
THE Safety of Appearing at the DAY OF Judgement, In the Righteousness of Christ: Opened and Applied.

By Solomon Stoddard Pastor to the Church of North-Hampton in New-England.

Phil. 3.8, 9

Yea doubtless, and I do count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung that I may win Christ, and be found in him not having mine own righteousness which is of the Law: but that which is through the Faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by Faith.

Boston, Printed by Samuel Green, for Samuel Phillips. 1687.


To the Church of Christ in North-Hampton.

A Main part of the Work which the Lord Jesus has committed to me at present, is to be doing service to your Souls, and the Souls of your Children; to be directing, quickening and encouraging of you in the way unto eternal life: which work requires the utmost care and diligence, not only in respect of the necessity that you stand in, of that blessedness which is the design and ten­dency thereof, but also in respect of that difficulty that you will unavoidably meet withal, in your pursuit of that blessedness: [Page] however many men that know not their own hearts, and are utterly unexperienced in the way of life, may fancy it to be a matter of case to go to heaven, as if there wer [...] but a step between them and heaven, and up­on that account are bold to cast off all care about it at present; yet such as have tried it, and are walking in that way, can upon plentiful experience witness to what Christ has taught us, That strait is the Gate and narrow is the Way that leadeth unto Life: every thing in corrupt nature is op­posite to it: and upon this account he re­quires Ministers to use their utmost indu­stry in their work, Luk. 14.23. Compel them to come in.

I have travelled in this work among you for many years, and I may say without ostentation, that I have obtained mercy of the Lord to be faithful: I have made it my business to gain Souls to Christ, and build them up in Faith and holiness: prin­cipally insisting upon such things as have reached the heart of Religion; and I rec­kon it one of the choicest mercies of the Lord towards me, that I have not run in [Page] vain nor laboured in vain: I have great cause to bow my knee to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and bless his Name that he has made me an instrument of bringing many among you into saving acquaintance with himself; and I count it worth the while to spend the residue of my dayes in promoting the welfare of your Souls.

It is in pursuance of this design, that this small Treatise is published, (not that my care is confined to your selves, I owe a regard to the prosperity of other places:) the scope of this Discourse is to clear up the way of Salvation by Christ; I meddle not with those false Doctrines that have been invented by men, in opposition to this truth: the Lord hath been pleased to keep these Churches sound in the Faith, and does not yet lay a necessity upon his Ministers here to spend their time in the confutation of such erronious Opinions: but I have made it my work to establish your hearts in this Truth, to satisfie your Consciences from the Scripture in the safety of your reliance up­on Christ, vindicating the same from those secret workings of unbelief that are wont to [Page] rise up in the hearts of men, that you and others may grow up unto all the riches of the full assurance of understanding, and the acknowledgment of the miste­ries of God, even of the Father, and of Christ: That you may be armed against those temptations wherewith your Faith is wont to be assaulted; and learn to live in all conditions upon the righteousness of Christ.

If the Lord please to bless this Discourse together with other endeavours of his Ser­vants in the Countrey, both in Preaching and Writing, to be a means to lying many Souls to an hearty closing with Jesus Christ, that will be the great security of the Coun­trey against that degeneracy that is begun, and against those superstitious practises that are entertained in other professing places: the life of Religion takes begin­ning in the spiritual knowledg of Christ, and is maintained by the same; as long as we are built upon this Rock, the Gates of Hell will not prevail against us.


[Page]The Lord who has watched over you in the time of dayes when you lay open to the fury of the Heathen; and that has given special tokens of his Presence with you in his Ordinances, both in the dayes of your former Pastor, and also in late times; con­tinue to own and bless you, and enrich you with all the Graces of his Spirit; and give you Faith to sit under the shadow of Christ with great delight: Which is the Prayer of Him who is

Your Servant for Jesus sake, Solomon Stoddard.
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The Safety of Appearing in the Righte­ousness of Jesus Christ.

CHAP. I. The Introduction shewing the Difficulty of Believing this Truth.

THere is such Light remaining in the Conscience of fallen Man, as has made him inquisitive after a way of acceptance with God: and though several particular persons do not ordinarily concern them­selves about it: yet in all Nati [...]ns and Ages there have been those that have made it matter of solemn search: the abundant evidence that men have of the being, purity, justice and greatness of God, in conjunction with the testimony of their own hearts concerning their guilt, has made them [Page 2] restless till they can come at some satisfaction in thi [...] point: men have been studious in many other points from a thir [...] after knowledg and to gratifie th [...]ir cu­riosity but in this enquiry they have been much influ­enced by the cryes and disquietness of their own bur­dened Conscienc [...]s: the fearful appr [...]hensions of Gods anger have spurred them on to discover a way of re­conciliation: they have not been able so to stupifie their hearts with worldly occasions and carnal delights; as to let fall the consideration of this, but have been compelled from their own terrors to make that en­quiry, as they Mich. 6.6, 7. Wherewith shall I come before the Lord, &c.

Many men who have busied themselves in this en­quiry have not been advantaged to attain a right reso­lution thereof; the Heathen Nations had lost the know­ledg of the way of Salvation: something in Religion was handed down to them by tradition: and something particularly that had a reference un [...]o Jesus Christ; especially Sacrifices: but the knowledg of the respect they had to him was quite worn out among them, and the light of nature is utterly deficient in this particu­lar: that light is sufficient to discover to us that God is provoked with us, that knowledg flows from our un­derstanding of the nature of God, and the experience which we have of our own sinfulness: but the way of reconciliation does exceed the discovery of reason▪ the light of nature does not teach us that there is any way of reconciliation; much less does it teach us what it is: the light of nature may discover to us that many pretended wayes of acceptance are delusions; for it is contrary unto reason to imagine that God will take up with such things: but to determine what is the way, is clearly beyond the most raised understanding of man without divine revelation, upon a supposition that there was a possibility of any other way of acceptance for sinners besides this by Jesus Christ (and I know no [Page 3] ground from Scripture to say that God was con [...]ined to this way; that he was necessitated if he would save sin­ful man, to take this course in order to his Salvation) It will unavoidably follow that the light of nature will leave man short of this knowledg: how can the light of nature reach the free determination of the Will of God? but besides this the knowledg of the way of our acceptance with God through Christ does necessarily suppose the knowledg of those two great mysteries; that of the holy Trinity, and that of the Incarnation of the Son God, which do utterly surpass all the dictates of the light of nature: Flesh and blood reveals not those things, but the Father that is in Heaven, Mat. 16.17. hence the Gentiles were utterly mistaken as to this way of re­conciliation; and as Paul speaks, became vain in their imaginations.

But besides these, there are many others, who have been advantaged with the light of the Gospel that have been unsatisfied in that account which the Scrip­tures have given concerning the way of our acceptance, and have pleaded for such methods of Salvation as the Word of God is utterly a stranger to: withal wrest­ing many passages of Scripture to vindicate their own delusions: thus as the Jews of old, so especially the Papists & Sooinians now go about to establish a righte­ousness which the Gospel does not acknowledg: and [...]ix upon a way of acceptance with God, that has no better foundation than their own sophistical reasonings, this is not to be attributed to any obscurity in the Scri­pture, in the matter of our Justification; but greatly to the pride that men have in their own understandings: carnal reason suggests that otherwayes are more pro­bable than that which is commended to us by God: carnal reason is full of ob [...]ections against the Doctrine of our acceptance by Christs righteousness: and men know not how to deny their own reason, they dont car­ry a sence upon their hearts of the imperfections and [Page 4] deceits of their own reason: they know not what dim sighted things they are; carnal reason is a thing much idolized: many men have not learned that lesson to be satisfied in the testimony of God, but make their un­derstanding the rule and measure of Principles in Re­ligion: lay so much weight upon their own reason, that they judg things must be so as their reason represents them, loth to entertain any thing in matters of Faith, that they do not see with their own eyes, partl [...] to the enmity of the hearts of men unto this way of accep­tance by Christ: this way of Salvation is very suitable to our necessities, but no wa [...]es suitable to our natural disposition: mans heart would sooner fall in with such a way of Salvation, wherein he might have some what of his own to glory in; this way tends much to the ex­alting of God, and abasing and emptying of man: the spirit of man is to set up his own righteousness, and not be beholden unto the righteousness of another; which makes men unwilling to believe this Doctrine of our acceptance by Christ: and this opposition of the heart hereto prepares men to receive the contrary Doctrine [...] Arguments that have little strength in them will take great impression upon men of corrupt minds; where there is strength of affections, plausible pretences will gain consent; slender proofs will serve the turn where mens spirits are strongly byassed.

But it were well if none else did reject this Doctrine, but only those that do professedly plead against it▪ there be multitudes that do joyn in making this con­fession that are far from entertaining it: how high so ever mens professions [...]e, there are no more that do thorowly believe this than are regenerated and effectu­ally called: there is a kind of perswasion of it whic [...] carnal men may have, which perswasion the Scriptur [...] sometime calls Faith; but it is such a perswasion [...] leaves men really ignorant of this Truth: some me [...] [Page 5] have a perswasion of it wrought by tradition, because it is handed down to them from former Generations, and generally received in the places where they live; or by those that they have particular esteem for: upon the same account that a Turk gives credit unto the prin­ciples of his Religion: Jer. 2.11. the Doctrine is re­ceived upon the authority and testimony of man, which leaves the Soul under such uncertainty as quite ob­structs the spiritual efficacy of the truth upon their hearts. There is a perswasion that arises from rati­onal convictions, their reason tells them that other wayes of acceptance [...] frivolous; that of all wayes that are pretended this must needs be the true way: and they can strongly argue that there is acceptance to be obtained in this way: from the accomplishment of the covenant of works by Christ from the design of God to magnifie his Grace, &c. but this perswasion is not sufficient to encourage a soul to venture himself on Jesus Christ. There fs also a perswasion that ariseth from common illumination: besides that light which is let into the hearts of m [...]n in their conversion▪ there is a more than ordina [...]y illumination bestowed upon some sinners, the spirit of God gives an affecting [...]ight of the way of Salvatipn, enlightning natural Consci­ence with a great discovery of the way of life by Je­sus Christ: this is called a tasting of the good Word of God, Heb 6.5. the fruit whereof is a rejoycing in the Gospel, Mat. 13.20. this illumination is only by an ex­traordinary assistance of mens natural reason, not by giving an eye of Faith unto them: neither is this light sufficient to satisfie all the objections which may after­wards arise in the heart: hence such men if afterwards they have a thorow iight of their hearts; dare not venture their souls on Christ, till God by a further work of the Spirit has convinced them of the certainty of the Gospel: but there is no man how great soever his profession, how large soever his knowledg is, that [Page 6] continues in a natural condition, does thorowly be­believe this truth.

This I shall clear up by two Considerations:

1. Because all those that do thorowly believe this▪ will immediately venture themselves upon Christ: as ther [...] is no perswading of men before to come to Christ, so there can be no keeping of them from Christ after they are con­vinced of this [...] [...]ssurance of the truth of the Go­spel is ever accompanied with a powerful operation of it upon the heart, 1 Thess. 1.5. God teacheth men the truth of the Gospel, and thereby prevails with them to come to Christ: in that way it is the Father puts forth his drawing power, Joh. 6.44, 45. the Gospel alwayes works effectu­ally where it is believed and received as the truth of God, 1 Thess. [...].13. God carries on all his works upon the hearts of his Elect in a way of conviction: the devils way of working is by blinding of man, by prejudice and false reasons: but Gods way of working is by teaching of men; thus God carries on preparatory work, and thus he carries on saving work: God deals with men as with rational creatures, and prevails upon their hearts in a way suitable to those natures; though he put forth acts of power yet not of violence on the Will: but he gains the consent of that by the disco­vering of those reasons that are of sufficient weight to sway it; indeed the understanding and will in man being faculties of the same soul and really one and the same thing, the same act of God upon the Soul that puts light into the understanding, does also suita­bly incline the will: God works all holy inclinations in the will by convincing us, and making us believe those truths that are the grounds of them: we be­lieve and love, believe and repent, believe and fear, believe and submit, believe and so venture on Christ: God convinces us of the [...] of the Gospel and that there is sufficient righteousness for us in [...], and so [Page 7] we come to him, John 16.10. and therefore all those that are assured of the truth of the Gospel, do close with Christ and are regenerated: and this leads us to the interpretation of several passages of Scripture▪ where such Men as assent to the Doctrine of the Go­spel are said to be in a good condition, Rom. 10.9. If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and be­lieve with thine heart that God raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved: 1 Joh. 4.15. Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he is in God: 1 Joh. 5.1. Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: 1 Joh. 5.4. Who is he that overcometh the World, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God: These passages are not to be under­stood of that Faith which is common to Professors▪ that Faith that may be separated from holiness, which James calls a dead Faith, Jam 2. ult. but of that as­surance that is wrought in the heart by the Holy Ghost.

A second thing that clears it is: that when natural [...] men fall under the awakening work of the Spirit, they immediately call the Gospel & in particular this truth of the safety of our appearing in Christs Righ­teousness into question: though they might seem be­fore to themselves and others well satisfied; yet whe [...] ­ever, they come to lie under the sense of Gods anger and Conscience is writing bitter things against them; they are full of scruples and objections against the Go­spel; tis a long time usually before such persons can give entertainment to this Truth: and when it is done it is wrought in them by the mighty power of God: all that Ministers can urge upon them will not take place, the choicest Evidences will not sink into them till God opens their hearts, as he opened the heart of Lydi [...]: sometimes the hearts of such men will be ob­jecting against this way in general, as if there were [Page 8] not salvation for sinners int this way: they scruple how the righteousness of one will avail for the Salvation of another, &c. but principally their scruples are respect­ing themselves in particular, they are not satisfied that God calls them: that there is enough in Jesus Christ for the washing away of their sins: that God would take it well for them to venture themselves on Christ: they think they must be better first, and more broke [...] for their sins: this is directly contrary to the Doctrine of the Gospel; for the Gospel does not only teach in general that there is salvation in Christ for sinners: but that it is safe for any that will, be they never so blind, hard-hearted, impenitent and rebellious and guilty to venture themselves o [...] the righteousness of Christ: men do not only oppose the Gospel▪ when they question whether Believes shall be saved, but when they que­stion whether there be sufficient encouragement for them to come to Christ:

There are two [...]orts of natural men that are preten­ders, not only to the belief of the truth of the Gospel, but also to trusting in Jesus Christ, which upon exami­nation will be found to deceive themselves: one sort are many unawakened sinners, some of whom are not so much as civilized, nor of moral conversation; ye [...] they profess to place their trust in Jesus Christ: such as those the [...] Iames expostulates with, Iam. 2 14 ad finem: bu [...] [...] ever such men say concerning their putting their trust in Christ: the real foundation of this hope is an ignorance that they have offended God▪ they may please themselves sometimes with the [...] that Christ has wrought out redemption for sinners: and make a little use of Christ dying for sinners to quiet their hearts; but the bottom of their confidence lies in this, that they are strangers to the provoked justice of God: they dont think that God is angry for their sins; they live a life of carnal security [Page 9] Psal. 50.21, 55. & 11.9, the other sort are self-righ­teous sinners, who say they put their confidence in Christ: but their great encouragement is, that they have attained somewhat that does draw the heart of God unto them: there are many self-righteous men, that do not profess any trust in their own righteous­ness: they have been so trained up in the contrary Doctrine that they could not quiet▪ their own hearts if they knew that they did it: but yet under a notion of resting upon Christ they rest upon themselves: their religious qualifications are their main stay: they are far from putting themselves upon a strict Trial by the Law: but they imagine some excellence in them­selves, and that is their encouragement to go to Christ: the Jews made account their works would do much towards their Salvation; the grace of God making up the defects thereof, Rom 9.32. so do those trust partly to their works, partly to Christ, making a mixture of the Law and Gospel: and both these sorts of men, notwithstanding their pretences are strangers to the safety of appearing in Christs r [...]hteousness.

And as natural men do not [...]uly believe this Do­ctrine; so Saints themselves have but little belief of it: the people of God may justly fall under that re­proof, Luk. 24.25. Fools and slow of heart to believe: there are times when God is pleased abundantly to assure the Souls of his people of this truth, 1 Thess. 1.5. the fruit whereof is a sweet and quiet resting up­on Jesus Christ: but the natural unbelief of the heart is darkening that light which God has put in, and though it cant utterly extinguish it, yet it raises many mists that do obscure it: Paul himself that seems to be second to none in the knowledg of Christ; inti­mates that he was sensible of a great want here, in that expression, that he may know him & the power of his resurrection, Phil. 3 10.

[Page 10]There are these frames of heart that the people of God are subject unto, that do plainly demonstrate, that there is but little Faith concerning this Doctrine: the first is a slighty frame concerning it, as if it were not a matter of much moment whether it were true or no: sometimes when Saints are meditating of it, or hearing of it, and the invitations of grace, there is a senseless and regardless frame, as if it were not worthy observation: Discourses of that kind are not relished, but become light food; whereas if it were received by a lively Faith, it would be affecting being a thing of greatest concernment: the Doctrine of the Gospel when entertained by Faith is as a cordial to the Soul, it is meat and drink to it, Cant. 2.3 I sat under his shadow with great delight: this Doctrine is full of sweetness and comfort, 1 Pet. 1.9, 16. Acts 1.34. the more assurance men have of the truth of it, the more comforting power it has on the heart: The second is a self righteous frame; for as this spirit reigns in ma­ny natural men: so it preva [...]ls much in Saints, there is a great aptitude to be comforting of themselves in the hopes of acceptance with God from their own graces and duties, not only as an evidence, but as that which does ingratiate them with God; hence they are more ready to trust in God when under the sence of gracious frames, and their holy carriages then at other times; whereas were they under the lively apprehensions of the certainty of this way of Salvation by Chri [...]ts righteousness; they would see there were no need of these things to commend them to God, and were there not secret jealousies a­bout the sufficiency of Christs righteousness for them, they would not be so ready to catch at any appea­rance of somewhat in themselves to commend them to God; such carriages are to be layed to the charge of an unbelieving heart. The third is a discouraged frame, Christians are many times much over-born [Page 11] with this frame, their spirits are sunk within them lest they be not upright, for fear they never had a thorow work of regeneration: there are many more immediate occasions of this, sometimes because they have not a distinct knowledg of the several steps of the spirit of God under the work: sometimes because they see so little sanctification, sometimes because they imagine that God does not deal with them as with such as are truly converted; he dont answer their prayers, comfort their Souls, meet them in Or­dinances as he does others; but the very foundation and root of their discouragement is their doubtings of the truth of the Gospel: for we may observe that men under discouragement are still harping upon the greatness of their provocations, and their unworthy carriages; they run in a legal strain, they are still insisting on the multitude and aggravations of their sins: had men but a spirit of Faith prevailing in them, these would be humbling things but not discouraging: men would not so harp on this thing but would see enough in Christ to quiet their hearts, Psal. 71.16, 45 Isai. 24. and accordingly it is observable that when a Saint is under greatest discouragements, if God does but open his eyes to see indeed this way of Salvation by Christ, he will no longer stand insisting upon his fears but with comfort and joy, roll himself on Christ: the inward discoveries of the Gospel make his tem­ptations vanish; yea, he does not only rejoyce i [...] Christ but can sometimes discern that sincerity which he was so doubtful of before; indeed the doubting of the Gospel does not only make the hearts of men fail, when they are fearful of their sincerity, but it has often also a considerable influence into those doubt­ings about sincerity, and hinder men from seeing those evidences that are discernable of their upright­ness: by all which it does appear, that it is a matter [Page 12] of solemn care that sinners be convinced and assured of the truth of this Doctrine, that it is safe appear­ing in the righteousness of Christ: and that Saints al­so be further convinced, that they may grow up to all the riches of the full assurance of understanding to the acknowledgment of the mystery of God, even of the Father and of Christ, as the Apostle speaks, Col. 2.2. which is the design of this present Treatise.

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Two Things Promised,

1. The possibility of Salvation of Sinners; it is not beyond Gods Mercy, nor contrary to his Ju­stice.

2. What is intended by the Righteousness of Christ.

To make the way to the Subject proposed more plain, I shall premise two things:

First, That there is a possibility of the Salvation of Sinners; for a sinner when his Conscience is awakened lies open to that temptation among others, that it is impossible for such an one as he to be saved: and these fears arise upon a double account; the first is, he fears it is beyond the mercy of God to pardon him; his sins are so great that they have turned away the heart of God from him, that God cannot find in his heart to pity and pardon such a sinner as he is: man is very prone to limit the mercy of God, and entertain low and dishonourable thoughts of his grace, especially when under a sense of his anger: but such an imagi­nation as this is altogether groundless, what his merci­ful purposes are towards this or that particular man [Page 14] is beyond us to determine, till he makes it known: but no man has cause to question the sufficiency of Gods mercy, in order to his pardon and salvation: there is an infinite Ocean of mercy in his heart suffi­cient for all sinners: To clear up this, I shall shew first, wherein the merciful nature of God does consist, and then shew you the greatness of it:

For the first: The merciful nature of God is a di­vine perfection, whereby he can find in his heart to shew mercy if he pleases: a merciful nature in man is a bent and inclination of heart unto the exercises of mercy: the heart of man is biassed, set and bent that way; but we must not conceive this of God: the mer­ciful purposes of God were the free actings of his own will: God was an absolute free Agent either to bestow mercy or deny it as he pleased; if he had na­turally an inclination to shew mercy, he could not have forborn to shew mercy without going contrary to the inclination of his own heart: the exercise of mercy does not flow necessarily from the merciful nature of God: but he exercises grace freely from His Sovereign Wil and Pleasure: there is nothing in Gods nature that does compel him to shew mercy to any man: God had been infinite in mercy if it had pleased him never to exercise any: there are voluntary inclina­tions in God to exercise mercy, but no natural inclina­tions: but his merciful nature is that whereby he can find in his heart to exercise mercy▪ God is not of such a nature as to be uncapable of pitying and being kind: there is no opposition in the nature of God unto acts of mercy: his nature is such as that he can be willing to shew kindness and do good▪ the merciful nature of God is a power to be willing to deal graciously with his creatures, God is of such a nature, as that he can be willing to do good to those that are [Page 15] unworthy, willing to pardon those that are guilty, &c. and this is called his merciful nature: the words of Moses serve to clear up this, Numb. 14.17, 18, 19. Let the power of my Lord be great according as thou hast spoken, saying▪ the Lord is long suffering, and of great mercy, forgiving iniquity, transgression and sin: par­don I beseech thee the iniquity of this people, according to the greatness of thy mercy.

And the greatness of Gods mercy, or merciful na­ture consists in this, that he can find in his heart to do any thing that is an act of mercy: his merciful nature reacheth to every thing that is an object of m [...]y; there is nothing which it would be an act o [...] [...]ace or mercy to do, be it never such wonderful gr [...], but God can find in his heart to do it; 'tis true, [...]e can't pardon sin in a way contrary unto Justice; for that would not be an act of grace, but of injustice: no­thing that is an act of grace does exceed the grace of God: and herein lies the greatness of his mercy; the greatness of Gods power lies in this, that he can do whatever is possible; whatever is an act of pow­er, so the greatness of his Wisdom lies in this, that it extends it self to every thing that is known: the greatness of his Justice lies in this, that he can find in his heart to do every thing that is an act of Justice: so the greatness of his grace consists in this, that there is no gracious act, but it falls within the reach of his gracious nature: and herein the grace of God doth exceed the grace of any man or angel; is it an act of grace to send a Mediator for lost Sinners, to bring worthless man to eternal glory; to pardon multitudes of sins, sins against light, love, covenant, to [...]nvert all a mans children? these and whatever [Page 16] else of the like nature may be thought on, fall within the reach of divine mercy; yea, the reason why he does not pardon the sin against the Holy Ghost, the sins of devils and reprobates▪ is not for want of mer­cy, but because of the soveraign determinations of his own will: Rom. 9.15.

That God is thus great in mercy, may be made ma­nifest from those two considerations:

First, That there is no corruption in God to make him uncapable of performing any act of grace: men can't find in their hearts sometimes to do acts of mer­cy, because their lusts are too strong for them: it will not suffer them: their corruptions bear such sway, that they cannot be willing: sometimes mens covetousness is such, that they cannot shew acts of mercy; so it was with Nabal, 1 Sam. 25. sometimes pride and pas­sion so prevail, that they cannot forget an injury: they have a spirit of revenge, and cannot satisfie their hearts, without avenging themselves: but God is alto­gether free from corruption, there is no evil disposition in him to hinder him from doing good: Mat. 7.11: he has no evil properties to be an impediment unto him: men are ill conditioned, which makes them unwilling to do good: but God is of unspotted purity and holi­ness, Isai. 6.3. God is not subject to any wrongful passions: the Scripture does often attribute anger un­to him, but that must be understood so as is agreeable unto the nature of God: whatever injuries God re­ceives, he never is transported with passion; he ean overlook millions of offences: his grace is such as can prevail over all our guilt: hence his grace is said to reign, it overcome all those objections that are in the way of the exercise of it: Rom 5.21. there is nothing of any unruly passions in God, 1 Joh. 4.8. God is not subject unto envy: he can find in his heart to ad­vance [Page 17] his creatures unto eternal felicity: he does not scorn or disdain that dust and ashes should have fellow­ship with him: God is not of such a spirit, that he cant bear that man should be happy, but he can de­light to make him so, Mic. 7.18.

By this we have gained one step, namely, that the grace of God does exceed the grace that is in sinful man: which may be of advantage to us, for there is that vanity in the heart, that we are prone to measure the mercy of God by our own: and to allow him no more grace than we find in our selves, and others like our selves: which God witnesses against when he tells us, That his thoughts are not as our thoughts, Isai. 55.8. but there is a further consideration that will make it appear, that the Grace of God does exceed the grace of the most glorious angel in heaven: which is the unlimited perfection of Gods nature, the Angels have a stint [...]d measure of perfection: the excelling of their nature is not sufficient in order to some acts of grace: as in other respects, they are not sufficient, so they have not grace enough to pardon such wrongs as God pardons; to be at such cost for mans salvation, as God has been at: 'tis true that they do approve of and rejoice in all those acts of Grace that God does? but such actions do exceed the grace that is in their hearts; they have can't perform those acts of mercy that God does: therefore where God would shew his sufficiency to pardon the iniquities of his people, he tells them, that God, Hos. 11.6. this infiniteness of Gods grace is the foundation of our faith, for such things as we are utterly unworthy of: Psal. 36.7. how excellent is thy loving kindness O Lord, therefore the Sons of men put their trust under the shadow of thy [Page 18] wings. There is an infinite Ocean of grace in the heart of God, whereby he can bestow the greates [...] gifts upon his creatures, that their natures are capa­ble of: this plain from that absolute liberty which the Scripture does ascribe unto God in all his acti­ons; he does all things after the counsel of his own Will ▪ Eph. 1.11. I will have mercy on whom I will have mer­cy, Rom 9.15. which shews there is no limitedness in his perfection, to be any restraint unto him: or a reason why he does not pardon and save these and those: his glorious excellency is such, that no un­worthiness, nor provocation can overcome his mer­cy: but there is a sufficiency of grace in him, for a­ny thing that is an act of mercy.

A second thing that makes awakened sinners fear, that there is an impossibility of their salvation, is an apprehension that it is contrary to the Justice o [...] God: and not reconcilable with the sentence, of the Law: God stands bound in faithfulness, to see the Law made good: and they are to seek about the consistency of the Law and Gospel: the clearing up of which difficulty, I shall refer unto the next chap­ter: at present it may suffice: to say that God in his Word declares it to be consistent with his Justice, Rom. 3.26. that he may be just, and the Justifier of him that believeth in Jesus: it is a great help unto consci­ence to see how the Justice of God, and Righteous­ness of the Law is preserved in the Justification of sinners: but where the manner of it is not well un­derstood, conscience has matter of satisfaction, in that God testifies, that it is so:

The second thing to be premised is, What we are to understand by the Righteousness of Christ, and that which is intended hereby, is the whole course o [...] [Page 19] the Obedience and Sufferings of Jesus Christ: by the Righteousness of Christ we are to understand that which he performed as a surety: his mediatorly Righteousness: this Righteousness is spoken of, John 16.10. Of Righteousness, because I go to my Father, Rom. 5.18. by the Righteousness of one, the free gift came up­on all, to the justification of life, Dan. 4 24. to bring i [...] everlasting Righteousness: upon this account it is, that he is said to be made for Righteousness to us, 1 Cor. 1.30. to be the Lord our Righteousness, Jer. 23.65. this is sometimes called the Righteousness of God, Rom. 10:3. Rom. 3.21. e [...]ther because Christ who wrought it out for us, is God as well as Man: or because it is a righ­teousness of Gods providing: in distinction from a Righteousness of our own working out: sometimes it is called the Righteousness which is by Faith, Heb 11 7 because Faith is the condition whereby we come to be interrested in it: sometimes they are joined together: and it is called the Righteousness of God which is by Faith, Rom. 3.22 Phil 3 9.

That this Righteousness of Christ doth not only in­tend his active obedience, but likewise his sufferings: is manifest from hence, because the Righteousness of Christ is that whereby we are justified: it is by that that we come to be righteous in the sight of God, Rom 5 18 and not only this active obedience of Christ has an influence into our Justification, but his suffer­ings also: the Apostle does once seem to attribute it to his Obedience, Rom 5 19 by the obedience of one, shall many be made righteous: but this don't exclude the sufferings of Christ from having a part in our Ju­stification: Obedience may comprehend his suffering for in then he was obedient; or else when it is said, that by his Obedience we are made righteous, that [Page 20] part of Justification may be understood, which [...] consist in giving a title unto heaven, there are [...] parts of Justification, one is absolution from [...] the other is declaring men heirs of life: this latt [...] may be intended, which is the fruit of the active Ob [...]dience of Jesus Christ; or else by Obedience, as [...] principal part of Christs Righteousness, the whole [...] be intended: as when we are said to be justified [...] his blood, his active obedience is not excluded; b [...] the sufferings of Christ have an influence into our ju [...]tification, as well as his Obedience; for we were [...] such a state, that active obedience alone was not su [...]ficient for our Justification; when man was in inno [...]cency, he needed only active obedience, for his justi [...]cation, but man fallen, needed more for his justificat [...]on than Obedience: he n [...]eded satisfaction, some what to pacifie the provoked anger of God, no me [...] Obedience would make a recompence for sins; for th [...] Law threatned death for them; the holy life of Chri [...] could not satisfie for sin; it was something of anothe [...] kind that the Law required; namely, the suffering of death; and the Scripture doth abundantly witnes [...] unto the influence of Christ Sufferings into our jus­tificaton; we are justified by his blood, Rom 5 4 [...] we are said to be redeemed, cleansed from sin, re [...]conciled to God to have or sins purged with his bloo [...] which was typified by the sacrifice under the Law; [...] that the Sufferings of Christ are intended as well a [...] his active obedience by hi Righteousness.

And the Sufferings of Jesus Christ may very pro­perly be called a part of his Righteousness; partly be­cause in them he did fulfil the command of God, an [...] that duty that lay upon him as our surety, that was one of the things he undertook as our Mediator, to [Page 21] redeem us from the curse, being made a curse for us▪ as it was his duty to fulfil the precepts of the Law for [...], so likewise to bear the penalty of the Law; if he had failed in that he had no [...] answered his Office obli­gations: he stood bound to God to undergo the punish­ment of our sins, God expected that from him to make his Soul an Offering for sin, Isa. 53, 10. and he was un­der a command to lay down his life, as the second person in the Trinity, he was equal to the Father, but as Mediator he was commanded by him, John 10.18. I lay it down of my self, I have power to lay it down, and power to take it again, and this Commandment have I received of my Fa­ther: Jesus Christ fulfilled the Law of the Mediator in his sufferings; and therefore he is said to be obedient unto death, the death of the Cross, Phil. 2 8. the same is implyed in that expression, he learned obedience by the things that he suffered, Heb 5.8. the meaning is not that he learned to obey, but he learned by the sufferings; what a difficult thing Obedience was: it was a part of his Obedience to suffer, and so may be called his righ­teousness, and so indeed there is righteousness in those sufferings of the Saints, which in a way of holiness, they do expose themselves unto: and those sufferings of Christ may be called his righteousness: partly be­cause by them he became legally righteous: the sins of the Elect were imputed unto him, and he was legally guilty: he stood bound to answer for the sins of his people: and accordingly was apprehended by the ju­stice of God, and the punishment of the Law inflic­ted upon him, by bearing of which he has paid the debt, and the Law has no more power over him: by his sufferings he is become righteous in Law, and discharged from any more sufferings for ever, having suffered the punishment of our sins, the Law [...]as ac­quitted him, has nothing at all to object against him, [Page 22] he has answered the Law, and now is reputed legally righteous: hence it is that presently upon his suffering he is said to be justified: justified in his Spirit, 1 Tim▪ 13.16. that is by his Resurrection unto life, by hi [...] sufferings he has delivered himself from that guil [...] that lay upon him: and is become in the eye of the Law righteous.

[Page 23]

CHAP III. The Proposition, That it is a safe thing to appear in the Righteousness of Christ.

Arg, I. Because Christs Righteousness is the Righteousness of the Law.

THe Subject of the present discourse is, That it is a safe thing to appear in the day of Judge­ment, in the Righteousness of Christ; it is safe to go before the Judgment Seat of God, having no other righteousness to plead for our Justification, but Christs Righteousness, this Righteousness is sufficient and will prevail for the salvation of all those that have an interest in it; we may with quietness depend up­on it, as that which will serve our turn: there is no other Righteousness that can be come at, that it is safe appearing in: our own personal righteousness is many ways defective and uncapable of being the mat­ter of our Justification: that Righteousness that is performed by the Saints is acceptable unto God▪ [Page 24] but it can't procure the acceptance of their persons; the acceptance of it self is procured by Christ; Sa­crifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ, 1 Pe [...]. 2.5. but we may justly venture our selves upon the righte­ousness of Christ; other foundations will prove san­dy, but the Righteousness of Christ is a firm founda­tion for faith: and therefore it was Pauls great care that he might be found not in his own Righteousness which is of the Law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, Phil. 3.9.

The Truth of which Proposition, I shall demonstrate by the following Arguments.

Arg. I. The Righteousness of Christ is the Righteous­ness that the Law required of us: it answers the demand that the Law makes of us, and therefore it is safe appear­ing in it.

There is a necessity of our having the righteousness of the Law: God has stated the Law to be a rule o [...] his proceeding towards man: wherein he has set down the terms upon which he will bestow life and execute death; in that Covenant, he gave not onely a Law un [...]o man, but likewise to himself, from which he will never swerve. O it is utterly vain for any ma [...] to expect acceptance with God without that righte­ousness which the Law requires; until the Law b [...] answered, man can lay no claim to blessedness: nei­ther can God in faithfulness bestow blessedness upo [...] man: God has bound himself to see the Law fulfil­led to a tittle: this Law can't be abrogated nor disa­nulled: Saints indeed are not under the condemning power of it; because it has been fulfilled for them but yet the Law stands in fotce; as a rule according to which God will distribute eternal rewards, Mat▪ [Page 25] 5.18. One jot, or one tittle of the Law shall in no wise pass, till all be fulfilled: man may break the Law, but God will fulfil it; the Law is never out of date, and as it cannot be abrogated, so neither can it be mode­rated: God will never take up with less satisfaction then the Law admits of, nor with a less perfect Obe­dience then the Law requires: God does under the Gospel, accept of imperfect Obedience; but not for Justification. There can be no varying from the ut­most and highest demands of the Law: the Law is un­flexible, and must be exactly attended: it abates no­thing: so that a regular conscience can never give peace until the Law be fully answered: the Law gives sin a condemning power, 1 Cor. 15.56. the sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the Law: there­fore the Law must be answered.

And it is sufficient for us if we have the righteous­ness of the Law; there is no danger of our miscarry­ing, if we have that righteousness: the sincerity of the angels in heaven is, that they have the righteous­ness of the Law: and that is a sufficient sincerity, for us if we have the righteousness of the Law: if we have the righteousness of the Law, then we are not liable to the curse of the Law, we are not threatned by the Law, Justice is not provoked with us; the condemnation of the Law can take no hold upon us: the Law has nothing to object against our salvation: that soul that has the righteousness of the Law, is out of the reach of the threatnings of the law, where the demand of the Law is answered, the Law finds no fault; the Law curses only for want of per­fect obedience, Gal. 3.10. yea moreover where there is the righteousness of the Law, God has bound him­self to give eternal life; such persons are heirs of life▪ [Page 26] according to the promise of the Law, the law declare [...] them h [...]rs of life, Gal. 3.12. the man that doth them, shall live in them.

Now that the righteousness of Christ is that righ­teousness which the Law requireth of us, is clearly h [...]ld out in the Word of God▪ Rom. 8.4. where the Apostle sets down the end of Gods sending his Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin condemning [...] in [...]he fl [...]sh▪ which is, that the Righteousness of the Law might be fulfilled in us: the meaning of it must need [...] be, that we might be made righteous by the imputa­tion of Christs righteousness: this righteousness is said to be fulfilled in us, in as much as we have ful­filled it in our surety, so Rom. 10.4. Christ is the en [...] of the Law for righte [...]usness to every one that believeth the end of giving Moses his Law, was to drive us to Christ, in whom alone we have the righteousness of the Law: this is also clearly held out in all such Scriptures where Christ is said to be our righteous­ness, and that we be made righteous by his Obedi­ence: for righteousness consists in answering the de­mands of the Law; it is only that righteousness that the Law demands of us, that can denominate us le­gally righteous: if Christs Righteousness were not that which the Law requires of us, we could not be accepted as righteous upon that account: and the Scripture speaks particularly of Christs sufferings, that they were those which the Law required of us, Gal. 3.8. Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the Law being made a curse for us; that curse that he redeemed us from, is that he endured; and that was the curse of the Law; and indeed herein lies the excel­lency of Christs righteousness, whereby it is a foun­dation of so much comfort and support unto Saints [Page 27] that it is that righteousness that the law requires of us: this is that consideration from which conscience does take satitfaction.

But there lies one great objection against this, that the Apostle Paul seems to make an opposition between the righteousness of the law, and the righteousness of faith, and between justification by the law, and iusti­fication by grace, and by faith, and by the promise: so a man is not justified by the law, but by the Faith of Jesus Christ, Gal. 2.6. received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith, Gal. 3.2. the law is not of faith, Gal 2.12. if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more of promise, gal. 3.5, 18. if there ha [...] been given a law, that could have given life, verily righte­ousness should have been by the law, Gal. 3:21. th [...] I may be found in him, not having mine own righteousness which is of the Law, but that which is through the faith of Christ: the righteousness which is of God by faith, Phil: 3:9: by the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified in his sight, but now the righteousness of God without the law is mani­fested, Rom: 3:20, 31: we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law, Rom 3.28. if they that are of the law he heirs, faith is made void, Rom: 4:14: if by grace it is no more of works, Rom: 11:6: by these places it seems there is no need of having the righteousness of the law in order to our justification.

The resolution of this doubt does depend upon the right understanding of what is meant by the law, and by the works of the law; by the law he intends a meer covenant of works, abstracted from that graci­ous way of accomplishing of it, which God has revea­led in the Gospel, and thus the law is utterly uncapable of justifying of us; it is weak through the flesh, Rom: 8.3▪ and the way of life by the law, is distinguished from [Page 28] that way by faith; for though the covenant of works leaves room for salvation by Christ, and does no way forbid such a way of salvation: yet it provides no Me­diator for fallen man; yea is utterly silent as to a Me­diator for him: leaves sinful man in a perishing condi­tion; denouncing the curse against him, sh [...]ws him no way of salvation: tells him not of any possibility of salvation: the covenant of works made no provision for salvation, but it gave way to mans salvation, in case the righteousness of it were fulfilled by a surety: so that the way of life by the law and by the Gospel, are divers ways, bet not opposite; the covenant of grace supposes a covenant of works, and finds out a new way of fulfilling it; yet the practise of those who sought Justification by the covenant of works alone, was contrary to the doctrine of grace, whosoever is ju­stified by the Law, that is, seeks to be justified on con­ceits that he is justified by the law, is fallen from grace, Gal 4:5. the Law and Gospel are indeed by God in a glorious subordination one to the other: but men by seeking to be justified by the covenant of works alone, do set one in opposition to the other.

By the works of the law the Apostle understands, such works as men themselves do perform in confor­mity to the law, this is evident, because he calls them his own righteousness which is of the Law, Phil. 3.9. and these works are utterly uncapable of justifying us: though Christs works according to the law, are the matter of our justification, Rom: 5.19. but our per­sonal conformity to the law being attended with so much imperfection, can't justifie us: we must seek our justification by the righteousness that the law requires: but not by our own works according to the law, Israel is not blamed for seeking after the righteous­ness, that is the righteousness of the law; but becaus [...] [Page 29] they sought it as it were by the works of the Law, Rom. 9.31, 32.

For the fuller clearing up of this Truth, that Christ has performed the Righteousness that the Law required of us, whereupon the satisfaction of our Consciences does so much depend: I shall briefly speak to these Particulars;

  • 1. What is the Covenant of Works.
  • 2. What difference is there between the Covenant of Works▪ and the Covenant with Adam:
  • 3. That the Covenant of Works did admit of a Mediator.
  • 4. That Jesus Christ is a Mediator.
  • 5. Christs work as Mediator was not to restore man to his former condition; but to bring him to Sal­vation.
  • 6. That Christ has performed the Righteousness of the Law.
  • 7. That be performed the Righteousness of the Law for us.
  • 8. That this is sufficient for the Elect of God in all Ages.
  • 9. That he has so purchased Salvation, that the Elect cannot fail of it.

The first thing to be considered is,

What is the Covenant of Works? as it relates to Man:

I shall not now consider it, as the Angels are con­cerned in it: and I shall give this description of it: The Covenant of works is an everlasting Rule of Righteousness, wherein God requires perfect Obedi­ence as the condition of Life, and forbids all disobedi­ence [Page 30] on pain of Death: the Explication of this may be taken up in these Propositions:


The Covenant of Works is not an agreement be­tween God and man, but a rule of Righteousness be­tween them: sometimes the word Covenant is taken for a promise without condition, Gen. 9.11. but fre­quently for a Law with promises and threatnings▪ persons indeed are not taken into the Covenant of Grace without their actual consent: but this is not necessary in other Covenants, as in the Covenant that God makes with the Infant seed of his People, Deut. 5.3, 29. Deut. 15. the children of Gods people are born under this Covenant, that is under that Law with such sanctions▪ so in the Covenant of wor [...] there is no need that Man should consent: Adam did not give his consent antecedently to the making of the Coven [...]nt, for he was made under it; and there are millions of men that never gave any consent unto it: yet stand as firmly bound by it as if they did: God being infinitely mans superiour and having a Legislative power over him, might make him under such a Co­venant without asking his consent: this covenant is nothing else but a righteous rul [...], which God by his own authority has constituted between himself and man, according unto which he will distribute awards and punishments to men: In this covenant God has given Law unto himself, marked out a path for him­self to walk in, he was at liberty, might if he had pleas [...]d have forborn to exact punishment for sin, might have annihilated man after a course of perfect obedience, might have chose in some other way to have rewarded his obedience: might have bestowed blessedness on him as an absolute free gift without an [...] [Page 31] condition at all, but in this covenant he has bound up himself, and laid down a rule according to which he will proceed.


The covenant of Works is an everlasting rule of righteousness between God and man: this is a Rule that God never will vary from: it is not proper to say that the covenant of works is abrogated, it is very true that the condemning power of it respecting. Be­lievers is taken away, but that is by the fulfilling of the Law, not abrogating of it: the covenant of works does yet continue in its full force: it takes place against the sins of ungodly men, being executed to the full upon them, Mat. 5.18. it has taken place against the sins of the Elect, upon Jesus Christ: the curse having been executed upon him, Gal 3.13. He hath redeemed us from the curse, being made a curse for us: and God does bestow eternal life upon none▪ but those who have ful­filled the righteousness of the Law in their Surety: eternal life is given as a recompence of Christs Righ­teousness, Rom. 5.21.


This covenant of Works could not be known by our first Parents any other way than by divine revela­tion; because both the promises and threatnings of this covenant depended on the free will of God: so that whatever abilities of understanding Adam had in his first estate they were insufficient to make a disco­very of them: the precepts of the Law were written [...]n the heart of man when he was first made, and so they are still, though not so legibly, Rom. 2.15. They shew the works of the Law written in their hearts ▪ and [Page 32] this I dont understand to be any distinct work of God from that of creating the soul: for the precepts of the Law excepting that one of the Sabbath have a self-e­vid [...]ncing power: so that supposing [...]an to have an understa [...]ding he can't but have some knowledg of them, and s [...]pposing them to have an understanding not corrupt [...]d, he can't but have a clear knowledge of them: but the promises and threatnings of the Law are not understood by any thing written in mens hearts▪ Conscience indeed by its own natural light does give evidence that sin is offensive to God, and so affright men with expectation of wrath: but it can't witness the certainty of Judgments, much less of eternal condem­nation, except it have received some further light ei­ther from the Works or Word of God.


The Covenant of Works does require Obedience, only as the condition of life: there are several other Obligations upon us unto Obedience: some antecedent to the covenant of works, as the infinite excellency of God: the work of Creation: some of them consequent as the dying love of Christ; Gods giving converting Grace, and many the like, but the covenant of works requires it only as a condition of life; and hence the the covenant of works be fulfilled for us by Jesus Christ, so that there is no engagement on us to per­fect obedience, as it is a condition of life; yet those antecedent obligations do remain upon, and we [...]ow obedience still as a natural due, Psal. 95.6. that primi­tive obligation as we are creatures will ly upon us for ever, besides those other obligations that God has laid upon us since.

[Page 33]


The covenant of works requires perfect but not personal obedi [...]nce: the obedience required in the covenant of works is perfect, for one transgression layes man open to the curse, but it does not stand up­on personal obedience: every one is obliged to per­sonal ob [...]dience: but this is upon another account, and not by vertue of the covenant of works: the co­venant of works never tied us up to person [...]l obedi­ence as the condition of life: God has been so far from binding us up to personal obedience as the condition of life, that he never did propose that way unto us: but from the beginning of the world constituted a publick person to act in our behalf, and upon his fail­ing imm [...]diately revealed Jesus Christ to be another publick person to act for us, Rom. 5.19.


The life promised in the Covenant of works, is a life of glory in hea [...]en: the promise is life, Gal. 3.12. The man that doth them, shall live in them; some have thought that Adam should have had only the conti­nuance of that blessedness which he was created in, if he had kept the Covenant: it [...]s very true, that there is no mention in the Covenant of his going to hea­ven: but we have clear ground to conclude from Scripture, that if man had stood, he should have gone to heaven; according to this promise:

1. Because hell, where the devils are, is the reward of disobedience by the covenant of work [...], there­fore heaven, where the holy angels are, is the reward of Obedience: it is meet the rewards should be pro­portionable: [Page 34] I know it is answered, that sin deserv [...] evil at Gods hands, but holiness which is due unto Go [...] does not deserve any rewards; but this does not ta [...] off the force of the argument: for it is by the La [...] that sin merits as well as holiness: and hence w [...]cke [...] men are punished only for such sins as they commit [...] this life, 2 Cor. 5.10. and there is as much goodne [...] in holiness, as evil in sin; and it is a meet thing th [...] God should bestow as much good in a way of obed [...]ence, as he inflicts evil in a way of disobedience: b [...]sides the Law expresses the punishment of sin by dea [...] Rom. 6.23. The wages of sin is death: and the rewa [...] of obedience by life. Gal. 3 12. the man that doth them shall live by them: therefore it is a life directly oppo [...]site to that death, a life that contains as much good [...] it, as that death doth evil: those terms do mutuall [...] explain one the other.

2. Because Christ in fulfilling of the law for us, ha [...] purchased life for us in heaven: Christ has purchase [...] heaven for us, Eph. 1.14. it is called a purchased posse­sion, and he did it by performing the righteousness [...] the Law for us: it is by making of us righteous tha [...] we come to have a title unto eternal life, Rom 5.21. Grace reigns by righteousness unto eternal life by Jesu [...] Christ our Lord.

3. Because Christ tells the young man in the Go­spel (that enquired of him what good thing he should do that he might have eternal life) that if he woul [...] enter into life he should keep the Commandments, Mat. 19.16, 17. where we may mind, that the life enquired af­ter by the young man, was a life in Heaven; and tha [...] Christ in this answer is leading of him to the covenan [...] of works, upon a design to convince him of his inabi­l [...]ty to keep it.

[Page 35]4. Because the Apostle Paul, gives that as the rea­son, that men cannot be justified by the Law, because they are sinners, Rom. 8.3. & 3.20. the Legallists that Paul disputes against expected eternal life in heaven by their works▪ yet in all his disputes with them he neve [...] tells them that the covenant of works does not promise any such thing: if he could have told them so, that would clearly have cut off all their hopes: but he still shows that they can't have Salvation by the Law upon this account, because they can't fulfil it; yea he plainly implies that the reward by the Law and Go­spel are the same, but the way of obtaining it is diffe­rent, Rom. 4.4. He that worketh has the reward by debt, he that worketh not hath it by grace.

The second thing that falls under Consideration here is,

What is the difference between the Covenant of works and the Covenant with Adam?

Go [...]s covenant with Adam is generally confounded with the covenant of works, to the great hindran [...]e of our understanding of Gods dealings with Man-kind: Adam indeed was made as well as we under a covenant of works; under a covenant of life, upon condition of perfect obedience: but besides this there was a par­ticular covenant with Adam, whereby he was constitu­ted a legal head, or representative of his posterity, to act in our behalf: to stand or fall for us, as well as him­self: this i [...] plainly held forth in that he is said to be the figure of him that is to come, that is of Christ, Rom. 5.14. he was the figure of Christ, inasmuch as he was made a publick person, as Christ also was; this also is evident because we sinned in him: his fall is truly ours, Rom. 5.12. which could not have been if we had not been in [Page 36] him as our representative: because God had constitu­ted him our head, therefore his sin became ours, Rom. 5.19. 1 Cor. 15.22.

There is a great difference between these two co­venants, there might have been a covenant of works though there never had been any such covenant wit [...] Adam constituting him a publick person: that was acci­dental to the covenant of works: God made a cove­nant of works with the Angels, but he never appoin­ted them any publick person to act for them: but even one stood singly for himself: we make a great diffe­renee between them in these three particulars:

1. The Covenant of Adam proposed a particula [...] way for the accomplishment of the covenant of works the covenant of works states the condition of life: bu [...] God by making Adam a publick person finds out a way for the fulfilling of this condition: God has propose [...] two wayes for the accomplishing of the covenant o [...] works:

First, By making a covenant with Adam, to perform obedience for his posterity: this way failed.

The Second was, By making a covenant of redem­ption with Jesus Christ; wherein Christ undertook to fulfil the covenant of works for us: this I call the se­cond way, because tho this covenant was made first yet it was revealed last, as not to take place until th [...] covenant with Adam was violated.

2. The Covenant with Adam has never been fulfil­led: but the covenant of works has; Adam utterl [...] failed of perform [...]ng that particular covenant mad [...] with him: if that covenant had been fulfilled all man­kind had been happy: whereas they were all exposed to misery by him, Rom. 5.12. but the covenant of work [...] [Page 37] has been fulfilled; Christ fulfilled it, Matth. 3.15. and we in him, Rom 8.4.

3. By vertue of Adams covenant we are only liable to punishment for that sin, which we committed in him: for that covenant only laid duty on him, as he was to act joyntly for himself and us: and that cove­nant was at an end on his eating the forbidden fruit: but by the covenant of works we are liable to punish­ment for our personal sins: that covenant threaten [...] death for any transgression, Gal. 3.10.

A Third thing to be considered is,

That the Covenant of Works did admit of a Mediator.

It will be readily granted, that though the evil of sin be incomparably great, yet it is not so great but that God may have compassion upon us, and find in his heart to provide a Mediator for us, his infinite mer­cy may move him to give us a Redeemer, though sin do greatly provoke him: The great question is. Whether he has not so bound himself by his lavv; as to take away all possibility of help by a Mediator. Whether the Law will give way to the interposure of a Mediator. Whether the Word of God does not bind him to punish the sinner in his own person; if so, it is a vain thing to expect any help from a Media­tor, for no violence may be done unto the law: and the words of the curse have such a force, as if they did devote the sinner unto personal ruine: in the day thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely dye, Gen 2 17. but we must distinguish between such threatnings as are legal, and such as are personal: some threatnings are per­sonal, and infallibly to be fulfilled upon those that are threatned: though the threatnings of eternal [Page 38] destruction against impenitent sinners, must unavoi [...]ably take place on them: but there are some threa [...]nings which are legal: and intend no more, but [...] the Offender must dye legally; that is be punishe [...] with death, either in his own person, or the perso [...] of his surety; thus many humane laws are to be un­derstood, thus it is among men in case of debt▪ and there is nothing in the words of the law th [...] does contradict this interpretation. The words [...] enforce no more than this: the words of the [...] are not any ways strained by putting this [...] upon them: neither is there any thing in the ca [...] of it self to oppose this interpretation, for the su [...]ferings of a surety answer the end of the Law as well as the sufferings of the Offenders,

Gods name is as much vindicated, and there i [...] as full a testimony given to the holiness of Go [...] by the sufferings of a surety, as if the sinner ha [...] suffered in his own person, there is no probabilit [...] that Adam did at first understand this interpretation o [...] the curse, it was a secret that God kept in his ow [...] breast, until there was occasion for its publication [...] indeed from the first publishing of the Law, Go [...] shewed that a publick person might perform the pre­ceptive part of it for others: and by failing therein, might expose others with himself unto ruine as Adam did. Which shews it also to be very fair, that a publick person may suffer for us: if a publick person may ruine us, why may not a publick person recove [...] us: but we have no grounds to conclude that Ada [...] knew any thing of the possibility of salvation in ca [...] he sinned, but God after the Fall revealed it unt [...] him.

But God has by his practice, clearly given [...] [Page 39] this interpretation of the curse of the Law; God him­self has provided a Mediator for us, and inflicted the punishment of our sins on him: which shews it is no ways contradictory to his law so to do: such a pro­ceeding is agreeable to the law, otherwise God would never have had an hand in it; God has shewed us how the law is to be understood in executing it on Jesus Christ, and it is very unreasonable to think, that there should be any thing in the law to hinder our salvation by Jesus Christ; for this way of salvation has been decreed by God before the world, 1 Pet. 1.20. he was foreordained before the foundation of the world, and certainly he would never make such a law as should overthrow his decree: the law must be so under­stood, as not to cross his everlasting purposes of saving sinners by Christ; the Apostle argues, that the cove­nant of grace could not be disanulled by the law of Moses, which was given four hundred and thirty years after, Gal. 3.17. so I may argue, that the everlast­ing purpose of God to save us by the sufferings of Christ, cannot be disanulled by a law that was made in time, and therefore that law must be so understood, as not to cross that design.

The fourth thing to be cleared is,

That Jesus Christ is a Mediator:

Though the law left room for a Mediator, yet God was at liberty whether he would provide one or [...]o: but he has provided Christ, and put him into this Office. Christ stands in that relation of a Mediator, and this implies both duty and authority, to work out all our salvation for us, both as to the purchasing and also the applying of salvation: That Christ Je­sus is a Mediator, is set down in express terms: 1 Tim. 2.5. There is one Mediator between God and man, [Page 40] the Man Christ Jesus: the word [...] is peculiar to the holy Scripture: Socinus would have it to signi­fie only Gods Interpreter, and it may be that may be the meaning, Gal. 3.19. it was ordained by angels in the hand of a Mediator: but the word generally notes one that stands between God and man, to make up the breach that sin had made; that this is inten­ded in the forementioned place [...]punc; is evident by the next words, ver. 6 who gave himself a ransome for all ▪ so that his mediation consisted in giving himself a ransom: or at least he was such a Mediator as did give himself a ransom; this must also be the mean­ing of the word, Heb. 9.15. and for this cause he is the Mediator of the New Testament, that by means of his death for the redemption of the transgressions that wer [...] under the first Testament: they which are called may re­ceive the promise of the eternal inheritance. There i [...] plainly held forth that he executed his Mediatorly Office, in dying for transgression; and in order to our injoying an eternal inheritance. The same Media­torly Office of Christ [...] held forth, 1 Cor. 8.5, 6. fo [...] though there be that are called Gods, whether in heave [...] or in earth, (as there be Gods many and Lords many) bu [...] to us there is but one God, the Father of whom are al [...] things, and we in him, and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him. The Heathen [...] did distinguish between their Gods into celestial and terrestial; the celestial and soveraign Gods, the [...] thought to be immortal, of a sublime and pure na­ture, the terrestial were the Deified souls of fa­mous men deceased, whose Office it was to be a Mediators and Agents between the soveraign God▪ and mortal men: these they called Baalims o [...] Lords: unto these superior and inferior Gods he [...] elegantly allude, ver. 6. so that when he says, that [...] us there is but one Lord, he means one Mediator: [...] same Mediatorly Office of Jesus Christ is held fo [...] [Page 41] forth in those titles of Prophet, Priest, and King, which are frequently given unto him, and contain under them the several parts of his Mediatorly Of­fice.

There are three things requisite unto the Media­torly Office of Christ, the fitness of his person, the consent of the Father, and his own consent:

The first thing requisite, was the fitness of his person, whereby he was capable of discharging this Office: it did not become infinite Wisdom to lay such a task on one that was uncapable of perform­ing it; and this requisite was found in Jesus Christ: this undertaking was too great for any meer crea­ture, but it was not too heavy a burden for the shoulders of Jesus Christ: he was fit to purchase our salvation, and also to apply it▪ and upon this account he was much prized by God, he is said to be Elect and Precious, 1 Pet. 2.6. as a Prince prizes some men, because they are of such abilities, that they are fit to serve him in the greatest Offices of the Kingdom, so God having a design to save sin­ners, he prizes Christ as a person fit to bring about that design.

