
ACTS AND LAWS, Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesties Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, in New-England.

Begun & Held at Boston the Twenty-ninth Day of May, 1695. and continued by several Adjournments until Wednesday the Twenty-sixth of February following.

Anno Regni Guilielmi Tertii, Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae, et Hiberniae, Regis, Octavo.

BOSTON. Printed by Bartholomew Green, and John Allen, Printers to the Governour and Council. 1696.

[Page 153]

Anno Regni Guilielmi Tertii, Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae, et Hiberniae, REGIS, Octavo.
An Act, For the granting unto His Majesty, An Additional Tax of Two thousand Three hundred Thirty three Pounds, Nine Shillings, & Three Pence, unto the Tax upon Polls and Estates, granted by an Act of this Court at their Sessions begun the Twenty-ninth day of May last past.

FOR the Support of the Government within this His Majesties Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, and answering of the Incident and Contingent Charges in and about the same: For a vigorous Prosecution of the War against the French and Indian Enemy and Rebels; For the Payment of just Debts already Contracted, or to be Contracted on the Publick Account within this Province, and such Grants and Allowances as have been or shall be Made and Ordered by the General Court or Assembly to particular Persons; For the Repairs and Support of His Majesties Castle, upon Castle-Island, and the Garrison there; For the making good One Hundred Pounds Miscast in the Grant of Nine Thousand Five Hundred Fifty Nine Pounds, including a former Grant by Act of the General Assem­bly, Passed at their Sitting by Adjournment the Fifth Day of Sep­tember, One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Four, Entituled, An Act, For Regulating of the late Tax, and for Granting an Appitional Supply of Money. To the Ends and Intents afore-mentioned, and none other. We the Representatives of this His Majesties said Province of the Massachusetts Bay, Do Grant unto His Most Ex­cellent Majesty, a Tax of Two Thousand and Eight Pounds, Nineteen Shillings and Three Pence in Money, to be Raised & Levied upon Polls and Estates, both real and personal within the same, as in and by this present Act for the manner and proportion thereof, is directed and set forth.

[Page 154] And be it Enacted by the Lieutenant Governour, Council and Representatives, in General Court Assembled, and by the Authority of the same,

That the Treasurer do forthwith make out and send Warrants to the Select-men or Trustees, and Commissioner of each Re­spective Town and Precinct within this Province, Requiring them to Assess all their Rateable Male Polls and Estate, both real & personal, lying within such Town or Precinct, and the Depen­dances thereof, one full and just third part of the Sum Total of the two several Lists returned unto the Treasurer, upon the Grant made at the Session of this Court, begun and held the Twenty Ninth of May last past; the Lists of the same that are returned amounting to the Sum of Six Thousand and Twenty six Pounds Seventeen Shillings and Eight Pence. Which said Third part is to be Assessed proportionably upon Polls and Estates, according to the Rules and Directions in the Act for the said Grant prescri­bed and particularly set down, and the said Lists so made, to Return unto the Treasurer, with a Notification of the Names of the Constables or Collectors of such Town or Precinct respect­ively, at or before the last Day of March Instant. And the Trea­surer is hereby further Impowred and Ordered to send out Warrants directed to the Constables or Collectors of the said several Towns and Precincts, together with the said Lists Requiring them to Collect and Pay in the Sum therein mentioned, into the Treasury, and to Issue their Accompts thereof with himself or Successor, at or before the Twenty Ninth Day of May, which will be in the Year of our Lord God, One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Six.

Provided nevertheless, Forasmuch as the Select-men or Trustees of the several Towns and Precincts here-after named, have omitted their Duty, in not Returning unto the Treasurer the Lists of their said Towns or Precincts respective Sums and Proportions unto the aforesaid Tax Granted by this Court at their Session, begun the Twenty Ninth Day of May last past, and have hitherto paid nothing towards the same. To the intent therefore that they may bear their just and equal proportion of Publick Charges.

Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid,

That the said several Towns and Precincts, shall pay towards the said former, and this Additional Grant the respective Sums following:

That is to say,

  l. s. d.
York, Ten Pounds 10 00 00
Wells, Ten Pounds. 10 00 00
K [...]tery, Twenty Pounds 20 00 00
[...] o [...] Shoals, Five Pounds. 05 00 00
[...]lgar Town, Forty One Pound. 41 00 00
C [...]mark, Twenty One Pounds, six shillings, eight pence. 21 06 08
T [...]bury, Twenty One Pounds six shillings eight pence 21 06 08
Nantucket, Eighty Pounds. 80 00 00
Southfield, Twenty Pounds. 20 00 00
Enfield, Five Pounds. 05 00 00
Eastham, Ninety Pounds, sixteen shillings eight pence. 90 16 08

The whole proportion of the said before-named Towns and Pre­cincts, amounting to Three Hundred Twenty Four Pounds Ten Shil­lings being added to the Two Thousand and Eight Pounds Nineteen Shillings and Three pence before-mentioned, makes this Additional Grant to be Two Thousand Three Hundred Thirty Three Pounds Nine Shillings & Three Pence, and the whole Tax (including the Sum formerly Returned) to be Eight Thousand Three Hundred & Sixty Pounds Six Shillings & Eleven pence.

