BY The GOVERNOUR & General COURT Of the COLONY of the Massachusetts Bay. In New-England.
IT having been a thing too Sensible and Obvious to escape the Observation of all who are not wholly Strangers in our Israel; that this poor Land has laboured under a long Series of Afflictions and Calamities, whereby we have suffered successively in our precious and pleasant Things, and have seen the Anger of the righteous God against us, expressed in Characters, which ought to be as Terrible as they must needs be visible unto us; it having also, both by the Testimonies of those, that after the most humble and exact Enquiries into the Mind of God, have discovered the same unto us, and by their own General and Repeated Confessions, become undeniable; That a Corruption of Manners attended with Inexcusable Degeneracies and Apostasies, found in too many of this People, is the cause of that Controversie, which the God of our Fathers has, for many years been maintaining with us: It being likewise at this day, such a Probation-time with all New-England as this Countrey has never before seen from the first Foundation of it, and the Judgments of that Holy God, who hath beheld how incorrigible we have hitherto been under all His Dispensations, now arriving to such an Extremity, That the Ax is laid to the Root of the Trees, and we are in imminent danger of perishing, if a speedy REFORMATION of our Provoking Evils prevent it not THIS COURT have therefore thought it needful to praeface their other Endeavours for the Publick Welfare, with a very solemn Admonition unto this whole People, that they every where give Demonstrations of a thorough Repentance, without which we have little reason to hope for any good success in our Affairs.
Wherefore it is Ordered, that the Laws of this Colony against Vice, and all sorts of Debauchery and Prophaness (which Laws have too much lost their edg by the late Interruption of the Government) be now faithfully and Vigorously put in Execution; Particularly the Laws against Blasphemy, Cursing, Prophane Swearing, Lying, Unlawful Gaming, Sabbath-breaking, Idleness, Drunkenness, Vncleanness, and all the Enticements, and Nurseries of such Impieties. Together with all other the wholsome Laws and Orders agreeable to the present Circumstances of the Countrey; by the Execution whereof, we may approve our selves a peculiar People, zealous of good Works.
[Page]And as all Persons are hereby warned to avoid those Vices which these Laws are designed for the Prevention and Chastisement of (the Lovers of, and Pleaders for, such Iniquities, being among the principal Troublers of their Countrey) So all inferiour Officers are enjoyn'd to perform their Duty in finding and bringing out Offenders against the aforesaid Laws, and withal to give notice to such Offenders that they must expect the Justice of an Exemplary Punishment.
And that no attempt towards Reformation, may want that Assistance which all good men will be willing to give thereunto, 'tis hoped that the Ministers of God will to the publick Reading of this Proclamation, adjoyn their own fervent Labours, not only for the Rebukeing and Suppressing of those Provoking Evils, which are marked for common Hatred: but also to witness against the more Spiritual Sins, which fall not so much under the cognizance of Humane Laws, namely, such as Vnbelief, Worldliness, Heresy, Pride, Wrath, Strife, Envy, and the Neglect of communion with God, in both Natural and Instituted Worship, and the Contempt of the everlasting Gospel, with a shameful want of due Family-Instruction, which are the Roots of Bitterness in the midst of us.
Moreover, after the Example of Pious Rulers commended in Sacred Writ; the Churches every where are hereby advised to give utmost Encouragement unto the Faithful and Watchful Pastors of their Souls; to seek (where they lack) a full Settlement and Enjoyment of such Officers, as the Lord Jesus Christ has appointed for their Edification; to reflect seriously and frequently on their Covenants, to sharpen their Discipline against those that walk disorderly; and immediately to compose their Differences and Contentions (if such there be) whereby any of them may be distempered and enfeebled, that so they may become Terrible as an Army with Banners.
Furthermore it is Expected that the several Towns within this Jurisdiction do speedily furnish themselves with all fit means for the good Education of Youth, and take special care to avoid Factions and Quarrels in their other Town Affairs; and all Plantations are strictly forbidden to continue without the Advantages of having the Word of God constantly preacht unto them, or without a Sincere and Active Industry, to obtain the Presence of the Lord Christ in all His blessed Ordinances.
And Finally, this whole People are hereby advertised, that if these Essayes for an universal Reformation, shall be obstructed (as those in the dayes of the Reforming Josiah were) by Mens being settled on their Lees, and hating to be Reformed, they can reasonably look for no other issue than this, that the jealous God will punish them yet seven times more for their iniquities: But, that if the God of Heaven shall grant unto them the Grace to Remember whence they are fallen, and Repent and do the first Works, it will give a greater Prospect of Prosperity, than can arise from the best Counsels, and biggest Armies.
The Work of Reformation thus endeavoured, is now recommended unto the blessing of the Almighty, with whom alone it is, to Recover a Backsliding people; perswading our selves, that the Event thereof would be Salvation nigh unto us, and Glory dwelling in our Land.