THE GREAT DAY OF JUDGEMENT. Handled In a SERMON [...] Assizes at Ne [...] [...] Octob. 7. [...]
By the Reverend [...] SAMUEL LE [...] [...] sometimes Fe [...] [...] Wadham [...] in [...]
Accor [...] [...] With Preparatory [...] THE DAY OF [...] By Mr. COTTON MATHER. [...]
Boston in [...] Printed by Bartho [...] [...] Nicholas Buttolph, [...] [...]eridg's Coff [...] [...] Price [...]
Preparatory Meditations, upon THE DAY OF JUDGMENT.
S. 1. THE Great Apostle PAUL, according unto the Wisdom given unto him [...] Writing unto the Hebreroes, hath with Good Reason erected Those as the Two Pillars, even the Jachin and Bo [...], [...] all Religion, GOD IS, and HE IS [...] REWARDER; Nor are the [...]ountainous, Pillars of Heaven, [...] [...] or more lasting, than these [...], most Glorious Principles. That these is, [...] GOD, or a JEHOVAH, is [...] more Engr [...]ven in the whole [...] of the World, than the [...] [...] Artificer was of old into the [...] [...] of his M [...]erva. Even the [...] [...] M [...] Creatures do [...] [...] [...]lame the Being of a [...] [...] te [...], [...]ocet quaelibes, [...] [...] [Page 4] that I may say with Job, Ask now the Beasts, and they shall Teach thee; and the Fowls of the Air, and they shall Tell thee; Or speak to the Earth, and it shall Teach thee, and the Fishes of the Sea, shall [...] unto thee. The World must necessarily have a Beginning; & that it could not have its Beginning from it self, is evident, inasmuch as Nothing would have then been the cause of Something. Nor do [...] any thing l [...]ss: than the Power of a GOD, the [...] of a GOD, and the Goodness of a GOD, appear in the Constitution of the Universe. And as all the Creatures are so many Letters in the Book of Creation, from which we may [...] Existence of a GOD, so do's th [...] [...]ook of Providence give us a Continuation of the Demonstration, which proves a Deity. For therein, besides the Extraordinary Occurrents, in Prophecies, and Miracles, and Ret [...]li [...]tions, upon the sight which every one c [...]yes out, The [...]inger of God [...] the Excellent Order, wherein all things are preserved, abundantly argues a GOD, whose Kingdom Ruleth all. But indeed; [Page 5] I may say, What need we any further Witnesses? Or what Need of any Coming from the Dead unto us, with such Advice as the Spectre of Major Sydenham gave to Captain Dyke, a while ago, I a [...] come to tell you, that there is a GOD, and that He is a Just & a Terrible God! The Notion of a GOD is imprinted so deeply in the Spirit of man it self, that it can be ascribed unto none but such an Author, and therefore such an Author there is, as a GOD, who Forms the Spirit of man within [...] Had this Idea, in the Soul of man, been a Meer Tradition of our Ancestors, why is it not all this while detected like other Vulgar Errors of much less importance? Or, Had it been a meer Policy of our Governours, whence is [...] that Rulers themselves, as much as any o [...]her Mortals, are smitten with the Terrors of it? The Notion is a Natural, as tis Powerful; man is [...] with an Inclination to acknowledge [...] GOD, and he will have Many rather than have None; Atheism ha's not been so agreeable to mankind, as [...]. The Notion also is as General as tis [Page 6] Natural; tis not peculiar to any one Kingdom or Kindred; they which Differ in all other things, yet Unite in their sense of a GOD; and the Salvage Indians themselves in the most hideous and Barbarous Thickets of America, own a Koutantow [...], as the First Cause of all. Yea, I do confidently affirm, That of all the Few Professed Atheists, which have been known among the Brutify'd part of mankind, there has been hardly so much as O [...]e, which hath [...] Believed, That there is no God, [...] Vehement Suspicions of the Contrary. Tis by some Remarkable [...] from our Injured and Provoked GOD, upon the more Atheistical sort of the [...] things which would be called, [...] that [...]one use the Name of GOD, in the prefa [...]e. Abuses of Swearing and Cursing, so much as those Monsters do: and Calvin, as I Remember, mentions one of them, that upon a Blow given [...], Cry'd out, O God help me! though he had just before been Vehemently disputing, that there was no God at all. But besides, those Undesigned Confessions of a GOD, from the Mouths of those [Page 7] Miscreants, there are at some times usually before they Dy, such Flashes of Lightening from Heaven, darted into their Souls, as force 'em Deliberately to Recant, the Po [...] which acted them, when they said, that is, w [...]sh'd, rather than Thought, in their Hearts,—No GOD. Some that have in their Lives pretended unto the more than D [...]villish Bravery, of Renouncing the Belief of a GOD, yet have declared at last that their Minds inwardly and frequently twitch'd 'em with direful Remo [...]strances against their Impiety, and Read 'em Lectures upon the Reality of a GOD, which made 'em alwayes Live uneasily. And if some Wretches, by the Constant Practice & Lerry of their Vices, have laid the sense of a GOD, in their Souls a s [...]m; yet our great GOD, ha's Commonly rows'd them into some waking Minutes, wherein they might have said. When I Consi [...], I am afraid of GOD; GOD in [...] Heart Soft, and the Almighty [...] me. Wicked men, that For [...]g God; would sain also Destroy him; I d, that they may go as far as they [Page 8] can, they Labour to Shake Off, and Root Out that Remembrance of GOD, in their Souls, which gives 'em so many Vexations in their Courses of Ungodliness; but it will not Off, it will not Out, the Almighty GOD makes the most haughty Criminals to stoop under this Instance of His Empire over them. A Certain Spark a while since in Company begun to brag, Well, I'll prove, for I am now able to prove, There is no God. A Gentleman (if a Beast may be called So!) then present, reply'd, Prethee Do! and I [...]l give thee a thousand Guinnies for thy Pains! But all the Guinnies in the World, will not rescue a man from the force of this perswasion, That there is a GOD; and such are the Circumstances of the perswasion, as that it must be From the, GOD, OF whom it is. Now from the Faith of a GOD, we are led presently to Conceive of a JUDGE; JEHOVAH will be ELOHIM; tis to be Concluded, that He ha's given Lawes, according whereunto Mankind is under His Moral Government; and in the Execution of this Government [Page 9] He will dispence Rewards unto the Children of men, according to the Rules for the Distribution thereof, by Himself Prescribed.
S. 2. There are Various Dispensations of Providence, wherein the God of Heaven, discovers Himself a REWARDER, unto that People, which He has formed for Himself, that they may show forth His Praise. And were there more Collections, with fit Res [...]ctions, made of Dispensations this way Remarkable, it would be a Work full of Service and Honour unto our God; They that were so Wise, as to Observe these things, would certainly Understand the Loving kindness of the Lord, even in the Remarkable Things, that could be done for themselves. But is [...] not in this World, that our God ha [...] the glory of His being, A REWARDER, so fully and so clearly display'd, as it ought to be; We dayly see Godliness Oppressed and Wickedness Advanced, in this Present evil World; and neither the Appeals of Afflicted Innocence, nor the Affronts of Outrageous [Page 10] Vallany, have a Sufficiently Sensible Notice taken of them. There is therefore an Eternal State of Blessedness and Misery, whereinto the Righteous God will bring every one of us, according to our Behaviours here. Our Short. Condition in this World, is but a Condition of Probation or of Stewardship; and according to our Carriage in this Condition, we shall in the issue, as the mouth of our faithful Saviour Himself, has long since assured us, Go away into Everlasting Punishment, Or, else, Into Life Everlasting. But at the Threshold of that Eternal State, it is but proper that a Distinct Account should be taken of what every man ha's done the Body, that so the Lustre of that Justice, which Dooms them to their Interminable Blessedness or Misery may strike the very Consciences of all Beholders. Hence tis, that the Oracles of Truth have told us, Gos ha's appointed a Day, in which He will Judge the World, by that man whom He hath Ordained: Whereof, He hath given Assurance unto all men, in that He ha's Raised Him from the Dead. There is indeed a Particular Disposal [Page 11] of Immortal Souls, by the Lord Jesus Christ, before whom they Appear when their Bodies here are by Death made Untenantable; and from whom they then Receive Order, Either to be Admitted among the Spirits of Just men made perfect, or to be Reserved in Darkness unto the Judgment of the Great Day.That Separate Souls thus Exist in an Invisible World, is a thing whereof I know some, who have such palpable Evidences, that were the Scriptures wholly Silent, which Blessed by God, they are not, about it, yet they could no more Qustion it, than they Question their own Existence in the World. But there is a more General Work of this kind, shortly to be done, in a Vast Assembly of all mankind, unto that end Summoned by the Mighty God, and called from the Rising of the Sun unto the Setting thereof. The Souls of men shall reassume a fit Portion of the Dust, whereunto they were formerly United, by the Almighty God fetch'd out of the Various matter whereinto it has been Dissolved and Dispersed, but now become as were [Page 12] the Keel, where upon shall be Built Incorruptible Bodies: and some that shall then be found alive shall by a Translation, have their Bodies made in a like manner Spiritual. In their Bodies thus Raised, and Changed, they shall stand before a Tribunal of our Lord Jesus, descended from the Heavens into our Atmosphere; and after an Exact Examination of their Behaviours While God was upon Earth Trying of them, they shall have One of these two Sentences pronounced upon them; Either, Come, ye Blessed, Inherit the Kingdom; Or, Depart, ye Cursed, into Everlasting Fire, Which will be accordingly Executed on them. Such a Day of Judgment is there to come upon the World! Amen! Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly. Indeed, about the Circumstances of this most Illustrious Day, tis more easy than lawful for us to Enquire into such things as we are not yet Able to Answer; nor ha's the Lord Indulged any Curious and Critical Enquiries after Particularities, which He ha's not Revealed. It seems Revealed, That this Last Day, will be [Page 13] a Long Day; It will be a Day, of Publick Hearing, and all D oings of all People must be called out;
So that things will not be Hastily Huddled, and Suddenly Shuffled over Yea, It seems, Revealed, That the Morning of This famous Day, will take up at least a Thousand Years, wherein our Lord will be managing His Davidical Kingdom, with a New Heaven and a New Earth wherein shall dwell Righteousness, and Reigning before His Ancient People Gloriously; at the Close whereof it seems to some that. The Rest of the Dead Live again, & all the Dead Small & Great stand before God The Hour, when it shall be Commended, and the Spot, where it shall be Cheefly managed, seem not Revealed; nor a thousand things more, that concern the proceedings of the Day. But whatever may be yet Unrevealed, it is abundantly. Plain and Sure unto us, That the Son of man shall come in the Glory of [...] [...] [Page 14] ther, with His Angels, and then, He shall Reward every man According to his Works. This is Revealed, and it is a Damnable Things to Cherish any D oubt of This, That we must all appear before the Judgment-Seat of the Lord Jesus Christ.
