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A true Copy of three Judgments given forth by a Party of Men, called Quakers at Philadelphia, against George Keith and his Friends. With two Answers to the said Judgments.

The First Judgment.

AT a Monthly Meeting in Philadelphia, the 26th of 11 Mo [...]. 1691. Thomas Fitzwater charged George Keith for denying the sufficiency of the Light, which [...]. Keith denying, T. Fitzwater insisted that [...] could prove the same, & being examined concerning his Proof [...] several Friends present stood up, and said, They heard the said [...] Keith say, That he did not believe the Light was sufficient without [...] else, namely, [...] Prichard, William Harwood, Benjamin [...] Wil [...]iam Sout [...], and several others. And after the matter in Debate had been throughly heard, the aforesaid Credible Evidences giving their Testimonies [...] [...]bove-said, the Meeting saw no reason to give Judgment against Tho. Fitzwater in thi [...] particular above [...]mentioned; but th [...] said Thomas very readily left the matter to this Meeting and condemned the rash Spirit that he spoke those words in, although the Charge in it self was true.

A. M.

The Second Judgment.

WE being prevented in our Meetings of late, to proceed order­ly in business, by reason of a Turbul [...] & unsubdued Spirit, which has much [...] us, but having [...] at this time, have con [...]ered [...] ▪ and duely of a Charge exhibited several Months past by George Keith against William Stock [...]al [...], many if not most of [...]s [Page 2] being present at several Meeting, where the Allegations of each side were heard; and as the Friends then present concluded on a Judgment in this matter, but were prevented of pu [...]li [...]ing the same, by reason of Geo [...]g [...] Keith' [...] [...] beh [...]viour, & extream Passio [...], which abruptly broke up the said Me [...]ting, we declare ou [...] concurrent [...] as [...], That whereas Proof w [...]s made by two Witnesses, That William Stockdale should say, that Geo. Keith 's preaching Christ without, and Christ within was preac [...]ing two Christs, which W. Stockdale denyed the words so spoken; and alledged that Geo. Keit [...] called him an Ignorant H [...]athen, a [...]d gave him several villifying Expressions. Our Judgment is, That Wi [...]liam Stockdale is reproveabl [...], and el [...]me-worthy [...]or [...] the said words, they being an Offence to many sound and tender Friends, and that he condemn the same. And as f [...]r G. Keith' manner of proceeding against him, we cannot own the same to be pu [...]suant to Gospel Order, the said G. Keith having not alone dealt with him in private before he had further prosecuted his Complaint; neither can we hold him ex­cuseable for his undecent expressions to W. Stockdale, he being elder in Truth and in Years.

A True Copy, by Samuell Jenings.

The Third Judgment, and Condemnation, against G. K. [...] the several Monethly and Quarterly Meetings in Pennsilvania, East and West-Jarsey, and else-where, as there may be occasion.

BEloved Friends, In tender Love, and with Spirits bowed down before the Lord, is this our Salutation unto you, earnestly de [...]ing your g [...]owth and d [...]ily preservation in the anti [...]nt [...], and in the simplicity of the Gospel of o [...] Lord Jesus Christ; and our hope and breathings are, that no [...] or wiles of the Enemy sh [...]ll prevail to turn you aside from your [...]fastness, or to cause you to esteem ligh [...]ly of the rock and way of Gods Salvation unto you, but that you be kept in the light and life, which was & is the just mans path▪ to the end of ou [...] days, Amen.

Now, dear Friend [...], it is with sorrow of Spirits and grief of Souls, that we signifie un [...]o you the tedious Exercise & vexatious Perplexity [Page 3] we have met with in our late Friend G [...]orge K [...]ith, for several Months past: With [...] & [...]mentation do we say, How is this Mighty Man fa [...]len! how is [...] Shield vi [...]y c [...]t away, as though he had no [...] known the Oyl o [...] th [...] holy Oyn [...]ment! How shall it be told in Gat [...] & published in the Streets of A [...]k [...]on? Will not the daughters of the [...] rejo [...]ce▪ Wi [...]l not the daughters of the Uncircumcised Tri­umph, when they hear that [...] upon the [...]aring Mo [...]ntains, and from the high Places o [...] Israel! Oh! how are we distressed for thee, thou as a man sl [...]in in thy h [...]gh [...]ces! Whilst thou walked in the Counsel of God, & we [...]t little in thine own Eyes, thy Bow did abide i [...] strength, thy Sword returned not empty; from the sat of the Enemies of God thy [...]ow turned not back; His Enemies were then vile unto thee, and his Followers honourable in thy esteem. Oh! how lovely w [...]t thou in that day, when h [...]s beauty was upon thee, and when his Comliness covered thee! Why should his Ornaments exalt thee, which were given to humble thee before him! and how thou art fallen from thy first Love, and are become [...]reacherous to the Spouse of thy Yo [...]th! Consider where thou art fallen, and Report, and do thy first Works.

