
Things to be Look'd for.

DISCOURSES On the Glorious CHARACTERS, with Conjectures on the Speedy APPROACHES of that STATE, which is Reserved for the Church of GOD in the LATTER DAYES.

Together with an Inculcation of Se [...] DUTIES, which the [...] and Approaches of that State Invite us unto

Delivered unto the ARTILLERY COMPANY of the Massachusets Colony: New England; at their ELECTION Of Officers, for the YEAR 1691.


Luke 12. 56.
How is it, that ye do not Discern this Time?

CAMBRIDGE: Printed by Samul Green, & Barth Green, [...] Nicholas Bottolph, at [...] Coffee-House, in Boston. 1691.



THE Question put by the People to the Pro­phet, wir [...] the Success and F [...]ry of a Migh­ty Conquero [...] threa [...] d them, Watchman, hat of the Night is it? Is it the E [...]s [...]ing not attended, and answered with words no: [...]ether a like these of the Apostle, [...]he Night far spent, the Day is at hand. when the [...]tlemen of the Artillery lately Commanded So they did, when they only Requested) of me. I fou [...]d I had formerly more once on like Occasions Preached and so much of Military Duties, that my Thoughts, as it were by some Compulsion. [...]ed now unto the PEACE hereafter to [...]pected; and my Second Thoughts assu [...]d that I could not readily do my Nighbours a Service, than by advising them about the come upon us and war unto us. I am not [...], tho' I am ever too unserviceable, that I have been l [...]ft in any thing to be so Dis­ [...] [...]viceable unto my [...]ntry as to deserve their [...]eg [...]r; and now I let them set, that I my self so much it Cl [...]ity with them, as, To give the Time of the Day.

C. Mather.
[Page 3]

Good NEWS in Bad TIMES.
Delivered On the 1d. of the 4 [...]. 1691. Unto the ARTILLERY COMPANY of the Massachuset-Colony, New-England.

THE words which an A [...]l from Heaven once used unto the Shepherds, [...]bold, I bring you Good News of Great Joy, are those which I may at this time Venture to use unto all the P [...]us, yea, even unto the Armed [...]art of this Auditory; I have Good News for you at this Day, wherein there is more than a little Enquiry after News; and you shall have it, from Isaiah 2. 4.

They shall Beat their Swords into Ple [...] ­sharts, and their Spears into Pruning­books; Nation shall not lift up their Sword against Nation; [...]ither shall they learn War any more.

OUR Lord Jesus Christ ha's Glorious Things to Do for His Church in the World, [Page 4] whereof [...]is a Passage in the Sermon of Pe [...], [...] hath Spoken of them, by the Mo [...]th of all His H [...]l, Prophets, [of which there is [...] pretence to Except any but Jonah, whose Book is rather an History than a Prophecy,] which have been since the world begun, Behold, One of those Holy Pro­phets, here Discoursing on the Circumstances, [...]nich the Church is ere long to arrive unto; Th [...]se are among. The Glorious things that are spo­ken of thee, O thou City of God!

It was the manner of those Holy Prophets, to pass from the mention of the dismal Tidings, or Tro [...]les which they saw Sinful mankind Threat­ned withal, to the mention of the more Com­fortable State. Reserved for the people of God, [...] the latter days. Tis from this Method of [...] [...]aking, that the warlike and woful posture of the World at this Day, and the Ar [...]our in which your selves are at this Time accou [...]ed, have caused me to treat you, with Predictions of a State apace coming on, wherein, They shall not learn War any more. And you will be so [...] from Suspecting any Design to Disarm you, then there is [...]aid before you a Text, which carries in it the Spoiling of all our Swords and Spears, that I know you will join with, me in hearty Lamentations, because I cannot add, Tois Day is this Scripture fulfilled in your Ears.

Thus our Es [...]as here, having affixed unto the Ga [...]s of the Temple, a Roll where all might Read a Delineation of the Sins and Plagues, which were then to be found upon his people, he quickly puts up another Prediction, Concern­ing the Blessings, which God will bestow upon [...] Church, in the Dayes, when the M [...]ssiah [Page 5] shall come to Judge among the Nations; and, A­men, [...]v [...]n so Come Lord Jesus! There are Va­rious Blessings, which we find here ascribed un­to The l [...]ft Dayes; that is, the Dayes which are [...] come after present long Tyrannies of Sin and Hell upon the World are Finished. One of those Blessings, is that of Peace, which con­tains all Sorts and Stores of Desireable Things in its Retinue—

To P [...]sci [...]us Ownes!

And this Peace is Elegantly Expressed unto us, by the Notion of mens Altering and Em­ploying their Weapons of War, to such Uses, as Peace affords at once Opportunities and [...]oitat [...] ­ous to; tis [...]. Men shall then have no Occa­sion for Swords and Spears; but apply them­selves to Fit [...]g rather than K [...]ssing of one a­nother. Swords and Spears have been such mischievous things, that methinks, tis a very easy Sentence that is here pass'd upon them. To be Turned into Plough shares, and into Traning books! when God [...]nj [...]ned a Sab­bath every Seventh Year to the Land of Cannon, as a Shadow of that State wherein this Peace is to the Enjoy'd. He for that Year for had much of the H [...]s [...]andry usual in it. But now He comes to Paint out that State of Peace, tis from the Tools of Hisb [...]ary, even Plough­ [...] and [...]ra [...]ing books, that he Fetches the Colours of it. It is no less the Disgrace, than the Homour of English men; that we must always have a Prophecy about us; for the Prophecies which we too s [...]ndly [...]ore upon, [...], either the C [...]ts of [...] [...] Astrol [...] or the Tales of some [...] [...], and [Page 6] our Value for them is only from a Corrupt Nature on us, which herein do's often Cast Con­tempt upon the More sure Word of Prophecy. But it is the Honour, as well as the Study, of Christ­ians, to Penetrate into those Prophecies, whereof the Inspired, and Un [...]ring Word of God, is a most faithful Be [...]st [...]r; of those Prophecies, we are advised, Blessed is be that Reads them; and that man of God who Conver [...] much with the Books which had them, was called, A man greatly [...] loved.

Tis a Prophecy from the Oracles of God, which I have now produced you; and l [...]t you should Question it, the Holy Spirit has taken the paines to Record it in the very Syllables of it, no less than Twice over for you, about the same Time that the Evangelical Isaiah prophe­sied; there was the Humble Micah lent upon the like Errands, of Heaven to the World; and if you look into the Fourth Chapter of his Pro­phecies, you'l see my Text Word for Word a­gain Repeated there. Now, I pray, what is this? if I may not say like Joseph in another Case. It is because the thing is Established by God, and God will Shortly bring it to pass.

For any to think that it is already come to pass, is altogether as Ridiculous as to say, That the Thousand Years of Satans binding, began at the Dayes of Constamine. The bare proposal of such Cruel and Absurd Interpretation, is e­nough to beget in us, a Distast of all the Schemes that they give unto us. No, tis a future State, that is here set before us. I is then a Doctrine, which, I hope, Will, I am sure, Should, find a welcome Entertainment with you.

[Page 7]


There is a Wonderful STATE of External PEACE, which the God of Heaven will make His People upon Earth, to be the Joyful partakers of.

You will give me leave to say, The people of God upon EARTH shall have this Peace; for, I pray, where else would you look to site the use of Plough shares and Pruning books?

There are three things, that here offer them­selves to be Enquired into; First, what, Se­condly, where, and Thirdly, when will be that State of Peace, which is intended for the Peo­ple of God.

1. Let us in the first place Enquire, WHAT will be that State of Peace, wherein we are told, Men shall not learn war any more?

N [...]w this we are to know, That it lyes not meerly in the Blessed Settlement and Compo­sure of Spirit, which Believers in all Ages, are the Subjects of. When our Lord Jesus went away to Heaven. He left us that Legacy, in John 14. 27. Peace I leave with you my Peace I give unto yea. Hence tis, that our Spirits are not Royled and [...] in themselves by any of those dreadful Storms that come upon the World; for, Being Justify'd by Faith, we have Peace with God. Hence tis, that our Spirits have a Disposition to Love and Serve, the [...] that are our Brethren in the World; for, [Page 8] Having Salt in our selves, we have Peace one with another. Such a Spiritual Peace, is not all that we are to be Looking for; No, the Peace promised unto us, is One by which the L [...]st Dayes are to be distinguished; whereas All Dayes have ad­mitted the Peace, No Dayes can Sp [...]il, or Quench that Peace, which Believers have in the Lord Je­sus Christ, while in the World they must have Tri­bulation.

Well then, The Peace promised unto us, is that External, as well as later [...]al, H [...]rmony, Amity, Be Unity, which the Children of men shall have in and from the future Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are to Receive these two, as most Faithful Sayings, and Worthy of all Acceptation.

First, The Lord Jesus Christ shall One Day, enjoy a Kingdom over and among the Children of men in the World; and this, after a more Visible and Glorious manner than ha's hitherto Appeared. Our Lord Jesus is a Blessed King; that is One of the High Offices to which our Messi [...]s is Ano [...]nted by his Eternal Father; and there is a three­fold Kingdom, which He ha's already the posses­sion of. He ha's a Spiritual Kingdom, wherein He do's by His-Word and Grace Rule over the Consciences of men; thus tis said in Rom. 14. 17. The Kingdom of God, is Righteousness, and Peace, and Joy. He ha's also a Providential Kingdom, wherein He Governs all the Affaires and Motions of the World, being entrusted with all the Wheels which they turn upon; thus we find in Ezek. 1. 27. He, is, The man upon the Throne. He ha's likewise at Ecclesiastical Kingdom, where­in He Appoints and Prospers the Ordinances of [Page 9] a Church State amongst us, and acts as The Head of the Church; tis possible that this may be partly intended, when we [...]ead in Act. 1 3. He spake of things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. But besides and beyond all thus, there is a Davidical Kingdom (if I may call it so) that belongs un­to our Lord Jesus Christ; A Kingdome whereof the Reign of David had not a little pr [...]sage and Shadow in it; A Kingdom, wherein His present Spiritual, and Providential, and Ecclesiasti­cal Kingdom, shall throw off all the Eclioses that are now upon it; A Kingdom whereof 'twas the Ancient Song, in Luke 1. 32,33. The Lord God will give Him the Throne of His Father David, and He shall Reign over the House of Jacob for­ever, and of His Kingdom there shall be no End. Compare Isaiah 9.7. and Jere. 13 13. and 29. 16. and 36 30. The special property of this Kingdome lyes in this; as the H [...]mane Nature is Exalted above other Natures, thus the J [...]ish Nation is Exalted above other Nations, upon this Account, That of them as Concerning the F [...]sh, C [...]ist came, who is over all, God Blessed for ever. For That and some other Causes, a Distinct Body of the Jewish Nation shall be Exalted un­to a most particular Acquaintance with our Lord Jesus Christ; Indeed at their First meeting with Jesus, He was unknown unto them, as Joseph was unto his Brethren, but at the Next Encounter, (especially if like their Countrey-man and Ex­emplar Paul, they should have a Visible Appari­tion of Him; for which, P [...]der 2 Tim. 1. 16. Zech. 12. 10. Marth. 24. 30. and Rev. 1. 7.) [...] they shall know Him: yea, then shall they be so Co [...]v [...]rten and Advanced by our Lord Jesus in [Page 10] the World, as that by their means the Earth shall be marvellously filled with Heavenly In­fluences transcending any that the By-past Ages have had Experience of. At present such is the dreadful Interest of the Divel in the World, as that he is called, in Joh. 12 31. The Prince of this World. Yet, in 2 Cor. 4. 4. The God of this World. Horrible to be spoken! But the World is a little while hence to have a New Face upon it; and in that New▪ World, the Lord Jesus Christ shall have as much Influence in the Hearts and Lives of men, as now the Divel has: Then shall there be accomplished that Word, in Psal 22. 27, 28. All the Ends of the Earth, shall Remember, and Turn unto the Lord; for the King­dom is the Lords, and He is Governour among the Na­tions. This is Reckon'd as part of our Lords Reward, for all the Shame and Pain, and [...] Humiliation, which He ha's undergone in the Lower World. He shall one Day have a Crown as Conspicuous to the World, is that Cross which here He once hung upon. The Lord Jesus Christ shall then have such a Kingdom, that the Gene­rality of Man-kind, shall yeild an Entire and Sincere Subjection to His Blessed Laws; and men shall every where Adore Him, as Their King, their Lord, their Law giver. Then shall that promise be fulfilled, in Ob [...]d. 21. The Kingdom shall be the Lord [...]; and that in Isai 24 23 The Lord shall Reign before His Ancient people Gloriously. The Divel once offered a Kingdome unto our S [...]i­our; he made use of some unknown Prospectives, partly for the Refraction of the Median, partly for the Magnifying of the Object, by which he gave unto our Lord in His Temptations, an Ocular [Page 11] View, of at least the whole Roman Empire; and he made our Lord a Tender of that Empire, in case He would Establish Divel-worship in the World: Antichrist afterwards accepted this p [...]ofer of the Divel; and became a Vicar, a Vice-roy to him, but our Lord Christ refused it; and the Issue is to be Agreeable: Anti­christ shall shortly loose his Dominion, as all men shall what they take at the Divels Hards, and on the Divels Terms; but our Lord Christ shall thereupon Receive a Dominion wherein as we are told [ [...]and we have the Word of a God for it] in Das. 7 17 The Greatness of for King­dom under the whole Heaven, shall be given to the People of the Saints of the most High, whose King­dom is an Everlasting Kingdome, and all Dominions shall serve and Obey Him. Mark, 'Tis a King­dom [under] the whole Heaven, that is pro­pounded; I know not by what Rule then, it should be Expounded, A Kingdome [in] the Toird Heaven. Breifly, Look back upon the Image that N [...]bat [...]adi [...]g a [...] had of the Four Monarchies, & you' [...] see a Two-fold State on the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. First, that Kingdom ha's the State of a small State; which l [...]es in the Homage that our Lord Jesus, ha's from a few people here and there, while the Fourth [or the Roman] [...]so­narchy is yet a live. But then that Kingdom ha's the State of a Mountain; which will be when the Glory of our Lord shall fill the whole Earth, upon the Dissip [...]tion of the last Monarchy which is adverse thereunto. Then shall we have the Answer to that Ancient Prayer, Lord, Let thy Man be Hallowed, Let thy Kingdom come, Let thy Hell be done an Earth, as it is in Heaven!