S. 3. The Judgment of the Great Day, Or, a Day, wherein all men shall be Raised and Changed into a State of Immortality, and appear before the Son of Man within the Bounds of our Air, to be Judged according unto what they Did, before they Dy'd; This is a thing which the People of God in all Ages, have given their Assent unto. Even in Old Times, long, before the Flood, the Church of God, made this an Article of their Creed. We have some short Notes of what was delivered by the venerable Enoch about it, so long ago, in Jude 14. Behold, the Lord comes, to Execute Judgment [...] [...] Yea, This war was a main Controversy, between the Antediluvian Saints, and the Impious, impure Generation of Atheists, then upon the [Page 15] Stage. The Godly did Assert, There shall be a Day of Judgment, but the profane did with Hard Speeches, Deride & Explode the Belief of that awful Truth. We read in Gen. 4. 8. Cain Spake to Abel his Brother; the Hebrew Bibles usually leave a Blank at the end of this clause; and the ancient Jewish Targums, presume to put in the Discourse which they had; they say, that the Quarrel between Cain and Abel was upon this point; Abel said, There is to be a Day of Judgment, and there is a Judge, and there shall be another World, and the Godly shall be Rewarded, and the Wicked Punished. But Cain said, There is no such Thing; and as the Targum of I. Ben Uzz [...]el adds, Et Prop [...]er [...]arum Re [...]um Causant Contendebant Super Facies Agri. and methinks, the Apostle in the Beginning of his Eleventh Chapter to the Hebrews, may seem to Countenance this Tradition. It seem as if Abraham also, saw this Day afar off; inasmuch as there are those who put his Plea for Sodom, into this English in Gen. 1825. Will not the Judge of all the Earth, Execute Judgment [...] [Page 16] q d. Lord, Thou dost intend hereafter, to appear for a Judgment upon all the World, in such Flames of Devouring Fire as thou art now going to destroy this miserable Place withal; be Entreated therefore to spare these Towns, until that Revolution come. Indeed all Christians have alwayes Agreed in this Acknowledgment, long before, as well as ever since the Dayes of Job, I know that my Redeemer Lives, and that He shall stand at the Latter Day upon the Earth; and though Worms Destroy this Body, yet in my Flesh I shall see God. And even in that Confession of Faith, which the Jews themselves at this Day embrace, their Eleventh Fundamental Article is, the Eternal Judgment.
To what the People of God, have thus Received as the Faith delivered unto the Saints, they have had the Scriptures of God, most abundantly given their Infallible Testimony. There is hardly any one part of the Old Testament, which has not Considerable Glances at the Day of Judgment; But in the New Testament, it is yet more plentifully [Page 17] insisted on. Very many of the Sermons Preached by our Lord Jesus Christ, and all the Letters written by His Apostles, do set the Day of Judgment before our Eyes. Yea, not only the Approach, but also the Process of this wonderful Day, is diverse times Expressed in these Lively Oracles. The Holy Spirit of God, hath Chosen to make one of the Last Clauses in the Bible, an Admonition unto us hereabout; the very last Lines of the last Advice we have had from Heaven, are to this purpose, The Lord Jesus Christ will shortly come to Judge the World. And with the Assertions of Scripture, concerning this matter, the Apostle in a certain place tells us, the Accusings and the Excusings of Conscience, do join their Testimony thereunto. The Verdict of Conscience upon the Sinner is, as Tertullian calls it; Futuri Judic Prejudicium; a presage of a future Judgment. It is true, the Dim Rush C [...]e, which the Heathen had in their Notions about the Burning and the Judging of the World, might be much lighted, at the Lamp of the Israeli [...]sh [Page 18] Sanctuary. But yet meer Natural Conscience, did use to warn the Rudest Pagans, of a Judgment, which God will at Last bring mankind into. Hence Felix the Governour, before Paul the Prisoner, Trembles at the Tidings of a Iudgment to come; he had a Preacher in his Bosome, that gave him a terrible Premonition of it. The very proceedings of the Lact Iudgment are antedated in our Consciences; and the Triumphs of Conscience upon our Well-doing, the Horrours of Conscience upon our Wickedness, the Inferences of Conscience from the Intricate Things every Day happening in the World, are so many most penetrating Intimations of that Judgment, wherein we are to stand before the Lord. Now the certainty of that Notable Day, being a thing as clear and sure as Day it self, it becomes us to silence all the Ca [...]ils of Carnal Reason, against any of its Unfathomable Circumstances, [...] a Faith acquiescing in this Assurance of it, Thus saith the Lord. Indeed; what Paul says, about the first of the Transactions belonging to this Day of the [Page 19] Lord, may I say about the whole Assayr of the Day, Why should it be Thought a thing Incredible with you? All the Cavils which our Unbelief can make against this Word of God, are Sufficiently and Eternally taken off, with Demanding, Is any thing too hard for the Lord? But some of the Cavils, that have seem'd Speclous, will upon Second Thoughts be found so A [...]urd, that even Common sense it self would his [...] at them. Such is that Objection, Where will their be-room for such a Vast Multitude as Adam, with all his Children? The whole surface of the Earth could not hold them all? Ridiculous Exception! Allow that this World should Last no less than Ten-Thousand [...]oars, which it will not; Allow that there are at once alive a Thousand Millions of men, which there are not; Allow all these to march off every Fifty years, with a New Generation rising up in their stead; and allow each of these Individuals a place Five so [...]t Square to stand upon. I think these are Fair Allowances. I would now pray the Objector, If he have any skill at A [...] is home [...]ick, [Page 20] to Compute, Whether a Spot of Ground, much less than England, which contains perhaps about Thirty Millions of Acres, but about a Thousandth Part of the Terraqueous Glob, and about the Three Hundred thirty third part of the Habitable Earth, would not hold them all. I say then, we have something else to do, than to Cavil, the unexceptionable Doctrine of the [...]ast Judgment; it is our Interest and business to Improve, it, with deep Im [...]ons thereof upon our Souls.
