
By His Excellency Benjamin Fletcher, Captain General and Governour in Chief of the Province of New-York, Province of Pennsilvania, Country of New-Castle, and Territories and Tracts of Land depending thereon, in America, and Vice-Admiral of the same.

FOrasmuch as their most Excellent Majesties, King William and Queen Mary by their Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England, bearing date at Westminster the Twenty Eight Day of March, in the Fourth Year of their Reign, amongst other the Powers and Authorities therein to me granted for the Government of this their Province of New-York, have graciously been pleased to Impower Me from time to time, as I shall judge it necessary, to Adjourn, Prorogue, and Dissolve all General Assemblies to be summoned and called of the Inhabitants, being Free-holders, within this my Government. And whereas I judge it necessary, as well for their Majesties Service, as for the general Satisfaction of their Majesties Subjects within this Province, that the General Assembly called and summoned to sit at New-York the Twenty Fourth Day of October last past, and continued by several Adjournments, should be Dissolved, and a New and Free Choice made, I do theref [...]re, by and with the Advice and Consent of their Majesties Council for the said Province, think-fit hereby to publish and declare, That I have Dissolved the said General Assembly, and the General Assembly aforesaid summoned and called to sit at New-York on the Four and Twentieth Day of October last past, and till now in being, are hereby Dissolved. And I require all their Majesties Subjects within this Province to take Notice thereof, and comport themselves accordingly.

Ben. Fletcher.

God Save King William & Queen Mary.

Printed by William Bradford, Printer to King William and Queen Mary at the City New-York, Anno 1693.

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