
A JOURNAL OF THE House of Representatives For His MAJESTIES Province of New-York IN AMERICA

Begun the 20th day of June, in the seventh year of His Majesties Reign, Anno (que) Dom. 1695.

Die Saturni Ante Merid. June 1695.

By Order of the House of Representatives, I do appoint William Bradford to Print the Journal of this House,

Ja. Graham, Speaker.

Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to his Majesty, King William, at the Sign of the Bible in New-York, 1695.


A LIST of the several Representatives, returned (pursuant to his Majesties Writ) to serve in General Assembly, for the respective Cities and Counties of the Province of New-York, viz.

City and County of New-York.
  • James Graham,
  • Brandt Schuyler,
  • Lawrence Reade,
  • Thennis de Key,
City & County of Albany & Ranslaers-wick.
  • John Abeel,
  • Derick Wessels,
  • Killian Ranslaer,
Ulster County.
  • Henry Beekman,
  • William [...] Meyer,
Westchester County.
  • Humphery Underhill
  • Joseph Purdy,
Kings County.
  • John Van Eklin,
  • Cornelius Sebran,
Queens County.
  • Daniel Whitehead,
  • John Jackson,
Suffolk County.
  • Matthew Howell,
  • John Tuthell,
Richmond County.
  • Thomas Stillwell,
  • Elias Duxberry,
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A Journal of the House of Representatives, &c.

Die Jovis Ant. Merid. June 20. 1695.

THis Morning (pursuant to his Majesties Writ (the several Representatives returned to serve for the City and County of New-York, City and County of Albany, and Collony of Ranslaers-wick, Kings County, one from Queens County, and one from Suffolk County, viz. James Graham, Brands Schuyler, Lawrence Read, Thennnis de key, Derick Wessels, John Abeel, Killian Ranslaer, John van Ecklin, Cornelius Sebrand, Daniel Whitehead and John Tuthel attended at the House, and the rest not ap­pearing, the Clark was ordered to wait upon his Excelleny the Governour, and acquaint him there▪with, who returned, and reported, That his Excellency advised them to take such proper Methods as hath been usual in the like cases, he believing the other Representatives would be here this Night. Whereupon the House adjourned till to morrow Morning at eight of the Clock.

Die Veneris Ante. Merid. hor. 8. June 21. 1695.

According to adjournment the Representatives hereafter named, (viz.) James Graham, Brands Schuyler, Lawrence Read, Thenus de Key, John Abeel, Derick Wessels, William Ranslaer, John van Eklin, Cornelius Sebrand, Daniel Whitehead, John Tuthell, Thomas Stillwell and Elias Duxberry came to the House, and sent the Clark of the same to acquaint his Excellency, the Governour, of their attending there, and to know his Excellency's pleasure; who returned, and reported, That his Excellency had sent two of his Majesties Council to administer the Oathes established, instead of the Oathes of Allegiance and Supremacy, &c. and when that was done, he should hear further from them. And accordingly Coll. Stephanus van Courtlandt and Coll. Nicholas Bayard two of his Majesties Council afore-said, came to the House, and produced his Ma­jesties Writ of Dedimus Potestarem, and pursuant thereunto the above-named Repre­sentatives, in their presence respectively, were sworn, and subscribed the Test accor­dingly. Soon after Humphry Underhill and Joseph Purdy came to the House. And then the whole House waited upon his Excellency and Council in the Fort, to know his Excellency's further pleasure, who recommended them to return to their House, and to chuse a Speaker, who accordingly returned; and the said Humphery Underhill and Joseph Purdy having taken the Oaths appointed, &c. and subscribed the Test, as appeared by Certificate under the Hands of the said Coll. Courtlandt and Coll. Bayard, the House unanimously chose James Graham, Esq their Speaker, and accordingly conducted him to the Chair. Upon the taking of which the House requested of him, That upon his being approved by his Excellency, he would please to address his Excellency, in behalf of this House, and demand that their former Rights, Privi­ledges and Customs may be confirmed to them, viz.

Imprimis, That none of the Members, nor their Servants, be arrested or molested during the Sessions. That they may have freedom of Access to his Excellency and Council, when occasion presents. That they may have liberty of Speech, and a favourable Construction made upon all Debates that may arise among them. And for the Removal of all Mis-under­standings between the Governour and Council, and this House, that a Committee of the Council may be appointed to joyn with a Committee of this House, to confer on such matters as shall occur. And that this their Demands may be approved by his Excellency and Council, and accordingly entered in the Council Books.

