And suddenly there was a great Earthquake, so that the Foundations of the Prison were shaken: and immediately all the Doors were opened, and every ones B [...]nds were loosed.
WOnderful, many wonderful things are done by the Lord of Heaven and Earth, by reason whereof his People may in triumph, and the Wicked in terror say, Who is like unto thee, O Lord, amongst the gods (or mighty ones) who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, working wonders? sometimes in the Heavens over our heads; sometimes on and within the Earth under our feet: In both the works of God have been so amazing, that night fill the Inhabitants of Heaven above, and of the Earth beneath, with admiration of his Divine Perfections.
First; God's works have been astonishing in the Heavens over our Heads, which because they are too high, and above our present Theme and Subject, I shall but briefly mention three of them, and [Page 2] those concerning the Sun, the great inlightner of this Earth whereof we are to speak
1. The standing stil [...] of the Sun. It is the Doctrine of Aquinas, That Motion doth as much belong to the Nature of Heaven, as Immobility and Rest to the Nature of the Earth. The Earth is a setled, fixed Body, and therefore it is an act of mighty power in God to shake it, and to make it move: but the Sun is as a Bridegroom coming out of his Chamber, rejoycing as a strong man to run a race, according to the ordinary Law of Creation and Government in continual motion, and therefore a mighty work of God alone to cause its motion to cease and stand still. The making of the Sun to stop, which naturally cannot but move, and causing the Earth to shake and move, which naturally cannot but stand still, is an effect of equal power. The command of God doth change the Earths station into motion, and the Suns motion into standing still. Josh 10 12. Then spake Joshua to the Lord in the day when the Lord delivered up the Amorites before the Children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun stand thou still upon Gibson, and thou Moon in the valley of Ajelon. Verse 13. And the Sun stood still, and the Moon stayed until the People had avenged themselves upon their Enemies. So the Sun stood still in the midst of Heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day. Verse 14. And there was no day like that, before it or after, that the Lord hearkened unto the voice of a man, for the Lord fought for Israel. Where is observable, (1.) That Joshua spake first to the Lord, and then to the Sun; for it was not Joshua's voice, but God's power that put a check to the motion of the Sun. (2.) God hearkened to the [Page 3] voice of Joshua, praying that the Sun might stop its motion (3.) Then the Sun hearkened to the voice of Joshua, so that by God' [...] commanding voice, in answer to Joshua's praying voice, t [...]e Sun stood still: If all the men on Earth with one concurrent voice, should say to it, Sun stand thou still, it would still go forwards in its [...]: so that its cessation from motion demon [...]rated the mighty amazing work of God.
2. The [...] motion of the Sun, or its going backward, is no less a wonderful work of God in the Heavens than its standing still. The motion of the Sun is naturally progressive, or going forward, and if it should make more haste by many degrees in its diurnal Motion, it must be by power Divine, and not Humane; yet in the apprehension of men, it is a greater thing, that it should go backward, and would c [...]use more their observation of its motion, and amiration of God's power, Isai. 38.7. This shall be a sign unto thee from the Lord, that the Lord will do this that he hath spoken. Verse 8. Behold I will bring again the shadow of the degrees which is gone down in the Sun-dial of Ahaz ten degrees backward. So the Sun returned ten degrees, by which degrees it was gone down. Hezekiah prayed, God promised, gives him a sign for his assurance of the performance, and the sign (tho' miraculous) was effected, and the mercy asked, was bestowed: God caused the Sun to go backwards to confirm the faith of his People in his Promise that his work for their deliverance should go forwards.
3. That at and from high noon-day till three in the afternoon, the Sun shou [...]d give no light, but darkness should be at the usual time of its inlightening the [Page 4] Earth, was the hand and power of God. Ordinary Eclipses are not miraculous, yet there was [...] that was not according to the course of Nature. When the Lord of G [...]ory, the Sun of Rig [...]t [...]usness was crucified, the Sun hid i [...]s face, & [...] Heavens put themselves into mourning at his [...] Matth. 27 45. Now from the sixth hour there was da [...]kn [...]ss [...]ver all the Land until the ninth hour. This was [...]n extraordinary and miraculous work of God, upon the Reasons usually alleadged (1) Because it was the full of the Moon, which caused a gr [...] Philosopher to cry out, Either the God of Nature suffers, or the Frame of Nature dissolves. (2.) Because ( [...]s some affirm) it was universa, over all the [...]. Or (3.) according to others, because it was only over the Land of Judea, all other parts of the World having the benefit, and enjoying the light of the Sun at that time, which some judge to be the more strange: that as when Israel had light in G [...] sh [...]n, the Egyptians were under the Plague of Darkne [...] so at the crucifying of Christ, Israel which dwelt in Judea should be under darkness, when the World besides enjoyed light. Thus it is manifest that God doth great things in Heaven above; the Sun moves or standeth still, goes backwards or forwards, shines not, to give light at noon day, & for some hours together unto the Earth at all, or else makes light in one part, when it doth not in another; and all this at the pleasure of the great God. But our present Task is to observe one extraordinary work of God, on and in the Earth.
Secondly; There is the amazing, mighty work of God on and within the Earth, which in the Text that suits the occasion, is God's shaking of, and making [Page 5] it to tremble before him, and under men that dwell upon it
This moving of the Earth is far different from that constant motion that some Philosophers ascribe unto it, for amongst the several Systems of the World which Astronomers have invented, three are more famous, the one by Ptolomy, the other by Copernicus, and the third by Tycho B [...]ache. Copernicus following the Pythagoreans, assert the motion of the E [...]rth, and the Sun to be in the Center of the World, without motion, that the Earth hath two moti [...]ns, one Diurna, which is performed about its own Axis, in the space of 24 hours, and from this motion do arise our days and nights: the other Annua, whereby it is carried about the Sun, from the West towards the East, according to the Succession & Signs of the Zodiack. Where then is the Miracle of the Suns standing still in Joshua's days, if it stand still in all Ages▪ Where is the Wonder of the Earths moving, if it whirl about every 24 hours with so swift a motion? Why cannot all people discern this constant motion of the Earth, that do perceive its shaking for a few minutes, and are so much affrighted at it? Are the Pillars of the Earth turned into Wheels? Some have denied all motion, some affirm too much▪ [...] as when all motion was denied, a Philosopher to prove it, rose up and walked; so when the constant daily, and yearly motion of the earth is asserted, we may know by our Senses that it stands still, but these great men of Reason (so they are) will give you this presently for an Axiome, Sensibus non est Fidendum, you must not believe, nor trust your Senses which yet for the sake of the Doctrine of Transubstantiation, I should not readily receive; but knowing [Page 6] that my Senses cannot err about their proper object, when it is presented at a due distance, through a right medium, and the Organ of Sense rightly disposed, a Papist shall not perswade me that the Bread after Consecration is not Bread, and that the Wine is not Wine, nor a Copernican that the Earth doth naturally move, when in the one by my Seses I discern it to be Bread and Wine, and not real Flesh and Blood carnally and corporally taken, and in the other that the Earth stands fast and still, so much confidence I wil put in my Senses: a drunken man that by excess hath disturbed his head might conceit the Earth turns round, and the room where he is doth move, when the motion and turning is in his Brains, and when he heth slept [...] sober will perceive, what he thought before did move, doth then stand still. But it being not proper, nor profitable to this Assembly to debate Philosophical Controversies, I shall dism [...]ss them, and retain you with what may be more ad [...]antageous for your Souls, in treating of this amazing work of God which you so lately did discern, and then were so much astonished at, and affected with, Viz God's shaking of the Earth under your Feet, and the Houses over your Heads; that you did think the one did Reel under you, & the other would [...] [...]pon you. History is full, and your own Experience can give an instance of Gods terrible shaking of the Earth. Some you have hea [...]d of, and ONE you have Seen and Felt. Ea [...]thquakes! Some you have read, and have been told you, by which Multitudes have been destroyed. Earthquakes? One you have seen, & yet are preserved Earthquakes? In some Gods wrath hath been poured out, and in some his Grace and Mercy hath been shewn forth: [Page 7] Some ending in Destruction, and some in the Conversion of Sinners. Oh! that this you have seen with your own eyes might have the like Issue and Effect on you, as that you hear of from this Text had upon the Jaylour, stir you up with Fear and Trembling, to go to your Ministers, as he did to the Apostles, saying, asking, Sirs what must I do to be Saved? That by the word of God following this mighty work of God, you may be awakened to repent and believe on the Lord Jesus, you & your House, as the Jaylour did, and all his House.
In the Text you may observe these parts:
1. The motion or shaking of the Earth. That which according to the course of Nature stands still, the extraordinary workings of Providence causeth it to quake. The Earth hath neither life, nor sense, nor motion in it, yet God can make it tremble. As the Sun that moves, stands still at God's command; so the Earth, that stands still, shall move at his voice and pleasure: and yet men that have life, and sense, and reason, disobey God's commands, and will not hearken to his voice, and do not tremble at the thoughts of his Soveraign Power and Infinite Majesty. When sinners upon Earth do not, the Earth under them may quake and tremble: and if while the Earth trembles under them, they then tremble upon it, yet when the Earth stands still again, they run as fast to sin again, as they did before: when the Earth ceaseth its trembling, they do not cease their sinful motions. The great Pillar that supports the Earth, whereby it stands so fast, is the power of God, for he hath hanged it upon nothing, Job. 26.7. Yet sinners supported by the Earth, without fear and [Page 8] trembling, do abuse the mercy and the patience of God, tho' if he should remove that suppor [...]n [...] Pillar, the Earth would sink under them: but tho' he keeps it up, yet sometimes he makes it shake, The [...]e was an Earthquake.
2. The greatness of this motion, or shaking of the [...]: There was a great Earthquake. Its greatness is set forth by the greatness of its Effects and Consequents here named: As,
1. The shaking of the foundations of the Prison. The strongest Prisons, the most impregnable Places, Houses built with brick and stone, being founded on Earth; when the one doth quake, the foundations of the other must needs be shaken: In exceeding strong winds and tempestuous storms, the [...] Houses may shake, and rock to and fro, w [...]ile the f [...]undations stand firm and are not moved; but when the Earth it self, on which they stand, doth quake, their foundations are also shaken, and tho' your Houses then stood, yet they stood trembling, foundations, floors and roofs together.
