A Plain Short CATECHISM FOR Children & Youth,
That may be Serviceable to such Others, who need to be instructed in the First Principles and Grounds of the Christian Religion.
To which is added, A short Paraphrase or Opening, by way of Meditation on that Prayer which our Lord Jesus Christ taught his Disciples, commonly call'd, The Lords Prayer.
By G. K.
Printed and Sold by William Bradford at Philadelphia in Pennsilvania, 1690.
A Friendly Epistle to the READER.
I Have writ the following Catechism with great freedom and clearness of Mind, and in a sense of the good hand of the Lord as [...]sting me, according to the measure of his heavenly Gift freely bestowed upon me. The service [...]f it is designed not only for Children, but such others come to Age, who need, and are desirous to [...]e instructed in the first Principles and Grounds [...]f the Christian Religion. The Questions are [...]o framed, that the Answer to every one of them is [...] simple Yea or Nay, that so the understanding of he Learners may be best reached; and they may answer to many of them, rather from the Truth [...]n their Understanding, than from their Memory, [...]r outward Instruction; for the divine Principle [...]f Truth, even that living Word of Truth, is [...]laced, in some measure, in all men; and when the [...]oings of Truth are plainly and clearly held forth [...] the Understanding of People, where the Eye [...] the Understanding is not exceedingly blinded, [...]nd the inward Ear is not greatly stopped, the [...]ord of Truth within answers to the Words and [...]estimonies of Truth without, as face answers [Page] to face in Water, or as the Echo answers to the Voice of the Speaker.
I have [...]esty endeavoured to treat of the most Fundamental and Necessary Doctrines of the Christian Religion, and which I did judge most proper and suitable to those who are Young either in Tears, or in the Knowledge of the Truth, well knowing that Babes are to be fed with Milk, as strong Men with Meat; and as the good growth and thriving of Children o [...]twardly, and their sound Health, doth much depend on the Milk, or other suitable Nourishment to their weak state, its being good and wholsom, so the growth of such who are as Babes in Christ, doth greatly require, that wholsom and sound Doctrine be administred unto thom; for the Spirit and Power of Christ doth accompany the sound and wholsom Doctrine, delivered by men of a sound Mind, and is that nourishing Virtue that feedeth the Soul; but where the Doctrine is not sound nor true, that pure and holy Spirit doth not joyn with it, to feed and nourish the Soul: And Doctrine and Words, without the Spirit of Christ, is as Milk or Wine that is dead, and hath not the nourishing Virtue in it. Very many of the particular Heads and Doctrines treated of, are such as are generally assented unto by most of these called Christians, of most sorts, being such as concern the common grounds of the Christian Religion, generally acknowledged by all such, whom we can in any Charity judge to be true Christians; [Page] the which seem to me to be most Necessary to be known and believed, as much or more as some [...] these peculiar things of difference, which are [...] Controversie, among the several sorts of the Professors of Christianity; and it were well, if these things, both of Doctrine and [...], that are generally assented unto by all or most sorts, were more seriously minded, recommended and improved generally, there would be more love and good Neighbourhood, and Peace among professed Christians. But when the common things and Practices of Christian Religion, generally assented unto, are but too much neglected, and the particular Differences, perhaps in smaller matters, too hotly and indiscreetly, and from a zeal, without good Understanding, too much urged; and instead of seeking to heal Breaches, by running into extreams, rather to widen them; this doth hurt, and layeth a stumbling block before the weak.
The particular Differences that the Truth it self maketh, betwixt things True and False, Good and Evil, are so to be minded, and with a dis [...]rect and godly Zeal to be contended for, that the common Grounds of Christian Religion, and the common Duties and Practices thereof, generally acknowledged, by not neglected, but duly regarded, recommended and improved; and where the things that are common matters of Faith and Practice, among all or most sorts, are the more weighty, they require to be the more [Page] weightily regarded: And who do otherwise are greatly to be blamed, as such who take greater care of their Garments than of their Bodies, or such who are more concerned about a Finger and a Tot, to save it, than about the Head, and other principal Members. Most of the Common Heads of Christian Doctrine, generally assented unto, are of great weight, and therefore should be greatly minded and improved by all. According to our S [...]viour's Doctrine, there are the weightier matters of the Law, viz. Judgment, Mercy and Faith, and the lest weighty; and so in the m [...]tters of Christian Doctrine, some are more weighty than others, and of greatest Moment, and [...] these were duly regarded & improved, and received in the love of the Truth, and a suitable walking according, to be sound among Professors of Christianity, Charity should be allow'd by them one to another, and they should look upon one another as all Disciples in one School, and under one Schoolmaster, the Lord Jesus Christ, though diversly classed, some in a lower & some in a higher degree; or as divers fields of Corn, where some fields have much more Cockle and Tare than other, yet the Corn is good where ever it is found; and it is an excellent field indeed where no Cockle is to be sound, but all [...] Wheat; and such a Church God hath promised to set up in the Earth; see Isa. 60. 21. Zech. 14.21. Mat. 3. 12.
A Plain Short Christian Catechism FOR Children & Youth, That may be serviceable to Others.
By George Keith.
Section I.
WHO made the Heavens, and Earth, and all things therein, did a God the great Lord of all?
Answ. Yea.
Qu. By whom did God make all things, did he make them by b his Word and pirit?
A. Yea.
Q. What is the [...]ord by which he made all things, is it c Jesus Christ his only begotten Son? A Yea.
Q. Was Jesus Christ, the Son of God, d begot of God from Everlasting, or before all Ages? A. Yea.
[Page 2] Q. Did the holy Spirit e proceed from the Father, and from the Son, from Everlasting, or before all Ages? A. Yea.
Q. Are the Father, the Word, and the holy Spirit f one only God? A. Yea.
Q. Is God a g pure Spirit, Light and Life? A. Yea.
Q. Is he h infinitely & unchangeably Good, Holy, Just, Wise, and Powerful? A. Yea.
Q. Is he i every where present? A. Yea.
Q. Doth he k know all things of himself, past, present and to come? A. Yea.
Q. In what estate did God create man [...]n the beginning, was it in his l Image, and after his similitude? A. Yea.
Q. Did God create Man m upright, holy, good and wise? A. Yea.
Q. Where did God place man, when he made him, was it in Paradise, or the n Garden of God? A. Yea.
Q. And did he allow him to eat of o every Tree of the Garden, save one? A. Yea.
Q. What was that one Tree in the Garden, that he was forbid to eat of, was it not p the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil? A. Yea.
Q. Was that q Tree evil in it self? A. Nay.
Q. Why was it called so, was it because it was not r good for man to feed upon? A. Yea.
Q. Did man s continue in the state wherein God made him? A. Nay.
[Page 3] Q. How did man fall from his state, was it by t transgressing the Command of God, and obeying the Counsel of the Serpent? A. Yea.
Q. Who was that u Serpent, was it the Devil? A. Yea.
Q. Was the Woman x first in the Transgression? A. Yea.
Q. What was the effect of that Transgression, was it not y Death? A. Yea.
Q. Was not that Death both z Spiritual and Temporal? A. Yea.
Q. Are z all dead in Adam? A. Yea.
(a) Gen. Exod. 20.11. (b) Psal. 33.6. Ephes. 3.9. Col. 1.16. (c) John 1.1. 3. [...]0.14. Rev. 19.13. (d) Prov. Prov. 30.4. Psal. 2.12. Micah 5.2. John. 17.5. (e) John 15.26. John 16.13. (f)I John 5.7. (g) John 4. [...]4. I John 1.5. Deut. 30.20. (h) Psal. 14.7.5. Deut. 33.27. Mal. 3 6. Exod. 34.6. Isa. 6.3. Jo [...] 11.7. Psal. 91.1. Rom. 11.33. I Tim. 6.15,16. (i)I Kings 8.27. Psal. 139.7.8,9. Jer. 23.23,24. Isa. 40.12,13. Acts 17.26,27,28. (k)I Sam. 2.3. Psal. 139.2. Heb. 4.12,13. Jer. 17.10. Amos 4.13. Isa. 40.13. Rom. 11.34. (l) Gen. 1.26. (m) Eccles. 7.29. Col. 3.10. (n) Gen. 2.15. (o) Gen. 2.16. (p) Gen. 2.17. (q) Gen. 1.31. (r) Gen. 2.17. Gen. 3. [...]. (s) Gen. 3.14.17. Psal. 49.12. (t) Gen. 3.17. (u) Rev. 20.2. (x) Gen. 3.6. (y) Gen 2.17. (z) Rom. 5.12. 14.15. Gen. 3.19. [...] 21,22.
