A Christian Epistle TO FRIENDS In General Of weighty Concern, for their present and future Peace and Safety from the Soul's Adversary's subtil Devices and Snares of DEATH.
To be carefully Communicated to the Children of Light, & Professors thereof every where.
Being faithfully given forth, and Recommended from the Spirit of Christ; By his Servant, George Whitehead.
Watch and Pray—Praying alwayes—
With all Prayer and Supplication in the Spirit—And watching thereunto with all Perseverance.
Printed and Sold by William Bradford at Philadelphia, 1691.
A Christian Epistle to Friends in General, &c.
IN a real and deep sence of my Heavenly Fathers Love and tender Mercy, revealed through his most dear Son, our ever blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, which I am (with many more) livingly made a partaker of, doth my Life and Spirit very dearly and tenderly salute you, as truly and most heartily wishing and praying, that divine Grace, Mercy and Peace, with all Spiritual Blessings and Divine Favours in Christ Jesus, may be encreased and multiplyed among you, and unto you, to your great Consolation, Peace and Prosperity in the Love of God.
Dear Friends, I finding for some time of late a living and holy constraint and pressure of Spirit to communicate some things of weight and concern unto you, respecting your Safety, Peace and Prosperity in the blessed unchangeable Truth, am opened and encouraged by the precious Life and Spirit of our God, to be clear and free therein towards you all, and that in discharge of my tender Conscience in the sight and presence of the God of my Life, whom I serve with my Spirit in the Gospel of his dear Son, as I have sincerely done from my Youth upward, blessed be his pure Name forever. And having had these many Years experience in the weighty Servce of the Lord our God, through manifold Exercises, Burthens, Spiritual Travels and Oppositions, I may not hide my Talent, nor conceal those things my Lord and Master requires me to divulge for the Safety and Good of his People in their several Conditions, States and Attainment, as ha [...]ing long and truly seen the goodness of the Lord in the Land of the Living, and the good and blessed Estate of his chosen and faithful Ones; for which I praise the Name of the [Page 4] Lord [...] Redemer, in whom I have believed, through his divine Goodness, never to be forgotten by any of us; as a [...] bei [...]g [...] ignorant of, or unacquainted with the many Wiles, various Workings and Depths of Satan, the great Adversary of mans Felicity, and of the Peace of God [...]s People, who worketh upon the divers Inclinations, mutable Affections, Wills, Weaknesses and Infirmities of the Sons of Men, to deceive, pervert, deprave and corrupt them, that they may the more eeasily be led captive by him at his Will, in their following their own unsubjected Wills and Spirits. You therefore (my dear Friends) who have livingly felt, and tasted of the Lord's Power and Goodness, and known his Work in your Hearts, in order to your Deliverance and Redemption out of the Evil World, and the Corruptions thereof, prize his tender Mercies and Goodness, and forget them not: Let the holy fear of the Lord God be your Treasure and true Wisdom, and Understanding, the Stability of your times in Righteousness: Let your sincere Love to the pure Name and Truth of the Lord, and one unto another be continued in that unchangeable Truth and Power of an Endless Life, whereunto the Lord hath called us; and I pray God increase your Love and Zeal for his Glorious Name and Christian Tenderness, and Brotherly Affection one towards another, that Life for evermore may be your Blessing and Portion, as it will be to all them who dwell in Amity, true Love, & Unity of Spirit in our Lord Jesus Christ, which is a most joyful, comfortable and blessed state, which too many Professors of Truth are short of, for want of keeping near to the Lord, in his holy fear & Love of his blessed Name and Truth, whose negligence and unfaithfulness to Truth in themselves hath caused a decay of Love, & want of Charity towards others; and then instead of humbly waiting & depending upon the Lord, some have exalted themselves in a Self-will, Self-conceit & Affection to preheminence in Judgment over others, until thereby Divisions and Self-separations have been caused and stirred up by them, to the great grief of the Spirits of the upright, who have kept their Integrity to the Lord, his Truth and People. And this Self-Exaltation, slighting and contemning others, have been, and are the great Evils, Snares and Engines wherewith the Adversary catches [...] that never were [Page 5] throughly subjected into true Humility, Mortification, true Self-denial, or dying with Christ; such, though under Profession of [...]uth, may make a great shew and flourish for a time in outward appearance, Leaves and Blossoms, yet they bring not forth Fruit unto perfection, or ripeness in Christ. Therefore beware of Self-exaltation, beware of an Earthly Spirit entring, beware of Covetousness, which is Idolatry: Let not the Earth interpose betwixt any of your Souls, and the brightness of that divine Glory which has appeared even in our Day and Times.
