AN ABRIDGMENT OF THE English MILITARY Discipline, Compiled by the Late Duke of Monmouth.
Printed by Especial Command, for the Use of Their Majesties Forces.
God Save KING William & QUEEN Mary.
Printed at London, by their Majesties Printers; Reprinted at Boston by Samuel Green, And Sold by Sam. Phillips at the west end of the Exchange 1690.
WHen a Regiment or several Companies are Commanded to draw out, It is necessary that the Major and Adjutant (or at least the Adjutant) be there to give each Company its due Post. The eldest on the Right, the second on the Left, so till the youngest come into the Center. And all Companies (and Bodies of Men) are to draw up at first at the same Order they March at, both in Bank and File, the single Companies [Page 4] observing to leave room for the Sargeants and Drums to stand on the Right and Left of each Company.
Before you form your Battalion, remember alwayes to draw out the odd Men from every Company, forming a Rank in opposition at fifty paces distance from the Head of each Company, thereby to have no broken Files, which is much the better and quicker way to compleat your Files, than after your Battalions are formed.
When your Companies are thus disposed, the most ready way to form a Battalion, is by these words of Command.
- Have a care to form the Battalion.
- Musketiers to the Right and Left outwards.
- Pikes to the Right and Left inwards,
- March, interchanging Ground.
When Pikes and Musketiers interchange Ground, the first Rank of Pikes pass before the first Rank of Musketiers. And it is alwayes to be observed, that (after any Command for moving) no Man stir before the Word of Command, March be given, thereby to make them all move together.
When they have thus changed Ground, they are not to Face to their Leaders till the Word [Page 5] of command be so given. At which time they are then in Battalia, but at close Order in File. And now it is to be observed that the Officers are no more limited to their particular Companies, but are all concerned in the whole. He that Commands, is to see how many Sargeants there are present, and dispose of them in this following manner, viz. if a Battalion consist of eight or ten Companies, or more; and the Companies have each two Sargeants, and three Corporals, (who are designed to do Sargeants Duty) it is necessary to place two on each Rank to the right and left, and the rest in the Rear; but if the number of Sargeants be fewer, then there can be but one to each Rank, on the Right and Left: the remainder alwayes to be in the Rear, making a Rank parallel to the Souldiers at three Paces distance frow the last Rank.
The Sargeants being placed in this manner: the Drums are to be disposed of, one half on the right, and the other on the left, ranging directly with the first Rank of the Souldiers, unless there be many Drums, and the Ground streight; And then they are to be formed into two Ranks, on the Right and Left, to range with the two first Ranks of the Souldiers; [Page 6] And they are alwayes to have their Drums slung, unless Commanded to the contrary.
The Hoboys to be on the right of the Drums, which are on the Right of the Battalion, ranged in the same Rank with them.
The Commission-Officers are to take their Posts at the head of the Battalion as the Colours are drawn. But the more particular placing of the Officers will be directed hereafter.
Now it is to be observed, that tho' the Files are still at their close Order, the Ranks are to have their Distance of Twelve large Feet, which the Sargeants are to be very diligent and active to see kept very even.
The Officer in Chief is to place himself before the centre of the Pikes, about forty paces from them, the better to observe what is done, And that he may be more easily understood by the whole Body, He is to be on Horseback.
The Words of Command are to be given [...]e [...]urely, that the Soldiers may have time to perform the Exercise without confusion. And above all, Silence is to be kept very strictly. And the first Word of Command before you begin the Exercise, is, Silence.
[Page 7] When every thing is thus disposed, The next Word of Command is,
Files, Open to the Right (or to the Left) to your Order. March.
At which Word every individual man turns to the Hand named, and after a little pause, the Sargeants on the Flank lead the Ranks (which are then Files) directly, forward, as slow as possible, by the least Steps they can make, with their Halberts Advanced, the Iron upwards; observing alwayes for a Rule, To mind the Front, that is, if they move to the Right, every man is to observe his Left hand man. And if they move to the Left, his Right hand man.
As soon as the last man but one of the first Rank stirs his Foot, they are to be commanded all to Halt. And no man is to stir after that Word.
In this manner of opening of Files, no man is to stir till his Leader be four foot from him; And then to move and keep at that distance, which will make them three foot distance from each other, when Faced to the Proper Front.
As soon as they are Commanded to Halt, [Page 8] The next Word of Command is,
To your Leader.
The Captains and Lieutenants are to carry their Pikes Comported alwayes when they move to the Right or Left, and the Colours to be Advanced. The Sargeants are to be very mindful to keep the Ranks even, and at twelve large feet distance, and the Files at three. And for the better keeping Files streight (after they are Opened to their Order) every man is to look to his Right and Left hand man, and to see that he has an equal distance from both, especially the File-leaders, by whom all the rest are governed.
The next thing is to Draw the Officers from the Front of the Battalion to the Rere, which is done by these Words of Command.
Have a Care of the Exercise.
At which Word of Command, the Musketiers are to pull off their right hand Gloves, and put them under their Girdles.
[Page 9] Officers take your Posts of Exercise in the Rere. March.
Which is to be done by the Officers Facing to the Right about, The Captains Marching at a good round pace in one Rank, and the Lieutenants and Colours in another, Two paces behind the Captains, who as well as the Lieutenants are to carry their Pikes Advanced.
When they are come into the Rere, the Lieutenants & Ensigns are to be in one Rank, Eight paces from the Sargeants, and the Lieutenants and Ensigns Eight. The Captains being from the last Rank of Soldiers Thirteen paces, and the Lieutenants and Colours Eleven.
At the same Word of Command or Signal for the Officers to take their Posts of Exercise in the Rere, Six Sergeants of those that are Posted in the Rere are to March through the Intervals of the Files into the Front and Post themselves Forty six paces from the First Rank of Souldiers, that is, Six paces advanced before the Commander in Chief, where they are to Range themselves so as to make a parallel Line with the Battalion, and to keep the Front clear and undisturbed. And at the same word of Command, the Pikemen are to joyn their Left hands to their Pikes even with their Shoulders.
[Page 10] Now the Musketiers being Shouldered, and the Pikes Advanced, Silence being Commanded, and none to speak but the Officer in Chief He is to proceed as followeth.
- Order your Pikes.
- To the Right.
- To the Right.
- To the Right.
- To the Right.
- To the Right about.
- as you were.
- To the Left.
- To the Left.
- To the Left.
- To the Left.
- To the Left about.
- as you were.
Exercise of the Fire-lock.
Musketiers, have a Care to the Exercise, and carry your arms well.
- Lay your Right hands on your Muskets.
- [...] your Muskets.
- Rest your Muskets.
- Cock your Muskets.
- [Page 11] Guard your Muskets.
- Present.
- Fire.
- Recover your arms.
- Half=bend your Muskets.
- Clean your Pans.
- Handle your Printers.
- Prime.
- Shut your Pans.
- Blow off your loose Corns.
- Cast about to Charge.
- Handle your Chargers.
- Open them with your Teeth.
- Charge with Powder.
- Draw forth your Scowrers.
- Shorten them to an [...]ch.
- Charge with Bullet.
- Ram down Powder and Ball.
- Withdraw your Scowrers.
- Shorten them to a Handful.
- Return your Scowrer.
- Poise your Muskets.
- Shoulder your Muskets.
- Poise your Muskets.
- Order your Muskets.
- Pikemen take heed.
- [Page 12] advance your Pikes.
- Charge.
- To the Front.
- Charge.
- To the Right.
- To the Right.
- To the Right.
- To the Right.
- Charge.
- To the Right about.
- as you were.
- Charge.
- To the Left.
- To the Left.
- To the Left.
- To the Left.
- Charge
- To the Left about.
- Charge.
- as you were.
- advance your Pikes.
- Shoulder your Pikes.
- Charge to the Front.
- as you were.
- Charge to the Right.
- as you were.
- Charge to the Right about.
- as you were.
- Charge to the Left.
- as you were.
- [Page 13] Charge to the Left about.
- as you were.
- Port.
- Comport.
- Charge to the Front.
- Trail.
- Charge as you were.
- advance your Pikes.
- Musketiers fake heed.
- Poise your Muskets.
- Shoulder your Muskets.
- Musketiers make ready.
At which time the Musketiers are to perform distinctly every Posture of the Musket together, and being ready, (which is understood to be Cockt,) they are to guard them with their Thumb on the Cocks, and to bring up their Muskets streight before them, their left hands the height of their mouths.
And the Pikemen at the same Word of Command ( Make ready) are to bring their Pikes streight before them also to the Recover, their left hands the height of their mouths. Both Pikemen and Musketiers always observing whenever they Recover their Arms before [Page 14] them, to bring their right heels to their left insteps. And when the Pikes Charge, and the Muskets Rest, to fall back with their right feet in a direct Line. The Pikemen and Musketiers are to take care to bring down their Pikes and Muskets together very quick, especially the Pikes with a jerk, as if they were to strike with the [...] Observing to bring the Pikes down at a convenient distance from one anothers breasts to prevent clattering and to close them to their breasts after they are charged. They must also observe to bring them up streight before them as quick before they turn, which keeps the Arms from clashing one against another.
In all Facings the Souldiers must keep their Left Heels very firm and fixed.
- Charge.
- To the Right.
- To the Right.
- To the Right.
- To the Right.
- Charge.
- To the Right about
- Charge.
- as you were.
- Charge.
- To the Left.
- To the Left.
- To the Left.
- To the Left.
- [Page 15] Charge.
- To the Left about
- Charge.
- as you were
- Recover your arms
- Half-bend your Muskets.
- Poise your Muskets.
- Shoulder your Muskets.
At which time the Pikemen are to bring their Pikes from being Recovered before them to their Right Thighs to their Advance.
Poise your Muskets.
At which word of Command the Pikemen are to joyn their Left Hands to their Pikes even with their Shoulders.
- Order your arms.
- Pikes to your inside Order,
- Lay down your arms.
- [...]uit your arms.
- To the Right about.
When they are clear of the Officers in the Rere they are to disperse, and at the Beat of Drum to draw their Swords and run to their [Page 16] Arms with an Huzza, observing to keep the points of their Swords upright.
- Return your Swords.
- Handle your arms.
- Order your arms.
- Pikes to your Outside Order.
- Poise your Muskets.
- Shoulder your Muskets.
- advance your Pikes.
Officers take your Posts at the Head of the Battalion.
At which time the Officers are to March back in the same Method to the Front of the Battalion as they went from it. The Six Sargeants likewise that Advanced from the Rere, are to return thither to their Posts.
Memorandum, At any time whatever, when the Souldiers have laid down their Arms and quitted them, upon Beating the Drums they are all to draw their Swords and run to their Arms with an Huzza.
Observing always to keep the points of their Swords upright for fear of mischief.
The Exercise of a Battalion having MatchLock-Muskets.
The Musketiers being Shouldered and the Pikes Advanced.
Have a care of the Exercise.
At which time the Musketiers are to pull off their Right hand Gloves and put them under their Girdles.
Officers, take your Posts of Exercise in the Rere.
At which word of Command the Pikemen are to joyn their Left-hands to their Pikes even with the top of their Shoulders.
- Order your Pikes.
- Lay down your Matches.
- To the Right. Four times.
- To the Right about.
- as you were.
- [Page 18] To the Left. Four times.
- To the Left about.
- as you were.
- Lay your Right hands on your Muskets.
- [...] your Muskets.
- Rest your Muskets.
- Handle your Match.
- Blow your Match.
- Cock and try your Match.
- Guard your Pans. Bringing your Muskets Recovered before you.
- Blow your Match.
- Present, and Open your Pans.
- Fire.
- Recover your arms.
- Return your Match.
- Clean your Pans.
- Handle your Primers.
- Prime.
- Shut your Pans.
- Blow off your loose Corns.
- Cast about to Charge.
- Handle your Chargers.
- Open them with your Teeth.
- Charge with Powder.
- Draw forth your Scowrers.
- Shorten them to an [...]ch.
- [Page 19] Charge with Bullet.
- Ram down Powder and Ball [...]
- Withdraw your Scowrers.
- Shorten them to a Handful.
- Return your Scowrer.
- Poise your Muskets.
- Shoulder your Muskets.
- Poise your Muskets.
- Order your Muskets.
Then followeth the Exercise, of the Pike being exactly the same with that before in the Exercise of the Fire-Lock.
Exercise of the Pike, and Match-Lock-Musket together.
- Poise your Muskets.
- Shoulder your Muskets.
- Musketiers, make ready.
At which time the Musketiers must leisurely and distinctly perform every posture of the Musket together, and being ready they bring up their Muskets streight before them, with their Two Fore-fingers guarding their Pans, the height of their Mou [...]s, and bringing their [Page 20] Right Heels to their Left-Insteps. The Pikemen at the same word of Command ( Make Ready) are to bring their Pikes before them to their Recover, Their Right Heells also to their Left Insteps, the But-end of their Pikes in the Palm of their Hands, and are to Charge as the Musketiers Rest their Arms, and Face as the Musketiers Face.
- Charge.
- To the Right. Four times.
- Charge.
- To the Right about.
- Charge.
- as you were
- Charge.
- To the Left Four times
- Charge.
- To the Left about
- Charge.
- as you were.
- Recover your arms.
- Return your Match.
- Poise your Muskets.
- Shoulder your Muskets.
At which time the Pikemen bring their Pikes to the Advance from the Recober.
[Page 21] Poise your Muskets.
At which time the Pikemen joyn their Left Hands to their Pikes even with the top of their Shoulders.
- Order your arms.
- Pikes to your inside Order.
- Lay down your arms.
- Quit your arms.
- To the Right about.
As soon as clear of the Officers in the Rere, They are to disperse, and upon the Drums Beating the Preparative, They are all to draw their Swords, and run to their Arms with an Huzza, Carrying the points of their Swords upright. And when they come to their Arms, they are to stand with their Swords poised before them as they do their Muskets.
- Return your Swords.
- Handle your arms.
- Order your arms.
- Pikes to your [...] Order.
- Poise your Muskets.
- Shoulder your Muskets.
- advance your Pikes.
- [Page 22] Cake up your Match.
Officers take your Posts at the [...] or the Battalion.
Directions for the Posture in Exercising the FireLock-Musket.
In Exercise both of Pike and Musket, the feet are to be at a moderate distance; for if they are too wide asunder, or too near together, it weakens. And in their Exercise they must be sure to keep the left heel fast [...] and to set their feet right, or else they can never handle their Arms as they ought.
- Lay your Right-hand on your Musket.
- Turn the Barrel toward you, the Lock uppermost, and lay your right-hand (your fingers extended) just behind the Lock, close the But-end of your Musket to your Shoulder, that the Muzzels may be all of a height.
- Poise your Muskets.
- Grasp your Musket hard, facing to the [Page 23] Right with a quick motion upon your left heel, keeping your Musket directly before you the height of your Cravat, your right elbow on your side, your feet neither too near, nor at too great a distance; but so, that by turning the point of your left toe to the front and that of your right as you face, your left heel being exactly against the middle of your right foot, you are in the posture for resting, which is the reason of Facing to the right, that you may be in a readier posture to rest, but when you intend to Shoulder, or Order from Poise, you keep faced to the Front. And that the Soldiers may never mistake, they are to take it for a general Rule, That they are never to face to the Right in Poising, but when the Word of Command is given before to lay their right hands on their Muskets. At all times when they Poise, they are to keep their Muskets directly before their noses, but not at arms end extended, [...] to let their right elbows rest upon their [...]odies, which makes the Muskets more on a direct Line, & is much easier for the men to hold them.
- Rest your Musket.
- Let your Musket sink down to your lef [...] [Page 24] hand, that arm hanging as low as may be without stooping with your body, and receive the Musket into it just where the Scowrer enters into the Stock; Be sure your hand touch no part of the barrel; the Musket is to be held but a little sloping from perpendicular half a foot from your side. Be sure to let your left arm hang down free as low as you can without stooping (and not hugg your Musket up above your waste as was used formerly) keeping the right hand upon your Muket behind the lock, your fingers extended.
- Cock your Musket.
- Place your right Thumb upon the Cock, and your fingers behind the Trigger, and with the help of closing it to your Thigh, you cock it, keeping it still rested with your Thumb upon the Cock.