[Page 12] Secondly, When the Kingdom of our Lord Je­sus Christ Appears, [...] will Surcease, and all Peace, all Christ, Amity, and Unity will Suc­ceed in the [...]oom hereof. The Kingdom of [...], whose [...] vane, as well as his Reign, [...] [...] but a little Type of that Kingdome which belong to our Lord Jesus Christ. When you Real Psalm, 7 [...] 7 In his Dayes shall [...] Righteous Fl [...]h, and there shall be [...]und [...]ce [...] Peace, while [...] in no Moon; as well as other Bright and Sweet things in that Psalm for Solomon, you must Remember, A Greater than Solomon is here. As the Jews will then have no Mo [...], that is, no Turk, to afflict them in & with a Night of Oppression, so will the Gentiles like­wise then have, Ab [...]dance of Peace Men shall [...] then be so Contentious and Quarrel-some, [...] to D [...]light in War; ou [...] our God ha's told us in [...] 2.1 [...]. I will [...] he Bow, and the Sword, and the [...] out of the Earth; and [...] far 60 18. Violence shall no more be heard in thy Lead, Wasting nor Destruct on within thy B [...]ders; and in Isa. 66 12 Behold, I will Extend Peace to her, like a Rio [...]. Indeed, Every Description that we have of the C [...]dition reserved for the people of God, in the text Age, still gives us Notice of A Peace like a River, that is, an Interminable Peace pertaining thereunto. The Inhabitants of that World, shall not so much affect the Exploits of that Angel, that she near two hundred Thousand Persons with one horrid T [...]nder storm, as of that Angel which Visited the Pool of B [...]th [...]sds to heal and help the Inconveniencies of Mankind; there shall be no Coesars it. That World, who shall Value themselves, as the first of the Coesars did, [Page 13] that in their Time they have taken a Million Pri [...]aers, and made more than a Million C [...]rea­sis; nor shall there be any [...], to boast, that with their own Hands, they have in their Time S [...]ain two Thousand men. Those two things are Joined in the wonderful Name of our Lord Jesus, Isai. 9. 6. He is, The Father of the world to come, and. The Prince of Peace. He will see that their shall be nothing but [...] in that world which we are now upon the B [...] lets [...]f. The First Adam ha's less a World among his Children, in which there are Cai [...]s & [...] continually R [...]lling one another; but the second Adam will have no such Doings in the World that shall be called, His. We are told in Rom 13. 10. Love worketh to Ill to a Neigh­bour. But the World will then be full of that Love, which all dispose men to do one another all the Good they can, as being Subjects of One Monarch, yea, Members of one Body in the Lord Jesus Christ. They that make the Seven Ch [...]s of [...]. Lord Jesus hath signalized by His [...], to be so many Figures [...]f all [...] [...] in the World, suppose Philadelphia to be that which a [...] out the Temper of things in the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus, truly. 'Tis a [...] Estate, which People shall then be [...] [...] B [...]therly Love shall manage all that is d [...]e. A principle of Love shall gain the After lent over all that E [...]v [...] and Malice, which is now every where [...]; [...] that men shall seek One another [...], with the same I [...]grity and V [...]menty that they [...] pursue their [...]; and they [...] no [...] [...] One unto another. The [...] [Page 14] Psalm, is En [...]tuled, [...]word Hidden Things; as be­ing upon that Kingdom of [...] Lord Jesus Christ, which is called, [...] of God. Now this is One of the Hidden Things, that are then to come to pass, in Psal. 46 9. He maketh [...] to cease unto the End of the Earth. He cr [...]aks the Bar. & [...] the Spear in sunder, He burns the Chariot is Tire. And will not the Swords go with them, think you? It is a Sabbath, a Long, & a great Sabbath, which the World shall then Arrive unto; and as of old, no Fire was to [...] [...]dred on the Sabbath, small Fire, that is, all [...] is to be now Extinguished. There shall then be no Ar­mies, but Churches; and there shall be no Swords, no Spears, w [...]rn by the Saints in the Approach­ing Age. There will be no A [...]t [...]ll [...]ies but [...] ­l [...]l [...]jahs used among the Nations that shall Walk in the Light of the New Jerusalem; nor will Tactics then be the study of Ingenious men. I [...] is sore old concerning this Time, in Isai. 11 6. The wolf shall [...] [...] the Law. Which whether or no it shall, (as why may it not? Pray, ask of Calvin about it) be fulfil'd in a Natural Sense, will doubtless be fulfil'd in a Political Sense; it shall no more be said, That One man is a wolf to another; nor shall we be so much worse than B [...]itish as to devour the Creatures of our own kind any more. Even an Heathen Poet, about the Time of our Saviours Birth had some rode sore-sight of such a Peace; how, said he, we shall have a Time in which—you Miguos m [...]tuat Armerta Lious.

Now, instead of l [...]vading One another, in their Enjoyments, a Powerful Touch of God upon [Page 15] the Spirits of men in all Corners of the World, will cause them to Agree in that One [...], in Zeph. [...]. 8 9 They shall call upon His [...]. Certainly, there will be no Fighting. when men shall all have One Consent for the Service of God among them. The Pagan Historian, relates concerning the Time of our Lords First coming, That there was then, [...] Pax, a [...]t Pactio; a Peace, or at least a Truce among all the Nations; but a far greater thing of that kind will be brought about, at the Day, which from Luke 17. 22. I see cause to call, To First of the Dayes of the Son of ma [...]. This Iro [...] Age will then be out; and such [...] Things as out Swords and Spears, will [...] Survive it.

II. But then let us in the next place En­quire, WHENCE will arise that State of Peace, which will thus take away all Occasion to Learn War any more?

Tis possible that the Princip [...] Characters, which may have a Tendency to m [...]e this Happy Scare so [...]atable, may be but Suspicious Characters, in the Opinions of many among the People of God. If you will beleive such men as Justin Martyr, who flourished in the Second Century [yes, or Irenaus, the Scholar of Polycarp] It is very certain, That some things concerning the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus, were Embraced in the Primitive Times, by all the Orthodox, which were Forgotten, and perhaps Forbidden, when the Kingdom of Anti­christ came upon the Stage; nor will they be well understood and Received, until that Wicked One be further Destroy'd by the Dawn of the Day where­in [Page 16] in the S [...] of Righteousness will Rise unto them that fear His Name. I shall therefore forbear all things that may be doubtful to any one Discreet and Sober person among us; unless, as we read in Math. 24. 3. The Disciples came pri­vately to ask about, Tot End of the world. And I shall further-more forwa [...]n all Persons to beware of all such conceptions about the Kingdom of our Lord, as may Interfere with His continual I [...]sion, or any of those Glorious Designs which He is Ascended into Heaven upon; and of all such Conceptions as may carry a Sensual Aspect with them, or Provide a C [...]rinthian and M [...]bom [...] paradise [...] the Ke [...]rr [...]ction of the Just. But I shall now mention only a few U [...]qu [...]stionable Cha­racters of the State now hastening upon us; all of which will contribute unto the Peace thereof.

[...], The Peace of the Letter Da [...]es will flow from the marvellous Holiness, and Righteousness of these Dayes. The Apostle ha's [...]ly Determined it, in Jam. 4. 1. From whence co [...] [...] and B [...]anls among you? Come th [...]y not be [...]ce, Even of your Lusts? The Lusts of Cove [...]ous, Amb [...]ous, Revengful men, are those things that now [...] them together by the Ears. That French Fitchrand that ha's of late years k [...]pt a most all E [...]p: in a flame of War, had so little Modesty as to Own in One of his Declarations, Toat the Glory of Empire was the Motive of his undertakings: Truly, some such Lusts is the unhappy Original of Every War; But in the Last Dayes, every such Lust, will be Re­strained with more powerful [...] than these Our Dayes afford. We are assur'd in Z [...]ch. 11.20. [Page 17] It that Day, there shall & upon the Bridles of the H [...]ses, HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD. It seems that men shall then Consecrate all that they are, and all that they have, unto the Ser­vice of God; Every place will Swarm with such Hol [...] men as will be always performing of Obedi­ence unto God themselves, and Exciting all others to that Obedience. E [...]eki [...]ls Temple will then be built among the Nations: which T [...]mple, will be Holiness of Holinesses, that is, most Superlatively Holy. You cannot imagine that any Troops will then be Raised for the [...]ischief of m [...]kind, when the very Bridles of the Horses will be mark'd with, Holiness to the Lord. Holiness it self will then [...] be the Middle of the World. When once men are [...], they will then be, as we learn from Jam 3 17 P [...] [...]! Gentle Easy to b [...] E [...]ted f [...]ll of [...] Good Fruits without wra [...]h [...]g and without H [...]r. [...] And we are also assur'd in Isai. 60 [...]1 The [...] also shall be all Righteous. It seems they shall then be ready to yield one another, all that is Right; and nei­ther in Ex [...]i [...]s nor in Affections be prone to wrong one another. There all then be that N [...]w E [...]rth whereof both E [...]ay and Peter tell us. T [...]reit shall dwell Righteousness. Wherefore, if there should then be (though I know not there will be) any men of unpeaceable Dispositi­ons, they will not be so many or so mighty, as to break the Common Tranquillity, not will their S [...]arks find Combustible matter to seed up­on we have been advised, in Isai. 32. 17. The Work of Righteousness shall be Peace, and the Effect of Righteousness, [...] and d [...]s [...]rance for. In those [...], will God bless the World with [...] [Page 18] a plentiful and Gracious Effusion of His own [...] ­sed Spirit, as we have never hitherto seen any more, han [...] some little p [...]aelib ti [...]ns of: [ See Zech. 12. 8.] It is Predicted in l [...]e [...] 2. [...]8 I will po [...]r out my Spirit upon all Fl [...]h i [...] these Dayes. When this had a Partial Fulfilment upon a little [...] of men, in the Old Jerusalem above Sixteen Hundred year ago, What was the Effect of it? We find, in Act. 2. [...]6 They coeti [...]d Daily with [...]et Accord in the Temple, and they did Eat their Meat with Single [...]ess of Heart. But you are to Look for a further, a greater Fulfilment of this Word in the New Jerusalem; even in the Dayes that are now at hand; Blessed Spirit, That thou wouldest Rend the Heavens, and come down unto us! And when the Spirit of God ha's taken Possession of the World, you may Easily Suppose, that men will be of Out Accord, and that men will have but One Heart among them. When there shall be no Evident and Outrageous Fight­ing against the God of Heaven in the World, He will [...] then Plague us, as for That Cause He now [...], with ways among our selves. We shall [...]e the Hundred and First Psalm very [...]inently Ex­ [...]mplify'd, in the Government of our Blessed Jesus; and when all the nicked are Exterminated from the City of God, what can there be to discompose the Peace of that City?

Secondly, There is like to be Peace in the Last Dayes, because in these Dayes, the great In­ [...]endiari [...]s of the World, wi [...] be taken out of the way. As now, Tis the Divel that is the Make­ [...]ate of the World; if you would know, what is the Reason that men can't let one another be [...]i [...]t, it is in Sh [...]rt, Because the Divel is in them.

[Page 19] The Divel is that monstrous Valcas out of whose Forge our Swords and Spears were at first Educed; though we must now have them in our hands to put by his Passes at us. The same Divel that makes D [...]moniacks to tear and cut themselves, do's also cause men to Wound one another; and the same Divel that sometimes do's make Storms in the Air, do's also make Wars on the Earth. As in Rev. 12. 17. We read of, A War, of which the Dragon was the Enkindler; so there is in­deed no War, which the Dragon is not the first Au­thor and Raiser of. The Divel is a most Bloody Destroyer, and Envies unto us, all the Comfort of our Peace; hence there is rarely any Destruction, which this Angel of Death ha's not some Con­cernment in. There is no War, for the most part, which ha's not some [...]stice on one side giving Rise unto it; now it may still be said, There is the Hand of Satan there! Who was it that once Provoked the Numbring of the People? Satan did it; and it is he that Provokes the wasting of the People still; it is an unutterable Satisfaction unto Satan to receive some Thousands of poor Souls falling into his greedy hands in one Morning from one Cruel and crimson Spot of Ground! Such [...]leals do our Wars often feast the Dragon with. But in the Last Dayes, the Di­vel shall be confin'd unto a closer and a darker Dangeon, than that in which he ha's been hitherto Imprisoned. We find in Rev. 20 1, 2. Our Lord Jesus then Comes down from Heaven, having a Great Chain in his hand; and He layes bold on the Dragon, that Old Serpent, which is the Divel and Satan, and binds him: So that the Divel shall then be kept under a Shorter Chain, and the Roaring Lion shall [Page 20] not then, as he do's now, Go about seeking whom he may devour. He shall then, with his Angels, be in those more Exquisi [...]e. Everlasting Chains under Darkness, for which they are now Reserved; and it shall then be the Time of their Torment, not of their Walking, not of their C [...]ealing, not of heir Empire still. It upon Shutting up the King of Babylon, that Incessant Embroiler of man­kind in his Grave, it was said, The whole Earth is now at Rest and is Quiet, how much more will that be said, when Satan himself is thrown down into the Pit? When the God of Peace will shortly tread Satan under our Feet, we cannot but have The Peace of God.

Again, The Divels Eldest Son, that is, The Man of Sin, is the Grand B [...]ut [...]f [...]u of the Uni­verse. Tis the See of Rome that hath shed more than a Sea of Blood, by the Wars which it hath more than an Hundred times Push'd the Nations of the World upon. We see an horrible B [...]st pountray'd in Rev. 13 7 And (it is added) it was given unto him to make War with the Saints, and to overcome them. The Blessed Wolderses of old, made that Scripture their Support, when the Popish, horrid, infandous Cr [...]isades were publish­ed against them. A great part of the War in the World, is but for the Persecution of them that own the Truths and Wayes of the Lord Jesus Christ; now there ha's not for more than this Thousand years been many such Persecutions upon the Followers of the Lamb, wherein some Horn, or some Limb of that Ravenous Beast ha's not been concerned. The most of the Swords and Spears in the World, have been hammered out of those Hellish Keyes, which the Pope carries in his Hands.

[Page 21] The Terror of the Popish Arm [...]geddo [...]s, or Excom­meni [...]ations, is that which ha's driven Millions of men to such Battles, as they have perished in. But in the Last Dayes, that Son of Perdition shall [...]o into Perdition intended for him. It won't be long, before all the Corners of the Earth will ring with the Etho's of that thing in Rev. 18. 2. Au Angel, Crying mightily with a Strong Voice, Bad [...] the great is fallen, in fallen. All men will shortly Dis [...]ain and Refuse the Cup of Abo­mieations, [...]erdred by the Church of Rome; and be no more Inu [...]xicated and Infatuated with her [...]igotries. All the Orders of the Ravish Clergy shall then be Hissed out of Humane Conversation; and particularly, the Ignatian Fiery Brood, which do's Finish and complete them all, shall then be Extinct for ever. That City which now Scatters Fire-bals about the World, shall be laid wholly Desolate, by such an Horrible Tempest, as that wherein Sodom was overwhelmed of old; and in the Ashes of the Papacy will be buried most of those B [...]a [...]gles which now set more than all E [...]rope in a flame. Be sure, there shall then be no Consistery of Cardinals to give Thanks, for the M [...]ss [...]c [...]e of Toirty Thousand Protestants in France, and [...] the Butchery of-two Hundred Thousand in Ireland, as they did some years ago; nor shall there be a Popish Alva to brag, that in the space of one Six years he had Executed Eighteen Thou­sand people, by the Ordinary Minister of Justice, bes [...]les a Million other Dutcheries. Then that Monster of whom the Spirit Express; Speaks [com­pare I Tim. 4. 1. with Dan. 11. 36 37,38,39.] un­der the person of A [...]tio [...]bus, who is [...] continually G [...]ng forth with great F [...]y, to Destroy, and utterl [Page 22] to make away many, shall be come to his end and [...] shall help him. And if we have seen him strangely to miscarry in a strong and warm en­deavour, to plant (what proves no more Du­rable than) a Tib [...]rea [...]l [...], in a Country that may be called, A glorious hol Mountain Surrounded with the Seas, it will further argue his immediate Coming to his End.