But so it hath happen [...]d Friends, lest any Flesh should glory, but be­come Silent before the Lord, that this once Eminent Man and Instr [...] ­ment of Renown in the Hand of the Lord, whilst he kept his first Habi­tation, and knew the Government of Truth over hi [...] own Spirit, and witnessed the same to be a Bridle to his Tongue, was then serviceable both in Pen and Speech to the Churches of Christ; But now, and of late, it is too obvious and apparent, that being degenerated from the lowly meek and peaceable Spirit of Christ Jesus, and grown cool in Charity and love towards his Brethren, that he is Gone into a Spirit of Enmity, Wrath, Self-Exaltation, Contention & Janglings; and as a Person without the [...]ear o [...] God before his Eyes, and without regard to his C [...]ristian Bret [...]ren, and letting [...] the Reins to an Extravagant Tongue, he hath broken out into [...] [...]godly Speeches, R [...]ing Accusations and Pas­sionate Threatnings towards many of his Brethren and [...]lders, and that upon slender Occasions; and when some in Christian Duty have [...]aid before him his unsavoury words and unch [...]istian f [...]ame▪ he hath treated them with such vile words and [...]busive language, such as [...] son of common c [...]vility would loath. It hath been too frequent with him▪ & th [...]t in a transport of Heat and Passion, to call some of his Brethren in the Ministry, and other Elders, and that upon small Provocations, if [Page 4] any, Fools, Ignorant H [...]athens, [...], Silly Souls, Lyars, Hereticks, R [...]ten R [...]nters, [...] gl [...]tonians, & o [...]e. Names of that [...]famous [...], thereby to our [...] own Shame. And further, his Anger and [...], being Cruel against us, and not contenting himself with his [...]arshness a [...]inst Person [...], but he proceeded in bitterness of Spirit to charge ou [...] Meeting with being come together to cloak Heresie and [...], and publishing openly several times, Th [...]t there were more Doct [...]es of Devils and Damnable Heresies among the Quakers, than among any Pro [...]es­sion among the Protestants. He hath long objected against our Disci­pline, even soon after hi [...] coming among us, and having prepared a Draught of his own, and the same not finding the expected Reception, he seem'd disguised since: He hath often quarrell'd with [...]s about Con­fessions, declaring, That he knew none given forth by t [...]e Body o [...] Friends to his Satisfaction, and often charg'd most of us of being un [...]ound in the Faith: We have offered in several Meetings for his satisfaction, and to prevent strife among us, & for preserving the Peace of the Church to deliver a Confession of our Christian Faith in the words of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Ch [...]ist, the A [...]thor of the Christian Faith, and in the word [...] of th [...] Apo [...]tles & Disciples, his f [...]ithf [...]l Followers; or we would declare our [...]elief in Testimonies of our antient Friends and f [...]i [...]hful [...]rethren, who were genera [...]ly received by u [...]; or we w [...]uld concur & [...] upon a Confession, and have it transmit [...] to the [...]pro [...]tion [...] the Yearly Meeting here, or the Yearly Meeting at Lo [...]on; y [...]a, it was offered [...] him at the same time, th [...]t a Confession concerning the main matter in [...] should be gi [...]en out of a [...]ook of hi [...] own, [...] all wa [...] [...]light [...]d a [...] in [...]u [...]ficient▪ The Lord knows the trouble which we have had with [...] Member, and the openness of our hearts and we [...] wish [...] towards [...] notwithstanding his rage and viole [...]ce ag [...]inst us, and of th [...] endeavou [...] of many in this place to have [...] upon him by a f [...]iendl [...] converse, and by other [...] [...]s not inconsiderable to a b [...]otherly freedom; but our labou [...] [...] seems to be a [...] water [...] upon the ground▪ And [...] Meeting having [...] and O [...] dealt with [...] and [...] ▪ he hath not only slighted a [...]l Applications of gaining him to a sence of his [...] Treatment and M [...]carriag [...] ▪ but in [...] in [...]ting ma [...]ner said to the Friends appointed by the Meeting to admonish him [...] the Judgment of the meeting [...], and hath of late set up [...] seperate Meeting here, where he hath, like an open Oppos [...], no [...] on [...] [Page 5] reviled several Friends, by expo [...]ng [...] Religion Reputations in mi [...] Auditories of some hundred [...], endeavou [...]ing to render them & Friends here, by the P [...]ss and otherway [...], a scorn to the Prophane, & the Song of the Drunkards, but he hath traduced & vi [...]lified ou [...] worthy travel­ing Friends J D. [...]nd [...]. W. in their Powerful and savoury Ministry, whose service is not only he [...]e, but in most Meetings in England, Scotland and Ireland well known to have a s [...]al in th [...] hearts of many thousands of the Israel o [...] God: he hath hath also within a few weeks appeared in opposition as it were, to the Body of Friends, by putting on his Hat when our well received and recommended Friend J. Dickenson was at Prayer, & that in a Meeting of near a thousand Friends & others, & so going out of the Meeting, to the great disquiet there [...]f, & to the draw­ing some scores into the same Opposition with him, by his ill Example; and he th [...] persisting in his repeated oppositions, hard speeches and continued seperation, & labouring, like an unwearied Adversary, to widen the Breach made by him, & so abusing some of the neighbouring Meetings by being as yet under that cover of b [...]ng owned by us, We are hereby brought under a Religiou [...] constraint, and to prevent other Meeti [...]g of being further injur'd by him, to give forth this Testimony, [...]ained as it were from us by his many & violent Provocations, viz. That we cannot own him in such ungodly Speeches and disorderly [...]haviour, or in his seperate Meeti [...]g, and that we disown the same, [...] proceeding from a w [...]ong Spirit, which brings into Diso [...]der inwardly a [...]d le [...]d into distraction and confusion outwardly, and until he con­demn and decline the same, we cannot receive him in his publick Mi­nistry, and would have him cease to offer his Gift [...] su [...]h, among us, or else-where among Friends, till he be reconcil [...] [...] offended [...]re­th [...]en▪ And as to th [...]se few of our Brethren in the Gif [...] of the Ministry wh [...] a [...]e gone out with G. Keit [...], into his uncharitable & dividing Spi­rit, the miserable [...] whereof many of us have sufficiently known in [...]ld England, and other pa [...]ts) [...] judgment is, That [...] become un [...]ualified [...] Work o [...] t [...]e Go [...]pel, as [...] the G [...]idance of Gods bl [...]ss [...]d & peaceable Spirit in [...] (from [...] thee proceeds the effectual New Testament Ministry) and b [...]i [...]g t [...]rn­ed [...] Fr [...]ts t [...]ereof, are gone to Vncharity and Contention. And now, all you who have walked in fellowship and [...] with us, and [...] drawn asid [...] th [...]ough [...], or otherwise, into this Spi [...]it of Sepe [...]ation and [...] against our Meeting [...] orderly established, [Page 9] and wherein we have been often and mutually refresh't together, we cannot but in the fear of God, and in love to your Souls, admonish you also of the Insecurity o [...] your present [...] s [...]ate, and th [...]t therein we cannot ha [...]e Vnity with you, and unless you return [...] that Spirit, [...] and Barrenness from the Lord will be your Reward. And so [...]ear Friends, we exhort you all to behave your selves in the Spi [...]it of meeknes [...] & peace [...] Truth, upon all occas [...]ons, but more especially upon any discourse o [...] conference with any of them who are discontented among you, o [...] started aside from you; and avoid al [...] Heats & Contentions in matter of Faith and Worship; and let not the Salt of the Covenant be wanting in your words and actions, for thereby the Savour o [...] your Conversation will reach the Witness of God in them. The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all, Amen.

