Angels from Heaven, and did carry away Elijah thither. So when they that fear God, have done and suffered all that He hath appointed for them, then he sends Chariots and Horses of fire, to fetch-away their Souls. So are they by the Angels of the Lord delivered from all evil.

Object. 2. But there is another Objection to be answered, viz. That it is the Lord that delivers those that fear him; He is the Preserver of men: and shall we ascribe their Deliverances to Angels? Is not that a Dishonour to God, to attribute that which is His Work to Angels, who are his Crea­tures?

The Answer is clear, That God doth it by them; the Glory of Deliverances does not belong to the Angels, but to God, who sets them on work: It is said in this Psalm, concerning the Righteous man, Vers. 20. That the Lord keeps all his Bones, not one of them is broken; but this He does by giving his Angels Charge over them. The Lord is said to do that which is done by Angels immediately. It is said, God overthrew Sodom, Amos 4.16. And yet the Angels did it [Page 62] Gen. 19.13. The Angels said, We are sent to de [...]stroy this place. Well then, though Angels did it, God did it, and that by their Ministry. When the Enemies of them that feared the Lord, were routed and ruined by Holy Angels in Jehoshaphat [...] Times; nevertheless, That Battel was the Lords. 2 Chron. 20.15. The Glory of that Victory be­longed to God, and not to them, when He was pleased to effect it by their Agency and Ministry. They have all their power from the Lord. What strength they have, it is God that hath given it to them: and their Commissions are granted to them by the Lord. The Charge that they have, it is God that gives them that Charge: He shall give his Angels charge. Psal. 91.11. And therefore they don't act, till they have order from God. When they have done one work, that they are set about, before they enter upon another, they must have a new Commission, and new Instructi­ons, new Orders from that God, who is the Lord of Angels. Hence, Ezek. 1.24. It is said, that the Living Creatures, When they stood, they let down their Wings. When they had done, what God set them about, they let down their wings, hum­bly waiting for a new Commission; they don't stir, till they have new Orders from the Great God, and then away they Fly: but till then, their Wings are let down. So that it is God, that doth it by their Hand. It is no dishonour to God, to make use of Instruments in his Work: and if He sees meet to use a thousand Instruments in [Page 63] one work, it is no dishonour to him, but rather a Discovery of His Greatness and Glory.

Thus for the clearing of the Truth before us.

For the USE of it.

I. By way of Information.

Inference 1. Hence, although Angelical Appariti­tions are not to be expected in these days; nevertheless, the Ministry of Holy Angels, doth continue still. Their Appearings are in a great measure ceased, but their Working is not ceased, but continues as in former times. Indeed, there is not need now, as in the Dayes of the Old Testament, for Angels to ap­pear visibly unto men, because the Scripture is now perfected, there must be no Addition made unto the Written Word of God, which now is sufficient to direct men in all cases what­soever, that may concern their Salvation and Consolation. There was need for an Angel to appear to Daniel visibly, to instruct him, concern­ing what should befal the People of God: and of an Angel to appear to the last Apostle John, to inform him, what should befal the Church in all future times. There is no need of that now: we must look into what Daniel and John have written; and there we may see, as much as is meet for us to be acquainted with. So that An­gelical Apparitions are not frequent in these Days: Only Evil Angels do appear more often than [Page 64] good Ones. No wonder, because they are of more Earthly Inclinations, than those Spirits, that dwell above. Evil Angels do often appear; very true, and sometimes pretending to be good An­gels too. The Apostle saith, 2 Cor. 11.14. That Satan doth transform himself into an Angel of Light. He cometh to men, and appears visibly to them, and pretends to be an Angel of Light, and will give them good counsel, will pretend to be for Truth, and for Holiness, although he doth intend nothing less. I could mention to you instances respecting this. There was about four and twen­ty years ago, in a place belonging to the King of Denmark's Dominions, a Young man, that a Dae­mon appeared to, on a Lord's-day, in white shi­ning Garments, and gave him excellent good counsel, telling him, that he must not sin, as for­merly he had done; and that he must call upon others to amend their ways, to leave their Cur­sing & Swearing, & other Sins; & that he should pray to God every day three times; & he would joyn with him in singing a Psalm too. And yet this Daemon did at last appear to be an Angel of Darkness. There was in Geneva, the Son of a Senator there, that was miserably imposed upon, by a Daemon, pretending to be a good Angel; that would complain of the Unbelief of some, who would not (though many did) look upon him as an Angel, that was sent from Heaven. And yet this Daemon, that appeared in a glorious manner, was at last discovered to be an Unclean [Page 65] Devil. I do the rather mention these things, because I understand, that something of this na­ture hath lately happened in New-England, which I am perswaded, will in the issue appear to be a Delusion of the Evil One, that pretends to he an Angel of Light. Wherefore it is an unwarranta­ble and a very dangerous thing, for men to wish, that they might see, and that they might converse with Angels. I could tell you of some, that have done so, & God hath been provoked with them for their curiosity and presumption, and hath permit­ted Devils to come to them, pretending to be good Angels, whereby they have been deceived and undone. But I say, although Angelical Ap­paritions are not to be expected; nevertheless, their Ministry is still continued, and it shall be so: As long as there shall be any Fearers of God upon the Earth, so long shall there be Angels of Hea­ven to Encamp round about them: That Pro­mise, Psal. 91.11, 12. doth belong unto Believ­ers, even to the End of the World; that God will send his Angels, and give them Charge over them, to keep them in all their ways, and to hold them up in their Arms, that they may not dash themselves against a stone. Yea, as long as there shall be any of the Elect of God in the World, so long shall there be the continuation of the Mi­nistry of Holy Angels Heb. 1.14. Are they not sent forth to be Ministring Spirits, to them that shall be Heirs of Salvation? They then that are Heirs of Salvation, in all Ages of the World, are [Page 66] priviledged with this Ministry of the Angels.

Inference 2. For men to despise and abuse them that fear the Lord, must needs be an evil and dange­rous thing. For they have Angels to guard them. The Angels of Heaven are far from despising them. There are no Nurses in the World, that do so tender the Children Educated by them, as the Angels do the meanest Saint on Earth com­mitted to their Care: Saith Christ, Despise not one of my little ones: Despise them not, saith He, For I say unto you, that in Heaven their Angels do alwayes behold the Face of my Father, that is in Heaven. Math. 18.10. God gives His Angels a charge to look after them: and what will you despise them▪ Certainly, if the eyes of men were opened, to see who they are, and what a guard they have, they durst not despise them. As for them that truly Fear God, it may be said of them, as wa [...] said of Gideon's Brethren, Each one of them resem­bleth the Children of a King. Thus as to those that Fear the Lord, each one of them resembleth a King. There is not a Monarch upon Earth, that hath such a guard about him, as every one that truly fears God, hath round about him con­tinually. The Souldiers of Heaven do attend him, where ever he goes. If the eyes of wicked men were enlightned (as once the Eyes of the Prophet's Servant) they would not despise Holy men. When Elisha's Servant was sore afraid, be­cause of Enemies, that were come to apprehend [Page 67] his Master, the Prophet prayed, and said, Lord, open his Eyes: and presently he saw the Mountain full of Horses and Chariots of Fire: his Master's House was all surrounded with Angels. Did men see this, they would not cast contempt upon those that fear God. To abuse them, is a dangerous thing: One of those Angels, that they have a whole guard of, is able to destroy all the Ene­mies, that they have in the whole World. It is said concerning the two Witnesses, That Fire goeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their Enemies: If any one will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed. Rev. 11.5. When they call upon God, he sends Seraphims, yea, Horses and Chariots of fire against their Enemies. How doth fire go out of their mouths? It alludes to that of Elijah. When a crew of wicked men, came to lay hands on him, and said to him, Come, thou man of God, the King hath sent for thee: He replyed, If I be a man of God, let fire come down from Heaven, and consume thee and thy fifty: and fire came down from Heaven, and immediately destroyed them all. 2 King. 1.10, 11. There were Angels at hand, ready to consume the Prophets Enemies with [...]. You may observe sometimes, that persons who are full of enmi [...]y, and will be spitting their venom, against one that hath a special guard of Angels to attend him, blasting stroaks from Hea­ven fall upon them. The Angels of that Holy man, have heard what hath been spoken, & know what has been designed against him; and have [Page 68] taken his part. Take heed then, how you wrong any man, that is dear to God, and to His Holy Angels.

Inference 3. Hence they that f [...]r God, should be above the fears of outward evils, since they have God and his Angels to take care of them. If God be for us, who can be against us? Saith the Apostle. So if the Angels of God, are by his appointment for us, we need not fear, though we should be in as eminent danger, as David was in, when amongst the Philistines in Gath. Angels are able to defend us, and will do so, so far as a gracious God and Father shall see it meet for them to do. We have more for us, then are against us, if we have Angels to be for us, as the Prophet said unto his Servant, when they were surrounded with enemies: the Servant was afraid; Alas Master, how shall we do? said he: Fear not, says the Prophet, for there are more with us, than are with our enemies. And God opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw the mountain was full of Chariots and Horses of fire, round about Elisha, 2 King. 6.17. viz. An­gels, that did so appear at that time. What tho' men are in danger; if they have a strong convoy, they do not fear. This is the case of Gods Children, whilst in this World: they are in danger; they are like men at Sea, & in the midst of enemies: the Pirates of Hell are seeking to lay hands on them: But they have a strong convoy; they have Angels of Heaven to be a guard unto them: & therefore need not be afraid of what their Enemies can do [Page 69] unto them. They that fear the Lord, may be above the fear of danger, when they go to Sea; only let them look to their call; let them look to it, that they are in Gods way; then He will send his Angels to look after them. So in great and hazardous Journies by land, they need not fear, but they shall go forth; and return in safety: If it be good for them to be preserved and protected, it shall be so, notwithstanding what ever evils may attend them in their way. Angels are more able to defend them, than all their enemies are able any way to hurt them. It was said concerning the Egyptians, Isa. 31-3. They are Flesh and not Spirit; they are poor weak Creatures. But now the Angels are Spirit and not Flesh: why then should they that fear God, be afraid of what their enemies can do unto them, who are flesh, and not spirit, when they have those to be their Guardians and deliver­ers, that are spirit and not flesh? And they need not fear sickness and diseases; God will send his Angel to deliver them, if preservation from such a distemper shall be best for them. Psal. 91.10. There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. How so? It follows in the next verse, for he shall give His Angels charge over thee. So he doth wonderfully sometimes. I remember a Lea [...]ned man relates a remarkable Providence to this purpose, of the Chancellour of Navar, that heard a voice in the night, calling him by his name, and bidding him go out of that Town, because within a few dayes a terrible Plague would be [Page 70] there, and make the Town desolate: He took the warning, and so escaped the danger. God hath strange wayes, by his Angels to deliver his Servants in times of sickness and common danger, when it shall be most for his glory. And they need not fear, what evil Angels can do unto them. The Lord for holy ends may suffer you to fall into the hands of those cruel Creatures: but if you fear God, there are Holy Angels by, that will not forsake you▪ that will inable you to endure, whatever God shall see mo [...], to suffer you to be tempted and afflicted with. And therefore be not afraid: only fear God, and trust in Him. And then, suppose the worst that can be supposed; suppose the Lord should give leave to those enemies to kill your bo­dies; such a thing may, and sometimes has happen­ed to the dear Servants of God: nevertheless, their Souls are safe, as being in the hands of Holy An­gels. The Lord will say to his Angels, You Angels of mine, go and look after such a man, or woman, I commit to you the care and charge of their Im­mortal Souls, to bring them safe to Heaven, after they have suffered, what is my pleasure to have them indure. That the fearers of the Lord may and ought to be above the fear of outward evils, from the consideration of the Ministry and Guard­ianship of the Holy Angels, is evident from several things; which we may take notice of & consider. For,

1. They are of all Creatures the most powerful: they are wonderful in strength, Psal. 103.20. Ye his An­gels, that do excel in strength. They are not only [Page 71] strong, but they excel in strength. Therefore are they styled, Mighty Angels, 2 Thes. 1.7. They are stronger than men, greater in power and in might, as the Apostle speaks concerning them, 2 Pet. 2.11. One Angel is able to destroy all the men in the World. You have been told, that one Angel hath that might, that power, that i [...] God should give him a Commission, he is able to destroy the whole World before him. It is Luthers assertion, Unus Angelus est pot entior, quam totus mundus. Put the whole World together, and they have not the strength of one Angel. We see what powerful Creatures they are, by the things that have been done by them: Gates of Iron can't stand before them. When an Angel came to deliver Peter, the Iron-gate opened of its own accord. Act. 12.10. Nay, an Angel is able to make the very earth to shake, as has formerly been noted from Math. 28.2. Where we read, that there was a great Earth quake, for the Angel of the Lord descended from Heaven. All the men in the World can't make the earth to quake; but an Angel from Heaven is able to do it: such mighty Creatures are they. And we see what they can do, by what the Angel did in Senacheribs Army, and by their destroying Sodom and Gomor­rah, by thunder and lightning, and a terrible earth-quake. Those Citys were swallowed up in a moment, and they were Angels of God th [...] did cause it to be so. Well then, be not afraid, as long as you have such mighty powerful Spirits as these are, near unto you, to defend and safe guard you against all your enemies.

[Page 72]2. There are many of them to befriend us. An host, a whole Army of mighty Angels of the Lord round about them that fear him: Their number is exceeding great: They are a great Company, Psa. 68.11. There are thousands of them, Vers. 17. The Chariots of God (his Angels, by whom he obtains his Victories over the World, are the Chariots of God) they are twenty thousand, even thousands of An­gels. Nay, there are Millions of them. Daniel saw Millions of Angels, Chap. 7. v. 10. And so did John, Rev. 5.11. There were many Angels, saith he, and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thou­sand, and thousands of thousands. Nay, they are in­numerable, Heb. 12.22. We are come unto an in­numerable company of Angels. No man can say, how many Myriads of them there are: Is there any number of these Armies of God? Job 25.2. Al [...]ho' the Interpretation of one of the Antients is not so­lid, that by the lost sheep in the parable mankind is meant, & that by the ninety and nine the An­gels are intended, and that therefore there are nine­ty and nine Times as many Angels as men; Ne­vertheless, it is most certain, that the Angels of Heaven are more in number by far, then all the men on earth: put all the men on the face of the earth together, they are but a small number, in comparison of the glorious Angels of the most high God. Hence Christ said to Peter, Thinkest thou, that I cannot pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve Legions of Angels, Math. 26.53. A Legion is six thousand six hundred and [Page 73] sixty six. Twelve Legions made the Roman Army ▪ What (saith Christ) though all the power of Rome is set against me, I could have more than that at a words speaking: I could have more Legions of Angels, than are men in the Emperors Army, to save me, if I would; or it may be, considering there were Twelve of them together (Christ and the eleven Apostles) when the Lord spoke these words, He would give them to understand, that He could obtain a Legion of Angels to defend each one of them. The Lord hath so many An­gels, that he can spare multitudes of them; Armies of them, to attend every one of those that fear him in the World. As for one David, the Lord can send whole Armies to encamp round about him, and deliver him Why then should they that fear God, be afraid of evils in the World?

3. The Angels are ready to do any Service for them that Fear God; ready to do it, as soon as ever God shall but speak the word to them: They hear­ken to the Word of God, Psal. 103.20. Hearken to it; they stand and hearken, when once the word will go out of the mouth of God, and then they go without any delay. Indeed, Heaven is their proper Habitation; nevertheless (as before was intimated) they can fly from Earth to Heaven, and from Heaven to Earth, in a very little time: They are therefore represented in the Scripture, as Flying, and that swiftly. Dan. 9.21. The Angel Gabriel (who appeared to the Prophet in an hu­mane shape) Was caused to fly swiftly. In a little time, [Page 74] they can go from one end of the World, to the other, even like Lightning. Psal. 104.4. He makes His Angels Spirits, and His Ministers a flaming fire. Angels that are the Ministring Spirits, round a­bout those that fear God, they fly like lightning, like a flame of fire. You see Lightning go from the West to the East, in the twinkling of an eye: So do the Angels of Heaven, in a moment of time, go from one end of the World to the o­ther: and when God sends them on any Errand, they don't turn back, nor stop by the way, until such time as they have done that which the Lord hath appointed them unto. Ezek. 1.12. The Li­ving Creatures, they went, and turned not, when they went, but went on, till they had dispatched th [...] Work the Lord had commanded them to per­form. These things considered, they that fear the Lord, may have great comfort, notwithstand­ing the evils and dangers, which in this wofu [...] World, they are liable unto. It was an express [...]on full of Faith, uttered by a late faithful and la­borious Minister of Christ, when some wondred to see him so chearful under great Afflictions, I (said he) Have God for my Father, Christ for my Redeemer, the Holy Spirit for my Sanctifier, Heaven for my Inheritance, Holy Angels for my Guardians, & shall not I then rejoyce?

