THE SPIRIT of MAN. OR, Some Meditations (by way of Essay) on the sense of that Scripture.
THe Apostle, having given the Thessalonians, divers Exhortations in the preceding Verses, closes all with a profession of Prayer for them; as well knowing, That all Counsels, or Charges by men, tho' [Page 2] sent from God himself, would be of no effect, unless God by his Sanctifying Spirit do give men Grace to Improve them.
He prayes, not only that they may be Sanctified, but that they may be wholly so; And that the fulness of the Expression [ HOLOTELEIS, wholly perfectly] may the better appear, He Descends to all the particulars, that are in Man; he mentions the chief Heads of them, which are either all that is in Man, or To which All, that belongs to Meer Man, may be Referred. Your whole Spirit, and Soul, and B ody; that they may be Sanctified or filled with Grace; and not only so, but also preserved blameless therein to the Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; (that is) preserved to the End.
We shall a little Explain the words:
The very God of peace, ( Autos de O Theos) or the God of Peace himself: 'twas a frequent Option, Benediction, Salutation or Valediction, [ Peace be to you.] In the word Peace, all good was comprehended. So, to these same persons, 2 Thes. 3. 16. Now the Lord of Peace himself, give you peace always, by all means. Here in the Text it seems to Referr to a D [...]ty, peace with men, v. 13. be at peace among your [Page 3] selves. And a priviledge, peace with God, and in your Consciences. To both which S anctification doth contribute, in the performance of the afore-mentioned Duties.
[ Sanctifie you] HAGIASAI, make you holy, or separate and consecrate you to himself, (this is the Notation of the word.) The Definition of the Thing, Sanctification, is A Renewal of the whole man, whereby we are enabled daily more and more to Die [...]nto S in and Live unto Righteousness according to Gods Foreordaination.
[ Wholly] HOLOTELEIS, wholly-perfectly (as is before noted is, To Extend this work of Grace, to all the parts of Grace, and all the parts of Man. The parts of Grace, both Habits and Acts; and in both, the perfection of Degrees, and persistance of Duration. In the parts of Man, that which follows.
[And I pray God your whole Spirit] HOLOCLERON TO PNEUMA. The word HOLOCLERON signifies properly ( Haeres ex asse) a compleat Heir, from whom nothing is given away; or one that has the whole Inheritance. It therefore (I think) does here signify all that Appertains to Man, expressed by the word S pirit, HUMON TO PNEUMA. All the Spirit that is in you, or all that may be [Page 4] called your S pirit. Your; not the S pirit of God in you; for He is not capable of Sanctification, being already, and always in himself perfectly Holy. TO PNEUMA, The S pirit: W hat it is, is the chief matter of our present Enquiry; and therefore of it, more fully after; only we shall here Note, That it seems to be a more General, and comprehensive word, in which the two that follow are Included
[ And Soul and Body] KI HE PSUCHE KI TO SOMA. The Latin [ Et Anima, & Corpus] I should not scruple to Translate [ Both the Soul and the Body,] and if ( et & et) in Latin signifie [ Both, & And] why ( KI & KI in Greek, does not as properly the same, I see no Reason. And then the Text would run thus. I pray that your whole compleat S pirit (as a General) Both S oul and Body (two special Ingredients thereof, or contributers thereunto) may be preserved, &c.
[ Preserved] TERETHEIE, may be carefully watched; as those that keep Guard in a Garrison; for this Spirit of a man, is most liable to Assaults by Temptation: And because men are apt to be Defective in this Spiritual Watch, I pray that God would take the charge of you, watch over you and keep you sa [...]e.
[Page 5] [B lameless] AMEMPTOS, so as M omus (the Carper) shall find no fault in you; so is the word Rendred, Phil. 2. 15. and 3. 6. 'Tis supposed you are, or will be, wholly Sanctified (according to the first Prayer in the Text,) but this notwithstanding your peculiar S pirit is apt to ru [...] out, and so be blameable, unless you are especially protected, guided and preserved.
[ To the coming of our Lord.] that is, to the end; Till you come thro' Grace to Glory. This needs no farther Explication as to the present Enquiry. The words thus Explained, we come now to view the parts of the Text, wherein we have.
1. Two Acts. S anctification and Preservation.
2. The Author of them, God; to whom the Prayer is Directed.
3. The Modification of them; wholly, throughout, continually.
4. The Subject, the whole man, expressed by the Whole S pirit, both S oul and B ody. And this Last it is, with which (at present) we are mostly concerned.
The Whole Man is sometimes expressed by only two words [S oul and B ody, or S pirit and B ody] which are the two physical, or constituent parts of Man. So 1 Cor. 6. 20. Ye are Bought with a price, [Page 6] therefore Glorifie God in your B ody, and in your S pirits which are Gods. Also in 2 Cor. 7. 1. Having these promises, Let us cleanse our selves from all filthiness of the Flesh and S pirit. In both which places S pirit is the same with S oul; and Flesh in the latter, is the same with B o [...] in the former. But why here the whole man (for 'twas the same to be preserved that was to be S anctified) why (I say) he should be here expressed by three particulars, is a matter wherein Expositors do differ, and I [...]ind these several Interpretations of the place.
1. Some will have S pirit and S oul to be put Exegetically; as if both signified but one and the same thing; one being added only as Explication of the other; so Austin.) But (indeed methinks) this here seems a little harsh, because needless; for S oul and B ody, or S pirit and B ody (as it is in the two fore-cited Scriptures) were Intelligible enough to express the two physical constituents of a man. Besides, the particle [ Kl. And, or rather Both] seems to connect Spirit,, And Soul, as two things that have some Distinction between them.
2. Others will have S pirit to signifie the Mind and Understanding; and Soul the W ill and Affections ( Calvin, Marlorate, and divers others) from whom I would not [Page 7] willingly Dissent, and therefore shall not slight their Judgment; yet I must humbly profess, however clear the Notion was to them, it is not so to me; for that which they call S oul is as truly S pirit, as the Leading Faculty (the Intellect.) Yea, I find the Expressions quite Transverse; As if Soul signified the Intellectual Faculty and S pirit the Volitive) in Mary's Song. Luk. 1. 46,47. My Soul doth Magnify the Lord; and my Spirit hath Rejoyced in God my S aviour. As if she had said; My S oul, (that is, my Mind and Understanding) Doth Magnify ( i. e. Has high Thoughts of God, great Estimation of him; which are Acts of the Intellect, and the only Internal Magnification of him) And my S pirit, ( i. e. my W [...]ll and Affections) hath Rejoyced (which is their proper Act.) This to me seems more currant, if in this place there be a Distinction between S oul and S pirit. But I will not Assert it, I rather think there is none here; only her Inward Joy of heart, being great; her Outward Expressions thereof in words, are [...]nlarged; Soul and Spirit in a Pleonasm signifying only her Inner Man. But if S pirit here do present us with any Distinct Notion, I should take it to be, a Chearful Frame▪ of S pirit, in which she then was; And then, it will fully fall in with our [Page 8] present Conceptions of the word S pirit in our Text, as shall be shewn anon.
3. Some will have S pirit (in our Text) to signifie the Higher Faculties (both Understanding and Will) the Rational part in man; and S oul, the Inferiour Faculties common to man with Bruits and Plants (S ensative, Vigetative, &c.) This indeed is a common Interpretation. But methinks it is harsh to Denominate Mans S oul from the Inferiour Powers (contrary to that Logical Rule. Denomination is from the better part. Nor do I find in Scripture (to my Remembrance) the word S oul, any where else to have this signification. Nor (Lastly) are these Lower Faculties capable of other Sanctification then that of the Body, which is to be but Instrumental to the Soul in Holiness; and therefore thus to separate S oul from S pirit, is but to confound it with Body in the business of S anctification and Preservation here spoken of.
These three forementioned Interpretations I will not Absolutely deny, nor Contend with their Authors about them; Because they all agree well enough in the General Scope of the place, which is (be sure) that all, that is In Man be sanctifyed to God, However any one part be [Page 9] Distinguished from the other. Yet I am apt to think that a more Proper Interpretation may be found, which will give a more Full and Edifying sense to the place, then is usually ascribed to it.
For the Enquiry after this we shall consider to what things the Name of Spirit is given in Scripture besides those before mentioned: And this I finde to be, to some things Out of Man, and some things In Man.
1 O ut of Man the Word ( Spirit) is ascribed both to God and Creatures.
1. To God both Essential and Personal.
1. Essential, as in Joh. 4. 24 God is a Spirit, and they that worship him, &c. Not that S pirit is an Univocal Genus of God and any of his Creatures; for then there would be a Common Nature; but there is Infinite Distance between them: Only because S pirit is the Name of the most Noble Created Nature, we Ascribe it also to God by Analogie, for that we have no better Name to give him.
2. Personal, the Third in the Blessed Trinity, under the Title of the Holy Ghost, or Spirit; the S pirit of the Lord; of Jesus &c. But this is not OUR Spirit; nor is he to be Sanctified or Preserved; and so cannot be here meant.
[Page 10] 2. To Angels, both Good and Bad; but Bad Angels cannot be Sanctified; and Good need no Prayers in this Respect: Nor can they be called OUR S pirits, unless by Assignation of particular Guardian Angels to particular men; which (whatever were the Opinion of some Jews, and Gentiles of [...]ld) I know no ground to Believe. This of the Spirit Out of Man.
2. In M an, the Spirit is that, which belongs to a man in a proper and natural sense; and of this kind there seem to be four distinct Significations of the word. Such as.
1. When taken for the S oul (the forma hominis) Resigned up to God in Death. So I understand David, P sa. 31. 5. Unto thee, O Lord I commit my Spirit; (however men deal with my B ody;) And this the rather, because Christ, at his Death using the same words, must needs be so understood. Luk. 23. 46. Agreeable to Eccles. 12. 7. The S pirit returns to God who gave it. And in the same sense also, Ch. 11. 5. Thou knowest not the way of the S pirit, nor how the B ones grow in the womb. That is, (as I take it) Thou understandest not how the S oul doth form the Body, as an Habitation for it self. 'Tis the Inward part of man; so the Exegesis seems very [Page 11] plain, in that I sa. 26. 9. W ith my S oul have I desired thee in the night; yea, with my S pirit within me will I seek thee early; i. e. with my inward man I have, and will, apply my self to thee: from whence arises a Tropical sense of Spirit, namely to signifie S incerity. God is my witness, whom I S erve in my Spirit in the Gospel, Rom. 1. 9.
2 Spirit is taken for the Life, or Union of Soul and Body; or Souls being in the S tate of Union. So I understand, Job. 10. 12. thou hast granted me Life, and thy visitation hath preserved my Spirit; namely to continue in and with my Body. And ch. 34. 14. 15 If God gather to himself mans spirit and his breath, all flesh shall perish to gether, and man shall turn again unto Dust. Thus tis said of the Damsel. whom our Saviour Raysed to Life; Her Spirit came again, and she arose Luk 8. 55. came again ( ie) to be again United to her Body. We Read Ecl: 3.21. of the S pirit of a man, that goes upwards; and the Spirit of a beast that goeth Downwards, If the Spirit in both parts be understood in the same sense (as most likely it is); then either Brutes have proper Spirits (which many are loath to admit;) or the Spirit of man must signifie but the Life, which is all [Page 12] (if not more, then) some will allow to Beasts. Again, Chap. 8. 8. No man hath power over the Spirit, to Retain the S pirit in the Day of Death. i. e. No man is Master of his own Life to prolong it. To the same purpose is that Expression in Hezekiahs Prayer, Isa. 38. 16. O Lord by these things men Live, and in all these things is the Life of my S pirit, so wilt thou Recover me, and make me to Live. He means not by the Life of his S pirit; the continued Duration of his Ever-living Soul, but the continuance of its Union with the Body, whereby the Life of his person should be prolonged.
The S pirit, in this sense taken, may indeed be S anctified. The Life may be Devotedun▪ to God; according to that of the Apostle. Rom 14. 8. Whether we Live, we Live unto the Lord; or Whother we Dye &c. But this (I think is not the direct meaning of the Spirit in our Text.
3. S pirit is taken for some special Faculties, or particular Acts of the mind; such as,
1. Understanding, Prov. 20. 27. The Spirit of a man is the Candle of the Lord, searching all the Inward Parts of the Belly▪ not in an Anatomical, but Moral Sense; The Understanding is set up by God in man (as a Candle) to search and [Page 13] find out by its Exercise, all those Inward Acts and Inclinations which would otherwise lie hidden and undiscovered. So that, Isa. 29. 24. They that Erred in Spirit, shall come to Understanding, and they that Murmured, shall Learn Doctrine. That is, they that had misapprehensions of Me, and my Ways, shall come to Understanding (not the Faculty, but) the Rectitude thereof; and they that Murmured, whose Wills were averse to embrace Truth shall be graciously Inclined to Learn that which is Right.
2. The Fancy or Imagination is sometimes to be understood by S pirit. Ezek. 13. 3. Wo unto the Foolish Prophets, that follow their own S pirit, and have seen nothing, or that walk after the things which they have not seen; (as in orig.) which God hath not Revealed to them, but they have fabricated to themselves out of their Evil Hearts and Foolish Fancies or Imaginations.
3. The S pirit is also taken for the Thoughts upon, or Remembring of some person or thing. Thus the Apostle E x presses his Thinking of the Corinthians 1 Cor. 5. 3. I verily as absent in Body, but present in S pirit, have judged already, as tho' I were present, concerning him that hath [Page 14] done this Deed. He thought of them and their Affairs; tho' at a distance from them. So of the Colossians, Chap. 2. 5. Tho' I he absent in the Flesh, yet am I with you in the S pirit, Joying and B eholding your order, and the stedfastness of your Faith in Christ. He Rejoyced to behold their Graces by the eye of his mind, his Cogitations of them. And thus much of the Souls Faculties or Acts, for which sometimes the word Spirit is taken.