Sect. II.
Q. D [...] God a utterly and finally cast off Mankind for that sin? A. Nay.
Q. What help or remedy did God provide to recover man, and his lost Posterity, from their Misery, was it not b Jesus Christ his only begotten Son? A. Yea.
Q. How did God give his Son to recover lost men, was i [...] not, that he was to come both c outwardly in the [...]e [...]h, and d inward [...] in Spirit in mens hearts to restore & save them? A. Yea.
Q. When did Christ come in Spirit inwardly in mens hearts, in order to save & restore them, e was it not in some measure or degree immediately after the fall? A. Yea.
Q. Was not that f Seed of the Woman, which God promised, that he should bruise the Head of the Serpent, Jesus Christ? A. Yea.
Q. What is required of men, that they may be saved by Christ, is not g Faith in him, and Love and h Obedience to his Commands? A. Yea.
Q. Who is the i Author and Worker of true Faith, Love and Obedience in men, and of all other good Fruits & Virtues mentioned in the Scripture, is it not God, and Christ, and the holy Spirit? A. Yea.
Q. Are men to believe in Christ for Salvation, both as he is come k in the Flesh, and as he is come in the Spirit inwardly into mens hearts?
[Page 5] Q. How doth he come inwardly in the Spirit, into mens hearts, is it as the l Word, and Life, and quickening Spirit, and as the true Lgiht that lighteth every man that cometh into the World. A. Yea.
Q. What inward Operation hath Christ, as he is the Word, Light and Life, is it not to m convince and reprove of sin, and to teach men to deny and forsake sin of all sort, and to live righteously, soberly and godly in this present world? A. Yea.
Q. What other Operation hath Christ, the living Word, in mens hearts, is it, not only to teach and convince, but n powerfully to incline and enable men to forsake all sin, and keep Gods holy Law? A. Yea.
Q. Where hath God put his Law, which men should obey, is it not in mens o hearts? A. Yea.
Q. What is the sum of that Law, is it not [...] the same p inwardly, for matter and substance, which God delivered outwardly to Moses, in two Tables on Mount S [...]nai? A. Yea.
Q. What did the first Table contain, was it Mans duty immediately to q God? A. Yea.
Q. What did the second Table contain, was it mans duty r to his Parents and Neighbours? A. Yea.
Q. Where doth the second Table begin, is it not at the fifth Commandment, viz. Honour thy Father and Mother, &c.? A. Yea.
Q. Why is our Duty to Parents placed next [Page 6] in order to our Duty immediately unto God, is it not because we owe the greatest Duty first to God, and next to our s Parents and t Magistrates? A. Yea.
Q. Seeing God hath delivered his Law inwardly in mens hearts, why did he also deliver it outwardly by Moses, was it not because of u mans weakness, that ever since the fall needeth outward Helps, and means of Instruction, as well as inward? A. Yea.
(a) Isa. 57.16. Gen, 3.9. (b) John 3.14,15,16. (c) Heb. 2.14. I Tim. 3.16. I John 4.2. (d) I Cor. 15.45. Ephes. 3.8.17. (e) Gen. 6.3. & 3.15. Deut. 30.11,12,13,14,15. Rom. 10.7,8. I Pet. 1.11. (f) Gen. 3.15. Heb. 2.14. Rom. 9.29. Gal. 3.16. (g) John 1.12. John 3.16. I Tim. 3.16. (h) Heb. [...].9. John 13.8. (i) Heb. 12.2. Ephes. [...].8. 2 Cor. 4.13. (k) Rom. 10 8,9. I John 4.3. [...] John 1.1.9. John 11.25. I Cor. 15.45. (m) John 3.20. 16.8. 2 Tit. 10.11. (n) Heb. 4.12. Ephes. 3.7. 4.16. Rom. 8.2,3,4. (o) Rom. 1.18.19. & 2.14 15. (p) Rom. 7.7. Exod. 20.1.2. (q) Exod. 20. from [...].3. to 12. (r) Exod. 20. from 12 to 18. (s) Exod 21.15.17. (t) Rom. 13.1.23. I Pet. 2.13.14. (n) Gal. 3.19.24.
Sect. III.
[...] WHat other outward helps & means hath God given us, are they not, [Page 7] 1 st, the a Book of the Creation, 2 div, b the holy Scripture [...] of the Old & New Testament, 3 dly, c good and holy men, whom God on raiseth up, and sendeth to us? A. Yea.
Q. What outward helps had men before the Scriptures were writ, was not the same Doct [...]in for d substance, outwardly delivered by word of Mouth, from holy men? A. Yea.
Q But are not many, at present, left without either the e help of the holy Scriptures, or holy Men? A. Yea.
Q. Why are many so f long left, doth it belong to the secret Judgments of God? A. Yea.
Q. But they who rightly improve that inward help of Christs Light & Teaching in their hearts, who have not the outward, are they not g accepted according to that present state?
A. Yea.
Q. They who have the outward help of the holy Scriptures, and outward teachings of holy Men, is it not a h great blessing of God, and a great advantage unto them, if duly improved?
A. Yea.
Q. Doth not the Scripture declare many things of great weight, respecting the way of mens eternal Salvation, that are not inwardly revealed to all men? A. Yea.
Q. What are these things, are they not principally that i great Mystery of Christ, as he is God manifest in Flesh, and as he dyed for our Sins, and rose again for our Justification, [Page 8] and is ascended into Heaven, whence he sent down the holy Ghost, with most excellent Gifts to men, and where he remaineth our Advocate and Propitiation with the Father, and yet is k inwardly and spiritually present in all true Believers in him? A. Yea.
Q. Is not the l Knowledge and Faith of this great Mystery absolutely necessary to make a perfect Christian? A. Yea.
A. They who have not that Faith & Knowledge at present, and yet have a measure of sincerity, and live up [...]ightly to wha [...] is made known of God in them, and of his Will and Law, are they not rather m Servants than Sons, or if Sons, but Sons of the first Covenant, and not of the second Covenant? A. Yea.
Q. They who dye, not having had Christ outwardly preached unto them, but are Sons or Children of the first Covenant, and retain their uprightness and faithfulness, can they n perish in that state? A. Nay.
Q. Whence were the holy Scriptures given forth, were they not given forth from the holy Spirit, by divine o Inspiration? A. Yea.
Q. How are they and the things declared in them to be p understood, and made profitable unto us, is it not by our receiving a furder measure of divine Illumination, to enable us daily p more and more to understand them? A. Yea.
Q. What is the excellency of the q second Covenant, beyond and above the first, is it not [Page 9] that it giveth greater Illumination and Grace, and raiseth up the Children of it to a higher degree of Perfection? A. Yea.
Q. And doth it not make the Children thereof perfect in due time, and giveth a perfect r Freedom from sin, and victory over it? A. Yea.
Q. Is the Seed or Principle of the second or New s Covenant, after some manner, in all men? A. Yea.
Q. And is that Seed or Principle, t Christ, the Word of Faith? A. Yea.
Q. But is that great Mystery greatly u revealed in all? A. Nay.
Q. Did not God x reserve the more full Revelation of it, in a more general way, to the time after Christ should suffer Death for mens sins, and rise again? A. Yea.
Q. Was not therefore Christ the y Mystery hid from Ages and Generations, until the fullness of time, and that both as to his inward and outward Coming, for most part? A. Yea.
(a) Psal. 19.1,2,3. Rom. 1.20. (b) 2 Tim. 3.15,16,17. (c) Luke 11.49. Ephes. 4.11. (d) Rev. 14.6. Gen. 18.19. (e) Rom. 2.12,13,14. & cap. 15.20,21. (f) Rom. 15.21. Rom. 11.25,33. Mat. 24.14. (g) Acts. 10.1,2,34,35. (h) Psal. 147.19,20. Rom. 3.2. Rom. 9.4. & 16.25,26. (i) I Tim. 3.16. Rom. 4.25. Ephes. 4.8. Heb. 7.25.26. I John 2.1,2. (k) John 17. [Page 10] 23. Ephes. 3.17. (l) Isa. 53.11. John 3.14,15. Rom. 10.9. (m) Gal. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. (n) Gal. 3.23. Acts 10.34,35. (o) 2 Tim. 3.15,16. I Cor. 2.14. I Cor. 12.7. (p) Psal. 119.18. Ephes. 1.17,18. (q) Deut. 30.14. Rom. 10.6,7,8. John 1.16,17. Heb. 7,19,22. Heb. 8.6,7,8. (r) Rom. 8. [...]3,4. Joh. 8.36. Rom. 6.18. Heb.5.14. Heb. 7.19. & 9.9,10,11. (s) John 1.9,10. Deut. 30.14. Rom. 10.7. (t) Rom. 10.7. (u) Rom. 16.25,26. Ephes. 3.9. Col. 26. (x) Rom. 3.25,26. I Tim. 2.6. I Pet. 5.20. Ephes. 2.7. (y) Ephes. 3.9. Rom. 16.26.
