By His Excellency
Benjamin Fletcher, Captain General and Governor in Chief of Their Majesties Province of
New-York, Province of Pennsilvania, Country of
New-Castle, and the Territories and Tracts of Land depending thereon in
America, and Vice-Admiral of the same, Their Majesties Lieutenant and Commander in Chief of the Militia, & of all the Forces by Sea and Land within Their Majesties Collony of Connecticut, and of all the Forts and places of Strength within the same.
WHereas by Proclamation given forth at Hartford the 28 day of October last past, I did think fit to signifie unto all Their Majesties good Subjects within their Majesties Colony of Connecticut, That their Most Excellent Majesties, William and Mary, by the Grace of God, of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, KING and QUEEN, Defendors of the Faith, &c. were graciously pleased, by their Royal Commission under the great Seal of England, to constitute and appoint me Benjamin Fletcher, Captain General and Governour of New-York, &c. Their Lieutenant and Commander in Chief of the Militia the said Colony of Connecticut, Not only for the assorting of Their Inherent Right and Royal Prerogative, but also of their special Grace and tender Care they had for the Security and Defence of Their good Subjects in the same; and that pursuant thereunto, out of the true and tender Regard I had for the Peace of the said Collony, and better satisfaction of all their Majesties good Subjects therein, as for the due Execution of the said Commission, I did with all convenient speed hasten unto the said Town of Hartford, and did then apply my self unto the General Assembly there sitting (the present Administrators of the Government) and in the said Assembly caused my said Commission to be publickly read, and left with them a Memorial [...] Writing of my Expectation of their ready Submission to Their Majesties Lawful Commission. And for the more speedy and effectual Execution of the same (besides the allowance of a sufficient Time for their Deliberation) I did likewise offer to commissionate all the late Commission-Officers, and to be advised by them in appointing others, to supply the vacancy of officers; and particularly caused a Commission to be tendered to Coll. Robert Treat for the Command of all the Militia of the [...] Collony. I did then also assure them, That I had neither Power nor Intention to invade any of their Civil Rights, only requiring Obedience to their Majesties Commission, whereby the Power of the Militia may be acknowledged to be (as it is a Royal Right, inherent to, and inseperable from the Crown. Whereby I did expect, as well as require, That the said General Assembly would have render [...] Obedience accordingly: But in leiu thereof they positively refused to yeild Obedience unto their Majesties Royal Commission aforesaid. Whereupon, for the further satisfaction of their Majesties good Subjects in the said Collony, I did by the said Proclamation further declare, That Their Majesties Commission was Absolute and Indispenible, and was a Command, not only to me to Execute, but all their Majesties Subjects in the said Collony to Obey; and that the same did make Null and Void all former Military Commissions; and that it was not in my Power to suspend or delay the Execution of it, nor the Default, or any other Inconveniencies that may happen thereby, be by any means justified. And did then declare my Resolution, in obedience to Their Majesties Royal Command, forthwith to put the said Commission in Execution; and did, by the said Proclamation, in Their Majesties Name straitly forbid all Persons whatsoever, to execute or obey any former Military Commissions, or to levy any Men and Arms, otherwise than in pursuance of Their Majesties said Commission to me granted, and published in the General Assembly of the said Collony, as aforesaid; and did require, That all Their Majesties loving Subjects in the said Collony, upon their Allegiance would yeild their due Obedience to Their Majesties said Commission of Lieutenancy, and be aiding and assisting to me in the Execution of the same accordingly, as they would answer the contrary at their utmost Peril.
And forasmuch as in my Return through the said Collony, unto the Charge of my Government of New-York, I found that the said Proclamation had not been duely published and made known unto the respective Towns and Inhabitants of the said Collony, as their Majesties Service, and the true Intent of their Majesties said Commission did of necessity require. And being likewise informed, That by the specious Pretences of Ill Designing Men, not well affected unto Their Most Sacred Majesties, and Their Royal Dignity and Crown of England, &c, many of Their Majesties loving Subjects within the said Collony are deluded, inveigled and drawn away from their Duty and Allegiance, as aforesaid, whereby the Peace, as well as Safety of the Collony is very much endangered. For prevention of such Insinuations, as well as for the better Direction of their Majesties good Subjects, and that the Ill Consequencies that must attend such Disobedience, may be avoided, I have thought fit further to Publish and Declare unto all Their Majesties loving Subjects, as aforesaid, That as it hath been Their Majesties most Gracious Pleasure, out of Their tender Love and Care that they have for the Preservation and Good of Their Subjects in the said Collony, in this Time of Actual War, to invest me with the Powers and Authorities in the said Royal Commission contained. That pursuant thereunto, I do again strictly Charge, Require and Command all Their Majesties loving Subjects, residing, or any other Person or Persons that take upon them the Administration of the Laws, or Conservation of the Peace within Their Majesties said Collony of Connecticut, That fortwith upon the Publication and Receipt hereof, they do yeild and render an intire Obedience unto Their Majesties most Gracious Commission, as aforesaid, to all intents and purposes whatsoever, as they will answer the Contempt of the contrary hereof at their Perils.
Given under my Hand and Seal at Arms, at Fort William Henry the Eight Day of November, 1693. And in the Fifth Year of Their Majesties Reign.
God Save King William & Queen Mary.
Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to Their Majesties, King William and Queen Mary at the Sign of the Bible in the City of New-York, 1693.