Finally, Who are they that breake the Peace of the World, more than the Bad R [...]lers of it? They are the J [...]rob [...]a [...]s of the world, that cor­rupt and poison their. Subjects with such evill manners, as bring the vengeance of War upon them: and the Capritio's, and Revenges of haugh­ty Potentates do further P [...]zcipi [...]te their misera­ble people into such confusion. But in the Last Dayes, there shall be only Good men Entrusted with the Government of their Neighbour-hood. You may take it for Granted. That the Lord Jesus Christ will see, the World shall be well Ruled, when He takes the Rule of it into His own glorious Hands; we are told in Isai. 32. 1. A King shall R [...]ign is Righteousness, and Princes Rule in Judgment. Indeed, The Magistrates that shall be the Vice-ge­tents of our Lord Jesus in His Kingdom, shall Judge the World in Righteousness, and the People with Equity. Hence 'tis mentioned among the Alvan­ [...]es of the Last Dayes, in Psal 72 3. The Moun­tains shall bring Peace to the People, and the Little Hills by Righteousness. There shall then be no Mountain, or Superiour Magistrate, and no Little H [...], or Subordinate Magistrate, but what shall be a Saint of God; and Oh what Peace will the World be now Swee [...]ed with! He tell you, [Page 23] what it is that will then blunt all our Swords, and Stears; The Lord Jesus ha's promised unto the Saints, in Rev. 2. 27. They shall Rule the Na­tion: with a Rod of Iron. Those Rods of Iron, will N [...]llify our Swords and Spears for us! As yet it is a Rare Thing to [...] under a Good Govern­ment; but the Last Words of David have given us Notice, in 2 Sam. 23 [...], 5. [...] for so I read them [...] There shall be a Ruler over men, Righte­ous, Ruling in the fear of God—though as yet He made Him [...]t to Spring up. Then shall the Peace of the World be a Peace that none shall lnter­rupt. This, Thence will be the Peace of the Lat­ter Dayes. Aspice Venturo Latentur us Omni [...] S [...]l,

Ponder diligently, Isai. 1. 26. and Isai. 60. 17. and Ezek. 45. 8.

III. we shall then in the Last-pl [...] En­quire, WHEN shall men see that State of Peace, which will make it needless for them to Learn War any more?

It must be Confessed, That many famous men have mistaken in their Conjectures about the Ap­proaches of that Peacable State. But the mis­takes which they fell into, may rather Adven­tage us, than Discourage us; and prove so ma Sea-marks to prevent our Ship-wracks Nor is it any Presumption for us to make our Humble & Modest Conputation of the Times; inasmuch as the Lord Jesus Christ ha's given us a Revelation of them; wherein are Discovered some things which before His Ascension were concealed from all mankind; and whereof He hath said unto us, Let him that hath [...]i [...]do [...], count the Number.

[Page 24] Indeed while the Church had yet some Ages to ly broiling in that Sea of Ice and Fire, wherein, though they were tortur'd with a Fire of Miseries, yee cruel and heavy Flakes of Ice over their Herds made it impossible for them, to get out of those miseries, it was the mercy of God unto His peo­ple, that they did not so clearly understand, How Long: It would have broke the Hearts of them, to have Thought, How long, they were to ly under their Oppressions, and how many of their Twelve-hundred and Sixty years, yet remained for their Suffering. But according to the Order of the Angel in Rev. [...]2 10. Scal not the sayings of the Prophecy of this Book for the Time is at [...]; so, the nearer that the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus is at [...]a [...]d, the more unsealed. Unfolded, Explaned, will be the Sa [...]ings of the Prophecy. Those of you, that count it your wisdom to huff and Scoff at all Endeavours to find, what Article in the Line of Time we are upon, are very unthankful to the Lord Jesus, for the Letter which He sent unto us from Heaven a while ago, to advise us about the Times and Seasons, which had hitherto been only in the Power of the Father: And you forget that Solemn Rebuke of our Saviour to them of old, in Math. 16 3 O ye Hypocrites, can't ye Discern the Signs of the Times. The Import of the Repro [...] was this; If they had not been fast Asleep, theire Calculations might have taught them, That the Seventy Weeks or the Four hundred and Ninety years, p [...]afixed by Dani [...]l for the Appearance of the Messiah were well high Expired: but it was their Hypocrisy that made them Careless and List­less in their S [...]dies about the Times. Men pre­tend, That the Knowledge of the Times is the Pre­rogatio [...] [Page 25] of God alone; and that His Word is not plain Enough to give them Information [...] and that it is not much for our Edification to Search after the sense of His Word in such [...] and so they neglect all Enquiries after the San [...] that are yet behind, in the Glass of Time; when something else lyes at the bottom; this now to a great H [...]pecrisy!

Wherefore I shall do what is pleasing to the Lord Jesus Christ, If at this time, I make some Supposals about the Advance of the time, when War shall be Learn't no more. Supposals, I call them, because I think I should be very Modest, and Humble, no Caution is too much, in making them.

The first SUPPOSAL.

A Contrary and a Terrible Appearance of Things in the World, is no certain Sign, that our Blessed State of Peace, is far Distant from us. Though we see nothing but Swords and Spears in all hands, and nothing but Uproars, Horrours, and Slaughters, so every Country; this do's now Infallibly argue, To [...]re shall be nothing but Wars in our Dayes. It is foretold, with reference to the Dayes, wherein they shall not Learn War any more; In D [...]n 1 [...]. 1. There shall be a Time of Trouble, such as never [...] soul there was a Na­tion even to that same Time, and at that Time thy People shall be Delivered. So then, the Blacken you see the Troubles of the Age to grow, the soon­er and the [...]urer may be the Peace which [...] are hoping for. What though [...] have the knife, which it as had as a Sword or [...] S [...]tar, at [Page 26] his Throat; One Minnute may set all to rights again. Pray then, let it not s [...]ight you to be in such a Mount! The Almighty God usually chooses to make a Dismal Tragedy, wherein all men shall be overwhelmed with Desperation and Astonishment; but all on the sudden, He de­scends from the M [...]cbia of Heaven to put a New, Joyful, Pleasant Face upon it all; and as tis said in Deut. 32. [...]6. The Lord shall Judge His people, and Repent Him, for His Servants, when He sees their strength is go [...], and there is none st [...]t up or L [...]st. The unusual Agonies of War, and horrible Tumult, now in the World, may only prove that Crisis, immediately upon which we may Enter into Rest. It is a remarkable Prediction, in zech. 14. 6,7. It shall come to pass, in that Day, that the Light shall not be clear nor dark; it seems we are to see a Cloudy, Gloomy, Stormy Day; but now the Evening of this day! One would look for nothing save Thick Darkness in the Evening, if the Day had been Scarce Twilight; No, but it followes, At that Evening Time it shall be Light. well then, suppose we are now getting towards the Evening of a Woful Day; Suppose the Catholicks never to potent, and suppose the Reformed never so Feeble, all as once, in one years Time you may see a Turn, that shall make you say with Amaze­ment of Soul, O Lord, Thou d [...]st Terrible Things, which we looked not for! When a Prince not unknown unto us, had the Security to say in one of his Declarations, That there was now nothing l [...]ft which could give any future Disturbine unto his R [...]ig [...], the great God with in a few Months, brought those prodigious Hurricanes upon his Kingdoms, which the whole World is justly surprised a [...] [...] No [Page 27] Englishman do's need me to tell him, That God can in fewer Weeks undo all that men have been many years plo [...]ting and Framing of. There is nothing which doth so much Threaten to defer our Peace, as the want of Preparation for it, in the Hearts and Lives of men, and the Extreme Corruption of the World. But you Remember that all the Heathenism and Frowardness of Israel could not keep them in Egypt when once their four hundred and thirty years were out; we find, The sell same Day it came to pass; and yet a few Dayes before, neither God not man could be heard among them. When God shall give Or­der for introducing the Age of Peace into the World, He says, in J [...]el 3. 13. Put ye is the Sickle, for the Harvest is Ripe. When God seas that His Adversaries are grown Ripe in all their High-handed Abominations, and Ripe as to their being Incorrigible and Impenitent after all the means of cure upon them; Hee'l then give Peace to His unfanctifyed people, by the Destruction of those Adversaries, and make this Peace to be the mean of Sanctifying them. Not for your sakes, but for my Holy Names sake, do I this, saith the Lord God! Consider, Isai. 66. 7, 8. and Rev. 18. 8,10.

The second SUPPOSAL.

The Period of the Papacy seems to be at the Door; and our Blessed State of Peace, will then be quickly Introduced. The Peaceable Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, ha's ever now and then begun a little to show it self; it begun to Open a little in several Instances during the Primitive Times; especially at the Abolition of Pagans! [...] [Page 28] in the Dayes of the great co stantive: but still there was a Seal clap't upon it, because the Kingdom of Antichrist must first come in play, which is to a bide, as Daniel tells [...], nuil the Time come, that the Saints possess the Kingdom. Then Farewel Swords, Farewel Spears, Farewel all the Lostrum [...]s of Death! Wars are at an end. Well, There is ground for Hope that the Reign and Rage of Antichrist is within a very little while of that End, which we are all wi [...]hing there­unto. We do not want for Demonstration, That the Pope of Rome is the Antichrist: Indeed, the Word, Antichrist most properly and Exactly Sig­nifies, The Viear of Christ; if one would say in good Greek, The Vicar of Christ, no fitter Term could be used, than, that of Antichrist; so that, E [...]re Toe! the Pope unawares proclames him­self to be Antichrist, while he calls himself, The Vicar of Christ [see [...] Form of Speaking, in the Greek Tex; of Act. 13 7.] Now tis more than Once or Twice, declared unto us, That the Durati­on of the Antichrist an Empire is to be in for Twelve hundred and Sixty years. If therefore we can tell when to Regin those Twelve hundred and Sixty years, we may guess when to Conclude them without any Difficulty. And now, tis admire­ble that no m [...] Notice ha's been taken of that perspicuous Epoch. in Rev. 17. 12. The Tea Hores which thou [...]amst are T [...] Kings, which have Received no Kingdom at yet, but Receive power at Kings one Hour with the [...]st; the meaning of which is thus much; when you see Tom Soveraign Kings appearing in the Roman Empire, you may take it for granted, that the Tower of Antichrist is sai [...]ly Commenc'd. N [...]w all men know, that in [Page 29] the fourth and fifth C [...]nt [...]ry, the Barbarous Na­tion made their Violent Assaults and Inroads up­on the Roman-Empire, and more than Once they dreadfully Sack'd the City of Rome it self; these Desolations of the Roman Empire In [...]i [...]ed and Obliged Several Kingdoms in the bowels thereof to set up for themselves; of which by the year Four Hundred and Fifty Six at furthest, there was the Number of Ten Compleated. No less punctual and positive are the words of the Apostle Paul, in 2 Thes. 2 7 8. He who now [...]i [...] ­d [...]rs, will [...]i [...]der, until [...]e be taken o [...]t of the [...], [...] [...] shall that wicked are be [...]l [...]d. Com­men a [...] both Ancient and Modern generally Agree, that the Imperial and Heathenish power flourishing at Rome, was that which hundred, the Revelation of Antichrist; when therefore you see that the [...] En [...]re was broken to pieces, and that a Little Priest had opportunity to [...] himself with a mix Religion among the [...]atherous Nations, you may be sure The [...] Ou [...] was come upon the State. Hence when old J [...]on had the [...] him. That R [...]me was taken by the Go [...] [...] [...] out. He that hundred is new [...] end we co [...]sid [...]r [...]a [...]t, that Antichrist [...] at [...]! If then from thence you [...]eck [...]n Twelve hundred and Sixty years, you may see cause to thank, that whoever now Lives Twenty Five years more in the World, will see a more [...] M [...] ­sitaton befalling of Antichrist, than he has ever yet met withal.

To confirm us in this [...]count of Time, there is a [...] Harm [...] Conc [...]nce of [...], in the Pe [...]m [...]tion, an Age and half [...] [...] [Page 30] know that the Duration of Antichrist is adjusted by Time, Times, and half a Time; that is, by Three Wars and as half, which contain Twelve hundred and Sixty Dayes. Now the Time, and the Times of Antichrist seem to have been so Run our, that he seems to [...] his last Half Time as that famous Reformation; there is a Confidence of a thousand things besides, to [...]avour this Apprehension. Will then, Date the Reformation from the year Fifteen hundred and Seventeen, or ten years after, [...]f you will; the Half Time of Antichrist, you know must be about an Hundred and fourscore years; and this again makes the Business to be Reasonably and Seasonably Look'd for within a Score of years. And that which yet further fortifyes this Con­jecture is, that in Rev 14 15,18. There are two [...]eps taken for the Abolishing of Antichrist; there is first an Harvest, and then a Vintage. Out Lord [...]ad a mighty Harvest of Churches, gathered out of the Papal Empire, at the Celebrated Reforma­tion. But the Harvest leaves work for the Vit­tage, which alwaye [...] comes about a Seventh part of the year after it. Now the Seventh part of the Twelve hundred and Sixty years which Constitute the Grand year of Antichrist. is just an Hundred and-fourscore years; wherefore about so many years from the Reformation, that is, within a Score of years, tis possible we may see Popery cast into the great Wiat-press of the wrath of God. Behold, how all things Conspire to tell us con­cerning the Day of the Divine Revenges upon Antichrist, as in Zeph. 1. 14. The great Day of the Lord is near, it is near and besteth Greatly; [...] [...] Voice of the Day of the Lord; there shall [Page 31] the [...] man cry [...] I [...] not indeed [...] the very Year of [...] [...] downf [...]ll; and you also [...]now, That Rome was not built in a Day; but I am verily perswaded, A great part of this Assembly may live to see those Blowes given to the men of Si [...], that shall be more Mortal more direful Blows, then any that have yet been given him.

Tis not unlikely, that after the next fatal Blowes upon Antichrist the Perfect Peace of the Church may Require some Time for the setling of it. But yet, be of Good Cheer, It comes on apace.

The third SUPPOSAL.

There seem to be some Symptoms, upon the Turkish Empire, that speak hopefully about our Blessed State of Peace, and say. It will come quickly. There are Seven most Memorable Dis­pensations of Judgment upon the Roman Empire, which are to make way for the Peaceable Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ; and these are Exhibited unto us, under the Notion of so many Tru [...]p [...]ts, all sounding like the Cor [...]ets for Seven Dayes about Jeri [...] of old, until the fall of Rome. The Three last of these, are called, [...]-T [...]mp [...]ts, as being more woful to the Roman Empire, than the rest; and upon the last of all it is pro­clamed, The Kingdomes of this world, are become the Kingdomes of our Lord, and of His Christ; Then we shall have done with our Swords and Spears [...], Tears with Wars will all be gone: Well, you cannot but allow me, with all sensible Inter­preters, that the second [...] Trumpet is the Turkish Empire; which begun to play its [...]c [...]k [...] upon [Page 32] the Roman Empire in the Tenth and Eleventh Century, and at last between the years Fourteen and Fifteen hundred, Siez'd Constanti [...]o [...]le it self into its hands. All those Execrable Plead [...]ers whom we call, Conquerors, from the beginning of the world, have hardly shed such Rivers of Blood, as these woful Turks have done. But how long must this game hold? There seems to be a Term allotted for them, in Rev. 9. 14,15. Loose the Four Angels which are bound in the great River Eupbrates; and the four Angels were loosed, which were [...]r [...]p [...]red for an Hour, and a Day, and a Month, and a Year, to stay the Third part of men.

