
To His Excellency Benjamin Fletcher, Captain General and Governor in Chief of Their Majesties Pro­vince of New-York, Province of Pennsilvania, Country of New-Castle, Territories and Tracts of Land depending thereon in America, Vice-Admiral of the same.
The humble Address of the Mayor, Recorder, Alder-men and Commonality of their Majesties City of New-York, conven'd in Common Council.

May it please your Excellency;

WE, the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of this their Majesties City of NEW-YORK; convened in Common Council, having in our Consideration the great Happiness that has attended this Province in general, and the particular Advantages that has accrewed to this Their Majesties City and Corporation since the auspicious Day of your Excellency's arrival to Govern us, cannot but with all Thankfullness acknowledge, That so great Benefits have only proceeded from the unparrallel'd Vigilence, Diligence & Conduct of your Excellency, who has not been wanting in the most difficult Seasons to expose your Person to many Dangers for Their Majesties Service, and the Safety of this Province. And being now Witnesses of the great Pains your Excellency hath lately taken at Albany in reducing the Indians (who were shaking in their Fidelity) to a perfect and firm Union unto their Majesties Interest, by which means the Frontiers of this Provinces are not only strengthened, but the other Remote parts of the Government free'd from the daily Alarms and Incursions of the Enemy.

We therefore, may it please your Excellency, in the deepest Sence of such signal Favours, with all Duty and hearty Joy, presume to Congratulate your Excellency's Safe and Happy Return unto this City, the Seat of their Majesties Government. And withall do further presume to address unto your Excellency, as the only Person and Means, next unto their most sacred Majesties, to whom all the present Tranquility of the Government is owing, by whose Prudence all our Back-slidings are healed, and all our late Hearts and Annimosities are buried, that whos ever passeth our Streets can see nothing of the Tokens or Signals of War, but such Unanimity and Chearfulness amongst the People, that it is now no more a Question where we shall pitch our Tabernacle, but in the City, where we may be influenced and protected by the inestimable Virtue, Prudence and Pious Conduct of your Excellency.

May it further please your Excellency, As we know there is nothing so delightful to your Excellency as Truth, so we cannot better demonstrate the true Affections we bear your Excellency, than by praying your Excellency to look into our City, and you will find that our Inhabitants are daily erecting Monuments to perpetuate the Memory of your Excellency's Virtue, wherein we have an intire Confidence, and will not now detain your Excellency with Repetitions of former Requests, but only give your Excellency assurance, That as hitherto the Interest of this City hath never been seperate from (but the chief and only Support of) the Prerogative and Dignity of the Crown in this Province, so that we cannot permit our selves in the least to doubt, but that whilst the Administration of that Royal Dignity rests in your Excellency's Person, (which we pray may always be) there can be any change in our Gates, but the Interest of the KING and the CITY shall be ever one and the same.

In Testimony of our Integrity therein, we with all Humility, offer our Prayers to Almighty God for the prosperous Success, and the long Lives of our Soveraign Lord and Lady King William and Queen Mary, and that your Excellency may live long and Govern us, and be the only Protector of our City, and as such we humbly pray your Excellency to accept of this CUP of GOLD, in acknowledgement of the sincere and dutifull Affection that is born to your Excellency, by those who will alwayes manifest themselves,

May it please your Excellency,
Your Excellency's Most Dutifull And Most Obedient Servants,
  • Stephen de Lancey,
  • Thomas Clarke,
  • Johannis van Despiegel,
  • Arian van Schaick,
  • Brandt Schuyler,
  • Robert Darkin,
  • Gerard Dowe,
  • Ebenezer Willson,
  • Theunis de Key,
  • Abraham de Peyster,
  • James Graham,
  • William Beeckman,
  • William Merr [...]t,
  • Johannis Kip,

Printed [...] by William Bradford, Printer to King William and Queen Mary at the City of New-York, Anno Domini 1693.

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