Inference 4. We may here see, that the Angels are not to be adored, although they are to be Loved and Honoured. They are Creatures, and therefore not [Page 75] to be adored. We may love Creatures, but must not worship them; we must not give unto them, that which is God's due alone: Religious Wor­ship is so. Psal. 76.11. Bring Presents unto Him that ought to be feared. God is he, and He only, that ought to be feared, as to a Religious Fear. And therefore when the Devil desired to be wor­shipped▪ the Lord Jesus Christ said, Get th [...]e hence, Satan, for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou Serve, Mat. 4.10. When Manoah would have presented an Offering unto the Angel that did appear to him, Judg. 13.16. saith the Angel, If thou wilt offer a [...]urnt-offering, thou must offer it unto the Lord. Burnt-offerings, and so all Religious Worship, must be Offered unto God, and not unto an Angel. That which we make an Object of Divine-Worship, we acknowledge as the chief good. Now God only is so; Mat. 19.17. There is none good but one, that is God. Angels, yea, the Holy Angels, com­pared with God, we cannot say, they are good, they have not the goodness, as to be an Object of Divine Worship. That which we worship, we acknowledge to be, The Alpha and Omega, the first Cause, & the last End of all things: which can­not be affirmed of Angels, but of God only. Rom 11.36. Of him, through him, and to him are all things, to whom be Glory for ever. The Glory of Divine Worship is for ever his due, and his due only, for that of him, and for him are all things. Moreover, the Worshipping of Angels, is expres­ly [Page 76] condemned in the Scripture. Col. 2.18. Let no man beguile you [...]f your reward, in a voluntary humi­lity, and Worshipping of Angels. It is Will-worship, voluntary humility: there is no Command in the Scripture to worship them; and when men do, as the Platonick Philosophers did, (and as some that call themselves Christians in these dayes do) pre­tend, that they are not worthy to come to God immediately; but therefore they will go to him by Angels, and worship them, and desire them to present their Supplications unto God: this i [...] voluntary humility. Such do not Own the Head, as the Apostle speaks in the 19 th. verse; they put Christ out of his Office, to whom it belongs to Offer up the Prayers of his People to God. The Holy Angels themselves have forbid men to wor­ship them: The Apostle John being amazed at the Glory of the Angel that appeared to him, fell down at his feet to worship him. Rev 22.9. saith the Angel to him, See thou do it not, for I am of thy Fellow servants. Men may not worship those that are their Fellow-servants. The high­est Angel in Heaven, and the meanest Saint upon the Earth, are Fellow-servants, they Serve the same God, and must worship him, and him only. We may not invocate Angels: we may not pray unto them: There is the same Object of Prayer, that there is of Faith. Rom. 10.14. How shall they call on him, on whom they have not believed? We may not call upon, or pray unto him, that we may not believe on. Now God alone is the [Page 77] Object of Faith: We may not pray unto any one, but unto him that is Omnipresent and Om­nipotent, unto him that hath power to do for us whatever we can desire of him. We stand in need of many Blessings, which none but God can give unto us; which no Angel in Heaven can bestow upon us. We need the par­don of sin: and who can forgive sins, but God only? We need Sanctifying Grace: and who can give us Grace, but God alone? As for the Angel that Jacob did pray unto, he was not a Created Angel, but the Son of God, who is called an Angel in respect of his Office, as being sent by God. Therefore Jacob called the name of the place, where he wrestled with the Angel, Peniel, Gen. 32.30. which signifies, The Face of God, for (saith he) I have seen God. The Angel he pray­ed unto, was God; so the Prophet Hosea declares, Hos. 12.4, 5. He had power over the Angel, even the Lord of Hosts, that is his Memorial. That An­gel is called by the name of Jehovah; and that glorious Title, Of the Lord of Hosts, is attributed unto him. All the Hosts of Heaven, all the An­gels there, are commanded by that Angel, whom Jacob did worship: He therefore was no other than the Son of God himself, who is God. But although we may not pray unto created Angels, who Minister unto us, and are our Fellow-ser­vants; this notwithstanding, they are to be, tho' not adored, yet loved and honoured by us: There is an Honour due to the Blessed Angels, an Ho­nour [Page 78] of Moral Reverence. We are to honour those persons, who are many ways, and on many accounts, our Superiours: we ought to Reverence them: we reverence a man, that is known to be Eminent for his Parts, Learning and great Ac­complishments. It was said of Solomon, All Israel feared him, because they saw the Wisdom of God i [...] him. 1 King. 3.28. As for a man, that is full of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, reve­rence is due unto him: So it is much more to one that excels in Piety and Holiness. It is said of Herod, Mark 6 20. That He feared John the Bapti [...], knowing that he was an holy man, and a just. The Image of God is to be reverenced, where­ever it doth appear: Now the Image of God doth appear in the Angels more than in any Crea­tures in all the World. They then are to be ho­noured by us: But it is only a Fraternal, not a Divine Honour, which is their due: Cultus Fra­ternae Societatis. And as we are bound to honour and reverence, so likewise to love those Holy Spirits. They are of the same Family with us: then we ought to love them: Both they and we are of God's Family: The Angels and Believers on Christ, have the same Father. They are Children of the same Father, though on a di­vers account: Believers are styled, The Sons of God, Job. 1.12. And so are the Angels styled, Job 1.6. They joyn with us in praising our Lord Redeemer. We ought then to Love them. They rejoyce at the welfare of the Childre [...] of [Page 79] men: it is a joy to them, when good happens to them that fear God, their Lord and ours, Luk. 2.11, 13. You see here, how glad the Angels were, when there was good tidings for us men: The Angel said unto the Shepherds, I bring you glad tidings of great joy, unto you a Saviour, Christ the Lord, is born. And there was with the Angel a multitude of the Heavenly host, Praising God and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth Peace, good will to­ward men. When God did manifest his good will toward men, the Angels were glad, and did break forth into holy Praises, because there is by Christ Peace made between Heaven and Earth. Thus also they rejoyce at the Conversion of the Elect of God. Hence it is said, There is joy in Heaven over a sinner that doth repent, Luk. 15.7. And how joy in Heaven? in Verse 10. It is explained by saying, There is joy among the Angels over a sinner that re­penteth: They rejoyce to see, that there are Souls New born, to fill up those places, which the Apostate Angels have left Vacant in Heaven. They are glad to see new-born Souls come there. Again, the Angels do very great Service for God, & many kind Offices for us, therefore they are to be both loved and honoured by them that fear him.

Inference 5. It is a very Angelical, and therefore an honourable thing to be Serviceable. This is to be as the Angels of Heaven are. When God doth imploy any man in doing Service for his Name, he doth put very great honour upon that man. [Page 80] 1 Sam. 2 30. They that honour me, I will honour. And how doth God honour them? by using them in his Service, that is the Honour there especially in­tended. God will imploy them in his Service, & in that respect honour them, just as he honours th [...] Angels of Heaven. The glory of the Saints at the Resurrection, is expressed by that of their being made like unto the Angels, Luk. 20.36. They shall then be Angels fellows. And so are they that are imployed in Services for the great God, they are like unto the Angels, they are made Fellow-Servants with the Angels of Heaven, for, they are all of them the Servants of the great God, and are on that account stiled his Ministers, Psal. 103.21. Ye An­gels, ye Ministers of his that do his pleasure. And let me say to you, There are thousands of Millions of those Ministers in the Court of the great King of Heaven, Dan. 7.10. There are ten thousand times ten thousand that stand before him, and that Minister unto him. It is then a glorious thing to be imployed in Service for God. It is accounted a great honour and happiness, to be a Servant to an earthly Prince, as the Queen of Sheba said to Solomon, 1 King. 10.8. Happy are thy men, and happy are these thy Servants, which continually stand before thee. But then what is it to stand before God & the Lord Jesus Christ, as a Servant of his? It is a glorious thing. When God would put honour upon Moses after his death, he calls him his Servant. Josh. 1.2. Moses my Ser­vant is dead. There are some, unto whom the Scripture gives the name and title of Men of [Page 81] God. 1 Sam. 9.6. It was said of Samuel, that he was a Man of God, an Honourable man. He was therefore an Honourable man, because a Man of God. What can be more honourable than this, that if it be asked concerning one, Whose man is that? Whose Servant is that man? The Answer must be, He is God's man, he is a man of God? It is a Title fit for an Angel of Heaven. Manoah called the Angel that had ap­peared to his Wife, A Man of God, Judg. 13.8. So then, to be imployed in Service for God, is [...]o small mercy: To be Serviceable to the World is a marvellous happiness; it is to be like the Angels of Heaven, who do great Service, even for the World: They prevent Evils from coming on the World. To be serviceable that way, is an honour and happiness, and indeed Angelical. What a World would this be, did not God use Holy Angels to prevent the miseries that other­wise would overwhelm it? What work would the Devils make in the World, did not the Lord by his Holy Angels prevent them! The Devil hath made this World become miserable enough, but he would make it become more miserable, to be a meer Hell, but that the Blessed Holy God imployes Angels to prevent him in his De­signs. And more especially to be serviceable to them that fear the Lord▪ is a glorious Angelical thing indeed To do Service for the People of God, to promote the Salvation of them, whom the Son of God hath Redeemed with his own [Page 82] Blood; she highest Angel in Heaven, hath not a more glorious imployment then that is. Heb. 1.14▪ Are they not all ministring Spirits, sent forth to minister for them that shall be the Heirs of Salvation? So that none of them all, not the best or greatest of them, has a more honourable Imployment, than that of promoting the Welfare of them▪ that [...]hall be Heirs of Salvation.

Inference 6. If the Angels of the Lord Incamp round about them that fear him, here is uncomfortable news for such as do not fear God. They may not pretend unto this glorious priviledge of the Guar­dianship of Holy Angels. They cannot say, that the Angel of the Lord doth Encamp round about them, and will deliver them. Three or four particulars evincing and confirming the Truth o [...] this Inference, may be here mentioned.

1. Until such time as men fear God, they cann [...] know, that the Angels are concerned for them. It i [...] true, that God chargeth his Angels with his E­lect before they fear him: but they cannot know this, and therefore cannot have the comfort of it, before they turn to the Lord▪ A man cannot know his Election before his Conversion. Hence the Apostle speaks, as 2 Pet. 1.10. Give diligence [...] make your Calling and Election sure. He that would be sure of his Election, must be sure of his being effectually Called. If he hath the true fear of God in his heart, he may know, that he is appointed an Heir of Salvation, and so may [Page 83] know, that the Angels have a charge given to them concerning him. For, if God had not from all Eternity intended that man's Salvation, he would never have put his fear into his heart. So that when once Grace is wrought in his Soul, he may be sure, that the Angel of the Lord Encam­peth round about him: But before that, he can­not have the comfort of this Truth.

2. It is certain, that the Angels do not delight in those that fear not God. They don't care to be in their Company. As God himself delights not in them; By Nature we were the Children of Wrath: they that are still in their Nature, in their natural [...]nconverted State, are Children of Wrath; The Wrath of God abides on them that believe not: He is angry with the wicked every day. And as an holy man cannot delight in the company, and conversation of those that are ungodly: Da­vid saith, All my delight is with the Saints on Earth: and again, I am a Companion of all them that fear thee, and of them that keep thy Precepts. So must it be concluded concerning Holy Angels, that they delight not in communion with such as do not fear God. If holy men cannot do it, Angels who are holier than they, can never do it. It is a very offensive thing to an holy man, to see o­thers do things that are inconsistent with the fear of God, to hear them speak such words, or [...] them do such deeds, as cannot well stand with the true Fear of God. It is a grief and vexation to him, that has a righteous Soul within him, as [Page 84] it was to Lot. Much more then are the Holy Angels offended thereat: Doves can't endure to be where there is an ill scent; you know it drives them away. So when men indulge themselves in the wayes of Sin, the Angels, those Doves of Heaven, fly away and can't endure their compa­ny. It is a celebrated sa [...]ing o [...] Luthers, Ubi non est gratia▪ ibi n [...] lo [...]um habet Angelorum cust [...]dia. Graceless men may not pretend to the Guardian­ship of holy and glorious Angels, unto whom they are abominable.

3. Evil Angels have a fearful power over them that fear not God. They are said to be under Sa­tans Power. Paul was sent to the Gentiles, that he might turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, Acts 26.18. They then that are no [...] turned from darkness, turned from sin, but remain still in their uncon­verted State, are not turned from the power of Satan: the Devil doth claim a right in ungodly men, as those that are his own; he claims them as his house that he hath power to be in. Thus the unclean spirit, in Mat. 12.43. saith, I will re­turn to my [...]ouse. A wicked man is the Devils House, where he dwells, and where he rules. Sinners are the cursed children of the Devils Family, and are therefore called, The Seed of the Serpent, Gen. 3.15. The Devil, he is the Serpent, wicked men are the seed, the children of that accursed Serpent. And the Apostle saith, He that committeth Sin, is of the Devil▪ for the De­vil [Page 85] sinneth from the beginning. 1 Joh. 3.8. As Chil­dren are o [...] their Father, so are they that commit sin, of the Devil; his image they bear, and him they imitate, as Children their Father. And they are his Slaves, woeful Slaves in the Kingdom [...], Taken Captive by the Devil at his will, 2 Tim. 2.26. They are his Captives and Slaves: he doth even what he will with them: If the Devil put them upon doing this or that wickedness, they will do it. I [...] he tempt them to Curse and Swear, they will do it: And if the Devil tempts them to Uncleanness, or to Lying, and such like abominable things, they will do as he would have them.

4. As for such as shall continue in their Unregene­ [...]ate State, that shall live so, and dye so, the Angels are their Enemies. The Angels of the Lord, that Encamp round about them that fear him, and deliver them, are Enemies to them that fear him not. When Balaam persisted in his wicked way, the Angel that met him, if he had not humbled himself, would have been his death. There have been thousands of men in the world, concerning whom it is certain, (though they were not sensi­ble of it, until after their Souls were out of their Bodies) the Angels have been their death: The Angels of Heaven have secretly smitten them, and they have dyed. As for such, Davids Pray­er is made good against them, Psal. 34 4, 5. Let the Angel of the Lord chase them: let their way be dark and slippery▪ and let the Angel of the Lord [Page 86] persecute them. That Prayer will be remembred against the Enemies of God and his People, to the end of the World: And when Death comes, the Angels forsake them, and leave them in the hands of Devils. How should the Soul of a wic­ked man ever get to Heaven? he must pass tho­row an Army of Devils, thousands of millio [...] of them that lie in the way. And the good Angels forsake him; they will not, nor may they take any care of his Soul: and therefore he can never get to Heaven; and at the Day of Judgment, the Angels will be the Ministers of Justice, by whom the Wrath of God shall be Executed on sinful Creatures. In the time of the Harvest the Reapers gather the Tares into Bundles to bu [...]n them. Math. 13.30. The Harvest is the end of the World, the Reapers are the Angels, the Tares are wicked men. The Angels of the Lord will at that day bundle up wicked men, to cas [...] them into the Fire that never shall be quench­ed. This is the portion of those that fear no [...] God. But thus by way of Instruction or Inf [...]ma­ti [...]n.

The Last Use is for Exhortation.

II. There is a double Exhortation before us.

1. Let them that Fear the Lord, praise and glori­fie His Name for this priviledge of the Ministry and Guardianship of His Holy Angels. We ought to bless God, because he gives his Angels charge to [Page 87] Encamp round about us, and deliver [...]us. Alas! we are not sensible as we should be, how much we are beholden to God, for the Ministry of his Angels. It is a sad thing, that this is no more thought of by Christians. I remembea a Wor­thy Divine justly complains of it, that although Angels are frequently spoken of in the Scriptures, they are therein expresly mentioned above two hundred and sixty times over; yet it is rare to hear Ministers Preach on such a Subject, or to instruct and inform their people, how much we are beholden to God for His Angels: and it is rare to hear Christians praising the Lord for their Ministry: That which God has promised to every Believer, all Christians ought to praise him for: But the Guardianship of Angels is pro­mised to every one that belongs to Christ. Psal. 91.11. Mat. 18.10. Heb. 1.14. we should praise the Lord for all his benefits. Psal. 103.2. There­fore we may not forget to praise him for so great a benefit as that of his appointing his Angels to Encamp round about us. As long as we know in general that we have Angelical Aids and Assistances, and that ordinarily, though we know not in particular when they are more peculiarly helpful to us, we sin if we express not our Thankfulness to God for so high a favour. And altho' men truly pious may be too forgetful of their du­ty in this, as well as in other matters; neverthe­less, as for the person who is so Atheistical in his Principles, as to deny this Honour due to God, [Page 88] he has cause to fear that himself is a Servant in Satans Kingdom, and one whom the Holy An­gels have no kindness for. Let us consider a few things, which shew what cause they that fear him, have to praise him on this account.

1. The Angels take care of the Elect of God, all their lives long, from the beginning to the end of their dayes. Throughout the whole course of their lives, from the Cradle to the Grave, Angels are charged with them. Not only after they are a­dult, and have learned to fear and serve the Lord. but before that. If they are ministring Spirits, to them that shall be Heirs of Salvation, then an Heir of Salvation doth no sooner come into the World, but the Angels are charged to look after him. There are many heirs of Salvation, that dye before they come to adult age, whom nevertheless the Angels have a charge over: The Scripture speaks Of Little Ones, that have their An­gels. Mat. 18.10. Despise not one of these Littl [...] Ones (saith Christ) for their Angels do behold the Face of my Father in Heaven. Although such as are little in their own esteem, and little perhaps in the esteem of the World, may be intended in the Scripture, yet a literal Interpretation must not be excluded. Christ took a little Child into His Arms, and said, These Little Ones have their An­gels: As for them that belong to the Election of God, the Devil is set against them to destroy them, as soon as they come into the World, on­ly Angels do prevent it: As one speaks well, The [Page 89] Devil doth ramp about the Elect of God, whilst they are in their swadling clothes: But they have Holy Angels to protect them against the rage of Hell: as we read concerning the Man-child, Rev. 12.4. as soon as he was born, the Dragon would have devoured him. Which words although they are figurative, they allude to that which is really true. An Elect Child is no sooner born into the world, but there are Devils that would destroy it; but God sets his Angels to preserve and deliver it: The Lord Jesus Christ, when in a state of infan­cy, had his life secured by the Ministry of An­gels. Mat. 2.13. and so is it with many of those that belong to the Lord Jesus Christ, as the Heirs of his Salvation: and when they are past their Infancy, in adult age, and when they come to Old Age, still Angels are with them, Encamping round about them, and deliv [...]ring them from many an unseen evil, which otherwise had prov­ed their destruction: They are with them in all places, where the Hand of God leads them: When they are in this place, Angels are with them; and when they go into another Land, Angels are with them there: From Childhood to Old Age it is so: As the Lord speaks in Isai. 46.3, 4. From the Womb unto Old Age, I will bear, and I will carry and deliver them. How doth the Lord bear his Chosen Ones from the Womb, & unto their Old Age? Truly, He doth it by the Hands of Angels; He gives Holy Angels a charge that they shall bear them in their Arms, and hold them in their Hands.

