
Blessed UNIONS. An UNION With the SON of God by FAITH. And, an UNION In the CHURCH of God by LOVE, Importunately Pressed; in DISCOURSE which makes Divers Offers, for those Unions; Together with A COPY of those Articles, where-upon a most Happy UNION, [...] been lately made between those two Eminent Parties in England, which have now Changed the Names of PRESBYTERIANS, and CONGREGATIONALS, for that of UNITED BRETHREN.


How long did our Fathers Sow in Tears for the Harvest? God hath Reserved the Resting-Time for us their Children: and therefore let us [...] according to the Joy in [...] Excellent Sermon, on, The [...] Pag. 19.

BOSTON. Printed by B. Green, & [...] for Samuel Phillip, 1692.


To the Brethren [...] Church in the North Part of BOSTON.

IT was in a Weekly Course of Sermons o [...] the Seventeenth Charter of John, that▪ You were Entertained [...] Thoughts, as I do now again (but not without the Concurrent En­couragement of more than One, or two, Re­verend Persons in the Neighbourhood) more [...] ­lickly and more Barall [...] lay before You. And that I now send the [...]e Thoughts abroad, is not with a Design of so much Boldness, as to Address all the Neighbour Churches with my own Appre­hensions about their Interests; I leave That unto Greater and Wiser Persons, which all of them are furnish'd wi [...]h; but it is more im­mediately to serve Y [...]r Edification. I shall shortly give up my Account of my Stewardship [...] more! and O that I may do i [...] w [...]h [...] Pea [...] and Joy, if I may say before my Gl [...]o [...]s Maste [...] That while I was [...] the Expence of [...] my Talents, to [...] end, Eng [...]ging Y [...]u t [...] accept the D [...]ties and [...] of the New Covenant, I was also [...] to Establish you [...] the Principles and [...] of such a [...] state as may maintain Y [...]ur U [...]io [...], with [...] [...]arts of our Lords Visible Kingdom in [...] World; and may Obtain for you the [...] Protection of God, in this Day of th [...]se Ea [...]th [...] which will Shake all things, [...]o [...] for those which Cannot be sh [...]k [...]. This [...] Endeavour, i [...] the following Treatise, and [...] his Endeavour I woul'd [...]p [...] my [...] Your Sollicitous Pastor, and Servant▪


To the Very Reverend MATTHEW MEAD, JOHN HOW, AND INCREASE MATHER; Of whose Pious and Prudent Endeavour [...], (among others) the God of Heaven has made a very particular Use, [...] producing a most Blessed UNION a­mong His People.

Much Honoured,

IT was a Conjecture, which I had al­most called a Prophecy, in the Ser­mon Preached by One of You, o [...] the THANKSGIVING Lately [...] ­ted by The United Brethren, for the [...] ­nal Mercy and Presence of God, [...] has appear'd in their becoming, [...] [Page] Sticks Made One, You have done That in this Agreement that promises great Advantage unto our Brethren abroad; it is like the Beams of the Sun, which Diffuse Light and Heat unto Thousand at once. I may humbly presume now to inform All of You, That there are I suppose Thousands of Saints no less than Thousands of Miles distant from you, who are like to Rejoyce in the Sacred Light and Heat, with which this Blessed▪ Agreement of yours inspires them. When that Noble and Equally well Tim'd and well Fram'd Work of Accommodation, wherein You have so much Laboured, was once Prosecuted unto that Effect, which your eyes have seen, doubtless the A [...]els in the C [...]les­tial Regions, were making their Joyful Acclamations thereupon; the Angels [...] say of whose Intimate Acquaintance with what is done among the People of God, we do not want Assurances; the News quickly Reach'd Heaven, and the Shores upon it were, Glory to God in the Highest, because there is on Earth Peace, and Good Will among men. But let me [Page] also suggest this further Joy unto, The Counsellers of This Peace, That the C hristians in the American Regions, who dwell in such an Hoemisphoe [...]e that some think the Apostle means Us by, Things under the Earth, do now send back the loud and long Ech [...]'s of your UNION. As he that heard a Story of two very Faithful Friends, most passionately Ex­claimed, U [...]inam Tertius [...]ssem! so the Churches of New-England are ambitious of a Room in all that Friendship into which they who are Studious of, A Re­formation according to the Word of God, are by the Perfect Bond of Charity now [...]emen [...]ing of themselves. But that which raises this Desire of these Church­es into a sort of Demand▪ is, Their ha­ving now so long Professed and Practised Those very Principles upon which our Europ [...]an Brethren do now Uni [...]e, and Exhibited a standing Ins [...]ance of that Union after which Your most Evangeli­cal Souls have been Aspiring. Not on­ly have those of the Sc [...]ch and the French Communions, been admitted un­to a Transient Communion in these [Page] Churches, when they have come with due Testimonials for it; but also in our S ta [...]ed Communion, the Name of PRES­BYTERIAN and CONGREGATIO­NAL [...] [Yea, and EPISCOPAL too when Piety is otherwise visible] and [...] may add, the Name of, ANTIPE [...]O­BAPTIST, likewise, is of no Conside­ration; both, yea all together do, As one man carry on the Affairs of our Lords Ecclesiastical Kingdom; and the S ubstantials of Religion (perhaps Cri­tically sometimes Nam'd only become the Terms of Sacred Fellowship. From the Constitution of a Little Zion, here, which has more than a little of Hea­ven, in it, you have had that Invitati­on, Come up hither! and now that God is causing you, To come out of your Graves, (a thing that's doing when, T he T [...]o S ticks become One in the Hand of God) I do most ardently sollicit for your Prayers and Cares before the Lord, that we may not by any Effects of our Degeneracies, be put into Ours, or be made indeed, T hings under the Earth. While the Authority of England has [Page] (and may it ever have) Reason to ac­knowledge the New-E nglanders among the most Loyal Subjects in the World; I hope You will not forget that here is a Country in a manner who [...]y consisting of your most Hearty Brethren; I know you cannot. It may be some Recom­mendation for us, That your Names and your Books are precious even to the furthest Nooks of these Colonies; We Read you, Prize you, Bless God for you; and with Yours, the Venerable Names of ADAMS, ALSOP, ANNESLY BARKER, BATES, BAXTER, BUR­GESS, COLE, COLLINGES, CRA­DOCK, DOLITTLE, GII [...]PIN, GRIF­FITH, HAMMOND, HURST, [...]E, MAYO, SLATER STEEL, SYLVES­TER VEAL, VINCENT, WILLIAMS, WOODCO [...]K; WOODE, and others, yet Surviving Men of God, besides ma­ny others now Asleep in the Lord, are among us, all of them, As an O [...]n [...]ment poured f [...]r [...]h. When any of those Pil­lars in the Temple of God, happen to fall by the Stroke of Death, even the Ground in America shakes at the Fall: So did [Page] it Lately at the Translation of the most Excellent FLAVEL, who, as we hear, Stole from you, that Week, that he had been Moderator in a General Meeting of Ministers at Exeter, where Solemn Thanks were directed unto You, as [...]hre [...] of those Worthies, who not by War but by Peace had signalized your selves un­to the English Israel. But it will more powerfully plead with you for us, if we let you understand, which I now do, That New-England is in a large part but just the very same that you would have your own particular Flocks to be, and that whoever attempts the Ruine of [...] Churches, intends the very same for every one of yours. It was a severe Persecution, that a while since drove the fi [...]st Planters of this Ter­ritory into the most Horrid and Squa­lid of all Des [...]r [...]s, which with a vast Expence of their own Treasure, Sweat and Blood, is now become somewhat Habitable. It can scarce enter into our [...], or ind [...]ed into an, Honest or Humane Heart, that any [...] now thro' the Sea, go to follow the poor Children of [Page] those First Planters here, with a Perse­cution for their Non-Conformity to such things as the Errand hither was a peace­able Secession from. Nevertheless I do again see cause to be your Petitioner, that you would not let this little Out­cast, be cast out of your most useful Thoughts at the Throne of Grace. Tho' No man care, for us, Yet (Y [...]e blessed Sons of Peace!) You do; and One of you by a tedious Absence from your, Interests among us, to attend an Agency, in the Courts of two KINGS now Successively on our behalf; have given a Memorable Demonstration of it. May, My God think upon all of you according to all that you have done for this People.

But while I thus [...] the [...] your Intercessions for my Country, you will permit me to ask your Blessing on my self; inasmuch as you that are, The Chariots of Isr [...]el, and the Horsemen thereof, are all of you Fathers unto me. One of you is Naturally so, and I rec­kon it among the choicest of my Ad­vantages; the other Two of you, are [Page] Spiritually so; for if ever I have go beyond, T he Almost Christian, or if ever I have Try'd, The Good of Early Obedience; if ever I was I [...]flam'd for T he Blessedness of the Righteousness, or ever I Learn [...]d the Art of, Delighting in God; your Invaluable Writings hav [...] had their Influences thereupon.

Wherefore, MY FATHERS, having here withal brought you, some of [...] Venison ['tis Plain, Mean, po [...]r New England Venison] I pray you, T h [...] your Souls may Bless me;

Who am in all Duty Your Son and Servant, COTTON MATHER
[Page 1]

Blessed UNIONS.

Recommended, from John XVII. 21. That they all may be ONE, as Thou, Father, art in me, and I in Thee, That they also may be ONE in Us.


IT was a very Just Remark and Applause once bestow'd upon our Blessed Saviour, That He so sp [...]ke as never man sp [...]ke; and it is a Reflecti­on to be no less Truly made, That He pray'd so as never man p [...]ay'd. Our Lord Jesus Christ, Ascending into the Third Heaven, where He ever lives to make Intercession for us. Left behind Him a standing Monument and Counterpane [Page 2] of that Heavenly Intercession by which His Oblation for us becomes Effectual; and the Seventeenth Chapter of John i [...] the P [...]t in which this very Caelestial Manna is Reserved. Though, A [...] Scripture is Profitable, and is like the Gold, Precious; and like the Sky, Sublime: Nevertheless there are pecu­liar Excellencies in some Scriptures, and this Chapter may be Compar'd unto a Pearl in that Gold, a Star in that Sky; tis, A Chapter of Degrees; & very truly, A Superlative. The Evangelist John was of Old Resemb [...]ed unto an Eagle; behold, What this High Soaring Eagle ha's fetch'd from Heaven for our En­tertainment here! Tis a prayer of our Lord Jesus Christ; whereof I may affirm, as the Great Me [...]ancth [...]n before me did, Ne [...] Dign [...]orem, nec Sanctiorem, nec Fructu [...]siorem, nec Magi [...] Patheticam Vocem, in C [...]lo [...] Terra u [...]quam fuisse [...]d [...]am; Never was there such a Voice heard in the World before. The Words of a Dying Man, usually have in them something that is more than Ordinary; the Words of a Dying S aint [Page 3] are to be Look'd upon as yet more ex­traordinary; but methinks the words of a Dying Jesus, must be of all the most con [...]iderable. And such Words are those that are now before us! It is one of our Calamities, That we know not what we should pray for as we ought. And one would therefore be Inquisitive to know what it was that our Lord Jesus chose to pray for when He was wrestling with His Father on our behalf. Cer­tainly That should be the very De [...]ire and Request, which we should all choose [...]o lay before our God for our selves. When Almighty God makes us, as He Now and Ever does, the Proffer which He made unto Solomon, Ask, What I shall give thee! Surely, 'twould be our Interest for us to Ask, that He would give us, the very same Things which, A Greater than Solomon, has Asked for [...] Our Context here will give us Informati­on thereabout. In the verse before, we see For whom our Lord pray'd; and in the Twenty First & the Twenty Fourth Verses, we see, For what He pray'd. He pray'd not only for all the Disciples in [Page 4] that Age, but also for all the Believer [...] in every Future Age. He pray'd, That they might all of them have a Comfor­table State First, in This, and Then in another, and a better World. Now the Text in our Hands, does represent A Glorious Union, as the best Thing which our Lord Jesus Christ, had in His Wishes, for his People, upon Earth and this Glorious Union, is here describ­ed, first, by the Fountain of it; next, by the Nature of it; and, thirdly, by the Pattern of it; On which we shall by the Help of that Grace, which This very Prayer (whereupon we are now Discoursing) has obtained for us, make our pertinent Observations.

OBSERVATION I. There is a Blessed UNION, which Be­lievers are to have with Christ, and by Him, with God.

Says our Lord, That they may be One in Us. To penetrate into this, Deep [Page 5] T hing of God, we may be help'd by two Praeliminaries.

Praeliminary I.

