A DISCOVERY OF THE Mystery of Iniquity & Hypocrisie Acting and Ruling in Hugh Derborough.
HAving seen a Paper of Hugh Derborough's, which was read by Sam Jenings at their last Quarterly Meeting at Philadelphia, and approved by the Meeting, and he received & owned as one of their Church Members, I found it convenient to say something in Answer to it, he most falsly and maliciously a [...]cusing me in some things, and also discovering manifestly his and his Brethren's Ignorance, Unbelief and Hypocrisie, with whom he hath joyned himself.
1 st. He saith, He was deceived in me, and ensnared by me, hearing such Charges, &c. as if there were such as did divide Chri [...] & not preach Faith in the Man Christ Jesus, nor own the M [...]n [...] Jesus as Mediator in Heaven, but the Grace of God within only; and such like Charges, as that they did not own the R [...]surrection of the Body, and the Coming again and glorious Appearance of that heavenly Man Christ Jesus, to judge the quick and the dead at the great Day of Judgment.
Answ. That such Charges were true, I have many Witnesses, that may be produced in due time, to discover this Hugh Derborough to be a Lyar and false Accuser, who hath writ Lyes against his own Conscience and Knowledge; for does not H D. know that we have sufficient proof, that Tho. [...] said▪ He owned no Man Christ Jesus as M [...]diator in Heaven without h [...]m▪ [...] the Grace of God within him? and of which T. B [...]dd compla [...] [Page 2] to the Meeting of Ministring Friends at Burlington ▪ w [...]re Tho. Fitzwater himself was present, and did not deny it, [...] they call him to an Accounot for it: And was not Hugh Derborou [...]h [...] the Monthly Meeting where W. Stockdale openly renewed and confirmed his former Charge, viz. That G K. preached [...] Christs, because he preached Faith in Christ within & Christ without ▪ beside, the pretended Judgment given forth concerning W. S. says [...]he same: And the Judgment given forth by their Monthly Meeting, (which is also in print) clearing T Fitzwater for accusing me, That the Light within was not sufficient without somewhat else, that something else being the Man Christ Jesus, in whom all Fullness of Light, Grace and Truth is lodged, and out of whom all true Believers receive a daily supply & increase of Grace; and he may remember what work we had at a Mo. Meeting a little before, where it was affirmed, That they kn [...]w but one Principle owned by Friends, and that was the Light within, which I refu [...]ed both from Scripture and Friends Books; then T. Lloyd said, There was but one Fundamental Principle, which was the Light within; which also I denyed. From this it is evident, that they exclude the Man Christ Jesus from having any part in our Salvation placing it wholly & only upon the Light within▪ and this H. D. has heard John Delavall publickly accuse me of Heresie, for saying, The Light within is not sufficient without something else; yea, and H D. himself hath renewed this in his Paper against me▪ which he calleth, The Mystery of Iniquity discovered by the Spirit of Truth; but his Paper is the fruit of the Mys [...]ery of Iniquity, that ruleth in his heart, who is acted by a Lying Spirit. Now that some approved among them deny the Resurrestion of the Body after Death, and Christ's Coming to Judgment without us at the great Day, &c. we can sufficiently prove; and its in vain for H. D. to tell us these are false Charges, while their Preachers are found preaching against these things, and the hearers generally arguing and contending with us against them; A. Jenings ▪ a Preacher among them, has been heard, [...]or onl [...] by me, but divers others▪ to deny▪ That any thing of [Page 3] th [...] Body riseth after Death: And Henry W [...]is, one of the 2 [...] (now 27) false Judges, told me, That the only cause why he set his hand to that Paper, was, b [...]cause I had affirmed, Christ would c [...]me again without us at the great Day of Judgment▪ to judge the [...] and the dead And W. Southyby's Letter, and J. Hampher [...]'s Letter, and Paul Saunders Letter to me, giving an [...]count of W [...]lliam [...] & M. Hed [...]ns their Unbel [...]ef in these princ [...]pal th [...]ngs o [...] the Christian Faith, are sufficient proof, and which Let [...] ▪ with other Instances and Proofs, may in due time be made [...], mean time, take one Sentence of [...]. [...]umphery's Le [...]ter▪ which is [...]his, I am grieved [...] hear some say, They [...] be [...] by that Blo [...]d that was Shed at Ierusalem. To which B [...]phemous sentence I shall not make any Rep [...] at present, but let all impartial Readers judge of it: I have [...] pla [...]ned of it in private to John Humphry himself, to [...] his Brethren, to their Quarterly Meeting to which he bel [...]g [...] and to their publick Meeting, several moneths since, and [...] no calling him to account, but of late he hath writ his second Letter, confirming and justifying his former. And therefore Hugh Derborough falsly accuseth me, in saying, I have deceived him; for its the Lying Spirit in himself, & them he now ow [...] to be his Brethren, which have deceived him.