There were four Sultames, [...] Kingdoms of Turks, h [...]vering about the River E [...]hrates; until they all united in the one [...] family, under which, by the Year Thirteen hundred, they were making themselves a formidable [...] to the Roman Empire, New cast up, an Hour, a little space for preparation; a Day, that is one year; a Month, which is Thirty years; and a Year; which comes to Three Hundred and sixty five or per­haps, but Sixty [...] years; according to the Pro­phetical Cyphe [...] of Dayes for Years; and one would Suspect, that within less than Seven Years from this Time, the Turk should be under such Humiliations, as might obstruct his ever giving Europe Trouble any more. If we should shortly hear of a general Peace or Trace with him, it would add unto our Probabilities. Tis also a matter of some Reflection that the Number Four is Mystical in the Mahometan Religion, as the Number Seven was in the Jewish; almost all con­siderable things, have been terminated in Four a­mong the Turks; and it is moreover frequent [Page 33] for Empires to finish in the same Name that they began withal. This had further blown up the hopes of some, when they lately saw one having the Name of [...]ain [...]t and the Fourth of that Name too, upon the Turkish Throne that the Mahomen [...] Empire must be near its end. But let this Fancy pass only for one Little pit in the Foundation, upon which we would build our Progros [...]ica [...]. [...] upon the Second we passing away; though who can tell what the late Convulsions which deposed that Grand S [...]io [...] may work unto? And then what followes [...] Tis added, Behold, the Third we comes quickly! Now that we will be Peace to the People of God; this Trumpet will blow at length all wars out of the World. It may not be unpleasant for those of you, that have Guns in your hands this Day, to Remark, what Note the Scripture here sets upon the first life of Guns. When the Arms of the Turks are here des­cribing, tis said, Out of their Mouths issued Fire and smoke and Brimstone; it refers to Gun Powder which was Invented not long before the Taking of Constanti [...]le, whereof a most Extraordinary use was made of it. But when the Turks are once marched off, we shall Quickly see those things that will cause us to beat our Guns, as well as the Swords and Spears about us, into things of another Shape. It may over a h [...]m us with Admiration, to Look upon the Vast Sects [...] [...] among the Ma [...]s, who give [...] the Principal Articles of [...] that a step [...] further, [...] than [...] [...] particularly [Page 34] Considerable, That multitudes of People among the Turks, are lately come to hold, To [...]t [...] is God, and the Redeemer of the World; Yea, to hold this Doctrine with so much Resolution, as to choose Mart [...]rdo [...]e rather than to quit it. These are called among them. The good f [...]llow­ers of the Messiah; and the more learned and civil of the Turks do [...]ow so much fall in with these Chap M [...]ssahites (as they style [...]) that when they would commend a Person, they put that Name, upon him. Behold yet another Prog [...]oster of dying Ma [...]metanism! Should the Interest of Christianity prevail a little further there, who can tell what Events would come quickly thereupon!

The last SUPPOSAL.

Finally, [...] is there to stay for? Have we not seen already Fulfill'd, Moses if not All of those-things, which are to proceed the Happy State of Peace, that is to come?

In general, Tis both the Moses and by Peter, with a Sufficient plainness intimated, That the Six Dayes wherein the World was making, were a Type of the Six thousand years, after which the Church is to enjoy a Blessed Sabbatism. Our Lord, ha's told us, that these Dayes, or Years of Trib [...]lati [...] shall be shortened for the sake of the Elect; and the more particular Prophecies and Oracles of the Bible, seem to have curtail'd that long line of later-Sabbatical Time. some Hundreds of years. we then, that have good cause to count our selves gotten at least Five Thousand, Six Hundred and Seventy Eight Yearsforward [...] [Page 35] upon that Li [...]e, may surely Lift up our Heads!

But that which adds to our Satisfaction is, The Dispatch that his been made of those things that are to make way, for the Kingdom of our Lord. We have a Line of Time, in the Revelat­ion, drawn from the Resurrection of our Lord, unto that Kingdom, wherein He will give Peace unto us; and a full Commentary upon what had been said by Daniel about the Fourth M [...] ­ [...]rchy. First, There were Seven Seals, or stay upon that Kingdom, all of which we have seen opened, so, that the Kingdom, would have come, if there had not then been a Mack-Kingdom to get the start of it. At the opening of the First Seal. we have seen a warriour come from the East; namely, Vespasiat [and Tit [...]s] who was in the East, when proclamed Emperour; he had but a Bow, and his Horse was white; because the war in this Time did not so much affect the Em­pire; nevertheless, he conquered Judea, and Christianity was Established by the Conquest, which he made upon the Jewish Temple and worship. At the opening of the Second Seal, we have seen a Warriour, come from the West; namely, Trajas [and Adri [...]] a Native of Spait, which is in the West; he had a [...]d Horse, and a great Sword, because of the Cruel and Civil Wars is his Time; occasion'd especially by the gene­ral Revolt of the Jews, who bu [...]cheted Six hun­dred Thousand persons in the first Outrage of their Fury, and were not Subdued without the Slaughter of more than Two Million People. At the opening of the Thrid S [...]l we have seen as warriour come from the South; namely, Severns [and Alexander] who was of [...]n African, which [Page 36] in a Southern Original; he had a Black Horse, with Balances, and Orders about Cor [...] and O [...] and Wine; because of the Solemn Imperatorial Justice which then took place; for never were Publick or Private To [...]ves more Exemplarily Punished, than in those Reigns; and admirable Edicts about Corn and Wine and O, [...], were then also most Literally emitted unto the World. At the opening of the Fourth Seal, we have seen, a Warriour come from the North; namely M [...]x­imin [to A [...]lian] who was of a Turacian, which is a Northern Original; he had a Pale­Horse, with Deadly Consequents of Sword, Hanger, Death, and wild beasts, because, this Tyrant per­petrated the most Bloody Cruelties upon all Sorts of People; he was a Divel of a man, and just after him came another Tygre, who often­times would Cut the Throats of three or four thousand in a Day. The Barbarian in the East also then made Hideous havocks; there came likewise an Universal Famine; a wasting Plague raged every where for fifteen years together; at last, no less than Thirty Tyraats together, fell to shedding of Blood, through the Extent of the Empire. At the opening of the Fifth Seal. we have seen Soils under the Altar; and a most horrid Persecution, managed by Di [...]sian, and them h [...] f [...]llow'd him; a Persecution which lasted in its Heat for a years together; a Per­secution, which, for a Sec [...] [...] [...] Bloodiness, in one [...] (that of Egypt) Massacred an Hundredd and [...], four Thousand men, Per­secution in which they prevailed so far, that they set up their Tr [...]ump [...]l Pillar, with a, Superstati­ [...] [...] [...] upon them; and [...] [Page 37] whence came the AEra M [...]rtyr [...], so famous in the Church of God. At the last, we have seen the opening of the Sixth Seal, which produced the fall of Paganism in the days of Constantine; to the days of T [...]dosi [...]. Here was an Earth-quake that chang'd the face of all Aff [...]vr [...]; here the Devil, and the Religion, & [...]his Priests, were Eclipsed, and fell to the Ground; [...]here were the Temples and Idols of Heathenis [...]m [...] vid o [...] of their places; here could one have seen the Invisible Empire of the De [...]s, one might have behold all the [...]ights of the terrible, Conster­nation. In a word, here was a Tipe of what is to be in the Fall of Popery, at the coming of our Lord, in the Seventh Seal, we should have now seen the Peacable Kingdom of our Blessed Jesus, offer so many confounding Judgments, upon the Adver [...]ries of that Kingdome; but the Servants of God in the New Jerusalem had still a Seal upon them. The Christian Emperours afforded a Disguize for the Antichrist which was now to Rise and when the City of Rome had been more than Twelve hun­dred years computing, As [...] Candita, now the Empire breaking into Ten Kingdoms, that a­bominable City continues another like [...] un­der another Lord. Antichrist was Conce [...]d as early as Twenty five years after the A [...]ce [...]sion of our Lord; the Apostles give Notice of him [...]; and there was the Ro [...]t of his Number; and, by the way, tis all wonder, to sea how that Number is every where Sacred in the Church of [...] Antichrist was c [...]n [...]leated about Six hundred and Sixty years after th [...], when I­mage, worship was pressed by this wicked [...] ­nezar, with the Raine of such I [...] [...] Em­perours as refused i [...]. But between in it T [...]s, [Page 38] we might see Antichrist Reigning in the World-at such a Ra [...]e, as that, although it ha's been an usual thing for him to Date h [...]s Writings, R [...]gnan­t [...] Christs. yet our Lord Jesus Christ is kept out of His Kingdom by his Insol [...]cies. Wherefore upon the Seventh Seal, we have S [...]ven Trumpets, all sound­ing the Alarms of the Divine vengeance against the World, for their Continued Indisp [...]sition to the Kingdom of our Lord. The Blood of the M [...]rtyrs formerly shed, and the Antichristian Superstitions [...] worship, and Impositions of Conscience, already one [...] among the Christians, loudly called for [...] Vengsance. At the First of the Trumpets, we have seen an Hall-storm of Bloody [...] Inva­ding the Roman Empire, until [...] [...] and [...]ackd the City of Rome it self; they Rush'd on suddenly, & every where carried Blood and Fire with them. These Invasions fell upon the It [...] Division, which was O [...] T [...]d of the Prefectors [...]hat the Empire had been divided into. And it is a little Surprizing, that the Gothick Troubles both began and ended, with a Natural [...], which [...] tell [...]s, was the Astonishment of the World. At the Second of the Trumpets, we have seen a great Inundation of the Ba [...]tions upon the Transalsiet parts of the Roman Empire, until the where Prefecture of God, another Tured of that Empire. [...] the hands of the Invaders, There, was a whole Mountain cast into a [...] of Blood; There the Empire [...] lost is possession and Authority. At the Third of the Trumpets, we have seen the Principal Upholder, and as it were, the Star and [...]im [...], of the Roman Empire [...]lling; upon which, he Barbarians though they less off [...] yet they kept the Roman [...] cut, [...] [Page 39] at most bitter Servitude; all was Wormwood that they liv'd upon. The fall of the Bishop of E [...]e, into a Carnal and Earthly Tempet, was also [...] at this Time. Gr [...] the great, particular­ly now writes of himself. Al [...]s, I am [...]warely Advanced, but inwardly Fall [...]! Under Cod [...]r of a Bishoprick, I am sank into the world! At the Fourth if the T [...]umpets, we have seen he sun and Moon and Stars in the Roman Empire Darked; by the Ceasing of the Imperial Government in the West. It was Extinguished in the Year 455. when Gerserticas made himself Master of Rome, and Plundered [...] for Fifteen Dayes together. By this Time, Antichrist is got into this Throne; from whence Three Trumpets more will fetch him down forever. The Eastern Emperor holding a Correspondence with the Bishop of Rome, Con­tributed his w [...]m [...]st Assistance to A [...]randize and so to Antichristi [...]eize that Bishop, in hopes there­by at length to Recover his Western Empire; and the [...]reasons now committed against the King­doms of the Lord Jesus, made men Ripe for the last [...] Trumpets of His Judgments and Indigna­tion. The First of those [...] to brought plague of [...] upon the Earth; to which Perhaps, the sprit [...] of Prophecy in [...]o [...]l had a Eye many Ages before. From the [...] of [...] ig­norance and [...]laspheny now in the World. O [...] Mathome [...], a Blade Actually possessed by the Divel took Occasion with the Assistence of the a Mark, [...]ahricate a New Antichristianism, in the East, in tended for the Derision and Vexation of what was then Rising in the West. Both Jews and Greek were to undergo a particular Oppression [...] his Tyrannies, and therefore the Names [...] [Page 40] of Abiddo [...] and of Apoll [...]o [...] were put upon him. His followers, called Saracens, were Arabians, and therefore most fitly called Locusts; it asmuch a Arabia do's use to afford such Insects; and the Hebrew word Arbim, or Arpin, well enough points at Arabians, as well as it Signifies, Harpies, the Poet Virgils description of which, is here after a sort Repeated, by John, in his describing of these Arabians. These, as they had Crowns of their Heads because all the Empires that had this Day taken up the East came from them; so they had Stirgs in their Tails, inflecting and [...]susing the Ven [...] me of a False Religion where they came; and One like Pluto (whom the Pb [...]ti [...]ians call'd, S [...]rarpl, or, Prince of the L [...]c [...]sts) was a King ever them. This Eastern Mock-Antichrist shortly [...] me owner of New Rome, while Old-Rome remain'd in the hands of the Western; both of them aspire to the possession of Jerusalem, as having the promise of the Universal Monarchy; both of them agree to slav [...]st the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus; but the s [...]m [...]r [...]ave all manner of Ling [...]ing Tormen's to the latter, for diverse times Five Moncks, which uses to be the Summer Duration of the D [...]rst: especially, to that Third part of the Em­pi [...]e which was in the O [...]dent, where the Al [...]om­ [...] [...]ns of Antichristiari [...]m were obst [...]nat [...]ly com­mitted by the G [...]acian Provinces, which have [...]ot yet so Revolted from Antichrist, but that he ha's his Influences on them as well as Pretersions to them. Well, a while after ensued the Second of the Wo T [...]u [...]pets, which produced the I [...]ruptions of the Turks, the Suce [...] of the Sar [...]ce [...]s, upon the Empire. Four S [...]lt [...]n [...]s, or Kingdoms of the them, were settled about Euphrates; but at last [Page 41] uniting under one Soveraign, they have ever fince prov'd such a Plague unto the Antichristi­an World, as it ha's never seen before. They were Originally such as had none but Horsemen in their Armi [...]t, [...] E [...]ints that Vomit out Sul­phu [...]an Powder, F [...]re and Smoke, were those by which they Killed men, and shed more Blood than all that had been in the World before them. T [...]a [...]indeed, a most Allusive thing to call them Horsemen; for they came out of Persia; and Per­se Signification Horse. Thus, in the Visions of Da­niel, the King of Gracla is called, a Goat; be­cause the Gracians were styled AEgrades, which ha's Wild Goats in the Signification it. More­over, the Turks have sometimes come into the Field with two or three hundred thousand Horse. The Angel that [...]lowes in this Trumpet seems now to be, Cl [...]gendo Ra [...]cus; the Wo seems to be P [...]ssing away. I confess, as these Wees came up­on the Cries of the Retired, Concealed, Persecuted Worshippers in the Temple of God; so the late ho [...]r [...]ble Impressions of the Turks upon the Em­pire, most be Reputed, the Revenges of God up­on the Emperour (whatever contrary Advice his Co [...]fessor may have given him) so the T [...]e [...]che­tous and Nes [...]dous Persecutions of the Pr [...]t [...], that immediately [...]receded them. If therefore, the Emperour should now at all Re [...]ew those Per­secutions, us possible the Turks may yet make [...] O [...] set more upon his Ter [...]ories, more d [...]ing than any in the so-mer Generations. But it is to be hop'd, we have seen the last!

