A JOURNAL OF THE House of Representatives For His MAJESTIES Province of New-York IN AMERICA
Begun the 20th day of June, in the seventh year of His Majesties Reign, Anno (que) Dom. 1695.
Die Saturni Ante Merid. June 1695.
By Order of the House of Representatives, I do appoint William Bradford to Print the Journal of this House,
Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to his Majesty, King William, at the Sign of the Bible in New-York, 1695.
A LIST of the several Representatives, returned (pursuant to his Majesties Writ) to serve in General Assembly, for the respective Cities and Counties of the Province of New-York, viz.
- City and County of New-York.
- James Graham,
- Brandt Schuyler,
- Lawrence Reade,
- Thennis de Key,
- City & County of Albany & Ranslaers-wick.
- John Abeel,
- Derick Wessels,
- Killian Ranslaer,
- Ulster County.
- Henry Beekman,
- William [...] Meyer,
- Westchester County.
- Humphery Underhill
- Joseph Purdy,
- Kings County.
- John Van Eklin,
- Cornelius Sebran,
- Queens County.
- Daniel Whitehead,
- John Jackson,
- Suffolk County.
- Matthew Howell,
- John Tuthell,
- Richmond County.
- Thomas Stillwell,
- Elias Duxberry,
A Journal of the House of Representatives, &c.
Die Jovis Ant. Merid. June 20. 1695.
THis Morning (pursuant to his Majesties Writ (the several Representatives returned to serve for the City and County of New-York, City and County of Albany, and Collony of Ranslaers-wick, Kings County, one from Queens County, and one from Suffolk County, viz. James Graham, Brands Schuyler, Lawrence Read, Thennnis de key, Derick Wessels, John Abeel, Killian Ranslaer, John van Ecklin, Cornelius Sebrand, Daniel Whitehead and John Tuthel attended at the House, and the rest not appearing, the Clark was ordered to wait upon his Excelleny the Governour, and acquaint him there▪with, who returned, and reported, That his Excellency advised them to take such proper Methods as hath been usual in the like cases, he believing the other Representatives would be here this Night. Whereupon the House adjourned till to morrow Morning at eight of the Clock.
Die Veneris Ante. Merid. hor. 8. June 21. 1695.
According to adjournment the Representatives hereafter named, (viz.) James Graham, Brands Schuyler, Lawrence Read, Thenus de Key, John Abeel, Derick Wessels, William Ranslaer, John van Eklin, Cornelius Sebrand, Daniel Whitehead, John Tuthell, Thomas Stillwell and Elias Duxberry came to the House, and sent the Clark of the same to acquaint his Excellency, the Governour, of their attending there, and to know his Excellency's pleasure; who returned, and reported, That his Excellency had sent two of his Majesties Council to administer the Oathes established, instead of the Oathes of Allegiance and Supremacy, &c. and when that was done, he should hear further from them. And accordingly Coll. Stephanus van Courtlandt and Coll. Nicholas Bayard two of his Majesties Council afore-said, came to the House, and produced his Majesties Writ of Dedimus Potestarem, and pursuant thereunto the above-named Representatives, in their presence respectively, were sworn, and subscribed the Test accordingly. Soon after Humphry Underhill and Joseph Purdy came to the House. And then the whole House waited upon his Excellency and Council in the Fort, to know his Excellency's further pleasure, who recommended them to return to their House, and to chuse a Speaker, who accordingly returned; and the said Humphery Underhill and Joseph Purdy having taken the Oaths appointed, &c. and subscribed the Test, as appeared by Certificate under the Hands of the said Coll. Courtlandt and Coll. Bayard, the House unanimously chose James Graham, Esq their Speaker, and accordingly conducted him to the Chair. Upon the taking of which the House requested of him, That upon his being approved by his Excellency, he would please to address his Excellency, in behalf of this House, and demand that their former Rights, Priviledges and Customs may be confirmed to them, viz.
