

WHEREAS HIS MAJESTY hath been graciously pleased, by His Royal Letter, bearing Date the sixteenth day of October last past, to signifie That He hath received undoubted Advice that a great and sudden Invasion from Holland, with an armed Force of Forreigners and Strangers, will speedily be made [...] an hostile manner upon His Majesty's Kingdom of ENGLAND; and that altho' some false pretences relating [...] Liberty, Property, and Religion, (contrived or worded with Art and Subtilty) may be given out, (as shall be thought useful upon such an Attempt;) It is manifest however, (considering the great Preparations that are making) That no less matter by this Invasion is proposed and purposed, than an absolute Conquest of His Majesty's Kingdoms, and the utter Subduing and Subjecting His Majesty and all His People to a Forreign Power, which is promoted (as His Majesty understands) altho' it may seem almost incre­dible) by some of His Majesty's Subjects, being persons of wicked and restless Spirits, implacable Malice, and despe­rate Designs, who having no sence of former intestine Distractions, (the Memory and Misery whereof should endear and put a Value upon that Peace and Happiness with hath long been enjoyed) nor being moved by His Majesty's reiterated Acts of Grace and Mercy, (wherein His Majesty hath studied and delighted to abound towards all His Subjects, and even towards those who were once His Majesty's avowed and open Enemies) do again endeavour to embroil His Majesty's Kingdom in Blood and Ruin, to gratifie their own Ambition and Malice, proposing to themselves a Prey and Booty in such a publick Confusion:

And that although His Majesty had Notice that a forreign Force was preparing against Him, yet His Majesty hath alwaies declined any forreign Succour, but rather hath chosen (next under GOD) to rely upon the true and ancient Courage, Faith and Allegiance of His own People, with whom His Majesty hath often ventured His Life for the Honour of His Nation, and in whose Defence against all Enemies His Majesty is firmly resol­ved to live and dye; and therefore does solemnly Conjure His Subjects to lay aside all manner of Animosities, Jealousies, & Prejudices, and heartily & Chearfully to Unite together in the Defence of His MAJESTY and their native Countrey, which thing alone, will (under GOD) defeat and frustrate the principal Hope and De­sign of His Majesty's Enemies, who expect to find His People divided; and by publishing (perhaps) some plau­sible Reasons of their Coming, as the specious (tho' false) Presences of Maintaining the Protestant Religion, or Asserting the Liberties and Properties of His Majesty's People, do hope thereby to conquer that great and re­nowned Kingdom.

That albeit the Design hath been carried on with all imaginable Secresie & Endeavours to surprise and deceive His MAJESTY, [...] hath not been wanting on His part to make such provision as did become Him, and, by GOD's great Blessing, His Majesty makes no doubt of being found in so good a Posture that His Enemies may have cause to repent such their rash and [...] Attempt. ALL WHICH, it is His Majesty's pleasure, should be made known in the most publick manner to his loving Subjects within this His Territory and Dominion of NEW-ENGLAND, that they may be the better prepared to resist any Attempts that may be made by His Majesties Enemies in those parts, and secured in their trade and Commerce with His Majesty's Kingdom of England.

I Do therefore, in pursuance of His MAJESTY s Commands, by these Presents make known and Publish the same accordingly: And hereby Charge and Command all Officers Civil & Military, and all other His Majesty's loving Subjects within this His Territory and Dominion aforesaid, to be Vigilant and Careful in their respective places and stations, and that, upon the Approach of any Fleet or Forreign Force, they be in Readiness, and use their utmost Endeavour to hinder any Landing or Invasion that may be intended to be made within the same.

Given at Fort-Charles at Pemaquid, the Tenth Day of January, in the Fourth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord JAMES the Second, of England, Scotland, France and Ireland KING, De­fender of the Faith &c. Anno (que) DOMINI 1688.

By His EXCELLENCY's Command.
JOHN WEST, d'. Secr'.


Printed at Boston in New-England by R. P.

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