2. The immediate opening of the doors. Prison-doors, especially upon a strict charge given to the Jaylour for the securing of his Prisoners, are fast locked, securely barred and chained; but God did cause such an Earthquake, that no Locks could hold them fast, no Bars nor Chains could keep them shut; for at the arising of th [...]s Earthquake, immediately all the Prison-doors were opened.
3. The loosing of the Prisoners bands Pau [...] and Silas were fast bound, shut up in a Prison within the Prison, and their feet made fast in the Stocks, so that they could not stand in the Prison, nor the [Page 9] ground still under them, but the Earthquake came, and was their Goal-delivery. These be the great Effects of this great Earthquake.
3. In the words are expressed the sudednness of this Earthquake. An Earthquake is sometimes quickly caused, and quickly ceased at the pleasure and the will of God. God spake, and the Earth stood fast, Psal. 33.9. God speaks, and he makes it quake and tremble.
Tho' it is one Doctrine chiefly intended to suit the occasion, yet I will briefly mention more, which will not be altogether alien from our design.
Doct. I.
God many times works wonders for the deliverance of his suffering Saints in order to the propogating of the Gospel. Paul and Silas wer [...] imprisoned because they did preach, God by an Earthquake sets open the Prison doors that they may go forth and preach. They by preaching did make the Devil's Kingdom shake; they for preaching were fast bound in Prison; the Earth where they did lie so bound, falls a quaking under them, as being weary of the burden of imprisoned Preachers, and doth not rest, and could not stand still under them, till they were enlarged and set at liberty.
God can do wonders for the deliverance of his suffering Servants, of this his Almighty Power is a proof. God can deliver his Sufferers after such a manner, as none other can, their Enemies being Eye-witnesses and Confessors of it. Dan. 3.28. Then Nebuchadnezzar spake and said, Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who hath sent his Angel and delivered his Servants that trusted in him, and changed the King's word, and yielded th [...] [Page 10] bodies, that they might not serve, nor worship any God, except their own God. Verse 29 Therefore I make a decree, that every People, Nation and Language, which speaks any thing amiss against the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, shall be cut in pieces, and their H [...]uses shall be made a dunghil, because there is no other God that can deliver after this sort. Darius put the question to Daniel in the Den; Dan. 6.20. When he came to the Den, he cried with a lamentable voice unto Daniel, and the King spake and said to Daniel, O Daniel, servant of the Living God, is thy God whom thou servest continually, able to deliver thee from the Li [...]ns? Verse 22. My God hath sent his Angel, and hath shut the Lions mouths, that they have not hurt me. Then follows Darius his Deeree, Verse 26. I make a Decree, that in every Dominion of my Kingdom, men tremble, and fear before the God of Daniel: his reason why; for he is the Living God, and stedfast for ever, and his Kingdom that which shall not be destroyed, and his Dominion shall be even to the end. Verse 27. He delivereth and rescueth, and he worketh signs and wo [...]ders in Heaven and in Earth, who hath de [...]ivered Daniel from the power of the Lions. Behold God can, for he hath wonderfully delivered his Servants Three in a Fiery Furnace, that the fire did not consume nor since them. One in the Lions Den, that they did not devour nor hurt him. Paul and Silas out of Prison, that they should be no longer confined there. He can make the Fire not burn combustible matter. He can with-hold Lions from what they might else have made their prey. And he can cause the foundations of a Prison by an Earthquake to be so shaken, that the doors might open, and his Servants may come forth. He can, he hath, and when he pleaseth, he still will, he hath delivered, [Page 11] he doth deliver, and we may trust to him according to the Promises that he hath made that he will still deliver us, 2 Cor. 1.10.
Doct. II. God needs not length of time to do the most great and wonderful works. Suddenly there was an Earthquake. God can make it move in an instant. When its said God in six days made this World, it's not to be understood that he did need so many days to make it in. It was his pleasure to take that time to finish, beautifie and compleat it. When God did create the Earth, and brought it out of nothing, it was suddenly done. He did but speak, Let it be, and it suddenly started out of Nothing into Being. Creation is an instantaneous action: he that did so suddenly and so easily make it, can as suddenly and as easily make it quake and tremble. How suddenly did God make the Earth to quake where London stood, and after his shaking of it, through his great mercy yet doth stand!
When men thought of no such thing, not the Student in his Study, nor the Trader in his Shop, nor the Workman at his Work, nor the Drunkard at his Cups, when none of these had any apprehension of it. Suddenly, The Student thought his Desk, on which he was writing, to be removing from him, and when he drew it towards him, it went back again, several times: the Trader suddenly seeth a motion in his Wares, and the Workman the moving of his Tools without hands, and the Drunkard thought indeed the Earth did stagger more than he: many suddenly felt their Chairs to move under them, and could not presently discern the reason, but thought some living Creature had been under their Seats, and did disturb them. Suddenly, many, most that I have spoken with, discerned a dizziness in their Heads, and in the [Page 12] instant thought the motion was there, not imagining any thing of the shaking of the Earth: Suddenly they feared the falling of their Houses; but at first particular persons thought there was some defect and fault in their own particular dwellings, till they did perceive the motion was general, and heard others say of their Houses as they found in their own: and all this was suddenly done. In a minute, in a moment God can cause an unexpected Earthquake. Men must have time to do the smallest, but God needs none to do the greatest work.
Doct. III. Tho' an Earthquake suddenly come, and quickly go, and nothing is destroyed thereby, yet it is and might be truly called a great Earthquake. It is expresly said in this Text this Earthquake suddenly came, we do not read it lasted long nor that the Prison-house, or Persons in it, were destroyed or hurt thereby, yet we read it was a great Earthquake. When many Houses are swallowed up, and many Men, Women and Chi [...]dren (as this present year in Jamaica) are destroyed, and go down alive into the Bowels of the Earth by opening of its mouth to eat them up as one morsel, then men will call it a great Earthquake.
But such a one as was so lately in London, &c. when not one House was destroyed, nor one Person consumed, seems to be so small (especially now it is over and all safe) as is not worth their observation, for People now are as little concerned already, as if it had not been, or they had quite forgotten that it was. But let such slighters of this late work of God, and regardless of this Judgment, and calling of it a little thing, tell me
1. Was not this a great Earthquake that made so many Houses as be in such a great City as this to [Page 13] move, and shake, and tremble, tho' they stood? Is it not a great thing to make one of London streets, and the Houses therein so to quake? much more two or ten, much more all and every one?
2. Was it not a great Earthquake that did reach so far, and extended it self so many miles at the same instant of the same day to so many places in England as we have heard.
3. Yet more, was it not a great Earthquake when it did enlarge it self, and reached at the same time to so many Cities and Towns beyond the Sea? Did God stretch out his Arm so far, and do you look upon i [...] as a little thing, not worthy your observation, remembring, or spiritual improvement of it.
4. If it were so small in your Eyes, what made so many to be in so great a consternation? why did so many run out of their Houses, and such as were sitting at their Tables hasten from their Dinners with their Napkins in their hands, to get into the Streets? why did so many run from their Shops? what was the reason, of the sudden, common cry, by so many, one by one, My House is falling, and my House is falling, and my Children above will he destroyed and yet I dare not go up to fetch them down.
5. How little do you know, if this late Earthquake had been a little more, and had lasted a little longer, a few minutes more, how near you & your Houses would have been to a subversion and total overthrow? or how near the trembling Earth might have been to opening, and swallowed up both you and your Habitations? For all that you know by this Earthquake you were upon the brink of ruine, a little more might have brought you down; and yet will you slight this work of God, as if it were a small, a very little thing?
6. As small a thing as you look upon it to be, [Page 14] could any man, or men, could all the mighty men upon the Earth have caused such a shaking and trembling of the Earth, and all upon it. Could all the mighty Captains, Lord Generals, Kings and Emperours, with all their Armies, have had such an Influence upon the Earth? if they can batter down strong Walls, and Cities, and Castles with their Instruments of War, yet can any of them, or all of them, cause such a shaking of the Earth as that so lately was? do you ascribe great things to Men, and call them so, that are far inferiour to this, and yet let this pass by with so little observation, as if it were a work so small?
7. If men could shake the Earth and your Houses as God did, could they so securely have preserved them from falling, and you from hurt, as God did? Was the shaking of your Houses, so much, and the preserving of them so shaken, so great a mercy, in it self, and yet so little in your eyes? and last no longer with a due impression in your memories?
8. While you look upon this Earthquake to be so small a thing, can you look upon your preservation to be so great a mercy as indeed it is? whilst you lessen the work of God, the more you lessen the mercy of God? did God shake you and your Houses, and not overturn you and them, and was not this great mercy? Oh! take heed you do not diminish this work of God's power in your own apprehensions, and consequently your danger then, and God's mercy now in your safety. Lord! Let London so tr [...]mble at thy Judgment with which thou hast so lately visited it, and account it great, that their Repentance, Reformation may be great. And tho' it suddenly came, and quickly ceased, and did no hurt, let not London account that work a small work, but thy mercy great mercy, vouchsafed in so great a Judgment, [Page 15] least in thy wrath yet greater, thou cause the foundations of it to shake and tremble more, and do that execution that should make all confess and say (that deny this) that suddenly there was a great Earthquake.
Doct. IV. Tho' some Earthquakes have their natural causes, yet some do arise from the immediate hand and power of God without such causes. Paul and Silas were imprisoned; in Prison they prayed, and sang Praises, in testimony that God heard their Prayers, he immediately causeth this Earthquake under the Prison. Judicious Expositors assert this Earthquake to be miraculous.
In treating on this I shall take this course:
I. Distinguish between Earthquakes figurative and metaphorical, and such as are proper and real: because both are spoken of in Scripture, this will be requisite to remove the ambiguity of the word, that one might not be taken for the other.