[Page 90]2 Consider, if we fear God, the Angels will not forsake us at death. They will be with us all our lives long; yea, and at and after death too: when we must forsake all the World; when our Bodies and Souls must part for a time; when our Souls forsake our Bodies; the blessed Angels will not leave us, until they have brought us into the presence of Christ in Glory. The very Heathen Philosophers, some of them had sentiments con­cerning this thing: They did not only believe, that the Souls of men are Immortal, but that at the time of Death, Evil Angels do carry away the Souls of wicked men, into a place of Tor­ment: and that Good Angels carry the Souls of good men into a better World than this is: Doubtless, they had that knowledge from the Jews, as they had many notions (though they corrupted them) concerning the Invisible World from them, and the Jews from the Patriarchs & Prophets of old. The blessed Scriptures of God are exceeding clear concerning this: When Eli­jah was Translated, there appeared a Chariot of Fire, and Horses of Fire; that is to say, Angels in that form, to carry him up to Heaven, 2 King. 2.11. So when Believers leave this World, there is a Chariot and Horses of Fire prepared to conduct them to Glory: Hence is that Luk. 16.9. Make to your selves friends of the mammon of unrighteous­ness, that when ye fail, they may receive you into E­verl [...]ng Habitations: When ye fail, that is, when you dye, or cease to be in this World; [Page 91] they may receive you, that is to say, that they whose office it is to receive you, namely, the Holy An­gels, that they may receive your Souls into their Arms, and carry them upon their Wings into E­verlasting Habitations: and therefore in the Pa­rable concerning the Rich man and Lazarus, it is said of Lazarus, that when he dyed, he was car­ried by the Angels into Abraham's Bosome, Luk. 16.22. that is, to a place of blessed rest and repose: for, the words evidently allude, as to the History of Abraham and his faithful Servant Eleazar, so to the Jews manner of Feasting, who as they sat at meat, one did lean on the Bosome of anoth [...]r. Dives, notwithstanding all his grandeur, never had such Attendants, as poor dying Lazarus had: Dives never had a guard of Angels to surround him, and to conduct him, where he should find rest, as we see dying Lazarus had. The Souls of Believers, being separated from their Bodies, be­fore they can get [...]o Heaven, they must go tho­row the Devils Country: the Air wherein we breathe, is so: A Soul that is carried to Heaven, passeth thorow the midst of all the Pi [...]ates of Hell; but then there is no danger, since they have a glorious convoy of Angels. When the Devils see that Convoy, they dare not stir or come near the blessed Souls, which they behold environed with Angels, whom the Lord Christ has sent to be as a convoy, to bring them safe to be where he is, that they may behold his Glory. And inasmuch as the Holy Angels are by the [Page 92] Lord commanded to take care of the departing Souls of them that fear him, it well becomes dy­ing Saints to believe this; although they do not see Angels, yet to believe, that they are with them, and that they will conduct them to that Heaven, which is prepared for them. It was a great act of Faith, in an Viz. Mr. Samuel Newman, Pastor of the Church at Re­hoboth in New-En­gland. The same who wrote the Con­cordance to the Bible. emi­nently Faithful Minister of Christ, who Dyed in New-En­gland, about thirty years ago, that when he perceived the Approaches of Death, he was no way concerned at it; but after he had spoken a few so­lemn words to those about him, and now (s [...]d he) You Holy Angels come and do your Office. He had no sooner uttered these words, but he Dyed▪ Angels were about him, they heard what he said, and were ready to conduct that Holy Soul into the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ It is re­ported of the famous Morney, (who by his Excel­lent Writings, did great Service for the Church of God in his Day,) that when dying, he could say, I am taking my flight to Heaven: here are An­gels standing ready to carry my Soul into the Bosome of my Saviour. That Learned and Holy man, Dr. Holland, He [...]hose usual Farewell to his Scho­lars was, Commendo vos amor [...] Dei, et odio Papae, his last words were, O thou Fiery Chariot which ca­mest down to fetch up Elijah, you Angels that attend­ed the Soul of Lazarus, bear me into the Bosome of [Page 93] my best Beloved. Another Eminent and Holy Person, when Dying, had eyes opened to behold Angels, saying to those that were near, Oh! that you had your eyes opened to see what I see: I see mil­lions of Angels: God hath appointed them to carry my Soul up to Heaven, where I shall behold the Lord face to face. What cause then have we to Bless God for Holy Angels.

3. Consider what benefit they that fear the Lord, shall receive by the Ministry of Angels at the Last and Great Day. Those Angels that do accompa­ny their Souls, to the Mansions prepared for them in their Fathers House that is above, will come back again with them, at the day when there shall be a joyful meeting, between their Bodies and Souls, that have been for so long separated from each other. All the Angels in Heaven will be here at that Day: not an Angel in Heaven, but will come down into this lower World at that day. Christ will come, and all the Holy An­gels with him. Mat. 25.31. Christ will make use of them as his Heralds; he will send them forth to Sound the Trumpet, and Summon all the World to come and stand before the Judgment Seat of the Son of God. And do we think, that they will then do nothing for the Heirs of Salvation? yes, surely. For altho' the Work of Resurrection, like that of Creation, will (as a great Divine observes) be Effected by the Al­mighty Power of God alone, without the inter­veniency of Angels, or Secondary Finite Agents; [Page 94] nevertheless, they will then be Employed to the unspeakable comfort and joy of all the Children of God. The Blessed Angels will go down with them, to the places where their Dead Bo­dies shall be revived, and then will carry those Bodies unto the Right-hand of Jesus Christ, where he shall sit to Judge all the Earth. Mat. 24.31. He will send his Angels, and they shall gather toge­ther his Elect, from one end of Heaven to the other. They must gather them together, and must bring them to the Lord Jesus Christ at that day. And then the Angels will separate all wicked men from them, so that none but Saints shall be toge­ther, which is a wonderful happiness. What a blessed spot of Earth would that be, if there could be a place found, where there are none but Saints, none but good men, and those made perfect too. Thus shall it be at that Day; and this will be effected by the Ministry of the An­gels of Heaven: The Son of Man shall send fort [...] his Angels, and they shall gather out of his Kingdom all things that offend, and them that do iniquity. Mat. 13.41. In that Kingdom there will be none but real Saints of God. The Angels will drive away the Wicked, that none shall come there, as of old they kept Apostate Adam out of Paradise; And they will come in as witnesses of the fi­delity and piety of them that have feared and served God in sincerity. It is therefore said, that we are made a spectacle unto the Angels. 1 Cor. 4.9. Angels do observe us, while we are acting our [Page 95] part on the Theatre of the World: They ob­serve how we acquit our selves in doing and suf­fering according to the Will of God: and if we acquit our selves well, they will come in as wit­nesses for us at that Day. Therefore did the A­postle charge Timothy, to behave himself in the Work of his Ministry as became him, because of the Elect Angels: I charge thee before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Elect Angels, that thou observe these things, 1 Tim. 5.21. because Angels are witnesses thereof, and will come and testifie for those that have been faithful to God, and to the Lord Jesus Christ, at that day. Oh! then, let us bless God for the Ministry of his Angels! Why hath God revealed so much in his Word concerning his Angels, but that he might have praise from us on that account: Because some have indulged themselves in vain and curious un­scriptural speculations, others say it is dangerous to discourse and think of Angels. But i [...] we keep to the Scripture, we may as safely discourse of Angels, as of the poorest worm on the Earth. I say again, Why is it, that God hath in his writ­ten Word spoken so much concerning his An­gels? Is it that we should give glory to them? They all with one voice say, Do it not. But it is, that we might give glory to God on the account of what they do for us. Let us not thank An­gels, but let us thank God for his Angels.

2. We proced to the other Brnch of the Ex­hortation before us. Be we careful to approve our [Page 96] selves such as that the Lord may cause his Angels to En­camp round about us. If we have such a Guard, we need fear no Enemies in life or in death.

You will say, But what is to be done by us, that so we may be thus priviledged and safeguarded.

For Answer.

1. We must make sure, that we have an interest in Jesus Christ. For, all the Angels of Heaven are at His Command, who is their Lord and General. The Man Christ Jesus commands the living Creatures: He sits on a Throne in the Firmament, which is above ove [...] their heads; and they con [...]inually receive Orders from him. Ezek. 1.26. The Cherubims were at the two ends of the Mercy's Seat, to note, that the Angels do continually wait upon Christ: Their Wings were stretched forth covering the Mercies Seat, signifying their [...]diness to Serve the Lord Christ; and their Faces were towards the Mercies Seat, implying the joynt consent and agreement o [...] the Angels herein. Exod. 25.19.20. Our Lord would have his people know, that the Blessed Angels are all at his dispose. Therefore has He declared it from Heaven, saying, I Jesus have sent mine An­gel to testifie unto you these things in the Churches. Rev. 22.16. If the Lord Jesus, who sayes the Angels are his, shall say to this or that Angel in Heaven, Go thy way, there is such a Ser­vant of mine, take thou the care of him, it is done immediately. And it is by means of the Mediation of Jesus Christ, that we obtain this [Page 97] priviledge of the Ministry of Angels. The An­gels of God ascend and descend on the Son of Man. Joh. 1.51. It is by means of the Son of man, by means of Jesus Christ, that the Angels of God do ascend & descend for us, as for Jacob of old▪ Christ is the Jacobs Ladder which [...]oucheth Earth and Heaven, and joynes them both together by his Mediation. If Christ be ours, His Holy An­gels are ours too If ye are Christs, then all is [...]ours Hence the Apostle speaks of things in Hea­ven that are by Christ reconciled: There are Souls in Heaven indeed, that are reconciled to God by means of Jesus Christ; which some take to be the meaning of that Scripture: But it is moreover true, [...]at there are Angels in Heaven, who are by Christ reconciled, not to God, whom they have not offended, but to us. When we had sin­ned, those Creatures in Heaven, those Holy Spi­rits, were offended at us, but Jesus Christ hath caused friendship to be between Angels in Hea­ven and Saints on Earth: If we belong to Christ, we are for his sake dear to his Angels: They take pleasure in doing good Turns [...]or them that are by Faith united to Christ, be they never so mean in the World. I [...] in Christ, we are the Angels Fellow Servants.

2. Let us be careful to walk in the Fear of God. If his Angels Encamp round about them that fear Him: let us then keep in his fear. Remember what you have lately heard from Prov. 23▪ 17. Be thou in the Fear of the Lord all the day long: The [Page 98] way to have the Protection of Angels all the day long, is to be in the Fear of the Lord all the day long. Oh! take heed of going out of God's way: His Angels have a charge to keep those that keep in his way: Therefore are we greatly concerned, not to go out of God's way; give not way to sin and temptation; you will not on­ly offend God, but grieve and offend Holy An­gels if you do. Oh! how the Angels lament it, when they see a man that fears God, doing that which ill becomes him! When they see a man that fears God, give way to the corruptions of his own heart, how do the Holy Angels (though we hear it not) lament over that man! They are grieved to see it. But on the other hand, Oh [...] how do the Angels rejoyce, when they see a ma [...] walking closely with God, always serving, always doing something or other for God; how do the Angels rejoyce over that man, and delight to be with him! Be therefore much in the exercise o [...] the Fear of God. Exercise your selves unto God­liness. Be constant and frequent in Religious Duties: Angels love to see it. Be much in Pray­er to God in Jesus Christ, that is the way to have Angels with you. It is noted of Cornelius, that he was a man that feared God, and prayed al­ways. Act. 10.2. Now an Holy Angel came to him at the time when he was praying: And be much in Mourning for sin▪ [...]hat also is the way to have the company of Blessed Angels with yo [...] continually. This you see in Daniel; he pray [...] [Page 99] and mourns for sin, and sets himself very often by Fasting and Prayer in secret before the Lord, to beg mercy at his hands; and (saith he) while I was speaking and praying and confessing my sin, and the sins of my people, yea, whilst I was speaking in Prayer, Gabriel touched me. Dan. 9.20, 21. The Angels of Heaven have a special charge given to them concerning those that are much in mourn­ing for sin. We read in the Prophet Ezekiel of six men, that had brought their Weapons with them, that is to say, six Angels. Angels are cal­led men; as the Angel Gabriel was called the man Gabriel, so they are called six men, because they appeared like men; they had slaughter wea­pons in their hands, they were to make dreadful destructions and desolations in the World. But the Lord Jesus Christ saith to them, Set a mark on them that sigh and crie and mourn for the abom [...] ­nations that are done in Jerusalem. Saith Christ, I have a small company of gracious, humble, pray­ing Souls in Jerusalem, who mourn for the sins of the times, do you my Angels have a special care of them, and come not near any of them to hurt them, when you are destroying all the World before you. Ezek. 9.4, 6.

3. Let us imitate the Angels of Heaven. Let us endeavour to be as like them as may be, to be­come as Angelical, as our state of Infirmity will permit us to be. We should imitate Angels in respect of Serviceableness. The Angels are in­struments of good to the World. So ought we▪ [Page 100] to as many as possibly we can: we should endea­vour, that the World may fare the better for us. The Angels are in a p [...]culiar manner serviceable to the Church of God. Let us then in our seve­ral places and stations do all the Service we can, for the Church of God, in our generation; and we should be like them, in respect of obedience unto the Will of God. They are Patterns of Obedience unto us Mat. 6.10. We must ende [...] ­vour to do the Will of God on Earth, as it is done in Heaven, namely among the Angels that are there. They are constant and steady in their Obedience: they don't only begin to Serve God, but go on. Ezek. 1.9 The Living Creatures went & returned not. An Angel is never weary in doing service for God. They are never well, but when they are doing some Service or other for the Blessed God: so should it be with us. The An­gels burn in their zeal for God: they are Sera­phims (which signifies, Burners) on that account▪ So ought we to be, Fervent in spirit, serving the Lord, and to be zealous in good works: This is to be like an Angel. If we are like the Angels in respect of Holiness, after the Resurrection we shall be like them (and that not only as to our Souls, but our Bodies too) in respect of Glory and Immortality. In the Resurrection they are like the Angels of God in Heaven, Mat. 22.30.

4. Let us remember, that the Eyes of Angels are upon us. God hath his Angels every where: Those Spirits of God are sent to and fro through­out [Page 101] all the Earth. Did men remember this, it would by the Blessing of God, be a means to keep them from much sin, and so of keeping Ho­ly Angels near unto them. Why shouldest thou sin before the Angel? Eccles. 5.6. If a man when tempted to commit a sin, should behold an An­gel saying to him, Oh! do not this abominable thing which the Lord hates, would it not restrain him. Such a sight would make as graceless a man as Balaam was▪ afraid to go on wi [...]h his in­ [...]ended wickedness. Indeed, the first and chief motive that should make us careful and watchful [...]ver our selves in all our wayes, is the considera­tion of the Presence of God, and of the Lord Jesus Christ, that the Eyes of the Eternal God, and of Jesus Christ the Son of God, whose eyes are as a Flame of Fire, are upon us, but also this of the Angels is to be improved as a motive to Obedience. So we see the Apostle in the place before mentioned, doth from this consideration incite Timothy ▪ to the greater circumspection: I charge thee before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Elect Angels. Not only the remembrance and meditation of the Eye of God and of Christ, but of the Elect Angels, should move us. The Angels do observe us in all places; they observe how we Worship God in solemn Assemblies. The Apostle requires that there should be modesty & decency of behaviour in Church-assemblies, be­cause of the Angels. 1 Cor. 11.10. They come into Church-assembly: For Christ has his Throne [Page 102] there: He never sits on his Throne, but there a [...]e m [...]ny Angels to attend him. How many Angels are in this Assembly, I know not, but this I know, there are many to observe how I Preach, and how you Hear the Word of God. David says, Before the Gods I will sing praise to thee, Psal. 138 1. which the seventy express by saying, I will sing unto thee in the presence of Angels. Yea, and Angels observe us in our Families, and in our Closets and Retirements also: and with­out doubt they make report concerning us before the Great God: They say, Lord, There is such a Servant of thine, we see that he walks before God with a perfect heart in his House: we see that he is often at Prayer alone, and that he mourns for sin, we are witnesses of it: and what shall we do more for that Servant of thine, do the Angels say. Let us remember these things; and if we act accordingly, it will not be long before we shall see these Angels, that now you only hear of; but cannot see: It will not be long before we shall see them. And as the Lord said to his Prophet, Zech. 3.7. If thou wilt walk in my wayes▪ and if thou wilt keep my charge, I wi [...] give thee places to walk among these that stand by. Who were they? concerning whom it is said, These that stand by ▪ They were Holy Angels. Keep my charge, and walk in my wayes, sayes the Lord, and thou shalt [...] shortly in the Gal­leries above, among the Angels of God there: So shall it be. There are Angels [...] by this [Page 103] day. Let us be careful to walk with God now▪ and within a little while, we shall walk with Holy Angels in the Galleries of Heaven, where they will tell us wonderful things, concerning what they have done for us, which we little think of now; how they delivered us at such a time, how they were with us at such a place, how they prevented such and such designs from taking effect against us. And then shall they and we joyn together in Ev [...]lasting Hallelujahs to God and to Jesus Christ. You see in the fifth Chapter of the Revelation, how the Twenty four Elders and the Angels all concur and harmonize in ascribing Praises and Glory unto God in Jesus Christ, saying, Blessing, Honour and Glory unto Him that sits upon the Throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever. Thus shall it be in that blessed day (which the Lord hasten) when we shall be in the Heavenly Jerusalem, with the Spirits of Just men made perfect, and with the Innumera­ble Company of Angels.

[Page 104]

Explained and Improved according to SCRIPTURE REVELATION.

2 Pet. 2.4.

God spared not the Angels that Sinned.

THere were in the Primitive Times (as there are in these days) men, who altho' they did call themselves Chri­stians, had apostatized from the great Truths of the Gospel, imbracing Fundamental Errors in Religion. The Apostle in the begin­ning of this Chapter, shews, that such cannot Es­cape the Destroying Judgments of Heaven, which would unavoidably come upon them. And this he proves by an Argument taken from the Ex­ample [Page 105] of what had befallen other Sinners. There are three exceeding awful Instances here menti­oned. The First is that of the Sinning Angels. The Second is that, which befel the Apostate Old World: Notwithstanding, there was a World of them, (the Lord knows how many Thousands, how many Millions there might be) nevertheless they were all destroyed, excepting one small Fa­mily. The Third Instance, is, that Of Sodom and Gomorrah, and those Citie [...] that were Condemned by an Eternal Overthrow. When they sinned against God, he punisht them with the Venge­ance of Eternal Fire. The words at present be­fore us, fall under the first of these Examples, namely, that Of the Angels which sinned. I have spoken many things to you concerning the Holy Angels, who never sinned against God. It may not be unsuitable to discourse something concer­ning the Reprobate Angels, who have sinned, and are damned for it. When it is said, God spared them not, the meaning is, that he did shew them no mercy; that he made them become the Sub­jects of his Wrathful Judgments; that he did not forgive their sin, nor did ever make an offer of mercy to them.

The Doctrine therefore to be insisted on, is, That the Holy God hath made the Angels which sin­ned, Examples of Judgment without mercy.

[Page 106]This Doctrine may be cleared in several Pro­positions.

PROPOSITION I. That although all the An­gels were in their first Creation without sin, neverthe­less, many of them did soon after that, Sin against the Great God their Glorious Creator.

There are divers things contained in this Pro­position.

1. That all the Angels were once without Sin. As for the Angels that sinned, there was a time▪ when They were in the Truth, as it is said of them, Job. 8.44. Their First Estate was a State of In­tegrity. They were once adorned with the Glo­rious Image of God: and on that account they were The Sons of God, Job 38.7. the Sons of God, in respect of their being like unto him, and made after his Image in their First Estate. They did not come sinful out of Gods Hands: that could not possibly be, for then God should be the Author of Sin, which 'tis impossible that he should, as the Apostle James proves. God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempts he any man: Every good and perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of Lights, with whom is no variableness nor shadow of turning. Jam. 1.13, 17. All good is from God, saith the Apostle: and therefore evil, moral evil, sin, cannot be from him; for then he should be variable and subject to change, as Creatures are, which the Blessed God is not: and therefore He is not the Author [Page 107] of sin. The Angels then that sinned, were pure and spotless, as they came out of His Hands: Those very Angels, which are now in Hell, were once in Heaven. Hence it is said, That they left their own Habitation. Jude 6. Heaven was their proper place and habitation, their Native Coun­trey, as we may so speak. Those Apostate An­gels who are now blaspheming in Hell, there was a time, when they were praising God in Heaven. When the Foundation of the Earth was laid, All the Sons of God sang and shouted for joy: all the Angels; those that are now Blasphe­mers of him, were then shouting for joy, in ad­miration at the Wisdom and Power of their Cre­ator, whom they did then behold laying the foun­dation of this Earth. Those Angels that are now evil, were once good, and they continued to be so for a few dayes. For on the sixth day God saw every thing that He had made, and behold it was very good. Gen. 1.31. If all the Works that God had made, were good on the sixth day after the Creation began, the Angels that have sinned, were then good.