Sect. IV.
Q. BUt did not the Prophets, and many others, singularly and peculiarly favoured, know him and believe in him, both as he did come in Spirit into their hearts, and as he was to come in the flesh, that promised Seed of the Woman, that should bruise the head of the Serpent? A. Yea.
Q. Was not his outward Coming in that prepared Body, to do the will of God, and to fullfill all Righteousness, b figured and held forth to the faithful of the People of Israel, under the Sacrifices, and many other Types, Shadows and Promises? A. Yea.
Q. And did he not come in the c fullness of time, as was prophesied of him, to be a Sacrifice of a sweet savour to reconcile us unto God? A. Yea.
[Page 11] Q. As he came in the flesh, was he not the d Seed of Abraham and David? A. Yea.
Q. Had not that e Seed of Abraham and David, which the Word assumed, the intire and perfect Nature of Man, in all its essential parts of Soul and Body, made like to us in all things, but without sin? A. Yea.
Q. Was he not born f of a Virgin, call'd Mary, and conceived of the holy Ghost? A. Yea.
Q. Was he not most g pure, and free from all sin, in his Conception, Birth and Life, from first to last, even as a Lamp without Spot? A. Yea.
Q. Did he suffer h Death under Ponti [...]s Pilate, and rose again the third day, in the same Body, and ascended into Heaven? A. Yea.
Q. But is not his i Body glorified, and made most glorious, according to which the Bodies of the Saints shall be made conform, at the Resurrection of the dead? A. Yea.
Q. Is not the account of the Conception, Birth, Life, Doctrine, &c. of Christ, and his Death, Resurrection, Ascen [...]ion, Intercession, and Coming to judg [...] the quick and the dead, as given by the four Evange [...]ts and Apostles, k necessary matter of [...] Faith, in order to eternal Life and Salvation? A. Yea.
Q. How is that Doctrine made effectual to our Salvation, is it not by the inward i op [...] ing, [Page 12] Inspiration and Revelation of Gods Grace, Light, Life and Spirit, accompanying that Doctrine, where ever it cometh, by word or Writ, to all who do not reject it? A. Yea.
Q. Doth not Christ, in the pure Gospel Administration, give forth some m peculiar Laws and Commands, under the New Covenant, not given to the Jews nor Gentiles under the first Covenant? A. Yea.
Q. Which are these peculiar Laws and Commandments of Christ under the pure and perfect Administration of the New Covenant, are they, u 1st, That we are not to Swear at all: 2dly, That we are not to fight with carnal Weapons, nor carnally to resist Evil; 3dly, That a man is not to marry, or have more Wives at once, than one, nor that a man put away his Wife, save only for Fornication? A. Yea.
Q. Is Jesus Christ o both God and Man, and yet one Christ? A. Yea.
Q. Is any p other man, that ever was, is, or shall be, both God and Man, or equal to him? A. Nay.
Q. Why is Christ both God and Man, is it not because of that q most high and admirable Union of his Godhead and Manhood, that no Man nor Creature hath or shall have? A. Yea.
Q. But is r the Manhood of Christ changed into his Godhead? A. Nay.
Q. Is not the s Manhood of Christ, or Christ [Page 13] as Man, wonderfully exalted above all Men and Angels? A. Yea.
Q. Is it not a great t Error in some, that say, there are two Christs, one Christ that is God, another Christ that is Man? A. Yea.
Q. Is u Christ in Heaven, one and the same Christ that is in the Saints? A. Yea.
Q. How is Christ in the Saints and true Believers, is his x Body in them, that was crucified, rose and ascended? A. Nay.
Q. Is his y whole fullness in them? A. Nay.
Q. Is there not in every true Believer a certain measure of Christ, as they are able to receive, to wit, of his Light, Life and Spirit? A. Yea.
Q. What is the difference betwixt the manner of Christ's being in true Saints and Believers, and y the manner of his being in the Unbelievers, and Unconverted, is it not z That he is revealed in the Saints and Believers in great Glory, and giving them great Peace, Joy and Consolation, and they are united to him, and he unto them, and they are Members of him, and have fellowship with the Father and the Son; But in Unbelievers he is not so revealed, nor are they united unto him, nor he unto them, but there is a distance [...] seperation betwixt Christ and all Unbelievers? A. Yea.
(a) John 5.46. Luke 24.7. John 8.56. Gen. 3.5. I Pet. 1.11. (b) Col. 2.16,17. Heb. 9.9,10, [Page 14] 11. & 10.1. (c) Gal. 4.4. Heb. 10.10,11,12. Ephes. 5.2. I Pet. 1.19. Rom. 5.10. Ephes. 2.16. Col [...]. 20,21. (d) Heb. 2.16. Acts 13.23. Rom. 1.3. (e) Heb. 2.17. Luke 23.46. Isa. 53.10. Mat. 20.38. (f) Mat. 1.18,23. (g) Heb.7.2 [...]. [...] Pet. 2.22,23. & 1.19. (h) Mat. 27.2. I Tim. 6.13. I Cor. 15.3;4. Mat. 20.17,18. (i) Phil. 3.21. (k) John 20.31. Rom. 16.25. (l) Luke 24.32,44,45,46,47. I Cor. 2.7,10,11,12,13,14, Job 32.8. mn) Mat. 5.34. Jam [...]s 5.12. Mat. 5.38,39. Isa. 2.4. Micah 4.3. 2 Cor. 10.4. Mat. 5.32. 1 Cor. 7.2. Ephes. 5.31,32. (o) I Tim. 2.5. Ephes. 4.5. Rom. 9.5. I Cor. 1.13. (p) Col. 1. [...]7,18. (q) Gal. 3.16. I Cor. 11.3. John 17,11. (r) Rom. 1.23. I Cor. 11.3. James 1.17. (s) Heb. 1.4,6,6,13. & 2.5,6,7. Phil. 2.10. Rom. [...]4.11. (t) Jude 4. (u) Ephes. 4.5,6,7. (x) Mat. 2 [...]. [...]. Joh. 14.28. (y) Ephes. 4.7. Joh. 1.16. (z Gal. 1.15. John 17.13,23. I Cor. 6.16,17. I John 1.2,3. 2 Cor. 6.14. Ephes. 2.12,13.
Sect. V.
Q. DO all true Believers a eat the Flesh of Christ, and drink his Blood, that they may have eternal Life in them? A. Yea.
Q. What is that a Flesh and Blood of Christ, is it not a great Mystery, only known, tasted and re [...]ed by true Believers? A. Yea.
Q. Did not the Saints and true Believers from the beginning of the World, eat a the Flesh of Christ and drink his Blood, as he is [Page 15] the Heavenly Man and Second Adam, the Lord from Heaven? A. Yea.
Q. Is b Christ the Son of God, and who is the Son of Man, to be worshipped, and prayed unto? A. Yea.
Q. And is not all true Worship, Prayer and Thanks giving to be offered up unto God c through Jesus Christ, the one Mediator? A. Yea.
Q. Are d Saints and Angels to be prayed unto? A. Nay.
Q. Are the Saints on Earth united to Christ in Heaven? A. Yea.
Q. Have the Saints on Earth e fellowship with Christ in Heaven, and receive living Refreshments and spiritual Blessings from him in Heaven, and an increase of the holy Spirit that he sendeth down from Heaven unto them? A. Yea.
Q. Are not the Birth, Life, Death, Resurrection, Ascention of Christ, his Intercession, and returning to Judgment, with whatever the Scripture declareth of him, as outwardly, f worthy and needful Subjects of every true Christians frequent Meditation and Remembrance, to encrease their Faith, Love, Devotion and sincere Obedience? A. Yea.
Q. What maketh a Christians g Meditation on these worthy subjects, living, effectual, fruitful and profitable to him, is it not as the holy Spirit of Christ inwardly openeth the [Page 16] Mystery of them, and livingly and effectually applyeth them to the Soul and Heart of Man? A. Yea.