I do again therefore say, what it there to stay for? If our S [...]a [...]e of P [...]ace must no [...] [...] [Page 42] quickly; and indeed our Lord Jesus Christ Him­self, is now in Hast for the Kingdom which He ha's been thus long waiting for. As for the Seven, Vials, that carry on the L [...]st Plagues of Antichrist, if they are all Reserved for the Seventh Trumpet, they will doubtless make a quick Work fit. But it is not impossible, That they may all be un­der the Sixth Trumpet, only that the Last being divided into those Two parts of the H [...]test and the Vintage, the second part of it, will be Contemporary with the Trumpet in the Dayes where­of The M [...]stery of God shall be Finished. In this [...]me, tis very Satisfactory to see, how the Air ha's been fill'd with Voices and Preachers that Swiftly, flew throw the Antichristian Kingdom, at the Reformation. The great City of the Latin Church, very strangely then [...]ll into Three Co [...] ­ [...]ions, namely, The L [...]theran, the Calvizi [...]t, and that which yet remained with Antichrist. Ac­cording to this Hypotlesis which is that of the Excellent J [...]rit [...]n's) the First Vial or Hour-glass, of the Plagues upon Popery, ran out, wh [...]le the See of Rome sell into that Infinite Corruption of the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries, when have made it forever Obnoxious and Contemptible. The Second Vial ran out, while the Bloody, Croi­s [...]d [...]s in the Eleven hand Twelfth Centuries, car­ried vast Throngs of Wretched Creatures, to the Shambles in the East; where three or four Years destroyed no less then diverse Millions of woful [...] ropeans. The Third Vial ran out, while the Losser Croisades that follow'd Carried smaller L [...]gions in the next Century to the like Villanous and [...] a Expeditions. There t'was proper for an Angel to cry [...]. Too [...] art Righteous, O [Page 43] Lord, for they have shed the Blood of Saints! Inas­much, as in the midst of these Cro [...]sades, the An­cient Waldenses and A [...]hige [...]ses had the most horrid But [...]arities perpetrated on them. The Fourth Vial ran our, while the P [...]p [...]l Power grew to such an Heighth, especially towards the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries, as to Scorch men [...] Fire; until the Intolerable Usurpations of it, said the Foundation of its Confusion. The Fifth Vial ran out, while the City of Rome, at the Year 1305 lost the Pope, which was the Sun of it; by the Popes Removing to A [...]igaion. This now crused the Schism of Two Popes together, like the Sun and Moon in an Eclipse; hence follow'd cruel Blood­shed's and Reproach; and the City of Rome set in Darkness for above Seventy years together. The Sixth Vial ran out, while the Turks got over, the [...]osph [...]rus which was the Second Euphrates that had been a [...] unto them; and push'd on their Victories, till Charles the Fifth made them Raise the Singe which they had Invested Vi [...] with. It was in this period, that the [...] Law, which do's consist of Three parts, was Co [...]pleated, Here the unclean Spirits Compiled the L [...]ws, Orders, Oracles of the P [...]ped [...]m, and every Cinon ends with at Ar [...]ageddes, or an [...] hems and Excom­munication, (for that is the English of it) by the Fright whereof, the Subjects of the P [...]pedom have been kept in the greatest Awe imaginable! twas the Fright of those [...] Thunder bolts, which gathered the Popish Princes to the Barrels of [...] ­mia in that Age; and what further Barrels it may drive them unto, is yet with God! If these Illustrations upon the Vials will h [...]ld, we have more Evidence yet for our great Assertion [...] That [Page 44] the Day of Peace, will come quickly.

Thus have I said before you, a short Scheme of the Apocalypse. For the view, that John had of these Things, you must suppose a Book of Leaves written both on the [...]side, and on the Backside. This Book Rolled up in a Cylindrical Form, un­der Seven Labels. fastned with Seven Seals. Then suppose the First Seal opened, and the First La­bel removed; under the First Label had John the Vision of the First Rider and so on, till the Se­venth Seal was opened; each of the Sculptures being Enlarged with Visions and Voices to illustrate it. All these being thus opened and Removed, the Book might be Unrolled; then the First Six Trumpets, with their Circumstances, appeared on the Backside of the Book; the Book was then Eat [...]n, at the Beasts Kingdom not V [...]siorally exposed in it, until afterwards the Inside of the Book it self comes to be unfolded. Behold, how these Wonderful Sights have now also been Exhibited unto our selves; the best Expositor, (namely Ev [...]nt.) ha's gloriously interpreted them.


But since these things are so, what shall we do [...] I have been making some Essayes upon The Time of the Day; a few more upon The Work of the Day, may well accompany them. It will be well, if we may so have understanding in the Times, as to Know what we ought to do with re­ference to the future Kingdom of our David. Ac­cept, I pray, of this Counsel then, [...] coming from the God of Heaven to us; Labour it be found in [Page 45] such Frames, and such Wayes, as the State of PEACE [...]ow advancing [...]pe [...] the World, would oblige us unto.


1. Why do Godly and Able men give them­selves, no more to the Study of those Truths which concern the Peaceable Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ? Since the Accounts that we have about, The State of Peace to come, are things whereof our Lord hath said, in Rev. 22. 6 These sayings are faithful and Tr [...]e: they must needs be worthy our Study, as being some of the Rays darted from Him, who is, T [...]e God of Truth. and since these are the matters, whereof the Apostle Peter tells us, in a Per. 3. 16. There are in them, some things Hard to be underst [...]d; the more of Mystery there is in any such Truths of God, the more Exqui­site and Accurate should be our Study thereupon. The Truths which concern the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, are not so [...]intelligible, as that we must throw them aside, as he of old the Ob­scure and Crabbed Lines of the Poet P [...]rsi [...]s or cry out with Despair, I cannot Read, for the Book is S [...]al [...]d! No, the Representation which our Lord ha's given us of those Truth, is called a Revela­tion of them; and the Students thereof have there­fore a Blessing Pronounced upon them. David once [...]or'd the Grace of God unto him, which gave him cause for that Exclamation, Lord, That [...] shouldest speak to me, of things to come! For us then to sleight the Advice that we have had from Heaven about the Things to come; for us to think that, Some Scripture is not profitable; for [Page 46] unto [...]aht z [...] bred unto the sure Word of Prophets; my Brethren, tis a Distemper which we cannot be Excused in. I confess, Apocalyp [...]lical Stadies, are fittest for those Raised Souls, whose Heart­strings are made of a Little Fiery Clay, than o­ther mens; and it is to Then especially, that it take leave to say, There is a World of Sweetness in Diligent and Regular Studies upon the King­dom of our Lord Jesus. When Jeremiah had been deeply engag'd therein, he [...]dds, My sleep was sweet unto me! And John found the Book which had these things in it, Rev. 10. 10. Sweet as Honey. I may tell you, That the very A [...]gels of Heaven themselves, afford unto Holy men that (like Them) are have upon such Studies, a Com­munion that is hardly is be uttered; Angelical Visits, Angelical Comforts, Angelical Motions, are in a peculiar, though in an I visible man­ner Vouchsafed unto such men of [...]. And I shall tell you, that the Food of such S [...]ud [...]es is marvellously Scattered all the Bible over; so that you may almost every where, after some Digging, throw up some unsuspected Intimations of this kind, whereas you will find impossible to forbear crying out, with some Transport of Soul, I have found! I have found! There is like­wise a World of Safety, in Critical Studies upon out Distance from that Kingdom. There are in­deed very U [...]sa [...]e Computations, to which, and by which, many have Expos'd themselves. It ha's been Ridiculous to see, by what Chronology, by what Cabala, and with what Temerity, some have Steered, in Fixing, The end of the World; and there are many Temptations, into which men fall; when they find they have been too Bold in their [Page 47] suppurations. But yet Modest Examination of [...] the Time we are in, might prevent many a [...] step, that otherwise may be taken by us. The Jews are so maliciously Apprehensive of this, That they, [...] who [...] the Times: and when a Samuel considered h [...]w long Time the Jewes had [...]ow been in their Captivity, he cryes out, Lord, I am afraid that the Jesus whom the Christians worship, i [...] indeed the J [...]st one? Pray, let them [...]isk on. But if the E [...]aimites in Egypt, had Sufficiently weigh'd, That the Four Hundred and Thirty years of their continuing as they were, [...] much of being out; I suppose they would not have made such a Disastrous Expedition against the Canaanites, as that which in Psal. 78 9. is uttered among, The Dark sayings of old. On the other [...], If Luther had been Apprehensive, that the Time appointed for making better and better [...] than those which H [...]s and others had made an hundred years before, upon the [...] was come on, what [...], with his [...], must it have insur'd into him?

In a Word, An Acquaintance with Prophecy's may have more than a little Influence upon the Accomplishments of those Prophecies. It was fore­ [...]ul perhaps, two hundred years before h [...]d. in Isai 4 [...] 28. C [...]ras shall say to Jerusalem, Thus shalt be [...]ilt. Tis now reported, that the show­ing of that promise unto Cyras, was the thing their afterwards Excited him to Do what He Read. Thus, if at this Day, any Potent Prince, would suffer himself on he Convinced. That this were the Time for Distresses to be brought upon the [...] of [...]; how much Vigour [Page 48] and Conduct might the Affayrs of such a Prince he thence inspired with? Doubtless, their present MAJESTIES of Great BRITAIN, have seen cause to Consider on the Pr [...]diction of the Incomparable JURIEU, in the Dedication of his Excellent little Book enti [...]uled. The Ballance of the S [...]ct [...]ary, and Rublished several years be­fore the Late Revolutions in England, which have so Eminently made good that Pr [...]iction; God has placed you (says he, speaking of the then Prince and Princess of Orange) for Miracles in Israel, and for Signs, that he ha's intended your Highnesses to be the Principal Instruments of that Grand Deliverance, which He hath prepared for His Church, when the storm shall be ever.

Well then, Let good Researches into Sacred Pro­phecy, meet with no more Ill Resentments among the people of God. As for Profane persons, tis no wonder if they Care for note of these Things. It is what Prophrey it self ha's assur'd us of, in a Pet [...]. [...], 4. There shall is the Last Dates come suffers, that shall far, where is the promise of His coming? And it is well noted by our most Learned Let, Our Lord counted it a pi [...]c [...] of [...], unto His Church, to Reveal His Counsels so long be­fore and Proclames them [...]th wise and Blessed, that Study them; then by the Censure of the Divine word, they must be Fools and Miserable, that neg­lect these Sacred Oracles. But for any Pious persons to give those things a Discountenance, is an Evil that S [...]aroe can be Accounted for. And yet as he Disciples himselves being told of our Lords Resurrection in Luke 24 11 The Words [...] unto them, [...] Tales, and they Believed [...] not; [Page 49] so, there are still among the Disciples, those that Explode the Things which they ought rather to Embrace, with many Ex [...]asies of Soul. Yea, such is their too R [...]ah, but Strong prejudice against those things, that if they do not like the first opposers of the Chiliad, da [...]ly deny any Divine Authority to the Rev [...]tive of John, and the Second F [...]stle of Peter, yet they cannot pa [...]iently hear to hear the Result of the m [...]st Es [...]ate Meditations up­on those Prophecies. What is this, but a part of the Sleep, which the [...] in these dayes are to be overtaken with:

But Awake, I beseech you, Awake, out of this unbecoming Sleep, and Read, and Think, and Pr [...]ty, [...] the Father of Lights have given you some Light in those Prophecies, which you should C [...]v [...]t the Understanding of. Indeed the First step we are to take in our Studies, is. To get a large measure of Grace into our Souls. It is said in Dan. 1 [...]. 10. Note of the wicked shall understand, but the Wise shall understand. Men that are without the Fear of God, will go little bet­ter to Work than an I [...]th [...] upon the Pro­phecies of our Lord; nor is it likely that those who Drink any of the Ro [...]ish Pois [...]n, should have a [...] sharp enough to Pence into those Prophecies, much further than [...], who ha's written a [...] to prove, that the present Reign of the Pop [...], is the promised [...] of our Lord. But let us he like Abraham, for our Friend-ship with the God of Heaven, and we may make more hopefull Attempts in our holy Studies. What says the Psalmist, in Psal. 25. 14. The Se­cret of the Lord, is with them that fear him and it is His Covenant to make them to know it.

[Page 50] II. But unto our E [...]adies on the Peaceable Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ, we should [...] our Prayers for it. Let us Long for, The State of Peace to come; and joyn our Cryes, in the [...] of the Martyrs, whom the Ten Pri­mitive Persecutions had Sacrificed, How long O Lord, Holy and Tr [...]e! Tis a Particular in the Directory which our Lord ha's given us for our Prayers. Let thy Kingdom come; now there will he all Peace in that Kingdom: and it is the Charge which He ha's laid upon us, Keep not Silence, give the Lord no Res [...], until He make Jerusalem a Praise it the Earth; now you will have a Vision of Peace in that Jerusalem. It is required of us, in Psal. 122. 6. Pray for the Peace of Jeru­salem: for That should we Pray, and for the hastning of that Peace, that shall be in and from the New-Jerusalem. Where God ha's given a Promise, methanks, we should not think much of a Prayer; since our God ha's told us of the Peace in the latter Daves, it becomes us to say, For this [...]use thy Servant has found it his heart, to make his Prayer unto thee. And, who knows what powerful and Effectual Jogs, our Prayers may give unto the wheels that may bring on the most Comfortable Revolutions? You find in Rev. 8 4 [...] 5. The Prayers of the Saints quickly bring T [...]drings, Voices, Lightnings, and Earth­quakes with them: and thus, the great M [...] ­ [...]c [...]hon, hop'd, That God world (and He Did) carry on the Reformation in Germany, because: many poor little Gracious Women, did use to meet and Pray for that Blessing. Be sine, The Nearer we are to, The Peace of the great Dry, [Page 51] the more Pra [...]erful shou'd we be for the B [...]rk of that Day. When Daviel understood by [...], that the Deliverance of the Lords People just at the [...], he [...]ers himself to Prayer with Fasting before God; and implores, in Dan. 9. 19. O Lord bear; O Lord, forgive; O Lord, hearken and do; defer not, for they own sake, O my God; it seems, he was afraid (and much more may we at this day be so) List the Salvations of the Church, might be [...] be­yond the Time Expected, because of mens [...] Behaviours under the Divine Dispensations. I say then, Pray hard; and if our Prayers have had their S [...]res in Procuring the Peace of the World, we need no more doubt than Daniel did, of a LOT in that Peace.

But we have both in point of Interest and in­point of Gratitude. a further Obligation to such Prayers as these. For, one main Thing, in that State of Peace which we pray for, is, The Calling of so many Distinguish'd Israelites as may make a mighty Nation, into the Sheep f [...]ld of the Lord Je­sus Christ. When the Israelites are brought [...] to Repentance and Conversion. Then tis, that, The Times of Refreshing do come from the presence of the Lord. Now, the Restitution of Israel will be [...] ­to us Gentiles, an Advantage Unspeakable and full of Glory. This is largely discuss'd by the Apostle Paul, in his Chapter upon it; where among other great Things, he says, in Rom 11. [...]. If their Casting away, were the Reconciling of the world, what shall the Receiving of them be, but Life from the Dead! It seems, nothing less than, A Re­surrection from the Dead, shall then bless the World, Moreover, Israel did once importune [Page 52] of God, that we Gentiles might have the Br [...]sts of His Institutions among us, for the nourish­ [...] of our Souls. Notwithstanding the E [...]vy [...] carnal among them, they that had in them the Spirit of God, would say, as in Psal. 67 2.3 [...]et say way be brown upon Earth, and thy Saving Health among all Nations; Let the People Praise thee O God, Let all the People Praise thee; but the case is now so altered, that if we have any Ingenuity in us, we shall do as much for them! Thus, even by our Prayers for it, we are to, [...]asten the Day of God. I know not, That the Day of Israels Reduction has any Symptom of nearness, in the late Exiccation of the D [...]d Sea; so far that the Ruines of the old Cityes in it, of late years begin to appear [though I have Considered Ezek. 16. 5 [...], 55.] But I know that a Spirit of Prayer for it, every where would be a Blessed Symptom of it. It is that of which I may say, The whole Creation groanith for it; Surely then, Our selves which have the first [...] of the Spirit, cannot be without our Groans for the Acceleration of it. Our own Peace is this Enwrapped in our Prayers. Besure, now Antichrist is come, we need not be afraid of [...]praying, Pr [...] mor [...]i Fi [...]is, [...]as Tert [...]ll [...]t [...] tells us, the Christians of the First Ages were!

III. And until the Peaceable Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ arrive, let the Prospect of it. Comfort us, under all, The Sufferings of this present Time.

We find those two things conjoyned, in Rev. 1. 9. The Kingdom and Patience of Jesus Christ. We must have Patience though that Kingdom [Page 53] should be longer coming than we think for, it we should have yet the more Patience because that Kingdom will make amends for all the [...] [...] ­siculties that have preceded it; but let [...] Kingdom give Comfort unto us, as well as Patience. We are now Surrounded and harassed with innumerable Mischiefs; esp [...]clilly with Wars, that have all sorts of Mischiefs Complicated in them. We are fill'd with Venation, when we see the Vanity that Embroils Humane Affayrs, and Enflames people to Plunder, Slaughter, and Captivate One another. But, Not si [...]ale na [...], et ol [...] Sic Erit; Let it comfort us to think, There will be no such horrible D [...]idgs, i [...]those Times, that we are now [...] unto!

