WE have now received a more particular Account of the EARTH-QUAKE that lately happened in this Kingdom. It was felt here on the 8 th Instant, between 17 & 18 hours, At Naples, the Sun, when in the AEquinox, rises at Twelve; and makes Noon, at Eighteen hours: For the Italians begin their Reckoning from Sun-set; and divide the whole Night-&-Day, into Four and Twenty equal Hours in a continued Account. and lasted about half a minute, shaking all the Churches & Houses in this City, throwing down none, nor killing any body. The Cathedral Church, with those of St. Lorenzo, and several others; as also the Palaces of the Dukes of Madaloni and Monte Leon, received the most damage; And part of the Hill without the Gate of the Town, fell in; But it was much more terrible in the Country: In the Districts of Lauro and Magnano, and at Lipari, and Mercogliano, several Castles and Houses are thrown down, and some persons killed; At Nola, the Bishops Palace, and a Monastry of Nuns; At Naia, Torento Avellino and Ariano, most of the Houses; [...] at Ottaiano, the Cathedral Churches and Bishops Palaces are quite ruined, And at Mercogliano, the Church, and at Capua several Houses; At Aresa the Roof of the chief Church thrown down, with some other Churches, and a Monastery; at Vico, all the Houses except 40; at Cara, the Bishops Palace, and 3 Chappels, are laid in Ruins. In the Principality of Citra; at Recigliano, all the Houses are down, and 220 persons killed, and divers wounded; At Belvano 70 killed, At St. Gregorio, Lavigano, Romignano, Coliano, Sala, Valvano, divers Houses destroyed, and the Marquis de Valvano killed; At Vietri, St. Arstori, Diano, Atene, la Pella, Buon Abitacolo, and Padula, few Houses are left standing; and at Luffo, none. In the Province of Ultra, at St. Mauro, Valetta, Torella, la Torre, Zuncolo, St. Guglielmo, and Suosso; there are no Houses left, and very few at St. Agente and Trivigo; At Guardia Lombardia, all the Houses destroyed, and the Dutchess Pignatelli killed, and the Duke wounded; At Paterno the Church of St. Nicolas is thrown down, and that of St. Michael very much damnified; At Grotta Minarda most of the Houses, with 10 persons; and at Mirabella most of the Houses down, and 23 persons killed; At Gesualdo part of the Bishops Palace is down, and 5 or 6 persons killed; and several at St. Angelo; At Conza all the Houses and Churches destroyed, and even the foundations of the Church of St. Giberto are not now to be seen; At Menna the Church of St. G [...] etano, with the Arch-bishops Palace, are quite ruined, and about 300 persons killed; At Calitri, the Castle, and all the Houses, with 1200 persons, and among these several Persons of Quality destroyed; At Pesco Pegano 1,200 persons; At St. Andrea 50; And at [...]cora 400 persons killed and all the Buildings of these 3 last [...] ruined, with several Villages thereabouts. In the Province of Balisicata, at Muro, most of the Houses; and about One Thousand Persons killed. The Town of Bella is reduced to the same condition, and about 1300 persons destroyed; At Tricarico, Ruati, and Barrile, the damage is also very great, and above 50 persons; at Rapolla 100 Houses; At Melfi the Castle, with most of the Monasteries and Houses; At Tito the great Church, with many Houses, and 100 persons destroyed; The Hill near that place opened at the same time, and a little [...] that run near it, was thrown out of its [...]. At Potenza, the Church, and most of the other Buildings, with several of the Inhabitants; The Towns of Vignola, Matera, Cas [...], Mezzano; Laviello, Forenza, Salanora, [...] likewise suffered very much: And upon the whole, the loss is so great, that it will require a long time to repair it.
Boston, N. E. Reprinted by B. Green. February 21. 1694, 5.