2. The Rebrobate Angels did not continue in their Sinless state, for any long time. For, although they were most excellent and glorious Creatures, yet they were but Creatures; and being Creatures, they were Mutable, and because mutable, there­fore Peccable, that is, in a possibility of sinning and falling from God. Absolute immutability is a Divine Property: it cannot be affirmed of any, [Page 108] but God alone. Mal. 3.6. I am the Lord, I change not. It cannot be said of any besides the Lord, that he cannot change. Austin gave a judicious Answer to that enquiry, How could Angels, that were such excellent and glorious Creatures in their first estate, not having any one to tempt them as man had, how could they sin, and loose their happiness? His An­swer was, Non sunt Deus, They are not God: and▪ therefore were subject unto change, and in a pos­sibility of falling from Heaven. He chargeth his Angels with folly, Job 4.18. The Angels are char­gable with folly in this respect. It is a Scripture Expression, Wise as an Angel of God. Nevertheless▪ the wise Angels are and alwayes were the Subjects of a [...]mparative folly: compared with the only wise God, they are foolish things. And when once they sinned, they were to be charged with infinite folly. For them to offend and fall out with their Omnipotent Creator, and by loosing his favour to loose their own happiness, was stu­pendous folly in the fallen Angels. As for the particular sin, which the Apostate Angels were guilty o [...], the Scripture is not so clear in revealing what it was; and therefore it is not for us to be positive in the determination of it. Nevertheless, it is very probable, that God might try their O­bedience unto the Moral Law, by some positive Precept o [...] other. As he tryed mans Obedience by that positive Precept respecting the forbidden fruit on the Tree of knowledge of good & evil: so we may conceive, that he tryed the Obedience [Page 109] of the Angels, by some positive Precept. It is also a probable conjecture, that the Lord told them (and Commanded them) that they should all be Ministring Spirits for man, and that this they would not stoop unto, man being far their inferi­our. To be sure there was pride in the sin which the Angels became guilty of, as indeed there is in every sin. Hence it is said, that a Bishop must n [...]t be a novice, lest being lifted up with pride, he fall into the condemnation of the Devil. 1 Tim. 3.6. The Devil was condemned to eternal fire, because of the sin of pride. But how, and in what particular that pride discovered it self, the Scripture hath not declared unto us. This notwithstanding se­veral things are certain from the Scripture. It is certain, that the Angels, some of them, did sin a­gainst God: So the Apostle expresly declares here. And by the Apostle Jude, it is said, that they kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation. And hence the Scripture speaks not only concern­ing Good Angels, but concerning Evil Spirits. We read in the Gospel of certain Women, who had been healed of Evil Spirits and infirmities. Those Spirits had possessed them and made them sick. In particular and by name [...]here was Mary Magda­len, out of whom went seven Devils. Luke. 8.2. So that there are Angels, who are called Evil Spirits and Devils. We find in the Scripture, that Christ gave his disciples power against unclean Spirits. Mat. 10.1. They are said to be unclean Spirits, not only (though partly on that account) because they [Page 110] excite wretched men unto unclean lusts, but be­cause they themselves are defiled with sin. They are polluted, and have made themselves hateful & abominable in the sight of the holy God, against whom they have sinned. And it is moreover certain, that these Apostate Angels did early cor­rupt themselves. It was within a short time after the world began. John tells us, that the Devil sinned from the beginning, 1 Joh. 3.8. And our Saviour Christ hath told us, that the Devil is a Lyar and a Murderer from the beginning ▪ Joh. 8 44. That is to say, from the first beginning of the World, or within a short time after the Creation. The Jewish Doctors (many of them) [...]ave Conjectured that the fallen Angels sinned on the second day after the Creation began; and they suppose that to be the reason why there is no divine approbation men­tioned concerning the work of that day, as there is of the other. But there is no solidity in that conjecture. For what is spoken Gen. 1.10. relates to the work of the second, and not of the third day only. It seems clear from the Scripture, that there was no sin in the world for six dayes after the beginning. Gen. 1.31. Nevertheless, It is evi­dent, that the Angels fell before man did, for it was the Devil, that did tempt man to disobey the Commandment of God, which could not have been, if he had not himself sinned against God before that. It is yet further clear and evident from the Scripture, that more then a few of the Angels sinned. There were vast multitudes of [Page 111] them that fell down from Heaven to Hell. No doubt but one was the Ringleader in that rebellion, whom the Scripture calls by the name of, the De­vil, and by the name of Satan, and whom the Jews were wont by way of contempt to call by the name of Belzebub: That Lucifer, (as he useth though not so properly to be called) who is be­come the Monarch of Hell, did not fall alone, nor perish alone in his iniquity, there were migh­ty numbers of them that did joyn with the great Devil, in the conspiracy against the most High. Hence the Scripture speaks of the Devil and His Angels, Mat. 25.41. His Angels. So that there were many of them, that were concerned in that first Transgression and Rebellion against the Lord. It is said, Ephes. 2.3. That the Devil is the Prince of the Power of the Air. So that there is a Power, an Host, a vast Army of those Evil Spirits, that did joyn with the Devil, in setting themselves against the Great God. How many, is not for us to say, the Written Word of God not speaking any thing as to the quantity of their number: only it is manifest from the Scripture, that there are far more Angels that have sinned, far more Devils then there are men in all the World. There is not a man in the whole world, but there are Devils to tempt him continually. And if so, they must needs be more in number than men are. We read in the Gospel of no less than a Legion of Devils in one poor misera­ble man. Luk. 8.30. You read there of a posses­ed [Page 112] man, and Christ demanded of the Evil Spirit, what his name was: The chief Devil among them made answer, It is Legion, for we are many. A Legion is six thousand six hundred and sixty six. Now then, if the Devil has such vast num­bers of Infernal Spirits under him; if he has such troops of them, as that he can spare no less than a Legion to afflict, and as it were to keep Garri­son in one poor miserable man: what prodigious numbers of Evil Angels must there needs be.

Thus you have seen the first Proposition confirm­ed? We proceed to the Second.

PROPOSITION. II. That God hath made the Sinning Angels examples of Judgment without Mercy. Therefore it is here said, God spared them not. He never did make any one tender of Mercy to them. He did not pardon their offence, nor ever will do. The truth of this is evident from several things.

1. In that the fallen Angels are for the present i [...] a miserable condition. They are now at this instan [...] in a state of misery. They have lost their happi­ness for ever, and did so, from the very moment, when they first sinned against God; they were immediately excluded out of Heaven, and the e­verlasting Gates were shut upon them. I do not say, nor do I believe, that the Angels did sin in the highest Heaven: for it is said of that Hea­ven, 1 Pet. 1.4. That it is Undefiled: whereas if the Angels had sinned there, they would have defiled the very Heavens. But when once they sinned▪ they were banished from Heaven, and they never [Page 113] came within the Palace of the great King any more. As soon as ever they sinned, they were cast away from the Presence of God for ever; and they are Excommunicated from the Society of those Holy Angels, that once they had an happy Fellowship with. And they are not only banished out of the Heavenly Kingdom to Eternity, being confined to the low Regions of the World; but they are m [...]reover become the Subjects of positive misery: Therefore are they said to be in Darkness, which notes misery, as the Apostle expresses it in this Context, they are de­livered into Darkness. Darkness of misery is come upon them already, they being excluded from the Presence of God, in whose favour is light and life: they must needs be in darkness. And they are said to be made Prisoners, and to be Cast into Hell, and to be in Chains there: They are delivered into Chains of Darkness. Those expressi­ons are Metaphorical, alluding to what is customa­ry among men. A Malefactor who is a great Criminal, is committed to Prison, and is there to lye in Chains, until the Sessions comes. So hath the Great God dealt by the Angels that sinned against Him, He hath committed them to Pri­son, and hath ordered them to lye in Chains there, until the Judgment of the Great Day shall come. They are not only under a Chain in re­spect of the restraining Power and Providence of God, which does hamper the Evil Angels, that they cannot go where they would, nor can they [Page 114] do many things, that fain they would do, which is a torment to them. But there is the chain of a guilty Conscience, which is a dark chain in­deed, in respect whereof the Devils carry Hell up and down the World with them.

2. The Angels that sinned, shall ere long be in grea­ter misery then at present they are subject unto. They are Prisoners, and have been so from the day of their fall: nevertheless, they are Prisoners at large, and the Devil hath a long chain allowed to him for the present: Therefore when it was said to him, Whence comest thou? saith he, I come from going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it. Job 1.7. So that he hath leave to go from one end of the earth to the other. He walks about seeking whom he may devour, 1 Pet. 5.8. For the present he is permitted to range up and down the World, to see if he can prevail over miserable Creatures, and make a prey of the precious Souls of the children of men. But there is a day a coming, when he shall be made a close Prisoner. Satan is to be cast into the Bot­tomless Pit, and shut up there. Rev. 20.4. He cannot then wander up and down as now he doth. Although the Devils now feel something of torment in their guilty Consciences, and there are doubtless some Laws which they are under, being (as some have judiciously observed) awed by a superiour power, and which they are as much afraid of acting against, as a Malefactor is afraid of going against the Laws of men, lest h [...] [Page 115] should be scourged for his so doing: Hence the Devil, though he had a natural power to hurt Job, was afraid to do it without leave. Yet there is a time coming, that they will be in more in­tolerable torment by far, than what they at pre­sent indure. Hence when the Devils saw the Lord Jesus Christ approaching, they cryed out, What have we to do with thee? Art thou come to torment us before the time. Mat. 8.28. So that there is a time yet to come, wherein the Devils shall be subject unto greater torment, than as yet they are made sensible of. And that time will be at the Day of Judgment: Do ye not know, that the Saints shall Judge the World? Know ye not, that we shall judge Angels, 1 Cor. 6.2, 3. that is to say, the Angels that sinned. At the Great Day, all reprobate men, and not only so, but all the repro­bate Angels shall be brought into Judgment, and shall then have a sentence of Eternal Condemna­tion passed upon them. Therefore it is, that the thought of the Day of Judgment is exceeding terrible unto all the Devils in Hell; they all tremble, when ever they think of the Judgment to come. The Devils believe, that there is one God, and they tremble. Jam. 1.19. So they believe, that there is a Day of Judgment, that will be here ere long, and they tremble at the fore thought of it. We read in the Gospel of a Devil in a pos­sessed man, who said to the Lord Jesus Christ, I adjure thee by God, that thou torment me not. q. d. God has given us leave, as yet to be out of the [Page 116] place of Torment, where we must at last be. Therefore I adjure thee by him not to send me thither. So that the Devils have a fearful expe­ctation of that Day of Wrath. Mar. 5.7.

3. The ruine of the Angels that sinned is irrecovera­ble and eternal. Therefore is it said, that God hath not spared them, because they are without all hopes of ever being restored to their blessed State. They are cast down to Hell: they are not able to re­cover themselves. They are fallen down so deep into that Dungeon of Darkness, which Sin hath brought them into, that they can never rise a­gain, by any power of their own. The Chains which they are in, the mighty Devils cannot break them: and the Holy God will not recover them. He hath not seen meet to do any thing for their being recovered out of the woful mise­ry, which they have sinned themselves into; God has not afforded any means for their Salvation▪ and therefore their ruine must needs be an Eter­nal Ruine. The Chains which the Devils are said to be in, are called, Everlasting Chains, Jude 6. The Fire of the Wrath of God, that they are condemned to endure, is called an Everlasting Fire. Mat. 25.41. It will be said to the Wicked at the last day, Depart with the Devil and his An­gels into Everlasting Fire. So that the Angels that sinned are condemned to Everlasting Fire. God then hath not spared them, but hath made them Examples of Justice without Mercy.

[Page 117]PROPOSITION III. That the Severity of God, manifested on the Angels that sinned, is most just and reasonable. For,

1. Their sin was exceeding hainous. The Devils were the first that ever sinned. And God uses to leave a mark of his indignation on those that are the first Transgressors in any kind. And they sinned without a Tempter; they sinned of themselves: They left their own Habitation; left it of themselves: Their wills were deeply engaged in their sinning against God: and the more of the will there is in any sin, the more Evil is in it. They sinned, I say, and were not tempted by any one to do it: As for man, when he sin­ned, he was tempted, beguiled and deceived by the Devil: And probably Adam knew nothing of the Fall of the Angels, but might think when the Devil spoke to him, that it was a good An­gel, and therefore might be the more easily de­ceived. Man thus sinning through temptation, was an object of pitty, more than the Devils, that had none to tempt them; also the Angels sinned against clear light and knowledge. Their Sin was yet further aggravated, in that God had done more for them, than for any Creature be­sides. God had advanced them above all the Creatures in the World: Their sin therefore was e [...]ding hainous. Now the least sin that can be thought of, deserves Eternal Punishment: Therefore God in not sparing the Angels that sinned, is just and righteous.

[Page 118]2. The Apostate Angels are become the most wick­ed Creatures in all the World: They are set upon [...] They are called by the name of Shedim. Deut. 32.17. which signifies Wasters, or Destroy­ers. Those hateful and rapacious Birds of Hell, are always devouring miserable Creatures. 1 Pet. 5.8. for which cause the Devil has the name of Abaddon and Apollyon given to him. Rev. 9.11. they are wicked in the highest degree: There­fore are they called Spiritual Wickednesses, Ephes. 6.12. because they are most wicked Spirits, wic­ked with all manner of wickedness: there is no good in them in the least. It is said of the De­vil, that there is no truth in him. Joh. 8.44. There is no goodness in him: he hath not so much of common goodness, so much of the relicks of the Image of God, as the sinful children of men have: and therefore he doth not scruple any man­ner of wickedness, let it be never so great. There are some very wicked men in the World, that as for some sins, they are afraid of them. Natural Conscience has that power in them, that as for some sins, they seem so atrocious and horrid, as that they are afraid to commit them. But now the Devil doth not stick at any wickedness, let it be never so great and hainous. The greater any sin is, the more pleasing it is to the Devil: He is always sinning himself, and endeavouring to make others sin to the utmost of his power. He is not only a Tempter, but the Tempter: That is his cursed Trade. Blasphemy is the greatest sin: [Page 119] now that the Devil is continually guilty of. It was Satan that made Jobs Wife say, Blaspheme God and dye. And those sins which they cannot commit, because of their being spiritual natures, yet they stir up others to them: such as Drun­kenness and Uncleanness, they stir up wicked men to live in such abominations: And all this they do out of despight against Heaven, because they know that such things do offend and grieve the blessed God. Out of their desperate hatred of the Glorious and Holy God, against whom they have sinned, they do all they can to cause His Name to be dishonoured: and therefore it is that the Devils do hate those most, that are most like to God, and who above others do Ser­vice for His Name, the Evil Angels do in a pe­culiar manner set themselves against, and are fil­led with all the rage of Hell against such as those are. The Devil is full of wrath and rage, but against whom? against those especially, which Keep the Commandments of God, and the Testimony of Jesus. Rev. 12.17. against such is his malice, his wrath and rage in a peculiar manner bent. His malice is greater than his policy, though he is a great Politician. The Devil hath a great wit, he hath wonderful parts, as to understanding and memory: yet his malice is greater than his wisdom. He knows well enough he shall get no­thing, by setting himself to do mischief to those that belong to God: He knows that he shall but hurt himself, and shall receive the great­er [Page 120] Damnation for it at the last day. He knows this, and yet will go on, because his malice is greater than his understanding. And the Devil, and so all his Evil Angels are come to that height of wickedness, that they would not have the Blessed God to have a Church in the Earth: They would not have Christ to have a Servant in the World. If they could have their wills, the Glorious God should not be worshiped. They hate that which is good: they hate Prayer, and Preaching, and good Books, that have a tenden­cy to promote the Salvation of the Souls of men. The Devils in a special manner hate such Books as those are: They hate this blessed Bible, more than any Book in the World: They hate the Lords day. Because of their malice against Hea­ven, they tempt the children of men on the Sab­bath-day, more than on any day in the week, because they know, that if men sin on the Sab­bath-day, they will then become doubly guilty in the sight of God. The Devil is the oldest Sinner, and the most cursed Creature in all the World. It is said, Isa. 65.20. That the Sinner of an Hundred Years shall be accursed. But then what shall the Sinner be, that is more than five thou­sand years old? The Devil and and all the An­gels that sinned with him, are Sinners of above five thousand years old, and will therefore be­come the most accursed and damned Creatures in the whole universe at the Great Day.

We now proceed to the Uses of this Doctrine.

[Page 121]And in the first place by way of Information, or Instruction in several particulars.

Inference 1. Here we may behold, and let it affect all our hearts, to consider the wonderful Grace of God towards fallen men, in that God hath spared them. Although he did not spare the Angels that sinned against him, he hath spared the fallen sinful chil­dren of men, spared them from Everlasting De­struction. He has manifested more Grace to them then he did to the Angels that sinned, for whom he did not provide a Saviour. God did not send his Son into the World to take the Nature of Angels, and unite that Nature unto his own Sacred Eternal Person. Heb. 2.16. He took not to him the nature of Angels, it is said, but that of Abraham, and so of other men. The Scrip­ture does therefore call Redeeming Grace PHI­LANTHROPY, or the Love of God towards man. Tit. 3.4. The Blessed Angels that never sinned, are affected with the thought of this, they do admire the Grace of God towards the fallen children of men, and they praise his Glorious Name on that account. The Angel said to the Shepherds, Behold I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people: for unto yon is Born a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. Luk. 2.10, 11. Unto you (says the Angel) to you sinful children of men, not to Angels that sinned, but to you men. And a multitude of Holy Angels did then praise God, saying, Glory to God in the Highest, on Earth peace, good will towards men. Now Christ is [...], [Page 122] that is come to pass by which God will have glory in the highest, men will have peace and the good will of God towards the children of men is and will be manifested: This all the hosts of Heaven that worship God continually, are af­fected with; and shall not we who are most con­ce [...]ned, have our hearts within us moved with meditations thereon? God did not send Angels from Heaven to Preach a Jesus to the Angels that sinned, no, he never did send any such message from Heaven to them, as unto men he has. Nor did the Lord wait on the Angels that sinned, to see if they would return to him, and repent, and humble themselves before him as he has waited on men. 1 Pet. 3.20. The Long suffering of God waited in the dayes of Noah. And how long doth God wait upon many Sinners? With what pati­ence doth God wait on them, before he casts them down to Hell; before he send them to be where the Angels that sinned now are. And when the Angels sinned but once, as soon as ever they had but once transgressed, He spared them not. But now though men have sinned a million times over, God spares them; although they continue sinning from one year to another, God not only spares them out of Hell, but tells them of a Heaven, and sends his Gospel to them, to assure them, that all their sins shall be pardoned, and their Souls saved, if they obey the Gospel: Here now is wonderful Grace, that we may be astonished to consider of. The Angels that sin­ned, [Page 123] never had one offer of a Christ: They ne­ver had a Jesus Preached to them as a Deliverer from the Wrath to come. God himself Preached the Gospel, and promised Salvation to fallen man, on the very day in which he first sinned. Gen. 3.15. What glorious Grace was this!

