
A Catalogue of Fees Established by the Governour and Council At the Humble Request of the ASSEMBLY

For the Governour.

  L. S. D.
FOr the great Seal to every Patent for and under 100 Acres, 00 12 00
For 1000 Acres and upwards of Arable Land, for every 100 Acres. 00 10 00
For every License of Marriage 00 10 00
For his Hand and Seal to Letters of Administration, 00 10 00
For a Certificate of Denization, 00 10 00
For a Certificate of Naturalization, 00 10 00
For a Certificate That a Vessel was built, or belongs to their Majesties Subjects, 00 10 00
For every Certeficate under the Governours Hand and Seal to go beyond Sea, 00 10 00
For every Hue-and-Cry, 00 03 00
For a Lisence to purchase Land of the Indians, 01 00 00
For a Bill of Health, 00 12 00
For the great Seal to a Confirmation for renewing a Patent, 00 12 00

The Secretary's FEES.

  L. S. D.
FOr a Patent for a House, Lot or Confirmation of Land formerly pessessed, 00 12 00
For a Patent for New Land, for and under 100 Acres, 00 12 00
And above 100 Acres, 2 s. per hundred Acres more,   2  
For a Patent for a New Township, 05 00 00
For a Confirmation of a Township, 02 10 00
For a Warrant to Surrey Land, 00 05 00
For Recording a Will, Inventary, &c. under 24 Lines, 00 03 00
For every Sheet more, 00 00 09
For every Letter of Administration of 100 l. or under, O0 06 00
For the Certificate of a Probate of a Will, 00 04 00
For a Certificate of Letters of Naturalization or De­nization▪ 00 06 00
For a Pass to Europe, of a Ship of 30 Tuns, 00 06 00
And upwards to 100 Tun, 00 10 O0
And above 100 Tun▪ 00 15 00
For the same to the West-Indies, to pay for the proportion 00 03 00
For the same to the West-Indies, to pay for the proportion 00 06 00
For the same to the West-Indies, to pay for the proportion 00 09 00
For a Certificate that a Vessel was built here, and belong­ing to their Majesties Subjects, 00 06 00
For every Petition to the Governour and Council, and Order thereon, 00 06 00
For a Lisence of Marriage, 00 12 00
For a Certificate of any matter under the Governour's Hand and Seal, 00 06 00
For a Hue-and-Cry, 00 03 00
For a Lisence to purchase Land of the Indians, 00 06 00
For a Bill of Health, 00 06 00
For all Bonds, 00 03 00
For Copying every thing Recorded in the Secretary's Office, first Sheet containing 24 Lines, eight Words to a Line, 00 03 00
For every Sheet more, 00 00 06
For a Quietus of an Administration, 00 06 00
For every Commission, where there is a Sallary or Fees allowed, 00 06 00
[Page 3]

Fees for the Court of 40 s. or under.

  l. s. d.
FOr the Summons, 00 00 09
For serving the Summons, 00 00 09
For the Judgment, 00 01 00
For the Summons for Evidence 00 00 06
For serving the same, 00 00 06
For the Jury for the same, 00 06 00

Fees for the Justices in or out of Sessions.

FOR EVery Warrant of Appearance, 0 1 6
FOR The Justices Clerk for a Bond, 0 1 6
FOR Taking Bayl in Court, or out, 0 2 3
FOR Acknowledging a Deed of Sale, 0 2 3
FOR A Lisence for selling Drink, 0 3 0
FOR The Clerk, for a Bond for the same, 0 2 3

The Judges and Justices Fees for the Court of Common Pleas.

FOR ALl Actions, from 40 Shillings to twenty Pound, 0 2 6
FOR From twenty Pound and upward, 0 5 0
FOR Every Judgment of Court, 0 1 6
FOR Signing an Execution, 0 0 6
FOR Signing a Bill of Cost, 0 0 6
FOR Admittance of a Guardian, 0 3 0
FOR Proving of a Will, 0 3 0
FOR A Certificate for the same to the Secretary's Office at New-York, 0 1 6
FOR Acknowledging Satisfaction upon Record, 0 1 6

Fees for the Clark of the Sessions and Common Pleas.

