The Fifth Assembly, First Sessions, Beginning the 20th day of June, and ending the 4th of July, Anno Regni Regis Gulielmi, Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae & Hiberniae, Septimo.
An Act for raising Eight Hundred Pounds for the paying and maintaining the Officers and Souldiers imployed for the securing the Fronteers of this Province at Albany, from the first of May, 1695. to the first of August next ensuing.
WHereas there hath been lately raised and detached several Forces for the security of the Fronteers of this Province at Albany, who have been there imployed for that service, from the first of May last, and are there to continue until the first day of August next ensuing. To the end therefore that the said Forces may attend the said Service, Be it Enacted by the Governor and Council, and Representatives convened in General Assembly, and by the Authority of the same, That a Levy of Eight Hundred Pounds Currant Mony of this Province be laid, assessed, raised and levyed upon all and every the Inhabitants, Residenters and Free-holders of and in this Province, for the paying and maintaining the said Forces, and their proper Officers, together with the Incidental Charges arising thereon, during the time aforesaid, and for no other use, intent or purpose whatsoever, to be laid, assessed, raised levied and paid to his Majesties Collector and Receiver General, for the time being, at his Majesties Custom house in the City of New-York, on or before the twenty fifth day of March next ensuing the Publication hereof, according to the Rates and Proportions following, That is to say, for the City and County of New-York two hundred twenty four Pounds. For the County of Orange, eight Pounds. For the County of West-Chester, forty Pounds. For the County of Suffolk, One hundred and sixty Pounds. For Queens-County, One hundred and twelve pounds. for Kings County, One hundred fifty two pounds. For the County of Richmond, sixteen pounds. For Ulster and Dutches County, eighty eight Pounds.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That for the better assessing raising and paying the aforesaid sum of eight hundred Pounds Currant Money aforesaid, The Mayor and Aldermen of the City of New-York, the Justices of the Peace, the Assessors and Collectors, for the time being, of all and every respective Cities, Counties, Towns, Mannors, Liberties or Jurisdictions within this Province, are hereby required, impowered and authorized to summons, assess collect and pay the several Sums of Money herein before mentioned, according to the Proportions before Expressed, in such ways and means, and according to such manner, rule and direction, and under such pains and penalties, as are contained, [Page 102] enjoyned, prescribed and directed in an Act of General Assembly, passed in the sixth year of his Majesties Reign, Entituled, An Act for the Raising and [...] One hundred and seventy men for the securing the Frontieers of this Province in the City and County of Albany, and all and every Article, Rule, Clause, Pains and Penalties mentioned in the aforesaid Act, for and concerning the [...], assessing, collecting and paying, or refusing and neglecting the Execution of the respective Duties required therein, shall be, abide and remain in full force and Effect, to [...] intents and purposes, and in as full and ample manner for the due Execution of this Act, untill the abovesaid Sum of eight hundred Pounds, be duly, fully and compleately assessed, collected and paid as abovesaid [...], as fully and in like manner, as if the same were particularly and at large recited and set down in the Body of this Act, any thing contained therein to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding. And the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of New-York, and all and every the Justices, Assessors and Collectors of the respective Cities and Counties aforesaid, and all other concerned herein are to take notice hereof accordingly.
An Act for Continuing the Act for encouraging the Post Office, three years longer, after the expiration of the said Act.
WHereas the Act for encouraging the Post-Office doth expire in April next, by its own Limitation, and it being found very advantagious to the Inhabitants of this Province, by the preserving of Trade, and maintaining a mutual Correspondence amongst our Neighbouring Collonies and Plantations, Be it therefore Enacted by the Governour and Council, and Representatives convened in General Assembly, and by the Authority of the same, That the Act, entituled, An Act for encouraging the Post-Office, be continued three years longer, after the expiration of the time limitted in the said Act, and all the Rates and Sums of Money established by virtue of the said Act, upon Letters and Pacquets, that shall be received and dispatched by the Office and Offices, contained in the said Act, shall be paid by the space of three years, next and after the expiration of the Term limited in the said Act, according to such Rules and Directions, and under such Penalties and Forfeitures, as is contained and enjoyned by the said Act. And the aforesaid Act, entituled, An Act encouraging the Post Office, and every Article, Rule and Clause therein mentioned, shall be, abide, remain and continue in full force and effect, to all intents and purposes, during the said term of three years next and after the expiration of the term limitted in the said Act, and no longer, as fully, and in like manner, as if the same were particularly, and at large recited and set down in the Body of this Act, any thing contained therein to the contrary hereof in any ways notwithstanding.
An Act to enable the City of New-York to relieve the Poor, and defray their necessary and publick Charge.