2 dly, To his accusing me of Extream Heat and Pass [...]n, when little o [...]casion was given me▪ if any, but the clearing themselves of these Aspersions cast upon them, calling of them Hypocrites, abom [...] nable Hypocrites, bidding them Cut him in piece [...], Chop him, Fry h [...]m, with many more unsavoury words, which (he saith) appeared to him indeed, to be but Bryars and Thornes.
Answ. This is another Evidence of his great Hypocrisie and [...]ing Spirit, as well as of his gross Prejudice and Partial [...]y, Enmity and Malice: I called none Hypocrites or abomina [...] Hypocrites, but such whom I can well prove to be such▪ And did not Christ call them Hypocrites, S [...]rp [...]nts, [...], &c. who had discovered themselves to be [...] Apostles called such Hypocrites and deceitf [...] Workers, &c. [...] [Page 4] then is this Bryars and Thorns in me, when those I so called were such? Have not also our Friends called their Opposers Hypocrites (who were such) yea, and much harder Names than ever I did to any of them, as Dead Beast, dark Sot, Incarnate Devils, Wolves, Dogs, &c. But what says Hugh Derborough to his Brother Sam. Jenings, who, at their last Quarterly Meeting, (being the 6 of the 1st Month) called one of his Fellow Members, Ignorant, Idiot, and Non-sensical Puppey? Which Fruits are most like to Bryars and Thorns, to call a deceitful man a Hypocrite, or for Sam. Jenings to call a man (of as good or better sence and understanding than himself) Nonsensical Puppey? Let H. D. answer to this, and wipe off this and many other foul Expressions, justly charged on his Brother Jenings, if he can; and yet this is he who did read H. D 's Paper, and pronounce my Fruits to be Bryars and Thorns, but accounts his own Fruits (no doubt) to be Figs and Grapes, tho' at the same Meeting he call'd one of his Church Members Non-sensical Puppey, i. e. A Whelp: And yet I do not understand that any one in the Meeting dared to reprove him, except the Person he so called. I know the Scripture says, That Dogs are without, but I never knew that Dogs were suffered to remain within the Church: if this Person be a Puppy, Whelp or Dog, why don't they cast him out, or condemn S. Jenings for his Ungodly Reviling in this particular? but that I believe they will not do, seeing they have cloaked much worse Crimes than this in S J [...]nings.
But that H. D. saith, They gave me little occasion, if any, to call them Hypocrites, but the clearing themselves of these Aspersions cast upon them, is a manifest Lye; for there are hundreds can bear witness, that they gave me great occasion, as their boldly denying in publick what they have asserted in private before many Witnesses, and at other times (also in publick) some of them have called God to Witness to manifest Lyes & Falshoods, whereof we have many to bear witness. Nor have they ever to this day clear'd themselves of [...]hese things laid to their charge, tho' they have had sufficient time and opportunity given them. [Page] And the first days that [...] together, I did never in [...]errupt any of them, but they did alwayes interrup [...] me▪ and oft many at once speaking to me, so he pulling me by the Arm and others by the Coat, and particularly A [...]thur Co [...] was most abusive to me, crowding close to me, & staring most inhuman [...]ly in my face, when declaring, and calling me Rant [...]r, [...], Wic [...]d M [...]n, Vngodly Man, and interrupting me in P [...]a [...]er, (tho' I have never interrupted any of them either in Prayer or Preaching) saying, Thou Pray, thou ought not to pray, thou art a Wicked Man, and others b [...]dding take me away; And at another time A. C. in a Mens Meeting Cursing me, saying, Wo be to thee from the Lord, which afterwards he denyed; and Sam. Jenings ca [...]led me Shamelss Man, & at another time Apostate, and [...] than Prophane; and also, they most falsly accused m [...] with d [...]nying Magistra [...]y, and being an Enemy to the Government, with many other false Charges. And another of their P [...]eachers came into the Meeting, when I was sitting silent, and call'd me by my Name, and said I was a Roaring Lyon. To most of which Passages Hugh Derborough was an Eye and Ear Witness, Is it n [...]t then great Hypocrisie and Partiality in him to pass by all these great Provocations, and most unchristian Usages (to say nothing of the Persecution I and others of my Friends have met with from them, by Fining some, Imprisoning others, and Taking away Goods, only for Conscience sake) and so boldly to affirm, That had little occasion, if any, given me. What can I think or say of this H. D. but that he (like many others among them) is an Abominable Hypocrite!
