
TO Coll. Benjamin Fletcher, Captain General and GOVERNOR In CHIEF Of the Province of New-York, Province of Penn­silvania, Country of New-Castle, & the Territories and Tracts of Land thereon depending, in AMERICA, And Vice-Admiral of the same.
The Address of some of the Peaceable and well Affected Free-holders and Inhabitants of the Town and County of Philadelphia.

WE being deeply sensible of the KING and QUEEN's great Care and Concern for our Safety and Preservation, by taking us under their immediate Care and Government, do cheerfully imbrace the same with great Thankfulness▪ and in Sincerity of our Hearts do declare, That we shall be ready to support and maintain the same, as much as in us lies (in all things consistent with the Per­swasion of our tender Consciences) according to our Duty.

Since thy Arrival in America (Worthy Governour) we have often heard a very great and good Character of thee, both for thy Ex­emplary [Page] Life and Conversation, [...] Management in composing and putting an end to the Fewds and Disorders that were amongst the People in NEW-YORK before thy Arrival there; the which excellent Character being abundantly Confirmed by thy D [...]screet Behaviour and Deportment since thy coming amongst us, gives us great Hope, That the Confusions and Disorders, under which we have laboured for some time past, will by means of thy Administration under God, be stopt and extinguished, That so we may live in Peace and Safety, and in the Fear of God, paying that Duty to our Rulers and Magistrates, which becometh True Christians.

And since, according to the King and Queens Power given thee, thou hast made choice of a Lieutenant Governour to Rule over us in thy Absence, we cannot (without taking to our selves the Odium of Ingratitude), forbear, to express our Humble and Hearty Thanks to thee, That th [...] hast not put a Stranger to Govern us, but our Worthy Friend WILLIAM MARKHAM, a Person who hath not only lived many [...] amongst us, but of whose Civility and Moderation towards all [...] of People, we have had good and long Experience, which hath begot in us towards him, a very great and worthy Esteem. And as we have great cause to acknowledge thy good Affection towards us therein, and thy tender Regard to our Peace and Liberty, so we will endeavour, by the help of God, to dem [...]n our selves towards the King and Queens Laws and Govern­ment, as becometh our Duty, as true Christian Subjects.

Signed by Vs, in behalf of Our Selves, and Others,
  • Thomas Paschall,
  • Griffith Jones,
  • Charles Pickering,
  • John Duploveys,
  • James Poulter,
  • Andrew Robeson,
  • Alexan [...] [...],
  • Henry Furnis.
  • John [...],
  • Henry Johnston,
  • Thomas Hill,
  • John Rodman,
  • Charles Sanders,
  • Joseph Pidgeon,
  • Joseph Wille [...],
  • Patrick Robinson,
  • Nicolas Rid [...],
  • John Steph [...]s,
  • John Wait [...],
  • James Frap [...]ll,
  • William Paschall,
  • Thomas Jenner,
  • Joseph Knight,
  • Thomas James,
  • Robert Turner,
  • Phillip England,
  • Thomas [...]ress,
  • Joseph Yard,
  • John Brooks,
  • Francis Cook,
  • O [...]sar Ghife [...]n,
  • Henry Flower,
  • [...] Rowland,
  • Richard Wall,
  • Jeremiah Elfreth,
  • Robert [...]ret,
  • [Page]Thomas Peart,
  • Nath. Thornton,
  • Ralph Ward,
  • Anthony Taylor,
  • John Furnis,
  • Samuell Griffith,
  • Simercy Adams,
  • Jeremiah Price,
  • Edward Smoute,
  • Robert Adams,
  • Edmund Dutton,
  • Joseph Cross,
  • Herbert Corrie,
  • Daniel Cook,
  • John M [...]comb,
  • Thomas Willard,
  • William Say,
  • Benjamin Whitehead,
  • Thomas Harding,
  • Richard Tucker,
  • D [...]niel Jones,
  • Richard Worthington,
  • Thomas Dennis,
  • Henry Laking,
  • Teniss Lines,
  • Benjamin Thomas,
  • Adam Butcher,
  • John Fisher,
  • Abraham Hooper,
  • Joseph Brown,
  • John Fellows,
  • Hermen D [...]och,
  • Jeremiah Osbourn,
  • James Standfield,
  • William Lee,
  • William Snead,
  • William Dyre,
  • Thomas Herris,
  • William Bevon,
  • Richard Cocke [...],
  • Richard Barnes,
  • John Haywood,
  • Thomas Grove,
  • John Herris,
  • Casper Carstense,
  • Mones Cock,
  • John Test,
  • Joseph Ambl [...]r,
  • Samuell Atkins,
  • Martin Hoult,
  • William Salsberry,
  • Michael Nellson,
  • Samuell Meales,
  • William Crewse,
  • Francis Rawle,
  • Thomas Marriet,
  • Francis Jones,
  • Samuell Hoult,
  • William Bradford,
  • Thomas Waite,
  • Richard Roberts,
  • John Southworth,
  • Theodor Roberts,
  • Daniel van Beek,
  • John Morrey,
  • Joshua Carpeenter,
  • Abraham Carpenter,
  • John Claypoole,
  • John Townsend,
  • Edward Farmer,
  • Thomas Ahelleys,
  • Thomas Makin,
  • Mouns Jones,
  • Matthew Clemison,
  • John Ch [...]er,
  • Isaac Warner,
  • Thomas Cli [...]ford,
  • Edward Do [...]y.

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