The General Courts Answer to Joseph Dudley Esqr. &c. This was Pas'd by the whole Court, Nomine non consentiente.
WE have perused what you left with us, as a true Copy of His Majesties Commission, shewed to us the seventeenth instant: Impowring you for the Governing of His Majesties Subjects Inhabiting this Colony, and other Places therein mentioned. You then Applied your selves to us, not as a Governour and Company, But (as you were pleased to term us) some of the principal Gentlemen, and chief of the Inhabitants of the several Towns of the Massachusets: among other Discourse, saying, it concerned us to consider, what therein might be thought hard or uneasie.
Upon the Perusal whereof we find (as we Conceive)
1. That there is no certain determinate Rule for your Administration of Justice, and that which is, seems to be too Arbitrary.
2. That the Subjects are Abridged of their Liberty as English Men, both in the matter of Legislation, and in the laying of Taxes; and indeed the whole unquestioned Priviledge of the Subject Transferred upon your selves, there being not the least mention of an Assembly in the Commission.
And therefore we think it highly concerns You to consider, whether such a Commission be safe either for you or us.
But if you are so satisfied therein, as that you hold your selves obliged thereby, and do take upon you the Government of this People, Although we cannot give our Assent thereto, yet hope shall demean our selves as true and loyal Subjects to His Majesty; and humbly make our Addresses unto God, and in due time to our Gracious Prince for our Relief.
To Joseph Dudley Esq. And the rest of the Gentlemen Named in His Majesties Commission.