
The Duty & Property OF A Religious Housholder OPENED IN A SERMON Delivered at Charlestown, on Lords Day December. 25. 1692.

By DEODAT LAWSON, Preacher of the GOSPEL.

Jer. 10. 25.
Pour out thy Fury upon the Heathen that know the not, and upon the Families that call not upon thy Name: &c.
Gen. 18. 19.
For I know him, that he will Command his Children & his Houshold; & they shall keep the way of the Lord: &c.

Boston in New-England. Printed by Bartholomew Green, and Sold by Samuel Phillips, at the Exchange. 1693.


IMPRIMATUR, Increase Mather.


To the Worshipful AND Worthily Honoured SAMUEL SEWAL Esq.

A Zealous Imitator of the Renowned JOSHUA, and Singular Pattern, of Religious Order and Government in his Family. This Discourse upon that Subject, As a Token of his Sincere Respects and Service, is hum­bly Offered, and Dedicated, by

Deodat Lawson.


JOB the Great and Good man of the East, did by Inspiration of the Holy Ghost, Lay it down for an undenyable Truth; Chap. 14. 1. Man that is born of a woman, is of few dayes and full of Trouble. As also the same Holy Ghost, doth throughout the Holy Scrip­tures, Compare the Life of Man, to things that are of Swift motion, and of Short continuance. And I, may well from my own Experience, De­clare as Jacob did, Gen. 47. 9.— Few and E­vil, have the dayes of the Years, of my life been; In respect of those many Afflictive Changes, which have gone over my head; by which I have been Emptyed, from Vessel to Vessel. May all the various Dispensations, of Divine Providence to­wards me, both in Mercies and Afflictions, be Sanctified to the Drawing, and Driving of me, to [Page] that God with whom there is no Variableness, nor Shaddow of turning. That my Soul, with all its Faculties, and Affections, may be fully and firm­ly Centred upon Him, as the Strength of my heart, and my Portion for ever. Being now there­fore, Arrived unto the middle Years of a Man; I cannot but with Shame and Grief, look-back; considering how little I have done for the Ser­vice and Glory of God, in my Day and Gene­ration; and Solemnly Pondering, the Declining of my Sun; the Lengthning of my Shaddows; and Shortning of my Dayes; and hence being assu­red, that my Last times are hastening upon me: I am through grace Convinced, how much it is both my Duty and Interest, To lay out, the utmost of my remaining Time, Strength, and All, that I have and am, to Glorify God, and do good unto the Souls of Men; according to the Measure of the Gift of Christ, and the Talent with which I am betrusted, by my Soveraign Lord and Master; Desiring by Divine Assist­ance to Live much to God, and to Be and Do as much as I can for Him, in a Little Time. On this account it is my Constant Care, and Continual Endeavour, to sequester my self, from Worldly business, and to discharge my mind as much as I can possibly, from the Cares and Cum­bers thereof; that I may according to my Du­ty, Embrace all Regular Opportunities, to dis­pense [Page] the Word, both Publickly and Privately; not knowing which shall Prosper, either this or that. Accordingly, the Ensuing Discourse, was Prepared and Delivered, at the Request of a Godly House-keeper in this Place; who toge­ther with his Wife, and Onely Child, had all at the same time, but a few dayes before, given up themselves to the LORD, by Covenant to walk in full Communion with a Church of Christ here, as Heirs of the Grace of Life: Who being admitted, to a Participation of all Gospel Ordinances, thought it their Concernment, to Live in the Practice of all Gospel Duties; and Particularly to seek direction, about the Impor­tant Duties of Family Government: whereby they might walk Worthy of the Lord to all Pleasing. The Master of the Family therefore, propound­ed this Josh. 24. [...]5. As a Text in the Explication and Application whereof; they Expected, through Divine Assistance, suitable Counsels and Di­rections, in that great Affair. I must indeed humbly acknowledge, that so many [...]lings and Infirmities, did then and do still appear in the Composure thereof, as might justly Condemn it to utter Obscurity. Especially being so much inferiour, to what hath been already Published, by Learned and Judicious men, on that Subject; some of which have handled this Text. But seeing that Variety is Delightsome; and finding [Page] upon Observation, that there are scarce any Duties, which Christians stand in more need to be Excited unto, than those which concern Fa­mily Religion: And Books treating on that Sub­ject, not being easily obtained by every House­holder: Therefore although I pretend not to speak or write New things, but only Old Truths after a New, or at least Another manner and method; Yet GOD having been pleas­ed, of His free Grace, to make this Discourse Acceptable, and Profitable, to some of that Fami­ly-Meeting which then heard it; and since to many others, in a more Publick Assembly: I do Adventure at the Request of several Per­sons, to make it Publick, in the most Plain and Familiar Style, that I can; Endeavour­ing according to my Poor Ability, with Clearness to Illustrate; and Fervency to Press and Incul­cate; the Necessity, and Excellency, of these Duties; and the Pernicious Consequences of their being Neglected: Propounding such Directions, and Pressing such Motives, as are grounded on Scrip­ture, and Confirmed by my own Observation and Experience: some whereof are but briefly hinted, as being at first view, Obvious to every Christian, who makes it his business, to Live up to his Profession; and to observe and bewail his Short comings in these things.

[Page] Finally, May the Blessing of That God, whom I desire to Serve with my whole heart, and whole Family; Accompany it, to the Hearts and Souls, of all that shall peruse it: That it may promote Religion in Families, by stirring up all Fathers and Masters; to use their utmost Endeavours, to Advance the Spiritual and Eter­nal Happiness; as well as Temporal Welfare, and Advantage, of their Children, Servants, and others under their Charge, To the Glory of God; the good Example of others; and the unspeak­able Comfort, of themselves and theirs in the Day of Account; Is the Earnest Desire, and hearty Prayer of,

Yours to his utmost, in all Wayes and Means, by which he may promote the Service of God, and Salvation of Men; DEODAT LAWSON.
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The Duty & Property of a Religious House­holder.

Joshua. 24. 15. ‘— But as for ME and my HOUSE we will Serve the LORD.

THE Great and Glorious God the Creator and Former of all things; In whom the whole Family, of Heaven and Earth is Named; Hath in In­finite Wisdom, so Ordered and Disposed, all His Creatures, as may most Harmoniously and Eminently, tend to advance His own Glory. [Page 2] And therefore hath distributed, the several Communities, Societies, and Relations, of the Children of men (as to the Government of them) in such a manner as may be every way conducible, to that Supream and Ulti­mate end of His. Hence then it is, that as the Heavens are the Habitation of His Throne, and the Place where He is attended, with Innume­rable Companies of Angels, which do His plea­sure and fulfil His Commands: So He hath gi­ven the Earth unto the Children of men. Expect­ing and Requiring, That every one, in their several Places, Stations, Relations, and Capacities, should by Serving of Him, and sincerely Engag­ing themselves thereunto; testify their Abso­lute dependance on Him; Trust in Him; and Resignation of themselves, and their ALL unto Him; according to the Example of this Re­nowned Patriot, in the words now before us; But as for me and my House we will &c.

This Book of which our Text is part, Des­cribeth the Entrance of the Childen of Israel, into the Promised Land; It is intituled the Book of Joshua (as some think) because he was the Penman of it, Others judge it bears his Name, because the Principal matters handled therein, are the Acts of Joshua, The Succes­sour of Moses; The Leader of the People; And Chief Captain of Israel; under whose Conduct, they Conquered the land, Divided it, [Page 3] and took possession of it; The Scope of this Book then, is particularly, to display and il­lustrate, Gods Exact Faithfulness, in fulfiling all that he had Promised to his People; As to their Deliverance out of Egypt, Entrance into, and Residence in, the Land of Canaan; after their Toilsome, Troublesome, and Tedious March, through the Wilderness, and Conflict with ma­ny Enemies, and Oppositions: All which is surely, A representation of the Deliverance of Sinners, from the bondage of Sin, their being outed of all self Sufficiency, and Excellency; in their Wilderness state, of Spiritual Distress; And their entrance into, and residence in, the Cana­an of Complacency in, and Peace with God: All this being under the Powerful Conduct, of the Blessed Jesus, of whom this Joshua, was in these things a lively, Tipe and Figure; As he was also in his Name, which is De­rived from the same Hebrew word ( JASHANG) which signifies to save or make safe, and is so interpreted Respecting the Sa­viour of the World; Matth. 1. 21.

This Twenty fourth Chapter Contains, the Declaration of those things, which Joshua testi­fyed, in a way of Historical Recitation, and in a way of Vehement Exhortation, to the People immediately before his Death.

Particularly, In it we have (First) Joshua's Oration or Sermon, in which he Commemo­rates, [Page 4] the many Mercies they had been parta­kers of, in their coming forth out of Egypt, and since that unto this day. And this he im­proves, as a Cogent Argument, that they should wholly, and Onely give up themselves to the Service of the Lord, with all truth and sincerity of heart. This from the 1 st. to the 16. Verse.

Secondly, We have account, of the Re­newal of Covenant betwixt God and the Peo­ple, or a new Obligation of the People, to the Obedience of the Law; in a Solemn manner, Verse 16. to the 29.

Thirdly, We have account of the Death of Joshua and Eleazar the High Priest; Ver. 29. to the end of the Chapter and of the Book.

In this 15. v. we may note Briefly,

1. Explicitely Propounded, A seeming Per­mission to them, upon Supposition of an Evil Inclination in them, to depart from the Lord, to Idolatry and Superstition. And if it seem Evil unto you, to serve the Lord, Chuse you this day whom ye will serve &c. Yet in this manner of speaking, there is Implicitely contained, a serious warning and solemn Dehortation, against their turning aside, from following the Lord, to the worship and service of false Gods: He desires them to the Plain, Clear, and above­board, whom they would Chuse to serve, and worship, whether the God who had done such [Page 5] great things for them, or other Gods on this side, or on the other side of the flood, whether the Gods which your Fathers served &c.

2. We have his Personal, and Pious Resolution, Exhibited to them, for their Example, and as a Testimony of his own Uprightness,—But as for me and my house we will serve the Lord. Here then we may Note. (1.) The Person Engaging, and that is Joshua for himself and those under his special Charge, he doth engage for them and with them; As for Me and my house &c. (2.) The Duty He Engageth unto the performance of, and that is to Serve the Lord. (3.)We have here A free and voluntary, and yet firme and stedfast Resolution, with full Consent of the Will engaged for performance thereof? We Will serve the Lord. In a word, It is an Explicite Declaration, of an inward, Pious, Resolution. Now Scripture Examples, are for our In­struction, and the practice of this Eminent Person, thus Presented unto us, ought to be imitated by Us, and layes Obligation upon Us, to do according thereunto.