4. Spirit is Lastly taken for some Qualifications, or Inclinations of the mind as United to the Body, and Conformed much thereunto.
This is the product of Nature, Acquisition and Circumstances of Life, all which concur to form the GENIUS, Temper, or Disposition of man. Each man hath something peculiar to himself in this Respect; as he has in the Features of his Countenance, Stature, Shape, Meen or Carriage of his Body, whereby he is Distinguished from any other. So, if we ask, [What Spirit is he of?] we mean, of what Temper, Inclination or Genius? How Disposed? How Qualified? And the true Answers will be as various, as men; of whom one man is (by Nature, [Page 15] Acquisition, or both) of a sober, grave Spirit. Another of a Quick, Active, Chearful Spirit. Another of a weak, timorous, Careful; Some are Gentiel, Generous, Courteous, Open Hearted; Others Churlish, Clownish, Surly, Rough, Close and Reserved, &c. All these Spirits are viciated by Corrupt Nature; and may by the Spirit of Grace be so Sanctified, as to Render men S erviceable, tho' in a different way, and of good acceptance both with God and man.
Now, This I take to be the most proper meaning of the word Spirit Here in the Text; And then the sense of it is,
‘[I Pray God you may be wholly S anctifyed in every Part and Faculty; every P ower, Natural & Acquired; and being Sanctifyed may be wholy also preserved; In General your whole Spirit; All that gives any of you a Distinguishing Character from other men; more Particularl [...] your Soul (the forma hominis) the Inn [...] part; and your Body (the materia hominis) or Outer part, Both which are Included in the Spirit, which Results from both: The Faculties of the S oul, with th [...] Habituations, or Improvements; and the Temperament of the Body, attended with Outward Circumstances, contributing [Page 16] thereunto.]’ This I think is the Apostles meaning, i [...] I rightly understand him.
Having thus laid down the Notion in General, we shall Endeavour to make it plain, by opening some particulars▪ As
1. There is in Scripture such a Distinction between the Soul and Spirit, which we shall first shew by one place in the General, and after by more particularly in their proper places.
The place in General is that of Hebr. 4. [...]2, 13. The Word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any Two Edged Sword, piercing even to the Dividing asunder of Soul and Spirit, and of the Joynts and Marrow; and is a Discerner of the Thoughts, and Intents of the Heart; neither is there any Creature, that is not manifest in his sight, &c.
This Dividing asunder of Soul and S pirit; Is it a Philosophical Distinction, of the Powers and Faculties, into S uperiour and Inferiour (as some would have it) I pray to what purpose? Is it to shew the S uperiour, as clear, and untainted by the Fall; but that the Inferiour and Bruital, or sensual part is Vi [...]iated and corrupt, as some of the Heathen Philosophers have confusedly suggested? They say in [...] that NOUS (the mind▪) is Divina [Page 17] auroe particula, a Sacred, and Divine Thing [...] not inclined to any thing Disallowed by Right Reason; till it come to be Incarcerated in the Body: and then clogg'd by a Dull Material Flesh, and yoked with a couple of other silly Souls (the Sensitive of Brutes, and the Vegetative of Plants) It became obstructed in all vertuous aspiring; and born down to Sensual and Inferiour Acts and Objects. Thus they Dreamt; and does the Scripture give any Countenance to such Fancies? I think not.
I rather take it thus. The Apostle having Exhorted them to study and use Diligence, or Labour (as we read it) to Enter into the Rest before mentioned; Tacitly implies that this work should be done, with all Sincerity, for that they had to do herein with a Heart-searching God; This is manifest by the Energie of his Word, which openeth to a man the Secrets of his Soul; for the word is Living or Quick, &c. As if he had said; God, who made man, knows him altogether, and better understands what is in man, than man does what is in himself. Man has but Dark Apprehensions of himself, and therein oft times grosly does mistake; But God by his Word Searcheth intimately, and Discovereth fully to him what he else would [Page 18] not take notice of: His Soul and S pirit lye close together (as do his Joynts and Marrow▪) But, as the Anatomists Knife lays open the one Difference; so the piercing Two Edged Sword of the W ord, does the other: That word shews him, How his S oul came pure out of the Hand of God; but he hath added thereto a vicious S pirit, by the perverting of what God did make upright.
Let not man therefore charge God foolishly, and say (as Adam did concerning Eve) From the S oul which thou gavest me all my faults do arise: No, It is from that Evil S pirit, which man hath to himself Acquired: His S oul indeed has the powers, but 'tis his Spirit that gives the Inclinations, which (in a natural corrupt▪ State) are wholly bent unto Evil. Thus the Malady is opened and searched by the word, and the Cure is also by the same word prescribed: As here in the Text; Namely S anctification.
And thus much for the first particular; That there is in Scripture such a Distinction, betwixt the S oul and Spirit.
2. That the Constitution of this S pirit or Genius, is an Aggregate or Resultant from the Connexion of divers things in Man: As his S ouls Faculties; his Bodies [Page 19] Temperament; His Acquired Habits, by Instructions, Examples, or Customes; And Lastly, The Outward Adjacents, or Circumstances of his present Life. A little of each of these.
1. The Faculties of the S oul, (as Understanding, Will, Sensitive Appetite or Passions) are all Ingredients as the Substrate Matter of this S pirit in Man; But the Modification of them is from the other Causes. Souls in themselves are all Equal; but the S pirits are vastly Different one from another. And this is from the particulars that follow, and in a chief manner from
2. The Temperament of the Body, which is (more or less) Different in every Individual Man. As there are scarce Two Pebbles on the Sea Beach, or Two Chips hewen from the same wood, exactly figured alike; Nay, As there are hardly Two Faces, Gestures, or M [...]en [...]s of Men (which are the outward Indices of their Inward Constitutions) But doe [...]n some things Differ, tho' some are more alike than others: Even so it is with their Temperaments, which are a chief Ingredient into their Spirits, whereof we now speak. That saying of Philosophers [ Manners of the Mind follow [Page 20] the Temperament of the B ody] is true if rightly understood with a due Temper, or (as we say) with a Grain of S alt: By M anners, we must understand, not the Vertues, or Vices themselves; But the Genius and Inclination, which leads and Disposes to them. And that's the same with this our Spirit. Otherwise, skilful Physicians (who may perhaps have the worst Manners) might be accounted the best [...], & they could easily mend all the wo [...]ld, who cannot mend themselves.
Nor must we understand by this, our Substrate Matter (the Faculties abovementioned) as if, The Body has an Oper [...] tive Influence upon the S oul to Induce (as it were) a new form upon it; for the S oul is the Active part, in Man, and the Body nothing so. But the thing stands thus.
The Soul, which is a True S pirit (in a Nobler Sense, than that whereof we are now treating) being, by its Information of the Body, most Intimately conjoyned thereunto; while it is in the State of Conjunction, and Union in Man, Uses the Parts, Humours, and Members, as its Instruments o [...] Organs, in all its Operations. Now a [...] a Workman Receiveth nothing of his strength or skill, from his Tools wherewith [Page 21] with he works; yet in the Exercise of his Abilities he will find himself much furthered or hindred in his business, according as his Tool is either Apt, or Unapt, for his Work. So is it in this Case: The Soul Recei [...] no power from the Body; But in Exerting its own proper powers, is helped or hindred by the Bodys good or ill Temperament. Thus an I [...]l Tempered Brain makes that Soul Act like a Fool, or Ideot, which had it a Brain Well Tempered, would be both prudent and sagacious. And so also the Temperament of the Heart, Blood, and Natural S pirits, gives Help, or Impediment to the Will and Affections; even as, The Organs of Sense do, to their proper Senses. Hence that saying [ Anima Galboe male habitat] The Brave Soul of Galba had but an Ill Lodging; He being a brave Spirited Man, but very sickly.
3. Acquired Habits do much Alter the Genius or Spirit, from what it would be, if men were left to their Pure Naturals. These Habits arise partly, (1) From Instruction & Rules: so Intellectual & Moral Habits (whether good or evil) are formed much according to the Information men meet with, especially in their younger dayes. Thus (as to Advantage) every [Page 22] part of Philosophy contributes its share; Logick and Metaphysicks, sharpness of Judgment; Mathematicks Solidness and Sagacity; Physicks good conjecture at the Reasons of things; Moral Philosophy and History, Prudence; R [...]etorick, Fairness and Con [...]idence of Address; Poetry, quickness of fancy, and Imagination; Any of these as they are better studied, do accordingly Enable and Incline the mind of Man.
And so on the Contrary (as to Disadvantage) All vicious and erroneous Principles, foolish and vain traditions, and such like evil Rudiments, being Instilled into Youth, do Taint and Darken the Judgment, Debauch the Will & Affections, and Debase the whole S pirit and Genius of the Man.
2. From Pattern. Example, and Converse, with People, make deeper impression then Rules, and have a very great influence in forming the Genius; especially of Youth, when they are stepping from Boy to Man, and are taking upon them to ch [...]se their own way; then, (if ever) M [...]ltu [...] Refert quocum vixeris; it concerns you to think where you dwell. The force of Example is set forth in that ( Prov. 22. 24. 25.) Make no friendship with an angry [Page 23] man, and with a furious man thou shalt not go; Lest thou learn his way, and get a snare to thy soul. Tis called a Snare; tho' the illfavoured humour be no plausible bait [...]o allure; yet for that, all C ustom has a secret and fascinating Insinuation, whereby, at least, the Aversation and Abhorrence of Ill things, to which we are enured is very much abated. So as, not only the Vices themselves under some sal [...]e name (such as Gallantry of Spirit, Greatness of Soul, Scorning to take an injury, &c▪) put fair for an approbation, and are contagious; But even the Inclinations to them, & preparation of Spirit for them, do commonly spread themselves from one person to another.
And, so also (in some measure, tho' not casually) may we expect in things of a better Character. Prov. 13▪ 20. He that walketh with the wise shall be wise, &c. Which place (I think) does not only intimate Gods usual Blessing upon fit means, but also discovers those proper means, which in their own Nature are apt to operate, in a Moral way upon the minds of men: not indeed to give the Truth of Grace; for then all in Godly Families would be Religious, & Leave no ground for that complaint, I n the Land of uprightness [Page 24] will he deal unjustly. Isa. 26. 10. And the contrary (too often) do we find by sad experience. Nor are those [...]air Dispositions, which Conversation may work, such Preparations for Grace, as doth oblige God ( ex congruo) to give the Truth thereof; but only the whole is this; If God please to give his Supernatural Grace, to one, that has fair Natural Dispositions; Those Graces will the more Illustriously, appear, to Render a Man the more Eminently Serviceable.
Add to this our daily Experience, and common observation; that men are much what the Custom and usual practice of the place is, where they live. He that is bred, or much conversant, in the country; gets there a simple plain heartedness; or perhaps a Rough Rusticity: He that is much in the City, has more of Civility, Sagacity, and Cunning. One, who lives where News is frequently Talked, Gets somewhat of a Publick Spirit: Amongst good natured People, a Candid Spirit. Amongst Souldiers, a Bold and Boysterous one; And so of all other Affections: which may be considered in an Indifferency; Neither morally Good nor Bad, in themselves; but only as Sanctification or Corruption makes the Difference.
[Page 25] 4. Outward Circumstances do also Exceedingly vary mens spirits, and that in a shorter space of time, then Habits use to do. Thus Prosperity, Wealth, Honour, Health, friends &c. do commonly enlarge the mind of a man; and make him bold and brisk: Whereas the contrary Poverty, Disgrace, Sickness, &c. do usually Contract and Emasculate the Spirit.
If these are of a long continued Series, they do very much towards the forming of a setled and fixed Genius. But if only Occasionally, or at certain times they occur; then they vary and Contemperate the Setled S pirit for a season; and perhaps become a means to Reduce it to a better Mediocrity. Thus one of a Light and Airy Spirit, and for the most part in all good Circumstances, (may at such times) be unmanageable by Advice; until perhaps, a particular sore Affliction, hath somewhat abated of his Gallantry, and opened his Ear to Instruction, whereby his Spirit may be better Regulated for the future.
And thus much for the Aggregation or Resultance, of this our S pirit, from the concurrence of divers things, both within, and without the Man.
3. The next particular in order to the [Page 26] Explaining of our General Notion, shall be the taking Notice; That all these do some way concurr to Constitute and Represent the Man, Abstracted from Grace and S in; yet the Internals and Essentials of Soul and Body, have the principal stroak herein: And then, that the other matters, that are External to the Essence of man; the Accidental Inherents, and Adjacents; do but somewhat Modify and Affect the former constitution, which will still appear in some Degree or other.
And, because the Soules Primitive facultyes are supposed to be all Equal in every man; tis the Bodyes Temperament, that especially gives the great Diversity in Mens S pirits; we shall therefore speak of these more Distinctly; And that not Exactly according to the common four First Qualityes (Hot and Dry, Cold and Moyst) which are said, by their Mixture, to give the four Complexions (Sanguine, Cholerick, Melancholy, and Phlegmatick) of which Physicians do so often speak. But I shall Treat of them, according [Page 27] to the Actives ( Hot, and Cold,) with a Mean Temper between them; Taking notice of the other By the way, only as occasion is offered. For it is not Physical composition, or Medical Disposition of spirits, which we have now to do with; But S pirits as they Relate to Humane and Moral Actions; into which these three ( Hot, Cold, and Mean) have the greatest Influence. Besides, all men will admit of a Hotter, and a Cooler Temperament; even those who Reject Elementary Mixtures; and have no great Regard to the four Complexions. If any like better to have it expressed by Matter, more or less, moveable or moved; They may please themselves. There is no Difference in the Thing, however Expressions vary.