FOR A Writ or Capias, 0 1 6
FOR Filing a Declaration, 0 0 9
FOR A Copy of a Declaration if required, every Sheet con­taining 15 Lines 8 Words to a Line, 0 0 6
FOR Entring every Action, 0 0 9
FOR Every Venue. 0 1 0
FOR Every Subpoena, [...] [...] [...]
FOR Entring a Verdict, 0 0 9
FOR Entring Judgment, 0 1 0
FOR Execution, 0 1 6
FOR Coppying of the Records, for each Sheet, containing 15 Lines, and eight Words to a Line, 0 0 6
FOR Entry Rule or Order of Court, 0 0 9
FOR Reading a Petition, 0 0 6
FOR Answer thereon, 0 0 6
FOR With-dawing an Action, 0 1 6
FOR A Scire facias, 0 1 0
FOR A Habeas Corpus, 0 1 6
FOR Every Recognizance, 0 1 0
FOR A Supersedeas, 0 1 6
FOR Searching the Records within one Year, 0 0 6
FOR Every Year backwards 3 d. more, 0 0 3
FOR Entring a Plea, 0 0 9

The Sheriffs Fees for the Courts of Sessions and Common Pleas.

FOR SErving a Writ, taking into Custody, and Bail Bond, without any pretence for Riding in the County, 0 6 0
FOR Returning a Writ, 0 1 0
FOR A Venire, 0 3 0
FOR Returning the same, 0 1 0
FOR Serving an Execution under a hundred Pound, 0 5 0
FOR Every Ten Pound more, 0 1 0
FOR Serving a Writ of Possession, 0 12 0
FOR Scire facias serving, and Return, 0 3 0
FOR Every Person committed into the common Prison, 0 3 0

The Cryer or Marshals Fees for the Sessions and Common Pleas.

FOR CAlling a Jury, each Cause, 0 1 0
FOR Calling every Witness, 0   4 ½
FOR Every Verdict, 0 0 9
FOR Calling each Action, 0 1 0
FOR The Person that shall Ring the Bell or beat the Drum, each Action depending in Court, 0 0 9
FOR Every Jury-man each Action, 0 1 0
[Page 5]

Council and Attorneys Fees

For Attorneys Fees, 0 6 0
For Pleading each Cause, 0 6 [...]

Fees for the Judges of the Supream Court.

FOR TAking Bail on a Capi Corpus, 0 3 0
FOR Allowance, and taking Bail on a Writ of Error, 0 6 0
FOR Taking Bail on a Habeas Corpus, 0 6 0
FOR A Supersedeas 0 1 6
FOR Acknowledging a Deed to be Inrolled, 0 6 0
FOR Admitting of a Guardian, 0 6 0
FOR Signing a Bill of Costs, 0 1 0
FOR A Discontinuance, 0 1 0
FOR A Prohibition, 0 9 0
FOR [...] a Person be an Attorney, 0 18 0
FOR All Actions of Debt above 20 to 100 Pounds, 0 5 0
FOR One Hundred Pounds and upwards, 0 10 0
FOR All Actions of Assault and Battery, False Imprisonment, Defamation, Actions of Trespass, and all other Personal Actions, 0 10 0
FOR Al [...] Presentments, Informations, and Indictments in [...] Matters. 0 10 0
FOR Actions of Ejectment, 0 10 0

Clarks Fees for the Supream Court.

FOR FIling a Declaration, 0 1 6
FOR Copy thereof, if required, each Sheet of 15 Lines, 8 Words to a Line, 0 0 6
FOR Entring all manner of Pleas, per Sheet, 0 0 6
FOR Entring a Verdict and Judgment, 0 2 0
FOR All manner of Executions, 0 1 6
FOR Copy of the Records, for each Sheet, 0 0 6
FOR A Rule of Court, 0 1 0
FOR Reading a Petition. 0 0 9
FOR An Order upon it▪ 0 1 0
FOR Copy of it. 0 1 0
FOR Entring Satisfaction upon Record, 0 1 0
FOR With-dawing an Action, 0 2 3
FOR Every De [...] Acknowledged, [...] [...] [...]
FOR All Recog [...]nce, [...] [...] [...]
FOR A Prohibition, [...] [...] [...]
FOR Searching the Record, [...] [...] [...]
[Page 6]

The Sheriffs Fees for the Supream [...]