II. Distinguish real Earthquakes into natural and supernatural. In respect of the Earth it self, whose nature is to rest and stand still, such shakings and motions may be termed contra natural, but in respect of the second Causes in Nature, which sometimes produce such tremblings and quakings in the Earth are called natural, in contradistinction from those which are caused [...] God's immediate hand, without such causes, and are therefore supernatural.
III. I shall give a short account what natural Philosophers assert to be the Causes of such Earthquakes.
IV. Point at the several sorts or kinds of such Earthquakes, and give the names which Philosophers and Divines from them, do call them by.
V. Enumerate several antecedent Signs of Natural Earthquakes, as by observation Men have taken notice [Page 16] of to go before such ensuing Earthquakes, and so leave it to others to judge what to think of this lat [...] Earthquake in London, in other parts of England, and in forreign parts beyond the Sea, and all at the same time, whether they will call it a Natural, or Su [...]pernatural Earthquake.
VI. Set down some Effects and Consequents of Earthquakes, whether produced by such Natural Causes, or by the immediate Hand and Power of God.
VII. Lay down some Conclusions by way of further Explication of this mighty work of the great God, in causing the Earth thus to shake; or shew its Adjuncts.
VIII. Shew what use we should make of such tremendous works of God, whereby many might have been buried under ground; when this amazing work of God is already by many buried in Oblivion, and by few improved according to the greatness of the danger Men were in, or the greatness of the mercy in escaping that danger.
Quest. I. What are metaphorical Earthquakes?
Earthquakes and movings of the Earth are often taken meataphorically for great Commotions, alterations made in States, Kingdoms and Church, and for sore and heavy Punishments inflicted by God upon wicked and disobedient People. Isaiah 29.6. Thou shalt be visited of the Lord of Hosts with Thunder and with Earthquake, and with great Noise, with Storm and Tempest, and the Flame of devouring Fire. A figurative description of God's Anger against Jerusalem; as much as to say, Heaven and Earth shall concur to their ruine; yet some Expositors say, this Earthquake may be understood according to the letter. Isa. 24.18. The foundations of the earth do shake. [Page 17] earth do shake. Verse 19. The earth [...]s utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is moved exceedingly. Verse 20. The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it, and it [...] [...]all and not rise again. By the earth here so often mentioned, understand the Inhabitants of the Earth, and properly those Countreys wherein the [...] and their Confederates lived in those times: by the shaking, m [...]ving, removing, breaking down, and [...]ssolvi [...]g the Earth, understand the Punishments that should befal that People from an angry and provoked God. So another expounds it, he doth not mean the natural Earth, on which Men tread, but the People that tread upon the Earth; or that Com [...]onwealth wherein People are united and governed; th [...]se shall be shaken, broken down, and reel to and [...], and be removed like a Cottage; as if he had said, You thought your State and Kingdom was [...] like a strong Castle, but I will take it down, as a Man takes down a little Cottage: the strongest Kingdoms and Bulwarks of the Earth are but as [...] Cottages, when God takes them in hand Rev. 11.9. And the T [...]mpl [...] of God was opened in Heaven, and there was seen in his Temple the Ark of his Testament, and there were Lightnings, and Voices, and Thundrings, and an Earthquake, and great Hail. Some say, by the opening of the Temple in Heaven, is most conveniently understood the glorification of the Church it self in Heaven, and by the Ark of his Covenant, the glorious beholding of Christ our Mediator in it, whereof the Ark was a Type; and by Thundrings, Lightnings and Earthquake, the tokens of his Wrath against Unbelievers. Some say, the Visi [...]n of the opened Temple in Heaven signifieth the [Page 18] freedom given to the Gospel against Persecutors and Corrupters, and the pure preaching and profession of it, and God's owning his Covenant and Church by his eminent blessing, and the Lightnings and Earthquake signifie the great Manifestation of Christ's Power for his Church, in the commotions and changes in the World, and his judgments on their Enemies. Rev. 16.8. And there were voices, and thundrings & Lightnings, and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake and so great. Some understand this litterally, & that it is past, others that it is yet to come before Antichrist's fall, and say others, before the Day of Judgment; some say, hereby were represented the great Commotions which went to those great changes and subversion of the Heathen Powers. By these and such like Texts of Scripture it appears there are metaphorical Earthquakes to be distinguished from litteral.
Quest. II. Which are Earthquakes supernatural?
Real and proper Earthquakes are either such as are caused by God's immediate Hand and Power, or such as have their Causes in Nature; tho' these also are appointed, and ordered and ruled by the powerful Providence of God, and do not come (as some call it) by chance. Tho' the finger of God be in those Natural Causes, yet such as have been without them must be wholly and only from God. And I shall gather these out of the Scripture, that we might learn to fear and tremble before this great God that needs no winds and vapours, nor any kind of Creature to make the Earth to shake and tremble. And they are these.
1. The shaking of the earth at God's giving of the Law to Moses, and the Children of Israel. Exod. 19. [Page 19] 18. And Mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because the Lord descended on it in fire: and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole Mount quaked greatly. That this quaking of the Mount was literal, and not figurative, Rivet argues, because it is joyned with the smoke, and Thunders & Lightnings properly to be understood, and saith, That the causes of the moving of the Earth, and of the Mountain as it were leaping at the presence of God, are not to be searched for in Nature, nor should we dispute concerning Phisical Reasons of this Commotion, for when all things done here are miraculous, the glory of God is obscured, if where he acts immediately and in an extraordinary manner, and that altogether Divine, we enquire after second Causes, which in such events are none. Psa. 68.7. O God! when thou wentest forth before thy people; when thou didst march through the wilderness Selah. Verse 8. The earth shook, the heavens also dropped at the presence of God; even Sinai it self was moved at the presence of God, the God of Israel.
2. Such a Supernatural Commotion of the Earth is also recorded Psal. 114. per tot. When Israel went out of Egypt, &c. The Sea saw it and fled; Jordan was driven back. The Mountains skipped like Rams, and the little Hills like Lambs. The Sea was divided. Jordan driven back, the Mountains and Hills mov'd. All litterally understood. This asserted. Then the Question is propounded, What ailed thee, O thou Sea, that thou fle [...]est; what ailed thee, O Jordan, that thou wast driven back? What ailed them? did not God by his mighty power, without natural causes that could not have such influx upon the Sea and Jordan to divide them, produce those Miracles in the Sea and Jordan? When again it is asked, [...] by [Page 20] ye, ye Mountains that ye skipped like [...], and what ailed ye, ye little Hills, that ye skipped like Lambs; must not the same answer be returned, as to the former. The same immediate power of God that caused the division of the Waters, caused also the motion of the Hills and Mountains.
3. A most tremendous miraculous moving of the Earth, caused by the Lord himself, is largely described, Numb. 16 23. to 35. Verse 30. If the Lord make a new thing, and the earth open her mouth and swallow them up, with all that appertain to them, and they go down quick into the pit, then shall ye understand that these men have provoked the Lord. Verse 31. And it came to pass as he had made an end of speaking all these words, that the ground clave asunder, that was under them. Verse 32. And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up, and their houses, and all the men that appertained unto Korah, and all their goods. Verse 33 They, and all that appertained to them, went down alive into the pit, and the earth closed upon them, and they perished from among the Congregation. Josephus relating Moses his Prayer at large, records, that whilst he spake those words, and intermixed them with tears, the Earth instantly trembled, and shaking began to move (after such a manner, as when by the violence of the wind a great billow of the Sea floateth and waltereth) hereat were all the People amazed: but after that, a horrible and shattering noise was made about their Tents, the Earth opened and swallowed up both them, and all that which they esteemed dear, which was after a manner so exterminate, as nothing remained of theirs to be beheld whereupon in a moment the Earth closed again, and the vast gaping was fast shut, so as there appeared not any sign of that which had happened. [Page 21] Thus perished they all, leaving behind them an example of Gods Power and Judgments. And this accident was the more miserable, in that there were none, no not of their Kinsfolks, or Allies, that had compassion of them; so that all the People whatsoever, forgetting those [...]hings that were past, did allow God's [...]ustice with jo [...]ful Acclamations, esteeming them unworthy to be bemoaned, but to be held a [...] the Plague and the Perverters of the Peop [...]e. After this he relates how Two hundred and fifty were con [...]u [...]'d by fire, when suddenly so great a fire shone, as neither the like was kindled by man's hand, nor usually breaketh from the bowel [...] of the burning Earth, neither was ever qui [...]kned in the Woods, split and born down in the Summer time by a Southern brize, but such a one was seemed to be kindled in Heaven most brig [...]ome and flaming, by the force and power whereof those Two hundred and fifty (together with Core) were so consumed, that there scarce appeared any relicks of their Cark [...]sses Only Aaron remained untouched, to the end it might appear that this fire came from Heaven. Surely this might serve for strong conviction, that as God sent down fire by his own immediate power, that was not of any Creatures kindling, to the consuming of one Company; so he did as immediately shake and op [...]n the Earth without second Phisical Causes for the swallowing up of the other. Let Atheists either contradict this History and Matter of Fact, or believe the Existence of a Deity. And all Men fear and tremble to provoke such a just and terrible God.
4▪ That there are Earthquakes sometimes caused by the immediate hand of God, without those natural causes asserted by Philosophers, will be clearly evidenced [Page 22] by the miraculous Victory over the Host of the Philistines obtained by two Men, Jonathan and his Armour-Bearer, related 1 Sam. 14 where to demonstrate the immediate workings of God might be considered.
1 The great Number of the Host of the Philistines.
2. The Situation of their Camp or Garrison.
Josephus describing it saith, that the Philistines had pitched their Tents on an high Pointed Rock, which extended it self in length with three Angles, as it were a Wall, and Fortification against the Incursion of their Enemies. The place was Fortified by Nature, so that no Man might ascend or assail them, but with disadvantage. And Sacred Scripture Records that Jonathan, climbed up upon his hands and his feet, and his Armour Bearer after him.