  • Samuell Jenings,
  • John Delavall,
  • William Yardly,
  • Joseph Kerckbridge,
  • Walte [...] [...],
  • Hugh [...],
  • Robert Owen,
  • William Walker,
  • John Lynam,
  • George Gray,
  • John Symcock,
  • Griffith Owen,
  • John Bown,
  • Henry W [...]is,
  • Paul Sa [...]n [...]rs,
  • John Blu [...]ston,
  • William Cooper,
  • Thomas Tha [...]kray,
  • William Byles,
  • Thomas Lloyd,
  • John W [...]ford,
  • Nichol [...]s VVadn,
  • VVilliam VVatson,
  • George Maris,
  • Thomas D [...]k [...],
  • Joshua F [...]a [...]ne,
  • Evan [...],
  • Richard VValter.

Here follows Two Answers to the said Judgments.
To all faithful F [...]i [...]nds in Pennsilvania, E [...]st and West-Jarsey, and to all every where else in all parts of the VVorld, to whose hands this way come, The Salutation of Love.

WE in behalf of our selves, and many Breth [...]en, who are falsly called the Seperate Meeting at Philadelphia, having taken into our serious and weighty Consideration, three several Papers given forth by them of the opposite side, who have oppos [...]d us▪ and continue to oppose [...]s in our present Testimony to the Truth of [Page 6] Christ, and his blessed Gospel & Doctrine, viz. The first given forth by the Monthly Meeting of the opposite side, the 20 o [...] 3d Month, 1 [...]92. wherein they clear [...]. Fitzwater of his falsly accusing G. K. for denying the suff [...]ciency of the Light, sayi [...]g exp [...]esly in th [...] said Paper, That fo [...]r credible VVitnesses giving their Testimony, that they heard G. K. say, he a [...]d not believe the Lig [...]t was sufficient without some-what else; the meeting saw [...] reason to give Judgment against T. Fitzwater [...] particular, the said Thomas condemning the rash spirit that he spo [...]e these words in, though the [...]harge in it self was true. And G. K. having both at a Quarterly and Monthly Meeting pr [...]ceeding, sufficiently proved, & which was confes­sed b [...] [...]. Lloyd, as the Mouth of these Meetings, that by that some-what else, G. K. had fre [...]uently declared, he did not mean humane Learning, nor the Scriptures, nor outward preaching (altho' the Scriptures, and outward Preaching are Instrumental, in Gods ordinary way of working, together with the inward operation of the spirit to mens salvation) as absolutely necessary, but the Man Christ Jesus, and what he did and suffered for us on Earth, and what he now doth for us in Heaven, & the fullness that dwelleth in him. By which it plainly appeareth, the said Monthly Meeting hath excluded the Man Christ Jesus, our blessed Mediator & Saviour, from having any part of concern in our Salvation, and therefore we do unanimously, & with one heart judge & condemn their false Judgment, in clearing Th [...] Fitzwater, that hath this tendency, not only to condemn G. K. for hi [...] sound Christian Doctrine, but is a plain denyal of the Man Christ Jesus, & the great Merits, & Value & Effic [...]ncy of his Sufferings, Death, Resurrection, and Ascention, and his Mediation for us in Heaven; a [...] which a [...]e some-what else than the People called Quakers commonly understand by the Light, to wit, the Light in every mans Conscienc [...] ▪ And by this rash and inconsiderate Act of their Monthly Meeting, proceeding from great Ignorance, Error and Vnbelief in them, they have sufficiently decla [...]ed th [...]mselves to be no true Believers in the Man Christ Jesus, and therefore no Christians; & for this cause we cannot own them to be our Christian Brethren, not joyn with them in any Religious VVorship, until the con­demn themselves for the said Act, and give us some evidence of their un­feigned Repentance and sincere Faith, by their open [...] and Decla­ration of the Truth of Christ, which now they have denied.

The second Paper is given forth by a Meeting of these called Friends of the Minist [...]y, signed by Sam. Jenings, as Clark of the said Mee [...]ing, wherein they give too partial and defective Judgment against VVi [...]iam [Page 8] Stockdale, not blaming him for any Offence to God, or Christ, nor con­ [...]licting him for his sin of Blasphemy, whereof he was guilty, in charging G▪ K [...]or preaching Two Christs, because he preach'd Faith in Christ with­in, and in Christ wit [...]out us, wherein he plainly denyed Faith in Christ without us, that we judge Blasphemy against the Son of Man. Also, the said Meeting hath f [...]lsly judged and blamed G. K. for calling W. S. An Ignorant Heathen; for seeing he denyed Faith in Christ without us, we judge it was his proper Name, and he was not worthy to be accounted in the Truth, having discovered his so great Ignorance and Unbelief in one of the great Fundamentals of the Christian Faith. Also, they falsly accuse G. K. for not giving W. S. Gospel Order, whereas upon due ex­amination, we find, that he had given him sufficient Gospel Order.