The whole Undivided Adorable T ri­nity is concerned in the Union which Believers have with the Lord Jesus Christ. This UNION is the Grand Scriptural Mystery; and (avoiding un­due Images in our minds) it may be thus Illustrated.

You may suppose God the Father as a Sacred Root; suppose the Lord Jesus Christ, as a T runk issuing from it; sup­pose the Holy Spirit, as a S ap running thro' it; suppose our selves to be, [and O that we may be!] the Branches thereunto belonging; and suppose our Good Works to be the Fruits in this way prod [...]ced. Here is a little Image of this Blessed UNION! Our Union is with God the Father; thus we read, in 1 Joh.4.16. He that dwelleth in Love, dwelleth in God, and God in him. Our Union is with God the S pirit; so we read in Rom. 8. 11. If the S pirit of Him that Raised up Jesus from the Dead, dwell in you. And our Union is with [Page 6] the Lord Jesus Christ; hence 'tis said in Eph. 3. 17. T hat Christ may dwell i [...] your Hearts. The Term of Dwelling is that whereby the Scripture in those and more places, denotes this Union. In this Union we become T emples for the whole T rinity; there is an ineffa­ble Concurrence of all the Three Persons in the Eternal God-head, therein to take possession of us. Briefly, [...] renders us Children to God the Father, Pupils to God the S pirit, and Member [...] of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Praeliminary 2.

It is more peculiarly the Lord Jesus Christ with whom all Believers▪ have their Union. It is the Lord Jesus Christ, as GOD▪ MAN, who is, T he Head of the Church; and in that capa­city we have our Union with Him. In­deed, the Personal Union of the Two Natures in our Lord, is that upon the account whereof He is an Object admi­rably Fitted for an Union with us. Here­by 'tis, that He becomes our Immanuel, or, God with us; and so poor, mean, vile Man, may become, One with Him▪ [Page 7] Our Lord Jesus Christ is Man; and the Kindred which by His Incarnation He comes to have unto us, does marvellous­ly make way for our Union unto Him. It may [...]ow be said, as in Heb. 2. 11. Both He that Sanctifyeth, and they that are Sanctified, are all of one. If there­fore they become one, it will not be such a Monstrous Union as Nebuchad­nezzars Idol show'd, where the Head was of one Metal, and the Members of another. Our Lord Jesus Christ is God also; and the Infinite Perfections of His Divinity, do Infinitely furnish Him to bestow those Benefits for which His U­nion with us, is intended by God. We are told in Col. 2. 19. It pleased the Fa­ther, that in Him there should all Fulness dwell. That Fulness is needful to obtain and maintain the ends of this Union; we have now an Head that can supply all His Members, with whatever good they have occasion for.

Wherefore, we have now an oppor­tunity to Enquire,

W hat is that UNION which we are to have with our Lord Jesus Christ?

[Page 8] I. There might many Things be N [...] ­gatively spoken, to rectify our Appre­hensions about our Union with our Lord. But especially three such Things as these

First, We must not propound unto our selves an Union so Remote, as what shall be Mental only. The Soul does in a manner Unite it self, with what i [...] Looks, or Thinks upon; Contemplation affords unto us a sort of Union with what is laid before it. But our thoughts on the Lord Jesus Christ, are not the Things, wherein does consist our Union with Him; tho' indeed the U nion is cherished by those Holy Thoughts.

Nor may we, Secondly, propound unto our selves an Union so Confus'd; as what shall arise to be Personal: The Familist has counted himself so united unto our Lord, as to be, C hristed with Christ; but our Union will afford no room for such Nonsensical and Blasphe­mous Gibberish. Our whole Persons are to have an Union with the whole Per­son of our Lord Jesus Christ; and yet our Union will not make our persons to become One Person with Him.

[Page 9] Let me add, Thirdly, That the Fun­damental Haeresy of Quakerism receives no Countenance from our Union with our Lord. There is a certain, Inward Excusing or Condemning Principle, which men are Born withal: and the Quaker (if I can understand him) holds This Principle to be, The Man Christ, Or as their Jargon for it is, A measure of that Man. 'The Visible and the [...]angible Flesh which hung upon the Crose with­out the Gates of Jerusalem, the Quaker calls, The Bodily Garment of that Man, Christ: and what is now become of that Flesh, he is lothe to say; While he will fallaciously grant you the Man to be Ascended into Glory. The Quaker do's also Count his own Flesh to be such a­nother Bodily Garment unto the Man Christ, and his having of that Man thus in Him, is that by which he Expounds, The Coming of Christ in the Flesh. You see what an Union this Heretick pre­tends to have with our Lord Jesus Christ; He not only has, The Man Christ, within himself; but he does in effect make himself to be, T hat Man. [Page 10] We all of us have within us, a C on­science which is, The C andle of the Lord, but an Enemy to fair Distinctions, will have, T he Candle, to be, The Lord Himself. Methinks, these people help to fulfil the Prophecy, That before the Coming of our Lord, Men shall say, L [...] ­here is C hrist, or there! and there shall arise, False C hrists; and they shall say, Behold, He is in the Desart! But what will they Reply to the Challenge which One Recovered out of Quake­rism has lately given them, wherein he tells them, If this your Foundation stand sure, it would follow, That all honest Pagans, Jews, and Mahometans, are in C hrist as well as you; and true Chri­stians, Believers, Disciples Followers of Christ (at least, as to the Mys­tery) & so your Brethren in C hrist. And indeed! There is no Man ordinarily without a Principle which will Excuse him, when he thinks he does well, and will C ondemn [...]im when he thinks he do's Ill; but is the Man C hrist so United un­to every man? Sure I am, the Apostle affirms of some, what we may as well apply to most in the World; Eph.2. 12. [Page 11] Ye were without C hrist.

Pardon me then, that I thus largely enter this particular Caution, against the Strong Delusion of the Quaker [...]. This Age and Place, wherein the Light of the Gospel has been more Eminently Sinn'd against, is most in danger to be visited with that Spiritual Plague of Quakerism, which under the Notion of Light! Light! will decoy the Souls of men into the most Horrible Pi [...]s of Darkness into which any Fools Fire can seduce 'em.

II. But it may be now expected, that some things be more positively spoken, about our Union with our Lord.

Wherefore you may take this Gene­ral Idae [...] of it.

It is our C oalition with the Lord Je­sus Christ, or, the C onjunction of the Lord Jesus Christ with us, as a Vital Principle unto us in the Enjoyment of God.

I do ingenuously and sorrowfully confess, That I cannot fully Explain that great UNION which we have with our Lord Jesus Christ. For a full Deli­neation [Page 12] of it, I must adjourn you till w [...] have [ And O our God, Give it unto us!] a Joyful meeting in the Kingdom of our God. Our Lord ha's told us, in Jo [...]. 14. 20. At that Day, ye shall know, tha [...] I am in my Father, and you in me, and I [...] you. Neighbours, At that Day, whe [...] the Free Grace of God shall fetch away the Spirits which now manage these Crazy Limbs, to the Gardens into which the Lord Jesus ha's now with-drawn Himself; A [...] that Day, when the Rich Grace of God shall Raise these Bodies of our Humiliation out of our Graves, to make a vast Army whereof the Lord Je­sus is to be the Standard-bearer; (Allow me the Tears which now fall at the Hopes of That Day!) Then, if you as [...] me, What it is to be United unto the Lord Jesus Christ? Some Rare, some New, some Adaequate Things may Then be said upon it. And yet in the mean Time, even, At this Day, it may be a little Stammer'd at.

Suffer me then a little to descant up­on two Scriptures, which being Toge­ther Considered, may set this Union i [...] [Page 13] [...] True Light before us. One is that in [...] Cor. 6. 17. He that is Joyned unto the Lord, is One S pirit. Another is that in Gal. 2. 20. I Live, yet not I, but Christ Liveth in me. In this Union, we are so Joyned unto the Lord, as that we are parts of a Mystical Body which He ha's in the World; and He do's by the Influences of His own Spirit, make us all Resemble one another in our Living unto God. Breefly, there are two Things which will Compleat our Union with our Lord Jesus Christ; and I do solemnly advise you, that while these Things are De­claring, Your Hearts do with all manner of Compliance and Agony accompany them. So may you at this Moment come into this Union, and this Day for that cause may be forever with you, Much to be Remembred!

First, We are to Receive the Lord Je­sus Christ, as the Almighty God ha's Offered Him: and O that you would so Receive Him! It was wish'd in Eph. [...]. 17. That Christ may dwell in your Hearts by Faith. In this Union, the Lord Jesus Christ begins with us, by Infusing [Page 14] into us that Li [...]e, the first Act whereof is our Faith in Him. By this Faith i [...] is, that we are to Receive the Lord Je­sus Christ, wherein we become One with Him, and so, have Power to be called the Children of God. A Matrimonial Con­tract, is that by which the Holy Ghost Expresses unto us our Union with ou [...] Lord; it ha's much of a Marriage U­nion in it. Know then, that the Lord Jesus Christ Employes His Proxies, His Agents, His Ministers, upon this most Surprising Errand; His Ministers are His Angels, and with an Ardor like what is in Flaming Fire, they Wooe u [...] to an Acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ. These Embassadors of the Lord come and plead with us, That we would be Married [...] the Son of God, the Prince of Heaven, and the Lord of Glory. They set before us the Necessity of this Match that we cannot be, Happy if we abide thus un-married: They set before us the U tility of this Match; that if Christ b [...] ours, A [...] is O [...]rs: The [...] set before u [...] the [...] of the Person who Con­descends to make this most Astonishing [Page 15] Motion to us; that He is, Altogether Lovely; and can't we Love Him? that He is, The Desire of all [...] Nations; and shan't we Desire Him? They lay before us, the Terms of the Match; that if we do but cordially consent, we shall certainly Enjoy; and that if we are willing entirely to Live With, and For the Lord Jesus Christ, and by Him to bring forth Fruit unto God, we shall be made partakers of this Blessedness. Our Hearts must now be conquered; we must Heartily say, Amen, and I will; Were it such a Day of Gods Pow­er on our Souls, the Match were how made immediately. In short, we must now Renounce all other L over, and hearken to the Lord Jesus, when He says unto us, Thou shalt be for me, and not for another. We must Renounce the Flesh; and Resolve, To Humour that shall never be my chief Interest any more. We must Renounce the World, and Resolve, To follow that shall never be my [...] Business any more. We must Re­nounce the Devil, and Resolve, He shall never more [...]ead me C aptive at H [...] [Page 16] Will. And we must now Embrace the Lord Jesus Christ, in all His Offices. E­ven a whole Christ, both the Prince, who gives Repentance, and the Saviour who gives Remission of Sins. We must Em­brace the Instruction of the Lord Jesus and profess, The Scripture and Spirit of Christ shall be my Guide. His Eye-salve shall Illu [...]inate me. We must Em­brace the Atonement of the Lord Jesus and profess▪ The Righteousness of Christ shall [...]e that in which only I will appear before the Judgment Seat of God: Hi [...] Holy Life, His Bitter Death, His Conti­nual Intercession, shall purchase all of [...] Salvation. We must Embrace the Go­vernment of the Lord Jesus, and profess The Kingdom of Christ shall be set up within me; my Heart and Walk shall [...] by him directed; and by Him shall I be made a Conqueror over the Enemies of my Soul. And yet when we attempt this Reception of our Lord, we must b [...] sensible of our utter Inability to per­form any part of it; we must C ry to Him, and Hope in Him, for the Assist­ance of our weak Endeavours.

[Page 17] But, Secondly. The Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ will then marvellously maintain His Interest in our Souls: and I pray ask for that Spirit, of Him that says, He will give it unto them that ask it. It is said in 1 Cor. 15. 45. The Last Adam is a Quickning Spirit. The Quick­ning Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, will now take possession of us, and keep the Holy Fire always alive upon the Altars of our Hearts. That Spirit will Inform us; He will cause us To know the Things that are Spiritually Dis­cerned; He will cause us To Behold Wondrous Things out of Gods Law: He will give us right and clear Apprehen­sions of those Things which Eye hath not seen, Ear hath not heard, and Heart not Conceived. That S pirit will In [...]line us; he will make us, Ready to every Good Work; he will dispose us to those things that are, Holy, and Just, and Good: he will cause us to like, What­soever things are True, whatsoever things are Honest, whatsoever things are Just, whatsoever things are Pure, whatsoever things are Lovely, whatsoever things are [Page 18] of good Report. That Spirit will Defend us; He will Teach our Hands to War, and our Fingers to Fight, in the Batters of the Lord; He will make us Fight the Good Fight, and keep the Faith, and Finish our Course; He will make us Conquerours and more than Conquerors over all our Interiour Adversaries. In a word, That Spirit will give us the same Affections and the [...]ame Experiences that are in the other Sheep of our Lord Jesus Christ; even such as we never saw, or knew, and such as are conceal'd at a thousand Leagues Distance from us. Yea, That Spirit will make us fee [...] something [...] Heaven upon Earth; something of the same Loves, and the same Joyes, that re­plenish the Souls of the Saints Triumph­ant above; is now distill'd in some mea­sure into the Saints Militant here below. And that Spirit will even Reserve and Renew such a Portion of the Dust into which our Dissolution do's incinerate us, as that the Tabernacles wherein we now Lodge, at the Resurrection shall become Temples unto Himself World without End. In fine, The Second Adam with [Page 19] His Quickning spirit, will give us Releef against all the Death which is from the First Adam with Original sin deriv'd un­to us. This is that Union with our Lord Jesus Christ, which O that we were all come unto!