3 That there were but these two Men that invaded their Camp who at first slew twenty of them within (as it were) about half an Acre of Land, which filled their whole Army with Terror and Amazedness, who (as Josephus writes) casting away their Weapons fled Amain: some other being ignorant, which were either their Friends or Foes, invaded one another as their Enemies: for imagining with themselves that only two Hebrews durst never ascend and enter their Camp, they addressed themselves to their mutual Murder, and Slaughter; so that some of them were slain, others fled to escape the Sword, and fell Headlong down the Rocks
4. In this exploit of Jonathan, God did Miraculously work, in causing the Tremb [...]ings that fell out that Day, expressed, 1 Sam▪ 14 15 And there was trembling in the Host, in the Field, and among all the people: the Garrison and the spoielers they also trembled, [Page 23] and the Earth quaked, so it was a very great trembling. Who made all the Philistines Host to tremble, the Garrison and the Spoilers to tremble, only Jonathan and his Armour Bearer? Was it not God? And was it not the same power of God, made the other Tremble? To put all out of Doubt, the last words declare the true cause of all; and it was a trembling of God. The reason why the Translators rendred it a very great trembling, is, because the word [God] is added oftentimes to set forth the greatness of things; as great Mountains, great Cedars, great Fire, in Hebrew are said to be Mountains of God, Cedars of God, a Fire of God. But this is but the Secundary and Consequent signification of it; the Name of God added to any thing primarily and properly denotes that God is the efficient Cause of that to which it is added. It was a Trembling of God: that is a Trembling sent and caused by God: the Trembling of the Philistines, and the Trembling of the Earth, was from God: So the Heathens were wont to attribute that fear and trembling, of which no cause did appear nor could be alledged, to some of their Gods, as to Pan, whence came the Expression of a Panick fear This trembling then of the Phi [...]istines, and this trembling and quaking of the Earth, was from the immediate Hand and Mighty Power of God.
5. From the immediate hand of God was that terrible Earthquake that was in the days of Vzziah: Amos 1.1. The words of Amoz.— Which he saw concerning Israel, in the days of Uzziah King of Judah- two years before the Earthquake: This is mentioned, Zach. 14.— The Earthquake in the days of Uzziah King of Judah. Concerning this amazing Providence, I will t [...]ke in these particulars.
[Page 24]1 That Vzziah greatly provoked God by going into the Temple to burn Incense upon the Altar of Incense.
2. Azariah the Priest, and Fourscore P [...]iests of the Lord (valiant men) went in after him, and withstood him, saying, It appertains not [...] Uzziah to burn Incense to the Lord, but to the P [...]iests the Sons of Aaron, that are Consecrated to Burn Incense.
3. Vzziah's wrath against the Priests was greatly incensed
4. While he shewed his anger against the Priests, the Lord by his own immediate Ha [...]d smote him with a Leprosie, which appeared in his Forehead.
5. Upon this, all the Priests thrust him out from thence, yea he himself hasted also to go out, because the Lord had smitten him, 2 Chron: 26.16. to 22.
6. At the same time, and for the same sin was this Earthquake in the days of Vzziah. And why may not the Earthquake be attributed to the immediate hand of God, as well as his being smitten with Leprosy. That this was at the same time, and for the same sin, and so from the same hand of God, Josephus in his History doth make plain: who writeth thus; Uzziah upon a certain solemn F [...]st-day, whe [...]ein all the People were assembled together, he attired himself in the High Priests Vestm [...]nts, and ent [...]ed into th [...] Temple to offer Sacrifice unto God up [...]n the Golden Altar, which notwithstanding the H [...]gh Priest Azariah (accompanied with foursc [...]re Priests) [...] him the same, telling him that it was not lawful for him to [...]acrifice, in that it was only allowed in those that were of the Posterity of the High Priest Aaron. Whilst after this manner Azariah expostulated with him, commanding [Page 25] him to go out of the Temple, and not to contradict the Ordinances of God; the King waxed wr [...]t [...], and threatned to take his Life from him, except he kept himself quiet Whereupon there fell a great trembling and Earthquake, and the Temple cl [...]ft on twain, and a great Light of the Sun entred thereunto, and refl [...]cted on the King's face in such a manner, that all his Body was instantly covered with a Lepr [...]sie, and before the City (in a place called Eroge) the half of a Mountain (that stood to the Eastward) brake and fell, and rowled and removed for the space of four Stadia ( or Furlongs towards the Oriental Mountain, where it rested: so that the publick ways were shut up, and choaked, and the King's Gardens of Pleasure were wholly ruinated & disfigured. When the Priests beheld the King's face covered with a Leprosie, they told him what inconvenience had happened to him, and enjoyned him to depart out of the Town, according to the custom of Men that were polluted. Whereupon, he (wholly confused at so grievous an aocident, and having no more audacity to speak) obeyed the Commandment that was given him, enduring a pitiful and Lamentable punishment, for being elate and proud, more than became humanity; and for that he committed such impiety against God. Finally, he died through grief and discontent and was only buried in his Garden. This Earthquake came, and this Leprosie was inflicted on him for that sin; the Leprosie is expresly said in Scripture to be from the Lord; why not also then the Earthquake?
By the way, let this be observed by many, that in our days, without the way appointed by God in his Word, in the pride of their hearts and self- [...], thrust themselves into Sacred Functions, which is not lawful but for those that are competently qualified and duly called thereunto, lest for such doings [Page 26] by so many, God make the Earth to quake under us, as he did for one Vzziah's intrusion in former time.
6 Amongst the many Miracles at the Death of Christ, an Earthquake must be acknowledged to be one: all of which were Testimonies, not only of his Innocency, but also Demonstrations of his Deity. The whole Creation groaned and travailed in pain, when the God of Nature, (he that was God as well as Man) tho' not as God, died a sha [...]eful, cursed & painful Death; Mir [...]s wrought in Heaven above, in Earth beneath; all Creatures sympathizing with a suffering Christ, except M [...]n, for whom alone he suffered The Sun was darkened, the Vail of the Temple was rent in twain, from the top to the bottom, and the Earth did quake, and the Rocks rent, and the Graves were opened, and many Bodies of the Saints which slept, arose, and appeared to many, Matth. 27.45, 51, 52, 53. Writers do affirm, that by this Ea [...]thquake not only Golgotha, but the whole City, and the Regions near were terribly shaken; and some, that in Bithinia, and in Thracia certain Towns were overthrown; but how far this Earthquake was extended is uncertain.
7. Amongst these also must be ranked the Earthquake at the Resurrection of Christ, Mat. 28.2. And behold there was a great Earthquake.
8. Of the sam [...] Nature was that, when the Apostles were prayi [...], the place where they were, was shaken, God giv [...]g them by this Miracle a Testimony that their prayers were heard: Acts 4.3 [...] And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together. The Greek word properly signifies to be moved up and down, like the Waves of the Sea, and is the same with that in the present [Page 27] Text, where it is said, by the Earthquake the foundations of the Prison were shaken, which also I reckon to be of the number of those that are caused miraculously and immediately by God, without those Causes that others are produced by.
What may be inferred and learn'd from this?
1. May we not learn the certain Existence of the Deity? Doth it not follow there is, and must be a God? if we may argue from an Effect to a Cause, when there is an Effect that cannot be ascribed to any Creature, must there not be a Being that is, and is no Creature? when things are done, that are not done by finite power, must there not be an infinite power by which they are done, when there is no medium betwixt that which is finite and that which is infinite? when any thing is effected, of which no natural Cause can be named, must there not be a supernatural? Aaron at God's command stretched out his hand with his Rod, and smote the Dust of the Earth, and it became Lice in Man and in Beast; all the Dust of the Land became Lice throughout all the Land of Egypt; and when the Magicians did so with their Inchantments to bring forth Lice, and could not, did not these Magicians themselves say unto Pharaoh, This is the finger of God? Exod. 8.17, 18, 19. When there h [...]ve been such shakings of the Earth that no man can say, and prove what he saith, [...]hat they were done by second Causes, may not, should not every Man say, in these was the finger of God? If you cannot gather there is a God by what he doth by Creatures, cannot you conclude there is a God, when things are done, and not by Creatures?
2. May we not learn that this God never wants means to effect whatsoever he pleaseth? What he doth [Page 28] not do by second Causes he can do without them. Jonathan (when one of these Earthquak [...]s happened) said, It is all one with G [...]d to save by few or by many, 1 Sam. 14 6 So it is all one with God to save by few or none; and to do what he will with means, or without them When he doth not shake the Earth by Causes got into its Bowels, he can and hath shaken it without. And indeed, if he brought it out of nothing without any instrumental Cause (for in Creation there can be none) why may he not, when it is created, shake it till it tremble without any instrumental Cause? cannot he that doth the greater, do the less?
3 Hath God made the Earth to tremble without any Natural Causes, Have not ungodly Men cause to tremble even then, when there is no visible sign, to reason from any Natural Causes to fear Punishment and Ruine? Is not their own sin as Meritorious of God 's Wrath and Sore Displeasure, with the thoughts of God 's infinite Hatred of it, and His Almighty Power to Punish it, a Sufficient Reason Why they should Fear, and Quake, and Tremble? What tho' they live in such places and parts of the World that are not so subject to Earthquakes as some other places are? Will they say.
First, we live upon that part of the Earth, that is only Stony and Hard, and not Soft and Tender, and therefore no fear the Earth should Quake and Tremble under us?
Se [...]o [...]dly, will they say, we dwell upon that part of the E [...]th that hath not those Caverns, in which those Vapours that cause Earthquakes are generated, therefore we are in no danger? In the Body of Man winds and Vapours are sooner and more stirred in the Bowels and Hollow Parts thereof, than in the Hands, and [Page 29] Bones, and more Close, and Solid Members: In Subterraneous Caverns, rather then in Close and Rocky places, is the Matter of an Earthquake; but such is not that part of the World where we Inhabit.
Thirdly, Will they say we live in Inland Towns, and not near the Sea, which are most Obnoxious to such Earthquakes, because such places are more easily filled with Vapours, therefore we need not fear?