So that the DOCTRINE is, That it is the special Duty and Peculiar Pro­perty, of all Religious Housholders, to bind themselves and all under their Charge; by a Firm, Solemn, and Explicite Resolution, to serve the Lord.

[Page 6] In Opening this Doctrine we may Inquire (1.)How it Appears, that Joshua speaks this as an Housholder or Master of a Family, (2.)What we are to Understand here by Serving the Lord (3.)What Influence a Solemn and [...]p [...]cite Resolution hath, upon the Vigorous Excercise of Religion in a Family, (4.)Why it is the Duty and Property of a Religious Housholder thus to Resolve and Practice. And so we may Proceed to the Application.

Quest. 1. How doth it Appear, that Joshua speaks this as an Housholder or Master of a Family?

For Answer. The Hebrew word (BETH) here rendred House, is sometimes taken liter­ally and properly, for a dwelling House or material building, in which Persons do dwell and inhabit; so it is used, Gen. 19.4. --They beset the House round,(i.e.) the dwelling place of Lot, and his Family. This House cannot serve the Lord. But besides this Pro­per, the word House hath many Figurative ac­ceptations in Scripture, I shall mention onely such as tend to clear up the matter now be­fore us; sometimes then, it is a Comprehensive Term including a whole People, Nation, or Kingdom; Thus the People of Israel, are [Page 7] called The House of Israel, Ezek. 3.1,4,7. A Rebellious House; Chap. 2. 5.

Again, Sometimes it is put for a particular Tribe, Thus the Tribe of Benjemin is called, The whole House of Benjamin, 2 Sam. 3.19. Some­times it is taken yet more strictly, for a Particular Stock or Linage, Those of the same Race, Descending from the same Ancestors; Thus it is said I Sam. 25.3.— He was of the House of Caleb, (i. e.) of his stock or linage. But yet more directly to our present purpose, It is put for all that dwell together in a Family, Collectively considered; and for the several persons there, sustaining several Re­lations, of Superiours, Inferiors, and Equals; Thus Gen. 7. 1. Come thou and all thy House into the Ark &c. For the Salvation of this House, Noah is said to be greatly concerned; Heb. 11. 7. Here in special a mans Children and natural Posterity are his House; Psal. 49. 11.— That their Houses shall continue for ever &c.(i. e.) that their Children and Posterity, shall be multiplyed upon the Earth from time to time, and their Race and Linage not be cut off: Of this Houshold and Family, every Master hath a Particular care, and Charge, committed unto him by the Blessed God, the neglect whereof is a great Sin and Shame; as we read 1 Tim. 5.8. Such a neglecter hath denyed the Faith and is worse than an Infidel. [Page 8] Now Joshua was the Chief Captain, Leader, and Ruler of the whole Nation or House of Israel, as he was the successour of Moses; Hence he had inclusively the Charge of e­very Particular Tribe, especially his own Tribe; There (more strictly) he had peculiar re­gard to his proper Race and Linage, those of his Kindred on whom he had influence by Re­lation, as well as Office; And in short his own Houshold and Family, were to be the imme­diate objects, of his daily care and Govern­ment; He therefore in our Text gives us his Resolution to Serve and Honour God, in and with his Family; by his holy Dictates and Examples: Declaring though other Tribes, Families, and Housholds, should forsake the Lord; Yet He and his Family would serve Him, with all their heart.

Quest. 2. What are we to Understand by Serving the Lord?

For Answer. The Hebrew word ( GNA­BHAD) here used, is very Comprehensive, and is variously interpreted; being put for the Service of God, of Man, and of the Earth; That which we are concerned about, it the Service of the LORD: Hence more generally, it is oftentimes put for all Religion; Deut. 6. [...]. Thout shalt Fear the Lord thy God and Serve [Page 9] Him onely. Thus it Comprehends in it, all kind of Religious Duties, which are to be attended, in a well Ordered and Holy Conver­sation, here in the world. For this Serving the Lord is enjoyned with Fearing of Him; I Sam: 12. 24. Onely Fear the Lord and Serve Him &c. Fearing the Lord implies a Gracious Principle in the Soul, serving of Him denotes the Exercise of Grace manifested by a Cheerfull and Diligent attending unto all Duties which are to be performed: But of those many acceptations of this word ( Serve) in Scripture, there are principally Three which do afford us Light, to the understanding the matter now before us; (1.) It is put for Worship; and so read by the Apostle, Hebr. 12. 28.— To Serve Him acceptably, with reverence and Godly fear. (i. e.) To Worship Him. (2.) It is put for Subjection to his Soveraignty; Psal. 2. 11. Serve the Lord with fear &c. The words following clear it, to imply Subjection. Verse. 12. Kiss the Son, least he be Angry, and we perish in the way That is, with a Kiss of Subjection to his Authori­ly; (3.) It is put for Obedience, to his will and Command; so the Three Children, Dan. 3. 17. The God whom we Serve (i. e.) Whom we devote our selves to Obey; both in doing His will, and Suffering His Pleasure; Thus the Apostle Explaines Service by Obedience; Rom. 6.16. His Servants ye are to whom ye Obey &c. [Page 10] These things are implyed in Serving the Lord; As therefore the Expression referres to the Constant, and Conscientious performance, of all Religious Family Duties: I reserve the handling of them, to the Application as pro­perly belonging to Practical Godlyness. And Proceed to the Third thing, to be inquired into, for Opening the Doctrine.


Quest. 3. What influence an Explicite Reso­lution, hath upon the Vigorous Excercise of Religion in a Family?

This will be cleared up in Considering these things.

First. An Explicite Resolution denotes a Particular Choice Of, and Determination of the mind About, the thing concerning which the Re­solution is made. Man is a cause by Coun­sel, of his own Acts; He is a Rational A­gent, and while he is debating in his own mind, Comparing one thing with another, and Endeavouring to satisfy his Understand­ing, which is most Eligible, and Advantagious; This or that: His mind hangs in suspense, and is like the beam of the ballances on an even poize. But when Judgment pitcheth on one thing as an Object, much to be preferred to the [Page 11] other, the Choice is made; the Scale is turn­ed; and a firm Resolution puts the matter out of Doubt; and makes appear to every one, the man accounts That, the most Accepta­ble and Excellent Object, utterly contemning whatsoever stands any way in Competition therewith. Thus Joshua, in our Text and Context, declareth his fixed Resolution, and unalterable fixation, by an acquiescing of his Soul on God, and devoting himself to His Service, as the most suitable and adoequate Object of Choice; rejecting and contemning all other Gods;— Chuse you this day whom you will Serve—But As for me and my House we will Serve the Lord; Now the firmness of this Resolution, it grounded on the Eminen­cy, of the Properties of this Act of Choos­ing. (1.) It is a Free Act being the very Elicite Act of the will; hence where there is not an absolute freedom of will in the sub­ject chusing, there cannot be a choice made, of This more than of another object. (2.) It is a Deliberate Act; When the judgment is called in, to cast the Scale and deterimne the matter; Thus Joshua here signifies, he had weighed the matter in the ballance of sound judgment, and found that the Service of the LORD, out weighed all other Service whatsoever. (3.) It is an Act that puts Respect, Preference, and Preheminence, upon the thing chosen; [Page 12] above all other things; So here in the Text, ( q. d.) Chuse you whom you will, to Serve and Worship, whom you will value and Esteem, as the supreme Object, of Divine Honour and Adoration; for my part, I am fully satisfied, there is none like unto the LORD the God of Heaven, Neither is there any other god to be Compared with Him; Isa. 46. 50.

Secondly. An Explicite Resolution, layes a Person under special Awe of GOD, in the things concerning which the Resolution is made. These Resolutions are Covenant Transactions with God, and Obligations of Soul to Him. Now to transact with the Infinitely Holy GOD, in a way of Covenant, is a very Awful thing; Yea it cannot be done, without the greatest care imaginable, to comply with out Engage­ments. Thus Joshua Endeavours to possess the minds and Souls of the People, with the Solemnity of their binding themselves by Co­venant to Serve the Lord; and Him onely, as in the 19. Verse of this Chap, Ye cannot Serve the Lord your God, for He is an Holy God, He is a Jealous God, He will not forgive your Ini­quity and your Sin &c. (i. e.) Ye Cannot, unless you are Resolved in your minds, by the help of His Grace, to cleave close to Him, with all sincerity of heart, so: if you are deceit­ful in Making, or negligent in Keeping, your [Page 13] Covenant with God; He will Return and do you Hurt, after that He hath done you Good; Verse. 20. So Solemn is the Obligation of an Explicite Resolution, in this great Duty of Serving the Lord.

Thirdly. An Explicite Resolution, will in its own Nature, produce those Effects, which may prevent a Persons neglecting or delaying, the things about which he is Resolved. This Ar­gument Jephtha used, to his Daughter; Jud. 11. 35. I have opened my mouth to the Lord, and I cannot go back. He had not onely thought in his heart, but spoken with his mouth, and thereby Explicitely engaged him­self in the matter; This made David, take special care of performing his Vows; Be­cause; His Lips had uttered them, and his Mouth had spoken, when he was in distress. Psal. 66. 14.

Particularly; these Effects are,

1. Diligent Attending unto these means, which tend directly to promote, that unto which a person is resolved. Such a Resolu­tion is a General Obligation, under which all Particular Duties, are comprehended.

2. Stedfast Withstanding, and careful Avoid­ing, whatsoever might hinder our Complying with [Page 14] our Resolution. So soon as any Person comes up to a firme Resolution, in a matter of such importance, there are many Enemies and Oppositions step into the way to hinder their Compliance with it, and if Possible to make them break and violate it. I shall mention three.

First. Satan; He Endeavours, all he can to divert us From, or interrupt us In, our O­bedience; But a resolved Soul Answers the Temptation, with Detestation, Get thee behind me Satan, I am Resolved to Serve the Lord, and will not (Divine Grace Assisting) be diverted, from my stedfast Obedience to Him; or betrayed by any of thy Power or Policy, to the Service of any false God whatsoever.

Secondly. Corruption within; Such is the Property of that Corrupt Principle, that is in every one by nature, that so soon as any Check is given to its motions and Ope­rations, immediately it swells, strives, and struggles; appears in its Colours, looks like it self, and becomes Exceeding Sin ul; Rom. 7. 8. Now Holy and Solemn Resolutions, and Covenants, are as Dammes to stop the Tide, and Obstruct the Course of Sin; And when firmely, and Regularly made, they cannot readi­ly be over-born, no not by the Rapid torrent of Original Concupiscence: Because the Lord [Page 15] Himself will Assist unto the fulfilling of them.