The third Paper is signed by Samuell Jenings, John Simcock, Thomas Lloyd, and others, in number 2 [...], all pretended Preachers, wherein they have passed a most false Judgment against G. K. for his sound Christian Doctrine, and Godly Zeal, in sharply reproving gross Anti-Christian Errors, that he had detected them guilty of, partly by the [...] Confession of some, and partly by the Connivance of others, and seeking to [...] and cover and defend the Guilty; and the said three Papers, And the matter contained in them being sufficiently answered in a late Book, called, The [...] of the Innocent, &c. which we having read and [...] considered, [...] of, and allow to be given fo [...]th by our una­ [...]ous Con [...]ent and Approbation, the particula [...] things, in matter of [...], therein contained, being all known to some of us, and the most princip [...] to most of us: And we of this Meeting deliver it as our una­nimous Judgment, that all these who have given Judgment in the said three Papers above-mentioned, have given a false Judgment in the [...] against the Truth, [...] against G. K. and his Friends joyned with him in this Testimony. And we do declare against their false Judgment, and say, That G.K. and other Friends o [...] the Ministry joyned with him in this Testimony, ought not to [...]orbear the Exercise of their Ministerial Gift that God hath given them, notwithstanding the false Judgment of false Bre­thren, that have joyned together in a Faction against him, and his faithful Brethren, but that he and his said faithful Brethren of [...] M [...]nistry [...]ght to be encouraged and received by all faithful Friends every where, in the use and exercise of their Ministerial Gifts, which we are perswaded they still have, and the use and exercise thereof will tend to the Glory o [...] God, the Prosperity of Truth, and Salvation of Souls. And we also deliver it as [Page 9] our unanimous Judgment, that all these 28 Persons that have signed that false Judgment ag [...]inst G K. & his Friends, ought not to [...]wned [...] countenanced in their preaching or praying, but denyed, and all others that justifie them, until they condemn themselves for their said false and rash Judgment against G. K. and his [...]rethren; and until they [...]ive some publick and open Confession and Declaration that they are [...] in the Faith of Christ, they having given sufficient cause to us, to [...]nclude, That at present they have not the sound Faith of Christ. And tho' we have iust cause to blame them for condemning us without all Hearing and Tryal, yet they have no cause to blame us, because we h [...]ve oft sought and requested a Meeting wi [...]h them to have things of Difference fairly debat [...]d and tryed, but [...] [...]ever obtain it▪ and they having now made pub [...]ck their false Judgment ag [...]inst us, in three several Papers, we are concerned, for the Defence of Truth, and our Reputation, both as Men and C [...]ristians, to give forth this publick Te­stimony against them, and to recommend it to all faith [...] Friends to consider and examine by the Spirit of Truth; and let both their pub­lick Papers and ours be impartially weighed in the Ba [...]ance of Truth, in order to which we are willing that all their papers be printed as well as ours, that have b [...]en published on both sides, that [...]o the impartial Readers may ha [...]e a fair Opportunity to judge of both.

  • Ri [...]ard D [...]ngworth,
  • Jo [...]n Wells,
  • Phillip James,
  • Henry Furnis,
  • James S [...]a [...]ick,
  • James Cooper, [...]en.
  • Wil [...]iam Da [...],
  • Robe [...]t Wallis,
  • James Poulter,
  • Nicholas Pierce,
  • Thomas Budd,
  • Jo [...]n Barclay,
  • William Brad [...]ord,
  • James Co [...]per, jun.
  • John [...]tus,
  • John M [...] C [...]b,
  • James Ch [...]k,
  • John Ba [...]tram,
  • Ab [...]l Noble,
  • Joseph VValker,
  • Thomus Pasch [...]ll,
  • Richard H [...]lia [...]d,
  • Will [...]m Wa [...]e,
  • Anthony St [...]ges,
  • Ralph VV [...]d,
  • Thomas Pea [...],
  • Jo [...]n [...],
  • Peter Chamberlai [...]
[Page 2]

An Expostulation with Samuell Jenings, Thomas Lloyd, and the rest of the twent [...] eight Unjust Judges and Signers of the Paper of Condemnation against G. K. & his Friends. And Complaint fo [...] a Pub­lick Hearing and Tryal before all Impar­tial People.