The principal fitness of Jesus Christ for the work of Mediator, consists in his being God man in our person, yet we must not think that he did not enter into his Office, till he was actually incarnate: the incarnation was necessary to his full discharge of that work, but he entred into his Office, and began to fulfil it before his incarnation: our sins were not ac­tually imputed to him, till his incarnation: but he was a Mediator immediately upon the fall of man: from that time his blood was efficacious, Rev. 13.8. He is the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world; [Page 42] from the time of the making of the covenant o [...] grace, he was a Mediator, Heb. 12.24. and the sal­vation of the Patriarks in the first ages of the world, was the fruit of the mediation of Christ; and there­fore that solemn consecration of Christ at the time of his Baptism was not unto the Office of a Media­tor, but the work of his publick Ministry.

Christ by being man, was fitted as for some other parts of his Office, so especially to fulfil the law for man: to obey and suffer for us, had he been only God he had been uncapable of obedience or suffer­ings; had he taken upon him the nature of angels, he had been uncapable of obeying and suffering for us: the Mosaical Law concerning the right of redem­ption, in the kinsman, did typifie that Christ should be our kinsman; this manifested what God intended: but that doth not prove that there was a necessity of it; but if he had assumed the angelical nature, he could not have fulfilled that law that was given to man: the precepts and curses of the law were fit­ted to mans nature, and some of them could not be fulfilled By the angelical nature; besides the tenour of the covenant of works with man ran thus: that man must fulfil the righteousness of the law, and in case of disobedience, man must bear the curse of it: this the Apostle shews when he teaches us that because we did partake of flesh and blood, Christ also partook of the same. that by death be might deliver us, Heb. 2.14. and intimates, ver. 16. that if he had taken the na­ture of angels, it would not have served the turn: and whereas he adds that he took on him the seed of Abraham; we are not to understand, that there was any necessity of that any further than from the pro­mises and prophesies thereof, that he should come of that stock; but he mentions his coming of Abraham [Page 43] as that which evidenced that he was of the same na­ture with us:

Christ by being God was fitt [...]d not only for his Prophetical and Kingly Office, to the execution whereof, Divine Power and Wisdom was requisite: but he was also fitted for his Priestly Office; so that the divine nature had an influence into the satisfacto­riness of the sufferings of Christ, that is held forth Heb. 9.14. how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your consciences from dead works, and Acts 20.28. to feed the Church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.

To compl [...]at the fitness of Jesus Christ for the work of a Mediator, there were necessary some spe­cial qualifications of the humane nature, especially holiness and wisdom: his holiness was necessary unto all his Offices: he would not have been fit to have executed his Prophetical Office without that; he had need be holy and faithful that is to declare the mind of God to man: without this he would not have bin fit to have executed the Office of a King, he that rules the world, and judges mens eternal estate, ha [...] need be holy: without this he would not have been fit to have executed the Office of a Priest, he that was to work out righteousness for others, and satisfie for their sins; must be holy: and this qualification was perfect and compleat in Jesus Christ, Heb. 7.26. For such an High-priest became us, who is holy, harm­less, undefiled, separate from sinners. Here Christ's holiness is set forth positively, he was holy, and ne­gatively▪ in three branches. He was harmless; free from actual sin; undefiled: that is, free from origi­nal pollution: separate from sinners, free from that [...] of mankind, which they committed in [Page 44] Adam: the either qualification of wisdom, was espe­cially necessary unto the execution of his Prophetical and Kingly Offices; this he needed an extraordinary measure of, and God has furnished him suitably, Joh. 5.34. God giveth not the spirit by measure unto him: by which expression we are not to understand infi­nite gifts, for the humane nature is not capable of an infinite qualification, but extraordinary qualifications, beyond what God does bestow on other men: thi [...] was spoken concerning those gifts, given him at the time of his Baptism, when the Spirit rested on him; and questionless are far exceeded by those gifts be­stowed on him, when he Ascended to the Right­hand of God.

A second thing requisite unto the Mediatorly Office of Christ, was the consent of the Fathor.

There was a necessity of this approbation; that the Mediator might have authority to discharge his Office: there could be no redemption without the conse [...] of him, whose prisoners we are, and altho' the sufferings of Christ were in their own nature, a valuable consideration for our redemption, yet there could not be satisfaction without the consent of God. God might not be imposed on, nor any satisfaction obtruded upon him without his consent: the Office of a Mediator as it implies authority over m [...]n, so it implies sub [...]ection and subordination to God, and accord [...]ngly in this work Christ is Gods servant, Isai 42.1. Behold my servant whom I uphold, and the Scri­pture does give in abundant evidence, that the Fa­ther did consent to this undertaking of Christ [...]: h [...] is called Gods Elect, Isa. 42.1. mine Elect, in whom my soul delighteth; he was chosen by God to this work: so he is said to be foreordained, 1 Pet. 1.20. Christ did not intrude into this Office, but was cal­led [Page 45] of God. Heb. 5 5, 6. when he came into the world he was sent of God, John 5.37 he came with a commission, and it was under Gods hand and seal, John [...].27. God has confirmed Christ in his Office by an Oath, Psal. 110.4. The Lord hath sworn, and will not repent, thou art a Priest for ever after the Or­der of Melchizedek.

The third thing requisite to the Mediatorly Of­fice of Christ, was his own consent:

It was not meet that such an Office should be forced upon him: that it should be put upon him to d [...]e for sinners, without his own choice; and that if we consider the innocency and excellency of his per­son, but he did freely consent to take this task upon him: his will as he is God, is the same with the Fathers; and as man he closed with it, he voluntari­ly undertook this work of redeeming and saving sinners: Heb. 10.6. then said I, lo [...] come in the volumn of the book it is written of me, to do thy Will O God, Gal. 2 20. he loved me, and gave himself for me. John 10.18. no man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of my self.

The consent of the Father and the Son is represent­ed to us in Scripture, after the manner of a coven­ant, called by Divines the covenant of redemption: in which transaction we may take notice of these five Articles.

1. The Father promis [...]d to fit the Son for the work of redemption, by preparing an humane na­ture, that so he might be capable of working out our redemption, Heb. 10.5. a body thou hast prepared me: [Page 46] his manifestation in the flesh was preordained, 1 Pet. 1.20.

2. The Son covenanted to answer the law for us, that he would suffer for our sins, and work out righ­teousness for us, Mat 20.28. The Son of man came to give his life for a ransome for many, John 10.18. I have power to lay down my life, and power to take it a­gain, and this Commandment have I received of my Fa­ther.

3. The Father covenanted to accept the obedience and sufferings of Jesus Christ for the Elect, that their debt should be remitted unto them, and they saved thereby, Isa. 44.6. it is a light thing that thou shouldst be my servant, to raise up the tribe of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel; I will also give thee to be a light unto the Gentiles, that thou mayst be my sal­vation to the end of the earth, Isa 53.10.11, 12. when he shall make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, &c.

4. The Father covenanted to invest him with full authority to accomplish the salvation of his redeem­ed ones, and apply to them the benefits of his death: and in order to this, to advance his humane nature unto highest dignity and glory, John 17.2. thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he may give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him: Eph. 1.22. he hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be head over all things to the Church.

5. The Son covenanted fully to accomplish the salvation of all the Elect, John 6.39. this is the will of the Father that sent me, that of all that he hath given me, I should lose nothing; but should raise it up again at [Page 47] the last day: These things were agreed to between the Father and the Son.

[...] Proposition for the clearing this Argu­ment is,

That Christs work as Mediator, was not to restore [...]an to his former condition, but to bring him to Salvation: Our primitive estate in Adam was an estate of inno­cency: we were habitually holy, without any offence, probationers for glory, neither in an estate of condem­nation, nor in an estate of justification: and God if he had so pleased might have appointed Christ to have restored us to our primitive condition; to have set us free from the guilt and power of sin, and so might put us upon it to have wrought for our own blessedness a­gain according to the tenor of the former Covenant: but Christ was appointed to bring us into an estate of justification and salvation: Jesus Christ had his Au­thority bestowed upon him to bring us to life: John 17.2. Thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him: accordingly Christ has done more for our blessedness than Adam was to do: Adam was to bring us out of an estate of innocency into an estate of justification: but Christ has brought us out of a guilty estate into an estate of justification: yea, Christ has done more for our blessedness than Adam did for our ruine: Adam brought us from innocency to misery, but Christ has brought us from misery not back again to innocency, but to blessedness: in this respect that Salvation that Christ has wrought is more eminent and remarkable than that destruction that Adam wrought: and for the purchasing of this, there was more required, than for the restitution of us to our primitive condition: the sufferings of Christ were sufficient to procure our re­stitution [Page 48] unto innocency: but there was a necessity [...] the active obedience of Jesus Christs to bring us into [...] estate of blessedness: Christs [...] obedience [...] necessary for us as well as his passi [...]e, and this was [...] re [...]n wh [...] it was requi [...]te that Christ should cont [...] so long upon earth, that by a course of obedience [...] man [...] years he might purchase eternal life for us: [...] influence of the blood of Christ into our justificati [...] wa [...] t [...]pified by the Sacrifices, the influence of the [...] obedience of Christ [...]nto our justification wa [...] [...] ­pified by the white Garments of the Priests, and [...] beautiful Garments of the High Priest: our justific [...] ­tion is compared to the putting on of white Raime [...] Rev. 3.18 s [...]me have objected against the ne [...]essity Christs active obedience to our Justification▪ that [...] his sufferings he satisfied for our sins of omission as [...] as of commission▪ and if our sins of omission be [...] ­tisfied for it is all one as if we had performed [...] duty: but that is a mistake, we can [...]t he justified e [...] ­cept obedience be performed: Gal. 3.12. The [...] that doth them shall live in them: suffering is the fulfi [...] ­ling of the threatning, not of the command: meer su [...] ­fering has satisfaction but no merit in it: suffering [...] sins of omission only removes the guilt contracted [...] the omission, suffering for sins of omission, put [...] us in [...] such a condition as if the duty had not been omitted [...] but not into such a condition, as if it had been per­formed: into such a condition as Adam was in; [...] such as Believers are in: in a sin of omission there [...] [...]wo things to be observed; a neglect of duty to­wards God, which is to be punish [...]d and a neglect [...] the condition of life; which condition must be atte [...] ­ded before life be bestowed: the forgiving of [...] omission may be, where the duty is still expected [...] a man fail of paying Money at the day, his omissi [...] may be forgiven, and yet the money may be expecte [...]

[Page 49]The sixth Proposition for the clearing of the Ar­gument is,

That Jesus Christ has fulfilled the righteousness of the Law. He has answered all the demands and challenges of the Law: what the Law could chalenge from us has been accomplished by and upon Christ.

First, Christ has fulfilled Obedience unto the com­mands of the Law: Iesus Christ lived a life of spot­less holiness and integrit [...]: obedient in all things unto the command of God, Joh. 17 4. I have glorified thee i [...] Earth, I have finished the work that thou gavest me to do, 1 Pet. 2.22. Who did no sin▪ neither was guil found in his [...]uth: he lived in a perfect and absolute conformity to the Law of God all the dayes of his life: and there­fore he is said to know no sin. 2 Cor. [...].21. concerning this active ob [...]dience of Christ, I shall here only ob­serve these two things:

1. That he did all the common duties of the Law, and such particular duties as were prop [...] to the Rela­tion that he sustained: he did not sustain all relations, as that of Husband and Parents, and therefore the du­ties peculiar to such relations were not requir'd of him nor performed by him: neither was there any need that he should stand in all relations, and fulfil the work required of all: some give that reason why Christ was in this or that condition, that it was to sanctifie those conditions to his People, and by that reason he had need have be [...]n in all conditions, that the like might be sanctified to his people: but it was sufficient that Christ fulfilled the whole Law, as it was requi­red of one in his station; and that is enough to an­swer for the Elect, whatever relation or condition they are in.

[Page 50] Secondly, Christ did obey not only moral commands▪ but also subjected himself to the commands of instituted Worship: and as he was circumcised in his infancy, so when he was adult, he was Baptized, and gives that reason of it, because it became him to fulfil all right [...]ousness, Mat. 3.15. So Christ partook of the Lords Sup [...]per, Mat [...] 29. some think that the reason why Chris [...] was Baptized, was that he might thereby shew his ap­probation of Johns Baptism; but that might have bee [...] done by his Word; and I can't think that Chris [...] would use a significant ceremony if the significatio [...] had not at all belonged to him: neither would [...] perform an act of Worship that was not proper [...] him, only to shew his approbation: another reaso [...] that is given, is, that it was to sanctifie our Baptisme but their Baptism was sanctified that were Baptized be­fore: besides it is not the example but the institution of Christ that sanctifies our Baptism: Another rea­son that hereby he was inaugurated and consecrated to his Office: but there is nothing leads to that, he wa [...] solemnly consecrated immediately after; this Ordinance has no such signification: but the reason of it was, be­cause sin was imputed to him, and as this Ordinanc [...] seals up to us deliverance from sin through Chris [...] Blood, so it sealed up to him deliverance from the gui [...] of sin through his own Blood: through the shedding [...] his Blood he was justified, 1 Tim. 3.16 and this was Seal to his Faith, and sin imputed was Sacramentall done away hereby: the like may be said of his parta­king of the Lords Supper.

Secondly, Christ Jesus has likewise born the penal [...] of the Law: the death of Jesus Christ was a leg [...] death, it was the execution of the Law: the putting [...] Christ to death was an act of vindictive justice: it wa [...] a fruit of the wrath of God; this is evident, because [...] [Page 51] is said to be made a curse for us: the curse is the con­demning sentence and execration of the Law, Gal. 3.13, this the Apostle proves from Deut. 21.22, 23. that law was a ceremonial Law, whereby they that were hang­ed on a Tree were ceremonially accursed, to typifie the [...]ccursed death of Jesus Christ: this typical reason excepted, there is no reason why this sort of death should fasten a curse on a person more than any other legal death: this Law makes the man that was hanged [...] ceremonial curse to typifie Christs having the moral curse: Again, it is clear, because God punished Christ with death for sin; and God does not punish sin, but by the Law: the death of Christ was on the account of sin, Isai. 5 [...] 6. The Lord hath laid on him the iniquities of [...] all, 1 Cor. 15.3. Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures.

Several things are here objected,

As 1. That Christ did not suffer spiritual death in sin, the loss of the image of God, which is a part of the penalty of the Law:

Ans. Christ bore the essential parts of the curse, not all the accidental; there be many circumstantial parts of the curse wherein there may be great variety: so one Reprobate does not bear all the pains, diseases and afflictions that others do: some Reprobates shall not endure bodily death, as they which are alive at the coming of Christ; so Christ did suffer some sorrows that were peculiar, which indeed there was no absolute necessity of from the moral Law▪ as he suffered a le­ [...]al death from men, died as a Malefactor, with many aggravating circumstances: there was no need that Christ should suffer the same i [...] specie with reprobates, [...] was sufficient that he suffered the same in pondere; [Page 52] the death of the Soul in sin flows not from the curs [...] absolutely considered, but from the disposition of the patient: it is a punishment fit for sinners but not for [...] Mediator.

2. Obj. Christ did not suffer the torments of He [...] which are a principal part of the curse:

Ans. He did not suffer in Hell: but he suffered the same for substance with them that are there: as [...] the bodily punishments of Christ they were very grea [...] but he bare the punishment of Hell in his soul: [...] bore the loss of the comfortable fruition of God, [...] 27 46. and he had the dol [...]ful sense of the wrath [...] God on his heart: this is held out, Psal. 110. [...]. [...] shall drink of the b [...]ook in the may: and as we have [...] of conscience through imputed righteousness, so [...] had torment of conscience from imputed sin: wha [...] was it else that he conflicted with in his agony; was [...] only the fears of temporal death, which many Marty [...] have born with triumph; he grapled wi [...]h the wra [...] of God, that made him sweat drops of blood.

3. Obj. Christ did not suffer eternal death, and th [...] eternity of the punishment is the great aggravation:

Ans. Tis true, he suffered b [...]t a few years, and th [...] extr [...]mity of his punishment was but for a few hours because the infinite dignity of his person, made hi [...] short sufferings equivalent [...] to the everlasting punish­ments of the damned: for an infinite person to suffe [...] a temporal punishment, is as much as for a finite per­son to suffer an eternal punishment: it may be as se [...]vere justice to punish Christ with the like pains for [...] few hours, as to punish a damned man with them for [...]ever: a less quantity of Gold equals a greater quan­tity of silver: it seems to be as great a testimony [...] [Page 53] the holiness of God, and a vindication of the honour of his Law, to punish his dear Son with a temporal, as sinners with eternal punishment.

The seventh thing to be considered is.

That Christ performed the righteousness of the Law for us: it was performed on our account, that we might be justified thereby.

1. The active Obedience of Christ was performed upon our account, whatever was done that way, was done by him as our Mediator and Representative, Rom 5.14. by the obedience of one many are made righ­teous; and Christs Righteousness as distinct from his sufferings is spoken of as a ground of faith, 1 John 2.1.2. we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous, who also is the propitiation for our sins: so in Dan. 9.24. the bringing in of everlasting righteousness, is spoken of as a distinct thing from fi­nishing transgression, and making an end of sin: which are benefits to come by the Messiah: neither does it any ways prejudice this truth, that Christ owed O­bedience unto God as he was man, it being essential to man to owe obedience to his creator: for Adams O­bedience was a natural debt, yet if he had obeyed, all his posterity would have lived: and tho Christ himself were rewarded for his obedience and suffer­ings, as is held forth, Phil. 2.7, 8, 9, 10. that hinders not its usefulness for us: the primary design of it was to acocmplish our salvation: which hinders not but that God might give some signal testimony of his acceptance of the love and service of Christ, by recompensing him for the same.

[Page 54]2. The sufferings of Jesus Christ were also upon our account, and indeed there can no other accoun [...] be given of these sufferings, no other reason, but th [...] can be assigned of them: his sufferings were excee­ding great, as appears by his being afflicted before hand about it, by his heaviness and amazement, by his prayer, by his sweating drops of blood, and [...] satisfactory reason can be given of these sufferings but only that he [...]ore our curse: it was not for any personal sin, for he had none, Heb, 7.26. it was no [...] to prevent any sin, God sometimes Brings affliction [...] on his people to prevent their sinning, 2 Cor. 12.7. bu [...] there was no danger of Christs sinning: his nature was not tainted, and the union of the divine nature with the humane was a sufficient security, it was no [...] meerly in a way of trial, to try the patience and faith of Christ; the Scripture gives in no evidence o [...] that: neither was it principally to give us an exam­ple of patience; but he suffered to make an attone­ment for us, and reconcile us to God. The Scrip­ture represents the sufferings of Christ under a three fold consideration, all serving to clear up this point▪

1. It is represented as a price of redemption, Mat. 20.28. The Son of man came to give his life a ransome for many, Rev. 5.9. thou wast slain, and hast Redeemed us to God by thy blood:

A Second consideration is of a sacrifice: the sins of the people were typically laid upon the sacrifice, and then it was slain; so Christ was sacrificed for us, Eph. 5 2. Christ hath given himself for us, an offer­ing and a sacrifice to God of a sweet smelling savour; 1 Cor. 5.7. Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us: the fruit of this is Reconciliation.

[Page 55]A third consideration of them, is, they are a pu­nishment. J [...]sus Christ took upon the guilt of our sins; that is, our obligation to punishment: the demerit of sin, whereby the sinner deserves punish­ment, was not translated to him, as the merit of his righteousness is not translated to us, but the title to bless [...]dness arising there from: so Christ took upon hi [...]self our obligation to punishment, and accor­dingly God inflict [...]d the punishment of our sins upon him t [...] Christ was legally guilty of our sin, and God punished him, 1 Pet 2.24. He bare our sins in his own body upon the tree: Isai. 53.4. Surely he hath born ou [...] griefs, and carried our sorrows: Rom 4.25. He was de­livered for our offences: And here we may take notice of a great difference between the first and second A­dam. The first Adam brought the guilt of one sin up­on us, but Jesus Christ take [...] [...]way the guilt not only of that but of our innumerable personal Transgressions▪ and this the Apostle minds, Rom 5.16. And not as it [...] by one that sinned, so is the gift, for the judgment was by one to cond [...]nation: but the free gift is of many of­fences to justification: the first sin that Man is guilty of layes him op [...]n unto death: and his after sins do mul­tiply his Obligations unto death, but do not expose him unto so many several deaths; yet they do expose him unto a sore [...] and greater degree of eternal death: where there are several sins meeting in the same per­son they are to be punished with an aggravated death: one death must be endured equivalent to so many se­veral d [...]aths: for every sin must be accounted for in the day of [...]udgment, Eccles. 12.14 and therefore Christ that he might procur a remission of all our sins bore a punishment proportionable to them all: he was punished for them all, Isai 53.5. He was wounded for our transgressions: what he redeemed us from that he endured himself, Gal. 3.13. only it must be remem­bred [Page 56] that by reason of the dignity of his person. that sorrow which he endured, was a greater measure of punishment, than it would have been in us.

The Eighth thing to be considered, is,

That the Righteousness of Jesus Christ is sufficient fo [...] the Elect of God in all [...] he has an everlasting Priesthood, and the vertu [...] [...] his Sacrifice do [...] cotin [...] from the beginning to the end of the World▪ there­fore he is said to bring in everlasting Righteousness Dan. 9.24.

His Righteousness was efficacious for the ages be­fore his coming: though it was not then actually wrought out in former Generations, this righteous­ness was available for justification: as a man may [...] discharged of a Debt because of the Bond of his Sure­ty, before [...] money is paid: so Christ was preach­ed as the way of Salvation from the very fall of A [...]dam, Gen. 3.15. The seed of the W [...]man shall bruise [...] Serpents head: the way that the Patriarks were justi­fied, was by Faith in Christ, Rom. 4.3. hence they [...] said to be saved by Grace, Act: 15:11: the Covenan [...] which was made with Abraham, was made in conside [...]ration of the righteousness of Christ, Gal: 3:17: The co [...]venant that was confirmed before by God in Christ: Chri [...] was actually slain after the World had stood abo [...] four thousand years: but he was reckoned as sta [...] from the foundation of the World, Rev: 13:8: the vertu [...] of his blood reached unto the first ages of the world that is implied Heb. 9.25▪ 26. Nor yet that he should of­fer himself often, as the High Priest entereth every ye [...] into the holy place with the blood of others, for then [...] [...]e often have suffered since the foundation of the World but now once in the end of the World hath he appeared [...] [Page 57] put away sin by the sacrifice of himself: Hence there was through him remission of the sins that were past, Rom: 3:25. he died for the redemption of transgressi­on, that were under the first Testament, Heb: 9:15; the means of the salvation of the Fathers was accom­plished in the dayes of the Gospel: they were a [...]ed before, but the price of this Salvation was paved when Christ died: that is int [...]nded by that expr [...]ssion, Heb. 11:40: God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect.

His Righteousness is also efficacious for all ages af­ter his coming▪ Christ paved for the salvation of those Generations that were not born then: [...]e satisfied for sins that were not then committed: for God has ap­pointed the Gospel to be Preached to the end of the World, Mat 28:19, 20: yea, Christ appointed that his death should be shewed forth in the Lords Supper, unto the day of Judgment, 1 Cor. 11:26: in the Re­demption of Christ, God shewed grace to the ages to come, Eph: 2:7: there will be some saved by Christ in all Ages to the end of the world, Eph: 3:31. the Saints under Antichrist are said to be redeemed by Christ, Revel: 14:6.

The reason of this everlasting efficacy of Christs Righteousness, is from Gods acceptance: God might accept it as well before it was wrought out as after: and it was as easie for Christ to redeem millions of men as one: Christ b [...]ing a Surety the same righte­ousness that will serve for one will serve for all: as it is with the sin of Adam: it is as sufficient to condemn millions as one: and if Christ had been to redeem ma­ny more, he needed not to have done or suffered any thing more: wh [...]t is done by the representative is rec­koned to all them whom he represents.

[Page 58]The last Proposition for the clearing of the Argu­ment, is,

That Christ has so purchased Salvation, that the Elect cannot fail of it: and herein lies one great difference between the first Adam and the second: though the first Adam made us Heirs of death, yet there is a pos­sibility of our escaping destruction: but the second Adam has so made us [...]eirs of life as that it is impos­sible that we should miss thereof: that is intended, Rom. 5:17. If by one mans offence death reigned by one much more they that rec [...]ive abundance of Grace, and of the gift of righteousness shall [...]eign in life by one Jesus Christ: Christs purchase gives us such a title to Sal­vation as that there can be no failure of it, 2 Thes. 2 [...] 16. God has given us [...]verlasting consolation and good hop [...] through Grace: the reason of the difference is, because there was an exception in the Law: that we must dye except our Surety died for us: but the promise of eternal life which Christ has purchased does admit o [...] no exception: the promise made unto Christ does admit of no exception, Psal 72 17. Men shall be bles­sed in him: according to that promise to Jacob, all th [...] Families of the earth should be blessed in his seed, and the promise made unto Believers does admit of no ex­ception: th [...]re are many promises that have a limited interpretation: some are indefinite, and some are conditional, but this promise is absolute and universal [...] Joh. 3.16 God so loved the world that he gave his only be­gotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him might not pe­rish, but might have everlasting life:

Before I leave this Argument, it is needful to an­swer one Objection; which is this:

If Christs Righteousness be that which the Law re­quires of us, then God would deal wit [...] those that have an interest in that, as he would have done if they had [Page 59] performed that righteousness themselves, as he would have done if Adam had kept the covenant of works: bu [...] he don't do thus: the promise in the covenant of works is life, which includes all mann [...]r of felicity: but Believers are far short of [...]elicity, they have much sin remaining in them, are left to fall into many sins, they are liable to very sore and dreadful afflictions, and to death: the promise of the Law is not fulfiled to them, therefore it seems they have not the righteous­ness of the Law.

Ans. 1. These sorrows do not come upon the Peo­ple of God for want of a perfect righteousness, or for want of compleat satisfaction: and this is an evi­dence of it, b [...]cause those sorrows do not come in a way of vindictive justice or vengeance; though they are for the matter of them, the same with the curses of the Law, yet not for the manner: they do not come to satisfie God for sin: those Saints that have the most sin have not always the most sorrow; to be left unto sin is not a curse to the people of God; Hezekiah was left to sin in mercy: 2 Chron: 32.31: It was that he might know what is in his heart: and so their afflictions, Rev. 3.19. Whom I love, I rebuke and chasten, Jer: 24:5: I have sent them into the land of the Chaldeans for their good: Sin opens a door to afflictions, but God brings them in mercy▪ All the wayes of the Lord are mercy and truth to such as keep his covenant and his testimonies, Psal. 25.10.

2. Though Christ has fulfilled the righteousness of the Law for us, yet God [...] not absolutely bound to re­ward the righteousness of Christ just in the same man­ner as he would have done the righteousness of Adam: though the righteousness be the same yet there may be circum [...]tantial differences in the reward: blessed­ness [Page 60] is the reward of righteousness, but there may be some circumstantial parts of the reward that may differ: as it was with the sufferings of Christ he suf­fered not in all things the same that the Elect should have done, but yet he suffered as much: so it is here; Christ has purchased perfect blessedness for us, yet he has not so purchased it, that God is bound to bring us presently and at once into the possession of it: Christ has purchased the good of the covenant of works, viz. blessedness; to be dispensed to us according to the tenor of the covenant of grace, viz. to have it beg [...]n here, and perfected hereafter: therefore he is called The Mediator of the new covenant Heb. 12.24. and his seed is called the blood of the everlasting covenant, Heb. 13.20.

3. There is special reason also why God should not wholly deliver his people from sin and sorrow in this world: the special reason why he leaves them to sin, is to take occasion thereby for the magnifying of his pardoning grace: there are also weighty reasons why he exercises his people here with many sorrows, in particular, that he may vindicate his own hol [...]ness: and that he may carry on the work of Sanctification in them, in a way suitable unto the nature of Man.

[Page 61]


The second Argument, from the Prophe­cies and Types of the Old Testament: the third Argument from God's love in giving his Son to dye for us: the fourth Argument, from the Exaltation of Christ.

Argument, 2.

GOd has foretold in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, that Christ should bring us to Salvation by his righteousness: therefore it is safe ap­pearing b [...]fore God therein.

God has foretold this both in the plain Prophecies that he gave to the ancient Church: and in those Types that he gave them wherein this Truth was re­presented.

[Page 62]1. It was foretold in the Prophecies of the Old Te­stament, God by degrees did reveal much of the way of Salvation unto the Church of Israel, though it fell a­bundantly short of those manifestations which he has given in Gospel times: yet what was then made known serves as a great confirmations of the truth of the Gospel and I shall not insist on such Proph [...]cies▪ as do only hold forth Sal [...]ation by Christ, without revealing the par­ticular way of it: as where it is said, the seed of the wo­man should bruise the serpents head, that in him all the Fami­lies of the earth should be blessed: that he should be a light t [...] the Genti [...]es, and salvation to the ends of the earth: though I might make good the Ar [...]ument from h [...]nce: for our condition was such, that Christ could not save us without working out righteousness for us: but I shall only urge such Prophecies as do hold forth Christs sa­ving of us by his righteousness: of which there are these four sorts.

1. It was foretold that the Church should have their righteousness from Christ, that they should derive their Justification from him, Isai 45.24 Surely shall one say▪ in the Lord Jehovah have I righteousness and strength: righte­ousness of sanctification, but the righteousness of justi­fication: the Church has its sanctification from Christ by infusi [...]n and assistance: and their justification from hi [...] by the imputation of his righteousness: and hene that Name, The Lord our Righteousness is given to Christ▪ Jer 23.6 and the same name is given to the Church▪ Jer. 33.16. both of them in remembrance that the Churh does derive her Righteousn [...]ss from Christ [...] accordingly Christ is said to bring in everlasting Righte­ousness, Dan. 9.24.

[Page 63]2. It was foretold that Christ should dye for our sins, t [...] d [...]ath of Christ wa [...] not onely foretold, but also upon what account it should be▪ [...] Cor. 15.3. Christ dyed for our sins according to the Sc [...]iptures: this we ha [...]e at large set down in Isa. 53, where we may mind:

1 What he suffered: namely, death, b [...]sides ma­ny other calamities: he was brought as a Lamb to the slaughter, ver 7 he was cut off out of the land of the living, ver. 8. God made his sou [...] an offering, vers▪ 10.

2. Vpon what account he suffered: the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all, ver. 6.

3. What benefit redounds to us by his sufferings, by his knowledg: that must not be unders [...]ood subje­ctively, but obj [...]ctively▪ by the knowledg of him, shall my righteous servant justifie many, for he shall bear their iniquities.

3. It was foretold that Chri [...]t should effect our sal [...]ation, by doing that for us, that sacrifice and burnt offering could not do, Psal. 40 6.7, 8. sacrifice and offering thou didst not d [...]si [...]e but mine ears hast thou opened, &c. concerning which Scripture you may observe these things.

1. That the thing that sacrifices could not effect for us, was our reconciliation: there was some ima­gination in men, that sacrifices should make their peace; but God did not accept them upon that ac­count.

2. When he says mine ears hast thou opened, he [Page 64] speaks concerning Christ; this we have the autho [...]rity of the Apostle for, Heb. 10.5.

3. By this phrase, is imported the Obedience an [...] Sufferings of Christ: 'tis thought to be an allusio [...] to the custom of servants, in having their ears bor' [...] the Apostle therefore to the Heb [...]ews, gives the sens [...] of the words, a body hast thou prepared me; that is, in order to the doing and suffering of the Will o [...] God.

4. That hereby he effected that which sacrifice [...] could not, Heb. 10.9. he taketh away the first that h [...] may establish the s [...]cond.

4. It was foretold that Christ should rise from the dead, and that upon that account there is grea [...] ground of hope to his in their death: that we have▪ Psal 16 9, 10. my flesh also shall rest in hope, for tho [...] wil [...] not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffe [...] shine holy one to see corrupti [...]n: where mind, that th [...]s [...] latter expressions were a prophesie of Christs speedy Resurrection from the d [...]ad; thus the Apostle Peter does interpret it, Acts 2.3. he spake of the Resurre­ction of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, nei­ther his flesh did see corruption,

2. That this was a ground of hope: and the Re­surrection of Christ is principally a ground of hope, as it is an argument and evidence that Christ by his death has satisfied the justice of God for our sins,

2. This truth was also foretold in the Types of the Old Testament: God did by many shadows and figures teach the church of Israel this truth: a type is any person, action or thing, appointed by God to [Page 65] signifie or represent some Gospel truths; the types of the Old Testament were instituted of God to sha­dow forth Christ Jesus; they were a shadow of things to come, but the body is of Christ, Col. 2.17. and many of them did particularly represent this truth of our salvation by the Righteousness of Christ: particularly,

1. The sacrifices did teach this truth; the offer­ing up of sacrifice was a principal part of the insti­tuted worship of God of old▪ it was appointed im­mediately upon the [...]all, and the institution thereof renewed at Mount Sinai, and vin [...]icat [...]d fro [...] many corruptions, wherewith man had d [...]prav [...]d them, and although there were some other particular int [...]nd­ment of some of them, yet the g [...]neral end of them all was to make atton [...]m [...]nt, and procure the remis­sion of sin, Lev. 1.4. the design of them was to pro­cure the remission of sin, without shed [...]ing of blood is no remission, Heb 9.22. and therefore it was their manner to confess their sins when they brought their sacrifice, Lev. 5.5. the sacrifice was slain instead of the sinner, Gen, 22.13. and in those sacrifices God is said to smell a savour of rest, Gen. 8.21. the of­ferings are often called a sweet [...]: and these sacrifices did shadow forth the satisfa [...]on that Jesus Christ was to make for our sins; [...] great end of them was to lead the Church into a dependence up­on the sacrifice of Christ▪ to shadow forth to them how acceptable and pl [...]asing that would be unto God. These legal sacrifices could not make real, but onely typical satisfaction; they were not a proportionable price to ransome mens souls by; the Apostle tells us, it was not possible that they should take away sins, Heb. 10.4. the design of them was to be types of the satisfaction that was to be made by the death of [Page 66] Christ: in those sacrifices were shadowed forth th [...] Chri [...]t J [...]sus was to b [...] put to death: for the sacr [...]fices were slain, that he was to be slain upon t [...] account of our sins; so the sacrifices were that [...] was to suffer the wrath of God, as the sacrifice [...] were burnt up with fire from heaven: that th [...] death of Christ was an effectual means to reconc [...] us unto God: that these sacrifices were types [...] Christ making atonement is clear [...] b [...]cause Christ [...] often called a sacrifice, Eph. 5.2. and said to offer [...] himself, Heb 9 26.

Hence also he is called, The Lamb slain from [...] foundation of the world, Rev. 13.8. it is clear als [...] because upon his death the sacrifices of the Law were to cease: those Laws are now abolished: no [...] there is no use of those sacrifices, the offerings [...] Christ were the accomplishment of what was typi [...] ­ed of old: Heb 13.12, 13.

2. The Passover or Paschal Lamb did also hol [...] forth this truth: and teach the efficacy of the deat [...] of Christ for our salvation: by this ordinance of th [...] Passover, the Paschal Lamb was to be slain, and th [...] blood thereof to be sprinkled upon the li [...]tel an [...] posts of the door: and there withal many other ce­remonies were to be attended: the immediate de­sign of this in the first celebration of it was to be [...] means to procure the destroying ang [...]ls passing ove [...] the houses of the Israelites, in the after celebratio [...] of it, it was to be a commemoration of this mercy and in conjunction with the feast of the Passover it was also a commemoration of the delivering [...] Israel out of Egypt: but the principal and ultima [...] design of it was to teach them, their deliveran [...] from eternal destruction, and their spiritual rede [...]ption [Page 67] by Jesus Christ: the efficacy of the blood of Christ for our salvation is herein held forth: this appears,

1. Because the deliverance out of Egypt was a type of our spiritual and eternal deliverance: and therefore it is made the preface to the ten Com­mandments, Exod, 20.2. we are not concerned in that argument any further, than as it shadows forth spiritual redemption: they were delivered out of Egypt, that they might be brought into Canaan, which was a type of Heaven.

2. Jesus Christ is called our passover, 1 Cor. 5.7. Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us, he is called a Passover because in him was fulfilled what was sha­dowed by the Passover.

3. Christs blood is called the blood of sprinkling, Heb. 12, 24. 1 Pet. 1.2. this was not a peculiar re­ference to the passover: for the blood of the sacri­fices also was sprinkled: but it has a joint reference to the blood of the sacrifices and the passover.

4. The Evangelist John when he relates how the souldiers did not break the legs of Christ, as they did of those that were crucified with him, takes notice of it as the accomplishment of a prophecy: Joh. 19.36. for these things were done that the Scriptures should be fulfilled, a bone of him shall not be broken: but we find no prophecy that way in the Scripture: onely this, that they were enjoined not to break a bone of [...] Paschal Lamb, Exod. 12.46. Numb. 19.12. where­ [...] God taught them that passage that at Christs suf­ [...]erings not a bone of him should be broken.

[Page 68]3. The purifyings and washings under the Law [...] held forth this truth: by those washings and sprin­kling their ceremonial uncleanesses were purged a­way, Lev 14.9. Numb 31.2 [...]. by this was held forth the purification of the soul by the blood of Jesu [...] Christ, Heb, 9.13 14. for if the blood of bulls [...] goats, and the ashes of an Heifer, sprinkling the unclea [...] sanctifyeth to the purifying of the flesh: how much mo [...] shall the blood of Christ purge our consciences: Davi [...] has reference to these purifyings, when he says, purg [...] me with hysop, and I shall be clean, Psal. 51.7. and hence it is that we have such expressions in the Pro­ph [...]ts; he shall sprinkle many Nations ▪ Isa. 52.15. will sprinkle clean water upon you, and you shall be clea [...] ▪ Ezek. 36.25, hence also it is said of them, Rev. 7.14▪ They had washed their R [...]bes, and made them white in th [...] blood of the Lamb.

4. The freedom of the manslayer at the death of th [...] High-priest, holds out the same truth; he that casu­ally slew a man, was to abide in the city of refuge▪ till the death of the High-priest, and then was to return to his own city, Numb. 35.25. Joshua 20.6. that was to signifie to them that spiritual liberty, that is proved for us by the death of Christ: Christ Jesus is our High-priest, Heb. 3.1. Heb 7.26. and by his death has wrought out deliverance for us, Zech. 9. [...]1. as for thee also by the blood of the covenant, I have sen [...] forth the prisoners out of the pit wherein there is no wa­ter.

5. The brazen serpent was a type of this: the brazen serpent was lifted up in the wilderness, that they that were stung with the flying fiery serpent might look upon it; and be healed, Numb. 21.8, 9. this did shadow forth the healing vertue of Christ crucified, the application of the type is made by Christ himself, [Page 69] John 3.14, 15. as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wil­derness, so must the Son of man be lifted up, tha [...] whosoe­ver believeth in him, might not perish, but have everlas­ting life: mind,

1: A similitude between the condition of him that was stung, and the sinner: the venome of the serpent was very tormenting, and that may be one reason why the serpents are called fiery, because this poyson burnt like fire: thus it is with the guilty sinner, his heart is full of perplexing sorrow, and he is tormen­ted with the fiery darts of the Evil One.

2. There is a similitude between the lifting up of [...]he brazen serpent: and the manner of Christs death: [...]herefore his death is set forth by that phrase of being lifted up: that phrase notes his sufferings, Joh. 8.28. when ye have lift up the Son of man, then ye shall know that I am he; John 12.32, 33. and if I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto me; this be said signifying what death he should dye.

3. There is a similitude between the carriage of him that was stung, and the guilty▪ sinner; he that was stung, must look upon the brazen serpent: the guilty sinner must behold this Lamb of God with an eye of faith: believe in him, and he shall be saved.

6. The Manna and the watter out of the rock, held forth this truth: they were [...] with Manna for for­ty years; and the water out of the Rock followed them almost so long: whereby God represented unto them the nourishing vertue of Christ crucified, and therefore the Apostle calls the Manna, spiritual meat, and the water of the rock, spiritual drink, and not onely so, but he calls them the same spiritual meat, [Page 70] and drink: that is the same which we partake of u [...] ­der the Gospel▪ 1 or 23.3, 4. and Christ sayes tha [...] it is his flesh that is the true spiritual meat, and hi [...] blood that is the true spiritual drink, John 6.55. [...] flesh is meat indeed and my blood is drink indeed; an [...] C [...]rist Jesus teaches the Jews that he is the [...] that came down from heaven, [...] 5.49, 50. your F [...]thers did take Manna in the [...]erness, and are de [...] This is the bread that com [...]th down from heaven, th [...] a man may eat whereof and not dye.

7. The white garments of the Priests, and the beau [...]tiful garments of the High-Priest hold forth th [...] Truth: whereby is taught that comliness in the sigh [...] of God, that does arise from the righteousness [...] Christ: this is evident from the interpretation give Zech. 3.4. take away the filthy garments from him, an [...] unto him he said, I have caused thine iniquity to pass [...] way, and thou shalt be cloathed with change of [...] the taking away of filthy garments notes the taki [...] away o [...] iniquity: therefore the cloathing wit [...] change of raiment, not [...]s the putting on of the rob [...] of Christs Righteousness: so the Righteousness [...] Christ is set forth by white raiment, Rev. 3.18:

God sets forth the efficacy of Christs righteous [...]ness by these various types: that the Church of [...] might be well principled in this doctrine: God wa [...] leading of them into an under [...]tanding of this way o [...] salvation: directing of them to look for salvatio [...] only through the sufferings and obedience of Jesu [...] Christ: the various representations whereof was o [...] great use to beget faith in such as understood th [...] meaning thereof, and were a great evidence of tha [...] delight which God took in the righteousness which Christ was to fulfil in the fulness of time.

[Page 71] Argument 3.

Because God has had such love to sinners as to send his Son to dye, that they might be reconciled unto him: therefore there is no question to be made of it, but he will bestow salvation on all those that have an interest in the death of Christ: this is the Apos [...]les argument, Rom. 5▪ 8, 9. but God com­mendeth his love towards us, in that whi [...]e we were ye [...] sinners. Christ dyed for us, much more being now justifi­ed by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath by him ▪ and in the next verse, he repeats the argument in other terms: for if when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son; much more being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life: the mea­ning of the argument is, that if God had so much love to us, as to send his Son to purchase our recon­ciliation, when we were Offenders, then certainly being brought into a state of reconciliation by Christ we shall be saved by him.

In opening this argument, we shall consider,

First the foundation that he builds it upon, and then the force of the consequence.

1. The foundation that he builds this argument on is, That God had such love to sinners, as to send his Son to dye for them: this was an act of wonderful love: it was great love in Christ to come to dye, and great love in the Father to send him to dye: this was more than man could hope for when he had sinned, [...]t was quite beyond his expectation; this was such compassion as could enter into the heart of none but▪ God himself to contrive: if the thoughts of holy [Page 72] Angels had been asked, they would have thought it too great a mercy to have been bestowed on sinful man: they were wonderfully affected with it when it came to pass, Luke 2 [...] 13, 14. there suddenly was with the angels a great multitude of the Heavenly Host, praising God and saying, glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace and good will towards man: indeed in this affair, God acted principally from a love to his own glory, that he might in this way manifest that myst [...]ry of the Trinity, and his glorious attributes yet this does not derogate from the greatness of Gods love in sending his Son to dye: mans corrupt reason is ready to entertain diminitive thoughts of the [...] compassions of God in this thing: sometimes the [...] heart reasons that God did it for his own glory, but he could have glorified himself in mans ruine: or he might have glorified his grace towards the An­gels that fell, and not towards man: and certainly if God did it for his glory, men do very ill to enter­tain any thoughts that do diminish from the glory of God: sometimes the heart reasons, that it would have been hard measure for God to have left man­kind to have peris [...]d without providing a way of salvation: seeing we came sinners into the world, but it was upon no such account that God did it, he was not conscious of any wrong in his dealings to man: his dispensation towards mankind in punish­ing of them with the loss of his image for their sin in Adam, and in imputing the sin of Adam, is equal and righteous, Rom. 3.23. all have sinned and com [...] short of the glory of God: men likewise reason some­times against the riches of Gods grace in this thing from hence that sin don't hurt God; but though i [...] don't hurt him, yet it wrongs him, if a man should revile his Prince, it may be it would not hurt him, he should throw stones at him, as Shimei did at D [...]vid, [Page 73] yet he might not hurt him, but he would wrong him greatly; so sin is a great wrong unto God, Psal. 51.4. against thee, the [...] only have I sinned; and it is wonderful love for God to give his Son to dye for us John 3.16. so God loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, &c.

I shall pass by other considerations, to help to shew the greatness of his love, and onely select those five that serve to enforce the argument that lies before us.

1. It was great love that God should send his son to endure such sore sufferings for us; it was much that God should condescend upon any account that his Son should undergo such sufferings: it was a great thing that God should be willing that Christ should be brought into such a condition, when we consider the glorious excellency of his person, and the dear love of the Father to him, it may well be admired by us that God should find in his heart to put him upon such sufferings: we may well conclude that those persons for whose sakes all this was, were great­ly beloved of God, that the heart of God was migh­tily concerned in their good: it was a great thing for the glorious Son of God to suffer any thing, much more to bear what he did: his suffering was very great, he was a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief, Isa. 53.4.

1. He suffered much pain, though many men have endured more, yet it was a great deal that the Son of God endured: especially when he was cru­elly scourged, and after that crucified; that manner of death was exquisitely painful, Psal. 22 16. they pierced my hands and my feeet: the nailing of his bo­dy [Page 74] to the cross, and the weight of his body being born by those wounded parts for so many hours, could not be without exquisite pain: he expresses it by his bones being out of joint, Psal. 22.14▪ it must needs be a terrible torture, because persons that were crucified, was not wont to be very long in that condition before they dyed. The suddenness of their death could not be from the meer effusion of blood, but the exquisiteness of their pain contribu­ted much to it.

2. He suffered much disgrace, he endured all manner of indignities from men: he of whom God said, let all the Angels of God worship him; sub­jected himself to great contempt: they flouted a [...] him, mocked him, made themselves sport in abusing him, spit on him; yea, the punishment that wer [...] inflicted on him were very disgraceful, such as wer [...] wont to be inflicted on the basest of men: the deat [...] of the cross was a shameful death; his enemies stu­died to render him vile and contemptible; the Hea­thens were wont afterwards to upbraid the christi­ans with their crucified God.

3. He suffered much inward trouble, not onely from the sence he had of his outward troubles, and from the temptations of the Devil, but also from Gods withdrawing the sence of his favour, & putting into him the sence of his wrath: the fiery wrath o [...] God typified by that fire from heaven that consume [...] the sacrifices, took hold of him: as believers have great inward peace of conscience arising from hi [...] righteousness: so had he great inward sorrow ari­sing from the guilt of our sins, he tells his Disciples that his soul was very sorrowfu [...] and very heavy, ev [...] unto death, Mat. 26.28. and as this was the occasion [...] [Page 75] his sweating great drops of blood, so probably of his suddain death: he dyed before the others that were crucified with him, of which it is hard to assign any other reason than this, that the sence of Gods wrath much hastened his death, as God tells Moses, that no man can see his face and live [...] that is the sight of Gods love and glory as the Saints see it in heaven, is such that the nature of man in this state of mortality can­not b [...]ar it: it would kill him to have such a sight: so there is a parity of reason that the sence of Gods wrath in the extremity of it, is too much for mor­tal man to bear, and was the thing that hastened the death of Christ.

4. He suffered a state of death, and he continued in a state of death for some time; his body and soul were rent asunder: which state is contrary unto na­ture: the union of body and soul was dissolved, and his body left for a time stark dead, and his soul in a preternatural estate of separation, a state which na­ture does abhorr; exceeding contrary to the instinct▪ and inclination of nature.

2. It was great love for God to send his son to dye for us, when we had grievously offended him: for we were looked upon under that consideration, when▪ God sent his Son to dye for our salvation: 'tis true [...] that at that time some of the Elect were in heaven▪ wholly saved from the guilt and pollution of sin [...] others of them were not then born, and so were un­capable of being actual offenders at that time, but we were looked upon in that action as offenders, for the sins of the Elect that were in heaven were not at that time satisfied for, their debt was not paid.

And God certainly knew that the Elect that were [Page 76] to be born, would be Offenders; Christ when he di­ed, died for Transgressors, Isa 53.6. all we like s [...]d have gone astray, and the Lord hath laid on him the ini­quity of us all: for God to take such care of the sal­vation of man that had abused him, and provoked him, is a great manifestation of love: had we never angred him, nor given him any occasion against us, much more had we done much for him, it would not have be [...] so strange to see him laying out him­self to the utmost for our salvation: but to see him in such a wonderful way working about the salvati­on of those that had greatly offended him, and given cause of trouble, with whom he was grievously, in­censed, must make us to say, hence is unparalled love: those for whom God has done this, have been great Offenders: This appears by these three things.

1. They are guilty of innumerable transgressions the sins of the Elect are beyond their account: they are more than the hairs of their heads, Psal. 40.12. sin is flowing from them as water from a fountain; their lives are filled with sin, besides the sin they commited in Adam, there is the sin of their nature, which is a standing provocation, which by its remai­ning in the soul, brings new guilt every minute; besides what it does by the influence that it has into actual transgressions: while they continue in their natural condition, all their moral actions are sins: be­sides those actions which for the matter of them are sinful, which are many; the rest are sinful for the manner, and after conversion there is sin in all their actions: there is abundance of iniquity, that every elect vessel that grows up to years is guilty of.

2. That every sin is a great wrong unto God, si [...] is an horrible injury unto God, sin is rebellious a­gainst [Page 77] God: sinning is the casting off of the yoke of God, sinning is an insurrection of the soul against God, Luke 10.14. in sin there is also great contempt cast upon God, sin is a villifying and slighting of God: men expose the name of God to scorn by sin­ning against him, Rom▪ 2.23. sin is also enmity a­gainst him, in all obedience there is love, in all dis­obedience there is hatred. Sinners strike at God when they sin, John 15.24. God is gr [...]tly wrong­ed by all sin, and the sins of the p [...]ople of God have many of them particular aggravations that do great­ly increase the offence.

3 That every man is the proper cause of his own sin, and the guilt of it does properly belong to him, the carnal reason of [...] is casting in many objection [...] from the de­cree of God, from the withdrawing of divine assistance; and from the corruption of nature; but the Scripture does allow none of th [...]se objections, but fastens the guilt of sin upon him that does transgress the Law, and blames [...]en for their iniquities: and men lay not wright on these cavils, so as to excuse others that are injurious unto them, and there is this reason for it, because men act voluntarily in their transgressions, they are not forced to sin but choose it.

3. It was great love for God to give his Son to dye for our salvation, when he might justly have damned us: when it was a righteous thing for him to have ruined us, when he had us in his hands, and might have cast us off for ever: his proceedings would not have been unjust, he had done us no wrong, there had been no cruelty in it, if he had thrown us into hell, he would not any ways have trespassed upon any rule of righteousness: but onely [...]aye done that which was fair and equal, no impu­tation [Page 78] of injustice could have been cast on him, he had no ways blemished his name, nor stained his glory: his proceedings must have been justified, and he would by our ruine have gained glory to his justice: in this time to take care of our salvation, speaks more free love: if God could not fairly have done any other without staining his own name, there would not have been any such evidence of love, but the glory of his justice, would have remained entire to him if we had perished; he sent his Son to dye for our salvation: when he might with honour have cast us off, when there was no tye upon him to do any such thing, but he might fairly have damned us.

This is evident,

1. From the proceedings of God: God is a righ­teous God, it is impossible that he should vary one hairs breadth from the rule of righteousness: Th [...] Judge of all the world will do ri [...]ht, gen. 18.25. and his proceedings are such as do justifie the casting off of sinful man: the constitution of the law does give in evidence of it: if the law had been [...]njust, i [...] had been an unrighteous thing to make it as well as execute it: and indeed God has not onely made it, but executed it: he has executed it upon the angels that sinned: he has cast them down to hell, 1 Pet. 2.2, 4. and he does execute it upon multitudes of men in all ages, multitudes perish according to this law: yea he has executed the law upon his Son Christ Jesus: Christ has bore the curse for us, gal. 3.13. and had it not been just God would not have inflicted it, had it not been just, Christ would not have subjected himself unto it.

2. From the acknowledgment and testimony of conscience, though there be abundance of cavils in [Page 79] the heart of man against this, yet when they come to be throughly inlightned, they witness to the just­ice of this proceeding: many mens consciences have been silenced from objecting any thing against this: many have been so convinced after all their arguings that they have been speechless as he Mat 12.12. they have fallen down at Gods foot and yielded themselves to be justly miserable: that whatever become of them, they had nothing to accuse God of, Psal. 51.4. all men must first or last own this, and yield themselves guilty, Rom. 3.19:

3. From the nature of Sin: sin is an injury unto God; the spirit of sin is to destroy God, Psal. 14.1. and [...] this when m [...]n sin, they break that Law, which has threatnings of ruine annexed unto it, and run upon the point of the sword, and cast themselves into the jaws of death, Ezek. [...]3, 11.

4 It was great love, for God to give his Son to dye for our Salvation, in this respect that he did [...]t, nor ha­ving received, nor ever expecting to receive satisfa­ction for the mercy: our salvation is principally from the grace of God: but that has been paid for; but the sending of Christ to die for sinners is meerly from the grace of God, and has never been paid for, nor ever will: Justification, Adoption, Sanctification, and eter­nal glory have been purchased: but the sending of Christ into the world to die was never purchased, God never received any recompence for this mercy, he never had any satisfaction for this mercy, 1 Joh 4.10. He loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins: the method and order of working about our sal­vation is this:

[Page 80]1. Free and gracious Election, which is the first cause of Redemption and Salvation, and an effect of neither of them.

2. Redemption which is the effect of El [...]ction, and cause of Salvation.

3. Salvation both in the beginnings of it here is holiness, and spiritual [...]omfort, and in the perfection of it hereafter, which is the effect both of Election and Redemption: so that that though Salvation be payed for, yet Gods sending of his Son to dye for us was a meer fruit of electing grace, and never payed for:

And there are two Reasons of this:

1 This was too great a mercy to be payed for: our Salvation was an exceeding great mercy, but not too great to be purchased: but this was; a Mediator could not be purchased; this mercy was not too great to be given, but it was too great to be purchased: we might more easily have purchased our Redemption than our Redeemer: neither did Christ purchase this mercy for us: Christ did not buy his own Office [...] what price could be laid down to satisfie God for such an unspeakable gift.

2. This mercy might be bestowed upon us without being purchased, God had so bound himself by his Law that m [...]n could not be saved without satisfaction, that mercy must be purchased; but God had not so bound himself by his Law, but that it was free for him to send his Son to dye, without receiving any satisfaction for this mercy; God had tied his own hands so, that sin­ners could not be saved without satisfaction: his faith­fulness bound him to stand upon that: but God was at liberty to send a Mediator if he pleased: his own [Page 81] gracious nature was such that he could do it without any purchase, and he had not restrained himself by his word.

5. It was great love for God to send his Son to dye for mans salvation, when he would have been no looser if man had not been saved, if the case had been so circumstanced that God would have suffered much loss if men had fai [...]ed of salvation: there had then been a kind of necessity laid upon God to have sent his Son to dye in order to it: but God bestow'd this mercy upon us, when it would have been no less unto him if we had perished.

This may be cleared up by these Considerations:

1. This mercy of giving Christ to dye for us, was the first thing wherein God layed out himself for our salvation: when a person has layed out himself much, and been at great expence for the accomplish­ing of a design, tis a disappointment to fail of it: and his expence is thereby many times lost: but God had not been before this at any expence for mans salvation: this was the first thing wherein God layed out him self for our salvation: with respect to us who live in these latter dayes; the death of Christ was actually before any other endeavours for our salvation: and with re­spect to those Elect that lived before the coming of Christ, his death was vertually b [...]fore any other expence for their salvation, Rev 3.8.

2. If God had not sent his Son to dye, yet he need­ed not to have lost the glory of his laying out of his wisdom, power and goodness in mans Creation: what he had expended that way would not have been lost: but he would have recovered his glory in mans ruine, Prov. 16.4.

[Page 82]3. God could have found other wayes to have glori­fied his grace: though God was under no n [...]cessity of having any declarative glory: neither does he glorifie hims [...]lf ad ultimum vi [...]ium, to the utmost of his power [...] yet it does please him to glorifie his Attributes; and he might have honoured his mercy in the salvation of fallen Angels; they were capable of Sal [...]ation, and i [...] would have been a wonderful exalting of Gods grac [...] to have saved them.

2. The next thing to be observed is, the force of the Apostles consequence; he argues from Gods love in sending Christ to dye for us, the certain salvation of those that are reconciled by his death: and there is no scruple to be made of their salvation, though they have man enemies that seek their ruine, though they have much sin remaining in them, and have been many way [...] failing of walking up to that exactness which God re­quires: all those that Christ died for, and are first or last instructed in his death, shall be saved by him.

1. If God had so great love as to send his Son to b [...]ar such great sufferings to purchase our salvation: then he will not fail to do what ever else is necessary for our salvation: he will not stick to do what is else to be done for the compleating of our salvation: he that has done the greater will do the less; if love overcame the difficulty that was in the way of our re­demption it will also overcome whatever difficulty is in the way of the application of redemption: it is un­reasonable to think that God should have love enough to send his Son, to do that which can't be done with­out pain, and sorrow, and death, and not have love enough to do that which he can do with the speaking of a word: the great difficulty in the way of our sal­vation, was the purchasing of it: there was wrath to [Page 83] be born, a curse to be endured; but love broke through that difficulty, the rest that remains is easie to God: the mortification of sin, the quickening of grace, the repelling of temptation, and giving the actual posses­sion of glory, may be effected by God without any dif­ficulty, and therefore he won't stick at that, Rom. 9.32. If God spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall be not with him also freely give us all things: it is true that God does but by little and little carry on in us the work of sanctification: but the rea­son of that is not that it is any wayes difficult unto him: but because that suits the design that is upon his heart: neither is it from any unwillingness to help us: but because his design is to carry on the work of sanctification, so that we shall have continually need of justification: we find it difficult to do our part in or [...]er to our salvation, but it is not difficult to God to do his part: God carries on the work without difficul­ty, yet so that we shall find difficulty: as a Parent with ease helps the child to go, yet so that the Child finds difficulty to go: it is no burden to God to uphold Grace: he that upholds the frame of nature with the word of his power, can easily uphold grace: what ever stands as an i [...]ediment in the way of our salvation, may be removed by God without any trouble: God puts forth thousands of acts of omnipotency to effect things that are less upon his heart, than the salvation of those that he has redeemed▪ and it is no pain nor weariness unto God to be daily carrying on the work of our salvation: the opposition that is made to it is nothing to omnipotency, Isai. 40.28. The Creator of the ends of the earth fainteth not, neither is weary.