[...] Of such an Aspect are all things in the Day of Judgment, as [...] the Apostle might well call it, The Terror of the Lord. But methinks, there is nothing that-gives more Dread unto a Soul awakened out of Sinful Slumbers, than that ETERNITY, wherein this Day Expires; that Eternal issue, that Eternal Event, which depends upon the Day. The last Judgment sixes the Children of men, like so many Rocks, in the Ocean of Eternity. Men will then be Immortalized; and their State of Weal or W [...], [Page 21] will be so inwrought into the very Beings of them, that Immortal Things may as easily cease to Be, as for a Righteous or Wicked man to pass into another State, than what he is then Confirmed in. Tis a Passage in that Memorable and Perhaps Historical Parable, which decribes the State of men, in the other World, that after this Day, men have, A Great Guilf fixed, unto them; there is by the Decree of God, such a Vast Pit, about the Children of men, that they cannot pass out of the State wherein they are: The Nature of things will then [...] that they be Unalterable; the Children of men, will then be most Immediately Siezed, either by the Goodness or by the Justice of God; and because [...] God Himself Changes not, there [...] state of men becomes then [...]; nor will it stand with the Wisdom of the most High, to alter the Sentence then Pronounced about the State of Weal or Wo, which will then belong unto us. At the Day of Judgment, all Righteous men shall be adjudg'd unto a State of Eternal Happiness. Tis [...] [Page 22] Life Eternal, us an Eternal Salvation, tis an Eternal Inheritance, tis an Everlasting Habitation, and they are Pleasures for ever more, of which the Believer shall be made Partaker. After he ha's been in the mansions of the Blessed, as many Millions of Ages as there are Sun-beams in the Universe, he will-still continue there. The stately Pillars in SolomonsTemple, were thence removed; but the Believer shall now become a Pillar in the Temple of his God; from whence he shall no sooner go out, than the Temple it self [...] all Tumble down. A Devout Person at a Feast, said well, In Heaven there is Good Cheer, and Good Company; and so there is here: but in [...] there is no Taking away. The [...] [...] [...]soctions of the Believer, will [...] disquieted with such a Thought as this, At the Lo [...] [...], these things will have an end. God will not Repent of the Love which He has freely set upon him; nor will Christ ever Suffer one of His own Members to be Pluck'd away. But at the Day of Judgment, all Wicked men shall be [Page 23] adjudg'd unto a State of Eternal Misery. Tis a Worm which Dyeth not, and a Fire which is not Quenched, wherewithal the Sinner shall be Cr [...]ciated; It is an Eternal Damnation, and it is an Everlasting Destruction. Suppose an leap of as many Little Poppey-seeds, as according to the old Ptolemaick System, would fill the whole Machin of the World, and no more than one of them in a Thousand years fetch'd away, but the sinner in Anguish till the heap were all wasted so; behold, and be amazed! All this Long while would be but as a Drop to the Ocean, compar'd with that, Forever! that horrible Forever! whereto the T [...] ments of the Damned shall be [...] ened. Fifty two Cyphers, and One [...] gure at the Head of them, would Comprehend, as the Learned and Noble, Otto de Gu [...]rick affirms it, the Number of the Little Poppey-seeds [...] in the prodigious Heap, newly mentioned. But I say then, suppose a Scroll as large as the Starry Heaven it self, all filled with Figures of Nine; and yet so many Myriads of Ages, as would be [Page 24] therein deciphered, are Nothing to that Endless Duration, which the Torments of the Damned shall be made Exquisite withal. It may be said unto the sinner, Are not thine Iniquities Infinite? A Sin Committed against an Infinite God, Exposes, a man unto an Infinite Wrath. The sinner makes himself a prey to an Infinite Vengeance; and the Exercises of that Vengeance must be Infinite, or they bear no Proportion to the Desert of the sinner; now, they cannot be Infinite for the Degree of them: of such the sinner would be Incapable; so then, they must be Infinite for the Durance of them; they must abide World without End. Lord, what Rocks are our [...], that they do no more Tremble a [...] tho [...] of such an ETERNAL JUDGMENT.
[...]. [...]. To be Seriously, constantly, Vigorously Preparing for the Day of Judgment, is indeed, The thing which our Hand finds to Do; and, O that [...] may do it with our Might! Now tis our Cordial Closure with the Lord [Page 25] Jesus Christ, and the Consent of our Souls to the Gospel-way of Salvation, by Him, in the New Covenant Exhibited, which is the Preparation, whereby alone, we may be Ready for the Terrible Day. It was the study and the Desire of the Apostle, O that I may be found in Him! We are to give our selves unto the Lord Jesus Christ, as unto our Prophet, and our Priest, and our King for ever; and now before Him, Judge our selves, for all our Sins, from which we would have Him to save us. Our Judge will then become our Friend; and we shall be safe in the Day, that shall Burn like an Oven, and Consume all the Wicked of the Earth. When the Watery Blood, overwhelmed the old World, O how many Wishes had people then, for, An [...] [...] A [...]k! to Shelter them? At the Day of Judgment there will be, what the Ancients called, a Diluvium Ignis, or, Fiery Blood, upon the World; and O what a rate, will, A Christ! A Christ! be then Esteemed at? May we Now make sure of Him, by Faith in Him! If once that were done, we might, [...]f [Page 26] before the Lord, for He comes, He comes to Judge the Earth. Suppose that before to Morrow Morning, the Lord Jesus Christ should set the World on a Light Fire, and Melt the Pillars of Heaven, with the Brightness of His Appearing; Suppose that we should, awaking at the next Midnight, hear such fearful and rattling Thunder claps, & see such hideous flashes of Lightning, as made Mount Sinai shake at the Giving of the Law; yet our Hearts might even Leap with Joy within us, at it, as John did within his Mother, when Jesus came into the room. Only, when I hat is done, we are to Remember, that our Faith will have this Happy Symptom, to Justify it, That it will cause us to Abound in the Wo [...]ks of the Lord. May [...] then by a Spirit of Fore-sight Consider, how Comfortable in the Day of Judgment it will be unto us, to Look back and say, I once made it my Care, to be every Day, all the Day long at Work for God; And, When the Lord put His Talents into my Hands, I husbanded them unto the best Advantage that I could; And, Here can I in this Great Assembly, [Page 27] point at Multitudes of Persons, to whom I was not Unserviceable, when I had my Opportunities! And may we Do Accordingly. There will be a Day of Judgment; and the Plain Deduction from it is, What manner of Persons, ought we to be, in all Holy Conversation, and Godliness!
S. 6. Tis to be added, That some of the most hopeful Preparations for the Day of Judgment, would be attain'd in our Solemn Anticipations of that most Great and Notable Day of the Lord. Let us afore hand Act over the Day of Judgment; not in a Play, Like those Germans, who turned the parable of the Virgins into a Comedy, whereat a Prints then present, fell into an Astonishment that immediately ended his Dayes, but by Seriously bringing our selves Now to such Trials as will then be pass'd upon us. Tis among the Gracles of God, in I Cor. 11. 31. If we would Judge our selves, we should not be Judged; and surely, if we would now proceed Against our selves, with a most Exact, and Humble Judgment upon our own Miscarriages, it would be the way for [Page 28] us to stand, in the Day when the Lord shall Mark Iniquities. If we are nor Christians, of Lean Souls within us, we sometimes do set a part our Dayes, for Fasting with Prayer before the Lord; & thus we do sometimes more particularly, when we are Perfuming of our selves for our Approches to the Supper of the Great King; now, let such Dayes, be so many little Dayes of Judgment with us all. On such a Day, let us Examine out selves, by all the Ten Commandments of our God, and among other Things; Let us be Inquisitive,
I. Have I not Grievously Forgotten the God that made me? And given unto the Flesh, the World, and the Divel, the Homage, which is due to Him alone? Or let Creatures have the Affection, the Obedience, and the Dependance, which He alone may lay claim unto?
II. Have I not shamefully Neglected the Institutions wherein the Lord Jesus Christ ha's taught me to mentain Communion with Him? And Humoured the Superstitions of a Vain Conversation?
III. Have I not Irreverently Treated the Names, Attributes, Words; Works, and Ordinances, whereby the Almighty [Page 29] God makes Himself known unto us? And been without awful Apprehensions of His Majesty, under His Various Disconsations?
IV. Have I not been Carnal, Careloss. Weary, in the Ordinary Sabbaths of God? and been Indisposed unto the Extraordinary ones?
V. Have I not been Perverse and Haughty towards my Superiours; Unkind & Foolish towards my Inferiours? Envious towards my Equals? and miserably Solfish in my Conduct of myself?
VI. Have I not impaired my own Health by Intemperancies? or been towards others, Passionate, Revengeful, and Contentious?
VII. Have I not been Unchast, in my Acts, my Thoughts, my Words; [...] or been a Companion of the Fools, that are so?
VIII. Have I not by Frand or Fore wronged my Neighbour? nor been too Prodigal when I should not have spent; but when I should have spent, then too Niggardly?
IX. Have I not uttered, or somen [...] ed, [Page 30] what ha's been Contrary unto Truth's nor given Countenance to a False Report?
X. Have I not been Discontent with my own Condition? or, harboured in my Heart a Roving and a C [...]aving Lust, after an undue Alteration of it?
XI. Have not I despised the Offers of the Lord Jesus in the New Covenant, and the Wonderful Provision therein made for Unhappy Sinners? And permitted my [...] Affayrs to keep me at a Distance from the Lord Redeemer, who ha's been Waiting to give me, Repentance and Remission of Sins?
XII. Is not the Fountain of all these Bitter and Cursed Streams, the Corrupt Nature which I have derived from my first Parents; a Nature, filled with a depraved Prejudice against what is, Holy, and just, and Good?
Upon the Discovery of our Guilt in These, and such Articles, Let us now Judge our selves as Worthy of Everlasting Destr [...]otion from the Presence of the Lord. And if the Iudgment, which we now pass upon our selves, be attended with the Self Ab [...]orrencies, and SelfCondemnations, and New-Resolutions, [Page 31] of a true Repentance, it will Prevent our coming under the like Iudgment on the Day of our Appearance before the most High Tribunal. But indeed, the Evening of Every Day is also [...] be reckoned a fit Opportunity for us, to call our selves unto an Account about our whole Behaviours in the Day; it becomes us with Self-Judging Hearts, every Night before we Sleep, to make a Process, like what would be in the Day of Judgment; and this as not knowing, but that before we Wake out of that Sleep, a [...] away to Judgment! may Surprize, [...] Nightly Recollections have been Commended by Sob [...]r Pagans, and should not be Omitted by Pious Christians, but, when we have Considered, What ha's been Gods Providence towards any self in the foregoing Day! We may do well also to Consider, if What ha's been thy Behaviour towards God, in the Day? We may now particularly take an Account.
Q. 1. Have I Loved this Day, under a Dec [...] sense of Mortality and Eternity?
Q. 2. Have I Devoutly head the [...] God this Day; and Seriously souls so [...] Face of God, both in my Retirement, [Page 32] and with my Family?