I say therefore; some mens Spirits are Hot, and they do commonly Act warmly; Others are Cold, and they usually Act Cooly; Others have a S pirit of a fine Mean between these two Extreams, and their Actions are participant of both qualifications; viciously, it Unsanctified, and under natural Corruption; vertuously, if Sanctified, and mens Spirits be guided, and acted by the Spirit of God: All commonly according to their several Capacities: [Page 28] But if at any time a man be acted contrary to his peculiar Genius, 'tis by a special hand of the Good or Evil Spirit upon him; some special Instigation, and Assistance, upon a particular occasion. And according to this Method we shall Treat of the several Spirits; first Describing themselves, and then their S tates, both of Unregeneracy and S anctification.
1. The more Hot S pirit Discovers it self in Chearfulness, Activity, Courage, and Angry Zeal or Jealousy.
1. Chearfulness: Heat joyned with a convenient Moisture (answerable to the S anguine Complexion) Renders a man Chearful, Vivid, Sprightly, and upon occasion (with apt Circumstances) Joyous, Refreshed, Merry and Comfortable. It makes him look Ruddy, and of a Beautiful Countenance (like David in the flower of his Youth) and pleasant, like the face of all things in the Spring. David (we may suppose) was of a Natural Chearful [...] it: His Musical Inclination, whereby his skill was great, seems to speak so much: for this, and his prudence in matters (so we Read in the Text, but in the Margin prudent of S peech. 1 Sam. 16. 18.) for these things (I say) He was sent for by S aul; that so his Musick [Page 29] and his prudent Mirth, might Drive away S auls Evil (Melancholly) Spirit. This Chearful Spirit, as it was, in Young David, Natural; so it was in Old Jacob, upon occasion; when he heard good News of Joseph, and saw the Waggons that were sent for him, ( Gen. 45. 27.) 'tis said, The Spirit of Jacob their Father Revived. Such also were the Refreshed S pirits mentioned, 1 Cor 16. 17, 18. I am glad of the coming of Fortunatus, for they have Refreshed my Spirit and Yours. And that of Titus his Joy, (2 Cor. 7. 13. B ecause his Spirit was Refreshed by you all.
The meaning of all is: Their Spirits were Chearful and Vivid, upon these Comfortable occasions. The S pirit also signifyes Health and strength; as in the Hunger▪starved Egyptian (1. Sam: 30) who being left sick ( v 13) having now Eaten and Drank, after the three Days fasting; tis said ( v 12. His spirit came again to him; that is, He had now some life in him, and could do something like himself; who before was as one Dead, with sadness and Desperation; But now Doubtless, was glad that he was alive.
This Chearful S pirit, If Unsanctifyed and Corrupt, is groslyabused to Levity, froth, vanity, and foolish Jesting, which is not [Page 30] convenient: To Lasciviousness in them, who make Provision for the flesh to fulfil the Lusts thereof: To Pride & Haughtiness, self co [...]c [...]it and glorying in their own strength and Beauty; to forgetfulness of God feeding themselves without fear; yea, to wax fat and Kick against their Maker; and Rejoyce in their B oastings; But all such Rejoy [...]ings are evil. James 4. 16.
But If S anctifyed, The Joy of their Spirit becomes Spiritual Joy; Like Marys ( Luke 1. 46. 47.) My S oul doth Magnify the Lord, And my Spirit hath Rejoyced in God my S aviour. It Disposeth them to Thankfulness, and adapts for Praysing and Glorifying of God. It fits men for Chearful Service to him; which much commends Religion to the World, who are apt to be frighted from it by Conceits of nothing but Mortification and Self Denial therein. Chearful Christianity adds a Lustre to Profession; and convinces men, That they may be merry and wise.
Now, tho' this doth chiefly arise from the Testimony of a Good Conscience, and the Sealings of the Comforting S pirit of Adoption; yet Subservient thereunto is this our Natural Spirit, which Renders men more apt outwardly to express it. David was (as is before noted) of this Sanguine [Page 31] and Cheerful temper; and he did Eminently Glorify God by his Musick and Psalmody; agreeable to the Apostles Rule James 5. 13. I s any among you merry, Let him sing Psalms. This of Cheerfulness.
2. Activity is another effect of the Hotter Spirit; it shews it self in a willingness and readiness to be employed; as also sometimes in strong inclinations and vigorous motions; in a great inquisitiveness and earnest search after things that are out of common view. This Temper is very natural to Youth, which is usually fitter for Execution then Deliberation; and because of this Spirit tis called the Sprightliest time of mens Lives.
This Active Spirit, while Unsanctifyed is (like as in a brisk Monkey) a very unlucky thing; It renders men Idle Busy-Bodys; Medlers with other Mens Matters; Grievously Troublesome, both to the Church and World; Restless in themselves; and suffering none to be quiet by them; this fruitful Soyl uncultivated, brings forth a multitude of Weeds; if set upon mischeif, one such will do more then many others; like the active Element of Fire, where it is not employed in profitable Service, it works Destruction and Desolation. [Page 32] The Inquisitiveness, that attends such unsanctified Spirits, does often make men S eekers in Religion; never satisfied with setled Truths, but Scepticks, Rambling and Uncomposed Sectarys, tossed about with every wind of Doctrine; or, if they hap to be S ect-Masters, they' [...] compass Sea and Land to make a Proselyte. In a word; They are the nimblest S ervants of the Devil, and notable [...]t Instruments he can find, to make use of, in the world.
But if Sanctified, Then, none so Serviceable to God, or Man. Such S pirits will make men wi [...]ling to do Service. (as Exo. 35. 21.) They came every one, whose Heart stirred him up; and every one, whose S pirit made him willing; and they brought the Lords Offering to the work of the Tabernacle. 'Tis not said, [whom Gods Spirit made willing] Tho' that is most true, as to the First Cause; But [ whose Spirit made him willing, whose heart stirred him up] That is, his own Spirit, being Sanctified by the Spirit of God: Here the Second Cause is noted, being stirred up by the First. And indeed God often W arms and Raises up mens Spirits for any noble Designs, in which he intends to use them. So in those ( Ezra 1. 1.) The Lord [...]tirred up the S pirit of Cyrus, and [Page 33] then Cyrus communicates of his warmth, to stir up the Spirit of the poor Dispirited Jews. ( v. 3.) Who is there among you of all the People? What? Have you never a Brave Man among you to undertake this Great & Worthy affair? Upon this Giving Fire their Spirits were Enflamed, Then r [...]se up the chief of the Fathers, the Priests and the Levites, with all them, whose S pirit God had Raised to go up ( v. 5.) Not All the People, but some Chief men: men (its likely) that were of Large Souls, active and Gallant Spirits in themselves, fitted for Noble designs; but (alas;) they were so shrunk, and sunk by their long Captivity, that neither In nate briskness, nor the Encouragement which Cyrus gave them, was sufficient to Chirp them up, till God Sanctifyed their S pirits, and raised them above themselves to this Pious and Noble undertaking. Two of them are mentioned by Name (besides others, Hag. 1. 14.) The Lord stirred up the S pirit of Zerubbabel, the Governour; & Joshua, the High Priest; and the Spirit of [...] the Remnant of the People, and they came and did work in the house. Now, was it the S ouls of the [...]e men? Or, the men themselves? Methinks tis more Genuine, The Spirits of those men in the sense we now propose▪
[Page 34] This Active Spirit, uses to discover and express it self (as is befere noted) in a strong Inclination, & vigorous Motion. Elihu speaks of a Spirit in man ( Job 32 8.) which I suppose is the same, to which he hath Reference. ( v. 18.) I am full of matter (or words) and the Spirit within me (or of my Belly) constraineth me ( v. 20.) I will speak, that I may be refreshed. Now Elihu was the youngest of Jobs Friends, as he himself intimates ( v. 6, 7.) and upon that account, in part, he is more earnest, and copious, then the rest; the Ardour, and Activity of his Spirit, caused an eager desire in him to express his mind; which he calls the Constraining of his Spirit. But because there was somewhat of anger in the case, (besides his Youthful Warmth) we shall have occasion to reflect upon this instance again; and then shew more of this vigorous Motion, and strong Inclination, under the Head of Z eal, to which we shall referr it.
3. This Hotter Spirit, is a Spirit of Courage & Boldness, to address Difficultys, and meet with Evil.
This shews it self divers ways.
1. Sometimes in a wrath for War; which God S tirs up or Abates, as is agreeable [Page 35] to his own holy purposes. Thus to Impoverish, take, and lead Captive the Idolatrous Israelites, (1 Chron. 5. 26.) The God of Israel, [...]tirred up the Spirit of Pull, King of Assyria, and Tilgath P ilneser King of Assyria, and he carried them away. The former took their Goods 2 King. 15. 19.) Menahem gave Pull a Thousand Talents of Silver (that is an Hundred and Eighty Seven Thousand, One Hundred pounds) And he turned back, and staid not in the Land. This was a Vast S [...]m; But the other came and swept all both Goods, and Persons too.
On the other hand, He Abates also Mens Courage, and takes down their Spirits. He shall cut off the Spirit of Princes; He is terrible to the Kings of the Earth (psal. 76. 12.) Thus Moses Prophecy of the Dukes of Edom, and Inhabitants of Canaan (Exod. 15. 16.) Fear and Dread shall fall upon them, by the greatness of thine Arm; they shall be as still, as a stone, till thy People pass over, O Lord. And to the same effect is that Promise, (Ex. 11: 7.) But against any of the Children of Israel, shall not a Dog move his Tongue. The Genius and Spirit of a Dog, is (you▪ know) to Bark at Strangers: This is an effect [Page 36] of Heat and Boldness in that Animal, where it is but a little afraid; but if it be greatly Terrifyed, it will then Run and hide it self in silence: So some Men, that would in their wicked Inclinations, both Bite and Devour, may be yet so far over awed by Gods Providence, that they dare not so much as Bark at his People.
2. Sometimes in a stout Resolvedness of Mind, that will take no discouragement; this is to have a Heart like that of a Lyon (2. Sam. 17. 16.) Now a Lyon, when a multitude of Shepheards is called forth against him, will not be afraid of their voice, nor abase himself for the noise of them ( Isay, 31. 4,)
The contrary hereunto is a S pirit failing (I sa. 19. 3.) The S pirit of AE gypt shall fail (or be emptied) in the midst thereof; tis said in the Precedent ( v 2) I will set AE gyptians, against AE gyptians, & they shall fight: They shall spend their Spirits, or Courage among themselves; but shall have no Spirits left to defend their Country. So tis said of the Amorites and Canaanites, that heard of the drying up of Jordan, which they accounted as their M [...]ate and Fence against [Page 37] I srael, Their heart melted neither was there S pirit in them any more ( Josh. 5: 1:) So that you see both ways, in the Abundance and in the Defect, Spirit, Signifies Courage and Resolution.
Now if this Spirit be Unsanctifyed, tis a stoutness in evil: that will be ready to say, (with Pharoah) Who is the Lord? Tis Obstinacy and Hardning; Sihon King of Heshbon would not let us pass; for the Lord had hardned his Spirit, and made his Heart Obstinate ( Deut. 2. 30.) This may be also the meaning of the perverse Spirit mingled among the Egyptians, ( Isa. 19 14.) that is, a quarrelsome and contentious Spirit, among themselves, whereby their Councils were Divided, and their Affairs Unsetled, as a Drunken Man staggereth in his Vomit: They had S pirit, or Animosity, enough against one the other; but for Publik defence, AE gypt shall be like unto Women, they shall be afraid and fear ( v 16) And this Discovers one fault more, in this Unsanctified S pirit. That it is Unstable: Stout and Surly, were it should be Humble and Meek; Mean and Poor; where it should be Brave, and Resolute. Such were the Rebellious Israelites ( Ps. 78. 8.) a stubborn and rebellious Generation, [Page 38] that set not their hearts aright, whose S pirit was not S tedfast with God. It follows ( v. 9.) that, how Sturdy soever they were against God; yet against their Enemies they were very Cowards, or God, in Justice made them so, for their Stubborness against him. The Children of Ephraim being Armed, and carrying B ows, turned back in the day of Battel.
But, If Sanctified, 'tis an Excellent Spirit, and of great use. This was that other S pirit of Caleb (Numb: 14. 24.) The Spirit of the other Spies was Base and Cowardly, and caused the heart of the People to melt (Josh. 18. 8.) at which God was greatly displeased; but Calebs courage was approved, and accepted of God, tho' it had not its desired effect upon men; and was Rewarded with admission into the Land of Promise, when others were excluded.
This Spirit S anctified, is a Spirit Bound Bent, and Resolved, in the service of God what-ever be the Hazards. And now b [...]hold (says Paul) I go bound in the Spirit to Jerusalem, not knowing the (particular) things, that shall befal me there (Act 20. 22.) saving Bonds and Afflictions (in [Page 39] general) which I expect ( v. 23.) But none of these things move me ( v. 24.) Now this B ound Spirit I take to be, the Apostles Brave Spirit Bound (that is) strongly inclined by the Spirit of God to this special, and particular, Service, notwithstanding all these foreseen difficulties, to break thorow which he was G allantly Resolved. And this his Courage is (I think) the same, that he prays might be given to the Ephesians, chap. 3. 16. That he would grant you, according to the Riches of his Glory to be strengthned with might, by his S pirit, in the I nner Man. This referrs to ( v. 13) I desire that ye faint not, at my Tribulations for you. Some men are so Weak-Spirited, as to faint, when they see another Bleed; or have a grievous Wound dressed, or the like; But I would not have you to be so Feeble-Minded; I would have you more Couragious; and for that end, make this prayer on your behalf; I should rather shrink that feel the trouble; then you, that only behold it with your eyes.