Thirdly. Carnal and Sensual Objects; Or, Worldly things; are ready to ensnare and intangle us. The World is an Enemy to a Christians Holiness, and thence Opposeth all things tending thereunto: So that unless our Resolutions be well fixed, the Whisperings of this business; and Emergency of the other affair; will Obstruct the course of our Obe­dience. Worldly things, will be as so many Snares and Traps, to intangle us, unless we can chase them away, with like Holy Zeal as the Psalmist did his wicked Enemies Psal. 119. 115. Depart from me ye Evil doers; for I Will keep the Commandments of my God. (i. e.) I will maintain my stedfastness of holy Resolution, and not let go my Integrity, so long as e­ver I live.

Fourthly and Lastly. Explicite Resolutions, have influence upon others, As [...] render those about us inexcuseable, who do not take Exam­ple by them, and Endeavour to Practice accor­dingly. This is implyed in this Text, Chuse you this day whom you will serve &c. (q.d.) But if you do not choose to serve the Lord, be Assured I shall by my Practice Condemn you; and bear Testimony against you; for I am come to a point in the matter, I and my House &c. Thus [Page 16] Noah and his Family, where God was Served, and his Worship Celebrated, Condemned the Old World, Heb. 11. 7. Thus Lot and his Family, Condemned Sodom, and Gomorrah; 2 Pet. 2. 6,7. Yea a Particular Godly Family, in the midst of a Sinful, and Degenerous People, doth Con­demn their Neighbours; for not Serving the Lord. And the Master of a Family, who is Conscientious in his Duty; will Condemn all un­der his Charge, if they do not joyn with him in serving the Lord, with full Purpose of heart, and Resolution of Soul.

The REASONS of the Doctrine are.

REASON. I. Because Our Service doth in all Respects, and by special Right belong unto God. He hath a Soveraign Right unto Us, and Ours, and all that We and They have and are: And that on these accounts.

First. He is our Creator by His Power. Thus we read; Gen: I. 26,27. God Created man &c. (i.e.) the first man, and all mankind in him: Now he that made us; may by right of Sover­aingty, challeng all that we Have, Are, and Can do; for his Service and Glory. He hath given us being, and in the making of us, hath Power as the Potter over the clay, (Jer. 18. 6.) and therefore, may justly Require our [Page 17] utmost Service and Obedience, by this Ar­gument, the Psalmist moveth Himself and others, to humble and Holy Adoration; Psal. 95. 6.— Let us Worship and fall down and Kneel before the Lord Our Maker. On this Account also; he Presseth the most Triumphant and Elevated Praises, to be Offer­ed unto the Lord; Psal.100.1,2,3. Know that the Lord He is God, He hath made us and not We our selves &c. Now Prayers, and Praises, are duties of Natural Worship, which we owe unto God as our Creator, and are Constantly to be attended, in the Exercise of Religion in Families.

Secondly. He is Our Preserver, by His Providence. As he did at first gives us our Beings, so he upholds us in our beings: Our Lives; Motions, and Actions, are continually Dependent upon His Influence; Acts. 17. 28. In Him we Live, and Move, and have our Being. Now this Providence is over us, in Two Res­pects. (1.) In Providing for us, all that is Necessary; to the maintaining both our Bodys, and Souls in Life. Hence we read, That He hath According to his Divine Power, given unto us, all things which pertain to Life and Godlyness; 2. Per. 1, 3. It is from this Liberal Hand of Divine Bounty, that Common Favours are Pro­miscuously dispensed, to Good and Bad; Mat. 5. 45. [Page 18]Maketh His Sun to Rise, on the Evil and on the Good, and sendeth Rain, on the Just & on the Unjust. Thus Jacob acknowledged, the Lord to have been his Feeder, all his Life long; Gen. 48. 15. (2.) In Protecting of us from Injuries. We are every Day, every Night, yea every Hour, exposed unto Various Dangers, and Casualties; Wrongs and Injuries; form which the Lord doth Preserve and Deliver us, He then, that is our Defender, may well chal­lenge our Service at all times; Now it is the Lords Peculiar Property, to Defend us from ALL Evil; To Preserve our Goings out, and our Comings in from hence forth and for ever. Psal 121. 7,8. Hence without His Protection, we cannot be safe; Except the LORD Keep the City, the Watchman waketh in vain. Psal. 121.1. On this account, the People of God apply themselves to Him, under such Metaphors and Titles, as denote the greatest Security, Protection, and Defence; Thus David, I Love Thee O Lord my Strength, my Rock—Fortress, Deliverer,—Buckler, Horn of Salvation, and High Tower, Psal. 18. 1,2. (i. e.) A Suitable and Sufficient Defence, at all Times and on all Oc­casions; Hereby then are we strongly oblidg­ed, to Love, Fear, and Serve Him.

Thirdly. He is our Rewarder; and There­fore may Challenge our Service. Thus He is [Page 19] Propounded, in the Gospel as the Adaequate Object of our Faith; Heb. 11. 6. He that cometh unto God must Relieve that He is; and that He is a Rewarder of all them that Diligently seek Him; His Faithfulness, is engaged by His Pro­mise, to Reward those that Serve Him. And the Apostle assures us, Heb. 6. 10. God is not Unrighteous, that He should Forget our Work and Labour of Love, &c. Yea so Faithful is He that hath Promised, in this Respect, that even the Smallest Service, shall not pass unrewarded. As our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, hath Affirm­ed to us. Matt. 10. 42. Whosoever shall give to Drink unto one of these Little ones, a Cup of cold Wa­ter; in the Name of a Disciple; Verily I say unto you, He shall in no wise loose his Reward. There­fore as the LORD is our Creator, Preserver, and Rewarder, our Service must needs of Right be­long unto Him.

REASON. II. Because the Lord doth Expect, Command, and Require, Our Service, Worship, and Obedience. I need not insist long here. It is plain, that the Maine End and Design of God is; by all the Precepts of the Scriptures, to Oblige us; by the Precedents, To Encourage us; by the Promises To Allure us unto his Service; and by the Threatnings, To Deterre us from the neglect thereof. Thus the Pro­phet Summs up the People's Duty, in two [Page 20] Words; I Sam. 12.24. Onely Fear the Lord, and Serve Him in Truth; &c. David also, Declares, it to be the Lord's Command, that we should Keep His Precepts Diligently. Psal. 119.4.

REASON. III. As it is the Duty, so it is the Property, of the Religious Housholder thus to do; Appears From the Tendency of Grace, in such as do themselves sincerely Serve the Lord. The Grace of God is of a Diffusive, and Com­municative Nature; Compared therefore by our Saviour to Leaven, a little whereof will Leaven the whole Lump, and Over-spread by is influence the three Measures of Meal, in which it is hidden; Matt.13.33. So So Grace will sea­son and Sanctify the whole man, in Body, Soul, and Spirit: And having obtained Dominion over That Man, proceedeth to the Next, and Extendeth its Efficacy, to the Sanctification of Others, so far as may be. Hence the true Dis­ciples of the Lord Jesus, are said to be the Salt of the Earth; Matt. 5. 13. Salt to prevent Pu­trefaction; Salt to di [...]use a Savoury Relish to those with whom they Converse. Again Saints are Lights of the World; Matt. 5.14. Lights for their own Lustre, and Brightness of Holy Con­versation; As also to give Guidance and Di­rection, to others with whom they Converse. Thus the Religions Housholder, is willing to bring as many others as possible he can, to Serve the [Page 21] LORD; Endeavouring to have his Family like that of the Devout Cornelius; Who Feared God with All his House, &c. It is a special token of Sincerity, to Endeavour to the ut­most of our Capacity, the Good and Salvation of others: and to be grieved, when we cannot prevaile upon them; hence David, Psal. 119. 136. Rivers of waters run down mine eyes; Because men keep not thy Law. So if we would approve our selves, to have a Principle of Grace and Holiness in us, we should mourn over the Sins of others, which we cannot prevent. Thus shall we come to be Known, (i. e.) Acknowledged, and Accepted of God, as Abraham was; Gen. 18. 19. For I Know him, that he will Command his Children and he Houshold, &c. This will be matter of Com­fort to us now, and Rejoiceing in the Day of the Lord.

For APPLICATION of this Doctrine to our selves.

There are three Uses to be insisted upon (First) Of Exhortation and Direction; how it may be so with us in our Families. (Secondly) OF Lamentation, because it is not so. (Thirdly) Of Caution against these things, which do Oftentimes hinder it from being so.

[Page 22]


Let it be for EXHORTATION to all Housholders now before the Lord; I call upon you, and Solemnly Exhort you in the Name and Fear of God, To Write after this Fair Cop­py, and to follow this Eminent Leader the Godly JOSHUA Who seems to speak, to all in that Capacity here present, in the Words of Gideon; Judg. 7.17. Look on me—and as I Do so shall Ye Do. Viz. Bind your selves, and all under your Charge, in a Firm and Explicite Resolution to Serve the Lord; with Singleness and Upright­ness of heart. Now for the Pressing this Duty, I shall here insert those Directions, under which this, Duty may be fully Opened, sub­joyning those Motives which may be the Help of the Spirit of God, Awaken, and En­courage, unto the Conscientious Practice there­of. This being referred hither as the most probable Method; (If the Lord please) By which to inform the Judgment, and Excite the Affections together.


Let us make it Our Constant Care, and Di­ligent Endeavour, to Live in the Constant and Conscientious Practice, of all manner of Christian­Family-Duties [Page 23] Incumbent on the Heads of Fa­milies. Now those Relative Duties which con­cern the several Persons in Families, are to be reduced to Three heads. (1.) The Duties of Superiours, to Inferiours. (2.) Of Inferiours, to Su­periours. (3.) Of Equals, one towards another. Those which we are now Concerned to Enquire into, are the Duties of Superiours to Inferi­ours; for the maintaining a Constant course of Religions Service to God in Families; which belongs unto Practical Godliness, and consists in daily Excercise of these things. The People are wont oftentimes to say unto the Preachers; The Life of Doctrine lyes in Application; surely the Preachers may as truly and Properly An­swer them, The Life of Application lyes in Practice. Especially in these Important Duties, of such Universal Concernment.