- Guard your Musket.
- Keeping your Thumb upon the Cock, and your fingers behind the Trigger, you bring up your Musket with a very quick motion [Page 25] streight before you to the Recober, your left hand as high as your mouth, about half a foot from it without stooping. Let not your Musket sink, but keep it at the height: Always observing when they bring up their Muskets before, (which is Recovering the Musket) to bring their right heels to their left insteps; and be sure to have a care of tossing the Muzzel of the Musket backwards, but keep it streight upright perpendicular.
- Present.
- Fall back with your Right foot, so that the left heel be against the middle of it, raising the Butt-end of your Musket to your shoulder; That is, between your breast and your right Shoulder, which locks it fast; but little of the But-end to appear above the Shoulder, your right elbow not at all, or very little higher than your Piece, having your fingers ready to pull the Trigger, you must bend your Left Knee, and keep the right very stiff, your Piece must be levelled breast high, and no higher.
- Fire.
- Let them be sure to draw their Trigger at [Page 26] one motion, keeping their bodies very steddy, taking aim, and their Muskets fast to their shoulders, till they have the Word of Command to recover their Arms.
- Recover Your Arms.
- Sink the Butt-end of your Musket till you bold it perpendicular in both hands, the left hand as high as your mouth, and the right under the Cock. Bring up your Musket alwayes (when you recover it before you) with a very quick motion, bringing up the right heel to the left instep.
- Half bend Your Musket.
- Falling back with the right Leg, rest your Muskets together, and laying their right Thumbs upon the Cock, and their Fingers behind their Triggers, with the help of closing them to their Thighs, they half-bend, which done, they place their right hands behind the Lock keeping them rested, their Fingers extended.
- Clean Your Pan.
- Pressing the ball of your Thumb into your [Page 27] yan, you wipe it; having done that, you hold your right hand behind the Lock again of your Musket, that every posture many appear the better.
- Handle Your Primes.
- The great end of it to the back of your hand, between your Thumb and fore-finger, your Arm backwards.
- Prime.
- At which time they level their Muskets to be exactly upon a line, not one Muzzel higher than another, putting in a proportionable quantity of Powder at the side of the Pa.., and not on the top, keeping their left Toes directly to the Front.
- Shut Your Pan.
- With your two first Fingers, At this Word casting back your Primer, bring up your right heel to your left instep, and your Musket streight up before you, recovered with the Barrel towards you, your left hand allwayes a [...] high as your mouth, and with a very quick [Page 28] motion; your Thumb on the top of the Steek [...]
- Blow off your loose Corns.
- Be sure to blow all together at one strong blast, bringing your pan up to your mouth standing upright, and not putting your mouth down to your pan. Cast out your Arms after your blast, not letting your Musket sink from the Posture 'twas in before.
- Cast about to Change.
- You advance with your right Leg turning your Musket the Barrel downwards, so bringing it to your left side a little backward in your left hand, be sure none of your fingers touch the Barrel. The right Foot is to have the Toe directly to the Front as if you were to Fence, your right Heel being over against the middle of the left Foot, ballancing your Muskets in the left Hand the Muzzels directly to the proper Front half a foot from your Body all of a height, and your right Hand joyned to the Muzzel of your Muskets, your Thumb extended to the side of the Barrel.
- Handle your Charger.
- With a full Gripe hold it even with the Muzzel of your Musket about an Inch from it underneath your Musket.
- Open it with your Teeth.
- Bring it up to your Mouth standing upright with your Head, and not to bring your Head down to it, as soon as you have done this bring the Charger within an Inch of the Muzzle underneath, as before, and cover the mouth of your Charger with the ball of your Thumb.
- Charge with Powder.
- When you have put the Powder into the Barrel, you hold your Charger again underneath your Musket as before.
- Draw forth your Scowrer.
- You are to let fall your Charger and turn your hand, your little finger next the muzzle and draw it at three Motions, being drawn, dart it, that is, hold it level the height of your Eye, your Arm extended.
- [Page 30] Shorton it to an Inch.
- Turn the great end of your Scowrer towards you, and slip your Hand till within an Inch of the end, letting it rest against you body a little below your right breast, sloped all of a height.
- Charge with Bullet.
- Take the Bullet our of your mouth, putting it into the Barrel, and then put the great end of the Scowrer after it just into the muzzle of the Piece, and so stand till the next Word of Command.
- Ram down Powder and Ball.
- With a full Grasp, your Thumb and Fore-Finger from the muzzle, your Thumb on the top of the Scowrer, keeping a handful of the Scowrer in your Hand.
- Withdraw your Scowrer.
- Turn your Hand, your Thumb and fore-Finger towards the muzzle, and when your Scowrer is clear, which is to be done at three Motions, durt again as before.
- [Page 31] Shorten it to a handful.
- Turn the small end of your Scowrer to your Breast and slip your Hand till within an Handful of the end of it, holding it to your Body, a little below your right Breast sloped till the Word of Command.
- Return your Scowrer.
- Replace it in the stock of your Musket, pressing it down with your Thumb, and then without any Word of Command grasp the muzzle of your Musket with your right Hand, your Thumb streight our upon the Scowrer, keeping your Musket clear from your side some half a foot, the muzzles all of a height directly to the Front.
- Poise your Musket.
- Bring up your Musket before you with your Left hand and falling with your Right Legg even to your Left, grasp your Musket with your Right Hand under the Cock, and poise streight before your Nose, (keeping Faced to the Front) letting your Right [Page 32] Elbow Rest upon your Body.
- Shoulder your Musket.
- As formerly:
- Poise.
- As before.
- Order.
- Sink your Right hand a little, Take hold of the Stock with your Left Hand upon the place where the Scowrer goes into the Stock, then sinking that hand, take hold o [...] the Muzzel with your right Hand, and let the But-end easily sink near the ground, where you make a little stop so that the Muskets may come to the ground all together, your Musket all this while perpendicular, and your Thumb at last streight out on the Side of the Muzzel, being set down to the ground all together that it seem but one Thump. Place the But-end close to the right Foot about the middle of it, your right hand [Page 33] an Inch below the Muzzel the lock from your Body.
- Lay Down your Musket.
- Turn your Musket with the Lock upwards, and stepping forwards with your Left Leg & Right Hand lay it on the ground in a very streight Line. You must never lay down or handle your Musket but with one Hand, viz. the Right Hand.
- Quit your Musket.
- Fall back with your left Leg even to your right, and stand up.
- Handle your Musket.
- Stepping forward with your left Leg, lay your right Hand near the Muzzel of your Musket.
- Order your Musket.
- Lift up the Muzzel of your Musket and fall back with your left Leg even to your [Page 34] Right, turning the Lock of your Musket, outwards by the midle of your Foot.
Directions for the Postures in Exercising the Pike.
Pikemen take heed.
- Advance your Pikes
- Lift up your Pike in a direct Line near your Side with your right Hand as high as you can will reach, and take it with your left Hand as low as you can, your fingers streight out, and with that hand raise it till the Butt-end comes into your right hand, then place it between your Breast and your Shoulder, and be sure to keep the Butt-end close to your Thigh which keeps your Pikes upright.
- To the Front.
- Lay your left hand on your Pike even with the top of your Shoulder, your Fingers streight out, and bring the Pike right before you with a quick motion, [...]t the same [Page 35] time drawing in your right Heel to your left Instep. Be sure to keep your Pike streight upright which will be done best by putting your right hand well from you.
- Charge.
Fall back with your right Leg so that the Heel of your left Foot may be directly against the middle of your right Foot. Bring down your Pike extreme quick with a jerk, as if you were to strike one with it, and Charge Breast high, your left Elbow under your Pike to support it, yielding your Body forwards, and bending your left Knee that you may stand the firmer and with more ease, always observing to hold the Butt-end of your Pike in the Palm of your hand, and your left Toe pointing directly with the Spear of your Pike, your Feet at a convenient distance neither too far asunder nor too near that you may stand strong.
Of all things you must look that your Feet are set right or else you can never handle your Arms as you ought. 'Tis to be observed in charging your Pike to bring it down at some distance from one anothers Breast [Page 36] so to prevent Clattering, and to close it to your Breast after it is Charged.
- To the Right. Four times.
- Turn your left Toe to the Right, bring up your right Heel to your left instep, and your Pike Recovered streight before you with as quick a Motion as in Charging, then having turned, fall back with your right Leg as before. Charge as before.
- To the Right about.
- Turn your left Toe to the Right about bringing your Right Heell to it as before, and your Pike Recovered as before, alwayes with the same quickness. Being turned, Charge as before.
- as you were.
You turn your left Toe to the Left about, bringing up your Pike Recovered, your left Hand never to be higher than your Mouth, and your right Heel as before, and being turned, you fall back with your right Leg [Page 37] & Charge. You must be sure always to bring your Pike streight up, and not to swing it about, for them 'twill clatter against the other Pikes.
- To the Left. Four times.
- To the Left about.
- as you were,
- Advance your Pikes.
Bringing up your right Heel to your Left Instep and your Pike first before you, you fall out with your right Foot even with your Left, and bring your Pike to your right Thigh.
- Shoulder.
- Lay your left Hand on your Pike even with your Shoulder, your fingers extended, bringing your right Heel to your left instep, and your Pike right before you, then fall back with your right Leg, and put back your right Arm as far as you well can, and holding [Page 38] your Pike half a foot from your Side, cast your Eye towards the Spear which you must keep directly to the Rere, your Pike sloped, and forsaking it with your left hand, bring up your right Leg, and lay your Pike on your right Shoulder, your Elbow close to your Body, The Butt-end half a foot from the ground and in the middle of the distance, That is, between your Legs.
- Charge to the Front.
- Fall back with your right Leg, and put back your right Arm as far as you can, be sure to keep the Spear directly to the Rere, and your Pike sl [...]ed at the same height with the Spear as when it was shouldered, neither higher nor lower. Then with your left hand bring the Butt-end of your Pike backwards, turning the head of it with your right hand, then forsaking it with that hand, take hold of the Butt-end, and Charge Breast high, the palm of your hand open against the Butt-end, and your left elbow under your Pike, your left Toe pointed directly with the Spear of your Pike, and be sure to Charge directly forward, and not to the Angles, your left [Page 39] heel just against the middle of your right foot.
- Shoulder as you were.
- You raise your Pike with both hands, then forsaking it with your right hand, and turning the head backwards with the left, the Spear directly to the Rere, take hold of it again with your right, as high as you can reach with ease, and stand with it as before from your body sloped as before, then Bringing up your right Leg, and forsaking your Pike with your left hand, lay it on your shoulder: When you stand with your Pike from your side, you continue it but a very short space. Be sure always to keep the Spear directly to the Rere, and not to cross your pike in the exercising it.
- Charge to the Right.
- Fall back with you, right arm and leg as before, and be sure to keep the Spear to the Rere, sloped at the height as when shouldered; and turning your left Toe to the right, fall with your right leg behind your left, [Page 40] so that the middle of your right foot may be over against your left Heel. While you do this, bring your pike up, and turn the Butt-end backwards by your right side; and taking it in the palm of your right hand, Charge.
- Shoulder as you were.
- Bring your left Toe to the left, bringing your right foot with the middle against your left heel, and your pike up, then with your left hand turn the head of the pike to the right: That is, directly to the Rere, which must be done together to prevent clattering, then taking hold of it with your right hand, stand with it in both hands, at a little distance from your body as before, sloped at the same height as when shouldered, then bringing up your right leg, l [...] it on your shoulder.
- Charge to the Right about.
- Fall back with your hand and leg, as before, and stand with your Pike from your side in the same posture; then turning the left Toe to the right about, bring the Butt-end of your pike to the right side, and falling back with [Page 41] your right Leg, Charge, the Spear of your pike all this while kept to the Rere the height you are Shouldered: For you must take great care not to throw the Spear of your pike higher, or drop it lower. When you are faced to the Right about, level your pike breast high, and Charge as before.
- as you were.
- Turn your left Toe to the left about, and advancing your right Foot one ordinary pace, so that the middle of it may be against your left heel, then with your left hand bring the Butt-end by your left side, keeping the Spear exactly to the Reer, the same height as before, taking great care neither to cross your Pike, or to toss the Spear too high, laying your right hand as high as you can easily reach, stand with it from your body as before, then bring up your right leg and shoulder.
- Charge to the Left.
- Fall back with your Leg and Arm as in the rest, then turn the left Toe to the left, and with your left hand turn the Butt-end of your Pike to the Right, and bringing up your right Leg, Charge.
- [Page 42] as you were.
- Raise the Spear of your Pike with both hands, and turn your left Toe to the right, and fall back with your right Leg and Arm, the Spear directly to the Rere, holding your Pike from your side, as before, then bring up your right Leg, and Shoulder.
- Charge to the Left about.
- Fall back with Arm and Leg, as before, then with both hands bring the Pike over your head keeping the Spear very exactly to the Rere, neither higher nor lower than when Shouldered; Then turning your left Toe to the left about, and bringing up your right Foot with the middle of it against your left Heel, Charge.
- As you were.
- Bring your Pike over your head with your left hand, falling back with your right leg, and putting back your right Arm as before, keeping the Spear directly to the Rere without crossing, hold it from your Body, then bring up [Page 43] your right Leg and Shoulder. You must be sure to take care to set your Feet exactly, or else you can never Exercise well.
- Port.
- As Charging to the Front, but that you sink not the Spear of your Pike so low, and instead of letting the Pike rest upon your left Elbow,' tis to rest between the Thumb and fore-Finger, and you Elbow close to your Side.
- Comport.
- You bring your left Hand as far back as you can, and stretching out the right as far as you can, at the same time stepping forward with your right Foot, Grasp the Pike with your right Hand as far as you can reach, have a care not to toss the Spear too high; then forsaking it with your left Hand, and falling back with your right Leg even with your left, Close the Pike to your side, the Spear of your Pike about the height of your Head.
- Charge to the Front.
- Extend your right Arm as much as you can [Page 44] advancing your right Leg at the same Motion, and putting your left Hand as far back as you can, bring forward your Pike, then stepping back with your right Leg, take hold of the Butt-end of it with your right Hand and Charge, taking care not to throw the Spear of the Pike higher than it was when you went to Charge: when you Charge, Charge alwayes Breast-high.
- Trail.
- Face to the Right about, and let the Spear of your Pike fall behind you; quit your right Hand from the Butt-end of it without stirring your Left, you must take care not to bob up the Spear of your Pike, which is very ungraceful.
- Charge as you were.
- Turn to the Left about, and taking the Butt-end of the Pike on the palm of your right Hand, Charge, as before, alwayes taking care not to toss your Spear higher than the Charge
- [Page 45] Advance your Pikes.
- Bring up your right Heel to your left Instep, and your Pike before you to the Recover you fall out with your right foot even with your left, and bring your Pike to your right Thigh.
- Order your Pikes.
- Lay your left Hand on your Pike even with the top of your Shoulder, your fingers streight out, and sinking your left Hand, and raising your Right, take your Pike so, th [...] when the Butt-end is on the Ground, your right Hand may be against your Eye, keeping your Pike near your Head, the Butt-end to the Latchet of your Shoe. When near the Ground hold a little while still, that the Butt-ends may all touch the Ground together, and make but one thump.
- Pikes to your Inside Order.
- Place the Butt-end of your Pike on the Inside of your right Foot about the middle of it. Be sure to move your Pike, and not your Foot.
- Lay Down your Pikes.
- Stepping forward quick with your left Leg [Page 46] and stooping all together, lay it down streigh only with your right hand.
- Quit your Pikes.
- Falling back with your left leg even to your Right, stand up altogether.
- Handle your Pikes.
- Stepping forwards with your left Leg quick and stooping together, laying your right Hand onely on your Pike as far as you can reach.
- Order your Pikes.
- Raise the Pike only with your right Hand and fall back with your left Leg: you must be sure when you are Commanded to Handle your Pikes, to get the Butt-end within the middle of your right Foot.
- Pikes to your outside Order.
- Place the Butt-end of your Pike on the outside of your Foot just to the Latchet of your Shoe. Be sure to move your Pike, and not your Foot.
