
CHRISTS FIDELITY The only Shield AGAINST SATANS MALIGNITY. ASSERTED in a SERMON Delivered at SALEM-VILLAGE, the 24 th of March, 1692. Being Lecture day there, and a time of Publick Examination, of some Sus­pected for WITCHCRAFT.

By Deodat Lawson, formerly Preacher of the Gospel there.

Rev. 12. 12
Wo to the Inhabitants of the Earth, and of the S ea, for the Devil is come down unto you, having Great Wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.
Rom. 16. 20.
And the God of Peace shall Bruise Satan under, your Feet shortly, &c.

Boston Printed, by B. Harris, & Sold by Nicholds Buttolph, next to Guttridg's Coffee-House, 1693.


Licensed ac­cording to Order.


To the Worshipful AND Worthily Honoured

  • Bartholomew Gidney
  • John Hathorne
  • Jonathan Corwin Esqrs.

Together with the REVEREND Mr. John Higginson Pastor, AND Mr. Nicholas Neyes Teacher Of the Church of Christ at SALEM.

THIS Discourse, concerning CHRISTS Prevailing Intercession, against SATANS Ma­licious Operations: Being Delivered in a Congre­gation of that Vicinity, where most of them were present, as a Token of his Sincere Respects and Observance, is humbly Offered and De­dicated by Deodat Lawson.


HAving Perused this Discourse, Entituled, Christ's Fidelity the only Shield, against Sa­tans Malignity. We are willing, to shew so much Respect, to the Author, and his Friends; as to signify: That we Apprehend several Weigh­ty, Profitable, and Seasonable Truths, are there­in soberly Explained; some of the Mysterious Methods, and Malicious Operations of Satan, modestly Discussed; the main Scope of this Excellent Subject, by Scripture and Argument solidly Confirmed; And the whole Suitably applyed to All sorts of persons. That the Blessing of the Lord that hath Chosen Jerusalem, may ac­company it, to the Spiritual Benefit, of all that shall peruse it; and that the Author, may have much of the Grace and Spirit of Christ, to assist him in his Labours, and so become an In­strument, of doing much Service For, and bring­ing Great Glory To the Name of God, in his Day, and Generation, is the Prayer of,

Your Servants for Christ's Sake.
  • Increase Mather, Coll. Harv. Praes.
  • Charles Morton
  • James Allen.
  • Samuel Willard.
  • John Bailey
  • Cotton Mather.

To all my Christian Friends and Acquaintance; the Inhabitants of SALEM VILLAGE.

Christian Friends.

THE Sermon here presented unto you, was Delivered in your Audience; by that unworthy Instrument, who did formerly spend some years among you, in the work of the Ministry, though attended with manifold sinful failings and infirmities, for which I do implore, the Pardoning Mercy of God in Jesus Christ, and in­treat from you the Covering of Love. As this was prepared, for that Particular Occasion, when it was delivered amongst you; so the Publication of it, is to be Particularly recommended to your service.

My hearts desire, and Continual Prayer, to God for you ALL is; that you may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus Christ, and accordingly that all means He is using with you, by Mercies & Afflictions, Ordinances and Providences, may be Sanctifyed, to the building you up in G race and Holyness, and preparing you for the Kingdom of Glory. We are told by the Apostle, Acts 14. 22: That through many Tribulations, we must enter into the Kingdom of God. Now since (besides your share in the Common Calamities, under the burden whereof, this poor people are groaning at this time the Righteous and Holy God, hath been pleased [Page] to permit a sore and grievous affliction to befall you such as can hardly be said to be Common to men viz. By giving liberty to SATAN; to range and rage amongst you, to the Torturing the Bodies, and Distracting the Minds, of some of the [...] sheep and Lambs, of the Lord Jesus Christ. And (which is yet more astonishing) he who is THE ACCU­SER of the Bretheren, endeavours to introduce as Criminal, some of the visible Subjects of Christ's Kingdom, by whose sober and godly Conversation in times past, we could draw no other [...] than that they were real members of His Mystical Body, representing them, as the Instruments of his malice, against their Friends and Neighbours.

I thought meet thus to give you the best assistance I could, to help you out of your dis­tresses. And since the wayes of the Lord, in his Permissive, as well as Effective Providence, are unsearchable and his doings past finding out. And Pious souls, are at a loss, what will be the Is­sue of these things. I Therefore how my knees, unto the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ that he would cause all grace to abound to you, and in you, that your poor place may be delive­red, from those breaking and ruining Calamities, which are threatned as the Pernicious consequen­ces of Satan's malicious Operations. And that you may not be left to bite and devour one another, in your Sacred or Civil society, in your Relations or Families: to the destroying much good, and [Page] promoting much evil among you: So as, in any kind, to weaken the hands, or discourage the Heart, of your Reverend and Pious Pastor, whose fami­ly also, being so much under the influence of these troubles, Spiritual sympathy, cannot but stir you up, to assist him as at all times, so Especially at such a time as this: He (as well his neigh­bours) being under such awful Circumstan­ces. As to this discourse; my humble desire, and Endeavour is, that it may appear to be, according to the form of sound words and in Expressions every way Inteligible to the meanest Capaci­ties. It pleased GOD; of his Free Grace, to give it some acceptation, with those that heard it, and some that heard of it; desired me to Transcribe it, and afterwards to give way to the Printing of it. I present it therefore, to your Acceptance; and Commend it, to the Divine Benediction: And that it my Please the AL­MIGHTY GOD, to manifest his Power, in putting an end, to your sorrowes of this Nature, by Bruiseing Satan under your feet shortly. Caussing these and all other YOUR and OUR troubles, to work together for our good Now; and salva­tion in the day of the Lord; Is the unfeigned desire, and shall be the uncessant Prayer of,

Less then the Least, of all those that serve, in the Gos­pel of our Lord Jesus. Deodat Lawson.

TO THE Reader.

AMongst all the great and sore Afflicti­ons, with which the Soveraign and Holy God, hath visited this his Poor People; there is none more full of amazing Considerations, and Distressing Influences, than that of his Permitting Satan, to Range and Rage in the midst of us, by his direful Opera­tions Afflicting some in a most fearful and un­usual manner, and accordingly accusing others, as the Instruments of his malice, in those Dia­bolical Tortures; And how much further it may proceed, or longer it shall continue, is only known to him, Who giveth no Account of his Mat­ters, to any of the Children of men.

I being Occasionally at S alem-Village, upon a visit when this Affliction was newly; come upon them, was desired to Preach among them; and this Discourse (for the substance of it) was then Delivered. The Copy whereof being desired, by some Friends here, who were wil­ling to Contribute towards the publication of it; Not knowing but that God which gives S eed to the Sower, and Bread to the Eater. Who [Page] chuseth the things that are not as if they were; ha­ving pleased to make it acceptable to the Hearers, might also vouchsafe to make it profi­table to the Readers. I have yielded to their desire, that it might be thus exposed to publick view. Which also I have, much the rather done, that I may (the best I can at so great a distance as the other England) make humble tender of most dutiful Observances, to my Ho­noured Father (if yet on this side the Man­sions of Eternal Rest) as a Pepper-corn ac­knowledgment, of all his unrequiteable Care, Cast, and Pains, in my Education; Entreat­ing his Acceptance, of what I hope I may truly say, the Lord hath brought unto me, that his Soul may Bless the before he dyes: And that I may obtain the continuance of those servent Prayers, and affectionate benedictions, in the Name of God; which I have throughout my whole life been under the refreshing influences of; but more especially, since I was called to the Ministry; as appears by a Letter directed to me, at Martha's Vineyard, Dated January 20 1676. wherein he bespeaks me, and God for me, in such Expressions as these. ‘And will the Lord Remember for me his Glorious Name; A God hearing Prayer; and make my heart rejoyce even mine, in a Son whose Eyes the Lord hath opened, and whose heart as Japhets he hath perswaded and enlarged, [Page] to serve him in that work, whereunto Parents had designed him; and for which they begged him as a loan. And hath the Lord allured you: and brought you into a wilderness, to speak comfortably unto you; and give you Vineyards from thence, And will the Lord Indeed, Zach 10, 9. Take of my seed, and sow among the Gentiles, to remember him in far countries that they may live with their Children, and turn again. Gen 49: 18. I wait for by salvation O Lord. And Praise waits in silence, from my soul in, Zion, when he shall further evidence his Return to you in mercy, and your Return to him in Covenanted Duty. Now the good Lord; who hath pleased to put you into his service, put a Rich anointing of his Spirit upon you, Make you Wisehearted, skilful, Faithful, Painful, and Successful in the service of his Ta­bernacle; and set many a Pearl in your Crown, in Conversion of Sinners, and Edification of Con­verts. The Lord T he Angel of the Covenant, that Redeems my soul from all evil, Bless you, and lay the Foundations of a Family for you in Righ­teousness: so building up my house in yours, and yours in wholly a Right seed, that may be accounted to him for a generation, that he may build up his own in both. (that so you and yours may do worthily in Ephratha, and Famous­ly in Israel. Now to him that is able to keep you from falling, and to Build you up, and give [Page] you an Inheritance, among them that are Sanctified.

I Commend you with Incessant Prayers, &c. With the same fervour of Holy Zeal and Af­fection, he exprest himself by Letters to Mr. Thomas Mayhew, late Governour of Martha's Vineyard; that good old Simeon, who about Ten Years ago, had his Nunc dimittis, into the Mansions of Everlasting Peace; particularly upon the Receipt of Letters, from the Mini­sters of Boston concerning me. Thus his Letter begins. ‘I understand by Letters from my Son, that the Lord hath lengthened out your life, to a good old age, and Crowned your grey Head with a Gracious Heart, found in the way of Righteousness, which I longed to hear, and rejoyce much at the hearing of; as good News from a far Country; But much more, in those Concomitant Letters, from several Ministers, whose Praise is in the Gospel; Re­commending my Son Deodat with their con­current Testimonies, of his walking in the Truth, with his Yoke-fellow, in all Godly Conversation, as Heirs of the Grace of Life, for which my heart rejoyceth in the Lord, as seeing the Priat of the Fingers, as a Return of Prayer upon it. Blessed be the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, into whose Living Arms, his Dying Mother (within a few weeks after his birth,) by the hand of Faith presented him, and by Prayer Dedicated him [Page] to his Service in the Gospel.’ And Oh! that these pious Wishes, and fervent prayers, may be heard and answered by the Lord accordingly.

However the serious Consideration, of such a solemne Designation of me, by both my Parents, to the service of God in the Ministry; Secon­ded by my Fathers proportionable endeavours, in my Education (both in Schoole and Colledge learneing) hath engaged my heart and soul, to attend thereunto, if so the will of the Lord be. And whereas by my Fathers being silenced, and his Estate much weakened, I was hindred of some Academical Preferments, and after-Six Yeares Standing at Colledg, necessitated to make digression to secular affaires; yet I found from time to time, the Soveraigne Providence of God, in a continued series, disappointing, and frown­ing upon me: so that I trust, the Lord hath been by his Grace and Spirit, carrying on a good work in my Soul, thereby the better to fit me, for future service to him and his People in my generation. Under the influence of these considerations, I have still reserved my self at li­berty, from worldly entanglements any further then duty bound me, to prevent Infidel-Negligence of my Family. I Tim. 5. 8. And I do seri­ously declare; that whatsoever hath hindred, my whole and sole, devoting my Time, Strength, and All, to the service of God in the Ministry; hath [Page] been for many years, and still is, my burthen and not my choice.

Although the Unkindnesses, and Reflections, hard Travails and difficulties; I have met with, in that service, had long ere now, Totally discouraged me, had not the Lord by the assistance of his grace, strongly inclined me thereunto. Out of design to glorify God therein, and not for any secular advantages accruing thereby. And I do further profess, that I do earnestly desire, by divine assistance to Do all, and Be all, unto the Glory of God; declaring, that whatsoever either in word or deed, I have been overtaken by, tending to the dishonour of God, or the grief of any sincere souls, I do desire, and will endeavour, by the assistance of his Grace and Spirit to reform it; though ne­ver so pleasing to the Flesh, or agreeable to Natu­ral Constitution, and be humbly thankful, to such as shall give me notice thereof. Or did I know and duty I allowed my self in the neglect of, I would by the help of the same grace, come up to the practice of it, tho' never so contrary to Flesh and Blood. And wherein I have at any time, given just offence, to the meanest of those that fear the Lord, I do heartily beg their Pitty and Prayers, that the God of all grace, would pardon and heal, what is past for his names sake. strengthning my soul, in all holy resolutions, and endeavours, to walk more Circumspectly for the future, Redeeming the time, or trading with it, to my Spiritual and [Page] Eternal advantage; in all things Adorning the Doctrine, of God my Saviour.

And although, in thus obliging my soul to God, I do labour under many sinful frailties and Infirmities yet the sincerity of my heart in the maine, is now before the Omniscient God, and will be revealed, when Jesus Christ shall Judge the secrets of all hearts, at his appearance and his Kingdom. I commit these things to the Readers Consideration, and the Ensuing discourse to his Perusal: Earnestly intreating, the incessant Prayers, of all my Relations, Friends and Readers, that the Lord would please to assist me, by his Holy Spirit to Do or Suffer, whatsoever he shall call me unto, in my passage through this vail o teares: To the Glory of his Great Name, and the good of others, that so I may, in the Day of ac­count, inherit that Blessedness, which shall be the everlasting portion, of that servant whom his Lord when he cometh, shall find so doing. Who am

The Chief of Sinners, and the Least of Saints; Deodat Lawson.
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CHRISTS FIDELITY The only Shield AGAINST Satans Malignity.