Fourthly will they say let them live in fear of Earthquakes where the Earth they live upon is both Soft & full of Caverns, and near the Sea, as most liable thereunto Let them quake when the earth doth not, because it is so subject in such places to such trembling fits; but our Habitation is on Hard and Rocky Solid places, without such Concavities, and in the midst of the Land remote from Sea, and therefore secure enough. Did you speak true before you were aware, when you said, you were s [...]cure? Yes; and let me add, your Heart seems to be more Stony, & Rocky and Hard than the place you boast you live upon▪ as if Gods Arm were so short, he could not reach you, as if your Mountain stood so strong it could not be moved nor shaken. Do not you know, have you not heard, that God hath shaken the Earth by his own immediate hand, without those Natural Causes, and Rocks, and Mountains too. Fear to sin, cease to provoke the Eyes of his Glory, for he can reach you with his own hand, and shake your strongest Tower by his own might, without other Causes.
Quest. III. What are the several sorts, or kinds of Earthquakes?
There is difference amongst Philosophers in this point, some making 2 sorts or kinds of Earthquakes, as Possidonius, [Page 30] and Aristotle; some 3 as Seneea and Zan [...]hy. Some 7 which last they thus distinguish and nominate.
1. An Earthquake of one sort is an Inclining Earthquake, when the Earth is caused to incline one way, like a S [...]ip upon the Sea, or a Boat on the River, when laden more on one side than the other, leans that way only, where the greater weight and burden is laid. In this kind of Earthquake a Room seems to be lifted up on one side, and sink down or depressed on the other.
2 An Earthquake lifting the Earth upright: and by & by letting it down again, after the manner of boyling Water, or waxing not.
3 Earthquakes causing Chasmes, Chinks, Openings of the Earth, making Breaches in it, & tearing one part from another.
4 Earthquakes, which by force break their way, & the Vapours and Winds do get out of the Bowels of the Earth, which sometimes take with them Rocks, or Mud, or open a flowing Fountain where there was none before.
5 Earthquakes which by one motion, inforcing or thrusting, overthrow, overturn whatsoever they come upon, or rush against.
6 Earthquakes which make the Earth, and things upon it to incline sometimes one way, and then another back again, without falling any way, like the Rocking of a Cradle, by Reciprocal Motion or turning.
7 Earthquakes that come with a great noise, Roaring, and Bellowing, much like to the Lowing of Kine, and sometimes like the Vehement & fierce crying of Women.
Others Reduce these to two.
[Page 31]1. There is a Tremblg Earthquake, when the Earth Qivers like a Man in a Fit of an Ague. This kind of Earthquake is when the Vapour in the Earth is not much.
2 There is an Earthquake which moves the Earth upwards, and then again downwards. This by Aristotles followers is called Pulsus, like the beating of a mans Pulse.
Quest. 4▪ What are the usual Antecedent Signs of an approaching Earthquake given by Natural Philosophers, which by Observation and Experience they commend unto us.
If these signs of Natural Earthquakes be sure and constant, let it be considered, and let us reflect whether any such were taken notice of by any, before the late Earthquake in London, and in other places; if not, either these Philosophers are under a mistake, or we must judge, that this late shaking of this City was from the more Immediate Hand of God; if there were, yet the presence and working of second and natural causes, ought not to take us off from the minding and observing of the first, for as much as all the second are at the Command, Ordering, and Disposal of the first, and are all under the Government of the Providence of God, and the Voice and Call of the first and second Causes is, that we should Repent and turn from those sins that have provoked him to such sore Displeasure, to so great Wrath and Anger, as to make the Earth to shake and tremble under us.
1. One fore-going sign of an Earthquake, they teach, is, a certain troubling of Waters in the deepest Wells, and in Fountains, having then a Tincture of a Sulphureous taste, and an infected and stinking [...]vour: Because from the subterraneous [Page 32] commotions the Waters in the Wells must needs be troubled Ther [...]fore [...] repor [...]ed of P [...] recides the Phi [...]soph [...]r, that b [...] Wa [...]er drawn out of a Well, he [...] foretold the Lacedaem [...]nians the Ruin of the City by an Earthquake
2. When the Se [...] doth suddenly swell, not being caused so to do by VVinds and VVaves, when the Air is still and calm, and no blasts of VVinds, yet on a sudden the Sea swells, and the Ships thereon do shake: The reason is, because then the Earth in the bottom of the Sea is moved.
3. VVhen Birds sit trembling on the ground, forsaking Trees, because they perceive a certain trembling, shaking the Trees and the Roots thereof▪
4. VVhen there are great and terrible sounds in the Earth, and roarings and noises in the Caverns of the Earth.
5. Dimness of the Sun for some days going before the Earthquake.
6. Long and thin strakes of Clouds, sometimes sooner in the day, but chiefly after the setting of the Sun, the VVeather in other respects being very clear.
But of all that I have discoursed with, about the late Earthquak [...], I have not met with one, nor heard of any one that hath, that spake any thing of any of these Signs, before it happened, nor that by recollecting of themselves, do say since that they remember any such fore- [...]ing sign, that gave to them the least in [...]imation o [...] it; and the general surprize of all by it, generally acknowledging that the moment before they had not a thought o [...] such a shaking to be so near. I leave to all to judge, and to their own [Page 33] thoughts, whether this Earthquake did arise from Cau [...]es in Nature, or from the immediate Power and VVorking of God, the Lord of Nature. And if we see the Immediate Mighty Finger of God in it, to study and pray to know his Mind and VVill by it, or be moved by the moved Earth to confirm more unto his VVill revealed in his VVord.
Quest. V. What are the Effects and Consequents of Earthquakes, which make them exceeding dreadful where they come?
Reason may dictate to us what terrible Effects, what dismal work Earthquakes, when they have a full Commission from God to execute his VVrath, do make. Our Ears have heard the Miseries of multitudes of Persons, the overthrow and ruine of Towns, and Cities, and Countries: But those that have seen them would speak of them more sensibly, and set them forth more fully. It might make our flesh to tremble to hear of the woful devastation [...] that the trembling, shaking, and opening of the Earth hath caused in many Ages, in many places; but such as did see, and feel, and suffer by them, have contended with the Earth, whether it or they should tremble most. Oh the Cries and Shrickings! Oh, the doleful Lamentations! Oh, what bitter Complaints have been poured out, and wishes in vain have been uttered in the time and places of devouring and desolating Earthquakes; VVhen we shall hear some of those effects (tho' not written of according to the fulness of the Terror wherewith they are done) let us sympa [...]hize with the poor miserable People (yet left) in Jamaica, and pray that their Judgment might not come over to London, nor Travel further to other places.
First, Earthquakes cause great Consternation in the [Page 34] minds of men, and fill their hearts with fear. When God makes the Earth to shake under them, he makes their hearts to tremble within them. When the Earth shakes and moves they cannot stand upon it without fear. One Earthquake causeth many thousand Heart-quakes Did not many thousand People in London in its late Earthquake (tho' through God's great Mercy so short) feel great tremblings within themselves when they felt the Earth to shake under them, and saw their Houses move this way and that way over them, and could not tell whether they would stand or fall; nay, when so many thought & said, their Houses would not stand but fall? Were you not then under great Consternation, when you thought those Houses you had slept in, you must not only so quickly die in, but be buried in them too: That the Houses you had built or rented to shelter you from Storms and Tempests, should bring that Destruction upon you, which many Storms and Tempests had not done? Have not you of late years heard terrible and roaring Thunderings, God Thundering with a Voice which none can imitate? Have you not seen great Flashings of Fire and Lightnings, which made the Night like Day, that you said you could see to take up a small thing from off the ground, and were not you then glad you had an House over your head? But when this late Earthquake was, were not you afraid because you had an House over your head, when you thought it would fall upon your head and whole Body? And when this Earthquake was, did you not make as much haste to get out of it, as in Storms and Tempests you ever did to get into it? Is this already forgotten? What! so soon! It is hard to express the fears that many then were filled with, and it is sad to see how little God is feared [Page 35] since by many that then did fear so much. Beside your own late Experience, Sacred Scripture, as well as Historical Writers, do Record the fears of Men in times of Earthquakes, 1 Sam. 14 15 There was trembling in the host, in the field, and among all the people: the garrison and the spoi [...]ers, they also trembled, and the earth quaked: so it waes a very great tremb [...]ing. Behold! a quaking Earth, and therefore a trembling People. Behold! Valiant Men of War, that are not afraid of Swords and Bullets, but with undaunted Courage assault their Enemies, and when many lie dead on both sides, fight on with boldness, that fear not so much the shaking of Spears and Pikes, as the shaking of the Earth; the Host trembled, the Garrison trembled, and the Spoilers themselves did also tremble. Spoilers tremble! What! those that had spoiled so many upon the Earth, they tremble lest they should be spoiled by the quaking Earth. The Host, the People, the Garrison, the Spoilers, and Earth did tremble, surely it was a very great trembling, Mat. 27.54. When the Centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the Earthquake, they feared greatly Captains, Men of great Spirits, at the quaking of the Earth are filled with great fear. Mat. 28.2. Behold, there was a great Earthquake. 4 For fear of him (the Angel whose Ministry God used to cause that Earthquake) the Keepers did shake, and became as dead men: An Earthquake is so terrible, causing such frights and fears, that makes Men (as the saying is) look like Death. Acts 16.26. And suddenly there was a great Earthquake. 29. He (the Jaylor) called for a light, and sprung in, and came trembling. The Gaol trembled, and the Jaylour tr [...]mbled. When the Keeper [...]aw he could not keep the Prison-doors shut, but when [Page 36] he had shut, and lockt, and made them fast, the quaking of the Earth did open, he could not keep himself from trembling. An Earthquake will make even a Jaylour to tremble.
But why such fear and trembling in Men, when such shaking and trembling in the Earth?