Tis possible indeed that you and I, may Dy in the Storm; and yet a person of Note, in the Close of a Worthy Book, Dedicated unto the present King of Great Bri [...]tain, cheerfully says, I can send you the News of a Co [...]ti [...]el [...]ercase of the Flourishing State of the Church, very s [...]or [...]l to begin, and to continue to the [...]d of the World [...] and therefore I desire all Good People, to take special care of their Health that they may be so Happy as to Live to see a fall confirmation of [...] [...].

However, you know t'was Engag'd unto a Prince that lost his Life in a Battel, a Chron. 34 28. Thou shalt be gathered unto thy Grave is Peace. When you Dy, you shall go from not [...] Peace; [...] tis said of the Righteous, He shall enter into Peace; and when the New Jerusalem, withall the Peace of it, shall Come down from Go [...], out of Heaven, made no doubt of [...] be­ing acquainted with it.

[Page 54] But it is possible that many of Us, may Live to see the Peace of the Latter Dayes, getting [...]orther on open us, than we are well aware. [...] not so difficult in giving my Hopes leave [...] The Time to savour, the set Time is [...] at! as to feel no Encouragement for the Prayer which the Prophet, made upon such Hopes of old, in Psal. 102. 24. O my God, Take me not away is the midst of my Dayes. The Scripture seem to intimate, that just before the Peaceable Time, when it shall be proclamed, The Kingdoms of this World are become the Kingdomes of our Lord and of His Christ! there shall be a little Presage of it, in one of the Ten Kingdomes, which once made the Ten Hor [...]s of Antichrist, by a Wonderful Arising and Ascending of our Lords witnesses in that Kingdom. If then in some very Considerable Kingdom of Europe, where the witnesses of our Lord Jesus have most F [...]ished, or Pres [...]cted and Compleated, their Testimony for Him, you should see a large Number of lost People, witnessing to the Kings, Office of Christ in His Church, and Enduring of Trials like to those which our Lord Himself underwent, for witnessing THAT Good Confession; If you should see that, [...] it was in our Saviours case, a com­pany of men like the Pharisees among the Jewes, (possibly men of the same True Religion) but under the Influence of a Romanist, should at last prevail so far as to Scatter, break up, and Cut off, all the Congregations of these witnesses and there­upon, send Gifts one to another, or keep a Day of Thanksgiving as of delivered from some Dangerous Plo [...]; If you should see, just Three years & an half, after this, a Royal Grd [...]t of Liberty for these [Page 55] Witnesses to Revive their Publick Worship, like what the Jewes had of old, by an Heathen Prince allowing them to Rebuild the Temple of God, [...] on which the Prophet says, They were brought [...] of their Graves: Lastly, If then you see the Re­v [...]lutions of a mighty Earth-quake presently come upon the Nation, that shall Irresistibly carry on all the Interests of the Reformation there; I say, if you should ever see such a Thing as this come to pass, near the close of Our Twelve hundred and Sixty Dayes, behold, an Omen of Great things immediately to follow thereupon; t'wil argue, That the last Slaughter of the witnesses of [...]ver, in that Kingdom, and that the Kingdom shall shortly after become Eminent for all sorts of Encouragements given to Religion there, in the Sight and Spite of all its Adversaries; t'wil argue, that the like work shall quickly be carried on through the other parts of E [...]ope, and that the witnesses, like Elijab, dropping off the Me [...] ­tle of their Sackloth, shall every where pass into a State of prosperous Holiness, beyond any that has been in the former Ages. The Faith­ful Ministers of our Lord Jesus Christ among us, that yet Preach and [...] the Crose, and Conflict with the Straits and wants of a Sackloth Condition, have a particular Comfort thus provided for them, in the Omens of our Dayes; Knew it, ye Witnesses of our Lord, the Old Cloathes of the wilderness, may be taken from you, sooner than many of you imagine, and you may short­ly Enter into that Rest, where, you shall have, The Garment of Praise, for the Spirit of Heavi­ness!

Finally, Let us all Solace our selves in the [Page 56] Fore-thoughts of that Kingdom, wherein all Peace will swallow up the Death which do's [...] [...]lict us every Day. When the Primitive [...] [...]ns were under their manifold Oppres­sions, they Thought, they Talk'd, they Wrote so much on, The Kingdom! The Kingdom! that the Silly Pagans Charg'd them with a Plot against the Roman Empire for it. But, we may take the Comfort of, The Kingdom, which is to bring Peace unto us with it, and yet he well able to, Silence the Ignorance of Foolish men.

IV. In the mean Time, let us A [...]trdate the Peaceable Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, by obtaining and maintaining as much of it Now among our selves, as may be Consistent with our present Circumstances. Or, as the Apostle has it, in 2 Pet. 3. 14. String yet Look for such Things, be Diligent that yet may be found of him in Peace; If our Lord should now pre­sently come to settle the Peace of His Kingdom in the World. Indeed we cannot cause the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus to come, one Hour before, The Day which God ha's Appointed for the Judging of the World, by that man, who He hath Ordained. Nevertheless, to be making some saint Imitations of it, would be no less an Ad­vantage to us, than tis I [...]cumbence on us. If we would have the Priviledges of that Kingdom, we should be found in such Dispositions and Behaviours, as that Kingdom will one Day bring into the World; Yea, Let us, Press on, if by any means, we might attain to the Resurrection of the Dead. We are told, in Math. 24. 46. Bles­sed is that Servant, whom His Lord when He cometh, [Page 57] shall slad SO doing: And our SO Doing, that if the Kingdom of our Lord should now imme­diately break in upon us, we should be found already Initiating our selves at the Works that Kingdom, THIS is no small pare of the WATCHFULNESS, which especially in these Latter Dayes, we are call'd unto.

And indeed, a proper PEACE, is the first thing, that I would hence take Occasion to Re­commend unto my Neighbours; by which PEACE, I mean, a Dismission given to all Quarrels, Contentions, Animosities. If our Lord Jesus were now, To be Revealed from Heaven, in Flaming Fire, let Him not find in broiling in the Fire of wrath and strife, one against another; This Fire would but make us a more Combus­tible Fuel unto That.

I do not lay any stress upon a Pretended Pro­phecy, lately found (they say) among some old. Manuscripts of Venerable [...]ds, at Rome, which speaking of great Revolutions to be in the Year 1688. adds,

Cancta tamen m [...]ndi Sur [...]m [...], as [...]ue Deorsum
Imperi [...], et Flictus u [...]ique grandis [...]it.

But certainly, there is a Terrible Flood of Desolations, now Rolling over the World: and in such a Flood it becomes all the Creatures in the Ark or Church of God, that have any Anti­pathies unto one another, to lay them all aside. Methinks, it becomes all Protestants to unite at this Day, and instead of Smiting their Fellow­Servants [Page 58] [...] for their Differances, many of which have been in things that the Imposers have Confess'd [...]different, consider, whether the Lord will ol­ [...] [...] delay His co [...]tr [...]. Arist [...]des and Them [...] [...] [...] the Heads of two Great Factions in Athens, when they saw the Persians take advantage of their Divisions, presently struck hands, and said, Here we lay down all our Differences, until we have put at End unto the Per [...]ta [...]wa [...]: So, Al [...] ­biades and Nicias, two great men of Athens, being at Variance, when they saw the Wicked­ness of one Hyperbol [...], who sought the Banish­ment of one of them, in order to the Destructi­on of [...]other, they secretly met, and made a Re­conciliation, and procur'd the Exile and Ruine of their Enemy. Cannot all Protestants now at last see those Intrigues of our Popish Adversaries, which are forcible Arguments for the like pru­dent, and speedy Accommodations? May our God now [...] up many a D [...]y, to Negotiate a Pacification among the Reformed and Reforming Churches; and many a B [...]rrough [...] to spread Uniting [...] among the people of God! Singular Crow [...]s will our Lord Jesus in His King­dom have to bestow upon these Blessed Sons of Peace.

But let me, Secondly, bespeak a Sacred REST, as well as a settled Peace, in the Churches of the Lord Jesus Christ. His King­dom will be the Sabbath of the Creation; and so much of the Sabbath as we have, so much of that Kingdom we do as it were Take by Force a­fore-hand, while the Substance of it is detained from us. Tis no wrong to the History of the [Page 59] Creation, if we discern this M [...]stery as also re­presented in it; Profound Writers have [...] [...] the way. The forlorn Mass of [...] horribly defaced and Confounded by Sin, [...] of as God will not own Himselfe the Author, [...] He will not say, It is Good; had yet the Spirit of God presiding over the Waters or the People, and still preserving somewhat of His Interest in them. This World of mankind, had One day, from Adam to Abraham; in which men had first an Evening, or Dimmer, and then a Morning, or Brighter Notice of the Me [...]siah, who is, The Light of the world. The Church [...] self, was this while an unform'd, and unshap'd thing in dispersed Families; but they had some Light of the Massiah, though He were not to come untill some Dayes or Ages after; yet was the Light of the Church distinguished by God from the Dark of the world, however He Blesses not the world in their Separation from the Church. The World had a Second Day, from Abraham to Moses. God now began to set apart His own People, from the Rest of the Waters; but the Separation was hitherto Imperfect, there were other Godly persons yet left in many other places. He call'd a people up, unto an Heaven­ly Church state; but so small was the Number the people thus advanced in the Houses of a [...] Patriarchs, that they were no more in Com­parison with the rest, than the Clouds are to the Seas; however, twas fit they should make some Figure in the Book of God; for from them have come down the Rui [...]s of the Blessings on us all. The World had a Third Day from M [...]es to Jesus. The Separation of Gods People from the Waters [Page 60] was now Compleated, in the National Church of Israel; t'was ripe for a Blessing, yea, for a [...] [...] [...] one. The People of the most High, now [...] as a Dry Land; the Church is not like the [...] (as the World is) barren, rugged f [...]ll of Monsters; and though the Sea be alwayes beat­ing upon it, yet is keeps her Ground. Yea, the Fruits of all Graces, Virtues, and good Works, in an agreeable Diversity, are Conspicuous on it; if Weeds appear, they are to be plucked up. The World had a Fourth Day, from Jesus to Anti­christ. Now do's our Lord Christ, The Sun of Righteousness, Exhibit Himself; and the Church becomes as a Moon, with her Borrow'd Various Changeable Illuminations though not without her Spots, depending on Him; and Stars, or Ministers, of several Magnitudes, among which, the Apostles were of the First, are now S [...]ning in the Orbs of Heaven. The World had a Fifth Day, from the Rise to the Heighth of Antichrist; or, from the Fifth Century to the Eleventh. Birds and Fishes are the Emblems of the men, that make the st [...]rs in these Ages. First, there were men of Bold, Soaring, During Spirits, that would needs fly so high, as to Raise Disputations upon the Trinity, the Generation of the Son, the Procession of the Holy Ghost. In those Times, tis known how all mat­ters ran upon the Flights of the Arian, M [...]tedo [...]ian, Ent [...]chian, and such other Har [...]sies; the Flights were sometimes Happy, and often Too far. Af­terwards, there are Spawn'd Vast Shoals of other Creatures, that Live upon Filth and Mud, and upon Devouring one another; they had the Multitude on their side, and they dwelt in the Abyss of Ignorance; and those Great Whales, [Page 61] the Popes of Rome have had a particular Consider­ation among them. The World ha's a Sixth Day, from the Heighth to the Fall of Antichrist, which is between Seven and Eight hundred years.

Sorts of Beasts, and Insects and Serpents, have in these Ages been met withal. But in the Close, our Lord Jesus Christ, our Second Adam, sets Him­self in espouse His Church, now under the Notion of a Want [...], unto Himself. And wh [...] is now to follow, but a Sabbath, wherein our Lord Jesus, will give His Church to see that R [...]st, which Re­ [...]ies for the People of God. It is possible, that the Nation, which ha's discovered a peculiar Zeal for the Weekly Sabbath, may enter sooner than other Nations, in o the Twilight of that Rest. But, bes [...]re, God will wonderfully Break the Pe [...]ce of those, who do not carefully Celebrate the Sabbaths which are the Figures of the Kingdom wherein we shall have Peace. England saw this, in the Wars that quickly Ensu'd upon the Sports, which the people were once Invited unto the Profanation of the Lords Day withall. Twas the Expression of [...] Worthy Person, when [...] then heard the D [...]ns beating for Dances and Frolicks on the Sabbath Day, I fear lest the Holy God P [...]nish this I [...]iquit [...] with beating up Drums for a March on this very Day! and you know how that [...] was quickly brought upon the Nation. Thus, a person of Quality reflecting upon, The Tears of Germany, Printed fifty years ago, saw cause to say, he beleiv'd the Wars of Germany, would not be over yet, Because is a Cat [...]logue of their provoking Evils, there was no Confession made of Sabbath breaking too Common among them; and you again know what a Stage of Blood and [Page 62] Fire the Empire is, to this very Day.

There is one thing more that I would be­ [...] [...] to accompany the Peace and Rest of our [...] and that is, a Gospel CHURCH, to [...] pursued every where with, A Zeal that shall E [...]t us up. We are now in those Earth quakes, that will certainly Soak▪ down all the Houses that are not of a Divine Institution and Constitution in the World; the Ordinances of an Evangelical Church order, are those things That cannot be Sha­ken; and the way to be safe at such a Shaking Time as is now before us, is to get as many of those Unshaken Things, among us as we can. The Planting of Churches is one of those Good Things that are now Required of us. The Vast Improve­ment of Navigation since the late Invention of the Load sto [...]e and the Compass, his, like the other Changes of the World, the Concerns of the Church in the Bottom of it; it makes us able to carry the Gospel unto such Corners of the Earth, as have hitherto sat in, The Region of the Shadow of Death. Now, Tis a great Scandal. That we should permit the Roman Catholicks, to Exceed us, in Diffusive and Expensive Missions, for the Propagation of the Faith; and that so few of our Companies and Factories count themselves concerned for the Conveying of Spiritual Things to the Heathen, from whom we have so many Temporal: and by whom (which is dreadful to be spoken) Two T [...]ds of the World, are C [...]ver [...]d unto this day! Were man more Vigorous to [...]ang [...]ge the World, or if the Spirit of our [...]LIOT were more Universally prevailing in them ( And within Twenty or Thirty years, you will [Page 63] see more of This they would not only more Honour and Enrich themselves, but also more serve The End, than they are well aware: I mean time, it belongs unto us, to see, that [...] Our selves do not keep at a Distance from that Church-state, which our Lord Jesus Christ ha's appointed for us. That Church state is, The King­dom of Heaven; and it fits us for a further King­dom. Tis not good being Abroad in a Storm; and you forget not, who t'was that said, O [...] Thing have I desired; That I may dwell in the House of the Lord; for in the Time of Trouble, He shall Hide me. But the [...] of Churches is a thing, a­bout which we are at the same Time to be Sol­licitous. We find that when the Twelve hundred and Sixty Dayes of Antichrist, are out; there are Thirty Dayes, and Fourty Five Dayes more, which, Blessed is be that waits and comes unto. It seems by This, that as Judas Maccabius, after the profanation of the Mosaical Sanctuary, by Aetioch [...]s for Twelve hundred and Sixty Natural Dayes, then spent Thirty Dayes in the Purification of the Temple; and spent Forty five Dayes more, to prepare all things, for the Dedication of it, thus, after the Strokes that God is now giving to Antichrist, there may go some Years to S [...]ety and Cle [...]nse the Church of many Schisms, [...] Abuses now crept into it. Now, though I des­pair of seeing any Church in all things answer­ing The Pattern is the [...], until those Dayes of Purification come; yet it is very pleasing [...] the Lord Jesus to see us Do what we can, for the Forwarding of that Holy Work; the very Soul of our Lord, is unspeakably pleased with it, when He sees, that it is our desire, and study to [Page 64] have our Churches Exactly live they New-Jerusa­lem whereinto enters [...] no [...] what [...] Abominations and Fal [...]y. Indeed, as when [...] Vig [...]la [...]ti [...]s appeared Vigorously against [...] Abuses that were Crept into the Church in the beginning of the Fifth Century, no less a man than John undertook the Patronage of those Abuses, and bestowing the Name of D [...]r [...]it [...]tins, with other bad and b [...]se Language upon the man that had so faithfully Reproved them; tis possible that some Great and G [...]od men, may now in like manner [...] upon our Endeavours to Correct the Abuses that are got into the Church; but the Day is at hand, when such Reformers will be acknowledged, the only Vigilant Servants of God. Thus, although the World be now in a Midnight of Security, yet is that Cry Raised among you. Behold, the Bridegroom comes, Go ye forth to meet Him! We meet Him. when we Go forth to much of that Reformation, which His Coming will more thoroughly fill the World withall.