Zech. 3. 2. And the LORD said unto SATAN, the LORD Rebuke thee, O SATAN; even the LORD that hath Chosen Jerusalem, Re­buke thee: Is not this a Brand pluckt out of the Fire?

IT seemed good to the Great and Glorious God, the Infinite and Eternal ELOHIM in the beginning, to Create the Heavens and the Earth; and together with and in the Third Heavens, a numberless [Page 2] number of glorious Angels; that were Ordained to do his Pleasure, and obey his Commands. To these he appointed (as a tryal of their obe­dience) a Ministration in this lower world, for the good of the Children of Men, and especi­ally of the Heirs of Salvation. But a number of these Intelligent Spirits, being unwilling (as some Learned conceive) to yield their Service to man, of so much an inferiour nature to themselves being made of Earth: They Rebelled against the Will of their Soveraign Lord and Creator; For which their borrid Transgression, they were by the Righteous Judgment of God; thrust down from that Glorious Place, which was once Ap­pointed to be their own Habitation, into the Lake of Eternal Perdition, there to be Reserved in Chains of Darkness, to the Judgment of the Great Day. Jude 6. SATAN himself then, and all his accursed Legions being Fallen into a miserable and irrecoverable Estate, are filled with Envy at and Malice against, all Mankind; and do set themselves by all ways and means, to work their Ruine and Destruction for ever: Opposing to the utmost, all Persons and Things, Appointed by the Lord Jesus Christ, as Means or Instru­ments of their Comfort here, or Salvation here­after. Hence when Joshua (the Type of JESUS) stood to Minister, as High Priest before the Lord, to make Atonemement for the People of his Covenant; SATAN stands at his Right-hand, [Page 3] to withstand and oppose him in his Ministrati­on: which the Blessed Jesus (the Antitype of Joshua) taking notice of, he doth according to his Soveraign and Irresistible Power and Au­thority Command Deliverances to his Chosen Ones, by Stilling the Clamour and Suppressing the Power and Malice of SATAN, their Grand Adversary and Implacable Opposer, as in the Words now before us; And the LORD said unto SATAN, the LORD Rebuke thee, O SA­TAN, &c.

THESE Words are part of the Prophecy of Zechariah, whose Name by Interpre­tation, signifies the Remembrance or Memory of the Lord, and his Title agrees to the very Na­ture of this Prophecy; which was to put them in mind, what GOD had done for them, in delivering them from Captivity, and what they had done against him by Iniquity; that so they might be awakened unto Reformation of what was amiss. He was the Second Prophet, that came from the Lord to the People of Israel, after their Return from the Babylonish Cap­tivity. He was Contemporary and Colleague with Haggai, beginning to Prophecy but two Months after him, and backing what the o­ther had said, more briefly, with more full and mysterious Testimonies; especially as to the Coming of the Messiah, &c. He Warns [Page 4] them of the Amazing Revolutions, were coming upon them, in the Destruction of Jerusalem, and the Second Temple by the Romans, and Foretells the Rejection of the Jews, for their Sins, and especially, for Rejecting of the MESSIAH, who was to be Porn among them according to the Flesh. The Prophecy con­tains then, Exhortations to true Repentance, dispersed throughout the Prophecy: Predictions of many Blessings and Mercies to the Faith­ful, relating to the Times of the Gospel, viz. The Coming of the LORD JESUS, the Calling of the Gentiles, and the Protection of his Church to the end of the World, notwithstan­ding all the Rage and Fury of his and their Enemies; together with severe Comminations a­gainst the Enemies of the Jews, and against the Impenitent among themselves; Intermingling Encouragements to Joshua, and all Leaders, both in Civil and Sacred Order, to be Faithful in the Discharge of Duty incumbent on them in all respects as the matter might require. These are the principal matters in the whole Pro­phecy.

In this Chapter, we have an account of Zechariahs Fourth Vision, concerning the Resto­ration and Establishment of the Priesthood, and Temple-Worship; and the Comforts Redound­ing to the Church from those Administrations; [Page 5] Typically by Joshua the Brand, Spiritually and Mystically by JESUS the Branch.

Particularly, First we have the Conflict of the A ngel of the Lord, that is Christ, against SATAN on behalf of Joshua, whom, the Mischievous (yet seemingly zealous) Devil, (transforming into an Angel of light) objected against, and despised, by reason of his filthy garments; verse, 2, 3.

Secondly, SATAN being rebuked for his ma­lice, the cause of his objection is removed, by take­ing away the filthy garments, and giveing him change of raiment; verse 4. And in order to his New inauguration, or Enstailment in the Priest­hood, there is bestowed on him, those ornaments which might Represent him, full of Splendour, and fitly qualified for that Office, verse. 5.

Upon his Installment, the Angel of the Lord gives him a renewed Charge, in a Solemn Pro­testation of the Continuance of his Office, and that he would be with him, and assist him in all Administrations, that were according to his own Institution, verse 6, 7.

Thirdly, We have GOD the FATHER, Revealing the Lord Jesus C hrist, the Great and True High Priest.

First, Under the Title and Metaphor, of the BRANCH, Verse 8.

Secondly, of a STONE with Eyes, being full of Providence and Wisdom for the Church Verse 9. Adjoyning the Special Effects, of his [Page 6] Coming, in Taking away Iniquity, latter end of Verse 9. And in Propagation, and Enlarge­ment of his Kingdom and Interest, under the Gospel; Verse 10.

Here then, In the first Verse, We have the Representation of Joshua the High-Priest, or Great Priest, as the Hebrew, who was so by Descent, a great Officer in the Church, how­ever mean he was in his Garb, and being a Publick Person, Represented the whole Church, And as he C onducted the People out of Ba­bylon, and Rebuilt the Temple, was a Type of Christ, both in his Name and Office. (2) We have the posture of this Joshua; standing be­fore the Angel of the Lord, the Angel of the Covenant, as he is elsewhere called. Now Joshua is brought in Standing (1) as a Ser­vant, to show Inferiority as sitting, denotes Dignity, and Superiority; As a Servant de­riving Authority, in his Office; from his Lord; As a Servant manifesting all Readiness, and Re­verence in Obedience. As a Servant, to be by his Lord directed, as also under his Eye, for Support and Protection. Or,

2. Standing, as a guilty Person; As one unworthy to be imployed, in such Eminent service; And as a Publique Person, had much to answer for the sins of the People, as well as his own.

3. Here is the Opposition Joshua met with, And SATAN the Adversary; whose malice appears, [Page 7] against all good men, and good things in the world.

4. We have the Posture, and Order of SATAN in Opposing, and accusing of Joshua; standing at his Right Hand the Right Hand is the place of the ac­cuser that being.

1. The Weapon Hand.

2. The Working Hand. Satan the accuser or opposer there, takes his advantagious stati­on.

5. We have the end of Satans of standing; viz. To resist him, to oppose his Execution of the Priests Office, the words in the Hebrew sig­nify the withstander stood to withstand him, both to accuse, and oppose him.

In this second verse we have the LORD ap­pearing in the vindication of Joshua, from the malicious accusation of Satan, according to his Covenant Mercy, and Special Favour shewed to him, and the People in delivering them from the Babylonish Captivity; Particularly Here we Note.

1. The Person speaking, the LORD, that is Jesus Christ, set forth by a Title of Glorious Soveraignty and Power, the LORD-REDEEM­ER, and Restorer of Mercy, to His Covenant People. The LORD-MEDIATOR, King and Head of His Church; He before whom, Jo­shua but now stood, as a SOVERAIGN LORD, appears for him, as a Glorious Advocate, and In­tercessor.

[Page 8] 2. We have The Person spoken to, and that it Satan the ADVERSARY and Enemy, as the Livel ever was and the Notation of the Title here given to him holds forth. (3.) The Testimony of the Blessed Jesus, against the cursed Satan, the Enemy of Gods Covanant. People; The Lord Rebuke thee, O Satan, &c.

Where Note we, First, The Glorious Name, and Soveraign Authority, he uses for the Re­pelling of Satan, and Repressing his Malice, and Opposition, Viz. The Dreadful Name, of GOD the FATHER, the Great and Everlasting JE­HOVAH. (2) The Soveraign and Powerful Manner of his Checking Satan, and that is, The Lord Rebuke thee, O Satan, he doth not stand to dispute the matter with him, but st­lenceth him at once, and the reduplication of the Rebuke points out of us (1.) S atans Earnestness in his Opposition; he stands in need of Rebukes, again and again, before he would yield and begone. (2) CHRIST's Pitty, T enderness, and Fidelity, in opposition to Satans Impudence and Importunity: Thirdly, We have the Rebuke armed and strengthened, by Arguments drawn from the C ovenant of GOD, with Joshua and the People, in that Expression T he God that hath chosen Jerusalem. (4) There is also Argument drawn, from that S pecial Sal­vation of which Joshua and the People had so lately been made partakers; ( qs. d.) It is [Page 9] but a vain thing for thee, O S atan, to move me against them, I know their faults, but I will now admit no further accusations, being resolved to perfect my Mercy to them, Is not this a Brand pluckt out of the Fire? The He­brew Word rendred Brand, signifies Light and Sparkling on Fire, so that it would have been utterly burnt up, if the Lord had not been exceeding Merciful; and therefore nothing but Diabolical C ruelty, could put it into the Fire again, the like Expression we have, Amos 4. 11. Ye are as Brand pluckt out of the Burning, The Sum is here then; I have ( qs. d.) but now graciously delivered them, and I will not by any of thy Malicious C lamours, be moved to Reject or Afflict them.

The Doctrine then is:

That the LORD JESUS CHRIST, is the only Prevalent Intercessor with GOD the FATHER, for the relief of those that are in Covenant with him, & are made partakers of his special mercy; when they are under the most threatning and amazing distresses, that by therage and malice of Satan they can be exposed unto.

The whole Explication, and Confirmation of this Doctrine, will be dispatched, in the Illustration of these Propositions contained therein.

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Satan is the ADVERSARY and Enemy. He is the Original, the Fountain of malice, the Insti­gator of all Contrariety, Malignity and Enmity; It is to be observed, this Title is here given to the Devil in our Text, and Context, on account of the Malicious Opposition, he made to Joshua as a Type of Christ, and representative of the People, for it is noted by Criticks the Hebrew word Satan signifies the most Universal Opposition both in words and deeds; & is a Radical Noun, derived from the Verb, which is in the close of the foregoing verse, rendred Resist, Oppose, or With­stand. Hence it is read frequently, Adversa­ry, importing the same with the Greek. Word 'ANTIDIXOS, used I Pet. 5. 8. which signi­fies not barely Adversary, but Adversary in Cause, S uit or Action; The Scope then of this Proposition is couched under the Name or Epithet here given to the Devil, which is SATAN, the Adversary, or ARCH-ENEMY: And this Title is given him, in two eminent cases, by our Saviour himself, as in the Para­ble of the good Seed and Tares; Mat. 13.28. An Enemy hath done this, which our Lord himself declares, verse 39. in Opening the Pa­rable, is the Devil. Again, Luk. 10. 19. Over all the Power of the Enemy, which is Interpre­ted [Page 11] of the Devil, or Unclean Spirits, Vers. 20. In this Rejoyce not that the S pirits are subject to you, but rather &c.

In a word, what was foretold concerning Ishmael, is in the most absolute sense true of him, Gen. 16. 12 His Hand is against every Man, and every Mans Hand is (or should be) against him. Such an Universal and Implacable Adversary and Enemy is this S atan. But to Instance briefly in the Objects of his Enmity

1. First He is Gods Enemy. He sets himself a­gainst the Infinite and Eternal GOD, All Satans designes and Operations; do strike and level, at the very being of God; he would dethrone and Un-God him, if it were possible. He fell from Gods favour at first, by rebellion, and hence by his righteous Judgement, was doomed to continue, under the power of irreconcilable enmity, against him for ever. He is an Enemy to all the Divine Attri­butes, and most glorious Persons in all their holy designs and operations. To all the Divine Attri­butes, Negative, Positive, Relative, and Endea­vours by Blasphemous denying them to Eclipse the glory of them; he was a lyar in and from the beginning, against the Truth and Holyness of GOD; Gen. 3. 1. Yea hath GOD said &c. He puts them, upon scrupling the truth of the threatning and in the fourth verse; down right denies it, ye shall not surely by &c. Herein also he reflected upon the Holyness of God, [Page 12] by which he was engaged in that threatning, to advance his own glory; viz. The glory of his justice, by punishing mans transgression with Dy­ing the Death as is denounced, Gen. 2. 17. Thou shalt surely dy, or dy the Death.

