
ACTS AND LAWS, Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of Their Majesties Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, in NEW-ENGLAND.

Begun at Boston, the Thirty-first Day of May. 1693. And Continued by Adjournment unto Thursday the Sixth Day of July following: Being the Second Sessions.

Anno Regni Guilielmi, et Mariae, Regis et Reginae, Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae, et Hiberniae, Quinto.

BOSTON. Printed by Bartholomew Green, and Sold by Samuel Phillips. 1693.

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AN ACT For Coasting Vessels within the Province.

WHEREAS in and by an Act of Parliament, made in the Twenty Fifth Year of the Reign of His late Majesty, KING Charles the Second ( Entituled, An Act for the En­couragement of the Greenland and Eastland Trades, and for the better securing the Plantation Trade) Effectual care is taken and provision made for the preventing of Frauds and securing the payment of the Rates and Duties, granted by said Act, unto His said Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, upon Sugar, Tobacco, Cotton-wool, Indico, Ginger, Fustick, and all other dying wood of the growth, production and Ma­nufacture of His Majesties several Plantations in America, Asia, and Africa; which shall be laden on board any Ship or other Vessel, with intent to be transported and carried into any other of His Ma­jesties Plantations; which said Rates and Duties are to be paid in the respective places of the growth and production of the said goods and Commodities before the Lading thereof.

It is therefore Declared, and Enacted, by the Governour, Council, and Representatives, Convened in General Assembly, and by the Authority of the same,

That any of the before Enumerated Goods and Commodities, which are, or shall, at any time hereafter, Liberty for carrying one [...] half of the Enume­rated Commodities, from place to place in the Pro­vince with­out Entry &c. be brought into this Province from any other of Their Majesties Plantations, where the same do grow, and are produced, shall and may be transported and carried from Port to Port, and Place to Place, within the Province by Land or Water, for the supply of the Inhabitants and Trade within the same, without any Entry or Clearing, Bond or Certificate, to be given or taken out for the same.

And that no Boat or other Vessel using to pass or trade between port and port, place and place, within the Province onely, and not designed to go elsewhere, shall be obliged to Enter or Clear; Provided that no such Boat or other Vessel do take in or carry more than Six Hogsheads, or one Tun and half of the said Enumerated Commodities, at any one time, turn, or Voyage.

The Masters of all Boats or other Vessels so passing or trading from Port to port, or place to place, within the Province, Masters to Enter & give bond if they take in above that Quantity taking in more than Six Hogsheads, or the quantity of one Tun and half of any of the said Enumerated Commodities, at any one time, turn, or Voyage; shall before the taking in the same, give bond at the Naval Office of one Thousand pounds, with one sufficient surety, to Land all such Goods and Commodities at some other Port or place within the Province, or in some other of Their Majesties Colonies or Plantations adjoyn­ing, and not elsewhere; on Pain of Forfeiting such Vessel and goods, according a [...] by the within recited Act of Parliament is directed. For which bond, there shall be paid three Shillings, and no more; and no such bond to be sueable after the end of Twelve Moneths, from the time of giving the same.

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AN ACT For Partition of Lands &c. and the Reco­very of Legacies at the Common Law.

BE it Enacted by the Governour, Council, and Representa­tives, Convened in General Court, and by the Autho­rity of the same,

That all persons having or holding, or that hereafter shall have or hold, any Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, as Coparceners, Joint-Te­nants, Partition of Lands be­twixt Copar­ceners &c. to be forced by the common Law. or Tenants in Common, may be compelled by writ of Partition, at the Common Law to divide the same; where the parties cannot agree to make Partition thereof by themselves.

Provided, this Act shall not be understood to repeal, or any wayes alter any clause or clauses in the Act, for Regulating of Town-ships, re­ferring to undivided or common Lands.

And it is Further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid,

That where any certain Legacy is or shall be bequeathed and given by any Person, in his or her last Will and Testament; As also where any residuary or uncertain Legacy, Legacies to be Recovered at the com­mon Law. is, or shall by the Accompt of any Executor be reduced to a certainty, every such Legacy and Legacies as aforesaid may be Sued for, and recovered at the com­mon Law; any Law custom or usage to the contrary notwithstanding.

An Additional ACT, For the Punishing of Criminal Offences.

WHEREAS the Breach of sundry Criminal Laws of this Pro­vince, is only Punishable by Fines, and many times the breakers of them have not Money to satisfy the same.

Be it therefore Enacted, by the Governour, Council, and Re­presentatives, Convened in General Assembly, and by the Autho­rity of the same, Criminal Of­fences to be punisht by Stocking &c where the Of­fenders can­not otherwise satisfy the Law.

That henceforward it shall be in the power of any Justice of the Peace, that shall have Cognizance thereof, to Punish breakers of the Peace; Prophaners of the Sabbath, and unlawful Gamesters, Drunkards, or prophane Swearers or Cursers, by setting in the Stocks, or putting into the Cage, not exceeding three Hours, or imprisonment Twenty four Hours, or by Whipping, not exceeding Ten Stripes; as the case may deserve, and where the offender has not wherewithall to satisfy the Law in that case provided


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