The Duties are,

1. Reading the Scriptures, daily in the Family. A Duty too too much neglected (I fear) even amongst Professors. The Scriptures are the Words of the Eternal God; Containing the Words of Eternal Life; Written by men Inspired by the Holy Ghost; 2 Pet. 1. ult. Now What is written is written for our Learning; &c. Rom. 15. 4. Therefore surely for our Reading, without which we are not Capable to Learn. It is Recorded in Commendation of Timothy 2 Tim. 3.15. That from a Child, thou hast Known the Holy Scriptures &c. [Page 24] Surely the way to know them, so as to grow Wiser unto Salvation, is to Read them. Once more, It is Required of the King; Deut. 17.19. That he should Read in the Book of the Law, all the Dayes of his Life. If the King is to Read daily in the Book of the Law, then surely Professors of the Name of Christ ought to Read in the Books of the Gospel every day; As proper means, to prepare them For, and quicken them To, o­ther Duties of Family-Worship.

2. Follow this with Family prayer, This is a Duty belonging to Natural Worship, and there­fore binds all Persons, at all Times; As the A­postle Exhorteth, Eph. 6.18. Praying Alwayes, with All Prayer and Supplication, &c. Of which Family Prayer is one kind, and is necessary, both for the Example, and Encouragment, of those that are under our charge. This is brought in, as a special evidence of Cornelius's Devoutness, in the Fear and Service of the Lord, with all his House, He Prayed Alwayes, Act. 10. 2. Besides Prayer is a Necessary duty, Pertaining to a Christians Walk, when he walks like himself; Surely then David did not walk in his House or Family, with a Perfect heart, but that he Prayed for them and with them; as Psal. 101.2. There is indeed, a Praying for our Children and Servants, in Secret; which is the Duty of all sincere Christians: An earnest Plying the Throne of [Page 25] Grace, As Abraham did, Gen. 17. 18. O that Ishmael might Love before Thee. So should we, particularly Recommend our Children to the Mercy of God, in our Secret Addresses every day; But that They may be Assured, that we pray For Them, and may also be Encouraged to do the like, if they shall Live to come into the same Capa­city of Family-Government, we ought Con­scientiously, to attend Family-Prayer With Them every day. And that We and our Families may find acceptation, with the Lord in our Daily- [...]-Supplications, Let us Carefully Watch against Two things; (1.) Coldness, and Formality. This is a Frame we are in great danger to fall into; Frequency in Prayer, if we are not very careful, will abate the Fervency of our atten­dance therein; Let us not be Slothful, Cold, or Formal, in this Business; but Fervent in Spirit, &c. Rom. 12.11. Serving that GOD who is a SPI­RIT, with our Spirits; John 4.24. Finding in our Heart, to Pray our Prayer as David; 2 Sam. 7.27. And Pouring out our Soul before the Lord, as Hannah I Sam. 1 15. Otherwise we cannot Expect, to obtaine any Mercy at the Hand of God, for our Selves or Ours. The Apostle James informs us, That such a man as is Faint, Weak, Doubting, Cannot Expect to Re­ceive any thing of the Lord; Jam. 1.6. Surely we all find by woful Experience, how much we stand in need of such a Watch Word as this. [Page 26] (2.) Let us Watch against Distractions in Fa­mily Duties. Many Occasions will Intrude upon us, to Distract our minds, and abate the Intens­ness of our Souls in these Duties. Let us do our Utmost, so to Order and Compose every Business, and to Govern every Person, in their several Capacities, that there may be no distraction but what is purely Accidental; but as much as possible we may Attend upon the Lord, in Family-Prayer Without Distraction; I Cor. 7.35. Remembring we are in the Presence of GOD, who cannot Endure to behold Iniquity; About things of Everlasting Concernment, that our Hearts and Souls, may be Engaged in the Duty; and we may do it with ALL our Might; Distractions in Duties are very Evil things, and we are never more in Danger to be Pestered with them, than in Family Prayer; Let us do by them as Abraham did by the Birds, that annoyed his Sacrifice, Gen 15. 11. Use our utmost Endeavour, by the Assistance of the Spirit of God, to Drive them away. Heartily grieving, for what we cannot pre­vent.

3. Let us Carefully Attend Catechising of Our Families. This is a Duty of Great Concern­ment, for the bringing Young ones, to a Sound and Methodical knowledge of God, Christ, and the Way of Salvation. Indeed the Word is not Expresly set down in Scripture, yet in [Page 27] many places, we find the Thing intended there­by; Particularly, Gal.6.6. Let him that is Taught in the Word Communicate &c. The Greek word (CATECHOUMENOS) there used, for Him that is Taught gives us the derivation of the Name, and the true Notion of the thing. For it is an Orderly and Methodical Instructing, Per­sons in the Great Doctrine of Godliness, Or the Fundamental Points of Religion Necessary unto Sal­vation. Hence, It comprehends under it, both the Credenda, and Agenda, (i. e.) Truths to be believed, and Duties to be performed. By this means Persons well Catechised, will Attain unto, and Retain, the form of sound Words, or Summary of Christian Religion, according to the Apostles Exhortation, 2 Tim. 1.13. Hold­fast the Form of Sound Words, which thou hast heard of me, &c. (i. e.) in which he had In­structed or Cathechized him. We are Com­manded, to Trent frequently, and Familiarly, with out Children; about the great things, of their Salvation, Deut. 6.6,7. Thou shalt Talk of them, as thou [...] House, and when thou Walkest by the way, and when thou Lyest down and when thou [...] Now Catechizing, is an Apposite, [...] and Compendious way, to Insinuate and [...] Divine things; The want whereof, makes so many grown persons, confused in their Knowledge, even of the Im­portant Doctrines of Faith and Repentance, As [Page 28] also of the Glorious Mysteries of the Mediato­rial Office of our Lord Jesus Christ; Viz. His Incarnation, Humiliation, and Exaltation, with the Benefits redounding there from, Represented to us in Symbols and Sacraments Let this Duty then, be constantly attended by us, at certaine times every Week, so shall we find our Children, &c. To grow in Knowledge, as they grow in Years; and may have ground to hope, that by the help of the Spirit of God, they shall also grow in Grace. I humbly Recommend, For Grown Persons, The Assemblies Catechism, for young Children Dr. Owens, Primer Catechism, and for bringing them to a Familiarity, with the Words of the Sacred Text; the Scriptural Catechism, lately set forth by the Reverend Mr. Cotton Mather, is of Excellent use.

4. A Fourth Duty, is Reproof Of, and bear­ing full testimony Against, whatsoever we find in these of our Families, Contrary to God and God­liness. Now Reproof is the Orderly Applicati­on, of the Rule of God to them, to Convince then wherein they have Transgressed it, and to bear Testimony against the Delinquence. Hence our Security, ought [...] proportion to their Iniquity; Otherwise [...] [...]mes Short of Divine Acceptation: as in the are of Eli's Sons, Their Transgression was very Great, I Sam. 2. 22. Yet his Reproof was very Mild, favouring of [Page 29] too much Indulgence; Verse 23,24,25; And Chap. 3.13. We have Gods Testimony against his neglect, upon that account; Because his Sons made themselves Vile, and he Restrained them not. The word in the Hebrew (CAHAH) signi­fies to bend the Browes, and wrinkle the Fore­bead with anger; He did not severely Brow­beat them fully testifying, against the Evil of their Wayes, and Heinousness of their Sin in the Sight of God. (i. e.) By Severely Chid­ing them as he was a FATHER, Deposing them as he was High-Priest, and Punishing them Cor­porally as he was a Judge. So Diodat, Ann [...]t, Belg, Piso.

And we must alwayes, Remember, that over­much Mildness in Reprooving, reflects the guilt of the Transgression, upon the Reproover; When therefore any in our Families, Sin Greatly, and Heinotsly, Let us Reproove them Sharply, and Effectually.

5 ly. And Lastly. When other means failes, and we find an Obstinate Persisting in Evil Practices, We must add Correction to all the Rest. This is the Last Remedy, and though it is Rough and Unpleasant, yet it is sometimes Ne­cessary, and Profitable. Thus the Wise man gives a Rule, Prov. 19. 18. Chasten thy Sin while there is Hope, and let not thy Soul spare for his Crying. Indeed it must be acknowledged, That as strong Working Physick, must be Skilfully Corrected; [Page 30] So Chastisements must be very Prudently. Mana­ged, by the Sober and Religious Housholder, who is to dispense them, according to the Age, Temper, Inclination, and Disposition, of the Offender; whether it be Child or Servant. As also with due regard to the Quality, Circumstances, and Aggravations, of the Offence, for which it is Administred.

Now although in Performing these Fami­ly-Duties, all Persons in their Particular Stations are concerned, Superiours, to Injoyne and Practice them; Inferiours, to Attend on them, and Submit unto them; And Equals to Excite one another thereunto: Yet the main Stress of all, lyes on the Master, or Head of the Fami­ly, as will Appear if we Consider Three things;

1. The Master of the Family, is as it were the SOUL of the Family. He is the Correlate, of every Relation there, Viz. The Husband, or the Wife; The Father of the Children; The [...] of the Servants; The Governour or all the Governed; He is the Spring of Motion to all persons there; Every Child and Servant, acts, By, From, and Under him, The Wife indeed mooves By, and With, but all others From and Under him; when they move aright. As the Soul gives Wife and Motion, to the Body-Natural; So the Head of the Family, puts Vigor and Activity, into the Body-OEconomical; Hence JOSHUA in our Text, Moves First, Resolving that all the Rest of [Page 31] his Family, shall Move and Engage along with him: As for ME and my HOUSE, we will Serve the Lord.

2. The Master of the Family, hath an Especial Betrustment, with all the SOULS in the Family, and must One Day be Accountable for them. Masters of Families, do in a sort sustaine a Publick Ca­pacity, and such must give Account of the Per­sons Committed unto their Charge: For they are not Betrusted only with the Bodies in their Families (although the Neglect of them were an unaccountable Transgression) But also with their SOULS, and with them Especially, as the most Excellent Constituent Parts of Man; Hence when another Person is added, to the Family, there is one Soul more, for whose Eternal Salvation, the Godly Housholder is to be Emi­nently Concerned. The Children born in Our Families, are Born unto God, and a strict account will one day be Required of us, what we have done With, and how we have discharged Du­ty Unto; GODS Children, Ezek. 16.20,21.— Thou hast Slaine Mr Children; These Children, God Committeth unto us for Education, He doth (To speak with Reverence) Put them Out to us; as Pharaohs Daughter did Moses, to the Hebrew Woman his Mother, saying as She Did; Exod. 2. 9. Take this Child, and Nurse it for ME, &c. Being therefore thus Committed unto us, Account concerning them may Justly, and [Page 32] will Certainly, be Required Of us, in the Great Day: When if it shall Appear, that by means of our Neglect of Duty they be missing; Our Life must go for Theirs; Especially, being so Solemnly Warned before-hand; as he was in another case, (Kings 20. 43.)