And now you will easily discover two singular Properties in this Union.

First, It is a Mysterions Union. There are Three most Wonderful Unions, which we are in our Creed acquainted with. We are all of us as Owls placed before the Sun, when we go to Compre­hend them. Mysterious is the Union of Diverse Persons in One Nature; such an Union there is in the Godhead; it is said in [...] Joh. 5. 7. The Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, these three are One. Mysterious is the Union of Diverse Na­tures in One Person; such an Union there is in our Saviour; it is said in 1 Tim. 3. 16. Great is the Mystery of Godliness, God manifest in the Flesh. And unto the most Mysterious Unions may be annumerated that of two District Natures, and of two Distinct Persons, by One Spirit. Hence the Apostle [Page 20] speaking of Adams Marriage ('tis not every Marriage that is so) as [...] Type of this Union, makes that Not [...] upon it, in Eph. 5: 32. This i [...] a great Mystery. And therefore, if you mind it, this Union was one of the last Things in which our Lord Jesus Christ instructed His Disciples: when their Capacities were most improved, and when He was to leave the highest and hardest of all His Lessons with them, this UNION was then insisted on.

Secondly, It is a most Intimate Union. It brings a Mutual In-being with it. By this Union, we are in Christ, as 'tis said in 2 Cor. 5. 15. If any man be in Christ, there is a New Creature. And Christ is in us; as 'tis said in 2 Cor. 13 5. Jesus Christ is in you, except you be D [...]s [...]pproved. Let us a little Examine some of the Si­militudes by which this Union is repre­sented in the Word of God, and we shall see that it is most admirably Inti­mate. Our Union with our Lord, is [...]ke that of the Foundation and the S u­perstructure; thus 'tis said in Eph. 2.21. In whom all the Building f [...]ly fra [...]'d toge­ther, groweth unto an Holy Temple in the [Page 21] Lord. And yet this Comparison fails, because there is no Communication of Life in this matter. Nearer then; our Union with our Lord, is like that of a Root and the Branches; thus 'tis said in Joh. 15. 5. I am the Vine, ye are the Branches; He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much Fruit. And yet this Comparison also fails, be­cause a Graff is oftentimes more Excel­lent than the Stock. Nearer yet; our Union with our Lord, is like that of a Head and the Members; thus 'tis said, in 1 Cor. 12. 17. Ye are the Body of Christ, and Members in particular. And yet this Comparison likewise fails, be­cause [...]here the parts are some of them closer to it, some of them further from it. All these be Real Comparisons. Let us [...] upon a Relative one: Our Union with our Lord is like that of a Wife to her Husband. Hence, 'tis a Nuptial Song, which we have to Cele­brate i [...] in the Canticles. Thus 'tis said in 2 Cor. 11. 2. I have Espoused you to one Husband, that I may present you, as a [...]hast Virgin to Christ. It is what [Page 22] we have in our Baptism a Symbol of 'tis said in Act. 2. 38. Be Bap [...]ised ever one of you in the Name of. Jesus Christ As a Wife comes to wear the Name of her Husband, when she is once Married unto him; so is the Name of Jesus Christ put upon them that are United unto Him. 'Tis [...]NTO Him that they are Baptised; and as in Circumcision of old, Zippor [...] (whom we misrepresent [...] as calling Moses, A Bloody Husband, called her Infant, [...] Espoused by Blood unto the Lord; [...]o in Baptism▪ the Chil­dren of Men are visibly Espoused unto the Lord Jesus Christ. And yet this Comparison too, is not sufficient, be­cause the nearest Conjugal Union may be Dissolved by Death: Whereas our Union with our Lord, is Everlastingly Indissoluble. He says, I will betrothe thee unto me for ever; and he says, We shall abide in him. It is a Knot that never shall be broken; I say, Never! Never! The very Heavens may perish; but thou, O Blessed UNION, shalt endure; they may all of them wax old like a Garment, But thy years never shall have an end.

[Page 23]


And now, that so these Faithful Say­ings may not be Lost upon us.

I. Let every person among you all, be overcome and perswaded this Day, To give such an Entertainment unto the Lord Jesus, in your Hearts, as may produce your Union with Him. I pray, make Room for a precious Jesus in your Souls; that so, He may say concerning you, I am in Them? This is, The Thing, which will [...]ettle an Eternal Union be­tween Him and You; without This, you remain without Christ, and so with­out Hope for ever.

You must imagine me this Day to be one of the Disciples, that come to De­mand a [...] (as they did of old, in Mark 14. 14) for the Entertainment of the Blessed Jesus. I pray, where is the Room? Let your Answer be, Lord, in this poor Heart of mine; Come to dwell there by the Spirit of Faith for-ever! Reply thus; and O do not shut him out of Doors. In is the sweet voice of our [Page 24] Lord Jesus, in Rev. 3. 20. Behold, [...] stand at the Door and Knock. And i [...] deed, how many Knocks has He be making at the Doors of your Souls [...] is said, Is not my Word an Hammer Why, That Hammer has been Knocks at your Hearts for many a Day; [...] the Golden Rod of your Enjoyment and the Iron Rod of your Affliction has also been loudly Rapping there That you would give Admission to the Spiritual Efficacies of the Lord Jesus your Souls; And will you still keep Hi [...] out of Doors? Why, Sinners, the How it his own, as Paul says of the Chur [...] for he hath both Made it, and Bou [...] it; it is by the Right both of Creati­on and of Redemption, HIS; and [...] you still Bar him out of his own? Gi [...] me leave then to make that Cry sour in and thro' this great Congregation Psal. 24. 7. Lift up your Heads, O Gates, and be ye lift up ye Everlasting Doors, and the King of the Glory shall [...] in. So I say, and could I speak powerfully as the Last Trumpet shall, would choose This to say among you [Page 25] and unto all the World. Give way ye [...] Gates, in the hearts of miserable sinners; Fly open, ye Doors of Never- [...]ying Souls, for the King of Glory de­mands an Entrance at you, that so he [...] have an Union with us all. But what shall I say, that may further move you thereunto?

Consider 1. How infinitely worthy of a Room in your Hearts, the Lord Jesus, is! Look upon his Dignity, and [...]ee whether it be fit for you to put [...]eights upon him! When the Angels behold him, (for 'tis him they beheld) [...] Isa. 6. 3. they cry out, Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts, yea, the whole [...]irth is full of his Glory. And will any of you be doth to have An heart fill'd with the Glory of that holy Lord. When he first came to Heaven after [...] being made Flesh. O had you seen what a Welcome all the Inhabitants of the Heavenly Regions gave unto Him there! Doubtless, the whole Ci­ty of God was presently mo [...]'d at the Report of his Arrival, and they all [...]ast themselves down before him, with [Page 26] most Joyful Ado [...]ations owning, [...] Our Lord, our Lord, Thou h [...]st made New Heaven for us by thy coming hi­ther. Alas, those Hearts are nothing but meer Hells, which do not give like Welcome to this Matchless Lord Again, Look upon his Relation, an [...] see whether it be congruo [...]s for him to be slighted with you. He speak to us in that Language, Cant. 5, 2. Open to me my Sister, my Love, my [...]ove. Is it according to the Rule of Civility or Behaviour, for a Sister to bid her Brother be gone, or Wife her Husband, or a Child hi [...] Father? Truly, far worse manners are used in the Contempt that you thr [...] upon the Lord Jesus Christ. It was most abominably Insolent for the Pope to make his Emperour wait three day in the Cold abroad, before he would give him Audience; but methinks 'tis more abominable for us to serve our SAVIOUR so. And that which ag­gravates the miscarriage, is. The Ear­nestness, the Vehemence, the I [...]porunity with which our Lord presses for a [Page 27] Room in our Hearts. We find Him saying, in Prov. 1. 2. How long! and in Mat. 23. 37. How oft! He has been Long and Oft, Entreating that we would once take Him in; and O how can you refuse him still! We find that at our Importunity he opens his Doors to us; and it will be hard indeed if at his Importunity we do not open ours to him. Importunity! did I say? Lord, that ever thou shouldst be so sollicitous for so mean a Room as these Hearts of ours! But he would once have [...] [...] Stable, and will still have an Unclean Heart, the Room, in which he will Magnifie his Grace.

Consider, 2. What Vast, what Rich Advantages you will have by giving to the Lord Jesus [...] Room in those Hearts of yours. To receive a Prophet, has been sometimes represented and expe­rienced, as a very gainful thing; but what is it then, To receive a Jesus, think you? While the Lord Jesus is calling at your Doors, He says as in Rev. 22. 12. B ehold, I come, and my re­ward is with me. I may tell you, That [Page 28] you'l be well R ewarded for giving Room to such a Guest as he: he never comes Empty-handed into any Soul. What will be the R eward? It will be a Feast; he will Feast you with such Dainties as an Ignorant and [...] World is not concerned about; so says he, If any man hear my Voice, and open to me, I will come in to Him, an [...] Sup with him, and he with me. 'T [...] a most Refreshing, Reviving, Satis­fying Fello [...]ship, which the Lord Jesus will now give you with himself: and he will replenish you with, Fulness [...] Joy. When the Ark, which was but [...] Shadow of our Lord Jesus Christ was in the House of Obed-Edo [...], i [...] [...] said, The Lord blessed him, and all the he had. How much more if the Lord Jesus Christ, himself were i [...] you Hearts, would it then be said, Th [...] Lord ha's blessed that poor S [...]e in all [...] Interests! If Z [...]chous once open [...] Doors to the Lord Jesus Christ, what follows? even that Assurance in [...] 19. 9. Thus Day Salvation is on [...] this House. I say then, open the Door [Page 29] [...] to the Son of God; and the [...] News will be, Salvation is come to this poor Soul; This undone Soul, is now made partaker of Grace, of Glory, of all that is Good. Whatever Wisdom, whatever Righteousness, whatever Sanct­ification, and what Redemption soever, you have wanted all this while it shall come along with that Jesus, whom you now give a Room unto. But,

Consider 3. If you do now keep the Lord Jesus out of your Hearts, W hat will be the Consequence? Truly, There is Danger that he will never come into your Hearts at all, if they be not now opened for him: Inasmuch as accord­ing to that in 2 Cor. 6. 2. Behold, Now is the Acceptable Time, Behold, Now is the Day of Salvation! And if you should Never be thus wrought upon, alas, what an horrible issue does then abide those De­solate Souls of yours? We read in Col. 1. 27. Christ in you the hope of GLORY. O There is no Hope of your ever co­ming to GLORY, if you be not thus United unto the Lord Jesus Christ. If the Lord be not now in you, how can [Page 30] you D y in Him at last? but wo to you if you do not so! And, mark what say, every Denial that you give to the Lord Jesus, of a Lodging in your hearts does but confirm the Devil in his pos­session of those forlorn, doleful, woful Hearts; and more incurably fix you in the State of them of whom 'tis com­plain'd, How long shall vain Thought lodge within you? 'Tis probable that the House in which I am now speaking, it full of Devils; and they Rage, they Storm, they Tremble, at the Thing [...] which I am Delivering, le [...]t any of your Souls be now prevailed with, to Enter­tain the Lord Jesus Christ. There is [...] most Exact Notice taken whether any of you do still continue Obstinate [...] Refusing, or, which is all one. Delaying, to, Receive Christ the Lord. If you Do 'tis a thousand to one, but the Devil [...] get some such dreadful Permission from the Lord Jesus Christ, as this, Go, since they won't have me, do you enter into them, as you did into the Swine of old. So the Devils which are call'd, The Power [on Army] of the Air, will Enter into your [Page 31] Souls, as Insensibly as you suck in, The poison of the Air, when Epidemical Con­tagions are about you; and for your Destruction, as Efficaciously. The C on­sequence of This, is now like to be your Penal and Final Impenitency in your Un­belief. Thus, I am afraid, And, O Lord, thou knowest I mourn when I think of this! That every Knock which I am giving in the Name of the Lord Jesus at many of your Hearts from Day to Day, does but Ripen some of you apace for the Fiery Vengeance which must O­vertake them, That obey not the Gospel of God. But O take a seasonable War­ning of the Thing which then will come upon you? It is foretold, in Luk. 13. 25. When the Master hath shut the Doors, and ye begin to Knock, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us, He shall answer, I know you no: Why, This is what i [...] will at last come unto; you'l one Day beg with Tears of Blood, Lord, Lord, open the Doors of thy Heavens for me! But you must expect no Replies but such Thunders as those, [...] Remember, you would not [...] open the Doors of your [Page 32] Hearts for me; As I cry'd and you would not Hear, so you shall Cry, and I will [...] Hear; Depart, I know you not.