Imprimis, That none of the Members, nor their Servants, be arrested or molested during the Sessions. That they may have freedom of Access to his Excellency and Council, when occasion presents. That they may have liberty of Speech, and a favourable Construction made upon all Debates that may arise among them. And for the Removal of all Mis-understandings between the Governour and Council, and this House, that a Committee of the Council may be appointed to joyn with a Committee of this House, to confer on such matters as shall occur. And that this their Demands may be approved by his Excellency and Council, and accordingly entered in the Council Books.
Whereupon the House went all to the Fort, and did present James Graham, Esq to be their Speaker, who was accordingly approved of by his Excellency. Upon which approbation Mr. Speaker did, in behalf of the whole House, assure his Excellency, that [Page 4] they were Persons Loyal, and well affected to his Majesty, and the present Government; and also, did address his Excellency, as was desired by the House, in their behalf, and did desire. That their Rights and Priviledges, &c. should be continued to them, as usual, &c. Which Address was approved of by his Excellency and Council, and accordingly granted.
Then his Excellency was pleased to make a short Speech to the House, the Heads of which were as followeth, viz.
To take care of the Fronteers, that Provision be made from the first of May last.
To consider of the Forces come over, and the Quota assigned to this Province for an united Force from all the Kings Plantations on the Main
To consider the Circumstances of the Province, with regard to the News come from the Lords of the Admiralty, and Intelligence from Albany.
All which are for the ease and safety of the Province: The one cannot be long liv'd without the other.
The House returned, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair, and recites to the House his Excellency's Speech, ut supra.
In regard that his Excellency's Speech did consist of several Heads, whereof some may have been omitted in the Recital thereof by the Speaker, it is Ordered, That Major Wessells and Mr. Tuthel do wait upon his Excellency, and to desire that the Heads of his Speech might be sent to this House in writing.
John Jackson, one of the Representatives of Queens County, came to the House, Whereupon it was Ordered, That Mr. Purdy, one of the Members thereof, do go with him to the Fort, and see the Oaths appointed, &c, administed to him, and that he subscribe the Test. Mr. Purdy returned, and declared, That he was present when the Oaths were administred to the said Jackson by Coll. Courtlandt and Coll. Bayard, and likewise saw him subscribe the Test. Whereupon the said Jackson desired to take his place accordingly.
Ordered, That the further Consideration of his Excellency's Speech be referred till the After-noon.
Major Wessells and Mr. Tuthel do resort from his Excellency, That his Excellency will take care the Heads of his Speech be prepared and sent to the House in writing, according to the Message commited to them.
Ordered, That the Roll of the House be called over. Upon calling over the Roll, Major Howell, returned a Representative for Suffolk County, and Henry Beekman and William d' Meyer, returned Representatives for the County of Ulster, were absent.
Ordered, That the Speaker do issue out his Warrant, Requiring the said Representatives forth-with to attend the service of this House.
Adjourned till Two a Clock Post. Merid.
Die Veneris 2 hor. P. M. June 21. 1695.
Ordered, That every Representative here present do give his attendance at the ringing of the Bell.
Mr. Jamison, Clark of the Council, came to the House, and brought with him the heads of his Excellency's Speech in writing, which were in these words following, viz.
T O take care of the Fronteers, that Provision be made from the first of May last.
To consider of the Forces come over, and the Quota assigned to this Province for an united Force, from all the Kings Plantations on the Main.
To consider the Circumstances of the Province, with regard to the News come from the Lords of the Admiralty, and Intelligence from Albany. All which are for the ease and safety of the Province. The one cannot be long lived without the other.
Ordered, That according to the direction of this House in the Morning, the Consideration of his Excellency's Speech be immediately proceeded upon.
Ordered, That the Thanks of this House be given to his Excellency for the care he hath taken of the Province, and also for his favourable Speech to this House.
Adjourned till to morrow Morning 8 a Clock.
VOTES OF THE House of Representatives for his Majesties Province of New-York.
Die Saturni hor. 8. A. M. June 22. 1695.