3. Inferiours are Generally Ordered in their Manners, according to the Practice and Example of their Superiours. The Poet hath told us,

Regis ad Exemplum, T [...]us comp [...]nitur Orbis.

As is the Prince, So is the People.

And we Commonly say, [...] Exempla Movent. Precepts do Instruct, but Examples do Move, and Ex [...]. Hence such Masters of Fa­milies, as give good Counsels, to their Children and Servants; And at the same time Practice what is Clean contrary, will find by Woful Ex­perence that one Evil Example, will do more Hurt, than Ten good Precepts will Rectify and Amend. Indeed such Masters are like Rowers, who Look one way and Row another, speak Well but do Ill, so that I may allude to what He said in another case (Gen. 2 [...].22.) The Voice is Jacobs, but the Hands are the Hands of Esau. And surely that Degeneracy in the Leaders of a State, which the Lord Complaines of; hath a Proportionable influence Upon, and may pro­perly be referred Unto; the Leaders in Fa­milies, and there will certainly be like fatal [Page 33] Consequence of Misleading there; Isa. 9. 16. For the Leaders of this People, cause them to Err; Amd those that are led by them, are De­stoyed.


Labour to give every Duty, its Proper Season allowing full time unto the Performance thereof. What the Wise man saith, of a Word spoken in Season; Prov. 15. 23. I may properly Apply, unto a Duty done in Season, and say in like manner; How good is it? This puts a Beauty of Holyness, upon all other occasions o the Family. And for Encouraging our Care and Conscience herein, we may Consider (1.) This will make our Dutyes, so much the more Acceptable to GOD. He is a God of Order, and doth all His works in the most Proper Season, and Therefore Expects, and Requires, that we should Endeavour to com­ply with His Precept and Example, therein. It is said, Eccl. 3. 11. He hath made every thing, Beautifull in His Time. Hence then, the more Seasonable, the more Beautifull things are, in the Sight of God and Man; But Neg­lect of the due Season, for our Family Du­tyes, introduceth many uncomfortable Disord­ers, and Distractions in the other affaires of our Families, and we find our selves, Taken in those Evil Nets, for not Knowing our Time; [Page 34] (Eccl. 9.12.) To the Dishonnour of God, and our Profession of Godlyness; Convince­ing us by our own Wofull Experience, of the truth of what the Wise Man Asserts, Eccl.8.6. Because to Every Purpose, there is Time and Judgment: therefore the Misery of man is Great upon him (i. e.) because he hath not Understanding, to comply therewith.

(2.) Our Conscientious Care in this matter, will Convince our Children and Servants, that these Dutyes are of great Importance, In that we are so much concerned, about the Ordering, and Timeing of them. It is very good, to State and Keep, a certaine Hour of Prayer, as that was at the Temple, when Peter and John Attended there Acts 3. 1. So if the Heads of Families, are carefully to attend, at the Stated Times (as near as Possible they Can) all others in the Family, will be under an Awe of such a Godly Practice; and Remember that all Affaires, in which they are concerned; either within Doores, or without; must be dispatched ac­cordingly. And for Complyance with this Di­rection take these RULES.

RULE. I. Make every Occasion (that Pos­sibly may) Give Way to the Time of Family Duties; all Suffer not them Ordinarily to give way to any thing. It must be Acknowledged; that there are several Duties incumbent on Christi­ans, [Page 35] in their Particular Callings, besides those of their General Calling, but God allows time for Both, and it belongs to every ones Care and Conscience, so to manage the Former, that they may not Entersere with, or Obstruct the Latter: Let then the Momentous Duties of our General Calling, have a Proper and Pro­potionable Time, all other business being Fore­casted and Modelled accordingly. The Want of Care herein, doth too too often Obstruct, Reli­ous Duties, Even in some of the Strictest Fa­milies.

RULE. II. Be sure to Begin with Religion, Earth in the Morning. This will have a Special Influence, upon the Orderly management of All the Duties of the Day, both in our Gene­ral and Particular calling. The Poet could say, A Jove Principium &c. Begin with God: And the Sweet Psalmist of Israel pleads his Ear­liness, and Earnestness, For acceptance in his Devotions, Psal. 5. 3. My voice shalt Thou Hear in the Morning O Lord: in the Morning will I direct my Prayer unto Thee & will Look up. It is Admirable to Observe, how Religion Thrives, in those few Persons and Families; who make Conscience, of Ea [...]ly attending Family Duties. But on the Contrary; where Sloth is Indulged in the Morning, Religious Duties are long Deferred, so that this Person comes In, or [Page 36] the other Business Calls for Attendance, and the pretended Necessary delay of them, doth too often issue, in a Sinful and therefore Shame­full, Obstruction or Omission for that Day and Time.

RULE. III. Let all General Family Duties, be attended in such Seasonable manner, as that Eve­ry Person of Understanding, and Capacity to Profit, may Without Faile be Present at them. We ought not to let our Children or Servants, want a Meal for their Bodies; Oh! Let none of them Miss of a Chapter, a Prayer, An Exhor­tation or Counsel, for their Precious and Immor­tal Souls. For if they do Perceive Us, not to be concerned, about their being Present at such Duties; they may well imagine, the Attending of them is of No Great Importance, and the Neg­lect of them is of No very Dangerous Consequence. And under those Pernicious Misapprehensions, may be ready to harden themselves in Sin, and to Persist in Careless and Sinful Neglect of Du­ty; so as to hazzard the Utter Ruin and De­struction of their Souls for ever.

RULE. IV. And Lastly. Be not over­edious in Family-Duties. I Confess, this is an Error on the Right hand, yet it is an Error; which some Professors Do fall into: Now if we are Over-Tedious in Duties, it detracts from [Page 37] the Seasonableness of them, hence a Duty be­gun in good Time, may be Unseasonably Ended by the Length of it. God is in Heaven, and thou on Earth, therefore let thy Words be few, (i. e.) Humble, Sensible, Faithful, and Fervent; I would not be thought, to Diswade or Dis­courage Pious Souls, from enlarging their Pray­ers, when they want any Special Family-Mercies, and would Jointly Apply themselves to the Throne of Grace to obtain them: Or when they have received any Family-Blessings, and would Jointly return their Praises, and Thans­givings for them; But it hath been observed, that the most Pious and Zealous Ministers; have not been long in Family Duties, no nor yet in Publick Prayer on Ordinary Occasions; giving this Reason, they were willing to Pray their Hearers Hearts Into Heaven (by a warmth of Holy Zeal and Fervency) but not by Tedious­ness to Pray them Out again. Besides the Parts of Prayer are not many, and the Petitions in the Lords Prayer, that Most Excellent Platform, are but Six, besides the Preface and the Conclusion. Again the Spirit is never so willing as it ought to be; but when it is Most willing, the Flesh is Weak. Finally, God is not moved by a Multi­tude of Words, he needs not Information, but hath Commanded us onely to be his Remem­brancers, who hath graciously Commended, and Encouraged, Sincerity and Fervency; James 5. [Page 38] 16. And by Our Saviour Himself severely Reprooved, and Condemned, Prolixity and Vain Repetitions, as a Heathenish Practice Matth. 6.7.


Labour we, to keep our Hearts Continually, in Gracious, Solemn, and holy frame to Serve God. Let us Carry with us, such a Frame of Heart into our Particular Callings; Let All our Motions both Natural and Civil, as well as Religious, have a Vein of Grace, and Straine of Holiness, Observable in them. Let it be our Constant Care and Endeavour, Whatsoever we Do, to Do it to the Praise and Glory of God I. Cor. 10. 31. (i. e.) So to demean our selves, that our whole Course and Carriage, may Demonstrate us, to be fully Resolved, to Serve and Glorify the Lord. Hence let all our Speeches be with Grace, Col. 4. 6. (i. e.) Accented with Sobriety and Gravity, to that degree as may Admini­ster Grace to the Hearers, Ephe. 4. 29. (i. e.) Manifesting the Exercise of Grace, in him that speaks; and Stirring up the Exercise of Grace in them that Hear. As for our Actions Let them be Commendable and Ex­emplary, so as we may turn even Civil Actions the Affaires of our Particular Call­ings, to Good account; in the Sight of [Page 39] God. The Wise Man tells us Prov. 21. 4. The Plowing of the Wicked is Sin. (i. e.) be­cause he attends it with an, Evil Frame of heart; Not from a Good Principle, nor yet for a Right end. Hence Contrariorum Contraria Consequentia. The Plowing, Sowing, Tradeing, and Merchandize, of the Godly man is Good, because he aimes at the Glory of GOD in All; Once more, Let our Gestures and the Whole Course of our Behaviour in our Fa­milies, be such as may Adorn the Doctrine of God our Saviour, Titus. 2. 10. (It is spoken there, of Servants but it is the Duty of Masters also) ( i. e.) so as may be an Honnour to the Religion we profess; This we see in David If he will Walk in his House with a perfect Heart, he must behave himself Wisely in a perfect Way; Psal. 101. 2. Accordingly, thus to Engage our selves Dilligently to Observe and Do, all His Commandments, will En­title us to All Manner of Blessings; Deut. 28. 1. 2. &c.


Let us be Often Crying, Proving, and Examining; how Religion Growes, and Flou­rishes in our Families; By This Practice, we shall come to know what Fruit there is, of our Care, Pains; and Prayers; If upon Tryal we [Page 40] find they do grow in the Knowledg of God, Christ, and the things of Eternal Salvation; this will be Exceeding Pleasing unto Us: If we find Other-wise, we must be deeply Hum­bled Under it, Heartily Lament Over it, and Earnestly Pray, to Him that is the Author of all success, in the most Pious Endeavours, That It may be otherwise for the Time to Come. The Wise Man directs Prov. 27.23. Be deligent to Know the State of thy Flock &c. Every mans Family, is his Peculiar Flock; over which he hath a Special Charge, and of which he must render an Awful Account in the Day of the Lord: Surely then he ought to be greatly Concerned, to Understand how Religion Thrives among them, that it may Be well with them Now; and Go well with them in That Day.