1. In some, it may arise from the apprehensions of the terrible Wrath of an Angry God. There have bin some Earthquakes, that were Tokens of God's Grace and Favour; as the Earthquake shaking the Foundations of the Prison, in favour to Paul and Silas, testifying that God had heard their Prayers made in Prison, and that by it he would deliver them, as he did. And that in Acts 4 31. the Apostles prayed, and at their Prayers the place was shaken; the shaking of the place made them stand the faster in their Faith in God, and trusting to him. But usually Earthquakes are indications of God's Wrath and sore Displeasure. When Men run on in sin against God, to shew his Indignation against it and them, he sometimes will not suffer the Earth to stand still quiet under them. Psal. 18.7. The Earth shook and trembled; the foundations also of the Hills moved and were shaken, because he was wroth. When Men apprehend that God is provoked, and they may apprehend it, when God in such a terrible manner doth shew it, knowing they are no more a Match for God, than a Worm is to an Angel, or a Child to a Giant; it may put them into such amazing Frights and Fears, saying, God is angry, what shall we do? The Omnipresent God, is angry, whither shall we go? The Just and Holy God is angry, with what can we appease him? He doth shew his Anger, & we do see it, and how shall we escape? God is wroth, and the Earth trembles before him: God is [Page 37] wroth, and is come down in sore displeasure, and the Earth quaketh at his presence; our Heads are giddy, but not with Wine; we reel but not with strong Drink. O stay your selves, and wonder; cry ye out, & cry, they are drunken, but not with wine, they stagger, but not with strong drink, Isa. 29 9.
2 Conciousness of their own Guilt: When the Earth did quake, it did not only wake the Jaylour out of his Natural Sleep, but also out of his Spiritual Slumber; Conscience was a [...]arm'd, as he was affrighted; his Eyes were opened to see a Terrible God above him. Conscience was Awakened to see his Sins within him, & that had been committed by him, an Angry God above, an Accusing Conscience within, and the Quaking Earth under him, filled him with Fear, and Trembling. When Men do Prosper upon Earth, they can Swill, and Swear, and Sin in all their ways, and Conscience holds its peace, is quiet and still, doth not Reprove, Accuse, Judge, or Condemn them; but when Judgments come, an Hardned Pharaoh wil [...] cry out, I have sinned; a Wicked Saul will confess and say, I have sinned: And when an Earthquake comes, is not he an Hardned Seared Wretch, whose Conscience (though bad yet) is quiet within him, when the Earth is not quiet under him? And whose Conscience is not moved, and troubled for his Sin, when the Earth is moved, as being restless under the Burden of such Sinners? But if Conscience then d [...]th stir, when the Earth doth tremble, the sinner trembles (for the time) considering God's Anger, remembring his sin that did provoke him to it.
3 If neither apprehensions of Gods wrath against them, nor sense of sin committed against him, doth fill them with fears at the quaking of the Earth, yet Apprehension of Death at that time might make them tremble. Death is the King of Terrors, Job 18.14. Shall [Page 38] not that which is the most Terrible, when it is approaching in so Terrible a manner, make the stoutest heart to quake? If they have no thoughts of Hell and Damnation, yet Death by the trembling of the Earth presents it self unto their thoughts: and though they would not think of it yet they must; though they would divert their minds from it, yet they cannot send these thoughts away till another season: though many go to Hell without fear of Hell, and seldom think of it till they feel it, yet when Death seems to be coming to them by an Earthquake, it almost kills them with the terrour of it, being ready to die with fea [...] of such a Death
There are these Circumstances in this Case that fill men with these amazing fears upon the account of Death.
1. The sudden surprizal. An Earthquake comes suddenly in a minute; many times without notice and warning, as this in London lately did; and it seems to bring Death with it, and often doth; now an Evil that suddenly comes, doth the more amaze, when in a minutes time, there is not space for men to recollect their thoughts, and fortifie themselves with actings of Reason, or Grace (which Alas are not so ready) against advancing Death. In sickness men have time to prepare and make ready for it, and to allay the fears thereof; but in a moment to be in danger of Death, the fears are more raging and Predominant, and less help against them. Fear without a Remedy must be great Fear.
2 The suddeness of Death, the apprehended nearness of it. The danger did not only seize them suddenly. What! die so soon! what, within a minute or two? will Death stay no longer? can it not a minute more be delayed? what! so soon step into Eternity? so [Page 39] suddenly, must I hasten into another everlasting World? I never did so suddenly remove from one House to another, and must I now so suddenly remove from one World to another? from a temporal into an eternal World? and yet not to leave this, nor to go into that? It is hard to imagine the power and strength of fear that must invade and fill them in such distress▪
3. The unavoidableness of Death apprehended in an over throwing Earthquake augments their fears, or torments them with despair of Life. If a man be sick, the means he useth keeps up his hope of Life, and the more he hopes he shall live, the less are his fears of Death. But in a desolating Earthquake, what hopes can Men have? whither can they in a moment go to escape the ruine? what present Friend can help them, when they and their Friends are in the same equal danger? when one must not die without the other? If they stay within doors they apprehend they may be killed with the f [...]l of their Houses: if they run out, they know not but they may be destroyed with the downfal of their Neighbours. Will they hasten into the Fields? what! in a minute? alas! they have not time allowed for such an escape, or if they had, there the Earth in an Earthquake might swallow them up. No where safe, every where in great fear.
4 Apprehensions of sudden, unavoidable Death, and this when they are in health and strong, aggravates their case, and augments their fears. What! am I well, and yet must die? strong in health, and yet now must die? hath Death forgot its old way of sending Harbingers before it, before it came it self? did it use to send its Serjeants to arrest, before it cast Men into the Prison of the Grave, and must I be [Page 40] haled away without Summons? Some have been weaned from the love of Life, and made weary of it by long and languishing Sickness, by wracking & tormenting Pains, and must I in my Youth, or in middle Age, under no pain, with my strength firm, yield to Death? All this doth fill with greater fear.
5 This unusual way of d [...]ing makes it the more terrible. Others, in other cases, first die, and then are buried, first expire, and then are carried to their Graves; but in an Earthquake must I be buried alive? first buried and then die? others are carried from their house, when dead, unto the grave, and must mine own house be my grave, and that while I do live? Behold! the Earth quakes under me, my House trembles over me. Oh! what if my trembling House should fall, and I in it? what if the Earth should sink under me? what if this quaking Earth should open its mouth, and eat me up alive? what if it should cleave asunder (as in its shaking it hath sometimes done? and swallow me up as it hath done thousands of others? when others die another way, doth this loving Mother lay their dead Bodies in her Bosom, must I die this way, and go down alive into her bowels? did I live in my Mothers womb before I was born, and must I live (awhile) in this common Mothers bowels, after I am therein buried? This being not the common death of all Men, makes it more terrible to those that apprehend in an Earthquake they must not die as others do. All laid together, shews that Earthquakes cau [...]e great consternation of mind, perplexing, fretting fears, which is the first effect thereof.
Secondly, Another effect of Earthquakes is speedy and precipitant flying, if possibly Men might hasten [Page 41] the danger thereof. Tho' they leave their Goods bebind them in their Houses, they will attempt to fly to save themselves. Numb. 16.32. The earth opened her mouth and swallowed them up, and their houses, and all the men that appertained to Korah, and all their Goods. Verse 34. And all Israel that were round about them fled at the cry of them: for they said, lest the Earth swallow us up also. Zach. 14.5. And ye shall flee to the valley of the Mountains—yea, ye shall flee like as ye fled from before the Earthquake in the days of Uzziah King of Judah. These were particular Earthquakes, and some by flight escaped from them; but when it shall be more general, or fall out in the place where you dwell, and some miles about you, when it comes in a minute, whither will you fl [...]e? or to what place will you hasten, or in so little time how will you get thither? however, Men shall endeavour to fle, tho' it should be in vain, when the Earth so moves, they cannot, they will not stand still to be devoured and swallowed up, if by flight they might escape, which they will try, tho' they be overtaken with it. Overtaken! alas! in such a Judgment, you may sooner run into it, than run from it; you may think to leave the danger behind you, and still it is before you; you running away from it, may run to meet it. But the danger is so dreadful, the Death so formidable, the Misery so great by Earthquakes, that Men will flee from them if they can, that they might not perish in [...]hem. But better repent, reform, and turn from sin to God to prevent them, than to continue in the sin that do procure [...]hem; for when they come, you will find it hard to flee from them.
Thirdly; Another Effect is the cleaving asunder of [Page 42] the Earth, and devouring and swallowing up many Persons in a short time. In other Judgments People die one after another, in this by multitudes. When Death by sickness puts a period to Life, each one hath his own Grave; in this opening the Earth by Earthquakes, one great Grave is made for many, Numb. 16 31. I 2, 33.
Fourthly; Another Effect is the subversion of Houses, Towns, and Cities, with the destruction of their Inhabitants together. History abounds with many sad and grievous Examples hereof. When Trojan was at Antioch, there happened a most terrible Earthquake that destroyed many Cities and People, which extended it self very far. Great and terrible Lightnings were before it, then great and unusual storms of Winds, then arising a great and sudden Noise, the Sea wrought, the Waves swelled, the Earth was shaken, Buildings trembled, some did burst asunder, and others first lifted up, fell down. A great and horrible Noise was heard, Walls by contrary motions driven sometimes this way, sometimes that were broken and fell, the Sea with boisterous storms did mount and toss to and fro; the Earth where no Buildings were, was greatly moved: such a thick dust was raised, and so great a darkness upon all, that they could not see one another, nor speak, nor hear one the other, and by reason of the violence of the Wind, and greatness of the dust, could scarcely breathe Trees pluckt up by the roots were cast down upon the ground, many, very many were [...] with the overthrow of Houses and Walls, m [...]ny falling upon one another died, if any hurt by wood or stone, went away thus torn and wounded Bodies, they were more miserable than the rest, forasmuch as they could not live long, nor yet quickly [Page 43] die: of multitudes of Men scarce any escaped without some hurt. One might be seen to flee with his Shoulder broke, another with his Arms lost; many laid dead with their Heads separated from their Bodies▪ some with their bruised Breasts vomited Blood. Still the Earth continued to shake both by Night & Day: in this great Calamity they could find no remedy, nor way of escape: those that were hurt with the fall of Houses died in m [...]ny places, and tho' by the benefit of Vaults and roofed Places some were preserved, yet, the Earthquake continuing, they perished by hunger and famine, before any succour could be brought to them. When the Earthquake ceased, some went-upon the Ruins, where they heard a Womans voice, and the crying of an Infan [...]; the Ruins had covered both the Mother and the Child; it was wonderful how the Mother should have Milk to nourish her Child; but Mother and Child were taken safe out But whilst the dead Bodies & fallen Houses were more diligently searched, another Infant was found sucking the Breast of its dead Mother: But Life was a grief to all that had escaped Death, when [...]hey beheld the lamentable fall of the City, and so many People destroyed.