2. If God had such love to us as to send his Son to dye for us, when we had grievously offended him: he will now he is reconciled do what remains in order [Page 84] to our salvation: when provocations lay in the way, yet he drove on this design of our salvation, therefore he will do it much more, now those provocations are re­moved: when he looked upon us as offenders he did much in order to our blessedness; therefore now he looks upon us as friends, he will not think much to ef­fect what remains: if he was not willing that we should dye, when we were guilty sinners, he will not be willing that we should dye now our guilt is removed▪ when he was angry he spared no cost for our salvation▪ we may be sure then he will not now he is pacified▪ now there is no obstruction in the way of Gods love to hinder the course thereof: Justice is now sati [...]fied [...] Gods anger is done away by Christ: the sacrifice of Christ has pleased God, Eph. 5.2. Christ Jesus ha [...] wrought out full reconciliation for us, Col. 1.20. God anger is turned away through the mediation of Christ: God has satisfied himself to his own content for the wrongs that they have done him, so that there is no offence to lye as a Bar in the way of their Salvation.

3. If God had so much love as to give his Son to dye for our salvation, when he might justly have damned us, surely he will save us when he ca [...]t justly damn us, but is bound in justice to save us: when he might righteously have destroyed us, he put himself to great cost for our salvation: then he will not break rules of righteousness to d [...]stroy us: God that would not take the opportunity to destroy us when we were in his hands, and he might fairly have done it, will not now destroy us, when he himself has brought us into such a condition, that he cannot righteously do it: God now stands bound unto Jesus Christ: Jesus Christ has suffered the Law, and therefore God is bound to save all those that Christ died for: upon what account should they fear that God will damn them? not upon [Page 85] account of their sins; they have been fully punished, already: as it was an act of justice in God to punish Christ upon the account of imputed sin, so it is an act of Justice to save those that have an interest in Christ on the account of imputed righteousness: Justice re­quires that they that are righteous, whether by per­sonal obedience or imputed righteousness should have life: Christ has paid a ransome for us, Mat 20.28. and therefore we must in justice be set fr [...]e.

4. If God had such love as to send Christ to dye for us, which mercy he was never satisfied for: surely he will do what else is requisite for our salvation, be­ing fully satisfied for that: it would be strange if God that has done such a thing as to give us his Son to dye out of meer grace without any recompence; should deny other things to us needful to compleat our sal­vation which he has taken satisfaction and recompence for: he that had such a dear love for us to do that which could not be payed for without any price: will do the rest seeing he has received the price of it: God has taken a price for our justification, sanctification and salvation, Tit. 2.14. Eph, 1.14. all covenant bles­sings are purchased.

5. God that had such love as to send his Son to dye for our Salvation, when he would have been no loser if we had not been saved: he will compleat our sal­vation, seeing if he do it not now, he would be a loser: he would lose this cost that he has been at for our sal­vation: if he should suffer those to perish that Christ died for, then the death of Christ would be in vain▪ time was he might have let sinners have perished and have lost nothing by it; but now if he should let them perish that Christ died for, he would lose the glory of that undertaking: he would dishonour himself; he [Page 86] has laid a foundation with great cost, if he should [...] finish his work, his expenses would be lost, and Chri [...] death would be in vain: but without doubt God tha [...] has gone so far in this work, and has expended trea­sure of mercy in order to it, will yet lay out wha [...] ever sha [...]l be further requisite for the compleating of it.

Argument 4.

From the Exaltation of Christ: because Christ wh [...] was our surety is exalted by God; it is safe for us t [...] appear before God in his righteousness.

Jesus Christ was a surety for us, Heb. 7.22. Jesus was a surety of a better Testament: Jesus Christ was our undertaker, stood bound to satisfie our debt, and to satisfie the justice of God for the wrongs that we had done unto him: and therefore he was made a curse for us, Gal. 3.13 our guilt was translated unto him: God laid on him the iniquities of us all, Isai. 53.6. and the punishment that was inflicted on him was proper­ly our punishment, Surely he hath bore our grief and carried our sorrow, Isai. [...]3.4. it was that punishment that firstly did belong unto us: he suffered upon the account of his publick Office and undertaking: as Mediator he gave himself a ransom for us.

And Jesus Christ, who was our Surety, after he had suffered for sinners was gloriously exalted by God: God has advanced him unto an estate of glory: this exaltation of Christ does consist in three degrees.

First, His resurrection from the dead: this has been confirmed from the testimony of Angels, those holy creatures which would not deceive us, Mar. 16.6. Luk 24.4, 5, 6. from the testimony of his friends, who [Page 87] were well acquainted with him, and could not easi­ly be deceived, Acts 2.32. Acts 10.40, 41: from the testimony of adversaries, men who would have been glad if it had been otherwise, men that were under no temptation to lye for Christ, Mat. 28.11. and this was according to the predict [...]ons of the Old Testament, 1 Cor. 15.4 God put his soul into him again, and brought him out of the Sepulchre, this was accomplished on the third day after his death: this time of his Resurrection was foretold of old, and that in sundry places, Luke 24.34, 5, 6. it was foretold in the books of Moses, Gen. 22.24. compa­red with Heb. 11.19. in the Prophets, namely in Jonah 12. Mat. 40. in the Psalms, Psal. 16.10. com­pared with Acts 2.31.

Secondly, His ascending into heaven, his soul had been in heaven at the time of his death, but forty days after his resurrection, when he had confirmed his disciples in the truth of his resurrection, and in­structed them in other things pertaining to the king­dom of God, his whole humane nature was taken into heaven: he is said to ascend above all heavens, Eph. 4.10. that is, into that heaven that is above the airy and starry heavens.

Thirdly, his sitting down at the right-hand of God, Heb. 3. this phrase denotes glory, it is a metaphor taken from Monarchs: to sit at the right-hand of the Prince, is to set in the second place of dignity; the throne being the highest, the Lord Jesus is ad­vanced unto greater glory in heaven as he is man, then any angel in heaven: in special, besides other particulars, in having the administration and govern­ment of all things in his hands.

[Page 88]This Exaltation of Christ is a clear evidence of Gods accepting that sacrifice that he offered up for us: and being fully satisfied for our sins by the suf­ferings of Jesus Christ:

And there are three things therein, that serve to convince us hereof.

1. By Christs Exaltation, he is delivered from that suffering estate which our sins brought him in­to: he is hereby set free from that state of humi­liation, which he was in for our sins: vengeance had taken hold of Christ as our surety, the justice of God seized him, he was apprehended as one liable to the Law, and God took vengeance on him, and poured out wrath on him; but now by his Exal­tation, he is [...]et at liberty: Justice has dismissed him, God has done exacting any more punishment on him, which is a clear evidence that he is wholly dischar­ged of that guilt that was upon him: Christ subje­cted himself to the wrath of God, and God punished him as much as he pleased, Christ bore the curse, till God said it was enough, In his resurrection God opened the prison door, and let him out; God sent an Officer to deliver him from his grave, Mat. 28.2. The angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door. Gods de­livering of Christ, evidenceth the satisfaction that he has received by his sufferings: if Christ were not risen, it would be an argument that sins were not satisfied for, 1 Cor. 15.17. If Christ be not risen, your faith is vain, ye are yet in your sins: but his resurrecti­on shews, that Gods demands are answered; and therefore when Christ was raised from the dead, he is said to be justified: God gave him a legal acquit­tance [Page 89] and discharge from that guilt which he had ta­ken upon him, 1 Tim. 3.16. God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the spirit, the Apostle Peter expresses it thus: he was quickned in the spirit, 1 Pet: 3 18: so that when he was quickned, he was justified, Christ could never have been delivered out of the hands of Justice, if he had not paid the uttermost farthing. Hence we are said to have a lively hope by the resur­rection of Christ, 1 Pet. 1.3 God has begotten its a­gain to a lively hope by the resurrection of Christ from the dead: this consideration is a means by Gods bles­sing to beget a lively hope in us: the ground of our hope is the resurrection of Christ; it might better be rendred a living hope: the same word is ren­dred living, 1 Pet 2:4 this is such an hope as will abide and continue, the hope that is built upon the foundation, will never fail; other hopes may dye a­way, but this is a living hope, a parallel Scripture to this is, 1 Pet. 3 [...] 18. we have the answer of a good conscience towards God by the resurrection of Jesus Christ: a well-informed conscience is satisfied with this: when a mans conscience accuses him of sins, they are manifest, and he can't deny them, heinous and he can't excuse them: yet this silences those accusations that Christ is risen.

Conscience sees in the resurrection of Christ, the satisfactoriness of his sufferings, and has peace on that account that the debt is paid; and upon the same account it is that Paul attributes power to the resur­rection of Christ, Phil: 3.10. that I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, when God sets this consideration home upon the heart, it has a mighty comforting power: this will raise up a drooping spi­rit: when a man is distressed indeed with the guilt of sin, the world has no power to comfort him, his [Page 90] pri [...]iledge cannot, his duties cannot, but this thing set [...]ome, has power to case his heart, refresh his soul, silence his conscience: the sence of this brings great comfort to a christian, and the Apostle menti­ons this consideration as the security of christians a­gainst condemnation; and as that which adds further encouragement to that which rises from his death, Rom 8.34, Who is be that condemneth, it is Christ that dyed, yea rather is risen again.

2. By Christs Exaltation, he is rewarded for his sufferings: God presently upon his sufferings took him up into heaven, and bountifully rewarded him for his undertaking: some seem loth to grant that Christ did merit for himself, but there is no danger in affirming that according to compact, God did glo­riously recompence Christ for his Obedience and suf­ferings for us; the primary design of Christs under­taking, was to merit for us: but it was every way suitable, that this service of his should be rewarded, 2 Phil. 8.9. he humbled himself, and became obedient to death, the death of the cross, wherefore also God hath highly exalted him: God took wonderful contentment in it, that Christ would lay down his life for us; that is the intendment of that expression, therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, Joh [...] 10.17. God did highly approve of it, and took a complacency in it, and in Christ by reason of it: and manifested his approbation by rewarding it: Christ [...] has a glorious reward in heaven: and this is an evi­dence that he has gone thorow his undertaking: that he has not failed in the work that God committed to him.

If Christ had failed of righteousness, not only [...] but he also would have failed of glory: Christs [...] [Page 91] had a dependance upon his working out of perfect righteousness as well as ours: his happiness and ours were imbarked together: if he had not run the race, he had not been crowned, if he had not been a conquerer, he had not received the prize: if he had sunk under the work, and not compleated our redemption, God would not have bestowed this re­ward upon him; but since he has received a glorious reward, we may conclude he has done his work, and performed the Office of a surety: this argument the spirit of God makes use of: John 16.8, 9, 10. the comforter will convince of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more: the way whereby Christ came to sit down on the right-hand of the majesty on high, was the purging of our sins with his blood, Heb. 1.3. the thing whereby Christ came to be ad­mitted into the holy place, Was the obtaining of eternal redemption for us, Heb 9.12.

The way that he came to partake of that privi­ledge of sitting down with his Father on his throne, was the overcoming the difficulties of the work which he undertook, Rev. 3.20.

3. By his Exaltation. he has the administration of things put into his hands, that he may bestow upon sinners that sal [...]ation, in order to which he suffered: that he may put him into the possession of that glo­ry which was the end of his undertaking: it is true, that Jesus Christ entred upon his Kingly power and Office, as well as his other Offices from the first publishing of the covenant of grace, upon the fall of man: and Jesus Christ did in all ages execute that Office, in governing the world, and bestowing salva­tion on the Elect: but the Scriptures do plainly set forth that Christ has some particular administration [Page 92] put into his hands, since his sufferings, Eph. 1.2 [...].1.2. since his resurrection, God has put all things under his f [...]et, Phil 2.9. speaking of the same time, he says God has given him a [...]me above every name, Rev. 1.38 I am he that liveth, and was dead, and behold I am alive for evermore, Am [...]n. and have the keys of hell and death: the meaning of these Scriptures is that since the Exaltation of Christ, the Administrations of things is in the hands of the man Christ Jesus, the manage­ment of things is carried on by Christ as man: the God-head is not excluded, but Christ as man has an hand in the government of the world: Christ his hu­mane nature will visibly manage the day of Judge­ment: God will judge the world by the man whom he hath ordained, Acts 17:31. and this administration is put into his hands, that he may bestow eternal life and salvation upon sinners, Acts 5.3. him hath God ex­alted with his right-hand, to be a Prince and a Saviour, [...] give repentance to Israel and remission of sins: and i [...] God presently upon the obedience and sufferings of Christ, has put such power into his hands, it is a clear evi­dence that he has fully paid for our salvation: if Christ had fallen short of purchasing our salvation, God would not have given him a commission to have bestowed it: God would have stood for full satisfac­tion: he would have objected that it would have bin against justice to have saved them: but now Christ having fully paid the debt, God exalts Christ to his own right-hand, and invests him with full authority to bring them unto blessedness.

[Page 93]


The fifth Argument from the promise of salvation to all those that do believe in the righteousness of Christ: the sixth Argument from the command of be­lieving in Christs Righteousness.

Argument 5.

THat righteousness which God by his promise in the Gospel dos encourage us [...]o trust in for our sal­vation, it is safe to appear before God in: that righ­teousness that God proposes to us, to place our con­fidence in: adding a promise of eternal life, we may safely appear before him in: that righteousness is unquestionably sufficient to purchase our salvation, [Page 94] and we may safely have our dependance upon it, as the price of eternal life; but God does in the Gos­pel encourage us by his promise to trust in the righ­teousness of Christ for salvation: he has promised eternal life to all them in the Gospel that do believe in the righteousness of Jesus Christ.

This I shall clear up unto you in these Propo­sitions.


That the encouragement that God gives to those that believe in the righteousness of Jesus Christ, i [...] that they shall have eternal life: sometimes in the Scripture we find that they that believe, shall have their sins forgiven, Acts 10.43. but we must not understand that they are only brought into a state of reconciliation at present; from which they may fall away again; that only their former sins are pardoned.

So that if they should sin again, it is not at their peril of eternal damnation: but the thing that the Gospel encourages believers with the hopes of, is salvation: sometimes it is expressed in more g [...]neral terms, that they shall not be confounded 1 Pet. 12.6. they shall not be cast out, John 6.37. sometimes it is expre [...]ed that they shall not enter into condemnation; John 5.24. sometimes positively: That whosoever be­lieveth on him, should not perish, but have everlasting life, John 3.16


That God engages himself by promise to give Belie­vers eternal life: he does not give them some uncer­tain [Page 95] encouragement of it; but binds himself by his pro­mise, when God expresses himself in his Word, that he that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life, Joh. 3.36. and that he that believes and is Baptized shall be saved, Mark 16.16. he does not manifest meerly his purposes e [...]ough all Gods purposes are irrevocable; neither are such expressions meer declarations of what God is frequently wont to do: as it is with many passages in the Book of Proverbs: but they are proper promises: God himself calls them promises, 2 Tim. 1.1. According to the promise of life by Jesus Christ: so Rom. 4.16. Gal. 3.22. and [...]his is a part of the covenant, indeed the main part of it: God is bound by covenant to give life unto Believers: and because Christ has purchased this and other blessings, that God is by covenant engaged to bestow; he is called the Mediator of the new cove­ [...]ant, Heb. 12.24. and hence it is a part of faithfulness to preserve Believers unto glory, 1 Thess. 5 23, 24. the faithfulness of God stands bound unto Believers, Heb. 10.2, 3.


This promise of eternal life is made to those that believe on the Righteousness of Christ: those that have their dependance upon the blood and redemption of Jesus Christ: all those that have their expectation from the Righteousness of Christ shall be saved, Rom. 2.25. Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through Faith in his blood. We must place our Faith in the sufferings of Jesus Christ: this is that Faith triumphs in as the matter of Justification, Rom. 8.34 Who is he that condemneth, it is Christ that died.

Quest. Here we may enquire, What act of Faith it is, that is the condition of the covenant of Grace?

[Page 96] Ans. 1. That act of Faith, that is, the condition of the covenant, is a relying upon God through Jesus Christ for salvation, as offered in the Gospel: there ar [...] many acts of saving Faith besides this: Faith re­spects the whole book of God; all the Promises Threat­nings Prophecies therein: by saving Faith we believe the [...]ation of the World, the general D [...]luge, th [...] coming of Christ in the flesh: but these actings of [...] are not the condition of the Covenant, so likewise by Faith we do depend upon Christ for particular outwar [...] blessings, but though that be a thing that does accom­pany Salvation; yet it is not the condition of the co­venant: but that act of Faith which is the condition of the covenant, has those four properties.

First, It is a relying upon God: God is the ultimate object of Faith: what Christ does in order to our Sal­vation, he does as the Messenger and servant of his Fa­ther; so that Faith is to rest upon God; therefore we are said to come to God by Jesus Christ, Heb. 7.25. God is the object of Faith, both under the covenant of works and the covenant of grace: Our Faith and Hop [...] must be in God, 1 Pet. 1.21.

Secondly, It is a relying on God for Salvation; th [...] sometimes the thoughts are especially upon pardon o [...] sin, but that is in order to Salvation: but their Faith does lay hold of God for salvation, Act. 16 30, 34 and that this is a property of that act of Faith which is the condition of the covenant appears from hence, because the offer of grace are proposed in that man­ner; that we believe for pardon and salvation, that is the great thing promised in the covenant, John 3.14. and therefore that is the great thing entertained by that Faith. which is the condition of the covenant.

[Page 97] Thirdly, It is a relying upon God through Christ: Christ is the Mediator that we must come by: he is the great Ordinance that we must make use of: we must have our dependance on God t [...]rough him: and there­fore when we accept of the call of the Gospel: we are said to believe in him, come to him, open to him, re­ceive him Joh. 35.37. Rev. 3.20. Joh. 1.12. Sometime we are said to believe in his Name, Joh. 1.12. there can be no entring into the covenant of grace, or perform­ing the condition of it without com [...]ng unto Christ: and therefore in such places where Christ is not known there is no salvation.

Fourthly, It is a relying on him as offered in the Gospel.

2. The Scripture does propose Christ to be believed on, both as the purchaser and dispenser of salvation▪ the Word of God does propose him to be the object of Faith, both as purchaser and dispenser of life: he is made to us for Wisdom, Righteousness, San [...]tification and Redemption, he is declared to be the purchaser of Sal­vation, 1 Tim. 2.6. He has given himself a ran [...]om for us: so he is declared to be the dispenser of it: He has po­wer over all flesh, to give eternal life to as many as God has given him, John 17.2. Christ is not a Priest only, but a Prophet and a King; and our Faith do [...]s not justifie us meerly as it relies upon the blood and righ­teousness of Christ, which are the matter of our justi­fication, but as it entertains Jesus Christ; for that is the condition of the covenant.

3. It cannot be proved from the Word of God, that a man can come to Christ for Salvation▪ with­out relying particularly upon his righteousness: it will not be evinced from Scripture, that a man can close [Page 98] with Christ as a Saviour in general▪ and not distinctly rest upon him as ha [...]ing satisfied the justice of God for us: because the heart will not be satisfied in the safe­ty of coming to Christ, except he see a way how th [...] Law is answered: and therefore God has taken care from the b [...]g [...]nning of the World to make known the sufferings of Jesus Christ, and there was a continual re­pr [...]sentation of them in the ancient Church: he that understands not the strictness of the Law cannot se [...] the need of Christ, and he that understands not the suf [...]ferings of Christ cannot see the safety that is in Christ for such who are under the sentence of so strict a Law there is one great di [...]ficulty in the way of receiving thi [...] position, viz. that the Disciples of Christ, who were good men, and did believe in Christ: and professed that he had the words of eternal life, yet did not un­derstand the sufferings of Christ, Mark 9 31, 32. He said to them, the Son of man is delivered into the hands of Men, and they shall kill him, and after that he is killed [...] shall rise again the third day, but they understood not th [...] saying: so Mat. 16 21, 22. and when he suffered [...] made them question whether he was the Messiah, Luk. 24.21. But it is possible they might believe the Do­ctrine of Christs sufferings: and yet not understand either that manner of it, that it should be done by the Priests and people of Israel: or not understand the time of it, being carried away with the vulgar error of the Jews, that the Messiah would set up a glorious world [...]y Kingdom: but it is very hard to conceive, that they should be wholly ignorant of the signification of the Sacrifices, and of the meaning of many Prophecies of the Old Testament respecting this thing. 1 Pet. 1.11


The Promise to those that believe in Christ is uni­versal: [Page 99] there be some indefinite promises, which are declarations of what God will do for some o [...] many of his [...]eople: and no particular Saint can from thence conclude that they shall be made good unto them, but this promise is universal, hereby God absolutely binds himself to every Believer to give him eternal life.

1. This appears because the words of universality are added to their promise: so that God becomes en­gaged to e [...]ery Believer: so the promise is sometime expressed to all, Act. 13.39. All that believe are justified so Rom 3.22. and by all we are not to understand as sometimes some of all sorts, but all and every one, for so it is expressed sometimes, John 3.16 Whosoever be­lieveth on him shall have everlasting life, Act. 10.33. who­soever believeth on him shall have remission of sins: so that God engages himself to Believers man by man: so he speaks to men particularly; if any man hear my voice and open unto me, I will come in, &c. Rev. 3.20.

2. There is no limitation of this promise expressed in the whole Scriptures: sometime there is some con­dition, that a promise is to be understood with, that is set down in some other place of Scripture, but there is not any thing expressed in the Scripture that does limit or restrain this promise; or confine it to some Believers.

In Mark 16 16. it is said, He that believeth and is Baptized shall be saved: but being Baptized is no part of the condition of Salvation; but is mentioned as a fruit and evidence of Faith: that it is not a condition is plain: because in the threatning that is added, he does not say, t [...]at he that is not Baptized shall be dam­ [...]d: but he that Believeth not.

Holiness is not properly a condition of salvation: [Page 100] such promises as make mention of holiness don't make Gods covenant with believers conditional: holiness is no such condition as renders the salvation of believers questionable: such promises as mention it only shew the order and way wherein God will bestow salvatio [...] to believers: holiness is a promised condition: God i [...] engaged to give holiness to Believers, 1 Thess. 5.22, 23 holin [...]ss cannot be properly a condition because be­fore his perseverance in holiness he is justified, that i [...] declared an heir of glory, Rom. 5.1. therefore the con­dition is already fulfilled: God offers life to sinners up­on the condition of believing: and the way mention­ing of that condition is exclusive of any other.

The invitation to believe is sometime directed to some particular sorts of sinners, as to those that are thirsty, [...]sal, 55 1. to those that labour and are heavy la­d [...]n ▪ Mat. 11.28. but it is one thing for an invitation to be particularly applied to this or that sort of sinners, another thing for it to be confined unto them: the invitation is directed to all sinners that live under the Gospel, except those that have committed the unpar­do [...]able sin: the promise is absolute to all Believers▪ without any exception at all▪

3. There is no limitation of the promise to be un­derstood; there is no exception to be understood; men need not fear that God has some reservation in his [...] breast: for no exception that is not fairly to be under­stood can be of any force to avoid the performance of a promise: nothing can be understood to contradi [...] what is expressed; besides God tells us that there is [...] exception, Joh 6.37. He that cometh unto me I will [...] no wise cast out.

[Page 101] PROPOSITION, 5.

That the promise of eternal life is made to one act of believing on Jesus Christ: 'tis not the habit but the act of Faith▪ that the promise is made to: the promise under the covenant of works was not made to habitu­al holiness, and the promise under the covenant of grace is not made to habitual Faith: as a Womans disposition to marry a man does not give her a right to him or his estate, but the actual marrying of the man, so it is here: it is in a way of covenanting that we have an interest in the covenant of grace: the Scri­pture sets forth that Faith that gives us right in the covenant of grace by words that signifie actions: as coming to Christ, opening to him, believing on him, and the like: but it is one act of believing that makes a man an heir of life: God offers eternal life on condition of one act of believing: when God sayes, He that belie­veth shall be saved, the meaning is not that he that be­lieveth as long as he lives shall be saved, but he that performeth one act of Faith: one act of Faith gives a man as real an interest in Christ as a thousand: one act of covenanting makes up the match: one act of closing with Christ makes a man an heir of life: after acts of Faith may evidence his title to heaven, but it is the first act of Faith that gives him his title; God offers life to us in the Gospel on this condition, that he will accept of it, Joh. 5.24. and it is unreasonable to think that the meaning, of it is, if we accept of it an hundred or a thousand times, or as long as we live, but the mean­ing is, if we do once accept of it, and therefore those that have accepted of it are said to have eternal life, 1 Joh. 5.13.

This further appears,

1. Because they that have performed one act of Faith [Page 102] are already justified and adopted: their sins are pre­sentl [...] pardoned on their coming to Christ: God don't suspend the act of Justification, and wait to see whe­th [...] they will continue to believe: but out of hand he issues out a pardon for them, If called then justified▪ Rom. 8.30. and these are presently adopted, Joh. 1.12. and there is no revoking of these acts.

2. When once Men believe it is part of Gods cove­nant to make them continue to believe; it cannot be properly the condition of the covenant; for it is a part of the mercy promised unto us when we come unto Christ: all the subsequent acts of Faith are part o [...] that salvation that God promises: and surely that that is due unto us by the covenant, can't be properly the condition of the covenant: continuance of Faith i [...] part of that sanctification which God has engaged to us, 1 Cor. 1.30.

3. If God did not offer life upon condition of one act of believing, we should not have sufficient encou­ragement to perform one act of believing on Christ [...] if God should say to a sinner, if you will accept of the offer of salvation, both now and hereafter, I will save you: what ground could the sinner have to believe; the sinner would readily say, how doe I know that I shall believe hereafter: he could see no safety in such an offer: a presumptuous Sinner that doted on his own strength, might venture on it: but a man that knows himself, could not find rest in such an offer; but now when he offers life to us, if we will now accept it, the soul can find encou­ragement enough there, Jer. 3.22.

And since God has promised life unto all that believe in the righteousness of Christ; it must [Page 103] needs be safe to appear before God in this righteous­ness, we need no greater assurance of salvation than the promise of God: this is a sufficient security to be­lievers, whatever unlikelihoods may appear to them at at any time of their salvation: the faithfulness of God stands engaged, and this is a foundation of ever­lasting comfort: the witness of God gives greater assurance, than the testimony of all the men in the world: if we believe the witness of men, the witness of God is greater, John 5.9. this we may securely re­joice in: the words of the Lord are pure words, as sil­ver tryed in a furnace of earth purified seven times, Psal. 12.6. there is no deceit or fraud in Gods promises: this is armour of proof against all temptations: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler, Psal 91▪ 4. if our souls were a thousand times dearer to us than they are, we might quietly venture them on the promise of God. God has made a promise to us, has sent his servants to publish it in his name, has ordained the office of the ministry to witness it unto us from him: and surely he has not appointed them to go with a lye in their mouths.

God has not only said it, but given it us under his hand, left it upon record; to be a witness for us: this is the record that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son, John 5.11. and we may qui­etly rely on this: it is impossible that the promise of God should fail of its accomplishment: God is faith­ful 1 Thes, 5.23. he is very faithful, Psal. 119.138. his faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds, Psal. 36.5. it endureth for ever, Psal. 117.2. God can't forget his word; sometimes the memories of men don't serve to keep their promises; things slip out of their re­membrance, but God is not subject to any such [...]punc; in­firmity, [Page 104] he always minds his covenant, Psal. 111.5. his promises are all written on his heart, no tract of time can wear them out of his remembrance: he [...] remembred his covenant for ever, the word which he com­manded to a thousand generations, Psal. 105.8. God i [...] unchangeable, men are fickle and inconstant, in [...] mind to day, and another to morrow: sometimes men change their minds out of meer fickleness, som­times from the change of their condition, or div [...] appearances in providences, but God is not subject [...] any mutation: his purposes are more firm, than mountains of brass: he says repentance shall be [...] from his eyes, Hos. 13.14. God is perfectly holy, and therefore cannot fail of his word: men having [...] principle of sin in them, may be out-bid to neglect the fulfilling of their promises; but there is not the least spark of unholiness in God; holiness is his na­ture, Isa 6.3. yea such is the perfection of Gods na­ture, that he is not liable to those temptations [...] speak false that men are, men sometime speak false out of fear; they fear the anger and contempt [...] men: but God fears none▪ men sometimes speak false in ho [...]e of gain: Jacob lies to get the blessing Gehezi to enrich himself, but God is not capable to gain any thing by the creature: men sometimes speak false that they may appear better than the [...] are, but it is impossible that God should appear mo [...] gracious and glorious than he is: men sometimes decline the fulfilling of their promises, because it proves difficult to do it, or brings some unthought of inconveniencies upon them; but every thing is ea [...] to God, every thing is known unto him before [...] foundation of the world: God having engaged sa [...]vation to believers; they may say as David, theref [...] will we not fear, though the earth be removed, &c. [...] [Page 105] salvation of believers, and the honour of Gods faith­fulness are embarked together, they must sink and swim together: believers cannot fail of salvation, un­less God fail of his glory: unless Gods word faile, which is impossible, the salvation of believers can­not faile.

Argument 6.

They that are commanded of God to believe in the righ­teousness of Christ may safely appear before God in the righteousness of Christ: but we are commanded by God to believe in the righteousness of Christ: though the calls of the Gospel are many times propounded in a way of [...]vitation, they are set before us as gracious offers, wher­in God is in a way of grace rendring a great benefit unto us, yet they have the force of commands.

I might argue the safety of coming unto Christ, from thence that we are invited to come unto him for help: for surely in those invitations God does not go about to delude men, and lovingly draw them in to take such a method for the salvation of their fools, as would fail them: 'tis not to be imagined, that the glorious God would with great seeming love to the souls of men, draw them into a snare, and with an appearance of good-will to them, ad­vise them to take a course that were not safe: it is [...]t to be thought that God would lovingly, and with a great deal of tenderness perswade men to set their feet on slippery places, and build their hopes upon a sandy foundation: there is no soul delusion in the Gospel: he would not urge men with such compassion to put their trust in Christ, but that the well-fare of their souls is secured [Page 106] thereby: they may without fear venture upon the counsel and entreaties of the Lord: being secure in that that God will not lead them into danger: when God advises us to trust in Christ, he commands this way to us as a way of safety: for 'tis no part of love to advise us to put our confidence in a broken reed: but besides what might be argued this way, these in­vitations have in them, the force of commands, and lay us under duty in obedience unto God, to come unto Christ: as there is love in these calls, so there is author [...] also; we are not left at liberty, whether we will [...] to Christ or no, but are r [...]quired to come. God does prescribe this way, and enforce it both by his love and also his authority: God that has put Jesus Christ into office, doth require us to re­ceive him in all his offices, Psal: 2:12. and among o­ther ways to be putting our trust in him: therefore this is called the work of God, John 6.29. this is the great business that he has set us to do; and this is cal­led his commandment, 1 John 3.23▪ which shews not only that it is commanded, but that this is the special commandment, that God lays peculiar weight upon and hence it is a sin for men not to believe in Jesus Christ [...] the spirit reproves for, John 16.9. of sin▪ because they believe not on me: hence God is angry with those that stay away from Christ, Luk. 14.21.

This command of believing in Christ is a brand of the second commandment in the Law: by that command it is required, that we should worship i [...] that way that he appoints, that we should attend such worship as is instituted by him, & not devised by ma [...] ▪ and this is the great institution of God under the co­venant of grace, that we worship him by Jesus Christ, seek to God through him, and believe in [Page 107] God thorough him: Jesus Christ is the great ordi­nance that God has set up to be worshipped by: Je­sus Christ as God is to be worshipped with divine worship, by vertue of the first command: Jesus Christ as mediator, is the means whereby we are to draw nigh to God, by vertue of the second command, as the sacrifices of old were a principal ordinance whereby God was to be worshipped, so Christ who was typified by those sacrifices, was and is the prin­cipal ordinance whereby fallen man is to draw nigh unto God: and through whom we are to believe in him.

And this command of God does argue the safety of appearing in Christs Righteousness, the command of God does evidence our assured salvation in this way: this would never have been commanded of God if it were not safe.

And this appears by three things:

1. If it be commanded, that we believe in Jesus Christ Righteousness, then it is lawful for us so to do; God would never put us upon that, which its own nature is not lawful, it must needs be a warran­table thing for us to put our trust in the righteousness of Christ: there can be no unlawfulness in attend­ing that which God requires: but if it were not safe to appear in the righteousness of Christ, it could not be lawful to believe in it; it would be an irregular thing to put our trust therein and that on two ac­counts.

1. It would be a putting of too much honour upon Christ and his righteousness: if it were not [Page 108] safe appearing in Christ Righteousness, then Christs Righteousness were not worthy to be believed in▪ if it were not safe trusting in it, then we should give too high a commendation to it, when we believe in it: for when we believe in it, we proclaim it to be safe so to do: it would be an idolizing of Christs righteousness, to trust in it, if it were not safe so to do; it is a fault to believe in that which cannot save: when we believe in Christs Righteousness, we give him the honour of having purchased salvation for us, if it were not safe to trust in Christs righteousness, then in so doing we should give him a glory that belongs not to him.

2. It would be self-flattery for us to believe in the righteousness of Christ; if it were not safe ap­pearing in it, it could not be lawful to trust in it: to trust in it would be presumption, what would it be, but to delude our selves, and to please our selves with an idle dream, which would deceive us: men are blamed in the Word of God for such confiden­ces, Isa. 29.8. it is not lawful or warrantable for us to believe in that which we have not sufficient en­couragement to believe in; but we have not suffici­ent encouragement to believe in the righteousness of Christ; if it be not safe to appear be [...]ore God in it: what can encourage us to depend upon, and be satisfied in that which it is not safe to depend upon.

2. If it be commanded that we belie [...] [...]on the righteousness of Christ, then it is duty so [...]o doe: then we are bound in conscience to come unto Christ, we cannot without sin stay away from Christ: and therefore surely it is safe [...] in the righte­ousness of Christ: the holy God would never make [Page 109] it our duty to trust in that which is not a sufficient ground of faith: it were an hard lesson to be bound in conscience to do that, which we could not satis­fie our consciences in doing: it were wildness for any man to imagine that God should command us to love that which is not lovely, or to mourn for that which is not matter of sorrow, or to rejoyce in that which is not matter of joy: so it is to think that God should require us to trust in that which is not a ground of confidence: that would be very hard for God to bind us to put our confidence in that which we could not put our confidence in, except we were out of our wits: if it were not safe to trust in Christs righteousness, what could induce us to do it, except we were under a delusion: it is a­gainst nature for man to put confidence in any thing but under this notion, that there is ground of con­fidence in it: what perswasions can prevail to make men rest on that, which they could not safely rest upon: the Lord is a righteous God, and gives no such unequal command, all his commands are righteous, he requires but what is equal, Psal. 119:138.

3. If God commands us to believe on the righteous­ness of Jesus Christ then we must do it upon pain of damnation, if we fail thereof: every sin does by Law deserve death: and the continuance in the neglect of any known command does unavoidably bring death and ruine, and so the neglect of this command, John 3.18 He that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath n [...]t believed in the Name of the only begotten Son of God; certainly then it must be a safe thing to believe on Jesus Christ: if there be no safety in believing, there is no reason that we should be punish for not belie­ving: if there be no safety in believing in Christ, then [Page 110] it is madness to believe in Christ, and will God punish us for not acting the part of mad men: it were an unreasonable thing for a man to believe in Christ if it were not safe so to do; and therefore unreasonable that he should be punished for not doing of it: will God damn man for not building their hopes for Hea­uen upon the sand? will God cast a man into Hell, be­cause he will not embrace a delusion, and put his con­fidence in a broken Reed? the Lord is a righteou [...] God, and would never punish men for not believing if they had not abundant encouragement to believe: the command of this holy God gives us great security in believing, John 12.50. I know that his command is life everlasting.


Here it may be objected against this Argument, That we are commanded by God to believe for many things, a [...]d to believe in the righteousness of Christ, for them which we have no certain security that we shall enjoy in a way of believing: what ever we pray for, we must do it believing; and we must do it in the Name of Christ: thus we are to believe for health, for the conversion of all our Children, for rain and other publick mercies: so that it is no hard or unreasonable thing to be commanded to believe; for that which is not sure in a way of believing, neither do we want sufficient encouragement to believe, though the thing we believe for be not sure to us in that way:


That Act of Faith which is the condition of the Co­venant of Grace is far differing from other acts of Faith that are required of us: we do believe for a mer­cy▪ [Page 111] when by a spirit of Faith we take hold of any of those encouragements which God gives us, with respect to that mercy: that when we are encouraged by the power of God, the mercy of God, the love of God to us, indefinite promises; the redemption of Christ to rely upon God with quietness for a mercy, with sub­mission to his holy will. We do believe in God for that mercy; and this we have sufficient encourage­ment to do, though there be no certainty that we shall enjoy the mercy in that way: and this God may fairly command us, though he don't absolutely promise the mercy: but that Faith which is the c [...]ndition of the covenant of Grace does much differ from this: that is [...] accepting of Christ and Salvation by him as offered to us: and a relying on him for it according to the promise of the Gospel: that this is the Faith that is required as the condition of the covenant of grace is evident because it is called a receiving of Chri [...]t: justifying Faith is the receiving of t [...] promise of the Gospel: 't [...]s a [...] upon [...] Chri [...] accordi [...]g to the invitations of the Gosp [...]l: and God would never require us to accept of an offer, and rely upon him for it, if it were not safe so to do: how is it possible for any man to rely upon God for the making good of his offer if it were not safe so to do.

[Page 112]


The seventh Argument from the Spirits assuring Men of the truth of the Go­spel: The eighth Argument from Gods bestowing the beginnings o [...] Salvation on Believers, here in this World.

Argument 7.

THat Righteousness which the Spirit of God convin­ces and assures men, that they may safely appear before God in; that they may safely appear in: but the Spirit of God does convince and assure men that they may safely appear before God in the rig [...]teous­ness of Christ: that must needs be true which the spi­ril convinces men to be true: Satan labours to shake mens belief of this, and raises doubts and questions in the heart about it, and from thence we may argue pro­bably that it is true; but the spirit of God does per­swade and convince men of the truth of it, and esta­blishes the heart in it, and from thence may infallibly argue the truth of it.

[Page 113]In opening and declaring this Argument, we may Consider,

1. That many men are convinced and assured, that it is safe appearing before God in the righteousness of Christ: there are some kind of perswas [...]ons about it in the hearts of many others, that are bestowed partly upon the testimony of men, partly upon the rational­ness of the Doctrine; and these perswasions may work some considerable effects on their hearts: but the [...]e are some that have a thorow conviction of it, whose hearts are truly satisfied in the truth of it:

This is Evident,

1. Because they do believe this: the Doctrine of the Gospel is believed by many, Acts 15.7. That the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the Gospel and believe: there be s [...]me that do receive the testimony of Christ, John 3.33. and by Fa [...]th entertain the Doctrine of Salvation by his suff [...]rings, tho they be but few com­paratively, Isai. 53.1. and therefore they are assured of it: for that knowl [...]dg which we have of things by Faith in God is certain: that knowledg which we have of things by our believing the testimony of man is fallible, [...]nd [...]t leaves room for doubtings: but the knowledg that we have of things by [...] believing the testimony of God is certain, and as abundantly satisfy­ing to the heart as that which we have by the s [...]eing of the eye, or b [...] demonstration: the knowledg that we have by Faith is a knowledg at second hand: but God gives us suffici [...]nt assurance that it is he that speaks, and that his testimony is true: therefore when men do be­lieve they are said to be perswaded, Heb 11.13. They [Page 114] saw the promises afar off, and were perswaded of them: so they are said to know surely, John 17.8. they have known surely that I came out from thee, and they have be­lieved that thou didst send me; So they are said to be sure, John 6 69. We believe and are sure that thou [...] the Christ.

2. Because they believe on Christ, and venture their souls upon him 1 Tim. 3.16 Believed on in the World, 1 John 5.13. I have written to you that believe on the Son of God: and t [...]is is the effect of their assurance, that it is safe appearing in Christs righteousness: if they were not convinced of that, no Arguments would perswade them to venture upon Christ: when men come to Christ they come under that conviction, that it is safe coming unto him: the Gospel works effectually in them that believe, 1 Thess. 2.13. every one that comes to Christ hath the witness in himself, 1 Joh. 5 10. this makes them come with boldness unto Christ; tho there be ma­ny others that are afraid to come: if they were not a­fraid of the truth of the Gospel they would be afraid to come too: they would not dare to cast themselves on Christ, before they were convinced they withstood all Arguments that could be used with them: they had their answers ready, and their excuses at hand, they had an unperswadable spirit, somewhat to turn off all that could be said: and the reason that now they ven­ture themselves on Christ is not any self-excellency, for they come to him when they are at word, when they see the plague of their own hearts; but is it because they are convinced of the safety that is in Christ: to them that believe Christ is precious, 1 Pet. 2.7.

3. Because they have comfortable and gracious hopes of glory: there be many flattering hopes of bles­sedness that ungodly men do entertain, that depend up­on [Page 115] their vain conceits; but the people of God have a gracious hope of glory: and the hopes of the people of God do principally depend on the conviction of these two things:

1. That there is safety in Christs righteousness; and then that they have an interest in it, have received it: their Faith of dependance arises from the conviction of the first, but their hope arises from both together: 'tis true that their hop [...]s do rise from the belief of other promises of glory, together with a sight of the qualifi­cations in themselves that are mentioned in those pro­mises: thus Saints have hope from those promises that are made to those that love God, that mortifie sin, that love the Saints, that are patient under afflictions, &c. yet the fundamental promise of the Gospel is that which is made to believing in Christ: and the hopes of christians do principally arise from the conviction of Christs righteousness, together with our interest there­in, 1 Pet. 1, 8. Believing ye rejoyce with joy unspeakable and full of glory: Rom. 15.13. The God of hope fill you with joy and peace in believing.

2. This conviction is not the fruit of mens natural reason; natural reason tho advantaged with external revelation, cannot satisfie the heart that it is safe to ap­pear in the righteousness of Christ: natural reason may work some conviction of this truth, and discover so much of it that a man may come to look upon it very rational and probable: but it cannot discover the cer­tainty of it: flesh and blood can [...]t reveal that: natural reason may make such a discovery of this truth, that they may be urged in conscience to believe in Christ, and condemned in conscience for not believing in him, that they may think those hap [...]y that do believe in him: that they judg those grosly erroneous that do deny [Page 116] this Doctrine: but yet it will not give such a con­viction as can assure the soul that it is so indeed, men are apt to think that they are satisfied, that there is safety in relying on the righteousness of Christ, only they question whether God does call them as the case is circumstanced with them to rely upon him, but they delude themselves: mans reason does not discover the certainty of this truth by all the helps that the world does afford; yea, though they do partake of some in­ward common illumination: the nature of man recei­veth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolish­ness unto him, neither can he know them because they are spi­ritually discerned, 1 Cor. 2.14. There is a twofold de­fect in natural reason that hinders men from receiving of this Truth.

1. Natural reason cannot apprehend that God can find in his heart to save sinners on the account of Christs righteousness: when men come to be enlight­ned, and have a sence of the guilt of sin, and wrath of God, it will not eater into them, that God can be free to forgive them, and save them on the account of Christs blood; they are strangers unto the merci­ful nature of God: and hence are seeking to get some worthiness of their own, to pacifie God with: and can't conceive that God is willing to pardon them, who are so unworthy; except they were som­what better: they think they must have something to commend them to God: they think it would be mad­ness for them as bad as they are to venture on Christs bloud. 1 Cor. 1.18. the preaching of the cross is to them that perish, foolishness: they have strange and low thoughts of the mercy of God, Isa. 55.8.

[Page 117]2. Natural reason will not make men believe Gods testimony; natural reason will not beget faith: na­tural men are in Scripture described to be unbeliev­ers, John. 5, 46. natural reason will not lay weight on the testimony of God: no man will receive Gods testimony, and act faith thereupon, until he knows God, Paul says, I know him whom I have believed, 2 Tim. 1.12. and every man must know God before he will believe him: many men do entertain some of the things that God says; so the Devils believe and tremble: but those perswasions rise from the convictions, and not from faith in Gods Word. No man will receive any thing meerly on Gods testimo­ny, until he know him: and therefore will not be assured of that which he can know no other way but by faith, and which carnal reason has many obje­ctions against.

3. The conviction of this Truth is by the Spirit of God: it is the work of Gods Spirit to satisfie the heart in this, that it is safe appearing in the righteousness of Christ: God does create light in the mind to discover this: the outward call of the Gospel presents the ob­ject before men, and the work of the Spirit is to give men eyes to see the truth of it: mens natural reason makes them understand the sense of the Proposition: and the Spirit of God puts a new light in them, where­by they understand the truth of the Proposition: their perswasion about this is the fruit of Divine Instru­ction.

This I shall shew from several Texts of Scri­pture

John 16.7, 8. The comforter will reprove the World of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment: in this Text for the clearing of what is before us, we shall take notice of three things:

[Page 118]1. That the comforter here is the Spirit of God [...] this is clear not only because he was a person sent to as­sist in and succ [...]ed the Ministry of the Apostles: bu [...] also because he is called the Spirit of truth, John 14.16▪ 17. He shall give you another comforter, even the Spirit of Truth.

2. That the works of the Spirit here is conviction [...] so 'tis in the Margent, the word signifies to convince by Argument and Reason; and here is the Argument that the Spirit shall convince by ver. 10. Because I go to my Father and ye see me no more, so the word is used, John 8.9. 1 cor. 14.24.

3. That the thing that the Spirit does convince of, is our safety in Christs Righteousness: it is his righteou [...]ness that he speaks of: for his going to the Father is the argument of it; and it is the sufficien­cy of his righteousness to our salvation,

This is clear by two things:

First, Because the Spirit is promised to confirm the Doctrine of the Apostles.

And then Secondly, because the argument menti­oned, verse 10 does confirm this truth: Christs As­cention to the right-hand of God, shews, that he has performed the work he came for, and wrought righteousness.

John 6.45. Every man therefore that hath heard and hath learned of the Father, commeth unto me: the mea­ning of this is not that all that were godly among the Jews, that had been taught of God, should acknow­ledg [Page 119] Jesus of Nazareth, and depend on him: this is indeed a truth, that upon the setting of convincing light before them they would do it: so did Nathaniel Joh. 1.49. the Eunuch, Act. 8.37. Cornelius and Lydia: this is not the meaning, for when he says every one that hath heard & learned of the Father, he means every one that has been taught by God the Doctrine of the New-Testament: and he speaks of such teaching as did im­mediately draw men to Christ: but the meaning is, that they who have been taught the Gospel by God, will believe on Christ: so that this is clear from hence it is the work of God to encourage men to come to Christ: and God encourages men by satisfying their hearts in the safety that is in the righteousness of Christ. that perswasion that draws men to Christ is wrought by God.

R [...]m. 8.30 And whom he called them he also justified; by this Scripture it appears that it is Gods work to satisfie the heart in the safety of coming to Christ; when he sayes, that they are called of God, he means they are inwardly called of God: he intends not the outward call, because he speaks of it as a proper effect of Predestination, and certain fore-runner of Justifi­cation: and this inward call is nothing else but the enlightning of the mind to see the truth, and certain­ty of the outward call: so that those Arguments which God sets before us in his Word to perswade us to come to Christ: those he satisfies our hearts in, by the inward work of his Spirit: by his Spirit he sets home the precepts, invitations and promises of the Gospel: this inward Call is that which satisfies the heart; so that it answers the call of God.

Objection, 1.

It seems not to be the work of the Spirit to convince [Page 120] men that they may safely appear in Christs Righteousness▪ because after they have been convinced, they doubt again, and call it in question whether they may venture on the righ­teousness of Christ.


We may well argue, that if they have been con­vinced throughly by the spirit, that they will never be utterly carried away with unbelief to reject the truth: but we cannot conclude that they would ne­ver doubt: men may call those things in question which they have learned by the spirit of God: so the Prophet did, 1 King. 13 17, 18, 19. yea, men may que­stion things that they have been taught by the saving work of the spirit: God revealed it to the Disciples, that Jesus was the Son of God, Mat. 16.16, 17. yet afterwards they questioned it, Luk. 24.21. they say, we verily thought it had been he that should have redeemed Is­rael: the Psalmist no doubt had been convinced that God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him, and yet afterwards, he had such workings of heart as these, verily I have cleansed my heart in vain, Psa. 73.13: and it is no wonder, for the blindness of the mind is but in part removed, and sometimes they have not the exercise of that light which is in them: the Devil is busie to throw scruples and objections into their hearts; and they have several principles in themselves that lead them to doubt of those things that God has con­vinced them of: they have a principle of unbelief, carnal reason and enmity to the truth, so that it is no wonder that they have doubts about it.

Objection, 2.

If men were convinced by the spirit they would have [...] [Page 121] understanding than many of them have of this way of sal­vation, many of them understood very little of the confi­dency of this way of Salvation with the Law of God▪ how the sufferings of one could answer for so many, there are many Objections that they dont see through:


Every one that is taught of the spirit has so much knowledg in this way of life, as is a foundation for Faith: he must have so much knowledg as that his Conscience may be satisfied in the truth of it: tis also true that the teachings of the spirit do clarifie mens understandings: they come hereby to have more clear conceptions of Gospel truths: b [...]t men may be taught by the spirit and yet be very unable to give a resolu­tion of many Objections: the Disciples were taught of God that Jesus was the Son of God. Mat. 16.17. and yet knew not what to say to that Objections that Elias must first come, Mat. 17.19. tho a Christian can­not answer many Objections about the sufficiency of Christs Righteousness, yet he knows that, that will satisfie his heart that it is sufficient: namely, that God gives this testimony to it; and invites him to ven­ture upon it.

4. Consider in what way the spirit of God works this conviction and assurance: and that is by a spiritu­al illumination of the mind: the spirit of God is not wont in adult persons to reveal this Doctrine in any extraordinary way: he works this conviction in such adult persons only as have the knowledg of the Do­ctrine by hearing and reading of the Word: men must not expect to be [...]aught that in a miraculous way which they man learn in an ordinary way: n [...]ither would this [Page 122] be sufficient to work a through conviction and assurance of it: a man may [...]ve things revealed unto him ex­traordinarily by Go [...] that has no Faith; as Balaam nei­ther does the Spirit assure men of this in way of te­stimony: the Spirit of God is wont to testifie and wit­ness some things to the soul of the Saints, the Spirit it self beareth witness with our spirits that we are the childre [...] of God, Rom. 8.16. but he does not in that way reveal unto men the t [...]uth of the Doctrine of the Gospel: but he openeth our eyes to see the truth of it: the Spirit gives us eyes to see, and also the actual understanding of the truth of the Gospel: he puts a principle of spi­ritual understanding into us by a work of creation; [...] were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord, Eph. 5.8. he also assists us actually to discern the truth of this way of salvation by Christ: while the soul is hearing, reading, and meditating of it, he puts a light into him, discovering it to be true: and sometimes while the soul is thinking of his misery, the spirit brings to remembrance some word, and with that puts in a light into the soul that sati [...]fies the heart in the truth of the Gospel: and this is wrought these three wayes:

1. The Spirit helps us to see the truth of this in the testimony of God in his Word: 'tis not any in­ward testimony that our Faith depends upon: but the testimony of God in his Word, and the inward work of the Spirit is to help us to receive the sure Word of Prophecy; and depend upon that: God witnesses in his Word plentifully to that, that there is salvation wrought out for us by Christ, that he has redeemed us▪ purged away sins, brought in everlasting righteousness: and in this testimony of God we see the truth of the thing it self: the Spirit satisfies the heart and clears it up to him, that this is Gods testimony, that it is no de­ceit, [Page 123] that it is not any device or forgery of man under a pretence of Gods t [...]stimony: but that this is the ve­ry Word of God: the Word com [...]s in Gods Name, and has many characters of divine authority in it; and the soul is satisfied that it is Gods Word, 1 Thess. 2.13. [...] received it not as the word of men, but (as it is in truth) the Word of God: The Spirit also satisfies the heart in the faithfulness of God: naturally [...] have [...] assurance of the fai [...]hfulness of God, though they profess it: but the spirit con [...]inces the soul, that the Lord is a God of truth: I know him whom I have belie­ved, 2 Tim 1.12. he does with Sarah judge h [...]m faithful that has promised: and here though his soul be preci­ous to him, yet he can quietly venture it upon his Word.

2. The Spirit helps us to see the certainty of this in a way of reasoning from other Principles, which we do undoubtedly recei [...]e: there is an assurance by argu­ing from such things as we are certain of: this is cal­led the demonstration of the spirit, 1 Cor. 2 4. when once a man is principled in that foundation, that the testi­mony of God in his Word is certain and infallible: then he is assured of such principles as these, that Jesus Christ who was our Surety is exalted to the right hand of God: that sinners are invited to rely upon the blood of Christ: that Christ has fulfilled the righteousness of the Law for us▪ for these things are plainly laid down in the Word of God; he had the notion of these things before, but now he is assured of them, and being assu­red of them, God help [...] him to argue from them the infallible c [...]rtainty of salvation by Christs righteous­ness, John 16.10. the spirit convinces of righteousness, because I go to my Father: so a Christian sometimes af­ter he is come to Christ, finds by experience in that way the sanctifying and comforting presence of God [Page 124] with him: and from hence he argues, and is more esta­blished in the Doctrine of salvation by Christ.

3. The Spirit helps to see the glorious excellency of God, and Jesus Christ, and thereby the great Ob­jections of his heart do vanish away, and fall of thei [...] own accord: there are some less Objections which a­rise for want of distinct knowledg, and from a mis-un­derstanding of some places of Scripture, which thoug [...] they prove temptations, yet don [...]t wholly hinder th [...] workings of Faith: but the main Objections of the heart were that God could not find in his heart to par­don [...]uch sins as they have been guilty of, and that the Law threatens them with ruine: but the spirit disco­vers unto the soul the excell [...]ncy of God in Christ, th [...] riches of Gods grace, and the preciousness of the righ­teousness of Christ, and then those Objections fall, Psal. 36 7. How excellent is thy loving-kindness O Lord, therefore the sons of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings, Joh. 17.3. This is life eternal that they might know thee, the only true God and Jesus Christ wh [...] thou hast sent.

Consider, 5.

That this is a great work of Gods Spirit to con­vince men and assure them that it is safe appearing in the righteousness of Christ: it is a matter of exceeding great difficulty to give entertainment unto this truth▪ and hence it is that many men are never satisfied in it all their dayes, they continue all their lives long un­der the means of grace, and yet never come unto the knowledg of this truth, and many others whom God has perswaded of it have been long before they were satisfied, though they have been full of inward troubles [Page 125] a [...]d fe [...]rs and thereby put upon it to be inquisitive in­to th [...] way of salvation, yet were long before they came to Christ, their hearts were unsatisfied about their sa [...]ty in so doing: and after prevailing and clear convict [...]on, doubts are ever and anon arising in their hearts, and this difficulty must needs be very great, considering th [...]se things:

1. That Man in his natural state is an enemy to this way of sal [...]ation: as man is an enemy to the Law of God, so to the gospel of Jesus Christ: the heart dont like this way of salvation, man had rather be saved in another way; man is proud and can't endure to go a begging and be beholden to the free grace of God for his salvation: he had rather earn it himself, than take it as a gift of God: hence men set their wits on work to descry another way that is more suitable to their honours, and to find exceptions against this way of sal­vation by Christ: he don't like the method, and so is [...]eating of cavils to turn off the calls of God.

2. That man is ignorant of the gracious nature of God: men don't understand how merciful God is; are apt to measure the compassions of God by their own; and make a judgment of God by themselves: hence they are full of carnal reasonings against this way of life: they think it is a great deal more probable that they should be accepted on the account of some wor­thiness in themselves: they think it utterly unlikely that God should accept of them, till their hearts are better; they think it would be desp [...]rate presumption to venture upon Christ before they are better; they think God is so angry with them th [...]t he cannot find in his heart to pardon them: they take notice of the se­verity of God upon others, and conceive of him as [Page 126] very difficult to pardon, they imagine there [...] something considerable in them to commend them [...] God, and draw the heart of God unto them.

3 The Devil is busie to hinder men from enter­taining this truth: the Devil is most industrious [...] this matter, because [...]heir entertaining this tru [...] will deliver them from his dominion: 2 Cor. 11.3▪ he is possessing of men with prejudices against this truth, casting in objections, and fortifying of [...] heart against the perswasions of the word: and th [...] does considerably increase the difficulty, because of the subtilty of Satan to represent his temptatio [...] with great appearance of reason, and smooth a d [...] ­lusion, so that it shall have a great face of truth, & b [...]cause of his ability, together with his reasoning to work so upon the affections, as to make the soul more opposite to the entertaining of the truth.

4. Man by nature does not believe the testimony of God this truth cannot certainly be known but by faith, reason may argue something for it, but not conclusively: but natural men are destitute of a prin­ciple to receive the testimony of God: they are ig­norant of the glorious nature of God, and so of his faithfulness, and therefore though they may look on it a thing probable, because of Gods testimony, hav­ing heard a fame of him, yet they cannot be assured of it upon his word; since they know him not: so that it is a great and wonderful work of Gods spirit to help men over all these difficulties, and convince them that 'tis safe appearing in the righteousness of Christ.

Consider 6.

The evidence that this work of the spirit gives into [Page 127] the truth before us: and we may plainly gather from hence, that it is safe appearing in Christs Righteousness: For,

1. The Spirit of God is holy, and cannot deceive or delude us, it is in confi [...]ent with the spotless pu­rity of the spirit of God to convince us of that which is not true: who can imagine that the holy spirit of God would take pains with men, and work a mira­culous change in them, to make them believe a lie: why does God busie himself so in this work, but that it is of everlasting concernment unto the souls of men: it is true, that God may judicially blind men by withd [...]awing light from them, but he never goes about to perswade men of a lye: would God perswade man to cast themsel [...]es upon Christ, if there were not safety in so doing.