- [Page 47] Advance.
- As Before.
Exercise of Pike and Musket together.
The Pikes being Advanced, and the Muskets Shouldered, The Word of Command is, Musketiers make ready.
They are to perform all their postures, and the Motions exactly together till they stand Guarded with their Muskets before them, their Thumbs on the Cock, at which time also the pikes are to be Recovered before them, the Butt-ends in the palms of their Hands and their pikes upright, Their left Hands the Height of their Mouths and no higher.
At the Word Charge, They are to bring down both Muskets and pikes together at once, and the pikes with a jerk as if they were to strike one with them. They must be sure to turn their Left Toes that way they Charge, and their Left Heel directly against the middle of their Right Foot. When they Charge, they are to Charge directly forward. But the pikes are not [Page 48] to Charge close to one anothers Breasts at first, because that makes a clattering, but they are to Charge a little way from one anothers Breasts in bringing down their pikes, and after they are Charged then to close them to their Breasts.
- To the Right Charge. Four times.
- To the Right about. Charge.
- as you were. Charge.
- To the Left about. Charge. Four times.
- To the Left about. Charge.
- as you were. charge.
The pikemen turn as the Musketiers, bringing up their Right Heels to their Left Insteps. As they turn they extend their Arms, and hold their Muskets streight before them, Their Left Hand as high as their Mouth, pulling back their Arms and falling back with their Right Legs when they are Faced
The Soldiers do not bring down their Arms, [Page 49] till the Word of Command, Charge.
They must be sure to bring up their Pike and Musket as quick as they bring them down streight before them ere they turn, or else the Pikes will clatter.
- As before.
- Recover your arms
- half-bend your muskets.
- Poise your muskets.
- Shoulder your Muskets.
The Musketiers Shouldering, The Pikemen (who stood Recovered) falling out with their Right Legs, bring their Pikes to their Thighs to their Advance.
Poise your Muskets.
At which word of command the Pikemen are all to joyn their Left Hands to their Pikes the height of their Shoulders.
- Order your arms.
- Pikes to your Inside Order.
- Lay down your arms.
- Quit your arms.
- To the Right [...]
[Page 50] March.
When clear of their Arms they are to disperse and upon the Beat of Drum, to run to their Arms with an Huzza, their Swords drawn and the points upwards.
- Return your Swords.
- Handle your arms.
- Order your arms.
- Pikes to your out-side Order.
- Poise your Muskets.
- Shoulder your Muskets.
- Advance your Pikes.
In Ordering their Arms, They must be sure to make a little stop before the Buttends come to the ground, that they may come down all at one Thump. After laying down their Arms, and quitting them they are all to stand up together, and no man to stoop afterwards.
When they March from their Arms, they must be sure to step all together Front and Rere with their left Feet, and to March close to their Arms.
When they lay their Right Hands on their [Page 51] Swords they must take hold of the Scabbord with their Left Hand.
When they have drawn their Swords, they must hold them up streight before them as they do their Muskets when poised.
When they return their Swords, they must do it all at one Motion, and assoon as they have put up their Swords, they must all stand upright to their Arms looking to their proper Front.
The Pikemen must always when they stand to their Arms (lying on the ground) get the Butt-end of their Pikes to the middle of the in side of their Feet.
The easiest and readiest way to teach Soldiers the use of their Arms, that they may do it exactly to the Drum, is to give every File-leader the word of Command in writing of that part of the Exercise, viz. The posture of the Pike and Musket only, That every File-leader may instruct his File so as to do it exactly to the Drum.
EXERCISE of the Granadiers ON FOOT.
A Great part of the Exercise of the Granadiers on Foot is the same with that of the Musketiers.
Granadiers are to draw up at the same Order in Rank and File as Musketiers, only they draw but Three deep, being supposed to be Shouldered.
- As the Exercise of the Musketiers.
- Poise your Fire-lock.
- Rest your Firelock.
- Co [...]k your Firelock.
- Guard your Firelock.
- Present
- Fire.
- Recover your arms.
- [Page 53] Then they are to lay their Right-hand on their Dagger
- Call over to the Left.
- Holding it fast before your upright.
- Draw your Dagger.
- So that the flat side may be toward you when recovered.
- Screw it into the Muzz [...] of your Firelock.
- Recover your arms.
- Charge.
- To the Right Four times.
- To the Right about.
- As you were.
- Charge.
- To the Left Four times.
- To the Left about.
- as you were.
- Recover your arms.
- They are to seize their Daggers with their Right Hand.
- Call over to the Left.
- [Page 54] Holding them before them the flat side towards them.
- Withdraw your Dagger.
- Return your Dagger.
- As the Musketiers.
- Poise your Firelock.
- Half-bend your Firelock.
- Clean your Pan.
- Open your Cartridg-box.
- Handle your Primer.
- As the Exercise of the Musketiers.
- Prime,
- Return your Primer.
- Shut your Pan.
- Blow off your loose Corns.
- Cast about to charge.
- Handle your cartridge.
- Open it with your Teeth.
- Charge with Powder and Ball.
- Putting them together into the Muzzle of the Fire-lock, Hold it there
- Draw forth your Scowrer.
- Shorten it to an Inch.
- [Page 55] As the Musketiers.
- Ram down Powder and Ball.
- Withdraw your Scowrer.
- Shorten it to a handful.
- Return your Scowrer.
- Poise your Fire-lock.
- Upon which word of Command the Ranks are to close forward to six foot, the Sargeants taking care to plant their Halberts at the due distance.
- Shoulder your Firelock.
- Seizing the sling with the Left Hand.
- Poise your Firelock.
- Sling your Firelock.
- Your Left hand on the bottom all of a height, the Right Leg advanced, and their Right Hands all of a height.
- Handle your Pouch.
- Together.
- Open your Pouch.
- The Right Hand extended before you.
- Cake forth your Granade.
- At once
- Shut your Pouch
- [Page 56] Falling back with the Right Foot even to the left and facing.
- Uncase your Fuse.
- The left hand to the Left side, both Arms extended. The three Ranks are to do it together.
- Handle your Match.
- The first Rank only falling back with the right Leg. A strong Blast.
- Blow your Match.
- Fire your Fuse.
- At which word of Command the second Rank is to March 6 foot before the first, with their Matches ready to blow.
- Deliver your Granade.
- Blow your Match.
- Fire your Fuse
- The third Rank perform as the Second.
- Deliver your Granade
- At which word the two other Ranks are to lay their left hands on their Hatchets.
- Blow your Match.
- Then they are to raise their Hatchets.
- Fire your Fuse.
- [Page 57] At which time the Sargeants are to take care that the first Rank stand, the second March six foot before the first, & the third six foot before the 2d. with their Hatchets raised, expecting the word of Command. The first Rank is to raise theirs also.
- Deliver your Granade.
- Stepping forward with the left Leg.
- Fall on.
- As in handling it.
- Recover your Hatchet
- Into the Frog of the Belt
- Return your Hatchet,
- As the Musketiers.
- Poise your Firelock,
- Shoulder your Firelock.
- The first Rank make ready their Firelocks, The Second Rank handle their Pouch. And the third Rank their Hatchets.
- Granadiers make ready
- [Page 58] At which word of Command the second Rank is to open their Pouch and take forth their Granade, and the third raise their Hatchets.
- The first Rank present.
- The second Rank are to shut their Pouch, and uncase their Fuse, and handle their Match.
- Fire.
- Without any other word of Command the first Rank are to cast over to the Left, draw their Dagger: screw it into the Muzzle of their Firelock, Recover their Arms and Charge the second Rank to march six foot before them.
- Recover your aims.
- Blow your Match.
- Fire your Fuse.
- Then they poise their Firelocks, and make ready, the third Rank March as the second with their Hatchets.
- Deliver your Granade.
- [Page 59] At the same time the 3d Rank is to March twelve foot before the first charging, The second to six foot, and the first return their Hatchets and make ready their Firelock.
- Fall on.
- Recover your Hatchets.
- At which time they half bend their Firelocks.
- Recover your arms.
- Call over to the Left.
- Withdraw your Dagger. As before.
- Return your Dagger,
- Poise your Firelock
- Shoulder your Firelock
- The Sargeants are to take care that the Ranks open forward to twelve foot, and to continue marching till they come to their ground, & there to halt without any word of Command.
- Face to the Right about, March
- As the Musketiers
- as you were
- Poise your Firelock
- Order your arms
- Lay down your arms
- Duit your arms
- Face to the right about
- [Page 60] When clear of their Arms they are to disperse, and upon the Beat of Drum they are to run to their Arms with an Huzza, their Daggers drawn & their points upwards.
- March.
- As the Musketiers
- Return your Daggers.
- Handle your arms.
- Order your arms.
- Poise your Firelock.
- Shoulder your Firelock.
Directions for the postures in Exercising of the Musket (that is, the Match-lock Musket) being that part which is not in the Directions already
- Lay down your Matches
- At four Motions, viz. First, Turn a little the Butt-end of the Musket gently, slipping it as it lies on your Shoulder, and lay your right hand on your Match. Secondly, Extend your right hand and Foot before you, turning your Musket again in its place. Thirdly, You stoop, bringing the Match near your right Foot within side, bending the left Ham. [Page 61] Fourthly, You quit it, and stand up bringing your right Foot even to the Left.
- Lay your right hand on your Muskets.
- As in the Exercise of the Fire-lock.
- Poise your Muskets.
- Rest your Muskets.
- Handle your Match.
- Take your Match from between your third and fourth Finger, with your Thumb and first Finger of your right hand, the palm turned from you, extend your right arm towards your right-Hand-man.
- Blow your Match.
- Bring up the Match to your Mouth without stooping to it, turning your Head a little to the right; and having blown a quick strong Blast, cast out your Arm again to the Right.
- Cock and try your Match.
- Bring your Match to the Cock with a compass, and press it down with your Thumb, [Page 62] Supporting it with your two next Fingers, [...] which the Middle finger guides it, and is to be kept between it and the Pan. Pull your Cock down to the Pan, and Raise or sink so your Match, that it may fall just in the middle of it.
- Guard your Pan.
- Your two first fingers upon the Pan you [...] Thumb behind it, bringing up your Musket streight before you, that Hand by which the Pan is guarded, being even with your Mouth about half a foot from before it without stooping, or letting your Muzzel of your Musket either hang backward or forward, but keeping it streight upright perpendicular, with your right Heel to your left Instep.
- Blow your Match.
- Bring your Match up to your Mouth without stooping, then blow a quick strong blast, after which extend your Arms streight forwards, let not your Musket sink, but keep it at the height you blow, your Cravat in the middle of the space between your two hands.
- Present and open your Pan.
- Raise the Butt-end of your Musket to your Shoulder, keeping your Fingers upon the Pan, and let it lye level before you [...] open your Pan, which having done, bring your Hand back to your Trigger, raising a little your right Foot. And immediately letting it fall, the Butt-end of your Musket is to be between your Breast and your right Shoulder, which locks it fast, but little of the Butt-end to appear above the Shoulder, your right Elbow not at all, or very little higher than your Piece; you must bend your left Knee a little, and keep the right very stiff: your Piece is to lie Breast-high.
- Fire.
- Be sure to draw the Trigger but once, and keep your Body steddy taking Aim.
- Recover your arms.
- Sink the Butt-end of your Musket, till you hold it perpendicular in both Hands, the right being behind the Pan, your Fingers extended, [Page 64] and the Left the height of your Mouth, bring up the right Heel to the Left Instep.
- Return your Match.
- Hold your Musket in your left Hand, the Barrel towards you, your, left Elbow, resting on your Body, take your Match between you Thumb and Fore-finger of the right-hand your Thumb on the top of it, as when you Cock it, and turning the Palm of your Hand from you, place one end of it between the third and fourth Finger of your left Hand and the other end between the First and Second finger, and then joyn your right hand again under the Pan of your Musket your fingers extended.
- Clean your Pan.
With the Ball of your Thumb, pressing it into your Pan, you wipe it. At this Word of Command, you rest your Musket, falling back with your right Leg, and when you have wiped your Pan with your Thumb, you lay your right hand again on your Musket behind the Pan on the Notch of your Musket, your fingers extended.
[Page 65] As Firelock.
- Handle your Primer.
- Prime. On the side of the Pan, and not a top.
- Shut your Pan.
With a full Hand, that is, with the Palm of it, the Fingers extended, at which Word casting back your Primer, bring up your right Heel to your left Instep, bringing your Musket streight up before you, your left Hand the height of your mouth, and your Right under the Pan.
As the Fire Lock
- Blow off your loose Corns.
- Cast about to Charge.
- Handle your Charger.
- Open it with your Ceeth.
- Charge with Powder.
As the Firelock
- Draw forth your Scowrer.
- Shorten it to an [...]nch.
- Charge with Bullet.
- Ram down Powder and Ball.
- Withdraw your Scowrer
- Shorten it to an handful.
- Return your Scowrer.
[Page 66] As before.
- Poise your Musket.
- Shoulder your Musket.
- Poise your Musket.
- Order your Musket.
- Sink your right Hand a little, take hold o [...] the Stock with the left Hand where the Scowrer goes into the Stock, then sinking that Hand, take hold of the Muzzle with you [...] right hand, and let the Butt-end easily sin near the Ground where you make a little sto [...] so that the Muskets may all come to the Ground together, your Musket all this which perpendicular, the Butt-end close to your right Foot, about the middle of it, your Right hand an inch from the Muzzle, and your Thum [...] streight up to it, the Barrel of the Musket backward, your Match, one end between the first and second Finger of your left hand, the other end between the third and fourth finger a larger inch from the Cole.
The Exercise of the Pikes is to be as other times with the Fire-lock.
Directions for Exercising the Pike and Match lock-Musket together.
[Page 67] The Pikes being Advanced, and Muskets Shouldered.
- Musketiers make Ready.
- At which Word of Command, the Musketiers are to perform leisurely and distinctly every posture of the Musket together, and being Ready, they bring up their Muskets strait before them, their two first fingers Guarding the Pans the height of their mouthes: And bringing up their right Heels to their lest Insteps; the Pikemen at the same word of Command to Make Ready, are to bring their Pikes before them to the Recover, and their might Heels also to their left insteps, the Butt [...]nds of their Pikes in the palm of their Hands.
- Charge.
Falling back with their right Legs, they all Rest their Muskets together, their two first Fingers guarding the Pan, they must be sure to keep the Muzzels all of a height very well sloped, and clear of their Bodies, Resting directly to the proper Front, with their left Toes directly that way they Face, their left Heels [Page 68] being just against the middle of their right Feet. The Pikes at the same Word of Command, Charge, are to fall back with their right Feet, bringing their Pikes down as quick as ' [...]is possible (or as if they were to strike with them) They Charge Breast-high, pointing their left Toe with the Spear of the Pike directly to the Front, the left Elbow under the Pike to Support it, &c. As is mentioned in the Exercise of the Fire-lock.
As with the Fire-lock.
- To the Right Four times
- To the Right about.
- as you were. Charge.
- To the Left. Four times.
- To the Left about,
- as you were.
As before.
- Recover your arms.
- Return your Matches.
- Poise your Muskets.
- Shoulder your Muskets.
- Poise your Muskets,
- Order your arms.
- Pikes to your inside Order.
[Page 69] As before.
- Lay down your arms,
- Quit your arms
- To the right about.
- March.
When clear of their Arms they are to disperse and upon the Beat of Drum to run to their Arms with an Huzza, Their Swords drawn and the points upwards.
As Before.
- Return your Swords
- Handle your arms,
- Order your arms,
- Pikes to your outside Order.
- Poise your Musket.
- Shoulder your Musket.
- advance your Pikes.
- Take up your Matches.
- Which is to be done at four Motio [...]s [...]. They advance their right foot, and hand without turning their Shoulders, their Arms extended before them. Secondly, They seize the Match, bending with the right Knee. Thirdly Raising themselves, they bring their right [Page 70] foot into its place, and slipping a little the Musket, and tu [...]ing the Butt-end a little, they bring the Match to the left hand. Fourthly, They quit they Match with their right hand, and turn the Musket again into its place with the Left.