And that I said, Cut me in pieces, chop me, fry me, if ye will, &c. H.D. is very dis-ingenuous wholly to conceal the occasion thereof, which was, that they did greatly threaten me with their outward Power, saying, This was intoll [...]rable, this was not to be born, when I called some of them Hypocrites, whom I well knew, and co [...]ld prove to be such▪ and tho' I was in little or no seeming danger, as to the ou [...]ward at that time, yet I can truly say, I felt the Spirit of Cain in them, and they did seek [Page 6] occasion against me, if possible, to take away my natural Life, by their ensnaring words and questions, and charging me, That I had sp [...]ke against the King; as many can bear witness, who had a sence of their Cain like Spirit, as well as I, which occasioned me to call some of them, Bloody Hounds, (and had I called them H [...]ll Hounds, it would have been but what Fox in his Book of Martyrs called Persecutors; and one time being hot by their thronging and crowding about me, because I loosned some few Buttons of my Doublet, to get a little Air to refresh me, they raised an abominable Lye on me, viz. That in a fit of Distraction I ript open my Brest, and showed my Naked Skin. And I can truly say, God raised me up in a Spirit of Boldness, to Warn them to Repent of their Lying, Hypocrisie, Vnbelief and Persecution, lest the Judgments of the Lord should break forth against them; telling them▪ I feared them not, let them cut me and roast me, or such like words, having in my mind, the bold words of Lawrance the Martyr to his Persecutor, the Heathen Emperor, when he was roasting on the Grid-Iron, as Fox relates the Passage in the Book of Martyrs, pag. 102. This side is non-roasted enough, turn up, O Tyrant great! Assay, whether roasted or ra [...], thou thinkest the better Me [...]. Which words, Fox saith, he spoke in the mighty Spirit of God. Also, I had in mind the words of Anaxagoras, when the Tyrant was causing beat him in a Morter, Beat, beat (said he) thou touchest not Anaxagoras: Which Examples I gave them to be my Apology for such words, and with which sober and impartial People were satisfied. And tho' from this, H D. and some others would insinuate as if this was a wicked Saying, it proceeds from their great ignorance; for seeing Christ hath pronounced them blessed who suffer Persecution for Righteousness sake, no judicious and sincere Christian will deny but it is desi [...]able (in the will of God) and many faithful Christians have desired it, yea, and rushed towards it, and by their sharp words that they have used towards Persecutors, have procured it. And our blessed Lord Jesus Christ▪ who became an Example in Sufferings, said to the Jews, Destroy this Temple, (meaning the [Page 7] Temple of his Body) and after three dayes [...] will rais [...] it up; and he said to Judas, What thou dost do quickly; and he said further, I have a Baptism wherewith to be Baptized ▪ meaning his Sufferings, And how am I straitned till it be accomplished! And Paul said, He [...] not only ready to be bound, but to dye for the Name of Jesus. But it is very apparent these my Persecutors and false Accusers never found any such Spirit of Courage or Love to Truth in them, that did move them to desire to suffer such things for the L [...]rd's sake. And yet to prevent all mistake and mis-construction (that some through weakness may put on my words) I do sincerely declare, that I had no other aim or intention in such words, but to express the willingness and readiness of mind that the Lord had wrought in me by his Power, not only to suffer the Reproaches, and false Accusations of my Adversaries, but even the worst that God might permit them to inflict upon me, knowing it would turn to my Reward. &c.