Spiritual Gifts may be lost, or fallen short of, if the Fountain of them, the holy Spirit of Life it self, be not diligently minded & followed; and where Love towards God and his Truth decays in any, their love towards his Servants and People grows cold, and then their Gifts decrease and dye, as the Life of them is with-drawn or departed from, or that L [...]ve lost which is the more excellent way; for If I want Charity (or Love) I am nothing. What Gifts, Openings, Discoveries, Visions, Revelations, Wisdom, Knowledge or Understanding soever any have, yet still 'tis the heavenly Root must bear them, they must keep low their Minds and Spirits to that from whence Life and Love springs, or else they fail, wither, dye and become empty, uncharitable and hard-hearted; and there the Enemy has his Evil Ends upon them, in betraying them, and corrupting their minds [...] the Truth, from Life, from Love, from the Innocency [...] Simplicity which is in Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life; and there's a danger in being too early and forward to censure and judge others, and in judging, censuring and undervaluing others Gifts, Ministry and Labours whom God hath called into his Work and Service; for some thereby may either lose their own Gifts, Life and Strength, or fall short of those heavenly Gifts, which otherwi [...]e they might attain to, if they kept low and tender in Humility, & Society with their Brethren, whereby they might also be serviceable with them: For I have seen in my time some who never passed through Judgment in themselves, yet very censorious, judging, detracting and whispering against their Brethren, slighting them, their Ministry and Labours▪ who themselves have greatly lost by it; & God in displeasure hath suffered them to discover their own weakness [Page 6] and nakedness, for their own abasement under the righteous Judgment of Truth. And 'tis evident from this kind of exalted censorious, whispering and envious Spirit (which worketh not for Love and Vnion) have proceeded the several Divisions, Schisms and Seperations which have happened, to the great trouble of the Chur [...]h of Christ in our days, as in the Primitive Christians days; And the several sorts of Apostates & Backsliders from Truth, shew what, and what kind and manner of Spirit they went and go out in, by their Works and Fruits, whether in a Spirit of Pride and Ambition, in a Spirit of Envy and Hypocrisie, in a scornful contemning Spirit, in a covetous earthly Spirit, in a loose prophane Spirit or in a drunken debauched Spirit of Ranterism and fleshly Liberty, which come all from one evil Root and Seed, according to the various corrupt Inclinations and Wills of Men, upon which the Enemy works and appears with Baits and Temptations suitable thereunto, that he may prevail the more. And 'tis certain, that the envious Apostates, and wilful Adversaries were the most troublesome to the Primitive Churches of Christ and his holy Apostles in their day, and so in ours. Therefore blessed and truly happy are they that keep their Habitations in the Truth and love of God, and live in Christian Love and Charity one towards another; for such walk in the Light, where there's no occasion of stumbling, or scandal. And as 'twas Evidence unto the Primitive Christians, that they were passed from Death to Life, because they loved the Brethren, and that they had purified their Souls through their Obedience of the holy Spi [...]it unto unfeigned Love of the Brethren, Even so now the same Evidence & Testimony remains and lives in and for all them that dwell in the Love of God one towards anothers: For all Envy, Prejudice, Back-bitings, Whisperings, Tale-carrying, Lying, Heats, Passions, Provocations, Reviling, Railing, Clamours, Scorn, Contempt, Ill Language, Flattery & Hypocrisie, are to be utterly put away, avoided, judged, condemned, and forever excluded the Camp of God, for they proceed from the false and degenerate [...], evil Seed and Spirit, and not from the true Seed [...] is Innocent, and hurts no body by Word or Action, in Person, Name, Reputation or Property, for that's tender in [...] these things: For false Reports, Whisprings, Back-biti [...] and Tale-carrying cause Strife [Page 7] and Division, and are condemned by the Law of God and Light of Christ, and expresly forbidden by God hims [...]lfe, [...] not be as one that carries Tales up and down among my People: Thou shalt not receive a false Tale, nor raise a false Report against the Lord's People, nor do his Prophets or