For drawing up a Battalion, and placing the Officers for parade to Receive the King or any Prince of the Blood, or General.
WHen a Regiment is to draw up, the foregoing method of placing the Co [...]panies is to be observed, and the Ranks are to have twelve large feet distance and the Files three. The Musketiers are to slope and carry their Arms well. The Pikemen to order their Pikes close to their bodies, holding them near their heads and to the Latchet of their Shoes and not to their Toes. The Sargeants are to be posted, (as is said before) two or one on the right and left of every Rank, and at the same distance the Soldiers are at in the File, and the rest on the Rere, three paces distance from the last Rank of Soldiers, their Halberts all Ordered, and their Hats off, the Drums on the right and Left [Page 71] ranging even with the Front. Rank of the Soldiers, and at the same distance one from another as the Soldiers, the Ho-boys on the Right of the Drums, and the Drums on the Right in the same Rank.
For placing the Officers.
The Lieutenants are to be divided equally, half at the Head of the right Wing of Shot, and the other at the Left. The Ensigns are to be at the Head of the Pikes upon the same Line with the Lieutenants, and each of them two paces distant from the Body. The Captains likewise are to be divided equally, and placed on each Wing two paces before the Lieutenants. None are to stand before the Ensigns, but he only who Commands in Chief, who is to be two paces before the Captains, (that is,) six paces from the pikes, unless when a Regiment makes but one Battalion and the Colonel and Lieutenant- Colonel are both present, then the Lieutenant-Colonel is to be posted on the left hand of the Colonel. The Major (who always is to be on Horseback) in a direct Line before the Sargeants on the right Angle a little advauced before the Line of the Captains. And the [Page 72] Aid-major on the Left Angle in like manner on Horseback.
To receive the King or Queen, the Pikes are to be Advanced, and the Muskets Shouldered, but to all others the Pikes are to be Ordered.
If there be a Company of Granadiers, it is to be drawn up on the Right of the Battalion three deep about two or three paces distance between the Drums of the Battalion, and that of the Granadiers.
Of Saluting.
When the King approaches, the Drums are to Beat the March, and the Officers to Salute one after another as the King passes by, keeping the Spear of their Pikes directly forwards to the proper Front and not cross.
As soon as ever they have Saluted, They are to pull off their Hats without making a Leg, but standing upright, keeping their Hats off till the King or the Person they Salute be passed by them.
The Ensigns are to Salute with their Colours all together at one Motion, bringing them down near the ground directly before [Page 73] them, then taking them up all together at one Motion, they pull off their Hats in the same form the Captains and Lieutenants did, keeping their Hats off without bowing till the Person whom they, Salute be past.
The Sargeants (as is said before) are to stand with their Halberts Ordered, and their Hats off, and to face the same way the Battalion does as also the Drums, and the Commission-Officers likewise. For if the King, (or whatsoever Person is Received) goes round the Battalion, the Battalion is to face towards him, every one being to keep his Post, only (as is said before) facing as he goes round
This manner of Saluting the King or the General is meant for a private Review of a Battalion, for if it be in the field, and the Army drawn up, every Battalion is to Salute with Pikes and Muskets Charged, which is to be performed in this manner, the King or General approaching, the Musketiers are to be Shouldered, and the Pikes Advanced, then the Colonel or Commander in Chief gives the Word.
- Recover your arms.
- Which is (as is said before) to bring the Pikes and Muskets directly before them, The Butt-ends of the Pike always in the palm of the Hand, and the Right Heel to the Left Instep. And assoon as ever the Drums strike [...] the March, both Pikes and Musketiers are to Charge at one Motion quick, and to keep their Arms so charged, till the King or General be past, and then the word of Command is,
- Recover your arms.
- Poise your Muskets.
- Shoulder your Muskets.
At which time (as is said before) The Pikemen bring their Pikes to the advance.
Of Marching and Posting the Officers, and of Saluting in Marching.
If the Battalion be to March, the first thing is to make the Files close, either to the Right or Left to their Marching Order, which is a Foot and an half, or so near to one another, that every Souldier may have the free use of his Arms, and not to croud one another, which is a dangerous consequence: The best way to avoid which, is for every Man to [Page 75] keep half a Foot from his Right-hand-Man.
Single Companies may March Shoulder to Shoulder, but in greater Bodies there must be more allowance.
The first word of Command is (the Pikes being Advanced, and the Muskets Shouldered)
- Files Close to the Right (or to the Left). To your Close Order. March
At which Word every Man turns to the Hand named, and accordingly Closes to the [...]istances and Hand named, Observing (as said before) the Front: That is, either their Right or Left-hand-Men.
As soon as they are Closed to the Order you could have them, the Word of Command is,
- To your Leader.
The Sargeants at the same time are to be careful in keeping the Ranks at their Twelve [...]rge Feet distance.
As soon as the Battalion is thus disposed, if March in a Body, all the Lieutenants are to [Page 76] be in the Rere at the same Distance from the Souldiers as they were at in the Front: And the Sargeants which were in the Rere, are to assist on the Flanks, to see that the Ranks March exactly even, and at their distance.
When the word is given to march, both Front and Rere step all at a time with their left Feet, setting them down all together, so that they may be heard. They are then to march very slowly, and the Pikes to march even with the Wings of Shot. And great care is to be taken that the men do not press one upon another, but march directly forward without inclinig to either hand.
As soon as the Body is marched as far as is intended, they are to be commanded to Halt.
- To the Right about.
- And the Drums beating a Retreat, the Lieutenants lead them in the same Order and Method as before, back to their Ground, which being come to, the Command is, Halt.
- To the Left about. (Or,) as you were (That is, to the Left about
- [Page 77] Lieutenants take your Posts in the Front of the Battalion.
- March.
- At which Word the Lieutenants return from the Rear into the Front; and the Sargeants that were before in the Rear, return thither again from the Flanks.
Of Marching in Three Divisions.
If the Battalion be to March in three Divisions, the Captains are to be divided, one half at the Head of the first Division of Shot, and the other half in the Rear of the last Division; one half of the Lieutenants in the Rear of the first Division of Shot, and the other half at tho Head of the last Division of Shot.
The Colours are to March at the Head of the Pikes which are to be Advanced, the Colonel or Lieutenant-Colonel, or (in their absence) the Officer in Chief, is to March two paces before the Rank of Captains at the head of the first Division of Shot; the Captains and all other Officers keeping the same distance from the Soldiers as they were Posted at, at the Head of the Battalion when Drawn up; and taking great care that they keep [Page 78] that distance exactly, and no more, viz. The Captains four paces from the Soldiers, and the Lieutenants and Ensigns two, or at least at proper distance to Salute.
The Officers that are to March in the Rear of the Division are to fall after them as they March off, and not before. And the Sargeants that were Posted in the Rear, are to take care of the Pikes in their Marching.
The Drums are to be divided equally to the Divisions, and to march between the Second and third Rank.
The Granadiers are to march about twenty yards before the Battalion.
The Equipage of the Colonels and Officers of the Front is to march a little on the Left Hand between the Granadiers and the Battalion. The Ho-boys are to march at the middle Distance between the Commander in chief and the Granadiers.
Whenever a Division is commanded to march, they are to step together at once, both Front and Rere with their left feet, and to march slowly.
In Marching, both Colonel, Lieutenant. Colonel, and all Officers are to march with their Pikes under-hand comported, taking care [Page 79] not to droop the Spear too much, nor swing their hands in marching, but to keep them steddy.
As soon as they come near the King or Person whom they are to Salute, they are to shoulder their Pikes, and to take care to do it together, that is, every Rank of Officers as they approach the King to shoulder their Pikes together, and to carry them level upon their shoulders, and when they come to salute, to be very exact in doing it together that it may seeem as if but one man saluted.
The first Rank of Captains are not to begin [...]o Salute till the Colonel or Commander in Chief has done Saluting. And the Officers must take can above all things, that they neither stand still when they Salute nor mend their pace, so as to get too far from the men, and to take care in the Salute, not to do the Motions too quick.
The Ensigns are to take care to b [...]ing their Colours down all together before them without waving them to either Hand, and to take them up all together without standing still or mending their pace.
As soon as the Officers have Saluted, they must pull off their Hats, and keep them off till they are past by the person they salute without bowing, [Page 80] And when-they are past at a convenient distance, they are to bring their pikes again under-hand.
The Sargeants are to march with their Halberts Shouldered, the Butt-end upwards, and are always to march with their Hats off, when they pass by the person that comes to view the Battalilion, whether the Officers Salute or no.
None is to Salute the same person but once standing, and once marching.
The Major and Aid-Major have no fixed Post for Marching, but are always to attend the Colonel or Officer in chief to receive his Order.
No Sargeant or Corporal is at any time to Carry or hold the Colours in the absence of the Ensign, but onely a P ikeman.
If a Battalion be Attaqued in Marching They are immediately to Draw up, Facing either the same way they March, or by Wheeling either to the Right or Left as the Ground allows, or as they are Attaqued. For the readier performance of which, it is most necessary to practise a Battalion to it is in Exercising.
If a Battalion be Attaqued Marching in three Divisions (or more) and thereby the Divisions obliged to Wheel to the Right. The first Wing of Musketiers is to Draw up on the Right of the Granadiers, and the Pikes on the Right of the [Page 81] Right Wing of Musketiers, and the Left Wing of Musketiers on the right hand of the Pikes, which takes up much less time than Marching round the Rere.
As soon as ever there is occasion to Prepare for being Attaqued on a suddain, or that the Commander in Chief is disposed to draw up a Battalion in that method, he commands the Rere halfFiles of Musketiers to double their Front to the Left in Marching. And assoon as ever the Officer in Chief gives Command to the Musketiers to Make Ready (which is to be Cockt and guarded) or in Exercise to make the Motion of it by Recovering their Muskets before them, the Pikemen at the same word of Command are to Port their Pikes, and the Drums to Beat the Preparative, which gives Notice to the Rere, that they are to Draw up. The Ensigns at the same time are to give their Colours to the Right-hand-men of the respective Companies, who are to Retire with them immediately to the Center of the Pikes, and the Ensigns to take the Pikes which the said Soldiers carried, and are to march at the Head of the Pikes.
The Drums that marched between the Ranks of the Musketiers (as also those of the Granadiers) are to joyn themselves to those [Page 82] Drums that march with the Pikes, And the He boys to joyn with the Colours.
As soon a [...] ever the Drums beat the Preparative, every Division (except the first) is to march up with all the speed they can, keeping their Order, the first Division marching no faster than it did before. The Ranks i [...] marching, are to close forward to six foot, which the Sargeants are to be very careful to see kept very even and in good Order.
The Granadiers are to be divided into three equal parts, one third with the Captain at the Head of the Pikes, some eight paces from the first Rank, and the two other parts on the Right and Left of the Battalion. Those at the Head of the Pikes are to be Commanded to Present and Fire when the first Rank of Musketiers are commanded to Bu [...]l, and assoon as ever they have Fired, they are to make ready their Granado's, and after the two last Ranks of Musketiers (who fire before the Front Rank) have Fired, then they are to deliver their Granado's and to put their Daggers into their Fire-locks.
Those Granadiers on the right and left of the Battalion, are to Fire as the Musketiers Fire, that is, the two last Ranks to Fire with [Page 83] the Musketiers, and assoon as Fired, are to [...]ut their Daggers into their Fire-locks. The Front rank of Granadiers having their Granado's ready, are to kneel when the first Rank of Musketiers kneel, and after the two last Ranks have Fired, they are to stand up, and when the first rank of Musketiers Fire, they are to deliver their Granado's, and immediately to fix their Daggers in their Fire-locks. And when the Musketiers Club their Muskets and Fall on, they are to Charge with their Daggers as aforesaid.
When the Battalion has Marched (so near that the Granadiers may throw their Granado's so as to fall among the Enemy) with the Officers, both Captains, Lieutenants and [...]nsigns in one rank at the Head of the Battalion two good paces from the first rank of soldiers with their Pikes in the same posture with the Pikemen, which they are to observe, the Commander in Chief gives the Command to alt, at which word of command the Drums are to cease from beating, and all the Officers in the Front stand at the Head of the Battalion in one rank, as is said before, [...]o paces from it with their Pikes ported. Four of the Sargeants that Marched with [Page 84] the Pikes before they drew up, are to draw up with them, two with the first rank, and two with the last, on the right and left of each rank, the rest of the Sargeants are to be on the flanks, and to assist the Officers in the Rere, who are to be the same Officers that marched in the Rere of the Divisions before they were drawn up, and to continue in the Rere of the Battalion, and to take care of it. Only the eldest Captain that was there, is to come up immediately to the front, at the Head of the left Wing of Shot. And the Sargeants are immediately (upon the Battalions drawing up) to be very exact in making the ranks even at six foot distance, The Files are to be kept at the same distance (a is said before) so that every Soldier may have free liberty to use his Arms; the best rule for which is, That every Soldier keep half a foot from his right-hand-man.
As soon as the Commander in chief has commanded them to Alt, The command is
- First Rank of Musketiers Kneel.
Which they are to do by falling back with their right Leggs, and not stepping forward with their Left, and keeping their Muskets so [Page 85] low, that the two other Ranks may Fire easily over them.
At the same time that the Command is given for the first Rank to kneel, the whole Rank of Officers at the Head of the Battalion, retire at one time into the Intervals, just behind them of the first Rank of Soldiers, but are to take care that the Souldiers perform their Duties. The Officers (as is said before) are to have their Pikes in the posture conformable to the Pikemen. And those of the Musketiers are to kneel as they do.
When the first Rank is commanded to kneel the two other Ranks of Musketiers are to close forwards, as also the five Ranks of Pikes as close as they can with conveniency to use their Arms, without any other Word of Command.
- Two last Ranks Present.
- Which they are alwayes to do Breast high and the first of the two is alwayes to sloop without any Word of Command. And the Pikes at the same word of Command are to Charge their Pikes, and to continue so Charged.
- [Page 86] Fire.
- Recover your arms.
- At which Word of Command, the Front Rank stands up without any other word of Command, having their Muskets Recovered streight upright before them, ready Cock and Guarded.
- The Front Rank Present.
- Fire.
- Recover your arms.
- Club your Muskets.
- Fall on.
- Which they do with an Huzza, and the Pikes are to continue Charged, and the Drums to bear the Preparative again.
- [...]alt.
- At which time the Drums are to cease Beating.
- [Page 87] Reduction. Poise your Muskets.
- At which word of Command the Pikemen Recover-their Pikes before them from their Charge, and the Granadiers take the Posts they had before they were divided.
- Shoulder your Muskets.
At which word of Command the Pikemen bring their Pikes to their Thighs to the advance. And the whole Rank of Officers Advance together two paces before the Head of the Battalion.
Ranks open backward to twelve foot Distance.
- March.
- Rear half files of Musketiers that Doubled, To the Right about, as you were.
- [Page 88] March.
- Officers, Colours, and Drums, and Ho-Boys to your proper Posts. March.
If you would Fire a Battalion in Exercise more than once before you fall on, instead of Clubbing your Muskets after the first Firing, the Musketiers are to make ready as they March, and the Pikes port, and so proceed as before mentioned.
Memorandum, Every Right-hand-man of the Pikes of each Company is alwayes to March with the Ensigns Pike.
The Drums are to beat the Preparative whenever the first Division draws up, whether it be of a Battalion or single Company, which is the best way to give Notice to the Rere that they are to Draw up: The pikes at the Drums beating the Preparative (if they are Shouldered) are then to Advance, unless the Musketiers be commanded to Recover their Arms, and in such case the pikes are to port, but never otherways in Drawing up, but to be kept Advanced. Nor are the Ranks to close forward, or to mend their pace in Marching, [Page 89] but to Draw up as at other times, unless the Musketiers are commanded to Recover their Arms (or to make ready) which is the same posture, and then they are alwayes to March as is before mentioned.
Of Marching by Sub-Divisions.