As to his great Commendations of John Welsford and Thom [...] [...]ver [...]don, from his inward sence and discerning of them; These two men have sufficiently discovered themselves by their late Fruits, of falsly accusing the Innocent, and speaking Lyes in the Name of the Lord, that they deserve no such Character as H. D. in Hypocrisie hath put upon them, for proof of which I refer to the printed sheet, called, False Judgments Reprehended. And for all the great bragging and boasting of these our Opposers, of their inward discerning, God by his wonderful Providence hath given some evident Examples of it in the face of the World, how miserably they are deceived and blinded in that they call their Discerning, as first, whereas the Meeting in the Country used to be kept at an honest mans house, and this man favoured me, therefore they had a sense that he was a man of a wrong Spirit ▪ but whereas there was another that rise up in great Opposition to me, cha [...]ging me of Bl [...]phemy, because I said, God was pres [...]nt in all his Creatures ▪ and of false Doctrine, because I said, Christ was in Heaven our E [...]der Brother, and that he would appear again to judge the quick and [...] at the great Day, therefore a Company [Page 8] of them removed their Meeting to this man's house, whom they thought worthy, crying him up, as if he were no ordinary Saint, whenas at the same time a Negro Woman had his Bastard carrying about in her Womb (tho' he has a Wife of his own) and tho' some have endeavoured to cloak it, yet it appearing with more than ordinary clearness, hath caused them now again to remove the Meeting from his House. 2 dly, Another that hath lately given forth a Paper of Condemnation, as if he were some great Convert, about the very time of his pretended Conversion, was discovered to be guilty of attempting to commit S [...]domy, which he hath partly confessed. So that they have little cause to boast of their Converts, or yet of their Spirit of Discerning. And if some have left us, more have left them, and come to us, and who are Persons of more Sobriety.
4 thly, Whereas H. D. saith, It is sealed upon his heart, that the Anger of the Lord is kindled as Fire, against that Spirit of Division that hath appeared in G. K. and others.
Answ. It is but ordinary to him, and such other Hypocrites to take the Name of the Lord in vain: it were well if he was sensible of the Fire of Gods Anger, that is ready to kindle against him for his Lying▪ Hypocrisie, Enmity, and falsly accusing the Innocent, and [...]thing to justifie the Guilty: We are not divided from faithful Friends and Brethren, that are found in the Doctrine & Faith of Christ, and whose Godly Life and Practice seal to the sincerity of their Fai [...]h; but we are divided from Hypocrites, Lyars and false Accusers, and gross Vnbelievers, who deny the Lord that bought them, and Faith in him, and for so doing God is not angry with us, but well pleased, having done it in Obedience to Christs Command, who hath commanded us to be seperate from Vnbelievers, 2 Cor. 6.14.17.
5 thly, Whereas he accuseth me for [...] ▪ The Light within is not sufficient without some-what else, [...] [...]estowing in his Conscience, as well as his Associates, that by that something else I understand not humane Learning nor the Letter of the Scripture, [...] but the [...] Christ Jesus without us, in [...] [Page 9] [...] all fullness of Grace, Truth, Light and Life dwelleth, and [...] Death and Sufferings, Resurrection, Ascention & Mediation; all which are something else than the measure of Grace and Light in us: In this Accusation H. D. falleth in with J. Delavall, and my Answer to the one will serve sufficiently to the other. And tho' H. D seemeth to assent and declare, That the Grace of God, which is sufficient, is the Effect of the Death and Sufferings of Christ Jesus, yet either like a gross Hypocrite, or most ignorant and inconsiderate Person (not to use Sam. Jening's phrase of Ignorant, Non-se [...]si [...]al, Puppy) he doth most palpably contradict his present Assertion; for if the Grace of God within us, be the Effect of Christs Death and Sufferings, then we are not saved only by the Grace within, but by th [...] Death & Sufferings, Resurrection, and Mediation of Christ without us, seeing the Cause of a Cause is the Cause of the thing caused, or effect. Beside, the Death & Sufferings of Christ, & his most perfect Obedience unto Death, and sheding of his most precious B [...]ood without us, was not only necessary to procure the inward Grace of God to us, but also to make a Propitiation for our sins, & reconcile us unto God, and so was needful to our Salvation, as the great Attonement and Sacrif [...]ce of Expiation, as well as the procuring Cause of his Grace in us. But since he chargeth me with an Error for holding, That the Grace or Light within is not sufficient without something else; then seeing nothing can be an Error, but because it is opposite to some Truth, that which it is opposite to, is, Tha [...] the Light within is sufficient without any or everything else ▪ & and if so, then he excludes wholly the Man Christ Jesus from having any part in our Salvation.