Q. 3. Have I had many Ejaculations this Day, both in a way of Petition, and in a way of Thanksgiving unto God?
Q. 4. Have I had most affectionate Meditations upon Heavenly Things this Day; & have I made Earthly Things to occasion some of my Profitable Reflections?
Q. 5. Have I been careful of my Discourse this Day, & Spoken with a Tongue B [...]died by the Fear of the Lord?
Q. 6. Have I been Diligent in my Calling this Day, and avoided all Needless Expence of my Precious and Golden Minutes, in Diversions?
Q. 7. Have I this Day Endeavoured all Usefulness unto those to whom I am Re [...]ted, or with whom I have been Concerned?
Q. 8. Have I this Day Controll'd and Conquer'd my Master Sin? and ha's my Watchfulness issued in my Victory over my own Iniquity?
Q. 9. Am I in a sit State and Frame to appear before the Judgment-Seat of God, if I should before To Morrow Mornning be Sum [...]mned thereunto? And therefore, Do I still choose the Great God a [...] my best Good, and my last End: and the Lord Jusus Christ, as my Prophet, my [Page 33] Priest, my King? And is it my Desire to be Employ'd as a Witness for His Truths and Wayes for ever?
Did we not let any Day pass us without such Representations of the Last Day unto our minds, we should be Alwayes Ready. Reader, let us Aspire after such a Continual Readiness!
S. 7. But none of the least Exercises in our Preparation for the Day of Judgment, would be our Meditation of it; Or, Our Looking for the Glorious Appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ. He was an Holy man, among the Ancient [...] who could say, Wherever I am, and Whatever I do, Methinks I have the Sound of the Last Trumpet in my Ears, ARISE YE DEAD, AND COME TO JUDGMENT. We should Labour to get a Proper & a Lively Character of the Day, when God shall Judge the Secrets of men; and often Raise it in our minds. It was said, Wo to them that put far away the Evil Day. Truly, The Day of Judgment will be an Evil day indeed, unto them that put it far away. Thoughts upon the Day of Judgment, should continually Lodge in our Hearts; and however we are imploy'd we should think, [Page 34] What shall I do, when God rises up? and when He Visits, what shall I answer Him?
Now for the Assistence and Nourishment of our Private Meditations upon, The Day of God, we are happily Supply'd with the Published Meditations of many Worthy Pious Learned Writers, upon that Important Subject; and I pray, that we may not be Unthankful, or Unfruitful under such Advantages. The Carnal Jewes, when they Read the Book of Ecclesiast [...]es, have the [...]st Verse but one [which has in it, Fear God and keep His Commandments.] Printed over again, it the Close of all, because they would not have the Remembrance & Impression of the Last Verse [which has in it, God shall bring every Work into Judgment] to be too strong upon them; whereas if men would Think more of the Latter, they would probably Do more of the former. God forbid, that we should any of us have any Indisposition to such Meditations on the Day of Judgment, as are Laid before us, in the Books of some that are Longing for the Day. Dear New-England! Thy Little Presses too, do now afford more than two or three Savoury Treatises upon the Day, which [Page 35] will not bundle such Books for the [...] that shall then Burn up the Hay & Stubble, of Innumerable Volumns; No, Such are some of the Books that shall be Opened for a Witness against Impenitents I In thee, is Reprinted the Zealous Thomas Vincents Discourse, On our Lords certain & sudden Appearance to Judgment. In thee, is Printed, a Sermon on, The Day of J udgment, whose Author is the Father of him that now addresses thee. In thee, is now Printed, the Reverend [...] muel Lee's, Assize-Sermon, of [...] to the Great D ay of J udgment; [...] among us, as his Mantle, by that [...] when he went away for Europe. Th [...] besides other Books, h [...] New-England had, for the Loudenine of that [...] night Cry among us, Behold, the [...] gr [...]m comes. And indeed if upon, [...] passing away of the second Wo, the Third comes quickly, which brings on, The Time of the D ead, that they should be J udged, we that now see the Second Wo coming a pace unto its Period, should co [...]nt no Awakenings too many, to rowse us out of that profound Sleep, wherein the World shall be fast, When the Son of man [Page 36] comes. I am verily perswaded, The J udge is at the D oor; I do without any hesitation venture to say, The Great D ay of the Lord is Near, it is Near, and it hastens Greatly. O That our Minds may be as deeply Engaged in Thinking on the Second coming of our Lord, as the Saints of old were in Thinking of His First; and that the Books by which we may Understand, much of what concerns that matter, may have a due Entertainment and Efficacy with us. A Person of some Quality having Wasted much Time, at Unlawful Games, could not [...] the Night following, & mentioned [...]to an Inquisitive Friend, the Ground [...] it; Yesterday casting my Eye into a [...] that I saw open, I read the Word ETERNITY, and this Word ha's broke [...] very Heart within me. Truly, we that have so many Books about, ETERNAL JUDGMENT, have our Hearts harder than the Nether Milstone, if at the sight of that Word, ETERNAL JUDGMENT they do not break. But it is unto the God of Grace, that we are now to bow our Knees, with Petitions for, Mercy in the Day of the Lord.
A SUMMONS Or WARNING to the Great Day of JUDGMENT, In a SERMON. Preach'd at the Assizes at Bristol in New-England Octob. 7. 1687. now some-what Amplified and Fitted to the Service of others.
By SAMUEL LEE. M.A. and sometimes Fellow of Wadham Coll. in Oxon.
BOSTON, Printed by B. Green, for N. Buttolph, at the Corner of Gutteridg's Coffee-House. 1692. Price Bound [...].
WHereas by the Call and Invitation of some of your very much Honoured and Respected Society, this Serious, Summons to the, great day of Judgment; was proclaimed in your Ears, at, Bristol, near Mount Hope in New-England, at the Assize, there held, on Friday Octob.7. 1687. Being also moved to [Page] the Publication thereof, I do here humbly present it under divine Protection and Blessing to your Candid Acceptation and Defence, who sometime Composed the quire of a most attentive, benigne and solemn Audience in the time of its delivery.
Honourable and Beloved, As these Papers tend (with your Kind leave) to re [...]inkindle the the memorial of that dayes Soul awakening Subject: so let me ( I pray in this proem) [...] Son. beg you to ruminate on a saying of an Eminent Divine at Bury a Town of great note in Suffolk of old England [That Sermons are never done, till they are Done] and let me add, If never Done, the hearers are undone for ever. Especially in such weighty & momentous Points as these, about the formidable day of Judgment.
The tears of Auditors, said Jerom (as I.M.) are the Jewels [Page] of Preachers; and if Sincere, Presage a Crown of Eternal joyes to both. There are among many others in Divinity, three illustrious Doctrines. (1.) Justification by Faith in Christ alone (2.) Sanctification by the Spirit. (3.) Resurrection to Glory. In whose Compass and Bosome was our present Subject about the Universal Judgment. As to which, Give me leave to present three things, and Close with the Apostolical Prayer.
1. State your own Eternal State, [...] while yet in the State of this Life. Matter not the day or Censures of mans Judgment. I Cor.4.3. They'l Fluctuate in their love as the wind of their Passions, Interests and Envious or false informations turns the fane of their Constructions if they are not both wise and godly. And sometimes hastily Carp your Innocence as if they had forgotten Plutarch and S [...]necas [Page] memorials about natures Gal. 6.1. gift of two Ears before they determin matters in question: not pondering as they ought, in the Spirit of meekness the many Fentations Jam. 3.2, the best of men are incident to, their own frequent infirmities and others proud and invidious detractions and your own vertuous & Slander. Shaming Apologies. Taking little heed to the Fifteenth Psalm, and how unworthily these blast others usefulness & Exod. 3. [...]. lay up Prov.1 17, 18. 23. Scourges for their own Consciences in the day when God shall visit them and give their abused Friends, the greatest favour at last, when his Neighbour Searches him out; and then thy Brothers Mo [...]e may swell to a Boam in thine eye, by the rubbing of others inflamed Censures upon thee, when thy turn comes. We all need Contrition, Confession, and Pardon.
2. II. Make Peace with God. betimes [Page] times and Expedite it. The sands of times hour Glass never stop, and are more precious then the golden ones of Tagus. Do this work seasonably, sincerely, & speedily, to frustrate the trouble of the New Repentance and prevent the divine Judgment. Delay not, lest Tardy neglects quicken Soul-Confounding horrors, 2 Cor. 11. 31, 32. and Sudden Wracks of Conscience will draw out the funeral Song of Ep [...]metheus, O non puturam; Prov. 26 [...] 19. or that of the Fool in Solomon. Was I not in j [...]st? and cry out in earnest concerning laughter; Eccl. 2. 2. that 'tis mad, and of mirth What doth it? but as the Crackling of thornes under a Pot: whose Pricklessly in his Eyes, & leave him in utter darkness, wringing his hands in the bloud of his heart, and streaming out bitter groanes, that he did not think the Evening Shadows were so nigh. O Sirs, this tremendous work [Page] cryes aloud for the greatest deliberation, the swiftest Execution, and perseverance without end. O Blessed Lord, help us out of the woful T [...]ntations and Intricate Labyrinths of delay, AEsop. lest when Death comes indeed, as in the ancient Apologue, it prove an other guess work than most are now aware of; You 'I stand in need of more then all your Graces, Experiences, Reliances and Restaurations out of deep and dark desertions. Yea and all little Enough and will prove scarce able to life you out of the dungeon of terror: unless the gracious Supplies of the Spirit come in upon a Spring tide from Heaven, and lift up the Ark of Conscience above the floud gates and Rocks of Confusion.