If a Battalion be to March on the Long March by Sub-Divisions, the Files are first to be counted, and according to the largeness or narrowness of the way they are to March, they must be divided accordingly, Posting one half of the Captains at the head of the first SubDivision of Shot, and the other half in the Rere of the last. The Lieutenants are to be divided to every Sub-Division of Shot, that they may take care of them. The Colours are to be divided also to March at the Head of every Sub-Division of Pikes. The Sargeants are alwayes to March on the Flanks, and are never to Lead or bring up a Division (unless Commanded.) The Sargeants that are posted in the Rere of the Battalion, when drawn up, are alwayes to take care of the Pikes when Marching.
When they March by Sub-Divisions, they [Page 90] are to March Shoulder to Shoulder in Files, but not so as to croud one another. And tho there may happen to be more men in one Rank than another, yet no Gaps are to be left in the Ranks, but they are to March (as is said before) Shoulder to Shoulder.
The Captains and Officers are alwayes to March with their Pikes under-hand, except only when they pass by a General Officer, or come before a Guard to Relieve it, or off the Parade, and then they are to be Shouldered.
Of Defiles.
To pass a narrow Defile, the readiest way to perform it, and to Draw up again in order assoon as past, is to make the Ranks File; if to the Right, the Right-hand-man is to File first, and the rest of his Rank is to follow him; then they are to Rank again as they were, which is better than Files Filing, because it immediately makes a Front to the Enemy.
If the Ranks be great, let them File two a Breast, beginning with the two outwardmost File-leaders.
For larger Defiles, the Commander may draw off as he judges the way will easily [...] ceive.
Of Wheeling.
When a Battalion is to Wheel to alter the Front, either to one hand or to the other, or to bring the Front where the Rere was [...] [...]. The Command is, to Wheel either to the Right or the Left first. If to the Right, you say,
Wheel to the Right.
At which Word of Command every man in the Battalion moves, and Wheels from the Left to the Right, only the man on the right Angle turns very slowly, being as it were the Hinge on which the rest move. In this way of Wheeling they must observe both their Right and Left-hand-men. And the first Rank is to take such a compass of Ground, as neither to press one another out, nor yet to make a Gap or Interval in the Ranks; The best way to avoid both which is, for every man to be sure to observe what distance he is at in File when he is commanded to Wheel; and if he Wheels to the Right; to be sure to keep that [Page 92] very same distance from his Right-hand-man; And the Ranks are to observe their Leaders well, and to close quick to the Left in the Rere The same method must be observed to the Right if the Battalion be Commanded to Wheel to the Left.
Of Wheeling when a Battalion or a Body of Men March in Division.
When upon a March, the word of command is given to Wheel, if it be [...] to the right, the right-hand-man keeps his ground, and onely turns upon his Heel, at the same time the left hand-man moves about quick till he makes an even Line with his right-hand-man, and that the Officer bids him Stand.
The Second Rank must not begin to Wheel till they have taken the ground of the first; so every Rank successively is to March directly forward up to their Leaders Ground, before they begin to Wheel, upon which depends this way of Wheeling.
Before they come to Wheel, the Soldiers are to observe that hand in Marching to which they are to Wheel. For as the Right-hand-man is to be observed in Marching when they Wheel to the Right, so they must observe the left Hand in Marching, when they are to Wheel to the Left, [Page 93] but when they are Wheeling they must observe the contrary Hand.
Of Wheeling by single Ranks.
When an Officer is Marching a Body of Men, and there be occasion to Form them on a suddain into a single Rank, either to make a Guard, or to line an Hedge, the words of Command are these,
Ranks to the Right (or Left) Hand, Wheel.
If they are to Wheel to the Right, the Right-hand-man of every Rank is to stand, and only turn to the Right on the Ground he stands on, and the rest are all to Wheel together into one rank at the word of command, March. The Colours are to Wheel in before the rank, and the Drums to take their Posts at the right and left of the rank, as also the Sargeants.
When they are so Wheeled, they may either be Closed to the right or to the left, that there may be no Gaps in the ranks.
[Page 94] Reduction.
Form your Ranks to the Left (or) as you were.
For the performance whereof, the left-hand-man of every rank is to stand, and only turn to the Left. And at the word March, the rest are to Wheel into their places as they were.
Of Wheeling backward by half Ranks.
To Wheel backwards by half ranks upon a long March, the following Directions are to be observed.
The number of men ought to be even in every rank, and the right and the left-hand-man of every rank being ordered to stand, and only to turn to the right and left inwards, the following words of Command are to be observed.
[Page 95] By Half Ranks Wheel to the Right and Left backward.
At which word of Command, the Half-ranks separate, and fall back to the right and left-hand-men, forming two ranks in opposition to one another The Officers and Colours are to separate accordingly, and to take their Posts, ranging themselves before the Soldiers to make a Guard.
The Sargeants and Drums are to be on the right and left.
By half-Ranks to the Right and Left Inward, form your Ranks as you were.
The Directions are the same as before: For the right and Left-hand-man of every rank is to stand, and only turn to the right and left inward, and the rest at the Word March are to Wheel, and they will be in the same Marching Order that they were.
- [Page 96] Ranks close forwards to Order, Three foot.
- March.
- Ranks close forwards to close Order, A foot and half.
- March.
- Ranks open backward to Order, three foot.
- March.
- Ranks open backward to open Order, Six foot.
- March.
- Ranks Open backwards to double distance, twelve foot.
- March.
In this way of Opening backward, the ranks are to fall back without changing aspect observing their right-hand-man, and their Leader.
- [Page 97] Files close to the Right, March
- Files close to the Left, March
- Files close to the Center, March
- Files open to the Right, March
- Files open to the Left, March
- Files open from the Center, March
When Files open from the Center, they are to face from the Center, and if there be an odd File it is to stand, which is the Center File. Also when Files are to open to the Right or Left, they are not to stir, not so much as changing aspect, till the Word of Command, March be first given; and then they are immediately to Face to the hand named, and to take their distance commanded every one from his Leader.
When they open to the Right, they must alwayes observe their left-hand men. And when they open to the Left, their Right-hand men.
If they open to the Right, the Second File from the Right, first takes its distances by little Steps, and letting his Leader go as far from him as the distance he is Ordered, before he stir, the rest of the Files do the like successively; and the left-hand File is not to move at [Page 98] all. In opening of Files they are to move extream slowly and directly forward.
- Ranks to the Right double.
- March.
- Ranks as you were.
- March.
- Ranks to the Left, Double.
- March.
- Ranks as you were.
- March.
The Ranks that double are to observe their Right-hand man to move at the same time with them.
They are to begin the Motions with the Foot next the hand named, and to come into this doubling, the even Ranks are to double into the odd; and if the odd Ranks are to double, Face the Body to the Rear, and the same word of Command will perform it, on else it may be done by this Word of Command.
[Page 99] Odd Ranks that stood, To the Right about, Double the even Ranks.
To Reduce the Ranks.
The Ranks that double are first to face to the contrary hand, and they with the contrary foot come into their former Ground; but they are not to stir, not so much as to alter their aspect till the Word of Command, March be first given. And [...]tis a constant Rule upon all Doublings of Ranks or half Files, that though they are to turn to the contrary hand they Doubled on from the Ground they Doubled to; yet when they come to their own ground, they are alwayes to turn to the hand they doubled, which brings them directly after their Leaders.
The doubling of Files is performed in the same manner, and is the same thing with the Reduction of doubled Ranks.
Doubling of Front half-Files by the Rear half-Files, with the Reduction.
Rere Half-files to the Right hand, Double your Front, March.
[Page 100] Rear Half-files, as you were.
Rear Half-files to the left-hand, Double your Front.
Rere Half-files, as you were.
If it be upon a March, the Rere Half-files are to move into the Front with a quicker motion, The Front Half-files still continuing theirs. But all must observe the Right-hand men.
And for Reduction, Let the Rear Half files without facing about, stand till the Front Half-files have passed by, and then fall after their proper Leader; But if the Front Half-files are to be doubled by the Rere the Body standing still, the Rere Half-files are to March extream slow, observing well their Right-hand men, that every Rank may double at one time. And in the Reducement, as in the Doubling of single Ranks, no Man is to stir till the word [Page 101] of Command March be first given, And then they are all to turn together to the contrary hand they doubled on. And when they come upon their own ground they are alwayes to turn to the same hand they Doubled to.
Doubling of Rere-half-files by the Front Half-Files, with the Reduction.
Front Half-files to the Right about, Double your Rear Half-files.
At which Word of Command, the Front half-files, or the three Front Ranks turn to the Right about, and passing on the right Hand of their followers, or the Rere half-files, they are to double into them; and assoon as doubled, to face to the Left about to their Leader, without any word of Command.
Front Half-files, as you were.
At which word, the Front Half-files are to, [Page 102] March slowly, observing to keep three foot from their Right-hand men, which makes them incline to the Left and brings them directly upon their former ground.
In Doubling to the Left about, the same thing is to be done, only observing the contrary hand.
Of Firing to the Front.
Soldiers are to be Exercised to Fire all manner of wayes, in keeping of Ground, gaining of ground, and losing of ground.
To make them Fire in keeping of Ground, 'tis necessary that the Body be as close in Rank and File as can be conveniently with the use of their Arms.
One way it thus, Musketiers make ready all
At which time the Musketiers are to be Cockt and Guarded, and their Arms streight before them, the Pikes ported. And when the Musketiers Present, the Pikes are to be Charged.
- [Page 103] The five first Ranks, Kneel,
- The Rear Rank Present,
- Fire.
- Fifth Rank stand up,
- Present, Fire.
- Fourth Rank stand up.
- Present. Fire.
And so of the rest. And as they have Fired, they are to Charge again and to be in a readiness against the first word of Command.
This way of Firing may be performed either by two Ranks, at a time, or three ranks, the first kneeling, and the second stooping, or the two first stooping.
'Tis necessary also to exercise them to Fire gaining ground, which is to be performed in this manner.
The Battalion Marching, the Commander in Chief Orders.
The first Rank of Musketiers, make ready alt.
At which time the whole Battalion Alting, He is to command the first rank of Musketiers to
[Page 104] Present, and Fire.
When they have Fired they are to Recover their Arms without any word of Command, and to File off very quick to the right and left into the Rere. When the first rank presents, the next rank is to make ready in course without any word of Command, and as the first rank Files off, the next makes good the front. and so the Battalion is to march again, and every Rank to Fire in this Method.
The Pikes are to Charge when every Rank Presents without a word of Command.
Of Firing to the Flanks.
If upon a March a Body of men be forced to Fire to both Flanks, the way of doing it is thus, The Ranks being at six foot distance, intervals of about six foot distance are to be left between the Divisions of Musketiers and the Pikes, which the Officers must have a great Care to keep open, by causing the Musketiers to encline to the right and left after every Firing to the Flanks, which is to be performed in this manner.
The Right and Left hand files of Musketiers, make ready.
[Page 105] Which they are to do and keep along with the Body, and not to Face to the Flanks till they are bid Present.
As soon as they have Fired, they are to Face to the Rere, and so are by a Sargeant to be led athwart it very quick, and so up between their own Divisions, and the Pikes assoon as the outermost Files face to the flanks to Present, the next file of the right and left is to make ready without any word of Command, and to keep along with the Body [...]ll the outtermost files be clear of them, that is, till they are bid Present, which is the next word of Command, the Commander in Chief is to give after he bids the two first files make ready. The files that fire are to fall back with their right feet, and not step forward with their Left.
In Exercise, this way of Firing is to be continued till all the files have fired.
Of Firing to the Rere.
This way of firing is performed almost the same way as firing to the front Retreating.
[Page 106] The Rere Rank of Musketiers, make ready
At which time the Rere rank stands Cockt and Guarded.
When they are bid Present, they are to turn upon their Left foot To the Right about, and cast their right leg backwards, then Present and Fire. And immediately assoon as fired without any word of Command, they are to recover their Arms, and at a good round rate within three foot of the Body to the right and left outwards to March up into the front, and there place themselves.
As soon as the last rank is bid Present, the next rank of Musketiers is to make ready of course without any word of command, but not to face to the rere till they are bid Present.
As soon as the first rank is commanded to Present, the Pikes are to march till the rere rank of Pikes come even with the next rank of Musketiers, which is standing cockt and Guarded, so that there will be room left in the front for the rank of Musketiers that [Page 107] fire, to come up, and place themselves even with the first rank of Pikes, and so every rank successively is to do the same by the same method; the Officers and Sargeants are [...]o see the Soldiers move away quick without noise (which of all things is most to be avoided) and that they place themselves right on the files.
The word make ready is made use of but once, after which (as is said before) when the rere rank is bid Present, the next rank is to make ready.
Of Firing the Street-way.
If a Street, or any way be to be defended against Horse, where they can Charge only in front, the best Method is this; if there be fewer Pikes than Musketiers, which most commonly happens, the Rere half-files of Pikes are to double the front by these words of Command.
Rere half-files of Pikes to the Right-hand double your front.
[Page 108] Then Musketiers to the Right about.
As soon as they are clear of the Pikes.
Musketiers, Face to the Right and Left Inwards. March.
By which they are to joyn in the Center o [...] the Pikes.
- Then Face to your Leader.
The Officers must take care to see that th [...] Shot and the Pikes Wing alike, and that the Musketiers be at no greater distance from the Pikes than only to give room for the Colours, Drums and Ho-boys to be between.
The Captains are to be in the first rank of Pikes, and the Lieutenants with the Musketiers. As the Body is greater or lesser, a Sargeant or more is to cause the two first ranks of Musketiers to Face to the Right or Left.
As soon as the Officer in Chief has given Command,
- Port your Pikes.
The two first ranks of Musketiers, make ready.
- March.
At which word the Sargeants are to bring up the two first Ranks either to the right or left, as is Ordered before-hand, who filing two and two up into the Front, march athwart it [...]der the Pikes, carrying the Muzzels of their Muskets so as they may neither knock against the Pikes, nor yet do their Leaders any Mischief.
Being placed under the Pikes, they are to [...]ce to the proper front without any word of Command, and to make two ranks.
That there may be always some fire reser [...]ed, 'tis best to Fire but one rank at a time, the second standing cockt and Guarded, both of them being as close to the Pikes as they [...]an with the conveniency to use their Arms.
- First Rank of Musketiers kneel.
Which they are to do by falling back with their right foot, and not stepping forward [Page 110] with their left; and to be sure to keep their Arms streight upright before them, their left hands the height of their mouths,
- First Rank Present. Fire.
As soon as they have Fired, they are to recover their Arms without any word of command, and to File off to the contrary hand they came upon, as quick as 'tis possible, and are to be Led by a Sargeant close by the body into the Rere, and there placed in their right Files.
When the Musketiers are bid Present, the Pikes are to Port very low without a word of Command: And as soon as they have fired, the Pikes are to Raise their Pikes again to the height they were at, without a word of Command, which is to avoid being shattered with the Shot.
The Subaltern Officers must take care that the next Rank of Musketiers be always ready just at the Angle to march under the Pikes in the room of the second Rank; which upon the firing of the first, is to take the place of it.
If the Street to be Defended be very broad, [Page 111] an interval must be made (besides the passages on the flanks) wide enough for two men on a Breast: for otherwise the long intermission between the Firings will give the Horse opportunity to Attack them.
- Reduction.
Musketiers Face to the Right and Left outwards. March.
As soon as they are clear of the Pikes.
Musketiers to your proper Front.
- March.
Till even with the first Rank of Pikes.
Rere half Files of Pikes, to the Left about as you were.
- March.
Which done, the Officers, Colours, Drums, and Ho-boys are to be commanded to their proper posts.
Of Firing by a running Fire for Shew.
A Battalion being drawn up for Parade, if they are to fire by a running fire, they are to take it either from the right or from the left, but commonly 'tis begun on the Right.
The manner is thus
After the Musketiers are commanded to make ready (which is Cockt and Guarded) they are to be Ordered to Present in the Air, giving Order to the Officer on the right to make the first man (after they are presented) begin to fire; because if the Word be given aloud, they will all take it, and fire a Volley instead of a running Peal.
Every File-leader is to Fire as quick as 'tis possible after his right-hand-man, and every File is to take care to fire with their Fileleader.
Words of Command for forming the Hollow Square.
The Battalion being drawn up, the Ranks a [...] Twelve Foot distance, and the Files at Three, the [Page 113] Muskets Shouldered, and the Pikes Advanced, the Command is.