6 thly, As to the Testimonies he citeth out of [...] Apology, they are of the same nature with what J. [...] hath formerly cited in his Pap [...]rs; to which I have answered an [...] [...]efer to the same in print, where I show that R. B. no where [...], in all his Apology, That the Light or Grace [...]ithin [...] without the Man Christ Jesus without [...] for us on Earth, and his present Mediation and Intercession [Page 10] for us in Heaven. All that can be gathered from R. B's wo [...]ds [...] of his Books, is, 1st. That the express distinct outward and historical Knowledge and Faith of Christ is not necessary to Salvation, where it is not preached nor revealed, and I say the same, 2dly, That m [...] may be saved, and many have been saved, who have not heard Christ outwardly preached to them, nor never heard or read the ou [...]ward Testimony of the Scriptures concerning him: 3dly, That a good Work of God may be begun in men, that is of a tendency to Salvation, and a Salvation begun, in a general sence and respect, without [...] Knowledge and Faith of Christs Death and Sufferings, which I also grant, and have all along granted; and therefore neither H▪ Derborough, J. Delavall, nor any other have proved me (and I believe never can prove me) to contradict either Rob. Barclay's Books, or any of my own Books; and it is great deceit in this H. D. only in general to cite my Book of Vniversal Grace, without mentioning the words of my Book. And it is worth noticing, that he exactly followeth J. Delavall, not bringing one place of Scripture where-withal to prove me in an Error, but only some Citations out of R. B. perverted and falsly applyed by him. And it is another piece either of gross Hypocrisie and Deceit, or bold and impudent Rashness in him to say, That R. Barclay doth not say the Express Knowledge of Christ, who as Man dyed for the sins of the World; for tho' he doth not say it in one place, yet he hath it in another, as pag. 86. of his Latine Apology, truly thus Englished, The History is profitable and comfortable, joyned with the Mystery, but not without it; but the Mystery is and can profit without the explicit (or express) knowledge of the History, and I still affirm the same.
7 thly, He grosly & most impudently belyeth me in his Paper, That in my printed Treatise, called, Truth and Innocency, &c. pag. 16. the Light within is so str [...]ck a [...], as if it were a very insufficient thing. Nor is he less injurious in belying me, as if I did hold that the Light within was sufficient to begin a good Wor [...], [...] not sufficient to perfect [...]; Which is his gross abuse, but not my Assertion▪ for I never so said, but either in his Ignorance o [...] [Page 11] Hypocrisie he doth not distinguish betwixt the several Measure and Ministrations of the Light within; for this I have said, and still say, 1 st▪ No measure of Light can save any man, either to begin or finish his Salvation, without the Man Christ Jesus, and his Death and Sufferings, and Resurrection, and Intercession for us in Heaven, without us: 2 dly, The Light is sufficient in the first and succeeding Measures of it, both to begin and finish the Wo [...]k of mens Salvation, but yet not the first Ministration or Operation of it; and though the Ministrations be divers, yet the Light it self, in its Nature, is but one, and is abundantly in it self sufficient, both to begin and to finish the Work of mens Salvation, but not without the Man Christ Jesus.
8 thly, That the Faith of Christ, as he dyed for the sins of men▪ is universally necessary to finish and perfect the work of mens Eternal Salvation, doth no wise derogate from the sufficiency of the Light because the Light is as sufficient to work the Faith and Knowledge of Christ without men, as within them, when it pleaseth God so to order it. And as for the Example brought by Rob. Barclay in his Apology, and also by me in my Answer to R. Gorden, it must not be too far stretched, for commonly all similitudes fall short in some part; for though a Medicine may cure a mans Body, tho' he hath no Knowledge of it, what it is, yet the Light and Grace of Christ cannot cure the Soul perfectly without all Knowledge of it, and Faith in it, otherwise it might be said, That men may be saved without all Knowledge of God and Christ within, as well as without; but the same Reason that maketh the Knowledge and Faith of Christ within needful to perfect the Work of mens Salvation▪ doth also make the Knowledge of him without them necessary in some measure to perfect the Work of their Salvation, seeing the on [...] cannot sufficiently be known without the oth [...]r, and the Scripture laveth equal necessity and weight on bo [...]h, see Rom 10 8▪9 Joh 17.3. Isa 53.11. A [...]ts 10. [...]3. Acts 11.14. Rom. 3 [...] 2 [...], 25. Gal. [...]. [...]6. And [...] [Page] [...] Damage by Adam's Fall who never heard of [...] and know not that Adam sinned by eating of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, yet none are finally lost or condemned for [...]dam's sin, but for their own Sin of Impenitency and Unbelief, which they either do, or may know▪ and consequently no [...]e [...] finally and perfectly saved, but who have some Knowledge and [...]aith of Christ, their Saviour, even the Man Christ Jesus by the Faith of whom they receive the Forgiveness of their sins, according to Acts 13.38, 39. Cap. 4.10, 11, 12. Luke 1.77. cap. 24.46, 47.