V. And let us Beware of being found a­mong those that most horribly perish, in the [...], that are to precede the Peaceable King­dom of our Lord Jesus Christ. When a People are to Enter into Rest, usually some Consuming Judgments do first carry away an Untowardly, and Ungracious Generation, like the Is [...]a [...]lites whom the matter of B [...]l P [...]or prov'd fatal unto. But never was there such a Prodigious Wast of M [...]n, as there will be, when God is just Lead­ing a Chosen Generation, into the Rest of His King­dom in the Latter Dayes. Now there are especi­ally Two Things, that lay men open to the most [Page 65] formidable Plagues of our Dayes; which [...] are, Popery and Persecution.

Where to find Antichrist, if not in Popery can tell? The Day Light in now a little [...] brood for us, to take the Sor [...]y Puppet of the G [...]otian Antichrist, for, you Min of Sin. It is Enough, to note, That Antichrist must have an Empire, and yet an Empire founded in the [...], of a False Religion; it must here withal be an Empire obtain'd more by Craft than Force; but an Empire, whose Cheif City must be seared on Seven Mountains and the Great City which in the Dayes of the Apostle John, ruled over the King­doms of the Earth; it must be a Continuation of the Fourth Monarchy, and a Revival of it, when it had Received a Deadly [...]; but it must be only an Image of the Roman Empire, a Spiritual Sort of a Thing, which ha's no Arms, but the Superstition of is own [...] to maintain it. Antichrist must have a Prophet, or a man that pretends himself Infallible, to pronounces Oracles upon all Occasions; and a Corruption of Relgi­ion, especially by a Doctrine of Demons of Inf [...]i­our Mediators: a Worship of [...] of Pro­ [...]ct is, and Guardians, is the Thing that Cheifly Signalizes him; yet this Idolatry, being [...]led an Ad [...]tery, must be Committed by a Church of Christians, that once was the Spouse, of the Lord Je­sus Christ; it must be in the Temple of God, [...] ­tichirst must have [...] for the Supporters of his Throne; among which there must be [...] old Kingdoms in his Neighbour-hood, more pe­culiarly Siez'd into his hands; and at the same time, he must utter very [...] his own power and greatness; he must ascribe [Page 66] to himself, the Powers of the Lord Jesus Christ; and there withal make Bloody Wars against the [...], and overcome them; as his Kingdom is to [...] S [...]n for [...]ilthi [...]oss, it must like-wise be an [...] for Cruelty; he must Interdict all Com­merce with such as will not pay Homage to him. Antichrist must Raise Paganism out of its Grave, in a Disguize; and he must make a Noise of In­numerable Miracles. to demonstrate what he Teaches; persons given to Lyes; Legends, and Fables, must be his Emissaries; and yet they most pretend great Austerity, by Forbidding to Marry, and Commanding to abstain from [...]. In a Word, the Mystical Babylon must also drive a mighty Traffick, in the Sale of Spiritual Commo­dities; by which means, the Court of Antichrist must be Excessively magnificent; and he will En­slave the Children of men to all this, by first I [...]teriating of them. I pray, go find if you can, any thing but the Church of Rome that can afford you these Characters!— Et Eris mibi magnns [...] Apoilo. No, Tis from some Extraordinary Blindness, if men do not now see, the Church of Rome to be that Babylon, whereof tis the call of God, in Rev. 18 4. Come out of her, my People, that ye be not partakers of her Sins, and that yee Receive not of her Plagues. Tis a thing whereof some Considerable pers [...]ts for many A­ges, have been aware. Among others, a whole [...] of Gallick Bishops, in the year, 991. Cry'd [...] the Pope, He is the Antichrist who sits is the Temple of God. And it is impossible without Admiration to read the Admirable Oration made by the Bishop of Satisburgh, [...] the States of the Empire, in the year 1 [...]40, in which he calls. [Page 67] The Popes, The Priests of Babylon; and fl [...]ds at Rome, the Antichrist, which had the Ten Hores, or Kings of Europe under him. It would not [...] move sad than strange, if we should then be [...] loss to find the Seat of Antichrist in our Dayes. Wherefore, Believe me, Tis not possible for a man to Do a more Dangerous Thing, than to Continue in the Romish Communion, at such a Time as this! As for those Kingdoms, wherein Popery ha's been Abolished, if any man, be he High or Low, Rich or Poor, shall go to bring the people under that Grand Cheat again, I will Read you the Fa [...]e of that man; The Curse of Joshus never fell so hand upon the Rebuilder of Demolished Jerich [...], as the Curse of Jesus will fall upon the Authors of this Accursed Enterprize; neither shall they prosper in it, any better than the Jews, who at the Invitation of the Apostate Ju­ [...], going to Re-edify their Temple, God sent a terrible Earth-quake that ever-threw all they had already done, and by Fire from Heaven burn't up the Tools, and some of those that used them. But as for those Kingdoms, which yet Con­tinue Impenitent and Incurable in their Popery, One may tremble to foresee the Vengeance Im­pending over them. There is a Constagration in­tended for our World, of which the frequent Mis­chiefs by Fire in our dayes may be our Monitors. This Conflagration [Consider Dan. 7. 11, 12. and Isai. 66. 24. and Ezek. 39. 9. 10. and Rev. 14. 20.] as it seems, will be so Leisurely and Progressive, as to give an Opportunity, which we do not yet Comprehend, for the Escape of such as are to people, the New World. But the first Efforts & Effects of this Prodigious Conflagration, are like to [Page 68] be felt by Italy, whose horrendous [...], together with the late Shakings and Breakings [...] Earth in the bowels of it, would suggest [...] suspicions of such Events; and perhaps by some other Countrys involved in the like Incorrigible Popery. Tis with some surprise, that I have read, what is related by, Di [...] Cassi [...]s, [...] 66. about the Burning of the Mount V [...]savins in the Time of Ti [...]s V [...]spos [...], whereof among other things, he Notes — Quod Cla [...]got TUBARUM [...], But Italy may be thoughtful, whether at the founding of the Seventh Trumpet. the whole Territory there▪abouts must not suddenly be turned into an Entire V [...]savins. Could I do the part of an Angel, I would now lay my Hand upon as many as I could, that I might hasten them away from the Reach of the Horrible Tempest, which may thus come like a Start upon them: but, in this Discourse, I know, I shall be unto them. As o [...]e that Mack­eth, or, As one who Dreams of a Dry Summer! Yet however, I will call as Moses did, when he saw the Earth going [...]o Gipe, and Fire to Rise for Corah and his Companions, Depart, I pray you, from the Tents of these Wicked [...], lest ye per [...]h [...] all their Sins.

But there is another thing, which even some of those that imagine themselves to have shaken hands with Popery (whatever they may have in the Bellies of them) are too prone unto; and that is, Persecution. When that Neba [...]badi [...]ar, had seen an Image of the Four Monarchies, he made that very Image, I suppose, a St [...]t, which who­soever did not immediately D [...]s [...], was to be Burned for their Disobedience. The has been [Page 69] done by Antichrist, for many Ages; he ha's E­rected an Image of the Preceding Monarchies, in his own Supremacy; and they that will not own him for a God, shall be Burned in his Furnace [...] Persecution. But Wo to all Popish persecutors, in, The Day of the Lord, that shall Burn like an Oven! And if any have Renounced the Doctrine of An­tichrist, yet for them to retain so much of the Spirit of Antichrist, as to Persecute Conscientious Brethren, is little to Consult their own Preserva­tion, in that Fitry Day. It is broadly intima­ted [in Math. 24. 48,49.] That just before the Coming of our Lord, There shall be Church Of­ficers, that shall molest their Follow-Servants, who are desirous to have the Church Ordered by such Roles only as our Lord left for the Government of it when He went away; and that shall show more favour to a Common Dr [...]kard, than to one, that shall be, A Faithful and wise Servant in the House of God. It is intimated, That some sudden Provi­dence will at last Suprize and U [...]char [...]h [or assign a Portion with Unbelievers] those Evil men; and I wish, we may all so take the Intimations, as to forbear all future Persecutions. Let me plainly leave this Warning with you; That if any of you, Venture to Persecute the Conscientious People of God [Yea, though it be no Greater a Cause, than, A Scruple to Swear upon the Gospel, that any of them do Conscientiously Expose themselves upon] You are like to be sound among; The l [...]est Persecutors; and be it known unto you, That if the the Last Persecutors have the peculiar Un­happiness, to bear those Terrible Revenges, which the Blood-sheds of all the former Ages have been calling [...] I say again, and, The Lord God of the [Page 70] Holy Prophets, may make this Generation f [...]l what I say; I say, That all the Righteous Blood, [...] upon the Earth, from the Blood of Righteous A­ [...] [...] unto the Blood of the Blessed Menures, when [...] lately butchered with most Exquisite Cruelties, it shall be required of this Generation. The Per­secutors of this Time, do make themselves Parti [...] to all those Wretches, that have the Cry of the Blood under the Altar, going up to God against them; and let them know, That when the Day of the Vengeance of our God, is come [and it comes apace] to Comfort all that mourn, They shall be de [...]lt withal, as having the Guilt of all the that Blood, lying upon their miserable Souls. Now, Consider this, ye Persecutors, left He tear you to Peices, and there be [...]ne to Deliver you.

VI. But I Consider my self as appearing this Day in my Arms, among you; which Arms, you see, are a few smooth stones In a Scrip with a s [...]ag; I mean, a few proper and useful Texts, in the Scripture, with a Sermon; and I may not Lay down my Arms, until I have made some Ad­dresses more particularly to the Gentlemen, for whom tis that I now am in this Holy Service.

You, will then give me leave to tell you, That Your Swords and Spears are as yet Repreiv [...]d from the Change into Plough shares and Pruning­books, which they shall one Day be Condemned unto. Indeed, as Joshua could once make Time Stand still, while the people of God were to use their Swords and Spears; if it were in our Power, we would make Time Run on so fast as presently to bring on the Golden Age, wherein Swords and [Page 71] spears are all to be abolished: But in the mean Time, I have this Exhortation for you; I Pray [...] as Good use of your Swords and Spears as you [...]. The Prophet speaking of the Times [...] shall immediately precede those peaceable one, wherein they shall not learn War any more; he says in Joel 3 9,10. Prepare [...]ar, Beat your Plough­s [...]s into Swords, and your Praning books into Spears. Behold, how my Text is to be Inverted, until the arrival of that Peaceable Day, which our Endea­vours, cannot any more Anticipate, than we can make it Midsummer in the Depth of Winter! Though tis a no less Fr [...]n [...]ick than Wicked thing, for people to Raise Wars for the Introducing of that Peaceable Kingdom, which our Lord Jesus will yet have in [ the] World; or to do like those mad Fifth-Monarchy men, who have thought their Turbulent Insurrections would be Accepta­ble and Serviceable to the Holy Son of God, whose Kingdom is not of [this] World. It is Conveni­ent for me to leave this Caution with you! Whatever Opinion shall have a Natural Tenden­cy to move Seditions, Rebellions, Mu [...]inies, and rob Casar of the Rights that belong unto him; in Gods Name, Renounce it with Detestation; there is no such Opinion countenanced by our Blessed Gospel of Peace. Yet our Duty to our God and our King, ha's made it on many other Accounts necessary for us, at this Day, to be Learning of War.

Tis the Learning of War, to which I must now for a while Encourage you; and methinks, it should Wonderfully Quicken your Learning, when you understand, who your Titor is. It was the speech of the Psalmist in Isal. 144. 1. Blessed be [Page 72] the Lord my strength which teaches my Hands to War, and my Fi [...]g [...]rs to Fight. Behold, what a [...] the Souldier ha's to be Learning of! So [...] tis in that Honourable and Amiable Quali­ [...] that our Artillery-Company do this Day appear; You are this Day to muster, as the Scholars of that Glorious God, who i [...], The Lord of Hosts; even of Him, who is the King of Glory, the Lord mighty in Battel. If you meet with any persons that causelesly refuse to come into your Compa­ny, pray, ask them, Why they play the T [...]uant so? But, now that you may be, All Scholars, I am to say before you, a few Considerations which may close the Exercise that we are now upon.

The First Consideration.

There is like to be much Occasion yet for men to L [...]ar [...] War; Our Swords and our Spears are yet like to have a Sufficient Employment for them. Our Lord mentions it among the Signs of His Coming, in Math. 24. 6. Ye shall hear of Wars and K [...]ours of Wars. Tis a thing that seems to have at this Day, a Terrible and Amazing Ful­filment in the World; what Gar [...]t can you read that ha's not Armies, and Campaigas, and Sieges filling bo [...]h Pages of it? I Remember, Lactan­tius who Lived some Hundreds more than a Thou­sand years ago, ha's a Notion, That a little be­fore the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus come, there shall a Great Sword fall from Heaven to Earth; to Sig­nify that the Lord of the C [...]le [...]ial Armies is at hand. And who do's not with Ho [...]our Behold the Ac­complishment of that intimation? The Almighty God ha's [...] down [...] Bloody Sword into the [Page 73] World which the Nations every where are cru­elly Butchering one another with. The Sword is every where making prodigious Alterations [...] Devastations; that Monstrous Eater is even [...] ­ing sat upon the Carc [...]ses of our Fellow-Sinners throughout the Universe; and, O [...] Sword of the Lord, when wilt thou be quiet! Surely, then, at such a Bloody Time as this, Men had need learn to Handle a Sword well; and study the Art of War. We are fallen into that Age whereof B [...]tl [...]n said, Who shall there [...]? Now, my answer to that Question is; A man must first become a Good [...], and then a Good Souldier, if he would new be able to Live. Never was there an Age wherein that Counsel of our Sa­viour was more seasonable for the World, in Luke 22. 16. [...] that hath [...] Sword, L [...]t [...] sell his Garment, and buy One. Lo [...] [...] most where you will, and you shall see [...] Rolling is Blood; our very Garments then may justly go to buy Swords for our De [...]ence against the Effu­sion of our Blood. And why should New England be Confident of Security and Immunity, while Tum [...]lts, Up [...]oa [...]s, Blood-sheds, are Tormenting the whole Sinfull World besides. The Indians among us and about us, are yet capable of giving s [...]re Annoyances unto us. Tis [...] there has been a strange Decay upon those Taw [...]le e­ver since we came into the Country; we see nothing short of a well-bo [...]ing M [...]a [...]le, when we behold how they Wither, La [...]gui [...]h, Perish, every Day! and if some E [...]rop [...]d [...]s had not by Indefatigable Sollicitations [...] a Peace a­mong them, they might long the now have Extirpated one another [...]om the face of the Earth. [Page 74] [...] when we see how many Hundreds of them are now Surviving and how little the Interest of the Gospel is either Pursued or Embraced among [...] we are altogether Asleep, if we have not out [...] [...]ensions. Are not some of those Canaarites Set Reserved for T [...]oras i [...] [...] Sides! Or if we should not from them have much further Molesta­tion, yet are we ignorant, That all the Princes in Europe, who own any part of America, must needs have their Eye upon these Plantations? Except our God give (and, let Him give) Remarkable Successes to our Nation at home, we have dismal Reason in Look for that Fate, At first, the Lord more lightly Afflicted the Land, and afterwards did more gi [...]va [...]sly Afflict, her, by the way of the Sea. But that which of all ha's the blackest Aspect upon us, is the Divine Commination, In Lev. 26. 25. I will bring a Sword, that shall [...] the Quarrel of my Covenant. Alas, the New▪Englanders do not so Generally Own, or Prize, or Keep, the Covenant of God, as that the Sword should find no Quarrel here? We do not yet so Generally Appear before the Lord, in His House, as that no man should desire our Lord.