UPon the Consideration of the second Head of his Excellency's Speech, Ordered, That Mr. Van Eklin and Mr. Tuthil do wait upon his Excellency and Council, and humbly desire a List of the Quota's appointed by his Majesty, for the security of this Province.
Mr. Tuthil and Mr. Van Ecklin returned, and brought a List of the several Quota's appointed by his Majesty for the security of this Province, (viz.)
Quota's of men ordered by their Majesties out of the several Colloniel here-under mentioned, for the Assistance of the Province of New-York, viz.
Pennsilvania, | 80 | |
Massachusets Bay, | 350 | |
Maryland, | 160 | |
Virginia, | 240 | |
Rhode Island and Province Plantation, | 48 | |
Connecticut, | 120 | |
New-York, | 200 | |
In all | 1198 |
That his Excellency be addressed to order the Printer to print the daily Votes of this House at the Publick Charge, and that Mr. Read and Mr. Sebran do wait upon his Excellency with the said Address.
Mr. Read and Mr. Sebran return'd from his Excellency, and reported, That his Excellency is very willing the daily Votes of this House should be printed at the publick Charge, but hopes that the House, (before the Session ends) will allow the Printer something of further encouragement than what already established.
[Page 6] Ordered,
That the Votes this House be daily printed, and that the Speaker issue out his Warrant to the King's Printer, to print the same at the publick Charge accordingly.
Upon the Consideration of the second Head of his Excellency's Speech, the House being very sensible of the great care and pains that his Excellency hath taken for the security of this Province, and more especially by interceeding with his Majesty to procure the Forces which are now arrived for the Re-enforcement of the same. And in humble expectation that the said Forces shall be imployed for the security of the Fronteers, and for freeing of Detachments (which of late have been very grievous to this Province) for that service for the future (except in time of Invasion and Rebellion) in humble and most grateful Acknowledgement of the great Service, Benefit and Ease to this Province, by the Favours done by his Excellency, and the future benefit that this Province shall have by the service of the said Forces, to be imployed on the Fronteers, do unanimously agree, That there be a Levy of One Thousand Pounds, to be raised upon the respective Inhabitants, &c. of this Province, to be presented to his Excellency, the one half whereof to himself, the other half to be imployed by his Excellency to the said Officers and Souldiers, as he shall see meet.
Adjourned till Munday Morning next, two a Clock P. M.
Die Luna 2 hor. P. M. June 24. 1695.
Upon the Consideration of the second Head of his Excellency's Speech, pursuant to what was concluded upon by this House last Saturday, it is ordered. That Alderman Schuyler, Mr. Abeel, Mr. Purdy, Mr. Sebran, Mr. Tuthel, Mr. Duxberry and Mr Jackson be a Committee to adjust the Quota's and Proportions of each respective County, for the payment of the said Thousand Pounds, and make their Report thereof to morrow Morning at eight of the Clock.
Adjourn'd till to morrow Morning eight of the Clock.
B Y Order of the House of Representatives▪ I do Appoint William Bradford to Print the Journal of this House,
Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to his Majesty, King William, at the Bible in New-York, 1695.
VOTES OF THE House of Representatives for his Majesties Province of New-York.
Die Martis Ant. Merid. June 25. 1695.
A Bill to enable the City of New-York to relieve the [...], and defray their necessary and publick Charge, was Read, and ordered a second Reading.
Adjourned till two a Clock P. M.
Die Martis hor. 2. P. M. 1695.
That the Levy of the Thousand Pounds he raised in each respective City and County, according to the Quota's and Proportions following, viz.
City and County of New-York, | L | 2 [...]0 |
County of Westchester, | 5 [...] | |
County of Richmond, | [...]0 | |
Kings County, | 190 | |
Queens County, | 1 [...]0 | |
Suffolk County, | 2 [...]0 | |
Ulster County. | 110 | |
Orange County, | 10 | |
L | 1 [...] |
Adjourned till to morrow Morning eight a Clock.
