
By His Excellency Benjamin Fletcher, Captain General and Governour in Chief of The Province of New-York, and the Territories and Tracts of Land depending thereon in America, and Vice-Admiral of the same, His Majesties Lieutenant and Commander in Chief of the Militia, and of all the Forces by Sea and Land within His Majesties Collony of Connecticut, and of all the Forts and places of Strength within the same.

WHEREAS I am imformed that there are French Privateers coming upon this Coast, I have ordered His Majesty's Ship, The Richmond, to Cruise, for the Defence of this Province. And for the better strengthening of the said Ship against the Enemy, and to prevent that Obstruction which may be given to the Trade and Navigation of this Province, by Impressing of Marriners, [...] own Company of Granadeers for that Service. Therefore all Marriners, Trades-Men, and others, may attend the Service of their Imployers, without the least apprehension of being impressed upon this Occasion.

Ben. Fletcher.

God Save King William.

Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to His Majesty, King William, at the Bible in the City of New-York 1695.

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