FOR SErving a Writ or Capias, taking into Custody, and [...] [...] [...] [...]
FOR Bond, without any [...] for Riding in the County, [...] 6 0
FOR The Venire Facias and Return, 0 [...] 6
FOR Serving an Execution under a hundred Pound, 0 5 0
FOR Every Ten Pound more, 0 1 [...]
FOR Serving a Writ of Possession, 0 12 0
FOR Serving a Scire facias, and Return▪ 0 3 0

The Marshal or Cryers Fees.

FOR CAlling each Action, 0 0 9
FOR Calling every Jury, 0 1 0
FOR Swearing every Witness, 0 0 4

Fees for the Mayors Court,

For fixing the City Seal, 0 3 0

The Clarks Fees for the Mayor's Court.

FOR AN Arrest, Attachment or Summons, 0 1 0
FOR Recording a Declaration, 0 1 [...]
FOR Copy thereof, if required, 0 1 [...]
FOR Entring and Recording the Answer, 0 1 0
FOR Copy thereof, if required, 0 1 0
FOR Order of Court, 0 0 9
FOR Copy thereof, if required, 0 0 9
FOR Entring a Judgment, 0 2 0
FOR Copy thereof, if required, 0 1 0
FOR Execution, 0 1 6
FOR A Copy thereof, if required, 0 0 9
FOR Reading and Entring a Petition, 0 1 0
FOR A Copy thereof, if required, 0 0 9
FOR A Warrant to summons a Jury, each Action, 0 1 0
FOR With-drawing an Action, 0 1 0
FOR Entring and Recording Bargains and Sales of Lands, Houses, Wills, Administrations, and other Writings [...] in Court, [...]ot above 2 Pages, 0 2 6
FOR Every [...] more, 0 0 6
  [...] [...] [...]
FOR A Cert [...]ficate. 0 1 6
FOR A S [...]ire [...], 0 [...] 6
FOR An Habere Fa [...]ias [...]. 0 1 6
FOR Licenses for Inn-keepers, Victuallers and Retailers. 0 2 6
FOR A Subpaena for Witnesses, four, or under, 0 1 6
FOR If more, 3 d. for each Person subpaened, 0 0 3
FOR Entring an Allowance for a Habea Corpus, 0 1 6
FOR A Copy of the Records, per Sheet, 0 0 6

The Sheriffs Fees for the Mayors Court.

FOR EVery Arrest and Return, 0 2 3
FOR Summons and Return, 0 1 6
FOR Every Bail Bond, 0 1 0
FOR Every Person that shall be arrested and committed to Prison for want of Bail, or not Bailable, 0 3 0
FOR Returning of a Jury in each Cause, 0 1 6
FOR Every Cause in Court. 0 1 0
FOR Every Execution that shall be served, if under 100 l. 0 5 0
FOR Every 10 l. more, 0 1 0

The Marshalls Fees.

FOR SUmmoning a Jury in each Cause, 0 1 6
FOR Every Witness in Court, 0 0 3
FOR Calling every Action, 0 0 4
FOR Every Prisoner committed to Goal, 0 1 0

Bell Ringer's Fees.

[...]OR EVery Prisoner commited, 0 1 0
[...]OR Every Action in Court, 0 0 4

The Jurys Fees.

FOR EVery Cause in the City, for each Man on said Jury, 0 0 9
[Page 8]

Fees to be Received in the Custom-House By their Majesties Collector and Receiver General of the Province of New-York.

FOR ENntry of every Ship or other Vessel, burthen sixty l. s. d.
FOR Tuns [...] upwards, inwards or outwards, 0 12 0
FOR Every Post Entry of the same, 0 06 0
FOR Lisence to load or unload, 0 10 0
FOR Every Bill of Sight, 0 10 0
FOR Every Bill of Store, 0 04 0
FOR Every Permit or Warrant of Entry, 0 01 0
FOR Every Post of the same, 0 00 6
FOR Every Certificate of Goods Landed, where Bond is given abroad, 0 10 0
FOR Every other Certificate, 0 05 0
FOR The Jerkin and Clearing the same in or out, and com­paring the Merchants Entry, and the Masters Invoice or Outvoice, 0 06 0
FOR A Cocquet, Let-Pass or Transire, 0 06 0