WHereas Samuell Jenings, Thomas Lloyd, and others being in Number 28 have published a Paper a­gainst G. K. [...] the rest of his Brethren wh [...] are [...]oyned with him in this Testimony for the Lord Jesus against whom they prophecy. Th [...] Dryness and Barre [...]ness from th [...] Lord▪ will [...] hear [...]ward. We having read and considered the said Judgment, do testifie against it, as an un [...]ust and unrigh­teous Act; But that which aggravates the Crime against them [...], that they say, This Meeting having tenderly and orderly d [...]alt with him, &c. when they know in their Consciences, they dealt [...]o with G. K. [...] never sent for him to their said Meeting, [...] and judged him altogether to his absence, wherein they have done worse than the Baptists did in the case of Tho. Hicks ▪ for when Friends appealed to the People call'd Baptists for, [...]ice against T. Hicks; they took their time & appo [...]nted [...] Meeting, and [...] or 4 days before the said Meeting sent Let­ters to G. W. and W. P' [...] H [...]uses to give them notice to be at the Meeting, but they being so far from home that they would not have timely notice, it is as [...] great Injustice for them to proceed and [...]ry Friends and T. H [...]cks in their absence; and [Page 3] upon Complaint they gave another Meeting: But T Lloyd▪ [...] Jenings, and the rest are so far short of the Justice of the Baptists, that they never so much as acquainted G. K. of their M [...]e [...]ng, or intent to proceed against him, nor never sent for him that we can understand, only W Byles came to G.K 's house and asked for him; his Wife told▪ he was from home, and she [...]pected him the next Morning, but they told nothing of their business with him, but in all haste proceeded to judge him in his absence before he came home. Is this your ord [...]rly dealing with him? Is this your Justice? Is this your Christ an tender­ness? your Charity, & your bearing with him in Christian Spirit? for shame cease thus proceeding, or you will [...] a stink in the Nostrils of the Nations where it shall be told. What! pretend to Christiani [...]y, & fall short of Heathen Justice! John 7.50, 51. Act [...] 25.16, 17 Did the Baptists do unfair in procee­ding to try Friends in their absence? Then much more you▪ for they gave some Notice before of their intending to Try Tho. Hicks ▪ but you never so much as told G. K. of your so Meet [...]n [...]: Wherefore allow us so much Justice as the Baptists did to [...]ave another Meeting publickly to try G. K. where all Peop [...]e may be present, that are willing to [...]ome, and whereof G.K. may have timely notice, and liberty to plead his own Cause, and let all Impartial People judge; & through Gods Assistance we shall make it appear, that your said [...]udgment is unjust, & G. K. not worthy of Condemnation. Was there ever such an Act done [...] any Christian Society before to con­demn a man without ever hearing of him, or suffering him to speak for himself? Surely its far short of any worldly Court, where the party shall have timely notice to prepare for his his Trya [...], and liberty to plead his own cause in the face of the Country, and where his Accusers are not allowed to sit and give Judgment against him▪ But so it is, that these Unjust & Unrighteous Judges have proceeded to try, judge▪ and publish their Judgment against G. K. without ever hearing of him, [Page 12] when its well known the most of them were his great Oppo­sers: They might be sure this way to condemn him, when only a Faction o [...] them get toge [...]her, and accuse him, and he nor any for him be present to speak for him. But that which still hightens the Crime of Tho. Lloyd, Sam Jenings, and the rest of the 2 [...] Unjust Judges, is, that they of the Ministry should give such a false Judgment, and then impose it on all the Meetings in these 3 Provinces, when most of the Friends thereof are great strangers to the Matter in Controversie, not knowing which [...]ar [...]y is in the Right, but they must take said Judgment upon Trust from them▪ without enquiring into the Cause and Verity thereof; and where they think their said Judgment will not readily be swallowed down, they will fol­low it from Meeting to Meeting, cloathed with their Magi­stratical Robes, and if any Friends show their dislike of having i [...] imposed on them without their own consent, and considera­tion of the matter, presently threaten to bind them to the good [...]ehaviour, and to the [...]eace▪ and call out for a Constable, t [...]ereby endeavou [...]ng to trample u [...] down by their Magistra­tical Power & Authority, as Samuell Jenings▪ Sam Ric [...]ardson, Thomas Lloyd, John Delavall and Anthony Morris and [...] at a Monthly Meeting near [...], as is well known to many. Oh! whither do you think these things will run? will it not give People [...]ust cause to say, the Quakers are turned Persecu­t [...]s? But our Trust and Confidence is in the Lord alone, who hitherto has pleaded the Cause of the Innocent, and carried his People through all the Powers & Opposition [...] that have hither­to risen up against them in all Ages, and we doubt not but he will do the same for us as we keep faithful to him, and to the Guidance of his holy Spirit, Light and Life in our hearts. But are these your Proceedings Christi [...] ▪ or Protest [...] like? or do they not rather rel [...]h of [...]ank P [...]p [...]ry, for the Clergy o [...] them of▪ the Ministry to impose their Edicts on the Pe [...]p [...]e without their enquiring into the matter? Is not this blind Obedience? [Page] Is not this believing as the Church believes, in order to bring in Ignorance the Mother of Devoti [...]n? Oh! who but ignorant and blind men, but can see these things! And yet now will ye stand in them, O ye Vnjust Judges! will ye not be willing to answer our just Complaint for a Hearing? Will you come short of the Justice of the Baptists, who admitted of another Meeting for a Hearing? But perhaps you will say, The Act of that Meeting was Infallible, being made up of such a Body of the Ministry, (as Arthur C [...]ok said lately in the House of G. K. That a Yearly Meeting could not Err) But we desire to hope, that som of you will better consider of it, & answer our justs complaint, and no [...] lurk in holes and corners, but come open [...] and defend your selves, and repent of the Error and false Doctrine you have run into, and let a time and place be appointed & agreed on by both Parties for a Publick Hearing: If you have Truth and justice on your side, come forth and let it appear before the World, and say not that such and such things are false, but prove them to be so; and bring things to the Light, and let not Christs words be fullfilled on you, viz. You hate the Light because your deeds are Evil, &c. Say not, that we are bold and daring thus to Challenge you [...]punc; for its not wr [...]t in a presump­tuous Spirit as relying on our own Strength or Parts, but on the Lord alone, on whom is our Depend [...]nce, and who knows the [...]nnocency of our Cause, and therefore we are not afraid to bring it to the T [...]st, but willing to appear openly, as hither­to we have done in Print, and not as your Practice is to report false things secretly abroad, which we know not whom to fasten upo [...] ▪ but what we publish in Print remains to be the A [...]h [...]rs [...]ether true or false; if false, why don't you refuse it▪ the Press is free and open for you, as for any? But the matter in [...] Prin [...]e [...] Books is true, and sta [...]ds over your Heads, and which you will never be able to R [...]ute.