2. We are commanded not to quench the Spirit, 1 Thes. 5.19. we must cherish the motions, and en­tertain the convictions of the spirit; which certain­ly would not be our duty, if the spirit did convince of any thing that is not true: we are not bound to receive delusions, but by all means to be oppposing and resisting of them, it cannot be our duty to en­ter [...]ain falshoods, and give way to deceits: and therefore those convictions which we are bound to cherish, are certainly true:

I might also argue from the manner of the spirits convincing, which is by enlightning, and opening of the eyes: but if this which he convinces us of were not true, the conviction would be b [...] blinding of us, and putting out our eyes: where one by sophistical reasonings does perswade another of a falshood, [Page 128] makes him believe a lye; he does it by darkening his understanding: the opening of the eyes is not the way to lead men into error.

Argument 8.

That Righteousness upon the account of which God be­stows the beginnings of salvation here; it is safe to ap­pear before God in: but upon the account of Christs Righteousness, God bestows the beginnings of salvation here.

There are some degrees of salvation which God bestows upon believers here upon the account of his righteousness: they have an inchoation of sal­vation already. God begins to fullfil his promise presently, Tit. 3.5. 2 Tim. 1.9. they are justified al­ready, Acts 3.39. all that believe are justified: they are adopted, 1 John 12. as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the Sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: they are saved from the curse of the law as to outward dispensations, Rom. 8.28. all things shal [...] work together for good to them that love God, that are called according to pur­pose:

But I shall only urge two things wherein the people of God have experience of the beginning of salvation, and therein an evidence of their full sal­vation by Jesus Christ in due time: namely sanctifi­cation and inward comfort.

1. The people of God are sanctified in a way of believing on the righteousness of Christ: they that do believe in Christ are sanctified; they do lead an holy life, dying unto sin, and living unto righteous­ness: [Page 129] they are delivered from the servitude unto sin, and do become servants of God: indeed this cannot be made evident by experience to the world, because the w [...]rld cannot certainly know, that those that profess faith in Christ, have it in reality; nor that those that seem to live an holy life, do so in­deed; yet there is that which falls under the obser­vation of the world, that may considerably help forward their satisfaction in this particular.

1. Among those that do profess to believe in Chri [...]t, there are many that live in such a manner, that there is not evidence that they are not sanctifi­ed; 'tis not so with all those that profess to believe in Christ, th [...]re are many that make such a profes­sion, that have no faith: and therefore it is no wonder▪ if they b [...] not sanctified: but there be many, in whose lives there is no evidence that they are destitute of holiness: no man can justly charge them with li [...]ing in any known sin: with any un­mortifyed corruption, or acting from a corrupt principle in religion: b [...]t this cannot be said concerning others that do not make this profession, moral men among the Heathens, Turks or Jews; there are sew or none of them, but would make it evid [...]nt to a man of a discerning spirit, that was familiarly acquainted with them, that they were under the rule and power of some [...]ust,

2, Among those that profess to believe in Christ there are many men in whom there are very speak­ing evidences that they l [...]ad an holy life: they do not only walk in offensively in their conversation, but there is a great deal of the breathings of a spi­rit of holiness in them; their carringe favours of [Page 130] the fear of God, love to God, submission to the will of God, care of the advancement of the glory of God: there carriage has a great relish of pi [...]ty and holiness: there is as much appearance of holiness as can ordinarily be expected from men that have still a principle of corruption remaining in them.

3. Many of those who has formerly lived a cor­rupt life, when once they are in appearance brought home to Christ, do give great evidences of an ho­ly life, many that live among the people of God: do live very corruptly, but when once such men come to embrace the Gospel in appearance, many of them do become very exemplary in holiness, cast off all their former ways of sin, and live an humble, spiritual, obedient life as far as man can judge▪

But there are two wayes whereby the truth of this is evident above exception.

One is by the testimony of Gods Word; the Scripture does commonly give the title of Saints un­to believers, hence that title of Saints in Christ Jesus is given to the Church at Philippi, 1 Phil. 1. so they are called holy brethren, that are partakers of the heavenly calling, Heb. 3.1. and Saints, and fai [...]h­ful in Christ Jesus, are used as terms equivalent, Eph. 1.1. all those that are implanted into Christ▪ do crucifie their corruptions, Gal 5.24. hence good works are a demonstration of the truth of Faith, James 2.18.

Another way whereby it is made evident, is by the experience of many saints: hereby it is made e­vident to them, though not unto the world: every [Page 131] believer has experience of a gr [...]at change in him­self, though they have many fears whether it be in­deed a life of holiness that they live, it is exercising unto them whether they go beyond hypocrites, and are acted by any higher principles than self-love and conscience: yet there be several that at times do e­vidently see a spirit of holiness working in them­selves: so that their consciences do bear witness that they are the children of God: besides what they do perceive of a daily bent of heart to keep Gods com­mands; there are at times more visible and sensible actings of grace: there are times when the strings are wound up to the height, when grace breaks forth as the light: and the heart is satisfied in that; that he has a spirit of holiness, John 21.17. Lord thou knowest all things, thou knowest that I love thee: Psal. 18.23. I was also upright before him.

And this sanctification which the people of God have, they have in a way of believing: some take sanctification so largely, as to comprehend the work of regeneration: and count regeneration also an ef­fect of closing with Christ: but I will not now dis­cuss that controversy; though there is no doubt but regeneration is the fruit of Christs purchase: but I take sanctification for that work of Gods spirit, whereby he does more and more purge away the remainders of sin, and carry on the work of holi­ness in the hearts of his people, and this is the fruit of faith in Christ, Acts 26.18. they are sanctified by faith that is in me, Gal. 2.20. I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me; and this sanctification comes from Christs purchase, he has by his death redemed us from the power of sin, Tit. 2 4. who gave himself for us, that he might [Page 132] redeem us from all iniquity, and purifie to himself a pe­culiar people, zealous of good works so John 17. 1 Pet. 1.18, 19. Heb. 9, 14.

2, The people of God have inward spiritual com­fort in a way of believing in the righteousness of Christ? it is very true, that many men that do not profess the true religion, and many others that th [...] they do profess the true religion, yet do not in sin­cerity embrace it, have much inward comfort under an expectation of blessedness hereafter: but the peo­ple of God that do believe in Jesus Christ, have in­ward comfort in that way peculiar to themselves:

Which we may consider under these two heads of peace of conscience and communion with God.

1. The people of God in a way of believing, have peace of conscience: and this is not a particular priviledge of some believers, but a blessing that all do in some degree partake of: those men that be­fore their coming to Christ, were under the terrors of an evil conscience, conscience was terrifying of them, and binding them over to eternal judgement, do upon their closing with Christ, enjoy a tranqui­lity of mind, and inward peace.

Indeed this peace may be interrupted and disturb­ed, because of darkness and temptations, and be­cause conscience is but in part satisfyed: but they are never brought back to take up such conclusions, against themselves as before their closing with Christ, but commonly they do enjoy some comfortable sere­nity of heart: have the answer of a good conscience by the resurrection of Christ, 1 Pet. 3.21. this comes to pass by these two things.

[Page 133]1. When a soul comes to Christ, the soul is sa­tisfied, that there is peace with God, to be obtained in a way of coming to Christ, that there is safety in coming to Christ: the inward call of the Gospel satisfies the soul that there is salvation in Christ for all that come to him: conscien [...]e is thereby well sa­tisfied in the sufficiency of Christ, the freeness and the fulness of the grace of God, 1 Pet. 2.7. to him that believes, Christ is precious: the objections of the heart are removed by the convincing work of the Spirit.

2. The first act of closing with Christ is not so sensibly done, but that he does take some notice of it: some after acts of faith may be more plain, and in continuance of time the soul may lose the exact knowledge of the time of his first closing with Christ and the circumstances of it: but this first closing with Christ is not so secret a thing, but that it falls under the observation of conscience, Jer. 3.22.

This is clear For,

1. The act it self is very observable: when the soul comes at first to close with Christ, there is a weighty change wrought in it, it is a thing quite contrary to what he has been doing; he has been reasoning against it, making objections, standing out against all the pleadings of God with him, but now when he closes with Christ, he lets fall all his ob­jections, and gives entertainment unto Christ, before he despised him, now he prizes him, before argu­ments did not sink into him, now they do, now he makes Christ well-come: this is exceeding remar­kable, easy to be observed, this carriage of the soul is [Page 134] set forth in Scripture, by opening to Christ, coming to him, marrying of him, is so contrary to his carri­age immediately before, that it is of easy observation▪

2. There is a great ability in conscience to take notice of the more s [...]cret stirrings of the heart: conscience has a wonderful quick eye: conscience [...] a curious observer of mens actions, Rom. 2.15. the conscience takes notice of the secret windings and turnings of the heart; the desires, the ends, the thoughts that pass through him, Heb. 4.12. by the help of the word▪ conscience makes discovery of the secret thoughts and intents of the heart: there is a wonderful sharp sight [...]dness in conscience to discover the carriage of the heart.

3. Conscience at this time is more than ordinary exact in taking notice of the carriage of the heart: at other times Conscience will take notice of small things, but at this time Consci [...]nce does most careful­ly observe what is done; for Consci [...]nce is now in a bless [...]d condition: it is a matter of life and death how he carries now under the call of the Gospel: Con­science takes more notice of this than of hundreds of other things; this is a thing that his salvation depends upon: Conscience has been pursuing of the sinner a great while, telling of him that if he would not close with Christ, he was undone, and must burn in hell for ever; he has been neglecting to hearken to con­science, and conscience has given him no rest; now wh [...]n he comes to do the thing that conscience has been so long urging him unto; conscience will take special notice of that; conscience will watch like Benhadads Servants, 1 King. 20 33. as a man would much observe it when he had compleated a de­sign [Page 135] that he had been labouring in many years.

2. The people of God in a way of believing, have comfortable communion with God: there is a [...]ate of communion with God, whereby a believer has a standing interest in the favour, power, w [...]sdom of God, and the righteousness of Christ, and in all his offices: but besides this, there is an actual com­munion with God, which is sometimes more insen­sible, sometimes more sensible: sometimes the peo­ple of God do enjoy glorious actual communion with God in this world: this is one of those enjoyments that man fell from by his sin: and no man in his natural estate does enjoy. A carnal man may have many internal discoveries of God, and be mightily affected therewith; but they do not properly enjoy any communion with him: but the people of God doe, 1 John 1.3. our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ: the fullnes of this is reserved in heaven, but there is an inchoation of it here: God had communion with Abraham and others of old in a visible appearance, and now has commu­nion with his Saints, though in a more spiritual manner.

And there are four particular ways of it, that I shall mention.

1. By discovering his own glorious nature to them: sometimes God breaks out of the clouds, and makes a discovery of his own glory to the soul: he has promised to the pure in heart that they shall see God: and sometimes he does cause his glory to pass before the soul: sometimes God makes a special dis­covery [Page 136] of one of his attributes, and sometimes of another, of his soveraignty, holiness▪ mercy, faith­fulness, Job. 42.5, 6. now mine eye seeth thee, 2 Cor. 3.18. we all with open face behold as in a glass the glory of the Lord: hereby men come to know God, other men have notions of God, but a Saint knows him:

And there are two effects of these discoveries.

One is a drawing out of the actings of grace, they put new life into the soul: they are very quickening and powerful on the heart.

The other is, That they enkindle a desire to know more of God: they make the soul long after further acquaintance with God, to see his power and glory, as they have seen him in the Sanctuary, Psal. 63.3.

2. By revealing of Christ and gospel-grace unto the soul. God does not only at first conversion, but many times after, make a discovery of Christ, to the soul, the Lord shews the soul the safety of this way of salvation; Saints long for this: Phil. 3.10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrectiion: and God is at times gratifying them: Christ is openi [...]g this mystery of the Gospel unto them; the Lord draws nigh and holds forth the Scepter of mercy, the acceptableness of his sacrifice, the freeness of his grace, the wonderfulness of his love, the certain­ty of salvation in a way of believing: and these discoveries that the Lord makes of the Gospel, doe answer all the objections of the heart, that though the soul was before in an unbelieving frame, he has power to resist no longer: these discoveries make Christ very precious, he esteems him as one that [Page 137] does indeed save from sin and wrath: these discove­ries make the soul contented with Christ: he sees he needs nothing but this righteousness to carry be­fore God: he has done looking out else-where for help, yea he takes delight in this way of salvation, it is a way that pleases, he counts it glorious, 1 Tim. 1.11.

3. By promises of particular mercies: God does draw nigh to some of his people, and by his spirit make known unto them that he will bestow some particular mercy upon them: thus he sometimes promises assistance in their works, recovery from sickness, publick deliverance: of old God has some­times by the Prophets made particular promises to wicked men, as to Abab and Jehu: whether he does any such thing by his spirit now to those that are carnal men, is not so certain: but undoubtedly he does to some Saints: and that in answer to their prayers: when they have been begging a mercy for God, he by some promise gives assurance to the soul, that the request shall be fullfilled.

4. By witnessing his love to the soul: God does not only help the soul to gather it by consequence, but God by his spirit does evidence the same to the soul: that he may quicken the heart in holiness, and that he may help the soul under temptations and sinking discouragements; or arm him against some special conflicts, he gives witness to his good estate, Gen. 7.1. Rom. 8.16. this differs much from those tasts that hypocrites may have; wherein they have some sence of the sweetness that is in promises: for this is by way of testimony: yea the spirit does make it manifest at that time that it is his testi­mony: and hereby this differs from the delusions [Page 138] of Satan: as the Prophets knew it to be the Lord that revealed things unto them: so Saints at the time knew it to be the Spirit of God that witnes­sed to them; they do not need any other help at that time to know it to be the voice of God: they do not need a candle to see the Sun: though soon after they may have doubts.

Thus I have cleared up the assumption of the Ar­gument, it remains that somewhat be added to evi­dence the proposition, that it must needs be safe ap­pearing in that righteousness upon the account of which God does bestow the beginnings of salvation here:

And I may evidence that from these two Princi­ples.

The first Principle is, That righteousness which does purchase any part of the good of the covenant, does purchase the whole good of the covenant: by the righteousness of Christ believers stand already possessed of some part of the good of the covenant and that righteousness that brought them into the possession of that, will in due time bring them into the possession of what remains: for that which pur­chases any part of the good of the covenant, must needs purchase the whole: the condition upon which all the good of the covenant depends was one, so that the good of the covenant must be wholy purcha­sed or wholly forfeited: it could not be in part purcha­sed, & in part forfeited; the condition of the covenant of works was perfect righteousness, if that were performed, all the good of the covenant was pur­chased, if that were not performed, all the good of the covenant was forfeited, an imperfect righteous­ness would not purchase any one good thing mentio­ned [Page 139] in the covenant: one sin was sufficient to break the whole covenant, and expose unto death: one sin would make a course of righteousness for many years utterly ineffectual unto the purchase of any good▪ and lay the sinner open unto the curse of the Law, Gal. 3.10. Rom. 6.23. whatever was done tow­ards the performance of the condition of the cove­nant, signified nothing, except the full was perfor­med that God required: so the condition of the co­venant of the Mediator was perfect obedience to the law of the Mediator, viz. perfect obedience to the commands of the law, and perfect bearing of the curse: 'tis true that the active and passive obedi­ence of Christ have a distinct respect one of them to the possession of good, the other to the removal of evil; the one is meritorious, the other satisfactory, one procures the blessings promised, the other deli­vers from the evils threatned: but yet Christ being made under such a covenant, the success of one de­pended upon the other, and they are joyntly toge­ther the purchasing cause of our salvation: and one of them would have had no efficacy at all towards our salvation, is not accompanied with the other▪ so that this principle stands firm, that that righteous­ness that does not procure all the good of the cove­nant, procures none, that righteousness can purchase no good for us, that is not sufficient for our com­pleat salvation, that cannot purchase the beginnings of salvation that does not justifie us: seeing there­fore on the account of Christs righteousness w [...] have already the beginnings of salvation, that righ­teousness is sufficient for our Justification and Sal­vation.

The Second Principle is,

[Page 140]That God in giving the beginnings of salvation in a way of believing in Christs righteousness for salva­tion, does own that to be the way of salvation: God does in this way give such mercies as are evidences of his savour, and such as do accompany salvation: he subdues sin, quickens the heart in holiness, re­veals his loving kindness, &c.

And herein God does plainly testifie, that this is the way to salvation: and that the righteousness of Christ was the procuring cause of salvation: if the righteousness of Christ were not sufficient for our salvation, God would be angry with us for believing in Christs righteousness, we might expect frowns and judgments in this way: but Gods giving the beginnings of salvation in this way, does eminently own it to be the way of life: when did God in such a way own men in a way of depending upon their own righteousness or external priviledges? they have some common mercies, but none of the beginnings of salvation: but the beginnings of salvation being bestowed in this way, are an evident sign of divine approbation of it, God bore witness to the Apostles preaching this do­ctrine by many wonderful signs, Heb. 2.4. and he bears witness to those that by faith receive this doctrine by wonderful gracious effects in them, he gives the earnest of heavenly glory: which evident­ly shews the efficacy of this righteousness which they trust in, to accomplish their salvation, Eph. I 13, 14. in whom after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy spirit of promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance, until the redemption of the purchased possession unto the praise of his glory.

[Page 141]


The ninth Argument: From the Sacra­ments of the New-Testament.

Two Objections against this Doctrine An­swered.

Argument IX.

IT is safe appearing before God in that righteousness, the efficacy whereof unto salvation we are taught in the Sacraments of the New-Testament:

But in the Sacraments of the New-Testament, we are taught the efficacy of Christ righteousness unto salvation: God in these Sacraments is by sensible signs teaching of us this truth: so that in the Sa­craments th [...]re is a divine testimony to this doctrine

[Page 142]1. We are taught the efficacy of Christs righte­ousness unto salvation, by the ordinance of Baptism; as 'tis said of circumcision, that it was a seal of the righteousness of Faith; so is baptism; the washing of water, signifies our washing in the blood of Christ: as the legal washings had a respect unto the cleansing away of sin by Christs blood, so has our baptismal washing: this ordinance practised first by John, and afterwards appointed by Christ to be a perpetual or­dinance in the gospel church, is appointed on this design to strengthen our Faith in this Doctrine.

1. This appears, because by baptism is held forth our fellowship with Christ in his sufferings, that is signified thereby, that we have an interest in the vertue of his sufferings; that his sufferings are made over unto us, that we do participate in the good and benefit of them, Rom. 6 3. so many of us as were bap­tized into Jesus Christ, were baptized into his death; [...]here was sealed up unto us the vertue and efficacy of his death: therefore verse 4. we are said to be bu­ried with him by baptism into [...]ath: the like expres­sion you have, Col. 2.12. we are thereby partakers of his sufferings, as if we our selves had suffered: and if this be held forth, then our justification and reconciliation is held forth: for that is procured by the sufferings of Christ, Rom. 5.10. we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son.

2. Baptism is appointed to be a seal to this doct­rine of faith in the righteousness of Christ; 'tis a confirmation of this doctrine, and the covenant of God to give salvation through faith [...]n Christ: and therefore it was John the Baptists ma [...]ner before h [...] baptized persons, to teach them that they must believe [Page 143] [...] Christ, Acts 19.4, 5. and the Apostles and Apo­stolical men would not baptize any adult persons, but such as professed to believe on Christ, Acts 8 36, 37. and indeed when persons do subject them­selves unto this ordinance of baptism, they do ac­knowledge that doctrine of salvation by Christ: and therefore in that promise which Christ puts into the mouths of the Apostles, when he sends them to preach the Gospel, he makes mention of baptism, Mark 16.16. he that believeth and is baptized, shall be saved; Baptism is mentioned as the evidence of Faith.

3. Because Baptism represents and shews forth the washing away the guilt of our sins by the blood of Christ. This is held forth in that 1 Pet. 3.21. the like figure whereunto even Baptism doth also now save us: not the putting away of the filth of the flesh [...]ut the answer of a good Conscience towards God by the resurrection of Jesus Christ: For the opening of this plead you may mind,

1. That the Ark spoken of, ver. 20. was a Type of Christ; therefore Baptism is said to be a like figure: the Ark wherein Noah's Family was preserved in time of the deluge typified our Salvation by the Lord Jesus: & therefore it is said, that Noah by preparing the Ark became Heir of the Righteousness which is by Faith, Hebr. 11.7.

2. Baptism does save us, as it is a shadow of some spiritual thing: therefore it is said, the like figure even Baptism saves us: not but that Baptism has some real influence into salvation, as indeed all Ordinances have, so the Types of old: but the salvation he attr [...] ­butes to Baptism is representative.

[Page 144]3. The Salvation represented by Baptism is the purging of the Conscience from the guilt of sin; called the answer of a good Conscience: the washing of the body signifies the washing of the soul.

4. The reason why he ascribes the answer of [...] good Conscience to the resurrection of Christ, and [...] to his death, is because▪ though his death purchased i [...], yet his resurrection is the great evidence of the satis­factoriness of his sufferings: therefore we are said [...] [...]e begotten unto a lively hope thereby, 1 Pet. 1.3.

2. We are taught the eff [...]ciency of Christs Righte­ousness unto salvation by the Ordinance of the Lords Supper: the Lords Supper was instituted by Christ immediately before his sufferings, wherein Bread and Wine in the celebration of that Ordinance are made the signs of the body and blood of Christ; they are not natural signs of any such thing, but have that signi­fication put upon them by Christ: and God is teaching us in this Ordinance, that we have salvation through the sufferings of Christ.

1. This appears because here the death of Christ is represented as a violent and penal death: here is a representation of Christ crucifi [...]d: here is not meerly the shewing forth of his death, but the manner of his d [...]ath, to mind us of it, that he died in a way of pun­ishment: that he suffered that vengeance that was due unto us for our sins, Isai. 53. [...]. for the transgression of my people was he stricken.

2 Here the death of Christ is represented as being upon our account, 1 Cor: 11: 24: this is my body which [...] broken for you: Christs death was the payment of our [Page 145] Debt: we were the principal Debtors, Christ was the Surety: our [...] was transferred unto him: he de­served not such sufferings himself, but underwent them as a publick person, and therefore by his Sufferings [...]e may be justified and saved.

3. In this Ordinance the death of Christ is to be shewed forth till becomes, 1 Cor. 11.26. which shews that it is sat [...]sfactory to the justice of God: it had not been worth the while to appoint signs for the remem­brance of it to the Worlds end, if it had not procured our salvation: it had better have been forgotten, if it had not procured our redemption.

4. The Wine in the Lords Supper is said to be his blood of the New-Testament, Mat: 26: 28: why is it so cal­led but that it purcha [...]es the blessings of the New-Te­stament? the Covenant of Grace is confirmed by the blood of Christ: on the same account he is called the Mediator of the New-Covenant or Testament, Hebrews 12:24.

5. His Blood is here represented, as shed f [...]r the re­mission of sins, Mat: 26: 28: that sins might be forgiven: and it would never have been thus represented if it had not been effectual for this end: his minding us for what purpose it was shed shews that the end is thereby attained.

6. In this Ordinance we are invited to put our trust in the death of Christ, Mat: 26: 26, 27: take, eat, this is my body, and drink ye all of it: when the body feeds upon the Sacramental Bread and Wine, the Soul is to do that which answers unto it: the Soul is to feed upon Christ crucified, which is nothing else but the acting Faith on him, Joh. 6 53.

[Page 146]Having thus cleared it, that in the Sacraments of the New-Testament, we are taught the efficacy of Christs Righteousness unto Salvation; it remain [...] that we add something to shew the evidence that a­rises from hence, that it is safe appearing in the righ­teousness of Christ: and Gods teaching of us, this makes it evident, what way soever God teaches it in but there is some peculiar light that does arise fro [...] this way of teaching by the Sacraments of the New Testament, that may help more abundantly to satisf [...] our hearts in this Truth.

1. If God teach us this in the Sacraments of the New-Testament, this shews that it lies much upon the heart of God to strengthen our Faith in this parti­cular, that it is safe appearing before God in Christs Righteousness: this shews that God is very careful that we may believe in Christ, if we see a man pro­mise another an Estate, make an instrument of convey­ance, sets his hand, and adds his Seal to it, we conclude that he desires to give him all manner of assurance, and would leave no room for doubting: so when we see God sending his servants to witness in his Name, that there is salvation in Christ; that he gives it un­der his hand, has left it upon Record in his Word, and adds also, sensible signs for the establishment of our Faith, we may conclude that God is very careful to leave no room for doubting in this particular: his de­sign is to put the thing out of all question: and cer­tainly God would never thus busie himself to delude us, nor take such care to satisfie us in this particular, but that this is the very way of Salvation.

2. If this be the thing that God teaches us in the Sacraments of the New-Testament, then there are so­lemn [Page 147] Ordinances founded upon this Doctrine of Sal­vation through the blood of Christ: this Doctrine is [...] that these Ordinances are built upon: the design of these holy Ordinances is to be wit­nesses to us of our Redemption and Salvation by the blood of Christ: and indeed the Ordinance of the Ministry is founded upon the same bottom: if this Doctrine were not true, there had been no occasion for these Ordinances: as it was with the Sacraments of the Old Testament, they were seals of the righteous­ness of Faith; so are the Sacraments of the New-Te­stament: and certain it is, that all the Ordinances of God are built upon realities: who can imagine that God would appoint any Ordinance, that should be like the stock, that is the graven Image, a Doctrine of Vanities, Jer. 10.8. God delights in no Worship but what has a good foundation: in the Sacraments God requires us to worship him, in a religious attendance upon him while he is teaching us this Doctrine of sal­vation by the righteousness and blood of Christ: in the Sacraments God requires us to worship him in a religious acknowledgment of the truth of this Do­ctrine; and this would never be if the Doctrine were not infallibly true: God needs no such Worship as is not built upon a real foundation, it is not suitable to give him any Worship, that is not built upon realities, God would never accept any such honour as this from us, much less require us to give it him; if this Do­ctrine of Salvation by the blood of Christ were not true: to deny the Doctrine of Salvation by the blood of Christ is to make the Sacrament a meer mockery: in the Sacrament God does by sacred Ordinances wit­ness to the salvation of Believers; and he will never prophane his own Ordinances by failing in the performance of that promise: these Sacraments being [Page 148] Ordinances appointed of God to teach us this Do­ctrine of salvation by Christs blood, we are thereby warranted to pray for a blessing upon them, for the furtherance of our spiritual and eternal good: but this we might not do, if the Doctrine held forth by them were not true: the Sacraments being appoint­ed by God to testifie this Doctrine to us; we have a warrant in the celebration of them and at other times to praise and bless the Lord for sending Christ Jesus to work out salvation for us: but certainly if this Doctrine were not true, there would be no reason for us so to do, neither would the Lord accept of such praises: if there were not certain salvation to be had by Christ, no man alive can give a reason of the insti­tution of the Sacraments, nor salve the honour of God who has appointed them to teach us this Do­ctrine of salvation by the righteousness of Christ.

There be two things principally that may be objected against this Doctrine:

Objection 1.

That Faith is said to be imputed for righteousness, Rom. 4.3, 21, 22. Gen. 15.5, 6. to which it may be added, that Faith under the Gospel comes in the room of works that were required under the Law: hence Faith and Works are so often opposed by the Apostle in the matter of Justifica­tion, Rom. 3.28. Gal. 2.16.

Answer 1.

That Faith that is imputed to us for righteousness; is believing in Jesus Christ: it is not any act of Faith nor any other act of justifying Faith that is imputed [Page 149] for righteousness but only believing in Christ: this is evident, because that is the description of justifying Faith in other places of the Scripture; he that belie­veth in him shall have everlasting life, John 3 6. this Faith is described, ver. 22. But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him, that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead: here this Faith is described;

1. It is Faith on God: a relying or depending upon him.

2. The consideration under which, this is acted on God, that is as having raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; that is, as having wrought out salvation for us by Jesus Christ: it may be objected against this interpretation, that this Faith that was imputed for righteousness to Abraham is called a blessing God, Rom. 4.3. and the promise that he believed was a promise of a numerous posterity: Gen. 15.1, 5, 6.

Ans. This Faith of his did include in it a believing of the promised seed, and a believing on him: God had before promised, that in him all the families of the earth should be blessed, Gen. 12.3. and now he pro­mises him a posterity like the stars in number: and Abraham entertains this promise as it included in it the promised seed, and as Christ says, rejoyced to see his day, and saw it, and was glad, Job 8.56. this was rec­koned unto him for Righteousness, this is plain from Gal. 3.6, 7, 8.

2. Faith in Jesus Christ does interest us in the righteousness of Jesus Christ: whoever has this faith has the righteousness of Christ: God might have made over this righteousness of Christ to us without any condition if he pleased, or upon any other, but [Page 150] faith was suitable and God has appointed this to be the way of our partaking in the righteousness of Christ: and hereby men come to have an interest [...] that: men come to have an interest in Christs righte­ousness called gold and white raiment, by buying that of him, that is, by believing on him, Rev. 3.18. The righteousness of God is through Faith in Christ, [...]. 3.9. so that all that have this faith, have the righteousness of Christ.

3. It is very probable that the Apostle intends no more, when he sayes Faith is imputed for righteous­ness, then this, that Believers are reckoned righteous, through the righteousness of Christ: the phrase seems to import somewhat else, then if he had said, that their Faith was their righteousness: to be reckoned for righteousness seems to note to be accepted in stead of personal righteousness: and so Faith is accepted through the righteousness of Christ: this is further confirmed from that phrase, Heb. 11.7. He became heir of the righteousness which is by Faith, that is, of the righ­teousness of Christ, which is applied unto us by Faith: and there is no necessity of understanding any thing more by that phrase, the righteousness of Faith, Rom. 4.11, 13. but the righteousness which we have an inte­rest in by Faith.

4. Yet it may be granted without danger, that Faith is our evangelical righteousness, but not our le­gal righteousness: God has made two covenants with men, the one is the covenant of works, the other the covenant of grace: in the covenant of works perfect holiness is the condition, that is the righteousness that must be fulfilled in order unto life: in the covenant of Grace believing is the condition, and this may be [Page 151] called Gospel righteousness: because according to the terms of the Gospel all Believers are declared righte­ous in the sight of God: and the promise of salvation is made unto believing: but believing is not our legal righteousness, it does not answer the demands of the Law; there is a necessity of the righteousness of Christ which is legal righteousness, 1 Cor 1.30. and indeed Faith could not have been the condition of salvation, had it not interested us in the righteousness of the Law: the covenant of Works and covenant of Grace also must be fulfilled or we cannot be saved: Christ fulfilled the covenant of works for us, and gives us Faith in his righteousness, whereby we fulfil the covenant of Grace.

5. Whereas it is added to stengthen the Objection that Faith under the Gospel comes in the room of works under the Law; and therefore as works under the Law were to be the matter of justification, so is Faith under the Gospel:

I Answer,

Faith does not under the Gospel properly come in the room of works, for works are necessary under the Gospel unto Justification: works are the purchasing cause of life: only God has found out another way of performing those works than the Law speaks of, namely, by a Surety: but yet perfect Obedience is as necessary as at first, for our Justification: the Gospel does not justifie us in any way of contradiction to the Law: works now are the legal condition of Justifi­cation, but Faith is the evangelical condition of Justi­fication, and every Believer does fulfil both those con­dicions, one in his Surety, the other in his own per­son; Faith is the condition of the covenant of Grace, [Page 152] and Faith interests us in the righteousness of Christ, whereby the covenant of works is also fulfilled: and when the Apostle does oppose Faith, and the works of the Law, he does not oppose Faith to the works of the Law as performed by Christ; for they work to­gether for our Justification: but he opposes it to our works, that our works in obedience to the Law can ne­ver justifie us: works under the Law were the purcha­sing cause of Justification, and so they are still: works under the Law were the condition of Justification and they only: but now they are the legal condition, and Faith is the evangelical condition: Faith is all the condition required to be performed by us in our own persons.

Objection 2.

God has made many promises of forgiveness of sins [...] Obedience, and so also of Salvation, whereby it seems that it is not safe relying upon Christs righteousness, but upon our own: there be many promises of forgiveness, Isai. 1.16, 17, 18. Wash you, make you clean, put away the evil of your do­ings, &c. come and let us reason together, saith the Lord, though your sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow, though they [...]e [...]ed like crimson, they shall be as wool. Mat. 6 14. for if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: 1 John 3.9. if we confess our sins, be is faithful and [...]ust to forgive us our sins: Isai. 55.7 let the wicked forsake his way and the righteous man his thoughts, and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him, and to our God, for he will a­bundantly pardon: So there are many promises of Sal­vation made unto Obedience, Rom. 8.13. if ye by the spi­rit do mortifie the deeds of the flesh ye shall live, Mat. 5.8. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God: and to [Page 153] like purpose eternal life is spoken of as the reward of Obedience: Hebr. 11.1, 26. He had respect to the recom­pence of reward, Col. 3.24. knowing that of the Lord, ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance, for ye serve the Lord Christ.


To the first part of the Objection from promises of forgiveness made to Obedience: I Answer,

1. That forgiveness is not alwayes taken in Scrp­ture for the act of Justification, whereby God does take off the sentence of eternal condemnation. but many times it is taken for Gods overlooking sin so as not to bring that temporal calamity that he might have done: so when God removes a temporal judg­ment, he is said to forgive their sins, Mich. 7.18. so when he forbears to destroy a people that have de­served it, and only brings some less judgments on them, he is said to forgive them, Psal. 99.8. Thou wast a God that forgavest them though thou tookest vengeance [...] their inventions: Psal. 78.38. He forgave their ini­quity and destroyed them not: Numb 14.20, 21, 22, 23. And the Lord said, I have pardoned according to thy word, &c. but they shall not see the Land that I sware unto their Fathers: and sometimes he bestows this pardon upon them, whom he does not deliver from the sentence of condemnation, and sometimes he denies this unto them, whom he does deliver from a sentence of condemnation: Moses's sin shall not be so forgiven but that he must dye in the Wilderness for his trespass at the waters of Meribah: Eli shall not be so forgiven but that sore judgment shall come upon his Family: the preventing or removing of temporal calamities, whether inward or outward is called forgiveness: and this is the very thing is intended by forgiveness some­times [Page 154] when God makes promises of forgiveness unto obedience and reformation: the meaning is, that God will prosper them and bless, and not pursue them with Judgments and calamities: this is evident be­cause sometimes God promises forgiveness to a Na­tion in a way of obedience, it is promised as a Na­tional blessing: so in that Isai. 1.16, 17, 18. therefore it does not intend deliverance from eternal condem­nation: for God does not promise that as a publick blessing, depending upon publick reformation.

2. Sometimes when God promises forgiveness unto Obedience, the meaning is, that if the soul do return unto God by a true work of conversion he shall be justified: when men are converted they are brought into a state of acceptance with God: God is recon­ciled unto them: so that place is to be understood, Isa. 55.7. let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him: Act 3.19. repent therefore and be c [...] ­verted that your sins may be blotted out: and the reason why God promises forgiveness upon conversion is, be­cause Faith which is the condition of the covenant is included in conversion: converted persons have Fait [...] in Christ Jesus.

3. Sometimes when forgiveness is promised unto particular acts of Obedience, the meaning is that those acts of obedience are a sign that a man is in a justified condition: so that is to be understood, M [...]. 6.14. for if you forgive men their trespasses, your heaven­ly Father will forgive you: and that 1 John 1.9. If [...] confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins: these things are not the condition of forgiveness, much less the meritorious cause of forgiveness: but they are a sign that a man is such an one, to whom the promise of forgiveness does belong: so a­ny one upright act of obedience is a sign that a [Page 155] mans sins are forgiven and shall be forgiven in the day of Judgment: because they are things that do accom­pany Faith in Christ, though they have no influence unto justification.

2. To the second part of the Objection that pro­mises of Salvation are made to Obedience:

I Answer,

1. That' the promises of eternal life are not made unto obedience as that which does merit eternal life: and therefore the best of Gods servants do acknow­ledg themselves unworthy of any good, Gen. 32.10. They shall walk with me in white for they are worthy, Luk. 21.36. Watch ye therefore and pray alwayes, that ye may be counted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man: but the word [...] rendred worthy, often signifies no more than conveniency and suitableness: so Eph. 4.1. walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called: but the obedience of the people of God cannot merit eter­nal life: there are two wayes of meriting, neither of which can belong to the obedience of the Saints: one i [...] when men do merit a reward from absolute justice, from the meer dignity of the work: in this sence one man can merit from another, but no man from God: for whatever man does for God is but a due Debt: and because no man [...] do any good but by the grace of God, the work it self is the gift of God: there is another way of meriting, and that is according to the tenour of the Law: when man keeps the Law he does deserve a recompence according to the tenor of it: thus Jesus Christ has merited life for us, Eph. 1.14. he has purchased the heavenly possession; so the Angels [Page 156] merited blessedness for themselves: but the Obedience of the Saints is not meritorious in this sense: because it fails of legal exactness: there be many sins mixed with their obedience, and their best obedience is very imperfect and polluted: and indeed it is upon the ac­count of Christ that the obedience of the Saints is ac­cepted: 1 Pet. 2.5. We offer [...] acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.

2. The promises of eternal life are not made to obedience as the proper condition of it: because God is absolutely engaged to bestow eternal life upon Be­lievers: every Believer has already performed the condition of the Covenant; and is under an absolute promise of life, John 1 2. This is the promise that he hath promised us, even eternal life: and obedience is promised to them, therefore cannot be properly a condition.

3. The promises of eternal life are made unto obe­dience as the sign of it: obedience is an evidence that a man is an heir of eternal life; good works do de­clare that a man is one that shall be saved: obedience is an evidence of the love of God, it is from love that a man is enabled to live a life of obedience; and they are an evidence that a man is a believer: where there is obedience, there is Faith also: men are sanctified by Faith in Christ, Acts 26.18.

4. The promises of eternal life are made to obedi­ence, as where in God has appointed to lead men to it: God has purposed to lead men in a way of holi­ness unto happiness, and wherever he begins to deli­ver men from sin here, to deliver them perfectly here­after: this is the order wherein God has appointed to bestow salvation, first to sanctifie and then to glorifie: [Page 157] God has appointed to prepare all those for glory here that he does intend to bestow it upon hereafter; he prepares them [...]re for that holy place, for that holy company, for that holy work that is there, though they shall be more fully prepared at the time of their dissolution: this is the method that God has designed to save men in, that they shall have their fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life, Rom. 6.27.

3. To the third part of the Objection, that Glory is called the reward of Obedience:

I Answer.

1. That when Heaven is called a recompence, the word is not taken for that which is deserved; there is a plain difference in the way wherein God inflicts death and bestows life, Rom. 6 23. the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Je­sus our Lord.

2. Heaven is not properly bestowed upon the Saints upon the account of their obedience as the condition of it: it is upon the account of the obedi­dience of Christ as the meritorious cause, and upon the account of their Faith as the condition of it: their obedience is indeed the way wherein they do receive it, and so it is a recompence of it: they have heaven in a way of obedience, and heaven will make an a­bundant recompence for all their labour and travail: the people of God take pains, undergo hardships, un­dergo many temptations and conflicts in a way of obe­dience; but heaven will make amends for all, and a­bundantly recompence all their trouble in the way of serving God: at the end of their journey they shall re­ceive heaven, and that will make amends for all their trouble.

[Page 158]3. Saints when they go to heaven shall receive a recompence on the account of their good works: their good works are the condition of an additional glory: the essential glory of heaven is given on the account of Christs purchase: and that God has promised to be­stow in a way of obedience: but besides those pro­mises, there are others wherein God has engaged further degrees of glory upon condition of obedience: there will be a gracious reward by the covenant of grace given to every act of obedience performed by the Saints, Mat. 10. ult. God will take an account of all the good works of his Saints, and recompence eve­ry one: so that the more any Saint does for God the more glory shall be bestowed upon him. Phil. 4.17. and hence it is, as one Saint does more for God than another, so the glory of one shall exceed the glory of another: God will not overlook any thing that is done by his people: though the obedience of the Saints be imperfect, yet it is capable of being rewar­ded by the covenant of grace: it is not properly the condition of enjoying heaven, but it is the condition of enjoying further degrees of glory in heaven.

[Page 159]

USE I. Reproof to those that seek sal­vation by their own righteousness.


THe improvement we shall make of this truth, is, first to reprove those that are seeking accep­tance with God and salvation by their own righteous­ness: that neglecting the righteousness of Christ; are seeking the favour of God by their own works; this was the very spirit of the Jewish Nation in those declining times, wherein Chri [...] Jesus was upon the earth: and this is one great part of the apostacy of the Antichristian Church, that they teach Justificati­on by works: but besides these, it is the ordinary practice of such whose consciences are awakened and terrified, first to seek their peace, and work out [Page 160] their reconciliation by their own righteousness: when once the sinner is stung with the guilt of sin, and under the awful apprehensions of Gods wrath, the first way that presents it self for his relief, is the reformation of his sins, and diligent applying himself unto the duties of Religion: and they are travelling this way after peace, sometimes many years, with a neglect of Christ: men ought indeed to seek their peace with reformation, but not by their reformations: but men are mightily wedded to this way of seeking salvation by their own duties: this is one of those things that make the work of con­version so exceeding difficult: it is a difficult thing to bring men to be earnestly seeking salvation, and when they are brought unto that, it is very difficult to bring them to seek it in the right way, they sought it not by Faith, but as it were by the works of the Law, Rom 9.32. but men have no ground at all for this, it is safe appearing before God in the righteousness of Christ: but it is no ways safe for men to trust in their own righteousness: when men make their own righ­teousness the ground of their confidence, they do but flatter themselves, and please themselves in a vain de­lusion: their own works can never procure their acceptance with God.

In prosecuting this [...]se: let us consider

  • 1. Who they are that seek salvation by their own Righteousness.
  • 2. What righteousness they do attain unto:
  • 3. What are their temptations to seek their sal­vation in this way.
  • [Page 161]4. What confidence they have in their own righteousness.
  • 5. How they do to hide it from themselves that they trust in their own righteousness.
  • 6. The vanity of mens trusting to their own righteousness.

The first thing to be considered is,

Who they are that seek salvation by their own righteousness:

But before I give you their characters, it will be needful to premise two things:

1. They that seek salvation by their own Righ­teousness, do not expect salvation from the cove­nant of works, as it requires perfect obedience in order unto life: they dare not adventure their souls on the strictness of the Law: though they had need to do so, if they seek life by their own works: but they do not thus; they look upon their righteousness as that which will allay the Anger of God; and be an inducement unto God to save them, that which will win the good-will of God, and draw the heart of God to them: yea they look upon their righte­ousness as that which will bring God in their debt, that God is beholden to them for their service, yet they do not lay claim to blessedness by the strict­ness of the Law, for they know and confess them­selves to be sinners, they pray for forgiveness; which things are inconsistent with justification by their own works: the Jews did not s [...]and upon a strict cove­nant [Page 162] of works, Rom. 9.31, 32: they sought it as it were by the works of the Law: but these men do make such a mixture of the covenant of works with the covenant of grace, wherein the covenant of works is predominant: they make some profession of the Gospel, and yet adhere to a covenant of works, therefore the Apostle tells them; that if they be cir­cumcised, Christ shall profit them nothing, Gal. 5.2. they made account to have some benefit by Christ; so th [...]y made account to have some benefit by grace; therefore the Apostle tells them, that whoever of them are justified by the Law, are fallen from grace: they did not pretend to the strictness of the Law, but took in Gospel Principles into their way of ju­stification, and yet were legal all the while: this makes the Apostle dispute in that manner against them, Rom. 6.11: if it be grace, it is no more of work [...] otherwise grace is no more grace; but if it be of works, then is is no more grace, otherwise work is no more, works: they mingled grace and works together, they made their own works the foundation of their hopes, and yet took in the plea of Gods grace, and Christs Righteousness; they thought their own works did contribute something, and the grace of God through Christ would make up their defects.

2. The Saints of God have a great deal of a self-righteous spirit remaining in them, and men must not conclude because they find such workings in their hearts, that they are self-righteous: no doubt many of the Galatians that were tainted with the doctrine of the Legallists were really converted, Gal. 4.14. there was somewhat of this spirit in Pe­ter, Mat. 19.29. we have forsaken all, what shall we have therefore: as the people of God are not com­pleatly [Page 163] delivered from other corruptions, so not from carnal confidence: there is such a spirit work­ing and sometimes prevailing in them: but there is also in the Saints an evangelical spirit, Phil. 3.3. we rejoyce in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh: they allow not themselves to have any confi­dence in the Flesh.

These things premised, take these characters of those men that seek salvation by their own righteous­ness.

1. Such men as magnifie themselves by their du­ties and frames: they count highly of themselves, because of what they do; pride is the very spirit of self-righteousness. The self-righteous man sets a great price upon what he does: he loves to be thinking upon what he has done, how his heart mel­ted in such a duty, how his affections were drawn out and enlarged in such a prayer, what he has done and suffered in the cause of God: he loves to chew over duties again, as things that do commend him to God, while another man is magnifying free-grace, and the Righteousness of Christ, the self-righteous man is idolizing his own services, falls in love with his own beauty: is taken with his own carriage, and thinks that God and man should be ta­ken with him: he thinks his works do ingratiate him with God: and draw the heart of God towards him, so the Pharisee, Luke 18.12. I fast twice in the week, and give tithes of all that I poss [...]ss: he minds God of it, what a choice man he was, and thinks that God has not many such servants as himself: he counts his own righteousness his riches, Rev: 3:17. he is rich in prayers, rich in mournings, rich in duties of Religi­on, and of charity: he is not brought to be poor in [Page 164] spirit, he don [...]t see himself without money and with­out price, but has a considerable estate of his own to live upon: he thinks that by his duties he gains som­thing towards the paying for salvation, Phil 3 7 he places his confidence in those things, and glories in them; as a rich man boasts of his wealth, so he boasts of his righteousness: and despises other men, as the Pharisee, Luk. 18. [...]1. I am not as other men, or like this Publican: whereas the spirit of a Saint is to glory in the righteousness and sufferings of Christ, Gal. 6.14. God forbid that I should glory, save in the Cross of Jesus Christ,

2. Such men make their duties their refuge in time of danger: such men are oftentimes scared from a remembrance of their former courses, and sence of present failings: sometimes when they hear the threatnings of the Word, sometimes when it is a time of mortality, so when they are ill, and un­der apprehension that dying time is come: and when in this fright, they betake themselves to their own righteousness as their strong-hold: a godly man makes his uprightness an argument to hope: the self-righ­teous man makes his duties the foundation of his faith, in a stormy time he gets under them for shel­ter, instead of getting under the shadow of Christ; he flies to his own duties, they are his castle, wher­in he fortifies himself against fear, they are his har­bour, where he casts anchor: from thence he takes his great encouragement.

This was Pauls sheet-anchor before his conversion, that he was touching the righteousness of the law blame­less, Phil. 3.6. the self-righteous man comforts up his heart with this, that surely God will have some [Page 165] respect unto his pains, his affections, his charity, his strict walking: this is his fort that he retires unto in time of danger: he has not been so bad as other men, and he hopes God will not deal in rigour with him: he thinks that his duties do lay some engage­ments upon the love of God, and compassion, he hopes his prayers and tears have some constraining efficacy upon the compassionate heart of God.

Sometimes he thinks that his duties lay some bonds upon the justice of God, he thinks it equal that he should be spared, and that it would be extream ri­gour, for God to cast him off at last, when he has done so much for him. Sometimes he thinks his duties have laid a tye upon the faithfulness of God, God has made promises to them that seek, and he claims an interest in them; he makes his duties th [...] lay of his soul, and when conscience is pursuing of him, he takes sanctuary here.

3. Such men take their encouragement from their frames and duties to come to Christ: many self-righteous men do draw comfort from Christ, and they think they have their dependance on Christ: count themselves believers, but the comfort they draw from Christ is at the second hand; their en­couragement takes its first rise from some excellency in themselves. They would not dare to trust in Christ but under such considerations as these; that they are reformed, not so bad as other men, have love to Christ, are sorrowful for their sins: have a good affection to Ordinances, and the people of God, such considerations do embolden them to come to Christ, he thinks if he were so bad and so bad, Christ would not accept of him: but it being otherwise [Page 166] with him he thinks he may venture: he desires [...] be better with all his heart, and so hopes that it is not presumption for him to come to Christ: finding such frames in his own heart, he thinks that Christ does mean him in the invitations of the Gospel, so he makes his own duties a step towards Christ, he makes his own gracious frames a preparation to [...] coming to Christ.

He dresses up himself in his own righteousness; and when he has made himself as comely as he [...], adventures to cast himself upon Christ: he imagines something in himself, why God should bestow the righteousness of Christ rather upon him than upon another, whereas a Sain [...] comes to Christ meerly upon Gospel encouragements, from the grace and faithfulness of God, and righteousness of Christ, Isa. 45.24, Surely shall one say in the Lord Je­hovah, have I righteousness and strength.

4. Such persons labour after some goodness to pre­pare them for Christ. They are striving after some in order to their closing with Christ, when they are invited to come to Christ for salvation, they excuse themselves, and think they are not good enough yet to come to Christ: they think it would be presum­ption to come with such hearts as they have, they think no body ever came to Christ that had such hearts: but they think if they were better, they might come; and so they are labouring after some self-excellency, in order to their closing with Christ, they are purifying themselves and garnishing themselves, that they may be fit to come to Christ: they think if their hearts were more broken they might come: if they had more love to Christ [Page 167] if they did see the real evil of sin: and so they make it their business to get these qualifications: they don't count it their next work to believe: but think they must get some other self-excellency in order to belie­ving: so they make it their present work to mend their own heart, and sometimes they think they get a little forward, and then they go backward: just like a man that undertakes to empty a fountain, which fills as fast as he empties, or like one that attempts to fetch a dead body to life; he chases it and it grows warmer, but is as far from life as ever: so those men are striving against their dullness & hardness; they tug with their own hearts to make them better: for he thinks he must be better before he believes in Christ: whereas a Saint when he finds his heart bad comes to Christ to make it better.

5. They are discontented if they be not accepted because of their duties: if God don't comfort them, but they are held under terrors, they wonder what the matter is, and so likewise when God crosses them in his providences and follow them with afflictions: their hearts are discontented, they are heavy and dis­pleased: they think it strange that their duties are no more regarded: that they should do so much and [...]e requited so: they lay hard dealing to Gods charge, think it is not equal: they are ready to look upon it to be a piece of cruelty, that God dont help them when they have done so much for him: especially if God comforts others that have not been so long in a way of Religion, they find peace and communion with God▪ this makes the heart swell; men can't [...]ear it that others should have mercy, and they not [...] their services make them very discontented under Gods dealing towards them, Isai. 58.3. Wherefore have [Page 168] we fasted say they and thou seest not? wherefore have [...] afflicted our souls and thou takest no knowledg?

2. Let us consider what righteousness such men may attain unto, that seek salvation by their own righ­teousness: and there is no doubt but such men may go a great way in Religion, some attain one measure and others another: but they may go far, though they fall greatly short of what the least saints do attain▪ yet they are capable of attaining a great deal: they may attain so much as to exceed what many saints d [...] attain as to the external part of Religion: they may make a glorious shew so as to gain the approbation and applause of the people of God:

Take it under these three Heads:

1. They may attain to as much as any Saint, as [...] the external part of Religion: all the external acts of holiness may be done by him that has no principle of holiness: the external acts of grace may be so imi­tated that no man can discern the difference: though ordinarily the conversation of the saints be better than the conversation of other men, yet others may attend the external part of godliness as much as any saint▪ for 'tis not grace that gives men power to do that which is externally good: nature gives men the po­wer to do the action, and grace gives men power to do it in a right manner, and for a right end: and the corruption in natural men be strong to hinder them from the external acts of Religion, yet that may be over-ruled: natural men have a power to do the ex­ternal duty, and they may have a will too through some over-ruling consideration: Paul tho a Pharis [...] ▪ may have a blameless conversation; tho Vriah wa [...] [Page 169] not a faithful Priest, yet he was a faithful Witness, Isai 6.4. many a natural man is of chast conversation, tem­perate in the use of meat and drink, just in his deal­ings with men, charitable to the poor, strict in obser­ving of the Sabbath: he may be greatly instrumental in promoting the publick good; abound in Fasting and Prayer, fall in with the better party; take much pains for the conversion of others: yea the Apostle intimates that a man may give all his goods to feed the poor, and his body to be burned, and not have charity, 1 Cor. 13.3. an opinion of merit is sufficient to make many men give all they have to the poor: and men may suffer death in the cause of God, that have no grace, either from sturdiness of spirit: some are men of high spirits, and count it a disgrace to them to yield: they scorn that others should get the day of them: they will not dis [...]arage themselves nor humor their ene­mies so as to yield to them: or from confidence of their salvation; lotting upon it, that if they dye in such a cause, they shall surely go to heaven.

2. They may attain unto great religious frames: many carnal men have had very strong pangs of affe­ction their hearts may overflow in a religious way: many that have no principle of grace have had great impressions on their hearts from the Word of God, the hearts of natural men have been considerably en­gaged in the wayes of God: the Gallatians many of whom Paul was afraid of, were formerly greatly affe­cted with the Gospel, Gal. 4.15. he that was not pre­pared to go thorow sufferings tells Christ in a pang, he will follow him whither soever he goes, Luk. 9.57, 58. [...] has a great pang. because God had wrought salvation in Israel, 1 Sam. 11.13. they sang Gods praise that soon forget his works, Ps. 106.12, 13. men may receive the [Page 170] word with joy, yet not hold out in a day of persecutions Mat. 13.21. men may bewail their miscarriages the their hearts be not mended, 1 Sam. 26.21. men may delight in Religion that are not sincere in it, Joh 27.9, 10. men may abominate some sins, though none be mortified, 1 Chron. 21.6, the Kings word was abominable unto Joah: men may be full of zeal that are strangers unto Christ, Phil. 3.6. these pangs and religious frames are nothing else but the various workings of an enlightned conscience and self-love: some men are enlightned to see their danger in a way of sin, and the hopes of blessedness in a way of returning to God▪ God puts a light into the mind whereby men come to see their present danger, and hell, and eternity, and wrath seem real things unto them: and after a while God gives many of them some special encouragements of the possibility of salvation: natural men are some­times under a common conviction of the glory of God: a natural man is capable of some discoveries that way: and these convictions work upon that na­tural principle of self-love: and hence arise that fear, joy, hope, thankfulness, that many natural men do ex­perience: all those religious frames and dispositions that are in natural men, are nothing else but the va­rious shapings of self-love: the same principle of self-love which made them before to follow the World and their pleasures, does after conviction make them seek after holiness, Christ and salvation.

3. They may continue in the practice of Religion all their dayes: tho many times they do not, but fall away sometimes to Heresie, sometimes to Prophaness, and ordinarily if they live long they grow sapless and unsavoury, so as to have little relish of Religion upon their hearts: and generally those tasts which they [Page 171] have had of the good Word of God, are lost after a while, so as to have no enlivening impression on the heart: these affections which sometime were in them either away: yet without question many of them do continue in the practice of Religion as long as they live: if they may continue in the practice of Religi­on one year, why not seven? why not twenty? why not as long as they live? love of credit, a compliance with the custom of the place where they live, the workings of natural conscience may have such an in­fluence upon them, as to make them continue in the practise of Religion: Christ indeed sayes of some, that they believe for a time, and in time of temptation fall away, Luk. 8.13. but his meaning is, that it is com­monly so▪ but experience shews that a temporary Faith may live under persecution: all false Faith in­deed may be called temporary, because it is subject to perish in time: it is not built upon such a founda­tion as to make it stand against all temptations: true Faith is built upon firm foundations, the power, mercy and faithfulness of God, and the perfect righteous­ness of Jesus Christ; and in these things there is a bottom for Faith in the dismaliest times that may come: here is that which will answer all temptati­ons, 2 Thess. 2.16. but a false Faith is built upon fail­ing foundations, the goodness of his frames, mistakes about the love of God, and hence his faith may fail, though I know no condition that a false heart can be brought into, except one wherein he may not con­tinue to believe; he may continue to believe under great afflictions from the hand of God, under great persecutions from men, in a dying day: indeed if God do discover to him what an heart he has, and shew him the plague of that, his false Faith will die away; for the foundation of it, [...] opinion of his [Page 172] own good [...]ss is taken away: but yet even then he may continue in the practice of Religion:

3. Let us consider what are the temptations that make men seek salvation by their own righteousness, and certainly they must be great temptations that have so strong an efficacy upon the hearts of men: godly men have much to do to restrain and subdue this spirit in th [...]mselves, and generally convinced sinners are [...] carried away with this Spirit: though God [...] so plainly witness against it in his Word; yet mul­titudes of men are seeking life in this way; so that we may conclude there is some strong current that men are carried away with: some great intangle­ments that men are thus ensnared with, though many are not aware of it, yet there are mighty temptati­ons to lead them into this mistake: and we may re­duce them to these Heads:

1. The pride of mans heart: fallen man is a proud creature; tho he has so much to bring down his spi­rit, yet he is extreamly add [...]ted to magnifie himself, Joh 11.12. vain man woul [...] [...]e wise, though man be bor [...] like a wild Asses colt: self-love which is the very root of original sin, runs principally in this channel, men are miserably devoted to this way of sinning, though men have extreamly debased themselves, and degra­d [...]d themselves from that excellency which God be­stowed on them, yet they are exceeding prone to [...] with pride: pride is thought to be the first sin [...] devil, and we are sure there was a great deal [...] in the first sin of man, that temptation of [...] Gods, knowing good and evil had a [...] into the apostacy of our first Parents: [...] spirit runs through the life of man, from his [Page 173] child-hood to old age: therefore called the pride of life, 1 Joh. 2.16 how many methods have men found out to gratifie their pride: what cost are men at, what pains do they take, what hazards do they run, that they may satisfie this lust of pride? men are proud of every thing, all natural excellencies, ac­quired endowments, external enjoyments are fewel to pride; men are proud of their duties and graces, yea proud of their sins too: proud of the mercies that God bestows on them, and proud of the afflicti­ons that they have, or have had: pride is deeply root­ed in the heart of man; and hence it is that he is so addicted to seek salvation by his own righteousness: the spirit of a self-righteous man is to exalt himself: setting up a mans own righteousness is directly con­trary to the work of humiliation and the grace of humility: a Pharisaical spirit is a proud spirit, Luk. 18.14. pride is the reason of mens setting up their own righteousness; and it has an influence these two wayes.