The Second Consideration.

To Learn War, or, to use the Sword and the Spear, is not only a Lawful, but also a Needful, yea, and a very [...] Thing. There is a Sect of men at this Day in the World, who Succeed the old Me [...], as well as other old Har [...]ticks, in declaiming against all Military [...]; but this is not the only thing wherein they shew them­selves no less unscriptural than Irrational, The Blessed John, of old gave several Words of Com­mand, [Page 75] unto the Souldierd in this Congregation, but none of them was, Lay down your Ar [...] The greatest Favourites of Heaven mention'd if [...] the Oracles of God, were men that carried Sword by their Sides; who dearer to God, than David than Joshus, than the War-like Judges of Israel. The Thrice-Holy God Himself affects to be called. A [...] of War; and when an Army was Raised once among the People of God, we find in Jud [...]. 5 23 The Angel of the Lord said, Curse ye [...]i [...]terly, then that came not thereunto. I p [...]y, what Warrant have we to Expect Miracles for our daily preservation when in our Swords we may have the Mans by which the Church of God [...]n's been hitherto protected? And what but [...] can preserve those that have no Swords to [...] off [...]aders which every place is Exposed [...]? Tis true, That though the story of the T [...]an L [...]gion be a F [...]ble, yet there are Cases wherein, [...] and [...], are to be our only [...]; But for all that, Men have their Live [...], I [...], [...], which the very [...]ght of Na­ture teaches them to maintain by stronger Arms against all [...] Injuries. Christianity never instructed men to lay down that Natural Principle of Self- [...], which Principle some-times calls aloud, [...] a Sword? The Steel will alwayes Command the Gold; men can have no [...] [...] unto them, if they do not make sure of mig [...]t, whereby they may, Vi [...] R [...]p [...]l [...]re. That a [...]; wh [...] Wr [...]e it [...] [...] for a Christian: to be a [...], was drive to this fur­ther Absurdity, that he [...] a [...] [...] to be a [...] too, when the Blood of a Ma [...]or might he thereby [...]nlange [...]e [...]. But What? [Page 76] Know we not, that the only Church which God had in the World, was a Camp, when Israel was in the [...] [...]derness; and know we not, that the Title of [...] [...]tain is more than once, with an unspeaka­ble [...] Satisfaction Challenged by our Lord Jesus Christ Himself! Or, shall I tell you? The very Angels of Heaven are but so many Heavenly Armies; and they are described as, All Holding Swords, being Exp [...]rt in War.

Tis therefore no Unreasonable thing, That Experience is Arms, has in all Ages been the Original of Nobility. The ancient Romans preferr'd those to be their Magistrates, who had first been their Souldiers; and, I pray, what are the Esent [...]beons, or Coats of Arms, deriv'd unto us from our Ancestors, but [...] Engraven on Shields to Com­memorate their Atchievements in the Field! By Fears of Arms, tis no rare thing for Persons of a mean Birth, to arise unto such Grandeurs and Honours, as give a stop to all further Ambition. What was David but a Shepard? The Persian Emperour Cambyses, was but the Son of a Car­ter; the Turkish Emperour Ottoman, was but a Camel-driver; and it were a peice of Baseness to e [...]vy the Advancements, in such a way at­tained. In short, As the Field has first given most of those Digeities, which men do now Value themselves upon, so it ha's bred those Endow­ments which have made men the Admiration of the World.

The Third Consideration.

They that Learn War, had need Learn some­thing else, and they that handle Swords & Spears ought at the same time to be furnished with [Page 77] Qualifications that shall be truly Extraordinary. [...]e assure you, such Edg'd Tools require more than a little Wisdom in those that wear th [...] [...] It is a place in the Field, that gives a pet [...] ­claim to such a style as that of, His Excellency [...] and a Souldier truly should many wayes have something of Excellency in him. He that would he a Commander, should indeed have some In­sight into all the Liberal Arts; especially, those of the Mathematicks; and he must be Master of such a Carriage herewithall, as to Charm at once the Love and Fear of those that shall be under him. But there are further Vertues, from which not so much as a Private Statinel should count himself Excusable.

The first thing that Recommends a Souldier, would be Courage; a Courage like that which inspired J [...]ias C [...]ar to say, unto some that would have Scared him, I [...] Sooner Dy that be Af­raid; a Courage like that of Sampsot, or David, who' durst even take a Lion by the Tooth. Lost we should any of us, be call'd unto any Sea Encounters' let me touch upon this one Instance more of such a Courage, A stout A [...]hen an, pursuing the Persians to their Ships, when one of their Boats was putting off the Shoar, he got hold of it with his Right hand, and kept his hol [...]t until h [...]s H [...]d was cut off; he then laid hold of it with his Left hand, and kept this hold until that Hand also was cut off; hereupon he clapt-hold of it with his T [...]th, until further Help came up. Such an Undaunted and Obstinate Resolution well becomes a Souldier! he should Scorn to have any We [...]ds [...] but what he may see without Looking o [...]e a Shoulder. L [...]t [...]ure Repeat unto you the Words used [Page 78] by the Lord-General of Israel in his Military Or [...] ­tion of old, Be of Good Courage, and l [...]t us play the men!

[...] the Liens Skin must sometimes be peiced [...] another; there is Canning Requisite unto Souldier too; the Canning of well Employing & well-applying the Weapons with which you are Entrusted; the Canning of Inventing and perfor­ming a neat Stratagem when tis called for [...] How Commonly do's Policy out do Paissance? The Policy to know and to take all Advantages is that, of which the Wise man ha's told us, Tis better than Weapons of War! So Joshus found it when Ai was to be Conquered; and so the King of Poland found it a few years ago when he made an Army of an Hundred Thousand Museovites, all cast themselves at his Feet, without giving any manner of Battel to them. But it is not for me to Read Military Lectures before our Hannibals. I shall rather press upon you, that which is, Toe one thing Needful for us all; Tis Piety, Tis Holiness, 'Tis Religion that you should in the first place Labour to be Qualify'd withall. Souldiers have been hitherto Reproached for a sort of Blades, in whom, there is, Nulla Fides, Pittasque—But O Confute that Clamour by your Godly Conversation. It is piety to see a fine Souldier, with an unhappy BUT upon him; as we read of one, in 2 King. 5. 1. He was a mighty man in Valo [...]r, BUT he was a L [...]p [...]r; so it may be said of some. He is a [...] Souldier BUT a Dit [...]uthee. BUT a Malignant Enemy of all that is H [...]ly and Just and Good. Such a BUT is a L [...]prosy that sp [...]lls all the rest. It is not the Atheist, but the Believer, that is the Souldier to be lust accounted of. Indeed such Followes us he [Page 79] Furious and Infamous Bucani [...]rs, may do (as they have done) many Things of a most Incredible Ad­venture; but this I am sure of; the B [...]lei [...] [...] in the Eleventh Chapter to the Hebrews, did th [...] of a far Greater Bravery. It is not to be suppo­sed, That men which carry about a Dirty and a Guilty Conscience with them, will have so much of the Divine presence to smile upon their Enter­prizes, as those whom the Blood of Jesus hath Sprinkled from an Evil Conscience. Usually, They are not the Debauched, Swearing, Cursing, part: of Mankind, that will acquit themselves with the most Vigorous and Successful Gallantry; a Divine of some Note once Preaching before K. Charles I [...] delivered this passage, Sir, When, God Damn me, Leads the Van, and, The Divel take me, brings up the Rear, never think that your Armies will do you any Considerable Service. The English Nation had given a more Uncontroleable Command unto all Europe [...] this Day; if it had never been under any such Conduct; or if more of its Leaders had been more like the Just and Good Prince now upon the Throne. A little Handful of Chast, Sober, Devout Persons, a small Army of Saints would be able to drive the whole World before them; One would Chase a thousand, & two put ten thousand to Flight; a Praying Legion will be a Thu [...] ­dring Legion. In fine, a Souldier is Good for Little if in an Article of Deadly Danger, he must cry out, I cannot Dy, I dare not Dy! Let your Peace be made with the Omnipotent God, before you Encounter with any other Adversary. First List your selves under the Banner of the Lord Jesus Christ, before you go upon any other Warfare. You all have one very Frightful, Ghastly, hideous [Page 80] Enemy, to look in the face; from a War with whom, you can have no Discharge; it is said in [...] 15. 26. The last Enemy is Death. Where [...] As your Commanders will anon in diverse points make a Trial of your Souldiery, so I shall now try you with one material Question there­upon; tis this, Can you Dy? Give me leave to Exercise you a little before we [...]! Can you Cheerfully stand amidst a Shower of Bullets, and bravely say, Death, Strike, if tho [...] dare! the Worst thou art able to do me, is to send me unto Hea­ven before the Rest of my Neighbours! If you have, and I Bless God, I see the Faces of some that have, thus far attained, I will call you, Souldiers indeed; and Salure you in the Words of the Angel, The Lord is with thee, thou mighty man of Valour!

The Last Consideration.

The most grateful and Co [...]dial of our Ac­knowledgements are due to You, that are this Day Learning of War. Could I speak with a Voice, that should reach to all the Souldiers of New England, or to all that are Studious to Countenance Military Discipline among us, I would presume in the Name of all the Sensible persons in the Country, to Express all possible Regards unto them, I would Venture to say,

‘'Tis to Yo [...] under God, that we owe the many Comforts of our Lives; we should soon be Rob'd of all that is dear unto us, in the World, if it were not known that there were such as You to set the Price of all. Our Plough Shares and Praning books would not be able to seed us, if your Swords and Spears, [Page 81] were not a Guard unto them. Our Shops would be soon Emptied by those that would Measure our Wares by the Loag Ell, that is, the Pike, if Y [...] kept them nor. It is by Your means, Gods Houses among us, have His Ordinance Undisturbed in them; and that our Own Houses, are full of things that are as well Necessary, as Convenient for us; And of this we are the more feelingly Convinced, because we saw a vi­sible Antipathy to the Military Spirit of New­England, in those that lately propounded unto themselves the Nipping and Creepling of those Plantations. We do therefore Confess, that for us to Discourage you, is to bespeak Losses and Ruines for our selves; and we Confess that when you have been in any particular Services Ex­posed for us, it is not only an Abominable thing for us to Cheat you of your Wages, but also a Dishonourable things if we do not bestow some Signal marks of Love and Care upon your Fami­lies; We hope, we wish, that Professing New­Englanders will at last Exceed Pagan Ath [...]nians in such a Gratitude unto the Well-deserving Soul­diers of the Country.’

But the Thanks that should be given to all that have the Spirit of Souldiery among us, are particularly belonging to that Worshipful company, which by asking a Sermon this Day, have declared the God of Heaven to be their Commander in Chief. We Thank you, our most worthy Friends for this your Zeal of being made Capable of Fight, yea, and to Dy for your Distressed Neighbours. Your Voluntary Association and Combination for the Learning of War, Obliges us to count you Exem­plary; and it becomes us thereupon to say, [Page 82] My Heart is towards those that Offered themselves willingly among the People; Bless ye the Lord. [...] Sob [...]lty do's further make us to Expect [...] from you but what is Notable and [...]udable; I would humbly speak it for your Encouragement; Here is a Large [...]ad of Souldiers among whom this whole Day of Diversion will not afford one man Drunk, or one Oath Sword, or one Curse D [...]op [...]d, or one Health swallow'd, or one Observable Misbehaviour. You are in this respect, the Glory of New England, which may Challenge the biggest part of the World by far, to show the Like! But your Souldiery is that which adds to our Expectations from you; for I will say this for the men of New-England. There is not, I suppose, that People under the Sun, which dare meet them upon Equal Terms; but your­selves are to be esteemed as the Flower and Choice of our Forces: I hope, that every one of You will have at Least a File of Ordinary Souldiers in him.

Go on then, ye Worthy Persons; and let nothing Dishearten you from the Prosecution of your Generous Undertakings. You have our U­nited Acclamations. Go o [...]! A great Warriour of old, would be so Eager in his Barrels, that the very Blood would Spirit out of his Lips; Could these Lips of mine name with as much Earnestness and Vehemency, they should but Vigorously say, Go on! Go on! But when I say, Go on, you must also suppose it said, Alm Right; other­wise to Go on, will be to Go out of the Way. Tis probable, that one of your principal En­deavours is, To be Good Marks men; but I hope, you are Singularly [...]es [...]l, [...] [...] at the Praist [Page 83] of God, in all you do; that you will have Holiness to the Lord. Engrav'd upon all your Arms; and that you still say, It the Name of our God will we set up our Ba [...]rs.

For that cause then, Accept the Blessing, which we now have to dismiss you with; tis that which was used unto an Eminent Souldier of old; Since thou Fightest the Bat [...]els of the Lord, Let [...]ey Soul be Bound up in the B [...]dle of Life with the Lord thy God. May this Artillery Company be a little Nursery of Renowned Soulders: May all of you have Opportunities with Inclinations to Serve your Generation according to the will of God; May you Live to the Day, and I know not but some of you that are now in this Assembly, may Live to the Day, when you shall B [...]t your Swords into Plough shares, and your Spears into Pruning books; but if you first fall Asleep, may every one of you be Conquerours and more that Conquerours over the Destroyers of your Souls; and may you be Transplanted from this Bandle, into those Regions, where the Lord Jesus Christ is a Standard bearer unto many Thousands, and where a Crown of Righteousness is bestow'd up­on all them that have Lived His Appearing.

The END.

‘Nocte Plu [...] To [...]a, Redeunt Spectacula mané, AEqua [...]m Imperium, Cum pat [...]e Christus habet. J. Stang [...]tori, Faellcitas Illtimi seculi.

Lact [...]tii Assertio. VEniet igicur Summi et Maximi Dei Filins­Verum ILLE, cum delerveri [...] injostitiam, Judiciumque maximum fecerit, ac Justos, qui a Principle suerunt, ad Vitam Restauraverit, Mille An [...]is inter Homines versabi [...]ur, Eosque justissimo Imperio reger. Lib. 7. Cap. 24.

Hiera [...]ymi Concessio. Quae Licet non [...]equamur, tamen Condemnare non Possumus, co quod multi vivorum Ecclesi­asticorum et Martytum, is [...]a dixerint. Comment. in Jer. 19.

Verbs Celebris Cujusdam Scriptoris. Neque debent a Nobis petere Adversarli, out sequamur Proprium sensum Ver borum, Simile enim id esser, ac si, qui [...]peterer ab i [...]s, qui sunt in Pinere, our sequan [...]r Vi [...]m Communem or Tritam. Nemo sanus id qu [...]it; ver cur In­grediamur pet portam, non per Pe [...]stram.’

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