Inference 2. We see here a glorious evidence of the holiness and of the Justice of God. He is an Holy God, He cannot endure sin. He will not suffer sinners to be in his sight. If they be sinners, tho [...] they be Angels, if once they become sinners, out of Gods sight they must go. Such is the Holiness of Gods nature. David being a man after Gods own heart, could say, A Lyar shall not dwell in my house, nor tarry in my sight. Psal. 101.7. But Oh! the Holiness of the blessed God, that when the reprobate Angels did once become Lyars, they might not dwell in Gods house, nor tarry in his sight one moment longer. Such is his Holiness, that he cannot look upon sin with approbation of it. Hab. 1.13. He is of purer eyes, than to behold evil: he cannot look upon iniquity without detestation there­of. 'Tis not only true that he will not, but that he cannot. God can no more approve of sin, then he can cease to be God. Thus glorious is he in Holiness And we see before our eyes a glo­rious and dreadful demonstration of the Justice of God, in that he does punish sinners whoever they be. The truth is, He never spared any sin, there was never any sin committed in the World, nor [Page 124] never shall be, but God hath punished it, or will punish it. As for the Angels that sinned, they are condemned to eternal fire and flames: not any one of them all can escape the stroke of Divine Justice. And as for reprobate men, although God bears with them a long time, and is pleased to ex­ercise infinite Patience towards them, yet they will at last find, that all their sins shall be punish­ed with a Vengeance, Rom. 9.22. What, if God willing to shew his wrath, and make his power known, endured with much long suffering the Vessels of wrath fitted to destruction. At last Gods wrath, his Justice will be made to appear in punishing them for all their Transgressions, Ay, and he will make known his infinite Power at the same time. The infinite Power of God is seen in making one that hath been a sinner, capable of enduring such punish­ment. That a poor Creature should be filled with the wrath of God, and yet be capable, or in a possibility, to indure it to all eternity, this makes known his power as well as his wrath. Thus doth he shew his wrath and make his Power known. And as for the Elect of God, he hath not spared their sins, as appears in that his own Son was not spared, when he became a surety on their behalf, Rom. 8.32. God spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all. The Son of God who never sinned nor could sin, yet was not spared, when he became a Mediator undertaking to answer for sinners. That is the highest demon­stration of the Holiness and Justice of God, that [Page 125] can be thought of. As some Divines have ex­pressed it, If a man would [...]ee the Justice of God set forth to the life, let him go to Golgotha, where Christ was crucified, and behold him on the Cross, and there hear him crying out, when bleeding and dying, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? And if a man would see the Justice of God set forth to the life of it, [...]et him go unto the Gar­den, where Jesus Christ was in his Agony, and let him there behold the Son of God sweating drops of Blood, because of the wrath of the Father, due for the Sins of men. So that we see glorious de­monstrations of the Justice and Holiness of God, and of his infinite hatred of Sin.

Inference. 3. Sin makes men to become like unto the Apostate Angels. It turns men into Devils. There are wicked men who are Devils incarnate. And therefore sinners are said to be the Children of the Devil, and to be of the Devil, 1 Joh. 3.8. Namely as Children are of their Father. He is called their Father, Joh. 8.44. Ye are of your Father the Devil, and the lusts of your Father ye will do, saith Christ: Ye do just as the Devil doth, and just as the Devil would have you do, and there­fore ye are his Children, and he is your father. There are Children in respect of Imitation: Sinners imitate the Devil: Yea, they have his Image, the very same evil nature, the same wicked dispo­sition and sinful inclinations which are in the heart of the Devil, are in their hearts and na­tures. [Page 126] Especially, there are some sins that make men exceeding like the Devil, and his Children indeed. As now, that sin of Apostacy from good beginnings: The Devil was the first Apostate. Hence when men have begun to do well, and after that turn from the good ways of God, they make themselves like the Devil. As for the Fal­len Angels, they have left off all Exercises of Re­ligion and Piety. There was a time, when the Devil and his Evil Angels did pray and worship God; when they did joyn with the Holy Angels in praising the great Creator of the World. But they have left praying and praising, and forsaken the Company of Holy Angels. Ah! Lord God, are there not such in this Assembly this day! are there not such here before the Lord this day, who have manifested themselves to be the Devils Children? There was a time when they would pray, and joyn with others the Fearers of the Lord in serving him: but they have forsaken him, they serve him not, neither do they pray unto him: And they have forsaken the Commu­nion of those Fearers of the Lord with whom they did once joyn in Religious Exercises. This is to be and to do just like the Devils: such are his Children, as like him as it is possible for Crea­tures to be out of Hell: So Hypocrites and Dissem­blers are like the sinful Angels. Christ said to his Disciples, Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a Devil. Joh. 6.70. That was Judas. Why was Judas a Devil? but because he was an [Page 127] Hypocrite, one that pretend to that in Religion and Devotion which was never in him; one that did seem to be an Angel of light, when he was not so; one that did betray Christ with a kiss, pretending to be his friend, when he was trea­cherous and false to him and to his Interest. Such men there are in the world, as will out of respect to carnal ends and designs make pretenti­ons to Religion: They are like the Devil. There is in the Field of Christ, (in his Church in the World) not only Wheat but Tares, there are not only sincere Professo [...], but Hypocrites. They are the Children of the Wicked One. Mat. 13.38. and all Lyars are so. The Devil is a Lyar, and the Father of it, because he is the Father of them that are so. Lyars joyn with the Devil in sin­ning, and as they partake with him in sinning, so shall they have the Devils punishment. What is the Devils punishment? It is an exclusion out of Heaven: And what is the punishment of all Lyars? They shall in no wise enter into the Heavenly Jerusalem. They shall ba excluded, as the Devil their Father is. What is the Devils punishment? It is said, He shall be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone. Rev. 20.10. and the very same is said concerning all Lyars, that they shall have their part in the Lake that burns with Fire and Brimstone, which is the Second Death. Rev. 21.8.

Inference. 4. This informs us of the Evil which is in Sinning against God. We see what an evil [Page 128] sin is, that it is the worst of evils, and that which of all evils men have the greatest cause to dread. For it doth provoke God: Therefore it is of all evils the most formidable. It was well replied by one of the Antients, when the greatest Person in the Empire sent him a threatning message, Go (said he) carry back this answer, that I am afraid of nothing, but to sin against God. Sin is a most de­structive evil to the Creature. No eminency or priviledge can save sinning Creatures from the strokes or Divine Justice. It brings remediless ruin on those that shall become guilty of it. Angels are eminent ones: If I speak with the tongues of Men and Angels (saith the Apostle) intimating, that Angels were of all Creatures the most excellent and glorious, and yet when they sinned, we see what became of them, of so many of them, as sinned against God. They are reserved under darkness for the Judgement of the great day. Then most certainly there is no eminency in men, that can secure them from the Vengeance of Hea­ven, if they sin: no eminency of Power. Angels are greater in power and might than men are, yet when they sinned, they must go into Everlasting Chains. It is not any Eminency of Parts and Wisdom, that can save sinful Creatures from the killing strokes of revenging Justice. It was said of the King of Tyrus, Thou art full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty: thou hast been in Eden the Garden of God. Ezek. 28.12. For all this he must down to the pit. Wilt thou yet say before him that [Page 129] slayeth thee, I am God. But thou shalt be a [...] and not God, in the hand of him that slayeth thee. The Angels that sinned before their Fall, [...] full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty, and they had been in Eden in the Heaven of God But they are gone down to Hell. Oh▪ th [...]n what an evil is sin! One sin hath destroyed millions of Angels in one moment: what an Evil is Sin then, do you think? One sin hath b [...]ought Death upon the whole World of Mankind in one day, so that all mankind must have perished to Eter­nity, if the Son of God himself had not stept in to save them. Rom. 5.12. By one man Sin entred into the World, and Death by Sin, and so Death pas­sed upon all men, for that all have sinned. What a fearful poison is sin, that hath poisoned all man­kind in one moment! Adam did no sooner eat the forbidden fruit, but he and all his posterity were poisoned to death in that very moment: such an Evil is it. And therefore if men go on sinning against God, it is in vain for them to think they shall escape the hand of that Justice which hath not spared the Angels that sinned. What­ever man shall go on in his Trespasses, will at last find Judgment without Mercy. He that despised Moses's Law, died without mercy, of how much sorer punishment suppose ye shall he be thought worthy, that hath trodden under foot the Son of God. As for Sinners, especially under the Gospel, oh what will become of them! as the Apostle here speaks▪ if God spared not the Angels that sinned, if so, [Page 130] what then? then (saith he) you may be sure, he will not spare men that shall sin, and continue in their sins▪ and least of all, men who have had the offer of the Gospel, and yet have despised it. Men that have the Word of God Preached to them, and who hear Sermons wherein Christ and Salvation by him, is offered to them, and yet for all that continue in unbelief, they sin at such a rate, as the Devils never sinned. Oh! what a Condemnation will they bring upon themselves? Judgment without Mercy, or any hope of mer­cy; because they have sinned against the Redee­ming Blood and Bowels of Jesus Christ the Son of God, which the Angels that sinned have not done.

Wherefore let me conclude with Exhorting you to get your Souls clear of the guilt of sin. They that de [...]ire to experience the sparing, pa [...]doning mercy of God, are concerned to get clear of sin, that God may look on them as without sin: and who is there, whom this Word of the Lord concern­eth not? There is not a man in the whole world whom this Word of the Lord concerneth not, for that all men have sinned. Indeed, all the Angels have not sinned; there are innumerable Holy Angels that never sinned against God; but as for men, they have all sinned. The Scripture (God in his Word) has concluded all under sin, Gal. 3.22. without excepting so much as one. The whole world is become guilty before God: And therefore all men are concerned to consider of [Page 131] this. Know then, that there is a way for men, though not for Angels, to become clear of sin. If a man shall by Faith have the Blood of Christ sprinkled on his Soul, he is clear of sin: They that have that Blood sprinkled upon their Souls, are pure from sin [...]ay, although they have been guilty of never so many, and never so great sins, if the Blood of Christ is sprinkled on them, the Lord looks on them, and deals with them, as if they had never sinned against him: They are then without fault before the Throne of God. Hence David prayed, saying, Purge me with hysop, and I shall be whiter than the Snow. Psal. 51.7. David had by sin made himself blacker than Hell [...]ay, but purge me with hysop, and I shall be clean, yea, whiter than the snow. He means, let the Blood of Christ be sprinkled upon me, which was typified by the Blood sprinkle [...] with hysop, and then all the sins that my soul hath been polluted and made abominable by, shall be taken away, and I shall become whiter than the Snow it self. When there is true Repentance to­ward God, and unfeigned Faith in the Lord Je­sus Christ, his Blood is sprinkled on the Soul. You read in the Gospel of one that had been a notorious infamous Sinner, a vile creature, doubt­less an Harlot, a Strumpet, whose wickedness was known all the Town over. Luk. 7.37. This Sinner came to the Lord Jesus Christ, and did wash his feet in her tears ▪ and (saith Christ) her Sins that were many, are forgiven. Now hear the [Page 132] Gospel. Oh! that sinners would consider of this: What your sins have been I know not: God knows, and Jesus Christ knows, what secret sins any of you have been guilty of before the Lord, he knows. It may be some of you have been guilty of secret scarlet sins, of crimson abo­minations, that the Heavens would blush to hear of. Nevertheless, God hath sent me to Preach the Gospel to you. I say then, Go thy wayes thou sinful Creature, and by Faith in Prayer fall down before God in Jesus Christ, and with a pe­nitent Soul wash the Feet of the Lord Jesus in thy tears: and he will wash thy Soul in His Blood. Oh! give thy self up to the Lord Jesus in a perpetual Covenant, Heart, Body and Soul, and all to be his, his only, and his for ever. Ac­cept of him, as he is offered in the Gospel, and he will accept of thee. And then suppose thy Sins to have been never so many and great, the Lord saith unto thee, as unto that great Sinner and in [...] Name be it spoken to thee, Thy Faith hath saved the [...].

A Diſquiſition Conce …

A Disquisition Concerning Angelical APPARITIONS, In Answer to a CASE of Conscience, shewing that Daemons oft appear like Angels of Light, and what is the best and only way to prevent deception by them.

All considered, according to the Scripture, Reason, Experience and approved History.

By Increase Mather, Praesident of Harvard Colledge.

2 Cor. 11.3.

I fear lest by any means, as the Serpent beguiled Eve through his Subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

Augurium vanum vani docuere parentes,
Cui credens, dignus decipiatur, erit.

Quos pios vidit diabolus, vanis opinionibus illaqu [...]are studet.


BOSTON. Printed for Samuel Phillips, at the Brick Shop. 1696.


THIS Age has abounded with Atheists, not only in Practice but in Opinion. A late Author speaks of many thou­sands of them in one Kingdom, nay in one City in Europe. Sadducism is a degree of Atheism, and commonly ends therein. The Learn­ed Dr. Cudworth (in his Intellectual System, p. 703.) Observes that some who object that the Age wherein we live has n [...] Demoniacks, or possessed persons, do from thence suspect the whole Gospel of Fabulosity or Imposture. That there are in this age Energumens, late recent Examples amongst our selves, (and more than a few of them) are an awful Conviction. Some are willing to phansy all to be a strange natural disease. Plotinus relates that [...]e of the Heterodoxies of the old Gnosticks, was, that they supposed diseases to be Devils, and that therefore the way to cure them was not by Phy­sick, but by words and charms. The Opinion of these men who call Devils, diseases, is not unlike that of the Gnosticks. The lamentable objects which our eyes have beheld are sufficient to Con­vince the most obdurate Sadduces in the World, that there are Evil Angels infesting the Earth. Nor is it to be doubted but that one reason why Providence has permitted such things to be done in the midst of us, is, that so men may be left without excuse for their Atheism, if they will not believe a future state, or that there is any World [Page] [...] that which is visible, when such sensible de­monstrations thereof have been set before them.

It is by some supposed that there are Angelical as well as Diabolical possessions. The Jewish Rab­bis are of Opinion that the Prophets were acted by Angels. The divine influx (they say) came by their Ministry, who ordered and disposed the word in the mouth of the Prophet according to the mind of God. It is a Celebrated saying a­mongst them, That every Prophet received his Pro­phesy by the Ministry of an Angel, Moses only excepted. So Maimon and other of their Masters. They sup­pose the Reason of that expression in Judg. 5.23▪ to be because Deborah being a Prophetess spake according to Angelical Inspiration. They say that the difference between a divine and a deceit­ful dream, is, that the former is by the hand of an Angel, the latter by the hand of an evil Spirit. So do they reconcile, Numb. 12.6. with Zach. 10.2.

We in New-England have lately seen not only miserable Creatures Pinched, Burnt, Wounded, Tortured by Invisible Agents, but some Ecstatical Persons, who have strongly imagined that they have been attended with Caelestial Visitants revealing secret and future things to them which if it should appear to be Diabolical Imposture, or the effect of an hurt Imagination only, or both, it may (if not timely prevented) be of dangerous Consequence to themselves and others; on which Occasion▪

[Page 4]THE seasonable Question or Case of Conscience which I am desi­red to express my Sentiments con­cerning, is, Whether Angelical Ap­paritions may in these Dayes be ex­pected; and if so, how they may be discerned from Sa­tanical Illusions?

We shall endeavour a succinct Answer to the Enquiry proposed in the Conclusions following.

Conclusion I. Although it must be granted, that i [...] the Dayes of the Gospel, Angelical Apparitions are not so frequent as under the Old Testament, neverthe­less; some such there have been, and still may be▪ What can he say that cometh after the King? God has been pleased to speak to us in these last dayes by his Son, who is the Lord of Angels, by whom he has made a sufficient Revelation of His Will in all matters, which he has thought meet to have us acquainted with▪ Heb. 1.1. As the New-Testament Dispensation is more spiritual, so the Ministry of Angels is less visible than in for­mer times. There were ANGELOPHANEIAI, many Appearings of Angels, as also a frequency of Miracles, until such time as the Canon of Scripture was compleated, and the Gospel sufficiently con­firmed; but since that, both the one and the other are in great measure ceased, yet not so ceased as at no time or on no occasion to make themselves visible. That Learned and Worthy Divine, Dr. [Page 5] Owen does (according to his wonted manner) in my apprehension express himself very judici­ously as to the Question before us, in his Exposi­tion on Heb. 1.14. p. 148. His words are these, For as many have pretended unto Revelation by An­gels, which have been meer delusions of Satan, or ima­ginations of their own Brains, so to say, that God does not or may not send his Angels unto any of his Saints, to communicate his mind unto them as to some particu­lars of their own duty according to his Word, or to shew unto them somewhat of his own approaching work, seems in my judgment to be unwarrantably to limit the Holy One of Israel. Howbeit, such things in particular are to be duely weighed with sobriety & Reverence. Thus the Judicious Doctor. It is true, that the World has been imposed on by fictitious and fabulous Relations concerning the Appearances of Angels. Some Writers have made themselves very merry with a comical Sto­ry of a Nobleman in Portugal, who falling into a melancholly despair, phansied his sins were unpar­donable. To care him, some used this Artifice: They privately caused the Tiles to be taken off from the roof of his House, and having clothed a man in white, with a Sword in his right, and a lighted Torch in his Left-hand, at midnight he appeared to him, and bade him be chearful, for he was an happy man, and so extinguishing his Torch departed. The melancholly man overjoy­ed with the Vision, raised his House, who congra­tulating his felicity, he from that time grew [Page 6] well, being thus relieved by an Artificial Angel. See Zacut. Tusit. p. 34. Many pretenders to a con­versation with Angels, and to a Spirit or Gift of Prophesy, have been great cheats. Some would have us believe, the Nostradamus (who was Coun­seller to three of the Kings of France) had An­gelical Apparitions. There are two Learned men▪ viz. Rensardus, and Monlucius, that have written in his Defence. But others (and not upon slight grounds) reckon him an Impostor, and with a little alteration of his name, have given him the Elogy of Monstradamus. There was one that made this ingenious Distick for him.

Nostra damus cum verba damus, nam fallere nostrum est,
Et cum verba damus, nil nisi nostra damus.