And the Treasurer is hereby Ordered forthwith to send out War­rants directed unto the Select-men, or Trustees and Commissioner for Assessment (if any such there be) of the several Towns and Precincts before named, Requiring them forthwith to Assess the Sum herein set and proportioned, unto the said several Towns and Precincts, upon all the Rateable Male Polls and Estate, both real and personal lying within the same, according to the Rules and Directions in the Act for the aforesaid Grant, and in this present Act prescribed and set down, and to Return a List thereof unto himself, at or before the last day of March Instant: And the Treasurer upon Receipt of the same is hereby further Impowred and Ordered to send forth his Warrants, together with the said Lists, unto the Constables or Collectors of the said seve­ral Towns and Precincts, Requiring them to Collect and Pay in the Sum therein mentioned into the Treasury, and to issue their Accompts thereof with himself or Successor, as aforesaid, at or before the said Twenty Ninth Day of May, which will be in the Year of our Lord God, One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Six.

And for the better Enabling the Treasurer to Enforce the bringing in of the Monies herein mentioned to be Granted, and the Arrears of all Publick Ra [...] and Taxes whatsoever, at any time or times here­tofore Granted [...] due from any Town or Towns, or in the hands of any Sheriff, Constable or Collector, the Accompts whereof lye open and unfinished, or where any Select-men or Assessors have or shall fail of performing the Duty and Service lawfully required of them.

Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid,

That the Treasurer shall be, and hereby is fully Impowred and Authorized, to take, use, and execute all such Methods, Directions, [Page 156] Powers, and Authorities as have heretofore been given him in and by any Act or Acts of the General Assembly, or in any [...], branch, or Article thereof, for the obtaining and drawing into the Treasury as well all the Monies mentioned to be Granted in and by this present Act, as all Arrears of any former and other Rates and Taxes whatsoever, as fully and effectually as if the same Directions, Methods, Powers, and Authorities had herein been again particularly Recited and Re [...]enacted, and notwithstanding any limitation or re­straint thereof in the particular Act or Acts wherein the same are e­numerated, set down and expressed. And all Select-men, Trustees or Assessors, Sheriffs, Constables or Collectors failing of performing the Duty and Service of them respectively required, shall be liable and subject unto the like Pains, Penalties and Forfeitures to be prosecuted, had and recovered of them in the same way and manner, and before the same Judicatories, as in and by the said Acts, or any of them are set, declared and prescribed.

And be it further Enacted,

That the Treasurer be, and is hereby Impowred to Issue forth and pay a certain number of Bills of Credit, to the value of Four Thousand Pounds more than what is before Ordered according to the aforesaid Act for which this present Tax, and the Impost and Excise shall be a Fund.

And be it Declared and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid,

That the Accounts of the Issuing and Disposal of Monies and Sums of Money Granted and Raised, and that hereafter shall be Granted and Raised by the General Assembly, for the Support and Defence of this His Majesties Province, and that hath or shall come into the Publick Treasury, by any other wayes or means whatsoever, shall be by the Treasurer laid before the Great and General Assembly, when by them required, for their Exa­mination, Approbation and Allowance from time to time as hath been accustomed. And all such Approbations and Allowances of the General Assembly heretofore, and that hereafter shall be passed, shall be to the Treasurer a full and final Discharge.

[Page 157]

An Act, For the Encouragement of making Salt, within this Province.

FORASMUCH as the Inhabitants of this Province are brought into great Straits by reason of the dearness and scarcity of Salt; May of our Vessels imployed in fetching of it from Tartooda, and other Places, being taken by Privateers, & others Discouraged from Undertaking such Voyages during this [...]: And whereas Elisha Cook, Elisha Hutchinson, and [...], Esqrs. Have Informed this Court, that [...] offered then of the possibility of making Salt here after the man­ner as it is made in France. For a Trial whereof, a considerable Sum of Money must be advanced▪ and great pains taken, and that with uncertainty of Success.

Wherefore for the promoting of a Design that will be so u­niversally beneficial, if it take effect.

Be it Enacted by the Lieutenant Gover­nour, Council and the Representatives, in General Court Assembled, and by the Autho­rity of the same,

That the whole priviledge and benefit of making Salt within this Province, shall be to the said Elisha Cook, Elisha Hutchinson, and John Foster, Esqrs. and their Associates during the space of Fourteen Years: And if any person or persons shall make any Salt as abovesaid, within this Province during the said Term of Fourteen Years next coming; or shall Import any Salt into this Province, made as abovesaid, in any other Province or Place in New England: They shall yield and pay as a Custome, the va­lue of Ten Shillings per Hogshead for all such as shall be Im­ported as above-said; one half to the Undertakers, Elisha Cook, Elisha Hutchinson, and John Foster, Esqrs. and their Associates, the other half to the use of the Poor of the Town where the same shall be Seized. To be Recovered, as other Customs are: Whether the same be Seized on Board any Ship or Vessel Importing it; or in any Store-house, or Place, on Shoar, within six moneths after its being so Imported. Provided, That the said Elisha Cook, Elisha Hutchinson and John Foster, shall cause to be made as a­bove-said, One Hundred Hogsheads of good Merchantable Salt within this Province before the Expiration of the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred. Any Law, Usage, or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding.


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