But next▪ let us enquire, what have you condemned G. K. [...]? some of you say, Partly for [...] of Doct [...]ne, and partly [Page 6] for hard Words; But as for Doctrine you have not mentioned what it is; and as for the hard Names you mention, it is made appear in The Plea of the Innocent, &c. that they were justly given by G. K. to them that deserved the same: But have his Opposers given no hard Names, no unjust and false Reflections? yea, many. But why only then must G. K. be condemned, and not they also who have given hard words and false Names to G. K.? When G. K. complained against them for not giving Judgment against W. Stockdale's Blasphemy Samuell Jenings could excuse it, by bringing the Example and Practice of worldly Courts, saying, George, thou hast reviled thy Brethren, and in Courts we all [...] of Discount. So that according to S. Jenings, W. Stockdale's Blasphemy must be discounted against G. K 's Reviling his Brethren, as they account it, but can never prove. But if Discount be allowable in this case, why are not G. K's hard words discounted against those that have been given to him, so far as they will reach? And [...] it may appear what hard Names have been given, we think fit here to mention, viz.

They say G. K. has called them,

1. Fools, 2. Ignorant Heathens, 3. Infid [...]lls, 4. Silly Soul [...], 5. Lyars, 6. Hereticks, 7. Rotten R [...]nters, 8. Muggletonians.

Th [...] of the other side have called G. K.