Fifthly; The change of the Channel of the Sea. In the time of Valens the Emperour there happened another tertible Earthquake, whereby an hundred Cities were destroyed in Crete: then also the Sea leaving its place, so overflowed certain grounds, which before were plowed, became navigable; and in other places where Men sailed, the Sailers in their Navigation were found upon dry Land where before the Sea was.
Sixthly; Another Effect of Earthquakes hath the Convulsion of Mountains, their sinking down, [Page 44] their clashing and transportatio [...] or removal to a great distance from the places where before they stood. Instances of these History do afford many, but I will only mention one, because more remarkable, how God doth miraculously sometimes preserve praying People, and may move Persons, whose Hous [...]s after shaking by an Earthquake stand, to pray therein. In the Year 1584. one Mountain by an Earthquake violently removed, destroyed a Town consisting of ninety Families, & threw down all excepting half of one House, where the Master of the Family, with his Wife and Children, kneeling upon their Knees, were praying and calling upon God.
Seventhly; Infectious Diseases, Plague and Pestilence are sometimes the Effects of Earthquakes: For the matter of Earthquakes is Pestilential, because subterraneous, or under Ground, wanting wind and motion to purifie it; this therefore when it doth exhale & breath out, or break forth doth infect the Air, and Men by taking in that infected Air, are infected by it In Scripture Earthquakes and Pestilence are set down together, as sore and heavy Judgments; God grant that London, England, and all p [...]aces that have been shaken by this late Earthquake▪ might so fear and tremble before this Great, Almighty God, as to Repent and turn from sin to God, [...] this his Call so lately, powerfully, and mercifully given, that after the Earthquake the Plague and Pestilence might not fol [...]ow.
Q [...]est: VI. What are the Adjuncts of Earthquakes, which may further inform us concerning this Mighty Work of God?
What I shall add concerning this, may be laid down in those following Conclusions.
[Page 45]First Concl Sometimes there may be an Earthquake in some particular place, and not in others near unto it. The Earthquake which shaked the Foundations of the Prison where Paul and Silas lay, did not extend it self to other places. God that can cause the Rain to fa [...]l upon one City, and not upon another, can make one City [...] when he doth not another.
2 Conc [...]. T [...] duration and continuance also of an Eart [...]quake is uncertain. Sometimes it may last but a Minute or two, more or le [...]s; sometimes it may continue Weeks, Months, Years, as some Wri [...]ers do affirm So some tremblings of the Earth continued after the great damage by the Earthquake in Jamaica in June last past If the Vapours shut up in the Earth, be [...]or [...] gross, they do more slowly evaporate or get out, and more difficulty find their passage. If they be more cold, they are also more slow. If they be in greater quantity, the Earthquake may be of a longer continuance, for much is not so soon evaporated, as a little. The Nature of the place also wherein an Earthquake is, may cause the longer or shorter duration of it; for if the surface of the Earth, in whose Caverns the matter of the Earthquake is contained and shut up, be more solid, close and lesser holes, chinks and pores be in it, the Earthquake lasts the longer, by reason of the more slow and difficult evaporation of the matter that causeth it.
3 Concl. An Earthquake may in a few Minutes destroy and overturn multitudes of Houses, and sweep away thousands of People. Thus the Intelligence from Jamaica runs: On the 7th of June, 1692 about 12 at Noon happened here [Port Royal] a most terrible Earthquake: It was most violent on the Harbour side, where the Houses all sunk down in a Minutes time, from [Page 46] the depth of three to five Fathom Water; in the Streets next the Wharf, the Earth opened it self wide and deep, and instantly gushed out an Inundation of Water, so that many of the [...] were drowned.
Some People being ignorant of the Nature of an Earthquake, and what Destruction it may make in a few Minutes, set little by the Mercy of being preserved at such a time, and soon wear off the sense both of the Judgment and the Mercy, because it lasted so short a space. But though London was some days in being consumed by Fire, when many Houses were preserved, yet by an Earthquake in a few Minutes it might have been all destroyed: The preventing whereof was the wonderful M [...]cy and Providence of God, never to be forgotten.
4 Concl Sometimes an Earthquake may be once in some parts of the Earth, and not return again, sometimes it may repeat its c [...]urse, and often put the same places into many trembling fits. When the shaking is over once, the bitterness of God's Wrath, and our Ruine might not be past; if the shaking of London should be rei [...]e [...]ated, the latter might be more grievous than the former. All these second Causes are ordered and over-ruled by the Providence of God: All the Natural Causes of Earthquakes are subject to God's power, and are at his Beck, command and call; therefore tho' London be safe afer its late shaking, yet let it not be secure, for the same Hand and Power of God that did shake it once, can again, and throw it down.
Vse I. Earthquakes, when armed with the wrath of God, and come with his Commission to destroy, are one of the sorest Judgments whereby he Executeth his Vengeance, and manifesteth his hot Indignation against sin and sinners upon Earth. Our Lord Jesus ranks these with the most dreadful and terrible Judgments [Page 47] and Punishments that befall the World. Luke 21 10. Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against Nation, and Kingdom against Kindom 11 And great Earthquakes shall be in divers places, and Famines and Pestilences, wndfearful Sights, and great signs shall there be from Heaven. Is War dreadful ask those people whose Country is made the Seat of War. Is Famine a sore and heavy Evil? What think you, when at such times, Mothers have boiled their own Children and eat them, 2 Kings 6 26. As the King of Israel, was passing by upon the Wall, there cried a woman unto him, saying, Help, my Lord, O King. 28. And the King [...] [...]nto her, what aileth thee? And she answered, this Woman said unto me, give thy son, that we may eat him to day, and we will eat my son to morrow, 29 So we Boiled my son and did eat him. Is the Plague a wrathful Visi [...]ation of God? Those that are yet alive, that were in London in 1665. May remember the Terror of it. Is an Earthquake behind these for dread and horror? Or doth it not in some r [...] spects go beyond them? In War strong Castles, Fortified places, and firm Walls, may keep out a Besieging Enemy, which they cannot batter and overthrow in many Months, and these overturned by an Earthquake in a few Minutes Doth the Sea rage, and is tempestuous? Marriners have their ships, and Men on Land have their Banks and Ports to secure them: but an Earthquake tears up their Ports, breaks down their Banks, and makes way for an overwhelming Innundaton, and drowneth many. Doth a consuming Fire burn and turn many Houses into ashes, yet the Inhabitants by flight might save themselves. But in an Earthquake, whither will you run to escape the danger? The fire on your house will not follow you into the street or fields, but there the Earthquake [Page 48] might meet you. Doth the Plague go through a City? doth it go from Hous [...] to House, doth it climb up in the Windows? Yet you have you [...] Antidotes against it, and some escape, being not inf [...]cted, and some infected, do recover: when i [...] is most severe upon the people, it leaveth th [...]ir dw [...]l [...]ings behind them when they fall into their graves, their Houses stand upon their old foundation
But Earthquakes makes no diff [...]rence betwixt the Rich and the Poor, but swallows up all, and their Mony too, and this in a few Minutes, and is not so long in destroying as the Famine is, nor gives that time for preparation for another World, but in a moment many go down into one common Grave.
Vse II. Wo then to wicked M [...]n, when God comes and shakes his Rod over them, whereby he makes the Earth to shake under them, how sorrowful is your case? how dreadful is your condition? what comfort have you to support you in such [...]errour? what refuge have you to flie unto, when God shall enter into such a Judgment with you, and contend with you by shaking the Earth under you, if he proceed thereby to make the Houses fall upon you, or the Earth to open under you, which way will you look for help, or hope, or comfort? above you? behold! there is an angry God, a provoked Lord, a righteous Judge. Round about? behold! your tottering Ho [...]es, your moving Walls, threatning your Death by their fall. Will you look downwards? behold! the Earth trembles, its Pillars shake, as being weary any longer to bear the burden of ungodly Men that walk upon it; and you fearing when it will cleave asunder and swallow you up. At such a time, had you an interest in God as your reconciled Father, in Christ as your Lord and Saviour, [Page 49] in the holy Spirit as your Regenerator and Sanctifier, what sedateness of Mind, what composure of Spirit, what stable hopes might you have of Heaven, when the Earth cannot stand still for trembling? what comfort against your fears, what joy against your sorrows, what remedy against your misery (against which there seems to be no remedy) might you have from your special relation to God as reconciled to you, when he so terribly shews his anger unto others.
Vse III. Such special and peculiar Earthquakes which God hath caused for special and peculiar ends, improve to the obtaining of those ends. All the Earthquakes in general do manifest the Glory of the power of God, and God in them doth speak to Men on Earth. They have a voice, & we should have an hearing ear; let's not be deaf to the Instructions that God is giving of us; nor dull to take out the Lessons he is teaching us. Particularly some more observable upon more rem [...]rkable occasions, such as these.