B Y Order of the House of Representatives, I do Appoint William Bradford is Print the Journal of this House.
Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to his Majesty, King William, at the Bible in New-York, 1695
VOTES OF THE House of Representatives for his Majesties Province of New-York.
Die Jovis Ant. Merid. June 27. 1695.
THe Report of the Committee appointed to examine what Forces have been imployed for the security of the Fronteers, since the first of May last, and what they should have for the said Service, was read, and contained as followeth, viz.
June 26. 1695.
Pursuant to the within Order, the Committee ordered Mr. D' Key and Mr. Wessels to wait upon his Excellency the Governor, and desire the Muster Rolls of the Forces now in the Service at Albany, &c. who brought answer, That they should be immediately sent.
About an hour after the said Rolls were sent.
Ordered, That the Committee be adjourned till two a Clock in the afternoon.
The Committee, according to adjournment, met at two a Clock in the afternoon, and think it requisite that the Persons mentioned in the said Muster Rolls, according to Mr. Wessels report, being in actual Service, ought to have for their said Service, from the day of their being listed, &c. the several Sums following, viz. For every Field and Commission Officer, according to former establishment, and for every private Centinal 8 d. per Diem.
The said Report being too general, Ordered, That it be recommended to the said Committee, and that they do enumerate in their Report the particular number of Forces imployed in that service, and how long they have served since the first of May last, and make their Report forth-with.
The Report of the Committee, appointed to examine what Forces have been imployed for the Defence of the Fronteers, &c. was read, and is as followeth, viz.
We think it is requisite, that the Persons mentioned in the said Muster-Rolls, according to Mr. Wessels Report; and here unto annexed, being in actual service, ought to have for their said Service, from the day of their being entered on the [...], the several Sums following, viz. For every Commission Officer and Field Officer according to the former Establishment, and for every private Centinal 8 d. per Diem.
We do find, according to the Muster-Rolls produced to us by Major Wessells, as followeth, viz. Capt. Peter Schuyler, The First Lieutenant, the Second Lieutenant, Four Serjants, Four Corporals, One Montr [...]. One Drum, One Clerk, and Thirty one Centinals have been in the Service at Albany since the 1 st. of May last.
[Page 10] We do also find more in the said Service, viz. since May the 7 th, One Centinal, May 9 th, Two Centinals, May 16 th, Two Centinals, May 22 d, Two Centinals, May 23 d, Three Centinals. In all forty one Centinals.
We do also find under the Command of Major Howell, in the said Service at Albany, since the 18th of May last, One Major, one Captain, one Lieutenant, one Ensign, four Serjants, two Drums, four Corporals, one Clerk, and thirty four private Centinals.
And since the said 18th day of May, we find entered into the said Service, viz. May the 23 d, Fifteen Centinals, May 25 th, Seven Centinals. May 26 th, Two Centinals. In all 58 Centinals.
Whereupon it was objected, That the allowance of Major Schuylers Company was not according to Promise. It is therefore Ordered, That the same be recommitted to the said Committee, for their further Consideration of the allowance to the said Company, according to said Promise, and make their Report thereof forth-with.
The Committee, to whom the Examination of what Forces were imployed for the Defence of the Fronteers, &c. bring in their Report that was recommitted to them, which was ordered to be Read, and contained as followeth, viz.
June the 27th. 1695.
The Committee appointed to examine what Forces have been imployed for the Security of the Fronteers, since the first of May last, and what Reward they shall have for the said Service, do Report, That the several Forces mentioned in the Muster- Rolls, unto us produced by Major Wessels, and enumerated in the annexed, are in actual Service, and ought to have for their said Service (from the day of their entring into the same) the several Sums following, viz. To every Field Officer and Commission Officers &c. according to former Establishment. To every private Centinal of Major Schuylers Company, 12 d. per Diem, with the advance Money already paid them. And to every private Centinal of Major Howels Company, 8 d. per diem. And that they do think it requisite, that a Fund be raised for the payment of the said Forces until the first of August, next, according to the allowance abovesaid.