3. Labour to provide against III. the formidable Thunders of Death, that the Sun-shines of the Evidences of glory may brighten [Page] the dark passages of the Grave. The beauty of grace first darted into thy Breast, in a beam from the Eye of the Electing Love of God, and shall never cease the shining and warming influences till like new Stars that at last Concenter all their motions in the Sun: so shall the rayes of thy joyes be inbosomed in the Eternal Love of God. When thou hast done this work, which the Father hath given thee to do: John 8. 2 [...] then that TO PHOBEROTATON, Aristotles grand King of Terrors, shall sling down his Crown with amazement at the foot of Christ: Heb. 3. 1. Cor. 1. 55, 57. and that Dragon: who hath the power of death shall himself be stung to Death by the Cross of Christ, first upon his illustrious Tomb at Mount Golgotha; or like the standard of Constantine, carrying TO SEMEION, the Laharum or signe of the S on-of [...] man, Mat. 24. 3 [...]. set upon the back bone [Page] of the Serpent, as you may see it on the Reverse of that Emperors Coin. Spelman. As [...]il [...]gin. P. 20. El. Lord. 1654 [...] uptem. Yea and all holy Christians are like the Roman D [...]aconiferi, the Dragoniers of the ancient Empire, carrying the Exuv [...]e or case of the old Serpent in triumph, and yielding up their Spirits into the hands of a most faithful Creator: who once form'd us, and will shortly as faithfully Redeem us out of the dust: and inform us a new with the same Immortal Souls, to inherit the same Body in a State of Immortality, to Coinhabit the Temple of Heaven in an immortal State of Glory, ever beginning: and never ending. When the day of the last Redemption, that great day of the feast; when the ruddy morning shall Climb the Eastern hills of Mount Olivet with its pleasant Blushes to cure all the dark Solitudes and Sollicitudes of this Vally [Page] of Dragons, and our Blessed Redeemer standing upon Mount Zion, Zech. 13. [...]. shall proclaim to all His Saints: Lift up your Heads, for the day of your final Redemption is come. Lets end with that apprecation of holy Paul. Heb. 13. 20,21. [ Now the God of Peace that brought again from the Dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepard of the Sheep, through the blood of the everlasting Covenant, Make you perfect in every good Work, to do his will, working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be Glory for ever and ever, Amen.]
THE Preceding Ver [...] presents this Evangelical Prophet, with a Visionary scene Preparatory to the Day of Judgment: and here in the Text, we have a [...] [...] [Page 14] further Procedure in the amazing Concernments of that tremendous Session [...] where in may be observed.
1. I. The Apostles place or station in the He of Patmo: (now Patina) neer the Shore of the AEgean Sea, Rev. 13. 1. looking Eastward toward Ephesus and Jerusalem; Zech. 14. 4. as you may suppose: Act. 1. [...] because our Lord is represented standing upon Mount Olivet in that day. Where (in Speculo Visionis) in a Visionary Glass, he beholds with great attention what the Angel presented to him.
2. The Several Persons and things Exhibited to his strict Observation; which I may properly Conjoyn together under several Heads, and therein.
I. We have first the Character, or Denomination of the Persons attending; set forth under the style of the D [...]ad: that is, not such as were now [Page 15] really Dead in this great Morning of the Resurrection; but which very lately had been involved in the state of the dead: Vers. 13. but now raised out of their dolesome Graves, and had newly Shaken off the Chains of Rottenness, and some come Dropping out of the stormy Seas and hastning with more shaking horror, to a yet more direfull Shipwrack. Death & Hell must give up all their dead, at the formidable Summons of that Arch-Angels Trumpet. 1. Cor. 1 [...]. 52. By Hell or Hades we understand (under a metony my) the Souls of men delivered out of their invisible State (under the manute [...]ency of divine power) to the reinvested with their Bodies, and to appear at this astonishing Bar [...] For so the Greek Fathers understood by HADES q. AIDES the Souls A men in States Separ [...] according to that of Homer [POLLAS, D [...]THLA [...] [Page 16] MOUS PSUCHAS AIDI PROIAPSEN] He dismist many Valiant Souls, i.e. Persons into Hades.
II. Their various quality Both small and great; The Shortest Dwarfs can't Creep into so deep holds or corners; not the Blustring N [...]tmrods can't R [...]ffle it away in their Pride and Jollity; but every Soul must drag his PrisonChain into this most Solemn, and Splendid presence. Nay the Small are named to come first, to set forth the impossibility of their Exemption, and these meaner persons must stand out before the great ones, that all may be see [...] in their Proportion. [ this I speak only by allusion] But to be fure, none shall Shuffle behind Noon and abscond from that Meridian Glory, or be Vailed from this all Searching Eye: And the all-revenging hand of [Page 17] God. The Summoners & Apparitors of all these inferior Courts, must there appear and qu [...]ver and tremble for Summoning of Gods Saints here upon Earth. I'ts appointed for all to dy, and then to Judgment. Heb. 9. 27. We must all stand at the dreadful Tribunal Seat of Jesus Christ. Where Judges themselves devested of all their formalities, like so many unhappy Felixes will Glatter their knees together, at the MENE TEKEL, Den. 5. 25. graven upon the Chrystal Walls of the Caelestial Firmament; and glad men, could they but undergoe [...] 11. 11. such an Earthly Sentence they pass't upon in thers.
III. Observe their posture [...] they must stand, Pro Tribunals before that adamantine Bar, let down before them. Rom. 14. 10. They have little Stomach to come too their, no rude audacious Crowding into the presence of [Page 18] that most awful Judge. There will be but little pressing to see, His Soveraign August Countenance, that shines brighter, then the Sun in his greatest glory: but as forced by the Angelical Messengers; while they continue Crying to the Deaf Mountains and the Rev. 6. [...] Inflexible Recks to hide them from Him that Si [...]eth on the Throne and from the Wrath of the Lamb.
IV. The Ireful face of that most dreadful Judge; before whom the Heavens all on a light flame shall Crackle like a Parchment Scrol and fly away: [...] Pet. 3. [...]1, 12. when Christ the Son of God and God man, that Impartial Judge of quick and [...], from whom there is no appeal, shall put on an other guess purple Robe to judge [...] 25. 17. Pontions Pilate and Herod, and [...] man of War, that mock't Luk 23. 11. Him in the day of His Humiliation. This will be a day [Page 19] of horror to all those Wretches also, that mockt and steer'd at Gods Messengers, when they denounced against them the Judgments of the great day. Then comes out a Quo Warranto with a witness, to Inquire what woful work they made at Jerusalem: and who impowered them to Jude 15. Judge the Son of God, and to utter hard speeches, and commit ungodly deeds for a trace of some thousands of years, without Controul or Impeachment.
V. The Allegations, proofs and evidences produced out of the black Books and bloody Registers of all Ages; which before were shut up and Sealed in Gods Archiva, or treasure Chambers above, are now all opened and if they cannot Rev. 6. 20. Read their Psalms of Mercy: there is no hope of Exile to a Paemus, or any forreign Islands at that day, for they shall fl [...] away. [Page 20]
6. VI. The final process [ and they were judged out of the things written in the Books] whence there is no appeal, no recalling or reversion. There will be that Positive and final Conclusion.
Observ. Most formidable and dreadful will be that great and general Day of Judgment.
It's a Coming and hastning towards us. Nay tis near at hand. Jam. 5. 9. The Judge is even at the Door. If you ask, how long. I Answer, He that was at the Door in the Apostle James his time, may be now kept over the Threshold in our da [...]es, and well forward in His Journey towards Mount Olivet; and ready to ascend into the Seat of Judgment. [...] Besides, it is so near to [...] Particular Person, [...]en [...] strides over the [...]ck [Page 21] Threshold of Death: that we cannot certainly tell How little a moment it will seem from the time of his Death to his Solemn appearance before Jesus Christ, and then 'twill indeed determine the truth of that Scripture, that 'tis Heb. 1 [...] 31. a fearful things to fall into the Hands of the Living God; and most dreadful to all out of Christ at that day. Eph. 2. 12. If without Christ, having been without God in this World, they shall like Dogs be cast out of the Holy City, in the World to come, into a lake Burning with Rev. 22. 15. [...]are and Brimstone. Judicial dayes here, under the Sun are but like Pictures and Stories, in hangings, and all Executions but like Painted Fire to this great and terrible day of the Lord which will make all the Eccl. 3. 16, 17. Russians quake like an Aspen lease. Those fools which now making a mock of Sin. Prov. 14 [...] Act. 24. 26. Those Careless Gallios & grave Felixes, [Page 22] that put off the hearing of this day till another time: That allarm Trumpet will make your Ears to tingle above all other, and will ye, will ye: up you must hasten to Judgment. There are three things which Command into the inmost Chambers of your hearts, most dreadful, most amazing thoughts, and high reverence with deepest astonishment. If so be, ye fall into the Snare of Death, in a State unreconciled to God, and not purged from your Scarlet Sins by the precious blood of Christ.