1. The Earthquake there was at the Death of Christ. The Jews hearts were stony and hard, and did not fear nor tremble to shed the innocent and most precious Blood of the Son of God, but when it fell upon the ground, the Earth did shake and tremble to receive it. Abel's Blood did cry to Heaven from the ground, and Cain was cursed and the Earth was cursed to him for that bloody fact. Gen. 4.10. And he said what hast thou done? the voice of thy brothers blood crieth unto me from the ground. Verse 11. And now art thou cursed from the Earth which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brothers blood at thine hand. Verse 12. When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her [Page 50] A Fugitive and a Vagabond shalt thou be in the Earth. Was not the Blood of Christ of greater worth and value than Abel's, or of all Men, being the Blood of him that was God as well as Man, pure and spotless; was not therefore the shedding of it by Men, a more heinous sin and barbarous fact; and yet the shedders of it stupid, and not afraid to take away his li [...]e? what doth the Earth under their feet, but shake and tremble at what they did not? and what improvement did some then present make thereof? and what conclusions did they draw from it? Mat. 27 51. Behold, the Vail of the Temple was rent in twain, from the top to the bottom, and the Earth did quake, and the Rocks rent. Verse 54 And when the Centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the Earthquake and those things that were done, they feared greatly. And what did they say? what did they gather and infer from thence? what Conclusion laid they down as sure and certain? they said, Truly this was the Son of God. Though you did not see it, as they did, yet you read it recorded by them that did see it, and do not you believe this matter of fact, and the record of it to be true? and will not you say, surely that Christ, at whose Death the very Earth did quake, and other great Miracles done, was the Son of God, and love him, desire him, trust him, receive him, and consent to have him for your Lord and Saviour accordingly? was the shaking of the Earth, and the rending of the Rocks, a testimony against the Impenitent, Unbelieving, and Rocky-hearted Jews, that neither before, for all the Miracles done by him in his Life, nor after they saw what was done at his Death, did own him for the Son of God, nor receive him for their Saviour and Lord, but did still reject him, and do you hear of the [Page 51] same things that they saw, and yet be guilty of the same Unbelief, Impenitency, and Rejecting of Christ as they were? shall it not have the same effect upon you, as it had upon the Centurion, and those that were with him? The Earth at h [...]s Death did quake; do you fear and tremble, lest you be found a Rejecter of him.
2. The Earthquake at the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, ought to be improved by us to establish us in the Articles of our Faith of Christ's Resurrection, and our own, and to rejoyce at the thoughts of both. And the more the Earth did tremble, the more stedfast let our Faith be. Mat. 28.2. And behold there was a great Earthquake. Verse 5. Ye seek Jesus. Ver. 6. He is not here, for he is risen. Verse 8. They departed quickly, with fear and great joy, and did run to bring his Disciples word. The Earth did quake, and they did believe; the Earth did quake, and they did joy that Christ was risen. As the Earth did quake to drink up his Blood, so it did quake to detain his Body beyond the appointed time, and by its motion did congratulate the Victory Christ had obtained over Death in its own Dominions. Improve this also to believe the power of Christ to raise our Bodies also, for if he give the word, if he utter his voice, Come forth ye dead, Awake, Arise, he will make the Earth to quake and tremble, to deliver up its dead. Rev. 20.11. And I saw a great white Throne, and him that sate upon it, from whose Presence the Earth and Heaven fled away, and there was found no place for them. Verse 12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God, and the Books were opened, and another Book was opened, which is the Book of Life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the Books, according to their Works. The Earth did quake when [Page 52] Christ did die, and when he arose; and so it shall when he shall come to raise the dead, and judge the World.
3. The Earthquake at the Prayers of the Apostles (when the Gospel was opposed, and the Preachers of it Persecuted) that God would grant unto his Servants that with all boldness they may speak his Word, and for confirmation of their Faith, and satisfaction that their Prayers were heard, his Church & Kingdom should be propogated and preserved, the place was shaken where they were, Act. 4.24.31. He that can shake the Earth, can establish his Church; he that can make Mountains quake, can and hath built his Church upon such a Rock, that no Power shall prevail against it.
Vse IV. Improve this mighty terrible Work of God in causing this late Earthquake by making more hast to turn from sin to God by a speedy and sincere Conversion. Were you not afraid of Death, when your Houses did shake, and you feared, would fall upon you? Were you prepared to die? Were you fitted for Judgment and Eter [...]ity? What if you had been destroyed then, where had your Souls been now? Have any of you been more serious and earnest in enquiring after th [...] way of Salvation? Have you so much as with a concerned mind asked any Minister, what you must do that you may be saved? How! have you not? What, will you be more stupid than the Earth under your feet? Did it tremble, and not you? Or did you then, and are become secure again? Will you be more careless and hardened than the Jaylour? He! did not he, being moved by the motion of the quaking ground, make hast, and run to the Apostles, and [...] his knees begged, Sirs, what must I do to be Saved? If you know, tell me, I see [Page 53] the greatness and the power of your God, if he will have mercy on sinners, tell me and what I must do, that he might have mercy on me, and save me, tell me; if his Wrath be so great, how may I escape it? I do not yet know, fain I would, but I do not; O Sirs, tell me what must I do to be saved? Hath this that you have felt and seen put you on to any greater diligence for your Souls Salvation, than you had before? Careless before, and so still? Impenitent before, and so still? No minding of Conversion before, and none yet? Indeed! shall this amazing Providence of God, whereby you were in so much danger of Death and Hell, pass away, and leave you as carnal, careless, and negligent as you were before? What! after the Earth in its trembling might have opened its mouth and swallowed you up alive into its bowels, and from thence have gone to Eternal Torments? from Pit to Pit? From a deep Pit made by the Earthquake in the lower parts thereof, into a bottomless Pit, prepared by a just God to take Vengeance on Impenitent and Unconverted sinners to all Eternity? Turn sinner turn, or this God, that can and hath by Earthquakes overturned Towns, Cities, Mountains, will turn thee into Hell; and now it thou wilt not fear to continue in a sta [...]e of sin, there thou shalt feel his Wrath and Vengeance for thy sin.
Vse V. Let all and ever [...] one of us get & evidence our Title to a Kingdom that cannot be shaken. You see there is no place in this World that is so stable, but it may be shaken, even those Houses that you do not call moveable Goods, how moveable God can make them. When you build on Earth, you mind that your Foundation be [...]ood and firm, and not sandy, or unsound; and if you built your House upon [Page 54] an earthly Rock, tho' when the Wind blows, and Rain descends and beat against it, yet it stands; but if an Earthquake come, with a commission from God to overturn, or sink it your best foundation cannot secure it. But there is a City above that hath [unshaken] Foundations, whose Maker and Builder is God. Secure an House there, not made with hands for that will be Eternal. There are Mansions above which are perpetual. There are no [...]orms nor tempests; there are no terrible Thunderings and Lightnings, there are no Rendings nor Shakings; all sedate and calm, all at quiet and rest, all secure and safe. No death, or darkness, no fears or tremblings, no threatning or amazing motions tending to interrupt the Joys and Holy Pleasures, the Triumphant Songs of the Citizens of that City, of the Glorious Subjects of that abiding Kingdom. Your House on Earth might be destroyed by War, by Fire, by an Earthquake; but there are Mansions above not subject to be destroyed or spoiled by these or any other way: Set less by these on Earth, that have, and may be shaken, and more by that Kingdom, that never hath, nor shall, nor can be shaken. Heb. 12.27. This word, once more signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken, may remain. 28 Wherefore we receiving a Kingdom, which cannot be moved, let us have grace whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and Godly Fear.
Vse VI. God never wanteth ways and means to punish the Disobedience and Rebellion of sinners against him. He can make the Heavens above to punish them by with-holding Rain from them, or by pouring out immoderate Showers upon them: He can punish them by the Earth beneath. And if there be nothing [Page 55] visible to plague and destroy them, yet he hath his Armies and his mighty Host under Ground, and in the Barth, which he can Muster at his word of command, all stand ready to fight against them, which can slay them heaps upon heaps and bury them first, and after kill them.
Vse VII. Admire the sparing Mercy of God to London more than to many Places and Cities in the World Indeed, by this late Earthquake many Towns and Cities besides London have been shaken, and are spared which doth not make Londons deliverance to be less! for God in sparing others, might have brought London down. But compare your Mercies (for there are many in its preservation) with the Desolation brought upon many Cities in former Ages, and upon Port-Royal in Jamaica, by Earthquakes, and acknowledg Gods Mercy and his power in his late visitation of it, his power in shaking it, his mercy in preserving of it Consider this Providence seriously, suffer it not to pass without due observation, and think whether you may put a greater accent upon his Power or his mercy in this Dispensation; upon his power in making it to tremble, or on his Mercy, that he did not make it sink or tumble down. Did God by an Earthquake shake London, and yet doth London stand? God did shake it, behold his Power. It doth stand, behold his mercy. Nay, do not you see his powerful mercy, and his merciful power? His powerful Mercy in shaking it, as a warning to you, and his merciful Power in keeping it from falling when it was so shaken. O write upon your walls, however Engraven it on your Hearts, and Memories; My House was shaken with an Earthquake and yet it stands.
London sorely threatned, and yet it is spared. It is [Page 56] by the distinguishing Providence of God, that you have been visited in the same way as others have, and yet are not overthrown, nor swallowed up in the same manner as others are. That you may be the more sensible of, and so more thankful for God's great Mercy in sparing you in the day of his Power. But do not Men still conti [...]ue in their disobedience and provoking sins, and doth not God continue to manifest his hatred and detestation of them? For all this is his anger turned away? is not his Hand stretched out still? have not we heard of the sad destruction of Jamaica by a most terrible Earthquake there this year? Should not we sympathize with them, and by God's dealing with them tremble at the remembrance of our own sins, the procuring cause of all Calamities, especially since God so lately hath shaken this City, tho' it stands? [...] argument the greatest sufferers are the greatest sinners. Luk. 13.1. There were some present at that season that told him of the Galileans whose Blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. Verse 2. And Jesus answering, said unto them, suppose ye that these Galileans were sinners above all the Galileans, because they suffered these things? How doth Christ answer his own Question? Verse 3. I tell you nay: but except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. Verse 4 Or those eighteen on whom the Tower of Silo fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem. Vers. 5. I tell you nay: but except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. It is confest by some that write from Jamaica that they were a very wicked People; great Swearers, Drunkards, Unclean, &c. and are there not many such in England, yea, in and about London Is it not known? is it not seen? can it be denied? and are there not such Circumstances that may make the very same sins to be more [...]