Come then, Come to a better Tem­per. Think what Answer to make un­to the Demands of the Lord Jesus Christ. And, I pray, what Answer [...] it? He demands, Wilt thou consent th [...] I take possession of thy Soul for my self. Let your Answer be, Come in, thou bles­sed Lord, why standest thou without? Com [...] in, and In [...]t [...]nce this Heart of mine, and work all thy W orks in me and for me. [...] Hearty in this Answer; and the Lord Jesus Christ will presently so Unite you to Himself, that you shall say, My Be­loved is mine, and I am His for ever.

II. And now, if you are thus come unto an Union with the Lord Jesus Christ, I pray, give an Entertainment also unto the Duty and Coms [...]t which belongs unto such Believers. To speak distinctly,

1. It is your Duty to beware of Sinning against God, with a Caution beyond what is in other men. Your Sins have Aggravations in them above [Page 33] the sins of others in the World; for, as tis said, in 1 Cor. 6. 15. Know yee not, that your Bodies are the Members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the Members of an Harlot? God forbid: Even so, Know you not that you are United unto the Lord Jesus Christ? And shall that very Head which is United unto the Lord Jesus, become, A Shop of Wickedness? Or, shall that very Tongue, which is U­nited unto the Lord Jesus, become, A Fire-brand of He [...]? Or, shall those Hands, and those Feet, which are United unto the Lord Jesus become, The Weapons of Unrighteousness! I say, God forbid! The Repenting David reckon'd it an Aggravation of his Offences, (as 'tis carried by some Great Interpreters) That in the Hidden part, God had made him to know Wisdom; and if God have Raised us to an hidden Union with His own Son, it makes our Offences to have some singular Exasperations in them. The, Provocations of Sons and of Daugh­ters, are more than Ordinary Provoca­tions in the Resentments of our God; [Page 34] His Holy Spirit, is more than Ordinar [...] Grieved at them; and He is in the World usually most severe and most speedy in the Chastising of those Provo­cations; however, as to what concern the future World, He will forgive the [...] Iniquities. O then, whosoever shall by Sin Dishonour the Lord Jesus Christ, [...] Him not have cause to say concerning You, as in Psal. 55. 12,13. It was not [...] Enemy; the [...] 'could have born it; but [...] was thou, a man, mine Acquaintance [and one United u [...]to my self!] A Wound from a Friend, how grievous is it!

2. And that you may be the more fortify'd against all Temptations to sin Let your Com [...]ort be set before you. But what is it? In short, All of CHRIST is yours: and you know who says, Christ is ALL! You may Cheerfully lay that Claim in Cant. 2. 16. My Beloved is Mine. And if so, the Richest, the Fairest Person imaginable and One before whom the ve [...] S [...]n in the Firmament is black, ha's bestow'd Himself upon you; and with Him, you have all sorts of sure [Page 35] Mercies for a Portion, albeit you do your selves bring nothing but Wretchedness and Raggedness unto Him. If this be not enough, I'l add, All of GOD is Yours; for indeed, Christ is God. It may be said unto you, as in Isai. 54. 5. Thy Maker is thy Husband; The Lord of Hosts is His Name. Are there no Afflicted Widowes here, to lay a very Particular Hold upon such a Word as that! The Immortal God now tells you, My Power is yours to Rele [...]ve you; and My Wisdom is yours to Direct you; and, My Goodness is yours, to Pitty, Par­don, Succour you! O Transcendent Consolations!

But Perhaps, While you live in This World, you won't be Comforted, unless you may have something of This World among the rest of your Conveniencies. Well then, I am to advertise you, That all the Good of the Whole World is yours; for Christ is, The Lord of all. What sayes the Apostle, in 1 Cor. 3. 21,22,23. All Things are yours, and ye are Christs? and what a full Inventory is there of your Goods! If there be any thing, [Page 36] that God shall see Good for you [ [...] O for shame, leave to Him the [...] ­ment of That!] you shall certain have it Conferr'd upon you. Med [...]ta [...] now on these things, and let Him th [...] ha's this Union with you, now have [...] Glory from you for ever.

III. But your Union with the Lord Je­sus Christ may strike T error into t [...] Hearts of your Adversaries; and I pray let T hem give a due Entertainment un [...] this, T error of the Lord. There is certain People in the World, and New-England, as well as Old, is Considerable for having such a People in it; a Peo­ple which are Evidently acted by a Spi­rit of Respect unto the Rules of Univer­sal Godliness, Righteousness, and Sobriety a People in whom there is a [...] which inclines them to Live [...] those who seek an Heavenly County 'Tis that Spirit which hinders they from Conforming not only to the [...] which their Neighbours are infected with, but also to whatever parts [...] means of Worship for which they are no [...]atisfy'd, that they have a sufficient [Page 37] [...]arrant in the Word of God; 'twould be well if men would awaken them­selves to see what Shi [...]oleths the Devil does invent in every Age, for the Dis­covery of this people; and then what Instruments he has for the Destroying of them. But let me now make an Ap­peal to the Consciences of all those that are the Malicious Enemies of such a people; D [...] not you in your Consciences, think, That an Holy People have an Union with an Holy Jesus? How dare you then to malign, molest, and oppress, any whom you do in your Consciences judge to be, An Holy People? Be it known unto them, That such a People have an H ead in Heaven, who feels all the Blows and Wrongs that these give unto them here. Ins [...]ctan [...]ur Nor, & in Nobis De­um, said Salv [...]an very truly of old. Ha [...]k to the Thunderclaps that Rumble in Heaven upon every one of their un­reasonable [...]; they are those, in Act. 9. 5. [...] Lord said; I [...] Jesus, [...] thou Persecution! and let them [...] for hot Thund [...] -bolts to be thence discharg'd at last upon them, if that [Page 38] they shall Impenitently go on to Pers [...] ­cute; perhaps while they are Eating [...] the People of God, as they Eat Bread [the [...] can Eat 'em without Salt!] they Dis­semble the Fear which their Conscien­ces do secretly give them, T hat God [...] in the Generation of those righteous ones albeit also their standing without Fe [...] before them, is to them, An Evident T oken of Perdition; yet they shall on [...] Day Feel more than they now ca [...] Fear. Fool hardy Creatures, Do the [...] know where they strike? The Lord [...] Heaven says unto his people in zech. 2. 8. He who touches you, touches the Ap­ple of his Eye. It seems, they had [...] good go to tear out the very Eyes [...] the Omnipotent God who Beholds [...] their Villanies; and that God will make them find that they are but pulling and cutting out their own Eyes in all the [...] do. There was a King of Scotland once called, T [...]e poor [...] King; But much more such an one the King of Heaven is; and He has more­over most nearly United Himself unto that poor people whom He is a King [Page 39] [...]nto. Can you then Dream, That He will suffer the Injuries done unto a peo­ple thus Interested in Himself, to pass Unrevenged? In the Dreadful Day of God, the Fearful Doom of these Men of the Earth, from the Mouth of the Lord Jesus Christ will be, You have done to Me, what you have done; Depart with your Master, into Everlasting Fire. And in the mean time they are pulling down upon themselves, that Great STONE, which always breaks the Bones of those unhappy Miscreants that it falls upon. I say, Consider of this, lest you be Torn to [...]ieces, and there be None to Deliver you.


THere are now a few Thoughts more to be spent by way of Appendix to those which have already been spread before you. Christians, I am to do my [Page 40] part, that becoming One, with the Lord Jesus Christ, you may also, and therefore become, One among your selves.

OBSERVATION 2. There is a Blessed UNION which Believ­ers on the Lord Jesus Christ, are Thr [...] Him, to have with One Another.

In Chr [...]sostoms Dayes, 'twas, I think [...]n [...] and ungodly Superstition among many people, to make, The Seventeenth Chapter of John, a sort of Spell whereby Evil Spirits were Exorcis'd among them. It will be but agreeable to the best Re­ligion, if One Verse in that Chapter may now prove a Strong Charm, [it is a piece of Gods Spell!] to lay those E­vil Spirits of Contention and Confusion which have sometimes too much obtain­ed among the People of God.

I am therefore now to mind you, That the same Spirit which Unites Be­lievers unto the Lord Jesus Christ, as Members to their Head, is also to United the Members unto each other in the [Page 41] Lord. I am to Address you in the Words of the Apostle, Phil. 2. 1,2. If there be any Fellowship of the Spirit, be like-minded, having the same Love, being of one Accord, of one Mind. Let us prove our Union with the Lord Jesus Christ, by our having of that Spirit which He does Inspire all Believers with; and let us prove our having of that Spirit by our Union with all Belie­vers. Our Lord here says, That they all may be ONE. The Greek Word is of the Neuter Gender; and Luther thinks that the Work, S omoe, or Body, is the Substantive to be [...]nderstood: And indeed we are to be in our Union, as one Body of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is not enough that we have an Invi­sible Union with all the Saints of God; but we must have a visible Union too, or such an one as our Context men­tions, That the World may Believe, at the Contemplation and Invitation of it. If then it be the


Wherein should the People of God be all United?

[Page 42] The Answer is,

First, We are to be United in [...] Profession. And this must be a true Pro­fession too; or else our Union is but Faction, and no better than that of Jew [...] or Turks. What says the Apostle, [...] 1 Cor. 1. 10. I beseech you Brethren, b [...] the Name of our Lord Jesus C hrist, tha [...] ye all speak the same Thing, and that there be no Divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together, in the same Mind, and in the same Judgment. As fat as we can, we should be of the same O­pinion, and hold the same Doctrine o [...] Christianity; be sure we must concu [...] in all the Fundamental Ones, or els [...] we cut off our selves from the, Com­munion of Saints; and as he that had the Plague in his head, we are shut out from the Camp and Church of God. The Pagans counted, Harmonia, to be a De­ity; and an, Harmony of C onfessions a­mong all Christians, is a Divine sort of a Thing. Yet Speciosum quidem est Nomen pacts, & pulchra Opinio Unitatis; fed quis ambigat [...]am solam unicam Ec­clesioe pacem esse quoe C hristi est?

[Page 43] Secondly, We are to be United in our Affection. Tis possible that we cannot come up, or go down to the Perswasions, of some Godly Brethren; Yet we are still to Love them all, as Brethren. [...] should be with us as it was said in Act. 4. 32. The Multitude of them that Belei­ved, were of one Heart, and of one Soul. We must make no S chism, in the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ: All the Church Catholick, that is, all that▪ speak and live according to the Main things in the Gos­pel of God, must have our Charity, al­though they be not in all things of our mind. Every Saint must have our Hearts knit unto them, as Jon [...]th [...]ns was to David; and we must not con­fine S aint ship to every thing in our way▪ Moreover, Having with Gods leave joyn­ed our selves to that Particular Church which we Judge most fully answering, The Pattern in [...] Mount, we must with a most Holy and Humble Carriage En­deavour the Peace of it, as well as of any other Societies with which it walks in a Total Communion; and at the same time, if there be any other Parti­cular [Page 44] Church with which in its Consti­tutions or Observances we cannot me [...] ­tain an Entire Communion, yet ever there also we should beware of Hasty Censuring, and while we Walk wherein [...] have Attained, we must with all Chari­table Friendliness and Patience leave unto God, Those that are otherwise-mind­ed, until God shall Reveal even This unto them. It is a Rule as Good as Old Necessarjis Unita [...], in Adiaphoris Libert [...] in U [...]risque Chari [...]as.