Colours, Drums and Hoboys, to the Center of the Pikes. March.
Ranks close forward to Dwer. (Which is three large feet)
The three outwardmost Files of Pikes on the Right and Left, double your Files to the Right and Left inwards. March.
Rere half-Files of Musketiers, to the Left hand double your Front. March.
Files, close all to the Right to your close Order. March.
To your Leader.
Pikes, Face square.
Pikes, close forward every way to close Order, March
Pikes to your proper Front.
Left Wing of Musketiers, to the Right about.
[Page 114] Both Wings of Musketiers. alt March.
Musketiers, Face to the Left, alt. March.
Face to your proper Front, all.
Officers and Sargeants take your Posts. March.
Granadiers take your Posts in the angles, March, Face square.
Musketiers make ready. At which word of Command the Pikes are to Port very low, and to continue so, & not to Charge when the Musketiers present.
First Rank kneel, Which they must do so low, and hold their Muskets so, that the two last Ranks may fire over them.
The two last Ranks Present. Fire.
Recover your arms. At which word of Command, the first Rank stands up with their Muskets Recovered stra [...] before them ready cockt and guarded, and the two Ranks that have Fired, Load again.
[Page 115] Front Rank Present, Fire.
Recover your arms At which word of Command the Pikemen Recover their Pikes from their Port.
To your Leader. March, alt, Face Square, et.
After which Method they may be made to March them, and Fire to every front, the Soldiers alwayes observing that facing to their Leader, is to face that way wherever the Commander in chief is; but to face to the proper front, is only that way the front of the Battalion properly stood before this figure was formed.
Reduction of the Hollow Square.
They being all faced to the proper front, the Words of Command are as follow.
- Granadiers take your Posts on the Right of the Battalion. March.
- The Right and Left of each Wing of Musketiers, Face to the right and left outwards. [Page 116] March. alt.
- The Three files of Pikes of the Right and Left that Doubled, as you were, March.
- Musketiers, face to the right. March. alt.
- To your Leader,
- Rear half-files of Musketiers that doubled, To the right about, as you were. March.
- Ranks open backward to twelve foot, March.
- Colours, Drums and Ho-boys, to your former Posts March.
- Files close to the Right to close Order. March.
- To your Leader.
Directions how to Form the Hollow Square.
The Battalion being Drawn up, the Muskets Shouldered, and the Pikes Advanced, you must first of all Command the Colours, Drums and Ho-boys to the center of the Pikes: Which done, you are to make the ranks close forward to three large feet distance: Then you must make the three outwardmost files [Page 117] of Pikes on the right and left, to double into the three Files of Pikes which are next them on the right and left. After which you are to make the Rere half-files of Musketiers to double their front either to the right or left; which being done, you must make all the Body close their files to close Order, and after having faced them again to the proper Front, you are to make the Pikes face Square, and close forward to close Order, as they then are faced every way; which done, you must make the Pikes face again to their proper front. Then you command the left Wing of Shot to face to the right about; which being done, both Wings of Shot are to march till clear of the Front and Rere of Pikes. After you have made the Musketiers to Alt, both Wings are to face to the Left, and are to be led by the Sargeants cross the Front and Rere of Pikes. That is to say, the right Wing of Shot to be led (as near the Pikes as they can march) round, till the Head of the Shot comes even with the left Rere Angle of the Pikes; and the left Wing of Shot is to be led in like manner round the rere of the pikes, till the Head of the Shot comes even with the right front Angle of the pikes.
[Page 118] Then you must command them all to Face to the proper Front. The Officers are to move with the Musketiers as they move, by which they will naturally fall into the Posts where they are to be, viz. The Lieutenants divided equally into the four Angles, as also the Sargeants. The Captains are to be divided in the following manner.
- First Captain
- To the proper Front.
- Second Captain
- To the Rere.
- Third Captain
- To the Right Flank.
- Fourth Captain
- To the Left Flank.
- Fifth Captain
- To the Right Front Angle.
- Sixth Captain
- To the Left Front Angle.
- Seventh Captain
- To the Left Rere Angle.
- Eighth Captain
- To the Right Rere Angle,
The Officers to take care that every Front of Soldiers do their Duty, and the Captains that are in the Center of each Front are to retire into the first rank when the Musketiers make ready, and are to kneel when the Soldiers kneel, and to perform the same with their pikes that the pikemen do. When you have done this, you place your Company of Granadiers (being divided into four equal parts) in the four Angles, and if there be [Page 119] not room enough for them to stand in the Angles without, you must take some of the files, and place them within the Angles with their Daggers in their Firelocks, keeping the rest on the Angles without three deep, the two last ranks of which are to fire with the Musketiers, the Front rank making ready their Granado's, assoon as ever the two last ranks have fired, they are to put their Daggers into their firelocks, and stand charged, and when the first rank of Musketiers present, the first rank of Granadiers are to deliver their Granado's and assoon as done, they are to unsling their firelocks, and put in their Daggers, and stand charged as the rest.
When you give the Command to Face Square the Musketiers on the right and left are to Face outwards, and those in the Rere to face to the right about, The three outwardmost Files of Pikes on the right and left are to Face outwards, and the Rere half files of the rest of the Pikes are to Face to the right about. Those men that are in the Angles, are to face towards the Points of the Angles, the Musketiers must close, backwards as near to the Pikes as they can with convenience to use their Arms, that the Pikes may reach the farther over them.
[Page 120] The Ensigns are to keep their Colours Advanced and flying, which are to be Posted within the Square after this Method.
If there be ten Colours, the three Colours on the right are to be against the proper front of the Battalion, the two Colours next to them are to be against the right flank. The two Colours next to them are to be against the Rere, and they are all to Face as the Body faces, and to March as they do. The Drums and Ho-boys are to divide themselves equally to make as much room as they can within the Square.
The Musketiers being commanded to make ready, They are all to make the motion of Cocking and Guarding, and at the same time the Pikemen to Port their Pikes very low, (as they stand faced) without any word of Command, as also the Officers.
Tou must fire only the two last ranks together, that is, The second and third, the first of which being to stoop, the front rank or the first rank of all is to kneel, holding their Muskets, so that the two other ranks may fire clear of them. As soon as ever the second and third rank have fired and Recovered their Arms, the first rank is to stand up without any other word of command with their Muskets Cockt and Guarded [Page 121] ready to Present. And at the same time the two other Ranks which have fired, Load their Arms again and make ready. The Pikes are to continue Ported very low all the while till all the three ranks have fired. After the front rank stands up, they are to be commanded to present and Fire, and after that to Recover their Arms, the Pikemen at the fame word of Command being to Recover their Pikes. The front rank which fired last and all the rest that have not Primed and Loaded their Arms, are to do it (or in Exercise to make the motion of it) as they March, and are afterwards to Shoulder. The Granadiers are to be Ordered as is before [...]tioned.
The reason why the Pikes do not Charge when the Musketiers Present, but continue Ported, is, That the Musketiers in firing may not shatter the ends of them with their Shot, but when the Musketiers have fired, if there be occasion, the Pikes may be made to Charge from their Port in the twinkling of an Eye.
Of the Saluting Posture standing.
An Officer is to stand in the same Posture with his Pike Ordered as a private Soldier, only his Arm stretched out, holding his Pike at the Arms end, [Page 122] the Butt-end at the same distance from his Right Foot, which keeps it upright.
To Salute Standing.
The Officer is to fall back with the Right Arm and Leg keeping the Spear of his Pike directly [...] the R [...]a [...] sloped, just about the same height as Soldiers Pike is when it is Shouldered, his Left To to the Front, and the middle of his Right Foot against his Left Heel, his Left Hard stretched [...] streight before him, he is to take hold of the Pike and turning it with his Right Hand, to quit that place he had hold of with his Right Hand and taking hold of the Butt-end with his Right Hand be is to bring the Spear of the Pike close to the ground but not to touch it, his Fingers of both [...] streight out assoon as ever he has broug [...] Spear so low, he is to raise the Pike again and to bring the Spear backward directly to the Re [...] at the same Height 'twas at, and bringing up his Right Foot at the same time, brings his Pike us to the Order 'twas at, and then he is to pull of his Hat without bowing, and to keep it off [...] the Person be past whom he Salures. He must be sure to observe to do every Motion leisurely and not too quick. And take Care to have his Salute timed so that he may be ready to pull off his, Hat just as the Person he Salutes comes right against him.
In Saluting he must take care always to stand [Page 123] Faced directly to the Front, or that way the Soldiers Face, and to Salute just so, let the Person he Salutes come which way he will.
To Salute Marching.
As soon as the Officers approch the Person they are to Salute, They must be sure to Shoulder their Pikes from their comport all together, and to take great care that they do not swing them round but onely turn the Spears directly backwards, and lay them as level as 'tis possible to carry them on their Shoulders, their Elbows out.
When they Salute they must take great care to do every Motion exactly together and leisurely. And therefore 'twould; be necessary for One [...]ve the Word to the rest. And they are to take care that in Sal [...]ting they neither stand still nor mend their pace.
The first motion in Saluting is to dart their Pikes leisurely directly forward upon the same level as they are Shouldered, stretching out their Right Hand as far as they can, advancing at the same time with the Right Foot, and then advancing with the Left Foot, bringing the Right Hand back, they turn their Pikes the Spear directly forward bringing them [...]ne the ground, and then raising them again, They bring them to their Shoulder upon a direct level as they were; Which done, They pull off their Hats [Page 124] without bowing, and keep them off till they are past by the Person they Salute.
They must be sure to time their Salute so, as to be ready to pull off their Hats just as they come over against the Person they salute.
Of the Exercise of Horse.
THE Exercise of Horse, consisting in fewer words of Command than that of Foot, is more generally known; and there is little alteration to be made from former Practice, but what is rather for Shew than Use.
When a Troop or Squardon is to Exercise, they must have their Carabines and Pistols Loaden, and when the Corporals have been through the Ranks, and seen that they be all ready, th [...] Officer in Chief Command s Silence, and proceeds as followeth.
Words of Command
- Lay your Right hands on your Swords.
- Draw your Swords.
- Put your Swords into your bridle=hands.
- Lay your hands on your pistols.
- Draw your Pistols.
- Cock your pistols.
- Hold up your Hands.
- Give fire. [Page 125] Note that after they have given Fire, they must still keep their Hands up till the Word of Command be given to Return their Pistols.
- Return your pistols.
The same words of Command are given for the other pistol. And then as followeth.
- Lay your hands on your Carabines.
- advance your Carabines.
- Cock your Carabines.
- Present your Carabines. Fire.
- Let fall your Carabines,
- Take your Swords from your bridle-hands.
- Return your Swords.
All which Motions the Officers are to see done exactly at the same time, and therefore must not give the Words of Command too fast.
When a Body of Horse is Drawn up, the Officers are to stand close to their men, onely he who commands must be an Horse length before the rest of the Officers; and the same is to be observed in marching, for nothing is [Page 126] more unseemly than Officers to be at too fa [...] a distance from their men.
It is thought requisite to make an Alteration in the manner of Wheeling of Horse; For, whereas formerly when a Squadron of Horse was Commanded to Wheel (if it were to the Right) the Right-hand Men Closed to the Left, by which the Ranks were apt to be put out of Order; And therefore the Practice now is, That the Right-hand men keep their Ground only Turning their Horse Heads to the Right, whilst the Left comes about; In which Motion they must observe their Left-hand men.
It is also necessary to practice Horse [...] Facing to the Left About.
When a Squadron of Horse is to Charge another, it is better they should do it with their Swords in their Hands, than either with Pistols or Carabines.
The Exercise of Granadiers on Horseback
WHen they are on Horseback, then the common Exercise used by Horse is most proper for them, only they must strictly observe, that whenever they March, Wheel [Page 127] [...]ace or Alt, they keep three foot distance be [...]wixt every file, that they may have room to Dismount their Horses, March through, or face about. And being thus Marched into the [...]ield, their Arms Charged, and their Hatts on, the word of Command being given to Alt, the Officer in chief Commanding Silence, is to proceed as followeth, viz.
- Granadiers have a Care.
- Sling your Muskets. Having your Left hand on your Sling.
- Put on your Caps,
- Right and Left-hand men of each Rank keep Mounted.
- Clear your Right foot of the stirrop, At which time they are to Handle their Muskets, and to cast them backwards over their Cloaks.
- Dismount Which is to be done quick and all together.
- make ready your Links.
- Link your Horses to the Left, March
- [Page 128] March clear of your Horses Which may be done by the second or third Rank Marching through, and assoon as clear, handling their Muskets:
- Shoulder your Muskets. Marching and the Sargeants and Corporals taking care of the Ranks, &c. and that the Files open in their marching to three foot distance.
- alt.
- Lay your Right-hand on your Muskets.
- Poise your Muskets.
- Facing to the Right.
- Rest your Muskets.
- Cock and Guard. present.
- Fire.
- Recover your arms. Half-bending your muskets.
- Call about to the Left.
- Draw your Dagger.
- Fir them in your Musket.
- Recover your arms.
- Charge to the front.
- [Page 129] [...]o the Right, Charge four times.
- [...]o the Right about Charge.
- as you were.
- To the Left, Charge four times.
- To the Left about.
- as you were.
- Recover your arms.
- Cast about to the Left. Having your Right Hand on your Dagger.
- Withdraw your Dagger.
- Return your Dagger,
- Poise your Musket.
- Clean your Pan.
- Open your Cartridge box.
- Cake out your Primer.
- Prime.
- Return your Primer.
- Shut your Pan. Bringing your Musquet up quick before you.
- Blow off your Loose corns.
- Cast about to Charge.
- Take out your Cartridge Immediately after shutting the Cartridge box.
- Uncap your Cartridge with your Teeth.
- [Page 130] Load with powder and ball.
- Draw forth your Scowrer.
- Shorten it to an [...]uch.
- Place it in the Barred.
- Ram home powder and ball.
- Withdraw your Scowrer.
- Shorten it to an Handful.
- Return your Scowrer.
- Poise your Musket Before you.
- Shoulder your Musket.
- Poise your Muskets. Seizing their Slings with their Left Hands.
- Sling your Muskets.
- Handle your Pouch. Stepping forward with your right Leg your Left Hand at the bottom all of an height, your right hand hold up all of an height.
- Open your pouch.
- Take forth your Granade. The Right-hand extended before you.
- Shut your pouch. The left-hand held up all of a height, shut them all together at one motion.
- [Page 131] Uncase your Fuse. falling back with your Right Leg even to your Left, and facing to the front.
- Handle your Match The left-hand to the left-side, both Arms extended. The three ranks doing it together.
- Blow your Match. Te first Rank only falling back with the Right Leg, blowing a strong blast,
- The first Rank Fire your Fuse.
- Deliver your [...]ranade. Afterwards they are to unsling their Muskets.
At which word of Command the second Rank is to march through on the Right six Foot before the first, with their Matches ready to blow
- Blow your Match.
- Fire your Fuse.
- Deliver your Granade. Unsling and stand Cockt and guarded.
At which word of Command the Third [Page 132] Rank is to march through on the Right, Six Foot before the Second.
- Blow your Match.
- Fire your Fuse.
- Deliver your Granade. Unsling and stand cockt and guarded.
At which word of Command the first or proper Front is to march through six Foot.
- First Rank present,
- Fire. After which they are to fix their Daggers in their Musket.
Which the Second and Third Ranks are to perform in the same manner successively by the same words of Command.
- Recover your arms.
- Cast about to the Left.
- Withdraw your Daggers.
- Return your Daggers.
- Poise your Muskets To the proper Front.
- Shoulder your muskets.
- [Page 133] To the Right about. Taking up your first ground & opening your ranks in your march.
- To your Leaders,
- Poise your Muskets:
- Rest upon your Arms,
- Lay down your Arms.
- To the Right about.
- March. Breaking their ranks, then the Drum beating they draw their Swords, facing to the Left about, running with a Huzza to their Arms.
- Return your Swords
- Handle your Arms.
- Recover and Poise.
- Shoulder your Muskets.
- Poise your Muskets.
- Face to the Right about.
- Sling your Muskets.