Which Report is approved by the unanimous Consent of the House, and its ordered, that Capt. Schuyler, Mr. Tuthel, Capt. Whitehead, Mr. Underhill and Mr. Ecklin be a Committee to examine how much the Sum of the said Service shall amount to, and the Quota's and Proportions of each respective City and County accordingly, and make Report thereof to morrow Morning at eight of the Clock.
A Bill to enable the City and County of Albany to defray their necessary Charge was Read, and ordered a second Reading.
Adjourned till to morrow Morning eight a Clock.
B Y Order of the House of Representatives, I do Appoint William Bradford to Print the Journal of this House,
VOTES OF THE House of Representatives for his Majesties Province of New-York.
Die veneris 8 hor. Ant. Merid. June 28. 1695.
THe Report of the Committee appointed to examine how much the Sum to pay the Forces at Albany shall amount to, and the Quota's and Proportions of each respective City and County, &c. was read, and was in these words following, viz.
June 28. 1695.
Pusuant to the within Order, we have examined how much the Sum of the said Service shall amount to, and do find that the Sum of eight hundred Pounds will satisfie and pay the Forces imployed on the Fronteers since the first of May last, until the first of August next ensuing, with the incidental Charges. And that the Levy of the said 800 l. be raised in each respective City and County, according to the Quota's and Proportions following, viz.
City and County of New-York, | L. | 224 |
County of Westchester, | 40 | |
County of Richmond, | 16 | |
Kings County, | 152 | |
Queens County, | 112 | |
Suffolk County, | 160 | |
Ulster County, | 88 | |
Orange County, | 08 | |
L. | 800. |
Which is approved of by the whole House, and ordered that the said Sum be raised accordingly.
[Page 12] This House having received Information that one of the Souldiers lately sent over by his Majesty, at the Solicitation of his Excellency, for the security of this Province, has been sentenced to Death, for a Mutuny by him acted in his coming over to this Province. The House of Representatives considering the Service those Forces came to do in this Province, and being willing to encourage them in the faithful discharge of their Duty for the future, become humble Suppliants unto your Excellency, That your Excellency would favourably be pleased to grant unto the said Souldier his Majesties Pardon for his said Offence, which shall ever be gratefully acknowledged by Us, and all his Majesties good Subjects within this Province, whom we represent. And ordered, That Mr. D' Key, Mr. Abeel, Mr. Tuthil, Mr. Sebran, Mr. Stillwell, Mr. Underhill, and Mr. Jackson, do wait upon his Excellency with this Address.
Mr. D' Key returned, and reported, That he waited upon his Excellency with the Address, and that his Excellency was very willing to comply with the Request of the House, and that their Address should be accordingly granted.
That the Speaker do draw up a Bill for the raising of one Thousand Pounds upon the respective Inhabitants, &c. of this Province, the one half whereof to be presented to his Excellency, and the other half to the Officers and Souldiers lately come over for the secruity of this Province.
That the Speaker draw up a Bill for the raising of eight hundred Pounds, for the paying and satisfying the Forces imployed by his Excellency for the security of the Fronteers from the first of May last until the first of August next ensuing; and bring the same into this House on Munday next.
Adjourned till Munday next at two a Clock in the after noon.
B Y Order of the House of Representatives, I do Appoint William Bradford to Print the Journal of this House,
Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to his Majesty, King William, at the Bible in New-York, 1695.
VOTES OF THE House of Representatives for his Majesties Province of New-York.
Die Luna 2 hor. P. M. July 1. 1695.
COllonel Henry Beekman and Major William D' Meyr returned Representatives for Ulster County, and Major Matthew Howell returned a Representative for Suffolk County, came to the House, and having taken the Oaths, &c. and subscribed the Test (as appeared by Certificate under the hands of Coll. Stephanus van Courtlandt and Coll. Nicholas Bayard, were desired to take their places accordingly.