1 Brat of Babylon, 2. Accuser of the Brethren, 3. Apostate, 4. Worse th [...]n Prophane. 5. A Troubler of th [...] Church, 6. A Person that no one could have D [...]ff [...]r [...]nce with, that he was in danger of the Life of his Soul. 7. A Preacher of [...] Christs, 8. A Tell [...] of an Old S▪ Andrew [...] [...]. 9. P [...]p [...] ▪ 10. Father Confessor, 11. Lyer ▪ 12. Devil, 13 [...], 14. C [...]m­pared him to a Wolf Tr [...]r▪ &c. 15 [...] that alwayes endea­vo [...]r [...]d to keep down the Power of Tr [...]th. 16. A more vexatious Adversary than Hicks, Fa [...]do, Scanderet, or the worst of Enemies. [Page 7] 17. One that is fallen upon the s [...]ring Mountains, &c. 18. As a man [...]. 1 [...]. Be [...]ome Tre [...]h [...]rous to th [...] Spo [...]se of his Youth. 20. Fall [...]n [...]om his first Love. 21. Gone into a Spirit of Enmity, Wrath, S [...]lf-Exaltation, Contention▪ &c. 22. Foam­ing out his own Shame. 23. A Person without the Fear of God before his Eyes. 24. Le [...]ing loose the Reins to an Extravagant Tongue. 25▪ Broken out into many Vngodly Speech [...]s, Ratling Accusations, Pa [...]onate Threatenings, being Cruel, &c. like an Vnwearied Adversary. With many more that can be proved.

Now let the Impartial Reader judge, which have exceeded in hard Words? and whether they are not very partial to pass by all that hath been said against G. K. and condemn him for what he hath spoke in i [...]s right place, as is made appear in the Book called, The Plea of the Innocent ▪ And yet when G. K. was the Complainer for many Months, for Justice to be done to Truth, they could plead for Discount, and put Blasphemy against Christ Jesus, in the Ballance against Reflections upon themselves, and yet now will not disount for hard words. And a [...]so they have judged a whole Meeting with [...]ut ever admo­n [...]shing of them. I [...] this be not Partiality, Injustice and [...]n­righteous Judgment, tell us what is. And clear your selves of these things, if you can.

  • Thomas Budd,
  • R [...]chard H [...]rd,
  • John [...],
  • Th [...]mas Paschall▪
  • William Bradford,
  • James Cooper,
  • Elizabeth K [...]l [...].

Books to be Sold by William Bradford in Philadelphia. 1692.

  • The Christian Faith of the People called Quakers in Rhode-Island. 4 d.
  • A Catechism for Children and Youth, and such others as need to be instructed in the first Principles o [...] the Christian Religion. By G. K. Pr. 6 d.
  • A Testimony concerning the Resurrection o [...] the Dead, Day o [...] Judgment, and Christs last Coming & Appearing without us. By G. K. 3 d.
  • Truth and Innocency defended, against Cal [...]mny & Defamation, in a late Report concerning the Revolution of Humane Souls, &c. G. K. 5 d.
  • Some Causes and Reasons of the late Seperation that hath come to pass here at Philadelphia ▪ Shewing, That G▪ K's Opposers were the Cause of the said Breach and Seperation, and most properly are the seperate Meeting. To­gether with an account of the sincere Christian Faith of G. K. and his Friends▪ Price 9 d.
  • The Plea of the Innocent, against the False Judgment of the Guilty, being a V [...]ndication of G. Keith & his Friends, from the false Judgment, Calumnies and De [...]amations of [...]. Jenings, J. S [...]mcock, T. Lloyd and others, being in Number Twenty Eight. Price 6 d.
  • A Vision concerning Sep [...]ration among Friends in Old England. By G. [...].
  • A [...] and Exhortation to Friends to beware of sedu [...]ing▪ Spirits▪ By S. Crisp. [...] d.
  • A [...] Appeal from the Twenty Eigh [...] [...]udges, to the Spirit of Truth and true Judgment [...] faithfull Friends, called Quakers.
  • A gr [...]t Coppy of three Judgments given forth by a Party of m [...]n, called Quakers at Philadelphia, against G. Keith, &c. With [...] Answers to the same.
  • [...] Husbandry to New-England, or an Experienced way to raise Quick [...]dges and Clover Grass; and the way to make Syder.

Note, That in some of Printed Copies of the Appeal from the twenty [...] Judges, &c. there happen'd an Error in the Postscript, which pray amend, viz. line 1. for Anthony Morris read Sam. Richardson.

And whereas it is reported, That the Printer being a favourer of G. K. he will not [...] for any other, which is the reason that the other Party appear not in Print as well as G K. These are to signifie, that the Printer hath not yet refused to print any thing for either Party; and also signifies that he doth not refuse, but is willing and ready to print any thing for the future that G.K's Opposer [...] shall bring to him.

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