Thirdly, We are to be United by our Sympathy. We should all have the same [...] and the same Griefs, on the same Occasions for them. We should be able to speak after the Apostle, in 2 Cor. 1 [...]. 28, 29. That which cometh upon me Dayly, is the Care of all the Churches; Who is weak? and I am not weak? Who is Offended? and I burn no [...]? All our Envy should he laid aside. When any Saint is in Prosperity, we should be g [...]d of it; when any Saint is in Adver­sity, we should be sad at it; and Enqui­ring after Newe [...] like Pious N [...]hem [...], rather than curious Athenians, we should [Page 45] count the Newes abroad, either Good or Bad, as it fares with the Church of God. We should have most Compassio­nate Resentments of whatever Condition, our God may bring any of His own into; counting our selves (as Paul speaks) also In the Body; and this, even (as Paul had) For such as have not seen us in the Flesh, and perhaps are never like to see us.

But Fourthly, our Union with one another must carry a Resemblance to the Union between the Father and the Son in the Eternal God-head: This is the pattern for our Union given here, As thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee. We must not grosly conceive that this, At, notes Equality, but we are to ac­count it a Note of Similitude. There are other Scriptures enough to confuse that Arian [...]sm, wherein we shall be En­tangled, if we allow that gross conceit. There is an Ineffable Union between the Father and the S on in God But what Union? 'Tis not an Unity of Per­son. Our Lord says not, He is the Fa­ther, but He is IN the Father; nor, the [Page 46] Father is He, but The Father is IN Him. In opposition to the ancient S [...] bellianism, and the modern Quakerism we must assert more than One Person in God. It is Affirm'd, in Heb. 1. 3. That the Father is a Person, [...]t is Affirm'd in 2 Cor. 2. 10. That the Son is a Per­son. Hence the Father is not the Son and the S on is not the Father. And surely, He that affirms it must be a Per­son too; since all Actions are of S up­posites, or Persons: now that Affirme [...] is the Holy Ghost▪ But it is an Unity of Essence, which is here to be Adored. Thus 'tis affirm [...]d, in Joh 10 30 I & my Father are one: Mind the Neuter Gender and vo [...]'l see 'tis not, One Person. 'Tis One E ssence which all the Three Persons of the God-head IS. It is not for us to fathom so profound an Ab [...]ss; but we may cry out, O Lumino [...]in oe Tenebroe [...] Our God, he dwells in Light, for his Excellency, and yet in Darkness for his Incomprehensibleness. What we know of this Mystery is by S criptural Revelation. From thence, if one should attempt, [tho I should scarce approve the At­tempt!] [Page 47] a Rational Demonstration or Il­ [...]stration of the Trinity, one would say, There being but one God, who also is [...]mmeasureably Perfect, we must not ad­mit any Multiplicity in Him, except what is for the Discovery of his Per­fection; nor yet Reject any Multiplicity, which does make for that Consummate Perfection; all consistent still with the Unity of the Divine Substance. One would then say, That God cannot be infinitely and Absolutely Perfect, with­out the Perception of Himself, and an immense Joy and Love resulting there­from, in finding Himself, T he Alsuffi­cient Good; and this Perception, and this Joy and Love must also be of the most perfect Kind. One would now say, That Essential Perception, and Essential Joy and Love is far more Excellent than that which is Modal, such as Creatures have: whose Perceptions and Operati­ons are with Images, which are not the Soul it self. This is the Prerogative of the Deity; God has a S ubstantial Repre­sentation of Himself within Himself▪ and a Substantial Satisfaction thereupon. [Page 48] The Father is the Fountain of the Deity▪ The Son is the Express Image of the Fa­thers-Person, or God Essentially Repre­senting of God, or the Eradiation of H [...] Glorious Riches and Fulness; there­fore also from all Eternity containing in Him the [...]dea of all that was to [...] made in Time; The Holy Ghost is th [...] wonderful Joy and Love, which God h [...] in Himself by the Grateful Percepti [...] which the Father and Son Eternally ha [...] of one another. I say, A Working H [...] might reach after some such Concepti­ons; but I think one should rather chi [...] a Daring Heart into a silent, and Quie [...] Adoration, than go to Exercise ones [...]e [...] in Things too high for the very Angels i [...] the Highest. I therefore hasten to say That our Union with one another mu [...] have some Resemblance to this. But how far? Why, It must be a S piritual Union & not be founded in Civil or Nat'ra matters only. Again, It must be an Or­derly Union; there must be the Distinction of all Persons preserv'd Entire. Once more, It must be a Constant Union; w [...] we must alwayes be together never [Page 49] Straggling from one another. Fur­thermore, It must be an Holy Union: [...]ur Unity with men must be no further than will stand with Purity. We must not Renounce Truth for Peace, nor so have Peace with one another, as to have no S alt in our selves. Our Union must not be a meer Compliance; nor should it quench our Z eal. Tis not Herods and Pilates Agreement in Evil, that is to be our Union: while we Follow Peace with all men, we must no [...] come to say or to do, any thing Inconsistent with, Holiness without which no man shall see the Lord; nor Purchase our Peace with man, by a War with God. Finally, The Intimacy of our Union is by this Resem­blance intimated unto us; Our Unity must give us a near Perception of one anothers Cases; and our Unity must fill us with Joy in, and Love to one a­nother. We must after a sort find in one another our very selves, and call and count each other another self. We must be concern'd for one another, as if our very self were bound up in one another.

[Page 50] But, There are two PROPOSAL [...] which I am now to make you.


Let us now pursue and maintain a Blessed UNION with one another i [...] the Lord. 'Tis an Invaluable Jewel, a [...] UNION, which I am now fallen into the Commendation of; but, Quis Vitu [...] perat? I suppose there is not one of [...] all, but what will readily subscribe to every C [...]ause of the Hundred and T hir­ty Third Psalm; and I could wish that those melodious Notes of Davids Harp might cause the Evil Spirits of Divisi­on [...]o depart from us. O that from this Da [...], we might all agree to lay aside, All Expressions of a Groundless o [...] Boun [...]less Displeasure against any of our Neighbours! and especially, that all Saints would concur [...]o give each other, T he Right-hand of Fellowship, in those more Important Things wherein they are in­d [...]ed U [...]n [...]mous, and walk together wherein they are Agreed; and that in the lesser things wherein their Appre­hensions [Page 51] are yet various, they may indulge one another, without all Unchristian Persecutions or Animosities, and not Re­vile one another as vile S chismaticks, for every Modest S eparation. God for­bid, that opinionum Varietas, and opinan­tiam Unitas, must become Inconsistent! As for S [...]rife, no Ink of mine is Black enough to describe the Prodigious Ab­ominations, the Abominable Consequen­ces of it, All that ever the most E­loquent Ancients Thundered against S chism, you may apply to the Sin of S trife in the Churches of God; for indeed S chism is but T hat? Let me [...]dd, Never did the Almighty God use more Omnipotent Arguments to com­mand and caution men against any sin, than he has to still all strife among his People; and shall we Quarrel after all? The Son of God is a Lamb; for us to Quarrel, is to be so unlike Him, that even the Pagan Emperour S everus, when he saw two Christians Engag'd in a Scuffle, gave Order they should ne­ver be call'd C hristians any more. Our Jesus, like Joseph with his Brethren, [Page 52] has with an Ungainsayable Importunity besought, That we fall not out. Th [...] Prince of Peace, It was not only His Dying Prayer, but also his Dying Charge▪ Th [...] we Love one another; and common Honesty requires us to fulfil, The [...] of the Dead. The Spirit of God is Dove: to Quarrel is to show such an o­verflowing of Gall, as does no less Dis­like him, than it is Unlike Him; [...] it is to Di [...]rest him of his Lockets. H [...] strives with us, that we would not b [...] ­come Vultures nor Harpi [...], nor stri [...] with one another; this Work of th [...] Flesh must needs be distastful to th [...] Spirit. When we don't put away [...] Bitterness, and W rath, and Anger, [...] do fearfully Grieve Him, and shame full put Him away. Cloven and Fiery Tongue were things in which he once Exhibi­ted himself; but C loven and Fur [...]ou [...] Hearts he is ever Banished from. Strife 'tis a Sin that stirs up all other sort of Distempers and Corruptions in us the Lusts in our Souls, like so man chill'd, Snakes, do horribly Crawl, an [...] Hiss, and Sting, when this Fire [...] [Page 53] [...] Envigorated 'em: The Devil has Lodging where men do not Ring a [...]urse [...] Bell. We are as Bottles; if we take and shake one another, a world of dirty S tuff will be Raised from the Bottom in us. The Aggressor, and the Defendent will be to each other, what S olomon speaks, A [...] C oals to Burning C oals. S trife, 'tis a Sin which hardens our Hearts against all the Means of Grace and Good; we shall receive no Admonitions, but like Angry Jon [...]s, misbehave our selves; and say, I do well in all. And thus all the Spectators too do come to be prejudiced at the Wayes of God; as the Jews are at this Day so S candalized by our Dissensions, that they plead, T he Eleventh-Chapter of Isaiah is not fulfill'd, and [...]o the Messi­ah can't be come! Thus, there was a T [...]n in this Land, where an uncom­fortable Rupture happened in the Church; and there a young man was left unto an horrid Murder of himself; but he left behind him a Writing di­rected unto his Father, wherein he ap­prov'd himself: a Warner to us all; [Page 54] some of his words were, Father, [...] Ruine was the Stubborness and u [...] faithfulness of my Younger Years Evil Coun [...]il, and Evil Company, and The Differences in the Church, by reason whereof I grow▪ proud, and did-not carr [...] it in my place as I ought, which is the wide way to Ruine. You see what sa [...] work, the Contentions of Churches d [...] make for the Rising Generations! O [...] Consider of it! Strife, In fine, 'tis that which brings all manner of Wounds up­on us. Our Prayers, they cannot be without Doubting, when they are no [...] without Wrath. Our [...]astings, they can­not be such as the Lord has Chosen, while we are Biting one another. Our S acra­ments do lose their Efficacies, if such a strange Fire do accompany them. Who are those that must at-last perish with­out? Why, T he Dogs, that are ever a snappish and a snarling sort of Crea­ture? Who are those that God will pour down Indignation and Wrath, Tri­bulation and Anguish upon? They are, The Contentious: to whom all that is True or Just, is usually disagreeable▪ [Page 55] What S ociety will not quickly moulder away when once it has Breaches in its Walls? All Ages have confirmed that standing Oracle of our Lord, An House Divided cannot stand. O that such Thoughts as these might now promote the Unity of the S pirit in the Bond of Peace, among the People of God! But if the People of God, like little silly Birds, will still be pecking at one ano­ther, they may fear that some Ravenous Kites may have a permission to make a prey of all. Alas, must Blessed Ridley, and Hooper, be sent into a Prison [...] to Unite them. They say, None of the Marian Martyrs were tortur'd with such Exquisite Fires as they? Shall we bicker about B lack and White, until God make us meet in Red? When the Pri­mitive Christians had the Feuds among them, for which they were Exposed as Ridiculous and Contemptible upon the Heathen Thea [...], what commonly fol­low'd, but such Storms of Blood and Fire upon them from their Adversaries, as drove them Nearer in their Unions one unto another. God prevent the Repe­t [...]ions [Page 56] of that Fate upon His People Now; though within the Memory [...] man, I can tell you, they have in several parts of the World, had a Repetition of [...] But, There are two or three most Hum­ble Petitions, which I am now read to Address you with. Only, do me the Justice, to Remember, That I do no [...] Pretend in any Wise to meddle with any Civil Affayrs among the People of God; all manner of Loyal Submission and Obedience to the Higher Powers for the Common Good, is what I wish all unto; In the mean time, they are not Civil, but Sacred UNIONS, which I am now Prosecuting of; and the Concerns wherein I would appear to perswade my Neighbours unto an Oneness of Mind; or at least where the first cannot be had, an Oneness of Heart, are purely Ec­clesiastical. Now,

First, Where we can Unite in the END, There let us do it; and not Contend about the WAY leading there­unto. To see an Oneness in the Judg­ments of all Good men, upon every Par­ticular in Christianity, is as much [...]o [...] [Page 57] despair'd of, as to see an Exact Likeness of all the Faces and Features in the World. But where we are all set for what is, Holy, and Just and Good, we should shake hands with one another, saying as in Gen. 13. [...]. Let there be no S trife, I pray thee, between Me, and Thee, for we are Brithren. 'Tis in Pursuance of this Golden Rule, that I would fur­ther say,

Where we can Unite in Practices, let is do it; although Perhaps we cannot Unite in the Principles whereupon we proceed in those Practices. The same Conclusions may by diverse Intellects be formed out of diverse Premises. I say then, let them not only Hold the Con­clusions, but Gladly Hold together in them; and never Vex one another about the Media which they Raise them on. Particularly, In many matters of Church Order, there are two Considerations which may be a Ba [...]m to heal many Contentions. One is, That the Foun­dation of all Church-S ocieties, is laid in the Light and Law of Nature it self, A Church is a Society of Humane Rac [...] [...] [Page 58] and hath its Particularities wherein [...] Conforms to the Common Rules of all Societies. There needs no New Express Command for what the Law and Light of Nature do's require in all Societies Combining for▪ the Worship o [...] God. Another is this That the First Commandment ha [...]s cut out much Business for Church-S ocieties, which 'tis possible the S econd Commandment may not so plainly reach unto; yea, such a Society ha's many things to do, which not the First, but the Second of the Tables in the Divine Law, ha's Enjoyned the doing of. I say then if Saints that see not all with the same Eyes, can do the same things, though not on the same grounds, there is no Thing to be a Ground for Quar­relling. Pardon me, if I touch upon two or three Instances, which are, I think, the Only ones, wherein our Churches have their (not Contentions, blessed be God, but) Varieties. I will ment on them, though I should meet with the Parters Portion for it; or find [...] observation true, Media via ne­qu [...] Amicus par [...], [...] Ini [...]icos [...].