What more frequent in times of Popery then Miracles and Apparitions of Angels? The Lives of Saints are filled with sables about these things. There were some that gained by the Fable, tho many were impoverished thereby. A place in Cornwall bears the name of St. Michael's Mount, where was a Chappel Erected, because certain Monks affirmed, that Michael the Arch angel did there appear to them. The same is pretended by the French men concerning their Michael's Mount in Normandy. The Italians also challenge the like Apparition to have been in their Hill Garganus. See Cambden's Britannia▪ p. 188. Innumerable are the Instances of this kind: It would not only fill a Volumn but be loss of time to rehearse them. Bishop Hall in his Book of the Invisible World. [Page 7] Sect. 8. has mentioned some of them. The Re­lations published by Gregorius Magnus concerning the Apparitions of Angels to Saints in those times, were either fabulous or satanical illusions. In my opinion, Mr. Isaac Ambrose has wronged his Treatise of Angels (which is otherwise a good and useful Book) by quoting so many passages out of him, which may occasion his Readers to think, that the other Historical Narrations in his Book, are of no more credit than those of Gre­gories. These things notwithstanding, we may not run into the other extream, or conclude, that all reports concerning Appearing Angels have no reality of truth in them. Luther in his Com­mentary on Gen. 37. and Gen. 40. declares, that he was very much moved and offended at the infinite multitude of Satanical Illusions, with which the World was horribly deceived for a long time under the Papacy; and that for his own part he did con­stantly pray to God, that he would not reveal any thing to him by Dreams or Visions, but by his Written Word; and that He would not send An­gels to appear to him, knowing that when he was meditating on the Scriptures, God and His Holy Angels were near to him, who could instill irra­diations on his mind without any visible Appari­tions. Yet, he does acknowledge that some may have that which he never did nor desired to ex­perience. Sint dona sed quae ego nec curo nec deside­ro, says he. And the Truth is, that Authors worthy of Credit have given us an account of [Page 8] very remarkable and memorable Instances here­about. The Church of Smyrna in an Epistle directed to the Church in Philomilium, say, that it was revealed to Polycarp their Pastor by a Dream, that he should be burnt alive for the Name of Christ, that when he came to Dye, he gave thanks to God, not only for honouring him with such a Death, but in that he had been pleased before it came to pass to reveal unto him that he should Dye in that manner. They also say, that when he was brought before the Procon­sul to be tryed for his Life, there was a voice heard from Heaven saying, ISKVE POLUKARPE KA [...] ANDRIZOU, Polycarp be of good courage, and play the man now. What could this be other than the voice of an Angel, which the Christians who were Members of that Church say that they did themselves many of them hear it. v. Euseb. lib. 4 [...] cap. 15. The young man that appeared to Babi­las, when he was tortured with an Engine for several hours, pouring cold water on him, which did wonderfully refresh him, (none but himself seeing the young man) must needs be an Angel. The like is reported concerning Theodorus, who was put to the torture in the dayes of Julian the Apostate. What shall we think of that which our English Historines relate concerning K. Ed­ward the Confessor, that when he was sick of the sickdess of which he Dyed, after he had remain­ed speechless two dayes, lying for a time in a slumber, there appeared two persons standing by [Page 9] him, who protested they were Messengers of God, declaring that because the Bishops and other chief Governours in England were not the Mini­sters of God but of the Devil, the Kingdom should be delivered into the Hands of an Ene­my. The K. awaking, sighed and prayed, say­ing, Lord Almighty, If this be not an Illusion, but a true Vision which I have seen, grant me ability to ut­ter it to them who are here present, else not. Upon which he was perfectly restored to his speech, & told what he had seen and heard: The Archbi­shop made light of it. But when William the Conqueror within the space of a year Landed in England, and made dreadful work among the Clergy of those dayes, it was believed that K. Ed­wards Vision was not the meer phansy of a sick man. Instances of this nature of a far later date may be produced. In Queen Maries time, Mr. Robert Samuel, a faithful Minister of Christ, was by Bloody Bonner, then the Bishop of London, cast into Prison, where he endured grievous hard­ships, being allowed but three mor [...]els of Bread and three spoonfuls of water in a day, but falling asleep, one seemed to stand before him clad in a white Garment, saying to him, Be o [...] good cheer, for after this day thou shalt hunger and thirst no more, which accordingly came to pass, for the next day he ascended to Heaven in a Fiery Chariot. It is related concerning one Mr. Laremouth, who was Chaplain to the Lady Ann of Cleve, that being on account of the Gospel Committed to Prison, [Page 10] he heard a voice, saying, Arise and go thy way ▪ To which he gave no heed the first time, until he heard the same words again, upon which he went to Prayer, half an hour after which he heard the same voice again, immediately upon which part of the Prison Wall fell down, so that he went out at the breach, and meeting with a Beggar, changed his coat with him, and coming to the Sea found a Vessel ready to Sail, by which means he escaped the hands of his Persecutors. In the year 1629. one Adam Po, a Silesian in the City of Sprottavia, had his nerves and sinews so shrunk, that he could make no use of his legs, but for half a year together was confined to his Bed. But that morning when the Emperors Commissi­oners came into the City there appeared by his Bed-side, a young man in white cloathing, who bid him put on his Cloaths, and make ha [...]e from the City, because the day was now come to take vengeance of them for their ingratitude. He called for his cloaths, which he had not done for half a year before; found that he was able to dress himself and to walk, and did that day go on foot eight miles Of this Commenius giveth an account in his History of the Bohemian Pro­phets, or pretended Prophets. In April 1659. Samuel Wallis of Stamford in Lincolnshire, having been sick thirteen years, and given over by the Physitians, a person having a venerable Counte­nance came to him on a Lord's Day (he not being able to attend the Publick Worship of God, [Page 11] spent his time at home as religiously as he could) told him the power of God would restore him to health and strength again, charging him above all things to fear God and serve him: directed him to no other means for his health, besides the use of Blood wort and Red Sage, steeped in small Beer. The report of this famous oure being noised abroad, several Ministers met at Stamford to consider and consult about it, and concluded, that it was effected by the Ministry of a good Angel. But of this I have given a more large account in my Remarkable Providences p. 205. &c. There is in Mr. Glanvils Collections p. 208. &c. a Relation like unto these two last mentioned. No longer since then October 1676. a woman in Am­sterdam, whose name was Jesch Claes, having been [...]ame fourteen years, one of her Legs being dead, there appeared to her a beautiful youth in white Garments, telling her, her Malady should leave her, and she should be made again to walk▪ Two dayes after which she heard a voice saying, It is given you to walk. Immediately upon which she went to the door, her Husband meeting her was affrighted, supposing he had seen a spirit; drew back from he [...], and could not believe that it was his Wife, until his daughter testifyed, that is was her Mother, & that she had seen her walk before he came in. Fr. van Helmont being of a genius not apt to believe such things, made enquiry into the truth of this Relation, and found it to be really so. Limbergius in a Letter to Dr. More sayes, that this [Page 12] person was reputed a very good Woman, & that he believed there was no fraud at all in the mat­ter. This Apparition then must needs be either of a good or of an evil Angel. I see no reason to ascribe it to the latter. To proceed. Amyraldus relates a remarkable passage concerning the Chan­celler of Navar, which he had from Cameron, who received it from the Chancellers own mouth. He being in a Town belonging to Bern, one night as he was a sleep, heard a voice calling him by his name Calignon, whereupon awaking, he soon fell asleep again: a little while after, he heard the same voice, calling to him a second time, which made a greater impression on him, yet fell asleep again. The voice awakened him the third time, then advising him to retire speedily out of the Town, saying, that within a few days the Plague would be there and rage dreadfully: He follow­ed the advice given him, whereby himself and Family were delivered; for within few dayes the Plague began, and a great part of the Town was swept away thereby: Amyrald concludes that this voce was from a good Angel. A decad of Years are not past, since invisible Psalmodists have been heard Singing in the Air, and making most har­monious and ravishing melody there, as has been affirmed by not a few witnesses, of which M. Jurieu in his Pastoral Letters has given a well at­tested account to the World: What ever those voices might be, they put me in mind of the Tar­gumists Exposition of the still voice, 1 King. 19.12. [Page 13] viz. that it was the voice of Angels, Praising God in a gentle Harmony. I have else-where (in my Discourse about the Prevalency of Prayer, p. 16, 17.) mentioned a memorable passage concerning Mr. Patrick Simpson, an Eminent Minister at Sterling in Scotland, unto whom, after he had spent a day alone in Prayer with Fasting, Angels came, and gave him an answer concerning the thing which he had all the day been praying about, of which he never spoke one word to any one, excepting only to one person, who hapned to over-hear something, whom he solemnly obtested, not to say ought of it, until after his Death, thus ex­pressing himself, What am I dust and ashes, that the Holy Ministring Spirits should be sent by the Lord to deliver a Message to me.

All these things considered, I conclude, that it is not impossible, but that Holy Angels may ap­pear to some persons. And in case it should be really so, it would be a daring and dangerous boldness to entertain them with contempt. We should rather say as the Pharisees (who in that had the truth on their side) Act. 23.9. If a Spi­rit or an Angel has spoken to him, let us not fight a­gainst God. If this be taken with what follows, our having conceded thus far will do us no harm.

Conclusion II. Some Circumstances attending ex­traordinary Apparitions pretended to be Angelical, have demonstrated them to be Diabolical, others have ren­dred them justly suspicious. Let the Appearing Spi­rits [Page 14] pretend never so much to be good Angels; if they suggest any thing which is contrary to right reason, or the light of nature, they are cer­tainly Devils. Hence Mahomet's Angel, from whom he pretended to receive his new Religion was a Devil: For in the Alcoron there are contra­dictions, and therefore falshoods which cannot proceed from a good Spirit: No good Angel e­ver told a lye. Hence that Spirit which shall be once found in a Lye, comes not from Heaven. If he [...] say, such a thing shall happen, which yet does not come to pass at the time prefixed, or that he will do or not do such a thing, and yet shall act contrary, or shall in any thing falsify, to be sure that is no good Angel. Or, if it does perswade to any dishonest thing, it is an Evil Spirit. By this it was manifest, that the Spirits which Dr. Dee and Killet were so familiar with, supposing them to be good Angels, were unclean Devils: for although those Spirits did for a long time pretend to great Sanctity, they did at last advise to filthy Nicolaitism. Or, if the seeming Angels shall endeavour to establish any notions in Religion not grounded on the Scripture, they are not from Heaven. This sheweth, that the Apparitions so frequent and so much boasted of amongst the Papists, were in truth Diabolical Il­lusions: For the design of them was to confirm the notion of Purgatory, the worshiping of Ima­ges, praying for the Dead, and such like Doct­rines, which the Scripture condemns: Spirits pre­tending [Page 15] to be Angels, made way for the grossest Idolatries, by exhorting men unto a sinful venera­tion of the Cross, the Relicks of Martyrs, and the like Superstitions. Or, if they shall speak a­ny thing which is not grave and weighty, it is easy to judge what Spirits they are. It is beneath the majesty of an Angel to speak or do any thing which is trivial, mean, or little. Or, if they shall interrupt or divert the persons unto whom they appear, from a due attendance to the Publick Wor­ship of God: Such things as these are infallible demonstrations, that the Appearing Angels are E­vil Ones. There are other things which render the case very suspicious: To instance. If the Apparitions are frequent, and the Spirits that come▪ use familiar converse, it is much to be fea­red, that they are not from Heaven, but from Hell. For if we search the Scriptures, we shall find, that when Holy Angels appeared, they soon delivered the Message which they were sent a­bout, and then disappeared, and came no more. The same Angel seldome came more than two or three times (most commonly but once) to the same person. Twice did the Angel appear to Manoah's Wife, but the Angel of the Lord did no more appear to Manoah, and to his Wife. Judg. 13.21. When therefore Angels shall be daily Visitants▪ and continue so to be from one week, and from one month to another, the persons concerned have just cause to suspect, that they are imposed on by deceitful Daemons, pretending to be Angels of [Page 16] light. Where is there an instance in all the Bible of a good Angel that became a Familiar to any man or wo­man? Again, if what the Spirits reveal, does admit of a double & doubtful interpretation, it is a sign, that they are Spirits of the same nature with those that spoke in the Oracle at Delphos of old This amongst other things gave just ground to suspect, that the pious young Woman Christina Poniatovia (of whom we shall have Occasion to speak more afterwards) was deluded by Satan, when she thought her self favoured with Angelical and Divine Revelations. The Spirit told her, that King F. should be exalted, and F. be made low. But he would not tell, who was meant by F. whether King Frederic or Ferdinand. What was this better then, Ajo te Aeacidae Romanos vincere posse? or then, Ibis, redibis, nunquam, per bella peribis. Good Angels do not hide themselves in the dark under ambiguities, but declare their messages clearly. If therefore the Spirits that appear under the notion of Angels from Heaven, shall leave those that de­sire a Resolution of their doubts from them, just as wise as they found them, it is much to be doubted that they are deceiving Spirits. Again, Ecstasies attended with abreptions of mind, give just cause to suspect the Appari­tions and Revelations. The followers of Montanus, pre­tended to prophesy, but when the spirit of Prophesy came upon ehem they would be in Ecstasies. Now both Jerom and Chrysostom mention that as a sign of their being no Prophets divinely inspired. It is (says Chrysostom) the property of a Diviner to be Ecstatical, but its otherwise with a true Prophet, his understanding is awake and his mind in a sober orderly Temper. No doubt but that some of rhe false Prophets amongst the Jews were impos­ed on by Daemons. They thought that they had Angeli­cal or Divine Revelations, 1 King. 22.24. Jer. 29.8. The Hebrew Doctors say, it is a profound Question, How the true Spirit of Prophesy may be certainly known from [Page 17] that which is false? Nor do they give any satisfactory Resolution concerning it: only they say, that all Prophe­sy makes it self known to the Prophet by the strength & vigour of the perception. And that false Prophesy do's proceed from the too great force of the Imaginative power, and the Imbecillity of the rational. The Pro­phetical Spirit does never alienate the mind, since it seats it self in the rational as well as in the sensitive power. Again, If these White Angels appear to Females only, who are the weaker Sex, and more easy to be imposed on, that renders the case yet the more suspicious. It was part of the Devils subtilty in the first Temptation, which he assaulted mankind with, that he began▪ with the Wo­man; and he hath found such success, as to hold on in the same course. How many Women have been fa­mous in some former dark Ages on account of pretend­ed Angelical Apparitions and Revelations? There was S. Hildegardis, with whose Revelations as wise a man as Bernard was deceived. There was Lutgardis, whose many Apparitions and Revelations are Commemorated by Surius. There was Christina Sirnamed Admirabilis, of whom Ferrarirus has written. There were St. Bridget, Elizabetha (a Q of Hungary) Liduina, Catharina, Raco­nissa, Agnes, Politiana, and I know not how many more such, of whose converses with Angels, Possevinus, Sandeus, Delrio, and other such Authors have Published strange things▪ If ever an Age for Angelical Apparitions shall come, no question but men, and not women only, will be honoured with their Vis [...]s▪ of which I hear little or nothing at present. And this shall bring us to the last particular, which giveth ground of suspicion, that the per­sons who suppose themselves to be attended with Angeli­cal Apparitions, are only so imaginarily, or imposed on with Diabolical illusions, so. if they be diseased Persons. If they have been lately sick, and the disease wherewith they have been attended, has had any influence on the [Page 18] brain, that & Satan together will make them phansy very wonderful matters Dr Casaubon in his Treatise of En­thusiasme as an effect of nature, (which Sir Will Temple in his Miscellanies p. 308. is pleased to call a Curious and Ʋseful Treatise) has some memorable Instances to con­firm this p. 73. He sayes that in September 1655. there was in the Parish where he then dwelt, one John Carpen­ter, who related to him what Visions and Raptures he had experienced the night before: how he had been car­ried to hell, and what fearful things he had seen there; and also to Heaven, and what glorious things he had seen there. He was in transports of joy, not doubting but that thousands would be Converted by his Revelations. Nor could he bear it, that any should call his Revelations into question, which he was certain (as he thought) that they were of Divine Inspiration. But within a while all appeared to be the effect of a natural disease. That Learned man observes that some persons in the World by reason of an Ʋnaccountable Epileptic humour, have been strangely disposed to Enthusiastical raptures & phancies. Paulus Eberus (a Lutheran Divine of great fame in Mis­nia) writes of a Maid in Friburg, who had strange Ec­stasies & Visions. After her fits she was full of Religi­ous Discourse, so that she was generally thought to be inspired, and her Speeches were Printed under the name of Divine Prophesies & Warnings: but Eberus was much against the Publication of them, judging her Ecstasies to be a more gentle kind of Epilepsy, & that her pious dis­courses were a natural effect of her Religious Education, frequent hearing the Word, and having used her self to the exercises of Godlines [...] Joh. Coboldus (a Learned Phy­sician giveth an account concerning a Youth in Alterburg (a Town in Germany) whom his Master upon some great provocation did with his fists beat about his head unmercifully. The Lad fell sick of an Epilepsy, whereof he had diverse terrible fits, and was twelve dayes speech­less. [Page 19] But then instead of them he had Ecstasies, in which he would continue without sence or motion for some houres. As soon as he was out of a fit, he would sing Hymns (though it was not known that he had learned any) very melodiously. When he had left singing, and was come to himself again, he would with much confi­dence maintain, that Angels had carried his Soul to Hea­ven, where he had seen things that he could not express. And when he perceived the fit was coming upon him, he would say, Now the Angels are come to carry me away. Ne­vertheless, not a good Angel, but Satan was in all this. Persons attended with such fits are many times of a Me­lancholy temper. And it is wonderful to see what power imagination has in them that are distempered with Me­lancholy, in which doubtless evil Angels have a great o­peration, that humour being Baelneum diaboli, a water which the Devils love to be dabling in. A certain man in this Country fourteen years ago, came to me in great horror & amazement, declaring that as he was walking in the Woods, he heard a voice say to him, Sword, Fa­mine and Pestilence beginning at New-England will make the Earth desolate. I laboured to perswade him, that it was only a phansy, and that he did not really hear any such words spoken: he told me, he was as certain of it, as he was sure that he was then speaking to me, and that they did at the Time when he heard them, put him into a Trembling fit, and that he came to me, because the first means of good to his Soul (as he said) was a Sermon which diverse years before that he had heard me Preach in Boston, & because he thought I would use my best en­deavours to prevent those evils, which it was revealed to him that without Repentance intervening they would short­ly come to pass. The man then lived above an hundred Miles from Boston. What is since come of him, I know not. But his Trembling fi [...] was a sign of Satanocal Possession Such persons amongst the Gentiles as had a spirit of Diabolical [Page 20] Divination, would when the Daemon came upon them, be put into Shakings & Tremblings, after the very same manner as has been usual amongst that sort of People who of later years have been called Quakers, as is well noted by a late Learned writer. v. Dickinson de origine oraeculor. Cap. 9. p. 96. Men that are Caetera sani, in all other things well, and as rational as any men in the world, yet in some one thing are really distracted by reason of their being under the power of a Melancholy humour. And what will they not then phansy? Examples con­firming this may be seen in Fienus his discourse concerning the power of Imagination, & in Lau­rentius, and Sennertus, and in Burton's Melancholy: some of which are related by Wanley in his won­ders of the little World. Book 2. Chap. 1. That of the noble Argive is an old story mentioned by the Poets,— fait haud ignobilis Argis, who strongly phan­sied, that he saw Theaetrical delights: but when by the care of his friends he was cured of his disease, he complained, that they had wronged him by robbing him of the pleasure, which he had in that sweet error of his mind. This man recovered by the helps of Art.