Thus the Unclean lying satan, set himself against these Essential, and Inseperable Attributes, of the Blessed God: and in the same manner, doth he Eclipse the rest, so far as he is permitted to do it. Again, he is an Enemy to all the most glori­ous Persons in the God-Head; FATHER, SON, and HOLY GHOST, in their Joynt Determina­tions, and Eternal Decrees, concerning the Re­demption, and Salvation of sinners; by and under the Mediator; and he is an Enemy to them in their Distinct Operations, in a way of Ef­ficiency, for the promoting that which is Holy, and Just, and Good. To GOD the FATHER in Managing his Eternal Purposes of Grace, to Sinners by and in the New Covenant, and ma­nifesting his Electing Love unto them, which is Primarily and properly ascribed to him, 2 Thes. 2. 13. As also, Ephes. 1. 3, 4, 5. Of these Pur­poses, Designs and Resolutions, Satan mightily opposeth the Execution: As in this Instance of Joshua; GOD the FATHER, had a De­cree of Mercy to him, and to his Covenant People Represented by him; Satan stands in Opposition to that Gracious Resolution. He is an Enemy to GOD the SON, to God made [Page 13] Man, and the more, because he was Made Flesh, and shewed such Favour to Mankind, as to Tabernacle among them; John 1. 14. And indeed, this Humiliation of the SON of GOD being made Man gave Satan advantage to shew and exercise his Enmity against him, (i. e.) as he was the Seed of the Woman, for as he was the SON of GOD, he could not any way come at him, being God over all Blessed for ever, Rom. 9. 5. But when once Incarnate, and become an Inhabitant of this Lower World, where Satan Ranges to and fro continually; then he Spits his Venemcus Malice against him, To cut him off by Herods bloody Decree, Mat. 2. 16. To Overthrow his Obedience, and draw him to Sin; Mat. 4. to 11. To Destroy­him, by stirring up Judas to Betray him in­to the Hands of his Enemies, Luk. 22. 3. Satan Entred into Judas, &c. Again, he is the Ene­my of the HOLY GHOST, as he is the Spi­rit of Grace, Heb. 10. 29. The Spirit of Truth John 14. 17. The Spirit of Holiness, or Holy Spirit, Eph. 4. [...]0. And his being so called, im­ports the Holiness of his Nature, and Operati­ons, in opposition to the Unclean Spirit, and his Operations. Hence Annanias is said to Lye against the HOLY GHOST, or Spirit of Truth, Acts 5. 3. And indeed, this Unclean Spirit, or Grand Fomenter of Spiritual Wicked­ness, is over doing all he can, to Oppose and [Page 14] do Despight unto the Holy Spirit of Grace, Heb. 10. 29. By stirring up men to Resist him Acts 7. 51. Thus Satan is an Enemy to GOD CREATOR, to GOD-REDEEMER, to GOD SANCTIFIER, in all their Operations, and Designs of Grace.

2. Satan is the GRAND Enemy of all mankind He is full of Enmity, against the Woman and all her Seed, as Eve was the Mother of all living; Gen. 3. 15. And I will put enmity betwixt thee and the woman &c.

Now Enmity, denotes a principle of Irreconcilable Hatred, an Innate C ontrariety; which vents it self in all manner of Endeavour, to prevent the good, and promote the hurt, ruine and destruction of the Object. This Enmity of Satan, appears in the Names given him in Scripture, relating to man, as the Object of his Malice; He is called THE A ccuser, even of the Brethren, Rev 12 10. THE Tempter, Mat. 4. 3. The Devourer 1 Pet. 5. 8. The Destroyer, hence the Easters Antichrist, is so named in two Languages, A­baddon in the Hebrew; and Apollyon in the Greek Rev. 9. 11. because he acts in his horrible De­structions and Devastations of People and Kingdoms as the inspired Instrument substitute and representative of Satan the Grand Destroy­er. It appears also, by Allusions made in the Sa­cred Pages, to Creatures that are a dread to man He is called a Serpent, Gen. 3. 13. T he Old Serpent [Page 15] Rev. 20. 2. A Dragon, Rev. 12. 13. A I you, I Pet. 5. 8. Now put all these three together, that Satan hath the subtilty of the Serpent, the malice of the Dragon, and strength of the Li­on, and suppose all these to be improved to the utmost vigour, of Angelical Activity; and we must believe him to be a most Formidable Enemy. He as such, did set upon, and was too hard for our First Parents, striking at the Stock and Root of all Mankind, in order to the certain confusion of the whole Progeny and Posterity: which Hellish Design had undoubtedly succeeded to full effect, had not the promise of the MESSIAH been Revealed to Lost Man, to lay hold of for his Restoring to a State of Reconciliation, and consequently to Eternal Salvation. The Sum is, Satan being doomed to the Chains of Eternal Darkness, for his Treason against his Creator, and Spight against Man, his Fellow-Creature; swells with cursed Enmity, against the children of men, yea, and the adopted children of GOD, so long as they are in this world; & being a spiri­tual Enemy, he is the more formidable, because an UNEQUAL match, for poor mortal flesh: For though by his fall, he lost his Angelical Holyness, yet he did not loose his Angelical nature, so that his Enmity must needs be Exceeding fierce. and Pene­trateing, and although his Powers are much deba­sed, from what they were in his State of integrity, yet do they vastly exceed, the most Elevated Powers [Page 16] of-any meer mortal whatsoever. But

Particularly here; First, He is the Enemy of the SOULS of men. And indeed, this is that he drives at, in all his designs, and operations, and to catch devour and destroy SOULS; Hence when he draws wretched mortals, to Contract with him; He bargains with them, that after the time of his service to them, he will have their Souls, viz Intending to Torment them for ever.

He is a S pirit, and hence strikes at the Spiritual part the most Excellent (Constituent) part of man. Primarily disturbing, and Interrupting, the Animal and Vital Spirits, he maliciously O­perates upon, the more Common Powers of the Soul, by strange and frightful Representations to the Fancy, or Imagination, and by violent, Tor­tures of the body, often threatning to extinguish life; as hath been observed, in those that are afflicted amongst us. And not only so, but he vents his malice, in Diabolical Operations, on the more sublime and distinguishing faculties, of the Rational Soul, raising Mists of Darkness, and ig­norance, in the Understanding. Ephes. 4. 18. 2 Cor. 4. 4: Stirring up, the innate Rebellion of the will, though he cannot force it unto sin. In­troducing Universal Ataxy, and inordinacy, in the Passions, both Love and Hatred, the Cardinat or Radical affections, with all other that accompany or flow from them; Hence we read of Hating God, who ought above all to be loved; Rom. 1. 30. [Page 17] And loving the world (i e) the Pleasures, Treasures, and Honours thereof, in such a degree as is inconsistent, with the love of the chief good; I John 2. 15. James 4. 4. And although it must be acknowledged, that there is a Corrupt Prin­ciple in Fallen Man; yet it is Satan, that frequent­ly moves it unto act, and all he intends there­by is the Captivating the whole Soul, and by consequence the Whole Man, to Disobedience of the Command of GOD; that by his Holy, and Righteous Judgment, his Wrath might be Revealed to the utmost, against the Souls and Bodies of Impenitent Sinners, Cursing them to Everlasting Burnings, Prepared for the Devil and his Angels, Mat. 25. 41. And thus he would destroy all Souls, did not Divine Grace pre­vent.

Secondly, Satan is the ENEMY of the BO­DIES of Men. The Soul being the better part, is the principal object of his Malice, but together with that (as an Instrument by which it Exerteth its Powers in the State of Union) the Body is often sorely afflicted by him, when he cannot obtain leave to go any further. And here

1. Sometimes he brings Distress upon the Bodies of Men, by malignant Operations in, and Diabolical Impressions on, the Spirituous Principle or Vehicle of life & Motion. This we have set before us in the case of the Possessed, Mark. 9. 18. and [Page 18] wheresoever he taketh him, he teareth him, and be foameth, and gnasheth with his Teeth, &c, Now although Actual Possessions, were most frequent and observable, while our SAVIOUR was on the Earth, and it seems to be so much permitted in that time, that the Eternal Power and GODHEAD, of the Lord Jesus might appear, in the subduing Satan, and Sup­pressing his Tyranny, over the Souls and Bo­dies of the Children of Men: Yet there are certainly some Lower Operations of Satan, (whereof there are sundry Examples among us) which the Bodies of Men and Women, are liable unto. And whosoever, hath carefully ob­served these things, must needs be Convinced, that the Motions of the Persons Afflicted, both as to the Manner, and as to the violence of them, are the meer effects of Diabolical Malice and Operations, and that it cannot ra­tionally be imagined, to proceed from any other cause whatsoever.

2. Sometimes by Moving and Exasperating the Corrupt Particles of the Blood, & vitiated Humours of the Body, be doth (by God's Permission) Smite the Bodies of Men, with Grievous, Pes­tilential and Loathsome Diseases; Of this JOB was a special Instance, Job 2. 7. S o S atan went and smote Job with sore Boiles, &c. It is not expressed, what Disease it was, with which the Devil smote Job; but certainly it Seized [Page 19] him, with the utmost degree of Malignity and Loathsomeness, that natural causes, under the influence of Diabolical Malice, could pro­duce; and we may rationally conceive that never any man, had that Disease or those Boiles (as Job had them) who out-lived the Tormenting Pains, and Malignity thereof. Nei­ther can we deny, but that Satan may (by Divine Permission) spread the Contagious At­tomes of Epidemical Diseases, in the Aiery Re­gion (the Territory assigned to him) who is Prince of the Power of the Air, Eph. 2. 2) And make them Penetrate, so as to render them the more Afflictive and Destructive to the Bo­dies of such as are Infected by them. This he did by Permission (not only for Tryal as in Jobs case) but also for the Punishment of Sinners; hence we read of his being employ­ed sometimes by the Great God, as the Executioner of his just Revenges, in the De­struction of his and his People Enemies; and thus he was among the Egyptians when the Lord plagued them, Psal. 78. 49, 50. By sending Evil Angels among them. He spared not their Souls from Death, but gave them over to the Pe­stilence. Besides, I may not insist here, How Satan by wicked men his Instruments brings outward Calamities, Sorrows, Pains and Punish­ments on the Bodies even of the Children of God; of whom as the Apostle declares the [Page 20] World was not worthy, Heb. 11. 37, 38. They Wandred in Sheep-skins and Goat-skins, in Dent and Caves of the Earth, &c. by reason of the malicious Persecutions of wicked Tyrants, the Instruments of Satan, and who doubtless were hurried on by his Instigations. And surely what is said concerning Casting into Prison, is likewise true of other Afflictions, as Scourgings, or any Corporal Punishments for Righteous­ness sake. That though men are the Actors, yet it is the Devil, that shall Cast some into Prison, Rev. 2. 10. He is the principal Instiga­tor, in all such Designs for the hurting the Bodies of men, when not permitted to pro­ceed further, being willing to do all the mis­chief that he can, when he cannot do so much as he would: But

Thirdly, Satan vents, his Malice against the very LIVES of men, to cut them off and destroy them. He is the Prince of Death, that hath the Power of Death, Heb. 2. 14. He is the DESTROYER of all Life, both Spiritual and Corporal. All his Designs against the Souls and Bodies of men, terminate here, even in the Weakening or Extinguishing of Life, and when he touches the life of the Body, he aims at the Life of the Soul: He it was that stirred up Cain, to Commit the first Murder in the World, when he slew Abcl his Brother, for [Page 21] which he is said to be of the Wicked One I Joh. 3. 12. (i. e.) Acting from the same prin­ciple of Enmity: as if he were his very Spawn and Ofspring. He it was that Raised a 'wind, that smote the House where Jobs Sons and Daughters were, and slew them all, Job 1. 19. having permission so to do, verse 12. This same Adversary it was, that stirred up David to Number the People, that so by displea­sing GOD, 70000 men might be cut off by the Pestilence; I Chron. 21. 1. 2 Sam. 24. 15. This Design against the Lives of Men, the GRAND Destroyer hath been carrying on, from the beginning, by stirring up Wars, Tu­mults, Insurrections, Commotions and Confusions, amongst People, Nations and Kingdoms, by which means multitudes of multitudes have fal­len in the valley of Destruction, and gone down to the Congregation of the Dead; the Devil hath begotten Pride, Pride hath Created Wars, and Wars promoted Slaughter, and De­structions; so that it is the true Mark and Character of Satans Kingdom, that it is Esta­blished, Supported, and Propogated by Malice, Enmity, Wars, Blood, Slaughter, and Destruction of Mankind.


That Satan makes it his business to improve [Page 22] all Opportunities and Advantages, to Exercise his Malice upon the Children of Men. He is an indefatigable, as well as an implacable Enemy: Thus he was willing to represent himself, as appears by his answer given to the GREAT GOD, when he inquired of him, Job 2. 2. Whence comest thou? Satan said from going to and fro in the earth, &c. (i. e.) Traversing the Earth, to spie out what mischief he could do, against the Inhabitants thereof. This is the Argument used by the Apostle P eter, I Pet. 5. 8. Be sober, (i. e.) be in a Holy Frame, to Attend all Duty; Be vigilant, (i. e.) be careful to avoid all that Sin which might be­tray you, Because your Adversary the Devil goes about as a Roaring Lion, seeking whom he may Devour; here note we his strength, a Ly­on; his Malice, a Roaring Lion; his Industry, he goes about; his End and Design seeking whom he may devour: and he exerts his malice, either (1) Immediately, or (2) Medi­ately; Of each of these briefly.

1. Immediately and directly, Operating in, and upon the object by his own power and influence. And indeed his Angelical Activity is such, as doth render him capable to Operate far beyond Humane Power of Resistance, without any Instrument whatsoever, whensoever [Page 23] he hath obtained the Divine Permission, and this he doth

1. Sometimes by sudden injections, or sugges­tions working upon the corrupt principle, or Original Depravity that is in man. Thus Satan is said to have filled the hearts of Annanias to Lye against the Holy Ghost, Acts 5. 3,

2. Sometimes by false Representations to the Eyes, or only to the minds of men, concerning things delightful to the Senses: Of this kind was the Representation of the Kingdomes of the World to our LORD Jesus Christ, Mat. 4. 8. Some think it was in a Vision, or Illu­sion, some by pointing at the four quarters and in words relating the glory thereof; Doctor Taylor judgeth the Devil offered the Images, and Representations of them all, sensibly and actually, in a strange manner, making their Images appear to his Senses, and not by vision or illusion, which did not so well agree to the perfection of Christ's mind. But Christ did in­deed, see the Images and most glorious Repre­sentations of the World and the Kingdoms thereof. And the better to perswade him, that he saw the things indeed, he set him on an exceeding High Mountain; I do the rather con­ceive this to be the manner, because men by art can Represent to the Senses in a Glass, the [Page 24] Lively Image of a person or thing, and Satan certainly can do it much more; and besides, it seems hardly safe to believe, that the Devil was capable, to impose upon the pure and sinless imagination of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, by any Illusion whatsoever.