WHereas the publick Buildings belonging to the City of New-York, are much out of repair, the Poor in great distress, the High-Ways, Streets and [Page 103] Lanes so miery and foul, that they are noisom to the Inhabitants of the said City, as well as to other of his Majesties leige Subjects riding and travelling to and from the same, and that chiefly for want of having a Fund annually raised for the defraying the publick and necessary Charge of the said City. To the end therefore that the said City of New York may be the better enabled to erect or repair their publick Buildings, relieve their Poor, amend their High-ways, pave their Streets and Lanes, and defray the other contin [...]ent publick Charge of the said City, Be it therefore Enacted by the Governour and Council, and Representatives convened in General Assembly, and by the Authority of the same, That the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the said City, for the time being, or the major part of them, whereof the Mayor or Recorder of the said City to be one, shall yearly, in the week before the Feast day of St. Michael, the Arch-Angel, or within one Month after the said Feast day of St. Michael, elect and appoint five good and sufficient Citizens, inhabiting within the said City, who shall be called, Over-seers of the Poor, and publick Works and Buildings of the said City, &c. And they, or the greater part of them, by and with the consent of the Mayor or Recorder, Alderman and Assistants of the said City, are hereby authorized, impowered and enabled annually, and once every year, at the time aforesaid, to raise a reasonable Tax upon all and every the Inhabitants, Free-holders and Sojourners within the said City, towards the defraying the publick and necessary Charge of the said City, and the necessary Relief of the Lame, Impotent, Old, Blind, and such others being Poor, and not able to work, &c.
And for the better raising and levying the Tax aforesaid, to defray the publick and necessary Charges, and the Relief of the Poor aforesaid, Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Mayor or Recorder, Alderman and Assistants of the said City, with the Overseers so to be nominated as aforesaid, or any three of them shall meet together at the least, once in every three Months at the City Hall of the said City, and there to consider how much the publick and necessary Charge, and the relief of the Poor of the said City, shall amount to for one year, and the estimate thereof they shall cause to be particularly expressed in writing, that is to say, The particular Sum or Sums that they shall think needful for the erecting or repairing of their publick Buildings, and the particular [...] that they shall esteem necessary for the Relief the Poor, as aforesaid; and also the particular Sum that they shall judge fit for the repairing the High-ways, paying and cleansing the Streets, Lanes and Allies of the said City, and the d [...]ing the other contingent Charges of the same. Which Sum, so particular [...] and estimated, as aforesaid, shall be by the Assessors of the said [...] equally and proportionably assessed upon the Real and Personal Estates of all and every of the Inhabitants, Free-holders and Sojourners within the said City, within twenty days, at least, after that they shall receive such estimate, made as aforesaid, under the Hands & Seal of the Mayor or Recorder, or any one or more of the Aldermen, & Overseers nominated as aforesaid. Which Tax, Rate or Assesment shall be proportionably assessed or set upon the Real and Personal Estates of all and every the Inhabitants, Free-holders and Sojourners within the said City, or one year, for the purposes aforesaid, being allowed and confirmed by the Mayor or Recorder, or any two or more of the Aldermen of the said City, shall be collected by the respective Collectors of the said City, and quarterly paid by every respective Inhabitant, Free-holder or Sojourner within the same City upon [Page 104] demand made thereof by the respective Collectors aforesaid, appointed to gather and collect the same; and in case of Refusal or neglect, shall by warrant of the Mayor or Recorder, and any one or more of the Aldermen of the said City, under their Hands and Seals, be levied by Distress and sale of the Offenders Goods. All which Sum or Sums of Money levied, collected and paid, as aforesaid, shall be by the respective Collectors aforesaid, paid unto the Treasurer of the said City quarterly, and there shall remain until the same be ordered for the purposes aforesaid, by order of the Common Council of the said City, and by Warrant under the Hand and Seal of the Mayor.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Mayor, Aldermen and Assistants aforesaid, shall appoint a Scavanger, Raker, or other Officer, to be imployed in cleansing of the Streets, Lanes, Allies, and other places aforesaid, within the said City, and at least once in every Week, shall carry, or cause to be carried the Ashes, Dirt, Filth and Soil of the said Streets, Lanes, Allies, and other places, unto such place or places where he shall think convenient, provided that it shall not be noisom or hurtful to any of the Inhabitants of the said City; which Scavanger, Raker, or other Officer, to be imployed, as aforesaid, shall have such yearly Salary or Wages as the Mayor or Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants aforesaid shall in their discretion think needful, to be paid out of the Money assessed and paid as aforesaid, by Warrant upon the Treasure of the said City, as aforesaid.
And be it further Enacted, That if the Mayor or Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants aforesaid, shall refuse, delay or neglect to nominate and appoint Overseers yearly, as is before appointed, that then each of them for such default shall loose and forfeit for every such Default, five Pounds, to be imployed for the Relief of the Poor of the said City, and to be levyed by distress on their Goods by Warrant from the general Sessions of the Peace of the said City. And if any Overseer, Assessor or Collector shall refuse, neglect or delay to serve and execute the respective Duties before mentioned and required, shall for each default, that shall happen, loose and forfeit the Sum of five Pounds, to be levyed by Distress, and imployed as aforesaid, by Warrant under the Hand and Seal of the Mayor or Recorder, and any two of the Aldermen of the said City. Provided, That nothing herein contained shall continue or remain longer in force than the space and term of two years, next after the publication hereof.