Q. Is not the most h holy Life of Christ, as he lived and walked upon Earth, to be the Pattern and Example of every Christian, to live and walk as he did, as the holy Spirit of Christ in them, doth [...] before them in their frequent Meditation? A. Yea.
Q. How is all true prayer, Worship, Thanksgiving and Obedience unto God to be performed, is it only and alone by the help of the i holy Spirit of Christ, in some measure, as it is inwardly received and felt? A. Yea.
Q. What things are we k chiefly to pray for, are they not chiefly spiritual Blessings, Mercies and Graces, and an increase of the holy Spirit, and is not the sure of all necessary Prayer contained in th [...]ort Prayer which Christ taught his Disciples, saying, Our Father, &c.? A. Yea.
Q. And is not all l true preaching and [...]hing to be performed by the inward help, motion and assistance of the holy Spirit, that only maketh it profitable, [...]o [...]h to Speakers and Heat [...]rs? A. Yea.
Q. And when a Christian Preacher feeleth not a [...] present help and ability to Preach or Pray in words, is he not to wait in silence to receive [...]t? A. Yea.
Q. What n enableth a man to wait for the [Page 17] help of the holy Spirit until he receive it, is it not a measure of the same holy Spirit then received? A. Yea.
Q. Are only o holy men called to preach the Gospel of Christ? A. Yea.
Q. Ought not Christ's Gospel to be p f [...]e [...]ly preached? A. Yea.
Q. Ought People to be q forced, or their Goods strain'd, to pay for preaching? A. Nay.
Q. Are r Tythes the Gospel Maintenance appointed by Christ to his Ministers? A. Nay.
Q. Is not s Christ the great Shepherd, Pastor and Bishop of all the Souls of his People, and their King, Priest, Prophet, Physitian, Husband, Leader and Captain of Salvation? A. Yea.
Q. What are t the principal parts of a Man, are they not Spirit, Soul and Body, or Soul and Body, the Spirit being understood, as comprehended together with the Soul? A. Yea.
Q. Doth not Christ save, redeem, cleanse and sanctifie both Soul and Body, and is the Saviour of both, and therefore is to be served, and honoured, and obeyed with both. A. Yea.
(a) John 6.50,51,52,53,54,55. Psal. 23.5. Acts 15.11. I Cor. 10.17. (b) Acts 9.14. I Cor. 1.2. Acts 7.59. Mat. 2.11. & 9.21. Joh. 5.23. & 3.13,14,15. Phil. 2.10. Rev. 5.9,12. & 2 [...].16. Isa. 11.1.10. Acts 13.23. (c) Heb. 13.15. [...]. 1.8. [Page 18] & 7. 25. Heb. 10.19,20,21,22. & 7. 25. & 4. 14, 15, 16. (d) Deut. 6.13. 10.20. Mat. 4.10. Rev. 22.9. (e) Heb. 12.24. I John 1.3. I Pet. 1.12. I Thes. 1.10. John 16.7. & 1.16. Col. 1.19. & 2. 9. 19. (f) 2 Tim. 2.8. I Tim. 3.10. compared with c.4.6. 2 Pet. 1.12. & 3.1. John 14. 26. Luke. 2.19. I Cor. 11. 24,25,26. Heb. 3.1. & 12.3. I Tim. 4.15. Psal. 77.12. & 143. 5. & 8. 3,4,5,6,7. Heb. 2. 6. (g) 2 Cor. 3.5. Rom. 8.6. Col. 1.6.10. 2 John 15. 3. I Cor. 12. 7. John 6.63. Psal. 119.16.18. (h) I John 2 6. I Pet. 2. 21. (i) John 4. 23. Ephes. 6. 18. Rom. 8.20. (k) Mat. 6.32,33. Luke 11. from I, to 13. (l) I Cor. 2. 4. I Pet. 4.11. 2 Cor. 3. 6. (m) Acts 1.4. Ezek. 3.15. Psal. 39.3. (n) John 15. 5. Jam. 1.17. (o) 2 Pet. 1. 21. I Tim. 3. 2. Mat. 5.13,14. & 7.16. (p) Mat. 10.8. Acts 8.20. (q) I Pet. 5.2. (r) Heb. 7. [...]. (s) I Pet. 2.25. & 5. 4. Isa. 32.1. John 12. [...]. Rev. 17.14. Heb. 3.2. Psal. 1 10. 4. Heb. 5. [...] [...]. 1 [...].15. Acts. 3.22. & 7. 37. Mat. 9.12. Isa. 61.1. 2 Cor. [...]. [...]. Ephes. 5 31,32. Isa. 55 4. Heb. 1.10. (o) I Thes. 5. 23. Mat. 10. 28. [...] 20.
Sect. VI.
Q. HAth not Christ a dyed for all men, [...] that all men may by [...] him having a day of Visitation, and [...] of Salvation made unto them [...]? A. Yea.
Q. Shall only they be saved by [...] [Page 19] sincerely b believe in him, love and obey him? A. Yea.
Q. Are the best c good Works of the Saints done by the help of the holy Spirit in them, the ground and foundation of their Justification? A. Nay.
Q. Is Christ the alone ground and c foundation thereof, to wit, the whole Christ, as he is both God and Man, and as he came in the Flesh, and suffered Death, and as h [...] i [...] inwardly revealed to them, and the Mystery of him, and benefit and worth (by Merits) of his Death and Obedience, is opened, and by faith applyed to them, through the holy Spirit? A. Yea.
Q. How are true Believers justified by faith in Christ, is it because faith is the instrument whereby Christ is d received by us, and rested upon (even the whole Christ, whole and undivided, with all his Merits, Blessings and Benefits) for Justification? A. Yea.
Q. Is Faith the only e Instrument whereby Christ is received for Justification? A. Nay.
Q. Are e Repentance, and Conversion from Sin unto Righteousness necessary v Conditions and Instruments, whereby to [...] in perfect Fo giveness of Sins, and Justification? A. Yea.
Q. But is not Faith the chief Instrument, and first, in order of working, in that respect, and therefore is it [...] that mens Salvation and Justification is so much attributed to faith, as the chief Instrument thereof, even as Faith [Page 20] is called f the Saints Victory, in Scripture, and the Substance of things hoped for, and the Evidence of things not seen? A. Yea:
Q. Are only such as are to be saved by Christ, g Gods Elect, who were chosen in him before the Foundation of the World? A. Yea.
Q. Doth not the great Mystery of Election h and Reprobation [...]e chiefly in the Good and Evil Seeds? A. Yea.
Q. These who shall not be saved by Christ at the end of the World, who are they, and how called in Scripture, are they not the i Dross, Dung, the Chaff, Tares, Evil Seed, Dogs, Swine, Goats, the bad Fish, the bad Ground that is Cursed, whose end is to be burned, Seed of the Serpent, and Children of the wicked One, reprobate to every good Work, Vessels of Wrath, having treasured up Wrath against the day of Wrath, making up, as so many Members, the Body of Anti-Christ, that man of Sin, and Son of Perdition, whom God will destroy, and Mystery Babylo [...]; also, Children of Belial, whose King to Abad [...]o [...] and Apollyon? A. Yea.
Q. When do any become i Reprobate, i. e. utterly rejected or cast out, is it not when they are finished, or consummated in Sin and Wickedness, having finally rejected the offer of Grace, until their day of Visitation be expired, and that Christ hath wholly left them, and that they are become wholly as Dross and Dreg, having no Seed nor Grain of good [Page 21] Nature, or true Humanity remaining in them? A. Yea.
Q. Who are these who shall be saved by Christ, and how are they called in Scripture, are they not k Gods elect Jewels of Gold, the Wheat, the good Seed, the holy Seed, the Substance, Christ's Sheep, God's Flock, and Men (or Adam, Hebr.) the Sons and Children of God, the good Fish, the good Ground, the whole Seed, the whole Israel of God, whether Jews or Gentiles, the Lambs Wi [...]e, Zion, the Body of Christ, the Church of God, who are to be prepared and adorned, as a Bride for the Bridegroom, without Spot or Blemish? A. Yea.
Q. And seeing that in this World there hath been, ever since the Fall, a great Mixture betwixt these two sorts, and Seeds, not only in Nations, but in Families, and as lying together in one Womb, and as coming out of the Loyns of one Man, shall there not a perfect l seperation be made betwixt them, before the end of the World? A. Yea.
Q. And in order to this perfect Seperation, and for a Witness unto all Nations, shall not the Gospel be m preached unto all Nations, and throughout the whole World, before the end, that all the good Seed, elect and precious, may be gather'd into the Garner of God, and the Tares and evil Seed may be bundled up together, to be burned? A Yea.