Such another Brave S pirit was in Nehemiah, when God had raised it up. See a taste of it ( Neh. 6: 11.) S hould such a M an as I Fly? And who is there being [Page 40] as I am, would go into the Temple to save his Life? I will not go in. This Gallantry was of the Lord; for (whatever his Naturl S pirit was) His C aptive circumstances had rendred him but weak; as we may Guess by his Timorousness to speak to the King (tho' he was in good place about him) He continually [...]etch'd his strength from God; He was fain (by Ejac [...]lation) to pray between a Question and an Answer ( chap. 2. 4.) What is thy R equest? S o I Prayed= And I said &c. He had not Courage to give the King an answer; till he had his Spirits Revived by the God of Heaven.
4. This Hotter S pirit is an Angry S pirit i [...] Ardent and Fervent in it self; Eager and Vigorous in motion; with a vehemence in Inclinations (all which may be better Referred to this head, then that of Activity, before mentioned) Its chief ingredient is C hollerick Constitution tho' it may be also Habitually encreased, and Morally Fixt in men, by frequent occasions and provocations; as also by much converse, with peevish and fretful persons this is intimated in that ( Prov. 22. 24. 25,) Make no friendship with an angry man, & with a furious man thou shalt not [Page 41] go; Lest thou Learn his ways, and get a snare to thy S oul. His anger will, by degrees heat thy Spirit into a Disorder; or, at least bring it into another frame; then to what thou art naturally inclined.
This Spirit Acts, and shews it self in Z EAL, and JEALOUSY.
1. Z eal, is a Fervour of Spirit, whereby a man does Act ( Valide & Valde) All that comes to his hand, he presently does it with his Might. Here Anger is ( Cos Fortitudinis) the Whetstone of Valour; And tho' Courage hath its Strength in it self, yet it commonly has the beginning, and more often the continuance of its motion, from this Z eal. This is as the Touch▪Powder, that catches the first Fire, and as soon inflames that which has all the force in it. Tis a Natural Passion, and therefore (in it self) neither Good nor Bad.
But if,
1. Unsanctifyed, 'tis a Hellish Flame, that burns unmercifully, and does abundance of Hurt, to ones self and others. 'Tis KAKOZELIA, a mischievous vehemence that spoyles the comfort of Humane Society; and if it be any way concern'd in [Page 42] Religion, it makes Havock of the Church as is seen in the Bigots of a false Religion. An eminent example of which, was Paul (while he was Saul) before his Conversion to the true Faith. They shall kill you, and think they do God good Service ( John 16: 2:) In a word, it renders men (like the Chaldeans) B itter & Hasty (Habbac. 1. 6.)
2: But if Sanctified, then the Warm-Spirited Paul is another Man. He now reflects on his former course, as a Mad Hare▪ Brain'd, Wicked Business. See the Account of it. ( Acts 26. 9, 10 11.) I verily thought (His Hot Head mistook his way, and so ran on furiously in a Pernicious Error) That I ought (Divil [...]sm is now taken for Duty) to do many things contrary &c. Many (not a few▪) were suitable to his Hot and Active Spirits; many places ( Jerusalem; every S ynagogue; even to strange Cities) many Persons ( Many of the Saints) Many Ways did I (shut up in Prison; put to Death; and compelled them to Blaspheme) yea, when he was but a Stripling, when he could not hurll Mortifying Stones, he gave his voice against them; Held the Garments of those that S toned S tephen [Page 43] and was consenting to his Death All this he acknowledges to be meer madness: being exceeding mad against them.
But being now Converted, Does his Grace quite extinguish his Fiery Nature, & Spirit? Not at all; only directs, & exerts it, to better purposes Paul is the same Z ealot; but in other matters. His Active S pirit Labours more abundantly then they all. (1 Cor. 15. 10.) Z eal he commends, exhorts, and practises. He commends Z eal in his Epistles, if it be rightly placed. 'Tis always good to be Z ealous in a good thing, (Gal. 4. 18.) To be Zealous of S piritual Gifts (1 Cor. 14. 12.) of Good Works. (Titus 2. 14.) He also exhorts men to be Fervent in Spirit, S erving the Lord. (Romans 12. 11.) And he Allowed and Practised it in himself; of which we have Divers Instances.
Take a view of his Hot and Earnest S pirit in some particulars. At Athens his Spirit was stirred in him, when he saw the City wholly given to Idolatry. (Acts 17. 16) 'twas full of Gods, without the True God, and he was angry and ve [...]t to see it. So in Corinth, at the Jews Infidelity. He was pressed in Spirit, and Testified that Jesus was [Page 44] the Christ. ( chap. 18. 5.) Now [...] was this? 'Twas [...] and [...] come from [...]. H [...] had a good mind to it before; even, when he was a poor Labouring S ojourner ( v. 3.) Even then he Reasoned and perswaded every Sabbath, ( v. 4) But, now his friends are come, by them is his Countenance sharpened ( Prov. 27. 17.) He had good Metall before, but now is a Keen Edg put upon it. Whether it were, that they brought him Contribution, which better'd his Outward Condition, and so Raised his Spirit a pegg higher: or else that they were to be his Fellow Travellers; and so, being now Ready to Depart ( v. 7.) He was bravely resolved to out with that, which had so long broyled in his Bosome. Some way or other (whatever it were) it had relation to their coming, whereby his Spirit was enlarged. He had a Good S pirit before, but [...]ow a Great one His Z eal before was kindled, but now it breaks out. He cares not now, what they said, or thought of him; he now Ruffles them; Roundly delivers his Testimony; shakes his Raiment at them; Tells them their own; and throws the Blood of their Obstinacy upon their own Heads. So much may Outward Circumstances [Page 45] sometimes Help forward the actings of Grace and Nature, in a S anctifyed S pirit:
Tis manifest he was of a vehement Spirit, and eager in all things. When he missed his friend, he could not stay at Tro [...]s (tho' he might have done it to good purpose; for there a Door was opened to him of the Lord (2 Cor. 2. 12.) B ut he had no rest in his S pirit; because he found not Titus his Brother there, and away he must, into Macedonia after him. ( v. 13.)
Doubtless, the Apostles Removes, were by direction of the Spirit of God; but yet (oftentimes) they were according to Humane Affection or S pirit, Tho' secretly over-ruled by God for his Holy ends Thus, this H [...]t S pirited Man was parted from Barnabas in an anger (Acts 15: 39.) The Contention was so sharp that they parted; one to C yprus, and the other to Syria & C ylicia; but both about the same Evangelical Business.
Another Instance of his Z ealous, Sturdy, and Vehement Spirit, was his Carriage to Peter: [...] withstood him to the face; (Gal. 2: 11) Peter, was Pauls elder Brother in the Faith; another man [Page 46] (perhaps) in the case, would have handled him more respectfully; but P aul cannot complement; he must do all things like himself; he not only Preaches against his blameable Practice and Complyance, but noses him for it in a publick presence. I said unto P eter before them all [ v. 14.] And thus much of P auls Z ealous Spirit.
The next Example shall be Apollos, who was by Nature (tis likely) as well as Grace, a man Fervent in Spirit; and therefore S pake and Taught Diligently, according to the Knowledge that he had in the Gospel; which as yet was not very great, Knowing only Johns Baptism; until a Tent-maker and his Wife ( Aquil [...] and Priscill [...]) had Expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly. He was indeed a man of a brave Spirit and Excellent Endowments; He was Eloquent, and a great Textuary, Mighty in the (Old Testament) Scriptures; and so, well furnished for an Eminent Preacher; But 'twas his S pirit, his Fervent Spirit, Subordinate to his Grace, that fitted him to S peak Boldly in the Synagogues; and mightily to C onvince the Jews, and that publickly▪ ( Acts 18. 25, &c.) A man of as much Grace, and more Knowledge, [Page 47] might not have been Able so well to perform this Service. Z eal for God, which is every mans Duty, will not Comport so well with every mans S pirit. [ Non omnia possumus omnes] All cannot do All. When Father Paul at Venice was Discoursed by some Helvetian Ministers, concerning the Reformation, and he had owned to them the chief principles of the Reformed Religion; tho' he still continued in the Papal Communion; being demanded by them why he did not publickly profess his Faith? He is said to have Answered, [ profecto Deest mihi S piritus Lutheri] Alas! in Truth, I want Luthers Spirit.
The Hearts of those Jews were so Callous and Hard, that they needed to be warmly fomented. They needed (under the Law) The Bitterness and Heat of Ezekiels Spirit ( Ezek. 3. 14.) So the Spirit Lifted me up, and took me away, and I went in the Bitterness, in the Heat [Hebr. and Anger] of my S pirit. Gods Spirit moved him, and then his Angry Spirit was moved; The Spirit of God made use of a vehement Spirit in the man, to deal suitably with them.
And so [under the Gospel] They [Page 48] needed the Like Spirit. Therefore he sent John as his Forerunner; that B urning as well as Shining Light, to Imitate the Prophet Elias: He shall go before him in the S pirit of Elias. (Luke 1. 17.) Now Elias was a Hot-spirited man, and prayed down Hot Fire to Consume the Enemies. John (like him) Preached Repentance with Severity; Calling them Generation of Vipers; and Laying the Ax to the Root of the Tree. He was a Rough Man in a Rough Garment, and handled them Roughly. And indeed this Spirit was proper in the ( pr [...]ecursor▪ the) Forerunner of Christ, who came to Preach Peace, and Heal the Wounds of Conscience, which Johns Doctrine had made.
Jesus C hrist himself, was the Meek and Holy Lamb of God, who Bare all Injuries with an Inimitable Patience; and yet was not altogether without this warmth of Spirit upon occasion. The Z eal of thine House hath eaten me up; was spoken of him ( Psal. 69. 9.) And Applied to him [ John 2. 17.] When he whipped the Buyers, and Sellers out of the Temple; and Overturned the Tables of the Money-Changers; This he did Once, but commonly his sweet Conversation, [Page 49] was much otherwise. 'Twas Prophesied of him. ( Isa. 42. 2.) And Interpreted of him, ( Mat. 12. 19.) He shall not strive, nor Cry; neither shall any man hear his Voyce in the Streets. Nor does he allow the Hot and Fiery Temper an Ordinary Indulgence in his Disciples. When James and John, would have had him Call for Fire from Heaven, on a Village of the Samaritans ( Luke 9. 54.) He tells them, They kn [...]w not, what Spirit they were of; (i. e.) either what they ought to be, if they would [...]e his Disciples: or rather, they might mistake themselves (as men are too often apt to do) and think, That to be a Sanctified Z eal, which more appeared, but a Corrupt and Revengeful [...]ury. These two men were Bretheren (the Sons of Z ebedee) whom Christ (who knew their Spirits better, than themselves) named (according to their Nature) And he S urnamed them B oanerges, which is, The Sons of Thunder. (Mark 3. 17.) He was not Deceived in them, when he chose them; But knew how to S anctify their Rough S pirit, and so make a very good use thereof: They might make good Thundring Preachers; They might be fitted for Tough▪work (as Luther after them was) [Page 50] to Break through such Difficulties, as would have likely Foyled and disheartned as good men, but of a meeker Spirit. [ Malus Nodus, malus Cune [...]s] Rugged Wedges are fittest for a cross-grain'd piece of Service. Fire in mens S pirits (as well as among the Elements) may be necessary sometimes; And Rendred very Serviceable if it be well Governed.
But here's the Difficulty; Many good Christians, by Reason of Natural Infirmity, are not always able to manage a Z ealous Spirit; nor can always Distinguish betwixt Fire from Heaven, in the stronger Motions of Gods Holy Spirit, which always ought to be Cherished; and that Fire, which arises from Hell in the vehemence of Temptation, Enkindling the Reakings and Fumes of their Corrupted Nature; of which the Devil never fails to take his Advantage.
Young Elibu (before mentioned) was a zealous, warm S pirited man; And not without great Piety (as the Tenour of his Discourse does manifest.) Yet when his Spirit constrained him, and his Belly was as Wine, which hath no vent, and ready to Burst like New Bottles, (Job 32. 18, 19.) i: e.) When his Passion was stirred within him; He B reaks out, not only to Irreverence to [Page 51] his Elder Brethren ( v. 9.) Great men are not always wise; neither do the Aged Understand Judgment; But he also Charges Job (I think) very falsely (ch. 33. 8, 9.) I have heard the voice of thy words saying, I am clean without Transgression; I am Innocent, neither is there Iniquity in me. Where (I wonder) does Job so speak? Surely if he had, God would not have Justified him, as he does ( ch. 42. 7.) Ye have not spoken of me the thing that is Right, as my S ervant Job hath. So much do Hot Spirited Men, tho' Good Men, yet often overshoot themselves.
The Rightest Temper of a Sanctified Z eal, was that of S tephens; a mixture of Meekness, Wisdome and Courage, (Acts 6. 10) They were not able to Resist the Wisdom, and the S pirit, with which he spake. He spake with a S pirit, which I take to be Z eal and Earnestness; and yet with Wisdome, so as no Exception could be justly taken; and with Meekness too, which (after all their horrid Injuries) is Testified by his Last and Dying Words; ( ch. 7. 6.) Lord, Lay not this Sin to their Charge. And thus much of Z eal; near of kin to which is.