3. Sometimes by Entring into, and Possessing the Souls of the Man; bringing him unto full Submission, and entire Resignation to his Hellish Designs; that it is Totally Enslaved him to his Authority and direction. In this manner he Captivates the whole Soul in all its faculties by seven Spirits (i. e.) Fullness of Devils, Luk. 11. 26. And this may be, in those that are not Bodily Possessed, and indeed is in a sort, in all Unregenerate SINNERS, as 2 Timothy 2 26. Who are taken Captive by him at his Will; The Greek Word there used, signifies to Hunt and Catch alive. The man with all his Facul­ties and Powers, are at the Devils Beck; and Devoted to his Service.

Secondly, Mediately by imploying some of man­king or other creatures, and he frequently useth other persons or things, that his Designs may be the more undiscernable. Thus he used the Serpent in the first Temptation, Gen. 3. 1. Now when he useth Mankind, he seemeth to [Page 25] bring in what he intends, in a way of Familiar Converse with us Mortals, that he may not be suspected at the bottome of all. Hence he Con­tracts and Indents with Witches and Wizzards, that they shall be the Instruments by whom he may more secretly Affect, and Afflict the Bodies and Minds of others, and if he can prevail, upon those that make a Visible Profession, it may be the better Covert to his Diabolical Enterprizes: And may the more readily pervert others to Consent­ing unto his subjection. Thus in Tempters to any Wickedness, but in reference to the present occasion, especially in Witches, Sorcerers, Divi­ners, &c. So far as we can look into those Hellish Mysteries, and guess at the Administration of that Kingdom of Darkness [...] may learn that Witches make Witches, by perswading one the other to Subscribe to a Book, or Articles, &c. And the Devil, having them in this subjection, by their Consent, he will use their Bodies and Minds, Shapes and Representations, to Affright and Afflict others, at his pleasure, for the Propa­gation of his Infernal Kingdom, and accomplish­ing his Devised Mischiefs, to the Souls, Bodies and Lives of the Children of men; yea, and of the Children of GOD too, so far as per­mitted and is possible.

[Page 26]


The Covenant People of God, and those that would Devote themselves intirely to his Service, are the special objects of SATANS Rage and Fury.

He is the malicious Enemy of the Church of God, and of every Member thereof; and that on account of the Kingdom of Christ that is established, and the Ordinances of the LORD JESUS that are celebrated there; and the benefits that acrue to the Souls of men, by those blessed Institutions, for the Translating of them, from the Power of Satan unto the Sub­jection of the Lord Jesus Christ; the Redeemer of his People, and Head of his Church; hence when the Church is Resembled to a Woman, for Beauty of Holy Profession, clothed with the Sun, (i. e.) adorned with all Sanctifying Gifts and Saving Graces of the Spirit of GOD, shining with utmost brightness, of the Faith and Order of the Gospel, Rev. 12. 1. To a Woman, for Tenderness and Weakness. Yea, & to a Woman, for Fruitfulness, being with Child and ready to be Delivered, verse 2. Then do we find, the Implacable Adversary of Mankind Re­presented by a Great-Red-Dragon, verse 3. (i. e.) most formidable, both for his Power, a Great Dragon, and for his venomous Rage and Fu­ry, [Page 27] A Red Dragon; and he is set forth, pou­ting, out his Malice against her, in a fearful manner, by a Flood out of his mouth, verse 15. And here we may note two things.

First, That the more solemnly, and Person or People are Devoted to God, and thence do shine with Lustre of Holiness, both of Heart and Life, the more vehemently doth he oppose, malign, and Persecute them. That which makes him so ma­licious against the Children of GOD, is his ac­cursed Contrariety, to the Image of GOD that is on them, and the Principle of Holiness that is in them. So that the more Beauty of Holi­ness, they hold forth in their Conversation, the more violently, and outragiously doth he Op­pose them: A special Instance of this, we have in Job, concerning whom the Searcher of Hearts, did (before his afflictions) give this Te­stimony, that he feared God, and eschewed evil, Job 1. 8. Upon the notice whereof, Satan set him­self against him, to interrupt him in, and divert him from, that Sincerity and Universallity of Obe­dience, by obtaining permission to bring Crosses and Afflictions upon him, in his Estate and Chil­dren chap. And finding him to be constant in his Resolution, to Serve GOD Uprightly, accor­ding to the Testimnoy of GOD himself, chap. 2, 3. He pleads for a farther Permission, against his Person, chap. 2. 5. And in the management of [Page 28] his Designs, he did Transform himself into an An­gel of Light, as the Apostle saith, 2 Cor. 11. 14. (i. e.) pretend to as much Holiness in outward appearance, as the best; hence when the Sons of GOD, viz. the Angles, the Eldest Sons of GOD by Creation, came, to present themselves before the Lord, (i. e.) to pay their Homage unto, and to receive the Commands of their Soveraign LORD, Satan came also among them, Job. 1. 6. Thus also by Seducers, and False Teachers; 2 Cor. 11. 13. be insinuates into the Society of the Adopted Children of GOD in their most Solemn Aproach­es to him, in Sacred Ordinances; endeavouring to look so like the true Saints, and Ministers of Christ, that if it were possible, he would deceive the very Elect, Mat. 24. 24. by his subtilty; for it is certain, he never works more like the Prince of Darkness, than when he looks moss like an angel of Light, and when he most pretends to Holiness, he then doth most secretly, and by con­sequence most surely undermine it, and those that most Excel in the Exercise thereof.

Secondly, That the more eminent Service, or Office any person is employed IN, or called to the discharge OF, for the glory of GGD, and the good of his Church, the more violently doth Satan resist, with­stand or oppose him.

In this Context, we have Jeshua who was Or­dained to be the High-priest of GOD, a Repre­sentative [Page 29] of the whole People, whose Office it was, to Offer Sacrifice for their sins, and to Enter into the Holy-place once a year, with the Blood of Atonement, Exod. 30. 10. (being therein al­so a Type of Christ, the Great High-Priest of his People) He stood before the Angel, or Messen­ger of the Covenant of the LORD to attend his Duty, and discharge his Office; and presently the Devil or [...] stands up no accuse, and Satan, or the Withstander to resist him; yea, such was the Subtilty, Impudence and Enmity of the Old Serpent, called the Devil and Satan, (all engaged against our Lord Jesus Christ, the Antitype of Joshua,) that no sooner, was he explicitely Or­dained, to the work he came into the World for, Mat. 3. 17. but immediately Satan sets upon him to hinder him, and (if it had been possible) to make void the whole Design, Mat. 4. 1. to the 11 Thus also we find Paul, the Apostle or our Lord Jesus Christ, (who was so Laborious, and inde­fatigable, in the Work of the Gospel, I Cor. 15. 10. complaining of Satans putting Impediments or Discouragements in his way of coming to the Thessalonians, I Thes. 2. [...]18. Wherefore we would have come unto you (even I Paul) once and again, but Satan hindred as: partly by Persecutions, raised against him, and the Lying in wait of the Jews, mentioned, Acts 20. 19. and again, chap. 23. 16. as a Discouragement to him, partly by Raising Troubles in other Churches, and thereby [Page 30] finding Paul other business, as an Impediment to his Serving them. Thus Satan still is, and will be, the Opposer of the Faithful and Fer­vent Officers of the Church, to the end of the World; and so I pass to the next Proposition.


That in all Satans Malicious Designs, and Opera­tions, he is absolutely Bounded and Limited, by the Power and Pleasure of the Great and Ever­lasting GOD, the LORD JEHOVAH.

That is the Title given to God the Father in our Text, and although many times parti­cularly applyed to GOD the FATHER, yet is comprehensive of all the Persons in the God-head, and especially, relating to the Exe­cution of the Eternal Purposes of Grace, and Good Will to the Elect, for Opera Trinta [...]s ad Extra, sunt indivisa & indistincta. Polan. syn. Here then are two of the Persons in the E­ver Blessed Trinity, mentioned, each under the Title of JEHOVAH in the Hebrew; whereby we are confirmed in the Doctrine of the Tri­nity; By JEHOVAH, the LORD the SON, making use of the Soveraign Name and Au­thority, of Jehovah the FATHER, The Lord Rebuke thee O Satan, the Lord that hath Chosen Jerusalem Rebnke thee. [Page 31] Now Election, is Primarily ascribed, to the E­ternal purpose, and Soveraign Pleasure, of GOD the Father In concurrence with GOD the Son & GOD the Holy Ghost, These Glorious Divine Per­sons, Coequal, Coessential, and Coeternal do hold Satan, in the chain of their absolute power and soveraignty being able at their pleasure, with a word of rebuke, to remand and restrain, yea total­ly to vanquish and suppress him, in his most out­ragious efforts of malice, against the Children of men, or servants of the MOST HIGH GOD. This is presented to us in that Expression used, in our Text, The LORD REBUKE thee the Hebrew world GAGNAR used here, signifies to rebuke, not only in word but in Deed; Cum potestate Objurgare, to re­buke with power, so as totally to subdue, and sup­press, thus it is used, Ps. 9: 6. Thou hast rebuked the heathen, (i. e.) suppressed their power, and rage, even to their utter destruction, as in the next words, thou hast destroyed the wicked, and put out their name for ever, the words then, The Lord Rebuke thee, Import.

First Authority of Office, to reprove and rebuke, Titus is directed, Ch1 13. Rebuke them sharply (i: e) by vertue of thing Office Power and Au­thority thus their Lord and master, Rebuked the Heat and Rashness of his Disciples, Luke 9. 54,55 But he turned and rebuked them and said ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of.

Secondly Rebukeing imports, putting to shame, in [Page 32] sense of weakness in argueing, or disputeing; Jude; 9.— brought not raileing accusation; but made the Grand Railer. ashamed by saying the LORD Rebuke thee, or confound thee in thy Ar­gument.

And (Thirdly) it imports Checking and put­ting to silence. Luk. 19. 39. Master Rebuke thy Disciples (i. e.) put them to silence, Thus it be­longs to the Soveraignty, of the blessed Jehovah, One God in Three Persons with authority to Re­buke Satan, to Shame him in his accusations, and to Silence his clamours, against the servants of God. And that will appear, if we consider three things,

(First) The Great God the Eternal Jehovah, did at first Create him by his Power, He made him in a Glorious state of Happiness, and perfect­ion of Holyness, in the beginning of time; when the innumerable company of Angels were made in and with the highest heavens, to do his pleasure Ps. 103. 20. 21. And although, the Apostate Angels, that fell by rebellion are reserved in Chains &c. Jude ver. 6. Yet our Saviour tells the De­vil Math. 4. 10. Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God &c. Therein not only testifying his own Son like subjection to God his Father, and steadfast, resolution, to exalt his glory, against all manner of temptations, but also thereby, put­ting [Page 33] Satan in mind, that even He & all other crea­tures, are bound to worship GOD, their Soveraign Lord and Maker and thence that the Devil ought to worship the Lord Jesus who was Truly and Es­sentially God his Creator. For surely he is even the Devils God by Creation, in which he was made a glorious Angel, but he made himself by transgression an horrible Devil.

(Secondly) The Soveraign Power, of the Great God to rebuke Satan, appears, In that he doth manage and over-rule, all his motions and Operations, to serve his own most Holy Ends, and to advance his own glory in the winding up. Angelical natures are ve­ry active, and as the blessed Angels, are very dili­gent in serving, and glorifying, GOD, and mini­string for the good of the heirs of salvation, Hebr. 1. 14. So the cursed Devils, are full of subtile con­trivance, malicious designs, and Diabolical opera­tions, for the dishonour of GOD, the ruine of Mankind, and injuring the Heirs of Promise, to the uttermost of their Permission and A­bility.

But what the wise man saith, wisely and truely concerning the Devices of man, is every way true of the Designs of Satan, Prov: 19: 21. There are many devices in a mans heart, but the Counsel of the Lord it shall stand, (i. e.) totally to defeat the accomplishment of them, [Page 34] or to over-rule the issues, effects and consequen­ces of them to his own Glory. Thus the GREAT GOD, doth many times out-do Satans Politicks, and over-shootes him in his own how, making that which he designed, as meanes to Prevent the good of the Church, appear to be a most proper medium to pro­mote the benefit thereof, according to his Blessed will and Counsel, who can say concerning his own most Holy Design; and be as good as his word, in despight of Men and Divels, Isa. 46: 10. My counsel shall stand, And I will do all my pleasure. This will appear, if we consi­der the pernicious designs, and malicious methods of Satan, in order to the Crucifixion of Our LORD JESUS, and the end he aimed at in his being cut off; and how in a stupendious manner; all was over-ruled, to accomplish Gods Eternal Purposes, in the Salvation of this Elect.

