
BY HIS EXCELLENCY, Benjamin Fletcher, Captain General and Governour-in-Chief of their Majesties Province of New-York, Province of Pennsylvania, County of New-Castle, and the Territories and Tracts of Land depending thereon, in America, and Vice Admiral of the same.

WHEREAS, there is Actual War between our Sovereign Lord and Lady, William and Mary, by the Grace of God of England, Scotland France and Ireland King and Queen, Defenders of the Faith, &c., and the French King. And whereas, I have received information that the French have designed a squadron of Ships, with Land Forces, against the Province of New York. To the end that the inhabitants thereof may be in greater readiness to unite their Strength against the enemy, I have therefore thought fit, and do hereby charge and command, that the Inhabitants of every town throughout the Province do, at their own charge, in the most convenient place, forthwith erect a Beacon, which, upon the appearance of any Squadron of Ships on the Coast or Alarm given, they are to set on Fire; that all persons may have Notice thereof. And I do hereby require all the Inhabi­tants, (excepting those of the city and county of Albany, and counties of Ulster and Dutches county,) that upon such alarm and firing of the Bea­con, they drive their cattle into the woods, and immediately repair with their Arms and Ammunition, to their respective Officers, who are like­wise hereby commanded to march them with all expedition to the city of New York And I expect a due compliance herein from all Persons, as they will answer the same at their utmost Peril.


God Save King William and Queen Mary.

Printed and sold by William Bradford, Printer to their Majesties King William and Queen Mary at the city of New York, [...]693.*

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