Servants any harm. And all who profess the Truth, or make mention of the Name of the Lord among us, ought to watch over their own Spirits, Wills and Passions, and have a care of hurting one another, or crushing any tender Spirit or Plant, or stopping or quenchig any Spirituaal Gift or Testimony God has given, how little or low soever it may be, or seem; for some or a tender Spirit are sooner hurt and wounded, than healed. All keep in Christian Humility, Meekness, Patience, Gentleness, and Tender heartedness one towards another. And Elders and Overseers in the Churches of Christ must be Examples of Believers, both in Humility, Meekness, Patience and Condescention, as Christian Patterns; and not self-willed, nor soon angry, nor given to Passion, Striving, Heats or Contention: Such Christian Examples and Behaviour in the House and Church of the living God, tends greatly to keep out and prevent Contentions, and contentious Spirits, and to the comfort and encouragement of the upright-hearted, who are willing to serve the Lord, his Truth and people.
My dear Friends, the Lord our God has been good to us, a tender Father through all our Trials, Sufferings and Exercises, in upholding us by his free Spirit, accompanying us with his presence, comforting us in our Afflictions, with his renewed Mercies and multiplied Favours, in preserving us a living people to his praise until this day, and affording us this present Liberty we have of late enjoyed, and do pertake of the benefit and advantage thereof, in our publick, peaceable and Religious Assemblies, for the Exaltation of the glorious Name, holy Truth, and divine Power of the Lord our God. Wherefore we have great cause to prize his tender Mercies and Goodness to us, and walk humbly under the sence thereof, that a right use and improvement may be made of all the Mercies and Priviledges we do enjoy, and such a good use of the present Liberty, as that none grow careless or negligent, indifferent or luke-warm [Page 8] because thereof, nor any to sit down at ease in the Flesh, or in the Earth, and therein promise themselves security from further Sufferings or Tryals, because of the late present enjoyment of liberty and ease from Persecution: This is on good use of the present Mercy, nor safe Conclusion, for God has many ways to try his people, and National Calamities and Distresses (whereof his own people sometimes partake) are not at an end, nor the Judgments (incurred by Iniquity) tur [...]ed away, because of the continued Provocations, Wickedness, Rebe [...]ions against God, their Abominations, Pride, Hypocrisies, Deceits, Falshood and Presumption abounding in this and other profess [...]ng Nations against the great and righteous God, the Judge of all, who is so long sparing and forbearing, as he is to [...] Nation, meerly for his small Remnant and Seed's sake, which is already gathered, and to be gathered.
Yet the great God will distress Nations, and cause the Earth to tremble before him, and Overturnings and Desolations in the Earth before Calamities are ended, or Christ's peaceable Kingdom be set up more generally in the Earth, or where as yet it is opposed and resisted· For the cause why Wars, Desolations, and the devouring Sword are already in great Judgment entred so many Nations and Countries, is because of the Crying Sins, Great Provocations, Persecutions and Cruelties in the dark Places of the Earth.
And dear Friends, Brethren and Sisters, whom I truly love in the Lord, who retain your Integrity and Love in the blessed unchangeable Truth, you cannot be unsensible how that the Lords Harvest is great, and what need of faithful Labourers there now is, an effectual Door being open in this time of Liberty, the Lord in Mercy has granted for the good of many poor Souls, that they may come and receive the Truth in the love of it; and that they who have been or are of a fearful Heart, may receive strength, and know the Lord to be their Saviour and Redeemer, in this his Evangelical Day, and free and blessed opportunity he has afforded. And yet though this Harvest be great, the diligent and faithful Labourers are but few now raised up in Comparison of the greatness of the Harvest, and necessity of the Work, many of our antient Brethren, and faithful [Page 9] fellow-Labourers and Helpers in Christ, being taken away, and gone to their everlasting Rest, having faithfully served out their Day and Generation, fulfilled and finished their Testimony with Joy and Peace, and obtained a Crown of Glory, that shall never fade away.