And care of friends, used sadly to complain,
Friends, I'm not Sav'd by this your Love, but slain,
Robbed of that sweet delight I then did find,
In the so grateful error of my mind.

But a more tragical and amazing Instance to the purpose in hand is related by Acosta (de tem­poribus novissimis. lib. 2. c. 11.) concerning a very [Page 21] Learned man in the Kingdom of Peru, in his time the Oracle of that part of the World. But a cer­tain Muliercula (as Acosta's phrase is) there, pre­tending to a conversation with Angels who did frequently visit her, and in her extasies would in­form her of some secret things relating to this person, and told her of great future matters, in which he was to be concerned; he was so be­witched as to believe all that she said; and at last fancied, that an Angel came to himself also, of whom he learned whatsoever he desired. It was revealed to him, that he should be a King and a Pope too; and that the Apostolical See should be translated to America, and that he should be con­stituted a new Law-giver to mankind, with other things more insolent than these mentioned, which I forbear to relate, for they would grate upon pi­ous and tender Ears. This man was in all other things sober and rational: When he was brought upon his Trial, he did plead his cause before the Judges with that liberty and eloquence, that was to their and all mens admiration: Only he won­dred, that they did not believe his Revelations': He was condemned to be bur [...]t to Death. It seems the Angel that appeared to him, assured him, that when he came to the place intended for his Execution, fire would come down from Heaven, and consume his Adversaries, whereby he should be delivered: but he found to his cost, that lying Apparitions had deceived and ruined him. Whether his Judges would not have done [Page 22] better to have sent him to Bedlam, and to have administred Hellebore rather than Fire as a more proper Remedy for his sober distraction, is not my work at present to dispute. To proceed. It seems Jerom had visions of Spirits and sometimes of Angels as he thought. One of which did se­verely chastize him for his delighting to read Ci­cero's Works: but another Angel interceded for mercy to him considering his youth. Now what can we impute this to, but melancholly, and the distempered imagination of a contemplative man that was always in his cell. The like I suppose concerning a later Hierom, viz. Savanarola, whom the Papists burnt to Death at Florence, in the year 1498. for his freedom and faithfulness in testify­ing against some of the evils of those times: Se­veral of his Books discover him to be a man of great Learning; and some of them manifest a pious Spirit. Gesner saith of his Books concerning the simplicity of a Christian Life, that they are wor­thy to be read of every Christian man. But he has a little Book of Prophecies and Revelations, in which there are things vertiginous and fantastical. The same with this may justly be concluded con­cerning diverse Modern Prophets, who were persons piously inclined, but Satan by reason of their Me­lancholy tempers had a great advantage over them. This is the most favourable construction that we can make of Drabiciu [...]'s being so imposed on by pretended Revelations, of which we shall under our next Conclusion speak more. Zeiglerus is an other [Page 23] famous Instance, who was by some cried up for a person divinely inspired. A strange Impetus com­ing upon him at Frankfort, he threw down the Emperors Arms, upon which the Magistrates of the City sent him to the Hospital, supposing (as well they might) that he was out of his wits. It was revealed to him that Rome would be destroy­ed in the year 1627: That Frederic the K. of Bo­ [...]emia, should become a King over thirteen King­doms: That the Jews being converted, one of them should be an universal Monarch over all the World: That a general Council should meet at Constance, and continue sitting twelve years. It was also revealed to him, that he should go over into England, and as being sent from God require King James. I. to assist the Protestant Churches a­broad. In obedience to his divine Mission he came into Holland, but before he could reach Eng­land, he heard of K. James's death. Yet this Ze­igler was Caetera vir probus et non indoctus, as V [...]tius (in his Disput de Prophetia p. 1080.) does acknow­ledge, & does therefo [...]e ascribe these extravagant Phansies and Revelations to the power of Melan­choly, with something of a crazed intellect. I omit to speak of that Phantastical Monk Campanel­la, who in his Metaphysics writes, that the Devil once appeared to him, and held a disputation with him. And ( de sensu rerum & Magia l. 3. cap. 10.) he says, that when ever any danger did attend him, he heard a voice in the Air calling to him by his name, which he believed was an Angel, or such [Page 24] a good Genius as did attend Socrates. It is a dreadful thing, when men & women are given up to Spiritual Possessions by evil Angels acting in their minds, and a great mercy to be kept there-from.

Conclusion III. Men ought to be very cautious of admit­ting or hearkning unto pretended Angelical Revelations. We have an awful Instance in the Scripture, of a good man, and a Minister of God also, who was drawn into a snare to the Loosing of his Life by hearkening to, and being deluded by pretended Angelical Revelations. 2 King. 13▪ 18, 21, 22. If the circumstances attending them do not at present manifest of what nature they are, we ought to wait, until God and time shall make a discovery. Yea, though the person [...] concerned in them should be of pious inclinations, and the messages brought to them should seem to be from Heaven, it is a duty rather to suspend a Judgment in the case, than to give any credit thereunto. And this for several reasons.

1. Because the Written Word of God is sufficient to di­rect us in all [...]ases. If we do but rightly understand what is contained therein, we know enough. The man of God may be perfest and throughly furnished to all good works by the Scripture. 2 Tim. 3.17. It was for this reason that Luther never desired Visions or Angelical Apparitions. Pactus sum cum domino, ne vel visiones, vel etiam Angelos mihi mittat. Contentus sum hoc dono, quod habeo scriptu­ram sanctam, quae abunde docet et suppeditat omnia qua sunt necessaria, cum ad hanc tum ad futuram vitam Thus He. Not to be satisfied with Scripture-Revelation, is curiosity and inquisitiveness justly to be condemned. Tertullan said well, nobis curiositate opus non est post Christum Jesum, nec inquisitione post Evangelium. Advers. Haeres. cap. 4. He has therefore not without cause been blamed by some for his too much minding the Raptures and Revelation [...] [Page 25] of an Ecstatical person in the Congregation where he was Teacher. When persons once begin to listen to a­ny thing, as a ground of their Faith, besides the Scrip­ [...]ures, they know not where they shall stop. The bles­sed God does permit Satan thus to tempt men, that so an occasion of stumbling may be cast before some: & that so he may try the fi [...]lity and sincerity of others, whe­ther they will indee [...] cleave unto him, according to the Revelation, which he has made of his will by the written Word: Therefore does he suffer Dreamers of Dreams, and pretended Prophets to come amongst them. Deut. [...]3.3. Had men no Scriptures to go unto, their listning after Visions and Voices would be more excusable.

2. Since Satan may transform himself into an Angel of [...]ight, men cannot always at first discern of what nature the [...]pirit or Apparition is. The Schoolmen (though fond [...]nough of Apparitions) yet acknowledge that an Evil Spirit cannot always be discerned to be such an one. So Thom. Aquinas who has had the name of D [...]ter Angeli­ [...]us given to him. In 22▪ q. 95. Art. 3. Hence if per­sons who think they are visited by Angels, be not very careful and cautious whom they willingly entertain, they will have woful communion with evil, when they think that they are conversing with good Angels. Cor [...]el a Lapide in 2 Cor. 11.14. mentions one unto whom Sa­tan shewed himself pretending to be Christ: The poor deceived man thereupon adored him: Thus did he wor­ship Satan, thinking he had worshipped Christ. And thus were many of the old Eremites miserably deceived. Hypocrites may be so like unto the Children of God as no man shall be able to distinguish them. So may Evil Angels so transform themselves, as that no person not en­dowed with the extraordinary Gift of discerning Spirits, shall at first know them to be such. Balduinus in his Cases of Conscience (p. 534.) has these words, Cum [Page 26] Diabolus se transformare potest in Angel [...] luci [...], nemo pe [...] omnia certus esse potest, an bonus an mal [...]s Angelus ipsi ap­paruerit Voetius (in disput. de probatione spiritu [...]m p. 1123) has these words, Apparitiones fictae aut Diabolicae aut phan­tasticae, non semper nec per quos [...]vis per ce [...]a et ordinari [...] signa dignoscuntur: and p. 1180. Cert [...] et ind [...]bicata signa assignari non possunt quibus ap [...]entes vel revelantes spiritus semper aut ordinario discern [...]ur. qui [...] quales [...] Th [...]e have sometimes been strange intimations from the Invisible World, which whether they were from good or evil Angels, Wise and Learned men have not been able to determine. I find a very odd passage related by [...] good Author. There was (saith he) a Country-man of Burgundy, that in his sleep heard a certain verse re­peated out of Homer, which though he could not under­stand, he remembred very well, he therefore applied himself to a Learned man still living, who told him that what he recited was a verse in Homer, signifying that his House would shortly fall, which thing came to pass ac­cordingly. Now 'tis disputed what sort of Angel this was. It is beneath a good Angel to come with a verse out of Homer. And what should make an Evil Angel give a kind warning to a poor Country-man.

2. Many have been miserably imposed on by deceitful Daemons, pretending to be good Angels. Thus it has been with not a few hererodox persons as a Judgment of God upon them for their Errors: Strong Delusions have bin sent upon them. 2 Thes. 2.11. The Montanists and o­ther primitive Hereticks were high pretenders to rare communion with Spirits; and no doubt but that many of them did really think that Angels had appeared to them, when it was all Diabolical Illusion. See Eusebius Hist. l 5. cap. 15. When Monkery and Popery crept into the World, Angels of Darkness clothed like Angels of Light were the cause of that misery to the World. Sin [...] [Page 27] the Reformation the Devil has play'd the old game over again. Balduinus speaks of them in his time, who from the visions and conferences which they had with Angels, predicted mutations and eversions of several States and Kingdoms, and that the destruction of Antichrist, and the seculum spiritus sansti was then at hand. How some in the former Ce [...]ury, who went under the name of A­nabaptists, have been after the like manner imposed on, [...]ornbeck Spa [...]eimius, and Cloppenburgius have given ac­counts large enough. But it is awful to consider that persons truly pious have been thus deceived by the old Serpent. He that crept into Paradise, will creep into Churches. Tertullian in his Book De Anima (p. mihi. 265) which was written before his lapse into Monta­nism, relates, ‘That there was in the Church unto which he did officiate, a Soror, who had the Gift of Revelati­ons; That in the Church whilst they were solemniz­ing the Worship of God, she would be in Extasies, et conversatur cum Angelis, she had conferences with An­gels. After the Publick Worship was over, and the Congregation dismissed, she would declare to Tertullian and the other Officers of the Church what she had seen and heard; who kept an account of what she declared, that so they might observe whether the things were true or no.’ But thus not only a Member, but she Pastor and Officers of the Church suffered themselves to be imposed on by pretended Angels. Junius his note on this passage in Tertullian is, Inepta revelatio; phantas­ma laborantis melancholiae, non indita a caelis revelatio. It is reported concerning Gertrude, who was accounted a very religious woman, that she was frequently visited with Angels, who used to appear to her in a glorious form, and would predict future things, and reveal some matters that were secret. Nevertheless, these Visitants were (as Cesarius has noted) Devils transforming them [Page 28] selves into Angels of Light. But I have not met with any Examples more astonishing than some that have hapned in our dayes. I pretermit the Revelations which some amongst the persecuted Protestants in France have lately been attended with, because I do not understand what those things are come to, so that whether they are Angelical or Diabolical, sub judice lis [...]st, is as yet unde­termined. Nevertheless, there are several things which make me suspect that the French Prophets are imposed on. e. g. Their Prophesying that the K. of England, & the K. of France shall come to an agreement, and that the French K shall be converted; their having sad looks, Fasting four or five dayes before they Prophesy: Their being in Torments until the Sinners by them impeached come to them. Their feeling something come from their [...]eet to their throat before the fit takes them. One of them had his Leg broke by the Spirit which acted him, of which he felt nothing, till out of his fit. These things seem not to be the work of Holy Angels: Time will discover what they are▪ But amongst them of the Reformed and Persecuted Religion in Bohemia and Ger­many, there have lately been no less than sixteen persons who have had Visions and Revelations. See the General Table of Europe. p. 205, 206. I shall here take notice of only two of them who have made a great noise in the World, and of whom Commenius has published a large and true account. One is Nicholas Drabicius, a Prote­stant Minister of Moravia. Commenius did at first sus­pect, that Drabicius's Visions were either feigned or ima­ginary, and did with much severity reprove him: Yet afterwards that very learned and pious man inclined to think, that Drabicius his Spirits were good Angels. And the only wise God saw meet in his Holy Providence to suffer such things to happen as did both harden Drabici­us in his Errors, and occasion others to give credit to [Page 29] him. For Felinus the Pastor of the Church of Exiles in Puchow wrote a Book, endeavouring to prove that the Visions of Drabicius were an Ignis fatuus, no better than Satanical Delusions, and that therefore the Protestant Churches should be careful how they gave any heed to them. Hereupon Drabicius had a Revelation, that that Pastor should speedily dye. Now this sign came to pass; that Pastor dyed suddenly, and so did one Effron, Sapo [...], and other of his Adversaries, and afterwards Paul Lau­rin a Minister that was young in years, and of a strong constitution of Body, which induced many to believe, that Drabicius was a real Prophet. Tho' had they con­sidered Deut. 13.1, 2. they would not have taken such accidents for an infallible demonstration of a Prophet sent from God. Veterinus, another of the Reformed Pa­stors was much dissatisfyed about Drabicius's Visions, as Felinus had been: Nor did any Judgment overtake him, notwithstanding he persisted in his opposition to them. It was therefore thought necessary, that Drabicius should by an Oath and Execration clear himself from all suspici­on of forgery in his p [...]e [...]ended Revelations, which he did readily comply with, saying, there was no need for him to deliberate about it. The Oath was most solemnly administred to him, in the presence of nine or ten Mini­sters, of whom Veterinus was one. Considering how fearfully he did in that Oath imprecate himself, they trem­bled, and some of them we [...]t when the Oath was admi­nistred to him: And so did he himself, when he came to that pass [...]ge in the Oath, wherein there is an imprecation against his Adversaries; but as to the Execrations on himself in case he had feigned any thing, he did pronounce them with a chearful countenance. Looking forth at the Window which was at that time open, he said, Do you not see, Friends, Do you not see! They being astonish­ed, did not then ask him what he saw, but afterwards he [Page 30] told one of the Ministers that enquired of him concern­ing it, that He saw Angels. It would be too uncharitable for us to think, that Drabicius who suffered Persecution for the Gospels sake, and who was esteemed a pious well-meaning man, did counterfeit Visions and Reve­lations. And yet it is now evident, that he was deceiv­ed, and that he did very sinfully give way to Satanical Illusions, supposing them to be Divine Revelations. He declared that he was commanded to publish his Revela­tions to all the Nations on the Earth, as the last will of God, which is contrary to Rev. 22.18, 19 some of the things which were revealed to him, were lies which never were, nor ever will be true. Yet he protested and swore, that although Angels appeared to him, his Revelations were from Christ Himself, who once shewed his hand pierced [...]hrough with a nail, and made him to see both the Tor­ [...]ents of the Damned in Hell, and the Joyes of the Elect [...] Heaven. He promised great Victories to Prince Ra­g [...]tzi, and would have had the Princess been at the char­ges of Printing some Books which he pretended a Com­mand from Heaven that it should be done. But when his demands were not complied with, the mother with the father, the Son and the Uncle in that great Family being all taken away by death, he said the reason thereof was, because they had not complied with what he (as being sent from God) required them to do. These things are to be seen in his Protestation and Prayer writ­ten July 5 1664 Twenty years before that, viz. April 12. 1644. it was revealed to him that the Lord was a­bout so do to the House of Austria, as he did to the House of Ahab, and to his Counsellers and Prophets as E [...]ias did to the Baalites. That the tenth Emperour of the House of Austria should be the last, whereas the pre­sent Leopoldus who has been Reigning above thirty years, is the eleventh. It was also revealed to him, that Lewis 14 the present King of France should be Emperour of [Page 31] Germany, and that the Persecuted Protestants of Bohemia, and Moravia should [...]y [...]im be delivered Concerning himself, the Spirit revealed to him, that he should be re­called out of his Banishment, and that he should not dye until he had seen the Glory of God spread upon all the Nations of the Earth. In reading the Narrative emi [...] ­ted by Commenius relating to this Drabicius, I could not but take notice of one vanity in him, which I am unwil­ling to pass by without a Remark, viz. that he would snatch up the Bible, resolving that the first place which he light upon, should be the answer to his doubt. Thus to make a Fortune-Book of the Blessed Bible, is a very un­warrantable Custome, however practised by many. It is indeed a paganish custome: The Heathen did in that way use Divinations. When Septimius Severus was in doubt concerning his obtaining the Empire, he would know his Fortune by trying what verse in Virgil he should first light upon, which hapned to be that in Aenead. 6. Tu regere imperio populos Romane memento. Such persons imitate that sort of Witchcraft which of old was known by the name of Sortilegium, more than becomes Christians to do. But this is a parenthesis. To proceed. Ex non eventu cognoscitur non propheta. The Event not answer­ing the predictions▪ i [...] an indubitable sign, that they were not of a Divine inspiration. Deut. 18.21. Isa. 44.26. Jer. 28.9. Nor may the unhappy end of this poor man be reflected on without trembling at the awful Judgments of God which are a great deep. In the Oath of Execra­tion which he submitted unto, are these words, I N. B. agrieved with the suspicion of some, as if I did utter in the Name of God words not commanded from God, but rashly de­vised by my self, &c. If this iniquity be found in my hands, let the Enemy pursue my Soul, and overtake it, and tread down my life in the Earth, and bring my glory into the dust. If my heart has declined from God, and the words of his [Page] Law to a strange voice, that my mouth should arrogantly speak in the name of God, the words of him that is not God, and my hands should w [...]ite my own Imaginations, let the Lord give me for a curse and an execration in the midst of my people, making my tongue to rot in my mouth, and my hand to gangreene and perish in my Body. Now the end which this well-meaning man, deluded by visions and voices came unto at last, was very tragical. For his E­nemies the Jesuites did pursue his soul and overtake it, & being charged with Treason against the Imperial Ma [...]e­sty, because his visions animated the French against Ger­many, his Life was taken from him, but first that hand which had written those Prophesies, was cut off, & that tongue which had uttered them, was cut out of his head. A warning to all persons hereafter to take he [...]d, how they believe Visions and Apparitions. I shall mention but one Instance more here, which likewise happened in our dayes. There was Christina Peniatovia, she was the pious Daughter of a pious Minister, who was of a noble Family in Prussia. This her Father was a [...] and judicious Divine, and a great opposer of Revelations and Visions, who when he understood, that his Daughter pretended to them, he did with great solemnity and seve­rity, lay obtesta [...]ions on her, that she should not regard them. Nevertheless, he himself did at last think, that they were Angelical and Divine. Those super-eminent Di­vines, Ve [...]e [...]ius and Die [...]l [...]t, and other learned men in Ge­neva had a favourable opinion of them. Commenius who was her Tutor and Spiritual Father, has related such things of her as are marvellous and unaccountable. Once when an aged Minister came to visit and comfort her being sick, as soon as he was gone she said to her Tutor, That good old man little thinks that he must be the first of all the Pastors that shall go into the Eternal Country. Her Tutor asked her, how she knew that. To whom she [Page 33] replied, I was with the Lord, and I saw the Pastors that live here coming one after another, of whom he was the first. She likewise told him, that she saw Stadius who was a young and a strong healthy man, come after him: And that because she did not see Comm [...]nius with them, she asked the reason. It was told her, that God had work for him to do on the Earth, and therefore he must not go to Heaven as yet. Th [...]se things happened accor­dingly. That Pastor dyed first, and then the rest; and Stadius when he was but in the fortieth year of his Age. But Comm [...]nius lived above fourty years after. An Angel appeared to her, and told her she should speedily dy of an Apoplexy: She was that night smi [...]ten with that disease. She made her will, and took her leave of all her friends: was for some time thought to be really dead: there was no breath perceived in her, but she was grown quite cold her hands & feet were become stiff like a dead persons; All persons went out of the Room, leaving only two. Nurses to lay her out: But on a sudden she rose up in her bed, and called for her Clothes, and was in such per­fect health as before she had not been in, her lame hand & foot being made whole & perfect, to the astonishment of all about her. The account which she her self giveth of this matter, is, that on the day before, there was a knocking or striking on the Table, first one stroke, and after that five, whence she concluded, that the next day she should dye at five a Clock in the afternoon: That she heard a voice saying, Come, come, come. When that evening came, her sight & spe [...]ch failed, and (says she) I felt my self go forth with my Spirit, and be ca [...]ried into hea­ven, where surrounded with a great shining, I saw an huge company clothed in white: And the Lord stepping forth took me in his embrace. She added, [...]h [...]t the Lord told her, she should return again, and behold his goodness in the land of the living, that her disease should leave her. She [Page 34] then desired to know how many the dayes of her life should be. But that the Lord told her, that should be hid from her, commanding her to live righteously, & that He would no more visit her as formerly. Whereupon she worshipped him, and was restored to Life, & to full vigor, health, and strength in that very moment. This surely is a strange Relation; yet reported as credible, by as grave & learned a man as Comm [...]nius, who was an eye and ear witness of these things; Now I must confess, I am not easy to believe, that Christinas death or her Ascension into Heaven was real, but that they were both Phantasti­cal. Nor do I know any cogent reason, why the Visions of one diseased with an Apoplexy should be thought to be of greater weight then the Visions of one diseased with a Fever or Calenture. Voetius (de Prophetia p. 1080, 1081) concludes that her Visions could not be Divine, because of some jocose passages attending some of them, trivial matters, and things inexplicable as to others of them. Besides, although what she did predict as to her self, usually hapned, her Revelations as to the publick and great concerns of the Church & World were never fulfilled, but the contrary. Our Lord said to his Disci­ples, You know not what manner of Spirit you are of. Luk. 9.55. Persons truly pious may think they are acted by a good, when it is by an evil Spirit. When they have Vi­sions, they know not what manner of spirit it is that does appear to them. For which reason they ought to be very cautious and careful, how they hearken to them, least haply they be deceived as Eve was, when she conversed with the Devil in the Serpent, whom probably (as Dr. Lightfoot, and others have observed) she took to be a good Angel, and was thence the more easily seduced in­to Error.