- March to your Horses The second and third ranks marching and standing at their Horses head Facing to the front.
- Unlink your Horses.
- [Page 134] Fasten your Links.When done they are to shorten their Bridles.
- Put your foot into your Stirrop At which times they must lay their Muskets over their Saddles.
- Mount Which must be done all together and the proper Officers are immediately to take care of the Ranks.
- Handle your Swords,
- Draw your Swords.
- Place your Swords in your Bridle Hands
- Handle your Pistol which is alwayes the Left first.
- Draw your Pistol.
- Cock your pistol Keeping your Thumb on the Cock assisted by the left hand.
- present The Cock equal with your Head in height on Exercise.
- Fire Still holding it up till he the next Word of Command.
- Return your Pistol.
- [Page 135] The same for the Right Pistol
- Handle your Muskets
- Unsling your Muskets
- Mount your Muskets.
Here if you order your Muskets to be Charged you may proceed as followeth,
- Cock your Muskets,
- Present you Muskets, Into the Air
- Give Fire Keeping the Muzzel still up till the next word of Command.
- Sling your Muskets
- Handle your Swords By taking your Swords in your Right Hands.
- March
After which the Officer may proceed to Marchings, Facings, Wheelings, or what other Exercise he shall think fit and proper for them on Horseback, and to shew them the Method [Page 136] of charging their Arms on Horseback as well as on Foot, and the Words of Command are to be given so distinctly that the other Officers may have time to see every particular person exactly observe the same, and that they be accustomed to fire at Marks both on Horseback and on Foot.
Exercise of Dragoons,
TIs to be supposed, that when the Officer in Chief comes into the Field, he finds the Dragoons Drawn up in three Ranks, with their Muskets Advanced. Whereupon Silence being Commanded, the Word is,
- Dragoons have a Care.
- Sling your Muskets,
- Make ready your Links,
- Clear your Right Foot of your Stirrop,
- Dismount, Standing at your Horses Head.
When they Dismount, the six Outside men [Page 137] are to continue mounted, that they may take care of the Horses.
Link your Horses to the Left,
March clear of your Horses. and Shoulder as you March. Alt.
Then the Battalion is to be Formed in the same Method as the Foot, by evening the Banks and Streightning the Files; The Surgeants and Corporals falling into the Flanks and Rere of the Battalion, and the Commission Officers Forming a Rank in the Rere, which is done by the following Words of Command the Officer in Chief standing about Twenty Paces distant from the Front of the Battalion in the middle of it.
Have a care of the Exercise,
- Officers to the Right about,
- Take your Posts in the Rere of the Battalion [...] March.
- Dragoons have a Care At wich they pull off their right-Hand Gloves, and place them vnder their Girdles.
- Lay your Right Hand to your Musket,
- [Page 138] Poise your Musket.
- Rest your Musket.
- Cock and Guard.
- Present. Fire.
- Recover your Arms with the Cock half-bent.
- Rest upon your Musket.
- Handle your Dagger.
- Draw forth your Dagger.
- Fir them in the Muzzel of your Muskets.
- Poise your muskets.
- Charge to the Front.
- Charge.
- To the Right.
- To the Right.
- To the Right.
- To the Right.
- Charge.
- To the Right about.
- To the Left about.
- Charge.
- To the Left.
- To the Left.
- To the Left.
- To the Left.
- Charge.
- To the Left about.
- To the Right about.
- [Page 139] Recover your Arms.
- Rest upon your Muskets.
- Handle your Dagger.
- Withdraw your Dagger.
- Place your Dagger.
- Poise your Musket.
- Rest your Musket.
- Clean the Pan with the ball of your Thumb.
- Open your Cartridge-Box.
- Handle your Primer.
- Draw forth your Primer.
- Sink and Prime.
- Return your Primer.
- Shut your Pan with your two Fore fingers.
- Blow off your loose Corns, Recovering your Arms as the same time.
- Cast about to Charge.
- Handle your Cartridge.
- Take out your Cartridge. Immediately after shutting your Cartridge-box.
- Open it with your Teeth.
- Charge with Powder and Ball.
- Draw forth your Scowrer.
- [Page 140] Shorten it to an [...]nch. Against your right breast.
- Put it into the Muzzel of your Musket.
- Ram down Powder and Ball.
- Withdraw your Scowrer.
- Shorten it to and Handful. Against your Right breast.
- Place your Scowrer.
- Poise your Muskets.
- Shoulder your Muskets.
- Poise your Muskets.
- Rest upon your arms.
- Lay down your arms.
- Duit your arms.
- To the Right about.
- March clear of your arms.
When they are from their Arms, they are at the first Beat of Drum to return to them with an Huzza, and as they run, Draw their Swords: And then every Man is to stand over his own Arms.
- Return your Swords.
- Handle your arms.
- Rest upon your arms.
- Poise your Muskets.
- [Page 141] Sling your Muskets.
- To the Right about.
- March to your Horses
- Unlink your Horses
- S [...]rten your Bridles.
- Put your Left Foot in the Stirrup
- Mount.
- Fasten your Links.
- Unsling and Advance your Muskets.
For Firing on Horse-back.
Their Muskets being advanced on their Right Thigh.
- Joyn your Left-Hand to your Muskets.
- Cock and Guard.
- Rest your Muskets on your Bridle-hand
- Present.
- Fire.
- Recover your Arms with the Cock Half-bent.
Then they are ready to march, Wheel or Face with or without their Daggers fixt in their Muskets as the Officer commanding shall think fit.
Of Encamping.
THE Major General for the day, haveing with him such of the Guards of Horse as shall be thought fit, and ordered by the General for the Security of the Camp, is to March before the Army that he may have time to view the ground and to Settle the Camp, not far from Water if it may be with convenience, Which being done, He is to order the Quarter-MasterGeneral to Set out the Ground to the Majors of the Brigades, who thereupon Set it out to the Adjutants of each Regiment, who divide it for each Troop or Company. The Major General in the mean while is to Ride about the Camp to Post the Main-guards as he finds best for the Safety of the Army, and is to order the Quarter Master General what ground or Village he shall take up for the Kings Quarters, as also some commodious place for the Park of Artil [...]ary, and another for the Bread-Carts which is commonly near the Center of the Army with [...] Hospital.
When every thing hath been done as above mentioned, and the Camp all Marked out, Then the Major General is to send an Ald de Camp to give Notice to the General that all is ready. And at the Entring into the Camp the Major General is to meet the General to give him a full account of every particular, The Adjutants General [Page 143] of Horse and Foot attending always on the General that they may be ready to Execute his Orders, and make Detachments without delay.
It is the usual Practice to Camp an Army in two Lines, The Second distant from the First Three hundred Paces; That is, From the Head of the first Line to the Head of the Second, whereof One hundred and twenty are for the E [...] camping of the First Line, so that there remains One hundred and eighty Paces for the distance between the last Tents of the first Line and the Head of the Second. And if the Army Encamp with a Reserve, Then the same distance is to be observed by them.
The Horse are to be Posted on the Wings, and the Foot in the Middle in such a manner that the Lines of the Camp look towards the Enemy and be Covered behind by a River, Brook, of March, if it may be with Convenience.
Every Squadron consisting in Three Troops, & fifty men each Troop, must be allowed fifty paces. And every Battalion consisting of sixteen Companies and fifty men in each Company, must have One hundred paces allowed for their Encamping.
All Troops or Companies of Horse of Foot consisting but of fifty men are to be Encamped on one Row of Baraques or Hutts; But when Troops or Companies consist of more men, there must be two Files of Baraques or Hutts.
It is to be observed that in each Squadron or Battalion, The Colonels Company be always [...] on [Page 144] the Right or Left, And there make their Row of Hutts. Behind them must be left a space for the Street. Then the Second Company make their Row of Hutts, near to which the Third makes theirs, leaving the space of two Foot onely between their Hutts, which is called the By Street. And the same thing is to be observed by the Horse.
The Hutts of the Foot always open towards the Street, the Baraques of the Cavalry always towards the Horse Heads.
The Hutts of the Quarter-Master and Sargeants are always to be at the Head of the Troopers and Soldiers, And the Officers Tents behind.
The Camp of the first Brigade of the Army is on the right hand of the first line, That of the second on the Left, the Third is Posted on the right of the Second Line, the Fourth on the Left, and the rest in the Center according to their Seniority. This is to be observed among the Horse as well as Foot.
The Dragoons are never to be Encamped in the Body of the Army, but have their Camp at the Head or on the Wings on that side where the greatest danger is, serving always as an Out-guard for the Army.
Every Regiment is to have a Guard at the Head of their Camp, and the Major General for the day, takes care to place the great Guard in a proper place and distance from the Army towards the Enemy, choosing for that Effect a place where all [Page 145] [...]he Av [...]es may be discovered. There it is to continue during the day, and at night is to draw off near the Army at the Head of the Foot.
When an Army Encamps near an Enemy, and there be no River to divide them, the General oftentimes Entrenches his Camp, and makes his men pass the night under Arms.
The Colonel, or Officer of Horse who Mounts the Guard, is to send off an Out-Guard, or Advance-guard consisting of twenty four Troopers, Commanded by a Lieutenant, whom he Posts where he sees most convenient in a place from whence the Countrey about may be easily discovered;
The Duty of him who commands the great Guard, is to let no person whatsoever pass without an Order, to look every where about, and to send Notice to the General whenever he discovers any Troop or Forces.
It is to be observed, that the measure of ground beforementioned, is meant only for Encamping of an Army, for if it were to be Ranged in Battle in case of Service, the distances between the Battalions or Squadrons are to be greater than in a Camp. It must be endeavoured as much as may be, that the second [...]ne be equal to the first, keeping the same distance upon the Right and Left.
The Particulars of Encamping a Battalion:
WHen the Quarter-Master hath, his Ground allotted to him for Encamping [Page 146] a Battalion (which is commonly One hundred Paces) he is to divide it in the manner following, viz. He must allow seven Foot Square to each Hut, two foot to the By-streets and fifteen foot to the great Streets. Every Company consisting of Fifty Men, ought to have Ten Hutts; And there must be the distance of two foot between the Hutts. The Kitchins must be marked out at twelve foot distance from the last Row of Hutts, and are to be placed just over against them, so that the Streets may be open quite through for the Officers to pass easily to the Head of the Camp as there shall be occasion: The length of the Kitchin is to be nine foot, and the breadth Six foot: There must be thirty Paces distance between the Soldiers Kitchins and the front of the captains Tents; forty Paces distance between the Captains Tents and the front of the Tents of the Subaltern Officers; and the remaining Ground is for the Encamping of the Field-Officers, and the Captains Equipage. The Suttlers are to Encamp behind the Officers Tents: The Colonels, and Field-Officers and Staff-Officers Tents are to be in the Center of the Battalion, behind the Tents of the Captains.
[Page 147] There must be twenty or thirty Paces between one Battalion and another: The Sargeants Hutts are to be at the Head of the Soldiers, to open the contrary way; That isto the Front.
The Pikes (whether they are placed against a Cross or in a Stand) must be allowed at eighten Foot distance from the Hutts. The Muskets at eighteen foot distance from the Pikes, That is before them:
The Colours and Drums are to be set within the hollow of the Pikes; the Halberts of the Sargeants that march with the Shot, should be placed with the Muskets, and those of the Sargeants that march with the Pikes, with the Pikes.
The particulars of Encamping a Squadron:
WHen a Quarter-master or Horse hath Ground allotted to him for a Squadron, which is commonly fifty Paces, he is to divide it in the following manner, viz. He must allow three Paces for the length of Baraque, and two paces distance from the opening of the Baraques to the Stakes to which the Horses are fastened, and three Paces for each Horses standing, and ten paces for the Street.
[Page 148] To the Second Troop is to be allowed two paces distance, three paces for their Baraques, and one pace distance for the By-Streets:
The Third Troop must have two paces distance, three paces for the Baraques, and three paces for the Horses, after which there will remain fifteen paces, which makes the distance from one Squadron to another:
If the Squadron be stronger, they must have more Ground, this being only for a Squadron of one hundred and fifty men in three Troops, each Troop making but on row of Baraques:
The Colours are to be placed at eighteen foot distance from the Front of the Baraques, in the same Line with the Pikes:
There are commonly ten or twelve Baraques on a row for every Troop of fifty men, and there must be at least two paces distance from one Baraque to another:
For the Kitchins belonging to the Troops, the Officers Tents, and the Suttlers which attend upon the Troops, the same measures are to be observed in proportion as are used for Encamping of Foot: By a pace is meant three Foot.
Orders for Battel.
THO there can be no certain Rules given for any Order of Battel, which depends [Page 149] chiefly upon the Circumstances of place, and other accidents; yet these short Directions are to serve for an Example, to shew the nature of the thing by a single Battalion.
You must first of all Command Silence, at which time the Ranks are to be two good paces distant, and the Files closed in such manner, that every Souldier may March at his ease, and so load and Fire; which will be best effected by every ones keeping the distance of half a foot from his Right-hand-man; so that they may have liberty of moving their Elbows as they March.
You must command them to March very slowly, to observe the Right in marching, and to preserve [...] the Intervals, which are alwayes to be fifty or sixty paces at least, and (if the Ground will afford it) more; that fifty or sixty of a Battalion may pass through them with ease, nothing having ever proved prejudicial in Battel, than the having intervals too strait.
None is to speak but the Commander in Chief, or the Major (by his Order) who is alwayes to attend his Commands.
To a Battalion of ten Companies, there are supposed to be (besides the Colonel and Lieutenant [Page 150] Colonel) eight Captains, and nine Lieutenants, who are to be Posted in the Form of Battel as followeth:
Colonel and Lieutenant Colonel, and five Captains at the Head of the Pikes.
1 st & 3d Captain at the head of the right division of shot.
2 d & 4 th Captain at the head of the Left Division of shot.
[...]th Captain in the Rere of the Pikes.
7 th Captain in the Rere of the left Wing of Shot.
8 th Captain in the Rere of the right Wing of Shot.
1 st & 3 d Lieutenant at the head of the right Wing of Shot.
2 d & 4 th Lieutenant at the head of the left Wing of Shot.
5 th Lieutenant on the right Flank.
6 th Lieutenant on the Left Flank.
7 th Lieutenant in the Rere of the Pikes.
8 th Lieutenant in the Rere of the left Wing of Shot.
9 th Lieutenant in the Rere of the right wing of Shot.
Which Rule is to be observed whether the Colonel or Lieutenant Colonel be present or [Page 151] no, by placing the Eldest Captains at the head of the Pikes, and so proceeding in the method before specified, the youngest being posted in the Rere, whatever the Number of Officers may be, unless the General or Commander in chief give order to post them otherwise, as there may be occasion.
Advancing against the Enemy in Battel out of Musket-shot, the Captains and other Officers at the head of the Battalion are all to March in a Line with their pikes in their hands two good paces before the men, and are often to look behind them, because otherwise they may insensibly get too much before the body, and the Soldiers by following to [...] fast, fall into Disorder, whereof great care is to be taken in marching against an Enemy.
When the Musketiers come within Shot, & march ready with their Muskets guarded, the ranks should be closed forwards to Swords point; the Distance of Files is to be preserved, as hath been said already.
In a Battel, the Captains and other Officers are to march in a Line; but coming within Shot of the Enemy, and the Musketiers marching ready Cockt and Guarded, when the first rank is commanded to kneel, the whole [Page 152] line of Captains and other Officers is to Retire each of them into the Intervals of his Files next behind his Post, yet so that they may look to the right and left of the Battalion.
The Offier commanding the Rere, is to observe that the Battalion keep marching, to cause the Soldiers to close forwards easily without noise or confusion. His chief care is, to command the pikes to march always even with the wings of Shot; for it often happens that in marching any considerable time in Battel, the Wings advance, and form a half Moon, so that the pikes in the middle being extreamly pressed upon, the Battalion falls into confusion; but provided the motion of the pikes be equal with the Right and Left, the Battalion cannot be disordered in its March. Above all, care must be taken to preserve the distance in rank and File, according to what has been said already.