An Act to enable the City and County of Albany to defray their Necessary Charge.
FOrasmuch as the Inhabitants of the City and County of Albany have been, during the time of the late Disorders, very much agrieved, wasted, destroyed and impoverished by the Incursions of the French, his Majesties declared Enemies, and that it is absolutely necessary that some suitable and convenient way should be found out for their Relief, and more easie defraying of the necessary Charges of that City and County. Be it therefore Enacted by the Governour and Council, and Representatives convened in General Assembly, and it is hereby enacted by the Authority of the same, That the Imposition or Rate of Two per Cent shall be raised and levyed upon all Indian Goods that are brought up to that City and County of Albany, and [Page 105] there sold and consumed. And also, that the Impost of Three Pence be raised and levyed upon each Gallon of Rum, that is sold and consumed within that City and County. And for the due and orderly collecting of the respective Imposts and Rates, the Treasurer of the said City, for the time being, or any appointed by him, and the Mayor of the said City, under the publick Seal of the said City, are hereby impowered and authorized to appoint, constitute and establish a Collector or Receiver of the Rates and Impost aforesaid, who shall have power to receive the same, and to enter in a fair Book, kept for that purpose, all such Sum and Sums of Money as shall be so entered and received for the respective Duties aforesaid, the said Collector or Receiver appointing certain convenient times and places for the keeping of the office, as shall be directed by the Court of Mayor and Alder-men, and Assistants of the said City. And all Persons that Trade and bring up to the said City and County the afore-mentioned Indian Goods and Rum, are hereby required to make a Report of the Quantity and Value of such Goods and Rum they so bring up and sell in the said City and County aforesaid, and pay the Duties and Imposts hereby established, without being at any further Charge than the said Duty. And in default hereof it shall be lawful for the Mayor, Treasurer, or any other Officer hereby authorized to issue out his or their Warrants, under his or their Hand and Seal for the seizing of all such Goods and Rum as shall be imbezelled, and not pay the Duties aforesaid, one third to the Informer, one third to the said City and County of Albany, and one third to his Excellency, the Governour or Commander in chief for the time being. Provided, That all the Sum and Sums of Money that are hereby received, shall be only appropriated and applyed to the defraying of the necessary Charges of the City and County aforesaid; and that the Treasurer, Collector or Receiver for the time being, shall not pay any of the Money received as aforesaid, but by Warrant from the Mayor of the said City, and approved by the Justices of the Peace of the said County. Provided, That this Act shall only remain in force for the space of two Years, and no longer, any thing contained herein to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.
An Act For the Encourageing of Sea-men.
BE it Enacted by the Governour and Council, and Representatives convened in General Assembly, That whatsoever Tavern-keeper, Ale-house keeper or Victualer within the City and County of New-York, that shall trust or credit any Sea-man, belonging to any Ship or Vessel that is in, or shall hereafter come into the Road or Harbour of the said City, for any sum of Money above the sum of six Shillings currant Money of this Province, shall loose the same, and no Writ or Process shall go out against any Sea-man, as aforesaid, at the suit of any Tavern-keeper, Ale-house-keeper or Victualer within the said City and County, for any greater sum than six Shillings, as aforesaid. And if any Tavern-keeper, Ale-house-keeper or Victualer within the said City, shall trust or give credit to any Sea-man that is out of Service, for any greater sum than 12 d. per Day, so long as he shall be out of service, shall likewise loose the same, and no Writ or Process shall go out against any Sea-man, at the Suit of any Tavern-keeper, [Page] Ale-house-keeper or Victualer within the said City and County, for any greater sum than the proportion of 12 d. per Diem, during the time that he shall be out of Service, as aforesaid. And if any Clerk of the Courts of Record within the said City and County, shall issue any Writs against any Sea-men, circumstanced as aforesaid, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this Act, shall for his Offence forfeit the sum of five Pounds currant Money of this Province, to be recovered before the Mayor or Recorder, or any two of his Majesties Justices of the Peace of the said City and County, the one half to the use of the Poor of the said City, and the other half to the Informer, or him who shall sue for the same, without further Appeal. And all Masters of Vessels trading to and from the said City, shall within forty eight hours after his or their arrival, bring unto the Town Clerk of the said City a List of the Names of all such Sea-men as he did import or belong to his & their Vessels, and the same cause to be registred in the Office of the said Town Clerk, who shall take no greater Reward for the same than One Shilling, currant Money aforesaid. Provided, That this Act shall not continue in force longer than two years after the Publication hereof.
Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to his Majesty, King William, at the Sign of the Bible in New-York, 1695.