And this very matter has been often seriously upon my Thoughts, and weighty Considerations, What should be the Cause or Reason why so few faithful Labourers, and clear Gospel Ministers have been of late raised up, or now brought forth? (tho' some be in a good lively Testimony, blessed be the Lord) and it clearly appears to me; First, That few are given up in their Spirits for this weighty Service (as we were in the beginning) who are in some measure gifted and qualified.
2 dly, Few sincerely seek the Lord, or have waited upon him with fervent Desires, Prayer and Supplication, that they may be gi [...]t [...]d, indued and qualified with Power, Wisdom, Faith, Patience, &c. for the Work of the Ministry of Christ Jesus; whereas if any man want Wisdom, he should ask it of God, and he shall not miss of a gracious Answer, to the desire of his Soul, who sin [...]rely asks, seeks and knocks at Wisdoms Gate. Whatsoever ye ask in my Name (saith Christ) believe that ye shall receive it, and it shall be given you. You know Solomon's Request to the Lord, for an understanding Heart, to discern Judgment, his choice of Wisdom, rather than Riches, or long Life, how it pleased God, 1 Kings 3.10.
Thirdly, Very few have their Minds and Spirits really and inwardly exercised in frequent Prayer, and daily Supplication to God, or in heavenly Meditation, or Spiritual Contemplation in Gods pure and spiritual Laws, Wayes, Judgments and Works, or in holy Scriptures, by the holy Spirit, which opens them, but too many have their Minds, Hearts and Affections taken up with these fading Objects, and Things below, minding Earthly Things, or over-charged with the love of Riches, Cares and Cumbers of this Life, to compass the Earth, wherein many a good Talent has been hid, and poor Soul buried in Captivity: Whereas it requires an inward and serious Exercise of Spirit toward God, frequent and fervent Prayer and Supplication to him, an inward and diligent Attention upon him▪ [Page 10] who is the Giver of every good and Perfect Gift, to obtain both divine Wisdom, and a weighty living clear Evangelical Ministry. For 'tis the sanctified Hearts and Souls, who truly fear God, into whom only Wisdom en [...]ret [...], and m [...]keth them Friends of God, and Prophets. The Lord will have an inward, spiritual, sincere and zealous People. Oh! inward Watchfulness, Prayer and Supplication to Almighty God have been, and are too much neglected by many; I pray God they may seriously examine, and find out the true Causes in themselves with the Light of Christ Jesus, and bring all to the Righteous Judgment thereof.
Fourthly, If any of the Younger sort, who are in some mea [...]ure indued with spiritual Gifts and Knowledge, do let up a slight and dis-esteem in their Minds of their elder Brethren, who are experienced in the Work and Service of God, and keep not in Society or Union with them, in the spirit of Love, and of a sound Mind, but give way unto a singularity, abounding in their own sence, not keeping low and humble before the Lord, nor little in their own Eyes; such neither grow in Life, nor in divine Openings, nor increase in their Gifts, nor come to attain to a weighty clear Evangelical Ministry and Service, but rather loose dye and wither, unless they come into true Humility, Self-denyal, Reconciliation, Love and Union with their Elder faithful Brethren, who in the Love of God would tenderly help them, and not hinder them in the Work and Service of the Lord our God.