(Briefly then, The Devil finding nothing in him) (as our Saviour saith, John. 14. 30.) On which to fix any temptation, whereby he might stain him in his Holyness; or pervert him from his Obedience; but was totally overcome, and rou­ted, in a Single conflict, with the Captaion of our Salvation, Math: 4: 1, to, 11. He is resolved to prosecute another design, even the taking away his bodily life, in order whereunto He entred unto Judas, Named Iscariot one of the Twelve. Luk. 22. 3. [Page 35] Who presently went and set himself to take opportunity, to betray him, Ver. 6. Then Satan stirred up, the Envy of the people, to deli­ver him to the Judgment, Math. 27. 18. Brought in Two false Witnesses against him; Math. 26. 60. Moved Herod, and Pontius Pilate Gentiles, to con­demn him, and therein gratify the wicked people. of Israel, that were gathered together, Acts 4. 27. And (to compleat the Diabolical Tragedy) Instigated the people, with wicked hands to Crucify him. Acts. 2. 23. And after his Buryal, they endeavour to prevent his Rising again, or removal out of the Sepulcher (as they pretended) by setting a guard about it, rolling a great stone upon it, and sealing it to make it unalterable; Math. 27. 66. &c.

SATAN then had thus far gained the Point, & prevailed in his Hellish designs, against the life of the Man-CHRIST-JESUS; yet in all this process he had neither broken the Chaine by which the GREAT GOD holds him, nor could he (in, the least) overstraine one linke thereof; nor yet deviate one inch from the methods determined, and traced out, by the Purpose of the Eternal God in any one step or intreague, of this whole af­faire: but in spight of all the Malice, Power, and Policy, of EARTH and HELL, it came to pass in every particular passage thereof, As the Hand of GOD disposed, in the Course of his Provi­dence: According as his Counsel fore-determined should be done, Acts. 4: 27. 28. As also, Acts. 2. 23. [Page 36] Hitherto we may observe, how Satans - plot and project, seemed to be agreeable, (though a­gainst his will,) to the purpose, and Eternal Coun­sel of the blessed GOD: but in the ends and issues proposed, Behold how vastly (even Toto Coelo) they differ! For instance, Satans Design herein was to cut off the hopes of the sons of men, as to Redemption and Salvation by the Man-Christ-Jesus, 1. Tim 2: 5 That so the benefits of the New-Co­venant, of which he was the ONE, and onely MEDIATOR, might utterly faile, and poor mi­serable man, might again fall, Fearfully, Fatally, and Irecoverably, into the hands of the LIVING GOD, Heb: 10, 31. And by the Infinite weight, of his vindictive Justice be crushed down to the Nethermost Hell: But on the other hand, GODS designs was far otherwise, even by the Deep Humiliation, and death of the Man Christ on the Cross, to produce such Effects as these, Namely that Man's Redemption, might be wrought out and Finished, Iohn 19, 30. Peace made by the blood of his Cross, betwixt an offended God, and sinful man. Ephes: 2, 14, 16, Sinners Redeemed from the Curse of the Law, by Christ's being made a Curse for them, Gal. 3: 13: And be made heirs of the blessing, ver. 14 A number of lost Soules, bought with a price from the Bondage of Satan, and Power of Sin, to be Instruments of Glorifying God, in their Bodies and Spirits which are Gods. 1 Cor. 6. 20. [Page 37] In a word; that the Eternal Power and God­Head of the LORD JESUS, ( the Blessed S eed of the Woman, according to his Humane Na­ture) might appear in a fatal wounding and Bruising the head of the Old S erpent, Gen. 3. 15. And a final Destruction of Death, and him that had the Power of Death, that is the Devil, Heb. 2. 14. And no less Eminent, is the Soveraign Wisdom and Power of God, in Over-ruling this Tragical Scene of Diabolical Malice, in the glorious Consequences thereof, viz. Loosing the Pains of Death, by which it was impossible, the LORD JESUS should be held, Acts 2. 24. Raising him from the Dead, verse 32. That having Conquered Death, Hell, and Satan; and Spoiled Principalities and Pow­ers, openly T riumphing over them, Col. 2. 16. He might appear to be the Author of Eternal Salvation, to all them that obey him, Heb. 5 [...] And having humbled himself to death, even the Death of the Cross, Phil. 2. 8. Might by GOD the FATHER, be highly Exalted, verse 11. And ascending on high, might Lead Captivity Captive, Psal. 68. 18. Ephes. 4. 8. And set down at the Right-hand of the Majesty on High, Col. 3. 1. For above all Principalities and Powers, Ephes. 1. 21. Expecting, until all his Enemies be made his Foot-stool, Heb. 10. 13. Until the day be come; in which he shall appear, in Power and great Glory, Mat. 24. 30. To Judge the Quick and the [Page 38] Dead, at his Appearance and his Kingdom, 2 Tim 4 [...] T hus T hus; did the Ever Blessed God, Over-rule the Grand Project of the Old Ser­pent against the Saviour, and Salvation of his Elect, bringing his mischievous Devices, upon his own pate, to his utter amazement and Confu­sion for ever. And since the Salvation of us All, is so much concerned therein, this may excuse my so free and large dilating upon Description thereof. Thus is S atan under the limitations of Gods Soveraignty in all his O­perations which yet farther appears.

Thirdly, In that God will Judge and S en­tence him at last, unto Eternal Punishment. Sa­tan is now but Gods Instrument, as all other Creatures are; and it is the Property of an Instrument, to be absolutely subservient to the Pleasure of the principal Agent, or Efficient; when therefore the GREAT GOD hath used him for a while, to Serve his own most Ho­ly Designs, in the world, by the trying of his People, and the Judicial Blinding, and harden­ing of obstinate and impenitent Sinners unto their Eternal Destruction: When the day is come, in which he hath Appointed to Judge the World by Jesus Christ, Acts 17. 31. Then shall that Old Serpent, called the Devil and Satan, be Judged, Sentenced, and Confined to those Everlasting T orments Prepared for him, and together with him, for all such miserable, [Page 39] accursed Souls as have here been Deluded, and Ensnared by him. As appears by that dread­ful Definitive Sentence, that shall then be Pronounced, by the GREAT KING, in the day of his wrath, and Revelation of his Power Mat 25:41. Go ye Cursed into Everlasting burn­ings Prepared for the Devil and his Angels. If therefore GOD Created him; Over-rules all his Operations; And shall at last Judge him to Eter­nal Destruction; then it will follow, he is alwayes absolutely bounded, and limited, by the same Sove­raignty of GOD, which sets bounds to the Sea permitting if so far, Hitherto shalt thou go, and pro­hibiting it from going any farther, and here shall thy proud Waves be stayed, Iob 48: 11. The like limitations Satan had, in his permission concerning Job, as in Chap. 1. 12. & 2:6. And he could in no degree, exceed the li­mits of Gods Power and Pleasure, notwith­standing all his Malicious Inclinations there­unto.


That Whensoever, God hath declared a person or people, to be in Covenant with him, as the Objects of his special mercy and favour, he will assuredly and shortly, suppress the malice of Satan, however vi­olently engaged against them.

[Page 40] To Explaine this Proposition, we may consider the Arguments used in the Text, to Re­press Satan's importunity and Magnify God's Mercy, which are Twofold,

First; God's Free-Love, set on them from Eter­nity, in that expression, T he LORD that hath chosen Jerusalem. &c.

Secondly HIS particular favour, in delivering Joshua and them, from the Babylonish Captivity. Is not this a Brand pluckt out of the Fire? Of each of these a few words.

First; God free love from Eternity, placed on his Covenant people. The Lord that hath chosen Jerusalem &c. God at the first, chose the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to be a people to himself, above all the nations of the earth, Psal. 105. 6. And avouched them to be His peculiar people, Deut. 26. 16. He chose the land of Judea, to be the place of their abode, and there he chose the City Je­rusalem, or the vision of peace, as the name signi­fies, in which his people might enjoy peace and quietness; after their travels, toils and troubles in the wilderness, where the Thrones of Judgment were established, Psal. 122. 5. Where also the Temple was builded, & the Worship and Ordinances of GOD, Celebrated, and the tokens of Gods presence were placed. So that audience, and acceptance of prayers; might be expected, when offered towards this City and House, I Kings 8. 44. Hence by a Metonymis of the City, put for [Page 41] the inhabitants, it notes the people of Jerusalem, and by a Senecdoche of the part for the whole, implies that whole people which was in Cove­nant with GOD in those days, which did also figuratively represent, the Evangelical Church, the Heavenly Jerusalem, Heb. 12. 22. Now Choo­sing is an act of freedom and Liberty in God; and a Testimony of Love and Mercy, to such as are chosen; By which he is inclined to help them in Misery.

Secondly HIS particular favour, in delivering Joshua and them, from the Babylonish Captivity is not this a brand &c. Where GOD hath begun to shew special favour, he will compleat it, in op­position to Earth and Hell. As he said so the Lords people find it, God is not a man that he should lye, Numbers 23. 19. ( i. e.) as to his promise, nor that he should fail in his Providence, to car­ry on those works, in which he hath made such blessed beginnings, is not this a brand pluckt out &c. ( i. e.) with an holy pitty rescued, when all on a light fire, now CHRIST is brought in, using this argument in his Intercession for his peo­ple, who in imitation of him may also use it for themselves, and it seems thus to be framed ( qs.d.) KNOW O S atan, GOD the FATHER, hath begun to own Joshua and the People, in their de­liverance in part, and that may encourage them to expect all that remains, for the LORD will [Page 42] perfect what concerns them, and will not forsake the works of his own hands, because his mercies endure for ever, Psal. 138. 8. The force of a gument then, for clearing the Proposition lyes in these two assertions.

First, GOD in choosing of and covenanting with a Person or People, doth engage all his Glorious Attributes, for their good as the mat­ter doth require. When he Declareth he will be their GOD, all his Sufficiency and Efficien­cy, is for them, ( i. e.) to the utmost of what he hath Engaged by Covenant: hence his Ne­gative, Positive, and Relative Attributes, do Recommend his as a proper Object of Faith, for Present help to his People in time of Trouble, Psal. 46. 1. So that humble Reminding him of his Covenant, doth in its own Nature prevail with him to exert His Wisdom, Power, Good­ness, Truth and Faithfulness, &c. in a propor­tionable degree, to Relieve the Distressed, as their occasion doth or may require: For He Remembered his Covenant, and Repented according to the multitude of his Mercies, Psal. 106.45.

Secondly, Where GOD hath given some Ex­perience of his Mercy, it is to be used as argu­ment to prevail with Him, for what we may fur­ther stand in need of. Thus in the Text, Je­shua is as a brand pluckt out of the Fire, and therefore may depend on it, to be Established in the Priesthood, and owned accordingly. Thus [Page 43] then the scope of the Proposition is cleared up, viz. When God hath taken a person or people into Covenant, and shewed them spe­cial Favour, The Gates of Hell (as our Saviour saith, Mat. 16. 18.) shall never prevail against them. Lastly,


The Great GOD, doth manage all his Designs of Mercy to his People, under the Gospel Dispensati­on, in and through the Mediator, The very Te­nure of the Gospel Covenant, is such; and the Termes thereof, are so Methodized, as to introduce a necessity of depending on a Me­diator. The whole Transaction of the Gospel Covenant, betwixt the GREAT GOD, and Fallen Man, is by the Mediator; hence it is on better Termes, than the Covenant of Works, H eb. 8. 6. Under the New Covenant, all Ad­dresses to God, are by the Mediator, Heb. 4. 15, 16. and all Communications of Grace from God, are by the Mediator, Joh. 1. 16. Here than three things are briefly to be con­sidered.

First, JESUS CHRIST is appointed, according to the method of the Covenant of Grace, to be the Only Mediator betwixt God and Man, I Tim. 2. 5. For there is ONE GOD, and ONE MEDI­ATOR, betwixt GOD and Man, the Man Christ-Jesus. [Page 44] And He is, the Mediator of the New Covenant, Heb. 12. 24. To his Mediatorial Of­fice, is to be referred; His Intercession with GOD the FATHER, for all Good to his Elect; which he ever Liveth to Discharge, Heb. 7.25. By Him our Prayers Ascend to GOD, Heb. 4. 14. By Him all Answers of Grace from GOD Descend to us. Hence he promiseth, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father is my Name, he will give it, Joh. 16. 23.

Secondly, In the Management of this Of­fice, He is invested with Kingly Power. He is a KING for Dignity, Psal. 2.6. A KING for Authority of Government: KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS, Rev. 19. 16. A King for Judgment, All Judgment is Committed unto Him, John 5. 22. And it shall finally be Ma­naged by him, Mat. 25. 34. & 41.

Thirdly, It is one special Administration of CHRISTS Mediatorial Kingdom, to Oppose, Suppress, and Destroy, the Kingdom and Power of Satan, that Grand Enemy of the Souls, and Salvation of men. Betwixt CHRISTS Kingdom, and Satans Kingdom, there is a direct Con­trariety and Opposition: Now Contraries do mutually endeavour to Overcome each other, and bring them to nought. Hence when CHRISTS Kingdom goes up, S atans must go down; On this special Errand, our Saviour is said to come into the World: For this [Page 45] the S on of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the D evil, 1 John 3. 8. He was Incarnate, not only to Oppose his most secret Insinuations and Temptations; but to Over power his most violent motions, and hostile Invasions, when he ruffles in the Titles of the God of this World; 2 Cor.4.4. And the Prince of this World, who is by CHRIST [...] of his Dignity, and Cast out of all his Power and Dominion, which he had over the Children of men, John 12. 31. The reason is, by CHRIST'S Execution of His Kingly Office in Heaven, Satans Power is S up­pressed, and the Prince of this World is judged, John 16. 8. ( i. e.) Condemned to Lose all his Authority, that His Kingdom may be no more; such then was and is the Divine Au­thority and Power of CHRIST-MEDIATOR; that he could have Rebuked, and totally Vanquished Satan by his own Power, Who is over all God blessed for ever, Rom. 9. 5. But was pleased rather, to Magnify his Mediato­rial Capacity, presenting it to us, as a blessed Rule to direct us in our Addresses to GOD; The Name and Merits of the LORD JE­SUS, being so acceptable with the FATHER, because every way corresponding with his Designs of Grace to the Souls of men Re­vealed in the Gospel.