A Bill for the preventing the deserting of his Majesties Service, among the Forces arrived for the Security of this Province, and for giving a Reward to such as discover the same, was Read, and order'd a second Reading.
A Bill for the encouraging of Sea-men, was Read, and order'd a second Reading.
A Bill granting to his Majesty one Thousand Pounds, the one half to be allowed unto his Excellency, and the other half unto the Officers and Souldiers lately arrived, for their encouragement, was read▪ and ordered a second Reading.
A Bill for the raising eight hundred Pounds, for the paying and maintaining the Officers and Souldiers imployed for the securing the Fronteers of this Province at Albany, from the first of May last to the first of August. was read, and ordered a second Reading.
A Bill for the preventing the deserting of his Majesties Service, among the Forces arrived for the security of this Province, and for giving a Reward to [...] shall discover the same, was a second time read, and ordered to be engrossed.
[Page 14] The Bill for the encouraging of Sea-men was a second time read, and ordered to be engrossed.
The Bill granting to his Majesty one Thousand Pounds, the one half to be allowed unto his Excellency, and the other half unto the Officers and Souldiers lately arrived, for their encouragement, was a second time read, and ordered to be engrossed.
The Bill for the raising eight Hundred Pounds, for the paying and maintaining the Officers and Souldiers imployed for the securing the Fronteers of this Province at Albany, from the first of May to the first of August was read a second time, and ordered to be engrossed.
The Speaker, at the request of Coll. Hamilton, moved this House, That the Act of General Assembly, entituled, An Act for the encouraging a Post-Office, might be continued for three years longer.
Ordered, That the Speaker do bring in a Bill accordingly.
Adjourned till to morrow Morning eight of the Clock.
B Y Order of the House of Representatives, I do Appoint William Bradford to Print the Journal of this House,
Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to his Majesty, King William, at the Bible in New-York, 1695.
VOTES OF THE House of Representatives for his Majesties Province of New-York.
Die Martis 8 hor. Ant. Merid. July 2. 1695.
MR. Speaker, according to the order of the House yesterday, brought in a Bill for continuing the Act for encouraging the Post-Office three years longer, after the expiration of the said Act, which was read, and ordered a second reading.
The said Bill was read a second time, and ordered to be engrossed.
The Bill to enable the City and County of Albany to defray their necessary Charge, was a second time read, and ordered to be engrossed, with the amendment of two years, instead of three.
The Bill granting to his Majesty one Thousand Pounds, the one half to be allowed unto his Excellency, and the other half unto the Officers and Souldiers lately arrived, for their encouragement, was read the third time, and passed, and ordered that the same be sent up to the Governour and Council for their assent.
The Bill for the raising eight Hundred Pounds, for the paying and maintaining the Officers and Souldiers imployed for the securing the Fronteers of this Province at Albany, from the first of May to the first of August was read the 3d time, and passed, and ordered to be sent up to the Governour and Council for their assent.
That Coll. Beekman, Mr. Tuthell, Capt. Jackson, and Mr. Sebran do wait upon his Excellency and Council with the said Bills passed, for their Assent.
A Bill for the preventing the deserting of his Majesties Service, among the Forces arrived for the Security of this Province, and for giving a Reward to such as shall discover the same, was Read the third time, and approved, and order'd that it be sent up to the Governour and Council for their assent.
The Bill for the encouraging of Sea-men, was Read the third time, and passed, and order'd that it be sent up to the Governour and Council for their assent.
[Page 16] Ordered, That Mr. Abeel, Capt. Schuyler, and Mr. Reade do wait upon his Excellency and Council with the Bill for preventing the deserting of his Majesties Service, &c. and the Bill for encouraging of Sea-men, for their assent.
The Bill for continuing the Act for encouraging the Post-Office three years longer, was read the third time, and passed, and ordered that it be sent up to the Governour and Council for their assent.
The Bill for enabling the City and County of Albany to defray their necessary Charge, was read the third time, and passed, and ordered to be sent up to his Excellency and Council for their assent accordingly.