1. I The infinitely glorious Majesty of the Judge.
2. II The Exact rule of Procedure according to things found written in the Books before the Judge.
3. III The stupendious quality or property of this Judgment. Of which in order.
1. I Let us call to mind with all Reverence and trembling [Page 23] the infinite Majesty of the Judge who will then sit down upon the throne of Judgment. No less Person than the Maker of Heaven and Earth; before whom all the Divels tremble, Vers. [...] and the Pillars of Heaven are astonisht and confounded, the foundations of the Earth flee away and Vanish into Smoak and nothing; at the fiery Breath of His Nostrils: whose single Words Shrinks the Universe into less than the Shadow of an Atom, at His pleasure. But let us here Remember, Isai. 40. q. 7. we are not to Consider of this Almighty and Eternal Judge as God Essential [...]onely; but more Personally, the Son of God, who cometh with Ten Thousand of His Saints Jude. 14, 15. (that is) His Holy Angels, to Execute judgment, in that day for all the Violent actions against His Church and People, or any of His Redeemed ones.
2. II The several strict rules [Page 24] of Procedure according to the Various Books, all lying patent before the Judge upon the Table: which are these following.
I. The Books of Creation and Providence; like two Volumns joyned and bound up together; wherein the distinct Successions of all Generations are delineated. God knows all the Stars of Heaven, and all the Lamps of the Intellectual beings, by name. The genealogical stemmes of all persons are fairely written in that Register, and he will call their bodies up out of their Graves, at that day from the Rising to Setting Sun, Psal 50. [...] to meet their Souls, and to accept a new Animation from them. When the El-Elohim-Jehovah as some gloss those Titles in the Fifteth Psalm, Isai. 27. 13. that Powerful just, & merciful God will cause the great Dan. 12. 2. Trumpet to sound and awaken all out of the dust of [Page 25] Death, and then God will call thee to account for the abuse of every Limb, Psal. 139 16. and member written in that Venerable book.
II. The particular books of Record or Remembrance: which whether written by an Empy [...]an Pen drawn from a Seraphims Wing: I mean, whether the Holy Angels are the Scribes and Recorders, is not revealed to us. Its true the Lord Himself, Rev. 11. 19. & 22 6, 16. & 19, 9, 10. Psal. 164. 4. or they in His Name injoyn holy John to w [...]e, what they are Commanded to dictate to him. Besides we find them registred as Presidents of Nations, and to have the Guardianship of Saints, and Heb. 1 [...] 14. to be Ministers of the Divine, Pleasure and of mighty influence in Slaying God's and His Churches Enemies, and to manage the great turns and overturnings of Kingdoms, That's certain: as in the case of Egypt, Psal. 78. 49. when God sent evil [Page 26] Angels among them, that is, the Executioners of woful & evil Judgments among them: like as the Angelus Percussor, the smiting Angel may be said to make Ezek. 9. 3. a way for His wrath. Such instruments were used in Executing divine wrath Psal. 78. 50. upon Sennacheribs army, and upon poor Jerusalem in her sad day, 2 King. [...]9. 35. and afterward in the destruction of Babylon, Ezek 9 3 when the Captain of the Lords army Marched before the Red and Zech. 1. [...] Speckled Horses in Zachary's Visions. In like matters both as to Nations, Citys, and Persons: we may conceive of things as in the Glass of a continued Allegory: that there is a particular book for every Person in several cases:
1. There may be (I mean Allegorically) a dreadful black Book for every mans Sins. And truly this is a matter of heavy concernment (that [Page 27] though it should not be so Specifically, yet tis Equivalently and Eventually) that there is a particular Book in the Court of Records in Heaven with thy name on the out side, where every Sin of thine is written down with the bloud of Dragons mixt with the galls or Cruel Venome of Asps, Deut. 32. 33. & durably as if with the point of of a Diamond upon a Rock. Jere. 17. 1. Truly its all one, nay worse, then if so really: for tis writ in the memorials of that tremendous Judge. For every Secret Sin is set down in the Light of His Counten [...]nce, beyond all the Noctiluca's in Psal. 90. 3. the World. Every Secret is determin'd to Eccl. 12. 14. come to Judgment. Ten times have the Children of Israel Murmured against Me, Nur. 14. 22. sayes the Lord: and so again, the Sacred Pages number up Six Captivities under the Judges, answering to Six Judges [...] 10. 13. several prevarications in the [Page 28] Worship of God. Petav. rationarie. P 84. Isai.65.6. It's written before me, sayes the Lord by Isaiah, and I will recompence into their Bosome. And so tis now, Ten times Drunk, such a man: Ten times Forsworn, such another: Ten times, such a Proud Jezabel with her Painted Eyes, Strutting in the Streets of Jerusalem: [...] him down, set her down. sayes God; Paint her to the Life, that all the World may then behold her with Peacocks Feathers: [...] King. 9. 30. Isa. 8.16. and mincing, tinkling motions with, her feet. How should it strike as with a Poysoned arrow to, the heart to think of these dreadful tradegies of that terrible day.
[...] 2. Mens Repentance sorrowful Sight and Actions are also [...] set down in God, day book: and this I speak for the comfort of all humble Mourners in Zion. The Confession of that Penitent Thief at Golgotha's [Page 29] Mount, Lord, Luke 24. 42. Remember not in thy Kingdom. We never drop a sincere tear, but it drops up-ward; Contrary to all other tears, it ascends up into Heaven, and Runs into the Chrystall-Bottle upon the Shelfe, with thy name ingraver [...] upon it, in Letters of Gold: and 'tis often taken up, and Lookt upon, to see how it fills. Psal 5. [...]. Are they not in thy Bottle, sayes David, and in thy Book; But w [...] to them that have none. Every hearty Sigh, that Reeks e suleo pectoris, from the in most Closets of thy Soul are Pencilled with Virami [...]ion, under the bloody lines streaming from the Cross of Life.
3. Mens gracious discourses and good-works, are all written in that Books When terrious Persons [...]oo but meet, and think upon the Name of the Lord in evil times, and [...]alkt often together. Mal. 3 [...]. 16. Every time [Page 30] you meet, every Heavenly thought, and every holy word you speak, is written down. Nay all your Prayers and Almes deeds like those of Cornelius Act. 10.1. goe up in Remembrance before God. Every Penny you put into Gods Treasury; Nay every Mite you give to Temple uses; as in the case of the poor Widows; Mark. 12.2 [...]. is put down in Gods Debt Book, and will be Converted into so many Pearls to adorn, your Crown in Glory.
III. The Books of mens Consciences shall then all be laid open. Rom. 2. [...].10. [...] Cor. 3. [...]. Here mens thoughts Excuse or Accuse one another till that day, when God shall Judge the Secrets of all men by Jesus Christ according to the Gospel Prouched by Paul and let me tell you, that every faithful Sermon which you [...]ear, Consonant to the Word of God, will come up in Judgment [Page 31] as a Testimony against you, if disobeyed: so that if our hearts Condemn us not, that is our Conscience, I John. 4.17. I John. 3.20,21. as to Irreverence, Negligence or Disobedience: we may have Confidence in the Day of Judgment before God; who is greater then our hearts, and knoweth all things: and this will give us, a holy freedom of Spirit in that Solemn time. There will be no Shuffling Tricks, no False & Treacherous accounts, no Tiffany Cheats, no FineSpun-slams, but all fly away like Spiders Webbs, before a Beesome. The flaming Eyes in the Scepter of that day sees through all in a moment.
IV. The Book of the Scriptures shall then be taken down, and the Parchment Rolls all unfolded. The Acts For [...]nsia, the Publick Commentaries; the Regula Juries, the Institutes of the I am, Rom2.16. and the Cannons [Page 32] of the Gospel shall be all produced for Conviction of Sinners. All their iniquities written in that Book, mentioned by Jeremy, jere. 17.1. with the point of a Diamond, or graven with an iron Pen, in focules or leases of Lead, mentioned by Job; job 19. 24.25. Dan. 12.1. Zech. 14.4. or in a Rock for the ever of this World: till our Redeemer standeth upon the Earth at mount Olivet at the latter day to Judge the World:
V. 5: The particular and singular Book of Election, when all that are written in that ivory Volumns, shall come forth and Dan.12.1;3. Rev.3.5.13,8. 1 [...].8, Exod.32.3 [...]. Luke 10.20. Shine as Stars for ever and ever. The Sheep of Christ's little Flock, that are written in the Lambs Book of Life shall then pass under the rodaccount for the Sanctuary of Glory. Nay God Himself is said to write down the names of those Chosen Vessels that are [...]epared and sit [...]ed for Salvation. [Page 33] Psal. 68.28. Phil. 4.3. The names of the Holy Apostles and Saints are deciphered and set down in Heaven. when others are written in the Dust, and shall be legible by the flames of Hell.
And so much for the Second particular, the rules of Procedure and its branche.
In the Third Place we are to Consider the 3. ly quality or property of this astonishing Judgment, in Five Particulars.
1. It's most accurate and Critical Exactness, as to Equity and Commensuration to Every ones actions be they good or bad. The Judge sits down in His Sella Curnl [...]s, or seat of Judgment, Dr S [...]oughtons selicitas ultimiseculi. [...]. all of ivory or unspotted Alablafter, like the Sur [...] when He Shines [in Libra] among the Caelestial Ballances, near [Page 34] the Milky way. The Eyes of Justice are Covered with a Purple Mantle, no accepting the Person of any as to Earthly dignities and distinations; but its Eares are with all diligence and Curiosity attentive to the impending causes.