The Granadiers (when there are any) are to be Drawn up on the right of the Battalion, and to augment it without intermixing with it, or troubling the order of it, they being a separate number of men, that are to be always reday f [...]r whatsoever shall be commanded them
[Page 153] The Commander of a Battalion may be on Horseback at the Head of it, when the Captains are on Foot, with their Pikes in their Hands, in as much as he is to be stirring to all parts, to see that they March as they should; and above all, that none speak except himself, or the Major by his Order; and is to alight when the Musketiers make ready, and to march with his Pike Charged against the Enemy.
When an Army is drawn up for Battel, the usual distance between the Lines is three hundred Paces.
Of Garrisons and Guards.
THe Officers usually placed in a Garrison, are a Governour, a Lieutenant Governour, a Major, Aid-Major, and Captains of the Gates.
It is the Governours part to have a continual care of the preservation of the Place intrusted to him. His Office is to appoint the Guards, Rounds, and Patrols, to give the word every evening, visit the Posts, keep the Officers and and Soldiers to their Duty, charge them to be diligent, and to send out frequent Parties as well to learn News of the Enemy, as to raise contributions from the Neighbouring Countrey.
The Lieutenant Governour, or Officer in chief commands in the place and Government in absence of the Governour, with the same Authority.
The Major sees the Guards mounted, the Rounds and Posts assigned, he regulates the Centinels, goes [Page 154] every evening to receive the word from the Governour, and gives it about upon the place of Arms, to the Quartermasters and Sargeants of the Garrison. He goes his Round Major, visits the Corps of Guards, and sees that all the Soldiers Arms are fixt and in good order; he causes necessary Ammunition to be distributed among them, orders the Gates to be opened and shut, and gives the Governour an exact account of all that passes in the place
The Aid Majors are more or less in number, according to the greatness of Places; They go the Rounds with the Major by turns, and the Duty of their Places differs nothing at all from his, they being as Assistants to him.
The Care of the Captains of the Gates is to go Evening and Morning to the Governours House, to receive the keys of the Gates, that they may open and shut them.
There is usually in every Garrison (especially a Frontier Town) a Commissary of Artillery, a Store-keeper who keeps account of all the Ammunition, and distributes it according to the Governours, order, a certain number of Gunners, whereof there is always to be one on the Guard at the Batteries, a Commissary of Provisions who hath the charge of the Corn, Flower, and all that may serve font be Sustenance of a Garrison.
The Officers who are in a Garrison, owe all Obedience and Respect to the Governour or Commander in chief, and they cannot be absent for any reason soever, without a permission from him [Page 155] in Writing or from the Person that commands there in his absence.
In Garrison, some men are to be placed at the Gates, whose care is only to observe Strangers that come in and go out, and according to the comparing the Memorials which they and all the Innkeepers of the Town are to bring every evening to the Major; it is known how many Strangers are every night in the place, what they are, and where they Lodge.
The hour of mounting the Guard is different in Garrisons, according to the inclination of the Govarnours; in some places it is done at the break of day, because at the time when the Gates are opened (which is the usual hour of Surprizes). Two Thirds of the Garrison are in Arms; others mount it at ten of the Clock in the Forenoon, or towards the Evening; but the most usual time is at two of the Clock in the Afternoon.
Whilst the Drums beat for the Guard, the Sargeants or Corporals are to go to the Major's House, who makes them cast Lots for the Posts & Rounds and writes them down in a Register kept for that purpose.
Having done so, they return to their Companies or Squadrons, who gather together before the Captains Quarters, and if they do not mount by whole Companies, but by Detached men (which is the most practicable way of doing Duty) the Sargeants Lead them in good order, Drams beating as far as the place of Arms, to that part where the [Page 156] Guards of the Post which has fallen to their share, ought to meet.
When all the Detachments are Drawn up on the place of Arms formed ready for the Guards, the Major or Aid-major makes the Officers draw Lots for the Posts and Rounds, beginning by the Cap [...]ains, and ending at the Sargeants.
At the places which are weakest, and where there is greatest danger, there ought to be a stronger Guard commanded by a Captain, with a Sub-Lieutenant or Ensign, and two or three Sargeants.
The Guards being Set, and the Officces having taken their posts, the Major begins to make the Guard of the place of Arms (or the main guard) march off, then those of the Gates and Bastions: and lastly, those that are without.
Whilst the Guard is mounting, the Officers of the Guard that is to be Relieved, put their Soldiers in Arms and draw from the Guard, that they may leave the Place to the Guard that is to Relieve them, and Post themselves over against them, every Officer standing in his Post at the Head of them.
The Officers of the Guard that is Relieved Delivers to them whatever orders there are, the Corporals do the like to their Comrades, they charge them with the Furniture of the Corps of Guard, and inform them of the number of Sentinels that are to be set, as well by night as by day, and of what they have to do extraordinary.
The Consignations being made, and Sentinels believed, the Officers of the Guard that is relieved [Page 157] March off their Soldiers to the place of Arms; where when they have Drawn them up; they dismiss them.
The Officers of the Guard that have Mounted, Command the Soldiers to set down their Arms, by these Words of Command, the Pikes being Advanced, and Muskets Shouldered.
Recover your arms.
Ranks, File off by Division to the Right (or Left)
Set down your arms in good Order.
As soon as the Arms are set down, the Officers are to Order the Corporals to take care that they be in condition to Fire, and that the Bandaliers be provided with Powder and Ball, Flints or Match, and to give strict Command to the Sentinels that are a [...] the Gates, never to suffer any stop of Waggons or Carts upon the Bridges, charging them to stop the Carriages that come in or go out, until they know that no others are coming to meet them.
When a Stranger on Horseback or Foot, offers to come into the Town, the Out-Sentinels are to stop him, then to call the Corporal, who gives notice of it to the Officer, and the Officer send one or two Musketiers with him to the Governours House.
At what distance soever a Sentinel discovers any [Page 158] Troops, he ought to give notice thereof to the Corps of Guard, and the Officer causes immediately the Barrier to be made fast, or a Bridge to be drawn, letting no body in, unless the Major or Aid-Major bring Orders for it from the Governour.
When it is time to shut the Gates, the Bell is, rung to call in those that are abroad in the Fields, and the Aid-Majors, or Captains of the Gates, attended by some Musketiers of the Main Guards come to the Governours House for the Ke [...], and as soon as they come to the Gates, the Officers draw the Guard in two Ranks, and order the Musketiers to stand Guarded, and send some of the Pikemen to help to draw up the Bridges.
After the Gates are shut, one half of the Guard is to be drawn upon the Rampart to pass the night in the Corps of Guard of the Curtains or Bastions. The Corporals send some Soldiers for Firing and Candle, and the Sargeants go to the place of Arms to receive the Word, which is no sooner given but the Sargeants of the Guard carry the Word to their Officers and give it about among the Corporals who command the Sentinels to suffer no body after that time to pass upon the Ramparts without commanding them to Stand, and giving Notice of it to the Corps of Guard.
The Taptoe or Retreat is beaten either at Nine or Ten, as the Governour directs.
When the Major goes the Round, the Officers of the Guard receives him by the Corporal and [Page 159] two Musketiers, and give him the Word once only; that is, at his Round Major.
When the Governour, Lieutenant-Governour or Commander in Chief go [...] the Round, the Officers having Ranked their Soldiers before the Guard without Arms, send a Corporal and four Musketiers to receive them ten paces off. And are to give them the Word as often as they please to Demand it. All other Rounds without exception ought to give the Word to the Corporals of Lanspelades of the Corps of Guards, who receive it with the point of their naked Sword at the Breast of him who gives it.
[...]In Garrisons that are well guarded, the Rounds go every quarter of an hour; to the end the Rampart may never be unfurnished. And that there may be an exactness in it, they carry Meddals of Lead from Guard to Guard, so that if these be any neglect it may be found where it was.
The Rounds are made with Light, and so soon has a Sentinel percieves any, it is his Duty to cry, Who comes there? so loud that he may be [...]heard by the next Corps of Guard. He who goes the Round should Answer.
- The Round, Or,
- The Round Major. Or,
- The [...]obernours Round.
The Sentinels by whom he passes should [Page 160] alwayes rest their Arms, and never permit any whomsoever to come too near them. When he draws near a Corps of Guard, the Sentine before the Arms shall ask him very loud,
- Who comes there?
- So soon as he Answers,
- The Round.
The Sentinel is to call to him to Stand.
And to the Corporal to Come forth,
Thereupon the Corporal is to come immediately out of the Corps of Guards, to draw his Sword and Ask,
- Who comes there?
- When he is Answered,
- The Round,
- He is to say,
- Let him who has the word, advance.
Then the Round Advances and gives the Word into the Corporals Ear so low that he cannot be heard of any body else. But if one should give any other Word than what is true, he ought to be stopt, And the Officer of the Guard is to be acquainted with it, who either keeps him all night a prisoner, or disposes of him as he thinks proper.
Though all Sentinels rest their Muskets in the night, and stand with their Pikes charged when any Round or [Page 161] Officer comes by, yet in the day the Muskets are to be Shouldered and the [...]ikes Ordered.
The Out corps of Guard make Round about the covered ways, but give no Word, They being only made to bearken and every Soldier goes the round by turns.
The Patrolls are made in the Streets by a Sargeans [...] six Musketiers of the Main-Guard to cause the Soldiers to retire to their Quarters, the publick Houses to shut their Doors, and to hinder the Disorders that may be committed, stoping and carrying to the Guard all that are found in the Streets without Light and disorderly.
At what hour soever the Alarm is Rung all the Companies are with speed and diligence to assemble before their Captains Quarters, who are to lead them to the Posts that have been appointed them by the Major.
At the break of day the Drums beat the Reville, the Aid-Majors and Captains of the Gates come to the Governours for the Keys, and the Officers of the Guards bring off the Soldiers that passed the night on the Ramparts, and rank them in two ranks, and make them stand with their Arms guarded whilst the Gates are Opening. The Majors sends a Sargeant with some Musketiers to skout in the Suburbs and in the Hollow Ways about the Town, and draw the Bridge upon them, untill they come back. When they bring an account that there is no Danger the rest of the Bridges are let down. The Corporals place, the Out-Sentinels whom they inform of what they have to do. The Majors & Captains of the Gates carry back the Keys to the Governours House, and the Officers make the Soldiers for down their Arms.
[Page 162] In Garrisons that are well provided with horse The Governour places daily a guard of fifty Troopers, and sends every morning an Officer with some Horsemen to Beat the Road a mile or two round the place.
Every Officer of a Guard is to answer for his Post, and no man, not so much as his Colonel can command him in any thing except the Governour of the place or he who commands in his absence.
All Governours or Commanders in chief ought to have a Sentinel at their Door, and as often as they pass by any Corps of Guard the Officers are obliged to draw out their Soldiers before the guard in a rank without Arms and stand at their Head.
I f the Governour or Commander of a Place be a Lieutenant General, he is to have a Guard at his door consisting of a Lieutenant, Sargeant and thirty men who are to be under Arms as well as the other Corps of Guard every time he passes, but the Drums are not to Beat the March.
If the Commander of a Place be a General, he is to have a Guard of fifty men commanded by a Captain, a Lieutenant, a Sub-Lieutenant or an Ensign and two Sargeants, and all Corps of Guard are obliged to be under Arms when he passes, and the Drums to beat the March.
When any Prince of the Blood, or General of an Army passes through a Garrison, the Governour furnishes them with a Foot-guard; and at their Entry and Departure Salute them with Cannon.
Memorandum, All field Offiers and Commanders [Page 163] of Battalions are exempted from mounting of Guards.
That the Regiments and Troops of Guards are never to R [...]ule with any other Regiments or Troops, but are always to choose their posts,
That the Sargeants of the Regiments of Guards are never to receive orders in the Ring with any other Sargeants, but in a Ring Separately.
General Directions.
T He Officers are to take gneat care that their Soldiers keep themselves cleanly and handsome in their clothes, as well as their Arms in good Order. It being as much the Duty of an Officer to see that a Soldiers clothes, and shoes and stockins be as they ought to be, as their Arms and especially upon Mounting of Guards or coming upon Duty, they are to see that they have every thing in order.
The Captains of Foot, Lieutenants and Ensignes are to wear their Gorgets whenever they are upon Duty, or appear in Arms with their Companies.
Tis very necessary for all captains and Commanders of Companies to practise their Musketiers to Exercise Pikes, and their Pikemen Muskets: As also to practise their men to shoot at a Mark, which is extream useful.
Tis too be observed that in Marching a Battalion [Page 164] in three Divisions, the Distances between the Divisions be neither too great nor too little, The best Rule for which is the judgment of the Officers to keep just so much Distance between the Divisions as is necessary to Wheel a Division to make good the Front as if you were to draw up on a sudden.
In marching by Subdivisions also the same method is best for the Distances between every Division.
No Sentinel or Soldier under Arms is to bow or to pull off his Hat.
It is likewise to be observed, that when the Pikes or Muskets of a Body of men are all Ordered, and that they be to Shoulder their Muskets and Advance their Pikes, the Musketiers to be Commanded to Poise and Shoulder their Muskets before the Pikes are to Advance.
When Officers are at any time to be Divided and Posted, It is to be done by the Odd and even as the most easie war.
Upon Detachments or Parties all Officers of Horse are to command according to the Dates of their Commissions, and all Officers of Foot according to the Ranks of their Regi [...]nts. and not according to their Commissions, but the Lieutenants and Ensigns of the same Regiment upon such Detachments or Parties are to command among themselves [Page 165] according to their Commissions and not the Rank of their Companies
In Marching off any Parade or Place where men are drawn up, the Pikes are to continue advanced till they have marched clear of the place of Arms, the like is to be observed when a Body of men are to draw up, or that they march before any Person that comes to view them.
No Soldiers are to march with any Coats on their arms or sticks in their hands, or any thing to incumber them.
Of Councels of War, or Courts Martial.
I N an Army the Councel of War is always to meet at at the Generals Quarters or Tent, and none are called to it but the Lieutenant Generals, the Major General, the Brigadiers, and the Colonels or Commanders of Bodies when the matters concern their Regiments.
Private Councels of War or Courts Martial in a Garrison are either held at the Governours House, at the main guard, or where the Governour orders. In a Camp, at the Colonels Tent, who causes Notice to be given to the Captains to be present.
When all are met, the Governour or Colonel, or he who is to sit as President, takes his place at the head of the Table, the Captains sit about according to their Seniority (that is to say) the first Captain on the right hand of him that presides, the second on the left, and so of the rest. And the Town Major or the aid major or Quarter Master of the Regiment, who in the absence of the Judge-advocate discharges his Offices is to sit in his Place at the lower end of the Table.
[Page 166] The Lieutenants, Sub-Lieutenants and En-Ensigns have right to enter into the Room where the Council of War (or Marshal) is held, But they are to stand at the Captains backs with their Hatts off, and have no Vote.
If the Councel be called to Deliberate on some matter of consequence, the President having opened it to the Court, Asks their Opinions,
The youngest Officer gives his Opinion first, and the rest in order till it come to the President, who speaks last. The Opinions of every one being set down in Writing, the Result is drawn conformable to the Plurality of Votes which is Signed by the President only.
If the Councel of War, or Court Martial be held to judge a Criminal, the President and Captains having taken their places, and the Prisoner being brought before them, and the informations read the President interrogates the prisoner about the [...]cts whereof he is accused, and having heard his Defence, and the proof made or alledged against him, he is ordered to withdraw, being remitted to the Care of the Martial or Jaylor. Then every one Judges according to [...] his Conscience and the Ordinances or Articles of War; the Sentence is framed according to the Plurality of Votes, and the Criminal being brought in again, the Sentence is [Page 167] pronounced to him in the Name of the Councel of War, or Court Martial.
When a Criminal is condemned to any Punishment, the Provost Martial causes the Sentence to [...] put in execution, and if it be a publick puinishment the Regiment ought to be drawn together to see it, that thereby the Soldiers may be deterred from offending. Before a Soldier be punished foy any infamous Crime, he is to be publickly degraded from his Arms and his Coats stript over his ears.
A Councel of Warr or Court Martial is to consist of Seven at least with the President, when so many Officers can be brought together: and if it so happen that there be not Captains enough to make up that number, the inferiour Officers may be called in.