Ships or other Vessels burthen'd under 60 Tuns, and more than 20. Trading into or out of this Province,

FOR EVery Entry in or out, 0 6 0
FOR Lisence to load or unload, 0 5 0
FOR Every Post entry of the same, 0 3 0
FOR A Bill of Store, 0 2 6
FOR A Permit or Warrant of Entry, 0 1 0
FOR Every Post of the same, 0 0 6
FOR Every Bond, 0 2 6
FOR A Certificate, [...] [...] 0
FOR Clearing and Jerking the same, &c. in or out▪ 0 4 0
FOR A Let-Pass, Cocquet or Transire, [...] [...] 0
[Page 9]

Sloops or Vessels of 20 Tuns, or under, coming or going out of this Province.

  l. s. d.
FOr every Entry in or out, 0 3 0
FOR Lisence to load or unload, 0 1 6
FOR A Post Entry, 0 1 6
FOR A Bill of Store, 0 2 6
FOR A Bill of Sight, 0 2 6
FOR A Permit or Warrant of Entry, 0 1 0
FOR A Post of the same, 0 0 6
FOR A Bond, 0 2 6
FOR A Jerking and Clearing the same in or out, &c. 0 2 6
FOR Cocquet, Let-Pass, and Transire, 0 3 0

Sloops, &c. Trading within this Province, to­wards the Sound, Connecticut, up Hudsons River and to East-Jarsey,

FOR AN Entry in or out, 0 0 9
FOR Lisence to load or unload, 0 0 4 ½
FOR Pass and Clearing, 0 0 9
FOR Permit or Warrant of Entry, 0 0 4 ½

Other Fees taken in the Custom-House.

FOr the Sight of every Certificate of Bond given, and entring the same in the Kings Books, 0 2 6
For Cancelling a Bond, filing a Certificate, and making it returned in the Kings Books, 0 2 6

Provided alwayes, That no other Fees shall be taken for or concerning the Naval Office, Tonnage, or the enumerated Com­modities, or any other thing which relates to Shipping, upon any pretence whatsoever

[Page 10]

Clark of the Assemb [...]

FOR REading and entring every [...] [...] [...] [...]
FOR Entring an Answer thereof, 0 [...] [...]
FOR Recording said Petition, if required, 0 [...] [...]
FOR The Clarks Attendance on the House, all [...], and drawing up Resolves, &c. per Diem, 0 10 0
FOR The perusal of any Act, or each Days Minutes, 0 1 [...]
FOR A Copy of each dayes Minutes, 0 [...] 0
FOR An Order of the House to the Sergeant at Arms to bring any Person before the House, 0 6 0
FOR Entring said Order, and Copy, 0 [...] 0

The Sergeant at Arms Fees.

FOR AN Arrest in the Town, 0 10 0
FOR In the Country for the first ten Miles going and coming, 0 10 0
FOR Every Mile more, 0 0 6
FOR Every day a Prisoner undischarged, 0 3 0
FOR The Return of an Order, 0 2 0

The Door-keepers Fees.

FOR EVery dayes Attendance, 0 [...] 0

The Coroners Fees.

FOR VIewing of a dead Body not slain by mis-ad­venture, 0 12 0

The Surveyors Fees.

FOR SUrveying a piece of Land [...]nder 100 Acres [...] 0 [...]
If more, for every day he Surveys 0 12 0
If he imployes any Person to assist him, per Diem 0 3 0
FOR Every [...] in the Town, not exceeding Three Acres, 0 6 0
If more than three Acres, 2 s. per Acre, 0 2 0
FOR [...]lling Charges, when he does not survey, per Diem, 0 10 0

To the Attorney General for Fees.

  l. s. d.
IN Criminal Causes, 01 10 00
In Capital Causes, 03 00 00

THe House of Representatives for Their Majesties Province of New-York, do order, That this Catalogue of Fees be sent upon the Governour and Council, praying his Excellency that He may establish the same.

By Order of the House of Representatives, James Graham, Speaker.

Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to Their Maiesties, King William and Queen Mary, at the Bible in New-York, 1693

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