2. Jealousie, a passion, to which, some mens Spirits are, more than others, prone; [Page 52] And whereby men are Inclined to Suspicion, fierce Anger, Hatred, and Bitterness. Tis called a S pirit of Jealousie coming upon a man, (Numb. 5. 14.) whether his Wife be Defiled, or not.
This Spirit in Unsanctifyed persons and practises, is an Odious and Bitter Evil. 'Tis Declared Hateful to God, and horri [...]ly Injurious to man. Hateful to God, (Mal. 2. 16.) I hate putting away saith the Lord [...]. Therefore Take Heed to your S pirit: namely, This Jealous Spirit, that you Entertain it not. And Injuri [...]us to man, as appea [...]s in the precedent words ( v. 15.) Take Heed to your Spirit, Let none deal Treacherously (or Unfaithfully: marg.) Against the Wife of his Youth. 'Tis a Treacherous Unfaithfulness, to Entertain groundless Jealousies: Love is Covenanted in Marriage; and this is quite contrary thereunto: Love thinketh no Ill; Jealou [...]e thinking nothing else. Love covereth Faults; Groundless Jealousie searcheth to Discover faults, where there are none. And then the Repetition of the words [ Therefore take Heed to your S pirit] ( v. 15. and again v. 16) is well to be Noted; for 'tis a Rule, [ Repeated words in S cripture call for special observation.] And as in Marriage, so in other Relations; it Destroys Friendship; [Page 53] spo [...]is Humane S ociety, and mutual Confidence; and sometimes stirs up the most bitter Enmity; for Jealousie is the Rage of a man, That takes no Ransome for Life. ( Prov. 6. 34.) This is the S pirit that Dwelleth in us, ( i. e.) our Corrupted Nature) Lusting to Envy (James 4. 5.)
And yet, for All this Evil said of it (nor can enough be said) Abstract but a Jealous and S uspicious S pirit, from In-bred Corruptions; Take it as a pure Natural Temper; 'Tis a Basis of Great Prudence, Wisdom and Wariness. Not to allow of that Rotten principle [S uspect every man to be Knave, with whom you have to do] But to take care in avoiding that Character of a Fool Noted in (Prov. 14. 15.) The Simple believeth every word; But the prudent man Looketh well to his going. Not Uncharitably to Suspect, but prudently to be C ircumspect, is becoming a wise and honest man. This pure Natural Cautious S pirit may be the Subject of S anctification, and may become God-like, and a Godly Jealousie. God-like, when a man so utterly Disapproves Sin and Dishonesty; That he Dislikes the very Appearance thereof, and Tendency thereunto. Thou shalt not Bow down, for I the Lord thy God am a Jealous God. (Exo. 20. 5.) And by Sins [Page 54] (however palliated) is provokt to Jealousie. (Deut. 32. 16. 21.) Every Likeness of Sin, may Deserve that name, (Ezek. 8.3) The Image of Jealousie, which provoketh to Jealousie. And as God-like, so 'tis Godly. The Holy Prophet owned, and professed it. (1 King. 19. 10. 14.) I have been very Jealous for the L ord God of Hosts. And so did the Holy Apostle. (2 Cor. 11: 2.) I am Jealous over you with Godly Jealousie; for I have Espoused you to one Husband, &c. 'Tis Godly, when the Bent of Jealousie is only to promote Holiness; when the Suspicion notes but care and watchfulness; and the Bitterness ascribed to this Spirit, is but a Hatred of Sin; it may so be of very Excellent Use, especially in those, who by Gods Order have the Oversight of others.
And thus much of the Hotter S pirit, which is Chearful, Active, Couragious, Angry in zeal and Jealousie. We shall now take a view of its Opposite, and so better Illustrate both, by comparing them together.
2. The C older Spirits, which are in some men, under the Temperaments of Phlegm, or Melancholly; The more if Radicated by Habits, or excited and promoted by Objects, or Outward Circumstances. These [Page 55] are in every point of the contrary C haracter, to those Hotter Spirits before mentioned. As
1. Is that C hearful and Bris [...]; This is sorrowful and pensive: full of Grief and Mourning; as if made up of Sighs and Tears. And whether it be from Natural Temper, or from that concurrence (mentioned) of sad and troublesome C ircumstances; Mens S pirits are hereby Formed and Disposed to Lamentations. Such was weeping Jeremiah; such was our Blessed Saviour in his Humiliation A man of S orrows and acquainted, with Grief, as was Prophesied of him, ( Isa. 53. 3.)
Now if this be Unsanctified it Disposes to many Evils; especially, where the Dogged Melancholly is prevalent therein. 'Tis an Evil Spirit in it self; and of Evil Consequences.
1. In it self; probably this was the Evil S pirit from the Lord upon S aul. A Melancholly Spirit; and perhaps sometimes even unto Fits of Distraction. I take it so to be; for that it was Alleviated by Davids Musick (1 Sam. 16. 23.) Surely Davids Harp could not Conjure down Devils; Nor does give any Countenance to Popish Bell Baptism for the same purpose: No, rather it was a Natural Evil, [Page 56] an Evil Natural S pirit, sent of God in Judgment; and Helped by Natural Means, thro' his Blessing. David played with his hand, so Saul was Refreshed, and was well; and the Evil Spirit Departed from him. So; by a Natural Means prescribed by his Doctors ( v. 16.) [ Musica Mentis Medicina M [...]est [...]e;] was well; It seems before he was Sick, Distempered, and his Spirit was out of Order. 'Tis and Evil, both Natural, Moral, and Judicial. A Natural; (P rov. 17.22.) A Merry Heart doth G ood like a Medicine; but a Broken Spirit Dryeth the Bones: (i. e.) Wasteth the Marrow, and Impaireth the Health. And it Tendeth als [...] [...] Evil Moral and Judicial too; as you may observe, in
2. Its Consequences; It Disposeth to S ullen Discontent, and peevish Frowardness; both which are very Ugly, as well as wicked Humours.
Sullen Discontent we may see in proud Haman, who, (whatever his Natural Spirit was) had a very Jolly one upon the Kings Favour. Haman went forth that Day, Joyful, and with a Glad Heart. (Esth. 5.9.) That Day, It seems it was not always so; (Aspiring Pride, and Sowerness of Spirit, are frequently conjoyned; because of the many obstructions [Page 57] Real, and more apprehended, that cross his Ambition) But That Day, and upon that particular Occasion, he was very Merry. This in him was Unsanctifyed, and therefore Unstable and soon Altered to the contrary, by a very slight matter; for after he had Boasted among his Friends of all his Riches and Glory: yet (saith he) All this availeth me nothing, so long as I see Mordecat the Jew sitting at the Kings Gate. ( v. 13.) What Remedy now in the Case? His Wife advises him ( v. 14.) Erect a Lof [...]y Gallows, and get M ordecai Hanged thereon; and Then go thou in Merrily, with the King unto the Banquet. No Merriment, no [...]ure of the Sullens, till Mordecai be Dispatched; He was in a Desperate Case; his Bones were all Rotten, (for that's the Name of his Disease ( Prov. 14. 30.) Envy is the Rottenness of the Bones) and 'tis likely, he might have Died of Discontent, it he had not (soon after) by the Gibbet.
Another such an Instance of Sullenness was C ovetous Ahab, whose S pirit was sad, because he was Denyed Naboth's Vineyard (1 King 21. 5.) which caused him to Loll on his Bed, turn away his face, and would not eat B read (like a pouting Child) vext at heart, that he could not have his [Page 58] Will; proud Jezebe [...], like Z eresh, (here's another Wit of the Wife) comes in with her Cursed Contrivance, to Dry up Ahabs Tears, by the Shedding of Naboth's Blood. One would have thought, that these Women (because of the Natural Coldness and Moysture of their Sex) should have been Authors of milder Counsels; But their Unsanctifyed Hearts, being filled with Devillish Pride, makes them act contrary to that, which should be their very Nature; so virulent are Feminine Humours, when Corruption (on occasion) turns them into Acids. Dismissing these Two, as they are; you may (if you please) send in Jobs Wife; with her Curse God and D ie, (Job 2. 9.) to make up the Number, All. (Tria sunt omnia.) Note only (by the way) That Old Wives Prescriptions, are seldome good Remedies, for sad and melancholly Husbands. And this of Sullen Discontent.
Of the Froward P eevishness, in this Colder and Mournful Spirit, we have a Notable Instance in the Israelites; who could not hear what was Reasonable, and might be Comfortable, to them. God by Moses had sent them a very good and Gracious Word; A Promise of their Deliverance; of being their God, and taking [Page 59] them to be his People; And Moses spake so, unto the Children of Israel; But they hearkened not unto Moses, for Anguish (or Shortness) of Spirit, and for Cruel Bondage, which was the occasion thereof. ( Exod. 16. 9.) They were in this Like weeping Rachel, who Refused, and would not be Comforted. ( Mat. 2. 18.)
From these Instances (besides frequent Experience,) we may Learn, That the Consequents of a sad Unsanctifyed Spirit are Deplorable; All manner of Evil, Natural, Moral and Judicial. Natural and Moral seem to be pointed at in that Expression (2 Cor. 7. 10.) The sorrow of the world worketh Death. This may referr to both; 'tis both a Sin and a Mischief; as appears by the Antitheta (in the former part of the verse.) Godly Sorrow worketh Repentance to S alvation, not to be Repented of; Therefore (by the Rule of contraries) Worldly Sorrow is S in, unto Destruction, and to be Repented of by those, who would avoid those Evils. But more expresly is it Judicial, when God pronounces it as a Curse. Ye shall Cry for sorrow of heart, and shall Howl for vexation (or Breaking. marg.) of Spirit. (Isa. 65. 14) This if Unsanctified.
And yet by Sanctification, a Mournful [Page 60] Spirit may become a Blessing; it may Adapt, and Incite to many Graces and Duties. In that (2 Cor. 7. 10.) worketh Repentance to S alvation, not to be Repented of: You'l have no cause to be sorry, for a sorrowful Spirit, if your Tears be set to Run in a [...]ight Channel. S [...]e more of the [...]ssed Effects ( v. 11.) Ye Sorrowed after a godly sort; [...] ehold what C arefulness it wrought in you; what clearing of your selves; yea what Indignation; yea what Fear; yea what vehement Desire; yea what Z eal; yea what Revenge. Understand Indignation, Fear and Revenge, to Respect S in, and not m [...]n.
A Mournful Spirit S anctified Disposes to Prayer. Hanna professes to Eli, (who had misapprehensions of her) I am a Woman of a sorrowful Spirit, and have poured out my S oul before the Lord (1 Sam. 1. 15.) She wept inwardly, as she mentally prayed, and her Prayers and Tears were secretly mingled, and poured out to her God; she was in Bitterness of Soul, and prayed unto the Lord, and wept sore (v: 18.) David often to this purpose, ( Ps. 77. 2.) In the Day of my Trouble I [...]ought the Lord. When was that? When my Spirit was overwhelmed (v. 3.) So (Ps. 142. 2, [...].) I [...] poured out my Complaint before him, I shewed before [Page 61] him my Tyouble, when my Spirit was overwhelmed within me. And in the next (P s. 143. 4.) His Spirit was again Overwhelmed; I stretched forth my hands unto thee. (v. 6.) That S pirit which was wont to be full Fraught with Harmonious Praises is now Overset, and another Service is appointed for him; He Sayled joy [...]lly in pleasant Gales, but Storms find him other work.
The greatest Instance (in mee [...] man) of a sorrowful S pirit, was that of Job, in the Days of his Tryal; His Complaint he Uttere [...]h freely, and Justi [...]yeth his so doing, as of a natural Necessity: His Case was sad; His S pirit was Drunk up, ( ch. 6. 4.) Drunk up (as he expresses it) That he had None Left to bear his Troubles. The Spirit of a man will bear his Infirmity ( P [...]o. 18 14.) But (alas) his Bearing Spirit is gone, and nothing but a Broken and Burthened one is Left in him: In this case, he says, I will not Refrain my mouth; I will speak in the Anguish of my Spirit; I will complain in the Bitterness of my S oul (ch. 7. 11.) But his Complaint is To God, and not Of God. As for me, is my Complaint to man? And if it were so, why should not my S pirit be Troubled? (ch. 21. 4.) And yet, we may [Page 62] say of him in all this, as was testified of him in the beginning, In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly (ch. 1. 22.) Altho' Satan expected it from him. ( v. 11 and ch: 25.) which indeed he would have done, had not God Sanctified his sorrowful Spirit: and preserved it Blameless.
When Nebuchadnezzar Dreamed Dreams, wherewith his S pirit was Troubled. [ Dan. 2. 1.] We find this Unsanctified Heathen fret and vex, and require unreasonable things: The Thing is gone from me I have quite forgot it; yet, Tell me the Dream, and the I nterpretation, or ye shall be cut in pieces, and your Houses made a Dunghil. (v. 5.) So eager was he to be Rid of his Troubled S pirit. But Daniel thro' Sanctification was of another Temper in the like case. (ch. 7. 15.) I Daniel was grieved in my Spirit, in the midst of my Body (or sheath) and the Visions of my Head troubled me. He then seeks for satisfaction from God, by Drawing near to his Angel ( v. 16.) And though he say; My Cogitations Troubled me, and my C ountenance changed in me. ( v. 28:) yet he was not in haste to be Rid of it; But I kept the matter in my heart; namely, to be farther Meditated upon, and to wait the Issue: [Page 63] And indeed in all Troublesome Cases, This is the Guise of a Gracious and S anctified S pirit.