4 All those TEKMERIA or signs to judge by, which are found in the Writings of some Learned men, are fa [...]lible. [Page 35] There are many things mentioned by Carthusianus, Gerson, Tyraeus, Malderus, & others, by which they suppose that Angelical Apparitions may be discern­ed from those that are Diabolical. But I have met with no marks to judge by, either in them or in any other Authors, that are infallible. To instance here in some particulars.

1. Some say, That the Devil cannot appear without some deformity or other. That as he could not appear in the shape of a man before man had sinned, and therefore came to our First Parents in the shape of a Serpent; so now though he can put on Humane Shape, yet that it must be with some defect or other, a cloven foot, an ug­ly countenance, or the like. See Mr. Mede's Works▪ fol. 282. Psellus supposeth not only that Angels have a [...]ery or fiery Bodies so subtile as that they are to us invisible (of which opinion were many of the Ancients) but moreover, that the Angelical Body sends forth rayes and splendors which would dazle mortal eyes, but that the Bo­dy of an Evil Angel is obscure and squalid. But the notion of Evil Angels always appearing with some deformity in their shape is a vulgar error con­trary to the Scripture, which says expresly, that Satan can transform himself into an Angel of light. 2 Cor. 11.14. That he can appear like a venerable Samuel, who was an honourable man of God. 1 Sam. 9.6. & 28.12. We may gather from the 13. Verse of that Chapter, that the Devil seemed both to the Witch of Endor & to Saul, to be a person clothed [Page 36] with a Divine Majesty & Brightness: he appeared like Elohim. This opinion has been often confu­ted by experience. What were those Nymphes that the Gentiles of old were deceived with, but Devils appearing in a beautiful form? Do not Ec­clesiastical Writers tell us of his appearing to Ana­tolius, and to St. Martin in most glorious array? That instance of Mr. Edwards a Mr. of Art of Trin Colledge in Cambridge is remarkable. He had been a Magician & a Conjurer: But God gave him repentance, and after he was reclaimed from the error of his way, he declared▪ that the Daemon whom he had been wont to converse with, always appeared to him in the form of a man of good fashion: nor did he [...]ver require or propose the making of any Covenant with him. See Glanvils Philosophical Considerations p. 42.

2. It has been said, that Good Angels are terri­ble at their first appearance, but not at their de­parture, whenas evil Angels do not appear fright fully at first but at last. This is no infallible rule to judge by; nor does it agree with the Scripture. When three Angels appeared to Abraham, & two came to Lot, they were not at first terrifyed with the sight of them. Gen. 18.3. & 19.1, 2. The An­gel that visited Manoah and his Wife, was not at his first appearance terrible, but at his departure he was dreadful to them. Judg. 13.22. The Devils first appearance to Saul as well as his last was a­mazing to him. The Scripture calls the Devil by the name of Seyir, whence the name of Sa [...]yr [Page 37] seems to be derived. Lev. 17.7. Isa. 13.21. because Daemons have oft appeared to men in that horrid Shape. The Hebrew word which is translated Satyr the Seventy Greek interpreters express by Daimonia, i. e. Devils: the word in its original signification notes such an horror as does make the hai [...] of a mans head to stand upright. For the most part there is an horror attending Diabolical Apparitions: but it is not alwayes so.

3. Some have thought, that the Appa [...]ition of a good Angel leaveth no room for doubting. That persons visited by holy Angels cannot possibly have any hesitation in their minds, whether they are such o [...] no But this also is a mistake. Men may con­verse with Angels, & yet not be aware of it Heb. 13.2. Neither Abraham, nor Lot, nor Gideon, nor Mano­ah's Wife, nor he himself did at first know that the persons who came and discoursed with them, were Angels Judg. 13.16. When the Angel Gabriel came to the Mother of our Lord, she was at first at a loss about what was spoken to her: She was troubled at his saying, & cast in her mind, what manner of Salutation this should be. Luk. 1.29. As for the holy Prophets, they it is true neither did nor could doubt whether they were divinely inspired. For that Divine light which was implanted in their understandings, did shine with that power as made them certain that God spoke to them. There was an IDIOTES ARRETOS, an inexpressible peculiarity in them. No man that was a subject of that Irra­diation, could be ignorant of it: nor could any [Page 38] persons be deceived besides such as had it not: which is more than can be affirmed of all Visions or Apparitions of Angels.

4. No infallible Judgment can be made by the words which they speak, or the counsel which they give, whether the appearing Spirits are good or evil Angels. Jacobus Vitriacus speaks of one who was frequently visited in his sleep by a Daemon, that did reprehend him for some of his faults, and also excite him to acts of piety & devotion: but the Daemon used this fraud with a design to instill some poysonous notions into his mind. Delrio writes of a Monk unto whom the Devil appeared in the likeness of St. Paul, exhorting him to read the Scriptures. The Daemon that acted Robert Church­man (a deluded Quaker at Balsham in Cambridge­shire, whom the Lord was graciously pleased to Convert from the error of his way) told him, that the Doctrine of the Trinity was true, and that God had an Elect People; that those whom the Father had Elected, the Son had Redeemed, and whom Christ Redeems, the holy Spirit Sanctifies; and directed him to go to a Minister for further In­struction. Have not cursed Magicians pretended, that the Caelestial Spirits would communicate their secrets to none but Sanctified ones? That men who would have a familiar conversation with those Spirits to reveal secrets to them, must be careful to keep themselves from enormous sins, and pray daily to the most High, v. Boissard de secretis Ma­giae Cap. 1. p. 30. We read in the Scripture of Ma­gicians, [Page 39] who have advised such as come to them, to give glory to God, and to beware of hardning their hearts as Pharaoh did. 1 Sam. 6.5, 6. How long did the Daemon, which appeared to Dr. D [...]e & Kil­let continue to give them good counsil in many things, before they advised them to that which was apparently wicked & vile? Carthusianus does great­ly mistake, when he supposeth, that those Revela­tions must needs be Divine, which incite men to devotion and spirituality. The Devil has often taken that course, that so he might the more effe­ctually deceive. Fallit di [...]bol [...]s fuadendo bo [...]m, prop­ter majus malum inde o [...]i [...]rum. That so he may in­sinuate himself into those whom he cannot other­wise prevail with, he will exhort them unto acts of Piety & Charity. There are some that will give no credit unto what Bodinus writes, because they say he was a Papist. Yet others say of him, that he was o [...]m Protestanti [...]m doctrinae addictus, nec ab ea multum unquam poste [...] alienus. v. Thua [...]. Hist. Tom. 4. l▪ 94. He was such an other Papist as Erasmus was, whom the Papists are wont to picture hang­ing between heaven & hell. Papists have accused Bodinus for an Heretick, because he makes an ho­nourable mention of Luther, Calvin, & Melancthon. v. Possevin. Bibliothec. sel. l. 16. [...].9. He was an ingenu­ous & judicious writer: Now in his Daemonomania, there are strange instances recorded which confirm what we assert. Remigius also speaks of a young man whose name was Theodore M [...]illot unto whom a Daemon appearing, exhorted him not only to abstain [Page 40] from drunkenness, uncleanness, theft, and the like evils, but to be constant in his attendance on the Publick worship of God▪ to be very charitable to the poor, and to be frequent in fasting. Would not any man have taken this counseller for a good An­gel? Let me here take notice of another Example, which many still alive do remember. In the Islands of Fer [...]e which are subject to the King of Denmark, there was in the year 1667. a young man whose name is Jacob Oluffso [...]: he on January 7 th. in that year, was afflicted with a disease that made him keep within doors a fortnight: on January 20 th. be­ing Lords day there appeared to him one in shining garments, and made the room where he was, full of splendor. He gave a kind Salutation to the young man, asking him about his pain, and then stroking him with his hand, the young man was presently healed. This shining Spirit used those words to him, Be thou whole and si [...] no more. He exhorted him to pray three times every day, and that he should admonish the people where he lived, that they should pray also, and that they should leave off their Cursing & Swearing, & desist from all other sins, that so the anger of God may be ap­peased: So did the Spirit depart from him. But five dayes after he appeared again, and did then sing the 23. Psalm. The young man had a strong impulse on his Spirit to go abroad, where he saw in the Southwest the heavens opened, & one com­ing down thence, who at length came & stood by him, habited like a Minister, & told him he should [Page 41] not at all doubt, but that he came from God. The next Lords-day, being January 27, the glittering spirit appeared to him the third time, asking whether he had performed, what he was commanded. He said, Yes, he had. But this Spirit replied, You have not done it so ear­nestly as ought to have been. He appeared several times after this. But at his third appearing, he told the young man that they must change the day of their keeping the Sabbath, from the first day to the last day of the week, withal adding, that whereas there had been on Saturday two Suns seen in the Heavens, that was sent as a sign that Saturday should be kept as an Holy Day. The news of these Apparitions became publick all [...]he Country o­ver, and many ignorant people (notwithstanding they were Protestants) put great faith in them, especially as to that of the new Holy-day. But the Ministers char­ging their people to adhere to the infallible Word of God, and not to regard visions, in a while all vanished, and every one was satisfied, that this Shining Spirit was no other than a White Devil. The account of this mat­ter was published by Lucas Jacobson Provost of the Churches in those Islands. Also R. B. has inserted [...]t in his Book, Entituled, The Kingdom of Darkness, p. [...] ▪11. &c. It is moreover certain▪ that Evil Angels may pr [...]tend a great kindness for those who are the faithful and eminent Servants of God, that so they may either draw them in­to the snares of temptation, or bring a blast o [...] their re­putation. There was a Maid possessed with a Spirit, which would discover hidden things, and yet this Spirit did cry up the most Eminent Ministers in the World, as the true Servants of God. He said concerning Paul & Silas, These men are the Servants of the most [...]igh God, which shew unto us the way of Salvation. Act. 16.17. some have thought, that Evil Spirits cannot exalt Christ. It is true, that the Blessed Name of Jesus is [Page 42] hateful and dreadful to them. Nevertheless, to serve a design of their own, they will extol him. Some Authors write of those who having had familiar Spirits, would speak highly of Christ, whenas thereby they intended him whom they had devoted themselves unto, who (not without the highest Blasphemy) called himself Christ, and would be worshipped above all that is called God. We know from the sacred and infallible Oracle, that a man who was possessed with many unclean Spirits, when the Master-devil in him beheld Christ, he fell down before him, & said, Jesus thou Son of God most high, I beseech thee torment me not. Luk. 8.28. Another of them said, Thou Jesus of Nazareth, art thou come to destroy us, I know thee who thou art, the ho [...]y one of God. Mar. 1.24. The Devils know & con [...]ess that Christ has power over them. Act. 19.15.

5▪ In case they predict some future events, which hap­pen to come to pass accordingly, we may not from that sole consideration conclude them to be good Angels. Deut. 13.1, 2, 3. Cicero in his Book of divination, relates that the Oracle of Apollo predicted that Cypsalus the Tyrant should reign at Corinth hundreds of years before it came to pass. An Augur when Rome was in building, from the flying of Twelve Vultars, presaged the continuance of that City would be 1200. years, which some learned men suppose was accomplished A. D▪ 455. When Gensericus burnt the City of Room 1200. years after it was first built. What shall we think of Thomas Lermouth the fa­mous Scotch Wizard, who predicted Bruce his succession to the Crown, and the union of the two Kingdoms of England & Scotland in the ninth degree of the Bruces blood? Daemon [...] have seldom (though sometim [...]s) ventured to foretell events remotely distant: but very often they have p [...]ed [...]cted things near at hand, which they might easily do [...] a greater insight into the immediate causes of [Page 43] things then men have. It was no difficult thing for the Daemon that appeared in the likeness of Samuel to Prophe­sy the ruin of Sauls Family. All these things considered it is evident that when an Angel appears, the best Saint on earth may easily be mistaken as to some circumstan­ces attending that Apparition. We see this in the Apostle John who thought the Angel that came to him, had bin the Lord himself, otherwise he would not have fallen down at his feet to have worshipped him, for which his Error that Holy Angel reproved him, Rev. 22.8, 9. Of which see Mr. Phillipot in his new System of the Revela­tion. p. 281. &c.

Conclusion IV. The best and the only way to prevent de­ception in this case, is to keep close to the Scripture, and when thus tempted, by earnest Prayer with Fasting to seek unto God, that we may not be imposed on with Satanical Il­lusions. The Scripture directs us to fight against Satan with spiritual weapons; and in so doing we shall at last be too hard for him. 2 Cor. 10.4. Extraordinary Temptations call for more than ordinary supplications before that God who has styled himself, The Hearer of Prayer. Because of this thing, we must beseech the Lord thrice. When the Holy Apostle did so, God would not permit Satan to have his will over him. 2 Cor. 12.7. Oratio est flagellum Diaboli. The Devil dreads Prayer▪ and whole Armies of them have fled before the power of it. When Evil Angels pretending to be good one [...], are in respect of bodily possessions or of Apparitions let loose upon men and women after such a rate as is truly prodigious, there ought to be Humiliation by Fasting with Prayer before the Lord; and it may be an happy deliverance from them will be obtained in no other way. Mat. 17.21. There was in Geneva a Senators Son, whom a pretended good spirit accosted with strange Visions and Revelations, saying, that he was the Angel that had shew­ed [Page 44] unto Christina the Virgin of Poland, things that were to come. Some Divines in that City did at first incline to think, that it was indeed a good Angel. But after a while one of them saying, he perceived the [...]ger of Sa­tan in the business, the spirit who acted that youth, utter­ed these words, They will not believe that I am a good Angel sent of God, but I will prove it by a miracle, and snatching some way or other a knife, thrust i [...] into his breast, and drew it out again without hurt, crying▪ behold a miracle ▪ Senators with Ministers there [...] by Fa [...]ing and Prayer se [...]k unto God i [...] a case so solemn. They were answered with a speedy deliverance. Indeed, if persons under such circumstances come before the Lord with an Idol in their hearts, He does som [...]times in Judgment answer them accor­ding to that Idol. But when with a true heart they draw nigh [...] unto him, he is not wont, i [...] they [...] a fish, to give them a Ser­pent, but all ends w [...]ll [...] [...]ast▪ If we would have God hear us, we must hear him speaking to us in those bl [...]ssed Scriptures, which are a mo [...] s [...]re word of Prophesy than a voice from Heaven. 2 Pet. 1.13, 19. They that wi [...]l be hearkening to extraordinary voices, know not the danger which they expose themselves unto. Jew­ish Writer [...] pretend, that [...] under the Second Temple Pro­phesy [...], that some of their Doctors were favou­red with [...], succeeding the Oracle of Urim and Th [...]mmim, b [...]ng a more in [...]eriour sort of Revelation, that they heard▪ voices from Heaven which were instructive to them. But Dr. [...]ightfoot and others have noted, that there was Diabolica [...] Illusion in those voices which they built their Faith upon. It was well said by Luther, that in [...]tead of Visions, Dreams, Voices, or Appearances of Angels, he did believe and rest sa­ti [...]fied in his having the Scriptures, A [...] c [...]rtus sum me posse salii, as long as I keep to them, I am certain that I can­not be deceived. All Scripture is given by Inspiration of God. If a [...] Angel from Heaven shall speak any thing con­trary thereunto, let him be accursed.

Glory be to God in the Highest.

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