AT A SESSION OF THE General Court Of the Massachusets Colony, in Boston, 28th of May, 1690.
WHereas the Honourable Sir William Phipps, Knight, is appointed to take the Chief Command, and Major John Walley to be Second unto him in Command of all the Forces that shall be provided for their Majesties Service, in an Expedition by Gods assistance intended for Canada, against the common Enemy, French and Indians.
All Gentlemen Souldiers and Sea-men, that shall List themselves for the said Service, are desired to enter their Names with such persons herein after Named, appointed for Muster-Masters in the several Regiments where such Souldiers and Seamen dwell or have their Abode, and to be in readiness to Randesvouz at such time and place as shall be assigned by the said Muster-Masters respectively, the Souldiers to appear compleatly Armed.
And for Encouragement to persons willingly to offer themselves to said Service, It is Ordered,
1. That the Pay of all Land Officers, and private Sentinels, shall be in all Respects equal to what hath been already allowed to those improved against the Indian Enemy.
2. That the Pay of all Sea Officers and Seamen, shall be after the same Rate proportionably to what shall be paid unto them lately improved in the Port Royal Expedition.
3. Besides the stated pay, one just half part of all plunder taken from the Enemy shall be shared among the Officers, Soldiers and Seamen. Stores of War Excepted.
4. If it so happen (which God forbid) that any of ours fall in the Attempt, then what would rightfully have belonged to such person or persons if they had lived, shall be made good to their Widows and Children, and if none such be, then to those who have the next Legal Right.
5. If any persons be so wounded, as to loose a Limb, or the use thereof, so as thereby to be disinabled for bodily labour, further consideration shall be had to such, out of the part of plunder accruing to the Publick.
For | Major Saltonstal's | Henry Short Newbury, |
Major Appleton's | Nathaniel R [...]st Ipswich, | |
Major Gidney's | Benjamin Gerrish Salem, | |
Major Hinksman's | Henry Woodiss Concord, | |
Major Phillips's | Samuel Phipps Charlstown, | |
Samuel Champney Cambridg, | ||
Major Hutchinson's | William Coleman Boston, | |
Major Quinsey's | Joseph Dire Weymouth, | |
Samuel Ruggles junier, Rox [...]bury, |