[Page 59] Our Churches do Ordinarily Expect from those whom they Admit unto Constant and Compleat Communion with them, some few savoury Expres­sions [ Written, if not, Oral] of what Regenerating Influences the Ordinances, or the Providenoes of God, have had upon their Souls. There are some, who demand This, as a Thing required by the Word of God, When, A Confession with the Mouth, and, A Profession of Re­pentance as well as Faith, and, A Giving a Reason of the Hope that is in us, is re­quired; And they look upon this as a Justifying Circumstance, which a R [...]so­nable C harity is to seek, before it pro­nounce upon the C redibility of that C on­fession and Profession, whereupon men lay Claim to Priviledges. Others can't see through this; they rather decry it as, An Humane Invention. Yet rather than C hurch-Work should be at any Stay, both sides may Grant, That it is but a piece of Reasonable C ivility, for any that would be accepted as Members of any Society whatsoever, to Address that S ociety for that Acceptance; and that [Page 60] whoever do's Address a Church of [...] Lord Jesus for their Fellowship, should Endeavour to do it with such Languag [...] and Matter as may be like that of, On Returning of God. If there be any fur­ther Contest, whether the Brethren, [...] Right are to have any Acquaintan [...] with, or Interest in, the management [...] this matter, I am Confident, That [...] the Pastors who are the Porters to the House of our God, will generally Exa­mine what Experiences their Communi­cants have attain'd unto, so the Pasto [...] will as generally grant, it is not Unlaw­ful [...]or them to Communicate unto the Brethren of the Church, the [...]ast which they have had of the Graces in such a [...] they now propound unto them, to b [...] [...]eceiv'd as Brethren: Yea, That i [...] is many wayes Comfortable and Profi­table, if not altogether Necessary. Be­hold then, a Temper, wherein we may, as hitherto we do, in this thing Unite I have been Concern'd with some God­ly People of the S cotch Nation, who have at first shown much and hot Antipathy against This Way of our Church, and yet [Page 61] [...]k'd Admittance to the Table of the Lord. These have Consented unto me, That I should put what Questions I pleas'd in my Trials of them; That I should herewithal take in Writing what Minutes I pleas'd of their Answers to me; That being my self now S atisfy'd Concerning the my I might If I pleas'd Offer that S atisfaction unto any or all of the Churc [...] who look'd for it, at our usual Opportunity. These Con­cessions immediately opened Their way, in Ours, unto the Table of the Lord, [...] any Difficulty unto either of [...]. [...] it all this while be Remem­bred; That I am not proving what must be done; I am only showing what may be done, to prevent Fires, when they may be like to follow other-wise.

Again, Our Churches are some of them furnished, with Elders, whose whole Office tis [God help 'em to Do it Well] To Watch [...]ver the Conversation of the Church-Members with Authority. It is pleaded, That nothing is Plainer in Scripture, Than Elders, who Rule well, and are Worthy of Double Honour, though [Page 62] they do not Labour in Word and Doctrine whereas if there were any Teaching El­ders, who do not Labour in Word an Doctrine, they would be so far from being Worthy of Double Honour, th [...] they would not be Worthy of any Hon­our, at all. On the other side, some cannot see any such thing as what w [...] call a Ruling Elder directed and ap­pointed in the Word of God; ye [...] some do still mention the Thing wi [...] such Exhorbitant and Vilifying Term [...] as are far from decent in any thing which themselves own to be so Dis­putable. And what shall now [...] done in this case? I would modestly offer thus much. Let it be first Re­cognized, That all the other Church-officers are the Assistents of the Past [...]r [...] who was himself (as you find, even about what the Deacon has now to do) Entrusted with the Whole Care of all, until the further pitty and kindness of our Lord Jesus Christ, joined other Officers unto him, for his Assistence in it. I suppose, None will be so Ab­surd as to Deny This at least; That [Page 63] all the C hurch-Officers are to take the Advice of their Pastor with them. Up­on which, I su [...] joyn, That a man may be a Distinct Officer from his Pastor, and yet' not have a Distinct Office from him; the Pastor may be the Ruling Elder, and yet he may have Elders to assist him in Ruling and in the actual Discharge of some Things, which They are Able and Proper to be serviceable unto him in. This Consideration being laid in, I will perswade my self, every Pastor among us, will allow me, That there is much Work to be done for God, in prepa­ring what belongs to the Admission and Exclusion of Church-Members; in care­fully inspecting the Way and Walk, of them all, and the first Appearance of E­vil with them; in preventing the very Beginnings of Ill▪ Blood among them; and Instructing of all from House to House, more privately, and Warning of all persons, unto the Things more peculiarly incumbent on them; in Visit­ing all the Afflicted, and informing of and consulting with the Ministers for the Wel [...]fare of the Whole Flock. And [Page 64] They must allow me, That This Work is too heavy for any one man; and that more than one man, yea, no less than all our C hurches do suffer beyond mea­sure, because no more of This Work is thoroughly performed. Moreover, they will acknowledge to me, That it is an usual Thing with a Prudent and [...] Faithful Pastor, Himself [...] single ou [...] some of the more grave, solid, aged Brethren in his Congregation, to Assist him in many parts of this work, o [...] many occasions in a year; nor will such a Pastor ordinarily do any important thing in his Government, without hav­ing first heard the Counsel of such Bre­thren. In short, There are few dis­creet Pastors, but what make many occasional Ruling Elders, every year I say then, suppose, the Church by a Vote Recommend some such Brethren (the fittest they have, and alwayes more than one) unto the more S tates Assistence of their Pastors, in the C hurch Rule wherein they may be H [...]ps unto him? [I do not propose, that they should be Biennial or Triennial onely▪ [Page 65] though I know very famous Churches throughout Europe have them so!] Yea; and what if they should by Solemn Fas­ting and Prayer, be Commended unto the Benediction of God, in what Ser­vice they have to do? What Objection can be made against the Lawfulness? I think, None▪ can be made against the Usefulness of such a thing? Truly, for my part, if the Fifth Chapter of the first Epistle to Timothy would not bear me out, when Conscience both of my Duty and my Weakness made me to desire such Assistences, I would see whe­ther the First Chapter of Deuteronomy would not. Only, let it all this while also be Remembred, That a total want of Men, is the sad case of some Church­es, which cannot be thus provided for.

Once more; There has been a Contro­versy, What is the W atch which our Churches owe to the Adult Children; that were in their Infancy Baptised a­mong us? Or, indeed, whether any at all? Some do conceive, That the Church Membership which any have in their In­fancy does not [...]ease when they come to [Page 66] of Discretion, until Censurable Evils are found upon them; and that therefore the Churches are so to watch over them, as to use the Process prescribed in the Eighteenth Chapter of Matthew upon them, when they fall into Scandals▪ Others cannot be of that perswasion, but judge that the Church-Membership of Infancy is not Personal and Immedi­ate, and that it so vanishes when they come to the Age of acting for them­selves, as to dismiss them from any pro­per Watch of the Churches about them. How shall these two parties now come together? Perhaps hardly enough; Ne­vertheless, Let it be Considered▪ Whether some cannot come to do that as a point of pure Morality, which others choose to do as a point of Insti­tution. If one that feeds and sleeps in my Family do commit any gross Ini­quity, I would Admonish him for it, in the hearing of those that have heard of his Offence; and if he don't Reform, I would openly fix upon him the Cha­racter of, One that walks Disord [...]rly. This would I do, as a a piece of Righ­teous Charity, although there were ne­ver [Page 67] a Text in Matthew, or although there were nothing after the Fourth of Genesis, to warrant this proceeding. Why then may not Churches count the Common Law of Reproving, to be War­rant enough, in thus dealing with such as have been Baptised in their Bosomes, although the Statute-Law of Discipline should be silent in it? Another thing [...] that may be Considered is, Whether both sides might not agree in Reviving the Ancient Ordinance of CONFIR­MATION; I mean, For the Elders of the Churches to send for, their Chil­dren as they come to Mens and Wo­mens Estate, and Examine them strictly about their Conversion to God, and their Inclinations to Renew and Observe their Baptismal Covenant. Upon this Examination, They that are found Fit for it, may be Regularly Confirmed in Church-priviledges. They that are not so, may with suitable Instructions and Awakenings, be Detained, for a while from some special Ordinances. Both sides can do This, and if this were well done, it would go far towards the Re­moving [Page 68] of many Differences.

I am not unsensible of the further Noises that have been in the Rearing o [...] our Temple, about the Sub jects which B ap­tism is to be Extended unto. Not on­ly those that Restrain it unto the Li­mits of the Lords Supper do vary from the most of their Neighbours; but, even those which Enlarge it unto the Children of some that are not in Full Communion, do it not exactly in the same Notion; some do Baptise them, as being only in a Catholick Church-state, and others as being also in a Particular. And yet they mostly, Accord in this, That the Administrator of Bap­tism is generally to be an Officer some way concerned with a Particular Church, and the Baptised should be under the Laws of our Lord Jesus as they are Administred in such a Church. I wish matters could be brought unto a Good Issue here; all that at present I can Contribute unto it, is to do what E [...] [...]u Resolved, I also will shew mine Opi­nion. 'Tis this;

That our Lord Jesus Christ has in [Page 69] the World a Catholick Church of Elect­ [...]alled ones, which becomes in Various Degrees Visible unto us; and according to the Degrees of its Visibility becomes Capable of a Visible Communion with i [...] Glorious Head.

That when men Profess the Faith of the Gospel, or their consent unto the Covenant of Grace, and overthrow not that Profession by a Scandalous Conver­sation, they are to be [...]ook'd upon, as belonging to the Visible Catholick Church of our Lord; they are to be treated as Christians; to call them or count them Heathen is to do them a Grievous Injury.

That when such Professors Regularly Combine into a Society for the Evangeli­cal Worship and Service of our Lord Jesus Christ▪ and furnish themselves with Officers of His Appointment, they then become a part of the Catholick Church, so Visible, as to be a Body Politick Entrust­ed with all the Special Ordinances of the New Testament.

That a Particular Church, thus in their Officers betrusted with the Institu­tions of our Lord Jesus Christ, is to be [Page 70] concerned for Applying some of those Institutions, unto Sub jects that have no [...] yet arriv'd so far in Visible Christian [...] as to be the Constituent Parts of tha [...] Holy Society.

That Baptism is One Ordinance to be Administred, unto them that are in the Visible Catholick Church, while the said Christians have not yet Joined them­selves to a Particular C hurch, but are only in a state of Initiation and Prepara­tion for it. In the Scripture, we do not read (at least, I have not yet found) of any that were Baptised after their Joi­ning to full Communion in a Particular Church; but many that were so Before. Wherefore, if any Person of a blame­less Conversation, come to us, Profes­sing his Beleef of the Christian Religion, and Seriously Enter into Covenant with God in Christ, Submitting therewithal to the Ecclesiastical Government of our Lord Jesus, & Engaging to labour Con­tinually for those more Positive Evidences of Regeneration, which may Embolden him shortly to seek an Admission unto the Table of the Lord; surely such a [Page 71] person may say as the Eunuch did, What [...]'s hinder me (and Mine) to be Baptis­ed? Persons may▪ be Disciples, while they are not yet Risen to the more Ex­perienced state of Brethren; and there may be Subjects in the Kingdom, which have not yet all the Priviledges that the Members of the Corporations lay claim [...] unto: now Baptism should belong sure, to all the Disciples and S ubjects of our Lord. From a Nursery thus Watered with Baptism, our Churches may be supply'd, from time to time, and mul­titudes of well-disposed People who by [...]oubts and Fears are for a while dis­couraged from the Lords Table, may thus be kept under Engagements to be the Lords.

