A PROCLAMATION By The PRESIDENT and COUNCIL of His Majestiy's Territory & Dominion of NEW-ENGLAND in AMERICA.
WHEREAS His Most Excellent Majesty our Soveraign LORD JAMES the Second, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith &c. by COMMISSION or Letters Patents under His Great Seal of England, bearing Date the Eight day of October in the [...] Reign hath been graciously pleased to erect and constitute a PRESIDENT and COUNCIL to take Care of [...] His Territory and Dominion of New-England called the Massachusets Bay, the Provinces of New-Hampshire & Main, and the Narraganset Countrey, otherwise called the Kings-Province, with all the Islands, Rights and Members thereunto appertaining; and to Order Rule and GOVERN the same according to the Rules, Methods and Regulations specified in the said Commission: Together with His Majesties Gracious Indulgence in matters of Religion.
And for the Execution of His Royal pleasure in that behalf, His Majesty hath been pleased to appoint Joseph Dudley Esq: to be the first PRESIDENT of His Majesties said Council, & VICE-ADMIRAL of these Seas. And to Continue in the said Offices until his Majesty shall otherwise direct, & also to nominate & appoint William [...], Esq: now Deputy-President, Simon Bradstreet, Robert Mason, John Fitz-Winthrope, John Pynchon, Peter Bulkley, Edward Randolph, Walt Winthrope, Richard Wharton, John Usher, Nathaniel [...], Bartholomew Gidney, Jonathan Tyng, Dadley Bradstreet, John Hinks, and Edward Tyng, Esq' s: to be His Majesties Council in the said Colony and Territories.
The President & Council therefore being convened and having according to the Direction & Form of the said Commission, taken their Oathes and Entered the GOVERNMENT aforesaid; and finding it needful, that speedy & effectual Care be taken for the Observation of His Majesties Commands, and particularly for the Regulation and good Government of the Narraganset Countrey or Kings-Province, which hath hitherto been [...]. They the said President & Council have resolved speedily to erect and settle a constant Court of Record upon the place; and that the President, Deputy-President, or some others of the Members of His Majesties Council shall be present to give all necessary Power and Directions for Establishing His Majesties Government there, and Administration of Justice to All His Majesties Subjects within the said Narraganset Countrey or Kings-Province, and all the Islands, Rights, and Members thereof. And the said President & Council have in the interim assigned Richard Smith Esq: James Pendleton, and John Fones Gentlemen, Justices to Keep the Peace of our Soveraign Lord the KING and all His Subjects: And also given Commission to the said Richard Smith to be Sergeant Major, and Chief Commander of His Majesties Militia, both of Horse & Foot within the Narraganset Countrey or Province, and all the Islands Rights and Members thereof. THEREFORE the said President & Council doe hereby in His Majesties Name and by virtue of His said Commission strictly Require & Command all other persons being or coming upon the place, to forbear the Excercise of all manner of Jurisdiction, Authority, and Power, and to cease all further Proceedings for the Allotments or Divisions of Land, or making any Strip or Waste upon any part of the said Province, save only on each man's stated Propriety, except by Licence obtained from the said Court, or the President & Council, until there shall be such effectual Regulation and Government established as is directed by His Majesty. And the said President & Council doe hereby henceforth discharge all His Majesties Subjects [...] the said Narraganset Countrey or Kings Province and all the Islands, Rights & Members thereof from the Government of the Governour & Company of Connectic [...] Rhode-Island and Providence Plantation, & all others pretending any Power or Jurisdiction. Hereby Charging & Commanding all his Majesties Subjects to yeild ready & due Obedience to the said Justices of the Peace, the Sergeant Major or Chief Commander of His Majesties Militia. And George Weightman, Thomas Eldridge, Thomas Manford and William Chaplin are hereby appointed & authorized present Constables: and Liberty given to the aforesaid Justices to appoint so many more as they shall see needful to them, and to administer Oathes unto the aforesaid Constables & such as are to be Ordeined. And all other persons are to be aiding & assisting unto the [...] the said Justices and Constables in the Execution and [...]charge of their respective Offices, Charges [...], as they will answer the contrary at their utmost Peril.
Given from the Council-house in Boston this 28th Day of May: Anno DOmini 1686. Anno (que) Regni Regis Jacob [...] [...].
BOSTON, in N.E. Printed by Richard [...], Printer to the [...] Majesties President and Council of this Government.