It is both a great Grief and Scandal also to see many of the Younger sort, who frequent our Meetings, and even of Friends Children also, degenerating into Pride, and height of Spirit, and Apparel, so nearly to imitate and border upon the World, as too to many do, contrary to the Gravity, Modesty, Sobriety, Plainness, Simplicity, Innocency and Humility, which Truth requires in Example, as well as in Spirit, and which Truth at first led many into, and as still it doth lead and order them that truly love and obey it: In which I pray God to settle and order his People, and that no plea nor excuse may be made to maintain Pride, Va [...]ity or Immodesty in Apparel, which only gratifies vain airy Minds and Spirits, and the Lust of the carnal [Page 11] Eve, and grieves the Tender, a [...]d gives occasion of Reproach and [...] to them that are without, and to such as are soberly and religiously inclined. Oh! 'tis precious to keep low and humble before the Lord, and to walk as living Examples of Christian [...]umility; A Lowly Mind i [...] content with low things, and loves Plainness And this is observeable, that if never so much be truly and sincerely preached in Publick against Pride and Vanity in Apparel, &c. if it be indulged or connived at at home in Children or Young Persons, by Parents, Guardians or Overseers, all Preaching, Instruction and Warning proves to them but as Water spilt upon the Ground, and takes no Impression, whilst through such Encouragement & Indulgence at home, they imbrace a spirit of Pride and Irreverence towards God, and disregard to his Truth and People; and tho' some Formality, and something of the form of Truth they may have by outward Education, tis not by the Work of Regeneration, for 'tis but few in comparison, that really come in at T [...]at Door; and therefore I have had often a godly fear upon me of the springing up of degenerate Plants amongst us, and a degenerate Generation to the Dishonour of Truth, and our holy Profession, after our dayes. And its they who are inclining and getting into the Spirit of the World, and Liberty out of the Truth, who live not in Humility, nor in the fear of God, that give secret strength to an Apostate Turbulent Spirit, which has been the Churches Exercise of late Years, and that are mo [...]t easily catched with that Apostate Spirit, and feigned Words of the Instruments thereof, whose Work is to sow Discord, and make Divisions, Schisms and Seperations (which are F [...]ui [...]s of the Flesh) for if all had been faithful to the Light, and kept in Humility and Love of Truth, and one ano [...]her, [...]here had been no Enmity one towards another, nor smiting of fe [...]low Servants, but the fear of God wou [...]d have preserved them out of those Snares of Death, which that Spirit of Discord leads into. Howbeit, I am well satisfied i [...] the Lord, that he will never suffer a general o [...] final Apostacy or Degeneration; the Brightness of our Day, and Glory of our Sun of Righteousness shall never be extinguished: Although too many, through the Adversary's subtilty and Temptations, together with their own carnal and corrupt Inclinations, are apt [Page 12] to degenerate, and their Minds to be exalted and alienated from the the Fear of God, from the Cross of Christ, from Humility and Lowliness of Mind, from True and Conscientious Tenderness, from Love to the Brethren, from Innocency, Plainness, and Simplicity that's in Christ, both in their Spirits, Language and Habits, who therefore ought to be faithfully admonished, and tenderly instructed, by which means (together with a meek and gentle Behaviour) many have been gained, and many may yet be recovered out of the Snares of Satan, who have been taken Captive at Unawares; Having Compassion of some, making a Difference, has often reached the tender part in them; and in relation to others more deeply prejudiced, I remember a cautious Saying of an Antient and Faithful Brother deceased, viz. Where we cannot make them Better, we must take heed we do not make them Worse. The Lord keep his People in his holy Fear, watchful and humble before him, in true Love and tender Heartedness, that they may receive Wisdom from him to behave themselves, and to minister suitable to all Conditions.
And all Dear and Tenderly Beloved Friends, with all who are effectually convinced of Gods holy Truth and Name, and do profess the same: In the holy Fear of God, in his Light Watch and Pray constantly (without fainting) against your Souls subtil Adversary, in all his Attempts, to beget into Self-exaltation and Prejudice, to smite fellow-Servants, and cause Divisions or Offences; for that's the Enemy's Work.
And Friends, have not the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ with respect of Persons: This was Antient and Christian Counsel. So let not the Rich and High contemn the Low and Mean; let not uncertain Riches puff any up, or exalt them above their Brethren: Nor any Brother of high Degree (in Earthly Enjoyments) slight or contemn their Brethren of low Degree; some sincere hearted and serviceable Friends and Brethren have enjoyed plenty of the World's Goods, and yet through Losses, Sufferings, Disappointments, or other's Unjust Dealings by them, are brought low in the World, and they were esteemed when in Prosperity. It would be very Unchristian and Sinful, to slight or dis-esteem them in their Adversity, [Page 13] which is their Tryal: The Poor of this World, who are rich in Faith, whom God hath chosen, are near unto him, their Faith is the more tryed by their Poverty and Lownes; and how soon That may be the Tryal of many that are Rich, they know not; therefore 'tis very unsafe for any to trust in Vncertain Riches, or to be exalted or lifted up because of them, but rather humbly to depend upon the living God, and trust in him, and love and esteem their Brethren in Truth, how mean and low soever in this World, knowing that with God there is no Respect of Persons, nor with them that truly bear his Image.