I beseech you to Forgive this my freedom with you [...]; I cannot but b [...] concerned, because I find, as Op [...]tus once, Inter Licet V [...]strum, et Non Li­ [...]et Nostrum, nutant Ani [...]oe Populorum: but if Union may be thereby fur­thered, there will be no such Forgiveness to be asked for.

We shall be more brief in what re­ [...]ains. [...] Wherefore,

[Page 72] Secondly, Where we can Unite, n [...] ­ther in the WAY nor in the END Yet let us not C ontend so as to break the Law of Brotherly Kindness among th [...] Children of God. Our Behaviour towards the most Wicked and Blood Persecutors, is to be full of a Christ-like Sweetness, Meekness, and Long-suffering But much more, if any, of whom it may be hop'd that they have, The Root of the Matter, in them [...] should ever differ from us; Yea, and so farr differ too as that our C ommu [...]ion with them in S peci [...] Ordinances, comes to be broken up still there is a World of Mutual For­bearance; which we must accommodate one another with. Still that of the A­postle is to take place, Rom. 12. 10. Be Kindly Aff [...]ction'd one to another i [...] Love. We must first, Forbear to Impos [...] one upon another. It is impossible for any but, God who form [...] the Spirit of man within him, to form the understand­ings of men, into a Beleef of every C hristian Doctrine [...]. If we shall Violently and Forceably C ompell all about us, to take in all our S chemes, we shall be a [...] [Page 73] Inhumane as that Giant, who cut or [...]retch'd all his Lodgers, to the Exact length of the Bed, he had provided for them. Austin was very Zealous in Writing against the Errors of the Do­ [...]atists; and yet he said, he had rather [...]e Slain by them himself, than be an Occasion that any should Persecute them to Death, for holding of those Errors. And much more, when we have con­fess'd a thing to be in it self, Indifferent, it is a most Uncharitable thing for us to C ommand it as Necessary, and then assert that our C ommand ha's made it Necessary. Could I speak to the most Swol [...]n C hurch Governour in the World, I would Ask him, First, Whether Paul were not a C hurch Governour, of as Great Authority as any of them all, or all of them together? Next, Whether in Pauls Days there was not a Grievous Dissension about the use of several Things that were meerly Adi [...]pho [...]s? Then, Whether an Uninspir'd C ommand of Paul would have so taken away the Indifferency of those things, as to make them no longer matters of Disputation, [Page 74] but matters of Observation among [...] Believers? And then, whether if [...] were so, Paul would not have been the most Uncharitable of Men, [...] have left those things, as he still d [...] he sti [...]l does, Undetermined? Or, cer­tainly, others must be so, when they do Determine such things as those.

But as we should Forbear all Impositi­ons of one upon another, so should we Forbear all Prejudices of one against a­nother. Though Calvin could not come to the Lords Table with Luther, yet says he, I will ever call him an E­minent Servant of God, yea, though he should call me a Devil. I do not see, That Christians not joyning with o­thers in all the same Rites and Modes of Worship, must be understood as, Declaring all others to be not in a S tate of Salvation. Those Angry Men, which fall into a Rage at all Dissenters, as if they did indeed so Declare, do indeed therein Declare only that as their own Opinion of those Dissenters. Nor will any man that sufficiently ponders, That in Rom. 14 6. where God is Glorify'd [Page 75] by two opposite parties, think there [...]s any Divinity in that Assertion of those Angry Men. I must joyn my self, where the Ordinances are so Ad­ministred as that my Conscience tells [...]ne, Gods Word and my Good is therein [...]ost attended unto. But a man may Locally separate from very many poi­nting Defects and Failures in C hurch- [...]dministrations, while he does not Hear­ [...]ly separate from his Obligations to Love and Serve those whom he does not now meet withal. Briefly, every Difference in Religion, does not make a Different Religion. And if we think our own Understandings to be a Stan­dard for all the Rest of Mankind, we do certainly, Think of our selves above what we ought. But what must our Deport­ment then towards C onscientious Dissen­ters be? I say, All made up of C hari­ty. We are still to be Theirs, U [...] ­ [...]d Aras; and be asham'd if our Con­duct unto them, should not be able to stand before the Thirteenth Chapter In the first Epistle to the Corinthians. We should make the fairest constructions of all [Page 76] Actions, and Lovingly take every thin [...] by the Best Handle. We should, [...] we knock with Hard Reasons, yet str [...]k [...] them with Soft Answers; and let the [...] find us of the Tribe, which, Give [...] Goodly Words. A S amaritan sort o [...] crabbedness, churlishness, frowardness towards all that are not in every thing just Jumping with us, and,— No [...] Monstrare vias [...]adem nisi sacra Colenti [...] 'Tis not the Spirit of the Gospel. I [...] short, we should conclude as the fa­mous African Synod, upon the Sub ject of Baptism did, Neminem Judicamus [...] Diversum in hac Re Senserit. We must beware how we Monopolize all Godli­ness to our own Little Party; in the same Decalogue, the same Law-giver that says, Thou shalt not W orship a Gra­ven Image, also says, Thou shalt not bear False W itness against thy Neighbour. Where-ever we can see, Al [...]quid Christ any thing of Christ, let it be dear to us. A Moses may pay for an un­due Heat against his Erring Brethren and the case may be so, that an Er­roneus C yprian may deserve better [Page 77] th [...]n an Orthodox Stephen, in the Chari­table Resentments of Godly Men. If nothing will satisfie us, but the Extir­pation of all that are not of our party, God has told us what will follow, Ye shall be Consumed one of another. I may argue as L [...]ct [...]ntius did of old; your Opposites are either Wise or Fools: If they be Wise, you should Follow them; if they be Fools, you should Pitty them; there is no place for any Malicious Pro­ [...] [...] Let me, in a word say, as the Apostle once, Why dost thou set at [...]ought thy Brother? Let us follow after [...]he things that make for Peace: and let me beg, That the Fourteenth Chapter to the Romans mayn't become Apochry­pha.

Thirdly, Let Mortality Affect us, and Humility Adorn us, and both together will soon Unite us. Be Affected with Mortality. They say, Dust thrown on Fighting Bees, will presently make 'em give over the Fight. If we are prone to Sting one another, Let us cast a lit­tle of our Grave-Dust upon us, by our Devout, Gracious, Antedating Medita­tions. [Page 78] If we would not be Wranglers, Let us not forget that we are Mortals. Especially, when it comes to stabbing of one another with Pens, Let us Re­member our S and runs faster than our Ink, and we are as Brittle as the Glasses which we now use instead of Ink-horns. How near are we to that State, Ubi Luthero cum Z [...]inglio optime j [...]m Conve­nit? A Luther and a Zuinglius will be less eager one against another, if they think, How soon they are to meet! But, be also Adorned with Humility. It is that upon which I may Employ the Pa­negyric of Te [...]tullus, O thou most Noble Vertue, By thee we Enjoy great Quietness. We know, Lowliness, and Long-suffer­ing do go together. We have long since been told, (and it has been De­scanted on by the Quill of one among us, who by his Treatise call'd, A Lit­tle Peace-maker, has been Earning a Name among, The Children of God.) Only by P ride comes Contention; 'tis That which is the Grand. Barretor and Boute [...]e [...] of the Universe. 'Tis said, The proud man i [...] as he that Transgresseth by Wine; that is, he is very Quarrel­some. [Page 79] What needs be said more? On­ly, What the Wise man said, Cast o [...] the Scorner, and Contention shall go out. If every S heaf▪ must alwayes how to Yours and Mine, when shall we be qui­et? Were we all so Humble as we should be, it would hinder our making that Insolent S yllogism, A Person who i [...] never Liable to Mistake, is one whom no man can sincerely or christianly Differ from. But I am a Person who am Liable to no Mistakes; therefore whoever Differs from me, is an Intolerable Creature. And if such a Syllogism were never shaped in our conceits, the World would not be so full of Tempest as it is [...]

In fine, That I may Repeat nothing, which I have said for the pressing of Union among the Children of my Peo­ple, in four several Discourses former­ly Published,—I now take the Leave, only to Add, a few Ejaculations on the behalf of my Beloved Neighbours.

First, May none of our Churches be called, Esek, and S [...]na, because of any S trife among us At present, I hope, our Lord looks upon this part of Ame­rica, [Page 80] saying, My Dove is One! and [...] pray, that it may ever be so. The Oldest of the Churches in this Colony, is at Salem; God Grant they may All of them, alwayes dwell in, Peace, Concord is the Name on one of our Towns; may it be a Frame in all the Rest. And may the Rebuke that was given to the Liti­gious Corinthians, never come to be ours, Whereas there are among you Divisions, are ye not Carnal? May we, as far as we can, Anticipate the Dayes of the New-Jerusalem; which are quickly, The Things to be Look'd for, by Banishing all War from the midst of us. May we keep a Perpetual Sabbath, which may resemble the, Rest Remaining for the People of God, by Kindling no Fires within our Gates. We are S heep; no room I beseech you, for the Rage of Dogs and Wolves in our Hearts.

Secondly, May our Pastors all of them forego all Strife but that of Love and Good Works, and, K [...]ss each other in the Mount of God! We are advised, Envy is Rottenness in the Bones; and it may be, we know the Name of that Old In­terpreter, [Page 81] who by Bones there under­stands, Men of Ch [...]ef Place among the People of God. It was a madness in the Priests of B [...]al, to cut and slash them­selves; t'will be as mad for us to serve one another so. Our very Name Re­minds us, that we are Under-Rowers to our Lord Jesus Christ; if we don't all of us, pull the same way, What will become of our Little Boat? The Scrip­tures speaks about, The Mouth of all the Prophets, as if they all had but One Mouth. If we can't have but One Mouth, yet let us have but One Heart; and let not the Lion ever find any one of the [...]our oxen alone by himself, What [...]ame of the Ominous Paroxysms, between Chrysosiom and Epiphanius? What a Woful Discord was that of Peter and Meletius in the Gaol? Or that of those two Great Persons who being sent into the Mines made a Wall between their Works, and would not meet until the Stake ty'd them together?

To have done, Let all manner of S trife, be avoided by all manner of men, all manner of Wayes. Take that [Page 82] Counsel, that Command, in Rom. 12. 18. If it be Possible, as much as Lies in You. Live Peaceably with all men. You have been warned, That if you be not as Little Children, you shall not Enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; and, That the Extinction of all Malice is the thing wherein you are to be as Little Children. If there are any Per­sonal Piques among you, Let 'em all immediately Evaporate. Two Pagans from Contending once, come to Com­pounding, and one ingeniously owned unto the other that had given him cause to own it; You are the more Worthy man; for I began the Stife, and you began the Peace. Behold, Christians, a way for you to get the Better of your Adversaries; the Al­mighty God Himself, by first Be­seeching us to be Reconcil'd unto. Himself, hath Led you the Way.

Thus, Live in Peace, and the God [...] of Love and Peace will be with You!

[Page 83]


But let us at the same Tim [...], Give our Thanks to our God, for the Blessed UNION, which He ha's lately been disposing a Considerable, part of His People abroad unto. It is to be Remarked how often the Evangelist Luke, records the, ONE ACCORD, which the Primitive Believers were famous for; that, ONE ACCORD, seems to be Celebrated as one of the most Memorable things that could be mentioned. We have heard, That our Brethren beyond the Seas, are hopefully curing the Gang [...]es of which▪ heretofore they have Complain­ed, and coming to ONE ACCORD, in those Things which formerly have been, Apples of S trife, among them. We have heard, That the Body of our Brethren is no more like the Monster once born in Scotland, (as we read) which was born with two Heads, that were still arguing, opposing, and in Eager Disputes assaulting one another. [Page 84] The Tidings have been, As Cold Wa­ters to our Thirsty Souls; and I bespeak your Praises on that behalf, to the God [...] Maketh Peace in His High Places. It is not for [...]xe to Prognosticate upon this Transaction; though I know tha [...] when Abraham had propov'd overtures of Peace unto his Kinsman, God imme­diately show'd him the Land of Pro­mise, and said, All this Land, unto the [...] [...]ill I give it! But I'l q [...]ote you a few words of the Reverend MEADS, In▪ the Sermon Preached upon Occasi­on of it▪ Says he,

Brethren, Lift up your Heads; and look for Great Things to Result from this Work of making, The two Sticks One. I am well perswaded That God ha's a Great Design in this Thing; and that it will have a further Extent, than you can foresee. How far it may reach to hasten the Removal of all Made Things, who can tell? This is plain in Scripture, That Z ions Build­ing, and Babylons Ruine, the Lambs Marrying, and the Whores Burning, do go together. The Church Militant [Page 85] and Malignant are like a pair of Bal­ [...]ances, or the Buckets of a Well; as one goes up, the other goes down.

