By His Excellency Benjamin Fletcher, Captain General and Governour in Chief of the Province of New-York, Province of Pennsilvania, Country of New-Castle and Territories and Tracts of Land depending thereon, in America, and Vice-Admiral of the same.
WHereas our Soveraign Lord and Lady William and Mary, by the Grace of God of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, King and Queen, Defenders of the Faith, &c. have thought fit to take Their Province of Pennsilvania, and Country of New-Castle, &c. into Their Immediate Care and Government, and by Their Letters Pattents under the Great Seal of England, Commissionated and Appointed Me Their Captain General and Governour in Chief in and over the said Province and Country, By Virtue of the Powers and Authorities thereby to me given, and in pursuance of their Majesties gracious Commands, for the Encouragement of Virtue and good Living, and Discouragement of Vice, In Their Majesties Name I do hereby strictly prohibit the Breaking of the LORDS DAY, all Prophane Swearing, Cursing, Drunkenness, Idleness and unlawful Gaming, and all manner of Prophaneness whatsoever. And I do hereby Require all Justices of the Peace, Sheriffs, Constables, and other Officers throughout the said Province and Country, That they take effectual Care that such Laws and Ordinances as are provided against Breaking of the Lords Day, prophane Swearing, Cursing, Drunkenness, Idleness and unlawful Gaming, and all other Prophaneness whatsoever, be duely executed against Offenders in that behalf. Given under my Hand at Philadelphia the 29th day of April, 1693. in the Fifth Year of Their Majesties Reign.
God Save King William & Queen Mary.