But of all other Instances, the Great Exemplar the Lord Jesus Christ is most to be Admired and Imitated in his Holy Mournful S pirit. His Sorrow in Gethsemane, when he approached near his Passion, is thus set forth. He began to be sore Amazed, and to be very Heavy; and saith, My Soul is exceeding S orrowful unto Death. ( Mat. 14. 33, 34.) And what does he, but pray? That this Bitter Cup (as Mathew) or this Hour (of Temptation) as Mark) might pass from him; and being in an Agony he prayed more earnestly, ( Luk. 22. 44.) In this wrestling with God, His Sweat was a [...] it were, great Drops (or Clodders ( of Blood falling down to the Ground. And yet, notwithstanding all this Earnestness, it was with the greatest Submission. Nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt. ( v. 39.) And thus much of the S orrowful C old S pirit.
2. Is that Hotter Spirit Active and Vigorous: This C older is dull and weak; a dull Spirit, or Spirit of Heaviness, as 'tis call'd (I sa. 61. 3.) The Spirit of a man is the principle of his Activity. It Disposes him Diligently to Teach, (as is before shewn) [Page 64] and Diligently to Learn; to make Diligent Search (as tis expressed, Psal. 77. 6.) But this Dull S oul (in it self) is fit for neither.
The S pirit of man, is also the principle of his Vigour, and helps to bear his Burdens; But this Spirit is (in it self) a Burden. The S pirit of a man will sustain his Infirmity; but a Wounded Spirit who can Bear? ( Prov. 18. 14.) 'Tis a weak and fainting Spirit; much like that, which was in the Queen of Sheba, when she saw the Effects of S [...]l [...]mons Wisdom, she was even astonished, and the [...] was no more S pirit in her. (1 Kin. 10.5.
This Unsanctifyed is a pi [...]tiful, base, and Useless S pirit; Inclining only to Sotti [...]h Sloth and Idleness; It Renders unapt to Do, or Receive any good. When they should Teach, they are Dumb Dogs; and when they should Learn, they have a Spirit of S [...]mber and of Deep Sleep (Isa. 29. 10.) and so proportionably in any other worthy Affair.
But if Sanctified, Its slowness makes the surer work; takes time for good Deliberation; and helps to prevent much Rashness and Precipitance, which Nimbler Spirits are more liable unto. All Slowness [Page 65] is not Blameable; Some are Duties; as, S low to Wrath (Prov. 14. 29.) Slow to speak. (James 1. 19.) And where S lowness of Speech, is an Infirmity; yet this hinders not Gods making use of such in very Eminent Service, as he did Moses (Exod. 1. 10.)
And as to the Weakness of this Spirit, It Leads to Dependance on Gods All-Sufficiency; It is often an Effect of great Sorrow, By S orrow of heart the S pirit is Broken. ( Prov. 15. 13.) And the Crack'd or Broken Spirit (as before noted) is very weak; but S anctified it is accompanied with Faith. And then it makes Prayerful, in Applications to God for help. Hear me speedily O Lord, my S pirit faileth; I have no strength of my own to Bear up against the Floods; I will cry unto thee when my heart (or Spirit) is overwhelmed; Lead me to the Rock, that is higher than I. (Ps. 61. 2.)
3. Is That S pirit Bill, Resolute and Confident; The Colder one is Timorous and humbly yielding. 'Tis Little in it self; and commonly Less in its own Eyes: It Designs no great things; nor is fit for any Great Undertaking; But is apt to shun all things, that appear any way Dangerous.
[Page 66] This, if Unsanctifyed is a Base Pusilanimity; a mean, poor, cowardly and creeping S pirit: Unfit for Doing any Notable Good; or Suffering any Considerable Evil. Such will never be Martyrs for, or C on [...]ssors of, any valuable Truth. This Spirit (like Issachar) stoops under the Burden, of every Imposing and Tirannical Humour, without the least opposition, or Resentment; so as it will easily let go C hristian, or C ivil Liberty; And even Tempt the proud to Trample on their Neck. It gives way, not only for a moment, a short time (in matters, that will bear it) upon prudent Considerations; But gives up for good and all (as we us [...] to speak) without any consideration at all: The former is Good Fencing; the latter is Base Cowardise, which opens a careless Gap, that not only Suffers, but Invites Trespassers. This Spirit is a Saddled Ass, ready to be Rid at pleasure; and is most mischievous in a Church, where are Diotrephian Spirits, and Ruinous to a S tate, where Tyranny would be playing pranks. Such are men Born to be Slaves, for whose Unreasonable Yielding, their Posterity will have cause to Curse them.
As to the performance of Necessary Duties, They always imagine Lions in the way, [Page 67] and in the least appearance of a Difficulty▪ they are ready to fancy Insuperables, and thereby Inhance Discouragements; so that they Tremble, tho' it be, but at the shaking of a Leaf, (Lev. 26. 36.) I will send a faintness into their hearts, and the sound of a shaking Leaf shall Chase them; and they shall flee, as fleeing from a S word; and they shall fall, when none pursueth. To Fear, where no Fear is, is not only a Judicial Misery, but it is also too often a Sin, Derived from Unbelief, as against frequent Commands; Fear not, neither be Dismayed: Fear not their Fear, be not afraid of their Faces, &c. And a S in (it seems) of the worst Character, as Ushering in the Bedroul of Abominable Wickedness, in that Denunciation ( Rev. 21. 18.) But the Fearful, and Unbelieving, and the Abominable, and Murtherers and Whoremongers, and Sorcerers, and I dolaters, and all Liars, shall have their part in the Lake that Burneth. This Spirit it self is not a Sin, so far as it Depends on Natural Causes; 'Tis no Evil for a Woman to be Less Couragious, then a man; or to be more afraid upon apparent Danger; But when Fear is Habituated, or Acted by Unbelief; for then it Impeaches Gods Glorious Attributes; his Mercy, Truth, and All-sufficiency
[Page 68] But if this Little, Low, and Timorous Spirit be Sanctified, 'tis Exercised in a Gracious Humility, which Aspires not to things too high (P s. 131. 1.) A Contrite Spirit, S anctifyed, is no Base and Contemptible Spirit. 'Tis Preferred and Esteemed by Wise men, Directed by the Holy Spirit of God, who teaches men to put a due value, upon the good of Things, and Persons. Better it is to be of an Humble Spirit with the Lowly, then to Divide the Spoyl with the Proud. ( Prov. 6. 19.) He shall be far from Contempt: A mans pride shall bring him Low; but Honour shall uphold the Humble in spirit ( Prov. 29. 23.) Humility is a Lovely Grace amongst men; it avoids Quarrels, which Pride and Haughtiness of Spirit commonly makes: It gives no Offence, and Removes the Offences that are Taken. Yielding pacifyeth great Offences. (Eccl. 10. 5.) And as 'tis Acceptable to men, so it is well pleasing unto God. A Broken and a C ontrite Spirit O God thou wilt not Despise, ( Psa. 51. 17.) Not Despise is a MEIOSIS, yea he Favours and Approveth. The Lord is nigh to them▪and S aveth such, as [...]e of a Contrite Spirit. (Ps. 34. 18.) This Favour he the more Illustrates by setting forth his own Excellencies. The Great and High [Page 69] God Regards the Little and Low Spirit; This is more than once shewn by the Prophet Isai [...] ▪ For thus saith the High and Lofty One, who Inhabiteth Eternity; I Dwell in the High and Holy Place, and with him also, that is of an Humble and Contrite S pirit; to Revive▪ the Spirit of the Humble, and to Revive the Heart of the [...] (Isa. 57. 15, 16.) And (ch 66. 2.) [...] ven and Earth hath mine Hand made; [...] to this man will I L ook, even to him that is poor, and of a Contrite S pirit, and Trembleth at my word. 'Tis not that poor, mean, Spirit, that Trembles at the Shaking of a Leaf; or sinfully fear [...]th man, whose Breath is in his Nostrils; but he that feareth the Lord and Trembleth at his Word. Such an one shall not only be Countenanced, and Comforted by God here; but bountifully, and graciously, be Rewarded hereafter; 'tis the first of the Beatitudes (Mat. 5. 3.) B lessed are the poor in S pirit; for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
4. Is that Hotter S pirit an Angry Spirit, fermenting in Z eal and Jealousie: This c [...]lder is meek and wholly Inclined to peace: 'Tis Sheepish, Lamblike, and Inoffensive; no great Doer, and a quiet S ufferer: 'Tis patient and silent in bearing Injuries, and [Page 70] easily overlooks Faults: It's apt to think well of all, and in general, all its motions are calm and soft.
This quiet, calm Temper, if Unsanctified, hath its spring, only in Bodily Temperament, and Worldly Wisdom; and then Undecently bears oftimes, what it ought to shake off, with Indignation. 'Tis indeed Inclined to good Offices, but still with Earthly Design. It does good, to Receive good, Looking for something again contrary to our Saviours Rule. ( Luke 6. 45.) 'Tis not the S ubject of Anger, because it would not be the O bject thereof; always accompanied with self-seeking; and its greatest Design is to pass quietly thro' the World. 'Tis utterly Indisposed for holy Z eal, so as never to contend earnestly for the Faith. Nor will it plead Gods Cause, when Wickedness is Rampant, nor Labour to Restrain or Rebuke Ungodliness. This Gallio-like Spirit cares for none of these things. (Acts 18. 17.) But wholly Leaves men to their own Course, without any Religious Controul. This was El [...]es Sin, for which both he and his Family were severely Dealt with; God was Angry with him, because he was not Angry [...]or God. Tis a Listless Frame for Affectionate Duty; Dead Hearted to and in, Heavenly Service; [Page 71] A Professor of such a Spirit is but a Cold C hristian, and will have but a cold Entertainment when he comes to seek his Reward. A true Christian should be always furnished with a Spirit, though not always Use it: There is a time for necessary Anger. And we should Use our warmth of Spirit, or forbear it, as occasion Requires. What will you? Shall I come unto you with a Rod; or in Love, and in the S pirit of Meekness? (1 Cor. 4. 21.)
This Unsanctified softness of S pirit, Tho' it be thus Useless and Blameable; yet this must be acknowledged of it: That of all the Worldly Spirits 'tis one of the best; and as it does no good, so it does Least Harm and Mischief. It may Render a man a quiet and untroublesome Neighbour, and tollerable Member, of the Common wealth; But still a sapless and fruitless Branch in the Church,; and is far short of true Christianity, whatever it professes.
But if the Meek Spirit be a Sanctified one; Oh! How Excellent, How Lovely and Desirable is it? How much does it conduce to Brethrens Living together in Unity? How many Brawls and Factions would it prevent? It then (when Sanctifyed) has another principal Rise and End [Page 72] then was suggested by Nature and Circumstances. It then Arises from Conformity to the Great Exemplar (Isa. 53. 7.) Who was brought as a Lamb to the S laughter: and as a S heep before the S hearers is Dumb, so opened not he his Mouth When he was Reviled, he Reviled not again; when he S uffered, be Threatned not; but committed himself to him, who Judgeth Righteously. (1 Pet. 2. 23.)
Again, this is a fit Spirit to Deal with Sinners. Restore such an one in the S pirit of Meekness. (Gal. 6. 1.) 'Tis that which is peaceable with men, and pleasing to God; and therefore is Honourable, as an Ornament. The Ornament of a meek and quiet S pirit; which in the sight of God is of great price. (1 Pet. 3 4.) Surely God knows the true value of Things, who hath put all Worth and Dignity into them. This is a proper Gospel S pirit, very much for its Honour, and promoting its Interest in the World: It ofttimes holds the Hands and stops the Mouths of its Adversaries. That Rebuke of our Saviour to those S ons of Thunder, ( James and John) when they would have Fire from Heaven upon the S amaritan Village. ( Luke 9. 55.) Intimates the True and Genuine Gospel-Spirit; [Page 73] Ye kn [...]w not what manner of S pirit you are of. You are not Spirited as you should be: The S pirit you have is a Chollerick, Revengeful Spirit, and you know it not: Or, you know not what Spirit, you should be of, as my Disciples: The S pirit of Elias (under which you would cover your passions) Has done its Preparatory work in John Baptist; But now the Evangelical-S pirit hence forward, is quite another thing; 'Tis full of meekness, sweetness, and gentleness of mind; which by your present talk, you seem little to understand; You (as my Disciples) do profess to be of the Gospel-Spirit; But alas, you have it not; You kn [...]w not what S pirit you are of!
And thus much of the two Opposite Spirits, the Hot and the Cold. We come now to the Mean, between them both; which of all the Natural Spirits is the most Curious, Desireable, and best Manageable, to every good purpose. Therefore
3. Some men are of a more Temperate Spirit, which is Cool in Respect of the Heats; and Warm, in Respect of the Chills of Spirit, in the former two Extreams. All the Conveniencies of those it has, without their Inconveniencies; This is the Well-balanced Spirit, that moves [Page 74] Evenly, Smoothly, and Firmly; The Vessel of due proportion, betwixt Hull, and Sayl, which usually well Arrives at its intended Port. 'Tis the foelix Temperies of the Philosophers, that naturally Disposes to, and Adapts for, General Vertue. 'Tis best enabled to Use its own Abilities; and manage its own powers, whether Intellectual or Volitive to the best Advantage.
1. Intellectual by a moderation, and order of Thoughts; of a sufficient Heat to Excite them, and yet of Coolness enough to Govern them, and their Effects, which otherwise might be Exorbitant. 'Tis not the Dull▪ Soul, that thinks not Intensely of any thing; Nor the Phantastick Air, that Huddles, and is precipitant in all things. But it is such a well composed Spirit, as indeed Quickens a man to Act, and yet Renders him Sober, and Deliberate, in all his Actions. Hence arises Wisdom and Prudence in Matters, and a firm Judgment, that will not suffer it self to be Biassed or Disordered by any unruly Passions; But Governs them by Reason; and brings and keeps them in their due Subordaination.