1. Pride makes men desirous to live upon them­selves, and to be beholden to the grace of God no more than needs must: proud man had rather be the author of his own happiness, than to have it in a way of free gift: most men had rather earn their living with their fingers end, than live upon the charity of other men: so in this case, men had rather com­pound with God for heaven upon the account of their own services than be beholden to free grace: it would please the haughty heart of man exceedingly, to have the honour of saving himself; that he might have that to boast of, that he had [...]eaven as the fruit of his own labours: Boasting is excluded by the law of Faith, Rom. 3.27. and therefore the heart don't like [Page 174] that way: mens spirits will very hardly come down to take life as a gift from a provoked God: men can hardly stoop to it, to come to the door of mercy, if they can make any other shift they will not do it: it is exceeding cross to flesh and blood to have nothing of his own to glory in; and to yield himself to be a poor, vile and unworthy creature, to be altogether helpless in himself; man was once set out with a good stock, and might have earned heaven, and tis very hard to him to yield himself a prodigal, he sto­macks it to come for alms: it would be hard to one especially that has been rich so to do: this we may see in the Prodigal, Luk. 15.14, 15. he began to be in want, and went and joyned himself to a Citizen of that Countrey: nothing but extremity would bring down his spirit, so as to make him return to his Father; he had rather work hard than come a begging to his Father.

2. Pride makes men conceited of their own Righteousness▪ proud men are wont to have an high opinion of their own things: they set an high rate on their own excellencies, and so do men of their Righteousness; pride makes men unreasonable in their esteem of it, they magnifie it beyond all bounds: pride hinders them from passing an unpartial judgment upon what they do and are: they think their hearts are a great deal better than they be: when Hazael was told what he should afterward do, he answers the Prophet, Is thy Servant a Dog that he should do this thing? 1 Kings 8.12, 13. they imagine that their corruptions are mortifyed, that they love God and Jesus Christ, Prov. 30.12. There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, yet not cleansed from [Page 175] their filthiness: pride makes them take up a good o­pinion of their own hearts upon small appearances: and when they have only a few pangs of affection, presently they are conceited that they have sincere desires after holiness and faith: or at least that there is such an inclinableness to the ways of God, which will with diligence grow up to be love to God and his Wayes.

They think they shall bring their hearts to it after a while; and are conceited that their services are very pleasing and acceptable to God, they think there is worthiness in them, that they deserve to be ac­cepted: they think they carry it better than others; pride makes men to admire their own excellency: to fall in love with their own beauty, they extol the services that they do, because they are their own: Luke 18.12. I fast twice in the week, and give tithes of all that I possess.

2. Another temptation is that God in the Scrip­ture does manifest and testifie his great approbation, of holiness and obedience, prayer and repentance. God gives great encouragement unto men to walk in ways of holiness.

He bears witness often to his acceptance of the obedience of his people: God is all along in the Scripture witnessing the regard that he has unto ho­liness; sometimes he tells us that he does delight in it, Psal. 15.8. The prayer of the upright is his delight: that he loves it, Psal, 11.7. the Righteous Lord loveth Righteousness: that he loveth the Righteous, Isa. 146 8. The Lord loveth the Righteous; that he is reconci­led to such as do amend their ways, Isai. 55.7. let [Page 176] him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy on him: and God makes promises of all sorts of bles­sings unto holiness▪ of outward blessings peace and plenty, and honour and long life; and of spiritual mercies, of the manifestation of himself, and com­munion with [...]: and of eternal life; you have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life, Rom. 6, 22. men meeting with abundance of such passages in the Scripture; are greatly strengthened in their apprehensions of the efficacy of their own righteousness, to procure their justification: such passages of Scripture are strained by them, and they grow up thereby into a more established opinion of their safety upon the account of their own righte­ousness: meeting with such commendations of the practice of holiness: they are much confirmed in their carnal confidence, in such ways as these.

1. Hence they think their own righteousness does draw the heart of God unto them, they think that their holiness does attract the affection and good will of God unto them; they imagine that their holiness does work them into Gods love: that the beauty of their holiness does captivate the affections of God, and their cries and carriages do work upon divine compassions, and make God willing to bestow salvation upon them: and indeed a self-righteous man doth attribute more to his own righteousness, than a Saint does to the righteousness of Christ: a godly man neither does nor ought, to make the righteousness of Christ the foundation of Gods love. Christ has purchased the favour of God and reconci­liation with him: but he did not purchase the good will and love of God, there was no need of purcha­sing that.

[Page 177]God could love sinners freely, there was no pos­sibility of purchasing that, that was too great a thing to be purchased.

Christ procured the effects of Gods love, but not the love it self. Gods love was the cause of Christs com­ing, not the effect thereof: but the self-righteous man i­magines a vertue in his own righteousness to draw the heart of God to him; and engage the love of God.

2. Hence they think their own righteousness does make mends for their miscarriages: that they have made an [...]onement for themselves for their former sins▪ they think their repentance makes up that breach that sin had made, and that out of a respect unto that God forgets what they have done amiss: they imagine that there is a reconciling vertue in their reformations and good services, that they satisfie God for what has been past.

And herein they attribute more to their own o­bedience than we ought to do to the active obedi­ence of Christ: Christs active obedience was not sufficient to satisfie for sin: it purchased the bles­sings of the covenant, but it did not deliver us from the curse: active obedience to the Law has merit in it, if it be perfect, but it has not any satisfying vertue: it is something of another kind that God requires for satisfaction: the Law threatens death for sin, Rom. 6.23, The wages of sin is death: so that Christs active obedience could not satisfie for sins: if he undertake to satisfie for sins, he must bear the punishment of death.

3. Hence they think that out of a respect to their own righteousness, and upon the account ther­of, [Page 178] God will bestow salvation upon them: they think that this is that which interests them, in all the good of the covenant: their own prayers and reformations, and affections and zeal in the cause of God is that which makes them heirs of glory, and gives them a title to the eternal inheritance. They look upon their own righteousness as the pric [...] of heaven, and think they have done something to the earning of glory, they are at work for God, and look upon heaven to be their wages.

And herein they attribute that to their own righ­teousness that ought to be attributed unto the righte­ousness of Chri [...]t. This was the very design of the active obedience of Christ, to give us a claim to glory: because we were very unworthy, and could not fulfil the condition of the Law, Jesus Christ un­dertook for us, and has performed the righteousness of the Law, and merited eternal life, Rom. 6.23. The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

3. Another temptation to make men depend up­on their own righteousness, and seek salvation in that way, is the seeming excellency of their own righteousness: there is a real excellency in true ho­liness, it is the perfection of mans nature; sin is a vile thing, but holiness does advance and perfect mans nature; holiness is the glory of man: The Righteous is more excellent than his Neighbour: the Righteous are called excellent ones, Psal. 16.3. and though all the righteousness of self-righteous men is but hppocrisie, and therefore an abomination in Gods sight, yet they themselves do imagine that there is an excellency in it, and from hence they make it [Page 179] a ground of confidence: imagining an excellency in it, they think God is taken with it, and that it is meritorious; they do from the excellency of their carriage promise salvation to themselves.

And there is a four fold excellency which they are wont to take special notice of.

1. The moral excellency of their carriage: they count their carriage excellent, because they live ac­cording to principles of honesty, and sobriety, and piety: they are no Drunkards, nor Oppressors, nor Railers, nor Sabbath-breakers, nor Swearers, &c. but they have a good conversation: they do not live a prophane nor sensual life: are not blemish­ing themselves by vicious courses: they have an a­miable, lovely and justifiable carriage: their out­ward carriages are according to principles of reason and religion: their behaviour is equal, and honou­rable; they walk without blame: the Pharisee was lifted up with that he was no Extortioner, unjust person, nor Adulterer: the young man was taken with that that he had been moral from his youth, Mat 19 20. Paul speaks of that as a thing which men build much upon, that as touching the righteousness of the Law they are blameless, Phil. 3:6.

2. The religious affections that they feel work­ing in their hearts,

Sometimes such men have great affections: they have melting affections under the considerations of their sins, and Gods mercies, outward salvation the sufferings of Christ for sinners, and the like: they have a delight in Ordinances, strong desires after [Page 180] Christ and holiness; they have a zeal against the sins of the times, and for the better party: the Scri­pture is plentiful in instances of such affections in unconverted men, as Saul, the stony-ground hearers, and others, and they count these sincere, and are highly taken with them: they look upon these to be the very spirits of religion, things which do greatly ingratiate them with God.

They look upon these affections as blessed frame [...] of heart: these they think are the things that God does especially delight in: they count these heaven­ly frames of heart: they are much affected with their affections; now they reckon they have a sui­table frame of heart to spiritual things.

3. The difficulties that they go through in serving of God, which raises the price of their services, and makes them more available: they mind that they take a great deal of pains in serving God, in reading and praying, and taking spiritual opportunities, they dont gratifie a slothful spirit, but are laborious in religi­on, and they hope God takes notice of that: so they are at considerable expense, they spend of their E­states in works of piety and charity: and on that ac­count value their duties highly, so they are much in fasting▪ and in that way afflict their bodies, so they upon the account of Religion, have displeased friends, incurred the anger of men, been reproached, born Persecution: and upon this account they count their services excellent, they think it is no small matter to do what they have done, and are ready to please themselves that they have merited highly hereby: Luke 18.12. I fast twice in the week, and give tithes of all that I possess.

[Page 181]4. The serviceableness of their carriages.

They by their carriages have done great service, and upon that account they do extol and magnifie them; they have by their charity relieved many a godly man; and by their zeal, counsel, bounty▪ learning the publick good has been promoted, they have been a means to promote religion in the place where they lived.

They have put their shoulders to the cause of God when it needed a lift: they have been peace-makers, they have been ready to forward any good design; they have comforted mourners: they have stirred up others to godliness, there has been much good promoted by them, they have had an hand in many a good work; and have been instruments to pro­mote the glory of God in their place: and upon this account they think they have deserved well: such services are not to be forgotten, Mat. 7.22. Lord Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name:

And there are two things that do considerably strenghth [...]n this temptation.

1. That others have a good, and it may be an high opinion of them: they take notice of that that others esteem them: they pass currently for Saints where they are known: they have the good word of others, godly men that have a spirit of di­scerning, do take them for Saints, they have enter­tained them into their societies, take delight in their company, entreat their prayers: this greatly establishes [Page 182] them in that apprehension that they carry them­selves excellently: they think they are not alone in judging so of themselves, but others, wise and experienced men judg so too: it would shake their confidence if others thought them hypocrites: but they perceive that others have no suspicion of them

2. That their carriages are far better than the carriages of many others: When they compare themselves with many others, they are hugely tak­en with themselves, many others are prophane and vicious, but they are not, they don't lead such lewd lives as others do, yea they carry it better than ma­ny Professors, they are more exemplary in their con­versation, not carried away so with the sins of the times, more strict in sanctifying the Sabbath and the like: they are more forward for publick good: not so passionate, nor so covetous, nor so haughty, nor so complying as many others are: Luke 18.11. I am not as other men, nor as this Publican.

4. A fourth temptation that proves a snare to them, is that God owns them in this way: since they have reformed their course, and taken up the practice of religion, Gods dispensations to them are otherwise than formerly.

And this confirms their apprehensions that God is reconciled unto them that they are taken into his favour, and so that their works are taking with God, and prevail for their acceptance with him: they think the providence of God does witness for them that their services are of great account, And there are three things in providence that they build upon.

[Page 183]1. That God prospers them and succeeds them in their occasions, they thrive in the World more than they did formerly their estates are blessed, they don't meet with such crosses in providence as formerly: that promise seems to be made good unto them, Psal. i.3. Whatsoever he doth shall prosper: God in his pro­vidence smiles upon them: their cattle increase, their trading succeeds, and they have credit and good ac­ceptance among men, they are improved in publick service, and this they attribute to the delight that God takes in their conversation: they look upon this as the fruit of their goodness.

2. That God has given some remarkable answers to their Prayers: and that not only when they have joyned with others in prayer, but when they have prayed alone, in some particular case of their own, they have gone before God and poured out their hearts before him, and he has done the thing for them: and granted the desire of their hearts, and tho there be no evidence of favour meerly in Gods do­ing that which men ask for, God hears the Ravens that cry, Psal. 147.9. and sometimes he grants mens desires in judgment, Psal. 106.15. yet these men build much on this thing, inasmuch as God has gratified them in a thing that lay much upon their heart, and did it also in answer to their prayer.

3. That God does sometimes draw nigh to them, and quicken and encourage them, when they have been serving him: sometimes when they have been at prayer, God has greatly enlarged their hearts; so in hearing of the Word and other Ordinances, their heart does many times melt, God assists them, and don't leave them to a dry sapless spirit in the practise [Page 184] of Religion; but he warms their hearts, and kindles gracious a [...]fections in them, while others are sleeping in the House of God; their hearts are greatly affe­cted with spiritual things, and they look upon this as a sign that their wayes are pleasing unto God: they count that now they have communion with God, and now and then they have had some special incouraging words set home upon their hearts: some promises ha [...]e come to them, that have much revived them: and this they think evidences the favour of God, and the excellency of their carriages.

5. The fifth temptation is, that they don't know any other way to get the favour of God but by their own righteousness: it is a dreadful thing unto them to go without the favour of God: they have had con­victions of the dreadfulness of Hell; and they trem­ble to think of being rejected, they would not for a world be cast away; it is an amazing thing to them to think of dwelling with devouring fire: so that they are pressed in spirit if it be possible to secure their salvation, and get as strong and sur [...] a title to heaven as they can; and they don't know any other way but this, by their own righteousness: there is another way proposed unto them; they hear often of the way of salvation by Christ, but it is a meer mystery unto them: they do not conc [...]ive the safety that is in this way, their reason does not reach it, what ever is said unto them they look upon it unlikely, they are not sa­tisfied in the justice of it, or that God can find in his heart to pardon them in this way: they are full of reasonings against it, tho God testifie plainly unto this way of salvation, yet they dare not venture it; this way is hidden from them; 2 Cor. 4.4. If our Gospel be hid, it i [...] hid to them that are lost; hence they dare not [Page 185] give over seeking by their own righteousness; and let go their carnal confidencies: 'tis with them as with a man that is falling down some steep place, or a man that is drowning, they catch hold on a twig, or a rot­ten stick, though it be insufficient to help them: or as with a Traitor that gets into a Castle, because he sees no other way of preservation: so awakened sinners are seeking by their own righteousness to make their peace, because they know no other way, they dare do no other, tho they have many misgivings of heart, that all their righteousness will not do, yet they look on this as the most probable way, and hence dare no [...] take any other course: This appears,

1. Because terrors of Conscience put them upon their duties: tho afterwards they may find some de­light in them, and some affections to God and his wayes; yet the first thing that sets them going is ter­ror, fear makes them reform and pray, they are scared into Religion, they are forced out of these sinful pra­ctises, and fired out of those wayes of sin that they were addicted unto: their fear does direct them unto this way as the safest: if they knew a better way they would not violently pursue this, for there is that prin­ciple in every man by nature that carries him out ne­cessarily to seek his own happiness: fear and dread of hell make them do what they do in Religion, Job 41.25. by reason of breakings they purifie themselves.

2. They are afraid to see the plague of their own hearts; experience witnesses to this, that they dare not yield themselves to be such as they are; many a sin­ner dare not yield himself to be unsound in Religion, to be unconverted; they compass sea and land to strengthen their false hopes: and many a man that [Page 186] knows he is unconverted, and has some conviction that he must see the badness of his heart before he be con­verted, and accordingly pra [...]es for it, that God would open his eyes and discover it to him, yet all the while he is secretly nourishing an apprehension that his heart is better than it is: he hopes he hates sin, that he de­sires holiness, that he is sincerely labouring after the work of humiliation, and he dreads the sight of his own heart, is very loth to yield it to be so bad as it is, and when God forces the conviction on him, it is a terror unto him, he is like a man that desires that a limb of his body should be cut off▪ for the preservation of his life, yet when it comes to be done it is a terror to him: so a natural man does not see the plague of his own heart, nor will he ever see it till it be forced upon him.

4 Let us consider what confidence such men may at­tain unto: And it is plain from the Scripture that such may be very confident of their good estate, and future salvation: they may be strongly possessed with it, that they shall be saved: tho many that are seeking life by their own righteousness live in dismal perplexity, and through fear of death are subject to bondage: and others live an unquiet life between hope and fear, ac­cording as the frames of their hearts are: yet there [...]e those that do attain a very strong confidence, Prov▪ 30.12. there are a generation that are pure in their own eyes, yet not cleansed from their filthiness, Joh. 9.40. are we blind also: a self-righteous man may be more con­fident than many Saints: and this confidence does arise partly from a conceit of the worthiness of their carri­ages▪ they think that their carriages do make up the breach between God & them: & partly from signs which are of two sorts.

1. False signs, many times men make rules to [Page 187] judg of themselves by, which are fallacious and de­ceitful, men make a judgment of themselves by a false Standard: they take such to be signs of salva­tion as may be found in many a man that perishes; either from their own fancy or the apprehensions of some other men, or from mistaking some other pie­ces of Scripture, men look upon that to be a sign, which does not di [...]tinguish an Heir of glory from a child of wrath: it may be of great advantage for Ministers to lay down sometimes probable signs, but men must have a care that they dont draw conclusions from thence: when men try th [...]mselves by false signs they take a ready course to deceive themselves: thus men do when they conclude from hence, that they pray constantly in secret, they don't know that they allow themselves in any known sin, they associate with the people of God, they are liberal to the poor, they are accounted of by the godly &c: that they are in a good estate and shall be saved.

2. True signs misapplied: that many times men mistake in judging of themselves, tho the rule they [...]o by is good, yet falsely apply it to themselves, they take that which they find in themselves to be another thing than it is: the rule is good but the qualification is not found in them: that rule which does indeed condemn them, they do justifie themselves by: so they justifie themselves by those signs of trial, of love to the Brethren, hatred of sin, believing in Christ, con­cluding upon some mistakes that it is so with them.

5. Let us consider how such self-righteous men do hide it from themselves that they trust in their own righteousness: for the Scripture does so plainly wit­ness against justification by works, that if they saw [Page 188] that [...]hey trusted in their own works, that alone were enough to dash all their comfort, so that there is a necessity in places of Gospel-light, that such men do add this delusion to the other, to perswade themselves that they do not make their own righteousness the foundation of their confidence, hence self-righteous men please themselves that they believe in Christ, they trust in their own righteousness, and yet fancy that they trust in the righteousness of Christ; and this they do by such pretenses as these:

1. They pretend that they don't trust in their own righteousness, because they are convinced that their own righteousness cannot save them: they are satis­fied that their own works cannot justifie them before God: they think the opinion of the Papists is sottish and irrational, they are settled in that Doctrine, that works cannot justifie them; but this may be where mens confidence is in their own works; there are none among us that do think that works can save them, yet there be multitudes that do put their trust in their own righteousness: the reason of this is because men seek salvation by mixing the covenant of works and grace together: they reckon that works alone cannot save them, yet they reckon that they will contribute much to their salvation: they think that works are not sufficient of themselves for their salvation, but yet they think they have a great stroak in their justifi­cation: they think their works do gain God to be wil­ling to save them, and that there is somewhat of merit in them, yet they judge they will not do alone, with­out grace and the righteousness of Christ, Rom. 9.32. they sought it as it were by the works of the Law.

2. They pretend that they do not trust in their own [Page 189] works, for tho they do take encouragement from them, yet it is only as they are signs of a good estate, not as the foundation of their Faith: they say that Mi­nisters do commonly give men signs from their works and qualifications to try their good estate, and so does the Word of God, and we find that holy men in Scri­pture have laid great weight upon them, and they are not to be blamed for that: that is not a self-righteous spirit: but many men that make this pretence, do make them the foundation of their Faith: for they take their first encouragement from hence to come to Christ: and dare not come when they can see nothing in themselves to encourage them.

3. They pretend that they are not seeking salva­tion by their own righteousness, but they are only la­bouring after a work of Humiliation, to prepare them for Christ: they have all along been instructed that there can be no true Faith without a foregoing work of Humiliation; and therefore they only wait for that work in order to their coming to Christ: but men do greatly deceive themselves in this thing: a natural man may have a work of Humiliation, but a natural man cannot heartily seek after it; for every unhumbl [...]d sinner is striving against the work of Humiliation: they are opposing of it, either by endeavours to set up a righteousness of their own; seeking in that way to escape condemnation, instead of yielding to God they are flying to their strong holds, sheltering them­selves in their prayers, reformations, desires, &c. or else by wrangling, as a person pursued runs away till overtaken and then he fights; so the sinner when [...] sets that he can't save himself, is contending with God objecting against divine proceedings, thinks that Gods dealings are very hard measure, Rom 9.19 in both [Page 190] these methods they oppose the work of Humiliation: and when a sinner thinks that he is seeking after the work of Humiliation he is opposing it: he is indeed striving against the work of Humiliation, when he is seeking of it, as much as when he is seeking to streng­then and increase his desires and affections: for indeed he is making a righteousness of Humiliation, he la­bours after it, that that may commend him to God: he thinks that would ingratiate him with God, he looks at Humiliation as an eminent peice of righteousness; as a castle that would shelter him from the wrath of God: h [...] looks upon Humiliation as a choice frame of spirit: he looks on at it as a great attainment; so that those that stay away from Christ under pretence that they are not humbled, and are waiting for a work of Humiliation, are seeking salvation by their own righteousness.

6. Let us consider the vanity of mens trusting in their own righteousness: men do please themselves with an idle dream, when they put their confidence in their own Righteousness: all that they gain by it is to go the more pleasantly to hell: mens own righ­teousness is but a sandy Foundation to build upon: the hopes of such men shall be cut off, and their trust prove a spiders web: it is a needless thing for men to trust in their own righteousness, there is foundation enough for Faith without that: there is no need of our own righteousness to draw the heart of God to us, the love of God is free and independent, there is no need of, our own righteousness to satisfie the Law for us, Jesus Christ has done that fully; there needs no addition of our own to perfect his work, and it is a vain thing for men to trust in their own righteousness; they idolize it and give an honour [Page 191] that does not belong to it, yea such persons do cast great reflections upon Christ, as if he laid down his life to no purpose, they cast disparagement upon God, they despise the love of God in sending Jesus Christ, cast reflection on him, as if he might have spared that cost: they do what in them lies to make the death of Christ in vain: yea it is a dangerous thing, men think it is a great venture, to depend up on the righteousness of Christ: but it is a desperate venture, for men to depend upon their own righte­ousness: such whose eyes God has opened, would not for a thousand worlds venture their souls upon that foundation: there is not only hazard of mis­carrying, but certain ruine in that way: the expec­tations of such men will end in miserable disappoint­ment: though Paul had done as much for God as a­ny man alive, yet he durst not entertain such a thought of appearing before God in his own righte­ousness, Phil. 3 9. That I may be found in him not hav­ing mine own righteousness which is of the Law: he that trusts in his own righteousness, takes as certain a course to ruine his own soul, as he that lives in ways of unrighteousness.

This appears,

1. God has made no promise to you in this way, there are promises made to them that trust in the Righteousness of Christ, but there is not a syllable that way to those that trust in their own rig [...]teous­ness: it is a presumptuous thing for any man to promise himself salvation, in such a way wherein God does not promise it to him: God indeed in the co­venant of works does promise life upon the account of perfect obedience; but what is that unto you, [Page 192] who are destitute of that obedience; who neither have nor ever can fullfil the condition of that cove­nant: God also promises salvation in the Gospel to those that are sincerely godly and righteous, but where does he speak one word of saving them upon the account of their own righteousness, or to save those that confide in their own righteousness: God is wholly silent as to any such promise: if there were such a promis [...], there would be a fo [...]nda­tion for Faith: but God gives no encouragement unto men to depend upon their own righteousness, which he would certainly do if that were a way of safety: for God undertakes in his Word to direct men the right way to heaven, if this way had been right, God would not have neglected to have promi­sed salvation to them in this way; besides it has bi [...] Gods manner all along to deal with man in the way of a covenant, to that end that men may be encou­raged to walk in the right way to the obtaining of good: and honour him by exercising Faith in his Word: Gods manner is to propose conditions to men, and give them assurance of the benefit in that way: he never left mankind to guess at the way of salvation, and to contrive by their own wisdom a suitable way to bring them to heaven, the wisdom of man is utterly insufficient to any such work: God knew his own mind, what way pleased him, and has bound himself unto man in that way: when he first made man, he entred into a covenant with him, and when that covenant was broke, he presently proposed a new covenant to him: it is no part of the work of man to devise a way of his own head to lead to hea­ven, but to walk in that way that God has prescrib­ed unto him: but when men trust in their own righ­teousness, they go without book, they have no word [Page 193] from God to warrant their way: they lean unto an invention of their own, this is like the practice of Jeroboam that kept a Fast in the moneth that he bad de­vised in his own heart, 1 Kings 12.32, 33. men in this way do venture their souls upon a fancy of their own: God gives them no assurance that he will accept them in that way: men have only their own judgments for it, that this is a way of salvation, God has not told them that this way satisfies him, and answers his expectations, but men guess that this way will do, men venture it, as if they were able by their own understandings to determine what way would please God: and needed not any revelation in the Word: they stay not for a promise, but boldly venture upon God without one: what madness is to desert the way that God directs to, and take away of your own, as if you had found out a better way to heaven than God tells you of: you have an imagination that this way will do, but is it not a daring thing, for men to venture the eternal state of their souls upon an i­magination of their own? it is great folly for men to neglect the way wherein they have a pro­mise, and trust in one wherein they have none: you act in this as if you did not matter, though you should perish, 'tis strange that men should in a matter of such importance, go upon such slender ground, if you should be mistaken in your judgment, what way pleases God, your souls are lost: and if you should miscarry in this way, it would not be strange, for you had no warrant from God for it▪ you may miscarry, and God be faithful, God is under n [...] covenant engagements unto you in this way: is it not strange that men should be shie and scrupulous and afraid to trust God in such a way wherei [...] they have his solemn promise, and yet bold and daring to [Page 194] rely on him in such a way wherein he has given them no encouragement, herein preferring their own judgment, before the covenant of God.

2. God has declared against that way▪ it is a pre­sumptuous thing to trust in God without his Word, but more presumptuous to trust in God against his Word: and thus these men do: for God in his word has abundantly witnessed against this way: God sends men word from heaven, that this way by mens own righteousness is insufficient for salvation: he tells us, that that was the reason of the miscarrying of the Jews, because they sought as it were by the works of the Law Rom. 9.32. he reproves men for conceitedness of their own righteousness, Rev. 3.16. he tells that that if they seek Justification by the Law, they are fallen from the covenant of grace, Gal. 5.4. he tells them that no man living can be justified by the works of the Law, Gal, 2 16. Rom. 3.20. he tells, they will be ruined in this way, behold all ye that kindle a fire, and compass your selves about with sparks, walk in the light of your fire, and in the sparks that ye have kindled, this shall ye have of my hand, ye shall lie down in sorrow, Isa. 50.11. he declares that they are cursed that do so, gal. 3.10. as many as are of the works of the Law are under the curse: how dare any man then thrust himself upon God in this way: is God wont to discourage men from their duty, and threaten them in way of safety? will men believe the vain imaginations of their own hearts before the positive declarations of Gods Word? do men think that God reproves them when he is not angry, and threa­tens them in jest? does God speak one thing now, and will he speak another at the Day of Judg­ment? is there one rule given for conscience to judg [Page 195] by here, and another for God to Judg by hereafter [...] will God curse those at the Day of Judgment, that he blesses now, & bless those that he curses now: will he not judge the secrets of men according to the Gospel? Rom. 2.6. men are too timorous when they dare not trust in God in that way that he has proposed and commended unto them, and men are too bold when they trust in God in that way that he condemns; what assurance can they have of acceptance, where the Word of God gives them▪ assurance of the contrary? it is madness to challenge life in such a way as God has wittnessed against: what reason can men give of such declarations, if there were any bottom for Faith in their own righteousness? you have a strange kind of Faith that will venture upon God, though he witnesses against you, what comfort can men take in such a way: men had need of strong argu­ments to satisfie themselves that that is a way of salvation, that God calls a way of damnation: would God discourage them from it, if it were indeed a way of salvation: can men expect that God will de­ny his Word in the Day of Judgment to save them.

3. It is against the rule of Justice for men to be saved in that way: it is against the justice of the Law: the Law puts in an unanswerable objection a­gainst the salvation of such men; the law allows the salvation of those that believe on Christ, Rom. 3.26. it has not a word to gainsay: but it stands as a flaming sword to keep other men out of paradice: in a way of confidence in mans own righteousness, there is no way to reconcile the justice of God and mens salvation: if men be saved in such a way, what will become of the Law, and what will become of the justice of God that stands engaged to ful [...]il the [Page 196] Law: what warrant have men to expect salvation in such a way, wherein God must part with his own glory, before he can bestow glory upon them, wher­in he must deny his nature, before he can satisfie their expectation; how can men think, that God is so in love with their performances, as to pervert Judgment for their sakes, and pull them into hea­ven by force, though the Law does possibly declare against such proceedings. God would not save be­lievers but with the leave of the Law, till care was taken that that might be satisfied, and will he sav [...] these men to the overthrow of his Law, and everlast­ing reproach of his justice, the righteousness of the Law does not admit of their salvation.

2. The law requires that the curse must be execu­ted for sin: the Law pronounceth the sinners accur­sed, Gal. 3.20. cursed is every one that continueth not in all things, that are written in the book of the Law to do them ▪ the Law pronounceth the sinner an heir of death, Rom 6.23. and it is a most vain imagination, for man to think the Law will take up with obedi­ence instead of the sufferings of death: disobedience brings the curse, but obedience cannot remove it; o­bedience would have prevented the curse, but obe­dience cannot remove it; the Law makes no mention of obedience for satisfaction, obedience is a thing of another kind then the satisfaction which the Law de­mands: the active obedience of Christ could not sa­tisfie for our sins: and how can men think that that obedience which was due to the Law, if we had ne­ver sinned, can satisfie for our sins, that the paying of that natural debt which we were born under, will also satisfie this new debt which we have contracted by sin: especially when our obedience is so defect­ctive [Page 197] that in that we are again deserving damnation.

[...]. The law requires perfect obedience in order unto life. gal. 3.12. the man that doth these things shall live in them: it is perfect obedience, for it is such obedience as is not mingled with sin: if there be any mixture of sin, then the person is exposed to the curse, but it is impo [...]sible that a person should at the same time be an heir of the curse and the blessing; of hell and heaven; but there is no man in this life does attain unto perfect obedience, those that put their trust in their own righteousness do not perform right obedience, their obedience is only the shell and carcase of obedience: their best works are not only sinful, but properly sins, for they are acted by a spirit of lust in all that they do: self-love rules every unregenerate man, Rom. 8.8. they that are in the flesh cannot please God: and the obedience of the peo­ple of God is greatly tainted with sin; the Saints do many things that are sins, and their best duties also: are sinfully defective: sin cleaves to them: besides the positive workings of sin, they cannot perform any inward act of grace, with their whole soul as long as the soul is imperfectly sanctified, 1 King. 8.46. there is no man that sinneth not.


But is not God above the Law, may not be dispense with his own Law, and save sinners notwithstanding.


The Law does derive all its authority from God: but he is not so above the Law as to disanul it, and [Page 198] act contrary to it: God may not contradict the law: to say that God is above the Law, so as to dispence with it, is to say that God is above himself: the Law is Gods Law and he will own it: to set God against the Law, is to set God against himself: the Law is nothing else but an everlasting rule of Justice, that God has made between himself and man: and the Lord will never suffer any violence to be done to his Law: every jot and tittle of the Law must be fulfilled, Mat. 5 18. there is no such Gospel as over­throws the Law, Rom. 3.31. do we make void the Law by Faith, God forbid, yea we establish the Law: if the Law might have been dispensed withal, there had been no necessity of Christs death: it was upon that account that Christ died to answer the demands of the Law: and why should God be prodigal of the blood of his Son? if man might have been saved by Gods soveraign dispensing with the Law? would God have put Christ to such sufferings? Christ must suffer that so the Law may be satisfied; and indeed the consciences of men will never have peace till they see the Law answered; conscience ecchoes to the [...], and if enlightned will condemn where the law condemns: as long as the Law curses, conscience will curse too: there is no quieting of conscience as long as he sees the Law against him: the reason is, because the Law is the voice of God, 1 Cor. 15.56. The sting of Death is Sin, and the strength of Sin is the Law: the Law makes sin to have such power to sting and torment the conscience.

4 This way of salvation by mens own righte­ousness is contrary to Gods providence in provi­ding a perfect righteousness for us in Jesus Christ: God has prepared a righteousness to our hand by [Page 199] Christ Jesus: Dan. 9 24. he brings in everlasting Righ­teousness: this Righteousness is altogether compleat, and there is no defect either in the doing or sufferings of Christ: and it was for us, Heb. 10.14. by one offer­ing he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified: and it was by wonderful providences this righteous­ness was provided for us: this is the most observable and glorious work that ever God did in the World▪ this lay much upon the heart of God from everlasting, 1 Pet. 1.20. he was fore ordained before the foundation of the World: and is the most remarkable among all the births of time: besides other providences for the ac­complishment of this, there were those two exceed­ing eminent ones, the incarnation of the Son of God, whereby God became man, a misterious work and of infinite condescention: wherein the greatest glory is bestowed upon the humane nature of Christ, that any creature is capable of: the other is Gods inflicting his wrath on Christ Jesus: and executing the curse of the Law upon his dearest Son: a thing that would never have entred into the heart of man to conceive of, had it not been revealed unto us: and when we see Gods making such preparation for the salvation of sinners, and in so costly a way providing a righteous­ness for them; may we not conclude that they stood in necessity of this righteousness, that they were un­capable of providing one for themselves: surely we had ground to conclude that they were in a perishing condition, and would be lost for ever, if God did not take care for them, who would imagine that these sinners could provide a righteousness for themselves, and earn their own salvation: but these are the wor­kings of the hearts of self-righteous men: and herein you cast an imputation upon the wisdom of God, in troubling himself to provide a righteousness for you, [Page 200] when with some assistance and strengthening from him, you could provide one for your selves: men herein are reproaching of God, as if he had put him­self to needless expence, they are blemishing this great work of God as if it were in vain: God has set open a fountain to wash in for sin and for unclean­ness, but they hope to wash themselves clean enough by their own tears; God has set up a Ladder whose foot stands upon the Earth, and whose top reacheth unto to Heaven; but they hope to build a Tower, whose top shall reach to heaven, and climb up that way: God has provided himself a Sacrifice: but these think they can make attonement themselves: what do you, but asperse and blemish the infinite wisdom of God: as if he took a great deal of care, and were at a great deal of cost about that that signified nothing, and troubled himself with vast expence to make a way to heaven▪ when there was a better path before: sure God [...] infinite in wisdom would not have provided a righteousness for sinners in Christ, if they could provide one for themselves: this providence of God does speak you to be under a dreadful mistake▪ Gal. 3.21. If there had been a Law given that could have given life, verily righteousness should have been by the Law: Rom. 8.3, 4 What the Law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin condemned sin in the flesh, that the righteousness of the Law might be fulfilled in us, Gal. 2.16.

5. This way of salvation by mens own righteous­ness is cross to Gods design: the great design of God in pardoning and saving of sinners is to glorifie the riches of his grace, to let the world understand what a gracious God he is: God has other methods to glo­rifie [Page 201] his other attributes, by the creation of the world, by his giving of the Law, by eternal punish­ments upon wicked men and angels, he glorifies his power▪ wisdom, holiness and justice; but notwith­standing these works of God, the pardoning grace of God lay hid: but he has contrived the salvation of sinful man as for the further manifestation of his other attributes, so in special to make known the riches of his pardoning and saving grace, Eph. 1.7 in whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgive­ness of sins according to the riches of his grace: Eph. 2.7. speaking of the benefits we have by Christ, he gives this as the reason, That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness to­wards us through Christ Jesus: and this way of sal­vation by Christ, and a proper means for the further­ing of this end: though Christ has purchased par­don and glory for us, that does not hinder the mani­festation of Gods grace: for though our pardon and salvation, be a due debt in respect of Christ, yet it is a free gift in respect of us: though there be a pur­chase yet not by us, but God sent his Son to make that purchase for us, Rom. 6.23. the gift of God is eter­nal life through Jesus Christ our Lord: but when men seeks salvation by their own righteousness, they seek it in a way directly repugnant to the design of God: this is a way to exalt themselves, and to rob God of his glory: when men trust in themselves they glory in themselves; they boast in their own excellency and not in the free grace of God: for if it be of works then it is no more grace, Rom. 11.6. the self-rightous man does cross Gods end, if he should attain Salva­tion in that way, God would miss his aim: the self-righteous man takes a course to da [...] the counsels of God to pieces, and make the design that was up [...]n his [Page 202] heart in the salvation of Sinners come to nothing; he seeks to overthrow this glorious contrivance of God, for the advancement of the glory of his grace▪ if man should have salvation as the fruit of his own earnings, and the reward of his own deservings: man would be blessed but the glory of grace would not be manifested: Gods design would fall to the ground, and the counsel of his heart for ever miscarry: but the counsels of God stand for ever▪ and the thoughts of his heart to all generations: can it enter into the heart of any man to conceive that God will not be true to his own design, but gratifie the humors of men, by saving of them in such a way as is destructive to it: surely men are horribly stupid to expect salva­tion in such a way as will not stand with Gods design: what ever hopes of this kind men feed themselves with, they will end in disappointment: if such men be not disappointed, God must be disappointed.

[Page 203]

USE II. Examination: Whether men do believe in the Righteousness of Christ.


TO put you upon the Examination, whether you do put your trust in the righteousness of Christ: if so, then you are in a safe condition, and may stand before God another day with comfort: in the great day of the Lord, multitudes that have made a profession of Religion will miserably fail of their expectations: and that upon this account, that they want the Wedding Garment: but although you have many failings, yet if you believe in Christ, you shall not be confounded, 1 Pet. 2.6. all your Religion signifies nothing as to your salvation if you do not be­lieve in Christ: if you would know then what you are like to meet withal at the day of judgment, whe­ter [Page 204] you shall find acceptance with the Lord, when tousand shall not: try your selves by this whither you do believe on Jesus Christ: there be some other wayes of trial, from all those things that do accom­pany salvation; but this is the principal way to which indeed all others are reduceable: there be other pro­perties that are evidential of a mans safety: but this is the foundation evidence, as that which gives him his right and title to salvation, 1 Joh. 5.13. I have writ­ten to you that believe on the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life: examin therefore whe­ther you do indeed believe on the Son of God: there be many that say they have Faith, Jam 2.14. there be many pretend is to Faith: there is as much deceit in the heart about Faith as about any other grace: there are imitations and resemblances of Faith: such as the Scripture does give the name of Faith unto, Luk. 8.13 which for a while believe; all sorts of men that make profession of the Doctrine of salvation by Christ: pro­fane men profese this, and self-righteous men profess this: men that were never sensible that God was indeed angry with them, and men that do imagine that they have pacified him, are both of them pretenders [...]o Faith in Christ: men that do indeed trust in that that they never did much provoke God, and men that trust in that they have pleased him again, do both make profession of their Faith in Christ: therefore it stands you in hand strictly to examine whether you do indeed believe in the righteousness of Christ:

And you may try it these several wayes;

  • 1. By the foregoing work of Humiliation:
  • 2. By the manner of the souls first closing with Christ.
  • [Page 205]3. By the living a life of Faith on Christ Jesus.
  • 4. By that holiness that does accompany and flow from Faith in Jesus Christ.

1. Try your Faith by the foregoing work of Hu­miliation: there is a preparatory work necessary, be­fore a sinners closing with Christ: this is a work that comes between the rest of the soul in sin and the sin­ners accepting of Christ: men do not immediately step out of a condition of quietness in [...], into a state of salvation: a tree must first be prepared bofore it be laid in the building: the bodies at the resurrecti­on must be prepared before life be put into them: so the heart of a sinner must be first prepared, before it be united unto Christ, Act 2.37. & 9.4, 5, & 16.29.30 and hence the call of the Gospel is particularly dire­cted to them that are prepared: to such as are athirst, Isai. 55.1. to such as are weary and heavy laden, Mat. 11.28 not but that it is other mens duty also to believe: but because it is their next and immediate work to close with Christ; whereas it is other mens next work, to come off from the Worl [...] ▪ and out of themselves in order to their closing with Christ.

There are two degrees of this preparation: the first is a work of awakening whereby the sinner is convinced of a present necessity of peace and recon­ciliation with God; whereby he is put upon a diligent use of all means in order to his salvation: the other is Humiliation, whereby the sinner is brought out of himself, and off from all his carnal confidences, to yield himself a Prisoner to God: until the soul be thus h [...]mbled he is not capable of Faith: men will not come to Christ, till they are convinced of an absolute [...]essity of Christ: men will never take salvation as a [Page 206] gift of free grace until they ar [...] [...]onvinced o [...] the necessity of the free grace of God: they that are whole need not the Physitian, but they that are sick, Mat. 11.12. and they that conceit themselves whole, do conceit that they don [...]t need the Physitian: men that do not come off from all their own confidences will not put their confidence in Christ; and therefore until men have this work of Humiliation God does not open their eyes to see the offer of the Gospel: so that whatsoever Faith men have that have not had a work of Humilia­tion, their Faith is not of the right kind: for this is the manner of God whenever he has fully prepared a soul for Faith by a work of Humiliation, then to in­fuse Faith: and many times he does it presently: when he has by the wonderful work of his spirit prepared a sinner for Christ, he does bestow Christ upon him: though I dare not say there is any direct promise made to Humiliation, in the Scripture a man is not an heir of the promises till he does believe; yet univer­sal experience does confirm it: it seems to be in this case as in the work of nature, when the Child in the womb is prepared for a soul, God does alwayes infuse a soul into it, though there be no such promise: so where the sinner is prepared for Faith, God does in­fuse that.

In order to your making use of this Trial, we shall consider what this work of Humiliation is, and the manner how it is wrought:


What is the work of Humiliation?

[Page 207] Answer,

1. Negatively in two particulars.

1. It is not a broken, bleeding spirit for sin: ma­ny men take it to be so, and when they understand that they must be humbled b [...]fore their coming to Christ, they strive after this broken frame of spirit: and when they find but little of it, they complain they are not humbled enough, and gi [...]e that as a rea­son why they do not come to Christ: but what sinners find this way is more like humility than humiliation: men think if they could get much of this Spirit, they should be prepared for Christ indeed; but this is quite another thing from that humiliation that does go before Faith.

Argument. 1.

This appears, because an unregenerate man can't truly mourn for sin: from what principle should he do it before he is born again: he may be grieved for it under other considerations, as i [...] exposes him to a great deal of misery here and hereafter, yea as it is in it self evil; but not as the greatest evil as it is against God: to suppose that a man can sin­cerely mourn for sin before his conversion, it is to suppose him converted, before his conversion, it is in regeneration that all the graces of the Spirit are implanted in the heart: it is then that the heart of stone is taken away, Ezek. 11.9. while men re­main in a state of nature, as they do under this work of humiliation it is absolutely beyond them to hate sin or mourn for sin: nature improved b [...] common [Page 208] conviction, will never produce this effect: every naturul man is dead in sin, Eph. 2.1. all his works in religion are dead works, Heb. 9.14. there is no in­clination in his heart to mourn for sin: men must have a work of new creation upon them before they can do this, Eph. 2.10. created in Christ Jesus unto good works.

Argument 2.

While natural men seem to have relentings and breakings of heart for sin, it ls impossible but they should put their confidence therein; as long as he does imagine that there are any good affections in himself, he will be lifted up with them: these af­fections will keep him from being humbled: men will feed upon these husks as long as they can get them: there is no bringing of a natural man out of his strong hold, until it be thrown to the ground: a bleeding heart is meat for carnal confidence: there is that spirit of pride and slavish fear in natural men, that as long as they can imagine any good in themselves, they will hang upon it, Rev. 3, 17. thou sayest thou art rich and increased in goods.

Argument 3.

When a [...] indeed under the work of humi­liation, he sees [...] cannot mourn for sin: he sees his mourning frames are gone; he finds his heart shut up, and the pangs of affection, which he some­time had, gone beyond recovery: in order to the [...] Humiliation, God makes men to see their hard hearts; and hence they are wont to complain when God is about to humble them, that God has [Page 209] left them, and is giving them over to an hard heart. But it is one thing to be judiciously hardned, ano­ther to have their eyes opened to see the natural hardness of their hearts: then a man sees that his heart is an heart of stone.

Argument 4.

Mourning for sin is a fruit of reconciliation; it folo [...]s upon the revealing of the mercy of God in Christ; all the sorrow and shame that went before were meerly legal; but evangelical repentance fol­lows Faith: men never come to have any genuine mourning for sin before they are converted: all that went before was in hypocrisie: but a spirit of repen­tance flows from faith, and is peculiar to such as are reconciled, Ezek. 6. ult. thou shalt loath thy self, when I a [...] pacified towards thee for all that thou hast done, saith the Lord God.

2. Humiliation is not a willingness to be damned, some have thought that to be necessary; and that this was humiliation: some have thought they have attained to this: and 'tis possible that under some strong pang, persons may find [...]mewhat of this nature, but certainly they did not know their own hearts in it: neither does God require any such thing of men in order to their coming to Christ: indeed it is contrary to nature for men to be willing to be damned: wicked men do act as if they love damnation, Prov. 8.3 [...]. they that hate me love death, they do so interpretatively: but for men directly and understandingly to be willing to be damned, is against nature: God has planted a principle of self-love in men: whereby they do necessarily desire [Page 210] their own happiness; no perswasions can prevail with m [...]n not to desire their own happiness: we may as soon perswade a stone not to be heavy, or th [...] Sun not to shine: there is a weight upon the soul of every man carrying of it that way, this is implanted by God in the very constitution of nature, and remains in man in his corrupt and his renewed estate: a man must shake off his nature before he can shake off this desire: self-love is natural unto man: man is capable of happiness, and being capa­ble of it stands in need of it: he cannot be satisfied until his capacity of happiness be filled; hence he ne­cessarily and perpetually desires happiness: besides this, it is contrary to Gods command for a man to be willing to be damned, for God has commanded us to seek sal [...]ation, he is often calling upon us to be see­king life, and that with earnestness, Luke 13.24. Strive to enter in at the strait gate: and this seeking must be with earnest desires: and indeed when this work of Humiliation is wrought in the heart: he yields under this encouragement, that there is some hope of salvation in God▪ hopes of life in this way, is one of the things that make him lie down at Gods foot: the four leprous men fell unto the Host of the Syrians, because that was the most likely way for their lives to be preserved, 2 King. 7, 4. the Syri­ans submitted to Ahab in hope to find favour, 2 King 20.31. when the soul is humbled, he is as desirous of salvation as ever: and it is the hope of that; that has a great influence into his humiliation.

2. Affirmatively: it is an absolute submitting of himself unto Gods disposal: when humbled, he yields himself into the [...]ands of God: and makes an abso­lute resignation of himself unto the will of God; he [Page 211] yields himself a prisoner: he would have yielded upon terms b [...]fore, but now he yields absol [...]tel [...]: as a Rebel, when he sees himself conquered, yields; so does the Soul to God.

This carriage is opposite to his carriage before:

1. He does not seek deliverance from himself, he yields to God, despairing in himself: he don't feed hims [...]lf with vain hopes, and carnal confidences any longer: those hopes have all died away? his strong holds that he trusted in, are thrown down: he does not stay an [...] longer upon his affections, reformations, victories over corruptions, &c. he has no d [...]pendance upon any strength of his own, to gain any thing that will commend him to God: he has no dependance on Ordinances, on his own wisdom to discover any way of help: but he throws up all his carnal hopes as vain: and submits himself to mercy, Luk 15.17.

2. He leaves off quarr [...]lling with God: before he was humbled, his hear [...] wrought within him: he could not bear the thoughts of it, that God should cast him off; his heart rose up again [...]t God, and he thought he had hard measure from God: his sins were all decreed, he had done what he could, he took great pains, and yet God did not shew him mer­cy: his heart rose to think that God should make him to damn him: save and pardon others, and reject him: but now his mouth is stopt, he is silenced, he lets fall all his pleas, yields it to be fair for God to cast him off: he sa [...]s as David, Psal. 51 4. against thee, thee only have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight, that thou mayst he justified when thou speakest, and clear when thou judgest.

[Page 212]Question

In what way is this work of Humiliation wrought, and the soul brought to submit himself to God.


In general it is wrought by conviction: it is not wrought by the infusion of any new principle into him, the soul under this work is in a state of na­ture, neither is it wrought by mens own endeavours. Humilation is not the fruit of mans industry, but is a thing forced on him by conviction: as men un­der the first work of the Spirit are by conviction forced to fear, and so by a work of conviction, they are compelled to yield themselves to God: their strong holds are pulled down, and they ne­cessitated to resign themselves: God works this work by conviction.

Particularly 1. By giving him experience of the failing of all means: he sees no other way left, he has been trying to wring himself out of the hands of God: he has been turn [...]ng every way, and refuge fails him: he sees all his carnal hopes fall flat to the ground: his carnal hopes vanish and dye away: he has been waiting for light, and behold obscurity: he has been trying all conclusions, every way he could devile and think of, turning every stone, he hoped by his prayers to make his heart b [...]tter, and by his fa [...]ings and by his watchfulness▪ sometimes he thought i [...] he had more terrors that would do, sometimes if he had more encouragements, then his heart would [...] has tryed the utmost [Page 213] of his skill upon his heart; sometimes he hoped that in time his heart would grow better, sometimes if he could hear such a Minister, sometimes if he could get such a good book that others had got much good by, then his heart would mend: the sinner is like a man lost in the woods, that thinks if he steers such a course that will bring him to the path, and if that fails, he thinks if he steers such a course that wi [...]l do: but at last he can contrive no longer but is ut­terly lost in his own sence: so the sinner has had many contrivances, but all his projects faidle: up­on experience he finds himself after all his pains under the reigning power of sin; and that he is spiritually dead, he thought he had made some pro­ficiency: but now he finds by experience that the life of sin is whole within him: and that he has no power nor disposition to any thing that is good: he has no spirit to any thing that is good: he had en­largements formerly, and thought he could delight in Sabbaths, but God is pleased to withdraw those encouragements that he had, and suffers the corrup­tion of his heart to break out, and upon that oc­casion, his affections wither away, that discourages him, that his heart dies within him, and he has no more strength: now he sees he cannot love God, mourn for sin, &c. and hereby all his vain hopes of mending his own heart fall to the ground, Rom. 3: 9. Sin revivived and I died.

2. By convincing of the strictness of the Law: this is another thing that helps to make him yield: God convinces him of the rigour and exactness of the Law: he imagined before, that his duties would make amends for his sins, that God would be at peace with him, because of his affections: but God shews him [Page 214] that the Law stands for perfect righteousness; the Law must be fully satisfied, that the Law pronounces a curse for every sin: that it can neither be abro­gated nor moderated, but must be fulfilled: that the law curs [...]s every one that continues not in all things that are written in the book of the Law to do them, gal. 3.13. and hereb [...] the sinner sees the insufficiency of all his duties, and is brought to despair in himself.

3. By leaving a hope in the heart that God may yet help him: this conduces much to make the sin­ner yield there is a secret hope that God leaves in the heart: that God will have mercy upon him: God leaves an apprehension in men of the possibility of their salvation: if they don't yield, there is cer­tain death, but there is some hopes that God may spare them, they have some hopes arising from the power of God, he can make dry bones to live: and from the mercy of God, whose thoughts are not as mens thoughts, nor his ways as mens ways, but high above them as the heavens are above the earth, that also begets some hope that there is a way of sal­vation by Christ: that others have found help [...] when they have been in such a case: that there are promises of taking away the heart of stone, Ezek, 11.19. this hope helps the Soul much, in submit­ting to God.

4. By discovering his own Soveraignty: men are greatly offended at Gods proceedings and unsatisfied, about his decrees and providences; and this hinders them from submitting unto him: but God by his spi­rit lets in some discovery of his own soveraignty: and [Page 215] thereby convinces him, that God does him no wrong: that God may bestow his grace where he pleases: that he has dominion over his creatures: this makes the soul confess with Job, Job 42.2. I know thou canst do every thing: the soul standing convinced of these things can do no other but yield up himself into the hands of God.

Before I leave this way of trial, I shall answer two scruples that may arise in the hearts of some of the People of God about their Humiliation:

1. Doubt: I fear whether I had a thorow work of Humiliation: I never saw so much of the wicked­ness of my own heart as some others do speak of.

Answer, 1.

There is no necessity of seeing all those sinful in­clinations that are in the heart particularly: there is a great variety as to the particular discoveries that God makes to divers men: and one great occasion of it is, the different temptations that they are under: some see more of a worldly spirit; some more of a froward, some more of an aspiring spirit: a man may have discoveries of his own heart, after he hath been a Saint many years that he never had before: if a man see the fountain it is sufficient, though he do not see all those various channels wherein it may run.

2. There is no necessity of seing particularly their inability to every duty: they must feel themselves spiritually dead; they feel themselves unable to do any thing that is good: but some men can speak a­bundance more particularly to their inability to this [Page 216] and that duty than others can: there are some duties that did not come into their thoughts at that time: it is necessary they should lose their sense of their ability to any thing; should not be conceited of any power or sufficiency: it is not enough for men to see that they can do nothing of themselves: men may say that, when they only find need of assistance, and not of the infusing of a principle of grace into them: but it is sufficient if they feel themselves spiritually dead: but there is no necessity that at that time they must particularly take notice of their inability to love Gods People, to be thankful, &c. though often they do; their thoughts are wont to be fixed at that time on such particulars as they were wont before to pride themselves most in: and such as they have special oc­casion at that time to think of from what the hear or read.

3. There is a necessity of seeing so much of his own heart, as to make him despair of mending it: to see it wholly under the power of sin: a man may see abundance of corruption and wickedness in his own heart, and yet be a stranger to it: though he sees a great deal, yet if he imagines that he can cure it: if he have hopes of getting victory over it, he will not be humbled, Isai. 57.12. thou art wearied in the great­ness of thy way, yet sayest thou not, there is no hope, thou hast found the life of thy hand, therefore thou wast not grieved: before he be humbled he must see himself altogether under the power of sin, Rom. 7 9.

4. There is a necessity of seeing so much, as to set him down that God may righteously cast him off: a man may see much and yet not yield it, that it is fair for God to reject him: one foundation of quarelling is an opinion of what he is and has been doing: this [Page 217] breeds a great deal of wrangling in the heart, Isai. 58 3 he is excusing of himself because he would be better, and has taken pains in Gods service; so that there is a necessity that he should see so much of his own wic­ked heart as may quite silence him: that he may see himself inexcusable: that he may not have a word to say: but may be satisfied in Gods proceeding if he should cast him off, Luk. 18.13.

Doubt. 2 I fear whither I have had a through work of Humiliation, because I never found so much opposition to the yielding of my self into Gods hands as some others speak of: others have more dreadful risings of heart, and more horrible sturdiness of spi­rit, and bore more dreadful terrors before they could be brought to yield, were much longer opposing and resisting, than it was with me: somewhat this way I found, but not so much as others, and therefore I fear whither the work were true.

Answer, 1.

Men have had a great deal more of opposition to this work of Humiliation than they take notice off or understand: all those methods and wayes that men take to establish a righteousness of their own, are from a spirit of opposition to this work of Humiliation: all mens endeavours to get any thing to commend them to God, are the workings of this spirit: mens flying to refuges of lies, and hiding themselves in the strong­holds of their own righteousness, are because they are not willing to submit to God: all mens strivings to obtain the favour of God by their prayers, affections, reformations, are upon this account, that they are not willing to yield themselves to be lost: why do men [Page 218] strive to earn their own salvation, but because they are unwilling to submit to the meer mercy of God.

2. Some men are naturally of a more stubborn spirit than others▪ and upon that account they feel more dreadful opposition: though every natural man is equally under the power of sin: for they are to­tally so: the disposition to sin against God does neither increase nor decrease in natural men, though particu­lar evil dispositions do: yet some men by reason of their temper are of a more stubborn spirit: and in other cases are wont to be more difficult to yield ei­ther to God or men than other men, and that is one reason why they in this case do experience more op­position.

3. There is a great difference in the risings of mens hearts against yielding to God, from the different manner of Gods dispensations, to the same under this work: Especially in three things:

1. Some men had abundance more confidence that they were in a good estate than ever others did obtain unto: they were strongly perswaded that they were converted, had had abundance of joy under the appre­hension of their good condition: and when these hopes come to be pulled away from them, it is no wonder that their hearts work exceedingly: they are like the troubled Sea that casts forth mire and dirt.

2. Some men when they are emptied of their own righteousness are left more upon the borders of di­spair than others are: there is a secret hope that God does sustain the hearts of all by; an hope rising from the power of God, and the deliverance he has wrought for others &c: in some there is more [Page 217] of this hope in others less: the more there is of thi [...] ▪ the more this work of submission is facilitated: an enemy will sooner yield where he has more hope of mercy than where he has less: the less hope men have, the more difficult their submission will be: that made the Syrians yield because they looked on the Kings of Israel as merciful Kings, 1 King 20.31.

3. God does discover his own soveraignty sooner unto some than unto others: the conviction of that is the thing that silences the heart, and makes it bow: that brought down Jobs Spirit, Job 42.2, 5 the soul will not yield till convinced of this, and God is plea­sed to deal with men variously as to this, some he convinces sooner, and thereby prevents much of those stubborn workings, that otherwise would be.

