
AN ACT Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of Their Majesties Pro­vince of the Massachusets-Bay, in New-England.

Begun at Boston the Eighth Day of June, 1692, And Con­tinued by several Adjournments unto Thursday the Second of March following, being the Fourth Sessions.

Anno Regni, Gulielmi, et Mariae, Regis et Reginae, Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae, et Hiberniae Quinto.

BOSTON Printed by Benjamin Harris, Printer to His Excellency, the Governour and Council, 1692.

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An Act, For the Proportioning and Setling of the Tax or Assessment of Thirty Thousand Pounds Granted unto Their Majesties.

WHEREAS the Commissioners of the Respective Counties, in pursuance of the Act Entituled An Act, For Regulating the former Assessment, and for Granting an Additional Supply of Money, made at the Second Sessions of this Court have met in Bo­ston as a Committee, and taken an account of the Sum Total of the Lists laid before them of each Town respectively, and made a further Addition to the several Sums of each List, as near as they judged pro­portionably (including the Sum already Returned unto the Treasurer, for which his Warrants are gone forth) towards making up the Sum of Thirty Thousand Pounds Granted upon the whole Province.

Upon Consideration had of the Return made by the said Commit­tee.

It is Declared and Enacted by the Gover­nour, Council, and Representatives in Gene­ral Court Assembled, and by the Authority of the same

That the Additions made by the said Committee, as well on Polls as Estates according to their Report, Be, and hereby are approved of and accepted as a Regulation of said Assessment, in compliance with said Act: And that the Treasurer forthwith Issue out his Wa­rants, together with the said Lists returned from the several Towns, to the Constables or Collectors appointed within the Respective Towns, to Collect and Pay in the Sum in each List respectively mentioned, by the First Day of May next, as by the Act is directed, and for such Towns and places as have Omitted to return the List of their Assessments, The Treasurer is Impowred to send his Warrants to the Select-men and Town Commissioner, to Assess the Polls and Estates within said Town or place the Sum proposed by the said Committee for said Towns proportion of said Tax, in manner, and according to the Rules set down in the Act for Regulation of the same, and in this present Act: Saving a lib [...]y to such Towns only to apply to the General Assembly at thei [...] [...]ext Sessions, for an Ease [Page 2] and Abatement of the Sum proposed by the Committee, and set upon said Towns respectively, they Returning a true List in the mean time, and making it appear that they have been over-done.

And it is further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid

That the Treasurer do likewise send out his Warrant to the Select-men, and Town-Commissioner of each Town, respectively within the Pro­vince, forthwith to Assess and Proportion the Additional Sum returned by the aforesaid Committee to compleat the said Tax remaining to such Town after Subduction of the Respective Sums of both the Lists of said Town as well that formerly returned for the first part of said Tax as their present List, the said Remainder to be Assessed upon the E­state lying within such Town, according to the Rules prescribed by the before recited Act, only taking in such Polls as formerly were O­mitted (Polls to be Assessed but at Twenty Shillings Per Poll upon the whole Tax) and the Lists so made to return unto the Treasurer, at or before the last day of May next, who is hereby Impowred upon Receipt thereof to Grant forth his Warrants as aforesaid, for Collecting and Paying in the same to Their Majesties Treasury of this Their Province, by the first day of February next Ensuing, in the Year One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety and Three.

Provided nevertheless, and it is further Enacted and Declared by the Autho­rity aforesaid, That neither the Rules and Directions for the making the said Tax and Assessment prescribed by this present Act, or any former Act in any wise relating to said Assessment, nor any of them, nor the proportioning of the said Tax or Assessment upon the several Towns shall hereafter be drawn into President or Example as a Rule or Proportion for the future [...]aising of Money, but is from necessity consented unto for this Time only, and no other: Any thing in this, or any other Act contained, or to be from thence drawn or implyed to intend the contrary in any wise Notwithstanding.


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