Whence follows
2. The Volitive Powers are well used, [Page 75] and ordered by such a Moderate Spirit; The Will is Benign, and the Passions Regular. The Will, and all the powers under its Commands are Disposed to Subjection unto Right Reason. Hence This Spirit is apt to be well governed In the man, that has it; And thereby Renders him more fit to Govern amongst other men in the world; from both which it may be Denominated A Spirit of Government. Of this brave Spirit was Titus Vespasian, who from thence was called ( Humani Generis Delicioe) The Delights of Mankind. Faithfulness, Candour, Beneficence, and all other things that are Excellent (so far as Nature can go) have their Derivation from this Spirit; because it is not so liable to the Infirmity of Unruly Passions, which is the Natural Cause of all the contrary Vices.
Yet if this Rare and Excellent Spirit, which is so very good in it self be Unsanctify'd and Corrupt; 'Tis all as Bad, if not worse, then the Rest. Corruption of the best is worst. For
1. Its Wisdom and Prudence, if Unsanctifyed, is (at best) but Worldly Wisdom, and Imployed wholly to serve Worldly Interests: But it seldome stops there; for it commonly proceeds in a way of [Page 76] Enmity against God and Goodness; And becomes too often a Devilish Policy. If the Enemies of the Church be men of this Spirit, they are most Dangerous: 'Tis the men of this Temper, that are the Achitophels for Mischievous Counsels.
The Hot S pirited Huffs, and Hectors, may have as great an Enmity, which they often shew in a storming rage; But their vehement Passions do oft-times Deprive them, of a discreet consideration, whereby they overshoot themselves, and miss their Designs. The Smooth-bootes that look Demure, who can think and contrive, and are not in over-great Haste; The Wolves in Sheeps-cloathing; (in a word) The close and undiscerned Hypocrites (who by means of this Moderate S pirit, may more easily so be.) These are the Dangerous Enemies; These under their seeming Vertues, have advantage to act their secret Vices. Lyons by Roaring, may Terrific the Sheep into their Safe-folds, while the [...]li [...] Foxes (by surprise) do Devour the Flock.
As to the Spirit of Judgment, and Government Unsanctified; 'tis that which maketh Nets and Snares, and perverteth Jugdment in the Gate. 'Tis not the Bawling Sollicitor, so much as the subtile [Page 77] Judge, that Frames Mischief by a Law, ( Psa. 94. 20) and cover it over by a plausible pretence. Not the Clamarou [...]s Multitude, so much as the Cunning High-Priests, that do violence to the Law, and pollute the S [...]nctuary. (Z eph. 3. 4.) 'Tis they, that say, We have a L aw, and by our Law he ought to Die. ( Joh. 19. 7.) Thus they Turn Judgment into Hemlock, and make the Ordinance of God Minister to their Lusts and Passions.
2. Its calmness of Will, and moderation of Affections, with those seeming Vertues, that attend it, all are nothing so, as they do appear, but are Evil, and Subservient thereunto. Evenness of Mind Un [...]anctified Renders a man but a Gallio, caring for none of these things; Not concerned about the Greatest Interests of their own, or others Souls: This is that Odious Lukewarmness which God will S pue out of his mouth. ( Rev. 3. 16.)
Again, Benignity, Generosity, and Candour of Spirit, if Unsanctified, is, (as Mr. Fuller calls it) The Bad-good-nature, which is commonly, and most Abused by Parasitical Hang-byes. Such men are Led by a Thred (not like Ariadne's Clew, out of, But) into continual Dangers. The Gallantly follow Trappanning, and Deceitful [Page 78] Guides, to do Mischief; like the men, that followed Absalom in their simplicity, and they knew not any thing of his Designs. (2 S am. 15. 11.) These are oft Impos [...]d upon; and made Tools, and Implements, in mischievous and ungodly projects, for want of Gracious Wisdom. On the same account of Bad-good-nature, they are apt to spare and favour, even Wickedness in men; and Indulge them in their corrupt ways. They are apt to be prodigally Bountiful, to such as they should rather frown away. (Prov. 29. 23.) The North-wind Driveth away Rain; and so doth an Angry Countenance a Backbiting Tongue.
Lastly, as to the Fidelity and Stedfastness of this Natural Spirit, if Unsanctifyed, it fits men to keep the Devils Counsel; He Heareth Cursing, and bewrayeth it not. ( Pro. 29. 24.) A Thief may trust him with his Stollen Goods. Alas he is mislead by false names and notions of things, and the Clears Immoveably to them: As for Instance; An Oath, to which he will stick, tho' it be but a B ond of Iniquity, (contrary to the very nature of an Oath)
Truth and Trust he so looks upon, under the Name of Moral Vertues, That he forgets the C hristian Duty of not being [Page 79] Partaker in other mens Sins. So also, in Friendship, which (through his Candour) he often strikes with the Enemies of God; He then thinks himself obliged to be faithful in all things to these his friends; Tho indeed true Friendship is only in Vertue; and other Friendship neither ought to be Begun, or C ontinued: Shouldst thou Help the Ungodly, and Love them, that Hate the Lord? Therefore is Wrath upon thee from the Lord. (2 Cor. 19. 2.)
These Firm S pirited, are the unhappy men, who being once Ill-engaged, are hard to be Reclaimed: They will persist, tho' against the very Edge, and prickles of Conscience, and Convictions: They scorn to forsake their C olours, tho' it be to come under C hrist's Banner: There is no hope to perswade; no; For I have Loved S trangers, and ( [...]e never be a base Changling or Turn-coat) After them will I go. (Jer. 2. 25.)
Thus this Noble S pirit is abused; Thus its Silver is become Dross; and those seeming Vertues, which use to Glitter therein, are no more than (as Austin calls the Heathen Morals) S plendida peccata; meer Gloworms and Fire flies to the sight of a Moon-Ey'd World.
[Page 80] But if S anctified, if Light and Heat be put into them by the Baptism of Fire, How do the Excellencies of this Spirit Excel themselves? This Governable Spirit is under a Twofold Government; That of our own, and that of God too. This Fortified Spirit has a Double Guard; That of our Discretion, and that of Gods Grace. Let us take a view of this Spirit, as Regulated by, and S et forth in, the Scripture.
1. 'Tis a Temperate Spirit; not Cold or Lukewarm, but Governably C ool. In (Prov. 17. 27.) we have (in this Respect) its Character, and its Commendation. He that hath Knowledge, spareth his words; and a man of Understanding is of an Excellent or (as in the Margin) a C ool Spirit. By K nowledge and Understanding in Scripture (and frequently in this particular Book) is meant Gracious Wisdom, and S anctified Knowledge: 'Tis this that truly Tempers the Spirit to be excellently Cool; and enables it to Govern it self and its Astions; yea; and that Unruly Little Member, the Tongue, which in Hot, and Gun-powder S pirited men is oft-times Inflamed and Set on Fire of Hell. (James 3. 5, 6.) 'Tis a [Page 81] S pirit of Government, both Passively and Actively.
1. Passively (or fit to be Governed) which gives Commendation to the man that has it, beyond the Triumphs of a Conqueror. He that Ruleth his Spirit is better, than he that Taketh a City. (Prov. 16. 32.)
The Cold Spirit is too slow and heavy, to follow the Dictates of Regulated Reason, unto any considerable Effect. The Hot Spirit over-runs it, and (of the Two) is the most Ungovernable. The Hasty and Disordered Spirit is chiefly Denominated Unruly, which often Exposes a man to Dangers, as an Unfortify'd City. ( Prov. 25. 28.) He that hath no Rule over his (Royled and Ruffled) Spirit, is like a City, that is Broken down, and hath no Walls. The Moderate Spirit sets Discretion in the Government of his Affairs; But the Hasty Spirit (not taking time to consider, what is to be done upon the present Emergence) Exalteth Folly (Prov. 14. 20.) [Page 82] To the same Effect is that Comparison; The patient in Spirit is better, than the proud in Spirit (Eccl. 7. 8.) which is Explained and Applied, in that Caution. ( v. 9.) Be not Hasty in the S pirit, to be Angry; for (proud) Anger Resteth in the Bosome of Fools.
The Moderate Spirit is well compact, and firm, which keeps Folly from Breaking in, or out; But the Immoderate both Admits, and Discovers Folly, in all its Actions; And most easily and commonly in the Tongue. A perverse Tongue is (i. e.) Betokens and Declares) a Breach (or Disorder) in the Spirit. ( Prov. 15. 4.)
This Cool and Temperate Spirit Inclines to Wisdom, observed in Daniel, by the Babilonians, who Recommend him for it to Nebuchadnezzar, (Dan. 5. 12.) An [...]cellent Spirit, and Knowledge and Understanding, was found in him—to Dissolve Doubts (or Untie Knots.) And for this he was Advanced; Because an Excellent S pirit was in him (ch. 6. 3.) Now here we must Remember, that in Scripture phrase, the Excellent Spirit, is in the Margin Read, the Cool S pirit, (as is before noted.) It seems Daniel was a man of Temper, even in their Observation, who could not D iscern his Grace; 'Twas his P rudence, [Page 83] and not his Piety, that they took notice of; And tho' ( ch. 4. 8, 9.) The S pirit of the Holy Gods was by those Heathens acknowledged to be in him; yet, it was not his S anctification by the S pirit of the True God, which they meant; But (according to their manner) whatever Transcended the common course of men, they were wont to Diefy. Daniel had indeed Extraordinary Assistance from God for Revealing Secrets; But this Help was above their Cognizance; they only observed such Excellency of his Spirit, as manifested it self in his Covers amongst them; for which also The King thought to set him over the whole Realm. (ch. 6. 3.)
That phrase in ( Job 20. 3.) The S pirit of my Understanding causeth me to Answer. Signifies not (I think) his Understanding Faculty; but rather, That Moderation and Government, of his Spirit, whereby he was enabled (without Disturbance) to go on in Discourse of the Matters that were before them; as if Z ophar had said, I have heard the check of my Reproach; But it does not so Disturb the order of my Thoughts, that I cannot have my Wits about me; No, no, I know well enough, what to say; I have still an Understanding; Because a Well-governed Spirit, that is [Page 84] not Hurried by provocation; I can Rule my own Spirit, tho' not your Tongue; and therefore I can Answer what is meet: The Spirit, that accompanie [...] another mans Understanding, might (perhaps) silence him from any prudent Reply, but the Spirit of my Understanding, (or, that Spirit which accompanies it) causeth me to Answer. And thus tis a passive Spirit of Government, or, a Spirit to be Governed.
2. It is also a Spirit of Government, Active; or it is most fit to Rule in the world. So thought Darius, when he thought to set Daniel over the whole Realm. When Moses prayed for a Successor to Lead the people into the Land of Promise ( Numb. 27.16.) He does it in these very suitable words, Let the Lord, The God of the S pirits of all Flesh, set a man over the Congregation; The Answer to this prayer is ( v. 18.) Take thee Joshua the S on of Nun, in whom is the S pirit, namely, which thou Desirest: He has Excellent Qualifications, as a man; But Lay thine Hand upon him, as a Consecrating Act to the work, and I will follow it with a special Blessing; He shall have from me somewhat above Meer Man; He has a Brave S ptrit already; But I will give him farther Additions in and by [...]he Laying on of Hands. This is mentioned, [Page 85] (Deut. 34. 9.) Joshua was full of the S pirit of Wisdom; for Moses had Laid his Hands upon him; and they hearkened to him; It gave him Authority, as well as Qualificatious; He was before a choice Vessel, and now a Chosen Vessel (the like as was said of Paul.) Not that God needs any Excellencies of men; yet because 'tis his good pleasure, to Deal with men after a humane manner, he commonly (in Providence) suits, and singles out, persons, apt for the work, to which he does Design them. When God promised to shew Mercy to the Remnant of Israel; 'tis said ( Isa. 28. 5, 6.) I n that Day shall the Lord of Hosts be for a C rown of Glory, and for [...] Diadem of Beauty, to the Residue of his P eople; and for a S pirit of Judgment to him that sitteth in Judgment; and for Strength to them, that Turn the Battle to the Gate; whence the word [ for] signifies either, as much as, or Instead of, and then it Imports, that a Spirit of Judgment is fit for Judges; as Strength and Courage is for Souldiers: or else it signifies the same with that (ch. 1. 26.) I will Restore thy Judges as at first, and thy Counsellors as at the beginning; that is by Raising up either in Providential Dispensations, or special Qualifications, men, that should be [Page 86] Repairers of their Breaches, and Restorers of paths to dwell in; (ch. 58. 12.) from all which it appears, that this Moderate Spirit is not only apt to be Governed; but also it is fit to Rule and Govern in the World; because of the Wisdom and Discretion, that is used to accompany it; especially when it is Sanctified and Over-ruled by God.
As to that General Vertue, in respect to the Will, or Volitive Faculty, to which it is Adapted, as the Philosophers ( foelix temperies) happy temperament; by S anctification, these Moral Vertues become True Graces. In Heathens, where is no Sanctification, yet, if God Excites their Spirits, they become eminently Serviceable. So Cyrus, who was of a Generous Noble Temper in himself; yet how much did he act above himself, when God stirred up his Spirit (2 Cor. 36. 22.) The Lord stirred up the Spirit of Cyrus King of P ersia; upon which he Issues forth a Noble Proclamation. ( v. 23.) It was Cyrus his Spirit, tho' stirred by God, and Inclined to this special Service.