Q. Is the good Seed that is saved in Man, [Page 22] and washed and sanctified, a n created substance and Nature, (to wit, the Soul of Man) the which, when it is washed and cleansed from Sin, and sanctified by Christ, is joyned unto him, the Head, and is a Member of his Body, the Church? A. Yea.
Q. Do not the o Souls of Believers, who [...] in the holy Faith, immediately afte [...] Death, go unto God and Christ in Heaven? A. Yea.
Q. And are not the p Bodies of the Saints, at the Resurrection of the dead, to be raised up to, Eternal Life and Glory, and the Mortal to put on Immortality, and the Corruptible to put on Incorruption? A. Yea.
Q. Are they all must to be raised up in Vile and Dishonourable [...] to be cas [...] into Hell [...] forever [...] Ages of [...]? A. Yea.
[...] Rom. 5. [...]8. [...] Mat. 25.10,41,42. (c) I Cor. 3. [...]0. [...] [...] I Cor. 4.4. Gal. 2.17.21. (d) John. [...] Acts 2.38. & 3.10. (f) [...] (g) Ephes. 1.4. Mat. 24.31. [...] Tit. [...]. [...]. Rom. 11.7.28. (h) Mat. [...] ( [...]) Psal. [...] Prov. [...]5.4. [...] Mat. 3.12. Isa. 1.14. & 14.20. [...] 15. Mat. 25.33. Mat. 13.47,48. [...] 3.15. Rom. 9.22. Job. 20.7. [...] [...]7.12. 2 Thes. 2.3. Rev. 17. [...] [...] [Page 23] Rev. 9.11. (i) Jer. 6.30. Tit. 1.16. 2 Cor. 13. 5. I Cor. 9. 27. Psal. 7. 9. & 10. 15. Dan. 8. [...]3. James. 1.15. Rev. 22.11. (k) Mat. 24.31. Mal. 3.17. Rev. 21.18. & 1.20. Mat. 3.12. Isa. 6.13. Rom. 4.16. Gal. 6.16. Rom. 11.26. Ezek. 37.11. & 34.31. Isa. 1.27. & 60.14. Rev. 21.9. I [...]es. 1.23. & 5.27. (l) 2 Cor. 6.17. Mat. 3.12. (m) Mat. 24.14. (n) Isa. 43.7. & 57.16. Acts 17.28. I Cor. 6.17. Ephes. 5.30. (o) Acts 7. 59. Phil. 1.23. Rev. 14.13. Luke 16.22. (p) I Cor. 15. 13, 38, 44, 53. (q) Acts 24. 15. Isa. 66. 24. Mark 9.44.
Sect. VII.
Q. WHat is Christ's Baptism, is it with a Water? A. Nay.
Q. Is it with a the holy Ghost, and with fire? A. Yea.
Q. What is Christ's Supper, is it not a real b pa [...]taking of him, and feeding upon his Body, & is not this spiritual food oft administr'd to Bene [...]ers, both when they do outwardly eat together, remembring his Death, and when they do not outwardly eat? A. Yea.
Q. Was the Seventh day of the Week, which was enjoyn'd to the Jews, to be observ'd for a Sabboth, a c figure, or shadow and sign of the spiritual Rest in Christ, the true Sabboth? A. Yea.
Q. But is it not altogether necessary that Christians should frequently d meet together [Page 24] and have both places and times, wherein they should meet, to wait upon God, and worship him, and edifie and build up one another?
A. Yea.
Q. And is not the e first day of the week (on which Christ our Lord rose from the dead, and on which the Christians did use to assemble in the dayes of the Apostles, in honour of our Saviour) worthily set a-part from Bodily Labour, not only to ease Servants and Cattle, but that both Masters & Servants, and others, may be the more disposed, by outward Rest from Labour, to the Service of God, and that both in publick and private Religious Exercises? A. Yea.
Q. What is the true f Church of Christ, is it the whole Number of all the Faithful, whose sincere faith in Christ is manifest, not only by the Confession of the Mouth, but by their good Works, and holy and godly living according to the Gospel of Christ? A. Yea.
Q. Hath the true Church of Christ g continued in all Ages, and [...] continue to the end of the World, built [...] the Rock, against whom the Gates of [...] prevail? A. Yea.
Q. Hath she been alwayes [...] to be found in outward Gathering [...] [...]blies of People, purely h gathered to [...]
Hath not the state of the true [...] for many Ages past, as outward [...] [...] [Page 25] and hid to observation, for most part, and as John prophesied of her, the Woman fi [...]d into the Wilderness, where she had a place prepared o God, that they should seed her there One Thousand two Hundred and Sixty Dayes, which is, according to the Prophetical stile of Scripture, so many years? A. Yea.
Q. Was not the i Church to return out of the Wilderness after the time appointed, h [...] ving no less, but rather more Glory, as before she went into it? A. Yea.
Q. And are not some already raised, and raising up to be as a first Fruits of the Church that is coming out of the Wilderness, and when she is fully restored and come out, in many Nations, shall not her k Light greatly shine and prevail over Nations, to the Conversion of many Thousands, both of Jews and Gentiles, and is not this time near at hard? A. Yea.
Q. Have not the true Believers and Sai [...]ts a l spiritual invisible Union and Communion together in the holy Spirit of Christ, their He [...]d, by virtue of which they give unto, and receive from one another spiritual invisible Communications of Life, Light and Grace, all proceeding from Christ, the Head, principally, and from them Ministerially, being only Instruments and Conduits, or Vessels of onv [...]e, whereby Life flo weth from Vessel to Vessel, by means whereof, as the said Life, Light and [Page 26] Grace is perceived and felt to flow through [...] Members of Ch [...]ist [...]ody, from one to another, they are greatly refreshed, edified, a [...]d strengthened by o [...]e ano [...]her, in Faith, Hope, Love, and all other Fruits of the holy Spirit? A. Yea.
(a) Luke 3.16. A cts 1.5. (b) Rev. 3.20. (b) I Cor. 10.16,21. John 6.53. Luke. 14.16. I Cor. 1. 20. (c) Col. 2.16,17. Ezek. 20.12,20. (d) Heb. 10. 5. (e) M at. 28.1. M ark 16.2,9. Luke 24.1. A cts 20.7. I Cor. 16.2. (f) I Cor. 1.2. A cts 4.31,32. & 2.47. (g) M at. 16.18. (h) Joh 16.32. Re [...]. 1 [...].10, 11, 12. (i) Rev. 19.6,7,8 (k) Rom. 11.25,26. Rev.21 24,25,26. ( [...]) Rom. 12.4,5. I Cor. 2.12,14,22,26. Ep [...]es. 4. 25. & 5.30. Rom. 11.11,12. Phil.6. A cts 11. 23. & 14. 9. Gal. 2. 9.
I Entreat the Readers, who desire to Profit which this small Catoenism, diligently to compare the Scriptures quoted (as they are set down at the end of every Section) with tho Answers given to the several Questions, and that they diligently search the Scriptures, not o [...]l, these h [...]e quoted, but throughout the Old and New Testament, to see and find whether [Page 27] these things are so, [...]ke the Noble Pereans of Old, A cts 17. 11. [...] within they m [...]st come to Christ in their Hearts, to learn of him the true sense and understanding of them, who hath invited alt to come unto him, and who is near unto all, by his divine Appearance, Light and Life in their hearts; so the Scriptures are as a sealed Book, but where Christ doth open them, who hath the Key of the House of David, and that Key is his divine Light in mens hearts, that [...]ineth in men more and more, the more it is [...]ieved, loved and obeyed, and which in a peculiar way doth enlighten the hearts of men, who receive the Doctrine of Christ, as administred unto them, either by Word of Mouth or Writ.
I sh [...]ul a joyn a plain an worthy saying of William W [...]utaker, an English Protestant of note, who [...]ived not long ago in England, concerning the holy Scripture, in his Disputation, concerning the holy Scripture, against Bellarmine, Cont [...]ov. 1. Quest. 5. Cap. 1. he saith, For the Scripture onsisteth not in t [...]e bare Words, but in the SENCE, INTERPRETATION and [...] the Words; And he citeth Jerom, saying, in his Commentary on Cap. 1. Gal. Let us not think that the Gospel is in the Word [...]o, the Scripture, but in the SINCE, not in the Sur [...]ave (or outside) but in the MARROW, not in the Leave; o the Sermones, but in the ROOF o [...] Reason. This we willingly assent unto, and therein we, [Page 28] agree with them, and further say, That as the Bones, and Marrow are distinct things, even as the Cup or Pipe are distinct from the Liquor in it, so the Lones are useful to convey the Marrow to us, and the Cup or Pipe is useful to convey the Liquor, when it is in it; so the Scripture words are really useful in the hand and management of the holy Spirit that gave them forth, to convey unto us that true Sense and Mind of the Spirit, by and through them, but not otherwise.