[Page 46] The APPLICATION of this Doctrine to our selves remains now to be Atten­ded.


And First, Let it be for solemn WARNING, and awakening, to all of us that are before the Lord at this time, and to all other of this whole people, who shall come to the knowledge, of these direful Operati­ons of S atan, which the HOLY GOD hath per­mitted in the midst of us.

The LORD doth terrible things amongst us, by lengthening the Chain of the Roaring Lyon, in an Extraordinary manner; so that the Devil is come down in great wrath, Rev. 12. 12. En­deavouring to set [...] his Kingdom, and by Rack­ing Torments on the Bodies, and Affrighting Representations to the Minds of many amongst us, to Force and Fright them, to become his subjects. I may well say then, in the words of the Prophet; Micah, 6. 9. The Lords voice cryeth to the City, and to the Country also, with an unusual and amazing loudness, and the Man of Wisdom (or Substance) will see his N ame: Hear Ye the Rod, and who bath appointed it. Surely it warns us, to awaken out of all sleep, of Security or Stupidity; to arise, and take our Bibles, turn to, and learn that lesson, not by [Page 47] Rote only, but by Heart. I Pet. 5. 8. Be SOBER, be VIGILANT; because your adversary the Devil, goes as a ROARING LYON seeking whom amongst you he may distress, de­lude, and devoir. And let this warning have suitable Impression on us all.

First, according to our Spiritual State, re­specting our Regeneracy, or Unregeneracy: And therefore.

1. Let Regenerate Souls, that are in good hope of their Interest in GOD, and his Covenant, stir up themselves to Confirm and Improve, that Inte­rest to the uttermost. Under shaking dispensati­ons, we should take the faster hold of GOD by Faith, and cleave the closer to him, that Satan may not, by any of his Devices or Opera­tions, draw us from our stedfastness, of hope, and dependance, on the God of our Salvation. We would hope we are Interested in the Ever­lasting Covenant of GOD, and delivered from the Raging Tyranny of the Roaring Lyon. It is good to be sure, and too sure we cannot be at any time, much less at such a time as this: That it may appear before Angels and Men, that we are chosen unto Salvation, by the GOD of Jerusalem, & are accordingly devoted to him, and to his service in an Unviolable Covenant, against which the gates of Hell shall never have any power. And the clearing up that we are in Co­venant with GOD, is a Soveraign Antidote, a­gainst [Page 48] all attempts of Satan, to bring us into Covenant with him, or Subjection to him. And in order to this let us be Awaken­ed.

First, To put our selves, upon faithful and thorow Tryal and examination, what hath bin amiss. We all, even the best of us, have by sin a hand and share, in Provoking God thus to let Satan loose, in an unusual manner, WHO can say he is clean? This is a time then, for Solemn-self-examination.

In this time of sore affliction, there should be great Searching of heart, as there was for the Divisions of Reuben; Iudges 5: 19. GOD is a GOD of Wisdome, A Righteous & Holy GOD, and he never afflicts the people of his Cove­nant without a Cause, and that Cause is always Just: We should go, as far as we can in the search, by the light of conscience, conducted by the Rule of the word, and when we can go no farther, we should pray the prayer of Job; chap, 10, 2. Do not condemn me; shew me wherefore thou Contendest with me. Yet was he Upright; and (even in God's account;) One that feared GOD, and eschewed evil, Ch 1: 8. The Like prayer David makes, Ps; 139: 23, 24. Search me O GOD, and know my Heart, try me and know my thoughts. And see if there be any wicked way in me &e. These malicious operations of Satan, are the sorest afflictions can befal a person or people: And if [Page 49] under the Consideration of Grievous Calami­ties, upon the People of GOD, the Nations round about, will inquire with amazement af­ter the Cause: Then surely the People them­selves, ought strictly to Examine, as Deut. 29. 24.— What meaneth the Heat of this great Anger? And to the making this Improvement of remarkable Afflictions, we are directed by the Example of the Church, I am. 3. 40. Let us Search and T ry our Ways, and Turn again unto the Lord. Which leads to the second thing.

2. Add then to the former, True and un­feigned Reformation, of whatsoever appears to be the P rovoking Evils, we fall into. He or they that to Serious Examination, (which must be supposed to include Hearty Confession of what hath been amiss) Adds thorow Reformation, may only hope to obtain Pardoning Mercy at the Hand of God, Prov. 28. 13. And may it not be said, even to the Purest Churches, as he said to them, 2 Chron. 28. 10. but are there not with you, even with you Sins against the LORD your God. And certainly, no Provo­kings are so abhorred of the Lord, as those of his Sons and Daughters, Deut. 32. 19. This Re­turning and Reforming then, is the Duty Re­quired of, and Pressed upon Israel, or the Vi­sible Covenant People of God, when by sin they had departed from him, Hosea 14. 1. O ISRAEL, Return unto the Lord thy God, for [Page 50] thou hast fallen by thine Iniquity. Hence the neglect of this Returning, in those that are under many and great Afflictions, is very displeasing unto God, Amos 4. 11. And ye were as a Fire-brand pluckt out of the Burning, yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the Lord. Inso­much, that obstinate persisting, in the neglect of it, after frequent Warnings, provokes the Lord, to punish those that are guilty thereof, seven and seven times more, Lev. 26. 23, 24. If we would then, avoid the displeasure, and obtain the Covenant Favour of GOD, we must both in Profession, and practice, fall in with the Example, of the formerly Degenerous, but afterwards Reformed Ephraim, Jer. 31. 18, 19. Turn thou me, and I shall be turned; for thou art the Lord my God. Surely after that I was Turned, I Repented, and after that I was Instru­cted, I smote upon my Thigh, &c. Then, and not till then, will the Rowels of the LORD, be turned within him, and his Repentings kindled together for us. Now that our Reformation may be unto Divine Acceptation, it must be,

First Personal and particular ( in universalibus latet delus) We commonly say, that which is every Bodies work, is no Bodies work. Every one is guilty, in the Provocation, and therefore every one should apply themselves to Reforma­tion. Every one of us should set our selves to do our own Duty, and Repent of our own Sin. [Page 51] There is an inclination in the best, to Charge the Sins of others, as the procuring cause of GODS Judgments and to reflect severely on the Pride, Lukewarmness, Coveteousness, Contention, Intemperance, and Uneven Conversation of others; but we can hardly be brought, to smite upon our own Breast, and say, What have I done? Unless we be, in particular Charged, and Con­victed, as David was by the Prophet Nathan, in the 2 Sam. 12. 7. Thou art the man. Thou art he ( qs. d.) that art concerned in this Pro­vocation by thy Transgression.

Secondly, Reformation, (by which we may clear up, that we are the Covenant People of God) must be Universal. We must turn from all and every sin which hath been Committed, and apply our selves to the discharge of every Duty, which hath been neglected. We must have no sinful Reserves, as he, 2 Kings 5. 18. In this thing pardon thy Servant, &c. He was Convicted it was a Sin, that needed Par­don, and yet would fain be Excused in the Commission thereof. Thus Junius, and Trem. and the Dutch Annotators Translate it, and Pisc. Interprets it of his desire to continue in that Office, which he could not with good Conscience discharge. Though some Learned and Judicious understand it as a craving of pardon for what he had therein done amiss in time past. In short so far as we are guil­ty [Page 52] of Reservations in our Reformation so far will there remain a Cloud upon the Evidences of our Covenant Interest in GOD that hath Cho­sen Jerusalem. This to Regenerate Souls. Se­condly then

Let Unregenerate sinners, be warned and awakned, to get out of that miserable state of sin, and consequently of subjection to Satan, (That Tyrannical, Implacable, and Indefatigable, E­nemy of souls) in which you are. O break off your first by repentance, and your Iniquities by a sa­ving closure with the LORD JESUS CHRIST, for Justification, Sanctification & Salvation, That ye may be delivered, from the Power, and domination of Satan, under which you are ensnared, to do his will, although utterly cross to the will of GOD, and may be wanslated, into the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus, the Dear Son of God, and Bles­sed Savious of the souls of men Col: 1. 13. Being by infinite mercy, recovered out of the snare of the Devil, who are (now) taken Captive by him at his will. 2 Tim: 2, 2 [...]. Awake, Awake then, I beseech you, and re­main no longer under the Dominion of that Prince of Cruelty and malice, whose Tyranni­cal [...] we see, thus exerted, against the Bodies and Minds of these afflicted per­sons. Surely no Sinner in this Congregation who is sensible of his Bondage to Satan, that cruel (and worse than Egyptian) Task-mas­ter [Page 53] and Tyrant, can be willing, to continue quietly, in subjection to him one day or hour longer. Thus much in respect of the Spiritual State of men.

Secondly This warning is directed to all manner of persons, according to their condition of life, both in civil and sacred Order: Both High and Low, Rich and Poor, Old and Y oung, Bond and Free. O let the observation, of these amazing dispensations of GODS unusual and strange providence, quicken us to our Duty at such a time as this, in our respective Places and Stations, Relations, and Capacities. The GREAT GOD, hath done such things amongst us, as do make the ears of those that hear them to tin­gle; Jer. 1, 3. and serious soules, are at a loss to what these things may grow; and what we shall find to be the end, of this dreadfull visitation, in the permission whereof the provoked GOD as a Lyon hath roared; who can but Fear? The LORD hath spoken, who can but P rophecy? Amos 3: 8. The Loud Trumpet of God, in this thundring providence, is Blown in the City, and the Echo of it, is heard throughout the Country, surely then, the People must, and ought to be afraid, Amos 3: 6.


Let it be for DEEP HUMILIATION, to [Page 54] the people of this place which is in special under the influence of this Fearful Judgment of GOD. The Lord doth at this day, manage a great control versy with you, to the astonishment of your selves and others. You are therefore, to be deeply humbled, and fit in the dust Consider­ing.

First, The signal hand of God, in singling out this place, this poor Village, for the first seat of Satans Tyranny, and to make it (as 'twere) the Rendez­vous of Devils, where they Muster their infer­nal forces appearing to the afflicted, as coming Armed, to carry on their malicious designs, a­gainst the Bodies, and if God in mercy prevent not, against the Souls of many in this place. Great Afflictions, attended with Remarkable cir­cumstances, do surely call for, more then ordina­ry degrees of Humiliation

But Secondly be Humbled also, That so many Members of this Church, of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, should be under the influences of Satans malice, in these his Operations; some as the Ob­jects of his Tyranny, or their Bodies to that de­gree of distress, which none can be sensible of, but those that see and fell it, who are in the mean time also, sorely distressed in their minds, by frightful Representations, made by the Devils unto them. Other professors, & visible Members of this Church, are under the awful accusations, and imputations, of being the Instruments of Satan [Page 55] in his mischievous actings. It cannot but be matter of deep humiliation, to such as are In­nocent, that the Righteous and Holy GOD, should permit them to be named, in such perni­cious and unheard of practices, and not only so, but that HE who cannot but do right, should suffer the stain of suspected Guilt, to be as it were Rubbed on; and Soaked in, by many sore and amazing circumstances; and it is matter of soul abasement, to all that are in the Bond of GODS Holy Covenant in this place, that Satans seat should be amongst them, where he attempts to set up his Kingdom, in Opposition to C hrists Kingdom, and to take some of the Visible Sub­jects of our LORD JESUS, and use at least their shapes and appearances, instrumentally, to Afflict and Torture, other Visible Subjects of the same Kingdom. Surely his design is, that CHRISTS Kingdom, may be divided against it self, that being thereby weakned, he may the better take Opportunity to set up his own accursed powers and Dominions. It calls aloud then, to all in this place, in the Name of the Blessed JESUS and words of his Holy Apostle; I Pet. 5: 6. Humble yourselves, under the mighty hand of God, thus lift up in the midst of you, and he shall exalt, save, and deliver you, in due time.

[Page 56]


It is matter of TERROR, Amazement, and Asto­nishment, to all such wretched Souls (if there be a­ny here in the Congregation, (and God of his Infinite mercy grant that none of you may­ever be found such) as have given up their Names, and Souls, to the Devil: who by Cove­nant explicite or implicite, have bound themselvs to be his Slaves and Drudges, consenting to be instruments, in whose shapes, he may Torment and Afflict their Fellow-Creatures (even of their own kind,) to the amazing and astonishing of the standers by.

I would hope, I might have spared this Use, but I desire (by Divine assistance) to declare the whole Counsel of God; and if it come not as Conviction where it is so, it may serve for Warning, that it may never be so: For it is a most dreadful thing to consider, that any should change the service of GOD, for the service of the Devil, the worship of the Blessed GOD for the worship of the cursed Enemy, of GOD and Man. But Oh! (which is yet a Thousand times worse) how shall I name it? If any that are in the Visible Covenant of God, should break that covenant, and make a League with Satan, if any that have set down and eat at CHRISTS Table should so lift up their Heal against him, [Page 57] as to have Fellowship at the T able of Devils; and (as it hath been represented to some of the Afflicted) Eat of the Bread, and Drink of the Wine, that Satan hath mingled. Surely if this be so, the Poet is in the right; Audax omnia perpeti, Gens Humana ruit, per vetitum nefas. Audacious Mortals are grown to a fearful height of Impiety. And we must cry out in Scripture Language, and that Emphatical Apostrophe of the Prophet Jeremy; chap.2. 2. Be astonished O ye Heavens at this, and be horribly afraid; be ye very Desolate, saith the Lord. Now Terrors may justly seiz upon those, that have so done, on these accounts.