Ordered, That Mr. Duxbury, Ma jor Wessels and Mr. Underhill do wait upon his Excellency and Council with the said Bills passed, for their assent.
The Bill to enable the City of New-York to relieve the poor and defray their necessary and publick Charge, was a second time read, and ordered to be engrossed.
Adjourn'd till two a Clock in the after-noon.
Die Martis P. M. 2 hor. July 2. 1695.
The Bill to enable the City of New-York, &c. was read the third time, and passed, and ordered that it be sent up to the Governour and Council for their assent.
Ordered, That Capt. Schuyler, Capt. D' Key, and Capt. Reade do wait upon his Excellency & Council with the said Bill for their assent.
The Petition of the Representatives of the County of Westchester was read, and granted, and ordered that a Bill be brought in accordingly.
Adjourned till to morrow morning 8 a Clock.
B Y Order of the House of Representatives, I do Appoint William Bradford to Print the Journal of this House,
Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to his Majesty, King William, at the Bible in New-York, 1695.
VOTES OF THE House of Representatives for his Majesties Province of New-York.
Die Mercurij 8 hor. Ant. Merid. July 3. 1695.
A Bill to enable the Representatives of the County of Westchester to receive their allowance, according to Act of General Assembly, &c. was, according to the Order of the House yesterday, brought in and read, and ordered a second reading.
The said Bill was read the second time, and ordered to be engrossed.
The aforesaid Bill to enable the Representatives of the County of Westchester, was read the third time, and passed, and ordered to be sent up to the Governour and Council for their assent.
Ordered, That Mr. Underhill and Mr. Purdy do wait upon his Excellency and Council with the said Bill, for their assent.
Coll. Caleb Heathcore and William Pinhore, Esq brought a Message to the House from his Excellency and Council, with the Bills for preventing Deserters, &c. and the Bill for encouraging of Sea-men, with the Amendments annexed, and desire this House to consent to the same.
The House took into Consideration the Amendments annexed to the Act for encouraging of Sea-men, and agree to the same.
Order'd, That Mr. Read and Mr Abeel do carry up the Bill for encouraging of Sea-men, with the amendments.
The House of Representatives taking into Consideration the Amendments sent down by his Excellency and Council, with the Bill entituled, A Bill for preventing the deserting of his Majesties Service, &c. and cannot agree to the first Amendment, for the changing the Title of the said Bill, because this House did frame the [Page 18] Bill on purpose only for such of the Forces that arrived to be imployed for his Majesties Service in this Province, and for none other, except such as should lift themselves for the future in the said Companies.
They likewise cannot agree to the second Amendment, because the Preamble sets forth the Reason why the Bill was fram'd, and the Bill was only made to discourage those only Forces from deserting the said Service, and to correct and punish such of the Inhabitants of this Province that should be in any manner of way aiding or assisting to the encouraging of them therein.
This House does agree to the third Amendment, that the words ( without leave from his proper Officer) be left out, and to the same words in the Paragraph mentioned, and agree to mention the Kings Reign when the Act of Parliament, mentioned in the said Bill, was made.
That Mr. Wessels and Mr. Van Ecklen carry up the said Bill, with the said Amendments.
Adjourn'd till two a Clock in the after-noon.
Die Mercurij P. M. 2 hor. July 3. 1695.
The House of Representatives now convened in General Assembly do humbly address his Excellency and Council, and pray, that they will allow unto William Bradford, his Majesties Printer for this Province, the yearly Sallary of Twenty Pounds currant Money of this Province, over and above the Sallary already allowed him by his Excellency and Council. And ordered that Coll. Beekman, Major Howell, Mr. Reade, Capt. Whitehead, Major D' Meyr, and Mr. Ranslaer do wait on his Excellency and Council with this Address.
Adjourn'd till to morrow Morning 8 a Clock.
B Y Order of the House of Representatives, I do Appoint William Bradford to Print the Journal of this House,
Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to his Majesty, King William, at the Bible in New-York, 1695.
VOTES OF THE House of Representatives for his Majesties Province of New-York.