2. II. Impartiality, in determining: Cuts off all demurrers and delayes and gives speedy dispatches, to persons of all Degrees. There will be no favouring of Rich and Great men to sit down neer the bench, as here among fellow Worms: nor no pittying of a poor man in his cause from a seeming Comiseration to the mean and Afflicted. Lev. 19. [...]. The dispensation of justice will be Equal to a tittle, no pleading Sub forma pauperis at that day.
3. III. Universality as to Comprehensivenes of both persons and times. All Ages, both [Page 35] Sexes, all Qualities and degrees of men must make personal appearance without any Proxy in this Dooms-day Parliament: no Slye Excuses or writs of Error to impeach, or turn by the gravity of that most awful judicature: no querks nor tricks, nor jugling account shall Velum Pretendene, cast a mist before the Sagacious inspection of that quick and all searching Judgment.
4. IV. The Irresistible doom. There is no Subtle arguing, no wresting of the Text of the Law, or the intentions of the Sacred Law-Maker. No pleading of old Customes; or the Opinions of Reverend Ruffes here upon Earth. There is no Versilingues Procuratores, no Tongue flexible Proctors, that have no strait bone of Equity in their Tongues, but turns up and down like a [Page 36] Serpents, be the cause good of bad; like the Counsellor at Athens, that had [ bos in lingua] a bag of Silver-oxen (a Coine so called) to hang upon their Tongues, and to tip them with justice-perverting Eloquence. The cause will be stated in a moment. The Universal Conscience, that Publick notary stands by with flaming Eyes, and makes instruments of Recognisance without any sees or private Audience. There's no Appeals to any Superior Court.
5. V. The Eternity of its Issue. Either to be with our Blessed Lord Christ and His Saints, Mat.25. [...]1. or with the Devil and his Angels for ever. Ever! Oh dreadful Ever! Oh that word of terror, that Shoots barbed Arrows, PHLOGOENTA BELEMNA, flaming darts through the stoutest hearts of the Proudest Nimrods, in [Page 37] the World. Ever! Oh irrevocable Doom! Of which lamentable Doom that poor Bird which appeared to the Scholars in a garden, who were then Assemi [...]led (as I Remember) at the Council of Constance Sang Melodiously: and then Cried out, O Eternity, Eternity, Eternity, and then flew away.
But let us now retire to some Uses.
Use. 1. Use Of Earnest Advice to all of you to Exercise your selves with deep Consideration of the strictness of the Process, the Exactness and Inquisitions of that Sacred Judge in the management of that dreadful day. The brightness of the Sun in his highest Apogy is like Sackcloth, and his beams like streaming Pitch to the amazing glory of that time. Oh that the Presentment or Fore [Page 38] thoughts of that day might alwayes press upon our hearts, to a Serious Preparation for that appearance. If Jeroms Trumpet as to the advent of that day did alwayes sound in our Ears: we should be better Christians, and keep Sabbaths more Holy, and hear with more Attention, and practice with more Conscientious diligence, then we do: but we are drowned in Sensuality, Supine Stupidity and negligence, till that day take us like Birds in an evil Snare.
Use. II. 2 But Secondly be Exhorted to an anxious and sedulous Care as to every Vain and Idle Word. Crave dayly pardon and beg strength and watchfulness against their dayly incursion. As to evil thoughts in duty, and as to any Omission Sins: Cry out with that Holy man Bishop Usher: Lord forgive me my [Page 39] Sins of Omission. For all these things without Pardoning, Purging & healing grace must come into the golden Scale of that Critical Judgment. That Vain thought in one Scale, and the golden weight of the Precept in the other Scale, & the balance Poised in the hand of that most Holy and Righteous Judge [PAN ARGON REMA] q. AERGON. Every Idle word, or thing, that is, Mat. 5.36. whatever is not attended with some real Service to God, or benefit to man: than cannot plead some useful Scope at the end of it: must be arrested and brought to that Sacred touch stone. Eccl. 12.12. Every Secret thing, that is, in the depth of the thoughts, must pass by the Bar: ad limam revocari, be brought to the file, and to the Virgula censor [...]a, to be Examined by the censure of divine justice. Rev. 21.27. & 22.19. No person can enter within the [Page 40] Gates into the City; but must pass this fiery Trual. Teque his ait, eripe flamis: Deliver thy self by Faith and Holiness, from the dirt of these dreadful flames.
Use. III. Use. 3. Remember, that this day may Quadamenus, in some sort, be said to be Placed between time and Eternity. Tis set in internodio, in the very juncture, In aequilibrio, in the very poise & center of that weighty concernment of Eternity. As that day fixes: so all ends and determines. Joh. 14. 17. Eccl. 9.6. Then shall the Sins in the bag, as Job speaks, be pulled our. Not to instance in many; Then Envy shall cease; that blody Cain, that monster of humane Consusions, Aril Rhet l. 2. c. 10. Plato in. Tim. R. Edic H. See h. Vol. 3. p. 27. that speckled Viper must have its Specious Coloured skin pull'd off: when all the Secret defamations, backbitings and slanderings of men better then themselves, shall be brought to [Page 41] light. We shall then know perfectly, No Envy does at any time befall a good man. what ill aspected malevolent persons they were, that durst not endure the lustre of virtue, the faithfulness of Pious reprovers, the brightness of a Holy Friends presence, without biting his heel like the old Serpent, and must now be all Scann'd and Sifted to the bottom, from, whence the base abuses of good mens Credit have issued, spic from their Cankred mouthes, must now appear in their Venemous Colours in the light of Gods Countenance. Psal 90.8. All those and other Secret Enormityes must, stare the affrighted Consciences of such Envious malignants in the face, before all the World; and gnaw their Vitals with fresh Wounds to all Eternity.
Use. IV. Use.4. Remember before thou set thy hand to any new affair: whether the Transaction of it will stand in the [Page 42] Day of Judgment, with approbation. Eccl. 11. 9. Rejoyce O Young man in thy youth: let thy heart Cheer thee: Walk in the wayes of thy heart, and in the sight of thine Eyes: but Remember God will bring thee to judgment, for all these things. Sing and Swagger, beat your fellow Servants, Luk. 12.46. Mat. 24. [...]9. drink and be drunken, but Remember the Lord will come in an hour unlookt for and cut you in pieces and divide your portion among Hypocrites, where weeping and gnashing of teeth, for ever in a place that has no bottom; where is Fire without light, and Shivering in the midst of burning. O Remember, thou must come to Judgment.
Use. V. Use. 5. Be sure thou be well acquainted, and get into favour with the Judge, that shall sit upon the throne: and happy, O thrice happy man, If He give you a promise to stand [Page 43] your Frined in that day: & shall plead with the Father on your behalf: nay with Himself and His own most Blessed Bowels. To be assured, that He dyed for you: and that your peace is made: before you dy to nature, that you may live to grace: and then you shall certainly live in glory. Heb. 7.25. For this Son of God will ever Live to enterceed for you, who art one of the most Blessed Creatures that ever were born, that hath power given thee to become one of the Adopted Sons of God, Joh. 1.12. & stand before the Son of man in that joyful day. Thy Crimson Sins are all washt away in His Crimson Blood, and shall never come into judgment: to shame thee, much less to condemn thee.
Now give me, leave to Conclude with, a serious, though short paraenesis or humble admonition of Exhortation, [Page 44] to Three Sorts of Persons. 1. To the Reverend Judges themselves. 2. To the People present. 3. To the guilty Person here arraigned before you, [for Murder]
I. [...] As to you the Worthy & Reverend Judges, that are to sit in judgment before the Lord this day: I shall not inlarge, but only present unto you, 2 Chron. 29.6. what King Jehoshaphat gave in Charge to them from God, when he set them about this work, City by City. [ Take heed what you doe, Vers. 5. for ye judge not for man but for the Lord, who is with you in the judgment. Wherefore now let the fear of the Lord be upon you. Take heed & do it: for there is no iniquity with the Lord our God, nor respect of Persons, nor taking of Gifts.
II. 2. To you that are the People and auditors this day. Count it a great Mercy that [Page 45] you have been preserved by Restraining or Sanctifing grace, not to stand in the place of the nocent and so to become Obnoxious to the wholesome Laws & Righteous Judgment of the Majestrate. Bless God for that Singular Mercy: If it were not for Majestracy, that great Ordinance of God in the World, Jere. 9:8. Psa.57.4. & 64.3. mens tongues would bo like Poysoned Arrows shot forth, speaking deceit, treating their Neighbour pepaceably with their mouthes, and laying wait in their hearts: 2 Sam. 23.7. Some such Sons of Belial that a man cannot speak to them, they are so surly and interrupting: & ought to be thrust away like thornes: If a man touch them, he must be fenced with Iron & the staff of a Spear. I Sam. 25.17. Men would prove Wolves & Vipers; Tygers, & Dragons mixt in one and the same person, to each other. O Bless God for this great gift of Princes & Judges [Page 46] to Rule the wicked & Enormous World, and to sway the Scepter of Righteousness in the Earth. O Remember to speak Honourably of Rulers and dignityes: Jude 8. Rom. 13. 2 Pet. 2.10. for they are Ordained of God for the Praise of them that do well; and Gods Ministers and Avengers upon them that do Evil. Were it not for them, such as are now but Secret Malicious backbiters, would soon prove Badgers, and bite through the bone to the very heart. Have then a Special care of two Originating Sins, that lead to many soul Enormities, that is, Pride & Envy: First in your selves, that you be not tempted thereby to hurt others: and Secondly in others that you do not hurt them. For wherever you see manifest Signatures & tokens of these Sins lurking or putting out their forked tongues against others; beware of them, they are Persons market of God: [Page 47] and alwayes have graven upon your breast that famous Embleme of a Righteous man. [ Quod non vis tibi, ne feceris alters] Luke 6.3. [...]. Do as you would be done by: Tis our Lords most golden Rule of Equity: Then Judge your selves before God as to all infirmities, and otherwise insuperable weaknesses: then fear not mans day: having presented your selves by Faith, as Clothed with the Righteousness of Christ; 2 Cor. 10. and in some sweet measure prepared for that Solemn appearance at His Tribunal.