The holy Scriptures are generally acknowledged to be given by divine Inspiration, and are writ for our learning and profi [...]ting, and have a great Service, both to Unbelievers and believers, and both to the weak and strong in the Faith; and there want not Examples to demonstrate, that God hath made, not only the preaching and expounding the Scriptures, but the reading and hearing of them, Instrumental to he onver [...]on of many, as well as to thei [...] growth in Faith, Knowledge and Virtue, when converted. It were well that the great [...] and use of the Scriptures were more understood and valued by Christian Professors in general, for then they would be more read and searched into; and where the [...] are much read and searched into, with a sincere [...]nd up [...] at Mu [...]d and Intention, and with earnest Pray [...] to God, and a [...] land near clearing unto [...] and dependance on him, to be [Page 29] helped and assisted by his holy Spirit, in all then Reading, Searching and M [...]d [...]a son, there God doth give his blessing, and an his crease of his Spirit, and doth open the Scriptures unto them, and maketh them both plain, comfortable and delightful, yea, and exceeding profitable, as many can witness from true Experience.
It doth well become all Christians, and especially all Christian Teachers, to he well skilled in, and acquainted with the words of the holy Scriptures, throughout, that they might not only be mighty in the Spirit, but in the Scriptures also, as it is said in commendation of Apelios, That he was mighty in the Scriptures, Acts 18.24. It is a great shame to many Professed Christians, that they are less skilled and acquainted with the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, than the Jews generally are with the Letter of the Old Testament, although the vall is over their hearts exceedingly, as to the true sence of them, in many things. But when Israel shall turn to the Lord, as it is promised, toe Vail shall be done away. Christ did blame the Saddnees, That they erred, not knowing the Scriptures nor the [...]ower of God. Therefore Christians should have a good measure of the knowledge of the Scriptures, as well as of the thing they declare; for these commonly go along together in all good Christians. The words of Scripture are a [Page 30] certain holy Language, containing a peculiar Stile and Dial [...]ct, far exceiling that of all bare humane Writing, yea, and any other Writings since, and may be said to be the Language of holy men, to wit, the Prophet, & Apostles; and when God speaks to his Servants, teaching them Doctrine by his divine Breathings and Inspirations, he doth it most commonly in Scripture Language and Words, which they have outwardly learned, by hearing and reading, even as when God inspires and enableth a man to preach by divine Inspiration, he doth not, in one dayes, inspire him to preach in a strange Language, but that he hath outwardly learned, as an English man to preach in English, &c. All which doth greatly recommend unto us, duly to value and esteem the holy Scriptures, and to make a due Improvement of them, because it pleaseth God frequentl to make use of them, as Instruments in his hand, for our profitting, althongh God also m [...]n, times speaketh such words in the hearts of his People, that are Spirit and Life, and can [...]ot be uttered or expressed in any words, that the Mouth of Man can speak, or the Ear can hear, 2 Cor. 12.4. I Cor. 2.9.
A Short Paraphrase, or Opening, by way of Meditation, on that Prayer which Christ taught his Disciples, commonly called, The Lord's Prayer.
OUR FATHER WHICH ART IN HEAVEN.] It is the exceeding great and unspeakable Love of God Aim, hey, that the alloweth us to call him Father, and to come unto him, with the like confidence and freedom of Spirit, as Children come unto their Fathers, when they desire to have what they need from them. This Confidence we have, through the Spirit of his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, f [...]ee [...]y sent into our hearts. God is indeed our Father, first, by Creation, who did create us after his own Image and Similitude, and next, by creating u [...] a new, and restoring n [...] into the same, after we had fallen there-from by Transgression. We are his Off-spring, and he is nor far from us, but near unto us, for in him we live, move [Page 32] and have our being. And as Heaven is his Throne, where he dwelleth, and the Earth is his Foot-stool, so as his dear Son Jesus Christ hath taughtous, his Kingdom of Heaven is in us, though not comprehended or cont [...]i [...]ed by us, but far extended above all the visible Heavens, beyond all thoughts of mans understanding. And therefore when we pray unto him, our Hearts and Minds must be wrought into [...] measure of a heavenly frame, by the operation of his heavenly and divine Power and Spirit revealed in us, that so we may come and draw near unto him with heavenly Minds and Affections, putting off the Shoes of our Earthly Affections and Desires, as Moses his Servant did at his Command, when he spoke unto him at the burning Bush; for the place where we stand, when we are admitted into his presence, is holy ground; And before we speak unto him in Prayer, we must feel, in some measure, out Tongues and Lips touched with a Coal from his Altar, and our hearts therewith inflamed, and a living Voice & Utterance must be given us, by the help of his holy Spirit, causing the Mouth of the Dumb to speak, the which I [...] Voice is raised and begot in us by the heavenly in breathing and inspiration of his Spirit that cometh into us, as a heavenly and divine Air▪ and is as necessary to form the heavenly Voice that ascendeth unto Gods heavenly Thron [...] and Temple, as the outward and natural Ai [...] [Page 33] necessary to form the natural Voice. But [...]he bare natural and humane Voice cannot ascend unto God, nor unto the Heaven where he dwelleth, so as to receive any favourable Return or Acceptance. And because God is in Heaven, and we on Earth, therefore out words, when we pray, should be few and savoury, and not as the Hypocrites, who think to be heard for their much speaking; and no further ought we [...]o proceed in words of Prayer, than that holy Spirit of Prayer doth enlarge us, and give the true opening of the Mouth.
SANCTIFIED BE THE NAME.] The Name of God is most holy forever, even from Everlasting unto Everlasting. Nothing of Holiness, nor of Glory or Majesty can be added unto the same, nor diminished there-from, as in it self. But the sins of men, and the workings of the Powers of Darkness, and of Unclean Spirits and Devils, have greatly prevailed in the Earth, to va [...]l and hide the Holiness, Glory, Beauty, Majesty and Splendor of his great and honourable Name, in and among the Children of Men. The Eye that once did see him in his Glory, is miserably darkned and blinded, and the Ear that did hear his glorious Voice and Name founded forth and proclaimed, is exceedingly stopt and shut in many, and Sathan hath so far prevailed with many, to make them believe, that God is no more to be seen on mens hearts, and that his Name, and [Page 34] Word, & Voice is no more to be heard upon Earth, as it was in the dayes past, when he revealed his Name in the hearts of his Servants and Children, which was both seen and heard by them and in them. We are therefore h [...]re taught to pray, That God would be pleased to reveal his holy Name yet more abundantly in the Earth, that his way may be known upon the Earth, and his [...]aving Health in all Nations, that men, who are ignorant o [...] him, may know him, and the Soul of those who long for him, and greatly desire to hear and see his glorious Name, may both hear and see it, and rejoyce and praise him. And thus, we are to pray, that His Name be Sanctified, that the Holyness, Power and Glory of it may be revealed, and made known to many Souls, tha [...] the Earth may be filled with the Knowledge of [...] Glory, as the Waters fill and cover the Seas, as he hath graciously promised.