Die Jovis 8 hor. Ant. Merid. July 4. 1695.
THat the Clerk of this House do bring in an Account of what Charges hath accrew'd for Officers Salearys, House-Rent, and other Expences during this Sessions.
The Account of the House-Rent, Salaries, Expences, &c. was accordingly brought in by the Clerk, and read, and approved, &c.
Ordered, That an Address be made to his Excellecy, the Governor, and Council, to order his Majesties Collector and Receiver General to pay to John Clapp, Clerk of this House, the sum of twenty Pounds nineteen Shillings, which is for so much due for Salaries to the Clerk, Door-keeper, House-Rent, and several other Expences during this Sessions of Assembly, as by the Account thereof this day brought into the House doth appear.
Mr. Jamison, Clerk of the Council, brought a Message from his Excellency and Council, requiring the Speaker, with the whole House, to give their immediate attendance at the Council Chamber.
The Speaker immediately left the Chair, and went with the whole House accordingly to the Port.
The Speaker returned to the House, after he had waited upon his Excellency and Council at the City Hall, for the Publication of the Laws hereafter mentioned, and resum'd the Chair, and acquainted the House that his Excellency was pleased to acquaint the House that there was five Bills that he had passed; and that there was two others, one whereof was a Bill for the preventing the deserting his Majesties Service, &c. which had been sent down to this House with Amendments, to which this House had not agreed, he therefore thought fit, with the Advice of his Majesties Council, to lay it aside. There was another Bill for granting to his Majesty one Thousand Pounds, &c. in which he perceived there was a Complement paid to himself, for which he was thankful; but in regard that he found it not consistent with his Honour to pass it, he did likewise, by the advice of the Council, reject it; And gave this House assurance, That as he had studied the ease and safety of the Province, so he would continue to manifest the same at all times. And that he understood there had been great dissatisfaction about the Accounts, and [Page 20] recommended that this House would appoint a Committee for the viewing of the said Accounts, which should accordingly be ready for their Examination, that they might make Report thereof against the next Sessions. And thereupon was pleased to ad journ the Assembly unto the first of October next, and required the attendance of the House to the City Hall for the Publication of the Bills past. Whereupon the Speaker with the whole House, attended him accordingly; and there was then published the Bills following, viz.
A Bill to enable the City of New-York to relieve the Poor, and defray their necessary and publick Charge.
A Bill to enable the City and County of Albany to defray their necessary Charge.
A Bill for encouraging of Sea men.
A Bill for continuing the Act for encouraging the Post Office three years longer after the expiration of the said Act.
A Bill for raising eight hundred Pounds for paying and maintaining the Officers and Souldiers Imployed for the Security of the Fronteers of this Province at Albany from the first of May to the first of August.
The House taking into consideration the Report made to this House by the Speaker, of his Excellency's Speech, do order, That the Thanks of this House be return'd to his Excellency for the care that he hath taken for the case and safety of this Province, and the assurance he had given them of the continuance of the same.
Ordered, That Capt. Schuyler, Mr. Read, Capt. D' Meyr, Capt. Whitehead. Mr. Duxbury, Major Howell, Mr. Abeel, Mr. Underhill, Mr. Ranslaer, and Mr. Van Ecklin▪ do wait upon his Excellency with this Address, and be likewise a Committee to examine the Accounts of the Government, of what Money hath been raised, & what disbursed from the arrival of Coll. Slaughter, until this day. And for the more easie and effectual doing thereof, That they do meet at the City of New-York ten days before the meeting of the next Sessions of Assembly, and they or any seven of them to be this Committee, and make Report thereof to the next Sessions of Assembly. And the House accordingly, to the time directed by his Excellency, did Adjourn this House until the first day of October next at ten a Clock in the Morning. And this House is ad journ'd accordingly.
B Y Order of the House of Representatives, I do Appoint William Bradford to Print the Journal of this House,
Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to his Majesty, King William, at the Bible in New-York, 1695.