And pray, Friends, keep out all Disputes and Controversies which some busie Spirits in the World are incident unto, as about outward Revolutions, Governments, State-Affairs, and Kingdoms of this World: Let not their Divisions divide you, nor their Strife and Contentions about the outward Court and forms of Religion, earthly Kingdoms and Crowns (that will fade) influence any among you, to contend, or become Parties about them, but quietly serve and wait upon God in your Places and Stations, where he hath set you, and submissively leave all to his over-ruling Power, Wisdom and Providence, to do or suffer things to come to pass, as he pleaseth; for none may say to him, What doest thou? (Tho' Men, by men may be warned, as God shall require) and he knows what's best for his People, and will cause all things to work together for good to them that love him; his Kingdom come more and more, his blessed Will be done in Heaven and Earth, who is Judge of all, and sees all Hearts, Intents and Designs of Men throughout the whole World. And you know, that as we cannot make Flesh our Arm, nor therewith fight for one or another, Stillness and Quietness, Innocency and Good Will towards all Men, according to our Christian Principle, is therefore the best and safest State and Condition, wherein we all may approve our se [...]ves as the Lords hidden Ones, and of them that are quiet in t [...]e Land ▪ be still, and know that the Lord is God, and that he will be exalted in his Everlasting Kingdom and Dominion, over all the Kingdoms of Men: Neither let the Worlds Co [...]sions [Page 14] confound you, nor the Worlds Distractions distract you, or [...], nor the removing of Mountains in the Earth, [...] the Lords Mountain, nor the unstable Waters or tossing Waves toss you, or influence any of you, to discompose or harrey you from your peaceable Habitations, but k [...]p in your strong Hold, your Rock and Foundation, Christ Jesus, [...] any thing divert you from minding his Kingdom of Peace above all, which is not of this World, out of which mens Lusts, and the ground and occasion of Wars, and Fighting are excluded: For in Salem is his Tabernacle.
Oh! let all quietly wait upon the All-seeing Righteous Holy God, to see his good End through all, and his Righteous Determination and Decision of the Controversies amongst men: And keep in Innocency and peaceable Conversation towards all, and Inoffensively under, and towards the Civil Government, giving no real occasion of Offence, but as becomes true Christians, walk in Love and Good Will towards all, both high and low; for herein hath been, and will be our Safety and Confidence through all our Tryals, being preserved by the Power and Goodness of the Lord our God, as his Peculiar People, who is our Stay, our Rock and Refuge, blessed be his Name forever. Oh! forget not to praise the Lord for all his tender Mercies and peculiar Favours and Goodness in our Preservation until this day, knowing also, that they who sincerely and stedfastly trust in his Name and Power, shall be as Mount Sion, that shall never be removed, and that as his Servant David declared, It is better to trust in the Lord, than to put Confidence in Man: It is better to trust in the Lord than to put Confidence in Princes, Psal. 118.8, 9. I pray God keep all his People in a steady Dependence upon Him, and Confidence in Him to the End.
Finally, My tenderly beloved Friends and Brethren, having thus far cleared my Conscience in the light of God, in the living sence of his Presence and Counsel in these Matters, as [...] to several States and Dangers, I recommend all to the Faithful and true Witness in themselves, to make the particular and [...] Application, and to make every one sensible of the weight and [Page 15] lively Impressions of these and all other Christian Cautions and Warnings, proceeding from thence through any of the Servants of Christ, for the Safety and Peace of all the Lords People among us, even to the least and lowest of his Flock, and those convinced among us, who are called by his Grace to the Confession of his holy Name and Truth.
The God of Peace be with you all, and bless you, and increase Righteousness, Peace, Love and Union among his People every where, that all may be stedfast in the Truth, true and faithful in their Day and Time, to the end of their Days; Amen, Amen.