Whereupon the House went all to the Fort, and did present James Graham, Esq to be their Speaker, who was accordingly approved of by his Excellency. Upon which approbation Mr. Speaker did, in behalf of the whole House, assure his Excellency, that [Page 4] they were Persons Loyal, and well affected to his Majesty, and the present Government; and also, did address his Excellency, as was desired by the House, in their behalf, and did desire. That their Rights and Priviledges, &c. should be continued to them, as usual, &c. Which Address was approved of by his Excellency and Council, and ac­cordingly granted.

Then his Excellency was pleased to make a short Speech to the House, the Heads of which were as followeth, viz.

To take care of the Fronteers, that Provision be made from the first of May last.

To consider of the Forces come over, and the Quota assigned to this Province for an united Force from all the Kings Plantations on the Main

To consider the Circumstances of the Province, with regard to the News come from the Lords of the Admiralty, and Intelligence from Albany.

All which are for the ease and safety of the Province: The one cannot be long liv'd without the other.

The House returned, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair, and recites to the House his Excellency's Speech, ut supra.

In regard that his Excellency's Speech did consist of several Heads, whereof some may have been omitted in the Recital thereof by the Speaker, it is Ordered, That Major Wessells and Mr. Tuthel do wait upon his Excellency, and to desire that the Heads of his Speech might be sent to this House in writing.

John Jackson, one of the Representatives of Queens County, came to the House, Whereupon it was Ordered, That Mr. Purdy, one of the Members thereof, do go with him to the Fort, and see the Oaths appointed, &c, administed to him, and that he subscribe the Test. Mr. Purdy returned, and declared, That he was present when the Oaths were administred to the said Jackson by Coll. Courtlandt and Coll. Bayard, and likewise saw him subscribe the Test. Whereupon the said Jackson desired to take his place accordingly.

Ordered, That the further Consideration of his Excellency's Speech be referred till the After-noon.

Major Wessells and Mr. Tuthel do resort from his Excellency, That his Excellency will take care the Heads of his Speech be prepared and sent to the House in writing, according to the Message commited to them.

Ordered, That the Roll of the House be called over. Upon calling over the Roll, Major Howell, returned a Representative for Suffolk County, and Henry Beekman and William d' Meyer, returned Representatives for the County of Ulster, were absent.

Ordered, That the Speaker do issue out his Warrant, Requiring the said Representa­tives forth-with to attend the service of this House.

Adjourned till Two a Clock Post. Merid.

Die Veneris 2 hor. P. M. June 21. 1695.

Ordered, That every Representative here present do give his attendance at the ringing of the Bell.

Mr. Jamison, Clark of the Council, came to the House, and brought with him the heads of his Excellency's Speech in writing, which were in these words following, viz.

T O take care of the Fronteers, that Provision be made from the first of May last.

To consider of the Forces come over, and the Quota assigned to this Province for an united Force, from all the Kings Plantations on the Main.

To consider the Circumstances of the Province, with regard to the News come from the Lords of the Admiralty, and Intelligence from Albany. All which are for the ease and safety of the Province. The one cannot be long lived without the other.

By Order, D. Jamison, Cl. Concilij.

Ordered, That according to the direction of this House in the Morning, the Consider­ation of his Excellency's Speech be immediately proceeded upon.

Ordered, That the Thanks of this House be given to his Excellency for the care he hath taken of the Province, and also for his favourable Speech to this House.

Adjourned till to morrow Morning 8 a Clock.

B Y Order of the House of Representatives▪ I do Appoint William Bradford to Print the Journal of this House,

Ja. Graham, Speaker.

Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to his Majesty, King William, at the Bible in New-York, 1695.

B Y Order of the House of Representatives, I do Appoint William Bradford is Print the Journal of this House.

Ja. Graham, Speaker.

Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to his Majesty, King William, at the Bible in New-York, 1695

B Y Order of the House of Representatives, I do Appoint William Bradford to Print the Journal of this House,

Ja. Graham, Speaker.

B Y Order of the House of Representatives, I do Appoint William Bradford to Print the Journal of this House,

Ja. Graham, Speaker.

Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to his Majesty, King William, at the Bible in New-York, 1695.

B Y Order of the House of Representatives, I do Appoint William Bradford to Print the Journal of this House,

Ja. Graham, Speaker.

Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to his Majesty, King William, at the Bible in New-York, 1695.

B Y Order of the House of Representatives, I do Appoint William Bradford to Print the Journal of this House,

Ja. Graham, Speaker.

Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to his Majesty, King William, at the Bible in New-York, 1695.

B Y Order of the House of Representatives, I do Appoint William Bradford to Print the Journal of this House,

Ja. Graham, Speaker,

Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to his Majesty, King William, at the Bible in New-York, 1695.

B Y Order of the House of Representatives, I do Appoint William Bradford to Print the Journal of this House,

Ja. Graham, Speaker.

Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to his Majesty, King William, at the Bible in New-York, 1695.

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