Would we Serve the Lord Daily, and Sin­cerely, in our Families; Let us make one Reso­lution about the Sanctifying GODS Holy Day. We shall never Serve the Lord as we ought, on the Week Dayes, if we do not Resolve Strickly to keep, and Hallow the LORDS Day. The Great Law-giver, hath put a Re­member upon it, let us be sure not to For­get it. Know that Religion will Flourish or Languish, as we Do, or do not, Keep Holy the [Page 41] Lords Day. Now because it is a Rest from Labour, our Children and Servants, are very apt to Indulge themselves in Evil Courses, when out of our Sight and Hearing; Let US and All in our Families Read with Observation; and Re­verence, Isai. 58. 13,14. If thou keep thy foot from my Sabbath, from doing thy Work on Mine Holy Day &c. And let us Endeavour, Con­scientiously to Practice, what is there Solemnly Enjoyned; That we may Sanctify Gods Holy Day, by a Due and Seasonable Preparation For it, By a faithful Attending all Kind of Duties In it; Publick, Private, Secret. And by Meditateing upon what we have heard, and Taking Account of Particular Persons in our Families, what they Remember, that We and They, may Live in the Practice thereof continually. Here then, I would Humbly Offer one Word of Advice, Let none of Gods Holy Time be lost, in our Fa­milies, by our Controverting between the Dif­fering Opinions, about the Time when the Sabbath Begins; But whether we apprehend the Day to begin at the Evening before; as some Learned and Pious do Believe; Or At or Towards Morning, as others Equally Pious and Learned do Judge and Practice; Let us Make sure, that there be as much time Expended in Religious Exercises, Publick, Private, Secret, as we allow to our Daily-Secular-Affaires: even a full Proportion of a Seventh part of time; [Page 42] as ALL in general do Conclude. I am very Sensible Religion hath Suffered much amongst us, by Our different Sentiments in this matter; Oh! Let it not be so in our Families; But In a word, for our Encouragment, Let us be Faith­full to Keep Gods Holy Day, Honnouring It, and Him In it, as He Requires of us: And we may be Assured, He will make us Prosperous in the Week Dayes; So that We and Ours, shall Ride on the High Places of the Earth, and be Fed with the Heritage of Jacob; For the Mouth of the LORD hath Spoken it.


Let us be Careful, to Discharge Duty unto our Children, in Every Respect, so soon as they are Capable, and have Understanding to At­tend us therein. The Reason why many Chil­dren in our Families, Serve the Lord no more, when they are grown up; but rather Addict themselves, to the Service of Satan, Sin, and Sensuallity, is in great measure, to be Attributed unto their Parents Neglect of Duty towards them, in their Minority. For although there is a Corrupt Nature in Every Child, in its Infancy: Yea From the very Birth, they Go Astray Speak­ing Lyes (Psal. 58. 3.) Yet Care and Educati­on will much Prevail, to keep under that Cor­rupt Principle, and Promote better Inclinations in them. Care and Government, will Tame the Wildest Creatures, such as have the most [Page 43] Savage natures, may be rendred Familiar to if handled whil'st they are Young; Even such as after-ward become Utterly Unreduceable to our Subjection. Particularly then,

First. Begin to Instruct them betimes. En­deavour to Season them in their very Infancy, with Savoury Principles, both of Morallity and Religion, that they may as it were Suck them in with their Mothers Milk; You know not what Influence your Godly Dictates and Di­rections, may have upon them for many Years after, when they are grown up Into the World, and we are gone Out of it; Teach them to READ, and as soon as you can Possible, ac­custome them to Read the Holy Scriptures, Which are Able to make them Wise unto Salvation 2 Tim 3.15. Thus may they come to Remember their Creator, in the Dayes of their Youth (Eccl.12.1.) And to Know Him, Whom to Know is Life E­ternal. And the more Early, the more Honou­rable: both in the Sight of God and Good men. Early Instruction is of Lasting Impression; The Poet could say, Quo semel est imbuta recens Ser­vabit Odorem; Testa diu—Horat. A Cask will long retain the Scent, of that wherewith it is first Seasoned; And a Better man than he, by Inspiration of the Holy Ghost, declares unto us, Prov. 22. 6. Train up a Child, in the Way that he should GO: and we find it True by Wofull Experience, if he be Trained in a Way [Page 44] [...] which he should Not go, when he is Old be will not Depart from it.

Secondly Begin to Correct [...]; Bear Early Testimony [...] the Beginnings of Sin. We should not Permit, much less Coun­tenance, the least Appearance of Evil, in our Children; Sin in their Natures, is like a Deadly Plague; We should Venienti Morbo occurrere, Take the Disease in Time, and Nip the very buddings of Original Corruption; [...] no Wise pleasing our Selves With, but several, Testifying Against, the Vain and Sinful Speeches, and Actions of Our Children, not Indulging Of Them or Dallying With Them, in the least Violations of Gods Ho­ly Commands in their very Childhood; for if we do, we shall find By woful Experience, they will not only Dally with, but Despise our Commands, when they are grown up. David's Indulgence, to his Son Adonijah from his Youth upward; brought himself to Sorrow, and the Young man to Ruin; I King. 1. 6. And his Father had not Displeased him at any Time, in saying Why hast thou done so, &c. The fatal Conse­quences whereof, are Represented to us in the following part of That Chapter, Viz. The Rebellion, and Destruction of Adonijah.

Lastly. DIRECTION. 7.

Let us Conscientiously Endeavour, to keep our Families Clear, of such as we find to be Ob­stinately Resolved, not to J [...]ine with Us in Serving of the Lord. We should be very Care­full, [Page 45] not to Admit any into our Service, as near as we Can, who are not willing to Serve the Lord with us: when we would S [...]ye out one to Serve us; We should as David did, Look a­mongst the Faithful in the Land (i. e.) Such as will walk with us in a Perfect Way; That they may Serve us, Psal. 101. 6. But if when ALL is done, we are mistaken, and have Unawares Admitted such into our Service, as are Unre­duceable to Religious Order and Government; We ought to take the First Opportunity, to rid our Hands and Families of them, as David also did: Verse 7. He that Worketh Deceit, shall not dwell within my House: be that telleth Lyes, shall not Tarry in my Sight. Let not Lucre and Covetousness, Betray us to take such Into, or keep them In our Families, as will either divert us From, or Interrupt us In, our Conscientious Serving of the Lord. But let us Mourn over, what cannot be Prevented in that Respect.

So much for the DIRECTIONS.

By way of MOTIVE then, unto these Duties, briefly,

Let us CONSIDER. I. The Service of the LORD is the most Excellent Service, In which any Person can be Employed. It is an Happi­ness, A Priviledg, A Dignity, to Serve the Lord What the Psalmist saith of the Precepts of the Word, I may say in this Case (Psal. 19.11.) In the Performance thereof, there is great Re­ward; [Page 46] God is our Master in Heaven, Eph. 6. 9. And His Glorious Properties, are en­gaged to Direct, Assist, and Uphold His Ser­vants; There is Honour in Serving the Lord, As they that serve great Princes, are honou­rable for Their sakes; So Our Lord Jesus saith, If any man Serve ME, Him will MY Father Honnour; Joh. 12. 26. Besides there is True Happiness, in Serving the Lord; what the Queen of Sheba said of the servants of Solomon, is much more true of those who Serve Him, who is Greater then Solomon; I King. 10. 8. Happy are thy men, and Happy are these thy Servants, who stand Continually before Thee; and hear Thy Wisdome. So Great, so Good, and Gracious, is the God whom we Serve. A­gain, This LORD and Master, gives the most Excellent wages; such as Serve the Lord, they Do not, they Shall not, Serve Him for nought; Job 1. 9. But shall find by Experience, That To Him that worketh Righteousness, shall be a Sure Reward; Prov. 11. 18. All manner of Blessings in this Life, are Promised to Faith­full Serving the Lord; Deut. 28. 2. &c. And not only so, but this Practical Godlyness, hath the Promise of the Life that is to Come. I Tim. 4. 8. The Transcendent Excellency, of which Rewards, are Represented unto us by the most Illustrious Metaphors, Viz. Of a Kingdom; Luke. 22. 29. A Throne Rev. [Page 47] 3. 21. A Crown of Life; Rev. 2. 10. A Crown of Righteousness; 2 Tim 4. 8. A Crown of Glory that fadeth not away; 1 Pet. 5. 4. And in a word, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath entred into the heart of man to Conceive, what God hath Prepared for those that Love Him and Serve Him, 1 Cor. 2. 9. This, This, is the Portion of him that Faith­fully Serves the Lord: and the Heritage, Appointed unto him of God.

CONSIDER. II. The Miserable Condi­tion, of such Masters and Families, as do not Serve the Lord. They are the Objects of Di­vine Fury. The Inspired Penmen of the Ho­ly Scriptures, have by the Holy Ghost; uttered direful Imprecations, That Divine Wrath might not onely be Dropped, but Poured down, upon those that Call not on the Name of the Lord (i.e.) Such as Live in the Total Neglect, of Family Worship and Religion; Jer. 10. 25. A Fami­ly which do not Serve and Worship the Lord, is an Heathenish Family; And is therefore Ex­posed to the Wrath and Curse, of the Infinite and Eternal God. Consider this, Ye that Forget your Maker, and from time to time Neglect His Worship and Service in your Families. Lest He Tear you in Pieces, and there be none to Deliver.

CONSIDER. III. If any of those that make the fairest Profession, can allow themselves in the Neglect or Slighty Performance of Family Duties, they have [Page 48] great Reason to question the Truth of their Pro­fession. It is one thing to Fall Into, or to be Forced Unto, a Neglect of Duty; and another thing to Allow our selves in that Neglect. The best of all, may Casually be Interrupted or hindred, but it is their grief. To allow the Omission of Known Duty; or Commission of Known Sin; Shews that Person to be under the Power of some Lust, which layes a Wound at the very Root and Foundation, of their Profession of Re­ligion. Now the most distinguishing signes; of a Sincere Profession, are taken from a Spiritual and Fervent Performance, of Private Duties; Hence a man is not to Judge of himself or o­thers, by the shew that he or they make, of Zeal and Devotion, in the Church, Town, or Company of Godly men: But by his or their Care, and Conscience; Zeal, and Fervency; in the Private, Secret, and most retired Duties, of Practical Godliness. It is oftentimes said, and that too truly, that Some men are Saints abroad, & Devils at home. Amongst those that Countenance Religion, they can look as Demure, and speak as Fair as the best; but observe them at home, and they are guilty of many Sinful, and Shame­ful Neglects, of Family Worship and Religion. Surely such may Justly fear, that God will one day Write upon their whole Profession. TEKEL thou are weighed in the ballance, and art found wanting.