But whatever the Effect of this Dispensation of God be without, I am perswaded, it will be great within; and therefore Look for some glorious Appearance of Christ in your C hurch­es, as the Blessed Fruit of it, Thus he.

But, while I thus Raise the Notes of your Praises to God for this Dispe [...] ­tion, Let me also obtain your Pray [...] be mingled therewithal; Your Pr [...] That this UNION and the Interest of Gods Word, and Holiness and Religion [...] it, may, Run and be Glorify'd; for Satan will doubtless endeavour to undermine it.

A certain King of England holding a Treaty of Peace with a French King, in an old Chappel that lay betwen their Two Armies, both came to a good A­greement; but as they were coming out of the Chappel, a S nake [...]uddenly crept out of the old Wall, which they seeing Drew their Swords, and their Servants at the Door Drew likewise. Upon this [Page 86] the whole Armies no less furiously tha [...] ignorantly, advanc'd upon one another, and Commenc'd a Battel, wherein [...] most horrid Slaughter was made, before the Mistake was Rectify'd. Alas, It of­ten thus comes to pass; when the Ser­vants of God, have been just finishing a Reconciliation, the Old Serpent will inter­pose and interrupt it all. But let us pray for the Arrival of the Day, when [...] Old S erpent shall be Bound; & this the more hopefully, in [...]smuch as yo [...] now [...]ee a further Symptom of its Ap­proaches; When the, Two S ticks are made one, it soon follows, David my Ser­vant shall be King over them.

But while I thus Excite your Prayers, I shall gratify your Expectations with a Copy of what, I know you very much Desire to see.

[Page 1]

HEADS of AGREEMENT Assented to by the United Mi­nisters, formerly called, PRES­BYTERIAN and CON­GREGATIONAL.


WE Acknowledge our Lord Jesus Christ to have One Catholick Church, or Kingdom, comprehending all that are United to Him, whether in Heaven or Earth. And do conceive the whole multitude of Visible Believers, and their Infant-Seed (commonly called the Catholick Visible Church) to belong to Christ's Spiritual Kingdom in this World. But for the notion of a Catholick Visible Church here, as it sig­nifies its having been collected into any formed Society, under a Visible human Head on Earth, whether one Per­son [Page 2] singly, or many collectively, We with the rest of Protestants, Unani­mously disclaim it.

2. We agree, That particular Socie­ties of Visible Saints, who under Christ their Head, are statedly joined together for ordinary Communion with one ano­ther, in all the Ordinances of Christ, are particular Churches, and are to be owned by each other, as Instituted Churches of Christ, tho differing in apprehensions and practice in some lesser things.

3. That none shall be admitted as Members, in order to Communion in all the special Ordinances of the Gospel but such persons as are knowing and sound in the fundamental Doctrines of the Chris­tian Religion, without Scandal in their Lives; & to a Judgment regulated by the Word of God, are persons of visible Godliness & Honesty; credibly profes­sing cordial▪ subjection to Jesus Christ.

4. A comperen▪ Number of such visi­ble Saints (as before described) de be­come the capable Subjects of stated Communion in all the special Ordinances of C hrist, upon their mutual declared [Page 3] consent and agreement to walk together therein according to Gospel Rule. In which declaration, different degrees of Explicite­ness, shall no way hinder such Churches from owning each other, as Instituted Churches.

5. Tho Parochial Bounds be not of Divine Right, yet for common Edification, the Members of a particular Church ought (as much as conveniently may be) to live near one another.

6. That each particular C hurch hath Right to chuse their own Officers; & be­ing furnished with such as a [...] duly qualifi­ed and ordained according to the Gospel Rule, hath Authority from Christ for ex­ercising Government, & of enjoying all the Ordinances of Worship within it self.

7. In the Administration of Church Power, it belongs to the Pastors & other Elders of every particular Church (if such there be) to Rule and Govern: and to the Brotherhood to C onsent ac­cording to the Rule of the Gospel.

8. That all Professors as before descri­bed, are bound in duty, as they have op­portunity, to joyn themselves as fixed [Page 4] Members of some particular Church their thus joyning, being part of their pro­fessed subjection to the Gospel of C hrist, & an instituted means of their Establish­ment & Edification; whereby they are under the Pastoral Care, and in case of scandalous or offensive walking, may be Authoritatively Admonished or Censured for their recovery, & for vindication of the Truth, & the Church professing it.

9. That a visible Professor thus joined to a particular Church, ought to conti­nue stedfastly with the said Church; & not forsake the Ministry & Ordinances there dispersed, without an orderly seeking a recommendation unto another Church. Which ought to be given, when the case of the person apparently requires it.

II. Of the Ministry.

1. WE agree, That the Ministerial Office is instituted by Jesus Christ, [...]or the Gathering, Guiding Edify­ing Governing of his Church; and to continue to the end of the world.

2. They who are called to this Office, ought to be endued with competent Lear­ning, & Ministerial Gifts, as also with the Grace of God, [...]ound in Judgment, [Page 5] not Novices in the Faith & Knowledge of the Gospel; without scandal, of ho­ly Conversation, & such as devote them­selves to the Work & Service thereof.

3. That Ordinarily none shall be Or­dained to the work of this Ministry, but such as are called and chosen thereunto by a particular Church.

4. That in so great & weighty a mat­ter, as the calling & chusing a Pastor, w [...] judg it ordinarily requisite, That every such Church consult & advise with the Pastors of Neighbouring Congregations.

5. That after such Advice, the Person consulted about, being chosen by the Bro­therhood of that particular Church over which he is▪ to be set, & he accepting, [...]e duly ordained, & set apart to his Office over them; wherein t [...]s ordinarily requi­site. That the Pastors of Neighbouring Congregations concur with the Preaching▪ Elder, or Elders, if such there be.

6. That whereas such Ord [...]a [...]i [...] is only intended for such as never before had been ordained to the Ministerial Office; If any judg▪ that in thee [...] also of the removal of one formerly, ordained; to a new Station or [Page 6] Pastoral Charge, there ought to be alik [...] solemn recommending him & his Labour to the Grace & Blessing of God; no diffe­rent Sentiments or Practice herein, shall be any occasion of Contention or Breach of C ommunion among us.

7. It is expedient, that they who enter on the work of Preaching the Gospel, be no [...] only qualified for Communion of Saints; but also that, except in cases extraordinary, they give proof of their Gifts & fitness for the said work, unto the Pastors o [...] Churches of known abilities to discern & judg of their qualifications; That they may be sent forth with Solemn Approbation & Prayer; which we judge needful, that no doubt may remain concerning their being Called to the work; and for pre­venting (as much as in us lieth) Igno­rant and rash Intruders.

III. Of Censures.

1. AS it cannot be avoided, but that in the Purest C hurches on Earth, there will sometimes Offences & S candals arise by reason of Hypocrisie & prevailing corruption; so Christ hath made it the D [...] ­ty of every Church, to reform it self by S piritual Remedies, appointed by him to [Page 7] be applied in all such cases; viz. Admo­nition and Excommunication.

2. Admonition, being the rebuking of an Offending Member in order to convicti­on, is in case of private offences to be per­formed according to the Rule in Mat. 18. v. 15, 16, 17. & in case of publick offences, openly before-the Church, as the Honour of the Gospel, & nature of the Scandal shall re­quire: And if either of the Admonitions take place for the recovery of the fallen Person, all further proceedings in a way of censure, are thereon to cease, and sa­tisfaction to be declared accordingly.

3. When all due means are used, accord­ing to the Order of the Gospel, for the re­storing an offending & scandalous▪ Brother; & he notwithstanding remains Impeni­tent, the Censure of Excommunication is to be proceeded unto; Wherein the Pastor & other Elders (if there be such) are to lead, and go before the Church; & the Brotherhood to give their consent▪ in a way of obedience unto Christ, and unto the Elders, as over them in the Lord.

4. It may sometimes come to pass, that a Church-Member, not otherwise [Page 8] Scandalous, may sinfully withdraw; and divide himself from the C ommunion of the Church to which he belongeth: In which case, when all due means for the reducing him, prove ineffectual, he having hereby [...]ut himself off from that Churches Com­munion; the Church may justly esteem & declare it self discharged of any fur­ther inspection over him.

IV. Of Communion of Churches.

1. WE Agree, that Particular Churches ought not to walk so distinct & separate from each other, as not to have care & tenderness towards one another. But their Pastors ought to have frequent meetings together, that by mutual Advice, Support Encouragement, and Brotherly intercourse, they may strengthen the hearts and hands of each other in the ways of the Lord.

2. That none of our Particular Churches shall be subordinate to one another; each being endued with equality of Power from Jesus Christ. And that none of the said particular Churches, their Offi­cer, or Officers, shall exercise any Power, or have any Superiority over any other Church, or their Officers.

3. That Known Members of particu­lar [Page 9] Churches, constituted as aforesaid, [...]ay have occasional Communion with one another in the Ordinances of the Gos­pel, viz. the Word, Prayer, Sacraments, S inging Psalms, dispensed according to the mind of Christ: Unless that Church with which they desire Communion, hath any just exception against them.

4. That we ought not to admit any one to be a Member of our respective Congregations, that hath joined himself to another, without endeavours of mutual Satisfaction of the Congregations concerned.

5. That one C hurch ought not to blame the Proceedings of another, until it hath heard what that C hurch charged, its El­ders, or Messengers, can say in vindicati­on of themselves from any charge of irregular or injurious Proceedings.

6. That we are most willing & ready to give an account of our C hurch Proceed­ings to each other, when desired; for pre­venting or removing any offences that may arise among us. Likewise we shall be ready to give the right hand of fellow­ship, & walk together according to the Gospel Rules of C ommunion of C hurches.

V. Of Deacons & Ruling Elders.

[Page 10] WE agree, The Office of a Deacon is of Divine Appointment, & that it belongs to their Office to receive lay out, & distribute the C hurches Sto [...] to its proper uses, by the direction of the Pastor, & the Brethren if need be. And whereas divers are of opinion, That there is also the Office of Ruling Elders, who labour not in word & doctrine; & others think otherwise; We agree, That this difference make no breach among us.

VI. Of Occasional Meeting of Ministers. & [...]

1. WE agree, That in order to concord, & in any other weigh­ty & difficult cases, it is needful, & accor­ding to the mind of C hrist, that the Mini­sters of several Churches be consulted & advised with about such matters.

2. That such Meetings may consist o [...] smaller or greater Numbers, as the matter shall require.

3. That particular C hurches, their re­spective Elders, & Members, ought to have a reverential regard to their judgment so given, & not dissent there from, with­out apparent grounds from the word of God.

VII. Of our Demeanour towards the [...] Civil MAGISTRATE▪

[Page 11] 1. WE do reckon our selves ob­liged continually to pray for God's Protection, Guidance, and Blessing upon the Rule's set over us.

2. That we ought to yield unto them not only subject o [...] in the Lord, but support, according to our station & abilities.

3. That if at any time it shall be their pleasure to call together any Number of [...]s, or require any account of our Affairs, & the [...]te of our C ongregations, we shall no [...] readily express all dutiful regard to them hereon.

VIII. Of a Confession of Faith.

AS to what appertains to soundness of Judgment in matters of Faith, we esteem it sufficient, That a Church ac­knowledge the Scriptures to be the word of God, the perfect & only Rule of Faith and Practice; & own either the Doctrinal part of those commonly called the Articles of the Church of England, or the C onfession, or C atechisms, Shorter or Larger comp [...]led by the Assembly at [...] or the C onfession, agreed on at the S [...]voy, to be agreeable to the said Rule.

IX. Of our Duty & Deportment towards them that are not in Communion with [...].

[Page 12] 1. WE judge it our duty to bear a C hristian Respect to all Chri­stians, according to their several Ranks and Stations, that are not of our Per­suasion or C ommunion.

2. As for such as may be ignorant of the Principles of the C hristian Religion, or of vicious conversation, we shall in our respective Places, as they give opportu­nity, endeavour to explain to them the Doctrine of Life and Salvation, and to our uttermost persuade them to be re­conciled to God.

3. That such who appear to have the Essential Requisites to C hurch-C ommunion, we shall willingly receive them in the Lord, not troubling them with Disputes about lesser ma [...]ers.

As we Assent to the forementioned HEADS of AGREEMENT; so we Unanimously Resolve, as the Lord shall enable us, to Practice according to them.


ERRATA. In the Dedication, Pag. 4. [...] 13. for Nam'd, read Examin'd. In [...] [...]ook, pag.44.l. 11. r. In Necessari [...]s.

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