2. The second way of trial is by the manner of the Souls first closing with Christ: there is a great difference between saints and hipocrites in their first venturing upon Christ: though there be a similitude, yet there is also a dissimilitude: some persons indeed through negligence, lose the distinct remembrance of this, which occasions much darkness afterwards, but a false heart does not experience such things in his first receiving of the Gospel as a sincere heart does: there are some things that are common to one and to ano­ther, but there are other things that are peculiar to the people of God: if the manner of their closing were the same, their Faith would be the same: the manner of closing is such as doth distinguish them, and take it up in such particulars:

1. The soul is a [...]ured of the truth of the Gospel by the spirit of God: before the Soul was fall of [Page 218] doubts and questions, but when he closes with Christ he is assured of the truth of the Gospel: the reason that men do not entertain the truth of the Gospel is because they are not assured of the truth of it, when they believe the truth of it, then it works effectual­ly upon them, 1 Thess. 2.13. ye received it not as the word of man, but (as it is in truth) the Word of God, which effectually worketh in you that believe: When the soul first closeth with Christ, it is satisfied in the truth of the gospel:

In the consideration of this we may take notice of three things:

1. That at this time the soul knows the truth of the gospel: he had the notion of it before, but now he sees it to be so indeed: it is a real thing unto him; there is a light let into that soul discovering the truth of the gospel: the soul has not indeed at that time an actual and distinct consideration of all the fundamental truths of the gospel, so as to yield a particular assent to every one of them: but all those foundation truths are radically made known at that time: that is, there is that light put into the soul then, that will make him yield an assent to all those truths, when he comes to have the actual considera­tion of them, 1 Ioh. 2.26. ye have an unction from the holy One, and know all things: and at this time the soul has the actual consideration of some foundation go­spel truths; such as the infinite free mercy of God, the vertue of the blood of Christ, or the like; and sees such things as neither his own reason nor Satan could make him to apprehend: and although the soul has not the actual consideration of all foundation, gospel truths, yet he sees so much at that time as sa­tisfies him in the truth of the gospel: for the know­ledg [Page 219] of th [...] truth of the gospel does not depend upon the knowledg of all those things which must be true, if the gospel be true: the knowledg of some particu­lar gospel trut [...]s may abundantly satisfie a mans heart that the gospel is true, so as to encourage him to come to Christ: and although the soul at that time does not give a particular assent to all those gospel truths, which are the Pillars of our Faith, yet he does reject none: the truth of the gospel is discovered un­to him: and that not only in general: that there is salvation in Chri [...]t for them that come unto him: but also in particular, there is salvation for him, if he will accept of it: he sees that there is a way of salvation for the most unworthy: he sees also that this is offer­ed by God unto him: that there is that preciousness in Christ, that freeness in Gods grace, that faithful­ness in Gods Word, that is a sufficient encouragement unto him to venture his soul on Christ: his eyes are opened to see that there is safety for him notwith­standing his unworthiness: he thought he believed the gospel before, but only did not know that God called him: but now he sees gospel principles in such a manner that he is satisfied that God called him, and that he may venture upon Christ,

2. The soul has at this time an assured knowledg of the truth of the gospel: it is not an opinion or con­jecture arising from some probable appearances but an assurance: therefore they say, we believe and are sure, Joh 6.69. the soul sees that it is certainly so: God gives us outwardly great assurance of the truth of the gospel; and at this time the soul has inwardly an assurance of it: tis very true there is a difference in the measure of assurance, that one has, and another has: all assurance is not in the like degree: we read [Page 220] sometime in Scripture of an Assurance, 1 Thess. 1.5. of a full Assurance, Heb. 9.22. of ad riches of the full assurance of understanding, Col. 2.2. this assurance in the first closing with Christ, what ever degree it is in, does not remove the habit and principle of doubt­ing, though it does mortifie it in part; that it never recovers its strength again; yet there will be frequent returnings of this spirit of doubting; it will attend a Saint less or more as long as he lives; and many times in the first closing with Christ the assurance is not in such a degree, but that there will be actual doubting, the workings of a spirit of fear are not wholly remov­ed: some doubtings and misgivings of heart are consist­ent with assurance: a man may see that it must needs be so, that it can't be otherwise▪ [...] yet immedi­ately have recoylings of spirit: but the assurance of the soul so far prevails over all his doubtings, that he can venture himself in the arms of Jesus Christ.

3. The soul is assured at this time by the Spirit of God, that the Gospel is true: and the messages of salvation certain. The comforter shall convince of righ­teousness, Joh. 16.10. the Spirit works a principle of faith, and draws it into act: sanctifies the reason and understanding: and discovers the glorious excellen­cy of God, whereby the heart is assured; indeed this assurance cannot arise from any other cause: natural reason will not assure men of this: for the reason of man is miserably corrupted, and cannot see such spi­ritual things, 1 cor. 2.14. the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolish­ness unto him, neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. Indeed natural reason from Scripture principles, may strongly argue the truth of this way of salvation against the Papist and other [Page 221] Hereticks; but natural reason can't satisfie men a­bout those scripture principles: yea though natural reason be enlightned by a common work of the Spi­rit, so as to be greatly affected with the Gospel for a time, yet it cannot assure a man of the truth of it, neither is it possible for Satan to work any such assurance in men: men are sometimes afraid whe­ther the discovery they have had were not the delu­sions of the Devil: but though the Devil may com­fort false hearts, and fill them with joy, yet he can­not assure men of the truth of the Gospel: for he can only raise those principles that are in men, and not put a new principle of faith in them; where­by it is that the truth of the Gospel is discerned: neither can the Devil give a discovery to the soul of the glorious nature of God, or excellency of Christ, so as that the heart should trust him, love him, &c. Satan can make no such discoveries to a natural man, as a natural mind is uncapable of re­ceiving, so that this assurance is the peculiar work of the Spirit.

From this particular we may conclude the Faith of two sorts of persons to be false: on this account that they never have been assured of the truth of the Gospel.

1. Such as are perswaded of the truth of the Gos­pel only from tradition: the bottome of many mens perswasions is the profession and judgment of such men among whom they live: this is the doctrine that they have been bred up in, the principle that their Parents have taught them: they abhor to have any thoughts to the contrary, because they have been E­ducated in this way, upon the same ground that a [Page 222] Mahometan and Papist is tenacious of the religion of his Country: and as the Heathen were wont to stick to the religion of their Forefathers, Jer. [...].11, 14. Mic. 5. upon this account many receive the Go­spel; and this may be a great advantage to men, be­cause they are brought under means, and are kept from prejudices against the Gospel; and so tradition cannot be true faith: men cannot be assured of the Gospel upon this foundation; this can only be the bottom of a strong opinion, and conjecture, not of Assurance.

2. There is also another sort, whose Faith does appear from hence to be unsound: namely, such who be [...]eved that God meant them in the calls of the Gospel, because they found some good affections in themselves: if their heart had been dead and un­savoury, they could not have thought that God cal­led them: but the foundation of their believing that they were invited, was, they found some good­ness in themselves: but certainly this was built up­on conjecture, and an opinion of their own: and therefore they could not be assured of it: they had no assurance that they were called, though they might have a strong confidence, yet they could not be assured from thence that they were invited

2. In the first closure of the soul with Christ, the Soul comes to him, meerly upon the incouragement of the call of God in the Gospel: God invites sin­ners in the Gospel, to come to Christ, and many ways urgeth them so to do: and from thence the soul takes its encouragement.

There were many other things that encouraged [Page 223] them before to wait upon God for converting grace, as the power of God; Gods converting of others, his strivings with him by his Spirit, but the thing that is his encouragement to come to Christ, is the call of the Gospel: he sees his warrant in the call of the Gospel: the call of the Gospel is the foundati­on of his faith: that is the reason of his faith that God calls him in his Word. The call of God does contain in it sufficient encouragement to be­lieve: for therein God shews his readiness to save sinners, therein he shews that there is a way of sal­vation prepared for them: therein he binds his faith­fulness to them, and lays bonds upon himself to save them if they come to Christ, and this is the encou­ragement to them to believe, Acts 13 48. they glo­rified the Word of the Lord, and as many, or it may be read, such as were ordained to eternal life believed.

For the right understanding of this:

Consider 1.

1. It is indifferent with this first closing with Christ, whether the soul takes notice of the call to believe as Gods call or Christs call: some souls in their first closing, take notice that Christ calls them: others that God calls them: and it is no material thing which of these ways it be: if either the soul hear God, or hear Christ calling him, the answer to that call is true faith: for there is sufficient war­rant for us to come either from the voice of God, or the voice of Christ: this is an abundant demon­stration of it: that the call of the Gospel is some­times propounded to us in Scripture as the call of God, Jer. 3.22. Gal. 3.15. 2 Tim 1.9. and some­times [Page 224] it is propounded unto us as the call of Christ, Rev, 3.18.20. there is this difference between them, that Christ calls us by an authority derived from God: God does derive his authority from none: but Jesus Christ as Mediator does derive his authori­ty from God: but his authority is a sufficient war­rant, Mat. 17.5. hear him: and hence Ministers may indifferently invite men in the name of God or Christ, 2 Cor. 5.20. now then we are Ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us, we pray you in Christs stead be ye reconciled to God.

3. There is no necessity that at the time of the souls closing with Christ he should be reading or hearing the call of the Gospel: it is by those calls, but many times they do not prevail while a man is hearing of them but afterwards: sometimes it is in the very time of hearing, Acts 14.1, 2. Acts 2.41. but it may be as well afterwards: it may be in time of prayer, and often is, or in meditation: God does it for them that wait upon him in his Ordinan­ces, but not always in the time of Ordinances: thus it is with other works of the Spirit, awakening of sinners, comforting of Saints and Sinners, Mat. 21.29 he said I will not, but afterwards he repented and went.

3. There is no necessity that this closure with Christ should be wrought by the letter of the Scriptures: fre­quently it is by some particular word; but it is many times otherwise: sometimes the thing is urged by a Mi­nister, according to the Scripture, and God makes some sentence that he speaks effectual, Acts 16.31, 32. so som­times in meditation God makes men see the general cal of the Gospel, though no particular place be pitched upon: thus 'tis sometimes afterwards with Saints.

[Page 225]4. There is no necessity that the particular word that draws the soul to Christ, should be in the form of an invitation: it is many times so, as by those words, Mat. 11.28. Rev. 22.17. but it may be by a­ny other Gospel expression; as by those words, 1 Pet▪ 2.24. who bore our sins in his own body upon the Cross, Isai. 53.6. he was wounded for our sins, and bruised for our iniquities, Eph. 5.2. he hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God of a sweet smelling savour: it may be wrought by any Gospel precept, promise, declaration: God by any such word may let in a light to shew the soul the truth of the Gos­pel Call.

From this particular we may conclude the faith of two sorts of persons to be false:

1. Such as ventured at first upon Christ from that encouragement that God loved them: they thought that God had a love for them, either from his out­ward providences, he smiled on them in his provi­dences and blessed them, and heard their prayers, or he manifested his love to them by restraining their corruptions, and keeping of them from such evil practices as others are addicted unto or else from some inward comfort that God has given them: God gave them some inward comfort when they were in a sad condition, and from thence they conclude the love of God: and so are bold to venture themselves on Jesus Christ: they have had some inward joy, and that they make the foundation of their Faith: and so they quite prevent Gods order, they get first a faith of assurance that God loves them, and then they have a faith of dependance: but the particu­lar [Page 226] love of God is [...] the foundation of our faith, there is no need of knowing that in order to believ­ing: the love of God is to be cleared up by effec­tual calling, 2 Pet. 1.10 Gods love to the soul is a secret, till he does believe, Eph. 1 13. after ye believ­ed, ye were sealed with the holy Spirit of promise: God may reveal the love he has to a man, unto some o­ther before the man believes, as the love God had to Jacob, was revealed to Rebecca, but not to the man himself: Gods particular love is not the foundation of Faith, but the call of the Gospel.

2. Such as ventured first upon Christ upon that encouragement that they loved God: they found af­fections to God and Christ, and that made them think that God meant them in the call of the Gospel, that made them think that it was not presumption for them to come to Christ that made them think that God would not reject them: their first encou­ragement rises from themselves, and then in a se­condary way they take encouragement from the Gospel: that adds to their encouragement: but this faith is a rotten faith, it has not a right foundati­on: such a faith may make men live more comfor­table here, but it will deceive them, Rev. 3: 17.

3. In the first closure with Christ, there is such a light let into the Soul of the sinner, that he can­not b [...]t come to Christ: when he does come there is a necessity upon him to come: it is thus many times, very remarkable afterwards: but eminently so at first: before he comes he cannot come, and when he does come, he cannot but come▪ the sinner has at that time such a sup [...]rnatural light let into him, that he is under constraints to come to Christ: all the [Page 227] wit in hell can't perswade him to stay away: where God begins to open the eyes, there may be some ob­jecting: but before God has done, the light is so full, that the soul is carryed captive by it: Ministers are required to compel men to come in, Luke 14.23. that is to use compelling arguments, such as when God sets the same home will compell men: the light that God puts in to the soul at that time is such that he cannot withstand it: it silences all his carnal reasonings: stops his mouth, answers his objections, so that he cannot stand out any longer, John 6.45. every one that has been taught, and hath learned of the Father commeth unto me.

This I clear up from these considerations.

1. All that have this inward light and teaching doe come unto Christ: 'tis true, there is an illumi­nation that is not effectual to work faith, Mat. 13.20. 2 Pet. 2.21. that light is only the irradiation of the natural understanding; but there is an inward light that is always attended with faith: such men as have a thorow conviction of the gospel doe ever close with it: that light that is sufficient in order to faith is always efficacious; the inward call of the gospel is always answered, Rom. 8.30. whom he called, them he also justified, all those that God draws do run after him, Cant. 1.4. they that know Christ will come to him, John 17.38 Psal 9.10 and this shews that they cannot but come; if this inward light could be resisted, some would resist it: among so many thousands some would refuse to come: this way would not be universally successful with men of all tempers and inclinations, if it did not necessi­tate them: some or other would be found that would refuse.

[Page 228]2. This inward light is said to come with power upon the soul: it has a perswading overcoming po­wer with it: it has power to gain the will, and draw the consent of the heart: the gospel where the Spi­rit does inwardly teach, it has a prevailing power: therefore it is called a rod of strength, Psal. 110.2. it comes with power upon the heart, 1. Thes. 1.5. when God convinces men of the truth of it, it alwayes works effectually upon them, 1 Thes. 2.13. let but the truth of it sink into a mans soul, and Christ will be precious unto him, 1. Pet. 2.7. the light of the gospel, turns about the wills of men, Psal. 110.3.

3. If the sinner could stay away from Christ, the corruption of his heart would make him stay away from Christ [...]: if men were able to stay away, they would not be able to come: there is a great deal of opposition in the heart of a sinner to believing in Christ, men are as great enemies to the gospel as they are to the law,: sinners are dreadful averse to come to Christ: how many objections and cavils have men to keep them from Christ: how many by-paths will they turn into before they come to Christ: how much sorrow will they endure before they come to Christ? Phil. 3.18 Rom. 10.3. and this opposition of heart would not suffer them to come except they were made to come: if they were nor under a necessity of coming they would stay away.

4. It is against nature when men have this inward light let into them to stay away from Christ: there is a principle put into every man in his first creation to seek his own happiness: and however the nature of [Page 229] man be corrupted, yet that principle is not lost, but remains strong in men: however they mistake the way, yet the desire of all men is happiness: the De­vil blinds men, and tells one that this is the way, and another that that is the way, but still they are driving an end that design, Psal. 4.6 who will shew us any good? and therefore when the Spirit of God shews a man, that Christ is the way to happiness, that there is sal­vation in Christ, he cannot but come to him, Joh. 6.6▪ 8 to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal Life.

5. When the sinner comes at first to Christ, this inward teaching of the Father works such affectious that he cannot but come: when his eyes are opened his affections are so wrought upon, that he cannot but come: when he comes out of darkness into light, his heart is affected with the sight of Christ, and he can­not stay away: there are three affections that are wrought upon: one is hope, he sees a hope of bles­sedness if he comes to Christ: he sees in that way hopes of pardon and glory, Heb 6.18. who are fled for refuge to lay hold on the hope that is set before us: ano­ther is Love, when the soul comes to see Jesus Christ offering himself, he cannot but love him, and look on this way of salvation as a glorious way, he despised Christ before, but now he charges his mind, he prizes him, 1. Pet. 2.7. to them that believe in Christ is precious: and then it works on fear, he dare not lose the opportuni­ty: he does not know whether he shall have another call; so that he dares do no other than take God at his word.


This seems to overthrow the liberty of mans will: if he cant come to Christ where is his Freedome?

[Page 230] Answer.

Liberty does consist in an indifferency unto contrary Acts or Objects: sometimes indeed men have such a liberty, but that is peculiar to some cases: liberty is not opposed to necessity but to force: the will can­not be force by any external violence, but it may be necessitated by reason and conviction: natural men sin voluntarily yet necessarily: they reject the Gospel voluntarily, Joh. 5.40. yet necessarily, Joh. 6.44. Saints in heaven love and serve God necessarily yet freely: so tis here, Psal. 110.3. thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power.

From this Particular we may conclude the faith of such men to be false as have made a faith of their own: convinced sinners hearing they shall certainly be ruin [...]d that do not b [...]lieve in Christ, and that they that do believe shall be saved, set themselves in their own strengths to work their hearts to this duty, and after a while imagine that they have got the victory, and have prevailed over their unbelief, and wrought their hearts unto a closure with Christ: this Faith is not right: its very true that after a man has been brought in, he may in this way, by Gods assistance come to perform renewed acts of Faith: but it is ne­ver thus in the first closure with Christ; at first God layes a necessity upon men, they cannot but come to Christ, Eph. 1 19, 20. what is the exceeding greatness if his power to us ward, who believe, according to the work­ing of his mighty power which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead: when the sinner comes in­deed to Christ, he is compelled to come, Luk 14.23.

Before I leave this Particular, I shall answer two [Page 231] Doubts in the hearts of some Saints from hence:

Doubt 1.

I fear my closing with Christ is not right, because, af­ter God let light into me I objected awhile before I yielded: the light did not at first overcome me:


Many times when God comes with that inward call of the Gospel, he does not at one instant let in such light as does overcome all objections: but after God begins to bring the call home to the soul, there are some struglings of unbelief before he yields: some­times the light is such that it strikes all objections dead at a blow: sometimes it answers them gradu­ally, the light breaks in fuller and fuller till at last it quite overcomes him, as in Moses [...]s call.

Doubt 2.

I fear my closing was not right, because when I came first to Christ I had a fear and trembling on my heart: I had not such full satisfaction as some have; but crouded through difficulties:


Some have more clear light than others: but every one has so much that he cannot but venture: though there be remaining darkness yet they have so much light as overbears them: that their hearts are carried out to rely on Christ, and that is sufficient, Rom. 4.18. who against hope believed in hope.

[Page 232]3. The third way of Trial is by living a life of Faith on Jesus Christ: they that have received Christ by Faith, do not satisfie themselves that they have be­lieved, but do from time to time live a life of depen­dance on Christ: this life Paul lived, Gal. 2.20. I live by Faith in the Son of God: that is the duty of them that have believed, 1 Joh. 5.13. I have written to you that have believed on the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may believe on the Son of God. And this is the spirit of those that have believed: they live a life of dependance upon Christ for every thing, even for outward things, for life, health, peace, liberty, provision, protection, for pri­vate and publick blessings, but in special for Sanctifi­cation, Acceptance and eternal Salvation.

For the opening of this we may consider;

  • 1. What are the actings of Faith that Believers are exercised in.
  • 2. Vnder what considerations are these actings of Faith drawn forth.
  • 3. The condition [...] in which a Believer is exerci­sing▪ Faith.

Question 1.

What are the actings of Faith that a Believer is exer­ci [...]ed in?

Answer. 1.

Assenting to this Doctrine of salvation by Christ: the gloriousness of Christs person and offices, the vertue of his Sacrifice▪ the readiness of the Lord to [Page 233] save sinners by him, the readiness of God to accept of him through Jesus Christ: the Believer receives these things as the Word of God, 1 Thess. 2.13. while other men are dissenting: looking upon those things as cunningly devised Fables, or withholding their consent, as being uncertain reports, that they have not sufficient assurance of; the Believer acknowledges these things to be so indeed: the report of the Go­spel is entertained by him: he don't look upon the things doubtful, but the things are real things to him▪ he don't look upon them as things that may be, or are likely to be true, but things that must be▪ the de­clarations of Gods Word concerning these things come with Authority upon his heart: he is satisfied that things are so: he is not afraid that there is deceit in the bottom, and that he is abused in these reports: he d [...]nt demur and hesitate about them, but they are firm co [...]clusions in his breast: they are as real to him as the shining of the Sun, and the burning of the fire; so Luke sayes of the passages of Christs life and death: they are things which are most surely believed among us, Luk. 1.1. they look on them as certain: they are per­swaded of the truth of them: others are afraid whi­ther they be so or not: but a Saint is perswaded of them, Heb. 11.13. they are to them as if they saw them with their eyes, Joh. 8.56. Abraham rejoyced to see my day, and saw it and was glad: he saw the day of Christs incarnation and passion: it was above two thousand years off, but he saw it as if it were present: Faith makes things evident, while others are at a loss about things and cannot tell how to be satisfied▪ they are in the dark and perplexed with surmises, Faith makes the things plain and evident to Believers, Hebr. 11.1.

[Page 234]2. Accepting of Salvation by Christ: 'tis offered to [...]im and he receives it: the Believer takes the ten­der with all his heart, while other men stand dispu­ting whether they may, he boldly runs the venture of it▪ while others are waiting for more encouragement, and are frighting of themselves with the reasonings of their own hearts, he is thankfully accepting of the offer: he sees a door open and he ventures to go in: carnal reason tells him it is dangerous, that he had need be advis [...] what he does: but let carnal reason say what it can he will venture the case: he deserts all oth [...] profe [...]s, and puts himself into this Castle and ventures his life in it: he puts to Sea in this Bottom, embarques himself here let what storms will come, he parts with all for this Jewel, and has his whole de­pendance upon this: he forsakes all other Lovers and accepts the tenders of Christ: carnal reason tells him, he will bring himself to misery: but he is wil­ling to venture it: he relinquishes all other hopes, and puts himself into the hands of Jesus Christ: he sayes as Paul, It is a saying worthy of all acceptation, that Christ came into the world to save sinners: 1 Tim. 1.15. he flees for refuge to Christ when conscience is pursuing of him, thither he betakes himself, Heb. 6.18 he gets under the shadow of Christ, and ventures him­self upon that protection which Christ will give him: when he hears what is to be said on all sides, he makes choice of the offer of Christ, and ventures himself with him, he refuses other offers and takes this, Jer. 2.22. Return ye back-sliding children and I will heal your back-sliding: behold we come unto thee, thou art the Lord our God.

3. Viewing and beholding the excellency of Christ: as one that trusts in a Castle, he loves to be viewing [Page 235] and taking notice of the strength of it: the thickness and breadth of the walls, so he that trusts in his own righteousness loves to ly poring upon the multitude of his services, the fervor of his affections, the pains he has taken, and other things that set forth the ex­cellency of it: thus he that believes in Christ loves to be considering the excellency of Christ and of his right [...]ousness, feasting his eyes in beholding of him: thus we are commanded to consider him, Heb. 3.1. and this is the spirit of a Believer: he is solacing and satisfying of his soul in the contemplation of Christs righteousness: his heart dwells in the consideration thereof: an unbeliever stands poring upon his un­worthiness, thinking how many sins he has been guilty of, what occasion of anger God has against him, dis­courag [...]ng his soul by minding how unworthy he is, and he is still harping upon the greatness of his pro­vocations: but a Believer is of another spirit, he is re­freshing of his heart by taking notice of the glorious excellency of Christs righteousness: and what won­derful [...]ecurity arises from thence, sometimes he thinks how God chose this way of Salvation before the foundat [...]on of the World: sometimes how God has poured out his anger upon Christ: how their sins have been imputed unto Christ: how God reckons the sufferings of Christ [...]h [...]irs: how this way of salvation was shadowed forth to the antient Church: how the People of God of old have placed their Faith in the righteousness of Christ: there are a multitude of such considerations that the heart is dwelling upon, Cant 5.1 [...]. & seq. My beloved is white and ruddy the chiefest of ten thousand.

4. Prizing of Jesus Christ: the Believer makes g [...]eat reckoning of Christ, 1 Pet. 2.7. he believes all those glorious characters that God gives of Christ, and [Page 236] so he prizes him: makes great account of the blood and righteousness of Chrst, and of all the Offices of Christ: he looks upon his own righteousness as no­thing in comparison of the righteousness of Christ: he reckons himself poor notwithstanding any thing of his own: he counts himself undone without Christ: but he prizes Christ, looks on him as the Author of eternal salvation, as the procurer and bestower of all good: he has all his expectations from him: all his hopes are built on him: he has a great esteem of Christ, he looks for no good but only from him: his hopes of outward mercies▪ of light and strength, and deliverance from temptation, of pardon and commu­nion with God▪ and eternal life are all derived from him: he looks upon Christ as the stay and staff of his life: he prizes him as having his whole dependance upon him: he looks upon himself miserable and un­done without him: he counts an interest in Christ more worth than all the Gold of Ophir: he esteems the blood of Christ of sufficient vertue to purge away eve­ry sin, and the obedience of Christ sufficient to procure all manner of good for him: he sees peace in him, and victory in him, and life in him: as a man prizes bread because that preserves life: as a sick man▪ prizes a skilful Physitian, as a man prizes his money because that is vertually all things here: 'tis meat, and drink, and clothes, &c. Money answers all things, so does the Believer prize Christ, he sees all things vertually in him: he sees he has perpetual need of him: he prizes him as the only way of happiness.

5. Being satisfied in Christ: the believer sees e­nough in Christ to answer the needs of his soul, there is a fullness in Christ, his soul finds rest there: he does not see any need of his own righteousness to [Page 237] commend him to Gods acceptance; he is satisfied in the Robes of Christs Righteousness, he sees there is no need of his, to make him beautiful in the eyes of God: he is satisfied in this bread of life, and he finds no necessity to feed upon husks: other men imagine a need of something of their own to ingratiate them with God, and to procure their acceptance: they care not trust in Christ alone, but are labouring to piece out his righteousness with theirs: and when they hear the tenders of grace made through Christ, they are [...]ot satisfied, but are looking out for something else to encourage them, they dare not trust in this alone but the believer is satisfied in Christ, and he throws away all other confidences, both as vain and as need­less: he finds no want of any other righteousness to justifie him, and carry before God; he don't regard nor desire any thing of his own to commend him to Gods acceptance: he sees there is ground enough of encouragement in Christ, Phil. 3.3. we rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the fiesh, 1 Cor. 2.2. I have determined to know nothing among you but Jesus Christ and him crucified.

6. Counting this way of salvation a glorious way: this way of salvation pleases God; 'tis a way that he has chosen: and this way pleases the believer, he likes it, and is taken with it; it is a glorious way in his eye: he has an high esteem of this way, he counts it an excellent and glorious way as it is a way of safety, all other ways that men have imagined and devised, he despises them, as deceitful, as meer traps and snares for the souls of men as ineffectual unto the end proposed: but his soul does magn [...]f [...]e this way as that which does answer the end, and will ef­fect and bring about that salvation, that it is propo­sed [Page 238] in order to: he is affected with this way, as it is a sure way; that will not fail those that trust therein, 1 Pet. 2.4. to whom coming as to a living stone; he is affected with it that God has laid so strong a foundation of the salvation of his people; that they cannot be disappointed of it: and he counts it a glo­rious way: as thereby the glory of God is much ad­vanced. In this way the glorious mystery of the Trinity is made known: in this way the excellent skill and workmanship of the Lord is seen, in reparing the ruines of Mankind, and raising up of man from the gulf of misery unto the pinnacle of happiness, in finding out a way to reconcile his own glory, and mans salvation; in bestowing blessedness upon man, in such a way that free grace shall have all the glory; in this way the wonderful love of God does appear: in this costly way of salvation: upon this account the soul is taken with this way of salvation, as a way that will much advance the glory of God? we should have been great strangers to God, and have seen lit­tle of his glory comparatively, had it not been for this way of salvation: it is pleasant taking notice of the beamings forth of Gods glory in this way, Rev. 5.13▪ blessing, and honour, and glory, and power be to him that sitteth on the Throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever.

7. Rejoycing in Christ Jesus: the believer finds a great deal of joy in Christ: he solaces himself in the thoughts of the righteousness of Christ: while others are rejoycing in the sparks that they have kindled, he sits under the shadow of Christ with great delight; his heart is many times raised with the discoveries of Christ; sometimes his soul is filled with joy and peace in believing, Rom. 15.13. believing [Page 239] he rejoices with joy unspeakable and full of glory, 1 Pet. 1 [...]. sometimes he can triumph in Christ over all the enemies of his soul; whi [...] others a [...]e boasting in themselves▪ what duties the [...] have done, what frames they have attained, what service they have done to the cause of God: but the believer is making of his boast of Christ, glorying in his righteousn [...]ss: the soul can triumph in that, notwithstanding all matter of discouragement, Rom 8.34. who is he that condem­neth, it is Christ that died, 1 Cor. 15. [...]5.6, 7. O Death where is thy sting, [...] Grave where is thy victory, the sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the Law, but thanks be to God that giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Question 2.

Vnder what considerations are these actings of Faith drawn forth?


There be many considerations which the hearts of believers do pitch upon, which draw forth the exer­cise of Faith: as the considerations that unbelief fixes upon, are very man [...]; only here mind this: that where the Lord makes one encouraging considera­tion powerful upon the heart, it is an in-let to ma­ny others.

And we may reduce them principally to these three Heads,

1. The heart fixes sometime on the consideration of Gods mercy: faith is drawn forth by the conside­ration [Page 240] of the merciful nature of God, Psal. 44.18. When I said my foot slippeth, thy mercy O Lord held me up: the soul says God is of infinite mercy, he can find in his heart to blot out greatest transgressions; his mercy is greater than our sinfulness: he can o­vercome all our guilt, Mic 7.18. who is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth iniquity, &c. sometimes upon the consideration of the freeness of Gods mercy, he has no dependance on our worth: he can give life without any thing in us to draw his heart towards us Rom. 5.21. grace reigns through righteousness unto eternal life, &c. sometimes on the merciful purposes of God: who has designed to shew mercy upon many of the sinful children of men; he has determined to bring many sinners unto the enjoyment of himself, 2 Tim. 1 9. sometimes on the exercise of his mercy in sending his Son to dye for sinners, Joh. 3.16. som­times the thoughts pitch on the merciful invitations that the Lord makes to sinners, 2 cor. 5.20. somtimes on the exercise of his mercy on great sinners, Ma­ry Magdalen, Paul and others, 1 Tim. 1.16 sometimes on the tender love of Christ abundantly manifested when here on earth, sometime the spirit sets home one of these considerations, and sometime another; which draws the heart to believe, when under the greatest sence of vileness, Psal. 36.7. how excellent is thy loving kindness, O God: therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings.

2 The heart fixes sometimes on the consideration, of Gods faithfulness: that is a mighty stay to the heart when he has a spiritual sight of the faithfulness of God: when that is fastned on the heart, that makes him receive the promise, whatever improba­bility there be in it, Heb. 11.11. when we have to [Page 241] do with a faithful man, we lay weight upon his word, so does the believer on Gods; when this considerati­on of his faithfulness is fastned on his heart: the soul says it must needs be so as God promises, for God is a God of Truth, it is impossible that God should lye: God cannot mistake nor deceive: his word is infallible, his promise cannot fail: hereby he stops the mouth of carnal reason: God has promised so and so to us, and promised so and so to Christ; and he is not fickle and inconstant, repentance is hid from his eyes, 1 John 5.9. if we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: why should I fright my self with appearances and uncertain reasonings, why should I doubt though the things are strange and wonderful? though we can't see the reason of these things: the Word of God cannot fail, we may ven­ture our souls on it, if they were more worth than they are, Psal. 91 4 2 Tim. 1.12.

3. The heart fixes sometimes upon the sufficiency of Christ: that comes with mighty power upon the heart; stilling accusations, dissipating fears, drawing the heart to rejoyce in Christ, Phil. 3.10. that I may know him, and the power of his Resurrection: somtimes the Lord fastens it on the heart, that Christ is the way that God has appointed unto life, Heb. 10.19, 20. sometimes that Christ has born our sins in his own body, 1 Pet. 2.24. sometimes that Justice is satisfied, the Law fully answered by Christ: that God may without any injustice pardon and save, Rom. 3 26. that the sacrifice of Christ is acceptable unto God, Eph. 5.2. that God has fully av [...]nged himself on Christ, 2 cor. 5.21. that Christ is our Passover, the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world: that all the families of the earth shall be blessed in [Page 242] him: that he is our High-priest, bearing our names on his breast in the most holy place: these and scores of such considerations which the Lord at times, fas­tens on the hearts of his people; do wonderfully help them to cast themselves upon Christ, giving him the glory of redeeming them, Rev. 5.12. worthy is the Lamb that was slain, to receive power and riches, and wisdom and strength, and honour and glory, and bless­ing.

Question 3.

In what conditions does a believer thus exercise faith in Christ.

Answer, 1.

Where he is more clearly satisfied in his own good estate, there are times when the people of God have very comfortable satisfaction that they are in a good condition: they have comfortable hopes that they are in a state of Justification, that God has par­doned their sins, and will save them; these hopes a­rise from a discerning of their former actings of faith, their sanctification, and that joy in the Holy-Ghost which they have had, and at such times as these, they do live a life of Faith upon Christ, when they can see their sanctification, they do not build upon that as the matter of their justification, neither do they so live upon any signs, as to lie in the neglect of acting dependance on Christ: though there is too much of that Spirit to live upon signs, and to neglect Christ, yet this Spirit does not rule a Saint: but not­withstanding his hopes, his venturing himself upon the free and gracious offers of the Gospel, though he [Page 243] finds comfort in those evidences that God gives him of his good estate; yet he is from time to time re­newing his acts of dependance upon Christ, Cant. 2.3. I set under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet unto my taste.

2. When he is more in the dark about his conditi­on: there are times with many at least of the peo­ple of God, when they are greatly exercised with fears, there be many things that give occasion of fear to them, they are afraid because they see great wor­kings of corruptions, cannot discern love to God, do not find love to Ordinances, seem to grow worse and worse: so they are afraid, because they nave not such comforts as other christians have: they do not find that presence of God with them, that they think they should have if they were Saints: many temptati­ons they meet withal, that shake their hopes excee­dingly: but in this condition they do not neglect to believe in Christ, though when they are in the dark, they have great struglings of unbelief: but they do not cast off their faith in Christ: their faith has not dependance upon their signs, when signs fail, yet the foundation of their faith remains: though they see not yet they do believe: at such a time it is their duty to believe: when they are in darkness and have no light, their work is to stay on the name of the Lord, Isai. 50.10. and this is their spirit: Saints live by faith, and not by sight, 2 Cor. 5, 7. and though they are at a loss what they are, and what they have done, yet they see ground of faith in Christ: their relyance does not depend upon their assurance, Psal. 73.26. my flesh and my heart faileth, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion for ever.

[Page 244]By this way of trial we may conclude against three sorts of persons, that they have not true Faith.

1. Such persons as satisfie themselves that they have believed in Christ, and closed with him, some­time formerly, and don't live in a way of believing they nourish an hope, because they have believed at such a time, but neglect to roll themselves on Christ from time to time; so it is with some dry and un­savoury professors, they have got an hope from some old works they had upon their hearts many years since, they trust that that will carry them to heaven, and don't live a life of faith, but live in a wretched neglect of Christ: many times such mens religion is quite worn out by that time they grow into years, and they are like salt that has lost its savour, Heb. 3.14.

2. Such persons as generally live upon their own righteousness, but only now and then they force themselves to rely on Christ: the general way of their living is upon their good frames and ser [...]ices, but now and then they have a Sermon against their trusting in their own righteousness, or it is given as a sign of an hypocrite to trust in his own duties, and they set themselves to trust in Christ, and think they do somewhat at it: but their way of living is upon themselves, and they are very great Strangers to Christ: this is not the guise of the people of God, gal. 2.20. the life thut I live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God.

3. Such persons as cannot venture upon Christ; when they are in the dark about their estate: when they think that they see signs that they are converted, [Page] then they can believe, they are very forward; but when in the dark no Gospel encouragements will prevail upon them [...] faint may find it very difficult at such a time: but a false heart s [...]ayes till he can dis­cern some more hopes of his good condition before he can believe: such a man does not live a life of Faith.

Before I pass this way of trial, I shall answer some Doubts about it that sometimes trouble the People of God.

Doubt 1.

I fear I do not live a life of Faith, because I find abun­dance of unbelief: I am exceeding distrustful: see little as I ought to see of the excellency of Christ, of the stability of the Covenant, or of the freeness of Gods grace:


It may be so, and yet your Faith may be right: there is a backwardness in Saints to believe, Luk. 24.25, 26. O fools and slow of heart to believe: Saints have but a little Faith they that have most have but a little Rev 3.8. this is the general complaint of the people of God, and generally it is from Faith, that they are burdened with unbelief: a spirit of Faith makes men qualified to discern their unbelief, and makes men see an hainous evil in it.

Doubt 2.

I fear I dont live a life of Faith, because I am very ready to give way to a spirit of carnal confidence: I am sure there is a great deal of false Faith in me, if there be any stirrings of affection I am ready to idolize them, and stay upon them:


You may possibly think there is more carnal con­fidence [Page 246] working in you than there is hope of your good condition should be strengthened by the sancti­fying fruits of the Spirit; they are good signs: but I grant you are not to be carnally confident, though your Faith be of the right kind, and you live a life of Faith, yet you will be troubled with a spirit of carnal confidence as long as you live, Mat. 13.27. Prov. 30.6. where the Apostle sayes, we have no confidence in the flesh, Phil. 3.3. his meaning is not that ca [...]nal confi­dence is wholly mortified: but their Doctrine was that no confidence was to be in the flesh, and they al­lowed none:

Doubt 3

I fear I dont live a life of Faith: because my Faith brings me in so little supplies of Grace and Comfort: God dont seem to own it:


You gain considerably by your Faith, if you gain this to be kept following of God, 1 Pet. 1.5. you must not be discouraged, because God does not give you such signs as you desire, Joh. 20 29. Blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed: the measures of comfort that God gives to his People are very various, and sometimes God puts his people upon it, against hope, to believe in hope: and that is a sign of a good Faith, when a man sees but little coming▪ and yet will believe still, Rom. 4.18. Abraham against hope be­lieved in h [...]pe.

Doubt 4.

I am afraid because I am so bold to trust in God from time to time though I have so much s [...]n: I am afraid it is a life of Presumption, not Faith:

[Page 247] Answer.

There is indeed a boldness to trust in God from con­ceits of mens worth; that is not right: but there is a twofold boldness that God will never blame men for: one is, the bearing up of their heart with the hopes of Gods favour upon good experience of it, notwith­standing sin: only you must beware you do not make light of sin, because God has given you such hopes: the other is, a depending on Jesus Christ for the par­don of sin; and accepting Gods offer notwithstand-your sins: yea though you have not such brokenness of heart as does become you, Heb. 4.16. Let us come boldly to the Throne of Grace.

4. Try the truth of your Faith by that holiness that does accompany and flow from Faith in Jesus Christ: they that are true believers do lead an holy life: Ho­liness does accompany Faith: and therefore believers are commonly in Scripture stiled Saints, 2 Cor. 1.1. there is a concatenation of Graces: where there is one grace there is all: as it is in a natural man, all the natural faculties of the soul do accompany each other, they live and dye together, so it is with the se­veral graces that are in Saints; the same principle of Grace does inable the Soul to all sorts of holy actions; Grace in the heart is but one principle, though in re­spect of its various actings and objects it does receive various denominations: and wherever Faith is, it is accompanied with universal holiness: and therefore holiness is given as a Sign and Character of Belie­vers, Gal 5.24. they that are Christs have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts: the actings of Faith go hand in hand with the excercise of other gra­ces: Faith is alwayes attended with universal holiness [Page 248] hence there are so many promises of Salvation made unto those that are holy: though it be Faith only that gives men a title to heaven, yet there are promises made unto holiness because that is a property of be­lievers: and hence also there are so many threat­nings unto those that live unholily, Heb. 12.14. with­out holiness no man shall see the Lord.

And indeed holiness does not only accompany Faith, but the exercise of it does flow from Faith, Faith has a great influence into an holy life: the actings of Faith upon the whole Word of God does greatly quicken a spirit of obedience: it is a spirit of Faith that makes all the Arguments which the Scripture is full of to become powerful upon the heart: whatever God proposes to us in his Word to make us obedient, it will not have that effect upon our heart if it be not entertained by Faith: men believe commands, incou­ragements, threatnings, and so they become efficaci­ous upon the heart: the whole Word of God works on men as it is entertained by Faith, all graces are quickened and drawn into exercise in this way: men believe and hope, they believe and love, they believe and repent: the Will and Affections never act in a gracious way, but when the understanding does dis­cover ground so to do: by Faith we understand spiri­tual things, and so our hearts are carried after them; what ever grace is acted Faith is acted together with it: and therefore in the 11 th to the Hebrews, what­ever the Patriarcks did and suffered for God is ascri­bed to Faith.

But as other actings of Faith have an influence into Holiness, so in a special manner the actings of Faith upon Jesus Christ: we are satisfied by Faith in him, Act. 26.18. the peculiar actings of Faith on Christ have a [Page 249] special influence into an holy life: and that two wayes:

1. The believing of the Gospel does in its own na­ture stir up men to holiness: when men by Faith do entertain the calls of God in the Gospel, it has a strong impress [...]on on their hearts to move them to ho­lin [...]ss: when men see the readiness of God to pardon them, the wonderful grace of God in the Gospel, it prevails with them to lead an holy life, Psal. 26.23. Thy loving kindness is before mine eyes, and I have walked in thy truth: the sence of the grace of God appre­hended by Faith, makes men admire the glorious ex­cellency of God, love God, fear to offend him, troub­led that they have grieved him and wronged him: the discoveries of Gospel grace leave an everlasting impression upon the heart, to love and honour God.

2. The believing on Christ is the way wherein God has promised to carry on the work of Sanctification: in this way God gives forth the assistances of his Spirit for the carrying on of this work: God in the invita­tions of the Gospel calls us to glory and vertue, 2 Pet. 1.3. Faith in Christ is the condition of the covenant of grace, and therefore thereby God becomes enga­ged to keep men in the wayes of holiness, as all other covenant mercies are made over to the soul in this way; so likewise sanctifying grace, and besides that God has directed us to exercise Faith upon Christ for Sanctification; he tells us that without him we can do no­thing, John 15.5, that he is made to us for Sanctifica­ti [...]n, 1 Cor. 1.30. that whatever we do in word or deed, we must do all in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Col. 3.17. this is a principal means prescribed unto us in order to the carrying on of the work of Sanctification, we must attend other appointments and ordinances o [...] [Page 250] God: prayer, reading, hearing, sacraments, watching, meditating & sim ▪ but we may not trust to any of our own strivings: But especially attend this ordinance of the covenant of grace, to roll our selves upon Christ, as being the purchaser and the dispenser of this bles­sing, waiting for the influences of his Spirit, and in this way he assists and strengthens his to lead an holy life.

For the opening of this way of Trial, we may con­sider what an holy life is: It is a course of walking in all Gods Commandments from a gracious respect unto God: here you may distinguish between a prin­ciple of holiness, an holy frame, an holy action, and an holy life: a principle of holiness is a quality ina­bling and inclining a man to keep all Gods commands out of a gracious respect unto God; an holy frame is a raised prevailing disposition unto holiness, by the ha­bit it is disposed to holiness, by an holy frame to a more ready and chearful practice of holiness: when the heart is in an holy frame, it is like an instrument in tune, like a good knife that has a good edge: an holy action is an action commanded of God, done out of a gracious respect unto God: an holy life is a course of walking in all Gods commands, from a gracious re­spect unto God:

In this discription three things are to be minded;

1. That where there is an holy life, there is a walk­ing in all Gods commands: there may be a reforma­tion of some particular sins where there is not an ho­ly life, any one way of sin makes a mans life unholy: if men allow any way of disobedience the life is not holy: in an holy life there is an abstaining from every known sin, and the practice of every known duty, [Page 251] Luk. 1 6. They were both righteous before God, walking it all the Commandments and Ordinances of the Lord blameless: he that leads an holy life does observe all those commands that direct his outward behaviour of himself; and he attends all those commands that di­rect the carriage and behaviour of the heart: those commands that require internal duty, love, fear, and those that do require the right manner of doing his du­ty, doing of it for Gods glory, doing of it in the Name of Christ, doing of it with diligence, with delight: the casting off of any duty makes the life unholy.

The principle of grace that is in a Saint does both inable and incline the heart to keep all Gods Commands there is no command given by God, but there is a sui­table inclination in the heart of a Saint unto it: there be in the heart of a Saint some general inclinations to all Gods commands: some inclinations that respect every one of Gods precepts: that are principles of universal obedience; and they are three, love to God, fear of God, and faith in God; these three influence a man to all that obedience that God requires; these in­cline the heart to do every thing that God requires: hence sometimes we read that love makes us keep Gods commands, 1 John 5.3. so all Religion is called the fear of God; because that influences all, Isai. 50.10▪ so Faith is a general principle of obedience, Heb. 11.7, 8. & besides these there are in a godly man more par­ticular inclinations to the commands severally: which are not of such latitude, these are the off-spring of the other: thus patience inclines a man to keep some commands, temperance others, bounty others, pity others, 2 Pet. 1.5, 6.

But this walking in all Gods commands does admit [Page 252] of divers degrees: all the people of God in this life fall short of perfection, and some fall far short of that perfection that others do attain: every one that is travelling in a path, don't travel with equal dili­gence and speed: so here, some are more dull, heed­less, and negligent than others are: and many Saints do fall short in respect of some outward commands of some that are but natural men: but every one must have such a measure of obedience to Gods com­mands as speaks faithfulness: such as speaks a spirit of fear, faith and love: there must not be an hear [...] allowance of any sin: the conscience of a natural man, may allow none; but the heart and will of a Saint does allow none: there are many sins which a christian does commit often in a day, as the actings of unbelief, by-ends, worldly affections, and pride; but yet he does not allow them, and his disallowance is seen in acts of hatred towards these sins, repenting of them, watching against them out of hatred, and by his performing contrary actions, namely, of hu­mility, faith, &c.

2. Where there is an holy life, this walking in Gods commands is in a course: that is their way, and manner and trade: whatever exactness a man may have for a fit, that will not denominate his life holy: he that l [...]ads an holy life, is in his or­dinary course attending the rules of holiness, and that not only rules of external obedience, but also of internal, reaching after the glory of God, la­bouring to do duties with an upright heart [...] ▪ watch­ful against the secret motions of sin, Act. 24.16. and herein do I exercise my self, to have always a conscience void of offence towards God and towards man: such persons as have pangs upon their hearts to walk in [Page 253] Gods ways, and then leave off again are far from an holy life: that is the spirit of a wicked man, Psal. 36.31. he hath left off to be wise and to do good: none can be said to live an holy life, but such as in a course are practising of the ways of God; and it is thus where there is an inward principle of holiness: tho' habitual holiness be not sufficient in order to the pra­ctise of holiness without divine assistance: yet Gods ordinary manner is to assist all sorts of principles which he has put into his creatures; and he has promised also special assistance unto grace: so that they that have a principle of grace, are walking in their ordi­nary course in the way of holiness, Prov. 2.22. That thou mayst walk in the way of good men.

But though they that lead an holy life keep Gods commands in a course, yet they are guilty of con­tinual sin [...]ing against God: the corruption that is in the heart of a Saint, is making continual opposition unto holiness: as for the external part of it, many a man attends that, that has not a spark of grace, and there is a great deal in a Saint besides grace that helps him to observe the outward part of his duty; pride, covetousness, slavish fear contribute much to that: but there is abundance of opposition to the in­ward part of obedience, faith, love, &c. and though there be a course of holiness, [...]nd time after time an exercise of grace, yet it does not follow, that the inward actings of grace are more frequent than the actings of corruption [...]: without question the case is far otherwise: though grace through the special presence of God is getting forward: yet there are in the heart of a Saint abundance more of the wor­kings of pride then humility, unbelief than faith, earthliness than heavenly mindedness, the best of [Page 254] the Saints have but a little strength, Rev. 3.8. a Saint commits a multitude of sins every da [...]: and the a­ctings of grace are few comparatively.

And besides this, though he that leads an holy life, walks in Gods command in a [...] ▪ he may have some special fits of sinning: as he that is wise may in a fit carry himself very foolishly, so he that is godly, may in a fit carry himself very sinfully: a meek man may have a fit of passion as Moses had, and the Father of the Faithful may have a fit of unbelief: there are sometimes when godly men have strong pangs of corruption, and sin does prevail not onely o­ver grace, but over conscience, and respect unto their credit, and every thing that stands as an imp [...] ­diment in the way of it: corruption may overflow all its banks, and for a turn a good man may carry himself very badly: and some of the people of God have more of such distempered fits than others have; and th [...]y do prevail to a greater height in some than in others: but these are but fits, the ordinary way of a Saint is a way of obedience.

3. Where there is an holy life, this course of walking in Gods commands, is out of a gracious re­spect unto God: there be thousands of actions that are materially good, that are not formally so: if they be done meerly from self-love, they are not good: it is necessary that they be done out of a gracious re­spect unto God, I rather chose so to express it: then to say they must be done for the glory of God, because there are some internal actings of grace, wherein the soul has no end: thus when God draws the heart to love him, the man has no end, thus when the Spirit of God makes a mans heart break for [Page 255] sin, he has no design in it, when a man sets himself to mourn for sin he has an end, but when the heart is grieved for sin, he cannot help it: he has no design in that, though he has a [...]oti [...]e: and he ever has a gracious respect unto God; the glorious excellency of God has an influence upon his heart: that are some duties that cannot be done but from a gracious respect unto God: there are some holy actions that cannot be done but by a principle of grace, as to believe in Jesus Christ to love God to hate sin: another man that has not grace may imitate these, but he can't do them: what faith he has and love, &c. differs to­ [...] genere from the faith and love that is in Saints: these holy actions cannot be done but by a gracious respect unto God: selvish considerations may have some influence into these, as Gods love to us has some influence into our love to him but in these actions the soul is principally swayed by a gracious respect: unto God, Job. 42.5, 6. and such other acts of obedi­ence as may be done meetly upon selvish considerati­ons, are done by him that lives an holy life princi­pally upon spiritual considerations, Mat. 10.42. yet in a subordinate way he does▪ and may make use of selvish considerations; and such as moral men are swayed by: such consideration in their place are of weight. God urges them in his Word, as the exam­ples of men, the benefit of holiness, the punishment of sin: men must not condemn them selves, because they have a respect unto such things in their obedi­ence, Heb. 1.7, 22.

From this way of Trial we may conclude three sorts of men to have no true Faith.

1. Such persons as live from time to time in dis­obedience [Page 256] unto God: there be pretenders to faith, that live an irreligious and carnal life, if they live not in any sensual lusts, yet are indulging themselves in other sins, regardless of sanctifying the Sabbath, ne­glecting prayer, allow themselves in worldliness, pride, malice, and the like: James has given us the character of the faith of such men, Jam. 2.26. Faith without works is dead; the gospel is a doctrine accor­ding to godliness, there is no more effectual means to purge away sin than faith in Jesus Christ, 2 Tit. 11.12. faith is an heart purif [...]ing grace, Act. 15.9. those that believe Christ have salvation began in them here, they are saved from the dominion of sin: and there­fore those men that do indulge themselves in any lust are destitute of faith, whatever their pretences be: whatever they tell of their comforts and disco­veries, they have but a shadow of faith; if they had faith as a grain of mustard-seed, those corruptions would be removed: faith don't work by wantonness, and malice, and sensuality, and worldliness, but by love, Gal 5.6. such men dream they have faith: can men believe in Christ, and be servants unto Satan, are men believers, yet rebellious persons, do men re­ceive the grace, and reject the holiness of God, do men take Christ for their Priest, and the Devil for their King? if faith were in mens hearts, those lusts would never rest there, faith would be purging of them out: such unholy persons do not adorn the Gospel, but are blemishes to the societies to which they do belong: the Scripture gives us an account of the humility, heavenly mindedness, love, self-de­nyal of believers, and if these men be believers they are of another kind then the Scripture tells us of [...]; such men do turn the grace of God into wantonness, as if Christ can [...] [...]nto the world to procure them a [Page 257] liberty to sin without danger: as if the gospel did countenance iniquity, such men are not guilty of de­ceiving many others, if the sinfulness of their wayes be known, men may easily tell what their saith is, and if they were not stark blind, they could not de­ceive themselves; but if they hope for heaven in this way, they will surely be mistaken: God threatens them with damnation, 2 Pet. 3.7. they that continue ungodly, will as certainly perish, as if there were no gospel, indeed such men are not fit to be saved; they are not fit for the company that is in heaven, for the comfort that is there, nor for the employment that is there.

2. Such persons as are observing Gods commands only under some pangs, for a time they set themselves carefully to do their duty, and make conscience of their duty, and reform things that are amiss, and af­terwards they wither away again, and from one ne­glect fall to another, they grow bold to sin, and care­less of duty; lie in the practise of evil: they had a fit of religion but have lost it: such men have no faith: if men had faith, they would continue in the practise of Gods will: unbelief makes men depart from God, Heb 3.12. Faith is a preservative from Aposta­cy, Heb. 10.39. we are not of them that draw back unto perdition, but of them that believe to the saving of the soul: such men as have once been zealous in religion and now don't regard it, or live in any way of diso­bedience have no true faith: faith will not preserve men from falling, but it will from falling away, and from a course of disobedience,

3. Such persons as do not walk in Gods commands out of a gracious respect unto him: though they be [Page 258] exceeding diligent and conscienscious: yet they are not acted from spiritual considerations: they do not duties from a spirit of obedience, and for the glory of God, and from a true sence what a glorious God this as: these men have no faith; for they have no true holiness: they have no faith, for by faith men come to have a spiritual understanding of the glorious ex­cellency of God, and if they understood that they would serve him because he is such: and hence those men that are acted by a principle of morality in their religion have no faith: and those men that are acted only by an enlightned conscience have no faith: ma­ny men are terrified and scared into religion, out of a spirit of fear they reform and do duty: but this is not real holiness: an enlightened conscience is not sufficient to make a man produce any one holy action: though men abound in duties of religion yet it be not from a right motive, they have no faith, for all their duties are but hypocrisie: not onely when men make it their great end to get wealth and repu­tation, but when they make it their great end to get peace of conscience, deliverance from hell, and the joyes of heaven: if such things as these be the great things that have an influence into mens reli­gion, God will not accept of it: faith makes men serve God from a spirit of love, gal. 5.6. Faith which worketh by love.

Before I pass this way of Trial, I shall answer some doubts that may aris [...] in the hearts of the people of God.

Doubt 1.

I fear whether I have any true holiness,, because I see [Page 259] such actings of corruption as seems inconsistent with ho­liness, and love to God.


There may be such actings of corruption in a saint as are inconsistent with the actual love of God: but men are often mistaken, in thinking that sinful actings are not consistent with the habitual love of God: many times a man sees such workings of grace as seems to him inconsistent with such sinful inclinations as afterwards he finds in his heart: so 'tis here, but there is no act of sin, (the sin against the Holy Ghost excepted) but is consistent with habitual grace: whatever lust is in the heart, it may be drawn into act notwithstanding the being of grace: that grace that does not altogether destroy the dispositi­on, cannot altogether hinder the working of it: there needs more than the being of grace, to hinder the workings of the vilest corruptions, Jonah 4.9.

Doubt 2.

I fear, because in those conflicts that I have, sin gets the upper-hand: I set my self to carry patiently, and yet am carried away with impatience: and I set my self a­gainst such a temptation, and yet am out-b [...]d.


They may be overcome in a particular skirmish, that may overcome in the war: a godly man is many times out-bid in his conflicts with corruption, that argues the weakness, not the total want of grace, grace is sometimes under hatches, corruption [Page 260] comes like a storm, and bears down all before it: corruption does not only out-bid conscience, but grace too: if a man throw a bawl right forward, the strength of the bias carries it aside.

Doubt 3.

I fear, because I find a spirit in my self to seek my hap­piness in the world, and to mourn for affliction as the greatest evil:


Every one that has any worldly love, and carnal sorrow has this spirit: worldly love is not a loving of the world, but a loving of it more than God: so carnal sorrow is not a mourning for afflictions, but a mourning for them as the greatest evil: he that is under the power of worldliness, has this spirit reigning in him: but godly men so far as they are un­regenerate, and acted by a worldly spirit do prefer the World above God, and make the world their God: the spirit of worldliness is to idolize the world: but notwithstanding this you may love God above the world, and mourn for sin above any affliction: though there be a spirit to prize the world above God, yet there may be another spirit in you to prize God above all things, and where there is any degree of true love to God, there is a loving of God above all: the unre­generate part loves other things more than God; the regenerate loves God more than all other things.

Doubt 4.

I fear because I commit such sins soon again, as I have been [...]ourning for:

[Page 261] Answer.

It is true that mourning for sin does mortifie sin, and leave the heart more fortified against the temp­tation: yet the same corruption is in the heart still: and sometimes that carnal confidence that grows up­on mens mourning does expose some to the same sin: a man may do that many times that he hates, Rom. 7.15. the hearts even of godly men are extreamly tainted with sin.

Vse 3. Exhortation: To Awakened sin­ners, to believe on the Righteousness of Christ Jesus.