First, All Mankind is now (as well by Gods Authority, as their own I nterest) set against you. You have proclaimed your selves Mortal Ene­mies to all men, and they cannot but mortally hate and abominate you. If you are in League with the DESTROYER, what is said of Ish­mael is true, not only of Satan, but also of you, Gen. 16.12. His Hand will be against every man and every mans hand against him: So every mans hand is, and will be against you to accuse, condemn, destroy and cut you off, from the Land of the Living, The Enmity that God in just Judgment placed, betwixt the Old Serpent and the Woman, and betwixt her Seed, and his Seed, Gen. 3. 15. is improved to the height a­gainst [Page 58] you, as you S tand, Look and Act, like your Father and King the Devil.

2. If you have been guilty of such Impie­ty, The P rayers of the People of God, are against you on that account. It is their Duty to Pray daily, that Satans Kingdom may be Suppressed, Weakened, brought down, and at last totally destroyed; hence that all Abetters, Subjects, Defenders, and Promoters thereof, may be utterly Crushed and Confounded. They are constrained, to Suppress that Kindness and Com­passion, that in their Sacred Addresses, they once bare unto you (as those of their own kind, and framed out of the same mould) Praying with one consent, as the Royal Pro­phet did against his malicious Enemies ( the Instruments of Satan) Psal. 109. 6. S et thou a wicked man over him, and let Satan stand at his Right-hand (i. e.) to withstand all that is for his good, and promote all that is for his hurt, and ver. 7. When he is Judged, let him be Condemned, and let his Prayer become Sin. What a miserable condition must they be in, who have all the Faithful, that have Interest in Heaven thus engaged against them? But

Thirdly, If this seems a light thing KNOW, That if you are in C ovenant with the Devil, the Intercession of the BLESSED JESUS is a a­gainst you, for your Contract with his Grand Implacable Enemy. His Prayer is for the Subdu­ing [Page 59] of S atans Power and Kingdom, and the utter C onfounding of all his Instruments. He is Exalted at the Right hand of GOD, to make Intercession for his Elect, as also expecting, till all his Enemies (and such are all the Sworn S ubjects and Vassals of Satan) be made his Foot­stool (i. e.) put to shame, and Everlasting Con­tempt, Psal. 110. 1. Heb. 10. 13. Hence in the Text, He Interceed with GOD the FATHER for Joshua and the People, against S atan and all his Powers and Instruments. And the LORD (i.e.) The INTERCESSOR) said unto Satan, the Lord Rebuke thee; &c.

Lastly, If it be so, Then the GREAT GOD is set against you. The Omnipotent JEHOVAH One God in three Persons, FATHER, SON, and HOLY GHOST in Their Several distinct Ope­rations, and all Their Divine Attributes, are in­gaged against you: as it hath been already noted, they are against Satan: even so because you are his Ofspring, Officers, Instruments, of mis­chiefs, cruelty; murther &c. Against you. You justify the Old S ubjection, made by our first Pa­rents in the T ransgression, of themselves (and for theirs) to the Dominion of S atan, and shew, that if it were to be done again you would do the same. Therefore KNOW YEE, that are guilty of such Monstrous Iniquity, That since you are the People, that have no more understanding, than to forsake the Covenant of your God, to enter [Page 60] into Covenant with S atan; He that made you, will not save you, and he that formed you will shew you no favour, Isa. 27. 11. And so you are utterly undone for ever, unless by the Infinite Power and Mercy of GOD, you are rescued out of the horrible Pit, and snare of THE Destroyer. Be assured, that although you should now Evade, the C ondemnation of mans Judg­ment, and escape a violent death by the Hand of Justice: Yet unless God shall give you Re­pentance, (which we heartily pray for) there is a day coming, when the S ecrets of all Hearts shall be Revealed by JESUS CHRIST, Rom. 2. 16. Then, Then your sin will find you out; and you shall be punished with Everlasting Destruction, from the Presence of the LORD, and Doomed to those Endless, Easeless and Re­mediless Torments, Prepared for the Devil and his Angels, Mat. 25. 41.

The Reverend Mr. Simmes, some time since Minister of this Country, coming into Prison to a Condemned Witch; though he knew her not, yet she took knowledge of him, and said, O Mr. Simmes, I remember a Text you Preached on in England Twenty Four Years since, from those words, Your Sin will find you out, for I find it to be true in mine own case.


Let it be for CAUTION to all of us that are [Page 61] before the Lord: As ever we would prevaile with God, to prevent the spreading of this sore afflict­ion, and to rebuke Satan for us; Let us take heed of sideing with, or giving place unto, the Divel Ephes. 4: 27 Neither give place to the Devil, yield no sub­jection to him no not for an hour Thus we may be said to do in general, when we give way volunta­rily, to the Commission of any sin, he that Com­mitteth sin (i: e) sinnoth sciens volens, wittingly, and willingly, is of the Divel, I John 3: 8. (i.e) Joynes with him in his rebellion against GOD, hence the more there is, of a Man's will in any sin, the more he is rendred like Satan, who willeth nothing but sin from the beginning. Ibid. And it gratifies the Devil, because the man appears Cap­tivated by that sin, hence so far as the Regenerate fall into known sin, they please the Devil, and are ( in a sort) guilty of yielding to him, and siding with him.

And we do especially, give place to him by these sins.

First, By giving way unto sinful and unruly Passi­ons, such as Envy, Malice, or Hatred of our Neigh­bours and Brethren. These Devil like, corrupted passions, are contrary unto, and do endanger the letting our of, the life of grace and Holyness; and letting in Satan and his Temptations, yea he gene­rally, comes into the soul at these Doors, to capti­vate any person to the horrid sin of Covenanting with him. These are greedy and insatiable P assi­ons, [Page 62] that strike at the being as well as the good of the Object, and to gratify these, many have been Overcome by Satans temptations, so that (as the wise man saith in another case He hath Wounded, yea many strong men have been slain by him, Prov: 7: 26. And as for you of this place, you may do well S eriously to Examine, whether the LORD hath not in Righteous Judgment sent this Fire of his Holy displeasure, to put out some Fires of Contention, that have been amongst you by which the Fruits of the Spirit Gal. 5. 22. Have been ( as I may say) much Blasted, and the Fruits of the [...] Cherished to maturity, so as to threaten the Choaking of all that is good, with the Principles thereof; through the Malice of your Adversary the Devil, who is now come down among you, with open mouth as a Roaring Lyon to devour you: by setting you one against another with earnestness, He sows discord amongst bre­theren (both in Civil and S acred Order Prov. 6. 19. Stirring them up to bite and devour one a­nother, that they may be consumed one of another, Gal: 5. 15. Upon this ground the Apostle brings in this Caution Ephes. 4. 26. Let not the Sun go down upon your wrath, Neither give place to the Devil. Inveterate Anger and Ill-will, makes way for the Devil, and gives place to him. And the same we do

Secondly By using indirect means to prevent or remove this afflction; and trying unwarrantable [Page 63] projects, to reveal S ecrets, or discover future events. When persons have been under long exercise, those about them are very desirous, to relieve them out of, or prevent those grievous fits, of Diabolical tortures, with which they are distressed. And hence do not consider the Efficacy or Tendency of those things they use. I call such indirect means, as being duely observed, cannot be found to have any Natural or Physical virtue in them, to produce the Desired Effect of themselves: Nor yet have any warrant from the word of GOD, which if they had; ought to be believed and de­pended upon, to produce the Effect for which they were Instituted; tho' never so mean in their own nature. Because the Power of the GREAT GOD, is engaged, to uphold the decisive influ­ence of his own instituted means, as we find in the bitter water which caused the curse, Num: 5: 17. which was onely compounded, of Holy Water (or common water set apart unto sacred use) and the dust of the floor of the sanctuary; This we may imagine had not any physical influence in its own nature, proportionable, to such a solemn effect or consequence, as was in that case appointed thereunto; It must then depend, whol­ly and onely, on the Divine Institution of it, to be for the Cursing, or Clearing, of the woman as she was in the sight of GOD, Guilty or not Guil­ty, as we read ver. 27 and 28. viz if Guilty her Belly should S well, and her Thigh should Rot, if [Page 64] clear, she should be free (i. e.) from any hurt, and should Conceive Seed. But seeing we find no means instituted of God, to make Tryal of Witches, or to Charm away Witchcraft, (both which are a kind of Witchcraft) we are to expect Effects in the ordinary course of Providence, suitable to the natural vertue of Causes, and means used accordingly; but what is otherwise, must be of the Nature of In­chantments; these indirect means, are such as, Burning the Afflicted Persons Hair; parings of Nails, stopping up and Lovling the Urine. Their Scratching the Accused, or otherwise fetching Blood of them, with many more, which I forbear to mention, least unwary persons should be inclined to try these Diabolical Feats. But as to the Effect, this is plainly found, a Giving place to the Devil, for he giving way to it, and Ceasing to Afflict, upon the use of it, brings such projects into Esteem, and Gaines to his own Devices (for I can call them no better) too much Credit and Observance: For hence such as use them, finding him slee thereupon, are encouraged to the frequent use of them, and are (as a Learned Writer faith) made Witches, by endeavouring, to defend themselves against Witchcraft, and using the Devils Shield, against the Devils S word, or (as I may allude) going down to the Philistines, to have those Weapons sharpened and pointed, with which we [Page 65] intend to Fight against them.

In a word, is it because there is not a GOD in the midst of us, able to Rebuke and Vanquish Satan, in all his Operations: If there be, then away with whatsoever hath not Scripture P recept or President for its Warrantee. And let us use those Weapons, which are not C arnal, but Mighty through God, to the pulling down strong Holds, &c. 2 Cor. 10. 4. Thus may we put to the worse, those P rincipalities and Powers of Darkness which do in such a fearful manner, wrestle and Contend with us at this time, Ephes. 6. 12.

But I must not conclude this particular, without testifying against some other practises amongst us Condemned by the Rule of God, and writings of learned and judicious men as yielding to, and tampring with the Divel, Viz the sive and scys­sers; the Bible and Key; The white of an Egge in a Glass; The horse-shooe nailed on the thresh­old; A stone hung over the Rack in a stable: with many more: which I would not make known to any, that are ignorant of them; be­cause they are no better then Conjurations, and if in the use of them Discoveryes are made; or Effects produced, to the gratifying their sinful Curiosity in any degree, it must be from the Devil, and not from GOD; who never instituted any such ways, by and in which, to discover secret things or future Events to the Children of Men. [Page 66] Hence such as by these Experiments, adventure to play on the hole of the aspe, and approach unto the Den of the Dragons; are in great Danger To become a prey unto Satans malice, being (or ever they are aware) seduced by his subtilty into an intire subjection to his Infernal powers, so as at last to be Destroyed by him, and cast with him, into the Lake that burneth with Fire and Brim­stone for ever.

Thirdly, Give no place to the Devil by Rash Censuring of others, without sufficient grounds, or false accusing any willingly. This is indeed to be like the Devil, who hath the Title (Diabolos) in the Greek, because he is a Calumniator, or False Accuser. Hence when we read of such false Accu­sers in the Latter Days, they are in the Original called (Diab [...]) Calumniatores, 2 Tim. 3.3. It is a time of Temptation amongst you such as never was be fore: Let me intreat you not to be lavish or severe in reflecting on the Malice or Envy of your Neighbours, by whom any of you have been accused lest while you falsely charge one another, viz. The Relations of the Afflicted, and Re­lations of the Accused; the Grand Accuser, (who loves to Fish in Troubled Waters) should take advantage upon you. Look at Sin the procuring cause, GOD in Justice the S overaign Efficient, and S atan THE E nemy, the principal Instrument, both in afflicting some and accusing others: And if Innocent Persons, [Page 67] be suspected, it is to be ascribed to GODS P leasure supreamly permitting, and Satans Ma­lice subordinately troubling, by Representation of such to the Afflicting of others, even of such as have all the while, we have reason to believe, (especially some of them) no kind of Ill will, of disrespect, unto those that have been complained of by them. This giving place to the Devil avoid, for it will have uncomfortable and pernicious influence, upon the Affairs of this place, by letting out Peace, and bringing in Confusion and every evil work which we heartily pray, God in mercy to prevent. Fourthly and Lastly,

Then we give place to the Devil, When we are guilty of unbelief of God, and his Power, promise and Providence; for our benefit and relief under our troubles. Unbelief betrayed our first Parents, to the first sin. The Devil in the serpent, first moved them to question the truth of the Threatning, and so they came to deny. it Gen 3. 1 and 4. Yiel­ding to the God of this world, the Author and main Fomenter of Unbelief, by and in which he reignes over the children of perdition, 2 Cor.4.4. Unbelief is a mother sin, & there are many sins, to which men could nor be drawn, were it not for Unbelief of the Threatnings, denounced in the word of GOD, against that sin, which they do so boldly perpetrate: and of the Promise made unto the contrary Duty, which they do so a­bominably [Page 68] neglect. Indeed Unbeleif of the truth of God's promise, or Efficacy of His providence, extending towards us (these being Inseparable attributes of the Blessed God) brings in questi­on whether he is or hath a being. For he can as soon cease to Be as to be most P owerful, most Faithful, most Gracious, and Bountiful, which are all Attributes relating to his P rovi­dence, and this is to go away from GOD, For he that cometh to GOD, must believe that he is Heb: 11: 6. Hence the Apostle, Cautions even the brethren, that they may not be guil­ty of it, Heb 3: 12. Take heed Brethren Lest there be in any of you, an evil heart of Unbelief, De­parting from the Living God. Intimating, that so far as the best fall into Unbelief, they go from God, and so far must needs give place to the Divel. For there are but these two Rulers, over all men in the world, and all that leave the one go to the other. But to proceed.