THY KINGDOM COME.] The Kingdom of God is an Everlasting Kingdom, and it ruleth in all, and over all, according to [...] Soveraign Power, Authority, Justice, Majesty and Dominion, who hath the Wills and hearts of all men at his command, according to his over-ruling Counsel and Providence, to turn them as the Rivers of Water, and to order them to fulfill his holy will and pleasure, s [...]eing without his permission and Providence they can do nothing, the Wicked being in the [...] [Page 35] House of this World, as Vessels of Dishonour, which he doth and can use after a [...] holy and just manner, as his dear Servants and [...] d [...]en, who believe in him, fear and love [...]; are his Vessels of Honon [...]. But the Kingdom we are taught to pray for, is his Kingdom of Grace, Love and Life, Light, Truth and Righteousness, that it may more come to be set up in the hearts of m [...] upon the Earth, both of Jews and Gentiles, that the Kingdo [...] of God, which (as h [...]ist himself hath taught) is as a grain o [...] M [...]stard Se [...]d, the least o [...] all See is, being sown in the hearts o [...] men, may grow and be the greatest of all Hero [...], and become a great Tree, so t [...] at at the Fowls of the At [...] lodge in the Branches of it, That the Children of m [...]n, may, with the true knowledge, fear and lo [...]e of his great Name, serve and worship him, and most willingly, cordially and freely now to his Scepte [...], Dominion and Government, and gl [...]ifie and acknowledge him, who is the King of Saints, and King and Lord of Heaven and Earth, King of Rings, and Lord of Lords. And also, we are to pray, that the Kingdom of Sin and [...]righteou [...] is may be brought down, and [...], and Anti-christ's Kingdom [...], so as the Kingdom of Sathan falleth, the Kingdom of God [...] exalted, and that Myst [...]y [...] great, the [...] of Harlots and [...] of the Earth [...] sits as a [...], and [...] in [...], she shall see [Page 36] no Widdow-hood) may come in remembrance before God, that he may cause her to tall, as a Mill-stone fulseth into the deep Waters; for her utter fall & ruin appro [...]cheth, and is nearer than in Ages past; yea, many of Gods dear Servants have seen, and see her, in the Spirit of Prophene, utterly fallen, and in the Light of his holy Word of Truth, do see her judgment [...]ning, and therefore they are emboldned and encouraged thus to pray unto him, and call upon him. That the Kingdom of his dear Son may stin, more and more, come, and that he would exalt him over all upon his holy Hill of Sion, as he hath promised, that the uttermest ends of the Earth may be his Possession, and the Heathen his Inheritance, that every Knee may how unto ban, & every I ongue confess to the Glory of the Earther; That the Kingdoms of the World may be the Lords, and his Christ, Whose Right it is, even from Sea to Sea, and from the rising of the Sun to the going down of the same.
[THE WILL BE DONE IN EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN] The Will of God is perfectly done in Heaven; all the holy Angels, and Spirits of just men made perfect, do perfectly [...] him, & fullfill his holy Will, and it is most equal, just and reasonable for them so to do; for he, is their God and King, and a most bountiful Lord & Benefactor unto them, and therefore it is but their reasonable Service to obey & serve him with their whole [Page 37] strength. Nor is Mankind less bound and obliged to do his Win upon Earth, [...] is Angels are in Heaven; for he is [...] and Lord of both, he preserveth them both, [...] nourisheth them with suitable bread & food. He feedeth the Angels with heavenly bread, and Men he feedeth, who believe and truth in him, both with heavenly bread unto their Souls, & with earthly Bread unto their Bodies, so that God is sufficiently and abundantly kind unto men, according to the capacity they stand in, every one to receive his favour & kindness: He offereth his Love freely unto all, and gives to every one as full and large a measure or his goodness, as they are able to receive, and if they could receive more, they should have it from his free and bountiful hand; and withal, He hath given his Servants and Children the sure Promise and Hope, That he will make them like unto the Angels at the Resurrection of the dead. And therefore men have no less cause and ground to do his Will perfectly, without any reserve, than his Angels have: His Will is most Pure and Holy, according to his most wise and holy Counsel, and most just and reasonable Laws. The Will of God is the Sanctification o his People: He requireth us not to do his Will without a regard to our good and profit; b [...] his Will is our Happiness, when we fulfill are perform it, and in obedience to the same through the Grace & Power of his holy Spirit [Page 38] we are made like unto him, and recover his holy Image and Likeness, and are again renewed into the same, even as by sin & disobedience we lost it, and fell there-from; and not only to bear the Image of the Earthly Adam, as he was before the fall, but to bear the Image of the Heavenly Adam, Christ Jesus, who never fell, and in him to possess everlasting Life and Happiness. And we believe, that we may, by his Grace, obtain what we soek, That his Will shall be done in Earth perfectly, as it is in Heaven; for he hath not taught us to pray for an impossible thing, or what we do not believe that we shall or can attain unto upon Earth, and while in the mortal Body; and we have the noble & excellent Pattern & Example of the Lord Jesus Christ, together with the help of the holy Spirit of Promise, in our hearts, to move us to pray thus unto God who said, He came down from Heaven not to do his own Will, but the Will of the Father who sent him; and before he suffered Death on the Free of the Cross, for our sins, when his Soul was exceeding heavy unto death, he [...]a [...], If it be not possible, that [...] Compass from me, not my Will, but they Will be done. We are therefore to pray, that such a Heart and Mind, like unto him, the Captain of our Salvation, may be found in us, that as he denyed his own Will, which was without all sin, being conceived by the holy Ghost, & brought forth [...] of the Virgin, a most pure [Page 39] Birth, and knew no [...]n, so we may deny, not only our un [...]ul Will, but may be [...]et [...]orthe [...] perfected, and made conform unto him, to deny even our lawful and innocent Will, in any things that he requireth of us.
[GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD.] Since we cannot do his Will, but as we are enabled by his Grace, and strengthened with that heavenly and spiritual Bread of Life, which is Christ, who said, I am that Bread of Life, be were eateth me shall live by me. We are therefore to pray unto God, to give us evermore this heavenly and spiritual bread, that it may be our daily portion, from his heavenly and bountiful hand; for our Souls daily as much need that spiritual Bread, as our frail and mortal Bodies need the outward Bread, which we also receive from him: But as concerning the outward Bread, and what we shall eat or drink, or put on, the Lord Jesus Christ hath taught us, Not to take thought; for that our heavenly Father knoweth that we need these things, and he hath promised to give us them freely, although we do not ask them; for the Gentiles seek after these earthly things, but we being Christians, and followers of the Lord Jesus, we seek the heavenly things, and that heavenly Bread, which although we have it in measure already, yet we are to pray, That he would give it unto us more abundantly, that our Souls may more abundantly be enlarged to bless and [Page 40] praise his holy Name. That the Bread which we are taught to pray for, here, is not the outward Bread, is clear, because of the excelle t [...]o der of the words of this Prayer; and seeing that the Petition for the daily-Bread, go [...]th in order before the Petition for Forgiveness of Sin, it cannot be understood to be outward Bread; for outward Bread is not to be deared before forgiveness of sin, but Christ, the Bread of Life, according to most excellent o der, is to be desired before Forgiveness of Sin, because we can no otherwise have our sins so given us, but as we have Christ, that heavenly Bread given unto us; for whoever have Christ, by a true and living faith, being united unto him, have forgiveness of sins, and none ease.
FORGIVE US OUR SINS, AS WE FORGIVE THEM THAT SIN AGAINST US.] Untill men attain to a perfect and sinless state, which most are not yet arriv'd unto, divers are the sins that they fall into, through humane frailty and weakness, and therefore we need daily to pray this Prayer unto God; for granting that some have all their sins forgiven them, yet seeing many others have not, who have a measure of sincerity, (and in that respect belong to the Church of Christ) and are greatly weighted and afflicted with the s [...]ce of their sins, and the heavy burden of sin that doth lie on them, not yet removed. [Page 41] And seeing we are not only to pray for our selves, but for all in the [...] h [...], to more esp [...]c [...]any for all who are [...] with the same of sin not yet removed not [...]; therefore it is a seasonable Prayer for all [...] to pray unto God, Forgive us our sins, so because of that near unity & ampathy among all true believers, what one Deedeth of want [...]h, all need and want, and the Prayer of on is the Prayer of all; as praying with one heart and one Mouth unto God. Thus, holy David confessing the sins of the People, numbred himself with them, & so did other Prophets; and more especially when one prayeth in a Christian Assembly, he prayeth, as the Mouth of all the People unto God (as when he preach th, he is as the Mouth or God unto all the People, if he be a true Preacher sent of God, and that the Spirit of God speak in him and by him) and therefore it is most proper to speak unto God in the Plural number, when we pray in an Assembly of Christian People, saying, Our Father, rather than My Father, and, give, us this day Our daily Bread, rather than givene, &c. and, forgive Us, rather than forgive me or [...], &c. but in private of secret Prayer, a man may either say, I or We, as he findeth his heart inclined by the Spirit of God. And we are only to pray unto God, and to Christ, or to God through Christ, for the pardon of all sin, but not unto Angels or men, or any Creatures; [Page 42] for it is only God, and Christ, his dear Son, to whom God ha [...] given all Power in Heaven and Earth, who, by his own Power and Authority can [...], the best of Gods Servants can only do it ministerially and instrumentally, as they receive the knowledge of it from God, whose sins he hath for given. And we are to pray unto God, so forgive us our sins, a we do forgive them that sin against us; and such in the Church who have received f [...]l and clear forgiveness, and [...]ssion of all sin, and a clear sense and assurance of it, through Jesus Christ, feased & confirmed to them by the holy Spirit, are to de [...]e and pray so to hold it, and enjoy it, as they do hold and keep that Heart and Mind, which freely for Christ's sake forgive [...] all their Enemies; & such who have the sweet and clear sense of the forgiveness of all their sins, are to pray unto the Lord, That it may remain and abide with them, and that they may not lose it. And such, whose sins are a heavy b [...] then upon them, and as a thick cloud, betwixt the gracious Countenance of God, and their Souls, we are to pray unto God for them, That he would undo and loose that heavy burden of their sins from off them, and dispel and scutter that Cloud of their Iniquities, and give them a heart to so [...] as they would be forgiven.