IF it be safe appearing before God in the Righteous­ness of Christ, here is ground of Exhortation to all such as are awakened, to believe in this Righteous­ness: [Page 262] such sinners whose Consciences are inde [...]d a­wakened are deeply concerned how they shall appear before God: while other men are busying themselves to get worldl [...] comforts, seeking a felicity in this World, and casting off the ca [...]e of their souls: you are making it your business to get into such a condi­on that you may be accepted with God: that you may not miss of eternal salvation: it is a matter of trem­bling to you to think of being a cast-away: you dread the thoughts of damnation, and are willing to take any pains that you may avoid it: you have been la­bouring for peace and can't get it, you have been sear­ching for it as for hid treasures, but hitherto you have not obtained it; you would [...]ai [...] be saved at last, what ever trouble you go through here, though you should be poor in this world, afflicted all your dayes, if you might be saved, then you have your desire: such per­sons are exhorted from hence to venture their souls upon the righteousness of Christ: it is natural to such men to seek help from their own righteousness; but beware of that, many a soul has been lost in that way: that way of self-righteousness is sprinkled with the blood of Souls: many a man and woman have been undone in taking that by-path: as you desire the welfare of your souls come to and accept of Jesus Christ: roll your selves upon him, make him your stay and your refuge: flee for refuge to the hope that is set before you, Heb. 6.18. despair of all other methods of Salvation, and trust alone in Jesus Christ: let fall all other pleas, as such that can stand you in no stead, and return the case of your soul upon this plea of Christs righteousness, lay up all your hopes in Christ: have your whole dependance upon his righteous­ness.

Jesus Christ has made a compleat purchase of Sal­vation: [Page 263] he has bought off the guilt of sin, and has bought blessedness and life eternal for sinners: and God has stated this law of Grace, that he that be­lieves in Christ shall be saved by him: God has consti­tuted a rule of forgiveness and salvation: God has constituted a new covenant according to which he will dispense life unto sinners: he tenders a new Co­venant unto us, according to which we may receive justification from Christs righteousness: God tells us upon what terms we shall have life: he has stated the method wherein he will bestow mercy: he has laid out the way in the Gospel, and declares that whoever be­lieves on Christ shall have everlasting life, John 3.16.36. this is the only way wherein men shall receive Salva­tion from Christ: if men come not to these terms they shall perish notwithstanding the purchase of Christ: 'tis only in a way of believing that men come to have any saving benefit by Christ: believing in Christ is the condition of the covenant of grace: this is indeed a suitable way for our partaking of the be­nefits of Christ: 'tis suitable that they should accept of the grace of God and righteousness of Christ that are saved by them: it is very meet that salvation should be in such a way, that the honour of Gods grace and Christs righteousness may be preserved, yet the great reason of Gods stating this way of salvation by Faith was his soveraign pleasure: there was no absolute necessity of this, that salvation by Christ should be obtained in a way of believing: Faith interests us in Christ, but it is not through any natu­ral vertue in Faith, but by the free constitution of God: the influence that Faith has into our justificati­on and salvation, is by Gods appointment: God has voluntarily [...]stated his law of grace: there was no ne­cessity that there should be any condition at all laid [Page 264] upon us: God might without the performing of any condition by us have justified by Christ: as we were made sinners by the sin of Adam without our consent, so might we have been made righteous without our consent: but it pleases God to require a condition, which seems to be partly that we may have salvation in the way of a covenant which is for our comfort: partly to render them that refuse the condition the more inexcusable: the pleasure of God is the reason that there was a condition, and likewise that Faith is [...]he condition: if he had made love to himself, or sorrow for sin the condition, that would have carried a face, as if justification were the reward of our works; yet God might have done it if he had plea­sed: but he has stated this law of Grace, that he that believeth shall be saved, Act. 10.43. whoever believeth on him shall have remission of sins: this is the covenant of reconciliation: therefore as you do desire everlasting blessedness venture your souls upon the righteousness of Christ; this is a way of safety.

In urging this Exhortation, I shall

  • 1. Present some Motives before you:
  • 2. Mention some considerations further to inforce those Motives:
  • 3. Answer such Objections as awakened sinners are wont to make.

1. One Motive, is the great sin of rejecting of Christ, and not coming unto him: men have reason to be afraid to continue in unbelief, because there is so much sin and iniquity in it: many a wakened sinners that do confess and bewail other sins, and speak of them with bitterness of spirit: do not lye under the [Page 265] sense of this sin: here they are ready to excuse them­selves or justifie themselves: they don't take the blame of their rejecting of Christ to themselves: they plead for that, and vindicate themselves as if it was not their fault, as if they had not sufficient rea­son to believe: but herein you are greatly mistaken: you look upon your unbelief to be your infirmity and calamity but not your sin: this is a meer delusion: the professed rejecting of Christ was that which fil­led up the measure of the Jews sins: and the heart rejecting of Christ is sin, John 16 9. the comforter shall convince of sin, because they believe not in me: and tho this heart rejecting of Christ be not a flagitious, yet it is a crying sin: you cannot anger God more by any thing than by continuing in the neglect of Christ: this is the great controversie that God hath with sin­ners, not that they have been guilty of these or those particular transgressions, but that they abide in the rejection of the Gospel: you may see the greatness of this sin, by the many rules that are broken by this sin, and by the fountain of it.

1. See the greatness of the sin by the many laws and rules that are broken by it: men do violate many Commandments at once in this sin; it is a complica­ted iniquity, it is not a single sin, but many evils are twisted together in it: the rejecting of Christ crosses a great many rules; men by their unbelief do cast a­bundance of dishonour upon God, and lie in the breach of many Precepts.

There are many Rules broken by this sin; For

1. You break that particular command of be­lieving in Christ: believing in Christ is not only ac­cording [Page 266] to many general rules, but there is a special command for it: we may not only argue this duty by consequence from some general Precepts: but here is an express commandment for it; it is in ter­minis required: as we are beseeched to believe and invited, so we are required, John 6.29. this is the work of God, that we believe on him whom he hath sent, 1 Joh. 3.23. th [...]s is his Commandment, that we should believe on the Name of his Son Jesus Christ: so that by neglecting to come to Christ, you break a plain express Precept▪ you carry contrary to the ver [...] letter of the Word of God: if it were not so expresly set down, there might be more pretence for cavilling: you might have more to plead that there was some mistake in mens argu­ing this to be a duty: but now you do oppose a plain direct precept: what colour can men have to question whither it be their duty, when it is set down in the Scripture in so many letters and syllables: some a­wakened sinners that have reformed their former wayes of sin, and taken up a course of Religion, are apt to please themselves that they don't live in any known sin, whereas they live all the while in the neg­lect of coming unto Christ: but how can you sooth up your selves with this, when you neglect a plain and express Commandment?

2. You deny to Jesus Christ the honour of his Medi­atorly Office; and of that great Sacrifice that he has offered up unto God: God had made Christ Media­tor; he has committed the work of reconciliation unto Christ, and Jesus Christ has undertaken it: he was every way furnished for it, and has discharged it: and upon that account he is worthy to be depended upon: Faith in him is an honour due to him, Rev. 5.12. Worthy is the Lamb that was s [...]ain, &c. but by [Page 267] your rejecting of him, you withhold that honour that belongs to him, you deny him the honour of having made satisfaction for sin: you should honour every one according to their desert, but you cast contempt upon his sacrifice as if it were not sufficient for you: you disparage him when you are afraid to venture up­on him: you cast great reflections as if there were no such virtue in his death and righteousness as is pre­tended: there is a great deal of despising of Christ: you belie him; the language of unbelief is, that his blood is not precious, that it does not cleanse from all sin; that his sacrifice is not pleasing unto God: that the gold he tenders will not make you rich, that the whi [...]e Raiment he offers will not hide your shame: thus Jesus is slighted and undervalued by every unbe­liever; they have low thoughts of Christ and carry accordingly.

3. You cast great contempt upon the wisdom of God in finding out such a way of Salvation: this is a way that God in infinite wisdom has contrived, collos. 2.3. there are in Christ all the treasures of wisdom and knowledg: but you do desert this way as an unsafe way: you dare not venture your selves in this way: as if God when he undertook to find out a way to bring sinners unto glory missed it: and did not discover a way that will do: that commends this way of life to us that God himself contrived it, it is not the inven­tion of man; a thing plotted and devised by any finite understanding, but the contrivance of God himself: but you by refusing of Christ carry as if this were a deceitful way, as if this way did not reach the needs of your soul: this way is chosen of God, and refused by you; as if you understood better than God what you needed.

[Page 268]4. You refuse wonderful love: to reject the kind­ness and love of God is an abuse of it: you ought with thankfulness to entertain Gods love: but by re­jecting of Christ, you reject the greatest love that ever was revealed: was it not an act of wonderful love for God to send his Son to dye for us: what need had he to be at any such cost, if we had been all damned, what would he have lost by it? we may see in this, how deeply the heart of God was con­cerned in our salvation: he did that for us which would have been too much for us to have asked: we may well wonder that God would be willing to do such a thing for our salvation: it was a great thing for God to be willing that sinners should be saved: but for him to lay out himself so in order to it was much more, Joh. 3.16. so God loved the world: and again, it was a great act of love for God to make such a law of grace: that he that be­lieveth shall be saved; that he should make so small a thing the condition of salvation, and say to us as the Prophet did to him, wash and be clean: if God had laid the forest burdens upon us, and put us upon never so many difficulties as the condition of salvation, we should have had reason to bless his name: but he only lays this condition on us, to accept his offer▪ it was great love that God should make this offer to you, when he passes by thousands in the world: and never speak a word to them about the way of life, yet opens this way to you, revealing of it, and calling upon you to be saved: he call your lot in a time when and where these offers should be made: and the way of life is held forth with all plainness: and when he has snatched o­thers away younger than you, he is yet waiting up­on you, keeps knocking at your door; and upon [Page 269] this account you are utterly inexcusable in refusing to come to Christ; shall God be at a great deal of cost and care in order to your salvation, and will you not accept of his Son? shall Christ make a journey from heaven to save you, and shall he lose his labour? God in compassion has provided bread for you, and will you not eat it, a garment for you, and will not put it on; has he sent a Physitian, and will you not accept his help? are Gods bowels earning over your dying souls, and will you reject his care? indeed when you refuse Christ you despise the tender love of God: and that heart is very hard that can slight such tender love: you are guilty of great ingrati­tude that do reject this offer: you are greatly inju­rious unto God thus to blow upon his love.

5. You act contrary to self-love: it is every mans duty to love himself, and seek his own good: God commands men to prosecute their own good in a way of subordination to his glory: God allows no man to ruine himself, but requires them to seek their own wellfare all their days, Mat 6.20. and indeed what ever sin a man commits he acts contrary to the rule of self-love; all sin is hurtful and not benefi­cial to men: but in a peculiar manner they act contrary to this rule in rejecting of Christ, for therein they refuse a tender of blessedness: God in the Gospel is offering salvation unto them, if they will b [...]t ac­cept of Christ, they shall immediately be made heirs of blessedness: so that in r [...]fusing Christ they reject at once all the glory of heaven, and the great fruits of Christs purchase, that they might enjoy here in this world: they are enemies to themselves, put a­way salvation from themselves: you act in this thing like a deadly enemy to your own soul; if a man that [Page 270] were poysoned should refuse an antidote, if he that was condemned should refuse a pardon, would they not [...]e therein enemies to themselves: so are you in refusing Christ, Prov. 8.36. all they that have [...] love death.

6. You hereby hinder your selves from doing any thing that is go [...]d; from doing any thing in obedi­ence to God: by neglecting of Christ, you keep your selves in a way of disobedience, the rejecting of Christ is the reason why you live an unspiritual life: your neglecting to come to Christ makes you neglect every other spiritual duty, you may perform indeed many external duties, and attain unto inward affections, but you will never do any duty in a spiritual and acceptable manner, until you come to Christ: [...]aith in Christ is the first act of obedience that any sin­ [...]er does perform: that man that don't believe don't [...]ove God, mourn for sin aright, nor seek the glory of God, it is faith that purifies the [...], Acts 15.9. it is [...]y faith that a man first gives up himself to be Gods [...]rvant, so that by neglecting to believe you bring [...]our selves under a necessity of neglecting every o­ [...]her spiritual duty: this is the reason that whatever [...]ou do in religion is done in hypocrisie.

2. You may see the greatness of this sin in not co­ming to Christ, from the fountain from whence it does proceed: in secure sinners it flows nextly from a contempt of salvation: their eyes are dazled with the glory of the world; they are unsensible of eter­nal things, they regard not the end, and therefore it is no wonder that they do not regard the means: but in awaken [...]d sinners, the neglect of coming to Christ arises from these two things.

[Page 271]1. Pride: This way of salvation by Christ don't suit their proud spirits: God has chosen such a way of life as suits his glorifying his grace; but it does not suit with their haughty hearts: this way where­in God carries away all the glory don't please them, and hence it is that they are striving by all ways they can devise to find out some other method wherein they may have salvation; they don't like it to be so much beholden unto God, but would [...] find some­thing in themselves to glory in: henc [...] the [...] have in opposition of spirit to comming unto Christ, John 5.40. you will not come to me that you may have life: it is not meerly from weakness, but from pride and sturdiness of spirit that they don [...]t come unto Christ.

2. From their not believing the testimony of God he tells them plainly, that there is righteousness e­nough for them in Christ, that if they will come, they shall be saved▪ but they don [...]t lay weight upon the Word of God, Gods Word don't remove their doubts, they are not satisfied in the preciousness of Christs righteousness, nor in the riches of Gods grace, nor in the stability of the covenant: they do not believe the report of the Gospel, Isa 53:1. and hence they don't see their way clear, they are afraid to come to Christ, they imagine it will be presumpti­on, they think it is a way to get a curse and not a blessing.

2. The next motive is, the certain ruine of all [...]nbelievers: there is nothing else to be expected if you continue to reject Jesus Christ but to be destroy­ed for ever, the misery that will overtake you is exceeding great, 'tis not poverty, sickness, disgrace, [Page 272] temporal death, but somewhat ten thousand times worse then those; this is that that the eternal state of your souls turn upon, if you come not unto Christ you will fall short of everlasting blessedness, and must take up your abode among Devils, you are now under a possibility of enjoying the presence of God, and dwelling in the highest heavens in unspeakable joy and happiness, but it is all lost and gone for ever if you give not entertainment to the invitations of the Gospel; and after you have spent a few days in vanity, you must lye down in sorrow and have your portion in the lowest hell; death will deliver you into the hands of tormenters, and you shall have darkness without light, pain without ease, and sor­row without joy: it had been better for you if you had never been born: the wrath of God will lie like a talent of lead upon your soul: you will have no friends, to comfort you, no worldly enjoyments to refresh you, no hopes to support you, but must set your self to bear what you cannot bear, and to endure that which is intollerable: it may make ones flesh to tremble, to think what miseries some in this world have endured from cruel enemies, and bloody Persecuters, but those miseries were but for a little time, and fell nextly upon the body, and they are not to be compared with those miseries that are re­served for unbelievers in another world: will it not be a dreadful thing to be separated from the joyes of heaven, and that glorious society that is there, will it not be dreadful to dwell with the Devil and his Angels, will it not be dreadful to be left to the terror of a guilty conscience, the beginnings where­of here have made many men choose death rather than life: will it not be dreadful to be filled brim full with the fiery wrath of God: to have every limb [Page 273] of thy body, and faculty of thy soul as full as it can hold of the indignation of the Almighty; how loth will you be when it comes to, to enter into this con­dition; men would shrink into nothing if it were possible, terrors will take hold upon them as waters, they would fain escape out of the hands of revenging Justice: how will you draw back when you see your selves upon the borders of distruction: men would be glad that the Rocks would fall upon them, and the hills cover them, so they might but escape: what will you think of it when the Devil shall lay hold of you to drag you down to hell? how will you cry out when tumbling into the lake that burns with fire and brimstone? what can comfort you in that condi­tion? men take great delight here in their worldly enjoyments and pleasures, but what comfort will it be to have good things when they are tormented in this flame? men comfort themselves here, that they have laid a foundation of worldly greatness for their children, but what comfort will it be to them, to think that their children are eating and drinking, and sporting, when they are drinking the dregs of the wrath of God: and whatever honour their Sons come to, their flesh upon them shall have pain, and their soul within them shall mourn: you have much to do now to bear any little affliction, and how do you think to go thorow these calamities, where no­thing will be moderate, where all evils shall fall up­on you, and that in the extremity of them: you will wring your hands, and tear your hair, and gnash your teeth, and curse your day, and fill hell with out­cries and lamentations: this will be your portion if you continue to reject Jesus Christ, Luk. 12.46. He shall appoint him his portion with unbelievers: it is not a matter of probability, a thing only to be much sus­pected, [Page 274] but beyond all question, that you even you are a damned man if you do not entertain the calls of the Gospel, you are spending away your time in delays, but you had need resolve the case, if you re­fuse Christ you chuse misery, you chuse death, you chuse eternal damnation, stand out from Christ a little longer, you are a gone man▪ [...]en hope God will not be so hard to them as to damn them, especially con­sidering the services they have done, and the pain [...] that they have taken in religion: but there is one law for all men under the Gospel: he that believeth not shall be damned, Mat. 16 16. the unbeliever lies o­pen to damnation on a double account, upon the ac­count of his other sins, and upon the account of his unbelief, Heb. 2.3. how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation: let mens other qualifications be what they will, yet if they believe not, the wrath of God a­bideth upon them, Joh. 3.36. God threatens them in his word with ruine, and those threatnings are ab­solute, such as bind him in faithfulness to damn eve­ry unbeliever▪ there are many indefinite threatnings in the Scripture, and many conditional, but these are absolute ones against every one that continues in un­belief: there is no possibility for them to escape.

This appears,

1. Because it is contrary to the decree and ap­pointment of God to save such as do not believe, the decrees of God are inviolable, it is a vain thing for any man to look for salvation contrary to Gods de­cree: but it is again [...]t Gods decree to save unbeliev­ers, not that there is such a formal act in the decree that unbelievers shall be damned; but this is a truth arising from the decree: for God has determined to [Page 275] give faith unto all those that he has chosen unto salva­tion: he has determined to lead them in a way of faith unto life, 2 Thes. 2.13 God has chos [...]n you from the beginning unto salvation through san [...]tification of the Spirit, and belief of the truth: all that God has cho­sen unto life shall believe, John 6.37. all that the [...]ather has given [...] shall come unto me: so that it is cross to the decree of God to save any man that has not faith, the decree of God is a bar in the way of his salvation.

2. Because faith is the condition of the covenant of grace: there is one law for all men: there is but one condition of this covenant: John 5.24. he that heareth my words, and believeth in him that sent me hath everlasting life, &c. we are directed to take this way for salvation: there is no other way proposed, in case of a failure in this: so that the want of this must needs exclude men from the good of the cove­nant; the want of this condition renders men unca­pable of life.

3. Because it must be so in Justice, and Gods heart is as much upon the glorifying of his Justice as his grace: one attribute is as due to him as another, the glorifying of his Justice is not a by-business but a thing that his heart is deeply concerned in: and Ju­stice requires the ruine of unbelievers: for they de­serve it, Rom. 6.23. the wages of sin is death: and there is no way for Justice to be satisfied for their sins but by their ruine.

4 Because it is foretold and prophesied of, that Christ will destroy unbelievers when he comes to Judgment: the Scripture gives us an account before [Page 276] hand of the transactions of the day of Judgment; what will be the issue of things, and befal these and those in that day: and God tells us that unbelievers shall be ruined then: he does not only threaten them with ruine, but tells the Saints that such persons shall be ruined, 2 Thess▪ 1.7, 8. he will take vengeance on them that obey not the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Rev. 21.8. the fearful and unbelieving shall have their part in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone.

5. Because the Sentence of God in the Gospel is that which men shall be judged by: God declares in the Gospel, that he that believeth not shall be damned: and if unbelievers be tried by this rule they will cer­tainly perish; if God should try them by some other rule that they might fancy or imagine they might make a shift to escape: but by this rule they are gone men: and this is the rule they must be tried by: God will have no respect in that day unto mens riches, or learning, or esteem among men, or their civil or mo­ral conversation; but their case must be determined by the Gospel, Rom. 2.16. God will judg the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my Gospel.

6. Those that do not believe in Christ have not those other qualifications that do accompany salva­tion: there be many other qualifications besides Faith that God has promised Salvation unto, and some men that are under a conviction that they have not Faith, are pretenders to some of those qualifications: but they do but flatter themselves: when they come to be examined by God, they will be found destitute of all those holy qualifications: they make a shew of hu­mility, patience, love to God, regard to his glory: but those shews are but delusions, all the religion of [Page 277] those men that have not Faith is hipocrisie: there nay be Morality without Faith, and strong religious affections; but there is no sanctification where there is no Faith: there may be the shadow of it, but not the thing it self, Act. 26.18. Sanctified by Faith that is in me.

It is impossible for you to escape ruin if you do not believe; and that is not all, for your rejecting of Christ does not only expose you unto condemnation, but to a greater degree of misery than multitudes will endure that go to hell: you may not think to e­scape as heathens will do, your load will be heavier, and your fire will be hotter, and your judgment every way sorer than the judgment of other men; God will proportion every mans misery to his iniquity: and as you have enjoyed greater light and love, so you must expect more amazing and exquisite wrath than other men; conscience has more to accuse you of, and condemn you for, and so has God: and you will sink down deeper into hell than other men: you are treasuring up a greater measure of wrath than others against the day of wrath, you have blessed God it may be many times for the means of Grace that he has bestowed upon you: but you will curse your selves a thousand times more for not improving them; you will wish that you had lived in the darkest corners of the earth, among Scythians and Barbarians: it will be a terror to you to think of your Baptism, what books you have read, what Ministers you have heard, what counsels have been given to you: every sinner will be in a dreadful condition then: but it will be more tolerable for many than for you, Mat. 11.22, 24.

[Page 278]3. The third motive is, that you shall be accepted and saved if you will believe. Life and death are set before you, though you have been a grievous sin­ner, though you have hardned your heart against God along while, though you have rejected counsels, and despised reproofs, and spent your dayes hitherto in sin; and travelled a great way in the path that leads to death; yet there is no necessity of your damna­tion, you are capable of salvation still, if you will not cast away your self by continuing in unbelief, you must bear it your selves, others that laboured after your salvation will do well enough, the loss will be your own: but there is no need of your being ruined; there is yet an open door, and liberty set before you, to enter into the most holy place if you will but ac­cept of Christ you shall have salvation: you are cry­ing out, what must I do to be saved? you are not so solicitous for worldly enjoyments, but your care is to go to Heaven, and there is reason for it: it is a glo­rious thing to see the face of God, to be spectators of his glory: the glimpses of it here are more refresh­ing than all the sweetn [...]sses of the World: to see God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, and all the Attributes of God is most delightful, if you go to Heaven, there you will have an uninterrupted sight of God; you shall see him as he is, and no clouds shall ever darken the light of his countenance: then you shall have the a­biding sense of his love: never make any question a­bout it more, but be delighting therein for ever: then you shall be delivered from sin, and made glorious af­ter the image of God: then you shall be with Jesus Christ, it is a comfort to hear of him, but then you shall be in his presence; you have a same of him now, but then you shall see him, your eyes shall behold your Redeemer; him that is wonderful in his person [Page 279] God and man, and wonderful in the glory that he is advanced unto, you shall have external manifesta­tions of his favour: you shall hear his wisdom and see his glorious managements and behaviour of him­self: and have opportunity to express your thankful­ness unto the face of Christ: then you shall have the gifts of the Spirit in a glorious manner, the company of holy Angels that have been helpful to you, and Spirits that you have heard and read of in the Book of God: Adam and Noah, and Abraham, Moses, David, Paul, &c. there your imployment will be glorious, and your body will be glorious, if you will but come to Christ, besides a great deal of mercy that God will bestow upon you in this world, you shall partake of eternal salvation, as poor a sinful creature as thou art, the Lord is offering eternal life to thee, if you will but accept it as a free gift from him through Jesus Christ you shall be welcome to it; though heavenly glory be so great and you be so unworthy God will bestow it upon you; do you desire eternal life? are you indeed set for happiness in another world? if you are, you may soon secure it, and make it sure to you if you will; entertain these calls of the Gospel and you shall be saved: the Lord has given abun­dance assurance, this is no pleasing dream but a thing certain and infallible.

This appears if you consider;

1. Because God has been at a great deal of cost in order to the salvation of Believers: if a man should engage so far in any undertaking as to spend a vast estate in it, we should readily conclude, that it lay in­deed upon his heart, that he was real in it, and that his spirit was deeply engaged: and thus it is in this [Page 280] case, God has been at great expense, he has laid out himself more for the salvation of Believers than he did for the making of the World: he has exercised much of his wisdom on this design, much power; yea he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believeth on him might not perish, but might have everlasting life, Joh 3, 10. must not his heart be much in it when he gave his Son to die? could any thing have induced God to such a strange dispensation, had not the salva­tion of Believers been a thing that his heart was re­solved upon? God has by this given conviction to the World, that he is set to save believers: when we con­sider how many wonders God wrought in order to it, how he sent his Son from heaven, constituted him a Mediator, delivered him over unto death, it may give us great satisfaction, that God is really bent to save them: why should he go so far if he did not intend to go thorow: God that has spent so much for the salvation of believers, will spend a little more to carry the work on to perfection: God loves his Son too much to let him die in vain; to put him to such sor­rows, and then to let the design of all his sufferings fall to the ground.

2. God has promised Jesus Christ to save those that believe on him; Christ Jesus did not die at uncer­tainties, the Father had engaged to him the salvation of believers: God covenant [...]d with him, multitudes [...]ould be saved by him: and that in a way of belie­ving, Isai. 53.11. by his knowledg shall my righteous ser­vant justifie many, for he shall hear their iniquities: and Jesus Christ in expectation of that has laid down his life, and is waiting for the accomplishment of the pro­mise: Christ has taken Gods word, and has paid the price of their salvation; and God will not fail of his [Page 281] promise: this eternal transaction between the Father and the Son, puts the salvation of believers beyond all question; God stands engaged to Christ, and Christ is set in his spirit to have this engagement fulfilled un­to every believer: Christ is not willing to lose one believer but claims the promise, and is set for their sal­vation, John 17.20. I pray for them also that shall believe on me through their word: and what does he desire for them? among other things, that they may be where he is, to behold his glory, ver. 24.

3. The Lord is perswading of you to believe in Christ: he is urging of you, and stirring of you up▪ this is the very design of the Gospel to gain mens consent to come to Christ: he invites you to come, Rev 22.17. and is giving you an account what prepa­ration he has made for your acceptance: he has ap­pointed the Ordinance of the Ministry upon this de­sign, to draw you to Christ, and make up the match between you and Christ, 2 Cor. 5.20. yea, upon this account he sends his spirit into your hearts to terrifie you, to mind you of your dying day, of eternal judg­ment, of the sinfulness of your lives and hearts, that you may be compelled to come away to Christ: that you may not be able to rest without him: and why should God concern himself so to perswade you to be­lieve if this were not a way of salvation? what de­sign can God have upon his heart in these works of his, but to save you, if you will hearken unto his voice? why does God take so much pains about this, if the life of your souls did not d [...]pend upon it? would God strive so to bring you to Christ, if you would not be the better for coming unto him? certainly God layes extraordinary weight upon it, and is deeply en­gaged in it, to bring you unto Christ, and would h [...] [Page 282] be so, if it were not a way of life and blessedness: God would let men alone and never busie himself so to perswade them to believe in Christ if the life of their souls did not depend upon it: it would not be worth the while, for God with a great deal of care, and by many wonderful works of his spirit to bring men to believe, if this were not the way of salva­tion: it would not become the wisdom and goodness of God to labour in this manner to perswade men to believe, if this were not the way of life.

4. God promises salvation to you if you will be­lieve: God is not at liberty to accept or reject you: but he has brought himself under bonds, and entred into a solemn covenant to save you if you come to Christ: he has made a firm engagement, without any exceptions, conditions, reservations to bestow salva­tion upon you: that he might put the thing without doubt he has given you his word, that he will save you: you conclude that if you continue in this condition wherein you are you shall be damned, because God threatens you so: and may you not with as good ground conclude, that if you believe you shall be sa­ved, because God promised you so: he has not only promised eternal life to those that are already belie­vers, but he has p [...]omised it unto you upon condition, that you will believe, Act. 10.43. whoever believeth on him shall receive remission of sins: God has given you the assurance of his Word, his actions do speak this to be his design; but by his word he has engaged his faithfulness to you: the holiness and fidelity of God, and the care he has for his own honour stand security for your salvation if you come to Christ: in this pro­mise you may see the condescending grace of God how willing he is to satisfie you; and the firm ground [Page 283] you have to go upon, in coming to Christ for salvati­on, you have the Word of God to bear you out.

5. God has many wayes confirmed and strength­ned his promise: not but that his bare word is se­curity enough, but because men have distrustfull hearts and are full of surmises and jealousies he has given abundant security to us of the stability of his promise he has given it us under his hand, we have his word to shew for it: he has made a firm indenture, sub­scribed and recorded it: he has not only spoken it by word of mouth, but has made a firm deed, and published it under his hand, and millions of men can witness to it, that he has bound himself to save those that come to Christ, 1 Joh. 5.11. this is the record, that God hath given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son: he has also established his promise by seal­ing to it: circumcision was the seal of the righteous­ness of faith: Rom. 4.11. men seal indentures, to shew the reality of their purpose, and to make their promise legally more firm: so God has by many Sa­craments in the Old Testament, and by Baptism and the Lords Supper in the New Testament sealed to the covenant: and ratified the same by holy Ordi­nances, that would be prophaned if the covenant should fail; God has also sworn to the covenant of grace: it had b [...]en unreasonable for us to have desi­red such a confirmation from God; but God volun­tarily condescended to it to gain our belief, Heb. 6.17, 18. that we might have strong consolation: the Oath of God does declare the promise to be irrevo­cable, and that God will not repent, Psal. 110 4. the Lord hath sworn and will not repent: God has given you all manner o [...] encouragement, that you may e­vidently [Page 284] see an impossibility of failing of salvation, if you come to Christ.

6. God has made Jesus Christ the Judge of the World: he has appointed him to take the examina­tion of men, and to give sentence upon them: he has promised Christ, that believers shall be saved, and he has put power into the hands of Christ to see the thing accomplished: and leaves the managing of the great Day of Judgment to him, Acts 17.31. he will Judge the World in righteousness, by that Man whom he has ordained: and certainly Jesus Christ will not suf­fer any to perish that come to him: Christ has died for the salvation of believers▪ and how can it be ima­gined but he will adjudge them unto life. Christs Righteousness cannot but be a good plea, in the day of Judgment, where Christ is the Judge: those that have an interest in the righteousness of Christ, shall pass without exception in that day: he will be as ready to acquit them in the Day of Judgment as he was before to die for them: Christ Jesus has a deep sence of the vertue and worthiness of his Death and Obedience, and will be ready to accept of you on that account, Heb. 9.28.

2. I shall add some considerations further to en­force these motives.

1. Many others do venture their souls on Christ: the perswasions of the Gospel have prevailed upon many: there be thousands of men and women that have relinquished all other hopes, and have built up­on this foundation; many others have hearkened un­to God, and it is a shame to you to be more back­ward unto duty than others: there are a cloud of [Page 285] Witnesses that have gone before you in other ages, and many at this [...] that betake themselves unto Christ for refuge: others that have been trying all conclusions, and turning every stone, have at last seen a necessity to come unto Christ: others have been satisfied with the encouragements that God has gi­ven; and have taken sanctuary in Christ, men of judgment and prudence, not subject to be led by fan­cies and delusions more than other men, have let go all carnal confidences, and fled to this hope set before them: and this they have done, nor once or twice in any hurry of temptation, but they live [...] this way, I live by faith in the Son of God, Gal. 2.20. their coming unto Christ is no rash inconsiderate act, but after they have had the consideration of it many years have weighed it, and pondred it, looked on all sides, and considered all that can be said▪ they don't see cause to repent, but continue to believe, it is no un­advised act, they understand what they do, 2 Tim. 1.12. and the longer they live, the more established in a way of believing: Gods dispensations towards them since their coming unto Christ, are not such as do discourage them, but they are more encoura­ged still to commit themselves unto Christ: why don't you come also unto Christ, methinks you should be ashamed to be listning unto carnal reasonings, and giving way to the pride of your hearts▪ when others have overcome them, methinks it should stir up a spirit of f [...]ar, to see others getting into the way of salvation and you left behind, to be a prey to Devils; think what your sins have been, what inward work­ings have been in your heart, and you must say you have as much need of Christ as other men, think what the call of God is, how free and full the invi­tation is, and you must say, you have as much en­couragement [Page 286] to come to Christ as other men: and o­thers that love their souls as well as you do yours, have ventured them in the hands of Jesus Christ, and do you not think that it will be hard to you to see others stand at the right-hand of Christ another day, and your selves rejected.

2. You must never expect inward peace and qui­etness, unless you come unto Christ: you complain now in the bitterness of your souls, what a sorrow­ful life you lead, you find little comfort in any thing, you are so terrified with a guilty conscience, that it eats out the comfort of your life: a dreadful sound is in his ears, Job 15.21. you are under such ap­prehensions of the anger of God, that you know not how to bear it: when you hear or read the threat­nings of Judgment, you are terrified that that will be your portion, when you see instances of judgment, you are afraid that God will do so with you, leave you to such and such sins, bring such and such cala­mities upon you, your heart is meditating terror, affrighted with the thoughts of damnation; Sermons terrifie you, providences terrifie you, your heart is always loaded; the way to have inward peace and quietness, is to come to Jesus Christ, Rom. 5.1: being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: but until you come to Christ you must never expect to be better: you may have a pleasing dream, it may be for a while, and your wound may be skinned over, but you must not ex­pect to have any true peace so long as you stand at a distance from Christ: what peace can men expect while their sins are not pardoned, what peace can men enjoy as long as God is angry? you must ex­pect no other but to spend your days in vanity and [Page 287] your years in trouble, if you give not entertainment unto Christ: through fear of death they were all their life-time subject unto bondage, Heb 2.15. the venom of sin will be burning in your bowels, until you look unto the brazen serpent: and what madness is it for men needlesly to live a tormented life: are you not weary of this condition: have you a mind to live in sorrow longer, don't you care to be deliver­ed from your fears, thou wilt never have peace without coming unto Christ: you have tried a great while in vain, and it will be in vain still, but if you will give entertainment unto him, his blood will heal the conscience, scatter fears, and refresh your hearts The sting of death is sin, and strength of sin is the law, but thanks be to God that giveth victory through Jesus Christ our Lord.

3. If you do no not come to Christ, you will lose all the pains that you have taken in religion: you had need be careful that you lose not the things that you have wrought: the labour that you have taken in religion is all lost with respect unto some expectations of yours therefrom, as to the mortify­ing of sin thereby, the getting of the good-will of God, the purchasing of pardon, &c. and if you do come to Christ you must see it to be lost in this respect, Phil. 3.7 those things which were gain to me, those have I counted loss for Christ: but yet in some respect the pains you have taken may be of advantage unto you, in as much as you are nearer to salvati­on than before you began to seek after God: you have been travelling in the way towards heaven; some men are nearer the Kingdom of God a great deal than others, Mark 12.34. Thou art not far from the Kingdom of God: you have been taking a great [Page 288] deal of pains, have withstood temptations, have got much knowledge, have broken off your sinful practi­ces, come to understand somewhat of the plague of your own hearts: you are got over many bars that lay in the way of your salvation, you have escaped many rocks, upon which some souls have split in pie­ces, are in a fairer way to get to heaven than you were sometime since; and it would be sad to perish upon the borders of Cannan, after sore travel in the wilderness: to sink at the mouth of the harbour, af­ter you have rid out many Storms, to lose all your care and labour and sorrows, after all to go down to hell, among those that never took any pains for salvation; and this you will certainly do, if you do not come to Christ: though you are past the streight of reforma­tion, yet if you don't enter and go through the gate of humiliation and faith, if you do not cast away your carnal confidences, you will not enter into life, when the Galatians were carried away with opinions of their own righteousness, Paul says to them: have you suffered so many things in vain, if it be yet in vain, gal. 3.4. all your labour will be in vain, and your souls will be lost if you come not to Christ.

4. You will exceedingly bewail it hereafter, if you do not accept of Christ: you will rue it in another world, you stand upon frivolous objections, & neglect to come unto Christ: but this will cost you many a tear, you are preparing sorrow for your selves: y [...]ur hearts will break hereafter to think what you have done: when you see how you have ruined your selves, you will take up a bitter lamentation: it will make your heart break to think that there was but a step between you and life, and yet you missed it: that you have thrown away your souls, and needlesly damned [Page 289] your selves, that you were under fa [...]r opportunities and brought to the very gate of heaven, and yet would not go in: when you see others that lived in the same Town, or dwelt under the same roof with your selves, in glory: how bitter will it be to think that you heard the same Sermons, enjoyed the same advantages, but by unbelief, have deprived yo [...] selves of what they do enjoy: when you think of it, how you took it into consideration, and were advising a­bout it, had many thoughts about comming unto Christ: how bitter will it be to you to think that you did not go through with it, that you minded it by halves, and did not make up the match with Christ: when you think how plain the way is, how fair the terms, what assurance God gave you, it will be like the gall of asps within you to remember, how you cavelled, what excuses you made, what frivolous things you stood upon, what objections you turned off the calls of the Gospel by: the reflections upon your unbelief, will be bitter reflections another day: when you see the end of it, what it brings you to, what it costs, you will grievously lament it: and say as Prov. 5.12, 13. how have I [...] instruction, and my heart despised reproof, I have not obeyed the voice of my Teachers, nor inclined mine ear to them that instru­cted me.

5. Others will rejoyce in it if you come to Christ [...] your unbelief is a grief of heart to many that seek your good: Paul had great heaviness and continual sorrow in his heart upon this account, respecting his country men, Rom. 9.2. and Jesus Christ wept over Jerusalem, because she knew not the things of her peace: and it is one of the great burdens of the people of God that so many among whom they live▪ [Page 290] do reject the calls of the Gospel: but if you would give entertainment to it, it would be a matter of joy [...]o many an one: you would be glad your self; you would have peace and joy in believing, and others would be glad with you: for it is a token of the pre­sence of God, and a means of your salvation, a means to strengthen and continue the Kingdom of God, your godly relations would rejoyce, Prov. 23.15. my Son if thy heart be wise, my heart shall rejoyce even mine: it will be a more joiful day to them than the day of your birth: and Ministers that have travelled in pain for you, will rejoice when Christ is formed in you: yea Jesus Christ rejoices greatly, when a sinner is brought home to him, it is the day of espousals, and therefore the day of the gladness of his heart: when he sees souls brought home to him, when he sees the fruit of his sorrow [...], the travel of his soul, he is satisfied, in this day of victory Christ triumphs, hea­ven and earth will rejoice at it, if you will enter­tain the calls of the Gospel, Luk 15.10. There is joy in the presence of the Angels of God over one sinner that repenteth: God himself takes delight in it: there will be repining in hell, but joy in heaven if you come to Christ.

6. It is from the practice of Satan that you are so backward to come: not but that there is an en­mity in your own hearts to the entertaining of Je­sus Christ, but the opposition of your heart is much strengthened by the counsels of the Devil: the Devil out of enmity to God, and Jesus Christ and Mankind is labouring to hinder the effica [...] of the Gospel: he is heightning those corrupt principles that are in men and diswading of him from entertaining of the Gos­pel: Satan has abundance of devices to hinder the [Page 291] reception of the Gospel: men are ready to think that they do act their own judgment in standing off from Christ, and are not aware of the activity of Satan in [...] he suggests his reasonings as if they were the motions of mens own hearts; but their opposition to the Gospel does arise from him, 2 cor. 4.4. the God of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, least the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ, who is the image of God should shine unto them: the Devil is blinding them by false rea­sonings, by instilling discouragements and presump­tuous conclusions: and will you offer to go a breast against the counsel of God, and take the Devils coun­sel, what can men expect to find but d [...]ceit in fol­lowing his suggestions? men have little cause so lay weight on those carnal reasonings that rise up in them, considering from whence they come: will God give you counsel for your hurt, will Satan give you counsel for your good? whether will that path lead you, that Satan does direct you to, is it safe to follow his counsels, dare you venture your souls in a way that he prescribes? what is to be expected from him that is an enemy to God and to you, but that he will dishonour God, and ruine you if it be possible? hearken not any longer to him; but take his advice upon whose wisdom, love and faithfulness you may rest, [...]ev. 3.18. I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire that thou mayst be rich

3. I shall answer such objections as awakened sinners are wont to make.

Objection 1.

If Ministers did kn [...]w how bad I [...], they would [Page 292] not encourage me to come unto Christ: they are charita­ble men, and don't imagine how bad I am: what sins I have committed, what neglects I have lived in, what desperate risings have been in my heart: if they did, they would not invite me to come to Christ:

Answer, 1.

Ministers do know what is in your hearts, though they do not know what actual transgressions in par­ticular you have been guilty of: how your corrupt inclinations have wrought; yet they do know what sinful inclinations are in your heart, and a great deal better than you do your selves: they understand the state of man by nature, and how the heart is wont to work under divers dispensations: you do not see so much of your own badness as they can tell you of; yet that does not discourage them.

2. How bad soever you are or have been they have a sufficient warrant for their incouraging of you to believe: they are not concerned to enquire how bad men have been, unless they know you to be guilty of the unpardonable sin, they have ground to encourage you to come to Christ: if you were worse than you are you are includ [...]d in the call of the Gospel: Jesus Christ himself preached the Gospel in great Assemblies, and offered Salvation to any that would accept of it, Mat. 4.23. and he has commanded his Ministers to Preach it unto you, Mark 16.15. Go into all the World and preach the Gospel [...] every creature; that is, every humane creature: Ministers have as good a warrant to preach it to them that are or have been prophane as to those that have lived a civil life; to those that have had more violent workings of cor­ruption [Page 293] as to those that have been more restrained; the promise of the Gospel is universal, it is not limited to such or such sinners, but it comprehends you as well as others, Joh. 3.16. if the Minister did know all the sins that you have been guilty of from your Child­hood to this day, he could not with a good conscience neglect to offer Salvation unto you.

Objection 2.

I am so bad that I fear God cannot be willing to shew mercy unto me: it seems that God must needs loath me, and his heart is turned away from me:


Such reasonings are but the conjectures of mens hearts, who are ignorant of God: there is no foun­dation in the Word of God for such thoughts; they are but the imaginations of men who know not God: God can find in his heart to shew mercy to whom he pleaseth: he could shew mercy to devils if he would: there is nothing in him to restrain the exercise of grace but his own pleasure: For,

1. There is nothing in God to compel him to de­stroy the sinner: what should force God to damn you, if you be never so bad, yet God is not necessitated to reject you; his holiness does not compel him: the ho­liness of God is no impediment to the exercising of pardoning grace: there is a Scripture that looks that way, Josh 24.19. ye cannot serve the Lo [...]d, for he is an holy God, he is a jealous God, he will not forgive your trans­gressions, nor your sins: but the meaning of it is, that they were such a perverse people that they could not [Page 294] serve God so, but that they would bring his judgments on them; for he is so holy as that he will punish his visible people while they go on in wayes of degene­racy: but his holiness and his grace don't thwart one another: for it is no prejudice to the interest of holi­ness that God pardons great sinners: for when God pardons he sanctifies too: 1 Cor. 6.11. neither is the Justice of God any hinderance to the exercise of par­doning mercy: justice forbids pardon without satisfa­ction made, but not if there be satisfaction, if the Law which is the rule of Justice be attended, there is no­thing contrary to the justice of God: the Law makes no distinction between great and little sinners, great ones are capable of pardon as well as others if there be satisfaction: the law admits of the pardon of no sin without satisfaction, but it admits of the pardon of any sin if there be satisfaction: neither does Gods care of his glory hinder him from pardoning of great sinners, for he can turn that to the advantage of his glory: the pardoning of such is greatly subservient unto that design, Eph 1.7.

2. There is mercy enough in God for the pardon­ing of your sins be they never so great: Gods nature is of infinite and unlimited perfection; there is an infinite ocean of Grace in the heart of God: it is not possible for man to commit such sins that God should not be able to pardon them: God is of such mercy, that he can do any thing that is an act of mercy: as there is nothing too hard for the power of God, so there is nothing too hard for the mercy of God: and certainly sinners have little reason to object that God can't find in his heart to pardon them, when he has found in his heart to provide a sufficient sacrifice for them, when he has found in his heart to offer them pardon, when he has [Page 295] found in his heart to pardon others as great sinners as they.

Objection, 3.

God is exceeding angry with me: he is in his providences testifying against me; and fills me with terrors; and though I cry to him, he don [...]t regard my cries, therefore I am a­fraid to believe:


1. The great thing that God is angry with you for is your unbelief: the despising of the Gospel is the great provoking sin: that was it that greatly provo­ked God against the Jews, Rom. 11.20. they were bro­ken off by unbelief: and this should put you upon it to make hast to Christ, that you may not provoke him more to anger against you: the longer you live in unbelief the more angry God will be.

2. Anger in God is not a passion as it is in men: God is not capable of being angry after that manner that men are angry: men are so angry sometimes that they cannot forget an injury: they are quite over­ruled with this passion; passion masters them they are in servitude to it: but God is not passionate, he is never transported with anger, anger is but figuratively ap­plied unto God, it notes his will to punish and chasten men for their sins: but in men it is a violent affection that many times they cannot restrain.

3. When God is very angry yet it is safe venturing upon Christ: if you come to Christ, God will not re­ [...]pect you, though he be very angry: this is the way pro­posed [Page 296] by himself for the removing of his anger: tho he be angry, yet he is ready to pardon in a way of be­lieving; he is never so angry as to reject those that come unto Christ: when grievously provoked, yet he has a pardon in his hand to bestow upon all that will accept of it: there is encouragement enough in the Gospel to make you with joy to rely upon a provoked God: he assures you in this way, you shall be forgiven: though he be angry, yet he will not forget his promi­ses that he has made unto returning sinners, Jer. 3.22.

Object [...]on 4.

God threatens such as I am peremptorily with ruine, Prov. 29.1. He that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall sudd [...]nly be destroyed and that without re­medy: and therefore I am afraid God will not accept me:


Such threatnings as this are only declarations of what God does oftentimes do: there are some threat­nings that are absolute; wherein God does absolute­ly declare what he will do: such are the threatnings of ruine for final impenitency and unbelief: but many other threatnings are but declarations of what God oftentimes does, and in their application to particular persons are to be understood with a condition: accor­ding to that rule, Jer. 18 7, 8. so that such persons may be saved if they do repent: this is evident not only from the many invitations in the Scripture that reach and comprehend such sinners as well as others: but from hence also, that the generality of those whom the Lord accepts have been guilty of rejecting many reproofs, the generality of the Saints have lived to Mens and Womens estates, under means before they yielded any real obedience unto God: therefore this [Page 297] threatning cannot be understood of the certain ruine of all that have hardned their necks after many re­proofs: if you he of this number there is [...]ree liberty and good encouragement for you to come to Christ notwithstanding.

Objection 5.

But I am afraid that God has given me up to judicial hardness of heart, that he has taken his spirit away from me; and if so he does not intend me in the call of the gospel:


1. There is an hardness of heart that is not judicial: indeed every man by nature is under the power of an hard heart: there may be abundance of hard hearted­ness in you though no judicial hardness: there may be some legal softness, and tenderness, and relenting where there is judicial hardness, as it was with Pharaoh: so there may be hardness where there is no judicial hardness: this is an evidence of it, because God pro­mises them to take away the hardness of their hearts, Ezek. 11.19. I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.

2. Many others have feared that they have been ju­dicially hardened, that have afterwards been con­verted: they that are judicially hardened do not use to be perplexed with this fear: the judgment it self is wont to deliver them from fears of this kind: but it is a frequent thing for souls under trouble to be afraid of this: others have seen afterwards that they have been mistaken, and so may you.

3. The reasons why persons under the work of conversion fear that they are giv [...]n up to hardness, and [Page 298] that the Spirit of God has forsaken them, is because the spirit does after a while change its way of work­ing: when the Spirit begins to work upon them, his manner is to discover their danger, and after a while to give them some encouragement, whereby they come to have strong affections, sorrow, desire, delight, and now they are easily perswaded that the Spirit is at work with them, and dont look upon themselves har­dened, but after a while, when these affection fail them, and they find themselves dull and senseless, now they are afraid that the Spirit has left them: whereas the reason is, the spirit has changed his work, and is a­bout to shew them what hearts they have in order to the work of Humiliation: if men could maintain their lively affections they would never come to Christ: therefore the Spirit of God does leave them unto, and lead them into an experimental knowledg of the hard­ness of their hearts: so that this is no sign of the Spi­rits leaving you, but an effect of the presence of the Spirit: his manner is to convince men that they are poor and wretched, and blind, and miserable, Rev. 3.17.

4. The conditional offer of the gospel is made to you how hard soever your heart is: you are called▪ and if you will accept you shall be saved: God rejects none that come to him by Christ: do you accept the gospel and God will never object your hard-hearted­ness against you: he never turned any away, because their hearts were hard: come to him and he will give you pardon, and a soft heart too.

Objection 6.

I am afraid I have committed that sin for which there is no Sacrifice: it is said, if we sin wilfully, after we have received the knowledg of the truth, there re­maineth [Page 299] no more Sacrifice for sin, Heb. 10.26. and I am afraid it is so with me, for I have had great enlightnings, and since I have been enlightned; I have been guilty of a great deal of rebellion against God, and have felt the wor­kings of enmity to God in my heart, and if so it is a vain thing for me to come to Christ, he was not sacrificed for such:


For the answering of this Doubt I shall open this Scripture to you, and shew you what is meant by sin­ning, and by wilful sinning:

1. By sinning here is not meant any sort of sin, but some special sin: particularly the sin of Apostacy and renouncing of the gospel: this is evident, because this sin is that which he speaks of in the verse imme­diately preceding: there he speaks of mens casting off their Christian society, and therewith the pro­fession of the truth: which is the thing he disswades from in this verse: and he evidently speaks of Apo­stacy when he comes to explain his meaning more ful­ly, ver. 29. he calls this sin a treading under foot the Son of God, &c, besides the same Apostle speaking of the same sin, Heb: 6.6. calls it a falling a way.

2. By sinning or apostatizing wilfully we are to understand a malicious apostacy: the word indeed does signifie willingly: but it also signifi [...]s spiteful­ly or maliciously, or as in our version wilfully: there are three wa [...]s that men may apostatize from the profession of the Gospel: they may do it ignorant­ly; when men are blinded by the arguments of He­reticks: they may do it against their light through [Page 300] a spirit of fear, as some good men have done, and many others that have not sinned unpardonably: in time of Persecution many have through weakness denied the Gospel: they may do it spitefully and ma­liciously, that is here intended, for they are said, ver. 29. to do despite to the Spirit of grace: by this you may see that though there have been many backslidings after your illumination, though you have had a stub­born and rebellious heart, yet you may be free from the sin here intended, and have opportunity to come with acceptance unto Christ.

Objection 7.

I have not the qualifications that are mentioned some­times in the invitation of the Gospel, as Isa. 55.1. Ho every one that thirsteth come ye to the waters, Mat▪ 11.28. come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest: therefore I fear I am not invited.


1. Some persons have these qualifications that fear they have not; some men think they are not a thirst, because they don't find longing desire after Christ: their hearts are dead and senseless: they don't find any love unto Christ: but souls may be said to be a thirst, when they are in want of refreshing, when their souls are parched under the sense of Gods an­ger, their hearts are ready to fail for want of com­fort: so they think they are not heavy laden, be­cause sin is not such a burden to them as it should be; because they have not an heart to mourn for [...] but there is no man can mourn for sin aright, until [Page 301] he has closed with Christ: but you are heavy la­den if the anger of God, and your danger do load you: and you can't find any means in your selves to ease you of your burden, Act. 16.30. What must I do to be saved

2. The invitation is not confined to men that have these qualifications, but only particularly applied un­to them; such are under special temptation, and have special need of support, it is one thing to apply the call to one particular sort of men, another to li­mit it, and confine it to them; it may be applied par­ticularly to young ones yet that does not exclude the Antient, to poor ones, yet that does not exclude the wealthy, to afflicted ones, and that does not exclude men that are in prosperity, unto the Jews, but that does not exclude the Gentiles▪ Rev. 22.22. Whoever will let him come and take the water of life freely.

Objection 8.

I have not a work of Humiliation, I am not brought wholly out of my self, therefore I am not called?


1. Persons that are not humbled are called to come to Christ: their next work indeed is not to come to Christ, but to come out of themselves, and so come to Christ: to forsake all other confidences, and build on Christ, to throw away other hopes, and flee to this hope that is set before them: to throw away their crutches, and lean upon Christ: self-righteous persons are invited, Rev. 3.17, 18. they that said they were rich, are invited to come to Christ for gold tried in the fire.

[Page 302]2. If persons are so far humbled as to be willing to take Christ on his own terms: that is enough, there needs no humiliation before faith, but upon this account that persons may be so shiftless, that they may be willing to take Christ as a free gift of God: men need so much, that they may not make lies their refuge, but may be prepared to take the free offer of the Gospel; so much as is necessary in order to a dependance on Christ and free-grace is needful, and no more.

Objection 9.

How can the Righteousness of Christ make God love me? I have no righteousness of my own to draw the heart of God to me, and I don't see how the righteousness of Christ can procure the love of God for me.


1. The use of the righteousness of Christ is to an­swer the demands of the Law for you: the Law laid an objection in the way of your salvation, which must be removed before you could be saved: the Law would not admit of your salvation, without a com­pl [...]at righteousness: and the righteousness of Christ does remove this objection: this is as much as the Law does demand as the condition of life; the righ­teousness of Christ makes you an heir of blessedness according to the law: this removes the guilt of sin, this supplies your want of worthiness▪ so that here­b [...] [...] way is made for your salvation without any injustice, Rom. 3.26. there needs nothing more to make your salvation free from any legal exceptions.

[Page 303]2. There is no need that the righteousness of Christ should procure the love of God for you: men are troubling of themselves in vain, when they are seeking a cause of Gods love out of himself: Gods love is the first cause of mans salvation, and has no dependance upon any thing: it is impossible that any thing out of God should move God to love you, and there is sufficiency of grace in God to love you, tho' there be no exte [...]al cause to mo [...]e him: God loves men freely, Hos. 14.4. he can have mercy upon you because he will, the love that God has to the angels of heaven is not built upon their righteousness, but is the foundation of their righteousness, because they were elect angels, therefore they continued holy angels; and the love of God to Abraham and all his Saints does not depend upon their righteous­ness nor upon the Righteousness of Christ; indeed the love of God was the reason why Christ was sent to work out righteousness for us, Joh. 4.10. he lo­ved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

Objection, 10

I have not the inward call of the Gospel: how can it be said then, that God calls me? I have indeed an ex­ternal call; but God does not inwardly call me, and I wait for that.


It is the outward call of the Gospel that gives men their warrant to believe: it is the written Word of God that bears us out in it: and you must not ex­pect: any other warrant but that: you must not ex­pect [Page 304] any new revelations to warrant your coming to Christ, 2 Pet. 1.19. we have also a more sure word of Prophesie: the inward call is nothing else but the o­pening of the ear to hear the outward call: the in­ward call is only that illumination of the mind wher­by we see God calling of us in his word: the assuring us of the truth of the Gospel; the call of God in his Word is that, that gives men their encourage­ment to come to Christ: the Word of God is the ground of faith, Psal. 91.4. his Truth shall be thy shield and buckler: the design of the inward call is on­ly to clear up the outward call; and satisfie the heart in that: the outward call evidences mens safe­ty in coming, there is Gods testimony, and that is an evidence beyond exception, 1 Joh. 5.9. Gods call in his Word makes it your duty to believe, but that it would not do, if it did not give you a sufficient war­rant to believe: the inward call helps us to read and understand our warrant: but it is the outward call that gives warran [...] to believe: the outward call is the foundation of faith, Acts 13.48. they glorified the Word of the Lord and believed: God speaks his heart in the outward call; men slight it, and say it is but an outward call: but the outward call is no delusion, God speaks uprightly in the outward call, there you may see the heart of God, how ready he is to bestow salvation upon sinners: and the outward call binds Gods faithfulness: the outward call lays such a tye upon God as makes the condition of believers very safe, Heb. 10.25. l [...]t us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering, for he is faithful that promised.

Objection 11.

[...] unwilling spirit to come to Christ, and there­fore [Page 305] I am not called: for the call is only to them that will, Rev: [...]2.17. whosoever will, let him take of the wa­ter of life freely.


1. When God says whoever will; he does not li­mit the call to them that will, the offer is general, and therefore is made unto them that will not, as well as unto them that will: men that are unwilling ought to come, mens duty does not depend upon their willingness to do it: God commands those that are unwilling: the generality of the Jews were not wil­ling to come to Christ: yet God required them to come, Joh. 9.29. this is the work of God that ye be­lieve on him, whom he hath sent: God makes conditio­nal promises unto such, and will punish such men for their not coming unto Christ: it will be a poor excuse at the last day for men to say they were not willing, out of their own mouth God will condemn them.

2, When God says whosoever will: he does not require any antecedent willingness before their com­ing: the meaning is not that men must first find themselves willing, and so come to Christ: men must not wait for a willing spirit, as a ground of encou­ragement to come to Christ, God does not require that men should be first willing and then come: it is a concomitant willingness only that God does require not an antecedent: for indeed no man is indeed tru­ly willing to believe in Christ, until he does so.

3. The meaning of it is, that there is an univer­sal liberty given to men to come to Christ: he will bestow the blessing on none but those that will: and [Page 306] upon any one that will, the meaning is that he will reject no man that will come, upon any defect what­ever, upon any account that may be thought of: whatever their outward condition be, whatever hearts they have, whatever their former life have been, whatever weakness there be in their faith; it is an universal offer without an exception.

Objection 12.

I am afraid I don't understand the meaning of the call: God promises life to them that believe, but there may be some interpretation or other found out, that I did not think of: I fear I should but deceive my self, if I should come.


You scare your self causelesly; God has upon design so phrased the calls of the Gospel, that all our scru­ples may be removed, Joh. 6.37. he that cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out: God has made our way plain to Christ: there can be no interpretation made contrary to the words of the call; and they bind the thing sure enough: there can be no interpretation contrary to the glory of free grace, which is the great thing that God does design: his design shall not fall to the ground: there can be no such interpretation as shall rob Christ of his honour, the honour of being a compleat Saviour; yea there can be no such inter­pretation but what is suitable to the necessity of sin­ners: this way of salvation is proposed to be an help to us, and if we can't have salvation in a way of free grace upon Christs account, but that there must be some worthiness in us, it would be no help to us: [Page 307] if God did stand for any worthiness in us we should be uncapable of salvation.

