
By His Excellency [...]j [...]min Fletcher, Captain General and Governor in Chief of Their Majesties Province of New-York, Province of Pennsilvania, Country of New-Castle, and the Territories and Tracts of Land depending thereon in America, and Vice-Admiral of the same, Their Majesties Lieutenant and Command [...] in Chief of the Militia, & of all the Forces by Sea and Land within Their Majesties Collony of Connecticut, and of all the Forts and places of Strength within the same.

WHereas I am given to understand that sundry Souldiers and Marriners have deserted Their Majesties Service, from their Garrisons and Ships of War in the Province of New-York, and [...] sheltered and protected by divers Inhabitants in Remoter parts under my Government an [...] Command. For Prevention where of, and of all idle Vagabonds for the future, and to the end [...] Fugitive Servants may be taken up and restord to their Masters, as also (it being time of A [...]tual Wa [...]) [...] the Prevention of S [...]es that may sojourn in the Province of New-York, Province of Pennsilvania, and Country of New-Castle, &c. under False Pretences, to give Intelligence to the Enemy; I have therefore thought fit, and do hereby strictly require all Officers, Civil and Military, under my Command, That for the Future, from Time [...] th [...] take a strict Account of all Travellers [...]o Passengers to and from, or within any the Provinces aforesaid; And if the said Travellers and Pass [...]nger cannot produce a Pass or give a sufficient Account of themselves, That then they cause such [...] to be secured, as Deserters from Their Majesties Service, Fugitive Servants, or Spyes, untill they sh [...] give Satisfaction to the contrary.

Ben. Fletcher.
God Save King William & Queen Mar [...]

Printed and [...] by William Bradford, [...] Their Majesties, King [...] Mary at the Sign of the Bible [...] of New-York, [...]

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