But where Sanctification Renews the whole man; and gives New Principles and Ends in all their Actions; The whole Nature of their Laudible Atchievements [Page 87] is also changed; so that, their Natural S pirit of Candour becomes the Character of a Blessed man, in whose S pirit there is no Guile. (Psal. 32. 2.) Their Fidelity comes from that Faithful Spirit, which (on just occasion) Concea [...]eth the matter, and is commended for it. (Prov. 11.13.) Their Moderation of Affections is also from a principle, that, not only Restrains (as Heathen Morals do) but Mortifyes the Affections and Lusts. (Gal. 5. 24. & Col. 3. 5) Their Firmness is farther fortifyed by Might in the Inner-man; (Eph. 3. 16.) whereby they are stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. (1 Cor. 15. 18.) for, if their well-considered Reasons do fix their purposes; Much more will their well-grounded Faith establish them. In a word; its own Nature is Lovely; But Grace super-induced renders it most Exemplary, Amiable, and Useful in the World.
And thus, we have done with the Diversity of Spirits that are in men. The Hot, the Cold, and the Moderate; How they Differ in Themselves, and how they are farther Differenced by Natural Corruption, or Sanctifying Grace.
We shall now Reflect upon what has [Page 88] been said; and with some few practical Inferences conclude the present Discourse.
And by considering well the many S criptures, that have been alledged, we may fairly see, That 'tis no strained Notion, which is the Design of this present Treatise. It must indeed be acknowledged, that in many of those Scriptures, the word [ Spirit] may be taken in some of the common S enses put upon it. As for Instance; it may be taken for the S oul in general; and in some, for the Inward Part, as an Expression of S incerity: But to take it for the Higher Faculties of Intellect and Will (as the Rational part, contradistinct from the S oul, or from the Liver; This, tho' it be the most common and approved Interpretation of this Text; I must confess I do not see sufficient Reason to allow it. I do not find (to my Understanding) the word so taken in any other Scripture: And therefore I take it to be, but a strained Sense, and thought of, only for this particular place, because of some Difficulty, that appeared therein.
'Tis true indeed, there is one Scripture [Page 89] usually alledged ( Heb. 4. 12.) wherein S oul and Spirit are Distinguished one from the other: of which place Dr. Smith in his P ortraiture of Old Age hath Discoursed, and Laboured to Evince, That S pirit, there signifies the S uperiour Faculties of man; And S oul, the Inferiour. This Discourse of the Doctor's was Considered in a former Draught on this Subject; which now, because that Ingenious Gentleman is some Years since gone to his Rest, I think fit to omit, only he, that has Leisure may compare what is there said, with what we have said of the same Scripture in the beginning of this Discourse, and then judge as he sees meet. And as for the many other places quoted, wherein Mans S pirit is mentioned. (on which I now Desire you to Reflect) I suppose you will judg with me: That they may (for the most part) be very genuinely understood in our sense; and that the Interpretation of those Scriptures will, according to our proposed sense, be very Currant.
2. We may also hence Inferr;
That 'tis Unjust and Unchristian to Censure and Condemn men for their Humane [Page 90] Spirits: To blame the Diversity of them, is to quarrel Gods Work of Creation, or Providence. Why hast thou made me (or him) thus ( Rom. 9. 20.) for Natural Temper, and Modification of it, by Outward Circumstances is more Dependent on his Will, then our Industry.
We should rather observe how all this variety of Spirits may be made Eminently Serviceable; for that every Spirit has its particular Natural Excellency; Tho' all have not that, wherein thou (perhaps) mayst peculiarly Excel. One Servant of God is Chearful, and Sings at his work; Another goes sadly and carefully about it, for fear of miscarriage; yet both may be good, and Faithful Servants, and neither shall Lose his Reward, but Enter into his Masters Joy. Surely the Manifold Wisdom of God would not be so well made known by the C hurch in many Respects; (as Eph. 3. 10.) Nor the Manifold Grace of God. (1 Pet. 4. 10.) If every man (having Diversity of Gifts) Did not so Minister, even as he hath Received the Gift. In the (1 Cor. 12.) is a Large Discourse of Diversities of Gifts ( v. 4.) Administrations, (v. 5.) Operations, ( v. 6.) All [...] the same Spirit; and all Tending to the [Page 91] same holy Ends, Gods Glory, and the Churches good. The following verses set forth the Church under the Parable of a Humane Body; wherein every Member has its peculiar Ability and Use; so as the Eye cannot say to the Hands, or the Head to the Feet, I have no need of you; ( v. 21.) But all are Serviceable in their place and kind. This (he says) he wrote, that there should be no Schism; But the Members should have the same care or regard, one for another. ( v. 25.) If this were well considered, and a Charitable Estimate made, of every mans [...]everal S pirit or Genius; it would much advance Love, Unity, and Mutual Honour, among Christians; Remove that Censorious, Offensive, and Froward Temper in many, that doth so much Disturb Peace and Tranquillity, both in Church and State; and incline every man to think and say, if I Excel any man in some things, He may Excel me in many more.
USE 3.
We may hence also Learn, who can Reform, and (being Reformed) pres [...]rve the Spirit of man; even he, and only he, that Formed it; That S tretcheth out the Heav [...]s, [Page 92] and Layeth the Foundation of the E arth, and Form [...]th the S pirit of man within him (Z ech. 12. 1.) This may indeed be understood of the Soul, as one of the Eminent Works of God, and so is here Reckoned among them. The like may be said of that, Father of Spirits. ( Heb. 12. 9.) And that (in Isa. 57. 16.) The Spirit should fail before me, and the S ouls which I have made; Spirit and S ouls may be taken, as put Exegetically; yet, if you consider, what follows, (in that Z ach. 12. 2.) I will make Jerusalem a Cup of Trembling, to all the People round about, when they shall be in the Fire. ( v. 3.) A Burthensome S tone to all the people, gathered together against it. And ( v. 4.) Smite every Horse with Astonishment, and his Rider with madness. This (I say) considered, seems more to favour our Sense. As if the Prophet had said; The Malignant Spirit of Wicked Men is set against Gods People; But the Former of Spirits can quickly confound them; can dash and break them, be they as stout as the Horse Rushing into the Battle; he can soon fill them with Astonishment, and promises so to do.
Now if he can thus Over-rule the Spirits of the Wicked; He can as well Regulate the Spirits of his Elect; Casting down [Page 93] Imaginations and every high thing, that Exalteth it self against the Knowledg of God, and bringing into Captivity every Thought to the Obedience of C hrist. ( [...] Cor. 10. 5.) Thus the High S pirits (who are like Hills) are pulled down. And the mean, Low Spirits (like to Valleys) are lifted up; yea, the C rooked and Rough Spirits, shall become as a straight and plain place, to prepare the way of the [...] Lord, and make [...] paths straight. (Isa. 40. 4.)
This Sense is agreeable to the Covenan [...] made with C hrist for his People, ( Isa. 42. 5) where Gods Titles are much like those in Z echary; Who C reated the Heavens, and Spread forth the Earth; He that giveth Breath unto the People upon it (There's their Natural Life) And Spirit to them that walk therein. (This I take to be their Moral▪ Life, or Conversation among men, to which the Spirit, we now speak of, does very much conduce.) He gives the Spirit, Temper, or Inclination not only as a Gift of Nature, but as an Eminent Gift of Sanctifying Grace, whereby they walk Uprightly in the Earth.
Hence also will naturally follow the Exhortation of the Apostle, (Eph. 4. 23.) Be ye Renewed in the S pirit of your minds. This means not, that you should have New Powers, or Faculties Natural (whether Superiour or Inferiour) But new Inclinations, new Dispositions; The S pirit of the mind, cannot be here new Intellects, or new Wills (which some would have to be the Spirit of Man) But new Light in the Understanding, new Bent in the Will; This is to have new S pirits of the mind, by Sanctification.
In the Old man, they were Corrupt, according to Lusts ( v. 22) But in the New Man ( v. 24) after (or according to) God, they are C reated anew in Righteousness, and True Holiness. This Exhortation [ Be ye Renewed] Does not S uppose in man a power of Self-Renovation; or Require of man, that which must▪ be done by God, if ever done; But it Requires, that man should do, what in him Lyes, to Regulate, and Order his Spirit or Inclination: It Requires our Endeavour (to the best of our Abilities [Page 95] or Means) to Reform our Spirits, where they are apt to be Exuberant; and bring our Reasons to Act, in S ubordaination to God in the Renovation of them. And after all; because our Endeavours in themselves (in this matter of Governing our peculiar S pirits) we see by daily sad Experience, they Do, and will miserably fall short of Effect, Therefore to Invocate Divine Assistance, and Influence, That the work may be Accomplished; (as we shall again touch in the End.)
Of these Endeavours in Subordaination to Gods Working a Chief one is,
1. To Discover and Know our own S pirits (GNOTHI SEAUSON) Know thy S elf, was (I think, in This Respect) meant by the Ancient Morallist. In This Respect also (as to the General) was that Caution of the Prophet; ( Mal. 2. 16.) Take heed to your Spirit; Tho' it was there Applied to a particular Case▪ And our Saviours Rebuke to his Disciples. Ye know not, what manner of S pirit, you are of, ( Luk. 9. 55.) Referrs to the same matter; namely, That men should be well acquainted with their own Spirits, and Inclinations; so will they be better Enabled, To Resist Sin, [Page 96] and Address to Duty, in which two, consists That Renovation of their▪ Spirits, to which they are Exhorted.
1. To Resist S in; That you may keep your selves (like▪ David ▪) from your Iniquity. ( Psal. 18. [...].) Know and Beway [...] your Infirmity; That particular Breach in your S pirit; (P rov. 15. 4.) where the Devil can most easily make his Assaults and Entrance. In the S piritual Warfare of the Soul, Corruption in General [...]s [...] Treacherous Party, within the Garrison; But the most Active and D angerous▪ Traytors of that Party; are (as it were) by Name Particularly Discovered, and brought forth, by a due study of our Own Spirits. The Blameless in [...]he Text No [...]es, where the Blameable is usually to be found.
2. To Address to Duty, That we may be more Eminently Serviceable to God and Men in our Generation. Then are men most Serviceable when their Spirits are suited to their business; and therefore a fit Choice of Callings in General, may much Depend on the Knowledge of our Spirits.
When Other men make a Choice for an [Page 97] Affayr, if they act prudently, they view the S pirits of their Candidates. So the Apostle ordered the Primitive Christians to Do. ( Acts 6. 3.) Look you out among you seven men of honest Report, f [...]ll of the Holy Ghost, and Wisdom, whom we may Appoint over this Business. Every Believer was not qualified for the Service▪ Every Godly Minister was not so fit to be sent to the Phillippians, as Timothe [...]s; of whom 'tis said, I have no man like minded, who will naturally care for your Estate. ( Phil. 2. 20.)
Now as the Electors, do Regularly mind me [...]s Spirits, so much more should the Elected, in their Acceptance of Employments, to which they are Chosen. The want of this Care makes many to venture on Depths beyond their Stature▪ Burdens beyond their Strength: Like the Ridiculous Aspiring of the Bramble (in Jothams Parable, Judg. 9. 15.) to be King of the whole Forrest; Come (says the silly Shrub) and put your Trust in my Shaddow.
Some are Imposed upon, by Others Hypocritical Flattery; And they again Impose upon themselves, by their careless [Page 98] Self-conceit. Some are over-valued by the Esteem, that the partial Love of their Friends do put upon them: Passions are violent, and commonly Over▪lash: Love thinks all Excellent, and Hate thinks nothing good. A mans Own P rudence, should rather guide him than Others Mistaking Affections. And truly, in those things wherein others may be greatly Deceived; A man, who is well Acquainted with his Own S pirit, may rightly, and easily Inform himself.
This is not said, that men should only Contemplate their Own Infirmities; for then no Humble, Honest Man would ever be Employed; All such [...] would be ready to Answer with Moses upon a Great, and Illustrious Call; I am not Eloquent; I am slow of Speech; I pray thee send by the hand of him, whom thou wilt (or marg: shouldst) send. ( Exod. 4. 10) Or with Holy, Humble Jeremiah (ch. 1. 6.) Ah Lord—I cannot speak, for I am a Child.
But the meaning is; every man (prudently allowing graynes for Humane Infirmity) Does, or may (by the Study of his Own S pirit) know, what in some [Page 99] measure he is good for; and should accordingly apply himself to business. As it is true (on the one hand) what is contained in that old Proverbial Rithm.
And 'tis as true (on the other hand) Non omnia possun [...]us omnes. We are not all fit for every thing. Invit [...] Minerva, a Crossed Genius will never do Noble Exploits.
And thus much of Knowing our Spirits.
2. But when we know them, and have Laboured to Govern them according to our best Discretion and Ability; And then finding an Insufficiency in our selves, well to manage those Headstrong, and Impetuous things: we shall see cause (besides our own Endeavours, with our own Spirits) Humbly, Earnestly, and continually to crave Assistance from on High; That God by his Sanctifying Grace would do that for us, which our Natural Power will never [Page 100] be able to Compass for our selves. Not to Expell our Natures; but to Order and Govern our Natural Dispositions and Inclinations, as may be most for His Glory and Service; and so for our own Comfort and Advantage. We should Incessantly Pray for our selves, the same which the Apostle here does for the Thessalonians. That we may be wholly Sanctified, and that our whole S pirit, both Soul and Body, may be preserved Blameless to the Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I have done; and shall conclude this Discourse, with that frequent Benediction of the same Apostle: As to Timothy, ( [...]2 Epist. 4. 22.) The Lord Jesus Christ be with your Spirit. Which is the same in Sense with that to the Galatians, (ch. 6. 18.) and Philemon, ( v. 25.) The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your Spirit. Amen.