Objection 13.

I am afraid if I should believe that I shall come in a wrong way, and then I shall be in a worse condition then I am now: then I shall go hoping to hell.


If you come to Christ meerly upon Gospel encou­ragement, you cannot come in a wrong way, if you come indeed upon such encouragements as these, that you have not much angred God, that you have pacified him, that you have a great love for him, that you have not been so bad as other men, that your heart is soft and broken for sin, &c. you don't come in a right way: but if you come meerly upon the encouragements that God sets before you in his Word, you do come in a right way: God offers sal­vation to you, [...] tells you that his grace is free, that Christ has dyed for our sins, and if this prevail upon you, that though you are vile, yet there is ver­tue enough in Christ for the pardon of them, that God is a God of glorious grace, and his Word is true: and upon the encouragement hereof you come to Christ, God will not reject you: this is the faith that God calls for, Psal. 36 7. Psal. 91.4 2 Tim. 1.12.

Objection 14.

In this way of coming unto Christ, I must take all upon trust: we don't see that it is [...]o, we cannot tell whether Jesus he the Christ, whether God does take de­light [Page 308] in his sacrifice, and be willing to accept of us, it is so reported and recorded, but we don't know it to be so, but must take it upon trust.


We must indeed take things upon trust, but it is upon the testimony of God if we must take it upon trust from man only, that would be hard: but it is not hard to take it upon trust from God: we have more for it, than against it: we have nothing against it but vain conjectures and surmises: the things themselves are not incredible: this way of salvati­on, is neither contrary to the justice of God, nor beyond the mercy of God, no man was ever able to give any demonstration against this way of salvation. Men scare themselves with many vain scruples and ignorant imaginations of their own, and are such conjectures and guessings to be set against the testi­mony of God? God has sent us word from heaven that we may have salvation by Christ; he gives his witness unto it, and that may well satisfie us: what God speaks he will make good: if we receive the witness of men, the Witness of God is greater, and we may▪ safely venture our souls upon his Word, God assures us that it is so, and gives a large ac­count in his Word how the thing is brought about, he gives us an account of the reason of it, the means and method of accomplishing it, and the design that is upon his heart, in such a way as is exceeding a­greeable unto right reason: remoxing all weighty objections that can arise in your hearts: if you will hearken unto cavils and the pretenses of reason, and stand off from Jesus Christ, you must expect to rue it another day: but if you desire the good of your souls, [Page 309] and to escape those miseries that shall come upon an unbelieving world, reject temptations, and cast away all the vain arguings of your hearts, and accept of this glorious call, and build upon this sure foundation; you need not have any greater assurance than Gods Word, which will endure when Heaven and Earth shall fail: it is well for those men and women that have Word of God for their salvation: it is bad building hopes of heaven upon mens fancies: but it is safe building them upon Gods Word.

Vse 4. Exhortation: To Saints to live by Faith upon the Righteousness of Jesus Christ for your acceptance:


I Shall conclude the Discourse with an Exhortation to the people of God, to be often renewing acts of dependance upon Christs Righteousness for your ac­ceptance with God; be believing on Christ for your [Page 310] acceptance both now and in the day of Judgment: a great part of the life of a Christian lies in the exer­cise of Faith; and as you are to be exercising Faith in Christ for other things, so especially for your accep­tance and salvation: 'tis not enough that you have once ventured your selves on Christ, and accepted of the tender of life made to you through him, but you must live upon Christ for acceptance all your dayes: you ought to be alwayes in a believing frame, and ne­ver to put forth any act contrary unto the act of Faith, and very often to be renewing of the acts of Faith for your acceptance: there are many special occasions, when it is duty so to do, as when God is setting the offers of this grace before you in his Word, and in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper; so when you meet with any temptations, to beat you off from this way of believing, when you have been contracting any special guilt, when you go before God in solemn prayer: and besides what is to be done on such occa­sions as these, it is a duty to have the heart working and carried out in this way at other times, and it will be so where the heart is in a believing frame; men then will love to be thinking upon the precious righte­ousness of Christ, and putting forth acts of dependance thereupon: God requires you to be much in the exer­cise of Faith, 1 Joh. 5.13. those things have I written to you that believe on the Name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may believe on the Name of the Son of God. This ought to be upon a double account:

1. This is an honour due to God and Jesus Christ: it becomes us to be putting honour upon them by re­niewing those acts of Faith, when a man is drawing his encouragement from the righteousness of Christ, [Page 311] and the free grace of God, prizing Christs Righteous­ness, satisfied with that, rejoycing in it, rolling him­self upon it, he is putting honour thereupon: and it is no more than it does deserve: it becomes us to be giving this glory unto God and Jesus Christ: when the acts of Faith are much intermitted, and when there are any actings of unbelief: we do deny them their due honour, but the exercise of Faith is a pra­ctical acknowledgment of their glory: and this is one part of that way of holiness, wherein the people of God are walking unto salvation: the first act of Faith in Christ is the fulfilling of the Covenant, other acts of Faith are a part of our attending that way of ho­liness which is the way of life.

2. This is the way of our comfort: we need to be from time to time renewing the acts of Faith, that we may live a comfortable life: this is a way to have a stable and well grounded comfort: for in this way of salvation, God has given us everlasting consolation and good hope, 2 Thess. 2.16. the actings of unbelief fill the soul with trouble: that faint must needs live a sor­rowful life, that is much carried away with an unbe­lieving heart: such a life is attended with many ter­rors and fears: unbelief is the sinking of the heart: the prevailings of a spirit of discouragement, bring a man into a most perplexed condition: and he that lives in a way of carnal confidence will live a life of trouble: though at times his joy may be great, yet there will often be such discoveries of his heart, and convictions of his danger, as will fill his soul with fear and trembling: the only way to live a sweet and comfor­table life is to live by Faith upon Christ: the actings of Faith give rest unto the heart: there will be some measure of comfort wherever Faith is in exercise, [Page 312] though a man be in the dark about his condition, yet the very actings of Faith will support his heart: Faith discovers a resting place for the soul: in the exercise of Faith, the soul is receiving of encouragement: there­fore Faith is often expressed in Scripture by joy, Phil. 3.3. Hab. 3.18. indeed there is a sweetness and plea­singness in the exercises of every grace, because they are suitable to that new nature that God has put into his Saints; but there is a sp [...]cial sweetness in the ex­ercise of Faith, because the nature of it is to entertain a well grounded comfort and encouragement: the very actings of Faith have a great deal of comfort in them, and the reflection of the soul upon those acts of Faith has a great deal of comfort in them: Faith it self is comfortable, and the sight of Faith is com­fortable: Faith comforts as it entertains the glad ti­dings of the Gospel, as it discovers a door of hope: the light of Faith comforts as it discovers a sure evidence of Salvation.

In prosecuting of this VSE, we shall consider three things:

1. That Saints are apt to be discourag [...]d from be­lieving on the righteousness of Christ for acceptance.

2. What their discouragements are, together with proposals for the removing of them.

3. What course saints should take that they may live by Faith on Christs righteousness, and not be dis­couraged.

1. Consider,

Saints are apt to be discouraged from believing on [Page 313] the righteousness of Christ for acceptance: there are two sorts of discouragements that Christians have with respect unto their acceptance: one sort is when they are discouraged as if they were not accepted, as if they were not saints, and in a state of salvation: their present state is dark unto them: and this arises either from Gods dispensations towards them, or their carriages towards God: God layes afflictions upon them, exercises them with inward temptations, don't give assurance of his love; don't answer their prayers, don't quicken their hearts in his Ordinances: and they are carried away with corruption, don't feel the working of love in their hearts, have not such spi­ritual hearts as others of the people of God, and so they are ready to sink, as if their pres [...]t state were not a state of peace with God: the [...] sort of dis­couragement is when they are afra [...] to come unto Christ for acceptance: they are called upon to believe, but are discouraged from that duty: it don't enter into them that God is free to accept of them through Christ: they dare not believe: and these two sorts of discouragements are generally Companions, and go together, though not alwayes: usually when Christi­ans are discouraged as to their present state, th [...]y are also more backward to believe than at other times: and their hearts are frighted because of the greatness and number of their sins: and when they are in an unbe­lieving frame, they are many times discouraged as if they were not Saints, and can't discern those signs that they can see plain enough at another time: this latter sort of discouragement whereby Saints are discouraged from believing in Christ is, that we are now discoursing of: and this discouraged frame is one of those frames that are contrary to a believing frame: there are two other frames in Christians that are con­trary [Page 314] to believing in Christ: one is a slighty, careless and regardless frame of spirit respecting acceptance with God and eternal salvation, mens hearts are some­times so deeply engaged in the world, that they are little concerned about the state of their souls, they have not the weight of it on their hearts, to make sure a part in Christ; sometimes Christians are under the prevailings of a sensless Spirit, they have not sense nor solemnity enough upon their hearts to put forth an act of Faith: the other is a self-righteous frame, whereby Christians are apt to be drawing of their encouragements for their acceptance with God from their own righteousness: but besides these there is a discouraged frame of spirit whereby Saints are afraid to believe; as if there were not encourage­ment enough to believe, in the offers of Christs righ­teousness to them: this discouraged frame of spirit is, that we shall particularly consider of, as being di­rectly contrary to the doctrine of our safe appearing in Christs righteousness, which has been cleared up in the former part of this Discourse.

That Saints are very apt to be discouraged from believing is evident from the universal experience of the people of God; they find it a difficult thing to live a life of Faith, and find many doubtings arising in their hearts, many jealousies that their hearts are suggesting: they are apt to be discouraged from be­lieving for other things, outward blessings, divine assistance, and whatever God has promised, and thus it is also with respect unto their acceptance with God: were they not so apt to be discouraged they would live a more sweet and comfortable life than they do: the Disciples of Christ were slow of heart to believe all that the Prophets have written, Luk. 24.25. Saints are [Page 315] ready to say as he, I am undone because I am a man of unclean lips, Isai. 6 5. their Faith would many time fail if there were not special assistance given unto them, Luk 22.32. I have prayed for thee that thy Faith fail not: the Apostle Paul plainly implies that he found great want of Faith when he expresses his care to know Christ and the power of his resurrection, Phil. 3.10 and hence it is, that God is so often stirring us up in his Word to believe, and has appointed so many means for the confirmation and establishment of our Faith: and if we consider the state of the people of God, it is no wonder that they have many doubtings and risings of discouragement in their hearts: for the same principles that do so discourage natural men are in Saints; though they be in part mortified, yet they do remain there▪ ignorance of God, carnal reason, pride of heart are remaining in them: and Satan is busie to stir up jealousies in their hearts, he is striking at their Faith, casting in his fiery darts into them, Eph 6.16. and they have many discouraging temptations be­fore their eyes, which are matt [...]r for carnal reason to work upon; which are next to be spoken unto.

2. Consider what their Discouragements are, to­gether with Proposals for the removing of them:

Discouragement 1.

The unspeakable greatness of the blessings that are offered in the Gospel: he has a sense upon his heart that it is a wonderful priviledg to be brought into a state of acceptance with God, the savour of God is better than life: to be saved and translated from a mean condition in this world, into the highest hea­vens to behold the face of God for ever, to enjoy plea­sures [Page 316] for evermore at the right hand of God, to be made like the Angels of God; 'tis so great a thing, that it will scarce enter into him, considering how mean and unworthy he is: if God had spoken of some little thing, of some more moderate felicity, he should not have stuck so much at it: but this is so inconcei­vably great, that he is jealous whether God be willing to bestow it upon him: the greatness of it puts him to a stand, and makes it more unlikely in his eyes: sometimes when he begins to rejoyce in it, his heart checks him, and he fears it is too good news to be true: as the Disciples believed not for joy, Luk. 24.41 and as it is spoken of them, Psal. 126.1. when the Lord turned again the captivity of his people, we were like them that dream: the heart does not so stagger at lesser mercies, but the sense of the greatness of salvation makes it re­coil and proves a temptation to unbelief: he doubts of it, and sayes, will God in very deed do this thing? when he would rejoyce in the thoughts of it, he is pulled back by fears, that it will not be so: the great­ness of it begets a secret damp upon his soul, least it should not be true: it seems incredible:

For the removal of this discouragement,

Consider 1.

The infiniteness of Gods mercy: this is a great gift, but it is not too great a gift for God to bestow: he has an heart large enough to entertain such purpo­ses as this, men are ready to think that God will count it too much for them, and that a more mode­rate felicity were fitter for them, but the mercy of God is unlimited, he does not envy mans bles­s [...]dness, he can find in his heart to bestow all his [Page 317] glory upon poor unworthy man, God is rich in mercy, Eph. 2.4. plenteous in mercy, Psal. 103.8. the great­est act of mercy is not beyond the merciful nature of God: he can do any thing that is an act of mercy: his mercy is such that it cannot be over­come with provocations, but it can overcome the greatest provocations, his mercy is such that it has no dependance upon mans worthiness: God has grace enough not to give earthly blessings only, but heavenly blessings unto men, he has such mercy as that he can bear to see men in the possession of heavenly glory, and not grudg at it, or think much of it, he has such mercy that he can take wonder­ful delight to see men happy.

2. It is no impoverishing of God to bestow bles­sedness upon you: God is not the poorer for ma­king you and thousands of such as you happy: God does not empty himself and lose of his fulness, he has never the less for filling of you: if a man that has much for himself give any thing to you, he has the less for himself, and that makes men the more backward to give unto others: but it is not thus with God, the Sun has not the less light for en­lightning the world: God does bestow all his mer­cy and salvation without any diminution to him­self; he is not the less happy himself by making you happy; he can spare all this glory to you with­out any wrong to himself: though this salvation be so great a thing, yet God can afford to give it: it is a difficult thing to men sometimes to perform their engagments to others, but it is no difficult thing to God to perform his offers to you, in my Fa­thers house there is bread enough and to spare, Luke 15.17. God has not the less glory for himself, nor for a­ny [Page 318] of his friends by bestowing glory upon you.

3. God made man capable of enjoying blessedness: God has made man not only capable of worldly de­lights, but he has g [...]ven him an understanding and free-will, whereby he is capable of enjoying God himself: man is made of such a nature that he is ca­pable of enjoying the presence of God: and being capable of it, he cannot be satisfied till he come to the enjoyment of him: he cannot rest but in his cen­ter, he cannot be happy till he enjoyes his proper object: and surely God would never have created such a creature with such capacity, if he had not an heart to bring him to the enjoyment of himself in a way of hearkening to his counsels: why did God make such a creature that should have such a capaci­ty and such desires, if he had not an heart to bestow this good upon him: God satisfies the desires of e­very living thing; heavenly glory though it be great yet it is not too much for our need: he bestows up­on the beasts of the earth, the fish of the sea, and Fowls of heaven, such things as are suitable to their needs, and why should we think that God is unwil­ling to bestow upon man what he needs, if men will take the directions that he gives unto them.

4. God has made heaven on purpose to bestow it upon men; together with the angels: the earth was made for man, and so was heaven too: God raised this glorious building on purpose to entertain men: it is a Kingdom prepared for them from the foundation of the world, Mat 25.34. God has prepared for them a City, Heb. 11.16: this was one of the first works that God ever did to prepare this place of blessedness for men: he did not need any heaven for himself: he was infi­nitely [Page 319] happy before heaven was made: but he made it on purpose for such as shall come to Christ: how then can we think that God is unwilling to bestow it upon them: now it is made, he will not say it is too good for them: he turned man indeed out of Para­dise that was made for him, because that was made for him only so long as he retained his integrity: but the heavenly Paradise was made for such as will come unto Christ.

5. This is but proportionable to that design that is upon the heart of God: men do not stick to do great things for the accomplishing of designs that lie much upon their hearts; Princes will be at vast ex­pence to shew their magnificence, the Artist will take a great deal of pains to shew his skill: and God has a design upon his heart to manifest his glory: and has done great things for that end: he made this glori­ous fabrick of heaven and earth, to be as a glass wherein his glory is represented, and the eternal salvation of such as you is greatly subservient to this end, Eph 1.5, 6. Eph. 2 6, 7. here is nothing in this contrary to Gods glory: nothing that is an hindrance to it: but it suits that end: the mercy of God is much honoured by his pardoning and saving of sin­ners: Micah 7.18. herein is seen what free compas­sion is in the heart of God: it is much for the glo­ry of God to lead sinners through all the difficulties of the way unto heaven, it is much for the glory of God, notwithstanding all their unworthiness to be­stow heaven upon them: it is much for the glory of God to have multitudes in heaven to be spectators and admirers of his glory, Joh. 17.24. That they may be with me where I am, to behold my glory which thou hast given me.

[Page 320]6. There has been a great price paid for it: if you had kept the covenant of works, and been perfe­ctly obedient unto God, without any defect, you would not have doubted of Gods readiness to accept of you and save you: but here is as fair a way made for your acceptance and salvation: God is fully satis­fied for every jot of that glory that he promises un­to you? Jesus Christ has payed the full price of it, according to the tenour of the covenant: it is a due debt to all that are partakers of the righteousness of Christ: it is an act of Justice in God to bestow sal­vation upon them: heavenly glory is purchased glo­ry, Eph. 1.14. until the redemption of the purchased possession.

Dis [...]agement 2.

The many sins that he has been guilty of: some­times a Saint has a dismal frightful apprehension of his sins: they appear to him as a dark cloud: he knows that God is an holy and a jealous God: he speaks dreadfully in his Word against sinful practices, and has brought dreadful judgment upon angels and men for their sins: and hence he is fearful that God will not pardon him: his sins proves his great tem­ptation, hence his heart is still harping upon that string, that God is an holy sin-revenging God: and that he hath been guilty of abundance of sin, Psal. 40.12. mine iniquities take hold of me▪ so that I am not able to look up, they are more than the hairs of my head, therefore my heart faileth me.

And there are two things especially that prove matter of temptation, and make him afraid to be­lieve.

[Page 321]One thing is, the many aggravations that he sees in his sins, he sins against light, against covenant, notwithstanding abundance of mercy, with a great deal of perverseness; they have reiterated sins, after bewailing of the same, they have sinned with deli­beration, their sins seem to have exceeded the limits of pardoning mercy.

The other thing is, that they fear that their sins do speak and evidence their hypocrisie: they are apt to think they should not, they could not do so, if they were not hypocrites, they fear that such carria­ges are not consistent with grace: and thence they are much discouraged: they think if they have been hypocrites all this while; there is very little hope for them, that would be such a provocation that they fear God would never pardon it: the fear of their hypocrisie makes them fearful to cast themselves up­on Christ.

For the removal of this discouragement,

Consider: 1.

That the law of God leaves as much room for the pardon of great sins as of little on [...]s: lesser sins and greater sins are all mortal by the law, by the sentence of the law, one sin is as certainly destructive as a thou­sand: The wages of sin is death, Rom. 6.23. and the Law does allow of the pardon of multitudes as well as of one: the Law allows of the pardon of sin; provided there be satisfaction, the Law stands upon it to have punishment, but it does not stand for per­sonal punishment; in case of great sins no more than in case of little sins the Law makes no distincti­ction: [Page 322] but it gives as much liberty for the pardon of great offenders as of lesser, there is no tittle that way in the covenant of works, that great sinners must d [...]e in their own persons: the thing that the Law looks at is, that sin be punished according to the demerit thereof, that the Justice of God be vindica­ted, but God does not bind up his own hands, that he may not forgive great sinners, he reserves that li­berty to himself in the law of punishing any sins in a surety, and so of pardoning them: the law ad­mits of the pardon of any sin if there be satisfaction: the reason that the sin against the Holy Ghost is un­pardonable, is not from any thing in the covenant of works, but because God when he provided a surety, made an exception of that sin: but if sin be punish­ed, the law is satisfied: the law does not forbid the pardon of great sinners: that is evident, because God does pardon great sinners, Luk. 7.47. her sins which are many are forgiven.

2: Jesus Christ has satisfied for great sins and great sinners as well as lesser: when God sent Jesus Christ it was in his liberty to appoint him to dye for what sins and sinners he pleased: Christ Jesus was capable of satisfying for one as well as for another, for he was so worthy a person that he was capable by his sufferings to expiate the greatest sins: his short suf­ferings were sufficient to satisfie for the greatest of­fences: and God did put that work upon him to sa­tisfie for great sins: and he has discharged it: he has satisfied for great offenders, Christ has payed a price of redemption for the greatest sins, one excep­ted: therefore generally in Scripture it is said that he has made reconciliation for sins without any ex­ception; he bare our sins, 1 Pet. 2.24. he is the pro­pitiation [Page 323] for our sins, 1 Joh. 2.2. he has purged our sins, Heb. 1.3. yea the Scripture testifies that his blood cleanseth us from all sin, 1 Joh. 1.7. he died for the chiefest sinners as is implyed, 1 Tim: 1.15. and therefore sinners without distinction are invited to come to Christ for forgiveness.

3. Gods manner is to suffer a great deal of sin to remain in his people here: he could if it pleased him purge it out all at once, but he suffers it to be other­wise, for many great ends; as to magnifie his power in preserving the seed of grace, notwithstanding all that opposition which is made by Satan and their own corruption, so to carry on the work of sanctifi­cation in such a manner as that they shall stand in continual need of justification and pardon, and among other ends this is not the least to try the faith of his people, and exercise taht: there be none of the people of God but are attended with a great deal of sin: so was Noah, Jacob, Asa, Jehosaphat, and Paul, Rom. 7.23 I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into capti­vity to the law of sin that is in my members: and that shews that God can love those that have a great deal of sin in them, and that he can pardon them, his suffering of it to be in his own, evidences the suffici­ency of grace to pardon it

4. God is as free to pardon hypocrites as any o­ther men, if they come unto Jesus Christ: the peo­ple of God are afraid many times that they are hy­pocrites, but that should not discourage them from believing; hypocrites are as wellcome to come unto Christ as Saints: God does not exclude those that have lived long in a way of hypocrisie: they may [Page 324] come with freedom of spirit notwithstanding: men should not suspend the exercise of Faith until it be cleared up to them they are no hypocrites, when they are most in the dark about their state, their way is to trust in the name of the Lord, and stay them­selves upon their God, Isa. 50.10. if you should be hypocrites, there is encouragement enough to re­ceive the Gospel: God has pardoned thousands that have spent a great deal of time in hypocrisie: were not the Jews that Christ and the Apostles offered salvation generally to hypocrites? had not Paul lived a great while in a way of hypocrisie? and Nicode­mus God rejects not any man that accepts of Jesus Christ, though he has been an hypocrite.

Discouragement 3.

That God passes by many others, and does not be­stow salvation upon them, there be many whole Na­tions that God passeth over, and leaves to perish, and many particular men among his visible people: many are called but few are chosen, Mat. 20.16. and they can't see any reason why God should bestow salvation upon them, when he does deny it to multitudes of others, why God should make such a difference between them and others: when they are called on to believe on Christ, they are afraid to do it, it damps their hearts to think that there are so few that God does save, so many rejected, and they can see nothing in themselves to incline the heart of God to them, God passes over many wise men, noble men, valiant men, rich men, learned men, good natur'd men, men of great accom­plishments, and don't bestow salvation on them; if they could but see any reason why God should set his heart upon them, and make such a difference between [Page 325] them and others it would not be so hard to them to believe; but when they consider what kind of men God has cast off and rejected, it makes them fear that God will reject them also: the severity of God upon others discourages them, as if there were little like­lihood of their salvation: they are frighting of them­selves, as if there were little hopes for them; it is a sinking thing to them, that many men more probable than they have fallen short of Salvation [...] if they could give a reason why God should set his heart up­on them, when he rejects others, it would mightily satisfie them, but because they can't they are full of doubts.

For the removal of this Discouragement,

Consider, 1.

The only reason why God sets his love on one man and not upon another is, because he pleases: he acts the soveraignty of his own will in it; it is his own will that makes the difference between men, 1 Cor, 4.7. who maketh this to differ f [...]om another, and what hast thou that thou hast not received, Rom 9.15. I will have mer­cy upon whom I will have mercy: God in loving of men acts arbitrarily, he acts as the Potter in forming his Vessels to divers uses out of the same lump: the will of God is sufficient to move him to chuse one and re­fuse another, he can bestow his love upon men where there is nothing in them to draw it, the will of God can act independently, and indeed it cannot have a dependance upon any other thing: there is nothing out of God that can incline the will of God; all those things that men are apt to suppose to have an influence upon the will of God, have indeed a dependance upon [Page 326] his will: there is nothing in any man to sway the will of God any way: there is nothing in any man to be an argument with the Lord to love him; nothing that can work upon the affection of God to make God love him: he has no excellency that can perswade the Lord to love him: whatever beauty, understanding, good nature he has, those things can't sway God: God is not taken with those excellencies and accomplish­ments that are in men, as to have his heart fastened and allured to them thereby: and on the other hand, there is nothing in man that can hinder God from lo­ving of him; if the man be weak in understanding, of contemptible and wicked Parents, and his outwa [...]d condition mean, yet God can set his heart upon him: there is nothing in this and that man that can have any efficacy upon the Lord to make him hate him: there is nothing in man that can byas the will of God ei­ther way, to love him or hate him; but God herein acts from his meer pleasure.

2. Hence it follows, that this or that particular man is as capable of being loved of God as any other in the World: God has manifested special love unto thousands of men and women, and you are as capable an object of divine love as any of them: you are as ca­pable as Abraham, Moses, David, Paul, or any other: it is true you are as capable of Gods hatred also as any other: the meer pleasure of God does decide it, who shall by the objects o [...] his love and his hatred: you have no reason to be discouraged because you can find no reason in your self of Gods love, those that God did set his love upon could find no reason in them­selves of Gods love: though you be mean and despi­cable, yet you are as capable to be an object of Gods love as any other; I do not say, that one man is under, [Page 327] as great likelihood as another, they that God brings under means, are the children of godly Parents, that God is striving with by his Spirit are more likely than others, but one is as capable as the other; for the free will of God is the only thing that does determine it: and therefore you have sufficient ground of encou­ragement to accept the offer of salvation,

3. If God have wrought a spirit of Faith and Ho­liness in you that is a manifestation that God has set his love upon you: though you can find no reason why God should love you, can't tell why God should have any respect unto you, yet it is certain he does love you if you have a gracious change wrought in you; though he has cast away thousands of greater natural and acquired endowments than you, and of greater external enjoyments than you; yet you are one of those that he has chosen, and has set his heart upon. 2 Tim. 1.9. Who hath loved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his purpose, and grace given us in Christ Jesus before the World began.

Discouragement 4.

They find things since their coming to Christ much contrary to their expectation: they thought that they should have had more expressions of the love of God, more quicknings of the Spirit, more help against corruption, more visible answers of prayer, they thought that if they came to Christ, they should have had little trouble or temptation, but have lived a sweet, easie and pleasant life: but things are far o­therwise, things run very low in their souls, they have [...] of darkness and temptation, they find very [Page 328] evil workings of heart, and therefore they fear whe­ther God has accepted of them, or be willing to ac­cept of them, and to bestow salvation upon them, did they walk in the light of the Lord, and enjoy such communion with God as they expected, and feel such evident fruits of the love of God as they promised themselves they should not be so backward to believe; but since it is otherwise, it begets a trembling and fearfulness in them, it puts them to a great stand, hence the calls of God take less impression on them: especially because they think it is not so with others that come to Christ; others do enjoy more manifest tokens of divine acceptance, but they are both in inward and outward respects under tokens of divine displeasure: and this is an hindrance unto their be­lieving, Job 9 16, 17. If I had called and he had answer­ed, yet would I not believe that he had hearkened to my voice, for he breaketh me with a tempest, and multiplieth my wounds without cause.

For the removal of this Discouragement,

Consider, 1.

That many sad and sorrowful dispensations are con­sistent with the favour of God: men are ready to think that if God delighted in them, he could not find in his heart to exercise them in such a manner, his compassion would work so towards them, that they should not experience such sorrows: but men greatly mistake, it is true that all the wayes of God are mer­cy to them that fear him: but yet many times his wayes are in appearance contrary unto love; it is common with God to bring those that he has rejected into a prosperous condition, they are under very smi­ling [Page 329] providences; and on the other hand God fre­quently frowns upon his own children, not only in ex­ternal dispensations, but also by inward darkness, lea­ving them to conflict with sore temptations; the love of God to his people, is not an affection, as love in men is; but it is a design to make them happy: not to bestow all those degrees of blessedness upon them that he can, but it is with subserviency to a greater design, even the glory of his Name; and therefore he leads them to happiness in such a way as is conducible to the manifestation of the glory of his pardoning grace, his holiness and soveraignty; and it is frequent with God to lay very heavy afflictions upon his dearest children, Psal. 73.14. all the day long I have been plagued and cha­stened every morning: and God leaves his sometimes to a great deal of inward darkness: Psal. 88.15. while I suffer thy terrors I am distracted: men that fear the Lord may be in darkness, and have no light, Isai. 50.10. the dis­pensations of God unto Joh and the issue of the con­troversie between him and his friends stand upon re­cord to satisfie the hearts of Gods people in all ages in this particular.

2. God does sometimes withdraw from his own children the sensible quicknings of his spirit; God never takes away wholly his sanctifying presence from his people: God is present with them to uphold the being of grace, there is a divine manutenency whereby God does preserve the life of grace at all times: but the sensible quicknings of his spirit may be often with­held: God may often so far withdraw, that they may not perceive any special gracious operation of the spirit upon their hearts: and that as at other time [...] ▪ so in duties of worship: they may be left many times under great dulness and senslesness; left much to the [Page 330] stoniness of their own hearts, without any special im­pressions made on them by the spirit of God: there are times when God makes their hearts burn within them: but there are times when they are left unto a benum­med frame of spirit, as if they had no spiritual senses, they have great cause of joy, but their hearts do not rejoyce therein, great cause of sorrow, but unaffected with it, great cause of fear, but fearless; their senses are bound up, and spiritual truths that they think of or hear of don't sink into them, Mat. 25.5. They all slumbred and slept.

3. The people of God ought not to count it a frown that they have not the immediate light of Gods coun­tenance frequently: we must have a care that we do not complain without cause: the sealings of Gods spirit are wonderful mercies, and special and more immediate discoveries of the love of God are glorious enjoyments: but it is not Gods manner with his people to give them frequently: when God bestows them he expects that men should go in the strength of them many dayes: Paul was but once caught up to Paradise in his life time, 2 Cor 12.3. God has many o­ther wayes to support the hearts of his people.

4. Gods manner is, to be training up his people to live a life of Faith: to be depending upon him accor­ding to his word, he is striving to bring his saints to live upon his promise, he does in his providences put them upon that, he takes away other props that they may lean upon the promise more, they shall have time enough hereafter to see things; in heaven Faith will be swallowed up in vision: but here he would have them live by Faith upon his Word; the people of God are apt to have too much dependance upon signs, and [Page 331] to lay more weight upon them than upon the Word of God: trusting more to signs, and sometimes to fal­lible ones, than they do unto the infallible testimony of God: and upon that account God many times takes signes away: Christians have enough left them to live upon when signs are gone: God many times con­siders the weakness of his Saints as he did the weak­ness of Thomas, John 20.27, but yet he is by degrees bringing them more off from a dependance upon signs to live upon his bare word: they are apt to make too much of their signes, and too little of his Word; therefore he takes them away that they may have on­ly his Word to trust to, 2 Cor. 5.7. for we walk by Faith and not by sight.

Discouragement 5.

They fear they were ever thorowly converted: they cannot make it out to their own satisfaction, that they have an interest in Christ, they take notice of many things that make it doubtful unto them: and if it should be so that they should not be converted, then they cannot believe aright until first they have a work of preparation; they must come to be convinced that they are in a natural condition, that they never did any spiritual duty, that they are under the reigning po­wer of sin before they can come to Christ in a right manner, this Faith will be but a counterfeit Faith: if they be hypocrites now, they shall be so, until they have a work of legal humiliation wrought in them; therefore they dare not cast themselves on Christ, they think their next work is to resolve the cast whither they be cnoverted or no.

[Page 332]For the removal of this Discouragement,

Consider 1.

That the call of the Gospel is sufficient encourage­ment to them that know not whether they be con­verted or unconverted: if a man knows that he is unconverted, yet there is encouragement enough in it: if he be at a loss whether he be converted or not, yet there is sufficient encouragement in it: for the call is to every one that will, Rev. 22.17. so that they that are at at a loss about their present conditi­on, have free liberty to come as well as others: God requires no more of any man but acceptance of the call; so that there is no bar in any mans way; you are capable of accepting the call▪ and if you do accept it, God is engaged by promise to save you.

2. Though you do not know whether you are converted or not, yet if God discover thls way of salvation by Christ unto you, you cannot stay away from him: when God lets in a spiritual light into the heart of a man, clearing up this way of life to him, he will not stand harping upon this objection or any other, but will venture himself upon Jesus Christ: when God satisfies the heart in this way, he will not stay for satisfaction in this question whether he be converted or no: he will see encouragement enough in Christ, whatever he is or has been, John 6.45. every one that hath heard and learned of the Fa­ther cometh unto me.

3. If when you are at a loss about your conversi­on, [Page 333] you can venture upon Jesus Christ meerly upon Gospel encouragements, that is a sign that you were converted: the actings of Faith on Christ from the apprehension of his excellency, having no dependance on that that you are or have hopes that you are in a good estate already, is a sign of a good estate, Phil. 3.3. we rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no con­fidence in the flesh.

Discouragement 6.

That they have a slighty and unbroken heart, they have not a due sence of sin, they have been provo­king of God by sinful carriages, and have not a due sence of their iniquities upon their hearts, and they think it would be a daring and presumptuous thing to go presently and rejoice in Christ▪ they have more need to get a broken heart first, to get their heart affected with sin, to be stirring up a spirit of self-loathing and hatred of sin: God expects a con­trite and a broken spirit, we had need have our hearts loaded and burdened with sin: before we come unto Christ for pardon.

For the Removal of this Discouragement,

Consider 1.

That it is no presumption to come unto Christ and rejoice in him: how sinful soever you be: though you feel your heart very hard, though you have just now done somewhat provoking unto God, and have not yet bewailed it before God, nor been labouring with your own heart to work the sence of the evil of it upon your own heart: it is a presumptuous thing [Page 334] to sin: men are too bold and daring when they take upon them to cross the commands of God: and it is a presumptuous thing to make light of sin, because Christ has died and salvation is procured by him: sin is never the less heinous because Christ has died: Gods mercy in pardoning of sin, should make us more sensible of the evil of it: but it can be no pre­sumption to come to Christ, though the heart be hard and senseless: because there is enough in Christ for such as are hard hearted, there is that precious­ness in the blood of Christ, that it has procured re­mission of sin for such, 1 Pet 1.19. and pardon is freely offered to you, Act. 10.33. whoever believeth on him, shall receive remission of sins; and it is no presum­ption for you to accept of what God freely offers un­to you, and indeed if your eyes be opened to see the glorious excellency of Christ, and the grace of God, you will not make an excuse of an hard heart.

2. Entertaining the calls of the Gospel is the way to have a spirit of repentance: it is meet that you should repent and have your heart broken for your sins, but the way to come at it, is to entertain the Gospel offer; there are other means in their place to be used, but a principal means in order to repentance is to receive Christ: believing in Christ is the way to have grace quickned and strengthned: Faith in Christ is the greatest furtherance of repentance and holiness: Faith discovering the grace of God in Je­sus Christ, melts the heart for sin, and arms the heart against it: and Faith in Christ is the great or­dinance of the Gospel for the subduing of sin, in this way God will give his Spirit to work repentance and holiness, Gal. 2▪20. I live by Faith in the Son of God, Isa. 6.56. he that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him.

[Page 335]3. The next thing to be considered is, what course Christians should take, that they may live a life of Faith upon Christs Righteousness, and not be discou­raged.

Direction 1.

Diligently attend the Ordinances of God unto that end: the Ordinances of God have a tendency to stir up Faith, as well as other graces, and it is in that way that God has promised his presence and Spirit: God delights to be found in ways appinted by him­self: God has not said that we should seek him in vain; Isa. 45.19. Christ will be present with us in those ways, Mat. 28.20. Gods very prescribing of means is an encouragement unto us to attend up­on them, especially when he has annexed his promise to the same: if men be remiss and slighty in atten­ding upon Gods Ordinances, they are not likely to thrive in faith, or any other grace, it would be no wonder if they should wither away, and live in a dark discouraged condition: but if christians be care­ful to attend Ordinances, and improve them for the strengthning of their faith: they are in a hopeful way to thrive: no wonder if there be a blast upon the inventions of men: but experience teaches the people of God to say: it is good for us to draw nigh unto God, Psal. 73 28. God can make faith to flou­rish without Ordinances, and so he can maintain mens bodily strength without food, he can reveal himself to those that seldom wai [...] upon him, but his manner is to dole out his spiritual gifts at his own gates, he can make them flourish else where if he please; but he chooses to do it in his own courts, Psal 92.13, 14. the Psaimist might have understood the [Page 336] end of the wicked in another place if God had plea­sed, but he chose to give him the understanding of it in the Sanctuary, Psal. 73:17. God has appointed the place where we shall meet with him, and there we must wait for him: if men desire to flourish in faith, they must be diligently improving Ordinances that way: God loves to honour his own Ordinances, and help his people in a way of Obedience, and give forth his presence in such a way that they may see his fa [...]thfulness as well as his mercy: be­ware that you do not under any pretences grow neg­ligent in waiting upon God: some men are carried away with a sluggish spirit, they cannot endure to take the pains to wait upon God constantly and so­lemnly, they love their ease, and indulge themselves in a lazy way of carrying an end their religion; and some are carried away with a worldly spirit, they are Martha like cumbring themselves with much bui­siness, invo [...]ving themselves so deep in the world, that they can find little leasure to wait upon God, their worldly buisiness over-rules their religion: if you give way to these lusts, conclude upon it that you will not thrive in faith: you must be content with a little faith, that give way to a slighty spirit in waiting upon God: you never knew an eminent be­liever that was not a great prizer of Ordinances, in this way there is hope that Faith will increase, there­fore diligently attend them: Particularly:

1. Read the Word of God diligently: it is very useful to this end, to read the writings of faithful and experienced men, such books are of great use for the understanding of the Scripture: but there is a peculiar usefulness in the Word of God it self, because that is without error and mistake, it is given [Page 337] by inspiration from God. 2 Tim. 3.16. in other mens writings you have the judgment of men, and many times their judgments are according to the Word of God, and cleard up from thence, but in the Scrip­ture you have the testimony of God himself: there is a divine authority in the Scripture: the Scripture is the sentence of God, a message from God: it is cloathed with divine Majesty: the Word of God has a power over the conscience: there is secret vertue in it to stir up Faith: there is a majesty and com­manding authority in the Scripture: yea the Scrip­ture is sanctified by God to work upon the hearts of men, Joh. 20.31. these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God: there is a special advantage in it, to hear God speaking in his own language.

2. Frequently attend the preaching of the Word: that which God makes use of especially for the be­geting of Faith, is very proper for the nourishing of it, Rom. 10.17. Faith commeth by hearing, and hearing, by the Word of God: this is an ordinance as well as the reading of the Word: and there is a special usefulness in it several ways, the life and zeal that is in the delivery is of special use, and a great means to affect the heart: in the preaching of the Word, counsels and encouragements are directed more parti­ticularly unto them; and that by those that God has set over them, that must give an account of their souls, Act. 20.28. yea the very solemnity of the As­sembly, does help to solemnize the heart, and pre­pare it to receive what is spoken from the Word of God. And therefore you should be forward to take opportunities for the hearing of the Word: men had need have weighty grounds before they remove to [Page 338] such places, where they are like to live many years without the preach [...]ng of the Word, or to such pla­ces, that they and their families can seldom come to the Publick Assembly, and you had need be careful that you do not make frivolous excuses to stay away, from the House of God: if the weather be difficult, or if there be some small bodily indisposition, many count they have a good warrant to stay at home: persons that could overlook such difficulties in order to a worldly design; and although there be more liberty, respecting weekly opportunities, especially in neighbour places, yet you had need have the weight of those two things upon your heart, that you don't cast contempt upon the Ordinance of God, and that you don't neglect the advantages that God gives for spiritual profit, Psal. 122.1. I was glad, when they said unto me, let us go into the House of the Lord.

3. Attend the Sacrament of the Lords Supper: the great design of this Ordinance is for the strengthning of Faith, therein is offered to us special communion with a crucified Saviour: therein is a sacramental representation made before us of the death of Christ: therein is a special offer made unto us of the blood of Christ for the remission of sins, Mat. 26.26, 27, 28. herein the hearts of Gods people have had pecu­liar establishment, some when in a discouraged con­dition are backward to come to this Ordinance, the Devil has a great hand in it, to kee [...] them from that which is the means of help: they are afraid that they shall eat and drink judgment to themselves: but God no where requires a faith of assurance in those that partake of that Ordinance: this Ordinance is a special help to those that are in the dark with a good conscience: and though it must be granted that to [Page 339] partake of it without Faith is a sin: and so deserves damnation, and so it does to pray or hear without Faith: yet when the Apostle says that he that eateth and drinketh unworthily: eateth and drinketh damnation or judgment to himself, 1 Cor. 11.21. he intends parti­cularly that evil of not distinguishing this eating and drinking from common eating or drinking: do­ing it either ignorantly or profanely: therefore he adds, not discerning the Lords Body.

4. Be earnest with God in prayer for the strength­ning of Faith: Christ prayed for Peter on this ac­count, Luk. 22.32. and on the same account we should pray for our selves: prayer is the way to win any thing that we need from God: importunate prayer is like the sword of Saul that returned not empty: tho' the people of God are compassed with infirmities, yet their prayers are very prevailing, Elias was a man of like passions, yet his prayers were successful: God loves to gratifie his people, he takes delight in the exercise of their graces in prayer, he loves to encourage them in waiting on him according to his appointment: therefore constantly attend this duty, and be much in secret prayer: be often pouring out your heart unto him: this is duty, Mat. 6 6. and in this way christians have much communion with God, whereby their faith is strengthned: such christians as can make shift so to stifle their consciences as to be negligent in this duty: lose a great advantage for their flourishing in faith and holiness.

5. In case of need advise with those that can help you: when under darkness and temptation have re­course to such as can direct you: that can speak words in season to them that are weary: make use of [Page 340] such as are skilful and faithful: some out of fearful­ness, or pride, or through ignorance of their duty, go with an heavy load upon their hearts a long while, whereas it may be their scruples might be easily an­swered, if they would have recourse to those that have skill: by the blessing of God they might soon be l [...]d into such a way that they might have comfort, Joh 33.23 if there be a messenger with him, an interpreter, one a­mong a thousand, to shew unto man his uprightness: God fits some men to discover mens uprightness unto them, and to shew them how to get it: have recourse to such as may be able to comfort you, with the comfort whereby they themselves are comforted of God.

6. Rely upon God in Christ to maintain Faith in you; it is needful to have all your expectation from him; if men be in the use of means for the streng­thening of Faith: and trust to their own endeavours, they give God occasion to blast their labours, and leave them to the doubtings and discouragements of their own hearts: no wonder if God lets them fall, that trust to their own strength: you are not able to main­tain a spirit of Faith in your selves, nor to fortifie your hearts against discouragements, by any power or wisdom of your own, therefore it is fit you should depend on God in Christ to work it in you: Christ is our undertaker to preserve Faith, Heb. 12.2. He is the author and finisher of Faith: therefore be not proud of your own strength, but under a sence of your own inability rely on Christ to work it in you conti­nually.

[Page 341] Direction, 2

Get a more clear, large and distinct understanding of this way of salvation by Jesus Christ: many Chri­stians are exposed unto temptation by their ignorance, though they know that that is a sufficient foundation for Faith, yet they are but rude in knowledg, greatly to seek about many things that they need to know for the establishing of their Faith; many Christians fall under that reproof, Heb. 5.12. ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the Ora­cles of God: it is a great help against Discouragement, to have a clear knowledg of the Gospel▪ the highest degree of literal knowledg, is not sufficient to make a man believe, but without litteral knowledge there can be no Faith, and without a considerable measure of it you will be in great danger to be out-bid with such temptations as you might easily see thorow if you had more knowledg: and therefore the Apostle ex­horts them to grow in the knowledg of Christ, 2 Pet. 3.18. Christians should be able to give a reason of the hope that is in them, 1 Pet. 3.15. when they are under doubts, a little information about the way of salvation by the gospel, does remove their doubts: therefore labour to get a distinct knowledg of the go­spel: that you may be able to give account of the de­sign of God in it, as it is revealed in the gospel: of the equity of it, and its consistency with the Law: of the absolute freedome of the grace of God, of the true reason why Christ died, of the terms of the covenant of Graoe, and of the manner of Gods dealing with his when he brings them into union with Christ, and after their union with him: a clear knowledg of these and such like things are of great advantage unto faith two wayes.

[Page 342]1. It supplies us with Arguments to prove this way of salvation, hereby men are furnished with strong reasons for the confirmation of their Faith: these things do shew that the salvation of a Believer is built upon a strong foundation: by reason of mens Ignorance, men are strangers to many things that would confirm their Faith: there be many things in the Gospel that would clear it up to men, if they did know them, that it is impossible that believers should fail of Salvation, Men might if they had more knowledg, be able many wayes to prove unde­niably that it is a safe thing for them to come to Christ.

2. It supplies us with answers to temptations and many carnal reasonings: the strength of many of those reasonings that prove perplexing to the people of God, lies in their ignorance: many temptations would presently vanish, if men had more understanding: the objections that many times men are perplexed with, are easily answered, by those that are more skil­ful in the word of righteousness: there is enough in the Gospel to satisfie their scruples, if they did but understand it: many things that are great stumbling blocks to them, would not puzzle them at all, if they had more knowledg.

Direction, 3.

Have no dependance upon signs: it is a great fault of the people of God, that when they are called to believe they are waiting for signs: sometimes God gives his people signs, and sometimes he denies signs unto them: when God gives signs it is a duty to take notice of them: when he gives them we must im­prove them for the strengthening of Faith: it was a [Page 343] sin in Ahaz to refuse a sign, Isai. 7.12. God many times considers the weakness of his people, and gives them signs, which are a strengthening unto hope, Rom. 5.4 and it is lawful to desire signs out of a sen­sibleness of the unbelief of our own hearts: under the sence of that, that we are easily outbid with tempta­tion; that our unbelieving hearts are ready to take advantage from the want of such evidences; we may desire signs: but it is not lawful to desire them from unbelief: unbelief is never good, nor any natural ef­fect of it: we have no reason to lie waiting for signs, when we have the Word of God to incourage us to believe, Mat. 16.4. God has sometimes sharply shewed his anger when his people have neglected the promise, waiting for signs: he has brought sharp af­fliction upon them, Luk. 1.11, 20▪ indeed sometimes God has granted the desires of his people when they have been unbelieving, and have desired signs: but he does not therein shew his approbation of those de­sires, he condescends because of the infirmities of his people: so he did to Gideon, but Gideons heart smote him for what he did, Judg. 6.39. so Christ condescen­ded to Thomas, but withal reproved him, Joh. 20.29. therefore never wait for signs, have no dependance upon them.


1. When God denies signs there is a sufficient foundation for [...]aith: God never leaves his people without a sufficient ground for Faith: it is no sign that a man is not in favour with God, that God takes away signs; and there is a firm bottom for Faith, when signs are withdrawn, such as have no light [...]ay trust in the Name of the Lord, Isai. 50.10. Gods [Page 344] call is a sufficient warrant to believe.

2. God many times withdraws signes to draw forth the more glorious acts of Faith: when men have got signs they are very ready to live upon them, and lay more weight upon them, than on the stability of the Word of God: and God takes away those crutches, that men may learn to go with­out them: men are brought into such a condition that they may have nothing else to rely upon but the Word of God, 2 Cor. 1.9.

3. God takes great delight in the acts of Faith at such a time when signs fail: acts of Faith at such a time put a great deal of honour upon God: and God does greatly approve of such a Faith: God don't reckon men bold and presumptu­ous for believing at such a time: God loves to see men with the shield of Faith, defending them­selves from all temptations: this is a Faith very commendable in the sight of God, and God will eminently reward his people, for believing on him at such a time: a man cannot please God better than by exercising Faith under such circumstances: under this consideration Abraham's Faith is com­mended that against hope he believed in hope, Rom. 4.18 and Jesus Christ commends the Faith of the Woman of Canaan, when under great tempta­tion, yet she would rely upon him, Matth. 15.28. O Woman great is thy Faith, be it unto thee even as thou wilt.

Direction 4.

Beware of frowardness and discontent: froward­ness [Page 345] is one great cause of discouragement and unbe­lief: men get into a discontented frame, and then they don't know how to believe: their spirits are dis­ordered by the dispensations of God unto them; be­cause God brings great and long afflictions upon them, don't hear their prayers, don't give them those in­ward comforts that he does unto others, and when their spirits are distempered with discontent, they are greatly disadvantaged to receive the encourage­ment that God offers unto them: discontent is an enemy unto [...]aith: therefore beware of a disconten­ted spirit; when you are under any rebukes of Providence, look to your spirits, and labour against the first stirrings of a froward spirit; the workings of frowardness does prove a temptation to unbelief, and so do the workings of any other corruption, as the sinfulness thereof does fright a man from believ­ing: but this is not all: a froward spir [...]t leads a man into unbelief: it is a principle and cause of unbelief.

And that these two ways,

1. Frowardness blinds the minds of men: frow­ardness bereaves men of their understandings, passi­on draws a vail before the eyes, God presents be­fore men several encouragements to believe, but those things don [...]t sink into mens hearts when dis­contented: a man in a discontented frame, is out of frame to consider the weight of those things that God sets before him; discontentedness makes him rashly and inconsiderately to reject encouragements: when God is encouraging him, he don't hearken and regard it, Ex. 6.9. they hearkened not unto Moses for anguish of spirit and for cruel bondage: frowardness [Page 346] does prejudice men against believing: when a man is in such a frame, he construes all Gods dispensations to be from want of love: he thinks if God had any love for him, he would never have dealt so with him, if God had had a kindness for him, he would have done this for him and prevented this or that e­vil: but he takes it as a sign that God don't regard him; when froward he puts the worst sense upon e­very thing: and represents Gods dispensations to himself, as flowing from want of love; he is ready to say as she, how canst thou say, I love thee, Judg. 15.15. yea frowardness makes a man justifie his unbe­lief: it so blinds him, as it did Jonah, that he thinks he does well: & vindicates himself as if he had cause for what he did.

2. Frowardness makes men love to cavil against the encouragements that God sets before them: a man in a froward frame studies objections, and in­dulges himself in a way of cavelling: there is a great deal of wilfulness in their unbelief: a froward heart humours himself in his raising of objections, men take a pride in cavelling and turning of the calls of God: when the heart is discontented, there is a great deal of a sturdy spirit working in their unbelief: if I had called and he had answered, yet would I not believe that he did hearken unto my voice, for he breaketh me with a tempest, Job. 9.16, 17.

Direction 5.

Set hefore your selves the examples of other Saints there is a cloud of witnesses gone before you: men that under all sorts of difficulties and temptations have been exercising Faith: remember how Abraham [Page 347] believed the Lord, and it was counted unto him for righte­ousness, how Job carried himself when he say [...]s, tho [...] he s [...]ay me, yet I will trust in him, how David says, why art thou cast down O my Soul, hope in God, how Jonah recovers himself: yet will I look again toward thy Holy Temple: such examples may be great induce­ments and helps to you to follow their example: these examples are very quickning and full of argu­ment; they are very helpful to strengthen your Faith; several ways.

1. The examples of Saints recorded in Scripture are a warrant to you to believe: their [...]aith is re­corded to shew you what you should do, how you should carry in l [...]ke cases: the examples of the faith of the Saints are set down by way of commendation, they are presented before you, as a pattern that you should walk after: the record of those examples does shew that such a spirit and carriage is highly appro­ved by God: you question whether or no God will not count it presumption in you to believe under such circumstances: but this may take off that: God has recorded it in his Word, that his people have been wont to trust in him in such cases: and you are cal­led upon by God to follow their example; Heb. 6.12 be followers of them who through faith and patience in­herit the promise.

2. In these examples you may see what a lo [...]ely glorious thing it is to depend upon God, and be ex­ercising of faith in difficult cases: there is a great deal of the beauty and loveliness of grace seen in the exercise of it, it is a taking thing to see those glorious workings of faith, that were in A [...]raham, Sarah, Joseph, Moses and others of the Saints: the [Page 348] Apostle says, we count them happy that endure, Jam. 5. [...]1. so we count them happy that believe: the rules of Gods Word carry in them a commendation of themselves, but when we see them practised, they are very taking: we count the exercises of faith, that we hear of and read of excellent: and they stir us up to imitation.

3. These examples of believing do provoke unto an holy emulation: as one Scholar is provoked to emulation by the learning of another, so is one saint provoked to emulation by the faith of others, the examples of other mens faith have a tendency to make you ashamed of your unbelief, you may be a­shamed to see your selves out-stripped by those that lived in darker times than you do: you may be a­shamed to think that you are worse then others: that you should be more backward to honour the grace and faithfulness of God than others: these examples have a tendency to make you pluck up, that you may honour God as others have done.

Direction 6.

Labour to get your hearts fully satisfied in the divine authority of the Scriptures: if men have scru­ples and misgivings of heart about that, they will be an occasion of discouragement: such jealousies will interrupt the exercise of Faith; for the word is the foundation of our faith: the authority of the Word of God is our warrant to believe: let all scruples of that kind be speedily removed, as things that strike at the very root of faith: see that you be well grounded in the authority of the Word: don't take it up as a tradition: as a thing owned [Page 349] by those among whom you live: but satisfie your hearts upon good ground that the Scr [...]pture is no de­vice of man, but the very Word of God: and indeed God has given us as much assurance that it is his Word: as we can reasonably desire and expect: he gives his own testimony to it: we receive the orders of authority upon their own testimony: thus God witnesses to the truth of his Word, he sets his hand to it, Zech. 12.1. Rev. 1.1, and the Scripture has such characters in it as evidence it to be the Word of God, the Word carries a sufficient evidence in it self there are such circumstances and marks in it, as shew that it is not counterfeit: if a Prince send an order to us, we know it is not counterfeit by the seal, the Secretaries hand, the stile, the matter of it; so here all things are without exception; the things are such as are suitable to the glory of God: they were writ­ten by holy men that were Gods Messengers; they are delivered to us by his Church; they are such things as no man without revelation could write, such things as no good man dare write without order from God, such things as no bad man would write: and they are confirmed by the accomplishment of predic­tions, and by the presence of the Spirit blessing them unto conviction and conversion.

Direction 7,

Lay up experiences both of the truth of Gods Word, and Gods love to you: first, lay up experi­ences of the truth of Gods Word, it is a great fault when persons do no not treasure up remarkable ex­peri [...]nc [...]s of the truth of th [...]se things that God tea­ches us in his Word: some men don't observe and take notice of such things: God does in his provi­dence [Page 350] give abundance of experience of the truth of threatnings, they do many times come to pass in an eminent manner, he fulfills his Word very plainly: that men may see that sin is a provoking thing: and a dangerous thing: so God is giving experience of the truth of promises: for a while the promise did not work, but afterwards it was remarkably accom­plished: that Joshua takes notice of, Josh. 13.14. sometimes he gives eminent experience of his answe­ring prayer, 2 Sam. 1.27. sometimes of his making a good end of afflictions, Jam. 5.11. and of the love he has to his people under their afflictions, so Gen. 45 5. 2 Cor. 4.18. such things do much confirm our Faith, that the Word of God is certain true: Rom. 5 4. experience works hope. Secondly, lay up experi­ence of his special love to you, God gives his people experience of that in one degree or other, lay up ex­periences of Gods converting you, of the manifesta­tions of his favour, the discoveries of his glory: his drawing forth the visible actings of grace: such ex­periences as these may strengthen your faith, they are of great use, to scatter and remove many temptati­ons wherewith your faith may be assaulted.

Direction 8.

Get more spiritual acquaintance with God: the spiritual knowledg of God is the foundation of all the practise of religion: we know him and love him we know him and obey him, we know him and sub­mit to him, we know him, and put our trust in him Psal. 9: 10: they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: in this way men come to believe at first, and in this way their hearts come to be more setled in a way of believing: if men understood more what [Page 351] God is, that would deliver them from their doubt­ings, 2 Tim: 1: 12: I know whom I have believed: the more the soul sees of God, the more he is satisfied that it is safe venturing upon his Word; when we understand what a glorious faithful God the Lord is, we see that we have sure ground to go upon: and when we understand the riches of Gods grace; that removes that great objection from our unworthiness, which made men think that God was not free to save them, and made them think he did not mean them in the invitations of the Gospel, therefore make it your care to get as much acquaintance with God as you can, revive upon your hearts the remembrance of those discoveries, that formerly God has given you, and be in the use of means, to get new discoveries of the glory of God, wait upon him to that end in the ways he has appointed, and exercise faith upon the Lord Jesus as the great Prophet of his Church who bid us come to him that our eyes may be anointed with eye salve that we may see, Rev: 3: 18:


BOOKS to be Sold by Samuel Phillips at the West end of the Town-House in Boston.

  • ALLeins Rebuke to Back-sliders.
  • Alleins Remains.
  • Alleins Life and death.
  • Brooks Apples of Gold.
  • Brooks Mute Christian.
  • Brooks Remedies against Satans Devices.
  • Brooks Privy Key of Heaven.
  • Baxters Family Catechism.
  • Baxters Poor Man's Family-Book.
  • Bunyans Conversion.
  • Bunyans Life of Mr. Badman.
  • Fox's Door of Heaven.
  • Fox's Time and end of Time.
  • Galeaceous Carricciolous's Life.
  • Protestant Tutor.
  • Psalters.
  • Primers.
  • [Page]Sion in Distress.
  • Strong's Spelling-Book.
  • Vincent on Prayer.
  • Vincents Catechism.
  • Vincent's Christs certain and sudden Appearing to Judgment.
  • Willard's Penitent Prodigal.
  • Willard's Childs Portion.
  • Willard on Justification.

With many other sorts of Books.

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