[Page 49] CONSIDER. IV. The Sincerity of our [...] to our Families and every Person under our Charge is best Approved by our Care of their SOULS. It is the Property of True Love to Endeavour the Best Good of the Object. Now a Natural Affection may move us to take care of the Bodies of our Children; Our own Worldly interest may Excite us to take care of the Bodies of our Servants, that they may Serve us the better; but it is onely a True Christian-Love that will Engage us to Concern our selves about their Souls. The Soul of man is the Better Part, and Love of that is the Best of Love. Hence those Duties of Religion which do in a special Manner tend to the good of SOULS are of the Highest concernment: For our Saviour Himself saith, What will it Profit a man, if he should Gain the whole World, and Loose his own SOUL: or What shall a man give in Exchange for his SOUL. Matt.16.26.

CONSIDER. V. Our Faithful and Diligent Serv­ing the LORD; In and With our Families; will In­fluence those about us to be Diligent & Industri­ous in Serving of Us. If we are Conscientious, in Serving our Master in Heaven; it will oblige them to be Circumspect in Serving Us, who are our Servants on Earth. Sanctification is the Re­newal of the Image of God, and that layes an Awe Upon; and Challenges a Reverence From; those about us; so that Godly Persons will Serve us out of Conscience; because they Serve God in Serv­ing [Page 50] of us; Ungodly Persons, will be under special Awe of Religion and Godliness; though not meerly out of Conscience, yet from Unavoida­ble Conviction, which ever accompanies the Pow­er of Godliness: So that Falling down, they will and Must acknowledge that God is in you of a Truth. I Cor.14.25. And therefore that Reverence, and Service is due unto you.

CONSIDER. VI. The Faithful Discharge of these Duties, will make our Families seem Like Little Churches. A Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, is a Number of Saints, that are engaged and Resolv­ed; to perform Duties, and Celebrate Ordinances together. Where therefore, a Family doth Con­stantly, and Carefully, attend all manner of Re­ligious Duties, belonging thereunto: There is a Resemblance of an Holy and Church Communion, hence we read of a CHURCH which is in their House, I Cor.16.19.

CONSIDER. VII. A Family, which Live in the Total Neglect of Religious Duties, is a meer Nurse­ry of Satan, and Cage of Unclean Birds. Be­cause there GOD is Dishonoured; His Name Blas­phemed; His Worship Neglected; and Sin Com­mitted, without Controule; Insomuch that SA­TAN hath Therein and Thereby Dominion over them; Hence those Spriggs, which are Transplanted out of such a Nursery; into the Orchard of the Com­mon-Wealth, cannot bring forth any, but Sowre and Unsavoury fruit, which will be Rejected of [Page 51] GOD, being nigh unto Cursing, whose End is to be Burned, Heb. 6.8.

CONSIDER. VIII. The Foundation of a whole People or Kingdoms Reformation, or Defection, Religion, or Rebellion, is laid in Families. Fa­milies are the Constituent Parts of Nations, and Kingdoms; hence as Families are Well or Ill Dis­ciplined, so will the whole be Well Disposed, or Ill Inclined. Ataxy and Disorder Here, the Lord threatens to Punish His own People for; Isai.3.5. The Child Riseth up against the Antient, and that seems to be the Reason of what follows, Viz. The Base behaves himself Unbecomingly Against the Honourable. And as for our selves, we need not wonder at the Disorders that happen in the State; when we observe the Neglects that are among us in respect of Family-Government. For where­as, the Fifth Commandment Requires us; to Honour and Reverence our Parents, both in Word and Gesture, some Professors amongst us, seem to make Conscience not to Expect or Challeng it from their Children, either in Word or Gesture, being ready to account it a Sin so to do; As that which Christian Parents Ought not, or at least Need not be concerned about. But it is certainly a Truth that such as carry themselves Ill in the Family, will not be likely to Demean themselves Well in the Common-Weatlh.

CONSIDER. IX. The Remembrance of our Con­scientious Endeavour, to Serve the Lord in and with [Page 52] our Families, will be Living Comfort to us in a Dying Hour. Friends, the Time is Coming; yea and hasteneth a pace, in which we must be Separated from our Families, and Every Particu­lar Person in them; Viz. Either by our being Ta­ken from them, or they from Us: and then the Place that knew us here, shall know us again no more. Now the Hours of near approaching Death, are filled up, with many Cares, and Fears, about our Children and Relations which we are are to leave behind us: Surely, Then the Witness of a good Conscience, That we have Endeavoured with David, to Walk in our Houses with a Perfect Heart: And with Abraham, to Teach our Children and Houshold; in a Godly manner: will be unto us the Best Cordial in the Whole World. If then we can Plead with the Lord, as Hezekiah did; Isa.28.2. Remember O Lord, How I have Walked before Thee in Truth; and done that which is Right in Thy Sight. (i.e.) Filled up every Relation I Sustained, with a Conscientious Discharge of Duty therein: And accordingly have Reason to Believe, that we are Just going, to Receive a Blessed Re­ward: we may even under our Sharpest Con­flicts, with the King of Terrors; Rejoyce with Joy unspeakable and Full of Glory. On the other hand; if any in our Families, are by Death re­moving From Us, and it is a Dying Hour with Them: we shall be able with Humble Subjection of Spirit, to Resigne them up to that God, to whom we have so often Recommended them, by our [Page 53] Fervent Prayers; having Reason in our Mourn­ing to Hope and Believe, that God will answer the Sincere desires of our Souls, on their behalf, and Receive them into His Armes of Everlasting Mercy. I Thes.4.13. How Quietly, How Comfortably; may we bear a Separation from them New; in hopes of a Joyful Meeting with them In the DAY of the LORD; which will never more Admit of any Separation.

CONSIDER. X. And Lastly. What Shame, and Confusion of face will Cover us, when we shall meet our Children and Servants, before the Great Judge of the Quick and the Dead, if we shall Then and There, be accused by them, that they lost their SOULS, by means of our Neglect of Duty towards them! It is Appointed unto Men once to Dy; as in Heb.9.27. Then all We and all Ours Must Appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ [...] Cor.5.10. And Oh! What will then Become of us? What shall we Say for our selves? What Horrours will Seize upon us? How will the Joints of our Lions be Loosed, and Our Knees smite one against another? If this or that Child or Servant, shall before that Great Tribunal, Testify against us and say; Lord, there is my Father or Master, I never heard him Pray in all my Life; he never Instructed me in the great Concerns of my Soul, and Salvation; nor Discharged any part of his Duty towards me; and now I am undone for ever. And further, if as an Aggravation, any Servant of ours should have [Page 54] reason to alledg and say, Lord, I was Born of Religi­our Parents, who made it their business, to Season my young and tender years, with the Nurture and Admonition of the Lord; who Carefully, and Faithfully, Exhorted and Exampled me in the Great and Important Duties, of Religion and God­liness, whereby according to my Age and Capa­city, I had some Light and Influence of Divine Truth upon my heart; and through the Common workings of the Spirit; I felt some Convictions of Sin, and had some Measure of Love To, and Desires After, the things of God; But being cast into This mans Family, to Serve some years with him, through his Sinful Examples, and Shameful Neglects of Duty, both to GOD and Me; my Convictions weakened, Corruption Strengthened, the Spirit with­drew His Striveings with me, and I became at length, hardened In Sin, and From the Fear of God, to the Utter undoing of my Precious and Immor­tal Soul. How will the Torments of Hell, Rack the Soul and Conscience of such a Father or Ma­ster! How will they be a Thousand times more afraid, before the Great Judge, then Haman was, before the Great Ahasuerus, when he perceived, that Evil was determined against him, as to his Bodily Life; How will they Wish that thy might Shrivle and Vanish away into Nothing: That they might be Metamorphosed or Changed, into the most Ve­nomous Serpent, the most Loathsome Toad; yea into A Stock, A Stone, or any sort of being, that is desti­tute of a Rational and Immortal Soul. But be­cause [Page 55] those things are Impossible to be accomp­lished for ever: How will they Joyn with those Kings of the Earth and Great Men, Rich Men, Chief Captaines, and Mighty Men, &c. (who had been Occasions of the loss of Souls under their Charge; by evil Examples, and neglect of Duty towards them) In their Fearful Clamours, and yet Fruitless Cryes, when they shall say, Rev. 6.16.— To the Mountains, and Rocks, fall on us, & hide us, from the Face of Him that Sitteth on the Throne, & from the Wrath of the Lamb—Let all Masters of Families, Seriously Consider these things; before it is too Late, that they may be Forewarned, to Flee from the Wrath to come.


Let it be for LAMENTATION, to us all before the Lord, in two Branches.

1. That there are amongst us, so many Ungodly and Jrreligious Housholders, who live in the Total Neglect of all these Religious Family Duties: The First Planters of this Country, were a Ge­neration of Pious Souls, who came into this Land, on Purpose to Serve GOD, and Worship Him in the Purity of his Ordinances; Adorning their Profession, with all Holy Conversation, in the dis­charge of the most Private and Secret, as well as the most Publick Duties, of Practical Godliness: Then Every Family, was as it were a Beth-el a House of God, where the Name of God was called upon Daily; and his Worship Celebrated Con­stantly [Page 56] and Conscientiously; But since That Genera­tion is gone off the Stage, they have Finished their Course, Done their Work in their Day, according to the Will of God, and are Fal'n Asleep in Jesus; How justly may the Lord Upbraid us, As He did his People of Old; Jer.2.21. Yet I had Planted thee a Noble Vine, wholly a right seed, how then art thou turned into the Degenerate Plant, of a Strange Vine unto me. Hence then it may Sadly; and yet Too truly be said, that there is Risen and Riseing, Another Generation; which Know not the Lord; nor the Works which He hath Done. Now that ever there should be Families, yea Many Families in New-England; a Land of Light, and Famous for Religion; Yea and in the Chief Places there­of, which are without the Practice of Religious Duties in them; this is matter of Great Grief, to all Serious and Piour Observers; But Oh! Wo and Alas for us, The Blindness; Ignorance, and Atheism, that abounds in the Remoter Plan­tations, for the most part; by reason of the Total Neglect, of Religious-Family-Worship; These Do certainly Provoke the Lord, to Pour out His Fury upon those Heathenish Families, which call not up­on His Name. Jer.10.25. Have we not then, great Reason to conclude, with the Wise man; Eccl. 9.18. That One, a Few, much more Many such Sinners destroy much Good, and procure much Evil, Suffering and Calamity, to the Place and People a­mongst whom they Live. This is For a Lamentation, and in shall be For a Lamentation.