AND LEAD US NOT INTO TENTATION.] Many and great are the Tentations which accompany and follow us in this [Page 43] present evil World, [...]oth from without and from within, visible and invisible: The World, and the evil Example, Customs and Fashions of it, doth oft tempt us without, and the Flesh, until it be perfectly crucified and subdued, doth oft tempt us within, and Sathan, who waits all becalions, doth concur with both, and inwardly see [...]e [...]h to present his wretched Tentations before us, and to throw his siery Da [...]s at us; and he are not able, of our selves to withstand the weakest Tentation, even the strongest [...]o us; therefore we are to pray unto God, That he leave us not to our selves for one Moment, and That he do not orsake us when we are tempted, but that he would give us Grace and strength man ally to resist every Tentation, and to overcome them. And though it may please him to suffer us to be persued with sundry kinds of Tentations, for the tryal of our Faith, Love Patience and sincere Obedience, that he may permit the Enemy to cast them into our way, we are to pray unto God, That he would not let them be such as may be above the strength he giveth us, whereby to wit-stand them; for he hath graciously promised, That he will suffer none of his to be tempted above what they are able to bear, but with every Tentation will give a way to escape. And we are to pray, That the Lord would not be provoked, by our former sins, to let the Enemy loose against us; for so it happeneth unto many, as a just judgment and punishment [Page 44] upon them, for [...] provoking God by former [...]ransgressions, and especially [...] their negligence and carelesness, in suffering themselves to be overcome, and prevailed upon with [...]ler Tentations, to commit that which they account sm [...]ler sins, that the Lord is provoked against them, that in his just judgment he hath suffered them to be led into great Tentations, and left them to fall under the power of them, by taking away the help of his Grace, in his just judgment, from them, so as they have committed great and hainous sins. Therefore, we are to pray that the Lord be not provoked against us, to leave us, or to take away his holy Spirit from us, but that the same may always remain with us, to keep us in p [...]rseverance in our holy Faith, Love and Obedience unto the end, and that still his Spirit may lead [...] into all Truth, that so we may not be led at any time into Tentation. These words, Lead us not into Tentation, Cypr [...]an quo [...]eth thus, Suffer us not to be led into Tentation, and that, no doubt, is the true sense of them; for as James hath declared, Let no man say, he is tempted of God, for God temptet [...] none to sin, &c.
BUT DELIVER US FROM EVIL.] The evil One, to wit, Sathan is frequently near unto us, seeking continually to destroy us, but the Lord God Almighty, the Keeper of his People, and the Watch-man of Israel, who [Page 45] neither sleepeth nor slumbreth, is [...] unto us, to save and deliever us; and [...] we cannot keep or deliver our selves one [...] from Evil, and none can but the Lo [...] therefore we are to pray unto him, [...] us from Evil, and to [...] [...]ing of our Souls unto him, as a [...]. And th [...] [...] it pleaseth the Lord to [...] his Ange [...]s to guard his People, yet they action [...]s Instrument in his hand, and as workers together with him, even as good men are, whom he hath made to watch and oversee [...]; and notwithstanding of all help, whe [...]er of Men or Angels, as Instruments and [...] of our preservation, we need the Lords immediate help, and assistance of his divine [...] and Spirit: And we are to pray unto God, [...] bot [...] our Souls and Bodies from the [...]file [...]nt of Sin, which is the great and only Evil that we have cause to f [...]ar; for no Evil thing (to speak strictly) can befall them who are preserved from [...]ning against God; we are not to look upon [...]kness, Imprisonment, Spoiling and Loss of Worldly Good, or of the outward Life it self, as evil, if we be kept and preserved with the Lord, and in him, free from sinning; for all these things which many judge, as the greatest Evils, are good to us, being blessed and sanctified unto us, who love and fear God, and are made to turn to our good and advantage: And therefore as to all outward [Page 46] Afflictions, Crosses and Losses, and all inward Tribulations and Exercises, we are to pray unto God, To dispose of us, as he in his infinite Wisdom and Counsel seeth fit and convenient for us. we are not to pray to be who y delivered from them, nor any further than he seeth shall turn to his Glory, and he serviceable to us for our spiritual good and advantage. For it hath been the Lot and portion of all the dear Servants and Children of God, more or less, in all Ages, to meet with a manifold Tribulations, Afflictions and Exercises, both inward & outward: We are therefore to pray, That in all our Afflictions and Tryals of an kind, God would be with us in them, & give us strength, hour age and patience, as becometo true Christians and followers of Christ to bear, and go through their, knowing that through many Tribulations we must enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. And we are not only to pray these Petitions for our selves, but for all our Brethren and Sisters every where, & for the whole Church of God, and all that sincerely love God & breathe after him, in all Professions; Also, we are to pray for Kings, Rulers and Magistrates, and also for our Enemies, and all men, that they may be saved, so far as is possible, and whose day of Salvation is not expired.
FOR THINE IS THE KINGDOM, THE POWER AND THE GLORY, AMEN.] It is God [...] through Jesus Christ, and [Page 47] the holy Spirit, who are one only God over all blessed forever, who hath power to answer and grant us these Petitions, and relieve all our wants and necessities, who can do abundantly above all that we can ask or think, & his Kingdom ruleth in all, and is exalted over all, & his Glory shineth over all, and through all, to the Eyes which can see it. The Darkness cannot hide his Glory, nor e [...]lips it, as in it self, hut it shineth in the Darkness, as in the Light, though the darkned Eyes of the Minds of such who are blinded with sin, cannot see it; and the Glory of God is over and upon all his Works, and belongeth who [...]y and alone unto him, and therefore unto him it is to be purely returned and acknowledged, all Power, Kingdom, and Glory, Wisdom, Riches, Blessing, H [...]r and Majesty, through Jesus Christ, by the help of the holy Spirit, from the Hearts and Mouthes of all his Children, whom he hath made alive unto him, and who alone can praise him, & shall, throughout all Ages, and for evermore. Amen.
The Order of this Prayer is most excellent, from first to last; for what is must proper and necessary to be first sought by [...] of God in Prayer, our that his Name be sanctified, honoured and glorified, by his revealing and making it known in and among the Children of [...]. And when his Name is revealed and made known, that maketh way for the coming of his Kingdom, and the setting up and exalting of it in the Earth, and that prep [...]eth and enable [...] men to do his Will on Earth as it is done in Heaven; and to such who do his Will, God giveth them plentifully of the heavenly Bread of Life, and forgiveth [Page 48] [...] all these sins formerly committed, and also preserveth and [...] them from being led into Tentation, and [...] when from Evil. And so full and comprehensive [...] that there is nothing belonging to our spiritual Well-being and eternal Salvation, that we need to seek of God, but it is contained under some of the heads of it, and may be early reduced to some of them. Wherefore it is the worthy subject of the daily Meditation of every good Christian, whether his [...] and Attainment be great or small. It was give [...] by him who had the Spirit above measure & contains [...] excellent and necessary Matter that it cannot be supposed, but [...] have any measure of the Spirit of Christ will find his Heart and Mind most frequently inclined to [...] therein, and to pray in either the same or the like words, as the Spirit of God shall be pleased to enable. And though it is [...] be present had [...] a Form that Christians are spirited unto set it is a excellent Pa [...]sern of Prayer unto all, so that [...] of Prayer do not agree with the same in [...] it is not a true and right Prayer. Also the brevity of it and few words contained in it. do profitably [...] us, hot, that God Almigh [...]y requireth not [...] made of us, when we pray in words, but that our Hearts be [...] before him and our Desires living and [...], and [...] we shall have good Acceptance of God in the [...] Christ, the [...] that to conclude Prayer [...] AM [...] is to [...] that our Prayer is in the Name of Christ, who is [...] AMEN, that [...], the TRUTH.