Let it be for EXHORTATION and directi­on, to this whole Assembly, and to all others that shall come to the knowledge of these amaze­ing dispensations, Here then give me leave, to press those special Dutyes, which all persons are concerned to put in practice, at such a time as this.

1. Be we Exhorted and directed, to Excercise True Spiritual sympathy with, and Compassion towards, those poor afflicted persons, that are by Divine P ermis­sion, under the Direful Influences of Satan's malice [Page 69] Deep sense of all these things, and being heartily affected with them, makes way for, and stirs up unto, those other dutys which are now in­cumbent on us. I fear we are not enough af­fected, with this solemn providence, unless it be those few that have seen these fearful things who by their eyes, have had their hearts affected ac­cordingly. There is a Divine P recept enjoyn­ing the practice of this Duty, Heb. 13. 4. Re­member them that suffer Adversity, as being your selves also in the Body; (i. e.) being of the same mould; in the same mortal and frail E­state; and therefore liable to the same Affliction, if the Holy GOD should please to permit Satan to bring it upon us: Let us then be deep­ly sensible, and as the Elect of God, put on Bow­els of Mercy, towards those in misery, Col. 3. 12. Oh P itty, P itty them, for the Hand of the LORD hath touched them, and the Malice of Devils hath fallen upon them.

Secondly, Let us be sure to take unto us and PUTON, the whose Armour of God, and every piece of it, let none be wanting. Let us labour to be in the Exercise, and P ractice, of the whole Company of Sanctifying Graces, and Religious Duties. This Important Duty is pressed, and the particular pieces, of that Armour recited, Eph. 6. 11. and 13 to the 18. Satan is Representing his Infernal Forces, and the Devils seem to come Armed, mustering amongst us. I am this [Page 70] day Commanded to call and Cry an Alarm unto you, ARM; ARM; ARM; handle your Arms, see that you are fixed and in a readi­ness, as faithful Souldiers under the Captain of our Salvation, that by the Shield of FAITH, ye and we All may Resist the Fiery Darts of the Wicked. And may be Faithful unto Death, in our Spiritual Warfare, so shall we assuredly Receive the Crown of Life, Rev. 2. 10.

Thirdly, Let us be watchful, to take all advantages and strenuously to improve all means (unto which the word directs us) for the managing of our spiri­tual conflict, with the Powers of Darkness. Let us admit no parley, give no quarter, let none of S a­tans Forces or Furies, be more vigilant to hurt us than we are to resist & repress them, in the NAME and by the S pirit, Grace, and S trength, of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST. Let us watch the first motions of the Enemy, for if we let him get within us, he will certainly be too hard for us. Let us take the Apostles Counsel; James 4: 7. Resist the D evil and he will flee from you. but qs. d. If you yield to him by Flight, he will pursue you, to the very Death. Avoid therefore all fellow­ship with him, under any of his insinuating pre­tences, and let us Wrestle, vigorously, against Principalities and Powers, &c. Ephes. 6. 12, Let us make sure, that in nothing we give them ad­vantage against us, seeing (through Grace) we are not Ignorant of S atans devices 2. Cor. 2. 11.

[Page 71] Fourthly, Let us Ply the T hrone of Grace, in the Name and Merit, of Our Blessed Mediator. With our Frequent, Faithful, and Fervent Prayers. Let us be Frequent in the Duty, taking all possible Op­portunities. Publick, Private, and S ecret, to Pour out our Supplications, to the GOD of our Salva­tion, Prayer is the most proper, and potent An­tidote, against the old Serpent's Venomous Opera­tions. When Legions of Devils, do come down amongst us; Multitudes of Prayers should go up to God; for suitable Grace and Strength, to defend us, from being deceived, and destroyed by them, in that case of the Apostle Paul, when he was under the violent Assaults of a Messenger of S a­tan. He doubled and trebled his Ordinary De­votions; For this I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. 2. Cor. 12. 8.

Again let us be faithful in Prayer. The life of Prayer, lyes in the Exercise of Faith therein. It is to the Prayer of Faith that the Promise of Answer is made; by Him in whom all the Promi­ses, are Yea and Amen; Math: 21.21. Whatsoever ye ask believing in my Name ye shall receive it. Be­sides It is said the prayer of Faith, shall save the S ick; James 5. 15. ( [...]) Whatsoever kind of sickness it is, under which they labour. Faith in Prayer, engageth the glorious Intercessor on our behalf, according to his promise, and thereby makes way for us to be accepted with the FATHER, in all our requests, Faith in CHRIST [Page 72] Excercised in prayer, is the Token, of Gods Co­venant, with his Elect under the Gospel, As the how in the Clouds, was the token of his Co­venant with the world, in the dayes of Noah; Gen. 9. 12, 13. And through Christ it is pre­valent, for him the Father heareth always, Joh: 11. 42. And therefore us also through him for He hath made us accepted, in the Beloved; Ephe 1.6.

Yet once more, Let ours be Fervent prayers; even with our whole heart, Psal. 119. 10. for such Prayer (only) hath the promise, of finding God and his Salvation. Then shall ye find me when ye seek me with all your heart, Jer. 29. 13. Hence David pronounceth all those blessed, that thus seek the LORD Ps. 119. 2. This is when we do Rouze up our Soul, with all it's faculties unto Prayer, as the Psalmist doth unto praise, psal. 103. 1. 2. When our whole Soul in all its affections are poured out be­fore the Lord as Hannah I Sam. 1. 15. This prayer is like to speed, we say amongst men, Qui timmide rogat, docet negare; he that begs faintly, may expect a denyal. And in this case Justly; the Apostle James tells us, Let not such a man as if Faint, Weak, Doubting In prayer, Expect any thing of the LORD, James 1: 7. yet on the other hand, the same Apostle assures us the Effectual fervent prayer, of a Righteous man AVAILETH MUCH Chap 5: 16. This Faithful and Fervent Prayer, frequently put in [Page 73] practice, is the most Powerful Exorcisme, to drive away Devils; some of which, will not stir without it, Mark9.29. This Kind can come forth by nothing, but by Prayer and Fasting.

Let us then use this Weapon; It hath a kind of Omnipotency, because it interesteth us, in the help of THE OMNIPOTENT: Satan the worst of all our Enemies, is called in Scripture a DRAGON, to note his Malice; a SERPENT to note his Subtilty; a LYON to note his Strength. But none of all these can stand be­fore Prayer, The most inveterate Malice, (as that of Haman) Sinks under the Prayer of Est­ber; chap. 4. 16. The deepest policy (the coun­sel of Achitophel) Withers before the Pray­er of David. 2 Sam. 15. 31. And the vastest Army (an Host of a Thousand Thousand E­thiopians) Ran away like so many Cowards, before the prayer of Asa. 2 Chron. 14. 11, 12.

What therefore I say unto one, I say unto all, in this Important Case; PRAY, PRAY, PRAY.

Fifthly and Lastly; To Our HONOURED MAGISTRATES, here present this day, to in­quire into these things; Give me leave much Hon­oured; to offer One word, to your Consideration, Do all that in you Lyes, to Check and Rebuke S atan; Endeavouring by all wayes and means, that are according to the Rule of GOD, to discover his In­struments [Page 74] in these Horrid Operations: You are Concerned in the Civil Government of this Peo­ple, being invested with Power, by their Sacred MAJESTIES; under this Glorious JESUS, (the King and Governour of his Church) for the Sup­porting, of CHRIST'S Kingdome, against all Oppositions of S atans Kingdom, and his In­struments. Being Ordained of GOD to such a station, Rom. 13. 1. We entreat you, Bear not the sword in vain, as Ver. 4. But approve your selves, a Terrour of, and Punishment to, e­vil doers; and a Praise to them that do well. 1 Pet. 2 14. Ever remembring, that ye Judge not for men, but for the Lord; 2 Chron. 19.6. And as his promise is, so our Prayer shall be for you, without Ceasing, that he would be with you in the Judgment, As he that can and will, Direct, Assist, and Reward you. Follow the Example, of the Upright Job, Chap. 29. 16. Be a Father to the poor; to these poor Afflicted persons, (in pittiful and painful, endeavours to help them) and the Cause that seems to be so dark, as you know not how to determine it, do your utmost in the use of all regular means to search it out. And if after all, it still remains too hard for you, carry it unto GOD by Christ, as the Israelites were ordered, to do theirs by Moses; Deut. 1. 17. For the Judgment is Gods, and the cause that is too hard for you, bring unto me, and I will hear it.

[Page 75]


The Sixth and Last USE, is in two words of Comfort, to bear up the fainting Souls of those that are Personally under, or Relatively Concerned in, these direfull Operations, of the GRAND E­nemy of Mankind.

First, there is Comfort for you, in that ye are the visible Covenant People of GOD. In General, this whole People of New-England, As to the maine bulk of them (or in and by their Godly Leaders, who engage themselves & all under them, both in C ivil & Sacred Order) are in Covenant with GOD, and have many times (as such) been signally owned by Him; notwithstanding all their De­fections and Degeneracies. Besides, there are ma­ny that have both Explicitely, and Implicitely; Vi­sibly and Really Devoted themselves to God: And are indeed of the Number Chosen by the GOD of Jerusalem; True Citizens of that Jerusalem that is above, which is the Mother of us all, Gal. 4. 26. Yea, some of those, that are under these Afflictions, may plead these Priviledges, to pre­vail with the LORD, to Rebuke S atan, and De­liver them and theirs, from these his malicious and woful Oppressions. And to this, that there are scarce any, who are under the influence, of this Affliction, but are also under the Solemn Obligation, of a Baptismal Covenant, which in its own nature, [Page 76] ligeth them, to be for God, and is a valid Argu­ment to plead with GOD to be for them, and against Satan. Put all these together, and sure­ly we shall not cast away our Confidence in GOD, for deliverance from these fore Calami­ties. For we are all his people on one account or other: And the LORD will not forsake his people, because it hath pleased him to make you his People, I Sam. 12. 22 But Secondly,

2. There is Comfort, in Considering, that the LORD JESUS the Captaine of our Salvation, hath already overcome the Devil. CHRIST that Bles­sed Seed of the woman, hath given this cursed old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, a mor­tal, and incurable, Bruise on the head, Gen 3: 15. He was too hard for him in a Single conflict Matth 4: Beg: He opposed his Power and Kingdom in the Possessed; He suffered not the Devils To speak, Because they knew him Mark: 1: 34. He compleated his Victory, by his Death on the Cross, and Destroyed his Dominion, Hebr 2: 14. That through Death he might destroy Death, and him that had the Powers of Death, that is the DEVIL; and by and after His Resurection, made shew openly unto the would, that he had spoiled Principalites and Powers, Triumphing over them Col 2: 15. Hence, if we are by Faith uni­ted to him, his victory is an earnest and praeli­bation of our Conquest at last. All Satans strug­tings now, are but those of a Conquered enemy; [Page 77] to a believer: And although [...] may give a Child of God, great [...] [...] way to the Kingdom, such as may [...] him to his knees, in earnest prayer, [...] for more Grace, yet it may he truly [...] him, which was Prophetically said of God, Gen 49: 19 A Troop shall overcome him, but he shall overcome at the last. The Exaltation also, of Our LORD JESUS, doth assure us that we shall be Exalted, to the throne of Glory with him, Rev. 3: 21. Comfort we then, one another with these words That the God of Peace, Even JESUS the Prince of Peace, will T otally & Finally, Bruise Satan under our feet, and Little while, before we shall enter into, and take Possession of, that place, into which shall in no wise enter, any thing that defileth, neither work­eth abomination, or maketh a Lye, Rev. 21. 27. where we shall sin no more, sorrow no more, Nor the Spiritual Wickedness, afflict us any more for ever.

To conclude; The Lord is known by the Judg­ments which he Executes in the midst of us. The Dispensations of his providence, appear to be Unsearchable, and his doing past finding out. He seems to have allowed Satan, to afflict many of our people, and that there upon he is come down in Great wrath, threatning the Destruction of the Bodyes, and (if the Infinite mercy of GOD pre­vent not) of the Souls of many in this place. Yet [Page 78] may we say in the midst of the terrible things which he doth in righteousness; He alone is the GOD of our Salvation, who represents himself, as the Saviour of all that are in a low and distres­sed Condition, because he is good, and His mer­cy endureth for ever.

Let us then Return, & Repent, rent our hearts, and not our Garments. Who can tell, if the Lord will Return in mercy unto us? And by his Spirit life up a Standard, against the GRAND Enemy, who threatens to come in like a Flood, among us, and overthrow all that is Holy, and Just, and Good. It is no small comfort, to consider, that Job's exercise of Patience, had it's beginning from the Devil; but we have seen the End to be from the LORD, James 5. 11. That we also, may find by experience, the same Blessed Issue, of our present distresses, by Satan's Malice. Let us Repent of every Sin, that hath been Committed; and Labour to practice, every Duty which hath been Neglected. And when we are Humbled, and Proved for our good in the latter end: Then we shall as­suredly, and speedily find, that the Kingly Power of Our LORD and SAVIOUR, shall be Magnifyed, in delivering his Poor Sheep and Lambs, out of the Jews, and Paws, of the Roaring Lyon.

Then will JESUS the Blessed Antitype of [Page 79] Joshua, the Redeemer, and Chooser [...], Quell, Suppress, and uterly Vanquish this Adversary of ours, with Irresistible Power and Authority, according to our Text. And the LORD said unto Satan, the Lord Rebuke thee O Satan, Even the LORD that hath Chosen Jerusalem, Rebuke, thee: is not this a Brand pluckt out of the FIRE?


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