[Page 57] 2. Let us humbly and heartily Lament and Be­waile, the Omissions, & Interruptions in our Family-Duties, of which even the Strictest Professors amongst us, are too often Guilty. Who can say he is clean In this matter? So as never to turn aside, by Occasional Omissions, or Perfunctory Performance of these Duties: Are there not ma­ny Children and Servants in Professors (yea and (Alas for us) in Church-Members) Families; of Twelve, Fourteen, or Sixteen, Years of Age, who (To my great Grief I have Observed) can Read Lit­tle, and Understand Less, of the Holy Scriptures: Are Strangers to Catechetical Instructions; And hence Are; and cannot but Be; most Shamefully, and Unaccountably Ignorant, of those Fundamen­tal Principles, of Christian-Religion, which are In­dispensibly Necessary to be known, in order to the Salvation of their Immortal Souls. How justly then, may we fear, that the Controversy of the Great GOD, with the People of this Land, at This Time, in those many Afflictions that are upon us; Is for the Degeneracy of Professors, and the Unbecoming Carriage of those that are in Visible Covenant; For the Provoking of His Sons & Daughters; and the Prophaneness, of Our Sons, and Daughters: Occasioned by too much Indulgence of Parents, and too Great Neglect of Family-Duty and In­struction: In and by which they should from their Infancy, be devoted to God, and His Service in their Day and Generation. Hence Justly hath [Page 58] the Holy God, Permitted Satan, to Endeavour the Forcing, and Affrighting some of the Children of our People, in to [...] To him, and Covenant With him; because Parents have not so Conscien­tiously as they ought, by Fervent-Prayers, and Dil­ligent discharge of every Duty to them, given them up to God in a way of Subjection to the Lord Jesus Christ, by a Covenant never to be broken or forgotten; Here also is to be lamented the Unconstancy, of some Visible Professors; in Per­forming; that most Important Duty of Family­Prayer, some attending it but Few Times in a Week, others but Once in a Day; or it may be when the Thunder of Gods Power startleth them, and Awakeneth their Consciences: Or when some Heavy Affliction is upon them or theirs: Sure these are but Nominally and not Really Christians; When therefore, we that desire to Approve our selves Upright with God, are (Contrary to our Graceout and holy Disposition) forced to Interrup­tions of our Daily Course, of Family-Duties in Any degree, Let it be for a Lamentation to us, and let us with all dilligence Endeavour to Sue out our Pardon by Jesus Christ; that through Him, we may be at Peace with GOD, and be found Of Him in That Day without Spot and Blameless.


The Third and Last: Use is of CAUTION, against those things that would hinder us, in the Fulfilling of our Holy Resolutions to Serve the LORD.

[Page 59] 1. Take heed of Worldly-Mindedness. Watch against an Eager and Earnest Desire, to get Great things in the World. The Neglect of Religious Duties in our Families are some of those Snares, and [...] drowning and undoing Lusts; unto which they that Will be [...], whatsoever comes on it are Miserably Exposed; I Tim.6.9. And we are told, I Joh.2.1.5.— If any man Love the World the Love of the Father is not in him. And without Love, all our Service of God is of no Value. Yea a Greater than the Apostle John tells us, Mat.6.24. Yee cannot Serve God and Mammon; He that indulges a fixed Worldly Principle in him, shall Certainly find, that the most Important Duties, of Family-Worship, will be either Neglected, or Shuffled over, if any Worldly Affaires Enterfere, or stand in Competition with them. For The Love of Money (i.e.) of Worldly Wealth and Riches, is The Root of all Evil, and those that Covet after it (i. e.) set their Heart upon it, so as to Neglect their Duties to God, either Publick or Private, will find themselves Pierced through with Many Sorrows; I Tim.6.10. In the Name and Words then, of our Lord Jesus Christ, Luke.12.15.— Take heed & beware of Covetousness.

2. Let us Take heed, of Suffering Our Anthority to be Disputed, or Exampled upon, by any of Our Chil­dren or Servants. If we do not maintain, the Vigour of Family-Government to the utmost; Religious Duties, are so much against the Graine of Natural Corruption, that we shall not be able to Comply [Page 60] with our own Resolutions, to Serve the Lord: be­cause this Child and the other Servant, will Neglect, Dispute against, and at last Despise to be Counselled, Catechized, and Instructed, much more to be Re­buked or Corrected, for the greatest miscarriages. Maintain we then, a Civil Order and Decorum, by Vigorous Excercise of Family- Discipline, to every one in their Places and Relations, This will make way for their Ready Compliance, with Family­Religious Duties; Whereas Remisness herein, will Introduce Confusion, Rebellion, Dissobedience, to God and Man; Yea and Every Evil Work.

3. Let us Take heed of Resolving In our own Strength. If we would have our Resolutions Sincere, Firm, and Lasting, Let us Implore the Guid­ance and Direction of the Spirit of God, in Make­ing of them and depend upon His Influence and Assistance, for the Keeping of them, For we may be assured, that if we make never so Many Reso­lutions, and those never so Firm in our own Strength, we shall find by Woful Experience, that they are but like the Goodness of Ephraim and Ju­dah, which is by the Prophet in Hos. 6.4. Compa­red to a Morning Cloud, and an Early Dew which Suddenly and Insensibly Passeth away.

4. And Lastly, Take heed of giving way to Seruples About, or Objections Against, any kind of Family-Duties. This is the ready way, to bring them out of Respect with Us; and to betray us to Neglect of Them. Now the Excuses and Objections, [Page 61] which are Commonly made, about Prayer, and other Family-Worship; are reduceable to Three heads.

Obj. I. Some are ready to say, I would Per­form these Duties in my Family, but I want Expres­sion: I cannot Express my self in a Suitable man­ner, to Pray with, or to Instruct others.

Ans. I. Mayst thou not justly Blame, thy Former Neglect, for thy Present Inability, to perform these Duties? We say Use Leggs and have Leggs; and God sayes He Will give Grace to the Humble; I Pet.5.5. Yea and His Holy Spirit to those that ask Him. Luk.11.13. (i.e.) The Gifts and Graces of His Spirit, to those that are waiteing upon Him for it in a way of Duty; be deeply humbled, for Past Neglects; and let want of Utterance, be no longer any Hinderance.

2. Get Suitable Impressions, and that will help unto proper Expressions. Be we under a Deep and Humble sense, of the Need, that We and all Ours stand in, of Pardoning Mercy, and Purging Grace, Of Justification, from the Guilt of Sin, by the Im­putation of Christs Righteousness To Us: Of Sanctification from the Pollution of Sin, by the Implantation of that Righteousness In Us: Be we under Sensible Impressions, that there is Enough in Christ, to supply all our Soul Necessities; even All Fulness. Col 1.19. And that it is Promised, that we shall Receive thereof Grace for Grace, Joh.1.16. As need Requires, Heb.4.16. And as Need will make the Naked man to Run; So sense thereof, will make [Page 62] the Needy-Soul, able to Express himself so as may obtain Audience, Acceptance, and Answer, from that God, who never accounts Himself better Served in Prayer; than when the Spirit helpeth a Sincere Soul, to Address Him: Cum Suspirijs Inenarrabilibus; with Groanings which cannot be Uttered Rom.8.26.

3. Do as well as you Can, and improve all Ad­vantages to do better. Up and be doing, manifest a willing mind, and be assured the Lord will accept you, according to what you have, and not according to what you have not. 2 Cor. 8.12.

4. Exercise Faith on Jesus Christ, and that will make the least Sincere Service accep­table to God. Whereas Without Faith it is Impos­sible to please Him. Heb.11.6.

5. Be Frequent and Fervent in Secret Duties, and that will fit us for Family Duties.

Obj. 2. But I am a Poor man, I cannot Spare Time to Attend these Duties, least my Family Want thereby.

Ans. I. What Man! Dost thou want Time? Canst thou not afford One Hour, to the Service of that God who gives thee Twenty Four Hours Every Day, For thy Worldly Affaires?

2. Trust GOD, that thou shalt not loose by the time thou Expendest in His Service. He hath Pro­mised, that if we Honnour the Lord with our Sub­stance, Our Earnes shall be filled, Prov.3.10. He Challengeth His People to Prove Him, and see if He will not Open the Windows of Heaven, & Rain down a Blessing, that there shall not be Room to Re­ceive it. Mal. 3.10.

[Page 63] 3. Do you not Squander away much more time; than these Duties would take up? In Unseasonable Sleeping, Smoaking, Drinking, Company Keeping, In Hearing or Telling News; Yea it may be Worse than that, In Reproaching, Slandering, and Backbite­ing your Neighbours; Spend less time in these things; and there will Remain Sufficient time, for all Duties both of Our General and Particular Calling. In a word, Devote a Proportion of E­very Day unto God, and He will Bless the Rest, so as shall fully make you Amends for so doing.

Obj. 3. But, There are many Grown Persons in my Family, I am Ashamed to attend These Duties before them.

Ans. I. This is a Shame, which we have rea­son to be Ashamed of, and Humbled for; What ashamed! Of our Religion, Our Duty, Our Glory, Our GOD.

2. All the Rest in our Families, are our Inferiours. It argues great holly and Weakness, to be Ashamed before such as are Our Inferiours.

3. And Lastly, If we are now Ashamed of the Service and Worship of God; Our Lord Jesus Christ will be Ashamed of Us, when He comes in the Glory of His Father, with the Holy Angles, Mark 8.38.

To Conclude, We that are Now before the Lord, are all of us Concerned in Families; being either In or Under Family-Government. It is of Special Concernment, that we do see to our De­sires, Designs, Resolutions, and Endeavours, in those [Page 64] Duties Incumbent on us; that we may Walk in our Places, and Stations, with an Upright Heart, in every Way of Serving, Worshiping, and Glorify­ing the LORD: Who is yet Pleased, to afford us so much Peace, in our Borders, and Health, in our Dwellings. That He may still Delight to Do For us, and Abide With us, as He was with our Fathers; and may Never Leave us nor Forsake us. Let us then be Faithful, and Constant, in Serving the Lord, Doing our Duty with Dilligence, Suffer­ing the Will of God with Patience, Going on to the Last, Holding out to the End, and being Faith­ful unto Death: That in the day of Account, we may be able to say, with Holy Boldness, before the Great Judge: Here we Are, and those of Our Families, which the Lord was Graciously Pleased, to betrust us with the Care, Education, and Govern­ment of; And we have Brought them Up, in the Nurture and Admonition of the LORD. Then shall we, together with them, Receive His Well Done, Good and Faithful Servants: Enter into Our Masters Joy: And be made Partakers, of that Everlasting Blessedness, which shall Assuredly be the Portion, of Every Servant, whom his Lord when he Cometh, shall find So Doing. AMEN.


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