III. 3. A word or two also to the poor guily Person: which has Murdered her own unlawful Infant: and so I Conclude.
As for thee, poor Creature! What was it that indeed, intangled, in flamed thee to the Commission of these Sins against the Laws of God, the [...]ght of nature, and the just [Page 48] Laws of the Land. I understand thus much from thee in the Prison; that thy Parents were very negligent of thy Education, and so becamest a great neglecter of Sabbaths and Sermons, and then fellest into the fellowship of Lew'd Companions, which may be a just warning to all others. All that I shall say at present: because of the great Sorrow, remorse & Repentance which thou hast manifested be fore many witnesses, and I hope may prove Sincere: If thou [...] from the horror, staine & shame [...] these thy Crying Sins, unto the [...] precious blood of Jesus Christ, and layest hold upon it with a true, though but a weak Faith: thou hast [...] of Mercy in the blessed Book of God; Manass [...]h, Mary Magdalen, and the Thief upon the Cross, to dispell the black and dismall Cloud of despaire: and to lead and incourage thee to hope in His Mercy; Rom. 14. 9. To which I humbly and heartily Commed thee in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord both of Dead and Living, AMEN.
AN APPENDIX Containing only some Heads of Meditation, on the
DAY OF JUDGMENT, more largely and fully delivered in a Sermon Preached at
By the Reverend
THE Scope of a Parable [...] best Expositor of it. The Design of this is to Express, The Suddenness of our Lords Advent, and the Supidity and Security of the World with reference thereto.
Oberve, Blessed Christians, Three Things,
[Page 50] FIRST. A dolorous Exclamation, with the dismal season of it.
The out cry here, is like that of drowning Marriners, or routed Souldiers.
SECONDLY. The matter of the Exclamation thus amazing, which causes all the great Hectors, and Herods, and Belshazzars of the World, to tremble.
Yet it is not, Behold, the Judge Cometh!—but,—the Bridegroom, the Delight of our Souls.
Tis good Advice, Are you Ready! Dr. Usher used to say unto some Persons of Quality. Madam, Be ready, Be ready.
THIRDLY. A Command unto all, Especially the Virgins, Go out to meet Aim. Even Hypocrites count themselves in a fair way to meet the Lord.
Of old, Marriage was at Midnight, to show the Modesty of Marriage. You are by Ministers now Contracted, and are to be by Angels at last Conducted unto Jesus Christ.
The Ten Virgins are professors of [Page 51] Sorts. A Wise Virgin is a Soul that takes the seasons of Grace, and is affected with the Beauty of Jesus Christ. A Foolish, is one, that regards not the Word of God. Midnight, is the End of the World, before the Morning of the Resurrection. The Cry is an Angelical Voice: as soon as the Clock strikes Twelve, then the Angel sets his Trumpet to his mouth, and proclameth so.
The Apantesis,—the Meeting here Expressed, is the Resurrection. when the Earth and Sea too shall yield their Dead; and the very Entrails of the Fishes shall be raked by the Trident of the Archangel. Never was there such a Terror as then will be! But the Saints are then led unto the Nuptial in the New Jerusalem.
At the Coming of Jesus Christ to Judgment, the whole World shall be in a state of great Security, and Insensibility of His Coming.
[Page 52] I. There shall be a Great Day of Judgment. How many Warnings have you had about this Day of the Lord? But alas, How many of the then Raised, shall say, Non Putaram; or, This I thought not of! which is a sign of a great Fool.
Oh that we could be like Jerom: alwayes having a, Come to Judgment, in our Ears! I beleive you all make a Day of Judgment, an Article of your Creed. Why, The Heathen had a sense of it.
II. Near and At that very time, there shall be a deadly Stupefaction in the World. As to sit under Nightshade, breeds a Stupor.—This will be the Effect of being in the Night shade Walks of the World.
How are most of us asleep? so that one can hardly get so much as any good Discourse on foot among us. See Math. 24. 39. And knew not till the Flood came and took them all away; so shall also the Coming of the Son of man be.—Remember that on your Knees—
[Page 53] [...] This comes from want of Consideration God says, O that they would Consider! See Psal. 119. 59. Tis said, They Considered not for their Hearts were hardened. No Hammer can break this stone, but Gods. Tis only Gods Fire and Vinegar, that can cause the Nether Milstone of our Hearts to Crack. And it works in Consideration. Consideration is the Glory of a man; and it would be our Happiness. But for Inconsiderateness,
This comes,
1. From an Innate Inclination. People be not of Thinking Spirits. They are for Pastime.Oh dreadful Word! a Word for the Divel to put into our Hearts.
The Fatness of Heart spoken of by Isaiah is mention'd Six times in the New Testament. No Text of the Old Testament so often cited. Which is to be thought on.
Blood is sometimes Congealed, like a Serpent in the Heart. Such Hearts have we!
Men are against Prick't Hearts; though the Corruption cannot otherwise [Page 54] [...] come out,—but the Divels will suck their Blood for ever.
2. From a Judicial Obsignation.
God says, to His Ministers, Go Preach at such a place, and harden the People there.
Oh with uplifted Hands beg, Lord, let me not be Sealed up under this hardness.This Hardness will be turned into shrieks in Hell. See Exod. 9.10. From this Hardness tis, that men will Scoff at a Little Expression of a Minister,—but every such Scoff shall cost you a Thousand years in Hell. This Nigrum Theta, marks for Hell.
3. From a Confaederation with Sin, and with Sinners. Tis not our Cannot, but our Will not, that undo's us. Famous Fenner ha's Writ well of this Self-Murder. Sinners, as Cliopatra, take the Asp of Incomsiderateness, and put it to their Breasts.
And Sinners harden one another—They are for a Priest that will be Drunk with them; and for a faithfull [Page 55] Preacher, they think, much Learning ha's made him mad.
They are as Psal. 50. end.
So I should come to our Saviour [...] Question, What do ye more than others?
III. But our-Lord ha's given us a gracious Prent [...]i [...]on about the Day of Judgment—
You have the Voice of the Archangel now in your Ears.
God forewarns,
By notable [...] going Judgments.
Every Feavour is a warning of the, Fire of Hell,—Every [...] a Warning of the River of Sayx. Every causualty is a Warning.
Have you not been sick? and said, If God spare me, I will be better? Well said, Ph [...]oh.—
Have you not heard of the late Earth quakes in Italy? and one at New-Haven lately? Have you not Rumours of War with the [...]ygre [Page] Heathen!—Our Saviour spea [...] of these things as Warnings.
2. By Ministerial Denunciations.
As Loud as I can, I tell you all in the further Corners yonder, The Day of Judgment is Coming!
3. By Angelical Ministrations.
We [...] their Inward Workings on our Spirits. We have Heavenly Infusions from them,—and we have Operations of Gods Holy Spirit. The [...] then is, as in Rev. 3. 20. [...]hold, I stand at the Door, and Knock: if any man hear my Voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
Besides this, Near the Time, the Voice of the Son of God shall be heard through the Whole World, like the Roaring of the Sea. This is when the Judgment is just beginning, And the Angels shall Trumpet with a [Page] greater Noise than that at [...]
Upon the whole,
Observe, and Bewayl the horrible Stupidity of the World.
The Inconsiderate soon grow Debauched. Speak to them of Judgments, they will kick and say, Out [...] gone, you Hypocrite. Well, The Divel is in that Tongue.
Lament these, as Monica did her, Filium tot Lacrymarum; Be much with God for them. Leave not until God strike the Arrow of His Lov [...] ing Vengeance into their Hearts.
What if this Bible be Gods Word, Sinners, Where are you then?— [...] in the story of the Hermi [...]e.
Remember, The Seasons of Grace [...] sew;—When the Spirit of [...]od comes nigh to the Heart.
And now, Take some Antidotes [...]inst security.
Antidote. I.
Consider the Wonderful Suddenness [Page] of the Day of Judgment.
What if you Dy, before you go put of the Assembly? A Last Day will come. Who knows which Pal [...]d [...] Mors will take first?
Antidote. II.
Consider, As our Lord comes lik [...] a Thees, like Lightening; so the sentence will be Irreversible, and the Judgment Unavoidable.
Gold will not bribe Charon. The Wicked shall not stand in Judgment, [...] but they shall be there.
Antidote. III.
Consider, the Impossibility of Escape [...]ter Judgment is past. There can [...] no Writ of Error, no Appeal.
Think on Eternity; and let the Impressions of it, be kept in the I [...]a [...]i [...]ation of the Thought of your Hearts for ever.